EMF: Saturday Shockwave

(The Highlight Reel set in the ring as we start out Shockwave, suddenly the lights start to fade away then a eye appears on the EMF tron and it opens as “Other World” blasts on the PA system. The camera switches to the isle way and then Chris Jericho is standing there with his back turned to the ring and then turns around pumping his fist as the crowd cheers loud for him, Jericho looks to the entrance as Amy Dumas walks out on the stage and then Jericho looks back to Amy. Then Jericho and Amy walk to the ring, Amy slides into the ring and then Jericho walks up the steps and then goes to the middle of the apron and then Jericho hooks the top rope and then pumps his fist the crowd and then Amy’s in the middle of the ring by the ropes doing a taunt. Jericho comes into the ring, Amy moves to the turnbuckle and does her Lita hand sign as Jericho does his taunt in the middle of the ring. Amy jumps down off the turnbuckle and Jericho grabs a microphone and meets Amy in the middle of the ring. The music stops, and then a huge “Y2J!! Y2J!! Y2J!!”. Chant, starts…then slowly turns into a “Lita!! Lita!! Lita!!” chant, Jericho encourages the Lita chant, Amy smiles. As they always seem to do for a moment, Jericho slides his arm around Amy’s shoulders and says something to her that makes her smile, then Jericho begins to talk.)

.::”Y2J” Chris Jericho::.-Welcome to the Highlight Reel!! *crowd cheers, then start a “RWA!” chant. Jericho let it go for a little while to talk.* You know I am having mixed feelings, because let’s go over the facts. This could be the very last time I host the Highlight Reel here in the EMF, because at Unleashed I go against the so called “Legend Killer” Randy Orton *crowd boo’s*. But then again I think, I mean this is Randy Orton, a man who has yet to beat me. Once more, he had an advantage everytime I have beat him and yet he still lost. Orton you can make excuses of why you lost the matches, but you know deep down that you could not beat me, if you thought I was hard to beat me the first two times. It won’t compare to what I do at Unleashed, because I fighting for Amy’s job and Orton, I’m gonna take you down…DOWN TOWN TO CHINA TOWN BABY!!!

(Amy gets handed the microphone)

.::Amy Dumas::.-What Jericho said last week is true, Sierra…for months you have lead the charge to get me fired from my job here in the EMF. I could have forgiven you about that, but getting under my skin, talking about things you have no idea about, and things that are none of your business, as well as stealing things from my home, which included my RWA-WCW womens championship. Well Sierra, sooner or later that just earned you beating. But first things first, because Jericho has a match at Unleashed, believe me Sierra I have all the confidence in the world in him that he can win. But no matter what, I will be behind him win or lose, if he can’t be in the EMF…then neither will I. I’ll go where ever he is. But that does not mean your safe Sierra, if I have to jump you in the parking lot and to get my revenge, I will. So Sierra have fun claiming you’re the RWA-WCW womens champion, because soon I’m gonna show you exactly what extreme is all about.

(Amy hads Jericho the microphone back)

.::”Y2J” Chris Jericho::.-Now to business at hand, my guest here on the Highlight Reel is a man who just ended a feud between himself and his former tag team partner, and is going to go against MDK at Unleashed along with his girlfriend Tori, Dewey Pond!

(“Dewey Pond’s theme” blasts on the PA system as Dewey Pond and Tori walk to the ring)

.::”Y2J” Chris Jericho::.- How are you healing up from the Hell in a Cell match?

Dewey: Well, for such an intense matchup, I'd say I'm doin' alright. But what can i say, Chris? Hardy and I literally beat the holy hell out of each other

.::”Y2J” Chris Jericho::.-At Unleashed it will be Kaedon vs. MDK vs. yourself for the IC title, what are your thoughts?

Dewey: Well, as you know, I had a match against Kaedon 2 weeks ago and his shoulders were down for the three count so he shouldn't be too hard. Michael DeKreek, on the other hand, I have never wrestled but I've seen him wrestle and I look forward to the challenge. I have a lot of respect for him and I'm sure he will put up a good fight

.::”Y2J” Chris Jericho::.-Now as we know, your not the only one with a title shot Dewey, what you think about Tori’s title shot against Trish Stratus at Unleashed?

