EMF: Saturday Shockwave

The EMF logo flashes across the screen. Then we go into the Saturday Shockwave video and then ends as pryo goes off on the usual EMF shockwave stage. Once it ends the camera searches around the crowd


King-I'm Jerry "the King" Lawler...along with a guy that doesn't matter!


*"Ripper's Music" hits as he comes out from behind the curtains. A flash of bulbs fire off as he makes his way out from behind the curtain. He makes his way down the rampway and climbs into the ring. He stands in the ring and does a couple of flexes as he psyches himself up for the match.*

JR: King, what do you think of this newcomer Ripper?

King: I think he's about like your Barbeque sauce.

JR: What do you mean by that King?

King: I mean I haven't tried it out yet. Haven't bothered trying your sauce and haven't seen this kid fight before.

JR: Sometimes I just want to sock you a good one.

*"Barbedwire Chris' theme" begins to play as he steps out from behind the curtain and stares down the rampway at Ripper. He points at him then makes his way charging down the rampway and sliding into the ring.*

JR: Oh he looks ready to fight.

King: Hopefully not like he did against Kiel Hardy.

[The two men quickly begin to brawl as soon as Chris got into the ring. They started trading blows. After a few blows Barbedwire Chris got the advantage. He gave Ripper a knee to the stomach followed by a european uppercut. Ripper realed back then Chris grabbed him by the head, lifted him vertically into the air and dropped him down into a brainbuster. Ripper grabbed his head in pain. Barbedwire Chris grabbed him by is head and lifted him up. As he got ripper to his feet, Ripper whom was doubled over gave Chris a back body drop. Chris hit hard as Ripper propelled himself off of the ropes and gave Chris a leg drop. Ripper got up quickly and dropped a quick elbow. He stood up and dropped another one. He stood up fast one more time and repeated the process, but as Ripper went down Chris rolled out of the way. Ripper grabbed his elbow. Ripper stumbled to his feet and Chris grabbed him by his arm right where he had recently smashed his elbow and Chris twisted it into an arm bar. Chris saw Ripper wincing and twisted it around again. Chris then lefted the arm up and jerked it down a couple of times. Ripper performed a front summersault then used his momentem to do an arm drag takedown on Chris. Chris stood up only to receive a dropkick knocking him back down.]

JR: King this is shaping up to be a great match.

King: They both want to go to the pay-per-view to fight for that television championship.

JR: I don't see either man giving in.

King: I really don't think they have a choice JR. No two men are that equal in the ring. Someone is going to win, because I didn't bring a pillow.

JR: Why don't you use The Kat? Oh that's right she left.

King: .....That was low, even for you JR.

[Ripper gave Chris a double underhook suplex then locked him into a surfboard stretch. The referee checked on Chris to see if he wanted to give he refused and Ripper pushed harder with the stretch hold. Chris let out a scream, but still refused the referee when asked to give up. Chris kicked his legs out just enough to catch his heel on the rope. The referee came back to tell Ripper to release the hold. Ripper reluctantly let go of the hold, but immediately pulled Chris' head back and locked it underneath his arm then lifted him in the air and backwards giving him a revearse facebuster. Ripper looked out to the crowd and threw his hands up, but Chris with just enough sense of mind grabbed Ripper and rolled him up into a pin ...1...2...KICKOUT! Ripper picked Chris up and placed his head between his legs then lifted him in the air and Ripper jumped up in the air and gave Chris a selfspiked piledriver. Chris grabbed his head and then Ripper locked in a sleeper hold. He held it tight as Barbedwire Chris slowly faded out. Just as he seemed to lose consciousness, the referee lifted his arm in the air. It fell once, then he lifted it up and it fell a second time, when the referee lifted it one last time he held it in the air and started fighting off the hold. Chris started to get to his feet and along with him came Ripper.]

JR: Look at the fight left in him King.

King: It comes down to just who really wants it more.

