EMF: Saturday Shockwave

(The EMF logo flashes on the screen, and goes right into the EMF shockwave video. It ends we go into the darken arena as pyrotechnics blasts off on the stage. The lights turn on as they end, and fans are yelling and waving their signs. Some say "NO *points*", "Candice Gafgen?!", and "Tomko's angry, because I wanted a beat!")

JR-Welcome to Saturday Shockwave, I'm good ol' JR along side Jerry "the King" Lawler and Kris "KG" Gaffney.

Kris Gaffney-Tonight, were going to see if Kevin Bourne can gain revenge on Dude Nick from First Blood.

King-He probably wants to do that…and point randomly…then spy on you through a snipers scope!

("Freak on the Leash" blasts on the PA system as Troy Gafgen walks to the ring, along with his wife Candice Gafgen. Troy steps into the ring, and waits for his opponent.)

King-Poor Candice, now not only will she be squased, she'll have to jump over random barrels thrown her way.

Kris Gaffney-Candice jumping…see nothing wrong with that.

King-Good point.

JR-Anyways! Troy is on the way to Unleashed, but first he must contend with his opponents tag team partner.

("Marquise's theme' blasts on the PA system as Marquise walks to the ring, along with Shelley Martinez. He steps inside of the ring, and waits for the bell to ring.)

JR-Marquise is here to try to show his worth to his tag team partner.

King-Well, Shelley thinks he's worth something.

[Marquise and Troy Gafgen face off in the middle of the ring, they face off in the middle of the ring. Marquise talks some trash, Troy Gafgen does not like that so he takes the first swing. Marquise ducks and runs to the ropes, he comes off of the ropes and hits a flying shoulder tackle that barely stumbles Troy Gafgen. Troy Gafgen looks more angry, Marquise runs to the ropes, and comes off of the ropes. Troy Gafgen goes for a running big boot to the face of Marquise, but Marquise ducks it and hits a kick into his leg. Troy Gafgen turns around slowly. Marquise runs to the ropes, and Troy Gafgen nails him with a running forearm shot to the Marquise. Troy Gafgen puts his hand up to signal that he is going for a chokeslam, Marquise stumbles up and turns right into Troy Gafgen hand who grabs him by the throat. Before he can, Marquise hits a desperation low blow. Troy Gafgen goes down in pain. Marquise goes over to the turnbuckle, and then starts to untie the second turnbuckle. He exposes the second turnbuckle, Troy Gafgen is slowly getting up on the other side of the ring. In obvious pain, and Candice on the outside does not look too happy either. Troy Gafgen see's Marquise, but doesn't notice the turnbuckle as Marquise turns away from it, when he exposed it. Troy Gafgen runs at Marquise, Marquise steps out from the corner, and hits a drop toe hold that sends Troy face first into the second rope. It looks like he may have been able to get his hand up, but it sends the ref checking for blood, there is none. But it's clear that Troy is dazed, Marquise hits a few fists that sits down. Marquise hits a few stomps into the face of Troy Gafgen trying to open him up. But it does not work, Marquise backs up, and charges and hits a kick into the face of Troy Gafgen. Troy Gafgen goes down to the mat, seemly out of it. But still not busted open.]

JR-This is surprising, Marquise is giving Troy Gafgen quite a fight.

King-You ever notice both Troy and Marquise look different? Marquise is less awesome, and Troy looks like he would say "it's on like Donkey Kong" at any second.

Kris Gaffney-Wonder what it is?

[Marquise looks frustrated, and rolls out of the ring and he goes into the time keepers desk and makes the time keeper jump out of his chair. Marquise grabs the chair, and rolls into the ring He throws it into the ring, and marquise rolls into the ring. He see's Troy Gafgen trying to get up in the corner. Marquise charges in the corner, and hits a running shoulder block that puts Troy sitting down in the corner. Marquise takes the chair, and puts it over Troy's face. Marquise backs up, and charges at Troy Gafgen. Troy gets up, and throws the chair right into the face of Marquise, Marquise goes down, Marquise looks like he's hiding his face to the ref as he's not sure if he's busted or not. But the ref sees…he's not busted. Troy Gafgen comes out of no where, and hits a kick to the face. This brings Marquise down to the mat. Marquise rolls out of the ring, and then Troy moves out of the ring. Marquise hits a few fists to the face, Troy Gafgen whips Troy Gafgen to the steps. But it's reversed. Troy Gafgen goes into the steps back first. This makes the top of the stage to move off of the base of the steps. Marquise takes a few moments to shake off of the moves that he's taken, and then charges at Troy Gafgen. It looks like Marquise is going for a hurricanarana, but Troy Gafgen falls backwards into a reverse power bomb that smacks his face into the base of steps. Marquise looks like he's out of it, if not already busted open already.]

