EMF: Saturday Shockwave

Dark match

(Again this is the best we can do right now, no one seems to have a sim that works…so I used EWR’s) Boss Man vs Tryant : Boss Man takes a chop from Tryant. Tryant hits some weak-looking punches. Punch by Tryant, missing Boss Man by a good six inches. Boss Man takes a second rope chop from Tryant. Boss Man powers out of a headlock. Big kick from Boss Man. Powerslam from Boss Man on Tryant. Hooks the leg for a two count. Tryant blocks the suplex attempt. Tryant hits a sloppy bulldog off the ropes. There's a two count on the pin. Diving headbutt from Tryant, not much elevation. Pinfall attempt gets a 2.9999. Boss Man counters a sleeper hold by turning it into a jaw breaker. Boss Man strikes away at Tryant. Tryant takes the advantage after a i-block-your-punch-you-don't-block-mine routine. Sharp kick from Tryant, although it clearly missed. Boss Man can barely stand. Here it comes - . 1....2...3

*The EMF logo flashes on the screen and then we go into a hospital room that says “filmed earlier today” sign at the top of the scene*

(At the hospital, Shane and Johnny are in the waiting room, wondering how the woman that both of them are so madly in love with is doing. The doctor comes out with a smile on his face.)

Shane: Is she gonna be alright?

Johnny: Yeah, Doc. How is she?

Doctor: I have good news. Missy is gonna be just fine, boys.

Shane and Johnny together: Oh thank god.

Doctor: oh, and there is one other thing....

Shane: What's that?

Johnny: Yeah. tell us.

Doctor: She's pregnant.

(Johnny and Shane look at each other.)

Johnny: Oh my god. THis is great!!! I'm gonna be a daddy!!!

Shane: One of us is. That's for damn sure. And I'm willing to bet that it's....

(Before Shane can finish, Johnny punches him in the stomach hard.)

Johnny: Don't say it, you pot smokin' coke snortin' sonofabitch!!!! That baby is mine. Missy is engaged to ME!! She still loves me and I made love to her a lot more times than you did. That baby belongs to ME!!!!!!! Shane (knocking Johnny off balance): That's just wishful thinking on your part you ungreatful little turncoat!! The woman that used to love you now loves me and you're just gonna have to get used to it. Unlike you, John, I am not one to stab my best friends in the back. That is the kind of man that Missy wants.

Doctor: Boys, I don't think getting Missy upset is a wise idea right now. You could hurt the baby real bad by getting her upset. Why don't you guys go and see her. One at a time.

(Segment ends.)

*"Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap" is played as Dirty D comes out from behind the curtain. With bloodshot eyes Dirty D makes his way down to the ring and rolls in. He stands in the corner and awaits his opponent.*

JR: Dirty D it seems has had better days in his career. Kids, don't do drugs, Drugs are bad mmmkay?

King: JR, would you knock it off with your cheap public service announcements?

JR: Okay King, but remember Click it or Ticket seatbelts, not just a luxery, it's the law!

King: ...........................

*"Johnny Northern-Light's Music" is playing as Johnny walks down to the ring to some cheers. He rolls into the ring and stares down at Dirty D.*

JR: Johnny is looking to teach his former friend Dirty D a lesson.

King: His name is Dirty D, what do you expect? He needs a few lessons.

*"JUST 2 BADD" is heard as Tony The Badd Boy Ikeda walks out from behind the curtain. Boos are heard as Johnny and Dirty D look down at the ramp at him. He pays no attention to them as he walks over to the announcer's table and has a seat next to JR and The King. The bell rings, and the match gets undrway.*

JR: What in the hell are you doing here? You have no business being out here!

The Badd Boy: Now is that any way to treat a guest JR? A former world champion has every right to be out here.

King: That's right JR you shouldn't treat this man that way, you are so rude.

JR: Who's side are you on?

King: The side of the guy who is less likely to kick my ass.

JR: You just wait and see if I don't kick your ass later on.

The Badd Boy: Relax JR, we have an exciting match with what's his name and the other guy. Let's watch it.

