EMF: Saturday Shockwave

(The EMF logo flashes over the screen, and we go into the Saturday Shockwave video. It finally ends, and we go into the darken arena as fireworks blasts on the stage. As it ends, the lights turn on as fans are already yelling and waving their signs. Some signs say "Gambler won Hiroko's chair in a bet", "Marquise is the Chosen One?!", and "Signs BAAAAAAAADDD"

JR-Welcome to Saturday Shockwave, I'm good ol' JR, along side Jerry "The King" Lawler, and Kris "KG" Gaffney. What a show we have for you tonight.

Kris Gaffney-Headlined by the Extreme championship match between Gambler and Dan Godwin.

King-Dan Godwin is not going to be easy to beat, Gambler better not think he's the next Rad Hazard.

JR-I guess we will have to wait and see who comes out on top. Both wrestlers are very talented,

Marquise’s music hits and he comes to the ring with the same mental guitar he used on CJ’s friends.

CJ’s music hits and he comes down running and sliding in ring where Marquise welcomes him with a stomp to the head. Marquise right away goes up for the guitar on the pole; But CJ stops him short, and hits a super backdrop.

Kris:.. I’d just hit CJ over the head with the mental one, pin and leave..

King: Is that why you suck at putting on a show?

Kris: The ladies don’t mind my showman ship..

King:. Yeah.. bet it was the best half minute of their life..

Kris: …….

CJ is up and has Marquise mounted on the ground, taking punch after punch. CJ gets up talks trash to Marquise and goes for the guitar. CJ has his fingers on it, when Marquise jumps on the ropes causing them to shake and sending CJ groin first into the turnbuckle. Marquise begins kicking the shit out of CJ as he is stuck in the tree of woe. CJ slumps out of it and Marquise is standing over CJ laughing. Marquise then, goes to the outside and grabs the mental guitar and slides like a snake back in to finish CJ off. CJ gets up and out of the corner of his eye sees Marquise measuring him up. So CJ falls back down then rolls out of the ring. Marquise following him, on the outside CJ surprises Marquise with a sidekick to the chin. Marquise hops back on the apron and is trying to get back in the ring, but CJ trips him up and goes up to the apron and grabs Marquise by his hair, puts him in position and lethal bombs him off the apron to the mats ion the outside.

JR: what a shocking turn of event.


CJ quickly gets up to the pole and grabs the guitar. He holds it up and bathes in the crowd’s cheers. While this happens, Marquise finds the power to sit up, and CJ Lethal goes for a Marquise head narrowly missing Marquise. Seems Marquise knows how close he got close too, because he has to snap out of the relief, and hits a drop kick to the back of CJ. Due to his, CJ just so happens to lose the grip on the guitar. He hits the ropes, and comes back. Marquise is able to blast CJ with the guitar, and he goes down to the mat.

Kris:.. Told you…

King: that had to hurt…

JR:.. Stick a fork in CJ, cuss he is done!!!…

{{Smoky form the movie Friday pops up.}} Smoky: YOU GOT KNOCKED THE FUCK OUT!!!!

Marquise slowly slides in and pins CJ 1..2..3..

(After the match, Marquise looks like he knows how close he came to losing that match is. But CJ Lethal is getting up, Marquise goes over, he sticks out his hand to CJ…CJ looks down at it, he doesn't know what to do it. But in an unsure way, he shakes his hand to be sportsmen about everything. Marquise leaves, as CJ is looking confused.)

(OOC-Marquise requested that, since I don't know how CJ would react, I just had him be careful with it.)

("X-Treme" blasts on the PA system as Jeff Hardy does his usual entrance. He stands in the ring, and waits for his opponent.)

JR-We did not think that Jeff Hardy would be able to return to the EMF.

King-Guess we weren't that lucky.

Kris Gaffney-Guess not.

("Freddy chant" blasts on the PA system as the lights turn off, and then he appears in the ring.)

