EMF: Saturday Shockwave

*The normal EMF Shockwave video starts then once it is finished we go to an already lighten arena. Where there is some Christmas music playing

King-interesting lead in…something new other than your lame intro

JR-Welcome to Saturday Shockwave!


*The camera finds "Santa Clause in the crowd wearing a santa hat, a beard, a santa suit, and with a bag of presents. He starts distributing gifts of various EMF wrestling merchandise and the fans love it.*

Jim Ross: Look King, it's Road Van Toad! RVT is Santa Toad!

The King: Bag Gawd, save the children.

Jim Ross: Don't steal my line...What a surprise to our fans, free merchandise from the most loveable jobber in the EMF.

The King: I want Jenna Jameson! Is she in that bag JR?

Jim Ross: I doubt it...

The King: Damn!

*Santa Toad continues handing out gifts.*

Jim Ross - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 225 pounds,, Tyrant!!! (crowd cheers **)

[Tyrant comes to the ring. ]

Jim Ross - and his opponent, weighing in at 225 pounds,, Angelus Archer!!! (crowd boos *****)

[Angelus Archer walks to the ring. That One Guy is the referee for this contest. Angelus Archer gets nailed with a charging axhandle bodyblock from Tyrant. Angelus Archer executes a pumphandle suplex on Tyrant. (the bell rings) Tyrant nails Angelus Archer with a belly-to-back suplex. Tyrant is up again. Angelus Archer moves back to his feet. Angelus Archer slaps Tyrant in the face. Tyrant comes from behind and bulldogs Angelus Archer. Angelus Archer executes a neck scissors on Tyrant. Angelus Archer sucks chants start in the crowd. Angelus Archer moves back to his feet. Tyrant bounces Angelus Archer off the ropes and faceslams him onto the mat. Tyrant gets up. Angelus Archer gets knocked on the ground and Tyrant flips onto him. Tyrant climbs to his feet. Angelus Archer gets hit with the shooting star press from Tyrant. That One Guy counts. ...1 ...2 Angelus Archer kicks out. Angelus slides out of the ring and then Tryant follows him. Angelus hits a few fists as Tryant backs up to the guard rail. Angelus goes for another fist and then Tryant ducks it and he hits a kid in the first row. Angelus looks pissed, Angelus rolls Tryant in the ring]

King - Watch out! The Jobber of Life might pull out his super jobber knife and stab you with it.

JR - That was a horrific night that Wes Ikeda was stabbed…

King - No it wasn't, Angelus should have finished the job. We would have all been greatful. If he had we wouldn't be suffering through a champion named Wes.

JR - Oh, he's doing a damn fine job.

King - Oh no JR! *Slaps JR* Those damn Ikeda's they got you too!<>

JR- though there maybe a lawsuit coming with that punch

King-Who cares?

[Angelus Archer with a gut-wrench suplex on Tyrant. Angelus Archer sucks chants start in the crowd. Now Angelus Archer standing. Tyrant is locked in the half Boston by Angelus Archer. Referee That One Guy is checking for a tap out. ... (AHHHH!) ... ... Tyrant escapes. Angelus Archer and Tyrant go to the floor ]

Jim Ross - Let's just hope Tyrant gets out of this one...

King - Something tells me he will. Someone is going to come out here and cost Angelus the match, and his name doesn't rhyme with Sadd Soy... in fact I think his name rhymes with.... hell what does Wes rhyme with?

JR - Yes, Bess, Less, Mess...

King - *Slaps JR Again!* Why JR why? Those damn Ikedas....

[That One Guy starts the count (.1) Tyrant gets back to his feet. (..2) Tyrant with a headbutt on Angelus Archer. (...3) Angelus Archer goes to the top and executes a flying hip attack on Tyrant.

Jim Ross - Oh, Angelus is going to make a come back.

King - Ahhhh... it's the painted face of death! *Smacks himself in the head with his crown*

[Angelus Archer gets back to his feet. (....4) Angelus Archer gets hit with a back heel kick. ]

King - Follows up with a back heel kick.

[Angelus throws Tyrant into the ropes, and accidentally takes out the referee. The referee is flung over the top rope, and lands hard on the concrete floor.]

