EMF: Saturday Shockwave

The regular Shockwave video starts, when it ends it goes to a far shot of the arena. Then...

"Adam Lax's theme" blasts on the PA system as Adam Lax walks to the ring.

JR-To say that Lax has a big challenge ahead of him would be a understatement.

King-Road a challenge......since when

"My Sacifice" blasts on the PA system as Road walks to the ring

JR-He is already early into his return and he's already going for his second piece of gold since returning

King-Tumbleweed sightings have went up

*ding ding ding*

[Lax moves around the ring, Road just shrugs his shoulders and charges in at Lax hitting a few fists to the face of Lax. Lax backs up to the turnbuckle, Road hits a few fists to the head of Lax. Road then hits a few shoulders into the gut of Lax. Road trys to whip Lax to the oppsite side turnbuckle, but Lax reverses the whip sending Road hard into the corner. Lax then charges in and hits a clothesline in the corner. Road stumbles out of the corner, Lax runs to the ropes and trys for a clothesline as Road stumbles. But Road then ducks it and hits a neck breaker. Road then climbs to the second rope and trys for a fist drop. But Lax stumbles out of the way, Road is now in pain as Lax runs to the ropes and hits a running one armed bulldog on Road. Lax goes for the cover 1...2..kick out, Lax pulls up Road and hits a european upper cut.Road backs up and hangs on the ropes. Lax then drags Road's face against the top rope, Road goes down in pain as Lax stomps on the downed Road. Lax then puts Road's throat over the bottom rope and puts his boot on the back of the neck. The ref uses his five count 1......2......3.......4..Lax breaks the choke and pulls Road up. Lax then whips Road to the ropes and leaps in the air for a jumping back elbow. Lax goes into the cover for the 1...2..kick out, Road gets up a little stunned as Lax waits for Road to stumble towards him. Lax then picks up Road and trys for a body slam, but Road slips out of the back and hits a reverse DDT. Road stays on the mat for a few moments and gets to his feet to his feet. Road pulls up Lax slowly up and sets Lax up, then gets him up into a vertical suplex. Road holds Lax in the air for a few moments then hits the vertical suplex. Road flows in the corner for a 1....2..kick out, Road pulls Lax and puts him against the ropes and hits a few forearms to the face of Lax. Road whips Lax off the ropes, Lax bounces off the ropes and leaps in the air for a flying cross body block. But Road catches him in mid air, Road holds Lax for a moment and throws him in a fall away slam. Lax gets up stunned, Road charges at Lax and clotheslines him over the top rope. Road backs away as Lax is now on the fall as the ref starts to count 1.........2........3......4......5.......6. Lax makes his way to the apron, Road goes over to try to suplex Lax back into the ring. Lax then counters by dropping Road's neck over the top rope. Road goes down to one knee in pain. Lax gets back on the apron and waits for Road to get up. Lax then hits a shoulder into the gut of Road between the third and second top rope to stun Road. Lax the hooks Road up and trys to suplex Road from the inside of the ring to the outside of the ring. But Road blocks it and trys to suplex Lax back into the ring. Lax goes over the top. But slides down Road's back on his feet. Lax then sets Road up, Road trys to elbow out of the germen suplex attempt. But Lax is able to pull it off with a bridge for a 1......2.....kick out]

JR-That was close King

King-Go Lax!.....who am I kidding this is BORING!!!

