EMF: Saturday Shockwave

*The Shockwave video starts and then it ends we go into the darken arena as fireworks blasts off on the EMF Shockwave stage and then the lights turn on and then the camera’s check around the arena at the signs and then they show the location information *

JR-We are expecting a big night tonight

King-Oh yeah, well…ummmm…I don’t it will be, quick switch to Monday Night Football

JR-King…this show isn’t on Monday

King-Oh sorry…I thought I was back in the WWE…anyways, yeah it will be pretty good

“Lion’s theme” blasts on the PA system as Lion walks to the ring

JR-This is certainly an interesting young talent here

King-Any talent that is new is interesting to you…do you find anything boring


King-Way to rip off me…AND..Tori

“Webber’s theme” blasts on the PA system as Michael Webber walks to the ring

JR-He’s one half of the tag champions, which means Lions in for a test

King-Yeah, he may be..

[Before Webber can really get ready, Lion charges and spears Webber down and then start hitting a few hard fists and then the ref breaks the move and then Lion waits for Webber to get up and then knocks him down with a clothesline and then Webber stumbles up and then Lion hits another clothesline on Webber. Webber stumbles up and then Lion picks up Webber and then hits a body slam on Webber and then goes to the ropes and then bounces off the ropes and then nails a high flying knee drop and then Lion goes into the cover and then gets a 1…………2……..kick out. Lion pulls up Webber and then hits a few forearms and then whips him to the ropes and then follows him and then hits a knee into the gut as he bounces off and then Webber falls over and then Lion measures up as he is sitting down and then Lion hits a kick into the back and then Webber goes down in pain and then Lion then takes Webber and then hits a few hard knee’s into the gut and then tries to whip Webber to the other side of the ring and then Webber crashes into the turnbuckle and then stumbles out and then Lion charges to the ropes and bounces off and then Lion turns around and then hits a diving clothesline.]

JR-rookie mistake by Lion, he’s going to have to work that out if he’s to be successful in the EMF

King-I thought you were singing his praises?

[Webber goes down to his knee’s and then recover and then see’s that Lion is down by the time he’s gotten enough and then rolls to the outside apron and then climbs to the top rope and then is perched on the top rope and then hits a flying clothesline on Lion. Though Webber can’t seem to capitalize, and then goes down to the mat trying recover. 1…………………….2…………………….3………………….4……………5…………….6……both wrestlers get up to their feet and then Lion gets up wanting to get the advantage back and then Lion goes for another spear take down and then Webber is able to leap frog over Lion and then Lion misses him and then Lion turns around right into a super kick by Webber and then Lion goes down and then Webber recover and then Webber seemly is now feels that the match is in the control.]

JR-Webber should put this rookie away here, he’s given him all he wants to right now

King-Well…um…at least it’s not Maven, who I hate for no reason…

[Webber goes over and then Lion hits a inverted atomic drop and then Webber stumbles back and then Lion kicks Webber in the gut and goes for his inverted DDT, but then Webber spins and then picks up Lion and then hits the R-1 press. Goes into the cover and then gets the 1………………..2………….3]

JR-Lion gave Webber a fight, but in the end experience came out on top

King-ummm yeah…

-|[ “Tori’s theme” hits the PA System, and the crowd cheer the current Women’s Champion. Tori walks down the ramp with the Women’s Title, and enters the ring. Tori gives the referee her belt, and then waits for her opponent. ]|-

JR: Well, Tori has beaten Chyna, Helga and King!

King: What? I……….

JR: Tori has already beaten Chyna once, lets see what she can do this week!

King: ……but……

-|[ “Chyna’s theme” hits, and she walks down to the ring. ]|-

King: *Starts dancing*

JR: I didn’t know you liked Chyna’s theme…

King: Shut up!