Dewey: Tori is psyched. She has been training really hard. Being the womans champion is something she has done before and i know she can do it again

.::”Y2J” Chris Jericho::.- So, Dewey and Tori, how is everything between you two?

Dewey: Oh everything is just fine Chris thanx for asking. In fact, I had something I wanted to do tonight and i don't think there's a better time than right now......Tori, these last few months have been the best months of my life. I love you more than anyone else in the world. (gets down on one knee and pulls out a little box). Tori, (opens toe box, revealing a ring), will you marry me?

Tori: Oooh Dewey. Yes. Yes I will marry you Dewey. I love you so much.

After the proposal One Step Closer by Linkin Park hits, but its coming from the Screen...The screen shows the RWA-WCW arena, and there are fans in the audience Cheering..Sierra walks out to a huge pop the RWA-WCW women's title draped on her shoulder. Tazz walking out behind her arms crossed over his chest as they make their way to the ring and get in..Sierra takes a microphone from the makeshift ring announcer and walks to the center of the ring, taking in the cheers...

Sierra: Welcome to the Revival of RWA-WCW for ONE NIGHT ONLY...Thats right and what a better way of kicking the show off than Me, your RWA-WCW women's champion...I know I know, I'd cheer for me to...but people...please lets keep it down for a few so I can address a few people who you will see if you direct your attention to our insanely inexpensive, Jeritron 5000. I bought it at Best Buy for 5 bucks..*she laughs* Stay with me people I know its not the quality picture you deserve but it gets the message across...So Jericho, Amy, we meet again, well sort of..I've been listening to what you had to say so I planned a little get together here, too bad you couldn't make it...Guess your Invitation got lost in the mail..*tazz whispers in her ear* Oh yeah I didn't sent out Invites...My bad really...OH hey look who is with them..Algie Pond and Tori...Don't think I haven't forgot you Tori, thanks to Amy Dumas you won the women's title from me, and don't think that I won't get revenge..You'll just have to watch your back. Speaking of Watching their backs, did I heare you threaten me Amy?

(Jericho hands the microphone over to Amy)

.::Amy Dumas::.-You heard right Sierra, really I don't consider it more than a threat, than a promise. Because you have had it coming to you for too long now.

Sierra: A promise EH? Oh sorry I was speaking Canadian..OKay Amy I hope it is a promise you can keep, unlike being a fake and a lier...Its alright Amy I'm waiting for you darling, whatever you got, just bring it on and see what happens.. I won't hesitate to kick your ass..Afterall I am the RWA-WCW women's champion..*She holds the title up and smiles* Hurts don't it. I'm here in your arena being cheered by fans holding your title and there is nothing you can do about it...

.::Amy Dumas::.-Glad to hear your still dreaming about the RWA-WCW womens champion. But I'm gonna bet money that you haven't even heard of the RWA-WCW until the Other World made their appearance..as for the people cheering for you. So what happened, did you bring your entire family and others you slept with, or was one reality not enough? So you had to whore yourself off to another reality of people? But while your there, ask a few people about someone named Angelica Boycott...they would know she's beat the hell out of a hell of a lot better than you.

Sierra: Oh that was sooooo Brilliant Amy.. These are simply fans that miss the RWA and they came out when they were told of one last show featuring the women's champion. I don't play with the whole alternate Reality shit, My life is confusing enough..

.::Amy Dumas::.-You know, I have my doubts that people even really know who you are. But they know that the true last womens champion of the RWA-WCW was Angelica Boycott. I beat another blonde slut named Tammy. Yet, those so called RWA fans still cheer for you. So I still question whether or not those are actual fans or not. But let's put that aside, because as soon as Jericho gets through with his match at Unleashed, if not sooner. He beats Randy Orton, and I'm the Vice President of the Extreme Measures Federation again. I'm coming to take out all those months of mocking out on you.

Sierra: Promises, Promises..Promises you Can't keep, Like you have faith in Jericho, I have all the faith in the world that Randy Orton the Legend Killer will destroy Jericho....but I do have a question..Is this whole proposal thing a glimpse into the future of Jericho and Amy?

