EMF: Saturday Shockwave

JR - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 225 pounds,, April Hunter!!! (crowd cheers ***)

[April Hunter comes to the ring. ]

JR - and his opponent, weighing in at 150 pounds, from fucked if I know, Rita Van Toad!!! (crowd cheers ******)

["Jobba Child" blasts on the PA system as Rita Van Toad walks to the stage. Rita looks to the crowd, but forgets where she's walking and then falls off the side of the stable unconcious. The ring workers drag her into the ring as she slowly regains conciousness April Hunter checks his boots. Rita Van Toad tests out the ropes. (ring, ring, ring) April Hunter pins Rita Van Toad against the ropes and chokes him with his forearm. April Hunter chops Rita Van Toad. Rita Van Toad bites April Hunter's arm out of desparation. Rita Van Toad slaps April Hunter. April Hunter hits him with a back fist. Rita Van Toad stands on the top rope and goes for the Ritacarana on April Hunter, but she falls on her head doing Rita Van Toad locks him in the arm hammerlock submission. Earl Hebner is checking for a tap out. ... Rita Van Toad tightens the hold. ... (AHHHH!) ... Rita Van Toad breaks the hold. April Hunter gets up. Rita Van Toad gets picked up and dropped with the fireman's carry by April Hunter. April Hunter fist drops Rita Van Toad on the mat. April Hunter stands up. Rita Van Toad gets back to his feet. Rita Van Toad gets elbowed to his midsection by Rita Van Toad. ]

JR - April Hunter with a elbow to midsection.

[Rita Van Toad springboard DDT's April Hunter onto the mat! Rita Van Toad is up again. Rita Van Toad locks him in the arm hammerlock submission. Referee Earl Hebner is checking for a tap out. ... April Hunter is fighting the hold. ... ... ... April Hunter trys to escape. April Hunter escapes. Rita Van Toad punches April Hunter repeatedly. Rita Van Toad gets caught with an elbowsmash to the face. Rita Van Toad bites April Hunter's arm out of desparation. April Hunter bounces Rita Van Toad off the ropes and faceslams him onto the mat. April Hunter is up again. Rita Van Toad gets up. April Hunter puts Rita Van Toad in the double underhook position and gives him a doubl underhook backbreaker. She goes into the cover, and gets the 1.............2..........kick out. April Hunter executes a pumphandle suplex on Rita Van Toad. Rita Van Toad tests out the ropes. (ding, ding, ding) April Hunter connects with a flying knee. Rita Van Toad goes down. Rita Van Toad gets hit with a diving elbow smash from April Hunter. April Hunter stands up. Rita Van Toad stands up. Rita Van Toad with a jumping DDT on April Hunter. April Hunter waits for Rita Van TOad to get up. She then hits her finisher, and goes into the cover, and gets the 1.............2........3]

JR-April Hunter has won this match!

(The EMF logo flashes on the screen as screen, we go into the Shockwave video as it shows all the way through. We go into the darken arena, pyrotechnics blasts off on the stage. Finally they end, and the lights turn on and fans hold up their signs. Some say such as "JAM is sweet!", "Death is clearly a TwilighT rip-off", and "Old man Flair is rolling over in his grave".)

JR-Welcome everyone to Saturday Shockwave. I'm good ol' JR, along side Jerry "The King" Lawler and Kris Gaffney. What a show we have for you tonight

King-Headlined by the bra and panties match!

Kris Gaffney-Actually….that's not the main event.

King-What? It should be…

("All the things she said" blasts on the PA system as Serena Hughes walks to the ring)

King-I don't think Serena will win this match..

Kris Gaffney-Why's that King

King-She didn't say so…

("Rylee's theme" blasts on the PA system, Rylee walks to the ring. She slides into the ring, and gets ready for the match)

JR-Rylee is looking for revenge this week

King-Oh…good to know

[Rylee and Serena lock up, Rylee back up's Serena into the ropes. The ref tells Rylee to back off. Rylee backs off, but Serena goes for a cheap fist, but Rylee ducks it. Serena Hughes turns around and Rylee goes for a few fists to the face. Serena Hughes stumbles back, Rylee whips Serena Hughes off the ropes and she comes off the ropes. Rylee hits a spinning back elbow to the face. Serena Hughes quickly gets up, Rylee hits a drop kick that sends Serena Hughes to the outside. But Serena Hughes holds on to the ropes. Serena stays on the apron, Rylee measures her up. Serena Hughes uses the ropes to get to her feet. Then Rylee uses the ropes to flip Serena Hughes over the top rope. Serena Hughes hits into the mat. Serena Hughes stumbles to her feet, Rylee hits a running clothesline bring down Serena Hughes. Serena Hughes stumbles to her feet, shaken and charges at Rylee who counters with an arm drag into an arm bar. Serena tries to grab some hair of Rylee's. But the ref makes sure that Serena does not use that to get out of the hold. Serena Hughes gets to her feet to try to break out of this hold the fair way. Serena Hughes backs Rylee to the ropes, and whips her off the ropes. Rylee bounces off the ropes, and comes off the ropes. Rylee hits a running shoulder block on Serena Hughes. Serena Hughes goes down to the mat and then Rylee goes the ropes. She bounces off them, Serena Hughes is getting up. Serena Hughes decides to drop down, and Rylee jumps over Serena. Rylee goes to the opposite side of the ring. She bounces off the opposite side of the ring. Serena Hughes gets up to her feet and then tries to hiptoss Rylee. Rylee flows over, and tries to hip toss Serena. But it's blocked by Rylee, Serena hits a fist to the gut that doubles over Rylee. Serena puts her leg over Rylee's head. Serena Hughes does a flip, and lands on her feet. Serena Hughes tries to do something before Rylee can gain the advantage. But before she can, Serena stumbles back, and Rylee hits a diving clothesline that knocks down Serena Hughes. Rylee takes a moment, and waits. Allowing Serena Hughes to get to her feet, Rylee kicks Serena in the gut. She sets her up for a vertical suplex, and hits the vertical suplex. Rylee goes into the cover, and gets the 1.......................2............kick out by Serena Hughes. Rylee picks up Serena, and hits a front knee lift that makes Serena Hughes stumbles back into the corner. Rylee goes into the corner and hits a few stomps into the gut. But stops before the ref can give her a warning, and Rylee backs off on her own. Serena Hughes is already reeling in the corner. Rylee whips her to the opposite sides turnbuckle and then Rylee charges and goes for a 10 punch combo 1...............2.............3...............4.............5................6..........Serena Hughes gets under Rylee and hits a stacked pin power bomb, she gets a 1.............2..Serena puts her feet on the ropes....KICK OUT!]

