EMF: Saturday Shockwave

(The Shockwave video plays, when it finishes we go into the darken arena as pyrotechnics blasts on the stage. The lights turn on, and the camera searches around the arena as fans yell, and wave their signs. Some signs say "Matt Hardy paid me to wave this sign", "Who let Becky out?", and "Candice after the wedding night *has a picture of a pancake*")

King-Ouch for Candice…well…she'll regret not listening to me.

JR-Anyways welcome to Saturday Shockwave, were on the road to First Blood.

Kris Gaffney-So were continueing the tourney, right?

Kris Gaffney-Right


("Live for the moment" blasts on the PA system as Matt Hardy comes out, and does his usual entrance.)

JR-This is Matt Hardy's single's debut.

King-Wonder who was Hardy's girlfriend?

Kris Gaffney-Meh…I wondered that too..

("Rage's theme" blasts on the PA system as Rage walks to the ring.)

JR-Rage has always been on the brink of success.

Kris Gaffney-Too bad he never capitalize on it…

King-God knows how many wrestlers could do that…

[Matt Hardy and Rage pace around the ring, and then lock up, Rage and Matt Hardy are equally matched in strength. Matt Hardy is able to hit a knee into the gut, this doubles over Rage. Matt Hardy measures up and hits a hard fists to the face that knocks down Rage. Rage stumbles up to his feet, only to get a few knife edge chops to the chest. Rage gets whipped to the ropes, but it's revered and Matt Hardy comes off of the ropes, but leaps in the air and hits a flying clothesline that knocks down Rage. Rage gets up to his feet, Matt Hardy picks up Rage and drops him for a back breaker. Matt Hardy drops an elbow drop to the downed Rage. He goes into the cover, and gets a 1…………….2………….kick out by Rage. Matt Hardy pulls up Rage, and hits a few forearm shot to the face. He then tries to whip him off of the ropes, but it's reversed and Matt Hardy bounces off of the ropes. Rage goes for a clothesline, but it's ducked under, and Matt Hardy waits as Rage turns around. Matt Hardy kicks Rage in the gut, and then goes for the twist of fate. But Rage is able to counter it by driving Matt Hardy into the corner, and Rage hits a few shoulder blocks into the gut. Rage whips Matt Hardy into the opposite side turnbuckle. Then Matt Hardy crashes into the corner, and then Rage charges into the corner. Matt Hardy hits a boot to the face, and then Rage stumbles around. Rage charges again into the corner. Matt Hardy side steps him, and throws him into the corner. Rage's head bounces off of the top turnbuckle. Rage stumbles out of the corner, right into the corner. Matt Hardy hits the side effect. Matt Hardy goes into the cover and gets a 1…………….2……….kick out. Matt Hardy thought he might have had Rage, but he thinks he's close. So he goes to the outside, and to the top rope. But before he leaps off of the top rope. Rage gets up to his feet, and dives on the top rope. Matt Hardy falls on the top rope.]

JR-Matt Hardy got a little too aggressive there.

King-That's like the Hardy code!

Kris Gaffney-That sounds familiar…

[Rage goes over to where Matt Hardy goes over to the ropes, and hits a few fists on Matt Hardy who is on the top rope. Matt Hardy climbs up to the top rope, and then hooks Matt Hardy and hits a super plex. Both wrestlers are down. Rage being beaten up, but on offense slowly turns to his side, and covers Matt Hardy. He gets a 1…………..2………..Matt Hardy rolls his shoulder off of the mat before the three count can go down. Rage and Matt Hardy take a while to get off of the mat, and finally while their on their knee's. They start to fire off fists to the face, neither are blinking as far as their shots are going. Rage takes a short cut, and rakes the eyes of Matt Hardy. Matt Hardy stumbles backwards (after getting to his feet). Then Matt Hardy gets hit with a few shots to the face and gets whipped to the ropes. Matt Hardy bounces off of the ropes, and Rage goes for a clothesline. But Matt Hardy ducks under, and then he comes off of the ropes, then spring boards off of the ropes into a cross body block. But it's ducked under and Matt Hardy crashes and burns. Matt Hardy stumbles up to his feet, right into Rage who picks up Matt Hardy and plants him with a sit down spine buster and goes into the cover, and gets a 1……………….2……………..KICK OUT!]