JR-Oh my god!

King-Alright, he's dead!

Kris Gaffney-It's been a long time since you said that.

[Troy Gafgen picks up Marquise by the hair, and reveals that he's not busted open. Marquise gets thrown into the ring , Troy Gafgen looks at the top of the steps, picks it up and throws it into the ring. Inside of the ring Marquise is getting up with the help of the ropes. Troy Gafgen gets in the ring, and grabs the steps, he charges at Marquise with the steps. Marquise counters with a drop toe hold, and Troy Gafgen falls with the steps. They happen to fall right side up with Troy Gafgen laying on top of them. Marquise goes over to the fallen Troy, and grabs a chair, and tries to smash Troy's head with the chair, but Marquise moves out of the way. Marquise drops the chair, and turns around in pain, Troy Gafgen gets up, he's amazingly not bleeding. Marquise charges at Troy, but Troy Gafgen counters with a one man flap jack that sends Marquise face first into the steps….Marquise is bleeding, the ref rings the bell.]

JR-Well, even though Marquise did not win….he certainly gave Troy a fight to remember.

King-No way that Troy's going to be 100% at Unleashed

(Troy Gafgen holds up his hand, it looks like Candice might come in. But she screams for some reason, Troy turns around and gets hit with a guitar on the top of the head. Troy goes down, as Marquise doesn't look happy. He raises his arms to the boo's of the crowd.)

(OOC-You can tell a story well Marquise, but just watch your focus.)

(The EMF tron lights up with the image of Amy Jericho and Jim Ross. Amy Jericho is in a professional looking black skirt and shirt. Unlucky for us, she remembered to cross her legs (DAMN HER!) Anyways…)

.::Jim Ross::.-First off Amy, I would like to thank you for your time.

.::Amy Jericho::.-It's no problem JR, with the events last week…I suppose this is the best way to get everything out.

.::Jim Ross::.-Well, we'll talk a little more than just what happened with Kennedy and Tomko. But would you like to address that?

.::Amy Jericho::.-I don't mind, I think the people should know the truth.

.::Jim Ross::.-Well, many people are somewhat confused on the things that were said last week. They don't see why the EMF wouldn't return the calls of top talent of Kennedy and Tyson Tomko.

(Amy takes a few moments to compose her thoughts, and begins to answer that question.)

.::Amy Jericho::.-First off, I do want to say that I tend to be the person that gets blamed for when things go wrong. The reason I hear being thrown around is that people notice that I'm a woman, but that's something I'll address later on. As for Ken Kennedy and Tyson Tomko, it was a very interesting story they had going…too bad they missed out a lot of details. Now let me say that I do respect that Tomko and Kennedy both are very talented individuals, and I don't think there is one staff member including myself that don't respect their talent. However, they are an example of why talent shouldn't be pushed so hard. Both of them were given many opportunities, one after the other, did they cash in on those chances…of course they did, but it was never enough. They say they were burned out, because they were "too good". Let's look at that reasoning for a little for the people who watched their career. Tomko himself brought up Dude Nick's name, and how many times he beat him. So I will use him as an example. Did he face him quite a bit in his career….yes, 6 times from my count. But if Tyson Tomko understood the business as I think he would like to claim that he does. Then he would realize that this a circular type of business, rivalies are always going to happen, and then re-happen after a time. That's exactly what happened in the case of Dude Nick. Now I could go remind everyone that if you look at the pattern of that match, it really just followed the pattern. Ken Kennedy brought it up that the pattern burned him out, but the fact was…..if he understood the business, then he would realize that if you loved the business, and if your really "that" good. Then talent who makes you look good shouldn't be the problem, people get burned out when they aren't being used right, aren't getting the exposure they should get, or championship shots…do you think that was the case? I certainly don't think so, Tyson Tomko was a long standing TV, IC, and was even a world champion for a time. Ken Kennedy was a very long standing Extreme champion. Quite frankly it looks like they got most everything they could want, and more. So I think the fans out there can see for themselves that Ken Kennedy's reasoning was totally false, and that's not even getting into the backstage stuff that they don’t know. So in short…their reasoning on leaving the EMF is really not the main reason….

.::Jim Ross::.-So….then what was the reasoning behind Tomko and Kennedy leaving?