JR- And the referee is out of it.

King - Come on Wes, you stupid mother fucker! You were waiting for it!

[Angelus beats Tyrant down into the corner and sets him up for the slain, as The crowd gives an enormous pop, and Wes Ikeda comes running down the rampway.]

JR - It's the EMF World Champion coming to get himself a piece of Angelus.

King - Don't Cheer for him! No.... Oh, I have to go cry. I would rather vomit by looking at Ashlee, then hear a sold out crowd cheer for Wes Ikeda!

[Wes waited in the corner opposite Angelus, and crouched down waiting for the attack. When Angelus turned around Wes hit him with an evenflow DDT. Angelus took awhile to get up, and Wes screamed "Get Up" several times, why motioning upward with his hands. When Angelus got up Wes gave him a flying tackle into the ring post, and then climbed the opposite ring post himself...]

JR - He's going for it!

King - What the Van Terminator?

JR- No, the coast to coast.

King - *shudders*

[Wes leaps from the turnbuckle and camera flashes pop throughout the arena among the cheering fans as Wes connects and comes down hard on Angelus. He turns on his back, grabbing his side, but leaps up to his feet, and pulls Angelus to the center of the ring]

King - And now he will put Tyrant on top of Angelus for the pin...

[Wes did as King predicted]

King - Just as the referee comes too...

[Wes climbed out of the ring and as he did the referee came too, seeing the pin, and getting the 1..2..3! Wes went for a microphone.]

King - As if seeing his unscheduled ass wasn't enough, now he speaks!

JR - Shut up king.

Wes: Well, well, well... Angelus. Payback is a bitch. We still haven't had a real match since you kidnapped my son, stabbed me, threatened my family. So I tell you what, this is just a taste oif what I plan to do to you in January. Title or no title, I want you in a match at the January PPV. I'm sick of cages though. So I propose... a Buried Alive match. And if I walk out of First Blood still champ, I'll even put my title on the line. Let me know Angelus, because there is hell to pay.

[Wes dropped the mic and stood on the ramp listening to the fans cheer a moment, before going to the back.

*We go to commercial and come back *

*The Badd Boy walks up to Santa Toad in the crowd and reaches his hand out for a gift smiling. Santa Toad obliges with a smile on his face pulling a gift out just for The Badd Boy. The Badd Boy opens it finding a roll of toilette paper. Santa Toad laughs then pulls out a plastic world championship and offers it to The Badd Boy.*

Jim Ross: Oh it looks like Santa Toad is pulling one over on The Badd Boy.

The King: Yeah i'm sure the toilette paper burned him up that's great.

Jim Ross: I think the real punch line was the world championship...

The King: It was? Oh....

*Santa Toad asks for one gift for redemption. The Badd Boy nods as Santa Toad pulls out a gift for The Badd Boy. Tony Ikeda opens it to find a Wes Ikeda shirt. Santa Toad starts laughing merrily as do the nearby fans. The Badd Boy smiles then rears back and nails Santa Toad in the face knocking his hat off. Santa Toad rolls down some of the steps in the aisle. The Badd Boy rips the beard off and throws Santa Toad over the railing onto the concrete walkway. The Badd Boy picks up Santa Toad then delivers the full nelson suplex bouncing Santa Toad's head off of the ground.*

Jim Ross: Bah Gawd! The Badd Boy just beat the hell out of Santa Toad!

The King: That pisses me off...I think...I still want my Jenna Jameson!

*The Badd Boy leaves Santa Toad out cold on the floor in his santa outfit. The Badd Boy picks up the bag of gifts and throws it over his shoulder. The Badd Boy starts to leave then sees a kid with his own Badd Boy T-Shirt that was just given to him from Santa Toad as one of the random gifts. The Badd Boy takes it from the little seven year old then laughs evily. The Badd Boy takes everything with him and leaves.*

Jim Ross: What a christmas grinch!

The King: You're a mean one...Mr. Baddinch.

Jim Ross: You ruin it all King. Just once keep your lame comments to yourself, especially anything involving the word "Badd"!

