EMF: Saturday Shockwave

JR - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 280 pounds,, RoughRider!!! (crowd boos **)

[RoughRider comes to the ring. ]

JR - and his opponent, weighing in at 225 pounds,, Brick Lesnar!!! (crowd cheers *****)

[Brick Lesnar walks to the ring. Earl Hebner is the referee for this contest. RoughRider checks out the ring. RoughRider gets nailed with a charging axhandle bodyblock from Brick Lesnar. (ring, ring, ring) RoughRider rakes his fingers across Brick Lesnar's back. RoughRider gets caught with an elbowsmash to the face. RoughRider with an illegal chokehold on Brick Lesnar. Brick Lesnar moves back to his feet. Brick Lesnar hits RoughRider with an earringer. Flying Tomahawk by Brick Lesnar sends RoughRider down to the mat. RoughRider gets up. RoughRider with a gut-wrench suplex on Brick Lesnar. ]

The King - That gut-wrench suplex was very good.

[RoughRider fist drops Brick Lesnar on the mat. Brick Lesnar stands up. Brick Lesnar rakes his fingers across RoughRider's back. Brick Lesnar hits RoughRider with a heart punch. Brick Lesnar goes off the top and hits a flying sitdown splash on RoughRider. Brick Lesnar gets back to his feet. RoughRider stands up. RoughRider hits a dragon suplex on Brick Lesnar. RoughRider sucks chants start in the crowd. RoughRider moves back to his feet. Brick Lesnar is up again. RoughRider drags Brick Lesnar to the floor. Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) RoughRider chokes Brick Lesnar with a microphone cable. ]

JR - The WWF is the only place for entertainment like this!

[Brick Lesnar get whipped into the corner and RoughRider follows himin with an avalanche. RoughRider takes Brick Lesnar into the ring. ]

The King - Oh yeah like a submission is going to work *rolls his eyes*

[RoughRider executes a back breaker on Brick Lesnar. RoughRider puts Brick Lesnar in an arm grapevine submission. RoughRider chokes Brick Lesnar. RoughRider sucks chants start in the crowd. RoughRider grabs Brick Lesnar and applies an arm wrench. RoughRider thrust kicks Brick Lesnar in the head. Brick Lesnar doesn’t go down, he just stumbles around. RoughRider kicks Brick Lesnar in the gut, sets him up and hits the RoughDegree. RoughRider goes into the cover, and Earl Hebner counts. ...1 ...2 ...3 ]

JR - We've got ourselves a winner!

JR - The winner of this match, RoughRider!!!

(OOC-All dark matches are simmed, but this is the only time that I use the sim. I wrote the ending myself. Welcome to the EMF!)

(The Shockwave video plays over the screen, finally it finishes up and we go into the darken arena as fireworks blasts on the stage. Finally it ends, and the lights go and fans yell and wave their signs.)

JR-Welcome to Saturday Shockwave! What a show we have for you tonight


Kris Gaffney-King, I figured you would be hyped up about the bra and panties match

King-Do you know who’s in it! It’s no fun when one of the girl’s can fire you! Although, I know SOME people are going to enjoy it….NOT that it’s me…

Kris Gaffney-Digging yourself into a hole already, huh King?


*"Better than you- Catch 22” blasts over the PA system as Becky Backless walks to the ring as she poses cockily in the ring much to the dispise of the fans in the arena*

J.R.- Becky Backless came up short in her debut, maybe her luck will change here tonight King- With the Security that she says she has that may just happen here tonight

Kris- The security could be the condoms in my wallet

*”Tori’s theme” hits over the PA system and Tori walks to the ring*

J.R- Tori almost became the new women champion before choking

King- She’s use to that from what I hear!

Kris- I see a Pond in your future

[The ladies both stare each other down before Tori starts laughing at Becky. Becky who is irritated runs at Tori, but Tori with the experience moves out of the way and hits Becky with a drop toehold. Tori then runs of the ropes and tries to baseball slide Becky out of the ring, but Becky moves and jumps on the fallen Tori and gets her in a headlock, she starts to apply pressure. Tori starts to get on one knee and is able to whiplash Becky against the ropes, Tori goes for the closeline but it is ducked under by Becky who comes back on the opposite ropes hitting a jumping cross body and lands on the pin but it is rolled over by Tori into a small package 1…2…KICKOUT by Becky. Both ladies get up and start to throw punches at one another, they both start to back off, Becky pokes the eye of Tori and runs at her and plants her with a spinning DDT and Becky jumps right on top of Tori for the pin 1…2…KICKOUT]

J.R- Becky is doing well without the security

King- Indeed

[Becky then skips arguing with the referee and goes to the top rope. She waits for a few moments for Tori to get up and then plants her with a missile dropkick. Becky then taunts the crowd for a few seconds, and then applies the Boston Crab on Tori. Tori is able to turn over and kick Becky off of her. Both ladies are down and start to get up. They do and then both run directly at each other and a double closeline happens. The referee starts to count (1)]

