EMF: Saturday Shockwave

*The EMF logo flashes over the screen and then we go into the Shockwave video and then once we are finished the video we go into the arena where there are pyrotechnics that blasts off and then once that’s finished the lights turns on and then the camera scans the crowd)

JR-Welcome to Saturday Shockwave, I’m good ol’ JR along side Jerry “the King” Lawler

“Time to Play the Game” blasts on the PA system as half owner Jay walks to the ring and motions for the microphone.

Jay-Now let’s get down to business, you know what, I would like to thank Paul Heyman for giving me the opportunity to pick the match. Because god knows that if there is any way I can get rid of that son of bitch Hanley for good. I can’t say I am happy that this match is taking place at all, but I can totally understand it. You see it doesn’t matter what that bitch was able to pull off, because Angelus, I am confident you can get the job done. Now to what type of match it should be, really there were so many choices I could come up with. Though there were three that come to mind, first is Hell in a cell…a match where many careers have gone to die. There was a weed wacker match that took place here in the Extreme Measures Federation against Wes…whatever and Barbwire Chris, and third is a match where you must beat your opponent so senseless that one man can’t stand up any longer….that match a last man standing match. So I thought between those three, and I decided…why just pick just one, when I can have all three


Jay-At Cold Day in Hell, it will be Josh Hanley and Angelus Archer in a Hell in a Cell, Weed wacker on a pole match…Last….man…standing match!

“Time to play the game” blasts on the PA system as Jay laughs and then goes to the outside and walks out the ramp

(We come back from commercial and both Messiah and James Hardy are already in the ring) JR-hhhmmm...are we back on King-Not sure, but comments are on rush mode. James manages to rapidly attack Messiahs side, and whip him to the ropes, Messiah ducks a fearsome clothesline and arm drags James to the canvass. Messiah gets up and launches James into the corner forcing him to fall face first into the mat, Messiah taunts to the crowd little does he know James is quick to his feet, James crawls over and fiercely takes Messiah down with an elbow to the side of the knee, Messiah cringes as James forces him to his feet, James grabs Messiah by the tights and hit’s a T-Bone suplex on him, James goes for another but with Messiah countering send James stumbling backwards into the ropes, Messiah looks aggressive as he nails a bug side walk slam and goes in for the cover, 1...2... Kick out by James as they both get to their feet, James goes for a quick punch but with Messiah on a role he blocks and sends James back to the floor with one fearsome straight right.

JR-EMF rules all

King-NO THE HoRdE does!

James gets up and runs at Messiah with a staggering pace, Messiah once again ducks but is followed up by a cross body by a quick James Hardy which send Messiah into the referee knocking him over like a fragile child, Messiah is quick to worry about the referee as James is reaching under the ring, he pulls out a lead pipe and stalks Messiah from behind, Messiah quickly turns yet to be struck in the face by the lead, he blocks it and Russian leg sweeps James, but still worried he turns to the referee, James gets up and hits Messiah not once but twice in the back of the skull, Messiah drops like a sack of Potatoes, James slides out and wakes the referee, he gets up, slides in and goes for the cover, the unstable referee counts 1...2... Shoulder elevated by Messiah.


Messiah shakes it off and gets launched into the ropes, he comes back with extreme force as he miraculously cheats death and lunges two metres at James knocking both himself and James ringside, Messiah gets up as he feels the momentum and stomps on James several times before sliding in and back out of the ring, he picks up James and whips him into the cold hard steel of the steps, Messiah slides in and taunts to the crowd as they roar, James slides in and manages to get the cover from behind, 1..2.. Kick out by Messiah.

JR-almost three

Both James and Messiah are hurt and crouch to their knees. Messiah is first to make his move once again lunging at James, James dives out of the way as Messiah lands face first on the bottom turn buckle, Messiah is not phased rapidly kicking at James sends hit to his knees Messiah runs to the ropes and is confronted on a return trip by James also launching himself to the ropes, James looks determined as he land the big Cold Shoulder. But before he can hit it, Messiah hits a low blow and the ref calls for the bell!

JR-That was a blanant low blow, he knew he was going to get beat


“Capital Punishment” blasts on the PA system as Punisher walks to the ring with the extreme championship around his waist

JR-Punisher is the extreme, but for how long as he has to go up against another Hall of Famer in Wasabi


JR-no not Shawn Michaels….WASABI


“Angelus theme” blasts on the PA system as Angelus walks to the ring with the world championship

JR-Man Brock and Eddie might have experience else where, but I think it might be a long night for them

King-and you told me this…WHY?