JR-Serena tried to steal one like last week, and it didn't work out

King-Not that it would matter, it's a hardcore match

Kris Gaffney-Yeah, she has a reason to break the rules now.

[Serena Hughes hits the mat frustrated that her strategy didnt' work, and then she rolls out of the ring and looks under the ring. She takes out a Singapore Cane, and slides back into the ring and then takes the cane and hits it in the back of the legs. Rylee's legs buckle. She's on her knee's and Serena starts to choke her with the Singapore Cane. Finally Serena lets go, Rylee goes down to the mat. Rylee tries to recover as Serena Hughes goes over to where Rylee is trying to get up near the ropes. Then Serena Hughes pushes Rylee's neck into the ropes and the ref counts. Finally Serena Hughes lets go of the choke as the ref warns her. Serena Hughes backs off, and grabs the singapore cane, and measures up Rylee. Serena Hughes hits a cane shot to the back. Rylee goes down in pain, and Serena Hughes goes into the cover. She gets the 1............2........kick out by Rylee. Serena Hughes shakes her head, and mounts Rylee and hits a few punches on the downed Rylee. The ref yells at her, but he can't do much more than that. After a few moments, Serena Hughes takes Rylee, and pulls her back up to her feet. Serena Hughes hits a few forearm shots to the face of Rylee. Rylee backs up to the ropes, and then Serena Hughes tries to whip Rylee off the ropes. But it's reversed, Serena goes to the ropes. Serena bounces off the ropes, and she hits a flying forearm shot to the face. Rylee goes down to the mat. Serena goes off the ropes, and Rylee hits a flying leg lariet on Rylee. Rylee is down on the mat. Serena Hughes goes to the ropes, and hits a knee drop on Rylee. Serena Hughes goes into the cover once again, and gets the 1............2.......kick out. Serena Hughes is getting a bit frustrated, but pushes on. Serena picks up Rylee, and hits a well placed body slam near the corner of the ring. Serena Hughes goes to the corner, and then climbs to the second rope and leaps off the corner from the second rope, and hits a second rope leg drop on Rylee. Serena Hughes goes into the cover and gets the 1…………………2………….kick out by Rylee. Serena Hughes can't believe that she didn't get the three. So Serena Hughes goes to the outside, and pulls out a trash can from under the ring.]

King-Looks like Serena thought she had Rylee there.

JR-Hopefully it doesn't come back to bite her.

[Serena throws the can in the ring, and rolls back into the ring. Serena Hughes puts it in the corner, and puts it in the corner between the top and second turnbuckle. Serena Hughes goes over to Rylee who got up in the opposite corner. Serena Hughes hits a few fists to the face, and then tries to whip Rylee to the opposite corner. But it's reversed by Rylee, Serena goes back first into the trash can into Rylee who hits the High Rise, she goes into the cover 1…………2……….3]

("All Grown Up" blasts on the PA system as Stephanie walks to the ring, she is getting a lot of boo's. But some people are still cheering for her.)

JR-This has to be a different environment for Stephanie, she isn't use to being booed.

King-Although, she has some good points. Just she's messed with another fan favorite in Jackie Cena, and the reigning face of the year Amy Jericho.

Kris Gaffney-Let's see how she reacts.

("Key's to the city" blasts on the PA system as Trish Stratus and the once again red headed Christy Hemme walk to the ring. They step into the ring to meet their tag team partner.)

JR-We haven't seen Trish in a while, but Christy Hemme was a major part in the trap for Amy Jericho at First Blood.

King-Yeah, despite she lost. She can always say that she took Amy's red hair at First Blood

Kris Gaffney-And Amy took her's too

("Lovepassionfuryenergy" blasts on the PA system as women's champion Jackie Cena, Amy Jericho, and Maria come to the ring together.)

JR-This group likes to call themselves JAM

King-Because it's going to be soooooo sweet when they lose this match?

Kris Gaffney-Yeah, from what I hear…they may not remember this match anyways…

[Jackie Cena and Trish Stratus start out this match. Jackie Cena paces around the ring, and locks up with Trish. Trish Stratus gets pushed back, and Jackie Cena slowly backs up after the clean break. But Trish Stratus uses this chance to hit a slap, Jackie stumbles back. Trish Stratus charges at Jackie Cena, but Jackie Cena counters this move with a drop toe hold. Jackie Cena goes after Trish Stratus' shirt. She gets it almost off, as her pink bra comes into clean view. But Christy Hemme comes out of no where, and hits a running forearm shot to stop Jackie, suddenly Amy Jericho comes into the ring and chases Christy Hemme out of the ring. The ref gets in front of Amy, and pushes her back (lol, I want to be a ref..). Jackie Cena is stunned a bit from the move, and then Trish Stratus hits a double handed axe handle. Jackie Cena gets up, Trish Stratus hits a few forearm shots to the face. Jackie Cena reels on the ropes, Trish Stratus tries to whip Jackie Cena off the ropes. Amy Jericho makes the blind side tag. Trish Stratus goes for a chick kick on Jackie Cena. Jackie Cena ducks it, and then Trish Stratus turns around and gets dropped kicked into the waiting arms of Amy Jericho. Who hits a Russian leg sweep into a float over pull at Trish's shirt. Revealing Trish's pink bra. Amy almost got it off, Jackie grabs the other side, and pulls the rest clean off. While this is happening, Jackie holds up Trish's shirt, as she's trying to cover up with her hands. Suddenly Amy see's Christy Hemme slide into the ring, Amy goes after her. Allow Stephanie comes into the ring behind her. Stephanie pulls down Amy's pants around her ankles, revealing her black thong. Amy screams, and tries to fight off Stephanie who is determined to get Amy's bottoms. Suddenly Jackie Cena comes into save. Hitting a few stomps, and Amy is able to pull her pants up once again. She would do more to Stephanie, but Trish Stratus charges at Jackie Cena. Jackie Cena catches and picks Trish up, Amy goes up to the top rope. Jackie Cena plants her down with an F-Off. Amy leaps off the top rope, and hits her with the Lita sault on Trish. Amy gets up, Christy Hemme tries to stop Trish getting stripped. But Maria comes into the ring, and heads off Christy Hemme off. Fighting off of, allowing Jackie and Amy take a side of Trish's pants and pulls them clean off her body revealing her pink panties. Trish Stratus looks really embarrassed, trying to cover up as she rolls to the outside.]

