EMF: Saturday Shockwave

[Shockwave opens up with the same pyro and theme as the cameras pan over the large Fort Myer's crowd as Jim Ross and Jerry "The King" Lawler (and Gaffney) welcomes us to the show.]

JR: Welcome to Shockwave and it looks like we are getting action earlier because I am told we are going out to the parking lot...

King: I love parking lot brawls get the cameras out there...

[Cameras go out to the parking lot as Todd Grisham is outside in the parking lot standing there with a microphone looking around for somebody.]

Grisham: Thanks JR, I am getting word right here tonight the new co-owner of EMF will be arriving. Now, we havent been told who it is or when they will get here but, I have been notified that he will be here sometime tonight. And I will be out here in the parking lot awaiting the new co-owner of EMF throughout Shockwave.

JR: Alright, thanks Todd

King: You mean..Thats it? Please someone tell me someone is gonna bash Grisham over the head with a trashcan or better yet please let someone just run over em. Is that too much to ask?...

JR: Who is the co-owner of EMF, King?

King: Well I know one thing it isn't me...So therefore I no longer care...

JR - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 225 pounds,, Enforcer!!! (crowd cheers *****)

[Enforcer comes to the ring. ]

JR - and his opponent, weighing in at 225 pounds,, Brick Lesnar!!! (crowd cheers **)

[Brick Lesnar walks to the ring. Earl Hebner is the referee for this contest. Enforcer places Brick Lesnar on the turnbuckle and executes a front-layout suplerplex. Brick Lesnar executes a pumphandle suplex on Enforcer. (the bell rings) Enforcer short-arm clotheslines Brick Lesnar to the mat. Now Brick Lesnar standing. Enforcer gets taken down with an armdrag takedown. Enforcer executes a headlock takedown. Enforcer executes a corkscrew legdrop on Brick Lesnar. Brick Lesnar moves back to his feet. Brick Lesnar hits Enforcer with a single arm DDT. Brick Lesnar chants start. Brick Lesnar slingshot elbow drops Enforcer. Indian deathlock applied by Brick Lesnar. Referee Earl Hebner is checking for a tap out. ... Brick Lesnar tightens the hold. ... Enforcer is fighting the hold. ... Enforcer escapes. Enforcer climbs to his feet. Enforcer tackles Brick Lesnar to the mat. Enforcer gets up. Enforcer gives Brick Lesnar a reverse neckbreaker. Enforcer gets up. Brick Lesnar hits Enforcer with an inverted atomic drop. Brick Lesnar locks Enforcer in the odd octopus hold. Referee Earl Hebner is checking for a tap out. ... ... Enforcer is fighting the hold. ... Enforcer escapes. ]

The King - Skita would never allow that to happen

[Enforcer gets knocked on the ground and Brick Lesnar flips onto him. Brick Lesnar hits the flying legdrop across Enforcer's neck. Brick Lesnar moves back to his feet. Enforcer rakes his fingers across Brick Lesnar's back. Enforcer hits a dragon suplex on Brick Lesnar. Enforcer chants start. Enforcer climbs to his feet. Enforcer choke slams Brick Lesnar. Brick Lesnar looks to be out cold! Enforcer sets up Brick Lesnar lifts him up and drives him down for the Enforcer Slam and goes for the pin. Earl Hebner counts. ...1 ...2 ...3

JR - The winner of this match, Enforcer!!!

[A limo pulls up outside as Grisham then runs towards the backdoor, Grisham begins to tap on the glass window, the door then flings open as Grisham quickly backs up. Edge then jumps out of the back giving Grisham the death stare as Grisham kinda scratches his head not knowing whats going on.]

Grisham: Edge? Ummm..What are you doing here? Have you signed with EMF?

Edge: What Todd, I couldn't be the co-owner of EMF? What because I am not wearing suit?...But, you know Todd that is kinda funny me the new EMF co-owner? Not even you would fall for that one...[Laughs and pats Todd on the shoulder]

Grisham: Yeah, you almost had me going...[Todd laughs as he puts he hands on Edge's shoulder and begins to grab his gut from laughing.]