.::Amy Dumas::.-"Legend Killer", you forgot that Orton's not the only legend killer in this match. You see unlike Orton, Jericho has build his reputation as a career killer himself. Remind me how many careers Orton has ended recently? But as for Jericho, he's now known as the "Slayer of Careers" for a reason, not just because it's a mock at Angelus. No, he's ended careers of legends. In fact, your standing in the place where Jericho ended his first career. Believe me I was there, and I helped! So in a way, I can lay claim to killing a career or two...when the times right, you may be next Sierra. Your right about one thing Sierra, I have faith that Jericho will come out the winner at Unleashed. But Sierra, if you had any doubts...then we will see what happens at Unleashed. As for your whole question...*Amy eyes narrows, obviously really pissed now*...it's none...of your DAMN BUSINESS!!

Sierra: You may have Buried him alive but what is he doing now huh..He is the EMF Heavyweight Champion. You really slayed his career..but back to you two, why don't you two just give it up, all talk lets see some action..I guess at Unleashed we will see just what Jericho has planned and we'll get to see the heartbreak when Randy Orton defeats him..

.::Amy Dumas::.-Well where was Angelus before he won the world title, no where to be seen and speaking of history. Remember Jericho has beaten Orton all the times they faced before, so I got no doubt that it's not going to be any different. As it would have been no different had you not gotten Tazz involved into the match at First Blood.

Sierra: Jericho did it ever occur that things change. Randy Orton's Time is now, and with everything on the line, I have no doubts that he will defeat you.. Then you and Amy can go back to your alternative Reality lives and live happily ever after...

(Amy hands over the microphone too pissed to really say anything Jericho says)

.::”Y2J” Chris Jericho::.-Well Sierra..

Sierra-What? Can’t hear you, I’m fading out *the feed cuts off*

.::”Y2J” Chris Jericho::.-Oh I see how it is Sierra, but I know that you’ll have to see this. Sierra, but there is another saying that the more thing change, the more they stay the same. You see Sierra, what will stay the same is the fact that when it’s all on the line, time and time again I have always come out the winner. Right now I want nothing more than to give Amy back her job back, and I am not going to be caught off guard this time. Randull Or Ton is gonna find that out at Unleashed. Amy and I aren't going anywhere, also when it’s all said and done. Then Amy’s comin’ for you, and her title. From that time on, you will have sustained a beating that you will never EEEEEEEEEEEEEver forget again and you can get the hell out of lives…for good.

“Break the Walls down” blasts on the PA system as Jericho goes over to Amy, seeing that she’s still pissed. They talk for a few moments, then Shockwave goes to commercial.

“Cactus Jack’s theme” blasts on the PA system as the Cactus Jack walks to the ring

JR-The hardcore legend Cactus Jack is here

King-Wait, I thought Foley was writing books or is he getting his ass kicked by Steiner, Road style?

Kris Gaffney-This isn’t the same one…gotta love the Other World theory

“what does everyone want” blasts on the PA system, but no Al Snow

JR-Where is Snow?

Kris Gaffney-Well I’m sure he fears being insulted by Foley


[Cactus Jack waits for Al Snow, but then suddenly Al Snow appears behind Cactus Jack with a steel chair and then he cracks the chair over the back of Cactus Jack that sends him down and then hits a few stomps on the downed Cactus Jack. Snow goes over to the chair and then places it in a certain spot in the ring and then picks up Cactus Jack and then hits a snap suplex on to the chair Cactus Jack is in pain and then Al Snow follows it up with a quick leg drop and then goes into the cover and then gets the 1…………….2………kick out. Cactus Jack gets out of the cover and then goes over to the corner Snow goes over as Cactus Jack pulls himself in the corner and then Al Snow hits a few hard and fast fists in the corner and then the ref asks him to back off and then Snow does and then Snow comes back in and then Snow whips Cactus Jack to the opposite side of the ring and then Cactus Jack stumbles out fast and then Snow times where he wants to do his next move and then hits a drop toe hold that sends Cactus Jack face first into the chair. Snow hits a few more stomps into the back of the head and then Snow picks up Cactus Jack and then throws Cactus Jack through the ropes and then on to the floor. Snow then follows him and then once he gets on the apron. Snow notices that Cactus Jack is in perfect position for another move so he leaps off and then hits a double handed face crusher into the mat around the ring. Snow then goes into the cover and then gets a 1………………..2……..kick out. Snow then picks up Cactus Jack and then tries to whip him to the ring steps, but then he reverses the whip and sends him to the steps hard back first and then Cactus Jack goes over to Snow and then hits a few hard fists and then beat him down to a sitting position and then Cactus Jack holds up his arm and then charges into the steps. But then Snow moves out of the way before Cactus Jack can hit his running knee and then Snow falls over the steps on to the mat and then Snow stumbles up trying to shake off the pain and then Snow hits a few stomps on the downed Cactus Jack and then rolls him into the ring and then takes a few moments to recover again before getting on the apron.]