[Lax pulls up Road and hits a few fists to the face, then hits a rake to the eye's. Road stumbles away and then stumbles back to where Lax is waiting and scoops up Road and hits a shoulder breaker. Lax hits a few stomps to Road's shoulder. Lax then climbs to the second rope, then takes way too much time before he leaps off the second rope for a diving elbow drop. But Road moves out of the last second as Lax kneels in pain. Road runs to the ropes and hits a front drop kick. Lax goes to the ropes after being hit with the drop kick to get up, Road chokes Lax on the ropes. The ref uses his 5 count 1.....2....3... Road lets go of Lax and pulls him up. Road trys to whip Lax to the ropes, but Lax reverses the whip. Road bounces off the ropes and Lax trys for a clothesline. But Road ducks it and bounces off the other sides ropes as Lax trys for a back elbow. Road ducks it and runs through, Road then sets up and hits a quick super kick on Lax. Lax stumbles towards the ropes, because Road didn't get it all. Lax stumbles towards Road and Road gets all of the super kick. Lax goes down, Road goes down to one knee, Road then goes into the cover and the 1.....2.....kick out. Road gets up fast and waits for Lax to get to his feet from behind him. Lax slowly makes it to his feet and locks on a sleeper and then turns it into a sleeper slam. Road goes into the cover and gets a 1....2...kick out by Lax. Road's sit there trying to think of something to do to Lax. Lax crawls to the corner. Road walks over to the corner that Lax has gotten up to, Road hits a few forearms in the corner that makes Lax slump in the corner. Road pulls up Lax and whips him to the oppsite side turnbuckle. Road charges in and hits a clothesline in the corner to Lax, Lax stands their and then stumbles out. Road climbs to the second turnbuckle and waits, Lax stumbles back towards Road. Road then hooks lax and hits a torando DDT on Lax.]

JR-Road's setting up for his finisher

King-His finisher name doesn't make any sense damn it!!

[Road sets up, Road takes a few steps back and waits for Lax to get up. Lax gets up and stumbles towards Road. Road then hits Lax with a powerful super kick that sends Lax flying into the turnbuckle Lax arms fly over the top keeping him up, but he is seemly out on his feet. Road then singals for the Apocalypse. Road then puts Lax on the top turnbuckle and follows him up. Hooks him and then drives him down in Apocalypse. Road goes into the cover 1......2......3]

JR-Road has won this thing!

King-Hey I just though of something, what does an Apocalypse have to do with a Road anyways?!


Matt Dragon vs. Primetime (Non-Title Match) gimmick (Standard Match)

Jerry "The King" Lawler - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, Matt Dragon!!! (crowd cheers ********)

[Matt Dragon comes to the ring. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - and his opponent, Primetime!!! (crowd cheers *********)

[Primetime walks to the ring. Earl Hebner is the referee for this contest. Matt Dragon places Primetime on the turnbuckle and executes a front-layout suplerplex. Primetime executes a pumphandle suplex on Matt Dragon. (the bell rings) Matt Dragon gives Primetime a reverse neckbreaker. Primetime is back on his feet. Primetime executes a ropeflip hiptoss on Matt Dragon. Primetime puts Matt Dragon in an arm grapevine submission. ]

Jim Ross - Primetime executes a arm grapevine.

[Primetime goes for a pin. The ref starts the count. ...1 Matt Dragon escapes. Now Matt Dragon standing. Matt Dragon throws Primetime off the ropes and hits him with a diving shoulder block. Primetime gets back to his feet. Matt Dragon rakes his fingers across Primetime's back. Primetime punches Matt Dragon in the head. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - punch by Primetime.

[Primetime comes from behind and bulldogs Matt Dragon. Matt Dragon moves back to his feet. Matt Dragon uses a running lariat to take Primetime down. Matt Dragon and Primetime go to the floor Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) Matt Dragon cuts Primetime with a blade. Primetime is bleeding as a result. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - The floor is covered with blood from that injury.

[(..2) Matt Dragon rolls onto Primetime connecting with a knee. Primetime gets back to his feet. (...3) Primetime gives Matt Dragon a reverse neckbreaker. Now Primetime standing. Matt Dragon stands up. (....4) Matt Dragon punches Primetime in the gut. (.....5) They fight into the aisle. Matt Dragon and Primetime move back to ringside. They fight into the aisle. Matt Dragon and Primetime move back to ringside. Matt Dragon and Primetime move back into the ring. Matt Dragon knifehand chops Primetime. ]

Jim Ross - Matt Dragon with a knifehand chop.

[Primetime short lariats Matt Dragon. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - Matt Dragon takes a short lariat.