.::Amy Jericho::.-As I said the real reason they left wasn't so innocent, and it goes into why I wasn't jumping at the prospect of bringing them back. First off I want to say that at the time, I was not the person in charge. So I did not make the final choice, I had a voice, but no more than any staff member. I think we realized Tomko and Kennedy's talent, and they used that. So they were handed, and handed, and handed everything on a silver platter. Soon enough, there wasn't anything new to give them, so it became about money. Tyson Tomko and Ken Kennedy were both locked into multi-year contracts, one day we heard that Tomko and Kennedy now wanted more money on top of everything they were being given. They weren't being under-cut to start with, so we refused, they went on for a little bit…and then all of a sudden they started to sit out, giving us the option that either "give us what we want, let us do nothing, or let us out of our contracts". At a time we could have really used them, they wanted to throw their weight around. Since it was clear that the company that gave them so much meant nothing, we choose the third option, and got rid of the problem all together. They left us with no choice, you can play that game so long to the point that people just aren't going to play it anymore.

.::Jim Ross::.-Well, what exactly happened when Tyson Tomko and Ken Kennedy called you back wanting to return to the EMF?

.::Amy Jericho::.-Well…I admit, I didn't jump for it like I guess Tomko and Kennedy thought I would. I had a feeling that the day would come that they would come back, maybe the burned out story isn't all false, but they were never going to go anywhere else. When we bought out their contracts, we put the stipulation that they couldn't appear for anyone else. We got burned with that once, and we were not going to get burned with it again. Now don't get me wrong, I was more than open to bring back Tomko and Kennedy. I realize what talents they are, but I'm certainly not going to jump for guy's that didn't care about the EMF when they could have used them. Last week, they came in and acted shocked on how the EMF managed without them. I think this is what every self-centered talent thinks, they think their bigger than the business, but when they leave so they can try to get their way later. But then they realize, that we never needed them, the EMF goes on, and most of the time is running even stronger than it was when they left…as it was for Tyson Tomko and Ken Kennedy. So I ask you JR…why should I seem desperate enough to give in to their demands? If it's one thing they learned, don't try to throw your weight, and seemly it was a bitter pill to shollow for them. But I was always going to give them another chance. Wes Ikeda left the EMF in the cold many times, and given many chances to come back. Why not Tomko and Kennedy, just I wasn't going to put them on the top of my list to give them a message. Don't expect loyality, when you showed none yourselves. It wasn't anything personal, just something I wanted them to learn.

.::Jim Ross::.-And it had nothing to do with Tyson Tomko's attack on your husband?

(Amy looks away, and looks a bit sad, but composes herself once again.)

.::Amy Jericho::.-First off…that was not business, that was personal. I won't allow a personal vendetta to cloud my business sense. I do want to know something, I want to know what exactly makes my husband an "asshole" to Tyson Tomko? What did he ever do to Tyson Tomko? Did he ever hold him down? No, I don't think so…as showed, Tomko was getting more than most people could ask for in their career. Did he really do anything to Tyson Tomko….there is nothing I remember. Maybe it was because he doesn't like how Jericho acts on TV, but this is the same problem I have with Becky…she hates me based on what was seen on TV. To my knowledge, Tyson Tomko knows nothing about Chris Jericho. So that brings me to the conclusion, just like their version of what happened in Tomko and Kennedy's release…it's made up. What Tomko did was for money, and money only. I want to ask Tomko something, do you think I was just going to let that stand? Did you think you were going to just mess with my family, and get away with it? Well you thought wrong, so don't sit there, and whine about your DAMN money! You hurt my family, how would you feel if something happened to your wife? Would you let it go, even if the guy was just paid by one of your enemies, and would you cower if you knew the guy was dangerous? I really doubt it Tomko, you would do the same thing I did, get revenge. The only reason you might be surprised is because I'm a woman, but maybe you should have believed the stories you heard about me before you decided to do that to my husband, who did nothing to you!

.::Jim Ross::.-Yes, it seems to be, now I think everyone will remember that you weren't the owner at the time of their leaving the EMF. But I want you to explain who did have the final say.

.::Amy Jericho::.-Well all together it was a staff decision, but the "great" former owner who had power, John Cena could have stopped it. But he didn't, which I find ironic, with my theory on what is happening now, and these connections that they talk about.

.::Jim Ross::.-And that is?

.::Amy Jericho::.-Well…I think these connections are probably with John Cena, the same man that had the final say when they were let go of their contracts. I don't know why, but to me…the pieces all add up. Tomko's first attack at First Blood just so happened when John Cena was in the ring. The second one was when I was knocked out, and tied up by Tomko. At the time I was talking to Cena, all of a sudden the lights go out. I get something put over my mouth, and the next thing I know, I was in the ring, and tied up. The fact that they just so happened to be around Cena when these things happen is probably no mere coincidence. But if it's true, then I don't really get why they would make a deal with Cena….but if I had to guess on who these connections are with…it's clearly him.

.::Jim Ross::.-Do you have any idea where this is going?

