EMF: Saturday Shockwave

Kaedon vs. Big Mastadon and Titan- Kaedon wins with no problem over Titan and Big Mastadon after hitting the Sanguinary Super Bomb on Titan and pinning him around the 5:20 mark (note-sorry, I had to do this…no one sim is working for the dark match and I couldn’t download one myself, because the zeus site is no longer up for some reason

(The Saturday Shockwave video starts and then it ends as pyrotechnics blasts off on the stage and then once they ended the lights turn on and we look around the arena.)

JR-Welcome everyone to Saturday Shockwave, I’m good ol’ JR along side Jerry “the King” Lawler…hahah I finally got through it *JR does the Brock/Brick dance *

King-zzzzzzzzzzzzzz…….what….oh…you got lucky I was playing attention

Finkel:"Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is scheduled for one fall, and is to be contested under normal rules, with a ten minute time limit. Introducing first, Natashia!"

*"Natashia's Theme" begins to play in the arena, as she walks out onto the stage to a chorus of boos. Natashia turns her nose up at the fans as she begins to make her way down the ramp to the ring. Natashia rolls in the ring, and stands up backing into a far corner, watching and waiting for Mercedes to make her way to the ring for the match.....*

Finkel:"And now introducing her opponent, Mercedes!!!"

*"Mercedes' Theme" begins to play in the arena as she walks out onto the stage to a thuderous pop from those in attendance. A huge smile comes over her face as he begins to make her way down the ramp, but about half way down her music stops, and the lights dim in the arena. Mercedes stops and turns around looking up to the EMF-Tron, a curious, and yet furious look on her face....*

(we will say that Natashia won...since our writter is interupting your match)

J.R:"Well, this is certainly unexpected King. But its definently intriguing. But I don't think that Mercedes is taking too kindly to being interupted."

King:"Well J.R, I don't have any idea what this could be, and I'm not too sure that we're going to enjoy it either."

*Suddenly, the EMF-Tron springs to life, white and purple bolts of lightning streaking across the massive screen. It continues to do this for a couple minutes as the crowd begins to grow restless over whats going on. Suddenly, the lightning slows down, and the bolts come together to form the letters ECW, as the infamous, yet familiar theme song of the ECW begins to play through the arena. The crowd begins to cheer at the sound of the infamous music, but their cheers quickly turn to boos as a familiar man, wearing a suit and a New York Yankees ball cap walks out onto the stage, some papers rolled up in one hand, and a microphone in the other.....*

J.R"BAH GAWD Its Paul Heyman ladies and gentlemen, Paul Heyman is here on Shockwave!"

King:"I refuse to work in a bingo hall J.R! I hate bingo halls!"

*Heyman stands there, relishing the fact that the fans are all booing him, a huge grin on his face as the music slowly fades out and he raises the mic to his mouth.....*

Heyman:"Now, I know all of you are wondering what brings me to EMF Shockwave tonight, and I have to tell you, I'm a little surprised that I'm here myself. But, I'm going to tell all of you exactly what brings me here to Shockwave tonight....Jarred Carthallion brings me to Shockwave tonight, well him and the papers that I hold here in my left hand. You see, last week Jarred gave me a call last week, and he made me the deal of a life time. You see, Jarred has been suffering from some bad times as of late with his in ring career, and he told me that he had decided to step down from his position as the Chief Executive Officer of the Extreme Measures Federation. Well, thanks to a clause in Jarred's contract, you are now looking at the new CEO of the EMF....Paul Heyman. So ladies, why don't the two of you do what you were meant to do, and go get pregnant, and stand in some random guys kitchen bare foot while cooking him dinner. Now, hit the damn bricks girls!"