JR-Trish is now eliminated

[Christy Hemme tries to sneak behind Amy, but this time Amy isn't fooled as she turns around and takes Christy Hemme down with a double leg take down and starts to rain down fists on her. Obviously trying to gain revenge for what happened to her at First Blood. Amy yells something, and hits a big slap on Christy Hemme. Amy Jericho then takes Christy Hemme's shirt, and rips it almost completely in two, Hogan style revealing her yellow bra. Amy pulls up Christy Hemme, and it looks like Amy is going to continue the attack. As she's not just going to strip her, until she feels some pain for what she did. But Maria calls for the tag. Amy looks like she wants to fight Hemme for herself, but gives her up for her friend. Amy tags in Maria, Maria comes into the ring and hits a few forearm shots to the face. Maria whips Christy to the ropes, Christy bounces off the ropes. Maria goes for a clothesline. But Christy ducks under, and then Maria turns around and then Christy Hemme kicks Maria in the gut, sets up, and hits the twist of fate on Maria. It looks like Christy is going to start pulling off Maria's extremely short, shorts. But Amy comes running in and hits a clothesline to knock down Hemme. Stephanie comes into the ring, and hits a clubbing blow to the head of Amy. Amy stumbles forward. She turns around, Stephanie kicks Amy in the gut and hits a DDT. Maria rolls away, Jackie tags in herself as Maria rolls out of the ring, obviously really hurting after the Twist of Fate. Jackie comes into the ring and then comes from behind Hemme, picks her up and hits a body slam. She goes to the ropes, and hits the leg drop of DOOOOM. She picks up Christy Hemme up, and lifts her up for the F-Off. Suddenly Stephanie gets in front of Jackie, and kicks her in the gut and hits the Chiller on Jackie while she has Christy on her shoulders. It looks like Stephanie is going to strip Jackie herself. But Amy comes back, and makes the save for her friend spinning Stephanie around, and trading hard fists with Stephanie. Christy and Jackie get up to their feet. It seems Jackie is a bit more effected, Christy Hemme hits an inverted atomic drop on Jackie. Which hurts Jackie (still hurt's…even as a woman so I hear…), and takes down Jackie with a double leg take down. Chrisy Hemme takes Jackie's pants, and tries to pull them off. You can see a little bit of her light purple panties. Amy who threw Stephanie out of the ring, comes behind Christy, and pulls down Christy's pants down to her ankles. Christy Hemme looks really surprised, and tries to pull them up. But Amy Jericho hits a clothesline to knock Christy to the mat. Amy pulls off Christy's pants off all the way, leaving Christy Hemme in her yellow bra and panties. Christy looks embarrassed but more mad that Amy wasn't legal, she argues with the ref. Suddenly Amy comes from behind, and hits the reverse of fates on Christy. She rolls Christy out, Amy gets a big smile. As she removes the apron, and looks under the ring. She pulls out a big bucket as Christy is in a sitting position. Amy holds up the bucket, and pours the bucket of pink paint/gook directly over Hemme's head. Hemme's hair and most of her body is almost completely pink.]

JR-Looks like Amy got some revenge for First Blood

King-That's for sure…I'm going to guess that Hemme is going to rather be blonde right at this point.

[Amy laughs at Hemme, who looks in horror, and screams in a curse of Amy. Amy jumps on the apron, Hemme crawls out of view on their side. Suddenly Trish Stratus, who is still in her bra and panties comes over to Hemme with a towel. Seemly just wanting to try to get Hemme cleaned up as best as possible. Inside the ring Stephanie looks around scared, as this is the 3 on 1 match that she feared. She shrugs, and then throws a fists at Jackie Cena. It's returned by Jackie Cena, Stephanie and Jackie are trading fists. But finally Jackie Cena is gaining the advantage. Stephanie reels to the ropes, and Jackie whips Stephanie to the ropes. But it's reversed by Stephanie, Jackie goes to the ropes. Jackie bounces off the ropes, Stephanie lowers her head, Jackie kicks her in the face. Stephanie holds her face, and stumbles around. Jackie Cena goes for a clothesline. Stephanie ducks, Jackie turns around, Stephanie kicks her in the gut, and goes for a chiller. But Jackie pushes out of it, and then Stephanie goes the ropes. Jackie picks up Stephanie for the F-Off. But Stephanie with fight in her, struggles, and slides out of the back of Jackie Cena. Stephanie behind Jackie is able to pull Jackie's pants down, just so her light purple panties are seen. But Jackie is fighting to keep them on, she fights, trips. Jackie trips, Stephanie tries to pull them off. But Jackie is able to kick her off. Stephanie goes flying backwards. She hits into Trish who is on the apron, Trish goes flying off the apron. Stephanie stumbles toward after that, stunned after that move. Jackie picks up Stephanie, and drives her down with the F-Off. Stephanie looks out of it, Jackie smiles as she pulls up her pants all the way. Jackie then goes for Stephanie's top, and it comes off cleanly off Stephanie's body revealing her black bra. Jackie looks like she's going to strip off Stephanie's bottoms next. But suddenly the crowd starts to boo, Jackie doesn't know what's going on. Amy Jericho see's what is coming, and tries to yell to Jackie. Amy comes into the ring, and looks like is going to help stop what is coming at Jackie. But suddenly Trish Stratus and Christy Hemme come into the ring, and Amy has to fight to fend them off. Jackie turns around right into her husband John Cena who came into the ring and lifts up Jackie Cena and drives her down with the F-U. Amy's trying to get to Jackie, but she can't with her hands full. Cena goes over to the downed Stephanie, and tries to revive her. She looks like she's coming to, Cena rolls his wife out. As Natasha Jones comes to the ring.]