[Chris started delivering elbows to Ripper. Ripper hold on for a few more seconds, but after two more blows to the rib cage he was forced to let go. Chris gave Ripper a roundhouse mid level kick forcing him to double over then Chris leaped off of the ropes and gave Ripper a scissors kick. Ripper dropped down to one knee as Chris set up Ripper and delivered a power bomb! Chris picked up Ripper and threw him into the turnbuckle. Chris walked over to Ripper only to be shoved down to the ground. Ripper grabbed Chris' legs and then springboarded him into the turnbuckle. Chris' face bounced off of the turbuckle and he stumbled to the center of the ring. Ripper lunged toward Chris and tried to do a face buster, but Chris seeing it coming used Ripper's own momentum to throw him forward onto the mat. Ripper stood to his feet as Chris went for a running clothesline, but Ripper ducked and gave Chris a martial arts kick to the back of the head. Chris stumbled into the ropes. Ripper came up behind him and set him up for a russian leg sweep, but Chris was able to block it and turn it into an Arabian face buster. Chris then set up ripper for the BRAINBUSTER and got the ...1...2...3! Barbedwire Chris' hand was raised in the air. He looked at the fallen Ripper then climbed out of the ring and went up the rampway with his music playing behind him.]

JR: Wow, that was incredible test of endurance in the ring.

King: Oh I am sorry it was over?

JR: Are you still sore about what I said?

King: No JR, I love it when you make fun of my love life as if you would be the one to be talking.

JR: Oh just stop. Let's get ready for the upcoming hardcore match.

Surething vs. Syrus (Non-Title Match) gimmick (Standard Match)

JR - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 225 pounds,, Surething!!! (crowd cheers ****)

[Surething comes to the ring. ]

JR - and his opponent, weighing in at 225 pounds,, Syrus!!! (crowd cheers ****)

[Syrus walks to the ring. Earl Hebner is the referee for this contest. Syrus gets nailed with a charging axhandle bodyblock from Surething. Syrus checks out the ring. (ring, ring, ring) Surething puts Syrus on the top rope and executes a superplex. Surething gets back to his feet. Syrus executes a huge gutbuster on Surething. Surething gets up. Surething comes from behind and bulldogs Syrus. Surething is back on his feet. Syrus gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Surething. Syrus gets back to his feet. Syrus hits Surething with the belly-to-belly suplex. Syrus stands up. Syrus chokes Surething. Surething gets locked into the headscissors submission by Syrus. Earl Hebner is checking for a tap out. ... Surething is fighting the hold. ... Surething trys to escape. ... Surething trys to escape. Surething escapes. Surething stands up. Syrus gets hit with a dragon scerw from Surething. Syrus gets hit with the shooting star press from Surething. The ref starts the count. ...1 ...2 Syrus kicks out. Syrus moves back to his feet. Surething short lariats Syrus. Syrus gets back to his feet. Syrus lifts Surething up and drops him on the mat. Syrus uses a cradle suplex on Surething. Syrus gets up. Syrus knee drops Surething. Syrus stands up. Surething sets Syrus up DDTs him into the mat. Surething knee drops Syrus. Surething stands up. Syrus climbs to his feet. Surething uses a legsweep faceslam to bring Syrus down. Surething catches Syrus in the crucifx and goes for the pin. Earl Hebner counts. ...1 ...2 ...3 ]

JR - Surething has won the match!

JR - The winner of this match, Surething!!!


JR - This is one tough lady.

King - (Wakes up) Is the match over yet? Ahh,it just started! (Goes back to sleep)

("Destiny's theme" hits and Destiny walks out. She walks down the ramp and gets into the ring as the crowd gives her a mixed reaction.)


JR - This match is under way!