-|[ Chyna climbs up onto the apron, and is met with a quick fist from Tori, which knocks Chyna off the apron. Chyna holds her jaw for a second, and starts to mouth off at Tori. Chyna walks up to the apron, and is then hit by a baseball slide. Tori grabs Chyna and tosses her back into the ring. Chyna hits Tori as she gets into the ring. Chyna hits a suplex. Chyna then executes a standing leg drop, and quickly gets up and executes an elbow drop. Chyna taunts to the crowd, and then picks Tori up. Chyna hits a scoop slam before bouncing off the ropes and hitting another elbow drop. Chyna then whips Tori into the turnbuckle and charges at her. Tori moves, and Chyna’s head bounces off the turnbuckle, as she goes for a splash. Chyna turns around and stays in the corner, holding her jaw. Tori hits a couple of shoulder trusts, and then starts nailing he foot into Chyna’s midsection. Chyna falls down, And the referee pulls Tori back. Tori waits in the middle of the ring for Chyna to get up. Chyna charges at her, aiming for a clothesline, Tori ducks and quickly hits a kick to the gut, and then a DDT. Tori is quick to get the cover. 1………………..kickout! Tori jumps up and bounces off the ropes. Chyna clotheslines Tori, and then picks her up and hits a powerbomb. Tori gets up slowly, and is met by a poorly executed powerslam. ]|-

JR: I think Chyna is trying to injure the Women’s Champion!

King: *Gives JR the “eye”* ………….

-|[ Chyna gets Tori up and tries another suplex. Tori reverses it late, and hits slings over Chyna’s head. Tori then hits a backdrop. Tori gets Chyna up and hits a bulldog. Chyna gets up quickly and falls victim to a powerslam. Tori bounces off the ropes and hits a leg drop. Tori gets Chyna up and slaps her. Tori then hits a Piledriver. Chyna holds her neck, but manages to get up. She walks right into a dropkick. Chyna hits the ground and bounces back up. Tori then hits a hip toss. Chyna is laid out in the middle of the ring for a couple of seconds. Tori goes to the corner, and gets ready to hit a running elbow drop. At the last second, Chyna turns it into a monkey flip. Chyna gets up and sends Tori into the corner, and then gets ready to hit her Handspring Elbow. Tori falls to the ground a second early, cause Chyna to hit the turnbuckle. Chyna holds her neck and falls to one knee. Tori gets up and delivers a kick to the jaw. Tori gets Chyna up and hits a DDT. Tori picks Chyna up and sends her into the corner, and Chyna is quick to hit a back body drop to Tori. Tori lands on the apron and pulls Chyna’s hair. Tori lets go before the count of 5, and then hits a sunsetflip (Over the ropes) to Chyna. Chyna rolls out of the cover, and gets up. Chyna grabs Tori’s legs, and turns around, with her back to the turnbuckle. Chyna hits a slingshot. Tori hits the turnbuckle hard, but holds on. Chyna gets her up onto the top turnbuckle, and hits super backdrop. Chyna goes into the cover! 1……………………2……kickout! Chyna shakes her head, and slowly picks Tori up. Tori recovers quickly, and kicks Chyna in the midsection. Tori sets herself for another DDT, but Chyna pushes her into the turnbuckle. Chyna sends Tori across the ring, and into the opposite corner. ]|-

King: Oh here we go…

JR: This place is so predictable, just like the WWE!

King: Oh well, at least we get paid better here…

JR: You’re right! *Coughs*

-|[ Chyna aims for another Handspring Elbow, but Tori recovers quicker then Chyna thought, and moves out of the way. Chyna once again hits the turnbuckle, and Tori rolls Chyna up into a small package. 1……………………………2……………………………3!! Tori gets up and celebrates her victory, but sees Claire sprinting down the ramp. Claire slides into the ring, and spears Tori. Claire quickly picks Tori up and gets Tori on her shoulders. Claire spins Tori around (Just like the F5) but lands it like a Stonecold Stunner (The move is called a TKO). Claire sees Chyna get up, holding her neck, and decides to deliver a TKO to her as well. Chyna looks to be knocked out, as Claire picks up the Women’s Title. Claire lifts the belt into the air, and listens to the crowd reaction. Claire drops the belt, and looks at the two motionless bodies before leaving the ring. ]|-

JR: A pretty good non-title match

King: Yeah whatever.

JR: You still cant get over losing to Tori?

King: Shut up!

JR: Looks like Claire wants the Women’s Title back!

