EMF: Saturday Shockwave

(The EMF logo flashes over the screen. The Shockwave video starts, and finally ends as we go into the darken United Airline center. Pyrotechnics blast off on the stage, as fans yell and wave their signs. Some signs say ""

(Suddenly the starts to flicker, and then finally goes off. "Other World" blasts on the PA system as a spotlight is shine on Chris Jericho through the darkness. He puts his arms out, and then spins around quickly. He looks to the entrance as his wife Amy Jericho walks out, and the couple kiss, as they make their way to the ring we go to a shot of JR, King and Kris Gaffney)

JR-Welcome again, I'm good ol' JR along side Kris Gaffney and Jerry "the King" Lawler. We are already underway, as the Jericho's…also know as the Other World are getting ready to have a Highlight Reel with Rad Hazard. But that's not all we have for you tonight.

King-Yeah, we got the debut of DEATH

Kris Gaffney-AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH Death….there he is…*points at JR*

King- That's just JR…

Kris Gaffney-oh…um….*turns to King* AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH DEATH


JR-Also, along with the huge main event as Jackie Cena puts the women's title up against the #1 contender Serena Hughes. But the Other World is set to start the Highlight Reel, so let's start this show out.

(In the ring Chris and Amy Jericho are doing their final poses (Amy on the turnbuckle, Jericho by the ropes). They are getting a loud cheers from the crowd, Amy jumps off the turnbuckle as Jericho gets a microphone, and then joins Amy with his arm around her. He then yells.)

(pryotechnics goes off on the corners of the ring, and the fans cheer. A "Y2J! Y2J! Y2J" chant starts, which is directed to both members of the Other World, then finally Jericho speaks after letting it go for alittle.)

.::"Y2J" Chris Jericho::.-Welcome to the Highlight Reel!!

.::"Y2J" Chris Jericho::.-It's been quite a long time since the Highlight Reel has had a reason to be here on Saturday Shockwave. The reason is, there wasn't anything quite worthy of it, the EMF was thought to be sinking within the politics that it had been in years gone by. But now, the time has come to once again a new breed of hungry, young superstars to claim their rightful spot. Amy and my guest tonight is one of those superstars, ladies and gentlemen, Jerichoholics of all ages! Please welcome Rad....HAZARD!

("Walk" by Matallica hits the PA as Rad Hazard walks down the ramp with a cocky grin on his face looking into the crowd, seeing signs that say "The Truth is here", and "The Truth is X-Treme", and among the mixture of boos and cheers, there are chants of "Truth" "Truth" "Truth" heard as he slowly makes his way up the side steps and into the ring, runs up a turn buckle and pumps his fists on his chest then raises them to the sky along with a monserous cheer, then gets off the turn buckle and walks up to the Jericho's)

.::"Y2J" Chris Jericho::.-Rad, Welcome to the Highlight Reel.

Hazard:Thanks Chris good to be here

.::"Y2J" Chris Jericho::.-We know that you have just recently come to the Extreme Measures Federation, so we don't know much about you. So how about you tell us about yourself, and what you plan on doing that you are here?

Rad Hazard: Well the truth is I was born a rich child in Los Angeles, I had a great child hood until a day that my familys stocks plummeted and we were left with nothing. My dad used to go around the block and beg for pennies, my mom would walk aropund downtown asking for loose change, but me I found a job it was professional wretling. I wrestled wherever I could find an open spot, but I always would find these independent companies had dirty hands, meaning they had there favorites, and they would back stab anyone who messed with the wrong people, I decided to take a stand to it but, it lost me my fans eventually I was a hated man, so I went off and just did whatever took matters into my own hands, I even got Prowrestling illistrated to name me as the next Roddy Pipper. But now the EMF was willing to give "Truth" a chance, they gave me an oppertunity, wich leads me to you next question what do I "The Truth" Rad Hazard plan to do here, well thats a simple answer and the truth is that I plan on one day becoming the world heavyweight champion just like everyone else, so for all you guys in the back just watch your back because "THE TRUTH" just might hit you one of these days.

.::"Y2J" Chris Jericho::.-Well, we all saw that last week, when you attacked CJ Lethal. So I know that everyone here wants to know, why do you target CJ Lethal?

Rad Hazard: Well Honestly the reason I target Lethal is becuase he thinks he is the bigger star here, but come on Chris lets face it the biggest star here is undoubtedly me, Lethal ran his mouth to much a couple weeks ago, after he lost his match for a shot at the T.V. Title he goes up and rants about how he is now waiting for the T.V. Champion too challenge him for a title shot, now Chris im no Einstien but I thought that when you are in a tournament for a title shot and you lose, I was under the impresion that you would lose your title shot oppertuninty, so either he is wrong or I am, but seeing as I am "The Truth" I really believe im the one thats right. I dont like people running there mouth and not saying the facts, thats why I target Lethal.

.::"Y2J" Chris Jericho::.-Well, we both know that CJ Lethal just isn't going to let that attack stand. So let's say he doesn't just go away, what then?

Rad Hazzard: Well if Lethal keeps coming down for more I will challenge him to a match at First Blood, and seeing as though I am "The Truth" then ill keep the match true to the PPV name nad we can have a First Blood Match!

.::"Y2J" Chris Jericho::.-Well you do realize that this challenge is not only any PPV. It's First Blood, the biggest stage in the EMF. The stage that is so big, my wife is putting her red hair on the line just to beat the hell out of Christy Hemme. This is the time for big time performances, that must be quite a bit of pressure on someone maybe going into their 3rd match. But you do realize what chance you have to show what your about, right?

