EMF: Saturday Shockwave

The EMF logo appears on the screen, we see the usual Shockwave video and we go directly into the arena as the show starts from there

*The lights in the arena go down, as the view on the monitors and television screens around the world turns to a scratchy black and white. The everybody in the crowd stands and begins to boo in anticipation of what they know is iminently coming...."n.....W.....o"reverberates on through the speakers in the arena, causing the fans to start throwing trash at the entrance on the stage and scream obscenities. "Break You" by Drowning Pool begins to play over the sound stystem, causing the fans to quiet for a moment due to confusion, but the jeering soon begins again, as Jarred Carthallion steps out on the stage, followed closely by Kevin Nash. Jarred and Nash make their way down to the ring, Jarred fixing his tie as he steps through the ropes and into the center of the ring, smiling as Nash steps over the top rope. Jarred reaches through the ropes and grabs a microphone from the ring announcer...*

Jarred:"Cut my music. Thats right, I said my music. You see, I figured that since I don't really stand alone any longer, that I needed to change my music. So I went out and I picked a song that I thought not only fit my personality in the ring, but one that also fit my job as the CEO of this company. Now, I know that there are alot of you out there who are wondering whats going on in the n.W.o these days. And I know that all of you are wondering what the problem is between Daniel Massoud and myself. And I'm gonna be perfectly honest with you, I've never liked the man since day one, and thats no secret. But you know, I've seen some great teams forged out of the fires of a common hatred for a common foe, and I really thought that this could have been one of those great teams, but I guess I was wrong. I mean, last week I was carrying our match, and then in the end, he couldn't even be there to break up the pin after I was nailed by one of the many fucked up moves of Road Van Toad and then pinned by Raptor. What was he doing when all of this was going on? Was he acting like the leader of the New World Order should be acting? No, he was on the other side of the ring, doing god knows what with god knows who. But whatever he was doing, he wasn't doing what he needed to be doing in order to ensure our victory. But you know what? I don't care anymore. I'm over it already. I mean, sure we lost the match, but in the end it was the n.W.o, minus Primetime, who stood tall in the ring afterwards. And thats all thanks to this big man here, Kevin Nash. I knew I did the right thing when I hired you."

*Jarred turns around and shakes Nash's hand, turning it into a hug and then a trading of n.W.o salutes...*

Jarred:"Now, the burning question on all your minds is about this power struggle. Well, there is no power struggle. You see, I was fine with Primey being the leader when I first joined the New World Order. But after I first joined, what did he do? He disappeared. He was no where to be found. In the mean time, I brought in Tazz and Rob Steelhart along with Dark Talon to the n.Wo, and then last week the addition of Kevin Nash, thanks to me, and what kind of grattitude do I get for it? I hear Danny Boy running his mouth on the monitor about how hes the leader and how he makes the rules and if I don't like it, then I could get out of his stable. Well you know, hes right. I did join his stable, he was here first, and he has been here the longest. But you see, all of that changed last week when I got a little phone call. Yeah, you all know what I'm talking about. Primey, you can talk all you want about this being your stable, but until you have a corner office in the EMF Corporate Head Quarters, and until your an executive in this company, you don't need to say shit! Primey, this stable became mine when I joined it because you turned and ran. You disappeared. And if you want to argue about that, then heres the cold hard truth about it all, I'm the Chief Executive Officer of this company, and if you don't like the fact that I've taken over the n.W.o, then you can get the hell out. Its as simple as that."

*Jarred reaches inside his sport coat, and pulls out some folded papers, he unfolds them, and holds them up so they can be seen....*

Jarred:"Now, what I have here is a nice little contract for the Evolution pay per view this month. You see, not long ago, I had a verbal agreement with Raptor that he and I would have a rematch at this months pay per view for the World Title. Well, I've changed my mind about the match. So, being the CEO I went ahead and took the liberty of drawing up a contract. Now, before you start jumping for joy Raptor, you should know, as should Primetime, that I drew up a contract for a single elimination, triple threat match between the three of us for the World Title. Now, my signature is already on here, so all its needing is for you two to sign it and it'll be finalized, and we can get on with business. Speaking of business, its come to my attention over the last few weeks that theres a man calling himself "The Monster" who has returned to the company seeking revenge on both Primetime and myself. Now, I don't know who this guy is, and I frankly don't care. And I don't see how he claims that both Primey and myself claimed to be his friend and then stabbed him in the back, but whatever. All I know is that if this guy had any balls at all, he'd show himself instead of hiding everytime he gives his little two line monologues that are bori....."