J.R- Both ladies are putting it all on the line out here tonight in this exciting and close match(3)

King- Yes, the winner will in the hunt for the title I bet (4). Tori wants to climb the mountain again, as Becky (5) wants to start her first climb(6)

[Becky starts to get to her feet and then backs up into the corner to rest. Tori then gets up seconds later and starts to go over to the corner as well, Becky elbows her and Tori falls, Becky tries to cover Tori. 1..2 (she puts her feet on the ropes) KICKOUT..] J.R- Becky tried to cheat to win!

[Becky then tries to get her foot uncaught, she does and turns around and gets up. She then walks right into the arms of the awaiting Tori who hits the Tori-Plex on Becky and gets 1…2…3]

J.R- Tori has won it! LISTEN TO THIS CROWD

[OCC: Close match, we just collectively agreed that we liked Tori’s RP a little bit better. Either way, Becky put up a very competitive RP. So good match to both.)

[“Rex’s Theme” Hits on the PA system as Rex runs to the ring and poses on the turnbuckle for a good amount of time]

[“Muhammad Hassan’s Theme” Hits on the PA system as Hassan walks to the ring followed by his manager Davari]

J.R- Both Men have truly been secessful in their first few matches here in the EMF. Although I have to warn the fans at home. These men cant stand each other and this one may get ugly

King- The Arab people might riot Mississippi

Kris- Why Mississippi

King- Because they hate America and they might think Mississippi is the biggest state because it has the most letters

[Both men talk smack for a few brief seconds and then lock up. Hassan is able to get the upper hand and toss Rex against a turnbuckle. He then starts hitting many chops against the chest of Rex. Rex, who now has a bright red stomach, starts to get angry and he reserves Muhammad and starts hitting chops on him much to the delight of the fans. After many chops Rex backs of and Hassan walks noodle legged to the center of the ring. Rex springs off the ropes behind him and plants Hassan with a face buster. Rex then grips the ropes tightly as he holds it as he steps on Hassan’s head. The referee starts the 5 count. 1..2…3…4 not wanting to lose Rex lets go and then goes to the ring apron and climbs the turnbuckle. He waits for Hassan to get up and then he attempts a cross body which is reversed by Muhammad into a powerslam]

J.R- Nice reversal by Hassan

King- The Arabs must be cheering.

[Hassan then goes straight on Rex trying to lock in the Camel Clutch. He on able to as Rex gets to his feet. Hassan then decides to run at him. Rex big boots Hassan. He picks up Hassan and goes for a big suplex and connects. Rex is now fired up and is setting up for his finisher. Davari then gets on the apron and starts going crazy. The referee and Rex both go over to try and contain Davari. Hassan is able to low blow Rex from behind without the referee seeing and as soon as Davari sees it he jumps of the the apron. Hassan goes for the schoolboy 1…2…KICKOUT. Hussan then goes back on the attack. Rex is able to fight up moments later and knock Muhammad down. He then rolls of the ropes and goes for his finisher again. But instead kicks Muhammad Hassan in the gut and then hits a brain buster. Muhammad Hassan looks like he might be down for the count. But before he can go into the cover. Davari gets up on the apron again. Rex goes over to Davari and grabs him. The ref gets in between the two, and then tries to separate them. While this is happening Hassan is able to turn Rex around and is able to kick Rex right in the balls. While the ref is turned around, he then hits the flat liner. Hassan goes into the cover, 1…….but it looks Rex is trying to kick out. But from the outside, Davari reaches in and is able to hold Rex’s leg down long enough for Hassan to get the …….2……..3]

JR-Hassan and Davari stole this match

King-Well, it’s not cheating if you get caught

(OOC-This was a difficult call, and there is one reason why we went with Hassan with a lot of interference and cheating is big question of focus. Rex has an indirect style where he is able to connect his RP’s into the match through very deep stuff. Which he does very well, but this one inparticular, both me and the staff member just didn’t see that connection like usual. This is explains why we went the way we did. There are reasons I went with the heavily interference ending. One of them being that it was a close call….(even the writer of this match said so)

("lovepassionfuryenergy" blasts out around the arena as the crowd roar for the new Women's Champion. Amy Jericho walks out holding her title over her shoulder, but looking less than happy about the match. He gets into the ring and then hands the title over to the referee who passes it to the outside.)

Finkle: "The following is a non title.... Bra and Panties match! Introducing first, the EMF Women's Champion.... Amy Jericho!"