[Johnny Northern-Lights charges at Dirty D and hits him with a forearm knocking him into the corner. Johnny starts nailing Dirty D with some back elbows then places his left hand on Dirty D's head and uses his right hand to start wailing away. The referee seperates the two warning Johnny to open his fists up. Dirty D stumbles out of the corner and Johnny grabs him and throws him into the ropes. On Dirty D's return Johnny picks him up and nails a fallaway slam. Johnny stands over Dirty D and bends over then starts slapping Dirty D around a little bit. Dirty D is lifted up by Johnny as Johnny gives him a knee to the stomach then plants him back into the mat with a DDT. Johnny lets Dirty D climb to his feet. Johnny runs at Dirty D with a clothesline but Dirty D ducks under it. Johnny bounces off the ropes and returns to receive a dropkick from Dirty D. Dirty D grabs Johnny and whips him towards the ropes but holds onto the arm stopping him from getting far then pulls him back and gives him a knee to the mid section. Dirty D bounces off the ropes and executes a swinging neckbreaker on Johnny. Dirty D helps Johnny up to his feet then grabs his arms and sets him up and nails a double underhook suplex. Dirty D grabs Johnny's arm and locks him into an armbar submission. The referee checks to see if Johnny gives up but he says no. Johnny reaches out with his other arm and grabs a hold of the ropes. The referee forces a break.]

The Badd Boy: Wow, Dirty D is mounting a come back. He almost made me want to watch this match. Remember I said almost.

JR: Yeah and you almost keep me from falling asleep when I listen to you. Remember I said almost.

The Badd Boy: You know what JR, you just have no respect for great athletes. I never saw a world championship around your waist.

JR: I also never got beat by a guy named Wes.

The Badd Boy: Oh now that hurts JR. My best advice for you is to keep quiet before you get yourself into trouble.

King: I've been trying to tell him that for years, he never listens to me.

JR: And I'm not going to start now, neither of you.

[The two men make it to their feet and Dirty D charges at Johnny Northern Lights, but Johnny ducks down and back body drops Dirty D to the outside. Johnny climbs out onto the apron on the outside. As Dirty D starts to get up Johnny jumps off with a spinning heel kick taking Dirty D down. Johnny stands up and grabs Dirty D the throws Dirty D down into the steel steps. Johnny then picks Dirty D up once again and drops him face down acrossed the guard rail. Johnny spins Dirty D around again and starts throwing more right hands. He knocks Dirty D over the guardrail. Johnny climbs over and the two start brawling in the aisle. Johnny picks up a chair and hits Dirty D in the back with it then whips him back towards the guardrail. Dirty D pulls an irish whip and reverses it throwing Johnny into the rail. Dirty D then charges in and clotheslines Johnny over the top of it. Dirty D jump up and balances himself up on top of the railing then leaps off with a leg drop onto Johnny. Dirty D picks Johnny up holding him by the head and dragging him towards the spanish announcers table. Dirty goes for a face smash into the table but Johnny puts his hand down and blocks it then attempts one for himself, but Dirty D puts his arm and blocks that one. Dirty D gives a thumb to the eye of Johnny then smashes his head into the table. Dirty D grabbs Johnny's arm, wrenches it, then stands up on the table. Dirty D leaps off with a forearm on Johnny's wrenched arm.]

The Badd Boy: Back and forth match up. I wonder who is going to make it out on top.

JR: I wonder why you are out here.

The Badd Boy: Are you still stuck on that? Can't a guy just want to come out here and enjoy great seating for a match and provde his commentary?

JR: Not you.

The Badd Boy: Come on JR, you think I have alterior motives? Would I lie to you?

JR: Only when you move your lips.

King: Lighten up JR, we are in the presence of a badd man hearing his badd commentary.

