EMF: Saturday Shockwave

(EMF starts off with Prez Mike)

.::Prez Mike::.-What surprised to see me? You all really didn't think you were going to get rid of me did you? But I'm here to talk about that in recent time I have seen a great amount of anger in the Extreme Measures Federation, now anywhere else that would be a bad thing. Not here, because you see with anger comes the will to shut up that person and in this business that translate to money. But I think I'm going to raise the stakes, yeah I could feed you bullshit about how I'm feeling giving due to the resent holiday. But really I just want to create a power struggle with two people that absolutely hate each other. So this is what I'm going to do, we all know that Jarred is full time CEO of the EMF. We also know that Wasabi is a extremely limited VP, with my power over Wasabi I'm going to unlock some of those powers under extreme watch by myself. You see I'm going to give you the right to make a few matches and I understand you already have one ready for First Blood. So I think it would be good to start there, but remember clown boy. When you signed on to be the Vice President of the Extreme Measures Federation. You signed as a controled Vice President as far as powers go I still own you. You do anything I don't like, well I can take your powers away. You decide you want to fuck with me, I'll crush you like a bug. But I know you will be too busy with Jarred to worry about me anyways Wasabi, so I'm just warning you in case you decide to try to pull anything. You see Wasabi to me your nothing but a low shit eating bottom feeder. You don't deserve to have any power what so ever, because your nothing but a joke. But what's in it for me is just more cash and maybe the good feeling when Jarred beats the crap out of you. So happy thanksgiving bottom feeders....

*we fade into the usual EMF Shockwave video, once it is over we go backstage*

(Wasabi is walking down the when suddenly from out of no where Dreg Head leaps from no where and cracks Wasabi over the head with a kendo stick)

Dreg Head: I'm a Dreg Head......un....yeah....that's what I am....wait a minute...what the FUCK is a Dreg Head?!

(Dreg Head kicks Wasabi while he's down and then goes off the screen to figure out what the fuck is a Dreg Head as we fade into the arena)

JR-man maybe Wasabi should stay away from the halls..

King-might be a good idea..

[Hobo is coming out of the wWo locker room, but then is blindsided by Big Mastadon. Big Mastadon clubs Hobo with a few hard punches and then takes Hobo and throws him against the wall. Hobo bounces off the wall and then stumbles down the hall. Suddenly Mario comes falling from no where and then jumps on Big Mastadon's head that knocks him down. Mario hits a few stomps and then pulls up Big Mastadon and then hits a low blow on Mastadon to send him to his knee's. Mario then backs up a few steps and then hits a shinning wizard kick on Mastadon that puts him down down. Mario celebrates, Hobo comes from behind and trys to go for a belly to back suplex on Mario, but Mario rolls through it and to the back of Hobo. Mario then hooks up Hobo and then drives him down on the floor with a reverse DDT. A ref runs on camera as Mario covers Hobo for a 1......2....Mastadon comes over and then stomps on Mario to break up the count. Mastadon pulls Mario up and then body presses him over his head and then takes Mario to a place where there are a lot of boxes and stuff. Mastadon throws him in and Mario goes crashing over there. As that is happenning Hobo sneaks up on Mastadon and then puts a sleeper on him. But before it can take much effect Mastadon flips Hobo off his back and Hobo goes crashing hard on to the hard floor. Hobo slowly gets up and stumbles towards Mastadon who hooks Hobo and hits a big Belly to belly suplex. Mastadon goes into the cover and gets 1........2....kick out, Big Mastadon looks at the ref not believing that he didn't get the three count. But Mastadon pulls up Hobo and then goes for a short arm clothesline, but Hobo ducks it and then hits a few fists that reel Big Mastadon back. But have only a little effect on Mastadon, Hobo goes off the screen and then grabs a singapore cane. Hobo measures up Big Mastadon and then blashes Big Mastadon in the knee's a few times untill he is forced to go down on one. Hobo then measures up Mastadon with the singapore cane and then blasts Big Mastadon over the head with the cane. Big Mastadon finally goes down, but before he can do anything about it. All of a sudden a trash can comes out of no where and then Mario kicks it back into the chest of Hobo. Hobo stumbles back and then Mario goes behind the very stunned Hobo and rolls him up in a school boy for a 1........2...kick out. Hobo stumbles away as Mario follows behind, Hobo gets up to his feet and then trys to turn back he's then hit with fists everytime he turns around]

King-Hobo whatever you do....DON'T TURN AROUND

JR-might be a good idea....

