EMF: Saturday Shockwave

(OOC-If you didn’t read the sign up sheet, then to note(don't believe me, check the sign up post)…all decisions were made in a team effort by me and Michael (who’s one of my trusted staff members). Normally it’s just me, and if I need another view, I’ll get it. This is just a note.)

[Shockwave opens up as pyro begins to shoot off everywhere on the stage, the camera then begins to float over the huge crowd in the Staples Center, here in Los Angeles as the cameras then go to JR, The King, and Kris Gaffney at ringside.]

JR: Welcome to a sold out Staples Center, welcome to Shockwave! And tonight begins the Cena invitational, 5 matches...5 men advance and 5 men will not.

Gaffney: Plus we will see Christian on the "Cutting Edge" here tonight, maybe he will explain his actions from last week.

King: Who cares...

JR: Well hate to interrupt ya King, but I am getting word that Amy Jericho is now arriving here in Los Angeles.

[Cameras then go to the back as Amy is pulling out her suitcase from the back of her car as she sits and down and begins to roll it behind her.]

JR: Maybe we will get a update from Amy on Jericho's condition.

[Amy reaches out with her other hand as she opens up the door that leads you inside the arena, as the door opens she is jumps back a bit as Monty Brown stands infront of the door with a menacing look. Monty begins to slowly walk out as Amy backs up, Monty blocks her way from entering as Amy doesn't really know whats going on.]

Amy Jericho: Excuse me I've got to get inside the arena...

[Monty Brown then looks down at her luggage she is carrying in as, he grabs it from her and slings it out into the parking lot. Monty then picks her up from under her arms and places her against a wall. Monty sits her down as Amy then tries to go to the left of Monty and Monty places his left arm onto the wall trapping her from going left, she then tries to go right as Monty places his right arm on her right side totally trapping her.]

Monty Brown: A little word of advice Amy, keep that little secret of yours to your damn self or go ahead and get another hospital bed ready beside your husband, because if you slip up and decide to let out that umm little secret out...It maybe the last mistake you ever make. You got me?!

[Amy just shakes her head as Monty Brown smashes his hands up against the garage door he had Amy up against, Amy just takes a big gulp as she looks on as Monty goes back inside the arena.]

Before we start the lights turn off as over the PA system much like last week something can be heard.)

"the bizzard is coming....and all of hell will freeze over!!!"

JR-What does all this mean?

King-I don't know...

Kris Gaffney-I gave up trying to figure it out...

“Ravage’s theme” blasts on the PA system as Ravage walks to the ring

JR-Were starting off Shockwave with the man that was successful over Talon

King-Guess Talon did something wrong, and it came full circle

Kris Gaffney-One day we will figure out way to make fun of that more

“Number 1” blasts on the PA system as Dude Nick walks to the ring with Torrie Wilson and Vince McMahon

JR-Dude Nick is more focused in this match than most matches lately

King-Yeah, he seems more complete than other matches

Kris Gaffney-Much better when he’s INCOMPLETE

[Dude Nick comes into the ring, but before he can even do anything Ravage who was able to hide that Singapore cane behind his back and then smashes Dude Nick with it and then hits Dude Nick in the shoulder that stumbles Dude Nick back and Dude Nick falls on the ropes and stumbles back and then Ravage hits Dude Nick in the gut and doubles over the much bigger Dude Nick and then takes the Singapore Cane and then starts to choke Dude Nick with it and then Dude Nick looks like he’s going to go out already and then before the ref can start to check to see if Dude Nick is out or not Dude Nick rises his arm and then gets to his feet as Ravage goes Dude Nick’s back Dude Nick looks for a way out of the choke hold with the Cane and then Dude Nick charges at a corner and then smashes Ravage once into the turnbuckle. Ravage doesn’t let go his grip and then Dude Nick smashes once again and then finally Ravage lets go of the Singapore Cane and then Ravage is in the corner and then Dude Nick recovers and then hits a back elbow even though he’s still feeling some of the effects of the choke with the Singapore Cane and then Dude Nick hits a back elbow into the corner of Ravage and then Dude Nick whips Ravage into the other side of the ring into the turnbuckle and then Ravage was whipped hard enough that he stumbles out of the corner and then Dude Nick hits a big boot to the face of Ravage. Ravage goes down and then Dude Nick goes to his knee’s trying to recover from the attack of Ravage early in the match and then Dude Nick is able to grab the Singapore Cane on the ground and then Ravage who I sable to recover after the big boot and then Ravage stumbles up and then he goes over to Dude Nick who is still on his knee’s and then tries to attack Dude Nick. But from his knee’s Dude Nick smashes the Singapore Cane into the gut and then Ravage stumbles back and then Dude Nick gets up and then hits a knee lift into the gut and then Ravage stumbles back near the ropes and then Dude Nick grabs Ravage by the neck and then throws him over the top rope and then Ravage falls on the mat and then Dude Nick goes over the top rope and then waits on the apron and then Dude Nick leaps off the apron as Ravage gets up and then comes down smashing Ravage with a double axe handle on Ravage. Dude Nick hits a few stomps and then picks up Ravage and drops his face on the announcers table.]

JR-Ravage came out firing, but Dude Nick’s size is over coming that King-Time for plan B

Kris Gaffney- You think Ravage has a plan B?