.::Amy Jericho::.-No…..no…I really don't. I have no problem with allowing Tomko and Kennedy a second chance, but that is as long as they learn what they should have. But from what I can tell, I think their still determine to get what they left the EMF for…one way or the other, but that's only my guess….

.::Jim Ross::.-I know that's only one difficult issue that you have been involved in, so I want to move away from that issue, and talk about another. I want to talk to you about Becky Bayless, and her continued promo's against you…suggesting that you are her sister?

.::Amy Jericho::.-To be honest JR, she stole my blood from me…so why is she holding back from announcing what she found? Does she know…what I know…that I have no sister, end of story. I'm really sorry about Becky's childhood, I know that there is more to life than getting stuff. But to blame someone you don't know, sister or not…is not the answer, and it's getting on my nerves. So I just want this whole thing to be done and over with…

.::Jim Ross::.-But, she said she won't stop until she takes everything away from you.

.::Amy Jericho::.-I guess that seems to be the goal of everyone, Cena, her, and I'm sure more out there. But the thing is…many have tried to break my spirit, and they have always failed. John Cena has done everything to me that he can to break my spirit. To make me believe all I'm worth is showing off my body, but even though he's dressed me up in a skirt…still…he fails everytime, and so will Becky, and so will anyone else that tries it.

.::Jim Ross::.-Once again Amy, I would like to thank you for your time.

(Amy gives a smile, and says)

.::Amy Jericho::.-It's no problem JR

(Fade back into the ring with that.)

("X-Treme" blasts on the PA system as Jeff Hardy runs out on the stage, and does his usual entrance on his way to the ring.)

JR-Last week, Jeff Hardy pinned Eric Hasher, since that loss reflected on the TV champion. Jeff got a chance to gain a title shot.

King-Yeah, that killed any momentum for MES.

Kris Gaffney-That's for sure

("Cold" blasts on the PA system as Devin Malis walks to the ring, and steps inside of the ring.)

JR-It's been a little bit since we seen Devin Malis.

King-Yeah, I'm sure it was some conspiracy against him.

Kris Gaffney-Or maybe…he didn't be apart of the tourney that took up most of last month?

King-Yeah…sorry…my body was possessed for a little bit there.

[Jeff Hardy and Devin Malis pace around the ring, they lock up and Jeff Hardy goes behind Devin Malis. Jeff Hardy hits a few clubbing blows to the back, Devin Malis looks for a way out of the hold Devin Malis is able to hit a reverse single leg take down. Jeff Hardy goes down, but Jeff Hardy is able to push off Devin Malis. Devin Malis off, and Devin comes back off of the ropes. Then Devin Malis gets hit with a release arm drag take down. Devin Malis gets up to his feet, and charges at Jeff Hardy. But Jeff Hardy ducks under the clothesline, and Jeff Hardy rusn to the ropes and comes off of the ropes, then Jeff Hardy hits a running forearm shot to the face. Devin Malis goes down to the mat, and then Devni Malis gets up more slowly, and Devin Malis hits gets hit with a back elbow Devin Malis that takes down Jeff Hardy. Devin Malis gets up with sometime, he stumbles around. Devin Malis throws a fist wildly to try to hit Jeff, but Jeff Hardy ducks it and Jeff Hardy waits as Devin Malis does a full circle. Jeff Hardy hits a sit down face buster on Devin Malis. Devin Malis stumbles around, and Jeff Hardy picks him up and drops him for a body slam Jeff Hardy hits an elbow drop on Devin Malis. Jeff Hardy goes into the cover, and gets a 1………………2………….kick out. Devin Malis slowly gets up, Jeff Hardy hits a few fists to face, and whips Devin Malis to the ropes. But it's reversed by Devin Malis, and Jeff Hardy bounces off of the ropes. Devin Malis goes for a fist off of the ropes, but it's ducked under. Devin Malis turns around, catches a kick, but it's turned into a mule kick. This sends Devin Malis into the corner, and Jeff Hardy climbs up to the corner, and goes for his corner drop kick into Devin Malis. But Devin Malis moves out of the way and Jeff Hardy goes crashing into the mat. Both wrestlers are now down.]

JR-Jeff Hardy left his feet, and paid for it there.

King-You sure that Jeff wouldn't be a good new partner for Gambler? One is angry, the other is suicidal…they both like risk.