JR-Almost three by Rage.

King-Matt Hardy can't let the Hardyz down….however many there is….

[Rage looks at the ref, and then decides that it's time to end the match. Rage goes up to the top rope. Rage leaps off of the top rope for a clothesline, but it's ducked under. Rage hits the mat. Rage stumbles up to the ropes, and then turns around. Matt Hardy all of a sudden hits a twist of fate out of no where. He goes into the cover, and gets a 1…………………2………………..3!]

("Freak on a leash" blasts on the PA system as Troy Gafgen walks to the ring with Candice Gafgen(?)

JR-This is the newest couple in the EMF

King-Kevin Bourne better watch out, the EMF's filled with couples…I mean the two president's are in two high profiled coupling

Kris Gaffney-Wonder if someone writes couplings about me?

("Capricorn" blasts on the PA system as Kevin Bourne walks to the ring, and he steps into the ring.)

King-I wonder if he's related to AN ARKIE at all…

Kris Gaffney-Why's that…



[Kevin Bourne and Troy Gafgen lock up, Troy Gafgen throws down the newcomer to the EMF through his pure power. Kevin Bourne rolls out of the ring, and then goes up on the apron. Troy Gafgen goes over to where he is, and it would seem that Bourne is stunned. But he was just baiting in Troy Gafgen, and then he hits a hang man on the top rope. Kevin Bourne goes up to the top rope, and comes crashing down on Troy Gafgen with a flying axe handle. He brings down Troy Gafgen down to his knee's. Kevin Bourne seeing that advantage runs to the ropes, and comes off of the ropes. He then hits a running low drop kick to the face. Troy Gafgen goes down to the mat, Kevin Broune decides to go for an early cover, he gets a 1………………2………..kick out. Knowing that he needs to keep the pressure on the bigger and stronger Troy Gafgen, so he hits a few stomps on the downed Troy Gafgen, Troy gets to his knee, and pushes Kevin Bourne off. Bourne stumbles back and then as he comes off of the ropes, Troy Gafgen goes for a clothesline. But it's ducked under by Kevin Bourne, Kevin Bourne runs to the other side of the ring. He comes off of the ropes, and leaps in the air for a cross body block. But it's caught in mid air by Troy Gafgen, Troy Gafgen puts him over his shoulder. But before he can do anything with it, Kevin Bourne slides out the back. Troy Gafgen turns around, and gets hit with a standing drop kick on Troy Gafgen. Troy Gafgen stumbles back, and then gets stuck in the ropes, and then tries to get out. Kevin Bourne hits a few fists to the face of the trapped Troy Gafgen, and then Kevin Bourne is finally made to back away from Troy as the ref needs to untie him. Bourne agree's and the ref releases him from the ropes, Kevin Bourne measures up. Troy Gafgen is up to his feet with the help of the ropes, Kevin Bourne charges at Troy Gafgen, but it's countered with a back body drop over the top rope and on to the floor.]

JR-Kevin Bourne must have thought he weakened the IC champion more than he really did.

King-Well, I guess he's not really a rookie…but he's been retired for 4 years after all.

Kris Gaffney- Four years….2003…..references…..people I got it! We can plant a virus in Momma Bourne, and all the rest of the Bourne's will get sick. KING…tell them how to bring those son of bitches down!

King-Um….I think your logic got flawed somewhere.

Kris Gaffney-Damn it!

[Troy Gafgen takes a few moments to rest. Then after that time, Troy Gafgen rolls out of the ring, and see's Kevin Bourne who is trying to get up by the guard rail. Troy Gafgen picks up Kevin Bourne, and drops him face first into the guard rail. He stumbles around in pain and then Troy Gafgen throws Kevin Bourne into the steps back first. Kevin Bourne is in pain. Troy Gafgen yells a few things, and rolls him into the ring. Kevin Bourne tries to get up to his feet, and walks right into Troy Gafgen who kicks Kevin Bourne in the gut, sets him up and hits a snap suplex. Troy Gafgen hits a few stomps on the downed Kevin Bourne, placing him where he wants. Then Troy Gafgen runs to the ropes, and comes off of the ropes and delivers a big leg drop across the throat of Kevin Bourne. Troy Gafgen goes into the cover, and gets a 1…………..2………..kick out by Kevin Bourne. Troy Gafgen asks the ref about the count, but doesn't seemly to be seriously worried about it. Kevin Bourne stumbles into the corner. Troy Gafgen goes over to the corner, and he hits a few back elbow into the corner on Kevin Bourne. Troy Gafgen then uses his boot to choke Kevin Bourne in the corner. Troy Gafgen backs out on the count of four by the ref. Then holds up his hands, and goes back in the corner and hits one more fist to the face of Kevin Bourne. Troy Gafgen whips Kevin Bourne into the corner, and Kevin Bourne stumbles out of the corner, Troy Gafgen picks up Kevin Bourne and drops him for a side walk slam! Troy Gafgen goes into the cover right after that move, and gets a 1……………2…………KICK OUT once again by Kevin Bourne Troy seems like he wants to just end this match now.]