King-Of course, Dark Talon is around for some reason…isn’t he? Other than being old…

[Ravage stumbles around and then grabs hold of the ring post and then pulls himself up and then Dude Nick after a time comes into the picture with a steel chair and then Dude Nick takes a swing at Ravage’s head and then Ravage ducks under and then Dude Nick messes and feels the impact on the miss chair shot and then Ravage goes behind and then hits a low blow on Dude Nick and then that takes Dude Nick off his feet on his knee’s in pain and then Ravage grabs the chair that Dude Nick dropped and then Ravage hits a chair shot into the upper back and maybe even the back of his neck and Dude Nick falls down on the mat and Ravage goes into the cover and then gets the 1…………..2……….kick out by Dude Nick. Ravage goes back to the attack and tries for a fist. But it’s blocked by Dude Nick who then hits a big head butt to Ravage. Ravage goes down as Dude Nick has to shake off the effects of the moves that he has absorbed. But once he does, he goes for a whip into the steel steps. It’s reversed by Ravage and sends Dude Nick flying into the steel steps knee’s first and then Dude Nick is in pain on the arena floor as Ravage smells blood and then measures up and charges and hits a shoulder block into the back of the leg of Dude Nick and then Dude Nick goes down in pain and then Ravage rolls into the ring and quickly grabs his Singapore cane and then takes it and waits for Dude Nick to get up and then Dude Nick stumbles to his feet as Ravage measures up and then Ravage nails a cane shot to the back of the leg and then Nick is stumbled and then Ravage hits another shot the back of the leg that takes down Dude Nick once again and then Ravage measures up and then hits a shot a cross the back that actually makes Dude Nick stand up in pain and then Ravage rolls Dude Nick into the ring and before he goes into the ring himself. He looks under the ring and then pulls out a table and sets it up around the ring side. Ravage gets the chair he used on the outside and then slides it into the ring and then Ravage climbs to the top rope as Dude Nick stumbles around and then stumbles near the chair where Ravage was waiting for seemly and Ravage leaps off the top rope and then hits a flying bulldog head lock that drives Dude Nick’s face right into the steep chair.]

JR-What a move, that move took great timing to pull off

Kris Gaffney-And a whole lot of luck

King-I wonder if Ravage will help me with my bets…

[Ravage gets up and then calls for the gains of stand and then Dude Nick stumbles up to his feet and then Ravage goes for the grains of sand. But before he goes down Dude Nick is able to throw Ravage out of the ring flying right into the table. Ravage is in the table and then rolls to the out side and then goes into the cover and gets the 1……………..2…………kick out by Ravage. Dude Nick can’t believe it and then he argues with the ref and then while this is happening Ravage is pulling himself on the apron and then Dude Nick goes over to the apron and then climbs up and then stops Ravage from going into the ring and then kicks Ravage in the gut and then hits a Dudemeister from the apron to the floor! Dude Nick goes into the cover and gets the 1……………………2…………………3]

(OOC-Hardest call, other than the Pun/Kennedy match. We decided this just came down to the text and who we liked it. We decided Dude Nick, but a close, close match. I’m sure there might be a few people that think different, but that’s ok..but keep the comments if any to yourself, please..thanks.)

“CM Punk’s theme” blasts on the PA system as CM Punk stops walking to the ring with a trash can full of weapons.

JR-Seems CM Punk’s not going to be unprepared…that’s for sure

King-Good thing I’m prepared if Badd Boy comes out here *holds up an alarm clock*

Kris Gaffney-Always thinking ahead it would seem, too bad he doesn’t use his brain more for his betting problem

King-One day I will….just not today

[As Batista comes from the entrance CM Punk sprays him with a fire exstinghiser which blinds the bigger Batista. CM Punk jumps Batista from behind hitting a few clubbing blows to the back of the head which stumbles the blinded Batista and then CM Punk takes Batista by the hair and throws him hard into the middle piler of the EMF tron and then Batista bounces off and then Punk hits a kick into the gut and then hits a swinging neck breaker on the steel ramp way. Batista holds the back of the neck and then Punk goes for the corner and then gets a 1………………2…………..Batista powers out of it so much that Punk flies a little bit towards the entrance as Batista tries to get to his feet and then CM Punk thinks of ways to attack the much bigger and stronger Batista and then CM Punk takes his trash can and then dumps everything out of it and then measures up as Batista stumbles to his feet and then Punk goes over to where Batista is and then smashes him over the head with the trash can and then Batista stumbles a few steps, but doesn’t go down. But it would seem that he’s really dazed and then CM Punk charges with the trash can and smashes Batista with the can in the face and then Batista falls backwards and then he starts to roll a bit because he just so happened to be on the ramp and then Batista stops and then CM Punk is sure to hit a kick to the ribs to make sure that Batista goes all the way down to the ring side and then Punk reaches to the the ring side with the trash can still in hand and then CM Punk brings up Batista and then throws him into the steel steps back first. Then Punk looks at the trash can and then puts the trash can in Batista’s arms and making sure that it won’t come out of place and then CM Punk backs up and then charges at Batista and then nails a low drop kick into the trash can and that smashes the can into the chest of Batista and sandwiches him in between the steps and the crushed trash can. CM Punk moves the trash can and then puts Batista on the mat and goes into the cover and gets a 1……………………2…………..kick out by Batista. CM Punk looks on can’t believing he didn’t get the 3 there and then CM Punk picks up Batista and rolls him into the ring and then instead of following him CM Punk goes over to the time keepers table and then steals the chair and then slides into the ring. But then he see’s that Batista is getting up too fast, so Punk throws down the chair and then CM Punk hits a few fists to the face and then tries to whip him off the ropes and then Batista reverses the whip and then sends CM Punk off the ropes and then CM Punk comes off the ropes and then Batista to Punk’s surprise sets Punk up for a side walk slam…takes a few steps to the side and then drives him down into the steel chair that is laying on the mat ]

JR-What a move by the Animal

King- Come on, that wasn’t even half as good as he could do…come on DK! Throw a barrel!