Rad Hazzard: Well Chris the truth is that I understand the stage, I have some what experienced it back in my indy days, but then again I have never been in anything like this, First Blood the biggest PPV of the year for the EMF, and I get to have my third match here, against C.J. Lethal its gonna be a rough night it is, but "The Truth" will walk out as the winner WHEN I HAVE HIM WITHIN AN INCH OF DEATH, WHEN I HAVE HIM BLEEDING FROM EVERY POSSIBLE POINT ON HIS BODY I WILL HAVE WON, AND I WILL WALK OUT OF FIRST BLOOD AS THE WINNER, LETHAL!! BE READY BECAUSE "THE TRUTH" HITS YOU ON THAT NIGHT, ILL HIT THE REALIZATION AND MAKE YOU BLEED AND I WILL WIN THATS THE TRUTH AND IT HURTS DONT IT BITCH.

(Hazard Throws mic on the ground and it shatters into dozens of pieces as he quickly climbs out of ring and walks up the ramp chants of "Truth" "Truth" "Truth" can be heard as he makes his way into the back.

JR - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 225 pounds,, Road Van Toad!!! (crowd cheers ****)

[RVT trips on the pilers that hold up the EMF tron and RVT goes rolling down to ring side ]

[Death walks to the ring. Earl Hebner is the referee for this contest. Earl Hebner checks Road Van Toad's boots and knee pads. Death drops Road Van Toad with a Gorilla Press Slam on the mat. (ring, ring, ring) Road Van Toad hits him with a back fist. Road Van Toad hits him with a back fist. Death pokes Road Van Toad in the eyes. Road Van Toad hits him with a back fist. Road Van Toad hits him with a back fist. Death throws Road Van Toad off the ropes, rolls on the ground, comes back up and delivers a clothesline. Death chants start. Death and Road Van Toad go to the floor Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) (..2) Death hits Road Van Toad with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle. ]

The King - elbowdrop!

[Death gets up. (...3) Death rolls onto Road Van Toad connecting with a knee. Road Van Toad moves back to his feet. Road Van Toad get whipped into the corner and Death follows himin with an avalanche. Death takes Road Van Toad into the ring. Death hits Road Van Toad with a baba chop. ]

JR - Road Van Toad takes a baba chop.

[Road Van Toad hits him with a back fist. Road Van Toad hits him with a back fist. Death mule kicks Road Van Toad. Death applies an arm wrench to Road Van Toad. Now Road Van Toad standing. Death powerbombs Road Van Toad. Death slingshot elbow drops Road Van Toad. Road Van Toad climbs to his feet. Death legsweeps Road Van Toad. Death piledrives Road Van Toad into the mat. Death goes into the cover and then gets the 1……………2……….kick out by Road Van Toad. Death pulls up Road Van Toad, and then whips him to the ropes. He bounces off the ropes, and then Road Van Toad comes off the ropes, and then Death goes for a clothesline. Road Tan Toad ducks under and then RVT goes to the other side of the ring and then goes to the other side of the ring. Death surprises Road Van Toad with a thrust kick to the gut. This stuns RVT on his feet, Death goes behind Road Van Toad and hooks him lifts him and nails his finisher known as the Killer of Mizto. He goes into the cover, he gets the 1………….2…………..3]

JR-Death wins

King-Isn't that always the case?


(OOC-Most of the match was simmed, but I was having some trouble with the sim this week, and I had time. So I wrote the ending, hope you like it. Welcome to the EMF Death!)

*The arena is suddenly filled with a sound that hasn't been heard in a while. "Life Of My Own" by 3 Doors Down begins to play. Confusing the crowd at first, it is half way through the first verse before any sense can be made of what is going on. Walking out onto the stage, wearing a pair of black slacks, black shoes, a dark green button down, dark sunglasses and his hair as crazy as ever, a microphone in his hand, is none other than "The Living Legend" Jarred Carthallion. Jarred struts out onto the stage, greeted by a largely positive reaction from the fans once they realize what is happening. He stops at the edge of the stage, and looks around a moment, before taking his sunglasses off and sliding them into his shirt pocket. He runs a hand through his hair and then raises it to motion for the music to stop as he raises the microphone to speak.*