The Badd Boy: *Glares at The King.*

[Johnny Northern Lights falls down to one knee then Dirty D grabs him and rolls him into the ring. Dirty D jumps up onto the ring apron then climbs up onto the turnbuckle. When Johnny makes it to his feet Dirty D leaps off with a dropkick sending Johnny down onto his back. Dirty D sets Johnny up and delivers a piledriver. Dirty D covers for the ...1...2...KICKOUT! Dirty D gets frustrated and picks up Johnny and locks him into a sleeper hold. Johnny isn't able to fight it off. Johnny drops down to one kne, then to two knees. His eyes start rolling as the referee checks the arm ...1...2...Johnny holds his arm up. He starts fighting back standing back up to both feet. Dirty D jumps up on Johnny's back and tightens the hold. Johnny runs straight back into a turnbuckle forcing Dirty D to let go. Johnny turns around and starts stomping on Dirty D. Johnny reaches down grabbing a hold of both of Dirty D's feet then pulls him away from the turnbuckle. He sets Dirty D into position then drops down and slingshots Dirty D a good distance into the turnbuckle. Dirty D stumbles away as Johnny grabs him and gives him a brainbuster. Johnny makes a cover and gets the ...1...2...KICKOUT! Johnny picks Dirty D up and throws him into the turnbuckle. Johnny follows after him and sets him up onto the top turnbuckle. Johnny jumps up onto the second turnbuckle, grabs Johnny's head and leaps off hitting a 3/4 turn neckbreaker from the top and makes the pin for the ...1...2...3!]

The Badd Boy: Well boys I'm out of here, I need to get to business.

JR: Where in the hell are you going?

*The Badd Boy stands up and takes the headset off as he makes his way down towards the ring.*

King: It looks like he's going to the ring JR.

JR: How perceptive you are, but why he has no business there. He's not on tonight's card.

*The Badd Boy gets into the ring and nails a superkick onto Johnny Northern-Lights. He grabs Johnny and throws him over the top. The Badd Boy then picks up Dirty D and lifts him into the air. He then throws Dirty D over the top to the outside.*

JR: Bah Gawd he just threw them out like they were nothing.

King: Now what?

*The camera focuses in on The Badd Boy who gets a microphone handed to him as he stands in the middle of the ring hearing the boos.*

King: *Pulling his crown off revealing his night cap.* Goodnight JR.

The Badd Boy: Sorry Dirty D, Johnny, it's nothing personal. I'm not looking for a fight I would hate to embarrass you, but you were in my ring when I needed it, and since you didn't leave voluntarily before I got it, I had to throw you out. Don't come looking for revenge...unless you want beat again, but this doesn't concern you! *The crowd boos louder.* Hey now, I thought you stupid Canadians were nicer people this right eh? You know what I'm talking aboot?

*The crown starts chanting "Asshole - Asshole - Asshole".*

The Badd Boy: Oh, I didn't realize you understood that word, now at least give me the chance to speak now. I just wanted to deliver a little message to my brother Wes Ikeda. *Crowd cheers.* Now people have been talking about the rumors heard about me deciding how our match would go. You probably thought they were a bunch of BS. I just wanted to take this opportunity to elaborate on that. They are absolutely true. Wes, I'm smarter than you give me credit for. See if you didn't win that match you would keep whining about how you deserve to be the best, and how you deserve to be the better Ikeda. So I figured if you got the chance to taste the gold then you would know what it's like, and now you can have the feeling of knowing that everyone in this federation is breathing down your neck. You see I am coming back for the world championship, but until then you need to see the pressures of being the world champion and you need to learn that it isn't all it is cracked up to be in some cases. As you may have started learning and that you will learn throughout the rest of the month that with the gold and the glamour nothing else comes easily. There are guys who would love to see you crippled so that the belt could just be forfeited. There are plenty of guys who would love to just have the okay to get a match with you so that they could win the world championship. You are a marked man now Wes. The hunter becomes the hunted and this is like a feeling you have never experienced before. Live it up Wes, it's exactly what I wanted you to get a taste of before I reclaim my gold. Watch your back, but not for me, because you know me. I don't need to hit you from behind, I'll dot you in the middle of your forehead. Keep an eye out for everybody else, those who hated you hate you more, and those who once liked you are now out to get you. Have fun Wes, and I'll be seeing you soon enough, hope your reign as world champion isn't...Too Badd.

JR: What a despicable man!

*The Badd Boy laughs as "Just 2 Badd" starts up again. The fans start booing and throwing their empty cups at him. He just has a cocky grin as he steps out of the ring and heads towards the back.*

“Natashia theme” blasts on the PA system as Natashia walks to the ring

King-Didn’t we do this before

JR-yes King…

King-Why are we doing this match again, it wasn’t that great anyways….and it just makes me suffering seeing Ashlee again

