EMF: Saturday Shockwave

(The Shockwave video starts and then once it finished we go into the darken arena as pyrotechnics blasts off on the stage. Once it finishes the lights turn as fans yell and wave their signs.)

Dont Cha by the Pussycat Dolls blasts out over the PA system, as Joy Giovanni walks out. There is a loud booing from the crowd for her, but she doesn't seem to notice.)

Finkle: "The following Diva match is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first.. Joy Giovanni!"

(Victoria is introduced similarly as "Don't Mess With" blasts out. The referee calls for the bell. Joy Giovanni runs at Victoria and begins hitting some chops, but Victoria counters and whips Joy into the corner. She hits some hard shots on Joy whilst she is up in the corner. She then backs away, but runs at Joy with a cartwheel, before hitting her with a dropkick. Joy slides down the turnbuckle and Victoria is able to get a knee to the neck and hold it there. THe referee notices Joy has hold of the ropes and counts 1.. 2.. 3.. 4... Victoria backs away, but then rams a hard shot into Joy's neck having broken the hold. Joy looks weakend as she stumbles up, and Victoria throws her to the ground. She then stands over Joy and looks for her ass-shaking moonsault, but Joy sees it coming and sticks up a leg. Victoria's stomach hits Joy's knee hard, and she stumbles as Joy gets up and nails a DDT. She goes into the cover and gets the 1... 2... Vicotria kics out. JOy wastes no time though, picknig her up and hitting a suplex. She goes into another cover for the 1... 2.. kick out again!)

J.R: "JOy has taken the advantage after that moonsault counter...."

King: "Please don;t let the counter put Victoria off going for it..."

(Joy lifts Victoria again, but Victoria battles back with some hard slaps. She then backs off a bit, running and taking Joy down with a clothesline. She stomps down on Joy a bit, then waits for her to get up before hitting a Russian-Leg Sweep. Joy goes down and Victoria covers her for the 1.. 2... kick out by Joy this time. Victoria lifts her up and goes for a suplex, but keeps the arms locked and hits two in a row! Victoria goes into the cover and scores the 1... 2.. Joy gets a foot on the bottom rope. Victoria seems to have softened her enough with the two suplexes, and calls for the Widows Peak. She lifts Joy.. but Joy slides out the back, and then school boys Victoria for the 1... 2... kick out!)

J.R: "Joy showing there she's not quite out of this..."

King: "But she's gonna need a miracle to win this thing..."

Kris: "Or an interference by some kind of CHAMPION!"

King: "Where did you come from..."

Kris: "Writer randomly remembered me..."

(Victoria gets up first, Joy still looks shaken. Victoria goes for a slap, but Joy catches her arm. As Victoria stumbles, Joy hits a hard Bitch-slap (as in to begin her finisher..) but Victoria ducks the kick.As she swings back round to face her, Victoria gets in another hard suplex! Joy looks drained, as she stumbles up right into the Widow's Peak! Victoria goes into the cover and gets the 1.. 2.. Suddernly the referee is pulled out of the ring. The fans boo loudly as John Cena is seen, and he then gets into the ring and pulls Victoria off of Joy. Victoria gets angry and hits Cena, but Cena hits her back knocking her down. The referee calls for the bell.. but Cena snaps and lifts Victoria up for the FU! Joy Giovanni comes round from her Widows Peak.. and covers her, but the referee indicates she's lost via Disqualification. She looks pissed, and seems to be indicating she could have kicked out without Cena's help.. She shouts something about Cena regretting his actions as he exits up the ramp.)

[EMF returns from a video package announcing future EMF dates and ticket sales information, and the Highlight Reel set has been erected in the ring. The Other World theme hits and out walks Y2J himself and his bride to be, Amy Dumas. They saunter down to the ring getting lots of cheers, one of them being 'congratulations.' ]

Jericho: Welcome to…SHOCKWAVE is Jericho! It's been a hell of a night so far, but no EMF spectacular would be complete without the Y2J problem himself, so here I am with my lovely fiancée and current CEO, Amy. Folks, tonight might just be the biggest most blockbuster edition of the Highlight Reel yet!