[Primetime kicks Matt Dragon on the mat. Primetime rolls onto Matt Dragon connecting with a knee. Primetime is nailed with a waistlock suplex from Matt Dragon. Primetime climbs to his feet. Primetime gets back into the match with a jumping neck snap on Matt Dragon. Primetime bounces Matt Dragon off the ropes and faceslams him onto the mat. Primetime gets up. Now Matt Dragon standing. Primetime gets hit with a dragon scerw from Matt Dragon. Primetime gets up. Primetime hits a kneeling headbutt to Matt Dragon's groin. Primetime hits Matt Dragon with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle. Primetime is back on his feet. Matt Dragon with a headscissors takeover on Primetime. Matt Dragon chants start. Now Matt Dragon standing. Primetime is back on his feet. Matt Dragon legsweeps Primetime. Matt Dragon kicks Primetime on the mat. Matt Dragon applies an arm wrench to Primetime. Matt Dragon measures Primetime up and drops a closed fist. Matt Dragon is back on his feet. Matt Dragon rolls onto Primetime connecting with a knee. Matt Dragon fist drops Primetime on the mat. Matt Dragon is back on his feet. Matt Dragon stomps Primetime. Matt Dragon grabs Primetime and applies an arm wrench. Primetime nails Matt Dragon with a double underhook suplex. Matt Dragon moves back to his feet. Primetime knifehand chops Matt Dragon. Primetime jabs Matt Dragon. Primetime gets thrown into the turnbuckle. Matt Dragon comes over and smashes Primetime's head into it. Matt Dragon executes a ropeflip hiptoss on Primetime. Primetime stands up. Matt Dragon executes a swinging bulldog on Primetime driving Primetime's face into the mat. Matt Dragon stands up. Matt Dragon knees Primetime and rolls back to his feet. Now Primetime standing. Matt Dragon pump handle slams Primetime to the mat. Matt Dragon with a falling splash on Primetime. Matt Dragon chants start. Matt Dragon stands up. Primetime moves back to his feet. Matt Dragon knocks Primetime out with a tilt-a-whirl powerslam. Matt Dragon fist drops Primetime on the mat. Matt Dragon is back on his feet. Matt Dragon climbs to the top of the turnbuckle and executes the diving headbutt on Primetime. Matt Dragon chants start. Matt Dragon locks Primetime in the classic Figure-4-Leg-Lock. Earl Hebner is checking for a tap out. ... ... Primetime trys to escape. ... ... Primetime is fighting the hold. ... Matt Dragon tightens the hold. ... Primetime trys to escape. ... ... ... ... Primetime passes out. The ref checks on him, but he is out, so Dragon wins it.

Jerry "The King" Lawler - The winner of this match, Matt Dragon!!!

*EMT's come out to the ring to check on Primetime. It seems that something may have snapped or torn in his leg.*

JR: OMGosh king, I don't know if it's serious or of he's going ot be alright. Whatever it is doesn't look good right now.

Howard Finkle - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, Badd Boy!!!

[Badd Boy comes to the ring. ]

Howard Finkle - and his opponent, Angelus!!!

[Angelus walks to the ring. Earl Hebner is the referee for this contest. Badd Boy checks out the ring. Angelus executes a pumphandle suplex on Badd Boy. (ding, ding, ding) Badd Boy short-arm clotheslines Angelus to the mat. Badd Boy hits Angelus with a rolling elbow smash to the face. Angelus gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Badd Boy. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - diving elbow smash!

[Badd Boy is up again. Now Angelus standing. Angelus executes the brain buster on Badd Boy. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - These guys are almost as good as me. Wouldn't you agree?

Howard Finkle - Not in this life time.

[Angelus executes a flying knee drop right to the gut of Badd Boy. ]

Jim Ross - Angelus executes a flying knee drop.

[Angelus is back on his feet. Angelus executes a corkscrew legdrop on Badd Boy. Angelus is back on his feet. Badd Boy is up again. Badd Boy grabs Angelus's head and hites him in the face. Badd Boy get nailed with a double axhandle chop from Angelus. Badd Boy gets up. Angelus connects with a flying knee. Badd Boy goes down. Angelus stomps Badd Boy's head. Badd Boy stands up. Badd Boy gets elbowed to his midsection by Badd Boy. ]

Howard Finkle - Angelus with a elbow to midsection.

