EMF: Saturday Shockwave

(The EMF logo flashes over the screen as it goes into the Shockwave video. When it ends we go into the arena where fireworks blasts off on the stage. The arena then lights up again and the camera's look around the crowd)

JR-Welcome to Saturday Shockwave, I'm good ol' JR along side Jerry "the King" Lawler

King-.....I hate you JR....so very much!

(regardless of what Wasabi thinks, Dreg Head told me that he feels bad about sneaking up on him. So he told me go ahead with the planned outcome.)

JR: Well it’s the first time I’ve ever seen a match of this magnitude be the curtain jerker.

King: Lousy Dreg Head has made Wasabi at opener level again… he will pay!!

Howard Finkle: The following match is the 3 stages of heeeeeeeeeeeellllllll mmmaaaaaaaaaattccccchhhhh…. Entering the ring at this time, from Melbourne, Australia… He is your Television Champion… WAAAAAAAAASSSSSSAAAAAAAAAABBBBBBBBBBIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIII

“Raise Up” Hits the PA system as Wasabi wheels himself to the ring in a wheelchair as everyone looks shocked.

JR: What’s happened to Wasabi King?

King: He fears the Dreg Head Driver!

Wasabi gets out of the wheelchair and flips into the ring.

Wasabi: Haha I fooled you all!

King: Haha. Ha. Great one Wasabi. *King makes a farting sound and passes out*

“What the fuck is a Dreg Head” Plays as Dreg Head himself walks to the ring.

*Someone in the crowd holds up a I’m a DREdGe Head sign, and we see it’s Edge*

The bell rings as Wasabi locks up with Dreg Head and the crowd screams…. Boring. Wasabi gives Dreg Head a scoop slam.

JR: Oh muh gawd in all my career, Andre the Giant included, I have never seen a scoop slam quite like that. Somebody stop the damn match.

Wasabi goes up to the top rope to hit the Hang Time, but Dreg Head has no selled and tries to nip up, but nips up too far and falls on his face. Wasabi climbs down from the top rope and goes under the ring. Wasabi pulls out a 3 wood golf driver.

King: Oh shit you know what’s coming JR…


King: Urgh no.. *Backhands JR* it’s the Wasabi driver!

Wasabi rolls back into the ring and goes to hit Dreg Head in the balls with the golf club, but referee Earl Hebner grabs the club off him, explaining that it’s not the street fight fall yet, and he would get DQ. Wasabi holds his hands up, and gives Dreg Head a vicious headbutt.

JR: Oh muh gawd in all my 17 years associated with wrestling, I’ve never seen a headbutt like that one…

King: JR you already used that line in this match…

JR: Somebody stop the damn… I did? Damn it. *JR lights up*

Wasabi goes up to the top rope and hits the Hang Time onto Dreg Head and covers him for the 1…2…3…

*The bell rings signifying the second fall stip*

Wasabi grabs the golf club off Earl Hebner and full on smacks Dreg Head one in the balls. He covers dreg head for a 1…2…3

*The bell rings signifying the third fall stip and the cage lowers and surrounds the ring*

JR: Well that was… short…

King: Sure was… lets hope this fall lasts longer.

Wasabi waits for the cage to lower, then climbs to the top of it. Dreg Head is still lying in the ring crying that his balls don’t exist anymore. Wasabi leaps off the top of the cage and hits the Hang Time onto Dreg Head again, and covers for the 1……2…. Dreg Head kicks out.

JR: Oh muh gawd! Dreg Head kicked out! In all my 43 years in this company I have never…

Wasabi covers Dreg Head again and gets 1…2…3…

JR: Oh. Nevermind.

“Raise Up” by Saliva plays as Wasabi celebrates by dancing like a crab, and he signals for a microphone.

Wasabi: Well that was… easy. What the fuck is a Dreg Head anyway?

Dreg Head: Oh my balls…

Wasabi: Hmm. Anyway, I’m here to deliver some sad news for all you Wasabi-a-maniacs out there. I’m not going to be around anymore. You see, I’ve accomplished the one thing I came to this fed to do. I came here to beat Dreg Head and I have done so twice in a row. So there is nothing left for me to do here. I hope you enjoyed my career.

