EMF: Saturday Shockwave

[EMF Shockwave begins with the regular theme and pyro as the EMF cameras get a good shot of these pumped up fans of Washington, the camera then immediately goes to JR and King as they run down some of the matches and then stop on the main event.]

JR: Well ladies and gentlemen it was scheduled to be a hell in a cell, tag team match for tonight, but that has now changed. I arrived to the building about 5 p.m. today, and backstage was all to hell and a fight was going down. Extreme champion and tag team champion, Twilight in protest against the management change with Triple H assuming power, has now quit the EMF. All I know is that, when I arrived Twilight was already gone, the backstage looked like it was hit with a hurricane with trash all over the place, I then recieved word that Triple H and Twilight had a meeting, something went wrong and now Twilight has quit this company.

King: Ahh let the crybaby cry...

JR: That isn't even half of the story as the newly recovered Prez Mike, has left this arena to go and try to talk to Twilight, and get him back in this company. So again that leaves the lone president of this company, Triple H in charge again for this Shockwave. King: Wooohooo!

JR: What is going to happen to tonight's mainevent is beyond me, and as soon as we get word, we will let you know.

[Cameras go out to the parking lot as Genesis is making his way into the MCI Center in Washington. Genesis is about to make his way inside the building as Security and Eric Bischoff stops him from entering.]

Security: Sorry you aren't allowed inside the arena...

Genesis: What are you talking about? I have a match tonight...

Bischoff: No, you see you did have a match here tonight, because you see me and "H" talked it over and discussed your's and Mike Angel's match here tonight..And you know, I don't believe no one wants to see jobbers wrestle here tonight, so your fired...Have a nice day.

Genesis: You son of a bitch...[Genesis tries to get to Bischoff but, is held off by Security.]

Bischoff: Ohh you don't want any...You want me to whip your ass you jobber? [Bischoff does his best "Karate Kid" impersonation as he does a crain kick stance.] Now, get your ass out of here, I am sick of looking at you...And oh, do me a favor if you see Mike Angel out here in the parking lot, give him a message for me...Tell him, he's fired. Now, if you would excuse me I've got alot better things to do then talk to "no-talents" like you. Security...Get this piece of trash out of the arena.

“Kaedon’s theme” blasts on the PA system as Kaedon walks to the ring

JR-This is a good chance for the rookie to beat one of the best in the EMF today

King-Yeah…best stealers!

“Punk’s theme” blasts on the PA system as Punk walks to the ring with the IC title

JR-Punk won’t have that title for long

King-What are you talking about, Punk is the best IC champion we ever had!

[Punk and Kaedon nail fists back and forth, then once Punk gains the advantage by poking Kaedon in the eyes. Kaedon stumbles back blinded and then Punk hits a few hard fists and then hits a few shoulder blocks into the gut and then whips Kaedon to the ropes and then Punk takes his time cocky he has the match in hand and then charges into the corner and then Kaedon puts up his foot and Punk runs into it and goes to the mat. Kaedon then stacks up Punk on his shoulders as the ref is down counting, Kaedon puts his feet on the ropes and gets the 1..............2.....kick out. Punk rolls out in disbelief that someone tried to steal a victory, Punk nods his head and then says a few things and then Kaedon comes charging at Punk. Punk counters with a release arm drag. Punk nips up and then goes to the ropes as Kaedon is getting up, Punk bounces off and leaps in the air and hits a spinning heel kick that sends Kaedon down.Then Punk goes into the cover and gets a 1.............2.......kick out, Punk gets up and pulls Kaedon up and then hits a few hard forearm shots and then whips Kaedon to the ropes, Kaedon bounces off the ropes and then he hits a back body drop. Kaedon bounces up and then Punk runs to the ropes behind him and then hits a running bulldog. Punk then plays to the crowd and waits for Kaedon to get up, once Kaedon stumbles up and then Punk scoops up Kaedon and hits a body slam near the turnbuckle and then he goes to the turnbuckle and Punk climbs to the second rope, though wastes time and then leaps off the second rope and goes for a flying leg drop. But Kaedon moves out of the way and he goes crashing into the mat and then both wrestlers are down. Punk is the first one get to his feet, still stunned and then Kaedon gets up and then Kaedon gets up and then Punk goes for a clothesline on the rope, and when he does he runs to the ropes and then Kaedon counters with a hot shot on the top rope and then Punk stumbles around and then Kaedon takes him over the top rope with a clothesline and then Punk crashes on ring side and then Kaedon falls to his knee’s and then tries to recover for a few minutes and then gets up and then goes to the outside and then Punk has gotten up and then Kaedon picks him up and then drops him over the guard rail Punk stumbles around and then Kaedon throws Punk into the steel steps shoulder fist. Kaedon goes over as Punk is sitting down in pain. Kaedon hits a few fists and then Kaedon backs up and then hits a front drop kick that sends Punk back in the back of the head.]