JR-The IC champion seems to want to get this match over with, this newcomer is giving him all he can handle, and then some.

King-Well….he's just new to the EMF…not to the wrestling industry as it would seem…

Kris Gaffney-I gave your Mom experience…

{Troy Gafgen waits for Kevin Bourne to get up, Kevin Bourne stumbles up to his feet. Then Troy Gafgen goes for his finisher, but Kevin Bourne counters it and Troy Gafgen falls to the mat. Troy Gafgen is stunned, Troy Gafgen stumbles up to his feet in the corner. Kevin Bourne charges, and hits a big splash. Troy stumbles out of the corner,a nd then Kevin Bourne climbs up to the top rope, and hits a body press, but it's reversed and put into a pin. He gets a 1………………..2……………..3.]

JR-Troy was able to surprise Kevin Bourne!

King-He just caught Kevin Bourne off guard.

(OOC-VERY close match that could have went either way, that's why it was a staff decision. Basically Troy's text was the reason for the decision.)

(late note: There a extremely small chance of misunderstanding from my help. But still a chance, so I leave open an extreme case of editing, but that's extremely doubtful. Just being careful.)

(Troy doesn't wait for Bourne to get up. He hits one cane shot on Kevin Bourne, hits a second. Suddenly he hears something and turns around, and gets speared out of his shoes (figurely) by Marquise. Marquise looks at the downed Troy Gafgen, and rolls out of the ring. Kevin Bourne looks confused as we go to commercial, and come back)

("X-Treme" blasts on the PA system as Jeff Hardy comes out on the stage, and does his usual entrance.)

JR-We thought Jeff was done with wrestling, but he was able to make his return.

King-Since that time, he's been trying to make Troy Gafgen pay.

Kris Gaffney-I thought that was your job King..

King-Meh…this requires less effort.

("Robbie Morphine's theme" blasts on the PA system as Robbie Morphine walks to the ring.)

King-He sure doesn't like Marquise..

Kris Gaffney-No clue

*throws a dart at a Marquise dart board*


[Jeff Hardy and Robbie Morphine pace around the ring, and lock up. Jeff Hardy is able to hit a hip toss out of it and into an arm bar. He holds the move, and then Robbie Morphine looks for a way out of the hold. He gets up and then backs Jeff Hardy into the ropes, and then Jeff Hardy gets whipped off of the hold. He bounces off of the ropes and comes off of the ropes. Robbie Morphine hits a shoulder block, Robbie Morphine goes down to the mat. But gets up quickly, only to get kicked in the gut and Jeff Hardy goes for the twist of fate. But Robbie MOprhine pushes Jeff Hardy off of the attempted finisher. Jeff Hardy comes off of the ropes and hits a running wrap around clothesline. He goes down to the mat, and then gets up to his feet. Only to be taken down with a double leg take down, Jeff Hardy screams something and hits a double leg to the mid section of Robbie Morphine. Jeff Hardy goes into the cover, and gets a 1……………….2…………..kick out by Robbie Morphine. Robbie Morphine rolls away as Jeff questions the count, and Robbie Morphine is in the corner. He gets up in the corner. Jeff Hardy gets up in the corner, and then Jeff Hardy hits a few fists to the face to Robbie Morphine, and whips him to the opposite side of the ring. He crashes into the corner, and then Robbie Morphine charges into the corner. Jeff Hardy puts his boot up, and Robbie Morphine stumbles around in pain and Jeff Hardy pulls himself up to the second rope. He measures up, and hits a flying cross body block into the cover, and gets a 1……………..2………….kick out by Robbie Morphine. Both wrestlers get up quickly, Jeff Hardy catches Robbie Morphine off guard with a sitdown chin breaker. Robbie Morphine is stunned on his feet, Jeff Hardy sets up Robbie Morphine and lifts him up for his vertical suplex face buster. But it's countered by Robbie Morphine landing on his feet, and hitting a release northern lights suplex that sends Jeff Hardy flying out of the ring.]