[Angelus hits Badd Boy with an atomic drop. Badd Boy is up again. Angelus drags Badd Boy to the floor. Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) Angelus throws a chair at Badd Boy. (..2) Angelus superkicks Badd Boy. Badd Boy is back on his feet. (...3) Angelus is hooked in a full nelson. (....4) Flying kick by Badd Boy takes Angelus down. Angelus gets back to his feet. (.....5) They head back into the ring. Badd Boy pins Angelus against the ropes and chokes him with his forearm. Badd Boy goes off the top turnbuckle and double foot stomps Angelus. Badd Boy stands up. Angelus gets hit with the shooting star press from Badd Boy. Earl Hebner counts the pin. ...1 ...2 Angelus escapes. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - Badd Boy should have known better than to try for a shooting star press at this point in the match.

[Angelus gets up. Angelus gets taken down with an armdrag takedown. Angelus climbs to his feet. Angelus hits Badd Boy with an inverted atomic drop. Kneelock submission applied by Angelus. The referee is checking the situation. ... Badd Boy is fighting the hold. ... Badd Boy escapes. Badd Boy is back on his feet. Badd Boy slaps the face of Angelus. Now Badd Boy standing. Badd Boy jabs Angelus. Badd Boy shoulder tackles Angelus. Now Badd Boy standing. Angelus stands up. Angelus spins aroround Badd Boy's back and DDT's him into the mat. Angelus is back on his feet. Crotch chop from Angelus. Badd Boy is back on his feet. Angelus double underhook faceslams Badd Boy hard to the Badd Boy. Angelus knee drops Badd Boy. Angelus moves back to his feet. Badd Boy gets in a DDT. He goes for the cover. He hooks the leg. Earl Hebner counts. ...1 ...2 ...3

Howard Finkle - The winner of this match, Badd Boy!!!

"Jarred's theme" blasts on the PA system as Jarred walks to the ring

JR-Jarred might have gotten a win, but there is no doubt that Jarred had to give everything to get the win over Wes last week.


"Cocky" blasts on the PA system as Wes walks to the ring

King-Why did we call him up from the minors, he's boring

JR-Well I think Wes has a hell of a future ahead of him

King-Whatever JR, I bet your going to tell us he played college football too

[Wes and Jarred lock up, Wes turns to the lock up into a side head lock. Jarred looks for a way out and then backs Wes up to the ropes and whips Jarred to the ropes, Jarred bounces off the ropes and hits a shoulder block.Jarred runs to the ropes, Wes stays on the ground and lets Jarred jump over him and bounces to the other side. Wes waits for Jarred and leap frogs over Jarred, Wes waits for Jarred. Wes then grabs Jarred by the hair and throws Jarred into the cage's side. Jarred stumbles from the cage side, Wes puts a waist lock on Jarred for a germen suplex. But Jarred goes around and trys to put Wes in a full nelson slam, but Wes reverses it into a hammer lock, then hits a rear leg take down. We then grabs one of Jarred leg and puts it in the air and then slams it down hard to the mat. Wes then falls back on the ropes and bounces off and hits a jumping knee drop on the very same leg. Wes then pulls up the leg and drops elbow drops in the inside of the leg once, gets back up and does the same thing. Wes then puts on a leg lock on Jarred. Jarred screams in pain as Wes keeps the hold on, Wes then signals to the ref at the door to get ready to open up the door. Wes lets go of the hold and trys to go out the door. But in a little bit of pain Jarred is able to grab Wes's leg and drag him back into the cage. Jarred pulls Wes back into the ring and grabs both of his legs and hits a stomp to the groin. Wes gets up and jumps around in pain, Jarred mocks him and hits a short arm clothesline that knocks Wes down. Wes gets up still in pain holding the ropes, Jarred hits a few knife edge chops. Jarred trys to whip Wes to the ropes, but Wes reverses the whip as Jarred bounces off the ropes and leaps in the air and trys for a cross body block. But Wes catches Jarred in mid air, Wes then puts Jarred on his shoulders and then hits the snake eyes on the top turnbuckle. Wes waits for Jarred to stumble out of the corner to kick him in the gut and set him up. Wes then hits the piledriver, Wes stays down to recover from the moves by Jarred earlier and slowly makes his way to the cage side. Then slowly starts to climb the side of the cage, but Wes gets to about the top rope and Jarred is about to grab Wes leg, Wes trys to kick Jarred off. But Jarred doesn't let go and drags Wes down so he's standing on the top rope, Jarred then throws him off the top rope. Wes goes flying to about the other side of the ring.]