*Mercedes and Natashia both begin to yell at Paul Heyman as security comes and begins to escort them both from the ring area. Heyman waves at them, and laughs his trade mark laugh as he makes his way down to the ring, climbing inside, and standing in the middle of it, unrolling a piece of paper, and grinning after looking at it a couple times......*

Heyman:"Now, I want all of you to know that I'm going to be a fair, and a just CEO. I'm going to give opportunities to those who deserve them, and I'm going to get rid of those who only hold others down. And in order to do that, I must first have a good understanding of the things that are going on in the EMF. So I got a list of the current roster, and all the EMF champions, and as I was looking over it, I noticed that one half of the Tag Champions, Enforcer, is no longer in the Extreme Measures Federation. So, with that being the case, it leaves his partner, Messiah, high and dry when it comes to the titles. But, I'm a fair man, so I'm not going to strip Messiah of the belts, I'm going to give Messiah a choice of two things. Now, either Messiah can go it alone, or he can forfeit the tag titles, at which point there will be a tournament held to determine the new Tag Champions.....actually, on second thought, just scratch that idea. Hell, its my first day on the job, so I want do something Paul Heyman style to get all of you used to me being around again. So, heres what I'm going to do Messiah, I'm not going to let you go it alone. No, I'm going to pick a partner for you, and you and that partner will defend the EMF World Tag Team Championship on Shockwave, the week after Evolution, against the team that wins the number one contendership match at Evolution in two weeks. But, I'm not going to reveal who your partner is going to be just yet. Messiah, I want to keep you guessing. I want you to think that it could be anybody. I want you to think that it could be somebody who hates your guts more than anything else in this world, somebody who would just assume rip your head off, and shit down your throat as look at you. But don't worry Messiah, like I said, I'm a fair man, so it will definently be somebody worthy of being the EMF Tag Champion with you. Now, as for who you and your mystery partner will face in three weeks, well that will be determined by a number one contenders match that I've take the liberty to book for Evolution in two weeks. Now, as I was looking over the roster, I noticed that there really are no tag teams here in the EMF, so I took the name of every man and woman on the EMF roster, I tossed them all in my hat, and I pulled four of them out, and I put them on two teams. So, without further ado, team number one will be comprised of Genesis and Mike Angel, while their opponents will be the team of TwiLight and the new comer, Kaedon. Now, I know what your all thinking. Your all thinking that I'm a crazy bastard who has lost all touch with reality by sticking these teams together. But you fail to see the beauty in it all. These are four men who normally would never work together. Two teams brought together because of my genius. Two teams who are being given an opportunity. An opportunity to earn a shot at the Tag Championship, and maybe even the tag titles. So ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Paul Heyman era of the EMF.....I hope you all enjoy your stay!"

J.R:"You have to be kidding me King! Paul Heyman has been named the new CEO by Jarred, and already he has shaken the foundation of the EMF by making this tag match at Evolution. But who the hell is going to be Messiah's partner for the week after Evolution? Messiah has no friends left in the EMF!"

King:"I don't care who his partner is, I just want to know what Jarred was smoking when he named Heyman of all people the new CEO!! This has got to be the single worst moment in the history of the EMF!"

*Heyman's music begins to play again as he climbs out of the ring, waving to the fans, and to King and J.R as he walks back up the ramp and back through the entrance on the stage.....*

“Dirty D’s theme” blasts on the PA system as Dirty D walks to the ring

King-He’s fighting Angelus….well that’s…random

JR-It was a last minute add on

“Angelus theme” blasts on the PA system

King-You know JR…I really don’t like my dog, so….ANGELUS SUCKS!


King-What! he’s much less trouble then giving him to the pound

[Angelus and Dirty D trade fists, Dirty D is able to get the upper hand and then gets Angelus on the ropes and then hits a few more fists until the ref tells to Dirty D to break away. Dirty D does and then Angelus hits a thumb to the eye blinding Dirty D and then Angel hits a few fists and then whips him off the ropes and then nails a spinning heel kick sending Dirty D down, Dirty D sits up and then Angelus runs behind him and then nails a low drop kick into the middle of the back. Dirty D slumps on the mat in pain and then Angelus hits a few hard stomps to the downed Dirty D and then pulls him up and then hits a few knee’s into the gut and then whips him to the ropes and then Dirty D bounces off the ropes and Angelus goes for a standing clothesline. But Dirty D ducks it and then continues to the others side of the ring and then bounces off the ropes and then leaps in the air and then goes for a cross body block. But Angelus catches Dirty D and then walks a few seteps forward and then hits a fall away slam. Angelus then goes into the cover and gets a 1………….2…………..kick out. Angelus then quickly gets up and then pulls up Dirty D with him and then hooks him up for what seem to be a vertical suplex, but then it’s twisted around and then turned into a short arm clothesline.]

