EMF: Saturday Shockwave

[The Saturday Shockwave video starts, once it has run through. Then we go into the darken arena as pyrotechics blasts off. The lights go back on as fans raise to their feet ]

JR-Welcome to Saturday Shockwave, I'm good ol' JR along with Jerry "the King" Lawler

King-If only you have another introduction JR......I HATE YOU!!!

"Love Fury Passion Energy" blasts on the PA system as Mercedes walks to the ring

JR-She can't be in the good mood after losing to Lita

King-So what....she had a break down a few weeks ago

"Rachel's song" blasts on the PA system

King-stupid writter...he can never remember what the hell most of these theme's are


King-never mind...

[Rachel and Mercedes lock up, Mercedes turns it into a fireman carry and then puts Rachel in a head scissors. Rachel looks for a way out of the move and then moves around and then puts her foot on the ropes and the ref makes Mercedes break the hold, Mercedes gets up and waits for Rachel to get back up. Rachel gets up and Mercedes hits a few forearms and then trys to whip Rachel off the ropes, but Rachel then reverses the move and then Mercedes goes to the ropes. Mercedes bounces off the ropes, Rachel lowers her head and then hits a back body drop. Mercedes gets up hurt and stumbles over to Rachel who takes Mercedes down with a arm bar, Mercedes looks for a way out of the hold and then slowly gets to her feet and then backs to the ropes as Rachel holds the arm bar on her until she is whipped off the ropes. Rachel bounces off the ropes and then hits a hard shoulder block that knocks down Mercedes. Rachel runs to the ropes and then trys to go in for a move, but Mercedes hasn't gotten up yet. So Rachel jumps over Mercedes. Mercedes gets up after that as Rachel bounces off off the ropes, Mercedes then is able to hit a arm drag release as Rachel gets up she is very stunned. Mercedes is able to kick Rachel in the gut that doubles her over and then Mercedes is able to run towards the ropes and then comes off the ropes to hit a spinning neck breaker. Mercedes then goes into the cover and gets the 1........2.....kick out, Mercedes gets up and then waits for Rachel to get up. Mercedes hits a few knife edge chops and then follows it up with a few knee's to the gut. The ref makes Mercedes back up, but as soon as she can. Mercedes hits a few fists. Rachel stumbles out of the ropes as Mercedes allows her, Mercedes then kicks Rachel in the gut and then sets her up for a snap suplex. But then Mercedes takes too much time yelling at the crowd that Rachel is able to counter it ending up in a short arm clothesline that knocks Mercedes down to the mat fairly hard. Mercedes stumble up only to be knocked down by a few fists. Mercedes stumbles up and then gets hits a few stiff kick the gut and then whips to the ropes. Rachel waits for Mercedes as she bounces off the ropes, Rachel then catches Mercedes as she is coming back and gets her up and then drives her down for a back breaker. Mercedes is down, Rachel then runs to the ropes and drops a quick leg drop and goes for the cover and gets the 1.........2......kick out]

JR-So close

King-(shut up JR) Not as close as I have that secret camera hidden somewhere around ring side WITH SUPER ZOOM....aw shit I said the loud part quiet and the quiet part loud.

[Mercedes gets up stunned and then gets backed to the ropes and then Rachel trys to whip Mercedes off the ropes, but Mercedes reverses the move and sends Rachel off the ropes. Rachel bounces off the ropes and leaps in the air for a cross body block, but Mercedes ducks it and Rachel goes flying into the ref knocking him out. Mercedes waits for Rachel to turn around and then blasts her with a DDT. Mercedes then gets up and then goes to the corner and then starts to take off the turnbuckle covering. Once she does Mercedes notices that Rachel is getting back up, so Mercedes goes to the nearest turnbuckle by Rachel and then climbs up to the top as Rachel slowly gets back up. Mercedes leaps off the top rope and trys for a front missile drop kick, but Rachel moves back and blocks it. Rachel has Mercedes set up and then makes Mercedes fly to the turnbuckle with a sling shot. Mercedes lucky doesn't hit the top turnbuckle in which she took the cover off of, but she hits the second turnbuckle. Mercedes gets to her feet and stumbles around, Rachel jumps up on the turnbuckle and just waits for Mercedes to stumble towards her, once she does. She sets up and then plants Mercedes with the tornado DDT. Rachel goes into the cover, but forgets that there is no ref to count the fall. Rachel then goes to the outside and grabs a steel chair]