*Jarred stops in mid sentence as the EMF Tron comes to life. The scene is that of an old one room cabin. The room is dimly lit, but the light is bright enough to show that the room has been trashed. An over turned table sits in the middle of the floor, a few broken chairs scattered across the room. A large rat scurries across the floor, leaving a set of bloody foot prints behind it. The scene follows the foot prints to their origin......A pool of blood stands on the floor, a fresh stream still flowing to it, causing it to spread along the wall. The scene follows the stream of blood across the floor, and finally stops on a set of legs dressed in dirty black leather pants. The view drifts up the legs to the torso, and finally the chest where the letters "A.A" are carved into the flesh. Jarred stands in the ring, and drops the microphone as a look of disguts and terror comes over his face. The view on the EMF Tron drifts up the body again, this time stopping on the bloodied, and painted face of Angelus Archer. Jarred stands in the ring, shocked at what he just saw as the EMF Tron dies again. Nash picks up the microphone and tosses it out of the ring, turning back to Jarred and motioning for him to leave the ring with him.....As the nWo leave the ring and head towards the exit...but suddenly the lights go off and throw the darkness the EMF tron lights up with the words "the Monster is coming". After a few seconds the EMF tron shuts off and everything goes back to normal*

King-Aaaaawwwww it's the Monster!

JR-Seems so
JR - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 225 pounds,, Crow!!! (crowd cheers ******)

[Crow comes to the ring. ]

JR - and his opponent, weighing in at 225 pounds,, Mario!!! (crowd cheers ******)

[Mario walks to the ring. Charles Robinson is the referee for this contest. Crow places Mario on the turnbuckle and executes a front-layout suplerplex. Mario executes a pumphandle suplex on Crow. (the bell rings) Mario gets hit with a back heel kick. Crow executes a corkscrew legdrop on Mario. Now Crow standing. Crow hits Mario with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle. Crow grabs Mario and applies an arm wrench. Mario gets back to his feet. Crow slaps Mario. Mario puts Crow on the turnbuckle and executes a belly-to-belly superplex. ]

King - Good belly-to-belly superplex by Mario.

[Mario gets up. Crow rakes the face of Mario in attempt to make a come back. Mario tackles Crow and pummels his head. Mario puts Crow in an arm grapevine submission. Mario knees Crow and rolls back to his feet. Crow gets up. Crow trys for a swinging neckbreaker but Mario avoids it. Crow puts a knee to Mario's back and pulls hims arms back. Charles Robinson asks Mario if he quits. ... Mario is fighting the hold. ... Crow tightens the hold. ... Crow tightens the hold. ... Crow breaks the hold. Crow hits Mario with the back of his elbow. Mario executes a headlock takedown. Crow chops Mario. Crow rakes his fingers across Mario's back. ]

King - Crow with a back rake.

[Crow delivers a kick to the head of Mario. Mario stands up. Mario dropkicks Crow to the face. Mario chants start. Now Mario standing. Crow gets locked in the double chicken wing. The referee is checking the situation. ... ... Crow trys to escape. ... Crow trys to escape. ... Mario breaks the hold. Mario fist drops Crow on the mat. Mario applies an arm wrench to Crow. Mario executes a corkscrew legdrop on Crow. Mario gets up. Crow hits Mario with the belly-to-belly suplex. ]

JR - Nice belly-to-belly suplex by Crow.

[Crow gets back to his feet. Mario with an Aztecan suplex on Crow sends him to the mat. Mario gets back to his feet. Mario hits Crow with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle. Now Crow standing. Crow piledrives Mario head first into the mat. Mario climbs to his feet. Crow sends Mario to ringside. Charles Robinson starts the count (.1) Mario gets hit with a dragon scerw from Crow. Now Crow standing. Crow runs in and leg drops Mario. Crow takes Mario into the ring. Crow knees Mario and rolls back to his feet. Crow with a falling splash on Mario. Crow is up again. Crow executes the Supper DDT on Mario! Mario gets hit with the shooting star press from Crow. Charles Robinson counts. ...1 ...2 ...3 ]

JR - Crow has won the match!

