EMF: Saturday Shockwave

(The EMF logo flashes on the screen, as the Shockave video starts to play as it ends we go into the darken arena as pyrotechnics blasts on the stage. They end, and the lights turn back on, fans yell, and wave their signs. A few signs say "Rising money to fix Kennedy's poor eyesight", "Edge would know what to do", and "Mark Henry ate my other sign".)

JR-Welcome everyone to Saturday Shockwave, and what a show we have for you tonight

King-Yeah, all headlined by the tag team match.

Kris Gaffney-I don't think Cena and Angelus will be able to get along, long enough to make it to the ring….

"Don't ch" blasts on the PA system as Joy walks to the ring, and then steps into the ring

JR-You have got to give a lot of credit for Joy being able to fight through the hard times she's gone through.

King-Well….she needs to win.

Kris Gaffney-She hangs around Cena.

King-OK…she doesn't need to win

"Better than you" blasts on the PA system as Triple M walks behind Becky as she steps into the ring

JR-Last week, Becky Bayless got her first win, thanks to Vice President Amy Jericho

King-Yeah, but then her sister over shadowed her! How much does it suck to be Becky Bayless. It's not fair…..sorry…Brandshaw took over my body for a second there

Kris Gaffney-Wonder if her sister is hot…

[Joy and Becky lock up, and then Becky is able to go behind and then Becky Bayless is able to put a head lock on Joy. Joy tries to get out of the move, and then backs up and then tries to whip Becky Bayless off of the move, but before she can. Becky Bayless is able to hold her and drive Joy down to the mat and then Becky Bayless puts pressure on her as the ref asks Joy if she wants to give it up. Obviously it’s not going to happen that quickly, and then Joy is able to to get to her feet and then hits a few elbows into the gut and this does not break the hold and then Becky Bayless tries to get her grip back. As Joy pushes her back, and this time whips Becky Bayless to the ropes. Becky Bayless bounces off the ropes and then Joy is able to counter the attempted shoulder block and throws her over the top rope. But Becky Bayless is able to hold on to the ropes and then Joy turns around and goes after Becky Bayless. But Becky Bayless is able to turn it into hang man. That snaps Joy off the top rope, Joy stumbles back and then Becky Bayless jumps on the apron quickly and then goes up to the top rope and then measures up, and nails a flying cross body block on Becky Bayless, and goes into the cover 1………….2…..kick out by Joy. Becky Bayless gets up and then hits a few stomps on the downed Joy. Joy tries to get to her feet. Becky Bayless hits a knee lift into the gut, and then goes to the ropes and then hits a running knee lift into the face. Joy goes down to the mat and then crawls into the corner. Joy goes into the corner, and then tries to get up. Becky Bayless let’s her for a second and then hits a few stomps into the gut as Joy slowly starts to get back down and then Becky Bayless starts to choke Joy with her boot. The ref counts to 4, and Becky Bayless breaks it up, and then warns Becky Bayless and then Becky Bayless puts her hands up in innocents and then Becky Bayless goes into the corner and then pulls up Joy and hits a few knife edge chops to Joy. Joy is in pain, Becky Bayless whips Joy into the other side of the ring and then Joy crashes into the turnbuckle. Becky Bayless is cocky, and takes a little too much time and then charges into the corner. Joy counters with a elbow to the face. Becky Bayless stumbles around, Joy pulls herself on to the second turnbuckle, and then hooks Becky Bayless. Joy drives her down with a tornado DDT]

JR-Becky Bayless may have gotten too cocky there.