Kris Gaffney-You been waiting for the Donkey Kong jokes to return

King-I’m not sure which I missed most, the Ikeda jokes or the Donkey Kong jokes

[Batista is a bit hurt after being beat on for a while, but he is able to roll a few times and then is able to go into the cover and gets the 1………………………2…………kick out by Batista. Batista takes this time to recover and then Batista crawls into the corner and sits there and slowly makes it to his feet as CM Punk is getting to his feet, Batista is able to pull himself up thanks to the ropes and then CM Punk see’s Batista in the corner thinking that he might be able to retake the advantage, CM Punk charges at Batista. But then Batista is able to counter it with a boot to the face, CM Punk stumbles back and then turns from Batista and turns back and charges at Batista after recovering from the boot and then Batista is able to explode out of the corner and then nails a diving hard clothesline that almost turns CM Punk inside out. Batista still isn’t able to capitalize on this as he’s still recovering. After a few moments Batista is able to get up and then hits a few fists to the face on CM Punk and then whips him to the ropes and then CM Punk bounces off the ropes and Batista lowers his head and then nails a big back body drop on CM Punk. Punk is slow to his feet as Batista has backed off and then CM Punk stumbles into Batista and then Batista picks up CM Punk and nails a back breaker on Punk. Batista goes into the cover and gets a 1………………..2………kick out by Punk. Batista looks at the ref, letting Punk get away and then Punk crawls into the corner and then Batista follows and then hits a few shoulder blocks into the gut of Punk and then Batista takes Punk out of the corner and then whips him to the ropes and then Batista tries to hip toss, but it’s blocked by Punk and he tries to counter it himself for a hip toss on Batista. But Batista blocks that hip toss as well and with his free hand Batista is able to grab CM Punk by the throat. Punk lets go of his attempted hip toss and from the single hand choke Batista is able to pick up CM Punk for a body press and then drops him down for a body press slam.]

King-I’ll say it for you JR…good move by Batista Kong

JR-You had to put in the Kong in there didn’t you


[Batista see’s that CM Punk is down and is barely moving so he decides to go to the outside and then he looks under the ring and then pulls out a table and then slides it into the ring and then puts it into a corner. Batista see’s that CM Punk is in the opposite side of the corner and then Batista tries to whip CM Punk into the corner with table. But it’s reversed and then Batista goes crashing into the table. Batista stumbles back and then CM Punk school boys Batista and then gets the 1……………….2…………….3]

[The EMF crew then makes their way into the ring as they quickly set up the "Cutting Edge" set inside the ring. The crew then gets the carpet rolled out, the chairs set up, and the huge sign begins to get lowered as Edge's theme starts up. Fans begin to boo like crazy as Edge and Monty Brown make their way to the ring. Edge stands at the top of the ramp as he shakes his head around smiling at the bad response he is getting from the crowd. Edge then slowly walks down the ramp as he gets to the ring and slides in. Edge then begins to give the crowd a look as Monty Brown reaches under the ring and pulls out a dufflebag, Monty then makes his way into the ring with it.]

JR: What is in that dufflebag?

King: Hopefully one of the things in it is your pink slip, JR...

[Edge then grabs a mic as the crowd even gets louder with boos as it just brings a bigger smile to Edge's face.]

Edge: Greetings to our fans in Texas...Oh wait, wait...I forgot we are in the loser capital of the world: Los Angeles, Califorina. [Laughs as crowd boos] But, don't fear LA morons because me and my good friend, Monty Brown have something to cheer you up. Yeah thats right, I am bringing something back just for you one time only! SO...For those with the benefits of flash photography... We call this little gem: 4th down and 5 yards to go.

[Edge reaches into the bag pulling out a USC jersey as he hands Monty Brown a Texas jersey as Monty Brown puts the "Vince Young" Texas jersey on as Edge tosses on his USC Jersey. Edge then gets low as if he was a cornerback as Monty holds the football looking around calling the play as the crowd is beginning to go nuts at this point.]

Gaffney: You guys best be ready cause we might have a riot on our hands here soon.

[Monty then hikes the ball as he and Edge act as if they are running in slow motion, Edge then comes up and tries to tackle him as Monty just stiff arms him and Edge slowly hits the mat. Monty then scores as he celebrates in slow motion by spiking the ball and doing a Deion Sanders type dance. Camera then goes to Edge as he looks as if he is crying acting like he is whiping tears away. Edge then grabs the mic from the ground.]

Edge: Lets see that again! ITS TOO PRICELESS!

[Monty and Edge do everything in reverse as the brings a couple laughs from the crowd as Monty does his Deion dance backwards and acts as if the balls comes back to him from the spike as they play it again drawing more boos. Edge then stands up laughing as Edge quickly tosses off the USC jersey and throws it into the crowd.]