JR-Punk’s going to have to get use to that, because with no rules in the ladder match I’m sure Shane will want Punk to pay

King-I doubt it JR

[Kaedon rolls Punk into the ring and then climbs on the apron and then climbs to the top rope. Punk stumbles up and then Kaedon hits an axe handle on Punk that sends him down to the ground. Kaedon knowing that won’t put Punk down waits for Kaedon to get up, once he does Kaedon kicks him in the gut and sets him up for a vertical suplex and then a falcon arrow and then into the pin and gets a 1…………2………kick out. Punk gets up stunned and then Kaedon then hits a standing drop kick to knock down Punk. Punk gets up stunned and then Kaedon hits a few fists and knocks him back and then whips Punk to the ropes. Punk bounces off the ropes and then leaps in the air for a flying cross body, but Kaedon is able to catch him in mid air and then Kaedon hits a fall away slam, then goes into the cover and gets a 1…….2………….kick out. Kaedon puts on a chin lock on Punk, Punk slowly makes it to his feet and then hits a few elbows into the gut and then gets Kaedon to break the hold. Punk then hits a few fists and then back up Kaedon to the ropes and then Punk tries to whip Kaedon off the ropes, but Kaedon reverses the whip and sends him to the ropes instead. Punk bounces off the ropes and then hits a flying forearm, though he can’t follow up with anything after that. The ref counts the standing 10 count 1……………….2………….3……………..4……………..5………………..6…………….7… both wrestlers get up, Punk tries to remain in control put Kaedon hits a few fists and then back up to the ropes and whips him off the ropes, Punk bounces off the ropes and then lowers his head for a back body drop. But then Punk kicks him in the face, Kaedon stands up and then Punk kicks Kaedon in the gut to hit a desperation DDT and falls away from him unable to make the cover.]

JR-Punk hit the DDT, but I don’t think he’ll get the cover

King-Aw I bet he’ll kick out even if he does

[Punk slowly goes into the cover and gets the 1………………….2……………..kick out. Punk slowly gets up with help of the ropes, Kaedon gets up wanting to get the advantage back he charges at Punk. But Punk counters with a back body drop, but Kaedon is able to land on the apron. Punk turns around and then Kaedon hits a hang man on Punk on the top rope. Kaedon quickly jumps on the apron and then goes to the top rope as Punk stumbles back and then climbs to the top rope. Though dives on the top rope and then Punk rolls under the bottom rope and goes to the time keeper table and grabs the IC title and then slides into the ring and tells Kaedon to get up. Suddenly Shane jumps on the apron and yells at Punk, Punk charges at him and goes for a belt shot. But Shane jumps down and then Kaedon comes from behind Punk and then rolls him up for the 1…………………..2…………………3!]

King-Damn it this isn’t fair, Shane cost Punk that match!

JR-Well I guess it’s about time that Shane got some pay back…

[Cameras then go to the back as Triple H is sitting at his desk reading over some papers, Triple H does not seem to be in a very good mood.]

Triple H: Damn Twilight, who the hell does he think he's talking to, he best just realize that I run this company now, and if you don't go by my rules then you are ass will get fired!

Sierra: Don't you worry about him, he is probably just jealous he isn't you anyways...

Triple H: Yeah probably right, but dammit what am I gonna do about tonight's mainevent? Shew, and now I got all this paper work to do about Twilight's release and shit, this really hasn't been the best of days.

Sierra: Will this make you feel better?

[Sierra opens up her top as Triple H's face goes from that of pissed to that of shock, Triple H reaches up for a pen as he continues just to look at Sierra, Triple H then knocks over his water bottle as it spills into his lap.]

Triple H: Ahh shit!

Sierra: No, No..Let me get that for ya...

[Sierra grabs some napkins as she begins whiping off the lap of Triple H, Triple H just gives a smirk as Sierra continues to clean. Sierra continues to do so as Shady Shane comes walking in Triple H's office.]

Shane: Woah...Wrong time...Glad I didn't walk in 5 minutes from now.

