EMF: Saturday Shockwave

(The EMF logo flashes on the screen, as we go into the Shockwave intro video. Once it ends we go into the darken arena as pyrotechnics blasts off on the Shockwave stage. It ends,and the lights turn back on. The crowd starts to yell, and wave their signs that says various things such as “Amy, it’s 9 aclock…do you know where Marc is?”, “Becky vs. Christy = battle of the rich bitches”, and “Darter = next EMF world champion”

JR-Welcome to Saturday Shockwave, and what a show we have for you tonight.

King-Yeah, all headed off by Marc Mead and Rex….wait Rex is headlining this show…that’s not good….AAAAAHHHH

Kris Gaffney-*has a nametag that says “Hi my name is KRIS”* eeerrr shouldn’t be that bad, it’s two repersentives of their respective divisions.

[“The Truth” blasts as “The Truth” Rad Hazard gets a huge reaction as he walks to a EMF ring for the very first time. He has a huge smile on his face as he gets on the apron and then awaits CJ Lethal]

J.R- Its his debut folks


Kris- uh what?

[“Lethal” blasts of the PA system as CJ Lethal gets booed down to the ring, he doesn’t care, he has his eyes on the truth the whole time]

King- I cant believe what happened to his truck JR!

J.R- Couldn’t have happened to a nicer eye *rolls eyes*

[Lethal who is much bigger and very pissed over his truck runs at Hazard and tackles him hitting countless headshots, Hazard gets to the ropes and the referee has to hold CJ Lethal back. Rad Hazard regroups then goes back into the middle of the ring, CJ Lethal goes for a big boot, but Rad Hazard ducks under and hits a running DDT. He gets excited and goes for the pin 1…2…HUGE KICKOUT by Lethal knocking the Truth outside of the ring. CJ goes out as well and gives chase. Rad Hazard gets back in the ring CJ follows but Rad is able to kick CJ getting the upper hand. CJ Lethal has his head down holding his stomach. Rad Harzard hits a hurricaneranca suprising the crowd. He gets a little cocky and goes to the top rople. He waitings for Lethal to get up and then goes for a cross body. Lethal catches him midair and then holds him before delivering a fall-a-way-slam. Lethal crawls over for the pin 1…2…KICKOUT. CJ is mad about the “slow count” and goes over to consult with the referee. CJ acts like hes about to hit the referee. The referee falls, Rad Hazard takes advantage and hits a low blow on Lethal]

J.R- Smart move by the newcomer

[Rad then hits rolling thunder on Lethal as the crowd goes insane 1…2….KICKOUT. CJ Lethal is now mad and runs at Rad Hazard who has no chance of moving. CJ bashes “The Truth”’s head as he falls. The ref checks on “The Truth”. CJ Lethal goes over to the corner and looses the turnbuckle padding. CJ Lethal then gets on his knee on the Truth’s neck and starts to chock him but has to stop before the referee would DQ him. Lethal then puts him foot on Hazard and talks on him and over him hurting the truth’s stomach. CJ Lethal then lifts Rad up by the neck and gets him on his feet. He is going to chockslam him, but Rad Hazard is able to hit an armbar takedown]

J.R- Nice Counter by the newcomer

King- That’s the Truth

[Truth then waits for CJ Lethal to get to his knees and goes for the shining wizard. Lethal ducks, but Rad gives him a hard kick to the back of the head 1…2….KICKOUT. The Truth gets back on the attack hitting CJ Lethal with a suplex. The Truth goes for another suplex, but it is blocked by Lethal who kicks Truth in the gut, and goes for a regular Lethal Bomb. But before he can go for it, Truth counters with a double leg take down, and then he aims CJ Lethal to the nearest turnbuckle and hits a catapault that sends CJ Lethal into the corner and then smashes his head on the unprotected turnbuckle. CJ Lethal stumbles around to the Truth who hits the Realization on CJ Lethal. The Truth goes into the cover 1………………..2………………3]

J.R- Truth won!!

King- Theres gonna be a party, I’ll get laid! Although Truth did use the turnbuckle padding


J.R- Not sure that Truth knew about it though, I could be wrong

(OOC-We all agreed that Truth was the rightful winner here. Although, I feel it was once again these RPers watched matched up very well (very competitive match, that probably could have went either way). The RPer of Truth wants this match to go further, so thus the dusty ending. If anything’s up with the ending, I’ll happily edit. So be warned…the match can be edited. I’m just tired, and I need to get the results up.)