JR-looks like Mercedes is going to get what she deserves

King-SHUT UP JR....if it was a heel you would be going on and on how low they are...I hate you so VERY much

*King jumps on the announcers table and rips off his shirt to reveal his I hate AN ARKIE...and JR shirt!*

[ Mercedes gets up and begs off as Rachel comes into the ring with the chair ready. Mercedes is backed into the corner, then points. Rachels turns around and then gets the chair kicked back into her face by the Veto (because kicking chairs in people's face is cool....) by Prez Mike. Prez Mike slides out of the ring as Rachel looks to be out cold. Mercedes goes into cover as the ref comes to and makes the 1.........2.......3]
JR - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 225 pounds,, Crow!!! (crowd cheers ****)

[Crow comes to the ring. ]

JR - and his opponent, weighing in at 225 pounds,, Homeboy!!! (crowd cheers ****)

[Homeboy walks to the ring. Earl Hebner is the referee for this contest. Crow executes a pumphandle suplex on Homeboy. Homeboy checks his boots. (the bell rings) Crow does a cartwheel and kicks Homeboy in the face. Homeboy stands up. Crow gets elbowed to his midsection by Crow. Homeboy gets hit with a back heel kick. Homeboy climbs to his feet. Homeboy slaps Crow. Homeboy executes a huge gutbuster on Crow. Crow gets hit with the shooting star press from Homeboy. The ref starts the count. ...1 ...2 Crow kicks out. ]

JR - Homeboy should have known better than to try for a shooting star press at this point in the match.

[Crow moves back to his feet. Crow lifts Homeboy and delivers a back breaker. Homeboy hits a koppo kick on Crow. Crow is up again. Homeboy comes from behind and bulldogs Crow. Homeboy gets up. Crow is back on his feet. Crow trys for a head and arm suplex but Homeboy avoids it. Crow locks Homeboy in the odd octopus hold. Earl Hebner asks Homeboy if he quits. ... ... Homeboy is fighting the hold. ... Crow tightens the hold. Homeboy escapes. Crow brings Homeboy down with a Mexican armdrag takedown. Crow hits Homeboy with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle. Crow climbs to his feet. Crow goes off the top and hits a flying sitdown splash on Homeboy. Crow moves back to his feet. Homeboy delivers a stiff inverted powerbomb send Crow hard to the mat. Homeboy sends Crow to ringside. Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) Crow is up again. (..2) Crow hits a kneeling headbutt to Homeboy's groin. (...3) Crow puts Homeboy in an arm grapevine submission. ]

King - arm grapevine!

[Homeboy is back on his feet. (....4) Homeboy nails Crow with a belly-to-back suplex. Homeboy gets up. (.....5) They fight into the aisle. Crow and Homeboy move back to ringside. Crow takes Homeboy into the ring. Crow goes off the top turnbuckle and double foot stomps Homeboy. Crow moves back to his feet. Homeboy gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Crow. Crow stands up. Crow applies an arm wrench to Homeboy. Homeboy moves back to his feet. Homeboy places Crow on the turnbuckle and executes the belly-to-back superplex. Homeboy is up again. Homeboy drags Crow to the floor. Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) Crow gets back to his feet. (..2) Flying side kick by Crow takes Homeboy off his feet. Crow moves back to his feet. Homeboy stands up. Homeboy kicks Crow in the stomach and executes the sitdown face slam. Homeboy is back on his feet. Homeboy knee drops Crow. Crow is up again. Homeboy takes Crow into the ring. Homeboy rakes his fingers across Crow's back. Homeboy picks up Crow and drops him neck first on the ropes. Homeboy executes the Supper DDT on Crow! Crow gets hit with the shooting star press from Homeboy. The ref starts the count. ...1 ...2 ...3 ]

King - We've got ourselves a winner!

JR - The winner of this match, Homeboy!!!

JR - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 225 pounds,, Hobo!!! (crowd cheers **)

[Hobo comes to the ring. ]

JR - and his opponent, weighing in at 225 pounds,, Wes!!! (crowd cheers **)

[Wes walks to the ring. Charles Robinson is the referee for this contest. Wes gets nailed with a charging axhandle bodyblock from Hobo. Wes drops Hobo with a Gorilla Press Slam on the mat. (ring, ring, ring) Hobo legsweeps Wes. Now Wes standing. Wes bounces Hobo off the ropes and clotheslines him. Hobo is back on his feet. Hobo hiptosses Wes. Hobo stomps Wes. ]

King - Hobo executes a stomp.