[ Jericho turns the mic over to Amy. ]

Amy: One of the most fulfilling aspects of my job signing superstars to contracts that I know will be great for the EMF and of course the fans. Now I know superstars come and go, but tonight I've got a doozy for you guys.

[ Amy passes the mic back to Jericho. ]

Jericho: Without any further ado, tonight's guest on the highlight reel is the former EMF heavyweight champion, intercontinental champion, extreme champion, and tag team champion, the hall of famer-

[ The crowd is on pins and needles as Jericho draws it out a little bit. Suddenly "Bullet and the Bullseye" by The Distillers blasts over the PA system and the masked mystery man from before stands with his back to the arena. ]

Jericho: --MATT DRAGON!

[ The crowd explodes. Dragon turns around and makes his way down to the ring. It takes a while for the crowd to die down. ]

Jericho: You heard it here first on the highlight reel, Matt Dragon has returned to the EMF.

[ Dragon climbs each of the turnbuckles, posing to the crowd. He finally steps back down to the ring. ]

Jericho: Allright, allright, so first of all, where have you been and what brought you back?

[ Dragon swipes the mic from Jericho. ]

Matt Dragon: I'm back, let the celebrations begin! Now I know that my return has already set of riots across the globe, but people please try to contain yourselves! Matt Dragon is back in the EMF to do what he does best: humiliate the inferior competition, win championships, and put on the best in ring performances week in and week out that have ever been seen inside the squared circle!

Jericho: There is no doubt that you've accomplished a lot in your EMF career, but-

Matt Dragon: Hold on there Chrissy boy, this isn't your show anymore. I'm taking over the entire EMF, starting right here and now with the highlight reel!

[ Jericho folds his arms across his chest, the fans boo a little. ]

Matt Dragon: I've proven time and time again that there is no one in the history of the EMF that is better than yours truly. Championships? I've held them all multiple times. I've faced the all time greats and beaten them all, from X-Cold right on down the line to my infamous series of matches with Road that ended with me retiring his ass. So to all you new so called superstars out there who don't know me, get ready to go to school and learn from the best. From the minute that I just walked down that isle, no one in the EMF will be more of an impactful power player than me, hell I'[ve already proven it tonight! So all you title holders keep your belts close to you and take lots of pictures with them, because you never know when you'll be on the receiving end of the Breath of Fire and have your titles ripped from your hands!

Amy: Well on behalf of the EMF staff I'd just like to officially welcome you back.

Matt Dragon: Yeah, yeah, you just stand there and look pretty, sister, and don't think you've made such a coup, because it's the EMF that needs Matt Dragon, not the other way around, and don't you ever forget it! Now I only got one more thing to say, and it's to you, Mr.Highlight Reel…when the hell's your bachelor party? Don't answer, it was a rhetorical question pal. Now that I've already stolen this entire pa per view's thunder and provided the most shocking moment that people will be talking about, I'll let the other shmucks get on with their little matches. Tell all your friends, Dragon is back!

[ Dragon goes to hand the mic to Jericho, butthen tosses it over his shoulder to the ring with a thud, flips over the ropes to the apron and walks back up the aisle. ]

(Solider Like Me blasts out as Just…Rick enters the arena. He poses on the ramp before walking down the ramp and climbing into the ring.)

J.R- Just…Rick is a up and coming superstar


(If You Smell What The Rock’s Cooking blasts out and the new TV Champion walks out, holding his title high above his head. The “Rocky” chants begin as he walks down the ramp and climbs up the steel steps. He goes to the ring apron and raises the title again.)


J.R- I think Kris is afraid of the new TV Champion.

Kris- No, I just have to say that every match…

[The Rock continues to pose with his new title. Rick bounces off the opposite set of ropes and hits The Rock in the back. The Rock flies off the apron and into the security barrier, throwing him to the floor. Rick climbs out after him, ignoring the referee’s calls and begins stomping away on The People’s Champ. The referee tells Rick he has five seconds to get The Rock into the ring, so Rick throws The Rock in and follows after. The bell rings. The Rock slowly gets up but Rick starts kicking him in the midsection, forcing him back down. Rick poses over The Rock and covers him, but is thrown off before the 1 count. The Rock quickly gets up before Rick and whips him across the ring. Just…Rick dodges a clothesline from The Rock and bounces off the other set of ropes. The Rock turns and meets a high knee to the gut. He is thrown down to the mat and Rick stops to catch his breath. The Rock climbs up again and Rick calls him up quicker. Rick goes for a Stunner, but The Rock grabs his foot and twists Rick over, throwing him to the floor.]