Jarred:"I know, I know, it's been a while. Your all probably wondering why I've decided to show back up all of a sudden. I mean, the last time any of you people saw me around the EMF I was busy losing a Money In The Bank Ladder Match to Matt Dragon. Since then, I've been spending alot of time at home with my new wife Adrianne. I've been trying to rebuild my life. Trying to get some sense of normalcy back in my life. And I have to admit, things are going quite well for me. I mean, to be honest with you, until recently, I haven't missed any of this at all. I haven't missed the lights, the loud noises, the smoke, the music, the long hours in cars and planes trying to get from one show to the next. So, now having told you that, I'm sure that your all wondering why I've decided to show up here tonight. Well, I'm sure there are some of you out there who saw me on ESPN recently. It was just a couple of weeks ago that I got a call from them wanting me to let them do a "Where Are They Now" segment about me. Well, I thought about it and I decided to do them one better. I told them that I'd grant them a special one on one interview. Well, that interview took place just last week on the show Pardon The Interruption. After doing PTI, they asked me to stay and do a couple of segments on Jim Rome Is Burning. Well, having worked with Rome in the past, I said "What The Hell". Now, it was during that interview with Tony Kornheiser and Michael Wilbon on PTI that first got the wheels turning. You see, as the interview was reaching it's end, they decided to ask me if I thought I would ever set foot inside of the ring again. They asked that with the recent success of "Rocky Balboa" if I would ever consider a comback of my own. Well, I sat there and I thought about it for a quick second, and I decided that I wasn't ready to answer that question just yet. So, I told them that anything in the world of professional wrestling is possible and that you should never say never. Well, the interview ended and that was that. I thought it was over. I thought I had dodged the bullet. So, I did the spots on Jim Rome Is Burning the next day. And during the Alone With Rome segment, Jim asked me if I would ever return to the ring. He asked me if there was anybody in the EMF who I would want to step into the ring with just to see if I could hang with the younger crowd that had taken the company over. Again, I kind of dodged around the question and I pretty much gave him the same answer I had given the day before on PTI. Little did I know that later in the show, as I sat there as one of the special guests, and we discussed the topics of the day, that one of the questions asked was going to be about the Extreme Measures Federation. Jim asked us what we thought about the direction the company was headed in. He asked what we thought about all of the legends and Hall Of Famers that were coming and going, and if there was anybody in particular that we felt was going to really carry the EMF into the future. And again, he slid in the a question about me getting into the ring again. So, I broke down and I told him that there were a few guys around here who I'd like to step into the ring with. On that list were names like AJ Styles, Ken Kennedy, Tyson Tomko, Marc Mead, among others. At the very top of that list though, was YOU John Cena! That's right, YOU! And after the show went off the air, and I left the studio and started on my way back home to North Carolina, I got to thinking. I started thinking about the last time I had signed a contract with the EMF. A contract that guaranteed me a shot at the World Heavyweight Championship at some point and time. And I'm going to be honest with you, I really hadn't planned on using it at all. I was content to just sit at home and watch things unfold on television. Things change though. And things have definently changed. So I called up the front office, and I told them that I was ready to honor the rest of my contract and that I was ready to cash in that shot at the championship that was written into the contract. And guess what John, from what I understand, you don't have any plans for First Blood. Well Johnny Boy, don't bother to make any plans, because I've just made them for you. John Cena, at EMF First Blood on December 31st, 2006, NEW YEARS EVE, you are going to step into the ring, and you are going to defend the Extreme Measures Federation World Heavyweight Championship against a man who has done it all. Against a man who has one thing and one thing only left to prove. And that is that no matter who he gets in the ring with, that there is absolutely nobody out there he can't beat. John Cena, that man is ME! Be prepared John, because at First Blood, I'm going to give you what every superstar hopes for........A Legendary END!"

(Jarred leaves the ring. Then EMF tron lights up, and it shows an image of a pool at a hotel. The words "earlier today" read on the bottom of the screen. Suddenly Marc Mead, and the rest of the Satantic Union are messing around pool side. Marc is looking back, and then looks forward and almost crashes into someone. She has her arms crossed, and not a pleased look on her face.)

.::Amy Jericho::.-Marc Wesley Mead! Didn't anyone ever tell you it's not safe to run around the pool area?

Marc Mead: Amy, I am 14, i think i know how not to trip

.::Amy Jericho::.-I know, I know, it's just that...well...it would be bad if you were to fall and hurt yourself. It doesn't matter your age, your a wrestler after all, you have to watch out for injuries!

Marc Mead: Amy, im the TV Champion, Im not that stupid, someone like your husband may trip but not me

.::Amy Jericho::.- Well, I'm just being careful Marc. Being the TV champion, what if you did fall, and break something! You could have to forfit that title, you don't want that, do you?

Marc Mead:I guess your right

.::Amy Jericho::.-I'm glad, just be safe.

Marc Mead: Well, if u dont mind, im going to take a dip now

(Amy gets another concerned look) .::Amy Jericho::.-Um...alright....how long has it been since you ate last? I mean if it's been under hour you could cramp, and god knows what else could happen to you.

Marc Mead: its been like 45, but i just really want to swim!

.::Amy Jericho::.-I don't think it's a good idea Marc, you could just wait a little bit...although it looks like your burning up. Have you put on any sun block? We are in a desert you know.

*Marc soon realizes that it has been about hour and just jumps in*

(The wave comes up, and splashes Amy a bit. So she's a little wet, not too much. But enough for her to look on, and check her watch then say)

.::Amy Jericho::.-Close enough....nice cannon ball Marc.

(She walks away, before mumbling herself still dripping a little bit from the water)

.::Amy Jericho::.-The things I do to make sure our champions are safe..

(We fade away with that, and go back ringside.)

(OOC-Since I know this is going to be seen by a whole new generation of EMF superstars that don't know this. X-Cold's name is my name…thus why Stephanie has my last name, for those ever confused. X-Cold is Michael Walker, Prez Mike is….well we don't know.)

(The EMF tron lights up, the fans cheer as an unexpected face is shown. The old fan favorite diva Stephanie McMahon-Walker is shown talking to long time EMF official Nixon. The camera slowly zooms out, suddenly you can see a figure approaching her. EMF Women's Champion Miss Jackie is seen walking towards her, looking less than pleased. She walks up to Steph and interupts her conversation.)

Jackie: "You've got some nerve showing your face around here, especially after what your father went nd told me last week!"

(Stephanie raises one eye brow, confused. Somewhat annoyed that someone that she really doesn't know just came up to her, and acted so hostile towards her.)

Stephanie McMahon-Walker-Excuse me? Let me guess, you would be Jackie Cena, right? Well I don't know what my father said to you, but I wouldn't put that much money into it. We don't have the best father - daughter relationship.

Jackie: "Oh give me a break Steph... you know who I am. And you know it damn well because you watched me suffer in WWE whilst you held back my talents! Vince has told me how the whole thing was down to you... and I can't believe you have the guts to show up here after that."

(She looks like she's thinking, and then something is coming back to her, she shrugs and says.)

Stephanie McMahon-Walker-I'm sorry you feel like that Jackie, I really do. But it seems my Father for some reason misinformed you, I'm going to be honest though and step up, and say...yes I probably was the single reason you were held back. I was visiting my Mom, and Vince asked me about you. I had experience as the Commish right here in the EMF. So I guess he trusted me, or he wanted a reason to blame someone else. But regardless, I took a look at a of a few of your matches, and I thought you simply weren't ready. You needed to take a step back, and weren't ready to be a wrestler. Despite the heart you did show, I guess it was all about confidence of what you were ready to do...they didn't feel you were ready for more than a manager at the time. So while I'm sorry you feel that way, but you do need to look at the bigger picture.