Edge: I can't have that jersey on for too long, the losing might run off on me...And speaking of losers, before we get into this week's Cutting Edge and to my guest: Christian! I have to talk about one loser in particular and that is WOOOO! THE NATURE BOY...WOOO! RIC FLAIR! [Does his Flair strut as he grabs at his chest and fakes a heart attack as Monty comes over rubbing his fist together and yelling "Clear" as he revives Edge back to life] Ahh thank you Monty, I see Ric has finally found the balls he has been looking for, Ric has finally decided to respond to me instead of going around telling everyone he is the [Does Flair mocking voice] 16 time...World champion [/mock] WOOO! Flair, I saw your little rant on a recent house show and it made me sick! You come out here telling everyone that will listen what you've done in this business, well Flair it isn't the 70's, not the 80's, or even the 90's. You dont have it anymore Flair, your done! But, even in your glory days how did you win those 16 championships Flair? Huh? Well let me expose the "Great" Ric Flair. Flair, you kissed the people in the back's ass and have everyone that was a threat to you fired. 16 time world champion, my ass...Even this fat ass in the front row could have been a 16 time world champion if he had the boss in his pocket. But, Flair I am the boss now and I am gonna expose you for what you are and that is a talentless joke! Seems you want to beat some respect out of me huh Flair?! Well try as best as ya can Flair, cause there isn't a bit of respect in my body for ya to beat out of. You want a match Flair, you got it...Name and the place: January 29th at Unleashed, Last Man Standing/No Holds Barred...You got it!

JR: OH MY! Edge - Flair: Last Man Standing/Anything goes at Unleashed

Edge: Flair you coined the phrase "We are gonna sweat, we are gonna bleed, and we are gonna pay the price", well Flair that may have been the case for your last couple of opponents but, believe me you will be the only one bleeding and paying the price and as for me, I won't even break a sweat after I get done beating the life out of you. At Unleashed Ric Flair's legacy and Ric Flair himself with bow before me with his last breathe and Ric I want you to whip the blood from your eyes [Edge brings his hand acrossed his eyes] and look at the new legend and the man that exposed you for a fraud...EDGE!!!

[Edge raises his head as the crowd begins to boo like crazy, Edge begins to let the moment sink in as he takes a couple of deep breaths and brings the mic to his lips.]

Edge: Now on to more important things, "The Cutting Edge"! Tonight my guest is the man who put Chris Jericho on the shelf, the man who turned his back on all of the fans and crushed Jericho's head like a grape with that B-R-UTAL chairshot...Ladies and gentlemen...

[The lights then go out as fans begin to go nuts as they have no idea whats going on, a voice over the P.A. then informs us what is going on.]

JR: What the hell is going on here?...

P.A. Voice: Tonight's "Cutting Edge" has been cancelled, taking the place of the "Cutting Edge" will be "The Highlight Reel".

[Jericho's theme blast as the lights are off still, the lights then come up as Edge is dressed up as Jericho and the set of "The Cutting Edge" has been turned into "The Highlight Reel". Monty Brown is shown putting on a red wig as he will be potraying Amy Jericho.]

Jericho (Edge): Welcome to the highlight reel! [Fans boo] I am your party host, Y-Tool-J! And tonight I bring out the guy who totally kicked my ass last week, the guy I've been holding back for years now because I am afraid of him becoming a bigger star then me...Ladies and Gentlemen I give you Christian!

[Christian's theme blast as Edge begins to clap his hands as fans begin to boo, Christian then makes his way down the ramp pointing out his peeps. Christian then gets in the ring and grabs a mic as the fans begin to get even louder when Christian is about to talk.]

Jericho (Edge): Christian, I just wanna tell you what a honor it is...

Christian: SHUT THE HELL UP JERICHO! You know I've listened to your lip for years now and I am sick to death of it and sick to death of being involved in your little soap opera you have going on! Now Chris, I know you like to walk around and give yourself little nicknames, to get yourself "over", but lets face it thats your inflating your ego as usual. And well lets face it your ego is more inflated then Amy's chest...You walk around here like your some type of legend when the only thing you will be remembered for will be being a glorified reality star. And reality is Chris, you are a farce and nothing more then a has been. You can't get it done anymore in this ring because lets face it you've had more concussions then Troy Aikman, but yet you can't allow anyone else to take your spotlight and you hold people down like moi! Well no more...You wanna know why? You want an answer for my actions last week on Shockwave? Well my actions were designed to send you a message, Chris...That message being I WILL NOT be apart of your lie anymore! But, I got to hand it to you Jericho...You had me going there for sometime with your lies and me actually thinking I was gonna become something in EMF, but just like your promises Jericho...IT NEVER HAPPENED! Thank God, my brother Edge was there to show me the error of my ways and to expose you. You see if I would have continued to be your puppet Jericho, I would've been remembered as someone else's bitch, well I turned the table's last week Jericho, you are no my official bitch! And I will go down as the man who ended the career of "The Slayer of Careers" Chris Jericho... So I suggest you and your PETA loving bitch stay the hell out of my way or that conchairto won't even compare to what I do to you next!