*Crowd chants “What the fuck”*

Wasabi: Oh, I’ll be back though…

*Crowd chants “Yay”*

“Raise Up” by Saliva plays once again as Wasabi wheels himself to the back in the wheelchair. But before he can fully make it up the ramp, the Big Show jumps him and Chokeslams him through the concrete into the earths core.

Big Show: ROOOOOOOOOOOOORRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!! *Big Show raises his fist and drowns all the people in the front row with his spittle*

[“Break You” by Drowning Pool plays, and the crowd stir up, booing and cursing as Jarred Carthallion and Rob Steelheart walk out from behind the curtain. They flip off the fans and walk down to the ring.]

Howard Finkle: The following match is the triple threat tag team match for a shot at the Tag Titles… Heading to the ring at this time, representing the Dark Circle…. Jarred Carthallion and Rob Steelheart!!!!

JR: Tonight we’ll see Badd Boy and Jarred in the same ring together for the first time in a while... They have a history together, that’s for sure.

King: Yeah they hate each other all right. But then again, what’s not to hate?

[“Highway to Hell” plays over the PA system as Big Mastadon and Titan walk onto the stage. The fans react with mixed emotions, as the two walk to the ring]

JR: Of course this match is to determine who gets a shot at the wWo Phalanx’s tag team titles. Even though Wasabi has left Raptor to defend the titles alone.

King: wWo Phalanx. Cool name.

JR: Cool wasn’t the word I was thinking of.

King: Hey, back off! They’re almost as good as the HoRdE and YOU KNOW IT! *rips off his t-shirt to reveal the long lost “the wWo is almost as good as the HoRdE” t-shirt*

[“Just 2 Badd” hits the arena, as Badd Boy hits the ramp. The fans cheer, and shortly thereafter “Franchize’s theme” hits the PA, and out comes Badd Boy’s so called “partner”]

King: Well, at least Ashlee isn’t coming down here for this match…

JR: She’s not THAT ugly!

King: Shut up JR, you only like her because you can only get with fugly whores.

JR: That is so derogatory. Anyway, Badd Boy and Franchize haven’t got the greatest history together, I’m sure they don’t like each other. Can they work as a team for the victory tonight?

[All 6 men are standing in the ring, awaiting the bell… Franchize and Jarred stare each other down, and Badd Boy and Steelheart… Biggy and Titan just look on. The ref signals for the bell to ring, and the men start circling each other. But they all freeze suddenly, and snap their heads towards the entrance when…]

King: Awwww here he is!

JR: Should have guessed it!

[“Doperide” by Saliva plays as Raptor hits the stage!]

JR: It’s our former EMF world champion, Raptor!

King: How is he going to defend the tag titles without Wasabi!?

JR: Good question!

[the six men in the match watch Raptor as he walks to the commentary table, to join JR and King. He puts on a head set, as Jarred walks over and starts yelling at Raptor] Raptor: Oh yeah, big man… Come on, show me those satanic powers!

King: Hey Rapy, what’s up with Wasabi leaving?!

Raptor: He just needs a break. He isn’t sure what else he can do, now that he’s finally beaten Dreg Head.

[Badd Boy and Franchize just look at each other, and charge Jarred, hitting him from behind, and knocking him out of the ring. Steelheart then attacks Badd Boy, as the Ref forces Franchize, Titan and Biggy to go to their corners]

JR: And Badd Boy and Steelheart are going to start this thing…

Raptor: *Fake snore* the two BEST competitors the EMF has to offer… *makes a thumbs down sign*

[Steelheart starts to lay kicks into the downed Badd Boy. But Badd Boy grabs his leg and gives him a dragon screw to reverse. Steelheart jumps straight back up]

King: So how ARE you going to defend the titles on your own!?

Raptor: Ahh, I’ve got something planned… don’t you worry.

[The two men start to circle each other. But as Badd Boy passes Franchize, Franchize gets a blind tag! Badd Boy looks stunned, and yells at Franchize, but the ref forces him out of the ring as Franchize and Steelheart start testing each other out.]

JR: They really aren’t the best of partners.

