EMF: Saturday Shockwave

The EMF logo flashes over the screen as we go into a darken arena as pyro goes off and then the lights go back on as fans hold up signs.

JR-Welcome to Shockwave I'm good ol' JR along side Jerry "the King" Lawler


Finkel:"Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is scheduled for one fall, and will be contested under hardcore rules, and it is for a shot at the EMF Extreme Championship. Introducing first, accompanied to the ring by Destiny, he weighs in at 225 pounds...ShaKLZ!"

*"ShaKLZ's" music begins to play and the crowd goes silent, not knowing what reaction to give him. After a few moments, Destiny walks out onto the stage, and the men all start to go crazy, but go quiet shortly there after when ShaKLZ walks out. The two smile at each other and walk down the aisle towards the ring, but before either of them are even half way there, a chair from off camera nails ShaKLZ in the back of the head and sends him tumbling down the ramp. Destiny screams and runs away, as the music stops. The chair goes flying to the ground, and Adam Lax walks into view from behind the camera. Adam kicks ShaKLZ a few times, and then picks him up, rolling him in the ring.*

J.R:"Well Adam Lax is waisting no time in taking the fight to the new comer ShaKLZ. That chair shot he gave him a few moments ago was enough to send him rolling down the ramp, and seems that ShaKLZ was cut open when his head hit the ramp, blood is flowing pretty freely from his fore head."

King:"Well I'll tell you one thing J.R, even if this match isn't very entertaining, I'm going to enjoy just sitting here and watching Destiny run around the ring."

*As the bell finally rings, Adam lifts the ring curtain up and pulls out a table and a stop sign, along with a trash can full of weapons. He tosses the trash can into the ring, and then sets the table up, but as he gets the table stood up, ShaKLZ comes flying over the top rope, nailing him with a diving body press, that sends both men through the table. The table splinters, sending splinters and shards of wood flying, and causing Destiny to scream again. Both men roll away from the shattered table, each of them laying on the ground for a few seconds, but finally they begin to get up. But Lax is the first one to his feet, and as he makes his way over to where ShaKLZ is sitting on his hands and knees, he picks up the stop sign, stopping and nailing ShaKLZ in the back with it. ShaKLZ cries out in pain, as Adam hits him again and again with the stop sign. After about half a dozen blows, Lax tosses the stop sign away, and grabs ShaKLZ by the hair, picking him up and rolling him back into the ring. Adam rolls into the ring right behind him, standing up and kicking ShaKLZ several more times in the face and head, opening up the cut even further. Lax pulls ShaKLZ to his feet, grabbing him by the hair and jerking his back, and punching him in his forehead, right on top of the open wound. Adam delivers one last punch to the head, and then backs ShaKLZ into a corner, punching him a few more times, and then driving a few shoulders into his stomach. Adam delivers one final shoulder, and then picks ShaKLZ up, setting him on the top rope and punching him a few more times. As ShaKLZ sits there, Adam walks a few feet away and grabs a Singapore Cane out of the trash can full of weapons. Adam walks back over towards the corner, only to be met by a stiff kick to the head from ShaKLZ. ShaKLZ kicks him a few more times, causing Adam to stagger back from the corner. As he does, ShaKLZ stands up and jumps off the top turnbuckle, attempting a flying clothes line. But Lax side steps, and nails him in the stomach with the Singapore Cane. ShaKLZ clutches his stomach, and hits the mat hard, nearly head first, just barely landing on his sholder.*

J.R:"Well so far its been all Adam Lax. And there is no doubt about it, the Extreme division is definently his stomping grounds."

King:"Yep, and the hardcore division is mine...wait I'm talking a different type of hardcore."