[Todd doesnt pay attention but, Edge stops laughing as he looks over at Todd's hand on his shoulder.]

Edge: Well guess what Todd? I AM THE NEW CO-OWNER OF EMF! And you know as my first act here in EMF, I think its time we trimmed the fat around here and I can think of no bigger waste of space then you Todd...Pack your shit, because your ass just got canned Todd...Yea, I said it...You're fired.

[Edge begins to laugh as he chews his gum right infront of Todd's face, Todd stands there stunned not knowing what to do as Edge just waves to Todd goodbye as the cameras go back to JR and King.]

King: You know that wasnt what I was wanting, I was really hoping he would get his ass kicked but him getting fired is good enough

JR: Edge is our new boss?

“number 1” blast on the PA system as Dude Nick walks to the ring with Wilsonator. Vince McMahon trailing the two

JR-I don’t think this is going to be a normal tag team, they are just teaming up because they have a common enemy

King-You mean, Vince does

Kris Gaffney-I’m sure that’s what he meant

“Hitman” blasts on the PA system as Stone Cold Steve Austin walks to the ring with Bret “the Hitman” Hart

King-I think Dude Nick is right, this is the “I hate Vince” club…

Kris Gaffney-Don’t you hate him too?

King-Yeah, I do

JR-Anyways…these two are legendary names, we will see how they do in the EMF…gotta consider the Other World theory..

King-Yeah, you do

[Wilsonator and Stone Cold start out, they pace around the ring and then they lock up and Stone Cold puts Wilsonator in a head lock. Then goes into a hammer lock, Wilsonator looks for a way out of the hold, Wilsonator trips up Stone Cold. Stone Cold falls on the mat and then Stone Cold pushes Wilsonator off and to the ropes with his foot and Wilsonator bounces off the ropes and then Stone Cold gets up to his feet and then hits a drop toe hold to Wilsonator that takes him down to the mat and Stone Cold puts on a side head lock on the mat. Wilsonator tries to find a way out of the hold and then he gets to his feet with Stone Cold holding on the side head lock, so he decides to get out of the move by backing up Wilsonator to the ropes and whips him off the side head lock, Stone Cold bounces off the ropes and then comes off the ropes nailing a big shoulder block to WIlsonator that takes him down and then Wilsonator stumbles up and Stone Cold hits a few fists to the face and Wilsonator stumbles back and then Stone Cold is in his corner as Stone Cold hits a few knee’s into the gut of Wilsonator and then holds Wilsonator in the corner and tags in Bret Hart with the other hand and Bret comes into the match as Bret hits a few hard fists into the corner and then Bret backs off and brings out Wilsonator out of the corner and then whips him to the ropes. Wilsonator bounces off the ropes, and Bret puts his head down for a back body drop and then hits it and Wilsonator goes crashing down on the mat and gets up and Wilsonator gets up only to be picked up and body slammed by Bret Hart. Bret drops a leg drop across the throat and then goes into the cover and gets a 1…………….2………..kick out by Wilsonator. Bret pushes Wilsonator on to his stomach and then hits a few knee drops into the back of Wilsonator to work on the back. Bret then backs up as Wilsonator stumbles up to his feet and then Bret hits a back breaker to Wilsonator. Bret goes to the corner climbs up to the second rope and drops one of his trademark elbows from the second rope and then he signals to the crowd that it’s time for the sharpshooter. Bret sets it up….and locks it in, Wilsonator is in a lot of pain, before he can tap Dude Nick comes into the ring and then hits a big boot to the back of the head of Hart to break the sharpshooter and drags Wilsonator close to their corner and goes back into the corner.]