“Lie, Cheat, Steal” blasts on the PA system as Eddie and Brock come out in a low rider.

King-Brock forgot his sombrero


[Punisher and Brock stand on opposite side of the ring. They come into the middle of the ring and then talk trash and then they lock up and then Brock drives him into the corner and then backs off clean and then Brock slams a cocky smile as he does his pattern Brock dance. Punisher being the veteran that he is, slowly walks out of the corner and then paces around Brock and then goes into the lock up and then quickly takes over Brock with a firemans carry. Brock gets up and then Brock angry charges at Punisher and then Punisher counters with a quick release arm drag take down and then Brock gets up and charges at Punisher again and then Punisher takes Brock down with another arm drag release and then Brock gets up on his knee’s and then Punisher laughs and mocks Brock’s dance. Brock gets up really angry and charges at Punisher and then Punisher side steps Brock and then throws him into the ring post and then Brock slowly pulls himself out of the corner and then Punisher helps him up and then smashes his head into the top turnbuckle and then Punisher helps Brock turn around into the corner and then hits a few hard stomps into the gut of and then tries to whip Brock to the opposite side of the ring and then Punisher does and then Brock bounces hard off the opposite side of the ring and then right into Punisher and then Punisher hits a big back body drop on Brock. Brock gets up and then backs off and then Punisher hits a few stomps on the downed Brock and then grabs Brock and then pulls him over to his corner and then tags in Angelus. Punisher then puts Brock in Russian leg sweep as Angelus backs into the corner and then measures up Brock and then nails him with a hard super kick and then knocks him down and then that drives him back into a Russian leg sweep by Punisher. Punisher rolls out of the ring and then Angelus goes into the cover and gets a 1…………….2……….Eddie comes into the ring and then hits a diving double axe handle to break up the count and then talks a little trash to Angelus after doing that. Angelus then hits a few hard punches to the face of Brock and then Angelus whips Brock to the ropes, Brock bounces off the ropes and Angelus and Brock knock each other with a double clothesline]

King-Man if I could bet what is going to happen about the time we talk…I would actually win bets

JR-But then it wouldn’t happen like that anymore…

King-So, true

[Both wrestlers are down and then turn to their stomachs as both of their partners have their hands out stretched Angelus makes the tag to Punisher and then Brock tags in Eddie who springs over the top rope and then Punisher comes into the ring and then gets knocked down with a big fist by Eddie, Punisher stumbles up and then gets another fist by Eddie, and then another that knocks Punisher to the ropes and then Eddie tries to whip Punisher off the ropes and then Punisher reverses the whip and then Eddie bounces off the ropes and then Eddie counters with a leg scissors hurricanarana and then Punisher is now on the mat and then Eddie see’s Angelus is up with his back to Eddie after seemly being knocked goofy by Brock Lesnar. Eddie then hits Angelus from behind and then Angelus flies off the apron and then on to the announcers table head first and then Angelus then slumps over as Eddie talks trash and turns around and then Punisher is right there and then hits a few fists on Eddie to stop his momentum and then whips Eddie off the ropes and then Eddie bounces off the ropes and then Punisher throws Eddie in the air with his momentum, but as he comes down Eddie nails Punisher with a drop kick and Punisher falls backwards and then bounces off the ropes and then Eddie kicks Punisher in the gut and then hits one vertical and then spins his hip and then pulls up Punisher for another one, but as he gets him over Punisher slides out the back of Eddie and then Punisher pushes Eddie to the ropes and then tries to roll him up. Punisher then rolls into the middle of the ring and then Eddie taunts Punisher. Punisher losing his cool (that’s not cool) runs at Eddie, Eddie ducks it and then low bridges the ropes and Punisher goes flying out of the ring and crashes into his partner Angelus]

King-come on Punisher, you going to let him do that to you

JR-Well Eddie will lie, cheat and steal

King-no shit…him and Chavo stole my “cheat to win” thing…

[Eddie then goes to the outside and then throws Punisher into the ring and then pulls him up and then hits a body slam and then does his taunt before the frog splash. Eddie goes to the top rope and then takes a little time to do a taunt and then gets ready and then leaps off and then goes into the top and then leaps off and just before he can hit the frog splash. Punisher gets his feet up, and then Eddie goes down and then Punisher who is still very hurt slowly makes it to his corner as Angelus is able to get ready for the tag and then Punisher makes the tag. Eddie is just stumbling up on his feet. Angelus gets ready and then Eddie stumbles right to him and Angelus nails the slain. Still a bit effected from earlier moves, Angelus goes to one knee. Though in the corner of his eye suddenly he see’s a EMF camera man jumping on the apron. Angelus gets a pissed off look, goes over there and the camera man hits Angelus with the camera!! The ref calls for the bell for Angelus and Punisher to be the winners via a DQ.]