("Generic Theme" hits and Jackie gets a chorus of boos. They are, however, quite tame. However they soon pick up when a second figure is shown standing behind her, with the world championship draped over his shoulder. John Cena walks out behind her and Jackie walks down the ramp with a purpose and rolls into the ring. She runs straight at Amy and takes her down with a running clothesline. Jackie then bends down and hits right hands on Amy. Jackie picks Amy up and suplexes her down. She then continues to slap away at her. Amy blocks one slap and throws Jackie to the mat. She gets up and Jackie starts to get up too. Amy seems to be trying to talk to Jackie but Jackie dives at her again and they begin rolling around the ring with Jackie slapping Amy when she's on top and then Amy reversing it and slapping back. Eventually Jackie gets the better and gets to her feet. Amy struggles up and Jackie hits a snapmere followed by a drop kick. She then grabs hold of Amy's shirt and begins to pull on it. It comes up and we get a view of Amy's red bra, which the crowd cheer at, but then Amy hits some more slaps to Jackie head as she's bending down and then Jackie falls backwards. Amy puts one arm back through the sleeve of her shirt and then climbs back to her feet.)

J.R: "Jackie showing intent straight away here...."

King: "And Amy showing something so much better...."

Kris: "I want Cena's seat for this match....."

(Jackie runs at Amy again but Amy ducks it. Jackie turns and Amy kicks her in the gut. Amy then follows this with a textbook DDT. She bends down next to Jackie and again seems to be trying to talk to her, but Jackie gives a less than polite response. Amy seems to take this as a symbol she really has to fight Jackie. She slaps Jackie hard across the face leaving her laying int he ring. Jackie grbas the side of her head in pain. She tries to get to her feet but Amy runs and clotheslines her down when shes only partly up. Amy then stomps on the downed Jackie. Amy picks up Jackie and Jackie hits a thumb to the eye to loud boos. Amy staggers back and Jackie waists no time hoisting her up into the F-Off position. Amy however saw it coming and rolls out the back. She school boys Jackie and then tugs at Jackie's shirt while Jackie is rolled up. Amy pulls hard and the shirt comes clean off revealing Jackie's pink bra. Amy smirks and hands it to the ref who removes the shirt from the ring. Jackie stumbles up seemingly trying to cover herself. Jackie then hits a bulldog on Jackie from behind. She goes to her feet and begins to tug on Jackie's pants.)

J.R: "the champion with a real advantage here....."

King: "She really seems to have Jackie's number...."

Kris: "Bet you're jealous of that King!"

(Amy pulls but Jackie quicky kicks her off. Jackie springs back to her feet and then hits away with a clothesline. Amy falls to the mat and Jackie tries to regain composure. She enables Amy to get up and then runs and nails her with a spear. Amy falls to the mat again and Jackie stomps away at her. Jackie lifts Amy up and then hits a DDT. She goes to Amy's feet and tries what Amy just tried to do to her by tugging at Amy's pants. Jackie is able to get them quite a way down before Amy begins to struggle. Amy tries to kick Jackie off but it's too late and her pants come clean off, revealing her red.... THONG *stares into space*. The crowd roar the loudest of the night at this. Jackie looks angry at their reaction to Amy. Amy crawls to the ropes and tries to get to her feet. Jackie turns to Cena and Cena reaches inside his jacket and passes her a paddle! Amy turns, not seeing anything as Jackie conceals it. She kicks her in the gut and then nails a suplex. Amy is down on the mat. She tries to get up again but Jackie then nails her over the head with the paddle. Amy looks to be out cold and then Jackie rolls her over and spanks Amy hard with it! Cena is laughing the whole time and Jackie begins to spank Amy harder with the paddle. She does tihs qute a few times and then chucks it aside. Amy is seemingly still hurt from the paddle shot and Jackie goes over and pulls at Amy's shirt. There is no resistance and it comes off revealing her red matching bra. Jackie beams as the bell rings and the referee raises her hand.)

Finkle: "Here is your winner.... Jackie Cena!"

(Jackie is celebrating and starts to pose on all 4 turnbuckles. Cena, having got what he came for, walks up the ramp smiling. Jackie stays to celebrate her big victory for longer. the crowd are booign but she doesn't care. She stays long enough and Amy regains cnsciousness. She notices the paddle and can obviously feel its effects. She looks extremely angry and embaresses. Before Jackie notices her she's leapt up and pulled Jackie's pants down around her ankles. Jackie falls and Amy pulls these clean off and Jackie's pink matching underwear is shown. The crowd cheer as Amy raises her arms but as the cameras focus on Jackie they boo. Jackie notices that she is getting booed and looks deeply hurt and also angry. Amy leaves up the ramp, and the crowd continue to boo Jackie. Jackie shouts out for them to stop but they just get louder. In the end Jackie storms up the ramp and looks to be on the verge of tears.)