King: Oh please…

Finkel:"The following contest is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, from Death Valley....The Undertaker!!"

*The lights in the arena go out, and suddenly thunder is heard rumbling all around. The lights come back up with a dark blue, almost purple hue. Eight druids dressed all in black, each holding a torch are standing on both sides of the aisle, each one completely motionless. Finally the first toll of the bell is heard, and the crowd goes wild as The Undertaker steps out from behind the curtain. He stands there in the mist, his head tilted down a bit so his eyes are hidden by the brim of his hat. Finally, at the third toll of the bell Undertaker begins to make his way down the aisle towards the ring. One he reaches ring side, he slowly turns and makes his way up the ring steps, stopping on the top step and slowly raising his arms, the lights coming back up as he does. Taker steps onto the ring apron, and then steps through the ropes into the ring. He backs into a corner facing the aisle and slowly removes his hat, and then his trench coat, dropping them over the top rope to the time keeper below.*

Finkel:"And introducing next, his opponent....Rhyno!!"

*"Rhyno's Theme" begins to play as he comes out from behind the curtain at the end of the aisle. He stops for a second, staring at the ring, and then begins to run down the aisle. Rhyno slides into the ring and quickly comes to his feet. He charges at Taker and quickly ducks a clothesline. Taker spins around, only to be met by a stiff right hand from Rhyno. Referee Randy Anderson calls for the bell to start the match. Rhyno continues to hammer on Taker with massive rights and lefts, backing him against the aisle side ropes. Rhyno nails a couple more fists, then attempts to Irish Whip The Undertaker back across the ring. Taker reverses the Irish Whip and sends Rhyno across the ring instead. Rhyno bounces off the far ropes and head back towards Taker. Undertaker goes for a massive big boot to Rhyno's head, but Rhyno ducks under it and comes off the aisle side ropes. Taker spins around to follow Rhyno, only to find himself nailed by The GORE!!! Undertaker goes down hard, and Rhyno quickly goes into a cover, hooking the far leg. Randy Anderson goes down for the count....1......2.....NO! Undertaker gets his shoulder up breaking up the count. Rhyno gets up, a shocked look on his face. He begins to stomp on the still downed Taker, until finally Undertaker sits up and looks at him, an evil scowl on his face. Rhyno looks around briefly, and then charges back at The Undertaker, nailing him with a drop kick to the chest as he is sitting there. Rhyno again begins to put the boots to him, stomping after a few this time and pulling Taker to his feet and backing him into a corner. Rhyno delivers a few chops to the chest of The Undertaker, and then steps back, grabbing hold of the middle rope on either side of the corner and ramming his shoulder into the mid section of The Undertaker, not once, not twice, but three times, causing Taker to sit down in the corner. Rhyno, feeling the adrenaline, almost skips back to the middle of the ring, only to turn around and run right back at the corner, nailing Undertaker with a drop kick to the chest again.*

J.R:"It would seem that Rhyno came to prove that he can indeed beat The Phenom. And so far it certainly looks as if he might do just that."

King:"Who couldn't beat Undertaker? Hell, hes the only wrestler in the history of the world to change gimmics more times than Jarred Carthallion did!"