Jackie: "There is no way, that if you REALLY watched my matches... you could EVER think I wasn't ready. I was head and shoulders above the Divas you had winning the title on RAW. But no.. you just stuck me in Bikini Contests... tried to embaress me. I was held back because you didn't want to admit that I had the talent that you NEVER had. You didn't want me to prove I was the best... and you never dreamt I would go elsewhere and prove it anyway!"

Stephanie McMahon-Walker-I'm sorry to tell you Jackie, your view is flawed. In fact, if anything, I was doing you a favor. Because had I said go with it...then you would have continued as you were. You probably wouldn't have gotten that extra training, sure it didn't mean anything in the WWE. But I'm pretty sure it might have helped you here. So I don't see why you are so bitter, although it's starting to annoy me.

Jackie: "If you hadn't have kept me off the title there old be no reason for me to even come here! Than maybe my life wouldn't be in the mess it is... did you think of that? Extra training didn't matter... I was ready. I knew I could handle it. And all these years I thought it was your bastard of a father that kept e back and it was YOU the whole time!"

Stephanie McMahon-Walker- You think that it was the EMF that twisted your life the way it was? I remember it wasn't that clean in the WWE either...but your twisting the story. I simply gave an opinion that led to you to step back from the ring, I didn't do EVERYTHING. I simply did what led to it happening, sure I didn't know what would happen to you. But then again, I'm pretty sure that me or my Father couldn't see you becoming a good wrestler either. Your blaming us for something that would require us to see the future. But as of that time, it was the right decision, and I stick by it.

Jackie: "You might stick by your decision.... doesn't make it the right one. The right thing to do would be to have given me a chance. Many other girls got pushes.... even those with EASILY less talent than me..... hell even Stacy Keibler got title shots... everyone but Jackie... are you sure you weren't just jealous Steph? Because that would explain a lot!"

Stephanie McMahon-Walker- Doesn't mean your blaming the past on everything makes you right Jackie. What is there to be jealous, I did just fine for myself right here myself. Your just being so short sighted Jackie, if your blaming the whole thing with Cena on me. Then I do want to say that I do remember you two having something in the WWE, before you came into the EMF. So don't dump your problems on me. Let me assure you, I am not Amy.

Jackie: "Oh no... you're definately not Amy. Because if you were we wouldn't have this problem! She'd have recognised my talents and got me where I deserved. And you want to talk about Cena and my problems fine.... everyone else does... i'm used to it by now. I don't even know why I bothered confronting an old has been like you anyway... it was hardly worth my time!"

Stephanie McMahon-Walker-Jackie, do you ever not twist things around...and then view it through your rose color glasses? First off what are you talking about, you brought in your problems with Cena, not me. I was just saying you were blaming me for your personal problems, which even if I had a hand in everything, wouldn't be my fault. I'm sorry they happened, but their not my fault. As for what I "did", was the right thing. I've tried to say it nice, because you can't believe that you were anything but the best. The fact is you were FAR from the best as you think you were. Your view on the situation is not even close to what happened. But then again, this is Jackie Cena...you must have been great. But then again, your "my glass is always full, yours is always empty" attitude has gotten you in trouble before. I mean it did lead you to beating up someone that you claim is your best friend, and only helped you through hard times. Based on what, on some easily made up evidence, and the word of the man who tried to destroy you both...of course Amy must be against you. Hell, I don't even like Amy, yet I heard you try to glorified the fact that you not only beat the crap out of your best friend like it was a great victory . But you almost killed a woman who was pleading with you the whole time that she didn't want to fight you, who only gave birth a month ago, and you left her unconscious. Some friend you are. So Jackie, don't you think that with that in mind. Because I know that has got to bug you, don't you think that you MAY...just MAY...have been wrong here too. Maybe what I did helped you, or that was the design. As for has-been. Maybe I'm a has-been, I'm happy to be the Mother of two. I'm beginning to think my daughter shouldn't be a fan of you. But oh well, anyways, you don't have to respect what I did to you in the WWE. Yes, I led to what happened there. I wasn't the whole reason, but I did throw you down that path. That's fine don't respect that, but let me tell you something. If it wasn't for everything "I was", then there would be no other opportunity to prove everything you "are" now. Because that belt *starts to tap it aggressively* wouldn't exist if it wasn't for me. So you can go out there, and try to show everyone I'm wrong. By all means, do so.But your blaming the wrong person.

Jackie: "I'm not twisting anything Steph... i'm just telling it like it is. And yes I made a mistake with Amy. Yes I should have listened... but when the man you love tells you something, no matter how surreal it sounds... you damn well believe it! Even you should understand that. Now I don't know why you held me back... and to be quite honest I don't really care how you try and explain yourself.. the fact is you screwed me over back then and your too stubborn right now to even admit you were in the wrong!"

Stephanie McMahon-Walker-I'm sorry to say this, but at that point he had done so much to you. Including putting Amy and her baby on the line. I do understand how love is, that's why I don't point out other things about that situation. But you were listening to him still months after you learned he double crossed you. As for stubborn, I think it's the other way around again. Once again, you don't even blink and admit that there might be SOME truth. If I was wrong, I'd stand up, and admit it just as I admit that I had a big hand in send you down that road. You were too stubborn to listen to Amy when she was pleading for you to stop, isn't there a doubt in your mind that you may be doing the same thing here?

Jackie: "No... there's no doubt in my mind! If Amy wasn't such a nice person... she could have made my life hell for making the mistakes I made. That taught me something... that I got lucky but I'd need to be careful... and listen to people more often. But in the case of you.... forget it! Your father told me all I need to know... and if you blamed him... i'd have not known who to believe. But the fact is you admitted you played a role... and I'll never ever think being held back enabled me to improve in any way at all! So i'm not wrong here Stephanie... and one way or another i'm going to prove that to you!"