Kris Gaffney-Interesting…

[Devin Malis gets up, Jeff Hardy stumbles up stunned and Devin Malis hits a swinging reversed DDT. Once again, both wrestlers are down on the mat, and Devin Malis rolls out of the ring on to the apron. Devin Malis pulls himself up on the top rope. But Jeff Hardy gets up as Devin Malis steady's himself on the top rope. Jeff Hardy dives on the top rope, and Devin Malis falls on the top rope. Devin Malis is in pain, and Jeff Hardy climbs up to the top rope, and hooks Devin Malis, and goes for a super plex. But Devin Malis blocks it into a cross body block into a pin, and gets a 1…………………2…………..KICK OUT by Jeff Hardy. Both wrestlers get up, Devin Malis hits a running clothesline. Jeff Hardy goes down to the mat, and gets up to his feet. Devin Malis hits a few fists to the face, and whips Jeff Hardy off of the ropes. Jeff Hardy bounces off of the ropes, Devin Malis lowers his head, and hits a back body drop. Jeff Hardy crashes into the mat, and Devin Malis waits for Jeff Hardy, who stumbles up to his feet, and goes right into Devin Malis who hits a 3.0 back breaker on Jeff Hardy. Devin Malis goes to the outside, and climbs up to the top rope once again. He measures, and leaps off of the top rope, and hits a shooting star press from the top rope on to Jeff Hardy into the cover. The ref goes down and makes the count. 1…………………2…………….KICK OUT just before the three, Devin Malis looks up and questions the count.]

JR-Devin Malis thought that he should have gotten three there.

King-Interesting how Devin Malis thinks…

Kris Gaffney- You sound surprised King…

[Devin Malis shakes off the surprise, and waits for Jeff Hardy to stumble up. Jeff Hardy gets up to his feet. Devin Malis kicks Jeff Hardy in the gut, and lifts him up for a vertical suplex. But Jeff Hardy slides out the back, and does a leg roll up from behind Devin Malis that catches him off guard, and gets a 1…………………….2………………3!]

JR-Jeff Hardy was able to surprise Devin Malis, and gain the victory.

King-You would think he should have gotten it after

("Strangehold" blasts on the PA system as Dewey Pond walks to the ring, he slides into the ring and waits for Gambler.)

JR-If Gambler is looking ahead to Troy, then he's making a huge mistake. Dewey Pond is no joke.

King-Even though people like to make jokes about him.

Kris Gaffney-And he'll piss in your boots if you do!

("The Gambler" blasts on the PA system as the Gambler walks to the ring.)

King-I think Gambler has anger problems.

Kris Gaffney-You think?

JR-The Gambler might have had bad luck, but he's been having a good stretch of matches lately.

[Dewey Pond and Gambler pace around the ring, they talk some trash for a few moments. Then they lock up, the Gambler being much more powerful than Dewey Pond pushes him back into the corner. The ref counts as Dewey Pond is being held in the corner, as the ref is calling for a clean break. Slowly the Gambler backs off, but being the typical heel, the Gambler hits a fist to the face. The ref yells at him, but Gambler follows it up with a knee into the gut anyways, and then the Gambler hits a big hip toss out of the corner. Dewey Pond goes through the air and crashes hard on his back. Dewey Pond gets up slowly only to knocked down with a running clothesline. The Gambler waits as Dewey Pond gets up, he stumbles right into the waiting arms of the Gambler, and the Gambler hits a t-bone suplex. He goes into the cover, and gets a 1……………….2…………….kick out by Dewey Pond. The Gambler should have known that he was not going to get the three with that. But he still lets the ref hear it, because as we know, Gambler angry! Dewey Pond crawls into the ropes, and uses them to get up, but seemly the Gambler was just being angry to make him do that, and Gambler goes over to Dewey Pond and pushes down on the second rope, the ref counts to 4, before the Gambler lets go of the choke hold. The Gambler pulls up Dewey Pond, and hits a few fists on Dewey Pond while he's in the rope. The ref warns him, the Gambler puts up his hands in frustration, and whips him to the ropes, Dewey Pond bounces off of the ropes. The Gambler goes for a clothesline, but it's ducked under, and Dewey Pond goes to the other side of the ring. The Gambler turns around as Dewey Pond leaps in the air for some sort of move, but it's caught and the Gambler gets into a power slam for the 1……………..2……….KICK OUT. The Gambler decides to go to the outside and climbs up for some sort of move.]

JR-This is very un-Gambler like..

Kris Gaffney-What are you talking about JR…this is very Gambler like.