[Hobo stumbles near a door, Mario takes Hobo and trys to smash his face against the wall. But Hobo blocks it and then smashes Mario in the face. Hobo finally pulls up Mario and then throws him against the door and then they open to around where the fans are. Mario and Hobo trade fists, Hobo pokes Mario in the eye and then Mario stumbles away by a merchandise stand. Hobo charges at Mario, Mario then counters with a drop toe hold that sends Hobo face first into the counter. Mario then looks behind the counter and grabs a shirt and starts to choke Hobo with it. Mario goes to the back of the counter, Hobo stumbles away from the counter, but suddenly Big Mastadon comes out of no where and grabs Hobo by the throat and then lifts up for a choke slam. But suddenly come out of no where Mario pegs Big Mastadon with a repitca belt. Mario then says something about being a "great set up" as Big Mastadon is on his knee's. Mario climbs to the merchandice counter and waits for Big Mastadon to get up, once he does Mario leaps off and then hits a missle drop kick on Big Mastadon that sends him down. Hobo comes behind Mario, Mario turns around in time before Hobo can do anything and then charges at Hobo. Hobo counter the charge with a hip toss. Mario starts to crawl and then goes into a arena entrance where all crowd seats are at. Mario trys to turn back. But Hobo meets him with a few hard fists and after a little while Mario gets stunned so much he falls down the steps and rolls all the way until the stairs end.]

King-I bet Mario is wishing he didn't take the stairs

JR-seems so...

[Hobo goes down the stair as Mario slowly gets up not facing Hobo. Hobo jumps on Mario's shoulders turns around and hits a hobocanarana into a pin for a 1............2.........3]

JR-Hobo has won this match.

King-Hey wait, what about Biggy

[Big Mastadon comes from behind Hobo, Hobo turns around and gets set up, lifted up and slammed down on the hard floor with a choke slam]

King-oh there he is

JR-Hobo sure paid the price for winning that one

(We go to the backstage area where Gillberg and Bossman are talking. Suddenly a masked man comes out of no where and nails them both with a steel chair. Bossman goes down to one knee. The masked man throws bossman against a wall. Gillberg gets up and looks pissed)


(Gillberg charges at the mask man, who just puts the chair out in front and Gillberg goes down after spearing the chair. The masked man looks confused and then walks off, both Bossman and Gillberg stumble to their feet and then stumble into each other causing their heads to hit and knocking them both out cold. The masked man then comes back and kicks them both one last time for good measure. The masked man leaves the Destroyer comes out of no where and pokes both Gillberg and Bossman with a stick)


( as the camera fades back into the arena)

*Franchizes theme plays as Franchize walks to the ring, yelling something about ‘his bitches’*

*Steeharts theme plays as steelhart runs to the ring and slides in, and is met with some forearms to the back by Franchize*

Franchize tosses Rob to the outside and wastes no time getting a kendo stick from under the ring.

JR - Aww dammit a Singapore Cane, he’s gonna get whupped like a government mule

King - Shut up JR it’s a Kendo stick… now all we need is for Dreg Head to come back with his Kendo Stick…

Franchize slams steelhart in the stomach with the stick and then slams him in the ass. Franchize drops the stick and grabs steelhart by the hair and leads him up the ramp. Franchize tosses steelhart off the stage and does a running suicide dive which doesn’t connect. Steelhart gets up, and lifts Franchize up and slams his ribs into the guard rail. Steelhart climbs the stage and is about to do a standing moonsault onto Franchize, but Franchize has it scouted, and pushes Steelhart, but Steelhart balances and doesn’t fall. No one reads this bit. Steelhart pulls Franchize up onto the ramp and takes him backstage, and hits him with a few steel beams that happen to be lying around. Steelhart hits a few fists to the face of Frenchize, but he battles back and hits some fists of his own. Franchize gains control and rams Steelhart through a glass window.

King - By GAWD!!