[Wes lifts Hobo up and drops him on the mat. Wes chants start. Hobo gets locked in the double chicken wing. The referee is checking the situation. ... (AHHHH!) ... (AHHHH!) ... Hobo is fighting the hold. Hobo escapes. Wes sends Hobo to ringside. Charles Robinson starts the count (.1) (..2) Wes jumps off the turnbuckle with the flying bodypress on Hobo. Wes climbs to his feet. Hobo moves back to his feet. (...3) Hobo gets back into the match with a jumping neck snap on Wes. (....4) Hobo kicks Wes in the stomach. Wes climbs to his feet. (.....5) Wes and Hobo move back into the ring. Flying side kick by Wes takes Hobo off his feet. Wes is back on his feet. Now Hobo standing. Hobo places Wes on the turnbuckle and executes the double underhook superplex. Hobo gets up. Wes gets hit with the shooting star press from Hobo. Charles Robinson counts. ...1 ...2 Wes kicks out. Wes gets back to his feet. Hobo executes a jawbreakeron Wes. Now Hobo standing. Now Wes standing. Wes with an impressive flying spinning leg lariat on Hobo. Wes is back on his feet. Hobo hits a kneeling headbutt to Wes's groin. Hobo hits Wes with an elbowdrop. Hobo gets up. Wes gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Hobo. Hobo climbs to his feet. Wes is up again. Hobo grabs Wes's leg and takes him down. Hobo rolls onto Wes connecting with a knee. Hobo grabs Wes and applies an arm wrench. Wes climbs to his feet. Hobo drives a forearm into Wes. Wes gets hit with a dragon scerw from Hobo. Hobo climbs to his feet. Hobo puts Wes in an arm grapevine submission. Wes hits Hobo with the Asai moonsault bodyblock. Wes moves back to his feet. Wes and Hobo go to the floor Charles Robinson starts the count (.1) Wes hits Hobo with a flying senton. Wes gets back to his feet. Hobo moves back to his feet. Wes takes Hobo into the ring. Wes goes to the top and executes a flying hip attack on Hobo. Wes chants start. Wes picks up Hobo and delivers a bone crunching shoulderbreaker. Hobo piledrives Wes. Hobo executes a corkscrew legdrop on Wes. Hobo gets back to his feet. Hobo thrust kicks Wes in the head. Wes gets hit with the shooting star press from Hobo. Charles Robinson counts the pin. ...1 ...2 ...3

JR - The winner of this match, Hobo!!!

“I stand alone” by Godsmack (Bad god! Bad bad GOD!) plays as Jarred walks to the ring.

Howard Finkle: The following contest is to determine the number 1 contender for the world championship! First, making his way to the ring… Jarred!!!!

JR: That’s right, the winner of this match gets to face Raptor at Cold Day in Hell!

King: I still don’t believe that Raptor, of all people, retired the legend Matt Dragon AND retired Def Metal.

“Snap your fingers, snap your neck” plays as Primetime walks out from behind the curtain.

Howard Finkle: And his opponent… Primetime!!!!

King: I think I see Kevin Kelly following him!

JR: …..

[Primetime climbs the steps, goes through the ropes and does a turnbuckle pose to the fans. He jumps down into the ring, staring at Jarred. The bell rings to start the match]

JR: Here we go! This’ll be-

[“Doperide” by Saliva hits the PA system, and Jarred and Primetime’s heads both snap towards the entrance as the EMF Heavyweight Champion, Raptor, walks out behind the curtain. He waves to the boys in the ring, smiling, as he walks down the ramp. Primetime and Jarred just watch him all the way down the ramp. He walks over to the announce table.]

King: Hah! Take a seat! What an honor, JR, we’re being visited by the EMF World Champ!

Raptor: Heh, yeah, how you doing king?

JR: What are you doing out here?

Raptor: Just scouting the competition, that’s all… If I’m gonna face one of these jackasses, I wanna know what they can do!

JR: Your certainly no stranger to Primetime, remember?