[Camera goes to Monty Brown dressed as Amy as he is over there petting a stuffed dog while the breast of Monty Brown continues to grow as they about take up Monty's whole body. Edge wears a shiny shirt that reads "Attention Whore".]

Christian: Listen up Jericho, if you do decide to comeback I can guarantee that you will never.....EEEE..EVER...BE THE SAME AGAIN! And why?...BECAUSE THATS HOW I ROLL!!

“Taker’s theme” blasts on the PA system as Taker walks to the ring doing his normal entrance with Kane trialing the Undertaker. Taker rises his arms making the lights go on and then Taker walks into the ring

JR-The Undertaker is scary presence

King-I think I’m more scared of Kane

Kris Gaffney-Why? I thought he was a jobber…

King-No Gaffney, that’s KANE…not Kane

“Denis theme” blasts on the PA as Denis walks to the ring

JR-Denis was always ready to fight the last time he was here

Kris Gaffney-Doesn’t seem so this time…


[Taker and Denis face off on the middle of the ring and then the returning superstar Denis is talking some trash to the Undertaker. But the Undertaker isn’t in the mood for talking as he hits a knee lift into the gut and then starts out the match with that and then the Undertaker follows it up with a few hard fists to the face and then Denis stumbles back to the ropes and then Undertaker whips Denis to the ropes and then Denis bounces off the ropes and then Undertaker goes for a clothesline that Denis ducks under and then Denis continues to the other side of the ring and bounces off the ropes and then comes off the ropes and leaps in the air for a flying shoulder block. The Undertaker stumbles back, but he does not go down. Then Denis goes to the ropes and then goes for a shoulder block, but then the Taker is able to counter it with a chop to the chin. Denis stumbles back as the Undertaker hits a few fists to the face of Denis who rocks back and then Undertaker tries to whip Denis to the ropes once again, but Denis is able to reverse the whip sending the Undertaker to the ropes. Undertaker bounces off the ropes and then comes off the turnbuckle with a big shoulder block that sends Denis flying back and then his momentum is so much that he falls right out of the ring and then the Undertaker takes his time as he’s still in the ring as Denis slowly gets up by the ropes the Undertaker grabs him by the hair and pulls him up on the apron and then sets him up for a suplex into the ring. But before he can do it, Denis blocks it and then Denis tries to do it on his own, but because the Taker is also resisting and the fact that the Undertaker is much more bigger than Denis he isn’t able to do it. The Undertaker goes for the suplex into the ring once again, and this time he is able to complete the suplex into the ring and then Denis stumbles up holding his back. Taker hits a few fists to the face and then whips him to the ropes and Denis reverses the whip and sends the Undertaker to the ropes. Taker bounces off the ropes and Denis lowers his head as the Taker counters with a running DDT. The Undertaker goes into the cover 1………………2……….kick out by Denis. Taker gets up as Denis stumbles into the corner and then Denis gets nailed with a few fists to the face and then the Taker tries to whip him to the opposite side turnbuckle. It’s reversed by Denis and Taker crashes into the turnbuckle, Denis charges. But Taker comes out of the corner and grabs Denis by the throat with two hands and then throws Denis into the corner throwing rights and lefts. Taker whips Denis back to the original side so hard that he does a flip out on to the corner and then Taker punches him down. Once again the Taker waits for him to get up. Much like the other time, Taker grabs Denis by the hair and tries to bring him into the ring. But then Denis turns around with a fire exstinhiser and then sprays Taker in the eyes with it]

JR-Undertaker was on a roll there

King-Well that should end that roll right there

Kris Gaffney-No wonder this is the John Cena tourney…now the Undertaker can’t see Denis!

[Denis slides into the ring with a Singapore cane as the Undertaker is stumbling around and even throwing fists wildly as he has no clue where his opponent is and then Denis quickly seeing this sneaks up on the Taker and cracks the cane across the back of the Taker. Undertaker stumbles around in pain as Denis measures up once again and then Denis smashes the cane into the gut of the Undertaker. Undertaker goes down to one knee as this leaves Denis with the chance to go for the knock out blow and then Denis measures up the Taker and then as Taker is getting up. Denis nails a shot that would knock out just about anyone as the Taker goes down. But suddenly the Undertaker sits up, Denis who was about to go for the cover can’t believe it. So without harping on it and wasting time to let Undertaker get the advantage he goes to the outside with the cane in hand and then climbs to the tope rope as the Taker is to his feet. And Denis leaps off the top rope and nails a Singapore cane shot to the head and the Undertaker goes down to the mat and then quickly knowing that he might have this match and not to waste this chance to end it Denis goes into the cover and gets the 1…………………….2……………Undertaker powers out of the cover and then Denis goes flying right out of the ring. Denis not hurt too much is on his knee’s not believing it and then Denis goes over to the time keeper and then grabs the bell from the time keeper and then slides back into the ring and waits for the Undertaker to get up and then once he does Denis charges, but then gets grabbed by the throat by the Undertaker. Denis looks around for a way out of it, but before he can be choked slam. Denis is able to bring back the bell enough and then hit the Taker with a shot with the bell enough for him to stumble back and then Denis measures up and as Taker turns around. Denis charges at the Undertaker and hits him square in the face as he goes down to the mat. Denis throws down the bell hopping that he might have the match won now. He then goes into the cover and then gets a 1………………..2……………Undertaker rolls the shoulder up. Denis can’t believe it, he looks around not knowing what else to do, trying to think of anything. But before he really can, the Undertaker sits up and gives Denis a very angry look.]