JR-What she doing here?

King-What else? Anything she wants to, she's the President's girlfriend.

JR-One day she's going to bite off more than she can chew.

[Natasha goes over to the out cold Jackie Cena, and pulls her top off. She then takes Jackie's pants off leaving Jackie Cena in her purple bra and panties. John Cena slides in a chair to Stephanie. Stephanie is getting up, absolutely angry that she had her bra exposed for the first time. Is getting up, Amy almost has Trish and Hemme fended off. Amy has Trish in a reverse of fates attempt. But Stephanie come from behind her, and cracks her over the back with the chair. Trish hits the chick kick on Amy. Amy goes down, Suddenly from the entrance someone is running down to the ring. It's Melina, the crowd doesn't know what to think. But suddenly boo as Cena passes her a leather strap before she heads into the ring. The crowd boo's as they figure out what side Melina is on. Stephanie and Melina hits a few stomps on the downed Amy. Stephanie goes down, as Melina holds Amy to make sure she can't fight back, and takes off her top to reveal her black bra. Hemme goes over to Trish who looks like she wants to finally eliminate Amy for some revenge. Trish agree's, as Hemme takes Amy's bottom off. Amy is left in only her black bra and thong.]

J.R- What the hell is Melina doing here....

King- Who cares... MORE PUPPIES!

Kris Gaffney- She seems to be in cahoots with Cena though....

[Suddenly Chris Jericho runs from the entrance to try to save his wife. But he's headed off by John Cena, Jericho starts trading fists with Cena. Trying to help Amy, but the fight goes to the backstage area. Inside the ring, Melina says something to Stephanie. As Amy is trying to get to her feet. Stephanie grabs the chair, and measures up Amy. She once again hits the chair across the back of Amy. Amy would fall to the mat, but she's caught by Melina and Stephanie. Trish and Hemme get a hold of the straps, and then one after the other start using the straps on Amy's back. Amy screams out in pain, as every crack.]

JR-Amy is being assaulted!

King-Hey Kris, you notice that Amy's ass is pretty much exposed?

Kris Gaffney-…………….

King-Me too………..

JR-Oh good god.

[Stephanie asks for a chance, Trish gives Stephanie her leather strap. They look like their talking, Stephanie turns around. Suddenly Amy back kicks Stephanie, Stephanie falls back right into Trish. Trish spins Stephanie around, the two argue. Hemme turns Stephanie around and hits the twist of fate on Stephanie. Hemme herself pulls Stephanie's bottoms revealing her black panties. Melina doesn't look happy, but Trish and her continue to hold Amy as Hemme keeps using the leather strap on Amy's lower back. On the outside, Natasha Jones is over the out cold Jackie Cena slapping her. Suddenly…Maria, who everyone forgot about comes from behind Natasha. Seeing that she was left alone after Jericho came down to the ring, sneaks up on Nat, and pulls down Natasha's pants. Revealing her white panties, Natasha looks embarrassed. She runs away before Maria can do more with her pants around her ankles. She pulls them up as she goes up the ramp. The ref see's that Maria still has her clothes on. So he calls for the bell, and gives the win to JAM. But the assault on Amy continues as Maria tries to wake up Jackie to help Amy. Finally Jackie comes to, and gets up. She see's what's happening to Amy, Jackie rolls into the ring as Hemme get's in one last shot on Amy. Jackie knocks down Hemme with a hard running clothesline. Hemme rolls outside. Melina comes at Jackie, Jackie side steps her and throws her to the outside. Trish is waiting for Jackie for a chick kick. But Maria comes from behind, and pushes her forward. Making it impossible to hit the chick kick, Jackie turns as Trish is coming towards her. Jackie lifts her up, and nails the F-Off. Before anything happens to Stephanie, Melina pulls her out of the ring as she's just coming to. Melina helps her out of ring side. Suddenly EMF workers give Trish and Hemme some gowns to cover themselves up. As well as one more for Stephanie. The fans cheer as Jackie and Maria try and help Amy up. She looks to be in a lot of pain. Suddernly Maria pulls off her own top, revealing her pink bra, and hands it to Jackie, who ties it around Amy to help cover her up. The crowd chant Maria's name, and eventually she gives in to them, removing her bottoms too to the crowd delight. Stephanie, still at ringside, grabs one of the gowns that had bought out and puts it on to cover herself before leaving. "With Legs Like That" by Zebrahead then hits, and Maria raises her arms in celebration of being the surivor. Chris Jericho returns, without Cena preventing him, and gets in the ring, before lifting his hurting wife from the ring and helping her up the ramp. Maria and Jackie follow, still in their bra and panties, but laughing and seemingly very pleased to have gained victory.]

(We go into the backstage, the camera focuses on a figure walking towards it. It's Stephanie McMahon-Walker. She is once again fully clothed. She is wearing a black sleeveless dress, regular neckline. The skirt goes around the mid calf, she stomps into a locker room that she's assuming that Trish and Christy Hemme will be in. She stomps in, and looks around for Trish and Hemme. But it seems that their not in the locker room as she expected, so she yells.)

Stephanie McMahon-Christy! Trish! Where are you! There are a few things we need to talk about!