[Franchize and Steelheart lock up, and Steelheart puts Franchize into a headlock. But Franchize pushes Steelheart into the ropes, and goes for the clothesline. Steelheart ducks, spins around, and pushes Franchize into Big Mastadon, who falls off the apron, pulling Titan with him. The fans spit on him because he didn’t RP, what a cocknocker. Anyway, back to the match, Steelheart and Franchize charge each other, and get a double clothesline! They both knock each other down, and the ref starts the 10 count… 1... 2… 3… 4…]

Raptor: If this ends in a double DQ I’m going to be pissed off!

[The both start to crawl towards their corners… Steelheart reaches for Jarred, and tags him in, as the fans boo loudly. Franchize looks up, waves to Badd Boy, and stands up. But Badd Boy pulls him to the corner by his tights and tags him, and Franchize cracks it with Badd Boy. Jarred stands back, smiling, as Badd Boy screams in Franchize’s face.]

King: Looks like this team just collapsed…

[Jarred keeps smiling as Franchize pushes Badd Boy, but Badd Boy smashes Franchize in the face and throws him out of the ring. Jarred goes to jump Badd Boy from behind, but Badd Boy spots it and jumps out of the way. Franchize gets back in the ring, and he and Jarred both start to circle Badd Boy]

King: I’m confused… Who’s on what team!?

[“Snap your fingers, Snap your neck” plays as Primetime comes out to the stage with his world title]

King: You know for some reason, I just suddenly started to love primetime. He is a god. And his last promo was his best ever.

Raptor: Ahh, look… my opponent for first blood… I’m taking that title back, Primetime.

[Primetime runs to the ring, and attacks Franchize. He smashes Franchize out of the ring. Then he looks at Jarred, and charges him, and clocks him over the head with his world title belt. The ref rings the bell, calling for the DQ]

JR: Well that match was just pure chaos… people turning on each other, interfering, forced tags…

Howard Finkle: The winners of this match, by Disqualification… Jarred… and Steelheart!

Raptor: FUCK!

[Steelheart and Jarred roll out of the ring and go up the ramp, as does Badd Boy… Raptor jumps up from the commentary table, gets in the ring, and gets in Primetime’s face… The two men get nose to nose, talking trash with each other.]

JR: And VP Wasabi announced that these two will lock horns at First Blood with each other…

[Raptor pulls back, and takes a swing and Primetime. Primetime ducks, and spins around… and the two just freeze in their tracks… Raptor laughs at Primetime, and grabs the world title, which was on the ring canvas. He holds it, looks at it, smiles, and throws it to Primetime…]

JR: Should be an interesting match, indeed…

[Raptor grabs a mic]

Raptor: Okay, okay! There is some shit I need to clean up here… Yes, Primetime… Hold that title close. Because I’m getting it back off you after your temporary loan. I will get that thing back off you, you know it as well as I do… 2 weeks till first blood… I’m counting the days.

Secondly, I’ve been asked about a gazillion times by JR “How will you defend next week without Wasabi” or “Will you have a tag partner?”

Will I have a tag partner?! The answer is YES!

[He smiles, and points towards the stage… as Def Metal walks out… He walks down to the ring, and shakes hands with Raptor]


King: Didn’t these two used to be enemies?

JR: Looks like they’ve let bygones be bygones! Def Metal and Raptor will take on the Dark Circle next week for the Tag Titles!!!

*As the EMF comes back from its final commercial break of the night, a video package is shown of the events leading up to tonights main event. As the video ends, it cuts back to Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler at ring side...*

J.R:"Well there you have it folks, the story behind our big main event tonight."

King:"Thats right J.R, but thats not the half of it if you ask me. I mean, Wes' wife is gonna be in the corner of A.J Detmer. We're gonna have a guest referee, and Ashlee is gonna be locked in a cage above the ring."

J.R:"Thats right King. And there is no doubt in my mind that Jarred is going to do whatever he can in order to make sure we have a decisive winner tonight."

*"Break You" by Drowning Pool starts playing and the crowd starts booing as Jarred walks out onto the stage, having already changed into street clothes after his tag team match mere moments ago. He makes his way down to the ring, grabbing a mic from Howard Finkel and then walking up the steps and climbing in the ring.....*

Jarred:"Alright, alright, cut the music. Now I know that your probably tired of seeing me, but thats just too damn bad. Now as all of you know, last week I made this match. And all of you are probably eager for this thing to get started. But I have a few things I need to say before we get started. Now, first things first, I'll be doing the entroductions and I'll be doing commentary during the match. So, lets get this thing underway shall we. Now, introducing first, he's from St. Louis, Missouri. Hes accompanied by Ashlee Ikeda....Wes!"