JR-This can not end very well for the former television champion

King-Oh well

[Denis looks around and then grabs his Singapore Cane and then climbs to the top rope and then waits for Taker to get to his feet to go for another shot, but before he can hit it. Taker blocks the shot by grabbing Denis by the neck as he flies through the air and then lifts and drives him down for the choke slam and then the Undertaker signals that he’s going to put the match away. Undertaker picks up Denis and then lifts him up and drives him down for the Tombstone Piledriver. Taker cross the arms and then the ref counts 1………………….2…………..3]

[The cameras then go to the back as Monty Brown, Edge, and Christian are sitting around talking in the back as Edge and Monty Brown are taking off their costumes of Amy and Jericho. A door then opens as Katrina is then shown rolling her luggage down the hallway as Edge notices her. Edge tells Monty Brown and Christian he'll be right back as he walks away and goes in Katrina's direction. Edge then makes his way to her as Katrina continues to make her way to her locker room.]

Edge: Woah, Woah, Hold up there...You mean to tell me you have to carry your own bags? I guess its true what everyone in the back is saying then...

Katrina: Like I really care about what people in the back are saying, but fill me in Edge..What are they saying?

Edge: Well I hate to be the one to bring ya the bad news, but seems your hubby Wes doesn't much even care for ya anymore. I mean you walking in by yourself and carrying your own bags. Seems him getting revenge on his brother and climbing back up the ladder to win the world title again are his biggest concerns, but you know I don't blame him...No, not at all. Besides you just like your wrestling career is about all used up. Guess you've been have been having about as much action in the sack as you have had in the ring. But, don't fear Katrina I am in a charitable mood today so today is your lucky day.

[Edge then grabs Katrina by her back and brings her in as he takes her face by his hands and forces her to kiss him, Katrina finally gets free by pushing against his chest as she backs away whipping her lips from disgust as Edge just gives her a big smile.]

Katrina: You know I maybe used up in the ring, but I know one move that will always bring a man to his knees.

[Katrina begins to bring her finger down Edge's chest, as Edge's smile gets even bigger]

Edge: Whats that baby...

[Katrina takes a step back and delivers a kick right to Edge's groin as Edge hits the deck quickly as he lays on his side in pain as this brings a smile to Katrina's face.]

Katrina: Don't ever put your hands on me again, got that?...[Kat pats Edge on the head as she grabs her bag and goes to her dressing room]

Edge: [In a painful voice] ...ahh, bitch.

[Edge lays on his side as Christian comes in eating some cake he got from the concession table as he just looks at Edge.]

Christian: Man what happened to you...

Edge: Lets see Christian, I am holding my groin...I wonder what the HELL HAPPENED TO ME! Help me to the medic's room. [Edge gets to one knee]

Christian: Hold on let me finish this cake, Cake totally rules...

Edge: [Smacks the cake out of his hand as the plate, cake, and fork go flying] My boys over here are turning royal blue over here and you are worried about cake...Do ya mind?...

Christian: Oh right...

[Christian helps Edge down to the medic's room that isn't very far off as Christian walks in helping Edge. A nurse stands with her back to Edge and Christian.]

Nurse: Put him on the table and I'll be right with him...

Christian: Will do, you need me to get you something?

Edge: Ice, lots of ice...Now go and don't stop for cake dammit!

[Christian walks out of the room as Edge lays on the table with his hand over his face in pain.]

Nurse: So what happened?

Edge: A run-in with her woman's high heel thats what happened..Wait, your voice sounds familiar...

Nurse: It does?...Well maybe its cause you know me.

[The nurse turns around as its none other then Tori, the crowd begins to cheer as Edge looks over in shock. Tori then makes her way to a closet.]

Edge: Woah woah..I am already in pain and I dont need you trying to beat my ass right now, ok?

Tori: Oh don't worry I won't beat your ass, but...He is...

[Tori opens up the closet as Dewey Pond comes running out and jumps on top of Edge who lays on the table as Dewey rains down some right hands, Dewey then picks up Edge and tosses him into a wall leaving a huge hole in it. Edge bounces back as Tori stands infront of him.]

Tori: About that whole me not touching ya thing...I lied.

[Tori steps back and delivers a quick kick to Edge's midsection as Edge lays on the ground, Dewey hears someone coming as he grabs Tori's hand]

Dewey: Come on, we gotta go...

[Dewey and Tori run out of the doctor's office as Christian comes back with a big bucket of ice.]

Christian: Edge, I've got the ice...Edge?...Edge?...Get up.

[Christian notices Edge is totally out of it as he reaches in the bucket and pulls out a piece of cake and starts eating it as the crowd laughs, Christian then taps Edge on the face trying to get him to wake up as Christian says with cake in his mouth.]