Triple H: *Cough* Ahem..What do you want Shane? Can't you see I am a busy man!

Shane: You seem to be gettin' busy over there, but I just wanted to know what was gonna become of the tag belts now that Twilight is gone from the company...

Triple H: You got some nerve to come in MY office and accuse me of things, you see you got the same problem Twilight had, you talk to much and you run your mouth to the wrong person. So I tell ya what...

[Triple H pulls out one of his drawers and pulls out the other tag champ belt which used to belong to Twilight.]

Triple H: You seem to think you are something special, I mean look at you...Half of the tag champions [Points to Shane's shoulder which has his tag belt drapped acrossed it.] Then you got the IC belt [Points to Shane's waist which the IC belt is around.] Well lets just see how damn good you are Shane...[Triple H stands up with the tag belt.] Cause tonight, its gonna be Ashlee and Badd Boy against Shady Shane, handicap match. Go get em' champ!... [Triple H tosses the other tag belt on the other shoulder of Shane.]

Shane: But...

Triple H: But, nothing...Sierra, show this man out of my office...

Sierra: With pleasure...

[Sierra grabs the arm of Shane as she walks him to the door of Triple H's office, Shane opens up the door as Triple H then gets Shane's attention.]

Triple H: Ohh and Shane good luck...

[Shane just shakes his head and smirks while giving Triple H the finger.]

“Wilts theme” blasts on the PA system as Wilts and Tyrant walk to the ring

King-Well this is…a random team

JR-Yeah, we never had a great tag team division as it is.

“Jarred theme” blasts on the PA system as Jarred walks to the ring

JR-It has not been the best of time for Jarred’s group

King- That’s what he gets for being a JOBBER!!

[Jarred looks at the entrance as Messiah's theme starts, but no one comes out. Suddenly Wilts and Tyrant hit a few clubbing blows to Jarred and then double whip him to the ropes and then Jarred bounces off the ropes and then Wilts and Tyrant hit a double spine buster on Jarred. Tyrant tells something to Wilts, Wilts nods and then Jarred is crawling into the corner and then as Wilts comes over to him and then hits a few forearms to the face of Jarred. Jarred is reeling on the corner and then Wilts whips Jarred to the opposite side corner and then hits a clothesline Jarred stumbles forward, though Wilts pushes him back into the corner and then takes his boot and chokes Jarred with it as the ref uses his 5 count and then Wilts backs off. Wilts then hits a few back elbows into the corner and then backs off. Jarred seemly out of it gets picked up and put on the top rope by Wilts, Wilts climbs up to the top rope and then hooks Jarred and hits a super plex. Wilts is a little hurt, but he's of course still fresh. Wilts gets to his feet and then tags in Tyrant. Tyrant Tyrant comes into the ring and then hits a few punches to the face and whips Jarred to the ropes, Jarred bounces off the ropes and then Tyrant hits a clothesline. Jarred backs up to the corner and then Tyrant kicks him in the gut and then picks him up over his shoulder and then goes into the cover for a running power slam. Jarred hooks the turnbuckle with his feet, so as Tyrant goes out of the corner, Jarred is now on the corner. Tyrant turns around and see's Jarred on the corner and then he runs towards Jarred. But Jarred answers with a kick to the face, Tyrant stumbles back. Jarred leaps off and nails a flipping neck breaker off the second rope, both Tyrant and Jarred are down. Jarred having taken a beating uses this time to recover and then knowing that move isn't going to put him down long. Tyrant is the first to get to his feet and then goes over into Jarred. Jarred then is able to throw Tyrant throat first into the second rope. Jarred is lagging as Tyrant gets up and then Jarred hits a few fists trying to get the match in his favor. Jarred whips Tyrant to the ropes and then Tyrant bounces off the ropes and then Jarred hits a spinning back elbow. Tyrant goes down and then Wilts comes into the ring, but before he can Jarred hits a super kick that sends him backwards over the top rope and down to the arena floor]

JR-Jarred’s has to hit and run here, without a partner or he won’t have much of a chance

King-Any time Jarred walks into the ring, he doesn’t have much of a chance!