*"The Insane Music" of Insane Michael Wilts hits as he comes out from the back. Fans boo as he walks down the rampway. He rolls into the ring and awaits his opponent.*

Jim Ross: We have Insane Michael Wilts back with us tonight.

The King: Back?

Jim Ross: Yeah he was here before?

The King: He was?

Jim Ross: Do you ever pay attention?

The King: Maybe starting after their second or third match if they make it that long.

*"Almost Over" is blaring as Wes Ikeda comes out from the back. The fans cheer as he walks down the rampway. He climbs up onto the ring apron then leaps over the ropes. He gets set as the bell rings and the match gets underway.*

The King: No, no, no, not the world champion named Wes!

Jim Ross: He has a last name he would like to use you know.

The King: Minor details JR, you know we don't pay attention to those. Requires too much work.

Jim Ross: Wes wouldn't look so bad if Ikeda were behind it on the card listings and the champions.

The King: Did you take your medication?

[Insane Michael Wilts charges at Wes Ikeda catching him off guard by hitting a rolling kick. Michael stands up and dropkicks the back of Wes's knee. Michael starts stomping on Wes then mounts him and starts punching him. Michael picks Wes up then whips him into the ropes. Wes bounces off of them only to receive a shoulder tackle from Michael. Michael runs towards the ropes and bounces off of them, on the return Michael nails a running senton splash. Michael helps Wes up then hits a haymaker followed by a European uppercut. Michael stares out into the crowd giving a funny look and throws his arms up in the air. Michael picks Wes up and whips him into the corner. Michael charges in towards Wes Ikeda, but Wes throws both feet up nailing Insane Michael Wilts in the face. Wes jumps up onto the turnbuckle then leaps off dropkicing Michael in the back of the head sending Michael down to the mat. Wes picks Michael up then pushes him into the corner. Wes grabs his arm and whips Michael towards the opposite corner, but holds onto him stopping him, then throws him back into the near corner. Wes then hits a knee on Michael then starts pummeling away. Wes jumps up then gives a monkey flip to Michael. Wes walks over to where Michael is then hits an elbow drop. Wes stands up the drops another elbow, and another, and one more. Wes picks Michael Wilts up, whips him into the ropes.]

The King: I want to see a match where using the ropes is illegal.

Jim Ross: Take up arm wrestling.

[Insane Michael Wilts drops to the mat and slides out under the ring. He stands on the outside taking a breather. Wes Ikeda runs and jumps over the top rope with a suicide dive, but Michael moves out of the way and Wes crashes down hard. Michal picks up Wes and gives him a punch to the stomach then drops Wes down with a DDT. Michael helps Wes up and then follows up with a swinging neckbreaker. Michael drops down with a leg drop. Wes gets back to his feet as Michael drags him back towards the rampway. Michael sets Wes up and hits a fisherman's suplex onto the steel ramp. Michael stands up, picking Wes up, then hits a german suplex. Michael waits until Wes gets up on his own. Insane Michael Wilts whips Wes Ikeda into the steel corner post and he smacks into it. Michael comes charging in, but Wes sidesteps, grabs Michael's head, then slams him into the steel post. Wes takes a step back then jumps up onto the guard rail and leaps off with a flying cross body. Wes takes Michael back over onto the ramp where Wes sets up and executes a powerbomb onto the steel. Wes helps up Michal then gives him a snapmare take down and a knee to the back of the head. Wes gets up and runs into the ring. He jumps up onto the turnbuckle then hits a moonassault onto Michael. Wes stands up and grabs a hold of Michael. Wes throws Michael into the ring. Wes jumps up onto the ring apron.]

The King: Does he realize not everything was made to jump off of?

Jim Ross: Do you ever stop bitching about Wes?

The King: Shutup JR, his name's Wes, he deserves it.

Jim Ross: You deserve...n/m, he have children watching.