*Adam looks down at ShaKLZ and smiles at him sadistically, as he begins to beat him with the Singapore Cane, leaving welts across his back, chest, face, stomach and arms from the impact of the blows. Lax rares back one more time, and nails ShaKLZ over the head with the Singapore Cane so hard that it shatters, sending splinters flying everywhere. Lax laughs as he hears Destiny yelling again, and bends over picking ShaKLZ up, whipping him into the ropes, and nailing him with a hard clothes line as he came back to him. Lax, looks down at ShaKLZ, and then back up at the crowd and motions for the end of the match. Adam bends down, picking ShaKLZ. He backs him into a far corner, the one next to the trash can full of weapons. Adam quicly kicks him in the balls, and then laughs as he falls to the mat. Lax walks over, picking up the trash can and dumping it out, and then laying it on its side in the ring close to the corner. Adam then walks over and picks ShaKLZ back up, dragging him out of the corner and to the trash can. Lax tucks his head between his legs and picks him up, pile driving him down into the trash can and floating over into the pin...Nick Patrick runs across the ring, and hits the mat for the count...1..2...3!"

As soon as the bell rings, the scene shifts to the parking garage in the back of the arena. Katrina is standing there, talking on her cell phone, bits and pieces of her conversation can be heard as she stands there talking with CEO Carthallion about a match with Ashlee for the Women's Championship. After a few minutes of talking, Katrina flips her cell phone shut and begins to walk across the parking garage towards the entrance to the building, but as she begins to step away, something hits her in the back of the head from off camera. Katrina falls to the ground, unconcious her cell phone falling open next to her. The camera pans up and as it does, all it can see are a set of gloved hands grabbing Katrina's hands and pulling her up. The person, dressed all in black begins to drag her across the parking garage, stopping at a small black car. The person opens the trunk, and picks Katrina up, stuffing her inside and then slamming the trunk shut. They rush around to the driver's side, opening the door and slamming it shut as they speed off.....As the car pulls out of view the scene shifts to the Dark Circle locker room where Jarred is sitting, looking as his cell phone, and then stuffing it into his shirt pocket as he leans over and kisses Amy, then stands up as Ravage walks into the locker room, the scene fading out again......

"Steelhart theme" blasts on the PA system as Steelhart walks to the ring

JR-Steelhart is determind to win

King-If not jobbing comes full circle!

"like me" blasts on the PA system as Wes walks to the ring with the TV title

King-you know if this guy worried about wrestling like he does with his family then he would be world champion

JR-What's wrong with worrying about your family?

King-I hate people like that! Those people are on the long list of people I hate!

[Steelhart and Wes then pace around the ring and the locks up and then hits a fireman's carry on Wes. Steelhart puts Wes in a arm bar, Wes slowly gets up and then Steelhart twists his arm that takes Wes down doing a flip in the air on the way down. Steelhart then takes Wes's arm and then hits a leg drop on it. Steelhart then hits a few hard stiff kicks to the downed Wes, Steelhart then whips Wes to the ropes after pulling him up Wes bounces off the ropes and then Steelhart throws Wes in the air and he comes down face first crashing into the mat. Wes gets up stumbled, Steelhart kicks Wes in the gut and then sets up for a DDT. But takes too much time and then Wes is able to counter the move and then twist Steelharts arm right into a short arm clothesline that Steelhart ducks into a waist lock and then takes Wes over with release Germen suplex. Steelhart then looks up and starts to climb the cages side. But before he can get out, Wes grabs his leg stopping Steelhart from getting out of the ring. Wes climbs to the top rope where Steelhart is and then sets up and then hits a super belly to back suplex from the top rope on Steelhart. Both wrestlers are down due to the move. But being that they haven't hurt themselves too much yet, Wes is able to slowly get to his feet. Steelhart stumbles to his feet and stumbles right into Wes who takes Steelhart and then throws him face first into the steel cage. Steelhart kind of hangs on to the side of the cage as he slides back down. Wes then grates his face in the side of the cage, Wes then backs off as slowly Steelhart turns around only to be hit with a few fists and then whips Steelhart and then trys to hit Steelhart with a clothesline. But Steelhart ducks it and continue to the other side of the ring. Steelhart bounces off the ropes and then hits a powerslam on Steelhart and goes into the cover 1...........2.......kick out. Wes gets up and then waits for Steelhart to do the same, Steelhart gets up and stumbles back into Wes who hooks him for a reverse vertical suplex. But before he can hit the move Steelhart lands on his feet and hits a reverse DDT]