King-After all, he like's high risk…

[The Gambler measures up as Dewey Pond gets up to his feet, and once he does, Gambler leaps off of the top rope and goes for a flying axe handle. But it's countered by Dewey Pond hitting a fist into the gut. Dewey Pond falls to the ropes as the Gambler is doubled over in the middle of the ring. The Gambler gets up on his knee's, and Dewey Pond runs to the ropes and comes off them. He hits a drop kick to the face, The Gambler goes down to the mat. Dewey Pond has to take a few moments to rest, so he crawls into the corner, and gets up in the corner. But Gambler is gets up faster than he expected, and does not look happy. The Gambler charges at Dewey Pond in the corner and tries to hit a big boot, but Dewey Pond ducks out of the way, and the Gambler gets his leg hung up on the top rope. Dewey Pond hits a few kicks into the supporting leg, the Gambler gets his leg off and backs up to where Dewey Pond uses leverage, and hits a belly to back suplex. Dewey Pond notices that it sets up for something off of the top rope. So Dewey Pond goes to the outside on to the apron, and up the top turnbuckle, leaps off and hits a frog splash on the Gambler into the cover, he gets a 1………………….2………….kick out by the Gambler. The Gambler is getting up slowly as Dewey Pond tries to keep the pressure on the Gambler. The Gambler makes it to his feet, Dewey Pond whips the Gambler to the ropes. Dewey Pond bounces off of the ropes, Gambler goes for a back body drop. But Dewey Pond kicks him in the face, the Gambler pops up in pain. The Gambler goes for a clothesline, but it's ducked under. Dewey Pond hits a kick into the back of the leg, the Gambler is pain. Dewey Pond runs to the ropes, and comes off of the ropes and hits a one handed face crusher!]

JR-What a move by Dewey Pond!

King-What the hell is that smell?

Kris Gaffney-Either…..Dewey Pond….or Gambler…not sure.

King-It's anyone's guess which one it is…maybe it's both..

Kris Gaffney-Could be…

[Dewey Pond goes into the cover, and gets a 1………………….2……………….kick out by the Gambler. Dewey Pond gets up and questions the count, but then waits for the Gambler to get up. Dewey Pond hits a few fists to the face, and whips Gambler off of the ropes. Gambler bounces off of the ropes, Dewey Pond is about to lift Gambler up for a Dew Drop. But Gambler is able to poke him in the eye. Pond stumbles around for a second, and regains his eye sight and charges at Gambler and goes for a clothesline. Gambler ducks under it, and then rolls up Dewey Pond in a school boy 1………Gambler grabs the ropes to trap Dewey, and the ref doesn't see it……………..2………………..3!]

JR-Gambler stole this match.

(OOC-Could have went either way, staff decision.)

*"Down With The Sickness" begins to play, much to the surprise of everybody in the arena. Angelus Archer makes his way out onto the stage, a microphone in hand, and Father James Mitchell following not far behind him. The two men make their way down to the aisle towards the ring, grinning from ear to ear at the sound of the chorus of boos and obscenities that are being directed at the two of them. James Mitchell stops just before reaching ring side, raising his cane as if to hit a guy in the front row, only to be grabbed by Angelus and pulled away. The two men make their way up the steps and into the ring, Angelus motioning for the music to be cut off as he raises the microphone to speak.*

Angelus:"When I was sitting in my shack last week, cleaning the remains of a hooker I picked up in club district of Charlotte, I couldn't help but see that we have a couple of whining little bitches on our hands. A couple of piss ants who decided to come back to where they aren't wanted, or needed, and take matters into their own hands. And before I go any further with this, I don't want any of you sorry son of a bitches in the audiance to get the wrong idea about what I'm saying. I'm not out here to tell you all that I'm going to be some kind of savior. Hell, I could care less if everybody in the back, save a couple of close friends, walked off the face of the planet and fell head first into the pits of Hell. No, I'm out here to send a warning to those two mother fuckers who were out here last week. Those two bastards who decided that they would simply show up unannounced, unwanted, and hold the EMF and it's President hostage. Do you two really think that we give a shit about what you have to say? Do you two honestly believe that the two of you are worth being negotiated with? I mean, you've been gone for how long now? And while you were gone, nobody ever missed you. Nobody ever uttered your names. It was almost as if you had never even been here in the first place. So what the fuck are you both doing back here? Oh, I know what it is. You two both think that the EMF owes you something. You both think that the EMF is going to bow to your demands, and give you everything that you want. What is it that you both want anyways? New contracts? Guaranteed money? Guaranteed title opportunities that neither of you deserve? Hell, Tomko, the only reason you were ever the EMF World Champion in the first place was because I felt like dropping the title. I felt like taking a step back for a little while, and seeing if anybody else could carrying this place on their backs. And what happened? That son of a bitch John Cena ended up with the championship all over again! You couldn't even keep the title for a fucking month Tomko! And what about your cheese head butt buddy Ken Kennedy? What's your story Kennedy? Is nobody taking you seriously enough? Did Bret Favre hire you to go on television and give him a little more publicity so that when he chokes in the playoffs people will still remember his name when he fucking retires? For fucking Christ's sake boys, your both god damn pathetic! Do you honestly think that your first two in the history of the EMF to kidnap it's president and hold that person hostage? Or to demand things such as new contracts, or people actually return your calls? Your not the firsts, and you won't be the last. Your nothing more than a couple of fucking copy cats. Hell, if you had wanted to do something to really get Amy's attention, then you should killed her dog, cut it's head off, and then sent it to her in an over night package that looked like a really nice gift. You know, complete with a bow and everything. Oh, wait, I've already done that haven't I......TWICE! Do yourselves a favor, go crawl back into whatever sewer hole you crawled out of, because your not getting what you want. Your not getting title shots. Your not getting new contracts. Hell, your not getting any television time at all. Now, I think I need to address something that is immensely more important than Tyson Tomko and Ken Kennedy. That being our World Heavyweight Champion, Dan Godwin. How you doing Danny Boy? Enjoying life as the World Champion? Of course you are. There's no better feeling in the world. And that's exactly what I wanted to talk to you about tonight. You see, your walking around with something that belongs to me. Something that I never should have given up in the first place. Something that, thanks to my own stupidity, I no longer have. I'm going to change all of that though."