[Tyrant stumbles up and then Jarred hits a body slam and then goes to the top rope and leaps off fast and nails the LEGENDARY END. Jarred goes into the cover and gets the 1………………..2……….Wilts comes into the ring and then breaks up the count and then Jarred stumbles up and then Wilts grabs Jarred by the neck and then hits a two handed choke slam. Wilts then goes back into the corner and then Tyrant goes to his corner and tags in Wilts. Wilts comes into the ring as Jarred stumbles up and then hits a running forearm that knocks down Jarred. Jarred then gets up and then Wilts hits a few fists and then whips him to the ropes, Jarred bounces off the ropes and then Wilts goes for a big boot and then Jarred ducks it and continues to the other side of the ring. Jarred bounces off the ropes and then Wilts is able to catch him and then hits a side walk slam. Wilts goes into the cover and gets the 1....................2.............kick out, Wilts looks up at the ref thinking that he had the 3. But then he gets up and continues his attack, Jarred is on his knee's. Though as Wilts comes over to him, Jarred hits a few fists from his knee’s that stun Wilts a little bit. Jarred gets to his feet as Wilts goes for a fist, but then it’s blocked by Jarred. Jarred hits a fist that snaps Wilts head back and then hits a few more fists and then Jarred whips Wilts off the ropes. Wilts bounces off the ropes and then Jarred hits a spine buster. Suddenly Kaedon comes running down the ramp and then jumps into Jarred corner. Jarred crawls towards his corner and then leaps and makes the tag to Kaedon who comes into the ring fast]

JR-Kaedon has come to help Jarred, though you have wonder what he has left after that Punk match

King-Probably not much

[Kaedon comes into the ring and then nails a few fists that back up Tyrant to the ropes. Kaedon then whips Tyrant off the ropes and then he bounces off the ropes and then nails a high flipping drop kick. Wilst tried to get into the ring. But Kaedon hits a standing drop kick that sends him over the top rope. Jarred comes over on the outside and then battles with Wilts, Tyrant is getting up and then Kaedon hits the Kaedon crush. Kaedon goes into the cover and gets the 1……………………..2………………..3]

[Cameras go to the parking lot then as the cameras catch Messiah walking with bags in hand, as it looks like he is about to leave the MCI Center, Messiah continues to walk through the parking lot as you then hear a voice come from behind Messiah.]

Voice: Hey! Messiah! Dammit, I am talking to you, you best be turning around! Messiah!!

[Messiah continues to walk through the parking lot, totally annoying the voice which is trying to get his attention. Jarred is then shown running up to Messiah as he steps infront of Messiah.]

Jarred: Dammit, you listening to me?! What the hell was that?! Huh?! You just gonna leave me in there in a handicap match like that? Gonna just puss out and not even show up for our tag match?

[Messiah shows no reaction or even the slightest emotion on his face, Messiah side steps Jarred as he continues walking through the parking lot, dragging his bag behind him.]

Jarred: Woah! Woah! It isn't going to be that easy Messiah...

[Jarred gets back in the way of Messiah as Messiah tries to side step Jarred, but Jarred keeps getting in the way of Messiah.]

Jarred: Dammit, I want answers, now you tell me what the fuck is going on!

[Messiah again tries to step to the side of Jarred, but again Jarred gets in his way. Messiah continues to show not a ounce of emotion.]

Messiah: I've been chosen Jarred, this does not concern you, and nor should you let it concern you. Just stay out of the way, unless you want to be destroyed.

Jarred: What the hell you talking about?...I've been chosen? What the hell does that mean? Don't let it concern me? Well it now does concern me because you see just a couple minutes ago, you set me up for a handicap match...And don't you ever threaten me again!

Messiah: The war is about to begin Jarred, and I have been chosen...You see he has come, and he has come to destroy the EMF and everyone that opposes him.

Jarred: Him? Who is this, him? What in the fuck are you babbling about?

Messiah: You've been warned...

Jarred: Did I not just tell you not to threaten me?!

[Jarred steps infront of Messiah as they meet face to face, Jarred seems to be really pissed now and Messiah still shows no emotion. The camera man then gets in close as Jarred just shoves him back for getting to close. The cameraman falls as he drops the camera as all the view is now is that of their feet. You then hear a scuffle between the two men, then you can hear a loud "Thud", Jarred then falls to the ground in a heap as now 2 men stand over top of Jarred. The camera gets a good shot of Jarred laying there as the other man drops the 2x4 on Jarred's back, that he obviously hit him with. Messiah and the other man's feet are shown as a limo pulls up picking both of the men up. The camera can never get a shot of the other man's face as the screen goes back inside the arena.]

JR: What the hell was that about? Who is this "him" that Messiah was talking about?