King-Yeah, I don’t think she wants to do that. Her Mom would have to pay off the VP again, and I don’t think she’s that rich

Kris Gaffney-Who knows…

JR-Get it through your head, that was just an answer to the insults by Hemme

[Both wrestlers are down, and then the ref starts to use his standing 10 count. Then he gets the 7 mark and both Joy and Becky Bayless are on their feet. Becky Bayless seemly frustrated, goes over to Joy and slaps her. Joy takes a few moments, and takes this in, and then responses with fists to the face and then Becky Bayless stumbles to the ropes and then Becky Bayless gets whipped to the ropes. She then comes off the ropes, and then Joy hits a back elbow on Becky Bayless. Becky Bayless goes down to the mat and then comes back up, Joy measures up and then hits a running clothesline. Then another, Becky Bayless tries to back off and then Joy won’t let up, Joy kicks Becky Bayless in the gut and then takes her over to the nearest turnbuckle and then smashes her face into the top turnbuckle 1.2….3….4…5……6…..7……8…..9….10 and then turns Becky Bayless around. Who is obviously really stunned on her feet. Then she takes her, and then puts her in a head lock, and nails a running bulldog head lock. Joy pushes Becky Bayless on to her back and then goes into the cover and gets the 1……………….2………….kick out by Becky Bayless.]

JR-Give her credit, there is no quit in Becky either

King-Yeah, the rich don't give up easy…believe me.

Kris Gaffney-You been hanging around Bentley Jones a bit, haven't you?

King-Yeah…and I still don't know how rich he is…

[Joy lets Becky Bayless go into the corner and then Joy hits a few knife edge chops and then tries to whip Becky Bayless to the opposite side of the ring and does. Becky crashes into the corner. Joy then charges into the corner, and then Becky Bayless is able to counter with a double boot to the face, and then Joy stumbles back and then Becky Bayless goes to the top rope rope. She steadys herself, and then Joy dives on the top rope and sends Becky crotching the top rope. Joy goes up, and then tries to hook Becky for a top rope suplex and then it's countered with a few fists to the face and then Joy falls back to the mat. Becky Bayless quickly leaps off the top rope and hits the streamliner. Becky goes into the cover, and gets the 1…………2……….3]

JR-Well it looked like Joy might have had Becky there, but some quick thinking has allowed Becky Bayless to win her second match.

("Strangle hold" blasts on the PA system as Dewey Pond walks to the ring, and steps into the ring and then waits for CJ Lethal.)

JR-It would seem that beside Rex, Dewey Pond is very interested in gaining the Extreme title

King-Wonder what is drawing the attention of a sudden…

"Lethal's theme" blasts on the PA system as CJ Lethal walks to the ring, and then steps into the ring

JR-CJ Lethal at times can be very dominated, the problem is you don't know which CJ Lethal your going to get…the dominate one….or the one that makes a lot of mistakes.

King-God, that call sounds familiar

Big Show-But, it was an HONOR

[Dewey Pond and CJ Lethal face off in the middle of the ring and then CJ Lethal goes for a fists on the more experienced Dewey Pond. Dewey Pond being the more experience of the two wrestlers ducks under, and then hits a few fists to the face and then being that he’s much bigger CJ Lethal is able to hit a knee lift into gut and then CJ Lethal has the advantage and then whips Dewey Pond off the ropes and then Dewey Pond bounces off the roeps and then comes off the ropes. CJ Lethal goes for a clothesline, that’s ducked under by Dewey Pond and goes to the other side of the ring and then comes off the ropes and then CJ Lethal turns around as Dewey Pond comes off the ropes and then Dewey Pond leaps in the air and hits a flying forearm shot to the face and then CJ Lethal stumbles back and then is near the ropes and then Dewey Pond measures up and then hits a standing drop kick on CJ Lethal. CJ Lethal goes back, and goes into the ropes and then falls out of the ring and then on to the arena floor. Dewey Pond takes a few moments to measure up and then CJ Lethal gets to his feet and then Dewey Pond takes the ropes and slings shots himself over the top rope and then takes CJ Lethal down with a cross body block over the top rope. Both wrestlers are down for a second, and then Dewey Pond gets up and then goes to the time keeper and steals his chair and then goes back to CJ Lethal and then hits a chair into the back. CJ Lethal stumbles a few steps and then Dewey Pond measures up and then CJ Lethal turns around and Dewey Pond jams the chair into the gut and then drops the chair where CJ Lethal is and then takes CJ Lethal and hits a DDT face first into the chair and he goes into the chair. Dewey Pond takes CJ Lethal up, and then tries to whip CJ Lethal into the ring post and does. CJ Lethal bounces off in pain, and maybe even out on his feet. Dewey Pond is able to hold up CJ Lethal and then throws him into the ring and then Dewey Pond goes on the apron, and climbs to the top rope. He waits for CJ Lethal to get up, and then waits as CJ Lethal gets to his feet. CJ Lethal stumbles to his feet and Dewey Pond jumps off for what seems to be a double axe handle, and then Dewey Pond is caught in mid air by CJ Lethal, and lifted up and dropped down for a choke slam.]