(We go into the backstage, Amy and Maria are talking about something. Suddenly during their conversation there is a sound of someone clearing their throat. Amy turns around, and her smile melt's off her face into a frown, and she rolls her eyes.)

.::Amy Jericho::.-Is there a reason why you need to be here Christy. I figured you would be somewhere on your back by now.

Hemme: "No.. no reason really.. can't I stop by to check on my latest victim though?"

.::Amy Jericho::.-I didn't know you had a list, maybe one day you'll have names. Or is that how many people you slept with?

Hemme: "I find it funny how you can mock me Amy... after I left you out cold in the ring a few weeks back! Then again... I guess being the size you are right now... you get enough abuse to have to dish some back out!"

.::Amy Jericho::.-Oh I remember, it was the first time I was in the ring, after all. Had it not been, then that crappy full nelson wouldn't have even bothered me. As for my size? What's wrong with my size?

Christy: "What do you think Amy? How much do you eat these days? Anyone would think you traded bodies with Mark Henry or something..."

.::Amy Jericho::.-You shut your mouth! I'm tired of people making fun of my pregnancy weight, it's barely there! Besides, it was worth it, I'm no different than any other woman that has gone through a pregnancy. I don't see you talking to Nat that way, or would that put you on Cena's bad list....so I guess your hoping for another chance to lay down for him again, huh?

Christy: "It doesn't matter with Nat so much because we know she'll get back to being the drop dead gorgeous 22 year old she is! With you though... you are different. Way too old.. maybe your body will never go back to what it was! But hey... long as your happy Amy. And as for Cena well... i'd rather be on his good list... after all he did beat Jericho at Latino Heat.. no matter what excuses you give!"

(Amy's eyes narrow, and she says)

.::Amy Jericho::.-EEEERRRR!! We'll see about that, but I don't need to prove anything to you. I done everything in my career, and your damn right I'm happy. I got a family I love very much. As for Latino Heat. Look at the tape, if you have any doubts. You'll see, once again Chris Jericho just out classed him....besides, it was us who were laughing last after the PPV, wasn't it? So Cena didn't look like much of a winner to me!

Christy: "Sure Jericho out classed him Amy... keep telling yourself that... one day maybe even you will believe it! Anyway Cena getting divorce papers was a good thing... he knew it'd come eventually... may as well get it out the way. So if we remove that from the equation... we got Cena with 2 wins and Jericho with a defeat... but if you want to call that out classing him fine.. just a shame nobody else will agree.."

.::Amy Jericho::.-Anyone with a mind of their own would agree. I don't care what happened at LH, and the promo before LH. You can clearly see that I was telling him something, I told him to throw that match. And you know what happened at SOTF, because your so brave that you had to threaten a pregnant woman.

Hemme: "Oh fine Amy... see it like that if you want... but the record books don't lie... Cena defeated Jericho on both occasions! Anyway i'm not here to discuss that... rather just to tell you how great you look Amy.... which I did already!"

.::Amy Jericho::.-I seem to remember you insulting how I look Christy, so I'm assuming your being sarcastic.

Hemme: "What are you hiding with those tattoos anyway Amy? Some kind of defect or something... must be pretty big coz you sure got a lot of them! They look kinda stupid though... well I guess that suits your image right bout now, what with all the weight and everything. Don't worry though... i'm sure it'll sort itself out in time Amy.. shame you gotta look like a painted balloon in the meantime.."

.::Amy Jericho::.-I'm hiding absolutely nothing, I'll have you know they are apart of my image. My biggest one just repersents my spontaneousness. As for painted balloon

(Amy looks angry, but she wasn't even going to dignify that with a response. She just crosses her arms)

Christy: "Well... at least you're a lot better now than you were Amy.. coz believe me you were HUGE! But despite your increased size... your whole "tough girl" image thing crumbled a bit didn't it? It was so fun seeing how weak you were.... how we could exploit you.. and i'm sure we did things that will hurt you for the rest of your life and always be on your mind! Oh but do you hear that... sounds like my music.. guess I better be off to beat Becky... see you around Amy... just don't get stuck in any doors or anything tonight..."

(Christy Hemme heads out of the room and off towards her match.)

