EMF: Saturday Shockwave

(The EMF logo is shown, then it goes into the Shockwave video. As the video ends it goes into a darken arena as pyro blasts on the stage. When it's finished the lights come back on and the camera scans around the crowd as they hold in their signs. We cut right into the first match)

"the Hardyz theme" blasts on the PA system as Jeff Hardy does his usual entrance with the glow in the dark stuff.

JR-....King what are you doing

*camera shows the King is glowing in the dark*

King-Well I"m trying to figure out what's so extreme about wearing glow in the dark stuff

"the Mario theme" blasts on the PA system as Mario walks to the ring

JR-Mario....is a very interesting competitor

King-Well then again he's in the same federation as RVT and X-Cold-T

JR-good point...

"Homeboy theme" blasts on the PA system as Homeboy walks to the ring

*King starts the "I will beat you" chant*

[Mario charges at Jeff Hardy. Jeff Hardy uses Mario's own momentum to throw him into the air. But Mario is able to land on top of his head and drives Jeff Hardy to the ground (if you don't get that...Mario always stomps on enemy's to kill them in the video games). Mario keeps stomping on Jeff Hardy until Homeboy comes out of no where and then hits a hard clothesline that knocks down Mario. Homeboy hits a few chops to the neck. Homeboy then pulls up Mario and then kicks Mario in the gut to double him over and set up. But before Homeboy can hit the move, Mario counters it before Homeboy can hit a piledriver. Mario then stumbles to the ropes and waits for Homeboy to get, once he does Mario hits a few hard fists to the face of Homeboy that stumble him to the ropes. Mario then whips Homeboy to the ropes, Homeboy bounces off the ropes and Mario goes for a hip toss. But it's blocked by Homeboy, Homeboy then turns it into a back slide as Mario trys to fight it and win it to his advantage. But he then allows Homeboy to win it and then just rolls off his back and flips to his feet in front of Homeboy. Mario kicks Homeboy in the gut to double him over and then runs to the ropes and then hits a swinging neck breaker on Homeboy. Mario goes into the cover and gets a 1...........2.......kick out, Mario gets up and turns around as Jeff Hardy waits for him to turn around. Hardy then sets Mario up and then hits a jaw jacker Mario says up as Hardy waits for Mario to stumble to him and then hits a double leg sweep and then hits a double leg drop to the stomach (well if that's how you want to describe it. Before he can pin Mario, Homeboy comes over and then trys to hit a few fists on Hardy. But Hardy is able to block them and return a few of his own. But before Jeff can get Homeboy in the corner. Homeboy turns the tables by hitting a poke in the eye and then throwing Hardy to the corner and hits a few hard shots to the stomach in the corner. Homeboy then whips Hardy to the opposite side turnbuckle. But instead of crashing into the corner, Hardy climbs to the top turnbuckle really fast and then hits the whisper in the wind. Mario is getting up around this time as Jeff waits for him to turn around. Once he does, Jeff kicks Mario in the gut and Jeff goes for his version of the twist of fate. But before he can hit it, Mario turns it around and then hits a northern lights suplex with a bridge for a 1...........2........kick out]

JR-Mario almost had the win

King-Mario better win or were all fucked!!

JR-Can you say that?

King-of course I can!

[Mario pulls up Hardy and then hits a few knife edge chops to Hardy. Mario then trys to whip Hardy off the ropes. But Hardy reverse it and Mario bounces off the ropes, Hardy goes for a clothesline. But Mario ducks it and then goes for a fireball. But Jeff jumps out of the way just in time as the fire ball hits the ropes and sets it on fire. Some ring techs put it out as Mario is rolled up by Jeff for the 1..........2........kick out. Jeff hits a few forearms to Mario as Jeff trys to whip Mario to the ropes. But then Mario reverse it and Jeff gets sent to the ropes, Jeff bounces off the ropes and then leaps in the air and hits Mario with a flying forarm to the face that knocks him down.Homeboy sees that Jeff isn't paying attention as he says something to the downed Mario. Jeff turns around and Homeboy blasts him him with a hard super kick that knocks Jeff back to the turnbuckle. Homeboy then runs to the turnbuckle and goes for a monkey flip. But Jeff reverses it and then reverses the monkey flip and then turns it around and then puts Homeboy on the top rope. Jeff hits a few hard fists to stun Homeboy. Jeff has to hit a few more as he steps on the second rope to hit a few fists and then goes up to the top rope where Homeboy is and hits a top rope hurricanarana that sends Homeboy flying to the middle of the ring.]

King-maybe one day we will finally find out what the hell is so extreme about glow in the dark clothes!! Because I still haven't figured it out...