Stephanie McMahon-Walker-Yeah, maybe that's why they say your probably going to be the death of Amy. Because seems that while you have gone through hell personally. Amy's been in the real dangerous situations. You could have left Ashley without a Mom. Not that she isn't handicap enough with Amy Jericho with her Mom, but growning up without her Mom would be horrible. But anyways....you say you learned to listen, but your not doing it right now. My decision was based on the fact that you needed to get better. Which was the truth, I told you, my father is pushing everything on me. I was just the person who was the deciding vote that sent you down that road. In fact, if you improved, great...more power to you. You don't need to prove anything to me, because that's what I wanted the entire time.

Jackie: "Whatever Stephanie... you can pretend like you had my best interests at heart... but I know the truth... you simply could not bear to see another woman take the spot light you wanted so bad! But what is it with you and Amy? Do you get some sick pleasure out of insulting her behind her back... or is it just because you're too scared to say it to her face?"

Stephanie McMahon-Walker-hmph.....I had enough spotlight here in the EMF, before you even came here. I don't need spotlight. No, Amy knows that were not exactly on good terms. Only that druggy could be your friend after all. They say she's cleaned up, I don't believe it. What I know about Amy, I wonder how good of a Mom that woman is going to make.

Jackie: "I'm fairly sure she has cleaned up Stephanie... and who are you to go throwing around accusations like that anyway? Sure... maybe you used to be popular here... but Amy has taken your role... and nobody in this building is going to like hearing you insult her as much as you are... so I really question how wise it is to do that! Again it looks like Stephanie McMahon is being controlled by her jealousy... you really should get help with that!"

Stephanie McMahon-Walker-Jealous....of Amy? Hardly, I mean sure she's popular. But it's not like I have been here recently. If that's what a popular woman in the EMF is now a days. Then I'm glad to be retired. Beacuse you said it yourself, she's a tomboy. Hardly doesn't measure up to me in looks even if she DID try. Thus why I feel bad for Ashley, she's going to be growing up without a feminate role model!

Jackie: "You know what... I gave Vince a message to give to you... but seeing as you guys don't talk much i'll deliver it myself..."

(With that Jackie slaps Stephanie right across the face. Stephanie's head snaps back, she takes a step back. Before she can answer back, Jackie storms out of the picture. They get a close up Stephanie, as she's holding her cheek, she has an angry look on her face.)

("Muhammad Hassan's theme" blasts on the PA system as Hassan walks to the ring, trailed by Daivari. He steps into the ring, and then waits for his opponent)

JR-Like him or not, he gave Morphine a hell of a fight

King-Well, we will see if he can repeat that performance

("Walk" blasts on the PA system as Rad Hazard walks to the ring, and steps into the ring.)

JR-This is the second time we have seen Rad Hazard

King-That's one too many times for me


[Muhammad Hassan comes into the ring, and then tries to clothesline Rad Hazard down to the mat. But Hazard is able to duck it quickly, and then Muhammad Hassan turns around right into a few hard fists and then Muhammad Hassan stumbles back. Rad Hazard tries to whip Muhammad Hassan to the ropes, but it's reversed by Muhammad Hassan and then Rad Hazard goes off the ropes. Muhammad Hassan attempts a clothesline, but it's ducked under, and then Rad Hazard picks up Muhammad Hassan, and drops him for a body slam. Hassan stumbles to his feet, Rad Hazard hits a few running clotheslines to Muhammad Hassan. Until he gets up, and falls on the ropes. Rad Hazard goes over there, and then sets up and hits a few knife edge chops to Muhammad Hassan. Rad Hazard whips Muhammad Hassan to the ropes and then Hassan goes to the ropes. He bounces off, and then lowers his head and nails a back body drop. Muhammad Hassan falls on the mat. He gets up, holding his back and then Rad Hazard waits for Muhammad Hassan to turn around. Rad Hazard hits a kick to the gut, and then goes to the ropes and then comes off the ropes. He then hits a swinging neck breaker. Rad Hazard goes into the cover and gets the 1……………………..2……………………..kick out by Muhammad Hassan. Rad Hazard hits a few stomps on the downed Muhammad Hassan. Then Rad Hazard backs off as the ref asks him to, and then Muhammad Hassan stumbles to his feet and then Rad Hazard hits a few forearm shots to the face and then Rad Hazard whips Muhammad Hassan to the ropes. Muhammad Hassan comes off the ropes, and then Rad Hazard goes for a clothesline. But Muhammad Hassan ducks it. He then goes to the ropes and then goes to the ropes. He come off the ropes, and then Rad Hazard is able to catch Muhammad Hassan in a power slam on Muhammad Hassan into the cover. He gets the 1…………………………….2……………..kick out by Muhammad Hassan. Suddenly Daivari jumps on the top rope and then starts to yell at Rad Hazard. Hazard sees him, and then grabs him by his shirt. The ref tries to get in between Rad Hazard, but while he's doing this Muhammad Hassan comes from behind, and nails a low blow on Rad Hazard that goes undetected by the ref.]