JR-Seems Al Snow is going to fly

King-Man, this is who I have to blame for Maven to be in the wrestling business blllllllllllaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh

Kris Gaffney-I’ll give you Tough Enough Season 1 on DVD


[Snow gets ready as Cactus Jack stumbles to his feet and then Snow goes for a double axe handle and then Cactus Jack counters the move with a fist in the gut and Snow falls hard on the mat with the breath knocked out of him. Cactus Jack goes into the corner trying to recover from the moves he recented before and then he pulls himself up in the corner and then Snow stumbles up being that he’s been in control most of the first half of the match and then charges at Cactus Jack in the corner and then Cactus Jack moves out of the way and then Cactus Jack hits a few hard fists and then slowly beats down Al Snow, Cactus Jack does his “bang! Bang!” taunt and then backs up and charges in and then hits a running knee to the face of Al Snow. Cactus Jack then takes the chair and then sets it up in the middle of the ring and then he goes back to where Al Snow is and then helps him up and then Cactus leads him over the chair and then throws him face first into the chair and then Snow holds his face on the mat and then Cactus goes into the cover and then gets the 1…………………..2………..kick out. Cactus Jack looks around for another weapon and idea and then he rolls out of the ring and then he looks under the ring and then pulls out a table and then he takes the table and pushes it into the ring. Cactus Jack rolls back into the ring and then see’s that Al Snow is getting up to his feet and then Cactus Jack hits a stomp and then picks him up and then hits a body slam to stun Snow long enough to get enough time to do what is on his mind and then Cactus Jack pulls up the table and then puts it in one of the corners. Then Cactus Jack pulls Al Snow up and then puts him on the table and then hits a few hard fists and then Cactus Jack backs up and then charges and then hits a big splash on Al Snow breaking the table. Cactus Jack waits as Snow stumbles out of the corner and then Cactus Jack kicks Snow in the gut and then hits a double arm DDT.]

JR-Double arm DDT!! It could be over

Kris Gaffney-he’ll kick out

King-no doubt about that

[Cactus goes into the cover and then gets the 1………………..2………..kick out. Cactus Jack looks around for the next thing to do, then he rolls out of the ring and then looks under the ring and the pulls out bag and then rolls into the ring. Cactus Jack then starts opening up the bag filled with thumb tacks and then pours them out. Cactus Jack waits for Snow who stumbles up and then Foley hits a few hard fists and then he backs up and then Cactus Jack hits a running forearm and he falls right into the thumb tacks. Snow stumbles up in pain and then Cactus Jack hits the double arm DDT and then goes into the cover and gets the 1………………….2……………….3]
JR - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 225 pounds,, Prophecy !!! (crowd cheers *****)

[Prophecy comes to the ring. ]

JR - and his opponent, weighing in at 225 pounds,, James Hardy!!! (crowd cheers ***)

[James Hardy walks to the ring. Earl Hebner is the referee for this contest. Prophecy executes a pumphandle suplex on James Hardy. Earl Hebner checks James Hardy's boots and knee pads. (ding, ding, ding) Prophecy executes a jawbreakeron James Hardy. James Hardy gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Prophecy . Flying side kick by James Hardy takes Prophecy off his feet. Now James Hardy standing. Prophecy is up again. Prophecy with an illegal chokehold on James Hardy. James Hardy moves back to his feet. The flying hip attack by James Hardy didn't do too much damage to Prophecy . James Hardy climbs to his feet. Prophecy is driven further into the mat by James Hardy with a diving elbow smash. James Hardy is up again. Prophecy hits James Hardy with a heart punch. Prophecy measures James Hardy up and drops a closed fist. Prophecy gets up. Prophecy kicks James Hardy on the mat. James Hardy moves back to his feet. Flying lariat by Prophecy takes James Hardy down. Prophecy chants start. Now Prophecy standing. Prophecy and James Hardy go to the floor Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) Prophecy throws a chair at James Hardy. (..2) Prophecy jumps off the turnbuckle with the flying bodypress on James Hardy. Prophecy is up again. (...3) James Hardy kicks Prophecy 's head out of desperation because Prophecy blocked James Hardy's first kick. James Hardy stands up. Now Prophecy standing. (....4) Prophecy hits James Hardy with a Baba chop. James Hardy executes the twisting moonsault on to Prophecy . James Hardy gets up. James Hardy takes Prophecy into the ring. James Hardy executes a flying knee drop right to the gut of Prophecy . ]