*Rhyno reaches down and pulls The Undertaker back to his feet by the hair, and whips across the ring to the opposite corner. Rhyno immediately charges after him, only to be met in the face by a big boot by Taker. Undertaker immediately grabs Rhyno by the head and tosses him into the corner, beginning to send those huge rights and lefts of his to the body and head of Rhyno. After the flurry of blows is over, Taker pulls Rhyno out of the corner and twists his arm over his head, backing into the corner and climbing up the turnbuckle. Undertaker reaches the top turnbuckle, and proceeds to walk across the top rope, only to jump down with a massive blow to the back of Rhyno's head and neck after a few steps. The crowd goes crazy and begins to chant "Old School" as Undertaker tosses his hair back and rolls his eyes into the back of his head. The Undertaker raises his right hand into the air, signaling for the Chokeslam as he steps back and waits for Rhyno to get up. Rhyno finally manages to pull himself to his feet, only to turn around and find The Undertaker's hand wrapped around his throat. Taker tosses Rhyno's arm over his own, and prepares to pick him up for the Chokeslam, but Rhyno delivers a few elbows to the side of Taker's head, causing Taker to let him go. Rhyno backs Taker to the ropes and whips him across the ring. Taker comes off the far side ropes, and Rhyno scoops him up and nails him with a massive powerslam. Rhyno hops right back to his feet, backing into a corner and motioning for Undertaker to get up as he gets set to go for The Gore. The Undertaker lays there a moment, then finally sits up and rolls himself over to his feet. As Taker turns to face Rhyno, Rhyno takes off launching himself at The Undertaker for The Gore. Taker steps out of the way thought, sending Rhyno shoulder first into the ring post. Taker takes a couple of steps back, allowing Rhyno to stumble back out of the corner. As Rhyno spins around, clutching his shoulder in pain, Undertaker scoups him up, setting him up, and then driving him head first intot he mat with The Tombstone! The Undertaker crosses Rhyno's arms over his chest, tossing his own head back, rolling his eyes in the back of his head and sticking his tongue out as Randy Anderson makes the count.....1.....2.....3!*

Finkel:"The winner of this match...The Unnnnndertaker!"

{OOC I just wanted both of you to know that this wasn't an easy decision, and I think that the match I wrote is indicative of this. Thus the close ending. Really, it could have gone either way, but in the end I thought that Taker's rp was just a little bit more focused on the match. Great effort by both of you though, keep up the great work guys.}

“Capital Punishment” blasts on the PA system as Punisher walks to the ring

King-I think Darter decided that since Rico was just fired, he can take over the spot of random gay person of wrestling..

JR- *ignoring King * Well this should be an interesting match to say the least

“Prophecy’s theme” blasts on the PA system as Prophecy walks to the ring

JR-Prophecy is a great competitor, but he has his hands full with the Hall of Famer


[Punisher hits a few fists and backs up Prophecy into the corner and then Punisher hits a few fists and then hits a few hard fists and then backs off to get the ref off his back and then Punisher hits a few hard shoulders into the corner and then Punisher whips him out of the corner and then to the opposite side of the ring and then Prophecy hits hard into the corner and comes out of the corner fast and then Punisher hits back body drop on Prophecy. Punisher waits as Prophecy stumbles up and then Prophecy gets hit with a few hard fists and then Prophecy stumbles back and then Punisher measures up Prophecy and then hits a few hard knife edge chops to the chest of Prophecy and then Prophecy then falls through the ropes and then to the outside and then Punisher goes to the top rope and then waits for Prophecy to get back to his feet, once he does Punisher leaps off and hits a double axe handle on Prophecy that takes him down and then Punisher pulls up Prophecy and then throws him into the steel steps and then Prophecy bounces off and then Punisher waits for Prophecy to stumble up and then Prophecy slowly gets back to his feet and then and then Punisher charges at Prophecy and goes for…god knows what and then Prophecy is able to counter it with a drop toe hold into the steel steps and then Prophecy then goes under the ring and then takes out a steel chair as Punisher tries to stumble up. But then gets a shot into the gut and then goes back down and then Punisher falls on the steps and then Prophecy measures Punisher and then hits a chair shot on the back of Punisher that sandwiches him into the ring steps and between the chair and then Punisher is in a lot of pain as Prophecy takes a few moments to rest as well and then Punisher gets up and then Prophecy hits Punisher with a chair shot to the face that takes Punisher down and seemly out and then Prophecy takes Punisher and then is able to roll him into the ring and then Prophecy goes into the cover and then gets the 1……………..2………Punisher puts his foot on the ropes and then Prophecy looks up fustrated at making such a rookie mistake.]