King-Wow that was a quick sentence. Writter must be running out of time

JR-Who is this writer you keep talking about?

King-The guy who is up at 3:53 am in the mourning writing this.

[Angelus gets up and then gets a running clothesline for his troubles and then Angelus stumbles up and then gets picked up and then droped for a back breaker and then Dirty D thinking fast goes to the second rope and sets up and then nails a second rope leg drop on Angelus and then goes into the cover and gets a 1……….2…………..kick out. Dirty D gets up and then waits for Angelus to get up. Angelus stumbles up and then Dirty D hits a spinning fireman’s carry slam (as Kurt Angle sues…it’s true, it’s DAMN true), Dirty D then runs to the ropes and then hits a quick leg drop and gets the 1…………..2…….once again Angelus kicks out of the move. Dirty D hits the mat several times and then sees that Angelus has backed his way into the corner and then Dirty D hits a few fists into the corner and then whips Angelus to the other side of the ring and then charges in with Angelus. Angelus hits the other side of the corner and then hits a clothesline on Angelus. Dirty D backs out and waits for the dazed Angelus to get up. Once he does Dirty D runs to the ropes behind him and then hits a one handed bulldog and then goes into the cover and gets the 1………..2…..kick out.]

King-Oh shit…we have to say something….un….puppies!

JR-………was that your WWE mode?

King-No that was my…”Oh shit their writing a fast match, so I have time to think about things to say” mode


King-Yeah you stay like that

[Dirty D then gets up and then waits for Angelus to get up and goes for the Rebel Stand. But before he hits it, Angelus pushes Dirty D on ropes and then goes for Slain. But Dirty D counters with a few back elbows and then Angelus stumbles back and Dirty D is able to set up Angelus and nails the Rebel Stand and goes into the cover and gets the 1………………2…………..3!]

JR-Dirty D has won this match

(Dirty D goes over and gets a microphone)

Dirty D-I’m going to keep this short and sweet, Johnny get your ass down here!!

“Suddenly while Dirty D is waiting for Johnny. Johnny comes from behind. But before he can hit any move. Dirty D sense him and then ducks and then hits a few fists and then it turns into a huge brawl and then refs come to the ring and we go to commercial

(come back from commercial)

“Genesis theme” blasts on the PA system as the PA system as Genesis walks to the ring

JR-Very little is known about this superstar

King-You know JR….I had a very good dinner

JR-Stop that King


“Wes theme” blasts on the PA system

King-Let’s see a off topic machine….or a guy named Wes *does the hand scales thing *