[“Becky Bayless’s” theme hits as she gets a lot of bad chants from fans as she walks down to the ring with the best secirity money can buy Matthew M. Morgan]

J.R- Now that the Fued is over with Serena hopefully Becky can pick up her first win here

Kris- She’s been so close so many times

[“Christy Hemme’s Theme hits as she walks out on the stage, poses for the camera and then walks into the ring]

[Both ladies start on opposite sides of the ring, but they are screaming and modeling to try to out do each other. Christy turns around to “wow” the crowd, when Becky Bayless comes from behind and hits Christy with a double axe handle hit on Christy’s back. Christy Hemme falls against the ropes. Becky tries to get Christy in a position to choke her against the ropes, but Kristy moves and goes quickly to the other side of the ring. Moments later the two women tie up and Christy gets the underhand on Becky putting her in a headlock. Becky Bayless is able to push away from the headlock as it springs Christy Hemme off the ropes, Becky is able to catch Christy with a drop toe hold. Becky stands on Kristy’s back as a total sign of disrespect. Once Becky gets off, she pulls Christy Hemme up by the hair and takes her to the ringpost. Becky punches Christy in an attempt to keep Christy dazed enough. Becky backs up and runs and Christy who moves just in time. Becky hits the turnbuckle and Christy Hemme has just enough strength to drop Becky with a neckbreaker as both of them are down. The referee begins the count 1…..2….3…..4……5…..6. Both ladies make it back to their feet. Becky rankes Christy’s eye to take control. Becky runs off the ropes and back at Christy, but is caught with a huge powerslam]

J.R- That was a nice counter by Christy

King- I wouldn’t have mind drinking wine at her house with her

Kris- You would.

[Christy crawls towards Becky for the cover and gets the 1..2..KICKOUT. Becky rolls out of the ring to catch her breath. Christy climbs to the top rope and cross body off the top, but not in time to see that Triple M moved Becky out of the way. Christy crashes hard. Becky rolls Christy back into the ring and goes for the quick pin and gets the 1…2…KICKOUT. Becky thinks that she won it so she is celebrating while Christy gets up. Triple M informs her that the match isn’t over, she turns around to Christy who hits a fisherman’s suplex. Both women are down and the referee starts to count 1…2….3….4. Both of the ladies use the ropes to get to their feet. Christy is able to get the upper hand, and goes for a bulldog, but Becky ducks and goes for the Steamliner!! Christy is able to elbow her and Becky isn’t able to continue with her finisher]

J.R- So Close

[Christy tries for the Twist of Fate. Becky stumbles towards Christy Hemme, Hemme kicks her in the gut and then goes for it. Suddenly before Christy Hemme can hit it, Becky Bayless pushes Christy forward and smashes into the ref. The ref gets sandwich between the corner and Becky, and goes down. Becky looks at the ref shocked that happens, at this point Christy is able to catch Becky Bayless off guard and hits the twist of fate. She goes into the cover, but there is no ref. As he’s stunned on the mat and isn’t ready to make the count. Suddenly the crowd cheers as Christy is thinking of something else to do to Becky. Christy turns around, and then before she can do anything. The camera gets a shot of Vice President Amy Jericho leaping off the top turnbuckle and nailing a Litacarana on Hemme. She rolls out of the ring, before the ref can see her. Hemme stumbles around, stunned, Becky comes out of no where and school girl’s her and the ref is in position to make the 1…………….2…………3!]

JR-Becky won her first match! With some help from the Vice President of the EMF!

King-Her Mom bought off Amy too?

JR-No, I think it more had to do with Hemme’s comments before the match


(Amy grins as Becky gets her hand raised, as Christy is on the mat and looking at Amy with a look of pure hatred.)

“Muhammad Hassan’s theme” blasts on the PA system as Hassan walks to the ring with Daivari walking behind him. He does his usual entrance, and steps into the ring.

JR-Muhammad Hassan looks very focused here.

King-Yeah, he’s so ready….he got terro….I mean… mask men to help if he needs it

Kris Gaffney-Good thing he doesn’t know that Becky Bayless bought them off

(“Addicted” blasts on the PA system as Morphine walks to the ring, and steps into the ring.)

JR-Although Hassan’s going to have to be on his game if he wants to beat Morphine.