JR-Prophecy needs to worry about his opponent or he’s going to make another mistake

King-Much like everytime I agree to commentate with you…always a mistake

[Prophecy picks up Punisher and then Punisher throws Prophecy’s hands off him and then fires away with a few fists and then whips Prophecy off the ropes and then Prophecy bounces off the ropes and then Prophecy and then Punisher catches Prophecy in a big spinning sidewalk slam and then Punisher goes down to one knee trying to recover and then Prophecy even stumbles up before him right into Pun and then Punisher gets up and then hits a fall through front spinebuster and then Punisher is able to buy himself some more time and then Punisher decides to go into the cover and then gets a 1……………2……..kick out. Prophecy slowly gets up and then to turn the match in his favor, he hits a low blow Punisher goes down in pain and then Prophecy falls down to the mat as well. But knowing that he know has a window that might not come again, he climbs up to the top rope and then waits for Punisher and Punisher stumbles up and then Prophecy goes for a cross body block. But then Punisher is able to jump up and then counter the move with a drop kick on the flying Prophecy and then Prophecy goes crashes into the mat and then Punisher rolls to the outside and then grabs the chair left behind by Prophecy and then rolls into the ring and then waits for Prophecy to get up. Punisher then goes to swing at him with a chair and then Prophecy ducks and then Prophecy gets ready as Punisher turns around to kick it back into his face and then Punisher ducks it and then spins around as Prophecy is trying to recover from the missed super kick and then gets blasted by the chair and goes down to the mat]

JR-A thunderous shot!

King-I thought you can’t hear?

JR-Well you don’t need to hear to see that?

King-I’m praying your sight goes too…

[Punisher then calls for the capital punishment and then Prophecy stumbles up and then Punisher picks up Prophecy as he stumbles up and Punisher placing the chair on the mat and then Punisher moves to the right spot and then nails the capital punishment on the chair and then goes into the cover and gets a 1…………..2…………3]

(All of a sudden the EMF tron lights up with the image of a grassy field. It seems around the mid day as there is a note on the bottom of the screen that reads earlier today. The camera slowly moves forward and then comes on a sign that reads “A.D.O.R.E. meeting today”. We see a bunch of people looking forward, the camera is able to see what they are looking at, it turns out to be EMF’s own VP Amy Dumas is almost through talking to the people about how important it is to keep the animal population low.)

.::Amy Dumas::.-…you see, today there are a lot of animals without homes. Thus why it was important to control the population. Anyways I was told there was suppose to be another celebrity talking about something today, but they never showed up…

(She was cut off by another voice as the crowd turned their heads and the camera focused on the other voice.. It was none other than The EMF's Former women's champion Sierra. The RWA-WCW title draped over her shoulder...as she stood there smiling)

Sierra: Ladies and Gentlemen...How can you listen to someone like Amy Dumas preaching about animals and how to help them when the truth is she can't even help herself. The woman you are listening to is a Fake...Someone I wouldn't associate myself with. You should have someone like me to look up to..

(While everyone is looking at Sierra, Amy eyes grow huge and then mutters to herself.)

.::Amy Dumas::.-Oh great….here we go.

(Amy composes herself and then says)

.::Amy Dumas::.-Aw…should have known…I’m sure a few of you are EMF fans. This is Sierra…Van…whatever. Our FORMER…womens champion, she’s been bugging me for about a month about things she has no idea about, so don’t listen to her…she’s obviously trying to do the same thing here.

Sierra: Well what your beloved Amy forgot to mention is, she cost me the women's championship. Is that someone you can trust.. Someone who cheat somebody out of something.. Someone who can't express their true feelings... But look at me, The RWA-WCW Women's Champion, thats right I hold the title not Amy Dumas.. I believe that you people will make the right decision as to who your leader should be..

(Amy crosses her arms, obviously pissed...but in control)

.::Amy Dumas::.- Oh yeah, it's true...I cost her the EMF's womans championship. But only because I was trying to stop her from using her title belt to cheat to get out of her last match with her title. She attacked me first, I simply answered back. I don't think the leader of this group is really up for grabs Sierra. As far as being the RWA-WCW's women's champion, well why don't you tell them how you stole that title out of my house!

Sierra: I only took back what is rightfully mine. You steal from me, I take from you..its only fair.. IF you aren't careful Amy, I might just have to get a dose of Vitamin C if you know what I mean..

(Amy extremely pissed now)

.::Amy Dumas::.-*with a very angry look* Sierra....I suggest...you run.