***Ashlee and Destiny lock up. Ashlee grabs Destinys head and gets her in a head lock. She walks Destiny over to the corner in the head lock and rams her head into the turnbuckle. Ashlee does it once more,then brings her down with a DDT. She looks down at Destiny and begins to stomp away at her. Ashlee pulls her up by the hair and throws her to the other side of the ring. She bounces off the ropes and lays Destiny out with an elbow drop to the chest.***

King - (Talking in his sleep) Primetime...5 time world champion...inducted...into...hall of fame.

JR - ...

***Ashlee grabs Destiny and brings her to her feet. Ashlee goes for a punch, but Destiny blocks it and runs toward the ropes. Destiny bounces off and does a body press onto Ashlee for the pin. The Ref counts. 1...2...Kickout by Ashlee. Ashlee gets up quickly and stomps away at the back and head of Destiny. She drags Destiny over to the turnbuckle, her head lying on the bottom buckle. Ashlee runs over to the other corner. She raises her hand into the air,and begins to run to the corner of Destiny. Ashlee drives her knee right into the face of Destiny.***

JR - Ooh! That's gotta hurt! (Hear's King snoring) Oh my god! Puppies are being shown to the world!

King - (Wakes up in excitement) Ahhh!! Where!? Where!?

JR - Gotcha.

***Ashlee picks up Destiny into the air and drops her with a vertical suplex. Ashlees' arms stay locked on Destiny head and she begins to set her up for another vertical suplex. She connects. Ashlee does the same thing and goes for her third in a row. She picks her up into the air, but Destiny reverses it and falls behind Ashlee. Destiny kicks the back of Ashlee and sends her down with a reverse DDT. Both wrestlers are flat on the mat.***

King - You could have given me a heart attack!

JR - I couldn't stand your snoring!

***Ashlee and Destiny begin to get up at the same time. Both are up on their feet now. Destiny throws a punch and connects. Destiny goes for a second and sends Ashlee back a little. She goes for a third but Ashlee blocks it and gives Destiny an eye gauge. Destiny stumbles back a bit and Ashlee kicks her in the midsection. She picks up Destiny and hits her with the Ashlee Slam!***

JR - This one could be over with!

***Ashlee lays on top of Destiny for the pin. The Ref counts. 1...2...3!***

JR - Ashlee is the winner!

King - Whoopie!

JR - Shut up.

***Ashlee gets her hand raised by the Ref and the fans give her more of a mixed reaction. She stares down at Destiny and then exits the ring. Ashlee walks up the ramp and goes through the curtain.***

JR - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 225 pounds,, Adam Lax!!! (crowd cheers ****)

[Adam Lax comes to the ring. ]

JR - and his opponent, weighing in at 225 pounds,, Justin Franchize!!! (crowd boos *****)

[Justin Franchize walks to the ring. Earl Hebner is the referee for this contest. Adam Lax places Justin Franchize on the turnbuckle and executes a front-layout suplerplex. Justin Franchize drops Adam Lax with a Gorilla Press Slam on the mat. (ring, ring, ring) Adam Lax kicks Justin Franchize in the groin. Flying Tomahawk by Adam Lax sends Justin Franchize down to the mat. Adam Lax superkicks Justin Franchize. Adam Lax is speared by Justin Franchize. Justin Franchize sucks chants start in the crowd. ]

JR - Nice spear by Justin Franchize.

[Justin Franchize moves back to his feet. Justin Franchize drags Adam Lax to the floor. Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) Adam Lax gets back to his feet. (..2) Adam Lax gouges Justin Franchize's eyes out. ]

JR - Justin Franchize takes a eye gouge.