(She gets frustrated as clearly that the two girl's that lead to her being left in her bra and panties for the first time weren't there. She stomps with frustration, and crosses her arms like her temper is rising. It looks like she's so angry that she could scream, but before she does the lights turn off)

Stephanie McMahon-Walker-Oh great! Now the lights went out! This just isn't my day!

When the lights came back on standing infront of Stephanie was someone who hadn't been seen or heard from in a long while. Most wouldn't have expected to see this person back. The camera hadn't focused on the person yet but caught Stephanie's reaction then turned slowly to reveal a long dark haired woman wearing Black bondage style pants, not baggy but not too tight. They had zippers and chains hanging on them. Black Combat style boots with similar zippers and chains, and a black tank top under a black vest with chains and zippers all over it as well. Her black hair hanging past her shoulders. She was leaning against a wall looking Stephanie's direction. She didn't say a word..

Stephanie McMahon-Walker-What the hell are you doing here? Oh well, doesn't matter....

(Stephanie blows off the person in front of her, and turns around in an effort to leave. But then she realizes that won't be so easy. As there is another woman was blocking the door. She was was slightly shorter but toned. Her dark hair hanging past her shouldesr as well, wearing a black tank top and some cargo camo pants with black boots. She leaned against the door with her arms crossed.. She didn't look amused..

Katrina: So this is what the EMF has turned into since I left. Its a shame really..Don't you think so Mercedes?

The two ladies Starting closing in on Stephanie..

Mercedes: I really Do Katrina.

Stephanie McMahon-Walker-I don't know what you two are talking about. Obviously I got the wrong locker room..

Katrina: *still moving closer to Stephanie* What I'm talking about is women stripping women. Its humiliating. Its Degrading. That didn't happen to the Black Widow or Mercedes. We were here to kick ass and ask questions later. After watching your match tonight Stephanie.. Man thats gotta burn, your partners turned on you and you got your ass Stripped. Its Pitiful Stephanie. You are Pitiful.*she poked her index finger to Stephanie's chest*

Stephanie McMahon-Walker-PITIFUL! Without me there would be no you! Without my husband there would be no one else here that is attached to both of you! Quite frankly, yeah I got stripped of my clothes tonight. Not because of my opponents though, and if you think you scare me, you both got another thing coming. I'm sick of being disrespected!

Katrina: I didn't need you.. You may have started the women's division in the EMF and I use the term women's division loosely. If you haven't forgotten, I made my name elsewhere, if there hadn't been a women's division here, I would have been more than willing to fight men. Hands Down Stephanie you are exactly what I said. Pitiful..

Mercedes: *chiming in from behind Stephanie* Oh and don't forget washed up has been. Without women like us the division would have died along with your career...

Stephanie McMahon-Walker-Oh yeah, god knows women fighting men has always gone well in EMF history. Face it, no matter what you do. You, and the other disrespectful bitches within the division might brought the division further. But no matter what you do, you will never be a bigger name than the original DIVA! Because face it, the EMF would get sick of the inter-gender matches, and you would be out on your asses. I sacrificed for you, I could have wrestled just like both of you, but I had to start it in ways that could bring a women's division for all of you. So if you're not going to respect me...then I guess there is only one option then...

Katrina: You be a Diva Stephanie, because Mercedes and I are not Divas. Diva is a term for a talentless bimbo who will degrade herself or do anything for that matter. Mercedes and I are self respecting women who want to be known for so much more. So Stephanie what Option is that, You turn around and go cry to your husband X-Cold about how great you are and how we disrespected you.. You don't deserver Respect.

(Stephanie laughs to herself, and then out of no where gives Kat a hard Stephanie slap from HELL! Katrina touched her face as Mercedes Hit Stephanie from behind knocking her to the ground and Mercedes followed her down and laid into her with some hard rights and lefts until Katrina reached down and pulled Mercedes off of Stephanie. Katrina then stood over Stephanie and grabbed the bottom of Stephanie's dress and pulled it up and over her head once again leaving her in her bra and panties. Kat draped the dress around her neck and leaned down again and smacked Stephanie across the face a few times..

Katrina: Let that be a lesson Stephanie, DO NOT MESS WITH ME!

Katrina Slapped her one more time before turning and walking out of the room with Mercedes..

(Stephanie sits down, not believing that happened.)

Stephanie McMahon-Walker-NOW what am I suppose to wear!! That was my last clothes I brought!

(Suddenly a man with a Don King like hair cut comes in, that looks oddly like Ron Simmons. But it's not, and he looks down at the nearly naked Stephanie and says.)

Don Simmons-..........DAMN

(Stephanie looks up, and throws a temper tantrum. Pushes Simmons out of the room, and yells.)

Stephanie McMahon-Walker-I need a towel

(Stephanie goes off to the showers, or is going to find something she could wear (she'll find something, I'll say that) as we fade into JR, King, and Gaffney's commentary.)

King-Oh geez, Stephanie isn't having a good day, is she? So what's Katrina and her sister doing in the locker room.

Kris Gaffney-Not sure, but Katrina let Mercedes do all the work.

King-She does it much smoother...Kat was just allowing her to do her thing.

JR-It's like a jezebel convention today.

Kris Gaffney-Jezebel on jezebel violence RULES ALL *rips off his shirt to reveal a shirt that says just that*

("Death's theme" blasts on the PA system as Death walk's the ring. He steps into the ring.)

JR-Death's Shockwave debut didn't exactly go as he planned

King-Oh well, he still has the cheerleaders

Kris Gaffney-That's always a plus, all the IBA is left with is a little bitch named Joey.

("Rad Hazard's theme" blasts on the PA system as Rad Hazard walks to the ring, and slides into the ring.)

JR-Rad Hazard has impressed a lot of people

King-Including Edge!

Kris Gaffney-No he didn't…

King-Eeerr…I just wanted to try to over hype like JR…I guess I over did it.

JR-Yes you did!