Christian: [Muffled] You alright man?...Damn this is good cake

“Wilsonator’s theme” blasts on the PA system as Wilsonator walks to the ring

JR-Wilsonator is a up and comer in the EMF

King-Yeah, but he has a tough match up here

Kris Gaffney-That’s for sure

“Dirthouse” blasts on the PA system as Matt Dragon walks to the ring

JR-Matt Dragon had a hard fought match up with Angelus

King-but he lost

Kris Gaffney-Very close though, could have gone either way

[The Rookie Wilsonator knowing that he’s up against a EMF legend doesn’t even allow Matt Dragon into the ring as he baseball slides Dragon’s legs from under him and then Dragon hits the apron and then Wilsonator who stayed in the ring then goes to the top rope waits for Dragon to get up. Which is really quickly as were just starting the match and then Wilsonator leaps off the top rope going for a double axe handle it would seem, but it’s countered by Dragon who nails a punch right into the gut and Wilsonator goes down to the mat and then Dragon takes Wilsonator by the hair and then throws him hard into the side of the entrance ramp back first. Wilsonator is there for a moment and then Dragon hits a kick to the gut and then Wilsonator slides down more and more until he is in the sitting position and then Dragon starts to choke Wilsonator with his boot and then Dragon lets go after a time and then picks up Wilsonator and sets him up and nails a snap suplex on the steel ramp way. Dragon then goes into the cover and gets the 1……………2………..kick out by Wilsonator. Obviously it’s fairly early into the match up, so Matt Dragon is not surprised and then Dragon decides to pound on Wilsonator with a few fists to the face of the downed Wilsonator and then Dragon picks up Wilsonator by the hair and runs with him and throws him into the ring and then Dragon steps through the ropes and then goes back on the attack as Wilsonator is getting up on the ropes and then Dragon hits a few knife edge chops to Wilsonator who reels on the ropes and then Dragon whips Wilsonator to the ropes and then Dragon goes for a clothesline. But it’s ducked under and then Wilsonator waits for Dragon to turn around and once he does Wilsonator goes for what seems to be a hurricanarana, but it’s quickly countered by a power bomb and then Dragon stacks Wilsonator on his shoulders and then goes for a 1……………………..2………….kick out by Wilsonator. Dragon hits a few stomps on the downed Wilsonator and then Wilsonator stumbles up and then Dragon hits a few fists that back Wilsonator to the turnbuckle and then Dragon whips Wilsonator into the corner and then Wilsonator crashes into the corner and then Dragon stays in the corner and charges in for a big splash and then Wilsonator moves out of the way at the last second and crashes into the corner and then Dragon stumbles out and Wilsonator kicks Dragon in the gut and then nails a DDT on him]

JR-Dragon got too cocky there, and Wilsonator took advantage

King-How does that happen?

Kris Gaffney-It just does…

[It takes both of them to recover and then Wilsonator has got up and has his body covering up the fact he is taking off the turnbuckle padding. While this is happening for whatever reason Dragon wants to complete the move that he misses and then Wilsonator moves out of the way just as he is successful in taking off the padding and then Dragon smacks his head against the exposed turnbuckle and then Dragon stumbles back and then holding his face as Wilsonator goes for the school boy as Dragon is stunned and then gets a 1………………2………..kick out by Dragon. Wilsonator not wanting to give Dragon a chance to recover hits a few stomps to the downed Dragon and then Dragon stumbles up to his feet and then Wilsonator hits a few forearms to the face of Dragon and then Wilsonator tries to whip Dragon off the ropes. But Dragon reverses the whip and then sends Wilsonator to the ropes and then Wilsonator bounces off the ropes and Dragon goes for a clothesline, but it’s ducked under by Wilsonator. Wilsonator goes to the opposite side of the ring and then Dragon turns around as Wilsonator turns around right into the flying forearm shot to the face of Wilsonator and then Dragon falls down and then Wilsonator gets up as Dragon stumbles up and then Wilsonator charges and then hits a clothesline over the top rope that sends him flying over the top rope with him. But Wilsonator lands on his feet while Matt Dragon crashes on the arena floor. Wilsonator goes to the ramp way and then pulls out a sign from the side of the ramp way and then measures up Matt Dragon and then nails him with the sign and Matt Dragon goes down to the mat seemly the shot with a knock out blow and then Wilsonator goes into the cover and gets the 1…………………..2………….kick out by Matt Dragon]

JR-Wilsonator has fought, but there is no quit in the Hall of Famer

King-I would make a reference about him not knowing when to quit…but at least Matty D’s still a good wrestler and hasn’t returned as much as HBK

Kris Gaffney-Yep…we all know he’ll make a return, the question is…when?

[Wilsonator gets an idea and then he puts the sign behind him and then Wilsonator signals for a piledriver on the sign and then he pulls Matt Dragon in place and then sets him up and then tries to lift him up. But Matt Dragon fights it and Wilsonator tries again. Matt Dragon blocks it again, this time drops to one knee and then hits a low bloc. Wilsonator stumbles back a few steps and then Matt Dragon takes Wilsonator and drives his face right into the sign with the breath of fire!! Matt Dragon pushes Wilsonator on his back and then makes the cover for the 1………………….2…………..3]

“Capital Punishment” blasts on the PA system as Punisher walks to the ring

JR-Punisher was caught off guard in their first meeting, you gotta wonder if lighting will strike twice

King-Na…it never does…

Kris Gaffney-He knows from experience betting…and stuff

“Kennedy’s theme” blasts on the PA as Kennedy walks to the ring with Ric Flair and the rest of the 4 horsemen come to the ring