Sierra: Run...Why would I run?

.::Amy Dumas::.-because….*she turns to helper * can you look after him *obviously referring to her dog in the back pack *


(Amy eyes around angerly about to grab something and then see’s an empty folding chair and grabs it and angerly look at Sierra)

.::Amy Dumas::.-OF THIS *Amy whistles *

Sierra: *looking at Amy* ooo a chair..I'm really scared

.::Amy Dumas::.-it's...not just the chair you need to worry about

(Suddenly a bunch of big dogs come behind Amy start goaring at Sierra.)

Sierra: Oh shit...*She held onto the title as she turned and took off running, jumping over chairs in her way. Taking the opportunity to spread the message though* Help Control the Pet Population, have your pets spayed or neutered..Goodbye everybody...*She crossed the street running to a car that a person could be made out in the driver's seat as she ran around to the passenger side and climbed in as the car sped off...*

“Fuck the World” blasts on the PA system as Angelus walks to the ring

King-Aw this brings back memories

JR-Well this is the first time the writer has gotten the theme right, now he probably won’t forget it

“MDK’s theme” blasts on the PA system as MDK walks to the ring holding his IC and tag titles on his shoulders

JR-De Kreek has made a huge impact since coming to the EMF

King-Yeah, but now we are going to find out how good he really is….oh my god, I can’t believe I just said that Angelus would be a test of talent….AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH

[MDK and Angelus lock up and then Angelus pushes MDK into the corner and then the ref asks for a clean break, slowly Angelus pulls away and then Angelus hits a few fists not really letting a full clean break to happen and then MDK slumps into the corner and then Angelus stops his attack for a few seconds and then pulls up De Kreek and then hits a few hard knife edge chops to De Kreek. De Kreek is seemly reeling, but then suddenly De Kreek turns the tables and then hits a few quick knife edge chops of his own and then De Kreek whips Angelus to the opposite side of the ring and then De Kreek follows him. As Angelus comes into the corner he volts over De Kreek using the turnbuckle and his momentum and then De Kreek turns around and then gets a face full of boot with a super kick and then De Kreek stumbles back into the corner and then Angelus takes advantage as De Kreek is stunned into the corner and then Angelus hits a few kicks into the gut and then climbs the ropes on the side of De Kreek and then nails a kick into the face and then De Kreek falls out of the corner and then Angelus goes to the outside and then waits for De Kreek to get up, but before he can leap off De Kreek runs up the turnbuckle and then hits an arm drag take down that sends Angelus flying off the turnbuckle and then Angelus holding his back and very pissed charges at De Kreek and then De Kreek counters it with another arm drag release (only not off the top rope…of course) and then Angelus stumbles up and then De Kreek kicks him in the gut and then sets him up in a vertical suplex and grabs his leg and then takes him over for a fisherman’s suplex with a bridge for a 1…………….2……….kick out. De Kreek goes over and then hits a few stomps on the downed Angelus and then pulls him up and then whips him to the ropes and then whips him to the ropes and then Angelus bounces off the ropes and then De Kreek lowers his head for a back body drop. But then he counters into a kick into the face as Angelus bounces off the ropes and then Angelus charges in going to hit a clothesline to get the advantage. But then De Kreek ducks it and then it’s turned into a hanging neck breaker]

JR-De Kreek has come to play

King-I bet Angelus wishes that De Kreek was a dog right now…

[De Kreek goes into the cover and then gets a 1……………..2…………kick out, De Kreek hits a few stomps on the downed Angelus and then De Kreek pulls up Angelus and then kicks him in the gut and then sets him up for a powerbomb or piledriver..De Kreek picks up Angelus. But before he can hit the move, Angelus is able to get free and then drops on his feet and then he lands in front of De Kreek and then Angelus hits a slap that De Kreek stumbles back and then gets up angry and takes a wild swing and then Angelus hits a few hard fists and then stunned De Kreek goes for another fist and then Angelus ducks it and then hits a 3.0 on De Kreek and then takes a few moments to recover and then slowly gets up and pulls up De Kreek with him and then hits a few hard fists and then De Kreek stumbles back and then Angelus tries to whip him to the ropes and then De Kreek whips him off the ropes and then Angelus bounces off the ropes and then counters the whip with a spinning heel kick that takes down Angelus down and then Angelus gets up just as De Kreek stumbles up and then Angelus picks up De Kreek and then drops him on the top rope and then Angelus waits for De Kreek as he stumbles around and then Angelus kicks him in the gut and then nails him with a brain buster.]