[(...3) Adam Lax delivers a low blow to Justin Franchize. Justin Franchize is up again. Adam Lax gets sidewalk slammed by Justin Franchize. (....4) (.....5) Justin Franchize takes Adam Lax into the ring. Justin Franchize rolls onto Adam Lax connecting with a knee. Justin Franchize puts Adam Lax in an arm grapevine submission. Justin Franchize fist drops Adam Lax on the mat. Justin Franchize is up again. Justin Franchize gives Adam Lax a reverse neckbreaker. Justin Franchize moves back to his feet. Adam Lax is up again. Adam Lax lays the chair down..Justin Franchize is on Adam Lax's shoulders, Death Valley Driver on the chair! Adam Lax is up again. Adam Lax hits the handspring moonsault on Justin Franchize. Adam Lax gets back to his feet. Justin Franchize climbs to his feet. Adam Lax sends Justin Franchize to ringside. Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) (..2) Adam Lax executes a jawbreakeron Justin Franchize. Adam Lax climbs to his feet. Now Justin Franchize standing. (...3) Adam Lax grabs Justin Franchize by the arm and breaks it over his shoulder. (....4) Justin Franchize knifehand chops Adam Lax. (.....5) They fight into the aisle. Justin Franchize and Adam Lax move back to ringside. They fight into the aisle. Justin Franchize and Adam Lax move back to ringside. They fight into the aisle. Justin Franchize and Adam Lax move back to ringside. They fight into the aisle. Justin Franchize and Adam Lax move back to ringside. Justin Franchize takes Adam Lax into the ring. Justin Franchize executes a headlock takedown. Adam Lax is back on his feet. Adam Lax punches Justin Franchize in the head. A flying shoulder block send Justin Franchize to the mat. Adam Lax is up again. Justin Franchize moves back to his feet. Adam Lax with a jumping DDT on Justin Franchize. Adam Lax is back on his feet. Adam Lax climbing up top, and off with a Moonsault on top of the chair!! Earl Hebner counts. ...1 ...2 Justin Franchize escapes. ]

JR - OHHHHHHH So close!!!

[Now Justin Franchize standing. Indian deathlock applied by Adam Lax. Referee Earl Hebner is checking for a tap out. ... Justin Franchize trys to escape. ... (AHHHH!) ... ... Justin Franchize trys to escape. Adam Lax breaks the hold. Adam Lax sends Justin Franchize to ringside. Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) Adam Lax swings a Steel chair and hits Justin Franchize. Justin Franchize is bleeding as a result. ]

JR - This is how wrestling should be!

[Adam Lax discus punches Justin Franchize. Justin Franchize gets knocked on the ground and Adam Lax flips onto him. Adam Lax is up again. Adam Lax takes Justin Franchize into the ring. Adam Lax executes a corkscrew legdrop on Justin Franchize. Adam Lax is up again. Adam Lax climbs to the top of the turnbuckle and executes the diving headbutt on Justin Franchize. Adam Lax is up again. Adam Lax opens up a chair....Adam Lax hooks both arms...Double Arm DDT onto the open chair! Adam Lax sets a chair on Justin Franchize....Adam Lax climbs to the top...450 Splash onto the chair and Justin Franchize! But Franchize moves out of the way and then goes to the outside. Franchize then slides in a table into the ring., Franchize then takes the chair that Lax tried to splash Franchize with. Franchize then smashes Lax over the head with it and Lax then stumbles into the corner dazed. Franchize then turns Lax around and then puts him facing away from the ring. Franchize then takes the chair and smashes Lax on the back and Lax is just about dead weight on the top rope. Franchize then sets up the table near the corner and then goes to the second rope and then scoops Lax over his shoulder for a tombstone piledriver. But before he can put Lax through the table Jarred runs down to the ring and then pulls Lax off Franchize's shoulder sitting on the back of the turnbuckle and then pushes Franchize off. Franchize then falls off the turnbuckle and then through the table. Jarred then pushes Lax off the top too into almost a splash that lands right on Franchize for the 1..............2...............3]

JR-We have a new extreme champion thanks to Jarred!

(Jarred, I figured since you and Franchize are going to have a match at the PPV. That probably I should have you cost Franchize the extreme title if he had to lose...)

(With that Saturday Shockwave goes off the air)