JR-You have to got to wonder if the horsemen will use their numbers once again

King-If they do, they do

[Kennedy is on the apron as he’s talking to Flair on the outside and then Punisher who is looking to just cut to the chase as he’s looking to gain a measure of retribution after the loss last time and then he and uses the ropes to sling shots Kennedy into the ring and then he falls into the ring and then Punisher hits hard into the mat and then Kennedy stumbles up and then Punisher hits a few hard fists to Kennedy who stumbles back and then Punisher whips Kennedy into the ropes and Kennedy hooks the ropes before he can go back to where Punisher is. But Kennedy is a bit shaken after the sudden rush of moves he’s taken and Punisher thinking fast charges at Kennedy and hits a body press on Kennedy that takes him and Kennedy outside and crashing on the arena floor. Both wrestlers are effected, but Kennedy for the most part is most effected obviously and then Punisher picks up Kennedy and then hip tosses him into the steel steps. Kennedy’s legs hit the steels steps and then Kennedy holds his legs. But seemly isn’t as injured from that as he very well could be and slowly he stumbles up to his feet as Punisher see’s a camera code as Punisher kicks Kennedy in the gut and then Punisher hits the back of the legs buckling Kennedy’s knee’s for him and then Kennedy falls down on his knee’s and then Punisher takes the camera chode and wraps it around the throat of Kennedy for a while, obviously ignoring what the ref has to say as he does not have to listen to the ref in this case and then he finally lets Kennedy go and then Kennedy goes down to the mat and then Punisher knowing that he might have Kennedy beat right there does not want to go for the pin as he wants to inflict more pain. Punisher picks up Kennedy and then puts him in a bear hug and then looks to the nearest ring post and then charges with Kennedy and drives him back first into the ring post back first and Kennedy falls down to the mat and then Punisher goes into the cover and gets the 1…………….2………Kennedy is able to roll up the shoulder. Punisher doesn’t seem like he cares as he shrugs his shoulders and starts to choke Kennedy and then he calls for the Capital Punishment. Punisher pulls up Kennedy and then lifts him up and then it’s countered by Kennedy who slides down the back of Punisher and then Punisher turns around right into a sit out jaw breaker. Kennedy has take his time to get up, Punisher holds his face as he stumbles right to Kennedy. Kennedy is able to take Punisher down with a double leg take down and then sets up Punisher and nails a catapult right into the ring post. Punisher’s head bounces right off the ring post.]

JR-Punisher is too hell bent on getting his win back

King-Yeah, well Mister Kennedy…..Kennedy…isn’t going down that easy

Kris Gaffney- Seems so, Punisher is bleeding I believe

[The camera gets a shot of Punisher who is getting to his feet to show that he is in fact is bleeding quite a bit from the forehead and then Kennedy who is behind Punisher nails Punisher with a trash can lid that he got from under the ring once Punisher was trying to get to his feet. Punisher just stands there obviously the pain is clear on his face as he stumbles a few steps and then Kennedy lifts up Punisher drops him face first into the guard rail and then Punisher goes down with the guard rail the only thing holding him up and then Kennedy picks up throws him into the ring and then Punisher rolls into the middle of the ring. Kennedy grabs the chair and rolls into the ring and then Punisher stumble to the apron as Kennedy gets to his feet and then Kennedy is able to hit a shoulder block into the gut and then that stumbles Punisher and then Kennedy kicks Punisher in the gut and then double underhooks him and takes him over for a double underhook suplex and then hits it. Buying him enough time to do what he really wants to do with is go to the chair and then takes it and sets it up in the middle of the ring and then Kennedy looks at Punisher who is getting to his feet and then he nods his head cockly and then hits a few fists to the fist to the face and then Kennedy whips Punisher to the ropes and then Punisher bounces off the ropes and then Kennedy bounces off the ropes Kennedy catches for a one man flap jack right through the chair bending the seat. Punisher holds his face as Kennedy believes that he has this won as he pins very cocky and then gets the 1………………………2……………….Punisher rolls up the shoulder as Kennedy can’t believe that he rolled the shoulder up cocky shoulder up.]

JR-Just shows you the lack of experience of Kennedy, but you can’t doubt his talent though

King-I do

Kris Gaffney-That’s why you never win any bets

[Kennedy picks up Punisher and places him on the place on the ropes to set up for his finisher. But before Punisher can be hooked, Punisher fights out of it and then pushes Kennedy off then Kennedy falls forward right on his face and then Kennedy stumbles up and Punisher picks up Kennedy for Capital Punishment. But before he is able to hit it Kennedy slides down, suddenly one of the horsemen slide in a chair and Punisher turns around and gets blasted by it. Kennedy goes into the cover, but seems the ref is distracted as Co-Owner Edge limps out on the stage. Flair is losing it and is slowly going towards where Edge is, obviously Edge is talking trash. Kennedy watches this happens, suddenly Punisher is able to come from behind and then rolls up Kennnedy 1…………………..2………………..3]

JR-Punisher seemly got his revenge on Kennedy…

King-Yeah, but will it be like that at Unleashed


(Edge laughs as the horsemen get closer and Edge backs up into the curtain as Shockwave goes to black)

(OOC-GOD, what a hard call…we actually had to call in the other major staff member. But we all came to agreement that Punisher wins this by how ever amount (not a lot…let me tell you). I won’t go over the details of the decision, but I will say that Edge is not connected to Pun as of the time being. I put that there with the ok of the RPer of Edge to find a good ending…and helps push Unleashed with Flair and EDGE)