[Genesis and Wes lock up, Wes hits a firemans carry and then backs off as the rookie (to the EMF) looks on a bit pissed. Genesis comes charging at Wes and then he goes for a clothesline. But Wes is able to hit a drop toe hold, Genesis gets up holding his face and then Wes hits a standing drop kick and then that stumbles Genesis and then whips him to the ropes, Genesis bounces off the ropes and then Wes hits a spinning back elbow. Genesis goes to the mat and then backs to the ropes and then hits a high leg drop of DDDDDDDDDDDDOOOOOOOOMMMM and then goes into the cover and then gets a 1…………2…….kick out by Genesis. Genesis gets up and then Wes hits a leg trip and then grabs one of Genesis’s legs and then hits a few elbow drops into the leg of Genesis and then turns Genesis over and puts him in a single leg boston crab. Genesis in a lot of pain as the ref asks him if he would like to give it up, but he refuses to and then slowly crawls to the ropes and then is able to get it and Wes measures him up as he uses the ropes to get up. Wes then hits a few kicks to the leg he’s weaken and then hits a few more kicks and then Wes backs off and lets Genesis stumble towards him and then sets him up and then nails a shin breaker on Genesis. Genesis goes down and then Wes lets Genesis get up, Wes charges a full head of steam and tries to go for some move. What it is we can’t really figure out the move, because Genesis counters with a front spinebuster and both wrestlers are now down on the mat. The ref starts to use his standing 1……………..2…………………..3…………….4……………….5……………6………..both wrestlers are down. Genesis gets up by the ropes and Wes gets up in the middle of the ring and wanting to get the match back into his favor Wes charges at Genesis at the ropes and then Genesis counters with a back body drop over the top rope. But Wes is able to land on his feet on the apron. Genesis turns around and then gets a shoulder block into the gut and then goes down to his knee’s. Wes pulls him up to his feet and tries to suplex over the top rope to the outside. But Genesis turns it into a suplex back into the ring, but Wes is able to fall behind Genesis on his feet and then goes for germen suplex. But Genesis turns it around and then hits a release germen suplex that turns Wes inside out!]

JR-This maybe Genesis chance

King-eeerrr whatever

[Both wrestlers are down, but slowly Genesis slowly makes it to his feet as does Wes. Genesis then hits a few hard fists to the dazed Wes and then hits a few hard knee’s into the gut and then that doubles him over and then Genesis lets him get up and then hits a few forearms and then backs up and Wes stumbles towards him and then Genesis kicks Wes in the gut doubling him over and then hits a gut wretch sit down power bomb for the 1……………….2…….kick out. Genesis gets up and then pulls Wes up and then hits a few fists into the turnbuckle and then hits a few shoulder blocks into the turnbuckle and then Genesis puts Wes on the turnbuckle and then hits a few fists and then nails a few fists and then climbs to the top rope and then hooks Wes for a super plex. But Wes fights Genesis off and then pushes him off the turnbuckle, Wes has to take a few moments to recover which allows Genesis to start to get up. Once Wes is able to get set on the turnbuckle Genesis is already almost up on his feet, Genesis charges at Wes and then hits a super belly to belly suplex on the top rope on Wes. Wes goes crashing to the mat, falling back on the mat takes a little toll on Genesis as well and is really slow to get into the cover and gets a 1................2......kick out. Genesis hits the mat a few times fustrated and then gets focused again and then gets up as Wes gets up stunned from the moves he's recieved and then Genesis tries to whip Wes to the ropes and then Wes reverses the whip and then while Genesis is passing by him, Wes puts Genesis in a full nelson and hits the full nelson slam. But Wes falls away from the downed Genesis and isn't able to make the cover.]

JR-Looks like that Genesis might get the upset here

King-You sure, it looks like he’s not here….

JR-He’s going to be pissed if you keep that up

King-Well he’s a rookie, he’ll have to learn I hate equally!

[Genesis goes into to the cover and then gets a 1…………..2………kick out. Genesis can’t believe he did not get the 3 with that one, Genesis gets up and then waits for Wes to get up. Wes then surprises Genesis with an inverted atomic drop, Genesis stumbles back. Wes pulls something out that seems like brass knuckles, Wes puts on the brass knuckles to the ref screaming not for him to do it and then he hits Genesis with the brass knuckles. The ref calls for the bell as Wes flips off the knocked out Genesis and then walks out of the ring] King-Why did he do that JR-I guess because he doesn’t care?

“Twilight theme” blasts on the PA and Twilight walks to the ring

King-Something about Twilight….makes him Xtreme


“Angel theme” blasts on the PA system as Mike Angel Walk to the ring

King-This guy is getting a extreme title shot….do we have to speak on topic?