JR-Rad Hazard had this match in his control, until that point

King-I guess there won't be any little Hazards

Kris Gaffney-Guess not, but it's for the best….that would be hazardous *gets shot by the Wes Ikeda lame police*

[Rad Hazard stumbles backwards, and before he can fall, Muhammad Hassan turns him around and nails a flatliner on Rad Hazard. Both wrestlers are down, as the ref finally gets control back, not knowing what happened. He gets to the count of 7, and both wrestlers are up now. Rad Hazard throws a fist, and then connects. But he's slow to throw the next one and then Muhammad Hassan is able to hit a knee lift into the gut and then he's able to gain the advantage from this. Muhammad Hassan hits a few fists to the face, and then Rad Hazard tries to throw a wild fist, hoping that it would connect to Muhammad Hassan. But it's ducked under easily and then Muhammad Hassan goes behind Rad Hazard. He then picks up Hazard, and drops him for the an atomic drop. Rad Hazard stumbles a few steps forward and then Muhammad Hassan backs to the ropes and then hits a running bulldog on Rad Hazard driving his face into the mat and then Muhammad Hassan pulls up Rad Hazard, and hits a body slam perfectly placed body slam into the corner. Muhammad Hassan goes into the corner, and then does a taunt and leaps off and nails a second rope leg drop that connects with Rad Hazard. He goes into the cover and gets the 1………………..2………..kick out. Muhammad Hassan questions the count, but then quickly hits a knee drop into the neck/upper arm area. Muhammad Hassan puts Rad Hazard into a chin lock, after pulling him up in the sitting position.]

JR-Muhammad Hassan is wearing down Rad Hazard

King-Muhammad Hassan isn't going to denied

Kris Gaffney-Just like he is at the airports!


Kris Gaffney-What? Just playing off his build up promo's.

[The ref see's Rad Hazard going out, but before he can check it. His hands shoot up, and then he starts to get up, and then Rad Hazard is up. Rad Hazard looks for a way out of this hold, and is able to get to the side, and then hits a belly to back suplex. Both wrestlers are down. Muhammad Hassan rolls to the ropes and then pulls himself on the ropes. He is up faster than Rad Hazard, and then he charges to ropes, and comes off. He then goes for a running clothesline, but it's ducked under by Rad Hazard. Muhammad Hassan continues to the other side of the ring and then bounces off the ropes. Rad Hazard is able to counter this with a belly to belly suplex. Rad Hazard calls for the Relization. But suddenly CJ Lethal jumps on the apron. Then Rad Hazard tries to knock him off the apron. But it's ducked under, and then Rad Hazard hits a hang man. The ref calls for the bell. CJ Lethal slides into the ring, and then gets his hand ready as Rad Hazard turns around and CJ Lethal grabs him by the throat, picks him up and drives him down for a choke slam.]

JR-What a chokeslam by CJ Lethal, but Rad Hazard is going to win this match via DQ

King-Well…I guess you could say that was the accepting of Rad Hazard challenge at First Blood.

[CJ Lethal stands over Rad Hazard, and then walks out of the ring and walks up the ring.] ("Strangle hold" blast on the PA system as Dewey Pond walks to the ring, and then slides into the ring.)

JR-Dewey Pond has seemly taken a new hardcore attitude

Kris Gaffney-HARDCORE?

King-No, that's Randy Orton

Kris Gaffney-Oh…

("Cool" blasts on the PA system as Carlito walks to the ring, he steps into the ring, and waits on the bell)

JR-Although Carlito doesn't have the greatest luck, he is a great athlete

King-Next thing you'll tell us is that X-Pac and Road Dogg are a great tag team

Kris Gaffney-no…that's your job

King-Oh right….their a great team you know…

[Carlito comes into the ring, and then stop before starting to attack Dewey Pond. He makes fun of the crowd. And then goes on the apron, angry with this lack of respect. Dewey Pond comes from behind and then hits a running forearm that sends Carlito flying off of the apron, and then goes crashing into the guard rail. Dewey Pond goes to the apron, and waits for Carlito to get where Dewey Pond wants him to be, and then Dewey Pond leaps off the apron. Dewey Pond hits a diving clothesline on Carlito, Carlito goes down on the mat and then Dewey Pond hits a few stomps on the downed Carlito. Dewey Pond takes Carlito and throws him hard into the steps. Carlito crashes into the steps, and then turns around. Dewey Pond takes his boot and starts to choke Carlito. The ref starts to count, and finally Dewey Pond let's go even though he doesn't have to, the counting wasn't necessary. Dewey Pond pulls Carlito up, and then takes him by the hair and smashes his face into the steps. Carlito bounces off of the steps, and stumbles forward. Dewey Pond takes Carlito and rolls him into the ring, and then Dewey Pond pulls Carlito on the apron, and then puts him hanging over the apron. Dewey Pond backs up, and then Dewey Pond hits a running elbow into the chest of Carlito. Carlito rolls into the ring, and then Dewey Pond looks like he's going into the ring. But he stops and looks like he's thinking of something else, and then goes back to the outside, and looks under the ring. Dewey Pond pulls out a under the ring, and then holds it up for a second and then goes to the apron, and climbs to the top rope. Dewey Pond waits as Carlito is stumbling to his feet, and then Dewey Pond times his jump. Then leaps off the top rope and then nails a surf board chair shot/drop kick (cool spot, huh?). Carlito falls far from the impact, and goes down on the mat seemly not moving. Dewey Pond recovers after falling, and goes into the cover. He gets the 1………………..2……………….Carlito puts his foot on the ropes. Dewey Pond holds his head, as he couldn't believe that he looks at the ref to make sure that the foot was actually on the rope in time. Which it was, Dewey Pond see's Carlito pulling himself on the rope and then Dewey Pond charges in to Carlito and dives for a cross body block. But Carlito falls, and Dewey Pond falls to the outside.]

JR-I though Dewey Pond might have had Carlito with that great move off the top.

King-But wasn't to be, just like him and Jackie.

JR-That was just a misunderstanding

Kris Gaffney-I doubt it was….she's going to be rich, and she looks good. I wonder if she would be interested in a basketball team owner?