JR-Robbie Morphine countered that hold, it's a good thing too.

King-I guess it is..

Kris Gaffney- Guess he doesn't want to go back…doing whatever so quickly.

[Robbie Morphine takes a few moments to rest, and then goes over to the ropes and does a sling shot into a corkscrew cross body block that catches Jeff Hardy on the arena floor. Both wrestlers are down on the mat, and then Robbie Morphine picks up Jeff Hardy from behind him. Jeff Hardy goes for a belly to back suplex, but Robbie Morphine rolls out of the back of Jeff Hardy. Robbie Morphine pushes Jeff Hardy into the ring post. Jeff Hardy smacks off of the post, and stumbles around. Robbie Morphine waits, Jeff Hardy stumbles around and turns around and Robbie Morphine kicks him in the gut and hits a DDT on the mat. Jeff seems to be out of it, Robbie Morphine picks up Jeff Hardy and puts him in the ring. Robbie Morphine goes into the cover, and gets a 1……………..2…….Jeff Hardy puts his foot on the ropes to break up the count. Robbie Morphine looks at the ref, and then allows Jeff Hardy to get up to his feet and then Robbie Morphine hits a few fists to the face. He then tries to whip him to the ropes, and he does. Jeff Hardy bounces off of the ropes, he comes off of the ropes. Robbie Morphine ducks his head for a back body drop. But it's countered by Jeff Hardy who kicks him in the face, and then Jeff Hardy takes a few moments and charges at Robbie Morphine. But it's countered into a flap jack.]

JR-It would seem that Robbie Morphine has gotten this match under control.


[Robbie Moprhine, picks up Jeff Hardy and goes for a vertical suplex. Jeff Hardy is able to counter by shifting his weight, and falls on the mat. Robbie Morphine turns around and goes for the twist of fate. But it's countered by Robbie Morphine by pushing Jeff Hardy off. He crashes into the ref, the ref goes down to the mat. Jeff turns around after looking shock, Robbie Morphine goes for a clothesline, but it's ducked under, and Jeff kicks him in the gut and hits the twist of fate. Jeff Hardy goes to the outside, and climbs up to the top rope and hits the swanton bomb. He goes into the cover, but there is no ref to count. Suddenly as he's not looking, he gets a foot to the face, it's the IC champion Troy Gafgen. Jeff Hardy stumbles around, Troy Gafgen hits his new finisher crack of dawn. He rolls out of the ring, both wrestlers are down. But the ref and Morphine are coming to, Morphine throws an arm over the downed Jeff, and gets the 1………………………………2…………………………3!]

JR-Why did the IC champion do that?

King-He obviously remembers that Jeff Hardy is out for revenge…better to face someone not out for your blood.

Kris Gaffney-Love that logic.

(note: This was another one that both RP's matched up, and really could have went either way. But we just thought we liked Robbie Morphine's text by a hair, both RP's were good, just that's what we thought. But one of those matches that were closely matched, so much you hate that anyone has to lose, so I set something up for you Jeff at FB.)

("King of King's" blasts on the PA system as Dude Nick walks out to the ring, along with Melina. "Young and Hopeless" blasts on the PA system as Eric Hasher walks to the ring, and steps into the ring.)

King-Something is missing from Hasher…he needs to bring in a girl…

Kris Gaffney-We all know why you think that…

JR-Well regardless, this is a good opportunity for Hasher.

King-Yeah…he can raise up…like X-Pac did in X-Factor.

Kris Gaffney-….most people would take that as a bad thing, but for some reason in this case it's a good thing..

X-Pac-Yay! I'm a good thing

*King hits the King Cutter on X-Pac*

("Down with the Sickness" blasts on the PA system as Angelus Archer walks to the ring with James Mitchell "Freak on a Leash" blasts on the PA system as Troy Gafgen walks to the ring with Candice Gafgen.)