[Badd Boy's theme hits as Badd Boy comes out to a chorus of "boo's", Badd Boy gives the hand motion of give me some more as fans do just that booing louder and chanting "Asshole". Badd Boy steps in the ring lowering his head and going underneath the hell in a cell as its about all the way dropped. Badd Boy goes over and hops on the middle rope as he smirks at the fans and their "boo's".]

JR: Badd Boy has a new attitude, that of cockiness and arrogance and that type of attitude may just get him hurt in this match, you really got to put your mind in this match, or you could end up on a stretcher.

[Ashlee's theme then hits as fans explode in cheers, Ashlee makes her way down the ramp, slapping some of the hands of the fans as she then looks over the hell in a cell before stepping in. Ashlee then makes her way inside the ring as she rolls inside the ring, looking over at Badd Boy who is leaned up in the corner with a grin on his face. Ashlee doesn't pay much attention to him as she climbs the ropes and salutes the crowd as they explode with a huge cheer. Ashlee hops down giving one last look at Badd Boy as she turns her attention away from Badd Boy and looks to that at the ramp awaiting her opponent, Shady Shane.]

JR: I am really concerned over Ashlee's safety in this match, we haven't seen a lady in this type of enviorment before, but if there is a lady in EMF's history to do something like this and get through it, it would havta be Ashlee Ikeda.

[Shady Shane's theme hits as he slowly walks down the ramp, you can tell Shane is thinking heavily as he stops infront of the door, waiting to think of what to do. Shane drops the tag titles off his shoulders as he then loosens the IC belt from around his waist. Shane tosses the IC title down, as then he just sprints and leaps on the cage. Shane then begins to climb the cage to the top.]

JR: Shane is going for some sort of strategy here but, it looks to me to be suicide...Come on Shane, get off the top...No one needs to be hurts come on...

King: Someone hurt Ashlee, that way we can finally get rid of her and get rid my problem of puking all the time!

[Shane looks down inside the ring from up top of the cage, as he challenges anyone to come up and get him. Ashlee shrugs her shoulders and begins to walk outside of the ring. Badd Boy cuts her off at the door as he tries to talk to Ashlee, Ashlee isn't having it as she just brushes him aside. Ashlee then walks outside of the cage as she begins to climb, Badd Boy then steps outside and grabs her around the waist and pulls her away from the cage. Ashlee begins to push Badd Boy back and yell at him as Badd Boy tries to explain.]

JR: Looks to me Triple H has successed as Badd Boy has turned into Tony Ikeda...

[Badd Boy and Ashlee continue to argue as Shane sneaks down the otherside of the hell in a cell. Ashlee then shoves Badd Boy and tries to turn to the cage but, Badd Boy turns around and instructs her just to let him go up and get Shane. Ashlee or Badd Boy don't notice that Shane is now on the floor, Shane comes running over as he pushes Badd Boy in the back as he goes forward knocking Ashlee into the barricade. Shane grabs Badd Boy and throws him on the outside of the cage as Badd Boy goes bouncing off. Badd Boy then turns around as he is clotheslined over the barricade. Fans try to make it over to Badd Boy as Security hold the fans back, Shane sensing his chance grabs Ashlee by the hair, and drags her inside the hell in a cell, caveman style. Shane then reaches underneath the ring and pulls out a chain and a lock as he wraps it around the door of the hell in a cell and puts the lock on it, trapping him, Ashlee, and the referee inside.]

King: What a genius move!

JR: Ohh come on, don't do this now.

King: Hey, she signed for the match to happen, she knew what she was getting into!

[Shane grabs Ashlee up and throws her inside the ring as he turns and notices Badd Boy who is outside of the door trying to open it. Shane flips Badd Boy off as he rolls inside the ring to get Ashlee, Badd Boy then begins to get pissed as he tries to kick the door open.]

JR: This match went from being a 2 on 1, to a 1 on 1 match...

[The shot zooms in on the ring and we can see Earl Hebner trying to give some last minute instructions to Shane, Shane just brushes him off as Earl signals for the match to begin, and we can hear a bell ring in the background. Shane slowly walks over to Ashlee, as he picks her up. Ashlee spits in Shane's face as Shane just tilts his head and begins to whip off the spit.]