[Jeff Hardy gets up after the move and gets blasted with a fireball from Mario. Jeff goes down and Mario goes into the pin for the 1.............2............3]

"Crow theme" blasts on the PA system as Crow walks to the ring

JR-If Crow could get a win here, it could be helpful to his career

King-Well it would be helpful if I had another announcer partner...but you don't see that happening do you?!

"new.....new....World order" blasts on the PA system as Kevin Nash walks to the ring

King-This guy's a leg injury waiting to happen....

JR-Don't curse it King

King-I would anyways...but it seems Y2B already beat me to it!

"freaky ribbet sounds" blasts on the PA system as RVT walks to the ring.....well about half way to the ring. He points to himself and pokes his eye, RVT stumbles around blinded and then falls forward down the ramp. RVT stumbles up and rolls into the ring

JR-I would like just one RVT entrance where he doesn't almost kill himself

King-That's almost as rare as him actually hitting a decent move!!!

"Can you feel the chill.....BIIIIIITCCCCHHH" blasts on the PA system as X-Cold-T walks to the ring. He stops at the top and does his normal Booker T like pose to set off the pyro. But is too close to the fire and is on fire. X-Cold-T finally realizes it and rolls around on the ramp to put it out before climbing into the ring.

[Kevin Nash and Crow trade fists, Crow then starts to get the advantage. But Nash gains it back by hitting a knee lift into the gut and then hitting a few hard fists to back Crow to the ropes. Nash whips Crow to the ropes and then knocks down Crow with a hard forearm smash to the face. Nash hits a few stomps to Crow and then yells a few things at the downed Crow and then turns around into an attempted X-Cold last from X-Cold-T. But Nash hits a few elbows to the side of the neck of X-Cold-T. Nash picks up X-Cold-T and trys to hit a running powerslam. But X-Cold-T slides out of the back and then waits for Nash to turn around and then blasts Nash with the shit I forgot where I'm from sidekick. Nash falls to the outside. X-Cold-T yells to the crowd how he is a rip off...of a rip off of a 5 time.....5 time EMF and WCW champion. But what X-Cold-T doesn't realize that RVT is waiting for him to turn around. Once he does X-Cold-T gets hit to the grow with a spinning heel kick. RVT looks around and then runs to the ropes and does a summersault into a very fucked up senton splash that barely hits X-Cold-T to complete the rolling Chunder. Before RVT goes into the cover Crow pulls up RVT and then hits a few hard fists and then backs him up to the ropes. Crow whips RVT off the ropes, RVT bounces off the ropes and then Crow is able to hit a fall through tirlterwhirl slam on RVT. As this is happening Nash comes back into the ring and then goes for a running big boot. But before he can hit Crow, Crow turns around and ducks it and then runs to the ropes and bounces off as Nash turns around he gets hits with a hard should block. Nash backs to the ropes and bounces back stunned as Crow hits a drop toe that gets Nash to the ground Crow runs to the ropes and hits a big leg drop. Crow goes for the cover and gets a 1...........2.........kick out throwing Crow out of the ring to the apron and then gets up using the ropes as he sees that Nash is slowly getting to his feet. Crow sits and waits on the top rope for Nash to get up and then leaps off the top rope and then Nash is able to catch Crow in mind air and then puts on a bear hug on Crow. Crow is fading fast as he looks for a way out of the bear hug. But then goes out and the ref starts to check Crow arm once.......twice]

JR-When's the last time someone has used a bear hug in the EMF


[Crow raises it on the third time and then slowly starts to come back and then hits a few hard fists that finally breaks the hold and gets Nash to the corner. Though Crow is hurting, so he drops down as soon as he has Nash stunned and rolls out of the ring to try to recover. Then suddenly RVT comes into the picture and then hits a few shoulder blocks and trys to do a back flip. But lands on his face, RVT gets up stunned as Nash exploads out of the corner with a big boot on RVT. Suddenly X-Cold-T kicks Nash into the gut a few times and then gets him to double over. X-Cold-T backs to the ropes and then hits a scissors kick. RVT has pulled himself up on the ropes and Crow has rolled into the ring and trying to get up as well. X-Cold-T is in the middle of the ring as he drops down and does the X a ronie that sends Nash, RVT and Crow flying to the turnbuckle. RVT who didn't get to turn around goes flying into the turnbuckle face first. After this impact RVT stumbles back to the middle of the ring as X-Cold-T waits for him stumble towards him and then hits the X-Cold last and then goes for the cover. But before X-Cold-T can really get even a 1, Nash comes running in and then hits a big elbow to the back of X-Cold-T. Nash pulls up X-Cold-T and then puts him on his shoulder and then drops him on the top turnbuckle for a snake eyes. X-Cold-T stumbles around as Nash then throws him to the corner like a rag doll and then hits a few back elbows into the corner. Then Nash then chokes X-Cold-T with his boot as the ref counts and finally Nash lets up]

King-Hey JR....I don't think X-Clod-T is feeling the chill..