*Raptor backhands JR for reminding him*

King: Don’t disrespect the champ! *Backhands JR again*

[Primetime goes runs over and starts yelling at Raptor, while Jarred keeps his eyes on Primetime. Primetime challenges Raptor to get in the ring, but Raptor just smiles and waves. Primetime eventually stands down, and turns around… and BAM! Jarred gets him with a cheap shot. Primetime falls to the ground, surprised at the shot, and Jarred jumps on top of him, trying to seize the moment. 1 punch, 2… 3… Primetime jumps up, shoving Jarred off his chest. Jarred falls to the ground, and gets up immediately, as the two wrestlers stare each other down.]

King: Didn’t your mother tell you not to stare?!

[They start circling each other again, and they lock up. Primetime puts Jarred in a headlock, but Jarred forces Primetime off the ropes, into an Irish whip. Primetime runs across the ring, Jarred jumps up and Primetime goes under him. But Primetime puts on the brakes and gets a shot to the back of Jarred’s head before he can turn around. Jarred falls over, and Primetime drops an elbow to his spine. Primetime stands up, and goes to elbow again, but Jarred rolls out of the way. Primetime falls over, and Jarred grabs his arm and puts him in an arm bar. The ref checks for the tap out…]

Raptor: Come on, Tap!!!!

King: You want Primetime to lose?

Raptor: Think positive. I don’t want Primetime to lose; I want Jarred to win.

[Primetime struggles… Crawling towards the ropes]

Raptor: Ugh… Tap you stuck up bastard!

[Raptor takes off his headset and runs to the ring. Primetime is about to reach the ropes… But Raptor pulls the ropes away. Primetime can’t reach them… but the Ref spots Raptor, and starts yelling. Raptor goes back to the announce table, and the Ref keeps yelling at him]

Raptor: What’s your problem, Ref?

King: Yeah, get back to the match!!!!

JR: He’s just doing his job!

King: Shut up JR, your outnumbered, 2 to 1!

[Primetime grabs the ropes, and the Ref makes Jarred break the hold. Jarred gets up, and pulls Primetime up by the hair. Primetime looks a little groggy, and Jarred goes for another punch to the skull, but Primetime blocks it! Primetime with a few shots to Jarred… But Jarred grabs Primetime by the waist and chucks him overhead with a belly to belly suplex. Primetime falls over, pained. Jarred goes for the pin… 1… 2… Kick out]

Raptor: God he just won’t quit!

King: He won’t quit using Kevin Kelly, either!

JR: Yes he-

King: I SAID SHUT UP JR! *Backhands JR again*

[Jarred is pissed off with the Ref, yelling at him. The Ref fights back as best as he can, but before Jarred knows it, Primetime is standing behind him, and put him in an inverse headlock, back into the flapjack suplex! Jarred falls right on his stomach, screaming, Primetime rolls out of the ring, and gets a chair… Jarred stands up, and Primetime runs at him, but Jarred scouts it and ducks. Primetime gets a sickening shot to the skull of the ref!!!]

JR: The Ref is out cold!

Raptor: You’re damn straight he is!

[Raptor stands up, takes off his headset, and picks up his chair. Primetime lines up again, to hit Jarred… Jarred notices, but doesn’t move. He smiles at Primetime, and points behind him… Primetime turns around, to be smashed in the skull by a chair by Raptor! Primetime falls to the ground like a rock! Jarred goes for the cover, as Raptor revives the ref…




[Raptor can’t believe it! He jumps out of the ring, as Jarred looks astounded too, that Primetime can kick out of such a vicious shot. Raptor goes back to the announce table]

JR: Raptor, you’re acting very heel-ish tonight…

Raptor: Meh, I look out for my own interests. It makes sense, I am the world champ, so I’m doing something right.

[Jarred stands Primetime up again… and sets him up for the legendary end! He hits it, and goes for the pin…]


Raptor: HAH! Take that, Primetime!

JR: JARRED! Jarred is going to meet Raptor for the world title at Cold Day in Hell!!!!

[Jarred stands up, celebrating… and Raptor takes off his headset. Raptor jumps in the ring, and walks straight up to Jarred, standing face to face with him. They start trash talking, yelling in each others faces. Jarred backs up, and goes for a punch, but Raptor ducks and trips him over… Raptor just laughs, and walks off, as Jarred stands up again, yelling at Raptor… Jarred challenges Raptor to come to the ring, but Raptor just laughs and walks backstage…]

King: It’ll be an astounding match, that’s for sure! Jarred vs Raptor!

JR: But what lengths will these two go to in the next few weeks to be on top???

(Shockwave goes off the air with that)