JR - Shut up King I hate you! Hmm…

Franchize goes for a pin. 1….2…..2 ½…. 2 ¾….… Steelhart kicks out! Franchize looks angry and tips a fridge on top of Steelhart. Franchize lifts the fridge, and hits Steelhart a couple more times with it. Franchize wanders around looking for something sharp, but all he can find is a kitchen knife and the referee takes it off him. Meanwhile Steelhart has gotten up and has a trash can lid, which he smashes into Justin’s face. Justin stumbles backwards as Rob hits him a couple more times.

King - Dammit what is this dead dog doing on my foot?

JR - Huh?

Steelhart lifts Franchize up in a sit down powerbomb onto some backstage equipment. (Don’t know how to describe it, but it would hurt a lot.) Steelhart goes into a cover but Franchize kicks out at two. Steelhart goes to drive a golf buggy into Franchize, but Franchize hits the glass front screen with a Kendo stick, and he hits Steelhart with the Kendo stick as glass goes into Steelharts skin.

JR - What is Franchizes obsession with glass?

King - He’s one sick fuck.

JR - Can we say that on live TV?

King - Who cares!!!

Steelhart falls out of the golf buggy only to be met with a stiff clothesline by Franchize. Franchize looks around for something unusual to attack Steelhart with, but all he can find are giant boxing gloves. He and Steelhart put them on and have a giant boxing glove fight, until Franchize kicks Steelhart in the groin and covers him for 2. Suddenly out of nowhere Jarred runs in to the fight and breaks a mirror over Justin’s head and drags Steelhart over Franchize for the 1……..2………..kick out!

JR - Franchize won’t die!

King - Stupid Dark Circle Jerkers…

JR - King…

King - What? I already said fuck what’s your problem?

JR - ………………….

Jarred looks really angry that FRanchize didn’t get pinned on that exchange, so he and Steelhart hit a double flapjack through a door. Steelhart again goes for the cover and this time Franchize kicks out at 1. Franchize starts waving his hand around and pointing at Jarred and spitting.

King - Is this like a Frachize version of hulking up?

JR - Franchizemania is running wild brother brother dudes! *King backhands JR for trying to be funny*

Franchize sets up Jarred for a Piledriver through a table, but Steelhart hits him in the spine with a steel bat. Jarred hits the Legendary End onto Franchize and Steelhart covers again, this time getting the 1…….2…...3

JR - Well Steelhart has done it… however, he showed no integrity, needing Jarred for the win.

King - I guess this is what they meant by a new powerful stable of whatever Star Trek Jarred said…

"Break you" blasts on the PA system as Jarred walks to the ring

King-Hey JR....Demon Chylde isn't a gimmick....it's a mindset.....that Jarred can snap out of at any second so don't blink!

"Snap your fingers, snap your neck" blasts on the PA system as Primetime walks to the ring

King-It's a good thing I'm wearing ear plugs that way his advertising won't affect me

JR-Primetime is a god......I love Primetime....I agree that his last promo was his BEST ever!

[Jarred comes at Primetime and then hits a few hard fists to knock Primetime back to the turnbuckle. Primetime then turns the tables and then hits a few knife edge chops and then follows it up with a few hard fists. The ref tells Primetime to back off, he does. As he does Jarred hits a poke to the eye, Primetime stumbles backwards and then Jarred comes charging out of the corner and nails Primetime with a hard clothesline that knocks Primetime down. Primetime gets up only to be stunned by a few fists by Jarred that back to him to the ropes. Jarred trys to whip Primetime off the ropes, Primetime reverses the whip and Jarred goes to the ropes. Jarred bounces off the ropes and leaps in the air for a cross body block. But that is cought by Primetime and then Primetime hits a fall away slam on Jarred, Primetime gets up and yells for Jarred to get up. Jarred slowly gets up stunned after the move. Jarred stumbles around right into a kick by Primetime, Primetime then sets up Jarred and then hits a brain buster on Jarred. Primetime floats into the corner and gets a 1...........2..........kick out. Primetime pulls up Jarred, and then goes for a standing short arm clothesline. But Jarred ducks it and then hits a release germen suplex. Jarred stays down still trying to shake off the brainbuster. Primetime is still down while Jarred has finally shaken off the move and then waits for Primetime to get up by himself. Primetime gets up dazed, Jarred picks up Primetime for the Death Valley Driver. But before he can deliver the move, Primetime is able to slip out the back of Jarred due to his wasting too much time. Jarred falls forward to the ropes, Primetime pulls Jarred's legs up as he grabs on to the top rope and rips Jarred off the top rope. Jarred goes crash into the mat,Jarred gets up very hurt. Primetime waits as Jarred gets up stunned. Primetime stumbles towards Primetime. Primetime picks up Jarred and hits a body slam in position near the turnbuckle. Primetime signals to the crowd that he's going to the top rope. Primetime goes to the top rope and then leaps off the top for the moonsault.....that connects for the 1.......2.....Jarred is able to get his foot on the rope. Primetime looks around a bit fustrated. Primetime then decides to go to the top rope as Jarred is yet to get up, Primetime climbs to the top rope and waits for Jarred to get to his feet. Jarred gets to his feet, but before Primetime can hit a move Jarred dives on the ropes and makes Primetime fall on the top turnbuckle in a lot of pain. Jarred shakes off the effect of the last few moves and then stuns Primetime a little bit more by hitting a few fists on the top rope. Jarred then climbs to the top rope and then sets up Primetime and hits a super plex from the top rope.]