The King - James Hardy executes a flying knee drop.

[Prophecy is locked in an elbow submission by James Hardy. The referee is checking the situation. ... (AHHHH!) ... ... Prophecy is fighting the hold. James Hardy breaks the hold. Prophecy climbs to his feet. Prophecy discus punches James Hardy. James Hardy gets hit with the shooting star press from Prophecy . Referee Earl Hebner makes the count. ...1 James Hardy kicks out. Now James Hardy standing. Prophecy goes off the top turnbuckle and double foot stomps James Hardy. James Hardy elbow smashes Prophecy in the nose. James Hardy hits a jumping elbow hrust on Prophecy . James Hardy chants start. Prophecy moves back to his feet. James Hardy shoves Earl Hebner. ring, ring, ring! Earl Hebner calls for the bell. James Hardy was disqualified. ]

The King - Prophecy has won the match!

JR - The winner of this match, Prophecy !!!

“Man Beast” blasts on the PA system as Rhyno walks to the ring

JR-Rhyno was able to score the upset win, but then Snitsky was quick to take revenge

King-That’s for sure

“Snitsky’s theme” blasts on the PA system as Snitsky walks to the ring

Kris Gaffney- Oh, he’s still around

JR-yes he is Kris..

[Snitsky pushes Rhyno and then says a few things to Rhyno and then goes for a fist and then Rhyno ducks it and then Rhyno runs to the ropes and then bounces off the ropes and then goes for the gore. But then Snitsky hits a big boot and then stops the move that would end the match and then Rhyno goes down hard and then Snitsky hits a few hard stomps on the downed and then picks up Rhyno and then picks him up on Snitsky's shoulder and then he hits a shoulder breaker on Rhyno and then Snitsky knowing that he can't win with a cover he then starts to choke Rhyno into the mat and the ref uses his 5 count. Snitsky breaks and then Snitsky continues to do the choke hold and then the ref yells at him then uses his 5 count. Then he breaks, Snitsky picks up Rhyno and then goes into the corner and then tries to a running powerslam on Rhyno. But Rhyno then hooks his legs to the turnbuckle and slides off as Snitsky charges out and then Snitsky realizes that Rhyno isn't there to be slammed and turns around and see's Rhyno on the top rope and then charges at Rhyno, who then leaves his foot up and Snitsky goes running into it and then Snitsky stumbles out of the corner and then Rhyno leaps off the second rope and then hits a big shoulder block and then Rhyno takes time to recover. But the Snitsky is able to get up at surprising speed and then Rhyno gets up trying to stop Snitsky as he comes over towards him. But then Snitsky hits knee into Rhyno and then hits a few hard fists and then whips Rhyno off the ropes and then he bounces off and then Snitsky puts Rhyno down with a sleeper hold and then Rhyno moves around looking for a way out of the hold. But then can’t find any, and slowly starts to fade away. Then Rhyno goes down to his knee’s and then seemly out and then instead hold Snitsky goes into the corner and then starts to do the taunt that Rhyno usual does with the gore and then Rhyno stumbles up and then Snitsky goes for the Gore. But then Rhyno dives out of the ring and then Snitsky follows him and then Snitsky picks up Rhyno and then throws him on the guard rail face first and then Snitsky tries to whip him to the steel steps, but then Rhyno reverses and Snitsky goes crashing in.]