JR-It’s good thing that Dude Nick came in, not too many survive Bret Hart’s sharpshooter

King-What a surprise, their both going for a tag

Kris Gaffney-wonder if people sense the sarcasm

[Hart for being the least beaten up of the two is able to make up the head start Wilsonator has on Dude Nick and then makes the tag to Stone Cold….Stone Cold tries to stop Wilsonator, but as Stone Cold grabs Wilsonator. He’s able to kick him off and make the tag to Dude Nick, Dude Nick comes into the ring and then Stone Cold tries to stop him as he’s going over the top rope with fists. But Dude Nick pushes Stone Cold away as he stumbles back and Dude Nick is over the ropes as Stone Cold charges at Dude Nick hits a running forearm shot to the face of Stone Cold. Stone Cold goes down gets up and then Dude Nick hits a few forearm shots to the face of Stone Cold and whips Stone Cold to the ropes and Stone Cold bounces off the ropes. Then Dude Nick lowers his head and then hits a back body drop on Stone Cold. Stone Cold gets up slowly and Dude Nick grabs Stone Cold by the throat with two hands and lifts him up and throws him into the turnbuckle and then Dude Nick hits a few fists to the face of Stone Cold gives some separation at the warning of the ref and then hits a few knees into the gut and then Dude Nick pulls Stone Cold up in the corner and then starts to choke Stone Cold with his boot and the ref starts to count. Dude Nick breaks before five, the ref warns Dude Nick and Dude Nick shakes off the warning and Dude Nick whips Stone Cold into the opposite side turnbuckle and then Dude Nick charges in with Stone Cold and then hits a clothesline in the corner. Dude Nick turns around and then hits a bulldog head lock to Stone Cold and goes into the cover and gets a 1………….2………Bret Hart comes into the ring and then breaks up the cover.]

JR-Bret Hart made a good move there, if anything he didn’t let his partner use the energy to kick out of that last move

King-Notice how JR acts like there wasn’t a chance to be pinned there

Kris Gaffney-Yeah, why can’t there be more unbiased commentators…like me!

[Dude Nick gets up, Bret stays in the ring and then hits a few fists as Stone Cold joins him hitting a few fists to the face and double whip Dude Nick to the ropes. Dude Nick bounces off the ropes. Bret and Stone Cold go for a double clothesline, but Dude Nick ducks and Stone Cold and Bret turn around only to get set up for a double chokeslam and Bret and Stone Cold counter it with a double kick into the gut and they hit a double suplex on Dude Nick. Suddenly Wilsonator comes into the ring and then attacks Bret. The fight spills out in the outside. The ref goes over to stop it, Stone Cold in the ring hits a body slam on Wilsonator. Stone Cold goes to the ropes for his diving elbow drop. But with the ref’s attention turned, Vince grabs the leg of Stone Cold. Stone Cold turns around pissed, and yells a few things at Vince turns around Dude Nick is up kicks Stone Cold in the gut and hits the Dudemeister! Dude Nick goes into the cover and gets a 1……………2…………..3]

JR-DAMN IT, Vince strikes again

(Dude Nick joins Wilsonator in the ramp and Vince rises their arms to celebrate their win.

“Scott Kincaid’s theme” blasts on the PA system as Kincaid walks to the ring

JR-Kincaid is without a doubt a great wrestler, but he’s yet to truly break out in singles competition as I feel he should

Kris Gaffney-Wes just drags down everyone….hell he drove down the announcing team when he was announcing

King-really…I thought that was Gaffney

King-Now your defending him!

“Away way” blasts on the PA system as Michael De Kreek walks to the ring

JR-This time last year, De Kreek held the IC title…I’m sure he would like to again

Kris Gaffney-Well you gotta start some where

King-Yeah, this is more than a lot of superstars can hope for

“Stranglehold” by Ted Nugent blasts on the PA system as Dewey Pond walks to the ring presenting his new gimmick

JR-This seems to be a new attitude of Dewey Pond

King-Where he been anyways?

Kris Gaffney-Probably going through an early mid life crisis

King-Well Tori’ almost due…maybe that’s the reason

Kris Gaffney-Hey, did you realize that his initials are now…D…D…P?