JR-Freddy was a bit disappointed that he didn't win the extreme title shot. But he certainly is still undefeated.

Kris Gaffney-Or so Samoa Joe and Goldberg says so.

King-Love those ways out to keep streaks going…

[Jeff Hardy and Freddy Kreuger pace around the ring, they lock up. They fight for the advantage, but it's broken up by Krueger who floats behind Jeff Hardy and hits a few clubbing blows, and puts Freddy Krueger Jeff Hardy into a waist lock, and hits a waist lock take down into a front face lock. Jeff Hardy looks for a way out of this move, so he gets up to his feet. But before he can Freddy Kreuger hits a knee into the face, and then Jeff Hardy stumbles around, and Freddy Kreuger hits a clothesline that knocks down Jeff Hardy. Jeff Hardy stumbles up to his feet, and then Freddy kicks Jeff Hardy in the gut. He hits a kick in the gut that doubles over Jeff Hardy, Jeff Hardy gets hooked by Freddy Kreuger. He then hits a double under hooked suplex, and goes into the cover and gets a 1………………..2………….kick out! Jeff Hardy gets up to his feet, Freddy pulls him up the rest of the way up, and whips him to the ropes. Jeff Hardy bounces off of the ropes, and then Freddy Krueger goes for a hip toss, but Freddy floats over, and tries one of his own. But it's countered, and Freddy hits a Russian leg sweep. Freddy Kreuger, starts to choke Jeff Hardy, and Freddy breaks on 4. He puts his hands to the ref, and laughs and picks up Jeff Hardy. He picks up Jeff Hardy, and hits a body slam on Jeff Hardy. Freddy Krueger goes to the ropes. He bounces off of the ropes, and then comes off of it and hits a knee drop across the face of Jeff Hardy. Freddy goes into the cover once again, and gets a 1……………….2……………..kick out by Jeff Hardy. Freddy Kreuger does not look happy. He puts Jeff's arm into an arm bar, he then puts it on the mat and hits a few knee lifts into it. Jeff Hardy is in pain. Freddy puts on the arm bar once again, Jeff Hardy tries to find a way out of the move. He starts to get up to his feet.]

JR-Jeff Hardy need to find a way to get out of the blocks.

King-Doesn't look like that is going to happen any time soon.

Kris Gaffney-Sucks to be Jeff.

[Jeff Hardy looks for way out of the hold after getting up to his feet. Jeff Hardy turns into Freddy Krueger, and hits a sit down jaw breaker on Freddy Krueger. He stumbles around, and then Jeff Hardy runs to the ropes and comes off the ropes, and hits a wrap around clothesline that takes both wrestlers down to the mat. Jeff Hardy gets up to his feet, and then Jeff Hardy hits a few fists to the face, and then Jeff Hardy goes for a kick. But it's caught, and then Freddy Krueger catches it. Jeff Hardy hops on one foot for a moment, and hits a mule kick that sends Freddy Kreuger stumbling into the turnbuckle, and falls into the turnbuckle. Freddy falls into a sitting position, and Jeff Hardy goes over and hits a few stomps on the downed Freddy Krueger. He jumps on the second rope, and hits a a second rope turnbuckle drop kick into the face of Freddy. Freddy goes to the mat, and Jeff goes into the cover and gets a 1……………….2…………..Freddy puts his leg on the bottom rope. Jeff Hardy asks for a quicker count. Freddy stumbles up to his feet, and then Jeff Hardy hits a few fists to the face of Freddy.]

JR-Jeff Hardy has gained control of this match.

King-Seems he showed JR.

Kris Gaffney-Guess so..