JR - The winner of this match, Crow!!!

Finkel:"Ladies and Gentlemen, the following contest is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, weighing in at 215 pounds, he hails from Cameron, North Carolina...Jeff Hardy!"

*"Life For The Moment" by Monster Magnet begins to play as the crowd goes wild. Jeff Hardy runs out on the stage, the black light illuminating the paint on his face and arm. He dances a few seconds, and then runs down the ramp and slides into the ring...*

Finkel:"And introducing his opponent, he hails from Charlotte, North Carolina and is accompanied to the ring by Dark Talon...Rob Steelhart!"

*New...World...Order" blasts over the sound system. Dark Talon walks out from behind the curtain, and Rob Steelhart walks out a few seconds later. The crowd begins to boo uncontrolably as the two men walk down to the ring. Rob walks up the ring steps to the ring apron. He runs a hand through his greasy, jet black hair just before he steps through the ropes into the ring. Referee Nick Patrick calls for the bell, and as he does Jeff Hardy charges at Rob Steelhart, leaping into the air and nailing him in the head with a fore arm smash that drives him back into the corner. Jeff begins punching Rob in the head with right hands. He backs away and spins around, screaming at the crowd, getting a quick pop as Rob grabs his head, and slumps down in the corner a bit. Jeff grabs Steelhart's arm and tries to Irish Whip across the ring, but Rob blockes it and nails Jeff with a short arm clothes line."

J.R:"Well if thats any sort of an early sign, Jeff Hardy's speed probably won't be any match for Steelhart's size and power advantage."

King:"Size don't always matter J.R. That is unless your..."

J.R:"We're on the air King!"

*Rob pulls Jeff to his feet, only to knee him in the gut a few times, and drive him right back down to the mat with a quick DDT. Rob gets up laughing as he begins to stomp Hardy while hes down. He reaches down and grabs Jeff by the hair, pulling him back to his feet, and backing him against the ropes. Rob whips Jeff across the ring, and as Hardy makes his return off the opposite ropes, Rob catches him and drives him down hard with a power slam into a quick cover..Nick Patrick drops down to make the count...1..2..Hardy kicks out. Rob gets to his feet, pulling Jeff up with him. Rob delievers a few knife edge chops to Hardy's chest, backing him into a corner. Rob bends down, and drives his shoulder into Hardy's gut several times before pulling him out of the corner. Rob steps around behind Jeff, picking him up on his shoulder, and setting him on the top turnbuckle facing the crowd. Rob steps up on the middle rope, grabbing Jeff's neck, and jumping off delivering a massive neck breaker. Rob gets up and stand over Hardy, a grin of sadistic satisfaction on his face. He reaches down and slowly pulls him up to his feet. When he gets Jeff standing again, he knees him in the gut and then tucks his head between his legs, picking him up and driving him head first to the canvas with a cradle pile driver. Steelhart rolls over, hooking the leg for a cover...Nick Patrick quickly falls to make the count..1..2.....NO! Jeff Hardy somehow manages to just barely get his shoulder up.*

J.R:"My god! I thought that Rob Steelhart had killed him. But I guess theres still some fight left in this kid."

King:"Ahhhhh, who the hell cares?"

*Steelhart looks up the referee, screaming for him to count faster, saying that was a three count, as he does though, Jeff Hardy gets up to his knees, and grabs Rob from behind, quickly rolling him up in a school boy...1...2...Steelhart gets out. Rob comes up to his feet quickly. He steps towards Hardy, kicking him as he does, but Jeff grabs his foot, and quickly kicks Rob's other leg out from under him. Jeff kips up to his feet, and screams at the crowd, causing them to start cheering again. Rob gets up and rushes at Jeff, only to have Jeff drop kick his leg out from under him. Rob falls hard face first to the ring mat. Jeff quickly spring boards off the middle rope, spinning around and dropping the leg over the back of Steelhart's head. Jeff rolls him over and makes a quick cover...1..2..Rob throws his shoulder up. Jeff slowly pulls Rob back up to his feet. Jeff delivers a few fore arms and elbows to Steelhart's head, dazing him enough so he can grab his leg, and throw him back to the mat with a dragon screw leg whip. As Rob hits the mat, Jeff stomps the leg a few times, and then grabs both legs, lifting them up and then delivering a double leg drop to the groin of Rob Steelhart. Rob rolls over, clutching himself in pain as Hardy celebrates a little."