JR-Steelhart will not be denied this time

King-You can take his pride....but you'll never take....un...what does Steelhart have...HIS WIFE...no Counterfeit killed her....doesn't matter she was a bitch


King-What she was a female dog...all this talking about dogs is making me think of Ashlee. Excuse me *King pukes*

[Steelhart pulls Wes up sitting and then hammers Wes head with a few fists into the face of Wes. Steelhart then backs and charges at Wes who's dazed in the seated position. Steelhart hits a flipping neckbreaker on Wes. Steelhart gets up and pulls Wes up too, Steelhart kicks the dazed Wes and hooks him and plants him with a double arm DDT. Steelhart has to turn Wes over and goes into the cover and gets the 1............2........kick out. Steelhart trys to think of something to do to finish off Wes. Steelhart then climbs to top turnbuckle and then climbs to the top of the cage as Wes lays there not moving. Steelhart takes a little too much time and then leaps off the top of the cage. But before he can land the splash on Wes, Wes moves out of the way at the last second and Steelhart goes crashing into the mat. Both wrestlers are down, Wes is moving a little bit. Steelhart is only moving in pain after the missed attempt. Wes pulls himself up with the ropes. Steelhart slowly pulls himself up still very dazed after the last move. Wes charges at him and knocks him down with a shoulder block. Wes continues from there and runs to the ropes Steelhart stays down and lets Wes run over to the other side of the ring and then bounces off the ropes. Steelhart gets up and trys to hit a hip toss. But it's blocked and Wes hits a hit toss of his own. Steelhart gets up dazed and then gets planted with a sit down front spinebuster into a pin for the 1............2..........kick out. Wes a bit fustrated then calls for the full nelson slam. Wes waits as Steelhart slowly gets up. Wes hits a few fists that back up Steelhart to the ropes and then whips Steelhart to the ropes. Steelhart bounces off the ropes and Wes catches Steelhart with a full nelson. But before he is able to hit the full nelson slam on Steelhart. Steelhart gets out of it with a low blow. Wes falls to the mat in a lot of pain.]

King-Steelhart must have taken that from page 100 in my autobiography

JR-you mean the cheat to win chapter..

King-What you talking about JR, all the chapters are about cheating to win!

[Steelhart hits the hurt Wes back to the ropes and then whips him to the ropes. Wes bounces off the ropes and then Steelhart puts his head down and then hits a back body drop on Wes. Wes gets up in pain as Steelhart waits for Wes to get up. Steelhart then scoops up Wes and then goes for a running powerslam. But Wes slides out the back and then hooks Steelhart up for a nelson and gets him up and Steelhart counters with a arm drag take down. Steelhart waits as Wes gets up, Steelhart hits his finisher and then falls into the pin for the 1.......2........3]

(hard choice, honestly didn't know where to go with this. There wasn't any RP's that I liked better than others in the RPing and when looked at. Steelhart's three RP's were close to Wes's one RP. So I just based it on more action/creativity in the RP. So please don't give me a hard time, it was a HARD ass choice!)

JR-Well that's one way to get out of a move

King-Wes won't be talking right for a while

"Snap your fingers, snap your neck" blasts on the PA system as Primetime walks to the ring

JR-unlike advertise, this is NOT for the extreme championship

King-really like we were actually waiting for the match

"Franchize theme" blasts on the PA system as Franchize walks to the ring

King-what are they fighting over anyways...this is still a ladder match right

JR-They are fighting over a breif case with a paper that says "you win"

King-that better be the best damn piece of paper I've ever seen!