JR-This is the second match for Troy.

King-You would think he would want something better for his honeymoon.

Kris Gaffney-Test got a wrestling match for his wedding…

King-Oh…nevermind, if Test did it…then it must be ok.

[Eric Hasher, Angelus Archer, Troy Gafgen, and Dude Nick stare down a little bit. Suddenly Dude Nick and Troy Gafgen go after each other, and Angelus Archer and Eric Hasher pair off. Angelus Archer hits a fist to the face, and Eric Hasher goes down to the mat and gets up. Angelus Archer throws him out of the ring. Angelus Archer follows him and rolls out of the ring. Eric Hasher is getting up to his feet as Angelus is up, Angelus turnse around and kicks him in the gut. Angelus Archer sets him up, and hits a snap suplex on Angelus Archer on Eric Hasher on the mat on the outside of the ring Eric Hasher hits with a splat on the mat. Inside of the ring, Dude Nick and Troy Gafgen are having fighting it out. Finally Dude Nick gains the advantage by raking the eyes of Troy Gafgen. Dude Nick tries to whip Troy Gafgen to the ropes, and Troy Gafgen bounces off of the ropes. He comes off of the ropes, and then Dude Nick ducks under and then kicks him in the gut. Troy Gafgen double under hooks, and hits an double under hooked suplex. Dude Nick crashes hard, and gets up to his feet only to be knocked back with a running forearm to the corner. Troy Gafgen hits a few fists to the face, and then whips him to the other side of the ring. Dude Nick bounces hard off of the turnbuckle, and then he comes back and Troy Gafgen hits a belly to belly suplex. He goes into the cover, and gets a 1…………2……………kick out by Troy Gafgen. Just as Angelus Archer comes into the ring, but had Troy not kicked out he would have been too late, Angelus isn't too happy about that. Troy Gafgen gets hit with few stomps while he's trying to get up to his feet. Angelus Archer backs off, and then hits a fists on Troy that only stuns him. Suddenly Eric Hasher comes flying from behind Angelus Archer off of the top rope with a missile drop kick that lands on Troy instead.]

JR-I think that Eric Hasher to hit Angelus Archer.

King-Does it really matter?

Kris Gaffney-Guess not…

[Troy Gafgen stumbles back and falls out of the ring, and Eric Hasher turns right into slain attempt. But Eric Hasher turns lands on his feet, and Angelus Archer tries to counter this with a running clothesline, but it's ducked under by Eric Hasher who goes to the ropes. He comes off of the ropes, and then Angelus Archer comes off the ropes and gets hit with a leg lariat to the face that takes down Angelus Archer. Eric Hasher turns around,only to see a boot coming to towards him. Hasher ducks, and Angelus Archer gets hit and falls out of the ropes near Troy Gafgen who is trying to recover. Dude Nick tries to throw a fist that lands on Eric Hasher. Dude Nick whips Eric Hasher to the ropes, Eric Hasher comes off of the ropes. Eric Hasher leaps in the air, and goes for a flying body press, but it's caught in mid air. Dude Nick puts Eric Hasher on his shoulder, but then before he can do anything with Hasher. Eric Hasher slides out the back, and then he pushes Dude Nick forward. Dude Nick crashes into the turnbuckle, and stumbles back and Eric Hasher hits a reverse DDT. Eric Hasher climbs up the top rope, and measures up and hits a top rope elbow drop. Eric Hasher goes into the cover, and gets a 1……………….2………….Angelus Archer reaches into the ring and pulls Eric Hasher to the outside. Angelus Archer throws Hasher into the steel steps, and gets up to the apron and hits a shoulder block through the ropes. This doubles over Dude Nick, Angelus Archer sling shots over the top of Dude Nick, and tries to get him over. But before he can, Dude Nick grabs Angelus Archer by the throat, and then lifts him up. Then hits a double handed choke powerbomb into the cover, and gets a 1…………….2………..kick out by Angelus Archer.]

JR-That was a great counter by Nick.

King-His hearing isn't really good anymore.

Kris Gaffney-Yeah…you think it sucks to be Candice, Nick's ears are probably going to get worst and worst.