[Finally the stand off is broken when Shane swings a big punch at Ashlee. Ashlee ducks the punch and spins behind Shane. Ashlee quickly grabs Shane in a waist lock and tries to bring him over for a German suplex. Shane easily blocks the suplex and quickly begins throwing elbows back at Ashlee. Shady Shane lands a stiff elbow to Ashlee's head causing her to release the waist lock and stagger back. Shane quickly turns and charges at the stunned Ashlee. Shane throws a big clothesline and levels Ashlee, sending her to the mat. Shane quickly pulls Ashlee up and grabs her around the throat with one hand. Shane goes to lift Ashlee for some sort of chokeslam, but Ashlee instinctively swings her foot and nails a low blow on Shane. Shane releases Ashlee and falls to his knees]

JR: A dirty move on the part of Ashlee, but this match is all about surviving, and Ashlee is trying to do just that.

[Ashlee then catches her breath as she rubs her throat that Shane clutched. Ashlee bounces off the far side of the ropes and comes back to the kneeling Shane, Shane springs up drilling her with another clothesline that you would think would take of Ashlee's head. The crowd "Oooh's" as Shane gets up and picks up on the fallen Ashlee, Shane places Ashlee's head in between his legs as he points over to Badd Boy who is still outside of the cage, still trying to kick in the door. Shane then lifts her up for a powerbomb as Ashlee sits on Shane's shoulders, Ashlee throws some rights to the head of Shane, as Shane stumbles around the ring. Shane then nears the ropes as the crowd "Oooh's" again as Shane is close to drop her over the top, Ashlee then leans back as she hurricaranas Shane over the top rope as her and Shane go spilling out to the floor.]

JR: A good offensive move by Ashlee there...

[Shane and Ashlee both lay on the mat hardly moving, Ashlee then gets to her feet as Shane stumbles to his, Ashlee charges in as Shane falls to his side, giving Ashlee a leg trip, Ashlee goes falling forward as her head meets the ringsteps. Ashlee rolls around in pain as Shane crawls over and goes for the count on Ashlee. Earl Hebner slides in for the count {1...2...Kickout!}, Shane just sits stunned as he just kinda shrugs and picks up Ashlee, Shane then launches Ashlee against the cage as he back meets the cage, Ashlee chringes in pain as Shane sits her back in the corner of the cage. Badd Boy is then shown running to the back as Shane is now climbing the cage in the corner as Ashlee stands in it. Shane rans down some punches as if Ashlee was in the turnbuckle, fans count along {1...2...3...4...5...6..} Ashlee then wraps her arms on Shane's leg as she throws him down on the hard concrete floor with a powerbomb, the crowd begins to go crazy.]

King: What?! No way...

JR: Ashlee just powerbombed Shane on that hard concrete floor, and I think Shane is out of it...Come on, Ashlee...Make the cover...

[Ashlee slowly crawls over to make a cover, Ashlee then draps her right arm over Shane's body as Earl Hebner makes the count. {1...2..Kickout!}, Shane at the last second, throws his arm up, kicking out of the pin. Ashlee slowly stands up delivering some kicks into Shane. Ashlee grabs Shane by the hair as she tries to pull Shane to his feet, Ashlee then calls for the Ashlee Slam as Shane slowly gets to his feet, Shane hops up and delivers a knee lift in the gut of Ashlee as she doubles over. Shane goes to throw Ashlee's head into the cage but, Ashlee tosses her leg on the cage and blocks it. Ashlee then throws Shane's head against the cage wall as Shane stumbles out from the cage. Ashlee then kicks Shane in the stomach as she delivers a DDT on the concrete floor. Ashlee then rolls Shane over and Earl Hebner begins to count. {1...2...Kickout!}. Ashlee can't believe he kicked out as she begins to think of what to do next. Ashlee slowly picks up on Shane, as now the camera gets a shot of Badd Boy running out with some steel cutters in hand. Ashlee goes to kick Shane but, Shane grabs her leg, Shane then grabs her other leg as Ashlee falls to the floor, Shane then sets her up and drops back as he launches Ashlee against the cage. Shane then looks and notices Badd Boy who is cutting the steel chain apart. Shane then quickly reaches into his tights and pulls out a pair of handcuffs. Shane grabs the dazed Ashlee and stands her up, Shane then pins Ashlee's arms against the cage as he cuffs one arm to the cage. Shane reaches into his tights again and handcuffs the other arm of Ashlee's against the cage as Ashlee finally comes to and begins to try to get free. Shane then rolls in the ring and waits for Badd Boy to get in the ring, Badd Boy opens the door of the cage as he slams it shut obviously pissed. Badd Boy then slides in the ring as Shane and Badd Boy deliver rights to one another. Badd Boy then gets the upper hand as he knocks Shane down with a right, Shane pops back up just to get knocked by down with another right. Shane gets up as Badd Boy swings another right, Shane ducks under, Badd Boy turns around and is met with a kick to the stomach, Shane then goes for a DDT, Badd Boy blocks as he delivers some rights to the side of Shane, Badd Boy then pulls back and suplexes Shane as he arches his back, pinning Shane. Earl Hebner goes for the count. {1...2...Kickout!}.]