("Muhammad Hassan's theme" blasts on the PA system, Muhammad Hassan walks to the ring along with Daivari.)

JR-This is the first time in quite a while since we seen Hassan.

King-Like him or not, he can fight

[Death and Rad Hazard throw a few fists to the face as Muhammad Hassan doesn't enter the ring. Instead he decides to pick his spot. Rad Hazard takes the advantage after blocking one of Death's shots, and then Rad Hazard hits a few fists to the face of Death. Death reels on the ropes, and Rad Hazard tries to whip Death to the ropes. But it's reversed by Death. Suddenly Muhammad Hassan pulls down the ropes as Rad Hazard bounces off, and Rad Hazard does a flip to the outside and falls to the floor. Muhammad Hassan hits a few stomps on the downed Rad Hazard. Throws him hard into the ring steps, Rad Hazard falls to the mat and then Muhammad Hassan hits a few stomps into the downed Rad Hazard. Muhammad Hassan takes Rad Hazard by the hair and tries to whip him into the barricade. But it's reversed and Muhammad Hassan goes back first into the barricade. Rad Hazard takes a few moments to measure, and recover. Rad Hazard charges at Rad Hazard for some sort of move, but it's countered with a back body drop and this sends Rad Hazard into the crowd. Muhammad Hassan looks at Rad Hazard and considers going after him. But then decides that it's much more worth it to go after Death who is more near the ring. As he turns around, it seems that Death wasn't going to let him take the advantage like that. So Death follows him to the outside, and meets him with a fist to the face. Muhammad Hassan stumbles back and then Death grabs Muhammad Hassan by the hair and throws him hard into the ring post. Muhammad Hassan does go down right away, so Death catches Muhammad Hassan before he does and throws him back into the ring. Death jumps on the apron, and waits for Muhammad Hassan to get up. Muhammad Hassan stumbles to up to his feet. Death uses the ropes to sling shot himself up on the top rope, and leaps from the top rope. He catches Muhammad Hassan with a missile drop kick on Muhammad Hassan. Muhammad Hassan goes flying back, but seems he was able to get up really dazed. Death waits for him, as Muhammad Hassan stumbles towards him, Death kicks him in the gut, he lifts him up and drives him down for a brain buster. Death goes into the cover, and gets the 1…………………..2………….Rad Hazard comes in the ring and breaks up the pin.]

JR-Death might have had the match, had Rad Hazard not interrupted the count.

King-Death winning is never good

Kris Gaffney-AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH, I fear Death

[Rad Hazard takes Death up, Death is able to throw his arms off him and hits a fist to the face and then Death backs up and then Rad Hazard whip to the ropes. Rad Hazard comes off the ropes. Death goes for a clothesline, and hits it Rad Hazard goes down to the mat. Rad Hazard stumbles up to his feet. Rad Hazard waits for him to get up, and then Rad Hazard gets picked up by Death, and dropped with a body slam. Death hits a leg drop, and goes into the cover and gets the 1………..2……….kick out by Rad Hazard. Rad Hazard pushes Death away after crawling towards the ropes. Rad Hazard gets up with the ropes and then Death tries to whip him to the ropes, and then Rad Hazard bounces off the ropes and Death goes for another clothesline. Rad Hazard ducks this one, Death turns around and he gets hit with a double leg take down and he aims Death with a catapault in mind and Death goes flying across the ring and then he hits his head. Death stumbles around, and turns around. Rad Hazard, has take a few moments to rest. Then Rad charges at Death. Suddenly Death throws some salt in the eyes of Rad. Rad is blinded.]

JR-What was that?

Kris Gaffney-Some salt or powder…

King-Aw…old school

[Death quickly hits a standing drop sault to the blinded Rad Hazard. Rad Hazard stumbles back, and falls out of the ring.Death is going towards him. Suddenly Muhammad Hassan comes from out of no where, behind Death and low blows him, and school boys him 1………………*Hassan grabs the ropes…..2………..3]

JR-Hassan snuck in the back door and pinned Death.

King-Rad Hazard couldn't stop him, he was blinded

Kris Gaffney-Although, he wasn't pinned…thus he's still undefeated.

King-Gotta love the Samoa Joe way out of it.

(OOC-The RP was late by Rad, but since he wrote a RP. I made him look good, and I made him not get pinned. So his undefeated streak still goes on. ala Samoa Joe/AJ/Daniels for the X-Division championship about a year back.)

(The scene opens with a shot of the face of Amy Jericho. Her back is obviously still in pain, it show's she is laying on a trainers table. Zooming out they show that Amy has her street shirt and pants are on. But she has bags of ice on her back. Her husband Chris Jericho is standing right by her, looking concern.)

.::Amy Jericho::.-*groan*....why is it always me that's get beaten?

(Jericho goes over to her.)

.::"Y2J" Chris Jericho::.-Wish I could gotten down there faster. How are you feeling?

.::Amy Jericho::.-Still in pain, it still hurts to move. But a little better, I'll survive. It's alright, I know you were watching Ashley. We should probably get her, where did you leave her anyways?

.::"Y2J" Chris Jericho::.-Well...I left her with the day care center worker.....eeerrr....you're right I better go get her. I'll have Jackie or Maria to watch her in the car. I'll get our bags, and I'll be right back to carry you to the car.

.::Amy Jericho::.-Jericho, I can walk out.

(Jericho stops his wife from moving, then says.)

.::"Y2J" Chris Jericho::.-Yes I know, but I don't want you in anymore pain then you have to be. I'll be right back.

(Amy gives in, the two kiss, and Jericho leaves. After a few moments, the trainer says.)

.::Trainer::.-Um....Mrs. Jericho?

.::Amy Jericho::.-Yes?

.::Trainer::.-I think I should get you some more ice, I'll be right back.

.::Amy Jericho::.-Alright...

(The trainer leaves, Amy didn't even think that there was any problem with her being alone. Even though it hurt to move right now, she never liked to think there was a situation that she couldn't handle, even in this state. Plus, she figured she was safe, but obviously that wasn't the case.)