JR-What the hell was that?!

King-Well when Shawn Michaels was here…he was always throwing the camera people around, you think they wouldn’t get even one day..they must have learned something from Eric Bischoff on how to be a killing machine!


[The camera man comes into the ring, a hat concealing his face stomping, Brock and Eddie are too confused to be really pissed. Punisher rolls into the ring and then the camera man jumps out of the ring. Punisher checks on the downed Angelus who is still conscious, he then looks at the person who attacked him who is in the isle now. The camera man takes off the hat and reveals it’s Josh Hanley!! The crowd pops as “P5hng Me Aw*y” blasts on the PA system as Hanley taunts Angelus, as Angelus looks on almost to say “you’re a dead man”…]

JR-Angelus is not going to let this stand

King-BUT IT WASN’T HANLEY’S FAULT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*We go in the backstage area, where Amy Dumas seems to be in a better mood since last week. She walks down the hall into her and Jericho’s dressing room. The room is quite as Amy walks around it for a little bit, Amy then see’s something on a table in the room. It’s a EMF Chris Jericho action figure, Amy slowly walks over and then picks it up and then looks at it and then slowly starts to get a smile on her face. Amy turns around, and of a sudden Sierra is standing there. Amy almost jumps back in surprise. *

Sierra: What you weren't expecting company?

*Amy gains her composer, and then crosses her arms*

.::Amy Dumas::.-I don't expect for someone to appear out of no where as soon as turn around. Of course I wasn't expecting company, don't you have anything better to do?

Sierra: Better things to do me..*she shook her head no.* Being I don't have to defend my women's title tonight, the answer is No.. So I thought I'd pay my good friend Amy a visit..Whats that in your hand?

.::Amy Dumas::.-Oh...yeah...this...just an action figure...

Sierra: Just an action figure...whats this..*She snatched it from Amy* Oh looky here its a Chris Jericho Action Figure. How sweet, are you practicing what its gonna be like when you both confess your feelings? *she held the figure up so it was looking at Amy..talking in her best Jericho voice.* Amy I'm such an assclown, we are meant to be..*sierra laughed*

(Amy is starting to obviously get angry, narrowing her eyes much like last week and then does her best to try to show she's not that angry doing her trademark rolling her eyes)

.::Amy Dumas::.- Oh shut the hell up!

Sierra: *she turns the figure and looks at it laughing* You are both Assclowns. *sierra in her best Amy voice* Oh Jericho, you are my man, and always will be, lets run away together...*She laughs and makes out with the action figure, really playing it up for Amy*

*Amy snatches the action figure back, and looks really pissed at Sierra and then pushes Sierra. Sierra stumbles back to the hall way and then the door slams Sierra regains her balance as she grins to herself almost evily and walks off*

“Man beast” blasts on the PA system as Rhyno comes to the stage and then does his usual entrance and then walks down to the ring

JR-Rhyno is without a doubt a great competitor


“Real Deal’s theme” blasts on the PA system as Real Deal blasts on the PA system

JR-Real Deal is…well the Real Deal, he is a former extreme champion and he only really had a few matches in the EMF…considering the history of the extreme title, that is impressive

King-Yeah, but can he cut it today…or is he going to be angry and hateful?

“Kaedon’s theme” blasts on the PA system as Kaedon walks to the ring with Vince McMahon