[Wes Ikeda then leaps over the top hitting a modifed senton bomb. Wes sets Insane Michael Wilt's head up under the ropes. Wes grabs Michael's legs then slingshots him whiplashing his head on the ropes. Wes then grabs a hold of the leg and pulls Michael back towards the center of the ring. Wes picks up Michael then puts him in the full nelson. Wes pushes his weight forward and executes a front full nelson face slam. Wes then stands up and runs against the ropes. Wes returns and drops a headbutt. Wes stands up and grabs Michael by the head. Wes helps him up then picks him up and follows up with a fallaway slam. Wes brushes his hands off then goes back to the turnbuckle, climbs and stands on the top. Insane Michael Wilts jumps up and falls into the ropes forcing Wes to fall and straddle the turnbuckle. Michael shakes his head off then goes over to the corner where he climbs up and grabs Wes around the head. Michael then nails a superplex on Wes. He goes for the cover ...1...2...kickout! Michael picks Wes up then whips him into the ropes and hits the kitchen sink sending Wes to the mat. Michael picks Wes up once more then picks him up and nails a fireman's carry. Michael goes for another pin ...1...2...kickout. Micheal becomes frustrated and picks Wes up. Michael pushes Wes back into the turnbuckle then climbs up and goes for ten consequetive punches.Michael hits a few, but Wes grabs Michael by the back and throws him down to the mat.]

The King: I can only imagine what's next. *Rolls eyes.*

Jim Ross: It's about time to end this match.

The King: Look, look, the vanterminator only without the cool career ending chair.

Jim Ross: Look, look, my names The King and I ruin everything!

The King: ....................

[Wes Ikeda then puts Insane Michael Wilts into the corner and goes to the opposite turnbuckle. Wes climbs up and leaps off hitting the coast to coast. Wes pulls Michael out to the center and covers him for the ...1...2...3!]

“Break stuff” blasts on the PA system as Carnage walks to the ring

King-I bet while Stonecold is still puking about Ashlee taking his theme song…Salvatore is rolling around his grave about CRAE taking his


“Punk theme” blasts on the PA system as Punk walks to the ring with the TV title

King-Wow how cocky is Punk


King-I mean he didn’t even promo for Carnage…must not think he’ll be much of a problem

(Punk stops half way on the ramp, Punk grabs a microphone and points at Carnage)

CM Punk-You know Carnage I know your waiting for your chance at this piece of shit title, but to be quite honest I couldn’t care less. Take it if you want, I got bigger fish to fry!

*Punk throws down the title and spits on it and then back pedals to the back as carnage looks confused *

[Camera then goes to the back as Prez Mike is shown sitting at his desk with what seems to be a very concerned look on his face as his secretary (Kathrin) stands infront of em with a clipboard in hand.]

Prez Mike: So how is the kid?

Kathrin: Ummm..His parents still seem to be very upset...

Prez Mike: Well just give the kid what he wants you know the regular...T-Shirts, autographs, hell he can have tickets to the pay per view...Just get this problem settled!

Kathrin: Uhh..I tried that but, they was still upset and they left!

Prez Mike: Shew, God dont let this go to court...Well did they say anything before they left?

Kathrin: Yeahhhh....But, you look like your in a bad mood and I dont want to get you worse...

Prez Mike: Might as well get it over with and just give me the news, come on let me have it!

Kathrin: They said, "See you in court!"...I'm really sorry.

Prez Mike: Just great, perfect! This is all I need on me right now!

[Prez Mike then puts his arm on the table as he swings it knocking papers, a lamp, and his name plate into the floor. Kathrin begins to get scared as she backs up in the corner, Mike then looks up still in rage as he notices a water bottle sitting on his desk. Mike then picks up the bottle and launches it across the table as after he tosses it his eyes widen as big as possible. Mike stands still as if he saw a ghost, camera then scans down at the floor as it notices the bottle at the feet of a man. The water slung out is noticed on the man's jeans as the camera pans up to reveal "EMF HOFer" Triple H. Triple H seems to be very angry as he stands there rubbing his chin.]

Triple H: Is that really any way to treat the absolute greatest wrestler you've ever had?

Prez Mike: Listen, Listen..I've had a real rough day and I apologize. Now if you would like something, start talking.

Triple H: Well one thing you can do is never talk to me like that again, if it wasnt for me, you wouldn't even be sitting here. You be working at your local McDonald's in Phoenix, so dont you ever talk to person who built this company from the ground - up! Got me?! And another thing you can do for me is by signing this contract and entering me in the Hall of Fame battle royal.