[Dude Nick looks annoyed, and waits for Angelus to get up to his feet. Dude Nick grabs Angelus Archer by the throat, and lifts him up . But Angelus Archer twists out of it, and hits the Slain! Angelus Archer goes into the cover, and gets a 1…………….2…….Eric Hasher comes out of no where, and hits a flying elbow drop, and pins Dude Nick and gets a 1………………2……………….3]

JR-Eric Hasher capitalized on Angelus Archer's move, some might not like that. But that's perfectly in the rules.

(Shockwave goes into a parking lot with the image of Amy Jericho leaving, she is pushing the baby stroller containing Ashley Irvine. Seemly Mike had the rest of the show covered. Suddenly she gets a horrifieid look, the camera gets a shot of Amy's car, the tires have been slit.)

.::Amy Jericho::.-What type of….EEERRR!

(Amy turns around, and goes back into the arena, we fade into the ring once again.)

("Snap your fingers, snap your neck" blasts on the PA system as Carnage walks to the ring. "Young and Hopeless" blasts on the PA system as Marc Mead walk to the ring.)

JR-Marc Mead consider himself the greatest TV champion of all time.

King-I know when I think of great IC champions, I think of Jeff Jarrett.

Kris Gaffney- hhhhhmmm…

("Strangehold" blasts on the PA system as Dewey Pond walks down the ramp, the music changes to "Dirty Window". Dan Godwin walks to the ring.)

King-Dan Godwin claims he's not related to Naked Mideon.

Kris Gaffney-Think that will make them stop?

King-No…not really…

King-Me either…

[Carnage, Marc Mead, Dan Godwin and Dewey Pond back up in their respective corners waiting for someone to make the first move. Marc Mead is the first person to go after Carnage. Marc Mead hits a few fists to the face, but one is blocks and Carnage eats….I mean blocks one of Marc Mead's fists. Carnage hits a head butt that takes down Marc Mead. Marc Mead goes down and rolls out of the ring. Dewey Pond and Dan Godwin are already fighting, Dewey Pond has a head lock on Dan Godwin. Dan Godwin looks for a way out of the hold. He backs up, and then whips Dewey Pond off of the hold. Dewey Pond bounces off of the ropes, and then Dan Godwin counters the charging of Dewey Pond as he comes at him with a release arm drag. Dewey Pond goes down to the mat, and gets up slowly gets up right into Dan Godwin who sets up and hits a perfectly executed belly to belly suplex into the pin. He gets a 1………………2……………Carnages comes in finally, and breaks up the pin. Dan Godwin gets up, and Carnage hits a fist that knocks him down to the mat. He then see's Dewey Pond who is getting up near the ropes. Carnage runs and hits a clothesline over the top rope and on to the floor. Carnage turns around, Dan Godwin hits a few fists to the face and Carnage is backing up a little bit. But he ends the momentum by hitting a knee to the gut. This doubles over Dan Godwin, and Carnage hits a few forearm shots and whips Dan Godwin to the ropes, and Dan Godwin bounces off of the ropes. He comes off of the ropes. Carnage goes for a big boot, but it's ducked under. Canrage turns around, and gets hit with a standing drop kick. Carnage stumbles back stunned, Dan Godwin backs up to the ropes, and comes off of the ropes and hits a flying shoulder block that makes Carnage stumble back, and Carnage gets caught in the ropes.]

King-Hhhhhhhmmmm….I seen this somewhere, now where was it…

Kris Gaffney-It does look familiar, doesn't it?

JR-The biggest man of match may just be sorry he threw his weight around.