JR-Angelus might be building up for his finishing move the slain

[Angelus looks down at Webber and then takes a little trash, Webber is seemly very pissed and then he jumps on the apron and then Angelus hits a fist to Webber and Webber falls back down on the arena floor and then Angelus turns around and then waits for MDK who is stumbling up and then turns into Angelus who hits the Slain on MDK. Angelus goes for the cover, but Webber then pulls him out of the ring and hits a fist that knocks down Angelus and then the ref calls for the bell and awarded the match to Angelus (yes there was a winner based on RP’s, there was not a pre set winner. If I thought MDK had the better RP this would have been reversed…just so I’m not accused of anything. I just thought that this ending was best for building up the tag match, and for all the other stuff that is going to happen…right about…NOW).]

King-Webber got MDK Dqed

JR-Well it’s obviously that he was provoked!

King-If he was a heel, you would be screaming what a son of bitch Webber is


[Webber hits a few stomps suddenly Punisher comes from behind and then takes Webber down, as Angelus is down and then Webber and Punisher brawl in the outside. All of a sudden Kaedon runs down to the ring and then slips by unnoticed into the ring, and then waits for MDK who is recovering up and then he turns into Kaedon who picks up MDK and hits a hard spine buster on MDK and then on the outside as Angelus is getting up. Suddenly Josh Hanley runs down to the ring, obviously still showing signs from the slaughter house match and then takes Angelus and then throws him into the ring steps then hits a few stomps on the downed Angelus and then the battle rages on. Suddenly Taker and Tyrant start to make their way to the ring to join the fight. Tyrant slides into the ring and then hits a few fists and then clothesline Kaedon over the ropes to the outside and then seeing that Taker is making his way towards them. Punisher clothesline Hanley and gets him off the attack on Angelus and then decides to get out of there due to being out numbered. Punisher and Angelus get into the crowd, Kaedon is in the background as Hanley/MDK/Webber are in the ring. Taker and Tyrant just walk up the ramp not paying attention either way.]

King-Man…this competition or what…

JR-Well that’s for sure King, we just saw the fight of many different title races all in one match.

“basic thugnomics” blasts on the PA system as John Cena walks to the ring

JR-John Cena has waited a long time for this opportunity..

King-yeah…but watch he won’t win

“Crawling in the dark” blasts on the PA system as Denis walks to the ring

JR-Denis is a very proud TV champion, he had to go through some talent wrestlers to get where he is

King-yeah well….we will see if he can get through Cena.

[Denis slowly gives the ref the belt as Cena and Denis stare at each other and then gives a nod of respect and then pace around the ring and then Denis charges at Cena, Cena ducks it and then hits a few fists of his own and then Cena whips Denis off the ropes and Denis bounces off the ropes and then Cena lowers his head for a back body drop. Denis then counters that with a kick to the face, Cena pops up in a little pain and then Denis charges at Cena. But then Cena moves out of the way and then grabs Denis by the hair and then throws him to the outside and then Cena then pumps up the crowd as Denis is on his knee’s a bit fustrated and then gets up and then slides into the ring as Cena lets him up. Denis is a bit pissed, but then Cena is joking around and then it looks like they are going to lock up once again, but then Denis hits a knee into the gut and then Denis measures up and then nails a fist to the face Cena stumbles back and then Denis tries to whip Cena to the ropes. But Cena reverses and then Denis bounces off the ropes and then Denis hits a flying clothesline. Cena stumbles up and then Denis hits an inverted atomic drop and then Denis takes a few steps back as Cena is in a lot of pain and then recovers enough and then charges at Denis and then Denis counters with a drop toe hold that sends Cena throat first into the second rope and then Denis chokes Cena with his shin and then the ref counts to 5 and Denis releases the hold and then holds up his hands to show the ref he let go and then Cena stumbles up and then Denis hits a few fists and then Denis backs up and then Cena tries to hit a fist, but then Denis ducks it and sets up and then sets up and then nails a belly to back suplex into a sit down power bomb and then Denis holds Cena for the corner and then he gets a 1…………….2………..kick out. Denis hits a few stomps as Cena stumbles up and then, Denis kicks Cena in the gut and then Cena doubles over and then Denis runs to the ropes and bounces off then goes for a swing neck breaker. But then Cena goes for a clothesline Denis ducks it and then Cena turns around and then Denis goes for a fist, but it’s blocked and then Cena picks up Denis and tries to take him into the corner for a running power slam. But then Denis slides out the back and then Denis waits for Cena to turn around, once he does he goes for a super kick but then Cena grabs Denis’ leg blocking it and then spins him around and then hits a clothesline as Denis comes full circle.]