J.R- Both men have been pretty balanced so far…


J.R- I thought that was Kris’s line…

Kris- Damn! Someone messed up the script!!!

[The Rock picks up Rick and lifts him up above his head. Before The Rock can land a Military Slam, Rick struggles down and DDTs The Rock, before going into a quick cover. 1…2…The Rock kicks out. Both men stay down to catch their breath. Rick gets up first and picks up The Rock. He pushes him into the corner and climbs onto the second rope, before beginning a 10 Punch. 1…2…3…4…5…6…7…8…9…As Rick is going for the 10th, The Rock comes to his senses and Powerbombs Rick from the 2nd Rope, before going into a pin, using the ropes as leverage. 1…2…Rick gets his shoulder up. The Rock leans against the ropes, waiting for Rick to get up, before landing a huge Clothesline on him. Rick is thrown back down and The Rock calls for the Rock Bottom. Rick struggles up and turns into the Rock Bottom! The Rock lands it and goes into the cover, 1…2…Rick gets his foot on the bottom rope!]

King- What the hell???

J.R- Was that supposed to happen?

Kris- I think Rick just broke one of the laws of the universe!!! You can’t kick out of the Rock Bottom!!!

[The Rock stands up and begins to complain to the referee about a slow count. Rick comes to his senses and rolls up The Rock, who is holding onto the referee. The referee is thrown out of the ring and therefore, there is no one to count the fall. Rick breaks the pin before standing up and calling for the Stunner. The Rock gets up and meets Rick’s finisher. Rick looks out to the referee and turns back annoyed that he is out. Rick then climbs out of the ring and grabs a steel chair from ringside, before sliding back into the ring. The Rock gets up and Rick goes to hit him with the chair, but The Rock blocks it, before kicking it back in Rick’s face! Rick falls to the floor and The Rock kicks the chair out of the ring. The referee begins to get up outside the ring. The Rock calls for the People’s Elbow. He throws one elbow pad into the crowd, before running into one set of ropes, leaping over Rick, bouncing off the other set and landing The People’s Elbow, before covering Just…Rick. The referee slowly gets in and counts the fall, 1………2………3!]

(The Rock gets up and ignores the referee who is trying to raise his arm. He grabs his TV Title and raises it for all to see.)

J.R- That’s three wins in as many weeks for The Rock I believe…


J.R- What now…

King- Maybe he saw your face J.R…

“Saint Anger” blasts on the PA system as Dewey Pond walks to the ring

JR-Dewey Pond should be TV champion, but the self proclaimed TV champion didn’t allow that

King-Well, that’s behind us…at least we have the Rock as a champion!

Kris Gaffney-This is true

“Number 1” blasts on the PA system as Dude Nick walks to the ring

JR-It’s amazing how far Dude Nick has come, but now he thinks he can do whatever he want

King-oh well, that’s life?

[Dewey Pond doesn’t wait for everything to get started as Pond hammers away Dude Nick as he steps over the top rope. Dude Nick pushes Pond away and Pond goes crashing into the other side of the ring and Dude Nick gets into the ring and then Pond gets up and then hits a running drop kick on Dude Nick that stumbles the bigger Dude Nick back and then Pond hits a few hard fists and then Dude Nick is against the ropes and Pond tries to whip Dude Nick off the ropes and then it’s reversed by Dude Nick. Pond bounces off the ropes and then Dewey Pond bounces off the ropes and then comes off the ropes and leaps in the air and nails a flying shoulder block and Dude Nick stumbles back and then Pond runs to the ropes and then comes off the ropes and then hits a shoulder block on Dude Nick and then Pond decides to go for another shoulder block, but Dude Nick goes for a clothesline and then Pond ducks it and continues to the other side of the ring and then bounces off the ropes Dude Nick turns around and then Pond leaps for a cross body block. But it’s caught by Dude Nick and then Dude Nick transfer Pond on to his shoulder and then Dude Nick goes for a running power slam. But then as Dude Nick charges with Pond. Dewey struggles out the back and then Pond pushes Dude Nick forward and then Dude Nick crashes into the corner and then stumbles back and then Dewey Pond hits a drop kick into the back and Dude Nick falls into the corner and then Dude Nick falls forwards and then turns around and then Dewey Pond hits a few hard fists and then Dewey Pond stuns him and then Dude Nick waits for him and then Dude Nick reels back in the corner with every hit and then Dewey Pond tries to whip Dude Nick into the corner and then Dude Nick pulls back and then he brings Dewey Pond to a complete stop and then Dude Nick pulls Dewey Pond into the corner]