[Dewey Pond is down on the mat, it looks like he might have hit his head from that last attempted move that sent him flying out of the ring. Dewey Pond goes on the apron, and then Dewey Pond tries to rocover. But Carlito isn't having any of it, as he baseball slides Dewey Pond right into the head and then Carlito goes into the apron, and measures up. He looks back as Dewey Pond is stumbling to his feet, and then Carlito leaps on to the second rope and then hits an asai moonsault on Dewey Pond as he gets up to the floor. The crowd who doesn't even like Carlito gives him a cheer for that one, as both wrestlers are down. Carlito has to take a few moments and then rest, and after sometime resting Carlito is able to pick up Dewey Pond and then throws him against the guard rail back first. Dewey Pond is in pain, he stumbles forward and then Carlito kicks Dewey Pond in the gut and then sets him up and then hits a snap suplex on him. Dewey Pond is in clear pain. Carlito gets up, and then Carlito takes Dewey Pond by the hair and rolls him into the ring. Carlito makes fun of people at ring side, and then rolls into the ring. Dewey Pond is getting to his feet by the ropes. Carltio hits a few fists to the face, and then tries to whip Dewey Pond off the ropes, but it's reversed by Dewey Pond. Carlito goes to the ropes, and the comes off the ropes. Dewey Pond goes for a clothesline. But it's ducked under by Carlito. Carlito stops and leaps on the second rope and hits a spring board back eblow as Dewey Pond turns around. Dewey Pond goes down to the mat, and then Carlito goes into the cover, and gets the 1…………….2……….kick out]

JR-Carlito can't quite put Dewey Pond away.

King-That's been tried years ago

[Carlito rolls out of the ring, and then pulls a trash can out from under the ring. He then throws it into the ring. Carlito goes into the ring and then see's Dewey Pond getting near the trash can. He seems stunned. Carlito goes behind him, and hooks up Dewey Pond and looks like he's going to try to hit his swinging DDT. But Dewey Pond is able to twist around, and then hits a few knee's into the gut. Carlito stumbles back. Dewey Pond waits for Carlito to come to him, and then he throws him around, and turns around drives Carlito through the trash can with a Dew Drop and gets the 1…………….2…………3]

JR-Dewey Pond has won this match…

[Dewey Pond is having his hand raised, suddenly a chair comes flying and smacks him in the face. The camera then gets a shot of the "suicidal, homicidal, genocidal superstar" known as Sabu. Sabu does his taunt as he takes the chair and then goes to the ropes, runs the ropes. Jumps on the chair and on the top rope and then hits a triple jump moosault on Dewey Pond. Sabu signals for a microphone, and says.]

Sabu-So, I heard you want to be hardcore! How about I show you what hardcore is all about at First Blood!

JR-Sabu's back? But he hasn't been seen in the EMF for two years.

King-He sure picked his spot to return

(The EMF tron lights up with the image of Amy Jericho sitting at her desk)

.::Amy Jericho::.-Good evening, now we all saw that Jarred Carthallion threw me a curve ball. That's just fine Jarred, while we haven't always got along, I actually like this curve. Now last week, we saw AJ Styles and Ken Kennedy defeat the team of Angelus Archer and John Cena. Now while this promises Kennedy and AJ a tag title shot. I was thinking, John Cena was very fortunate to walk out of Latino Heat with his title. With this, and the victory that AJ shares over Cena in mind. I think we should have a triple threat match at First Blood. But not only that, but let's make this match memorable. We all remember the Hell in a Cell/Falls count anywhere match between X-Cold and Triple H at First Blood 2000. I say we do the very same thing, and surround the ring with a hell in a cell...with the door open. So the action could spill out anywhere, and the pin could happen ANYWHERE. That's right Cena, you could be unconscious in the middle of the ring, when AJ and Jarred make the cover on each other. You don't even have to be pinned to lose the championship. So I guess I'm not the only person that could lose something important to them at First Blood. Oh well, anyways thank you, and Merry Christmas.

(The EMF tron turns off)

"All the things she said" blasts on the PA system as Serena Hughes walks to the ring and then slides into the ring.

JR-Serena Hughes has looked very impressive.

King-Yeah, but then again she's only really faced Becky Bayless

Kris Gaffney-Becky was taking it easy on Serena, she was more worried about how her sister over shadow her. But things are changing, aren't they?

("Generic theme" blasts on the PA system as Jackie Cena walks to the ring, she holds up the women's title as she walks. Then steps into the ring, and waits for the bell to ring.)

JR-There is no double that Serena is up for a test, but if the champion over looks Serena, who knows what could happen.

Kris Gaffney-Yeah, and the Orlando Magic could win a game…but it doesn't happen

King-Your telling me.


[Jackie Cena and Serena Hughes pace around the ring, and then they lock up and then Jackie Cena is able to go behind Serena Hughes and then Jackie takes down Serena Hughes with a front face lock. Serena Hughes looks for a way out of it, and then she's able to spin out into a hammer lock. Jackie Cena gets up, and then looks for a way out of it. Jackie Cena is able to break the hold with a reverse back heel trip that takes down Serena Hughes and then before Jackie can do anything. Serena Hughes is able to push off on Jackie Cena to the ropes, and Jackie Cena goes to the ropes, and bounces off the ropes and then comes off the ropes. Jackie Cena tries to go for a clothesline, but it's ducked under by Serena Hughes. Jackie Cena goes to the ropes, and bounces off the ropes. Then Serena Hughes tries to leap frog Jackie Cena. But she stops, and then catches Serena Hughes with an inverted atomic drop. Even though Serena Hughes is a girl, it still hurts (or so I hear). Before she can response, Jackie is able to follow up with a running clothesline knocking down Serena Hughes. Jackie Cena waits for Serena Hughes, and then Serena Hughes stumbles up and then goes right into Jackie Cena. Jackie Cena is able to pick up Serena Hughes and then hits a body slam on Serena Hughes. Jackie Cena backs to the ropes, and the comes off and then hits a flying knee drop across the face and then goes into the corner and then gets the 1……..2………..kick out by Serena Hughes. Jackie Cena pulls up Serena Hughes and then hits a few forearm shots to the face and then Serena backs into the corner. Jackie Cena measures up, and then hits a few knife edge chops into the chest of Serena Hughes. Jackie Cena then whips Serena Hughes into the opposite side of the ring and then comes in charging. Jackie hits a clothesline into the corner, and then backs off. Serena Hughes stumbles into the waiting arms of Jackie who hits a belly to belly over head throw. Serena goes crashing into the mat and then Jackie waits for Serena to get up. Jackie kicks Serena in the gut, and then hits a snap release suplex, and Jackie rolls under the ropes and then goes to the top rope. Jackie Cena is on the top rope, and waits for Serena Hughes to get up. Then she does, Jackie Cena goes for a flying cross body block. But it's ducked under by Serena Hughes, and Jackie Cena goes crashing on the mat. She then grabs her knee in pain.]