JR-That might give Cena the advantage, but it sure won’t beat him

DDP-whatever JR…I’m predicting a win right now!

King-and you would be here why?

DDP-Oh just to set the record straight that a clothesline to finish the match isn’t a bad thing….it’s…a good thing *gets clotheslined from hell from JBL *

[Cena and Denis are on the mat, slowly they both get up to their feet and then Cena hits a few fists and then whips Denis to the ropes and then Denis bounces off the ropes and then Cena goes for a standing clothesline and then Denis continues to the other side and then bounces off the ropes and then tries to do a cross body block, but Cena is able to turn it into a powerslam into the cover and then gets a 1…………..2……………kick out. Cena and Denis get up fast and then Denis gets knocked down with a fist to the face and then Denis goes down and then Denis stumbles up and then gets hit with another fist that backs Denis up and then finally runs out of room into the corner and then Cena hits a few fists and then whips Denis to the opposite side of the ring and then Cena follows closely behind and then Denis crashes back first into the turnbuckle and then Cena hits a clothesline in the corner. Cena backs off and Denis stumbles out of the corner seemly out on his feet and then Cena runs to the ropes behind Denis and then hits a running bulldog and then Cena goes into the cover and then gets a 1…………….2………..kick out and then Cena waits for Denis to get up, Denis stumbles up and then Cena hits a few fists and then whips Denis off the ropes and then Denis bounces off and then Cena hits a back elbow that takes down and then Cena drops a standing elbow drop and then Cena calls for the F-U. Denis stumbles up and then Cena picks up Denis and then tries to hit the move, but then Denis slides out the back and then pushes Cena to the ropes and then tries to roll up Cena, but Cena holds on to the ropes and then Denis rolls to the center of the ring. Denis gets up and then Cena does the “you can’t see me” hand sign and then Denis pissed charges at Cena and then Cena turns it into hot shot and then Denis stumbles around and then Cena runs to the ropes and then hits a flying shoulder block as he bounces off the ropes]

JR-Cena has gain control

King-Well he better “go for the kill” because this match is killing me…and you don’t want that, all you would have to listen to is JR…and god knows how crappy that would be

[Cena then waits for Denis to get up, Cena then picks up Denis and then hits a body slam and then puts his hand up in the air and then does the “you can’t see me taunt” Cena turns to go run to the ropes, but then Denis is able to nip up quickly while Cena is blind to the fact he’s up until about the time he bounces off the ropes and then Cena walks right into an attempted Denis slam, Denis has him up. But then Cena shakes free and then falls into a sunset flip and then gets Denis down for the 1……………2………kick out. Denis and Cena get up quickly and then Cena hits a spinning back elbow and then takes a few steps back and charges, shakes his shoulders off and then hits the 5 knuckle shuffle. Knowing that he’s not going to get the pin from half of the move, Cena then looks down to his shoes and holds up his hands and then pumps up his shoes as Denis tries to get to his feet, Cena is now waiting for him…Cena picks up Denis and then hits the F-U and goes into the cover and then gets the 1………………….2……………3!!]

JR-John Cena is the new TV champion

[Shockwave goes off the air with Cena arm being rised and then Cena looking at the TV title.]