King-Well…that wasn’t smart

Kris Gaffney-wasn’t his fault

[Rhyno hits a few hard stomps on the downed Snitsky and then helps him up and then rolls Snitsky into the ring and then Rhyno goes on the top turnbuckle, which of course to my knowledge is unusual Snitsky stumbles up and then Rhyno hits Snitsky with a double axe handle off the top rope and then Snitsky goes down to the mat and then Rhyno stumbles back on impact and then recovers for a few seconds and then let’s Snitsky get up and then Rhyno charges and then knocks Snitsky down with a clothesline and then Snitsky stumbles up and then Rhyno picks up Snitsky and then hits a body slam and goes to the ropes and then hits a big knee drop on Snitsky’s face and then Rhyno hits a few stomps on the downed Snitsky and then Snitsky stumbles up and then Rhyno hits a few fists in the corner. Then starts to bash Snitsky’s face into the corner 1……………..2……………3…………4………..5…………6………..7………..8………9……10 times and then drags him out of the corner and then whips him to the ropes and then Snitsky reverses it and then he bounces off the ropes and then Snitsky lowers his head for a back body drop. But then Rhyno counters with a swinging neck breaker and then Rhyno then goes into the corner and then calls of the gore and then Rhyno charges and then goes for Snitsky. Snitsky moves out of the way and then throws Rhyno into the corner and then Rhyno stumbles up and then Snitsky picks up and puts Rhyno in the tree of woe and then Snitsky hits a few hard stomps into the gut into Rhyno and then Snitsky backs up and then tries to baseball slide Rhyno’s face, but then Rhyno pulls up and then Snitsky goes sliding into ring post.]

Kris Gaffney-ouch

JR-My thought exactly Kris

King-You can think for yourself?

[Rhyno pulls Snitsky out of the corner and then Rhyno tries to whip Snitsky to the ropes. But Snitsky reverses it and then sends him to the ropes and then Rhyno bounces off and Snitsky fakes him out like he’s about to go for a clothesline but he then ducks and then is able to hit a spear and then the ref calls for the bell.]

“Monster theme” blasts on the PA system as Monster walks to the ring

JR-Monster is new comer to the EMF, but from what I have heard has experience in other federations

King-Oh well, we will have to see how he does here

“If you smell..” blasts on the PA system as the Rock walks to the ring

Kris Gaffney-Hey King, this is where you start mark out

King-Shut up rookie, I would say your as annoying as JR…but no one is that annoying


[Monster comes out firing on Rock and then Rock stumbles back and then Monster whips Rock to the ropes and then Rock bounces off the ropes and then Monster goes for a big boot and then Rock ducks under it and then Monster turns around and then Rock goes for the Rock bottom, but being this is the beginning of the match Monster is able to elbow out of it and then Rock stumbles back and then Monster hits a short arm clothesline. Rock goes down and then Monster hits a few stomps on the downed Rock and then Monster goes the ropes and then goes for a big leg drop and then Rock moves out of the way and then Monster is in pain and then Monster stumbles up and then Rock hits a few hard fists and then spits on his last one and then comes in with an extra hard fist, but then Monster blocks it and then hits a big head butt and then Rock stumbles back and then Rock stumbles around and then Monster picks up Rock over his head into a body press and then drops him for a body press slam. Rock is down on the mat in a lot of pain, but he soon stumbles up and then he goes right into Monster who picks up Rock into a bear hug and then Rock is in a lot of pain and then ref asks the Rock if he wants to give it up, Rock refuses and then Monster puts a little bit more pressure and then Rock starts to fade away and then the ref checks his arm once…..twice……Rock arm goes up and then slowly Rock gets back his feet and then Rock looks for a way out of the hold and then Rock is able to hit a few hard fists to Monster and then finally breaks the hold and then Rock stumbles back and then hits a few hard fists and then tries to whip Monster to the ropes, but Monster reverses it and then Rock bounces off the ropes and then Monster his a big boot on the Rock and then the Rock goes down to the mat and then Monster thinks he has the Rock beat and then he goes into the cover and then gets the 1………………………2……………….kick out. Monster looks up and then questions the ref and then Monster picks up Rock and then throws him into the corner and then hits a few back elbows and then whips him to the opposite side of the ring. Rock bounces out of the opposite side turnbuckle and hits a high forearm shot that knocks down Monster and Rock goes down as well.]