JR-Dewey Pond’s been in control of that match up until that point.

King-CJ Lethal’s just too powerful

[As Pond is slammed down on the mat, CJ Lethal falls away from Dewey Pond and then CJ Lethal and the ref starts his standing 10 count. But before it gets to any important number. CJ Lethal starts to crawl, and throws his arm over the fallen Dewey Pond and the ref counts 1……………………………….2……………………kick out by Dewey Pond. CJ Lethal takes a few moments to rest and then Dewey Pond who has taken less moves is able to get up and then CJ Lethal follows Dewey Pond into the corner where he stumbled into and then CJ Lethal hits a few knee’s into the gut and then CJ Lethal whips Dewey Pond in the opposite corner, and follows Dewey Pond into the corner. Dewey Pond uses the corner to try to get over CJ Lethal. But CJ Lethal is able to catch Dewey Pond over his shoulder and then drives him down with a running powerslam into the cover and gets the 1…………..2……….kick out by Dewey Pond. CJ Lethal hits a few stomps on the downed Dewey Pond and then CJ Lethal lets Dewey Pond up as he’s using the ropes to get up and then Dewey Pond is up. CJ Lethal whips Dewey Pond off the ropes and then he comes off the ropes and then CJ Lethal lowers his head. Dewey Pond is able to counter this before he hits the back body drop and then kicks him in the face and then CJ Lethal pops up stunned. Dewey Pond takes a few moments and then rest and then Dewey Pond charges at CJ Lethal and then CJ Lethal is able to counter this as he wasn’t as hurt as it seemed. Then hits a side walk slam on Dewey Pond into the cover, and gets the 1………..2………kick out.]

JR-Almost three, but Dewey Pond is not going to quit that easy

King-Wouldn't it be funny if he tapped out…just to spite JR?

Kris Gaffney-Yeah, that would be funny…

[CJ Lethal looks at the ref, and then lets Dewey Pond go to the ropes. He then tries to whip Dewey Pond to the ropes. Dewey Pond goes to the ropes, and then bounces off and both hit a double clothesline. Being bigger, CJ Lethal just stumbles back to the ropes and holds on to the ropes. Dewey Pond is down, suddenly Rad Hazard slides into the ring and nails the realization! The ref can't do anything, because it's a hardcore match. The camera zooms in, and you can hear Rad say "the truth hurt, don't it bitch!"

JR-What did Rad Hazard do that for?

King-He's not threw with him?...either that, or he hates winning.

Kris Gaffney-I wish the Magic had that option

[Both wrestlers are down, CJ Lethal turns around pin and uses the ropes to pull himself up after at time. He looks up the ramp at Rad Hazard. Rad Hazard is watching from the ramp. Suddenly CJ Lethal is turned around and Dewey Pond nails an incredible Dew drop (because it was on someone so big), into the pin 1………..2……….3]

JR-Dewey Pond picks up the win, but why did Rad Hazard feel the need to appear here?

King-Maybe he wasn't done last week?