*JR shrugs as does the rest of the crowd*

“The Game” blasts on the PA system as Ashlee walks to the ring

JR-Stonecold can’t be too happy

King-He would do something about it, but Ashlee’s looks keeps him away

[Ashlee comes at Nastashia with a few hard forearms to the face, Natashia unready for this attack backs up and then Ashlee whips Natashia to the ropes and Natashia bounces off the ropes and Ashlee hits a standing clothesline. Nastasha goes done and then gets up and then charges at Ashlee and then Ashlee hits an arm drag take down. Natashia gets up a bit dazed and charges at Ashlee and then Ashlee hit another arm drag take down. Natashia gets up too dazed to do anything else and then Ashlee hits an arm breaker take down on Natashia. Ashlee then gets up and then hits a few hard kicks into the shoulder of Natashia and then Natashia gets up and then faces Ashlee and then Ashlee hits a few straight punches into the face of Natashia and then follows it up with a kick to the gut of Natashia, Ashlee then tries to set up Natashia for a piledriver. But she tries to pick her up for the move and then Natashia blocks it and then hits a back body drop on Ashlee. Natashia is still stunned from the moves she has receieved, but she runs to the ropes as Ashlee is getting up fast and then hits a shoulder block that stumbles Ashlee to the ropes and she falls to the ground. Natashia then plays to the crowd and then goes to the apron and the waits for Ashlee to get up. Once Ashlee gets up, Natashia jumps off and nails a double ax handle on Ashlee. Ashlee is once again down and then Natashia rolls Ashlee into the ring and then climbs up to the second rope and then waits for Ashlee, Ashlee stumbles up and then goes right where Natashia is, Natashia hooks Ashlee and tries to go for a tornado DDT. But Ashlee pushes her off, Natashia lands on her feet and charges at Ashlee…right into an attempted Ashlee slam. But learning something last time she hits a few back elbows, sets up and hits a northern lights suplex for the 1…………….2………kick out]

JR-Natashia seemed to learn to avoid the Ashlee slam there from the last time

King-Well at least someone in wrestling doesn’t have short term memory. I would bet the WWE wished the fans did….hhhmmm bet, hold on a second *King calls Road’s old cell mate “Bubba” to bet on that and JR just shakes his head *

[Natashia hits the mat wondering what it will take to beat Ashlee, Natashia then waits for Ashlee to get up and Ashlee stumbles up and then Natashia hits a few kicks into the gut and then Ashlee is doubled over and then Natashia takes a few steps back and then hits a running knee lift on Ashlee that sends her down to the mat and then Natashia hits a few stomps on the downed Ashlee and then Natashia pulls up Ashlee and then whips her to the ropes and then hits a power slam for the 1……………2……..kick out, Ashlee stumbles up and then Natashia grabs her by the hair and then yanks her back to the mat and then Natashia hits the ropes and then nails a quick fist drop, Natashia then goes to Ashlee’s legs and then grabs one and turns her over into a half boston crab. The ref asks Ashlee if she wants to give it up, she screams and says no. Ashlee starts to crawl to the ropes and then slowly….grabs the ropes]

JR-Ashlee was somehow able to get the ropes before she had to tap

King-Ashlee being here is making me tap *vomits *

[Ashlee gets up by the turnbuckle and then Natashia hits a few shoulder blocks into the gut of Ashlee, Natashia then whips Ashlee to the opposite side turnbuckle. Ashlee crashes into it and then Natashia charges in the corner where Ashlee is for a clothesline in the corner, but Ashlee gets her boot up and Natashia runs into it. Stunned she stays on her feet and turns around. Ashlee climbs to the second rope and then climbs on Natashia’s shoulders and goes for a victory roll, but Natashia tries to hold her from turning the victory roll, but somehow Ashlee is able to turn it into her favor into the pin on Natashia and she gets the 1………………..2……………..3!]

“I will break you” blasts on the PA system as Jarred and Messiah walks to the ring

King-Wow….I think Messiah would have been better off with Brick Lesnar JR-Who knows

“Twilights theme” blasts on the PA system as Twilight walks to the ring, followed by Kaedon theme and Kaedon walks to the ring.

JR-There is a question if these two can get alone as a tag team…

King-If not…I won’t know, wake me up when it’s over.