[Jeff Hardy tries to whip Freddy to the ropes, but it's reversed and Jeff Hardy bounces off of the ropes. He comes off of the ropes, and Freddy picks up Jeff Hardy. But Jeff Hardy floats behind Freddy, Freddy turns around Jeff Hardy kicks him in the gut. Freddy Krueger gets kicked in the gut, and then he lifts up for a vertical suplex into a sitdown face buster. Jeff moves him near a turnbuckle, and climbs up the turnbuckle, and measures up, but suddenly Dude Nick jumps on the apron and pushes Jeff Hardy off of the turnbuckle. Jeff Hardy goes flying and with that the ref calls for the bell and DQ's Freddy! Jeff is getting up, and Dude Nick takes down Jeff Hardy and starts to hammer away at Jeff. Jeff is able to block one of them, and switch the punches. The brawl continues as suddenly refs come and separate Dude Nick and Jeff.]

JR-Didn't seem like Dude Nick forgot Cold Day in Hell.

King-Eeerrr, Nick has a good memory.

(OOC-Originally I was going to let Jeff Hardy pin Freddy clean, since he didn't RP. However, since Freddy did RP, I let Nick cause a DQ (which was the plan in the first place). So his RP was not for nothing.)

The camera cut backstage and focused on the face of someone who hadn't been seen for quite a while. That was one Sierra Marie Van Der Pohl. Damn that name gets longer every time. The camera then followed behind her as she approached another female and tapped her on the shoulder..

Sierra: Excuse me.. Do you know where I can Find Amy?

Amy turns around slowly, knowing that voice. Even though she had not heard from her in a long time, it was a little embarrassing since she was new to her situation.)

.::Amy Jericho::.-Sierra?!

Sierra: *She looked at Amy shocked at seeing her friend in that attire* Wow.. Amy.. I didn't think you were well you.. Interesting fashion decision there..*she smiled*

(Amy shakes her head, and smiles happy to see her friend.)

.::Amy Jericho::.-Well...it's not my choice, Cena forced a dress code on me. I haven't been able to wear pants in months, and it sucks. But regardless of that, I'm happy to see you.

(Amy goes in and hugs her friend, then she feels something odd that she didn't expect, she looks down at her friend and notices that she has a baby bump. She looks very surprised in a happy way.)

.::Amy Jericho::.-Whoa! When did this happen?

Sierra: *she smiled and put her hand on her very pregnant stomach* Oh about 8 months ago. Are you surprised?

.::Amy Jericho::.-(She smiles) Well, I know you wanted it. So it's not a surprise from that, I just had no idea that it happened for you, I'm happy for you!

Sierra: I said I wanted it. I wasn't thinking so soon. But I'm happy, its a great thing. I can't wait to have this child though, I'm tired and I'm a blimp..*she laughed*

.::Amy Jericho::.- As for going through the whole pregnancy thing. (she laughs) God knows I know how it feels, but I think you look fine. (she gets a joking expression) Although, wouldn't happen to want some pickle juice or something?

Sierra: *she laughed* No thanks. I really haven't had any weird cravings. So what have I missed besides you going girly on us..

.::Amy Jericho::.-Eeeerr, you can stick a tomboy in a dress...but seems that doesn't change anything about her. Seemly that doesn't make Cena happy. He's taken my ability to dress the way I want to...but as always, I've taken bigger things...like I bought Edge's half of the company right from under him.

Sierra: Thats the Amy I know.. So I know there is a show going on.. You want to catch up afterwards and have dinner and chat some more..

.::Amy Jericho::.-Sure, that sounds great! Maybe I can explain some more a little later as well.

(We fade back into the ring)

("Robbie Morphine theme" blasts on the PA system as Robbie Morphine walks into the ring, and steps into the ring.)

JR-Due to his loss at Cold Day in Hell, this match was made.

King-Doesn't it suck to be him?

Kris Gaffney-Guess so.

("MES theme" blasts on the PA system as Marc Mead and Eric Hasher walks to the ring along side Serena Hughes.)

King-No where else can teenagers be a threat.

Kris Gaffney-Yeah, that's for sure.