"Whoa, Whoa, Whoa, Whoa! Wait just a minute there Angelus. Don't go pulling your Shank out just yet in preperation of carving up Godwin."

*Angelus stands in the middle of the ring, a confused look on his face as he is suddenly cut off. As the words trail off into the arena, Paul Heyman steps out onto the stage, his Dark Circle ball cap turned around backwards, his EMF backstage pass hanging around his neck, and a microphone in his right hand, rolled up papers in his left.*

Angelus:"What the hell are you talking about Paul?"

Heyman:"Angelus, I've listened to everything you had to say about Tomko and Kennedy. And while I agree with you said, I have to disagree with one thing. And that's the bit about them not receiving new contracts. You see, what I'm holding in my hand is a contract for Tyson Tomko. It's not just any contract though, this is a temporary contract that is good for one match, and one match only. A match, that if he wins, he'll become the number one contender for the World Heavyweight Championship. If he goes on to be world champion, then this contract will allow him to stay in the EMF…as long as he keeps that gold. However, if Tomko loses said match, he will not receive a contract, and will have to listen to the sound of the door slamming shut behind him as he's thrown out of the EMF for good."

Angelus:"Paul, I fail to see how the importance of that contract called for you to come out here and interrupt me?"

Heyman:"Well, you see Angelus, I'm not finished just yet. As I stated already, Tomko is going to have one match, and one match only. It's going to be a win or go home situation for him. However, I never said who his opponent is going to be. I never once mentioned any names for who he would be facing in that match. That is, until now. You see Tyson Tomko, you'll be facing a man who you've faced a couple of times before. A man who you actually managed to beat once before. A man who, well is standing in that ring right there, right now. Tyson Tomko, if you want to work in the EMF. If you want to have a shot at once again becoming the World Champion, then you'll not only have to win this match, but you'll have to do it by defeating ANGELUS ARCHER!!!!!! Oh, but I'm not finished. Ken Kennedy, you had alot to say last week as well. You ran your fucking mouth and pissed alot of people off. One man in general is ready to kick your teeth down your throat. He said that you have no respect for those who came before you. No respect for the true legends of this company, and this business. And that's why, in the very near future, and you'll never know when or where, you are going to have to face reality. And when you do finally face reality, it's not going to slap you in the face, it's going to bring you to a LEGENDARY END!!!!!!"

("King of Kings" blasts on the PA system as Dude Nick walks to the ring, along side Melina.)

JR-At First Blood, many people thought that Dude Nick cost Kevin Bourne the IC title contendership.

King-We'll never know now.

Kris Gaffney-Guess not.

("Capricorn" blasts on the PA system as Kevin Bourne walks to the ring, and steps inside of the ring.)

JR-Kevin Bourne regardless of his bad luck is the #1 contender to the Extreme title.

King-So I guess he's not that mad?