*King runs from the announcer position and then runs through the crowd as JR isn't paying attention*

JR-It would seem so King...hey where you go?

*King comes behind JR and screams that makes JR almost have a heart attack*


[X-Cold-T stumbles around as Nash kicks him into the gut and sets him up and lifts him up and drives him down with the jack knife power bomb. Nash covers X-Cold-T for the 1.......2.........3]

King-hey Nash can claim he beat X-Cold

JR-That's not X-Cold King.....you know that

King-Aw well...whatever

JR - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 225 pounds,, Mercedes!!! (crowd cheers ***)

[Mercedes comes to the ring. ]

JR - and his opponent, weighing in at 225 pounds,, Rachel!!! (crowd cheers *****)

[Rachel walks to the ring. Charles Robinson is the referee for this contest. Mercedes executes a pumphandle suplex on Rachel. Mercedes gets nailed with a charging axhandle bodyblock from Rachel. (the bell rings) Mercedes with an impressive flying spinning leg lariat on Rachel. Mercedes goes off the top and hits a flying sitdown splash on Rachel. Mercedes stands up. Mercedes puts Rachel in an arm grapevine submission. ]

JR - Mercedes executes a arm grapevine.

[Mercedes stomps Rachel's head. Rachel is back on his feet. Rachel throws Mercedes off the ropes and hits him with a cross-body block. Rachel chants start. Rachel moves back to his feet. Rachel jumps off the turnbuckle with the flying bodypress on Mercedes. Rachel moves back to his feet. Mercedes gets back to his feet. Rachel gets taken down with a corkscrew armdrag. Rachel is back on his feet. Rachel goes to the top and executes a flying hip attack on Mercedes. Rachel moves back to his feet. Rachel hits Mercedes with an elbowdrop. ]

King - elbowdrop!

[Rachel executes a flying knee drop right to the gut of Mercedes. Mercedes is up again. Rachel hits Mercedes with a rolling elbow smash to the face. ]

JR - Rachel with a rolling elbow smash.

[Mercedes moves back to his feet. Rachel gets up off the ground and Mercedes hits him with a flying dropkick. Mercedes moves back to his feet. Rachel gets hit with the shooting star press from Mercedes. Charles Robinson counts the pin. ...1 ...2 Rachel kicks out. ]

King - OHHHHHHH So close!!!

[Rachel stands up. Mercedes drags Rachel to the floor. Charles Robinson starts the count (.1) (..2) Mercedes rakes his fingers across Rachel's back. (...3) Rachel uses a lariat on Mercedes. (....4) Rachel goes off the top and hits a flying sitdown splash on Mercedes. Rachel gets back to his feet. Mercedes stands up. Mercedes picks up Rachel and drops him neck first on the ropes. (.....5) (......6) Mercedes takes Rachel into the ring. Rachel gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Mercedes. Now Mercedes standing. Rachel gets up. Rachel bites Mercedes's arm out of desparation. Mercedes slaps Rachel. Mercedes neck snaps Rachel. Mercedes executes the jumping sidekick on Rachel. Rachel is back on his feet. Mercedes picks Rachel up and side suplexes him to the mat. Mercedes chants start. Rachel moves back to his feet. Mercedes locks him in the arm hammerlock submission. Referee Charles Robinson is checking for a tap out. ... ... ... (AHHHH!) Rachel escapes. Mercedes sends Rachel to ringside. Charles Robinson starts the count (.1) Rachel is hit with a backward kick. Mercedes executes a corkscrew legdrop on Rachel. Now Mercedes standing. Rachel climbs to his feet. Mercedes and Rachel move back into the ring. Mercedes monkey flips Rachel onto the mat. Mercedes is back on his feet. Mercedes jumps off the turnbuckle with the flying bodypress on Rachel. Mercedes Choke Slams Rachel. Rachel looks to be out cold! Mercedes rolls him up with a backflip cradle. Charles Robinson counts the pin. ...1 ...2 ...3 ]

JR - We've got ourselves a winner!

JR - The winner of this match, Mercedes!!!

*The EMF tron lights up with the image of Wasabi walking down the hall, suddenly Wasabi gets jumped by...BIG MASTADON*

King-AAAAWWWW you have got to be kidding me!!