*"Cocky" starts playing and Wes walks out from behind the curtain, followed by Ashlee who is waiving something as she walks along side of Wes. As the two of them reach ring side, they both climb up the steps and into the ring. Wes backs into a corner, but Ashlee steps up to Jarred, and starts waiving a ticket in fro of him. Jarred frowns and grabs it from her...*

Jarred:"Well, you said that you would find a way to get ring side, and it looks like you have. But theres just one problem. And its that the seat this ticket is for is already taken Ashlee."

*Jarred points over to the seat in the front row, and the look on Ashlee's face turns sour when she sees Mercedes sitting there....Jarred smiles and starts ripping up the ticket...*

Jarred:"Now, I suggest that you get into that cage on your own, because if you don't, I'll be forced to have you put into the cage."

*Ashlee starts screaming at Jarred as she backs up and slides out of the ring, backing up the ramp and refusing to go into the cage. But as she backs up, she suddenly stops, having run into somebody. When she turns around she notices that she bumped into Kevin Nash. Nash laughs and picks her up. He carries her back down the ramp and around the ring to the cage. He sets her down inside and quickly slams the door shut, wrapping the chain around it, and locking it with a pad lock. Kevin tugs on the door to make sure its tight, and afterwards the crew above the ring begin to raise it.....*

Jarred:"Now, as for your oponent Wes. Ladies and gentlemen I introduce to you, accompanied to the ring by Katrina Carthallion Ikeda, "The Sure Thing" A.J Detmer!*

*A.J's music starts to play and he and Katrina step out onto the stage. They both smile and begin to head towards the ring. A.J rolls into the ring while Kat walks around to the side opposite the ramp and looks up, laughing at Ashlee...*

Jarred:"Now the moment you've all been waiting for, I give you your special guest referee........ERIC BISCHOFF!!!"

*"I'm Back" starts to play as the fans give a huge, and yet mixed reaction of cheers and boos. Eric steps out onto the stage and begins heading down to the ring. As he gets to the ring, Jarred slides out and takes a seat next to J.R and King. Bischoff walks up the ring steps and steps into the ring. He exchanges a few words with each man and then calls for the bell..."Ding Ding Ding"...Wes and Detmer start circling the ring, their eyes locked in an intense stare down. The two men finally charge to the center of the ring, and as Wes is going for the collar and elbow tie up Detmer blocks it and hip tosses Wes to the mat. Wes springs back to his feet, and again he charges at Detmer, but this time A.J takes him down with a drop toe. Detmer floats over and starts slapping Wes in the back of the head. Bischoff starts to count, telling Detmer to let Wes up. A.J finally stands up, and as soon as Wes stands up he blind sides him with a drop kick to the back.*

J.R:"Well, it seems that Detmer has come prepared to do just what he said he would, and thats beat Wes."

Jarred:"Of course he has Jimbo. But hey, everybody comes out to beat Wes, its the easy thing to do."

King:"Yeah, I didn't mean what I said last week about you being a jobber Jarred, cause your a genius."

J.R:"Kiss ass."

*Wes gets back up, and shakes the cob webs from his head as he does. Detmer grabs him and spins him around, punching him in the head and face, but after about four shots, Wes blocks one and thumbs A.J in the eye. Detmer grabs his face and steps back, as he does Wes kicks him in the stomach and then drives him down hard with an even flow ddt. Wes rolls Detmer over and makes a quick cover. Bischoff takes his time getting down for the count........1...........kick out by Detmer. Wes jumps to his feet and starts screaming at Bischoff. Eric screams back and Wes pushes him, but Bischoff pushes him back and as Wes staggers back, Detmer rolls him up, but once again Bischoff takes his time getting down for the count, and before he can make the count of one, Wes kicks out. Both men quickly come to their feet and charge at each other again, but this time they take each other down with double clothes line attempts. Both of them start rolling towards opposite ropes, and as they each get there, they begin to use them to pull themselves to their feet. A.J is the first to his feet, and as he stands up he glances over at Wes and smiles. Detmer bounces off the ropes and as he nears Wes, he attempts a spear, but Wes moves, and A.J takes a nasty spill to the outside floor. Kat rushes over and kneels down, checking on A.J, but as he starts to stand up, Wes yells at her to move. Kat takes a few steps back and Wes grabs the top rope with both hands and uses it to vault himself to the outside, hitting Detmer with a cross body to the floor. Wes stands up, pulling Detmer up by the hair and rolling him back into the ring, and as he does, he turns and yells at Kat...*

Jarred:"God Wes get over it, you brought it apon yourself. If he didn't want Kat in somebody elses corner, then he should have asked her to be his manager instead of Ashlee."