J.R:"Hardy needs to capitalize on his opportunity here instead of dancing around the ring."

King:"Yeah, damn kids have no respect now days!"

*Jeff grabs Steelhart by the hair, dragging him back to his feet. Jeff tries to Irish Whip Rob Steelhart into the corner, but Rob rerverses it sending Jeff into it instead, but as Jeff reaches the corner he leaps up on to the top rope, and jumps off nailing Rob Steelhart with the Whisper In The Wind. Jeff lands on top of Steelhart, reaching back and hooking a leg as referee Nick Patrick leaps into position to make the count...1..2.....Dark Talon grabs Nick Patrick by the ankles and drags him out of the ring. Talon and the ref begin to argue as Jeff Hardy slides out of the ring. Nick Patrick warns Dark Talon that if he interferes any more it'll get Rob Steelhart disqualified and then he rolls back in the ring. Dark Talon turns around and as he does, Jeff Hardy comes running around the ring barrier, jumps off and nails Dark Talon with a cross body. Jeff jumps back to his feet, and rolls back in the ring. Jeff bounces off the ropes, and rushes at Rob Steelhart, leaping in the air for a spinning heel kick, but Steelhart ducks, and Jeff ends up hitting Nick Patrick instead. Jeff gets up, and looks at the ref for a moment, and then turns around only to get kicked in the gut by Rob. Steelhart picks up him for a power bomb, but Jeff blocks it and hits Steelhart with a hurricanrana instead. Jeff gets up, and drags Steelhart over to the corner. Jeff steps through the ropes and then climbs to the top rope. He signals for the Swanton Bomb, but before he can jump Dark Talon gets up on the ring apron and nails him with a steel chair shot to the back. Jeff falls off the top rope to the mat as Rob gets up. Rob grabs Hardy by the hair and pulls him up to his feet. Rob drapes Jeff's arm over his head, and lifts him up for a suplex, stalling and then finally driving him down with a hard brain buster. Rob immediately grabs him by his hair and pulls him back to his feet. Rob goes around behind Hardy, and puts him a waist lock. Steelhart picks Hardy up and drives him back with a German suplex, but he holds on and rolls through, picking him up for a second....and then a third....and finally a fourth release German suplex. Nick Patrick is finally starting to slowly to get his feet, as Steelhart pulls Jeff up. When he gets Hardy standing, he grabs his right arm, and he raises it up, locking it behing his head. Rob pulls back and delivers a massiver heart punch, executing the Remorseless, and causing Hardy to fall to the mat, seemingly lifeless. Steelhart kicks Hardy over on his back and makes a cover, hooking the near leg. Nick Patrick crawls over and starts to count...1.....2.......Steelhart pulls Hardy up by his hair, breaking the count. Rob stands up, dragging Hardy up with him. He knees Jeff in the stomach a few times, and then lifts him up on his shoulders stomach down in a DVD position. Rob spins him around and slams him to the canvas, delivering the Total Salavation. Rob covers Jeff again, hooking both legs, as Nick Patrick counts once more..1....2....3!"

J.R:"Well King, you have to admit that it hadn't been for Dark Talon's interfernce Jeff Hardy would be walking away the winner of his EMF debut."

King:"Shut up J.R! People who play by the rules never win matches against rule breakers!"

"Rachel theme" blasts on the PA system as Rachel walks to the ring

*King all of a sudden hits the vertebreaker on JR, King starts to sing and dance about the vertebreaker*

"Lovefurypassionenergy" blasts on the PA system as Mercedes walks to the ring

JR-.....eeeerrr....I think someone was watching some old WCW shows....

King-Wasn't me...after all they had their last show up a BEER HALL GOD DAMN IT.....wait a minute...do I have anything against beer halls

*King looks at his long list of things he hates*

King-Na beer halls are ok...FOR NOW!!