JR-Jackie went for a high flying move, but missed it. She may have landed wrong on her leg as well.

King-Yeah, she's been hanging around Amy too long.

Kris Gaffney-Many people would like that problem.

[Serena Hughes is up, but already really stunned, and then Serena Hughes hits a kick into the ribs of Jackie Cena as she is on all fours. Jackie Cena rolls around a bit, and then tries to get up on her knee's. But Serena Hughes answers with a kick low drop kick into the face and then Jackie Cena goes down to the mat. Serena Hughes takes a few moments to rest with this chance, Jackie is in the corner and then Serena Hughes goes into the corner and decides to return the knife edge chops to Jackie Cena. Serena Hughes gets Jackie Cena stunned enough in her eyes and brings her out of the corner. She then tries to whip Jackie Cena to the ropes, and does. Jackie Cena goes to the ropes, and then comes off the ropes and goes for a clothesline that ducks by Jackie. Jackie Cena goes into the other side of the ring, and then comes off of that side of the ring. Serena Hughes is able to quickly jump up, and nail a flying back elbow on Jackie Cena that takes down Jackie Cena. Serena Hughes waits for Jackie Cena to get up and then goes to the ropes. She comes off fast, and then hits a hard chop block to the back of the leg. Jackie Cena goes down on mat holding the leg that seemed to be injured. Serena Hughes grabs Jackie Cena's leg, and then brings her on to the ropes. Serena Hughes puts her leg on the bottom rope and then Serena Hughes spring boards off the second rope and comes crashing down on Jackie's injured leg. Jackie Cena rolls in pain, and then Serena Hughes goes over to Jackie Cena and takes her leg. She then starts to put on the figure four leg lock, and puts it on! Jackie Cena is seriously screaming in pain. She forgets where her shoulders are, and puts them down on the mat, the ref counts 1………..2……..Jackie lifts her shoulders and does what she can to reverse the hold. And does, Serena Hughes is a bit hurt. But not that much, she measures up to try to chop block the injured leg again, but Jackie is able to lift it up. Serena goes sliding under Jackie Cena. Serena gets up, and Jackie picks up Serena Hughes up for the F-Off. But her leg gives out once again, and she drops her. Serena waits for Jackie to turn around, and then goes for a hurricanrana. But it's countered and Serena is driven down a power bomb. Jackie stumbles back, and then goes out on the apron and looks to be going to take another chance. She's climbs the turnbuckle slowly, suddenly most of the crowd starts up, some even cheer.]

JR-King….it's Stephanie?

King-You think she was just going to let that slap stand?

Kris Gaffney-Don't think so…

[Jackie is on the top rope, and the ref is with Serena. Stephanie jumps on the top rope, and tries to trip up Jackie. But she is able to keep her balance, and she kicks Stephanie and Stephanie falls from the apron to the arena floor hard on her ass. Jackie yells a few things down to Stephanie, thanks to this distraction Serena Hughes runs up the top rope, and arm drags Jackie off the top rope. Serena rolls out of the ring, and then looks like she is waiting for Jackie to get up. Jackie stumbles over to her, Serena hits a shoulder block into the gut. Doubling her over. Serena times it, and tries to sling shots herself over into a sun set flip. But Jackie gets up quickly, and catches Serena right on her shoulders. Hops a few steps over on the good leg and drives her down for the F-Off! Jackie goes into the cover, and gets the 1…………….2……………3!]

(OOC-Really good effort Serena, Jackie just had the better RP. But hopefully I made Serena look good, and put up a big fight. As your RP was good as well.)

JR-Just when you thought Serena might pull a huge upset, the women's champion was able to find a way to hit her finishing move to win this match!

King-I don't think this is over…

(Jackie gets up, suddenly Stephanie rolls in behind her. You can now she has a chair, and has it ready to hit Jackie, and cracks it over in the back. Jackie doesn't even go down, Stephanie an intense smile, as Jackie is now looking at her as she raises the chair over her head and comes crashing down on Jackie's head. Jackie goes down, Stephanie puts the chair down and then looks down. She then grabs pulls up Jackie's top of Jackie's ring gear over her head, and off her body. Quickly following up with the bottom of the ring gear, leaving Jackie down in the mat in her white bra and panties (note-just a "for now color", I figure since I need to pick for now. That it wouldn't be anything special). The hometown girl Stephanie gets a mixed reaction to this, but suddenly they turn into cheers. Stephanie gets a "oh shit look, and dives out of the ring as Amy Jericho slides into the ring". Stephanie grabs the chair, Amy goes down to Jackie who is just coming to. Amy takes her warm up jacket (just revealing the top she had on in the Highlight Reel) and puts it around Jackie as sits up. The two friends look up as Stephanie mocks them both from the top of the stage. She holds up Jackie's ring gear. Suddenly…..something even more unexpected happens….the lights go out

JR-What could happen now?

(Suddenly a logo flashes on the EMF tron,

(As we fade to dark.)

(OOC-Ending is subject to (most likely small) editing)