JR-That shot was strong enough to finally get the big man off his feet

Kris Gaffney-Hey King, what you get when you have Kaedon vs. Monster vs. Big Mastadon vs. CaRnAgE

King-Vince McMahon’s dream match….

[ Rock and Monster stumble up to their feet, Monster is up a little faster and then Monster goes for another fist. But Rock ducks under and then hits a few hard fists that rock Monster back into the corner and then he hits a few hard fists and then spits on his fist and then hits an extra hard fist and then Monster stumbles back and then Rock tries to whip Monster to the ropes. But Monster reverses the whip and then sends him to the ropes and then Rock bounces off the ropes and then leaps in the air and then hits a flying clothesline and then Rock gets up and then kicks Monster in the gut and then hits a DDT and then goes into the cover and gets a 1……………….2…………kick out. Rock hits a few of his pattern stomps on the downed Monster who slowly gets up and then Rock hits a few hard fists and then whips Monster off the ropes. Monster bounces off the ropes and then Rock lowers his head for a back body drop. But then it’s countered by Monster with a kick to the face. Rock pops up in pain and stumbles around the ring for a few moments and then Monster charges at Rock as fast as he can. But then Rock counters with a quick over head throw. Rock goes into the cover and then gets the 1………………2……….kick out sending the Rock a decent distance back. The Rock gets up and then charges at Monster, but then Monster goes for a foot to the gut of Rock to stop him. But then Rock catches Monster’s attempt at a kick to the gut, and then hits a dragon screw take down and then right into a set up and then Rock turns Monster over for the sharpshooter.]

JR-Sharpshooter!! Monster may tap here.

King-If the ref is Earl Hebner…it may or may not matter…

Kris Gaffney-I swear I didn’t know about it!!

[The ref asks Monster if he wants to give it up, but Monster is too big and too close to the ropes so he grabs on to the ropes Rock waits for Monster to get up. Monster stumbles up and then Rock hits a few hard fists and then whips him off the ropes, Monster bounces off and Rock hits a front spinebuster and then Rock sets up for the people’s elbow. Rock signals for it and then Rock goes to the ropes, bounces off the ropes. But then Monster is up and then gets Rock into a surprise roll up, but then Rock is able to turn the advantage of the roll up over and then is able to hold Monster down for the 1………….2………3]

(OOC-This was a case of direct focus vs. good description (but focus in a different ways). Both RP’s match up nicely against each other, and you could take things from both RP’s. Which is why it’s a quick roll up. It’s really a judgment call on my part, and this is how I pick. If you ask me nicely, I’ll explain my decision.)

“Capital Punishment” blasts on the PA system as Punisher walks to the ring with Angelus

JR-As much as he would like to believe the opposite, Tyrant is no walk in the park

King-Well you heard Pun…Tyrants never win

Kris Gaffney-Well all the points he showed, they did have success before their fall…

King-hhhmmm good point, it’s good to know we have someone who knows history…unlike Vince McMahon

“Tyrant theme” blasts on the PA system as Tyrant walks to the ring

JR-This is Tyrant’s first match in a little while

Kris Gaffney-Well…he lost to Jarred, how good could he be

King-Well sometimes Jarred can win a few here and there, though who would have guessed Angelus would have turned out the better of the two *King shrugs*