[Dan Godwin hits a few fists to the face of Carnage. Marc Mead slides into the ring, and see's this and actually joins in as he wants to get some revenge for the beginning of the match. Dan Godwin actually whips Marc Mead to the ropes, and Marc Mead bounces off of the ropes with some momentum and hits a drop kick to the mid second of Carnage. Finally the ref makes them break it up, and Carnage let out ropes. Marc Mead and Dan Godwin hit a double clothesline that knocks Carnage over the top rope. Carnage falls of on his feet, and then down to the mat. Dan Godwin follows Carnage out of the ring, inside of the ring Marc Mead looks to follow. But suddenly Dewey Pond comes behind, and school boy's Marc Mead 1…………………2…………..kick out by Marc Mead. Marc Mead gets up, and charges at Dewey Pond. Dewey ducks it, and pushes Marc Mead forward and Marc Mead almost goes into the second turnbuckle. He turns around only to get a thrust kick to the chin that throws Marc Mead into the corner (Marc isn't a giant…after all, all due respect to his skill). Dewey Pond hits a few fists in the corner, and whips him to the opposite side of the ring. Marc Mead comes out of the corner fast, and then Dewey Pond lowers his head and hits a back body drop. Dewey Pond sensing blood whip s Marc Mead off of the ropes, and goes for the Dew Drop, but it's countered by Marc Mead who hits a few knee's into the gut, and goes for a kick. But it's caught and Marc Mead hits an ezuguri on Dewey Pond. Dewey Pond stumbles around, and Marc Mead kicks him in the gut runs to the ropes and hits a swinging neck breaker. He goes into the cover, and gets a 1……………….2…………..kick out by Dewey Pond.]

JR-Marc Mead is going to want to strike quickly if he wants to win this match.

King-Um…either person in this match wants to do that…

Kris Gaffney-That's for sure.

[Marc Mead hits a running baseball slide to stun Carnage a little bit more, and goes for the Mead kick. But it's ducked under by Dewey Pond, Dewey Pond pushes Marc Mead right into an eXecution by Dan Godwin. Marc Mead goes down, Dewey Pond charges into the ropes, but Dan Godwin lowers his head and dumps Dewey Pond over the top rope, and he lands a cross body block that catches Carnage off guard, and puts them both down on the mat. Dan Godwin goes into the cover, and gets a 1…………………2……………3]

(Dan Godwin's theme is playing as his arm is raised in celebration. Suddernly the crowd roar as Erik Hasher runs down the ramp and into the ring. Instead of attacking Godwin, they begin a stare-down.)

J.R: "Well there you have it.... I wouldn't have ever guessed it... but Dan Godwin and Erik Hasher are going to fight for the World Heavyweight Championship at First Blood..."

King: "Don't you mean Bad Blood?"

Kris: "Only in your dreams..."

(The crowd look on, wondering which of the two wil be the first to throw a punch. Suddenly "Bad, Bad Man" hits the arena. the crowd boo as John Cena makes his way out, holding the World Title.)

John Cena: "Well well.. there's a shock. The final 2.... great job. You overcame some big names.... and made it all the way to First Blood to compete for the championship! Congratulations... Ladies and Gentlemen.... I would like to announce that at First Bloods main event... you will see Dan Godwin and Erik Hasher fight for the World Championship!"

(The crowd cheer, and Hasher and Godwin look relieved that there isn't yet another twist in the tale.....)

Cena: "But...."

(Boos ring throughout the crowd)

Cena: "You will not be alone. You see guys... these Fatal 4 ways were indeed to determine who would compete at First Blood.... or rather.... who wouldn't! See everyone that crashed out in Round 1.... they were pinned.... or submitted. We have 4 guys tonight who were eliminated without being pinned... or without submitting... you think thats fair? You think you two deserve to be there.... and they don't? So what you were a little bit quicker... a little bit sharper... a little bit more oppertunistic.... on ONE night. One night does not a great champion make.... unless... of course.... on that night... he beats EVERYONE else!"

(There is a deadly silence.... Cena laughs)

Cena: "You may remember 2 weeks ago... I told Mickie James of my love for glass. Did you all miss that? Put it down as pointless? Bad move. You should have hung on every word I said... after all... I held your future... in my hands. So let me tell you.... this tournament started off with 16 men. And of those 16.... 10 of those men have been pinned or submitted. Tonight... we had 8... and 2 more fell out of favour. But for the rest of you.... for you Dan Godwin.... for you Erik Hasher... and for Angelus Archer, Carnage, Dewey Pond and Troy Gafgen.... prepare to be introduced to some loving glass.... some glorious chain... and miles and miles of fantastic Steel. Because.. in the biggest match the EMF has ever seen... we WILL crown our new champion... inside the confines of.... THE ELIMINATION CHAMBER! Word Lyfe!!"

(Hasher and Godwin looked pissed at the announcement and we go off air with Cena smirking on the ramp. Shockwave goes off the air with that.)