Prez Mike: Is that all you want? Is that what can get you outta my hair...Give me that damn thing!

[Prez Mike flips to the last page of the clipboard and signs the contract and while doing so looks up at Triple H with a very stern face.]

Prez Mike: Now if you would excuse me, I have a lawsuit to settle...

[Triple H walks out of the way as Prez Mike can walk out the door as Kathrin follows, as Kathrin walks back Triple H picks up on her skirt a lil bit to get a sneak peak. Kathrin pushes her skirt down as she flips her hair at Triple H and walks out very angerily.]

Triple H: Mike, lawsuits aren't gonna be your only problem soon...

[Triple H chuckles a bit as he looks at the contract closing the door behind him, the screen fades and goes back to the ring.]

"Heyman's theme" blasts on the PA system as Kaedon, Messiah and Jarred walk to the ring

JR-All three wrestlers seem to have a connection with CEO Paul Heyman lately

King-Well it shut Jarred up, that's all I care about

"The Hard Rockin' renegades theme" blasts on the PA system as Twilight, Dirty D and Shane walk to the ring.

JR-This is an interesting combination

King-Only thing interesting about them is amount of time they can put me to sleep!

[Jarred and Twilight pace around the ring, Jarred and Twilight lock up. Twilight hits a quick arm drag on Jarred. Jarred gets up quick and then Twilight hits another release arm drag on Jarred. Jarred is on his knee’s in the corner and then Twilight charges in and then hits a knee to the face of Jarred and then Twilight then measures up Jarred and then nails a fist to face while Jarred is on his knee’s and then Twilight pulls Jarred up and tags in Dirty D. Dirty D runs to the middle of the ring and then charges in with a clothesline in the corner. Twilight waits as Jarred stumbles out of the corner and then Twilight backs to the ropes and then nails a running bulldog. Twilight then goes to the outside and then Dirty D hits a few stomps to the downed Jarred and then Dirty D waits for Jarred to get up, Jarred stumbles to his feet and then Dirty D hits a running clothesline, Jarred slowly gets up and then Dirty D runs to the ropes just as Jarred is getting up and then hits a running shoulder block. Jarred gets up fast, pissed on how the match is going so far for him and then Dirty D knocks him to the ground with drop kick that sends Jarred down and across the ring and then Jarred tries to dive for the tag but Dirty D grabs Jarred’s legs and then Messiah and Kaedon yell something at Dirty D, Dirty D charges and then hits a few fists that knock them both off the apron and then they both slide into the ring pissed though the ref makes them stop, as this is happening and the ref back is turned Dirty D goes back to attack Jarred, but Jarred is able to answer with a low blow. Dirty D goes down to the mat in a lot of pain as Kaedon and Messiah return to where they were and then Jarred pulls up Dirty D and then drags him to the corner and then tags in Kaedon. Jarred then puts Dirty D in a Russian leg sweep as Kaedon gets ready and leaps off the turnbuckle and then nails a drop kick that sends Dirty D falling back into the Russian leg sweep by Jarred. Jarred goes to the outside and then Kaedon hits a few forearms to the head of Dirty D and then Kaedon gets whipped to the ropes. Dirty D bounces off the ropes and then Kaedon lowers his head for a back body drop. But Dirty D holds on to the ropes and his a kick to the face and then Kaedon gets up in pain and then Dirty D turns him inside out with a clothesline]

King-Wow…this match is so bad, it’s almost criminal that were paying them!

Judge Seymour Gaudo- Did someone say….criminal

King-Hey! It’s our official EMF judge, what you doing here!

Seymour Gaudo: Oh…I’ve been looking for…Lady Yuna…you wouldn’t happen to see her by any chance?

King-Yeah she’s annoying fans by singing in a commercial that’s played over and over again for the WWE

Seymour Gaudo: I see…well maybe I can kill them all…and end their suffering *insane laugh and he disappears into thin air *

JR-What was that about?