King-If this wasn’t the EMF, I would think a wrestling hobo would be odd.


[Morphine and Hassan meet in the middle of the ring and then they talk some trash Muhammad Hassan takes the first shot. Morphine seems to be somewhat effected by this as he backs up every punch, Morphine comes back with a knee into the gut of Muhammad Hassan. Muhammad Hassan doubles over, and then Morphine measures up and then hits a few knife edge chops to the chest of Muhammad Hassan. This backs Muhammad Hassan to the ropes, and then Morphine tries to whip Hassan to the ropes and then it’s reversed by Muhammad Hassan, and then Morphine reverses the whip and sends Morphine off the ropes and then Morphine comes off the ropes and nails a big shoulder block that takes down Muhammad Hassan. Muahmmad Hassan stumbles up, and charges at Morphine, and Morphine hits a deep arm drag release. Muhammad Hassan gets up and charges at Morphine again, and then Morphine counters the charge with an arm drag and then puts him in an arm bar the ref asks Hassan if he wants to give it up. Muhammad Hassan refuses to quit in such a basic hold, and then Muhammad Hassan slowly gets up. But so that he won’t get up, Morphine twists Muhammad’s arm once again, and Muhammad Hassan does a somewhat flip and Muhammad Hassan hits a leg drop to the arm after he hits the mat and then Morphine keeps the hold on Muhammad Hassan, who decides to try to get up once again Muhammad Hassan gets up to his feet and then Muhammad takes a few shots to the face of Morphine and breaks the arm bar. He goes to the ropes and then comes off the ropes. He then tries to do some sort of move, but then Morphine counters this with a powerslam on Muhammad Hassan, and goes into the cover and gets the 1……………………………..2……………………kick out by Muhammad Hassan. Muhammad Hassan is in the sitting position and then Morphine measures up and then hits a kick to the back of Muhammad Hassan. Hassan is in a lot of pain and then Morphine takes Muhammad Hassan, and puts him in power bomb position. Morphine picks up Muhammad Hassan, and then is about to drive him down. But Hassan hits a few fists that makes Morphine stumble around before he stumbles. Muhammad Hassan stumbles forward, and then Muhammad Hassan hits a hurricanarana that sends him and Morphine falling out of the ring.]

JR-What a counter by Muhammad Hassan

King-I was kinda hoping he would get dropped on his head

Kris Gaffney-Why’s that?

King-Well…it fixed his speech patterns…one more time, he might be world champion soon

[Muhammad Hassan and Morphine are both down, but obviously Morphine is the less beat up of the two and then gets up and then tries to whip Muhammad Hassan to the step.s But it’s reversed by Muhammad Hassan, and Moprhine goes crashing into the stpes and then Morphine is in pain as Muhammad Hassan is down to one knee and then take s a few moments to rest while Morphine is still hurting a bit. Then Muhammad Hassan gets up as he see’s Morphine. Morphine pissed charges at Muhammad Hassan and then Hassan counters this with a front spinebuster and then Muhammad Hassan falls on the apron and then the ref continues the count 5……………..6………………7……..Morphine is getting up……8……..Morphine is up by the apron…..9…………..Morphine rolls in as Hassan stomps the mat in frustration and then goes over to Morphine and hits a few stomps on the downed Morphine and then Morphine stumbles to his feet and then Muhammad Hassan hits a few fists to the face and then he whips Morphine to the ropes and then Morphine comes off the ropes. Morphine bounces off the ropes, and lowers his head and hits a back body drop on Morphine. Morphine stumbles up and then he kicks him in the gut, and hits a DDT. Morphine goes into the cover and gets the 1………………..2………..kick out by Morphine. Muhammad Hassan tries to do another move, he pulls up Morphine, and hooks him up and hits a fisherman’s suplex and gets the 1…………….2……kick out.]

JR-Muhammad Hassan almost pulled off a big upset right there

King-meh, Morphine probably didn’t know he was being pinned for a second there…..he didn’t feel it

Kris Gaffney-I guess there are always side effects to any advantage.