[Twilight and Jarred lock up and then Jarred puts on a side head lock and then Jarred puts as much pressure into that move as he can. Twilight backs Jarred to the ropes and then whips him off the ropes. Jarred bounces off the ropes and then Twilight leap frogs over Jarred goes to the other side of the ring and then bounces off the other side and then Twilight goes down and then hits a monkey flip. Jarred stumbles up stunned and then runs to Twilight who hip tosses him and then Jarred gets up him and then he runs at Twilight once again and then hits a fall threw hip toss on Jarred. Jarred gets up holding his back and stumbles right into Twilight who picks up Jarred and then nails a quick back breaker and then goes into the cover knowing that he more then likely is not going to get the pin he goes for the cover anyways and gets a 1…………….2……….kick out. Twilight gets to his feet and then hits a few hard stomps on the downed Jarred who slowly gets up with help of the ropes and then climbs to his feet and then tries to whip Jarred off the ropes and then Jarred reverses it and sends Twilight to the ropes, Twilight bounces off the ropes and Jarred goes for a standing clothesline and then Twilight continues to the other side of the ring and then bounces off the ropes and then leaps in the air as Jarred turns around for a cross body block. But Jarred catches Twilight and then quickly drops him into a rib breaker. Jarred then stays on his knee’s un able to do anything due to the beating that he has gotten so far, Twilight crawls over to the nearest turnbuckle and then gets up there and then Jarred gets to his feet and sees Twilight and charges and then nails a running clothesline into the corner and then Jarred holds Twilight and then hits a running bull dog head lock. Jarred then goes into the cover and gets a 1…………….2……kick out. Both wrestlers then goes for their corner, slowly but surely Jarred is able to make the tag to Messiah and Twilight makes a dive and makes the tag to Kaedon]

King-Wow they tagged before we talked….talk about change

JR-You’re never positive are you…

[Messiah charges at Kaedon with a running clothesline, but he ducks it and Messiah continues to the ropes and then bounces off the ropes. Kaedon counters this with a high knee to Messiah. Messiah gets up holding his face and then Kaedon hits a few hard fists and then backs him into the ropes and then tries to whip Messiah to the ropes and then Messiah reverses it ands Kaedon to the ropes, Kaedon comes off the ropes and then leaps in the air and hits a flying clothesline. Kaedon nips up as Jarred runs into the ring and then Kaedon takes him down with a drop toe hold and then Jarred pulls himself on his knee. Kaedon runs to the ropes, bounces off and then nails a front drop kick right into the face of Kaedon. Kaedon gets up, though Messiah attacks from behind and suddenly Twilight comes into the pictures and then hits a few clubbing blows into the back. Kaedon and Twilight take turns pumbling Messiah with fists and then they double whip Messiah to the ropes. Messiah bounces off the ropes and then gets hit with a double flap jack. Jarred gets up by the ropes, Kaedon sees this and hits a clothesline over the top rope, Kaedon and Twilight recover for a few moment and then Kaedon yells something at Twilight and then gets down on his hands and knees as Jarred is stumbling to his feet. Twilight jumps off Kaedons back and then hits Jarred on the outside!]

JR-What a move

King-How xtreme….

[TwilighT recovers and then jumps on his corner and then Kaedon tags him in. Messiah stumbles up and then Twilight kicks him into the gut and nails a DDT on Messiah. Twilight then goes to the top rope and then leaps off the turnbuckle and hits “Darkness falls” on Messiah, Twilight goes into the cover and gets a 1…………2……Jarred runs into the ring with a chair and then nails Twilight with it. The ref calls for the DQ as Jarred throws down the chair and then nails Kaedon off the apron.]

JR-Jarred just got him and Messiah Dqed just to save the titles!

[Jarred and Messiah stomp on the downed Twilight, suddenly Kaedon slides into the ring as Jarred and Messiah run out of the ring. Twilight slowly gets up and yells a few things at Jarred and Messiah then turns around to Kaedon. Suddenly Kaedon nails Twilight with the chair that Jarred left in the ring, Twilight goes down in a heap. Kaedon then yells a few things and then pulls up Twilight pulls up Twilight and then nails the Kaedon crush dropping him on his neck!]

JR-What he do that for, Twilight may be broken in half!

King-interesting…wow I haven’t said that a in while

(Kaedon stands over the downed Twilight as Shockwave goes off the air)

(hard call considering the storyline that was wanted, and who should have won. Being that I can't get in contact with anyone then this is the only way to do this...if we want to make the EMF more interesting then we have to do things like this.)