[Big Mastadon throws Wasabi against the wall and then Wasabi stumbles back as Big Mastadon waits for him. Mastadon kicks Wasabi in the gut and then puts him up for the Biggy slam. Mastadon takes him over to a table and then drives him through the table. Mastadon hits a few more stomps on the downed Wasabi as the camera fades out]

JR-Seems Big Mastadon is back

King-and Wasabi got bashed....AGAIN!!

JR - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 225 pounds,, Rob Steelhart!!! (crowd cheers *****)

[Rob Steelhart comes to the ring. ]

JR - and his opponent, weighing in at 225 pounds,, Toby!!! (crowd cheers *****)

[Toby walks to the ring. Earl Hebner is the referee for this contest. Toby gets nailed with a charging axhandle bodyblock from Rob Steelhart. Toby drops Rob Steelhart with a Gorilla Press Slam on the mat. (the bell rings) Rob Steelhart hits Toby with the back of his elbow. Toby executes a headlock takedown. Rob Steelhart gets hit with the shooting star press from Toby. Referee Earl Hebner makes the count. ...1 ...2 Rob Steelhart kicks out. Rob Steelhart is back on his feet. Toby uses a closed fist on Rob Steelhart. Toby executes the jumping sidekick on Rob Steelhart. Rob Steelhart gets hit with the shooting star press from Toby. Referee Earl Hebner makes the count. ...1 Rob Steelhart escapes. Rob Steelhart is up again. Rob Steelhart hits Toby with a single arm DDT. Rob Steelhart with a falling splash on Toby. ]

JR - Good falling splash by Rob Steelhart.

*Steelhart pulls Toby to his feet, punching him and kneeing him on his way up. Rob whips Toby into the far side ropes, as Toby makes his return Steelhart attempts a clothesline, but Toby ducks it heading into the near side ropes. Toby bounces off and jumps into the air, attempting a cross body but Rob catches him. Rob hoists Toby up onto his shoulders and spins him around off his shoulders for the Total Salvation, but Toby rolls through it and floats over behind Steelhart, rolling him up in a school boy. The referee drops down to make the count...1...2...Steelhart grabs the ropes...3!*

J.R:"My GOD! The match can't end this way, Steelhart was holding onto the ropes!"

King:Damn referees always trying to fuck people over."

*Toby rolls out of the ring and grabs the T.V Title and heads up the ramp with it. Steelhart grabs the ref and starts to scream at him, explaining that he had grabbed the ropes before the three count was made, when suddenly the EMF Tron springs to life. Steelhart and the ref, as well as Toby all three stop and watch the footage of Toby rolling Rob up and Rob grabbing the bottom rope before the three count was made. The ref quickly turns and calls for the bell as he speaks with Howard Finkel*

Finkel:"Ladies and gentlemen, I have been informed that Rob Steelhart had indeed grabbed the ropes before the three count was made. Therefore this match has been ordered to continue!"

*Toby drops the title on the ramp and rushes back and slides into the ring. As he gets to his feet the bell sounds and he and Steelhart begin trading blows with each other. Toby gets the upper hand, causing Steelhart to stagger back a couple of steps. Toby kicks Rob in the gut and then bounces off the ropes, jumping up and driving Steelhart to the ground with a scissor kick. Toby gets up, pulling Rob up with him. Toby punches him a few more times and then irish whips him into the nearest corner, but Steelhart reverses the whip and sends Toby into the corner instead. Toby hits the turnbuckle hard and Rob uses the opening to lay a few kicks into Toby's mid section. Rob climbs to the middle turnbuckle and stands over Toby and begins to deliver punch after punch to his head...1...2...3...4...5...6....7....Toby manages to shove Rob off the middle rope and down to the mat. Steelhart comes back up quickly and charges at Toby, but Toby grabs the top rope and uses it to balance himself as he uses both feet to kick Rob in the face. Steelhart falls back to the mat as Toby hoists himself up to the top rope. Steelhart slowly stands up, and as he gets to his feet Toby jumps off the top rope with a double axe handle, but Rob side steps the move, grabbing one of Toby's arms and locking it behind his head. Steelhart pulls back and heart punches Toby, executing the Remorseless. Toby falls limp to the mat, and Steelhart quickly makes a cover hooking both legs, and folding Toby up so only his shoulders, head and neck were on the mat. The ref falls to the mat, and checks the pin....1....2.....3!*

King-Hey the nWo finally won one *King does a backflip*

(Shockwave goes off the air with Steelhart holding the TV title up)