[Morphine stumbles up and then he goes right into Hassan, who goes for a flatliner. But Moprhine elbows out of it and then pushes Hassan away. Hassan stumbles back, and bounces back due to the ropes and then Morphine kicks Hassan in the gut and sets him up and then lifts him for the mainliner. But before he can drive Hassan down, Hassan hits a few fists to the face and then Morphine stumbles backwards and falls over the top rope with Hassan and they both fall to the mat.Both are down 1…………………2………..3…………..4…..both wrestlers are making it to their feet, and start to trade blows…………..5………….6…….Hassan pokes Morphine in the eyes, and throws him into the steps………….7………..8……..Hassan thinks of going back to the ring. But then Morphine is getting up it would seem, Hassan charges at Morphine. But Morphine counters with a one man flap jack that sends Hassan into the steps…….9…. Morphine dives into the ring as the ref counts 10.]

JR-Morphine barely gets out of this match with a very game Muhammad Hassan.

King-Hassan might have had it won!

Kris Gaffney-Or not, he was just making sure and it backfired!

(OOC-Very impressed by Hassan, had Morphine not gotten the second one…literally it could have went either way. But the second RP is what gave Morphine the slight edge in this match, which is why I made it a count out victory (although it’s up for editing if I can think of a better ending). Because Hassan really stepped it up, good job…especially with opponent being such a talented RPer)

(“All the things she said” blasts on the PA system as Marc Mead walks to the ring along with Serena Hughes. Marc Mead steps into the ring, and waits for Rex.)

JR-Although no titles are on the line, the extreme division and TV division are clashing here

King-Yeah, although if Marc put Serena up, I’d face him

Kris Gaffney-God, he gets even more creepy………AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH

“For whom the bell tolls” blasts on the PA system as Rex walks to the ring, and gets ready for the match to begin

Kris Gaffney-Since JR is so high on Rex, tell us where he played college football.

JR-Not sure he did…

King-Sure he did…he got drafted by the Cardinals, and went insane….thus why he’s a pro wrestler

JR-Interesting back story…

[Marc Mead and Rex pace around the ring and then lock up and then Rex being the stronger of the two. Pushes Marc Mead into the ropes, and then the ref asks for a break and Rex gives the ref one, but Rex slowly backs away, and then Marc Mead being the heelish heel he is pokes Rex in the eyes. The crowd boo’s as Marc Mead taunts the crowd and this allows Rex to charge somewhat blindly, but with Marc Mead distracted. Rex is able to spear Marc Mead through the ropes and they both fall to the outside and then take a few moments to get up. Rex takes Marc Mead and then hits a knee lift on Marc Mead stunning him. Rex takes Marc Mead and then smashes his head on the announcers table and the Marc Mead stumbles around. Rex takes Marc Marc and then tries to whip him into the ring post and then Marc Mead reverses the whip. Rex is going into the ring post, but it’s blocked by Rex with his foot. Rex turns around and clotheslines Marc Mead down to the ground. Rex takes Marc Mead, and then rolls him into the ring. Rex looks under the ring and then pulls out a Singapore cane. Rex holds it up, and the fans cheer. Rex rolls into the ring, and Marc Mead is getting up and then Rex hits a shot to the back of Marc Mead. Marc Mead does the smart thing and stays down. Rex throws the cane away and then runs to the ropes, and comes off the ropes and hits a high leg drop on Marc Mead. Rex goes into the cover, and gets the 1………………….2………….kick out by Marc Mead and Rex shrugs wanting to inflict more pain and then Marc Mead stumbles up and then Rex hits a few fists to the face and then stumbles into the corner and then Rex hits a few stomps into the gut, and then tries to whip Marc Mead to the opposite side of the ring and then it’s reversed sending Rex into the corner. Marc Mead takes a few moments and then charges into the corner and then leaps in the air, and jumps in the air and goes for a big splash. But it’s missed and then Rex waits for Marc Mead to go stumbles towards him. Marc Mead turns around and then goes right into the waiting Rex. Rex kicks Marc Mead and sets up for what seems to be a vertical suplex. But before he can hit whatever move he was looking for. Marc Mead is able to shift his weight and then land on the back of Rex. Marc Mead pushes Rex into the corner and Rex is only stunned for a moment. He turns around and Marc Mead blasts him over the head with the Singapore cane and falls to the mat himself.]

JR-The Singapore cane came back to bite Rex.

King-Yeah, that’s never good

Kris Gaffney-That’s for sure, it’s like trading too much in the IBA.