[Robbie Morphine and Eric Hasher pace around the ring, and they lock up. Robbie Morphine twists Eric Hashers arm into an arm bar. Robbie Morphine hits a few chops into the arm, and then puts pressure on the arm bar. Eric Hasher looks for a way out of the hold, and then Eric Hasher backs up Robbie Morphine, and then he bounces off of the ropes. He comes off of the ropes. Eric Hasher goes for a hip toss, but it's floated over, and Robbie Morphine ducks under and hits a hanging neck breaker. Robbie Morphine takes a few moments to soak in the move, and then he turns around as Eric Hasher tries to get up and Robbie Morphine allows him. He hits a few forearm shots to the face, and then tries to whip him off of the ropes. But Eric Hasher reverses the whip and sends Robbie Morphine off of the ropes. Before he comes off of the ropes, Robbie Morphine grabs the ropes and stops running. Eric Hasher is not too happy about this, and charges at Robbie Morphine. Robbie Morphine hits a drop toe hold that sends him throat first into the second rope. He stumbles up out of the ropes, Robbie Morphine hits an inverted atomic drop. Eric Hasher hits a double leg take down, and aims Eric Hasher into the corner. He then hits a catapault. Eric Hasher stumbles around, and Robbie Morphine lifts up Eric Hasher over his shoulder. He puts him in the turnbuckle, and then hangs him in the tree of woe. Robbie Morphine hits a few stomps in the gut of Eric Hasher. Robbie Morphine then chokes Eric Hasher with his boot, and Robbie Morphine backs off of Eric Hasher, and aims. He charges into the corner, and goes for a baseball slide to the face of Eric Hasher. But Hasher pulls his head up, and Robbie Morphine crotches the ring post.]

JR-Seems that Robbie Morphine make a mistake there, but you probably can understand that. He is fighting in a handicap match.

King-Meh, if Matty D were here…he would have won already…and would have done it with one hand tied behind his back.

[Eric Hasher pulls himself up on the top rope and steady's himself as Robbie Morphine is getting up. He turns around and Eric Hasher hits a moonsault on Robbie Morphine. But he falls away from the cover, and then he looks at his corner, and makes the tag to his partner the TV champion Marc Mead. Marc Mead climbs to the top rope, and measures Robbie Morphine. He leaps off and hits a flying back elbow on Robbie Morphine, he goes down on the mat. Marc Mead goes into the cover, and gets a 1…………….2………..kick out by Marc Mead. Robbie Morphine is trying ot get to his feet, Marc Mead pulls him the rest of the way up to his feet and hits a few forearm shots to the face and tries to whip him to the ropes. He bounces off of the ropes, he comes off of the ropes. Robbie Morphine goes for a clothesline, but it's ducked under by Marc Mead. Robbie Morphine runs off of the ropes, and comes off of the ropes. Robbie Morphine comes off of the ropes. Robbie Morphine hits a leg lariat, Robbie Morphine goes down to the mat. Robbie Morphine slowly gets up to his feet, and then Marc Mead hits a drop kick that stumbles Robbie Morphine into the corner and Marc Mead hits a few fists to the gut of Robbie Morphine. Marc Mead whips Robbie Morphine into the opposite side of the ring, he crashes into the other side of the ring. Marc Mead charges into the corner that Robbie Morphine is in. Marc Mead leaps up and hits a monkey flip and Robbie Morphine is able to land on his feet. But Eric Hasher has sneaked into the ring, and kicks Robbie Morphine in the gut, and Eric Hasher and Marc Mead run to the ropes and comes off them and hits a double bulldog that drives Robbie Morphine into the mat. Marc Mead goes into the cover, and gets a 1……………….2……………kick out by Robbie Morphine.]

King-Pretty good team more, huh JR?

JR-Yeah, but the ref needs to get this math under control.