[Mercedes and Rachel get in the middle of the ring, then start to yell at each other. Rachel pushes Mercedes and Mercedes answers it back with a slap to the face. Mercedes then hits a few hard forearms that stun Rachel to the ropes and then trys to whip Rachel off the ropes. But Rachel reverses the whip and then Mercedes is sent to the ropes. Mercedes bounces off the ropes and then leaps in the air and hit a quick cross body block, but can't keep it on for a count. Mercedes gets up and Rachel stumbles up and then gets taken down by Mercedes with a arm bar release. Rachel gets up dazed and then stumbles right into Mercedes who hits another arm drag into an arm bar. Mercedes quickly holds Rachel's arm against the mat and then drives her knee's into Rachel's arm a few times with knee drops. Then goes back to the hold and then gets up bringing Rachel with her. Mercedes then twists it a little more and then hits a knee to the gut of Rachel. Mercedes then runs to the ropes and bounces off as Rachel is doubled over and then hits a swinging neck breaker and then goes into the cover and gets a 1.......2....kick out. Mercedes then puts on a chin lock on Rachel, Rachel looks for a way out of it and slowly gets up from the move and once she's fully on her fight she goes back and then whips Merecedes off the ropes. Mercedes bounces off the ropes and goes towards Rachel. Rachel goes for a clothesline, but Mercedes ducks it and then waits until Rachel turns around. Once she does Mercedes goes for a high kick to the face, but Rachel blocks it and then hits a dragon screw on Mercedes. From the dragon screw Rachel then sets up Mercedes and locks on a figure four. Mercedes is screaming in pain as she looks like she's about to tap. But Mercedes is able to grab the ropes just in time and Rachel has to break the hold. Mercedes slowly gets up limping around as Rachel hits a chop block on Mercedes. Rachel then drags Mercedes over to the ropes and then puts Mercedes leg and goes for a move to inflict some more punishments on the leg. But before Rachel can hit the move, Mercedes takes her leg off the rope as Rachel is in the air and then pushes Rachel with her foot as she lands. Rachel falls through the ropes and to the arena floor. Mercedes gets up trying to recover from the moves and finally does.]

JR-King....why do you all of a sudden have all different types of monitors....

King-Well if I'm going to get the perfect angle, then ONE TV ISN'T ENOUGH!!

[Mercedes steps out to the apron to many boo's as she waits for Rachel to get up as she does. Mercedes leaps off the apron and then comes down on Rachel with a hard ax handle that sends Rachel down. Mercedes yells at the crowd and then pulls up Rachel and then trys to whip Rachel to the steps. But Mercedes gets reversed and Mercedes goes shoulder first into the steel steps. Mercedes is in a lot of pain. Rachel is able to pull her up enough to roll her back into the ring. Once she does, she takes a little too much time getting on the apron and climbing to the top rope. It looks like Rachel is going to a elbow. But before she can hit it Mercedes puts up her leg and Rachel catches it right in the chin of Rachel. Rachel fulls back in the corner and almost looks out on her feet. But Mercedes is downed still from the steel steps. Slowly Mercedes gets up and then stumbles around and then hits a few kicks to the gut of Rachel. Mercedes then takes Rachel out of the corner and then whips Rachel to the ropes, Rachel bounces off and Mercedes goes for a clothesline. But Rachel ducks it and runs through and waits for Mercedes to turn around and once she does Rachel hits Mercedes with a slap....another slap....another slap.....then the SLAP OF DDDDOOOOOOOMMMMM! Mercedes goes down and Rachel goes for the pin and gets 1......2....kick out.]

JR-....did this match turn into a slap fest

King-Ashlee would be rolling around in her grave.....if she was dead. Which reminds me *King pukes*

[Rachel then pulls up Mercedes and then pushes her to the ropes and then rolls her up. Rachel grabs on the ropes as the King instructed her to do when the ref isn't looking and the ref counts 1......2....3] "Just 2 Badd" blasts on the PA system as Badd boy walks to the ring

King-Hey now that Road's old cell mate has company...you think he'll stop bugging me about that money I owe him

JR-doubt it King

King-damn it....

"Cocky" blasts on the PA system as Wes walks to the ring

King-This remines me, I need to get some sleep!