[Marc Mead is on his knee’s now taking a few moments and resting and then he gets up and then Rex is up too. Marc Mead is seemly stunned, and then Rex charges at Marc Mead and then goes for a clothesline and then Marc Mead ducks under it. Marc Mead hits a few fists and backs Rex to the ropes and then Marc Mead whips Rex off the ropes. Rex bounce soff the ropes, and then Marc Mead leap frog’s over Rex, and Rex continues to the other side of the ring and bounces off the ropes. Marc Mead goes for a clothesline, but it’s ducked under by Rex and Rex continues to the original side ropes and comes off the ropes and Marc Mead finally nails him with a jumping leg lariat that takes down Rex. Stumbles around and then Marc Mead hits a standing drop kick that knocks him down. . Rex gets up and goes into the corner and then Marc Mead goes over to the corner and hits a few fists to the face and then Marc Mead tries to whip him to the opposite side of the ring. But it’s reversed by Rex, and Marc Mead goes into the turnbuckle. But is able to run up the turnbuckle to the top rope and hits a change of direction body press into the cover and gets the 1…………………2…………kick out by Rex. Marc Mead looks at the ref, then grabs Rex by the hair and puts him on the ropes and starts to choke him with the middle rope. Marc Mead finally breaks, and then goes to the ropes and comes off the ropes and jumps and comes crashing down on the beck of Rex. This sends the ropes up in Rex’s throat. Marc Mead then see’s Rex is down, and then he goes to the outside and looks under the ring and pulls out a table.]

JR-Marc Mead getting the table

King-Rex must be having fun

Kris Gaffney-Maybe *points to his name tag randomly*

[Marc Mead brings it into the ring , and sets it in the corner and then takes Rex and then puts him on the table. Marc Mead puts Rex on the table and then backs up into the opposite side of the ring and then Marc Mead charges and goes for a big splash, but it’s meet in mid air by Rex who catches Marc Mead drives Marc Mead with a fall through spinebuster! Rex has to take a few moments, and then Marc Mead stumbles to his feet and then Rex kicks him in the gut and sets him up for a power bomb, and has him up. Rex turns Marc Mead around towards the table and runs with him. Marc Mead struggles for his life, as he knows he’s going through the table if he doesn’t get out of it. Marc Mead falls behind Rex, Rex turns around. Marc Mead takes down Rex with a double leg take down and then starts to put on a figure four. But Rex pushes Marc Mead off. Marc Mead goes into the ref. Marc Mead looks down at the ref, and then Rex hits a few fists. Then Rex takes Marc Mead and smashes his face against thet able that breaks it a bit, and brings him out and hits a few fists to the face. Then he tries to whip Marc Mead to the ropes, and does. Marc Mead bounces off the ropes, and then comes off the ropes. Rex goes for a clothesline, but it’s ducked under and then Rex turns around to another double leg take down, and is set up….and put into a reverse sharpshooter (Also known as the EDGEacator….I knew you would like that Marc)]

JR-Marc Mead has the reverse sharpshooter locked in. Rex isn’t tapping, even if it did there is no ref.

(Suddenly part time ref, Bill Alfonzo slides into the ring)

King-There’s your answer JR, it’s part time ref Bill Alfonzo!

JR-Full time pain in the ass, what’s he doing here still?

Kris Gaffney-He’s gonna call it right down the middle daddy!

[Taking charge he see’s if Rex is tapping, he’s trying to get to the ropes. But suddenly Bill Alfonzo calls for the bell.]

Kris Gaffney-He quit! I heard it!

JR-I don’t think he did Kris, but regardless Alfonzo sticked his nose in again!

King-It’s probably going to get ripped off this time.

(Shockwave goes off the air with Bill Alfonzo raising Marc Mead’s hand as he’s blowing his whistle. Marc Mead looks like he has no idea of what is going on.)

(OOC-Ending was to push another feud after this, it was edited slightly (I figured Alfonzo needed to be the ref at the time to call the match as he did. Hopefully that’s ok Rex, I do leave that part for editing in case if there is a big problem with it). Marc Mead is the rightful winner here though. As for the whole champion thing by Marc…me and my staff agreed that we would let it go. I had told Rex before this that he could write his RP, and guess about the Extreme title…if he got it wrong, I wouldn’t take off for it, so it’s only fair to give Marc the same consideration. (plus after the beginning of the RP, it wasn’t a big part of the RP)