[Punisher and Tyrant go center of the ring and then talk trash and then Punisher goes for a fists and then Tyrant ducks under and then Tyrant hits a few hard fists and then Tryant tries to whip Punisher to the ropes and is reversed and then Tyrant bounces off the ropes and then Tyrant hits Punisher with a flying forearm and then Punisher stumbles up and then Tyrant kicks Punisher in the gut and then goes for a DDT. But then Punisher spins out of it and then goes for a short arm clothesline that Tyrant ducks and then Tyrant hits a few hard forearms into the back and then Tyrant hits a release germen suplex that sends Punisher hard on his upper back/neck and then Tyrant goes into the cover and then gets a 1……………2……….kick out and then Tyrant pulls up Punisher into a sitting base and then does a surf board stretch. The ref asks Punisher if he wants to give it up, Punisher refuses to and then slowly Punisher gets to his feet and then slowly tries to turn the surf board stretch, but half way through Tyrant hits a knee into the gut and then breaks Punisher’s attempt at trying to turn the move into his advantage and then Tyrant goes under Punisher’s arms and then hits a northern lights suplex with a bridge and then gets a 1……..2……….Punisher gets his shoulder up and then Tyrant moves up for another cover, but then before the ref can count, Punisher bridges up and then turns it around into a back slide and then gets it to his advantage and then Punisher is able to hold Tyrant for the 1……………2………kick out. Punisher and Tyrant get up at about the same time and then Tyrant charges at Punisher and then Punisher just about takes his head off with a diving clothesline. Punisher stays on one knee trying to recover for a few moments and then gets back to his feet and then he see’s Tyrant in the corner and then Punisher hits a few hard stomps in the gut on Tyrant and then whips Tyrant hard into the corner, Tyrant goes crashing into the corner and then Punisher then decides to charge in and then Punisher gets a boot to the face and then Punisher turns around and then Tyrant pulls himself on the second ropes and then and leaps off and then hits a flying one handed bulldog on Punisher and goes into the cover and then gets the 1…………….2……..kick out]

JR-Almost three

Kris Gaffney-Do you really have to remind people that

King-well even if he doesn’t have to, he will anyways.

[Tyrant pulls Punisher up and then Tyrant picks up Punisher and then Tyrant whips him to the ropes and then Punisher bounces off the ropes and then Tyrant and Punisher knocks each other down with a double clothesline. The ref then uses standing 10 count 1………………….2………………….3………………..4…………….5………..6………both wrestlers get up and then Punisher goes for wild fists and then Tyrant ducks it and then Tyrant hits a few hard sting fists and then Tyrant goes for a fist and then Punisher catches Tyrant’s leg and then hits a hard clothesline on Tyrant and then Punisher recovers for a few moments Tyrant gets up and then Punisher hits a few hard knife edge chops and then Punisher whips Tyrant into the ropes and then Tyrant bounces off the ropes and then Punisher lowers his head and then Tyrant goes into the back body drop and then Tyrant stumbles up and then Punisher picks up Tyrant and then hits a side walk slam and then falls right into the cover and then gets a 1...............2........kick out and then Punisher picks up Tyrant and then hits a few hard fists and then whips him off the ropes and then Tyrant bounces off the ropes and then Punisher hits a spinning back elbow and then Tyrant goes to the down to the mat and then goes to the ropes and then hits a big high leg drop and then goes into the cover and then gets the 1.........2...kick out. Punisher looks up as Tyrant gets up and then goes into the corner and then uses the ropes in the corner and then gets up and then Punisher hits a few hard knife edge chops and then Punisher picks up Tyrant and then puts him on the top rope and then Punisher hits a hard fists and then Punisher goes up to the turnbuckle and then hooks him and then hits a super plex. Both wrestlers are down for a while, slowly Punisher turns around and then goes into the cover and then gets a 1..................2............kick out. Punisher gets up and then Punisher calls for the capital punishment and then Tyrant stumbles up and then Punisher picks up Tyrant on his shoulders and then before he can hit his finisher on Tyrant. Tyrant is able to get free and then he pushes Punisher to the ropes and then Tyrant tries to roll him up. But then Tyrant holds the ropes and then Tyrant holds the ropes and then Punisher taunts Tyrant. Tyrant gets up and then charges and then Punisher throws him into the air and then hits a hot shot and then Tyrant bounces off and then stumbles right into Punisher and then hits an STO.]

JR-What a move by Punisher

King-Actually that’s probably the most original thing I seen in a while

Kris Gaffney- the writer will surprise you sometimes

[Punisher gets up and then waits for Tyrant to get up once again, Tyrant slowly stumbles up. Suddenly the camera catches from outside of the ring Josh Hanley, who jumps over the barcade and then runs Angelus into the ring post. That turns Punisher attention, suddenly Tyrant comes from behind and then is able to put Punisher into a surprise roll up, but Punisher is able to reverse it and then gets the 1…………….2……..3]

JR-Punisher got the win, but what is Josh Hanley here

King-no clue

Kris Gaffney-Well if he’s back, then his salary comes out of JR’s and not mine

King-That I can agree on

(Hanley slides into the ring as Punisher slides out and then Punisher, and Angelus back up on the ramp as Shockwave goes off the air.)