(OOC-Alright, had to edit this a little bit. Realized that Rad DID give me instructions, and that was close to what he wanted. But not exactly, there was an idea thrown at him to use this next week for something else to explain it. So it's still up for editing. Since part of the point of this match was to set up CJ Lethal's feud for First Blood, this interference had to happen. But since Dewey was the only one who RPed, I had him win more on his own merits, than what Hazard did.)

For whom the bell tolls" blasts through the arena as Rex makes his way through the crowd.

Kris - Oh, here we go. Pass the popcorn over here, King.

JR - Tonight, Rex is going to be able to beat Bill Alfonso like a government mule, and the best part is :it’s all legal!

King - (With popcorn in his mouth) Moah meah, brimg mon thm praim!

Rex stops to pose in the crowd on the edge the second level railing. Rex does his trademark Cutting Gesture to his neck while spitting red water into the air (Think triple H’s water spit and Chris Benoit’s throat cutting mixed together with red "blood" water) As the crowd around him goes nuts, Bill Alfonzo comes from out of nowhere and pushes him off of the second story, forcing Rex to crash through four tables stacked 2-by-2 below. The crowd is in shock. Alfonso wastes time by posing for the booing crowd before finally walking across the crowd, down the stairs, and finally to the crash site. There, Alfonso goes for a pin, only to realize that the referee is still inside waiting for them to enter the ring to start the match. With more time wasted, Alfonso begins to pull the weakened Rex, whom is crawling across the floor, trying to regain his equilibrium.

King : This is insane! We all expected Bill Alfonso to be crushed here, but now he’s got the edge thanks to that extreme sneak attack!

JR : Yes, but it looks like Alfonso didn’t think it totally through because now he has to get to the ring and every second lost is another second of recovery for Rex.

Alfonso finally pulls Rex over the barricade and pins him on the outside. 1 . . . 2 . . . Kickout. Alfonso is stumped of what to do next. Alfonso quickly looks under the ring for weapons. Alfonso finally finds a ladder and pulls it out. As Rex begins to get back to his feet, Alfonso hits him in the ribs with the ladder. Alfonso sets the weakened Rex on the Spanish announce table and sets up the ladder between the two tables. As Alfonso grabs a steel chair and begins to climb, Rex gets back up and climbs as well. As both reach the top, Alfonso lifts his chair only for Rex to punch the chair into Alfonso’s face. Alfonso falls onto the English announce table, but due to his light weight, the table does not break. Rex sees this as his opportunity and wobbly gets over the ladder and jumps for an elbow drop. Just as he does, Alfonso scurries out of the way, leaving Rex to fall through yet another table. Alfonso quickly recovers and goes for the cover. 1 . . . 2 . . . Kickout! Alfonso begins to panic. He goes for the cover again. 1 . . . 2 . . . Kickout! Alfonso gives up and runs back to the ring apron to find more weapons. The crowd gasps as Alfonso finds a Barbed wire bat. As he comes back at Rex, Rex kicks Alfonso down and takes the bat for himself. Alfonso panics and scurries into the ring. Rex follows behind, barbed wire bat in hand. As Alfonso begs, Rex Decides not to use the bat. He drops the bat and allows Alfonso to leave. Alfonso sighs in relief and turns his back to leave the ring, only for Rex to grab Alfonso from behind and drive him into the canvas with a Half Nelson Suplex.

JR : Well, it looked like Rex was going to give Alonzo a break and allow him to leave, but it was not to be!

Chris : Oh, here we go! Let the payback begin!

Rex picks up the limb Alfonso and belly-to-belly suplexes him clear across the ring. Rex picks up Alfonso once more, flipping Alfonso completely upside down with a German suplex. Feeling cocky, Rex begins to toy with Alfonso, picking him up for a suplex and walking around the ring with him before jackhammering him down. Rex asks the audience is he should get a table. The crowd roars in approval. Rex goes to the side of the ring and takes out a table. He looks at it with disapproval, unsatisfied. Rex drops the table and begins to walk up the ramp to the backstage area. The crowd is confused.