[Dewey Pond comes into the ring and then MDK and him to hammer away at each other as Kincaid being the smart one and using strategy falls back and lets this go and then Dewey Pond puts on a head lock and then Dewey Pond bounces off the ropes and nails a big shoulder block and then MDK goes down to the mat and then rolls a bit and gets up angry and charges at Dewey Pond and Pond takes MDK over for an arm drag and then into an arm bar. Dewey Pond puts pressure, but then Kincaid comes from the back of Dewey Pond and then nails him with a clubbing blow to the back of the head and then Dewey Pond falls on the mat and then Kincaid hits a few stomps on the downed Dewey Pond who is getting up in the corner and then MDK charges at Kincaid. But Kincaid side steps and throws him into Dewey Pond who is in the corner and then MDK stumbles back a few steps right into Kincaid who puts De Kreek into waist lock and then Kincaid goes for a release germen suplex. But MDK is able to rotate enough and then lands on his feet and then Kincaid turns around and then charges at Michael De Kreek. De Kreek is able to counter the charge with a double leg take down and then De Kreek puts Kincaid into position and then hits a sling shot, Dewey Pond dives out of the corner as Kincaid goes crashing ace first into the top turnbuckle and Kincaid stumbles around for a few moments and De Kreek backs up and then motions to the crowd that he’s about to do some sort of move and looks like he’s going for a big splash as he charges at Kincaid in the corner. But as MDK jumps for the splash, Kincaid moves out of the way and then De Kreek is able to land on the second rope on his feet and then Kincaid charges at De Kreek. But De Kreek is able to hit a back kick to the face of Kincaid, Kincaid stumbles back and then De Kreek hooks Kincaid and then drives down for a tornado DDT off the second rope and then goes into the cover and gets a 1………………2……….Dewey Pond comes out of no where and breaks up the cover and then MDK gets up and then hits a few hard fists to the face of MDK. MDK stumbles back and then Dewey Pond tries to whip De Kreek to the ropes. But it’s reversed by De Kreek, Pond goes to the ropes and then hits a flying forearm shot to the face of De Kreek that makes MDK stumble back and fall through the ropes and on the arena floor.]

JR-That was a good move by Dewey Pond

King-You ever seen a bad move?

JR and Kris Gaffney-Yes……..

[Dewey Pond and Kincaid lock up and then Kincaid looks like he’s got the advantage as he’ drives Pond into the corner. But Pond is able to counter and Kincaid is the one in the corner as the ref calls for the clean break, Pond slowly gives the break. But then goes for a big fist, but Kincaid moves out of the way and Pond is in the corner himself and Kincaid hits a few hard fists to the face of Pond and then Kincaid whips Pond into the opposite side of the ring and then Pond stumbles out of the corner and Kincaid sets up and then hits a belly to belly over head throw that sends Pond flying and then crashing down on the mat and Kincaid hits a few stomps on the downed Pond who gets to his feet. Kincaid kicks Dewey Pond in the gut and then hits a snap suplex and goes to the second turnbuckle and leaps off nailing a leg drop off the second rope and goes into the cover gets the 1…………………..2………..MDK comes into the ring and then breaks up the cover before the possible three count goes down. Kincaid rolls off the cover and then gets up and then MDK his a few clubbing blows before he can go back on the attack. Kincaid pushes him back and then tries to cause some separation MDK stumbles back and then Kincaid is able to hit a few fists to MDK and then he stumbles back to the ropes. Kincaid whips MDK to the ropes, MDK bounces off the ropes and then Kincaid lowers his head for a back body drop, but it’s countered by MDK with a swing neck breaker on Kincaid . Kincaid stumbles to his feet, dazed after that move MDK kicks him in the gut and hits a double under hook suplex on Kincaid. MDK looks like he might want to try to end the match, but suddenly Dewey Pond charges at MDK. But De Kreek is able to side steps MDK and then throw him over the top rope and he falls on the ring apron and then De Kreek turns around and then gets a hang man on the top rope .]