JR-Wes will have to beat down Jarred some more if he hopes to win this match. The only way to win this match is to go through the cage door or climb over the top of the cage.

King-Well Wes is an idiot, he's too stupid to figure that out.

[Jarred pulls Wes up and trys to hit a fist to the face, but Wes blocks it and hits a few fists to the face of Jarred. Wes backs up Jarred to the ropes with the fists, Wes then twists Jarreds arm kicks him in the gut and hits a DDT. Wes goes down as well, Wes slowly gets up as does Jarred, Wes hits a few fists to Jarred and sets him up for a northern lights suplex. But Jarred hits a few knee's to the gut that makes Wes release the set up northern lights suplex. Wes stumbles around and Jarred knocks him down with a clothesline, Wes gets up fast and charges at Jarred. Jarred hits a falling hip toss. Wes slowly gets up near one of the sides of the cage. Jarred charges at him and leaps in the air, but Wes ducks it and Jarred goes flying into the side of the cage. Jarred stumbles out, Wes then throws him back face first into the cage once again. Then once again, Jarred is now busted open and is standing limply on the top rope. Wes then takes Jarred by the hair and grates his face across the cages side. Jarred screams in pain, then Wes decides to try to go out the door. The refs open the door, Wes starts to move towards the door and is about to go out the door when Jarred charges at him and stops him. Wes hits a low blow that makes Jarred let go and stumble into the other sides turnbuckle, Wes spins Jarred around so he is facing the turnbuckle and hits a few forearms into the back of Jarred. Wes then puts Jarred on the top rope and then into the tree of woe, Wes hits a few stomps on the face of Jarred. Jarred strangles to get free, but can't. Wes walks towards the door, Jarred gets out of the tree of woe. Wes then dives to try to get out. Jarred quickly runs and dives at the feet of Wes before he can get out. Wes has his hands touching the floor nothing more. Jarred drags Wes back into the ring and takes him to the middle of the ring. Jarred then sets Wes up, hooks and turns for a sharpshooter. Wes screams in pain as he starts tapping, but that doesn't end the match. Wes looks for a way out, Wes crawls to the support leg of Jarred and slowly takes it from under him tripping him up. Wes uses this time to quickly set Jarred up and puts on a sharpshooter of his only. Jarred looks for a way out, but can't find it, Jarred starts to tap in the sharpshooter. Wes lets it go and goes down from the pain that Jarred's sharpshooter caused.]

King-Bret Hart's going to be pissed

JR-What a slobberknocker this is

[Wes slowly starts to crawl towards the cage side and starts to climb up. Jarred quickly gets up and grabs Wes by the leg. Though Wes kicks Jarred off for a moment, but Jarred gets a hold of his leg once again. Jarred starts to get up as Wes stratills the top of the cage, Jarred does the same and hits a few fists to Wes. Wes hits a few that stumbles Jarred. Wes then hits one that sends Jarred off the top of the cage and goes crashing into the center of the ring. Wes then climbs down and Jarred who landed close to the door starts to quickly makes his way to the door. Suddenly "Bleed blasts on the PA system and Justin Franchize runs to the ring. Jarred is almost out the door, but then Franchize closes it on Jarred and Wes steps down on the floor. A few moments go by as Jarred uses the ropes to get up very dazed, both Jarred and Franchize stare at each other.]

JR-What the hell is that sick of bitch doing here?!

King-Whoo-ah the sick fuck is back

[Suddenly Jarred and Franchize starts to trade fists, Jarred gets the upper hand. But Franchize rakes Jarred's eye's. Jarred is blinded, Franchize scoops Jarred up and hits a tombstone piledriver. Franchize then grabs a microphone.]

Franchize-It's been a while hasn't it, for longer time than anyone knows I've had a injury. A injury so bad that I would have to take time off, I knew the whole time that the last match I was in that I would have to job. But Jarred the Attitude world champion is back and I've noticed you haven't yet figured out what to do with that IC title. Well since I won't have anything to do at Unleashed I got a idea, how about you and me. But not just any match, no how about we make this match a death cell match for old times sake. I'll show you and the world why the sick fuck is sicker than ever!!!

JR-There will be hell to pay

(Shockwave goes off the air with that)