JR : Wait, where did he go?

King : He gave up, JR! He gave up!

Suddenly, Rex comes back down the ramp way with a table wrapped in barbed wire. The crowd roars in excitement! Rex sets up the table in the middle of the ring and puts Alonzo on top of it. As Rex climbs the ropes, Alfonso stumbles up, grabs the barbed wire bat and hits Rex across the face with it. Alfonso climbs up after Rex to deliver a DDT through the barbed wire table, but is stopped by Rex’s punches. Rex grabs Alfonso and sets him up for the "Overkill" Powerbomb on the top rope. Rex drives Alfonso into the barbed wire, destroying the table and Alonzo alike. As the crowd chants "Holy Shit!" Rex puts one foot on top of Alonzo while giving his trademark throat cutting gesture to the camera. The horrified referee counts Rex’s "cover" 1 . . . 2 . . . 3!

JR : Rex just did what ever EMF fan wished they could do.

Kris : Bill Alfonso was fourty-nine.

Rex finally takes his foot off of Alfonso and celebrates from turnbuckle to turnbuckle.

JR : And the big news here is that now Rex is going to face Ken Kennedy for the EMF Extreme Championship the granddaddy of them all : EMF First Blood!

Kris : Oh, that is going to be fun!

King : Yeah, right . . . Fun.

Rex finally decides to leave the ring and descends back into the sea of fans.

("Revolution" by motorhead blasts on the PA system as AJ Styles and Ken Kennedy walks out on the stage. Tyson Tomko walks behind them. They pose as Kennedy, runs to the ring, AJ Styles throws his hood up, and walks behind him. Kennedy calls for the microphone in the ring and does his usual announcer thing, after AJ enters the ring)

JR-You don't really know where the current Revolution stands, Chris Masters might be back to following Cena. But it seems that AJ and Kennedy haven't exactly been apart of the Cena fan club

Kris Gaffney-Who side they on anyways?

King-Who knows?

("Down with the sickness" blasts on the PA system as Angelus Archer walks to the ring with James Mitchell. "Bad, bad man" blasts on the PA system as John Cena walks to the ring with Natasha Jones)

King-You know…I never noticed what a good jacket James Mitchell has!

Kris Gaffney-eerrr, he's probably going all out, so Bobby Roode will take him back.

JR-You got to wonder what page these two are on.

[Angelus Archer wants to go first, John Cena thinks about arguing. But then decides not to and then goes to the outside. Secretly not wanting to start out so that he would have to worry about a fresh Angelus Archer behind him. AJ Styles and Angelus Archer are starting out this match. Angelus Archer locks up with AJ Styles, and is able to do an over the shoulder arm drag release that sends Angelus Archer into the corner, and then Angelus Archer gets up and AJ Styles charges at AJ Styles into corner and then AJ Styles is in the corner and then Angelus Archer hits a few fists to the face and then Angelus Archer whips AJ Styles to the opposite side corner and then Angelus Archer charges into the corner and then hits a running knee into the gut on AJ Styles and backs up as AJ Styles falls to the mat. AJ Styles stumbles up to his feet, and then Angelus Archer hits a few fists to the face and then Angelus Archer grabs AJ Styles by the hair and then brings him into the Angelus/Cena corner. He reaches out for the tag, and Cena tags in. Angelus Archer instructs Cena to do something. John Cena pulls himself to the second turnbuckle and Angelus Arhcer hits a back breaker and holds AJ Styles on it and then John Cena leaps from the second turnbuckle and then hits a fist drop to the face of AJ Styles and then John Cena goes into the cover, and gets the 1…………….2………..Ken Kennedy breaks the cover and then Angelus Archer goes over to Ken Kennedy to attack. But it’s head off by Ken Kennedy who hits a knee into the gut of Angelus Archer and then tries to whip Angelus Archer to the ropes. But it’s reversed by Angelus Archer, Kennedy goes to the ropes, and hooks on to the ropes and then Angelus Archer charges at Ken Kennedy and he hits a back body drop over the top rope sending Angelus Archer crashing on the mat. Kennedy goes to the corner as John Cena has AJ Styles set up on the corner, and is going up to the top rope. He hooks AJ Styles, and takes him over for a super plex and he goes into the cover and gets the 1…………….2………kick out. Cena pulls up AJ Styles and goes behind AJ Styles and hits spinning side slam. John Cena puts up his hand, and then does the “you can’t see me” taunt and then goes to the ropes, and bounces off the ropes and then comes off the ropes and goes for the 5 knuckle shuffle, but AJ Stlyes move out of the way. Cena pops up in pain and then AJ hits a jumping back leg lariat.]