Kris Gaffney-Not going to happen…

[Robbie Morphine gets pulled up by Eric Hasher and Marc Mead. Robbie Morphine whips him to the ropes. He bounces off of the ropes, and he comes off of the ropes. ME lowers their head, and Robbie Morphine kicks Marc Mead in the face. He goes down to the mat, Eric Hasher gets up, and then he gets hits a clothesline. Marc Mead gets up, and goes for a wild fist, but it's ducked under.Robbie Morphine pushes Marc Mead, Marc Mead hits the rope face first, and stumbles back. Robbie Morphine hits a reverse DDT. Eric Hasher tries to catch Morphine with a clothesline, but it's caught with a quick powerslam and the 1…………..2……….kick out. The ref has a confused look, and looks like he's trying to get something straight as Eric Hasher is getting up, Robbie Morphine sets up for his finisher. But suddenly Marc Mead comes from behind and hits a Mead kick from behind, although it's not powerful enough to put him out. It stuns him on his feet enough for Marc Mead to go into the cover, and gets a 1……………2…………3.]

JR-Robbie Morphine could not fight off the odd's, and it would seem that he lost track on who was legal.

King-So did the ref!

("The Gambler" walks to the ring, and he steps inside of the ring. He steps into the ring, and waits for X-Factor.)

JR-The Gambler had an impressive win over Rad Hazard and Freddy.

King-I guess Freddy didn't take him as seriously as he should have.

Kris Gaffney-Wow…Freddy is probably going to kill you in your sleep now.

King-Actually….he would only kill my kids…and the jokes on him…..because I don't have any, HA!


King-Shut up JR…

("Dirty Window" blasts on the PA system as Dan Godwin walks to the ring with the Extreme championship.)

Kris Gaffney-This should be Natasha Jones song…

King-Why's that?

Kris Gaffney-…it's called "dirty window", how great is that?

Duane Gates-…That's gayer than AIDS. Especially if Tom Hanks had AIDS. Gayer than that…

Kris Gaffney-Damn it Gates! Stop following me…AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!

[Dan Godwin and the Gambler pace around the ring. They lock up and then Dan Godwin gets pushed down and rolls out of the ring. Gambler stays in the ring for a few minutes, and he follows Dan Godwin who backs up, Gambler charges at Dan Godwin. Dan Godwin hits a drop toe hold that sends the Gambler into the steels steps. The Gambler stumbles around and then Dan Godwin hits a low drop kick into the leg, he's in pain as he goes down to the mat on his hands and knee's. Dan Godwin hits a kick in the ribs and he rolls in pain. Dan Godwin hits a few stomps on the downed Gambler. Gambler gets up to his feet, and hits a knee lift to the gut of Dan Godwin. Dan Godwin is stunned, and the Gambler picks up Dan Godwin over his shoulder, and tries to throw him into the ring post. Dan Godwin slides out of the back and pushes the Gambler into the ring post. Gambler stumbles a few steps, and Dan Godwin rolls him into the ring. He then looks under the ring, and takes out a Singapore Cane. The Gambler is stumbling up to his feet, and Dan Godwin measures up as the Gambler turns around into a Singapore cane into the gut, doubles over the Gambler. Dan Godwin measures up and hits a Singapore cane shot to the head. The Gambler goes down to the mat, Dan Godwin hits a few stomps on the downed Gambler, and then Dan Godwin hits a few stomps on the downed Gambler. He tries to get up to his feet and then Dan Godwin hits a few knife edge chops in the corner. Dan Godwin brings out the Gambler, and whips him to the ropes. Dan Godwin bounces off of the ropes and Dan Godwin leaps in the air and hits a flying back elbow on the Gambler. The Gambler goes down to the mat, and then Dan Godwin goes into the cover and gets the 1…………………..2…………kick out by Gambler. Dan Godwin gets on his feet, and then thinks of what to do next. So he decides to go to the outside, heading up to the top rope.]

JR-It looks like Dan Godwin is going to try to keep the pressure on the much bigger Gambler.