[Wes and Badd boy pace around the ring, Wes charges at Badd boy and then Badd boy is able to counter it with a release arm drag take down. Wes gets up a bit fustrated, Badd boy just paces around the ring with a bit of a smile on his face. Wes and Badd boy then lock up once again and Badd boy is able to put Wes in a side head lock and then takes him to the mat with a side take over still holding the head lock in place. But Wes is able to count this move and put Badd boy in a leg scissors. Badd boy then looks for a way out of it and is able to nip up out of it and then runs to the ropes. Badd boy bounces off the ropes as Wes gets up and knocks Wes down with a hard shoulder block. Badd boy then hits a few stomps on the downed Wes. Wes gets up and Badd boy hits a few knife edge chops that back up Wes to the ropes. Badd boy trys to whip Wes to the ropes, but Wes reverses the whip and sends Badd boy to the ropes. Badd boy bounces off the ropes and then Wes trys for a clothesline that is ducked under by Badd boy and continues to the other side of the ring and bounces off that side and Wes goes for a back elbow. But that is missed as well, Badd boy continues to the other side of the ring and bounces off the ropes as Wes is turning around Badd boy leaps in the air and then catches Wes off guard with a cross body block into the pin for the 1......2...kick out. Wes gets up stunned as Badd boy waits for Wes to stumble towards him. Once he does Badd boy hits a inverted atomic drop that makes Wes even more stunned, Badd boy then backs to the ropes and then hits a hard clothesline that knocks down Wes. Badd boy then runs to the ropes and then leaps in the air and hits a big leg drop and then makes the cover on Wes for the 1.......2.....kick out. Badd boy then puts Wes in a chin lock on Wes, Wes then looking for a way out of it slowly gets to his feet. Wes then hits a few elbows into the gut of Badd boy. But he can't quite get out of the hold, so Wes uses this chance to side steps Badd boy and then hits a belly to back suplex. Both wrestlers are down, but Wes is able to stumble to his feet and then starts to stomp on the downed Badd boy. Wes pulls Badd boy up and then whips him to the ropes, Badd boy bounces off the ropes and then Wes is able to catch and then drives Badd boy down with a hard side walk slam on Badd boy. Wes then goes over to the nearest turnbuckle and then climbs up it and then leaps off and drives a fist drop into Badd boy]

King-Badd boy doesn't want to lose this....I mean it's bad enough his opponent has been a jobber lately...it's even worse that his name is WES.

JR-whatever King

[Wes doesn't go for the cover, instead he starts to choke Badd boy as the ref counts to 5 and Wes has to break the hold. Wes then pulls up Badd boy and then whips him to the ropes, Badd boy bounces off the ropes and Wes lowers his head to go for a back body drop. But Badd boy counters it with a hard kick the face. Wes pops up holding his face, Badd boy backs up and then goes for a running clothesline. But Wes is able then to counter Badd boy into a powerslam right into a pin for the 1.......2....kick out. Badd boy gets up and stumbles a little bit, Wes hits a few hard fists to the face of Badd boy that back him into the corner. Wes then hits a few hard shoulder blocks into the gut of Badd boy while he's in the corner and then backs up a little bit and then sets up Badd boy and then whips Badd boy as hard as he can across the ring and Badd boy does a flip on to the apron. Wes hits a few fists to Badd boy to stun him even more and then trys to suplex Badd boy into the ring. But Badd boy counters by dropping down and hitting a hang man on Wes. Badd boy stumbles up to the apron as Wes is down to one knee, Badd boy then goes to the top rope and then waits for Wes to stumble towards him. But before that can happen Wes dives on the ropes and shakes the ropes and Badd boy falls right on the top rope. Badd boy is in a lot of pain as Wes trys to shake the affect from Badd boy's move. Wes does and then hits a few fists to Badd Boy while he's still ont the on the top turnbuckle and then hooks Badd boy and then hits a super plex off the top rope. Both wrestlers are down as Wes slowly starts to move and then makes the cover on Badd boy for the 1.........2.....kick out]

King-I knew that wouldn't get the job done...

JR-Well if Wes can defeat Badd boy, it would put his career back on the right track there is no doubt about that.

King-When was Wes's career ever on the right track?

[Wes slowly gets up and then hits a few fists on Badd boy, Wes trys to whip Badd boy to the ropes. But Badd boy reverses it sending Wes to the ropes. Wes bounces off the ropes and Badd boy then hooks Wes and then hits the full nelson slam. Badd boy goes into the cover and gets the 1.........2.........3] King-You know Wes I bet Wes takes a job as a sniper as a side job soon....*King runs from the announcers table commando style* as Saturday Shockwave goes off the air.