JR-Dewey Pond has come to fight here tonight

King-I’m waiting for him to hit the Diamond Cutter

Kris Gaffney-He may get sued though…

[As MDK is stumbling , Kincaid charges at him. MDK side steps him and then throws him into the corner and then Kincaid hits into the corner and Dewey Pond goes flying off the turnbuckle on to the arena floor. Kincaid stumbles around, MDK sets up and nails the down stream on Kincaid. MDK goes into the cover and gets the 1…………………2………….3]

JR-MDK wins! Could we be seeing the rise to glory once again by Michael De Kreek?

King-Who knows

[The camera then goes to the back as Prez Mike sits at his desk with a pile of papers infront of him as a knock is heard at his desk.]

Prez Mike: FOR THE LOVE OF GOD! I am busy now get lost, dammit!

[Prez Mike looks back down at his business work infront of him as the knock then gets louder, Prez Mike just grabs his forehead and shakes his head as he looks at the door and begins to get red faced from anger.]

Prez Mike: DAMMIT SIERRA! I am not in the mood, now please just give me like a hour alone!

[The knocks then stop for awhile as Prez Mike takes a deep breathe and begins to pick up a couple of the papers in his hands and begins to read over them. The knocks then become very loud as the door sounds like its about to come off its hinges, Prez Mike then tosses the papers in the air as he runs his hand through his hair.]


Voice: [In man trying to do a woman's voice] Housekeeping? [/voice]

Prez Mike: Housekeeping? Dammit to hell only one asshole would keep knocking on my door and give me a bogus answer!...

[Prez Mike stands up from his chair fixing his suit as he jerks it down in a very angry manner.]

Prez Mike: Road, you son of a bitch...You picked the wrong day to make a return!...

[Prez Mike jerks the door open as it about comes flying off into his office from opening it so fast, Mike then looks out and Edge stands with his arm up against the doorway standing there smiling and doing his annoying chewing of the gum.]

Edge: Why the long face Mike? I mean I thought you be happy to see me? Especially since I AM you partner and all. I mean being 50/50 percent owners of the EMF and all?

Prez Mike: What in the hell are you talking about? Like you have the money to buy half of this company...

Edge: Your right, I dont..But, seems a ran into a little investor and well here I am right infront of you. Yea, thats right Mike like it or not you now have a business partner and he is no other then "The Rated R Superstar"...EDGE! But, I mean why are you looking so upset I mean as I was making my way to the arena, I was taking a look at the roster and well I hate to say it but this company looks like its on a downward spiral...I mean EMF well, its starting too look alot like WCW in its death days...We got a bunch of old foggies who call themselves "Legends". Punisher, Matt Dragon just a couple of your big names and lets face it, they are just a shadow of their former selves. I mean what does EMF bring to the table these days? Nothing...But, thats where I come to save the day, I have some really innovative ideas and well instead of sitting there so gloom.."Partner", you should be down kissing the feet of the one single man who is gonna save this company.

Prez Mike: You know I like to hear more about these innovative ideas...

Edge: Want a innovative idea, well next week the show above all shows, "The Cutting Edge" will makes it debut and my guest will be the man I am fighting, but lets face it the line to fight a pure athlete as myself would be the whole damn roster of the EMF, cause lets face it they all would die to make a name for themselves against me. So thats why next week, we will have a drawing...I'll draw my opponent, interview them, then proceed to beat the holy hell outta of them.

Prez Mike: What a innovative idea let me give it up...*Slowly claps hands together*

Edge: Whats wrong Mike, you dont like a little competition I like to see you come up with something "innovative" but, lets face it you aren't the sharpest knife are ya? Wasn't you the owner that got his ass shipped to Iraq? And wasn't it you or totally got made into a jackass by Triple H by not even realizing what you was signing. [Laughs then quickly stops] But, I am here telling you face to face...I am here to run you out! Yeah and sooner then later I am gonna send you and your slut Sierra with a 40 in one hand and tissue in another. Crying because I am the man thats is gonna take EVERYTHING away from you.

[Edge walks up and gets face to face with Mike as Mike stares at him then begins to laugh.]

Prez Mike: You know after I think about it, this partnership is gonna work out just fine. Infact, I wanna get ya started out just right...See those papers over there well since you are co-owner...Get your ass to work, I did my half now you can do yours...