[Primetime looks up, but Franchize doesn't waste any time hammering away at Primetime. Primetime backs to the ropes and then trys to whip Primetime to the ropes. But Primetime reverses the whip and Franchize goes off the ropes, Franchize bounces off the ropes and then leaps in the air and hits a flying forearm that catches Primetime. Primetime stumbles off the mat and right into Franchize who picks up Primetime and slams him in a body slam. Franchize then runs to the ropes and hits a big leg drop. Knowing that won't take down Primetime, Franchize pulls up Primetime and then throws him out of the ring and crashing on the arena floor. Franchize has to back off due to the ref asking him to,but Franchize then climbs to the top rope and stays waiting for Primetime to get back to his feet. Once Primetime stumbles to his feet Franchize leaps off the top rope and then goes for a double ax handle on Primetime on the top rope to the arena floor. But Primetime counters and then hits a fist into the gut of Franchize. Franchize lands on his feet and is doubled over. Primetime takes his head and throws Franchize down hard to the mat. Primetime then hits a few hard kicks to the downed Franchize. Primetime then hooks Franchize and then takes him over in a snap suplex on the floor with the ring padding the only thing making Franchize's fall into the floor any easier. Primetime then goes to the ring side where a ladder lays. Primetime takes the ladder and then takes it over where Franchize slowly gets up to his feet. Franchize turns around and Primetime charges and then takes Franchize down by smashing the top of the ladder in the face of Franchize that takes him down. Primetime then takes the ladder and then jabs it in the gut of the fallen Franchize. Primetime then takes the ladder and then puts it into the ring. Franchize crawls over to the steel steps and uses them to get up as Primetime sets up the ladder under the breif case that contains a paper that reads "you win". Franchize pulls himself up on the apron and then slowly makes his way to the top of the ladder. Franchize leaps off the top rope and then hits a missile drop kick to the ladder that knocks the ladder over and sends Primetime crashing into the mat]

JR-Franchize just saved this match

King-Who cares, they are just fighting over a piece of paper anyways

[Both Franchize and Primetime are down, Franchize pulls himself up using the ropes. Primetime stunned charges at Franchize still stunned hoping to hit a clothesline over the top rope. But Franchize counters with a back body drop over the top rope. Primetime crashes to the outside of the ring and then Franchize falls to the mat due to the last few moves on Franchize. Both Franchize and Primetime are down. But Franchize starts to move to his feet. Primetime is up as well and then brings in a ladder and sides it into the ring. But before Primetime can get into the ring, Franchize charges at Primetime and then hits a baseball slides into the ladder smashing Primetime's face into the ladder. Primetime goes down, Franchize sets up the ladder and then climbs to the top of the ladder and then Franchize looks down at Primetime and leaps off of the ladder from the ring to the outside and comes down on Primetime with a big splash! The crowd chants "holy shit" as both wrestlers are on the ground. Franchize moving around in pain after the splash and Primetime hardly moving at all. It takes some time for Franchize to recover enough to roll into the ring and then Franchize trys to move the ladder in position. But Primetime grabs the base of the ladder and doesn't allow Franchize to move the ladder. Primetime uses to the ropes and climbs up on the ladder. Franchize sees this and starts to climb to the top of the ladder as well too. Franchize and Primetime meet at the top of the ladder and start hammer away at each other it seems that Primetime is winning. But at the last second before Primetime can do anything with that advantage. Franchize reaches up and hits a eye rake blinding Primetime, Primetime then smashes Franchize's head against the top of the ladder. Franchize then steps up to the second to the last step on the ladder. Franchize then hooks Primetime and then takes him down with a super plex off the top of the ladder, the fans start with the "holy shit " chant again as both wrestlers are down.]

King-they are both dead!

JR-Franchize and Primetime doing everything in their power to win this match

[Both wrestlers are down, suddenly Jarred runs down to ring side and then sees both wrestlers down. Jarred climbs to the top rope and then leaps off and hits the LEGENDARY END on Franchize!. Jarred rolls out of the ring and takes Franchize with him. Primetime slowly gets to his feet and positions a ladder under the breif case and then slowly climbs to the top and grabs the breif case to win]

JR-Jarred just cost Franchize the match

King-sucks to be Franchize...

(Saturday Shockwave ends with a shot of Jarred back paddling up the ramp)