JR-Dude Nick just has the size and strength advantage

King-Yeah, but Dewey has the speed advantage for sure

Kris Gaffney-Have you ever seen go get something for Tori?

[Dewey Pond crashes into the corner and then Dude Nick hits a few forearms into the face and then brings out Dewey Pond and whips him to the ropes and Dewey Pond bounces off the ropes and then Dewey Pond bounces off the ropes and then Dewey Pond goes for a big cross body block. But it’s caught by the Dude nick and Dude Nick drives Pond into the mat with a falling slam. Dude Nick wanting to cause more pain hits a few stomps on the downed Dewey Pond who stumbles up in the corner and then Dude Nick hits a few hard elbows into the corner and then steps back and then chokes Dewey Pond with his foot and then brings him out of the corner whips him to the ropes and then Dewey Pond bounces off the ropes and then Dude Nick goes for a forearm to the face. But it’d ducked under by Dewey Pond, Pond bounces off the ropes and then is caught by Dude Nick and then Dude Nick drives him down for a side walk slam and goes into the cover and gets the 1………………………..2……………kick out]

JR-Dude Nick’s size advantage coming to play

King- Yeah, but the size is INCOMPLETE

Kris Gaffney-How can size be incomplete?


[Dude Nick calls for the Dudemeister, Dewey Pond stumbles up and then Dude Nick kicks Dewey Pond into the gut and then is about to hit it. Then Dewey Pond pushes Dude Nick off and then Dude Nick grabs on the ropes as he falls into the ropes, Dude Nick turns around and then Dewey Pond charges around and then hits a cross body that sends both Dude Nick and Dewey Pond both tumbling over the top rope and on to the arena floor. After a few moments Dude Nick stumbles to the barcarde. Dewey Pond runs at Dude Nick and then hits a clothesline and then Dude Nick falls into the fans. Dewey Pond goes over the barcard and then start to hammer away at each other in the crowd and then the two fight into the crowd as the ref makes a signal]

JR-It would seem the two competitors showed tonight that this goes behind any regular match, it’s personal

Kris Gaffney-Yeah, Dewey Pond might be a little pissed about losing a chance to be champion

King-I know I would…

“Dragon’s theme” blasts on the PA system as Matt Dragon walks to the ring

JR-Dragon is probably one of the EMF’s best ever

King-Yeah, the ass kickings are renewed

*Kris Gaffney looks at King weird*

King-It’s posse talk…

“I am” blasts on the PA system as AJ Styles walks to the ring

JR-I believe that if it wasn’t for Matt Dragon, AJ Styles might be the IC champion


(The two lock up.Dragon begins to over power AJ, and hits a few shots on him.Dragon takes an early advantage, and kicks AJ in the gut, before nailing a hard suplex. Dragon keeps on his opponent, hitting him hard with some stomps, but then AJ rolls way and crawls back to his feet.Dragon tries to pick him up into a grapple, but AJ breaks away and begins to hit away with shots of his own. He then whips Dragon off the ropes, and as he comes back,he lands him with a big back body drop. With Dragon down, Style goes to the top rope, and looks for a moonsault, but Dragon rolls out of the way. AJ crashes to the mat, and Dragon gets up to his feet. Dragon picks him up and hits a hard DDT on AJ. He goes into the cover, and the referee counts the 1... 2... but AJ kicks out. Dragon looks a bit annoyed, but continues an offence. He hits a few more hard shots on AJ Styles, before backing him into a corner. He continues to hit shots on him, and then lifts AJ to the top rope. He goes up after him and nails him with a super-plex. He takes a while to get into the cover.. but gets the 1... 2.. AJ rolls out again. Dragon this time begins to argue.. but the referee gives nothing. Dragon takes out his anger on AJ, picking him up and throwing him hard against the ropes. However, Dragon's focus is down due to anger, and AJ is able to roll past him, boune off the ropes himself and come back with a hard dropkick. With Dragon down, AJ once more goes to the top rope. Dragon gets up, but AJ has it scouted and hits a hard cross-body block into the cover for a 1.... 2.... Dragon just kicks out!)