Cena: "All alone Amy? Perfect....."

(The camera switch and we see John Cena has just entered the room. He smiles as he sees Amy is alone, and also that she's unable to move much, meaning she wont prove any trouble.)

Cena: "I'm awfully sorry for what happened out there.... really I am..... I just don't know what came over those girls...."

(Amy see's Cena, she would attack if she could move. So she figured the best comment is.)

.::Amy Jericho::.-Cena....can't you just leave me alone...

Cena: "I wish I could Amy but I just can't.... how are you feeling? I hope they didn't hurt you too bad...."

.::Amy Jericho::.-I'll live, sure I was stripped once again, and sure I was strapped over and over. But that will go away, that paint that Hemme has in her hair won't for a while.

Cena: "Well that's encoraging. I just wish that Christy and the others had made my message a little clearer then.... obviously I didn't do enough!"

.::Amy Jericho::.-That you love to see me in pain? Yeah I got it....if it's not that, then what are you talking about?

Cena: "That you better think twice about messing with John Cena at his divorce hearing coming up! It's an insult to your intelegence that I had to spell it out like that... but maybe thats the only way you'll get it!"

.::Amy Jericho::.-Oh....I see, no I was just hoping you didn't resort to something like tampering with witnesses. I think you can't do that you son of bitch.

Cena: "I'll do what I like. The witness is under my employment and unless she wants to be out of a job she'll stop throwing around allogations she has no proof of. I was doing these things long before you were a "witness", and unless a judge is listening to this conversation... you can't prove anything."

.::Amy Jericho::.-Isn't it a little fishy that you had to have a witness at your divorce proceedings beaten in front of the world. Yeah, I think I have some grounds that the world saw, and believe me. I might be somewhat hurt. But it'll be all worth it when you finally get what's coming to you.

Cena: "I don't fear you Amy. You can't do anything. The courts already know I had an affair and there is nothing else for you to tell them... you may as well save yourself the bother and stay out of my way!"

.::Amy Jericho::.-Oh there is more, but then again that's something I'll save for the court. But I'm sure it's nothing you don't know about, I mean why else would you risk having me attacked?

Cena: "There is nothing wrong with having you attacked once more Amy. The thing is I could easily do it again and again until you decide not to get in my way!"

.::Amy Jericho::.-And you keep doing it, it'll only make me more determined to destroy you. So Cena, you are only continuing a cycle.

Cena: "I don't think so Amy... because one day your body will have had enough. You wont be able to handle me anymore... and then it will force you to give in! Why not save yourself the pain and torment... why not just give in now like you will have to do one day, sooner or later!"

.::Amy Jericho::.-Maybe if you were dealing with any other woman, but you're not. Don't ever forget that, I won't give in to a piece of crap like you. I've been through more than enough to say....if that's the best you got, then maybe it's you that needs to give in. Once Jackie divorces your ass, and takes a lot away from you. You won't be connected with my friend anymore, so I won't have to deal with you again. So if you think that you're going to scare me from ending the nightmare, you are dreaming. Because I can already see the light at the end of the tunnel

Cena: "I'm glad your seeing the light Amy... but believe me.. it's not half as great as what i'm seeing from here! i could do anything I want to you and there is nothing you can do about it.... Jericho and your little trainer friend are gone... so maybe you should thin before you talk to me Amy... you don't need to get in any more trouble!"

.::Amy Jericho::.-Oh what you going to do to me, sure...no one will know that this conversation will happen. But if something happens, then people will wonder what happened. They will know it was you, all because you had me brutally beaten on national TV. But I got a question for you, did you think that was going to break me?

Cena: "I know what it takes to break you Amy... didn't you get a taste of it at First Blood? While I know tonight would not break you... believe me, sometime soon, I will break you... and it will not be pleasant.... for you at least."

.::Amy Jericho::.-I'd like to see you try, because your attempts have failed up until now. Sure you got my hair, but not fairly, and it's back to my red color. But fine, you didn't think that would break me. But you literally had me beaten, well I think maybe you should be given something to do. So how about we have that tag match you owe AJ and Kennedy at Unleashed for the tag titles?

Cena: "Lightning never strikes twice Amy... and those losers will realise that at Unleashed. Sure they got Angelus once... It wont happen again. My Tag Title is my property, and nobody you throw at me can change that!"

.::Amy Jericho::.-Oh, I think it will. Besides...even if it doesn't, who's to say that Angelus isn't going to use that Money in the Bank shot out of no where and take what's REALLY important to you.

Cena: "He can try... this title stays around my waist... no matter what. And whos to say I wont come up with an EVEN worse match to put you in Amy... you have not seen anything yet!"

.::Amy Jericho::.-Maybe I should be scared? Or maybe I need to remember I'm not a scared little girl you can just push around, and I shouldn't stop there. Because I do remember the fact that you just barely got out of First Blood with your title. After all, you just came in at the right time to gain the win. So you know what, I think it's time to name the man you never pinned, nor got close to pinning in that match Jarred Carthallion as the #1 contender for the world championship. This time, one on one, as he's requested.

Cena: "Carthallion... Styles... Jericho... there all the same. All mouth and no balls! I'll take him again... and i'll destroy him. If he didn't get the message when I bashed his head in with a chair... I can show him again. I'm by far the greatest wrestler in this company Amy... and one day you will be forced to admit it!"

.::Amy Jericho::.-Don't worry, doesn't matter the out come. Just as long as your busy, while Jackie and I are REALLY going in for the kill.

Cena: "Whatever Amy.. Jackie's fighting a loosing battle... one way or another.. I will be the one that comes out of it all laughing at her!"

.::Amy Jericho::.-Not if I have any say in it! We will see who's fighting a losing battle

Cena: "Fair enough Amy... but I promise you... one way or another.. i'll win this.. I always have and I always will!"

.::Amy Jericho::.-Doesn't look too good for you now. If it's in my power, you aren't in control of my destiny. If you think that you know what will break me, well...I know what will break you too.