JR: Ohh..So close, just a split second away of crowning new tag champions!

[Badd Boy then picks up on Shane, backing him against the rope, Badd Boy goes for a right but, its blocked, Shane the drives his thumb in the eye of Badd Boy as Badd Boy goes stumbling back. Shane catches his breath but, doesn't have much time to do so as Badd Boy comes running right back. Shane then lowers the shoulder as he back body drops Badd Boy right over the top rope. Shane notices his break, as he tries to catch his breath back, Shane then goes to the otherside of the ring plotting something. Badd Boy slowly stands as Shane takes off running, Shane the leaps over the top rope but, Badd Boy steps out of the way, Shane goes crashing into the cage door as the door just gives way and breaks. Shane is sent flying out of the cage as Badd Boy follows the fallen Shane out of the cage.]

JR: My God, Shane just went head first into the steel cage door, and it snapped on impact!

[Shane slowly gets to his feet as he begins to walk up the ramp, Badd Boy follows him up. Shane reaches the top of the cage as Badd Boy then makes his way up, Badd Boy grabs Shane from behind as Shane raises his foot back, nailing Badd Boy with a low blow, Shane slowly turns around and notices Badd Boy bent over. Shane grabs Badd Boy and in one motion tosses him right off the stage. Badd Boy lands on a table in the tech area as he crashes through it. The fans gasp while Shane stands atop the stage almost passed out from exhaustion.]

JR: This match just got even with Badd Boy going crashing into the tech table over there. My God, is he even moving?

[Shane continues looking down and catching his breath as Badd Boy continues to lie in the debri of the table remains. After a few seconds Shane slowly starts down the ramp and turns back into the Tech area. Shane slowly makes his way over to the downed Badd Boy, still motionless in the debris. Shane steps up just a few feet from Badd Boy, but then suddenly backs off. Suddenly we see that Badd Boy is slowly pushing himself up out of the remains of the table. Shane stumbles back, shocked, as Badd Boy gets to his feet. Shane shakes off his shock and charges right for Badd Boy. In his rage Shane fails to notice that Badd Boy has a large piece of the broken table in one hand. Badd Boy swings the piece of table and makes solid contact with Shane's head, cracking the piece of wood. Shane drops to one knee, Badd Boy pulls back and swings again, shattering the wooden table piece over Shane's head. Somehow Shane stays on one knee, almost refusing to go down. Earl Hebner rushes into the tech area and tries to reason with Badd Boy, asking him to get to the ring. Badd Boy ignores him and looks around for another weapon]

JR: This match has turned into a bar room brawl...

[Badd Boy finds one of the legs of the table he had fallen through and picks it up. Earl gets between Badd Boy and Shane to prevent Badd Boy from using the weapon, pleading with Badd Boy to go to the ring. Badd Boy swings the hollow metal table leg forcing Earl to jump out of the way or be hit. The leg hits Shane at the base of his neck and shoulder, bending horribly out of shape. Shane falls to the floor holding his shoulder and neck, blood now covering his face. Badd Boy reaches down and grabs Shane before beginning to drag him out of the tech area. Shane is forced to push himself along the floor as Badd Boy pulls him. Badd Boy drags Shane into the isle way and releases the grip. Badd Boy then picks Shane up as Shane out of nowhere picks Badd Boy up over his shoulder as he drives Badd Boy's back into the cage. Badd Boy drops to his knees as Shane then leans against the cage with his face now a solid crimson red with blood. Shane slowly turns as he grabs a chair from out in the crowd and cracks Badd Boy over the head with it once. Shane then tosses the chair's bottom over his shoulder as he climbs the hell in a cell, fans erupt in cheers as Shane reaches the top. Shane doesn't even stand for a while as he just lays on top of cage awaiting for Badd Boy to get up. Badd Boy finally gets to his feet as he looks up and notices Shane on one knee at the top of the cage. Badd Boy slowly gets to his feet as he starts his climb to the top of the cage. Badd Boy reaches the top of the cage as he crawls up top of the cage. Shane then closes in slamming the chair off Badd Boy's back as it echoes through the arena. Shane awaits for Badd Boy to get up, as he does he is shot right back down with a chair shot. Earl Hebner is shown climbing the cage as this HIAC match is falls count anywhere. Ashlee is shown screaming as she is shown still handcuffed against the hell in a cell. Shane throws down the chair as he picks up Badd Boy and positions him. Shane then drops Badd Boy head first on the steel chair with a DDT, as Shane slowly begins to roll over Badd Boy. Shane then throws his right arm over Badd Boy, as Hebner has reached the top of the cage. Hebner begins to count {1...2...KICKOUT!} Badd Boy at the absolute last minute throws his arm up sending Shane off of him. Shane and Badd Boy lie on top of the cage not moving as fans then errupt into "Boo's" the camera man then notices Triple H walking down the ramp with a grin on his face.]