Kris Gaffney-NO *points randomly!*

[Kevin Bourne and Dude Nick step into the middle of the ring, and starts to fire fists to the face to the face. Kevin Bourne is gaining the advantage. But Dude Nick is able to stop the momentum by hitting a knee into the gut. Dude Nick hits a few fists to the face of Kevin Bourne. Dude Nick whips Kevin Bourne to the ropes, he bounces off of the ropes. Kevin Bourne goes for some sort of move, but Dude Nick hits a shoulder block that takes down Kevin Bourne down to the mat. Kevin Bourne gets up to his feet, and charges at Dude Nick. But Dude Nick counters with a belly to belly suplex that makes Kevin Bourne hit hard on the mat, and rolls out of the ring. Dude Nick rolls out of the ring, Kevin Bourne is on the mat. Dude Nick grabs a television cord, and starts to choke Kevin Bourne. The ref counts, but he can't do much about it, but trying to warn Dude Nick not to do that. Finally Dude Nick lets go, and then hits a few stompson the downed Kevin Bourne. Kevin Broune tries to get up, and Dude Nick lets him get up. Kevin Bourne uses the ring post to get up. But all of a sudden Dude Nick comes, and splashes Kevin Bourne into the ring post. Kevin Bourne stumbles around, and then falls down the mat. Dude Nick decides he does not want to mess around anymore. So he picks up Kevin Bourne by the hair, and lifts him up in a military press, and throws him into the ring. He crashes into the mat. Dude Nick gets up on the mat, and climbs back into the ring. Kevin Bourne is stumbling up to his feet. Dude Nick picks up Kevin Bourne, and drives him for a back breaker. Dude Nick goes into the cover, and gets a 1…………….2……………KICK OUT by Kevin Bourne. Dude Nick stands up, and puts his hand in the air for a choke slam and waits for Kevin Bourne to get up.]

JR-This is differently not something that Dude Nick signed up for.

King-That's for sure.

Kris Gaffney-He is probably hoping that AN ARKIE shows up right about now.

[Kevin Bourne stumbles up and Dude Nick grabs him around the throat, and tries to lifts him for a choke slam. But Kevin Bourne slides out the grip of Dude Nick behind him, and Kevin Bourne hits a legal low blow that takes down Dude Nick. Dude Nick and Kevin Bourne are down on the mat, Kevin Bourne rolls out on the apron. Dude Nick gets up in pain, and charges at Kevin Bourne and tries to hit a fist to the face. But it's blocked, and Kevin Bourne hits a hangman. Dude Nick stumbles backwards, and Kevin Bourne takes a few moments and then leaps into a spring board off the top rope, and jumps off for a missile drop kick that connects. Dude Nick stumbles back, and then he gets hanged up in the ropes. Kevin Bourne see's this chance, and hits a few fists to the head of Dude Nick and Kevin Bourne runs to the ropes and comes off of the ropes and hits a front drop kick into the gut. Dude Nick seems to have the driven out of him, Kevin Bourne rolls out of the ring as the ref is getting Dude Nick free from the ropes. He rolls back into the ring as they let Dude Nick free with a chair. Kevin Bourne put's the chair where he waits to, and waits for Dude Nick to get up. Dude Nick stumbles up to his feet, and then Dude Nick gets up to his feet. He stumbles back, and then Kevin Bourne then sets up Dude Nick. He stumbles around, and then Kevin Bourne runs to the ropes and comes off of the ropes, Kevin Bourne leaps in the air and hits a two handed face crusher on Dude Nick into the chair. Dude Nick goes down to the mat, and Kevin Bourne goes into the cover and gets a 1…………………2………Dude Nick is able to barely roll his shoulder off the mat before three.]

JR-Almost three!

Kris Gaffney-I think that Bourne is going to end it here!

[Bourne waits for Dude Nick who is struggling to get up. Suddenly dark music blasts on the PA system, Bourne looks around. Remembering what happened last week, waiting for someone to come down to the ring, suddenly Robbie Morphine jumps Kevin Bourne from behind, and smashes his cain over his head. Bourne goes down, but is getting up dazed. He stumbles right into Robbie Morphine, who hits the overdose flipping DDT. Robbie Morphine jumps out of the ring, thinking his work is done, Dude Nick is crawling into the cover.]

JR-Son of a bitch, Nick's going to steal this thanks to Robbie Morphine

Kris Gaffney-Wow, this is like WCW!

[Dude Nick throws his arm over the downed Kevin Bourne, the ref counts 1………………..2…………………Kevin Bourne puts his feet on the ropes. The camera gets a shot of a not pleased Robbie Morphine, Robbie Morphine goes back to the ring, and Kevin Bourne is pulling himself up using the ropes. Looking very stunned after being hit with two big moves. He stumbles right into Robbie Morphine, Robbie Morphine goes for the overdose, but as he goes up, Kevin Bourne pulls him back down, and counters it with the Checkmate on Robbie Morphine. Morphine is down on the mat, and Kevin Bourne is down as well. But Dude Nick has fully recovered, and calls for the Dudemeister. Suddenly out of no where, he gets low blowed! Dude Nick's face twists in pain. It's John Morrison! John Morrison sets up, and hits flipping swinging neck breaker. John Morrison slides out of the ring, and being too out of it to know what was going on. But seeing Dude Nick down, Kevin Bourne crawls into the cover, and gets a 1………………………2………………………..3!]

JR-Where did John Morrison come from?!

King-Who knows, *starts to sing Break on through*

(John Morrison poses on the stage, as he signals about a title as Shockwave goes off the air with that.)