J.R: "A lot of near falls early here..."

King: "Yea... AJ was damn close to making me money there..."

[AJ Styles looks around thinking that he should have had three with that move and then Matt Dragon stumbles into the corner and then Styles goes into the corner and then starts a 10 punch combo 1...............2.................3..............4..............5............6..........7........Matt Dragon comes out and then smashes Styles with a reverse snake eyes and then Matt Dragon falls across the ropes and then Styles is in the corner holding his face. Matt Dragon knowing that he has to quickly strike hits a few hard forearms to the face and then Dragon whips Styles into the corner and then as Styles reaches the corner Styles quickly runs up the rope and does a spinning cork screw cross body block that Matt Dragon ducks under and Styles crashes into the mat and then Dragon gets up as Styles stumbles up holding his gut and then Dragon waits for him. Kicks him in the gut and nails a DDT, Styles bounces off the mat and then Dragon goes into the cover and gets a 1..............2............kick out! Dragon takes his time to go back on the attack seeing how this match has been owned by Styles thus far and then Dragon puts Styles in a chin lock to try to get some rest as well as to try to wear down Styles . The ref asks Styles if he wants to give it up. Styles refuses, Styles decides to try to find a way out of the move and then gets to his feet, tries a few ways. But finally is able to break the chin lock with a jaw breaker. Dragon stumbles back a bit holding his face and then Styles runs to the ropes and bounces off and then Dragon nails a super kick on Styles as he is coming off the ropes and then that sends Styles backwards, through the ropes and on the arena floor. Dragon drops down to his knees and rolls out of the ring and Styles is getting up to his feet and then Dragon hits a few hard fists and Dragon picks up Styles and then drops him face first into the announcers table. Dragon backs off as Styles gets up and then Dragonc omes running and nails a clothesline that sends Styles over the table and on the other side as the spanish announcers go diving out of the way of Styles as he lays in the carnage.]

Kris Gaffney-Ouch

King-Ouch is right

JR-Matt Dragon hasn't missed too many steps.

[Dragon rolls in Styles, Styles stumbles to his feet and then Dragon hits a few forearm shots to the face. But it's revered by Styles and Dragon bounces off the ropes and then Styles hits a perfect drop kick Dragon stumbles up and then Styles hits a back leg lariet. Dragon stumbles up once again and then Styles picks up Dragon and hits a body slam and then goes up to the top rope and sets up...and nails a shooting star press and gets a 1...............2..........kick out. Styles looks up and questions the count and then decides to just leave it alone, Dragons already up and then charges at Styles. Styles ducks it and nails the Payla on Dragon. Styles then calls for the Styles Clash, Dragon stumbles up and Styles kicks Dragon into the gut and then is about to lift him for the Styles clash, but Dragon counters with a back body drop and then Dragon falls to his knee's and gets up. Dragon waits for a few moments, and looks like he's about to hit a move. But then suddenly Dante De Luca slides into the ring and nails Dragon with a steel chair. The ref calls for the bell, Dante hits a few stomps on the Dragon. Dragon stumbles up and then nails a low blow on Dante. Dante drops the chair and then Dragon gets up and nails the breath of fire on the already injured Dante De Luca driving his face into the chair.]

JR-Oh my god!

Kris Gaffney-Joey Styles is going to sue

(Shockwave goes off the air with a close up of Dante De Luca)

(OOC-This is not a no decision type of thing, I will say that it's more of a decision that me and one of my staff members agreed on as quickly as possible, because the results was so late. Which I apologize for, it's been a bad week. So in case of a mistake, I hope the ending is good enough so no one's character gets hurt. It really was a very good RPed match.)