JR-I’m not sure

[Angel stays on the outside for a few moments getting himself pumped up for the match and then runs into the ring and then goes for a spear and then misses and then continues to the ropes and then Angel bounces off the ropes only to be knocked down with a back heel kick that sends Angel down to the mat really fast and then Angel gets up and then holds his mouth as Twilight picks up Angel and then drop him into a body slam and then Angel gets up slowly in pain and then Twilight measures him up and then hits a few hard punches to the face of Angel and then whips Angel off the ropes and then Angel bounces off the ropes and then Twilight lowers his head and then nails a back body drop. Angel gets up in pain and then backs to the ropes in pain. Twilight then runs full head of steam and then knocks himself and Twilight over the top rope with a clothesline. But Twilight is able to hold on to the ropes and is able to pull himself back into the ring and then Twilight goes to the nearest turnbuckle and then climbs to the top rope and then waits for Angel to get to his feet. Once he does Twilight leaps off the turnbuckle to the arena floor and catches Angel with a cross body block. Both wrestlers are down, but Twilight who has yet to be really affected by anything offensively Twilight then pulls Angel up and then takes Angel and then rams him shoulder first into the steal steps. Twilight then plays to the crowd a little bit and wastes time, Twilight then climbs to the apron and then climbs to the top rope, Twilight then waits for Angel to get up once again. Once he does, Twilight leaps off the top rope for a double axe handle. But it seems that Angel was able to learn from the last moves and is able to hit a fist while Twilight tries to go for the double ax handle. Twilight goes into a heap and then Angel goes to his knee’s after some time and then gets back to his feet as does Twilight. Angel then hooks up Twilight and then nails a suplex on the steel ramp. Twilight screams in pain, Angel has to recover some more as Twilight uses this time to try to crawl away from Angel. But Angel gets on his feet and then hits a clothesline to the back of the head of Twilight and Twilight rolls down to the ring side once again. Angel then takes Twilight and then rolls him into the ring. Angel then looks under the ring and then grabs a steel chair and slides into the ring. Angel then sees Twilight on his hands and knees and then nails a chair shot on the back of Twilight that puts him on the mat and stunned.]

JR-Twilight made a mistake and now it’s costing him

King-Yeah, well Twilight shouldn’t worry…at least he doesn’t have my debt.

[Angel then sets the chair in the middle of the ring and then waits for Twilight to get up, Twilight stumbles up and then Angel hits a few fists and then whips him to the ropes, Twilight bounces off the ropes and then Angel hits a one man flap jack right through the chair! In extreme pain Twilight rolls to the ropes. Twilight crawls into the pin and gets a 1………………..2………..Twilight is just able to put his foot on the ropes to stop the count. Angel shakes his head as he thought he had the pin on that one, Angel gets to his feet as Twilight does as well with help of the ropes. Angel nails a few fists and then whips Twilight off the ropes, Twilight bounces off the ropes and then Angel goes for a clothesline. But Twilight ducks it and then runs to the other side of the ring and then Twilight leaps in the air and goes for a cross body block. Angel ducks it and then Twilight goes flying over him and hits the mat and rolls under the ropes and then comes to a stop on the apron. Twilight gets up as if he was really stunned and then Angel goes over to where he is, but Twilight hits a hang man on the top rope and then Angel stumbles back up and then Twilight gets himself ready as Twilight stumbles facing Angel and then Twilight spring board hurricanarana. But it’s turned into a sit down power bomb by Angel.]

JR-What a move by Angel

King-Too many Angel (us)….and no HoRdE…makes King go…something…something

JR-You mean go crazy?


[Angel then calls for his finishing move and then he gets Twilight up, but Twilight turns it into a tornado DDT. Quickly Twilight gets up and then grabs a chair and then waits for Angel to get up, once he does he gets tattooed by a hard chair shot that rangs through the arena, Twilight then goes to the outside and then climbs to the top rope and sets up on the top rope and leaps off the top rope and then hits Darkness falls on Angel Twilight recovers from the move and then goes into the cover and gets a 1…………..2………….3]

(Saturday Shockwave ends with Twilight pulling himself out of the ring)