King-Oh the writer has been playing FFX again

[Dirty D goes to his knees, Kaedon gets up holding the back of his head and then charges at Dirty D, but Dirty D was playing that he was more hurt then he really was and then hits a drop toe hold that causes Kaedon to fall on the second rope and hit throat first. Kaedon gets up holding his throat and then Dirty D kicks him in the gut and then hits a DDT. Dirty D knowing that he should make the tag slowly goes to the corner….and gets there tagging in Shane. Shane comes in as Kaedon gets up and knocks him down hard with running clothesline. Shane then continues to the ropes and bounces off the ropes as Kaedon gets up just as Shane is bouncing off the ropes and then Shane leaps in the air and then nails a flying clothesline and then Shane nips up as Messiah runs into the ring and goes for a clothesline. But Shane ducks it and then Messiah tries to recover from it, but Shane is able to hit an inverted atomic drop. Messiah stumbles back a few steps and then Shane hits a double leg take down and then sets him up and then hits a sling shot as Kaedon and Messiah smashes into Kaedon. Kaedon goes down as Messiah stumbles back Shane takes a few steps back and hits a flowing reverse neck breaker. Shane then quickly gets up and sees that Kaedon is still down so he goes to the top rope and then leaps off and nails a big splash from the top for the 1……….2……..Jarred comes into the ring and breaks up the move, suddenly Dirty D comes into the ring and then hits a few fists and then, Shane then joins Dirty D and they both whip Jarred off the ropes. Jarred bounces off the ropes and then Shane and Dirty D hits a double flap jack. While this is happening Twilight stands on the top rope and then leaps off and nails the darkness falls.]

King-That would have been a good move…IF JARRED WAS THE LEGAL MAN!!

JR-I think he was just trying to take out Jarred, so he would no longer be a factor.

King-They really didn’t have to do that…Jarred does a good job of doing that himself!

[Kaedon tags in Messiah who runs into the ring and then hits a few fists on Shane. Suddenly Twilight hits a drop kick into the back of Messiah and Messiah stumbles forward and then Shane hits the “Shady Tree” Dirty D comes from behind Kaedon and pulls him off of the apron fighting with him so he can’t stop what’s happening and then Twilight is on the top rope and nails darkness falls on Messiah, Shane goes into the cover and gets the 1………….2………..3! Though outside Dirty D gets thrown hard into the steel steps by Kaedon who picks up a steel chair and then slides into the ring and then Shane is the first to get smashed over the head with chair and then Twilight is getting up from hitting his finisher and then Kaedon jabs the chair into his gut and nails a chair shot on his back. Kaedon stands over everyone who is down and then a sick smile comes to his face and he slides out of the ring as Paul Heyman theme blasts over the PA system Paul Heyman walks to the stage as Kaedon walks up the ramp.]

JR-What does he want.

King-Probably to take your job, because you’re a badd commentator

Paul Heyman-Now that we have your attention Twilight, I would like to take this opportunity to inform you that even though you have won the match. In the end you will not win the war Twilight, because Twilight not only have I made sure that your championship days are numbered at First Blood. But I’m going to assure everyone that you Twilight are not going to be able to walk out of First Blood. Because what I in-vision at First Blood is a match that I do not believe has ever happen here in the Extreme Measures Federation. Because Twilight you will take on Kaedon in a……LAST MAN STANDING MATCH!!

JR-Oh my god…

(Jarred rolls out of the ring and then grabs his IC championship. He turns around and suddenly gets kicked into the gut and DDTed by CM Punk who just ran from the crowd. Punk looks at the title as everyone is gone other than Paul Heyman who is standing on top of the ramp in disbelief. Punk grabs the title and looks at it for a little bit and then runs off with it.)

Paul Heyman: Punk! You’re making a mistake, you will regret this!

(We see Punk holding up the IC title as he runs through the crowd)

Paul Heyman: Well night can’t get any worse.

(suddenly the EMF tron lights up with the image of CM Punk jumping into a car and starting it. Then drives off, the camera pans over and it says “spot reversed for CEO Paul Heyman”)

King-Punk is in trouble now…he not only stole the IC title, but he just used Heyman’s car as a get away!

JR-Well were out of time, good night everyone

(Shockwave goes off the air)

OOC-once again borrowing Heyman…I didn’t do anything major so I figured it would be cool