Edge: Wait a secon...

Prez Mike: Bye!...[Mike walks out of the office as Edge stares at Mike and then takes his place at the desk.]

Edge: [Looking at the papers] What the hell is this? Renewing contracts?...Hmmm Prophecy...Never heard of em and well dont care to hear from em. Heres a prophecy for ya... You're fired. [Edge laughs as he wads up the contract for Prophecy and shoots it like a basketball in the waste basket.]

Edge: Its good to be the boss...[Edge puts his feet up on the desk.]

(OOC-For those who weren't here, there was a co-owner of the EMF before. He went crazy and the status of the co-ownership was thrown in the air, and now seemly it's been picked up...so this isn't a storyline that came out of no where. Just we haven't had something to pick up the storyline, until now )

“Down with the Sickness” blasts on the PA system as Angelus Archer walks to the ring. Then “Bad, Bad Man” blasts on the PA system as John Cena walks to the ring

JR-Cena and Angelus are without doubt the best individually, but they have not completely put it together as a tag team yet

King-How you know, we will never know…thanks to Matt Dragon. For that I called X-Clod, so he can get revenge on Matty D finally

Kris Gaffney- You really didn’t do that…did you

King-Nope, too lazy

“horsemen” blasts on the PA system as Kennedy and Conway walk out on the stage trailing behind is the TV champion Tyson Tomko. They look to the entrance as the “Enforcer” Arn Anderson walks out to the stage to a surprise to all.

JR-In a way this is a surprise, and in a way it’s not…It’s Ric Flair’s best friend Arn Anderson

King-Guess he found a “new spot” with the EMF

Kris Gaffney-You know, I stole this tire iron from Arn, it’s suppose to do something special…let’s see *Kris clubs JR to the back and JR falls down unconscious.

King-*gasp* that’s the greatest thing I’ve ever seen!

“Number 1” blast on the PA system as Josh Hanley and Dude Nick walks to the ring

JR-A good question is when did these two become a tag team?

King-When did you become a good commentator?

Kris Gaffney-The answer to that is…never

[Conway of the horsemen and Josh Hanley of his team start out the match. Hanley things of what to do and Conway, backs Hanley just about in the corner with little room to move. Hanley darts one way, but Conway catches him and drives him back into the corner and then hits a few shoulder blocks into the gut of Hanley and follows it up with a few hard knife edge chops to Hanley. Conway backs up and then follow the ref’s instructions and he goes into the corner once again and then Conway whips Hanley as hard as possible into the corner and then he bounces hard off the turnbuckle and then Conway hits a big back drop after Hanley comes out of the corner fast, Hanley hits into the ground hard. Hanley gets up slowly as Conway measures up and Hanley stumbles towards Hanley Conway who goes for a move. But before he can hit it Hanley elbows out of the hold and Hanley stumbles back as Conway goes to the ropes to recover from the back elbows and then Hanley charges at Conway. But Conway is able counter the charge with a hot shot on the top rope, Hanley’s head snaps off the top rope and then Conway kicks Hanley in the gut and then hits a gut wrench suplex and goes into the cover and gets the 1…………….2………kick out. Conway brings Hanley into the Horsemen corner and then tags in Ken Kennedy. Kennedy goes to the top rope as Conway holds on to the arm bar as Kennedy comes off the top rope with a double axe handle to the arm and then he goes down to the mat as Kennedy hits a few hard stomps to the downed Josh Hanley, Hanley gets up and then Ken Kennedy hits a few fists to the face of Josh Hanley and Kennedy whips Hanley to the ropes and then Hanley bounces off the ropes as Kennedy lowers his head. But then Hanley is able to counter the move with a swing neck breaker. Being that he’s been beaten up Hanley needs to make the quickest tag possible. He just so happens to be in the corner of Angelus and Cena. Hanley tags in Cena who comes into the ring charging at Kennedy who is getting up after receiving the neck breaker and knocks him back down to the ground with a running shoulder block and then Hanley stumbles up and Cena hits a body slam, goes to the ropes, bounces off and then hits a big leg drop of DOOOOOOOOM]

King-Cena-mania running wild!