JR-AJ Styles was able to capitalize on John Cena’s mistake

King-This is where AJ would need a tag

Kris Gaffney-This is where I would say……AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH

[AJ Styles crawls into the corner and then gets into the corner, John Cena goes for a tag too. But realizes that Angelus Archer hasn’t gotten into his corner, John Cena turns around and gets clotheslined down to the mat and then he gets to his feet and then Ken Kennedy goes to the ropes, and comes off them with a running flying clothesline. John Cena stumbles to his feet and then Ken Kennedy picks up AJ Styles and then hits a body slam on him. Ken Kennedy goes to the ropes and then hits a knee drop into the head of John Cena. Ken Kennedy goes into the cover and gets the 1…………….2……….kick out by John Cena. Ken Kennedy puts on a chin lock and then the ref checks to see if it’s a choke and then he asks John Cena if he wants to give up, knowing that it’s not likely. But he needs to anyways, John Cena doesn’t seem like he’s ready to go out or anything just yet and then John Cena goes into the ropes and then whips Ken Kennedy off the hold and then Ken Kennedy goes to the ropes and then he bounces off the ropes and then comes off the ropes and AJ Styles blind side tags in and then Ken Kennedy lowers his head and then Ken Kennedy is able to flip over into a sun set flip attempt. While John Cena is falling, AJ Styles is able to spring board off the top rope and nails a flying drop kick that sends down on the mat. Being that he can’t cover him Ken Kennedy rolls out of the ring, AJ Styles looks like he's about to tag in Kennedy again. But Angelus Archer comes into the ring and knocks AJ Styles forward into Kennedy. Kennedy falls of the apron]

JR-Was that a tag.

King-Hhhhhmm, interesting question. Did you know that his full name is Keneddy Keneddt Keneddy...

Kris Gaffney-K…..K……K?....That's no good.

[ Kennedy looks like he's already angry as officials take Malis and lead him away from ring side. Angelus Archer picks up AJ Styles and drops him for an inverted atomic drop. Angelus goes to the outside, and then climbs up to the top rope. He measures up and then goes for a diving shoulder block. But AJ drops down and he instead goes right into Cena. Cena falls back and holds on to the ropes, Angelus looks like he doesn't care as he's able to hit a hard diving clothesline as AJ gets up. Angelus gets ready for the Slain. Suddenly Cena turns him around, and starts to get in his face about the move. Before anything can happen, AJ Styles drop kicks Angelus Archer in the back and hits into John Cena who falls to the outside. Angelus Archer falls back, AJ hits the pele kick. Angelus goes down, realizing he's not legal AJ doesn't go for the cover and Kennedy nails the Kenton Bomb! 1……………….2………Cena comes in for the save, but AJ is able to dive and hold Cena down 3]

JR-Oh man, Angelus Archer and John Cena took their eye off the ball, and Revolution made them pay


(OOC-RP wise, these two RP's were very well matched…a damn hard choice as Michael put it. But since I need to choose, my gut and a special guest helper thinks that Kennedy might have had the slight better RP this time around. (regardless of the reasons, and I realize what they are) Because those facts, and it was so close, the ending reflects that. So very competitive job by both RPers, it was hard...really was.)