Cena: "Don't get me wrong Amy... I don't under-estimate you. But if you continue to be a thorn in my side well... you will find yourself losing EVERYTHING you value... and I mean everything! Stay out of my way Amy... if you know what is good for you!"

(With that, Cena turns and heads out of the door, slamming it shut behind him.)

("Cold" blasts on the PA system as Devin Malis walks to the ring, he does his entrance as "Strangle hold as Dewey Pond walks to the ring.)

JR-This is a team of chasers of the respective titles of their opponents here tonight.

King-Dewey sure has found success in the Extreme division.

Kris Gaffney- But this isn't a Extreme match

JR-Got to wonder if that will play a factor

("Mr. Kennedy" blasts on the PA system as Ken Kennedy walks to the ring. He stops, and waits for his partner as "Problem Solver" blasts on the PA system as Tyson Tomko walks to the ring)

King-God, the Problem Solver theme reminds me of something

Christian-Yeah, wonder what…

JR-Where did he come from?


[Devin Malis ask to start out first, and then Tyson Tomko looks happy. Devin Malis and Tyson Tomko pace around the ring and then Tyson Tomko and Devin Malis lock up. Devin Malis tries to fight against the strength of Tyson Tomko. But being way too strong for Devin Malis, Devin Malis starts to back up in the corner. But he's able to switch it just before he goes into the corner. Tyson Tomko is now in the corner and Devin Malis follows up with a quick punch to the face. To stun him, and then Tyson Tomko hits a knife edge chops to the chest. Tyson Tomko reels in the corner. Devin Malis tries to whip Tyson Tomko into the corner. But Tyson Tomko quickly reverses the whip. Devin Malis goes into the corner. Tyson Tomko takes a few moments to shake off the moves he's gotten, and charges into the corner. Devin Malis gets his boot up, Tyson Tomko stumbles back. Devin Malis puls himself on the second rope and measures and leaps for a cross body block. But it's caught by Tyson Tomko, before Tyson Tomko can do anything with the move. Dewey Pond comes into the ring, and quickly hits a standing drop kick that sends Tyson Tomko down to the mat, and into the cover. He gets the 1…………….2……..kick out by Tyson Tomko. Devin Malis gets up, and then backs to the ropes and hits an elbow smash to the face of Tyson Tomko, keeping him down. Then Devin Malis hits a leaping stomp on Tyson Tomko. Tyson Tomko gets up and then Devin Malis hits a few forearms to the face. Tyson Tomko stumbles back, and then Devin Malis tries to whip him to the ropes. Once again he's reversed, Devin Malis goes to the ropes Dewey Pond makes a blindside tag. Devin Malis comes back and Tyson Tomko lowers his head. But Devin Malis nails a swinging neck breaker on Tyson Tomko and Dewey Pond follows up with a pondwater splash on Tyson Tomko into the cover. He goes into the cover and gets the 1…………..2…………Ken Kennedy comes into the ring, and hits a stomp on the cover. Dewey Pond gets up, and Ken Kennedy takes Dewey Pond and throws him into the ring post. Dewey Pond stays there as Ken Kennedy goes back to his corner and asks for the tag from Tomko.]

JR-Ken Kennedy came into the ring, and made an opportunity for his team

King-Although, Vince McMahon would say that would it's risking DQ

Kris Gaffney-But then again Vince McMahon wouldn't know what the next move is called…

King-Good point.

[Dewey Pond stays in the corner, and Tyson Tomko looks up and see's where Ken Kennedy is, Tyson Tomko makes the tag as Dewey Pond gets to his feet. Ken Kenendy comes into the ring and hits a running clothesline to knock down Dewey Pond. Dewey Pond stumbles up, and then Dewey Pond get's hit with a few fists, one is blocked. Dewey Pond tries to battle back. But it's ducked, and Ken Kennedy hits a belly to back suplex to stop the momentum. Ken Kennedy takes a few moments, and then gets up, and then runs to the ropes and comes off the ropes. Then hits a delayed knee drop across the face of Dewey Pond. Dewey Pond gets up in a sitting position and holds his face, and then Ken Kennedy runs to the ropes, and comes off the ropes and nails a flipping snapmare. This brings Dewey Pond down to the mat once again. Ken Kennedy goes into the cover and gets the 1…………….2………….kick out by Dewey Pond. Ken Kennedy brings Dewey Pond to the corner, and makes the tag to Tyson Tomko comes into the ring. Tyson Tomko comes into the ring, Kennedy and Tomko hook up Dewey Pond and hits a double fall through hip toss on Dewey Pond. Dewey Pond goes flying, and crashes on his back hard. Tyson Tomko waits for Dewey Pond to get up, Dewey Pond stumbles to his feet, and then puts him over his shoulder and runs with him. Dewey Pond slides off the back of Tyson Tomko, Tyson Tomko turns around right into Dewey Pond who hits the Dew drop. ]

JR-It could be over right here.

[A bell tolls from out of no where. Suddenly the lights go off, Pond and Tomko are the only one’s left. The lights turn blood red. Sudden a spotlight shows through as Death’s gothic cheerleaders are being lowered down to the ground. Dewey Pond is the only one in the ring, as he looks ready to fight. Pryotechnics blasts off, Dewey Pond is looking around. Suddenly he comes face to face with Death himself. But as this happens. Tomko comes to, school boys him up and gets the 1…………2………3. Devin Malis and Kennedy were brawling on the outside to really do anything.]

JR-We had a feeling that Death and Pond weren’t done…I guess this must be a challenge for that rematch.

King-Wow, that was…

Kris Gaffney-weird?

King-Guess that covers it.

(Shockwave goes off the air with Pond looking angry at Death.)

(OOC-Once again I used all my main staff. We all agreed on the winner by different amounts. So I decided to use a way to make Pond/Malis look good, and to push the rematches at Unleashed.(obviously Kennedy's busy at the PPV, and were finishing up the IC title feud with Malis)