J.R:"Well I have to agree with you about that Jarred."

King:"Of course you do J.R, hes the boss."

*Wes slides back into the ring, but hes met by a drop kick from Detmer before he ever gets to his feet. A.J pulls Wes up and takes him down with a short arm clothes line, but he holds onto him, and pulls him back up to try it again, but Wes ducks it, and grabs Detmer in a waist lock, picking him up and delivering a german suplex, but Wes holds onto him and rolls through, delivering a second, then a third, and finally a fourth suplex. Wes gets up to his feet, mocking and screaming at Detmer as he stomps on him, all the while Bischoff is backed into a corner, laughing at Wes' imitation of Detmer. Finally he pulls A.J to his feet backing him against the ropes and kneeing him a few times before whipping him across the ring. As Detmer comes off the ropes and heads back to Wes, Wes spring boards off the ropes and lays Detmer out with an asai moonsault, hooking the legs as they land for the cover. Bischoff rushes out of the corner and starts the count....1..2...but he pauses and Detmer is able to kick out. Wes screams at Bischoff as he stands up, pulling A.J up with him. Wes whips A.J into the corner and follows it up with a quick clothes line, but as Detmer stumbles out of the corner, Wes hops up to the top rope and jumps off, bulldogging Detmer to the mat. Wes points for Bischoff to get ready for the count. Wes rolls A.J over and hooks the leg making the pin attempt. Bischoff drops down and starts the count.....1....2.....but once again Detmer kicks out.*

Jarred:"I tell you what, I'm loving this. I'm loving every minute of it."

King:"Your not the only one Jarred, this is possibly the best match of the night."

J.R:"Well if you ask me.."

Jarred:"Well I didn't ask."

*Wes stands up, pulling A.J to his feet and backs him against the ropes, but as he tries to whip him across the ring, A.J reverses it and sends Wes across instead. As Detmer is reversing it, Kat turns her back on the ring, and throws her arm under the bottom rope, and as she does she ends up hooking Wes's leg and tripping him. Wes gets up and starts screaming at Kat, who is swearing it was an accident. But Detmer charges Wes and nails him in the back of the head with a forearm and then back suplexes him. As he does this Katrina suddenly falls and hits her head on the ring apron, and as she falls to the floor Bischoff kneels down beside the ropes and starts to check on Kat, all the while the culprit, Mercedes slides in the ring with her Women's Title and nails A.J in the back of the head with it. Then she steps back, and as Wes gets up, she leaps forward and lays Wes out him out as well. Mercedes rolls out of the ring and as she does Bischoff turns around, seeing both men laid out and then noticing Mercedes. He starts to scold her, but she starts prancing around as if she hadn't done anything. Bischoff turns around, and he notices that the two men fell beside each other, each of them with an arm draped over the other. Bischoff drops to the mat and starts the count on both of them.....1.....2........thr...no both men just barely manage to get their shoulders up in time to break the count. Eric stands up astonished at this, and yells the count out for everybody to hear...*

Jarred:"I've gotta go guys, catch ya later."

*Jarred pulls off his head set and drops it on the announce table as he stands up. Wes and A.J get to their feet, each of them staggering back into a corner. Bischoff looks at each of them, and as he does they charge one another, but Detmer fakes it and he sidesteps, but Wes stops himself before going over the top rope. But as he stops, Jarred leaps up on the apron and grabs Wes by the head, dropping back down to the floor, and snapping his throat across the top rope. Wes bounces back and staggers into the Edgecrusher from Detmer. A.J makes the cover and Bischoff drops down for the count...1....2.....3! A.J jumps to his feet and slides out of the ring. Kat rushes around the ring, and the two of them, along with Jarred head up the ramp, celebrating as the show goes off the air."