King-So, are we done now? I don’t think anything that could come next could top that…

Kris Gaffeny-Actually…we do got the main event

King-What?!! That’s no good

JR-We now go into some park in LA for this match

[Marc Mead is in the park in LA, as he is waiting for CJ Lethal. Suddenly CJ Lethal appears from behind Marc Mead and then knocks him down with a clothesline to the back of the head Marc Mead goes down, CJ Lethal hits a few stomps on the downed Marc Mead and then picks him up and then goes for a short arm clothesline. But Marc Mead ducks under and then hits a few forearms to the back. CJ Lethal answers this being that he’s bigger and much more stronger than Marc Mead with a elbow to the face and then Marc Mead stumbles back and then uses a bench to keep up and then he turns around as CJ Lethal is coming towards him, Marc Mead thinks quickly and then hits a drop toe hold. CJ Lethal sends CJ Lethal head first into the bench. Marc Mead waits for CJ Lethal to get up and then CJ Lethal does and turns around and Marc Mead hits a standing drop kick that sends CJ Lethal to fall down on the park bench. Marc Mead retreats into the middle of the park, and brings out a baseball bat (a wooden one). Seemly CJ Lethal had recovered and was trying to attack Marc Mead from behind, and then Marc Mead hits a baseball bat shot to the gut. This doubles over CJ Lethal, and then Marc Mead measures up and cracks the bat over the back of CJ Lethal. CJ Lethal goes down to the ground, and then Marc Mead decides that he should start by going for one of the flags, since CJ Lethal has been knocked down for a little while. Marc Mead head over to the nearest flag. Since he’s close to it, he’s able to get to it before CJ Lethal is able to close the distance as he’s stumbled up to his feet already and then Marc Mead is able to grab the flag. Marc Mead is too busy standing there as he doesn’t notice that CJ Lethal had already gone in the other direction and is about near the other flag. CJ Lethal grabs it. Marc Mead tried to stop by charging. But he saw he wasn’t going to get there, so he was able to grab a street sign. CJ Lethal turns around, and then gets nailed over the head with the sign. CJ Lethal stumbles around and then CJ Lethal goes down to his knee’s as Marc Mead goes for the knock out blow. But as Marc Mead swings the sign, CJ Lethal grabs Marc Mead by the throat and then lifts him up in a body press and charges with him and throws him a set up table that was nearby]

JR-CJ Lethal with a move to stop the attack by Marc Mead

King-This certainly…is an interesting match…for sure..

Kris Gaffney-What else is going to happen?

[Both wrestlers are down, as the ref is just standing there as he can’t count anything until someone gets all the flags. Suddenly in the background in the background Cryme Tyme runs by, being chased by someone and runs off. Anyways with that moment distraction, CJ Lethal is up and Marc Mead gets to his feet as well. Marc Mead stumbles into the waiting arms of CJ Lethal who hits an inverted atomic drop. Marc Mead stumbles back a few steps in obviously pain and then Marc Mead gets clotheslined down to the mat and then CJ Lethal takes a few moments to rest as Marc Mead gets up and then Mead stumbles to his feet and then CJ Lethal kicks Marc Mead in the gut, and then hits a DDT on Marc Mead. Marc Mead and CJ Lethal are down otn ground and then it takes a while for CJ Lethal to get to his feet. Around this time, Marc Mead is shaking off the effect of the DDT. CJ Lethal waits for Marc Mead, Marc Mead goes for a fist. But CJ Lethal ducks it, from there is able to hit a belly to back suplex. CJ Lethal gets some more time ret. CJ Lethal, gets up and then brings Marc Mead over to somewhere to the park and then takes Marc Mead and throws him hard into a wall. CJ Lethal wanting to end this calls for a power bomb (obviously, not a Lethal Bomb). CJ Lethal takes Marc Mead, and sets him up in power bomb position. He lifts up Marc Mead and then hits a power bomb into the wall on Mead.]

JR-CJ Lethal might be going in for the kill here, we could have a new TV champion

King-Wouldn’t that suck for Marc

Kris Gaffney-Yeah, at least he has a scapegoat though!

[CJ Lethal gets up, and then stumbles away. He is near the third and final flag….he goes for it. He gets it, all flags have been captured, but CJ Lethal only has two. CJ Lethal goes back to find Marc Mead. CJ Lethal doesn’t see Marc Mead where he left him. Suddenly Marc Mead flies off the wall behind CJ Lethal and nails the Mead kick. CJ Lethal goes down, Marc Mead takes the two flags from Lethal and goes for the pin 1……………2………….3]

JR-Marc Mead wins…the most unusual match

King-I wouldn’t say that, we have had matches ended in baseball parks…and the finish was getting smashed into home plate.

(Marc Mead is on his knee’s. Suddenly Cryme Tyme runs by the camera. One of them gives random shout outs, and runs away as Shockwave goes off the air.)