King-The next thing we will know he'll be hitting a sit down face buster.

Kris Gaffney-And have Road Dogg as his partner

[Dan Godwin measures up as the Gambler gets up to his feet, Dan Godwin leaps off of the top turnbuckle and hits a cross body block. But the Gambler catches him, and transfers him on his shoulder he hits a running powerslam on Dan Godwin. Godwin and the Gambler are down on the mat. Gambler and Dan Godwin gets up to their feet, Dan Godwin hits a few fists to the face, and tries to whip the Gambler off of the ropes. But it's reversed, and Dan Godwin bounces off of the ropes. Dan Godwin gets thrown into the air, and Dan Godwin crashes on the mat. Dan Godwin gets up, holding his midsection, Dan Godwin gets kicked in the gut and the Gambler kicks him in the gut. He then lifts up Dan Godwin, and drives him down with powerbomb. The Gambler stacks Dan Godwin on his shoulders, and gets a 1……………..2…………..kick out by Dan Godwin. The Gambler questions the count, and Dan Godwin goes into the corner. The Gambler hits a few shoulder blocks into the gut. The Gambler is told to back off a little bit, and he does. The Gambler whips Dan Godwin into the opposite corner, he bounces off of the turnbuckle and Dan Godwin wildly goes for a clothesline, but it's ducked under and the Gambler is behind Dan Godwin. He lifts him up and hits a belly to back suplex, he rolls into another belly to back suplex, and then a third. Finally he hits a fourth belly to back suplex. The Gambler goes into the cover, and gets a 1……………….2…………kick out by Dan Godwin.]

JR-Almost three by Gambler, Gambler must be getting frustrated.

King- Na…he probably thinks it's funny.

Kris Gaffney-Why would he think it's funny?

King-He's the only one who think it's funny to find a joker in a deck of cards.

[Gambler looks like he's trying to think of his next move. He rolls out of the ring, and takes out a table. But before he can put it in the ring like he wants, he see's Dan Godwin getting to his feet. Gambler grabs his chair, and aims it, and smashes Dan Godwin over the back with the chair. Gambler decides to do something else with the table, as he rolls back out, and sets up the table on the outside. He rolls into the ring and goes over to Dan Godwin. Dan Godwin gets picked up, and whipped to the ropes and he comes off of the ropes off of the ropes, and then Gambler lowers his head. Dan Godwin hits a kick into the face, and Dan Godwin stumbles around. Dan Godwin runs at Gambler, who ducks under and then hits one belly to back suplex, two, three…FOUR for the four of the kind! Gambler gets up, and picks up Dan Godwin and sets him up on the top rope, and sets him up for a super power bomb to the outside. (throwing him through the table). But suddenly Dan Godwin comes back to life, and throws a few fists to the face. Then rakes the eyes of The Gambler.. Dan Godwin falls on the mat, and Dan Godwin takes the chair that Gambler used, and sets it up. But Dan Godwin can't capitalize, Dan Godwin goes to the other side of the ring, and uses the ropes to get up. While this is happening, Gambler is able to shake off being stunned, and gets up on the turnbuckle look like he's going to attempt a big man high flying move (like a flying shoulder block). He's waiting as Dan Godwin to stumbles towards him, he starts to, but suddenly Dan Godwin runs at the chair he set up, jumps up on it and jumps in the air. Before Gambler can do anything, Dan Godwin is able to hit an eXecution that nails Gambler, and makes him fall off of the turnbuckle into the table he set up. Dan Godwin rolls out of the ring, and quickly makes the cover, and gets a 1………………..2……………..3.]

JR-Well Dan Godwin was able to win, but it certainly was not easy.

King-Tell us something we don't know JR.

Kris Gaffney-He can't..

(Dan Godwin is having a hard time pulling himself up the ramp as the ref raises his hand as he tries to get to his feet as Shockwave goes off the air.)

(OOC-One comment, just two good RP's, and someone has to win.)