Kris Gaffney-Brother!

JR-Only difference there may be one or two “Cena-manics” in this crowd…

Kris Gaffney- Sucks to be a heel

[Cena picks up Kennedy and pushes him into the corner and then whips into the opposite side of the ring and then Kennedy hits into the turnbuckle and Cena kicks him in the gut and then sets him up and nails a release fishermans suplex on Kennedy. Cena doesn’t going for the cover, rather he pulls him over to his corner to Angelus who makes the tag, Cena leaves Kennedy open and then Angelus hits a punch into the ribs of Kennedy. Kennedy stumbles back from the move and then Angelus hits a few fists to the face and then Angelus whips Kennedy to the ropes, but it’s reversed by Kennedy and Angelus goes to the ropes and bounces off and Angelus goes for a flying cross body block on Kennedy. But Kennedy ducks under and Angelus goes crashing into the mat and rolls a little bit near the ropes he’s on his hands and knee’s. Kennedy gets up and then goes to the ropes, bounces off and then hits a low drop kick into the ribs that makes Angelus roll out of the ring. Kennedy gets to his corner and makes the tag to Conway who drops down seeing how the legal man is out there, Angelus is getting up near the steps Conway takes Angelus head and then smashes it on the steel steps. Conway rolls Angelus into the ring, Angelus tries to cause separation by going away from Conway to the ropes. But as he’s doing that, Dude Nick comes into the ring. Dude Nick hits a few hard fists to the face of Conway, one that sends him down. Conway gets up, and Dude Nick whips Conway to the rope. Conway bounces off, Dude Nick hits a big boot and then holds up his hand to signal for a chokeslam.]

King-Wonder if getting choked slammed is the Con Way?

Kris Gaffney-Probably not…

JR-Dude Nick could put away the match here

[Conway stumbles towards Dude Nick, Dude Nick grabs Conway by the throat and goes for the choke slam. But it’s countered by Conway by hitting a few elbows into the neck. This makes Dude Nick lets go, Conway dives and then makes the tag to Kennedy. Kennedy comes into the ring and then hits a few hard fists to the face of Dude Nick and then whips Dude Nick into the ropes and Dude Nick bounces off the ropes and Josh Hanley makes the blind side tag. Kennedy saw it though as Hanley has gone to the top rope, and then Kennedy dives on the top rope and Hanley falls on the top rope. Kennedy goes into the top rope and then hooks Hanley, yells and hits the Lambeau Leap on Josh Hanley. Kennedy gets up and is about to go into the cover, when Dude Nick hits a big shoulder block that knocks Kennedy back into the Cena and Angelus corner and Cena falls off the apron, the ref claps his hands together. Dude Nick throws Kennedy out. Rob Conway comes into the ring, and Angelus knocks him out with a clothesline over the top rope. Angelus rolls out of the ring, just as John Cena rolls into the ring. Angelus is getting ready to hit the Slain on Conway, but he is able to struggle free and then sets up and nails the Ego trip on Angelus on the outside! Conway turns around as Cena has an arm over Hanley who is still down from Kennedy’s finisher and it seems after hitting into one another. Cena is the legal man! He gets the 1……………….2……….Conway rolls into the ring and then dives to break up the three and gets there…slightly too late 3]

JR-agree with it, or not Cena and Angelus have found a way to win here tonight

(Saturday Shockwave goes off the air with Cena getting his arm rised on the ramp way as Shockwave goes off the air)

(OOC-This could be considered a one on one match, seeing how Cena and the Horsemen’s RPer both wrote one RP a piece. Once again competitive match, the horsemen and Cena had a lot of good elements to their RP's. Which does not make it easy, because I do not have my regular staff members. So really it came down to which RP I thought was stronger, which after a while in my opinion was Cena’s. But the Horsemen did good as well as I’ve noticed improvement in adjusting to the EMF style over the past few RP’s and the ending reflects that, sorry for the delay.)