JR: Look at him...Just look...Smiling with all these two men have put each other through. He makes me sick..Whats he doing?

[Triple H stops at the broken door and looks at it and laughs, he then looks up at Badd Boy and Shane out of it a top of the hell in a cell. Triple H then looks over and notices Ashlee handcuffed as he strolls inside the hell in a cell towards her direction. Triple H then stands infront of Ashlee, as Ashlee gives him a face of disgust, Triple H nears her as Ashlee begins to kick at Triple H. Triple H pulls back as Ashlee kicks, Triple H finally catches one of her kicks as Ashlee throws the other leg. Triple H catches it too as he draws in near wrapping her legs around his waist. Ashlee straddles Triple H as he just stares at her, Ashlee pulls back her head as Triple H begins to smell her neck. Triple H then tosses down her legs as he walks off a bit and looks underneath the ring. Triple H pulls out a sledgehammer as fans "Ohhh" in disbelief, Ashlee begins to try to wiggle free as Triple H just slowly walks over to Ashlee with sledgehammer in hand, giving a sick smile.]

JR: Dammit..Don't do this! You can't! Come on, DON'T DO IT DAMMIT!!!

King: Ahh hell do it...

[Triple H reaches back with the sledehammer as he stands right infront of Ashlee, Ashlee pulls her head back and grits her teeth as Triple H begins to go forward but, stops inches away from Ashlee. Ashlee then opens her eyes as Triple H drops the sledge infront of her. Shane is then shown on top of the cage as he is trying to kick Badd Boy off the cage right onto the commentator's table.]

King: Not our table!! Noo...What does this look like the spainish announce table!!

JR: You better get the hell out of the way King!

[Badd Boy holds onto the cage refusing to let go, Shane begins to kick Badd Boy over and over as Badd Boy still refuses to go down. Triple H looks up at Badd Boy about to go as he looks over at Ashlee with a smile. Triple H then reaches into his pocket as he pulls out a key, Triple H then unlocks the hands of Ashlee, as Ashlee just stares at him weird. Ashlee then looks up to see her husband is about to be knocked off the cage. Ashlee then takes off as she runs out the door of the hell in a cell and begins to climb up. Shane continues to kick as Badd Boy is about to lose grip, Shane gets angry that Badd Boy won't let go as he stomps the hands of Badd Boy. Ashlee finally reaches the top, Shane then stomps the left hand of Badd Boy's and begins to go to stomp the right but, is cut off as Ashlee picks up the chair which was left up top of the cage, Ashlee then drills Shane in the back with the chair as he chringes and turns around to Ashlee, Ashlee backs away as the chair shot had little effect on Shane. Ashlee backs away as Shane follows her to the middle of the cage. Ashlee then pulls back with the chair and blast Shane in the face with the chair stumbling him back, Ashlee pulls the chair back once more and with all her might drills Shane in the head with the chair once again. Shane goes stumbling back right into the now standing Badd Boy, who hooks him up and delivers a full nelson slam. Badd Boy then collapses on Shane as Ashlee falls on top of Badd Boy to help pin as well. Earl Hebner starts the count {1...2...3!!!}]

JR: They did it! They did it...We have new EMF tag champions!

King: Ahh who cares...

[Triple H stands on top of the ramp, chewing his gum with just a smirk on his face. Badd Boy and Ashlee stand on top of the cage huggin' one another as they look at Triple H standing on top of the ramp as Shockwave goes off air.]