JR-Jarred just might have to turn around to win this match

King-Na....it's too early and he hasn't cheated yet!

[Jarred trys to sit up, but can't Jarred then slowly turns over which is struggle in itself and finally gets pin on Primetime for the 1........2....kick out. Both wrestlers sit up and then climb to their feet, Jareed is the first to get to his feet as Primetime is seemly stunned on his feet still. Jarred throws a fists at Primetime that is blocked and returned by Primetime and then hits a few more fists that stun Jarred to the ropes. Primetime then follows it up with a few hard knife edge chops. Primetime then whips Jarred off the ropes, Jarred bounces off the ropes and Primetime lowers his head and hits a back body drop. Jarred gets up after hitting the mat and holds his back Jarred stumbles over to Primetime who lifts up Jarred in a fireman's carry. Then hits a TKO on Jarred, Primetime then falls into the cover and gets a 1..............2.........kick out. Primetime sees that Jarred is having a hard time getting up, so with this extra time Primetime decides to take a chance, so he steps to the outside and climbs to the top rope and waits for Jarred to get up. Jarred slowly gets up, Primetime leaps off the top rope and goes for a front drop kick. But Jarred blocks it and counters it setting up a sling shot. Jarred does the sling shot and Primetime goes face first into the turnbuckle. Slowly Primetime stumbles out of the corner as Jarred stands and waits, Once Primetime has gotten to the middle of the ring where Jarred is Jarred takes down Primetime with a double leg take down on Primetime. Jarred then sets up Primetime and then puts Primetime in a sharpshooter. Primetime screams in pain]

JR-Primetime might have to give it up here

King-come on JR...Primetime's 2 legit to quit!


[Primetime slowly starts to crawl to the ropes as the ref asks him if he wants to give it up. Primetime refuses as he continues to the ropes and grabs on to the ropes. Jarred raises his hands like he won, but the ref tells him that he didn't. Jarred then sees that Primeitme has already gotten to his feet. Jarred whips Primetime to the ropes and then hits a hard front spinebuster on Primetime. Jarred then takes a little time and then goes to the top rope, but before he can hit the LEGENDARY END!!!! Primetime gets up and hits the ropes causing Jarred to fall in the top and slump foward. Primetime quickly is able to capitalize on this and then puts him on his shoulder and then hits the Primetime pluge...but Primetime isn't finished there which gets a big pop from the crowd. Primetime then pulls Jarred up and hits another Primetime pluge. Primetime then moves Jarred in position near the turnbuckle and then climbs to the top. Primetime then leaps off and hits a moonsault on Jarred into the pin for the 1........2.......3]

King-Awwww this isn't going to be good..

*Suddenly, Raise up by Saliva hits, as Wasabi struts out, and briefly combs his afro*

Wasabi: Jarred, before you get your panties in a twist and start quoting Star Trek again, I'm not out here to bash you. Simply to inform you that I have booked you both in a match at First Blood. That is all. Have a nice day

*Someone holds up a "Wasabi is Good" sign and Wasabi goes backstage as Shockwave fades to black*