JR-Kaedon is a hoss

King-Which is why Vince McMahon is now his manager…

[All three wrestlers are in a corner, suddenly Rhyno and Real Deal start to hammer always at each other and then Rhyno gets the upper hand and then hammers Real Deal as the ref makes him back off and then Rhyno goes back on the attack and then Real Deal pokes Rhyno in the eyes Rhyno stumbles back and then Real Deal comes back with a few fists and then Real Deal kicks Rhyno in the gut and then Rhyno doubles over and then Real Deal backs up and then hits a running knee lift and then after he knocks down Kaedon comes into the screen and then goes for a running clothesline, but then Real Deal ducks it barely and turns around trying to recover after that move and then runs right into a big boot of Kaedon. Kaedon then hits a few stomps on the downed Real Deal and then Rhyno stumbles up and then right into a side walk slam on Rhyno and then goes into the cover and gets a 1……………..2…………..kick out. Kaedon then pulls up Rhyno and then throws him into the corner and then Kaedon then hits a few fists on Rhyno in the corner and then tries to whip him into the corner and does. Kaedon then charges at Rhyno in the corner, but then Rhyno moves out of the way and then Kaedon crashes into the corner and then stumbles up and then Rhyno rolls back into the ring and then waits for Kaedon to get up, once he does Rhyno charges and goes for the gore. But Kaedon leaps in the air and Rhyno misses Kaedon goes through and then nails Real Deal with the gore that sends him flying and on the mat running completely out of the ring and then Rhyno gets up seeing that he doesn’t have a pin and then turns around into a Kaedon grabbing Rhyno around the throat and then trying to hit a choke slam, but then hits a few back elbows into the neck of Kaedon and then breaks up the move and then Kaedon stumbles back and then Rhyno hits a kick into the gut and then sets up and takes a moment to get ready for the lift and then hits the quick vertical suplex on Kaedon! That gets a good reaction and then Rhyno goes into the cover and then gets the 1…………………2………kick out. Rhyno gets up and then hits a few stomps on the downed Kaedon and then Rhyno notices that Real Deal is getting up on the apron and then he goes over and then Rhyno goes for a fist, but then Real Deal ducks and then Real Deal grabs Rhyno’s head and then hits a hang man on Rhyno. Rhyno goes down on the mat holding his throat and then Real Deal quickly climbs back on the apron and then waits for Rhyno, Kaedon gets up as well and then Real Deal leaps off and nails a double clothesline.]

JR-Good move by Real Deal


[Real Deal hits a few stomps on Rhyno and then pulls up Rhyno and then hits a body slam and then backs to the ropes and then hits a big leg drop and goes into the cover and then gets the 1………….2……Kaedon oddly goes to break up the cover and then Real Deal moves out of the way and then Kaedon hits Rhyno instead and then both Kaedon and Real Deal shrug their shoulders, then Kaedon goes for a fist. But then Real Deal ducks it and then hits a few fists and then tries to whip Real Deal into the ropes and then Kaedon reverses it and then sends Real Deal to the ropes and then Real Deal bounces off the ropes. Real Deal leaps in the air and then hits a flying forearm to the head of Kaedon, Keadon stumbles back and then Real Deal knocks down Kaedon with a standing drop kick that takes down Kaedon and then Real and hits a few hard stomps on the downed Kaedon and then picks him up and throws him into the corner and then starts the 10 punch combo and then gets the 1…………….2…………..3………….4………….5……………6………….7…….Real Deal see’s Rhyno charging for the gore. Real Deal jumps off the turnbuckle and then Rhyno hits the gore in the corner and then Rhyno pulls himself out of corner as Kaedon goes to the mat and then Real Deal kicks Rhyno in the gut and then drives his head into the mat with a DDT and then goes into the cover and gets the 1…………..2………..kick out, Real Deal thought he might have had it there. He then gets a pissed look at the ref and then picks up Rhyno and then Real Deal hits a few hard first and then tries to whip Rhyno off the ropes. Rhyno reverses the whip and then Real Deal bounces off the ropes and then Rhyno caughts Real Deal into a spine buster.]

JR-Rhyno maybe going for the gore!

King-hhhhmmm he’s going to bore Real Deal to death with Al Gore?

JR-You have been listening in on too many posse conversations…

King-What would make you say that *King gets speared by a heat seaking tumbleweed *

[Rhyno goes into the corner and then motions for Real Deal to get up, Real Deal stumbles up and then Rhyno charges for the gore and then from the outside Kaedon grabs Rhyno’s hair as he’s charging and then Rhyno falls right into the mat and then stumbles up and then right into a kick by Real Deal and then Real Deal sets up and hits his finisher “and that’s the Real Deal” and goes into the cover and gets the 1………………..2………….3]

JR-Real Deal got the pin, but not without an assist by Kaedon

(OOC-Harder call than expected, but liked Kaedon’s RP a little more than Rhyno’s..thus why I went with him. Still good job Rhyno.

The Fink:"Ladies and gentlemen, it is now time for the nights main even. This will be the third and final match is the best of three series to determine the EMF Television Champion. Introducing first, now making his way to the ring, the challenger.......Denis Kett....."

*The old ECW theme begins to play cutting Howard Finkel off in mid sentence as Paul Heyman begins to make his way towards the ring. The referee turns Finkel, and they begin to talk to one another, neither of them understanding whats going on as Heyman takes a seat next to J.R and puts on a headset.*

J.R:"Well folks, it seems like we're going to be joined by the CEO of the company. To what do we owe this pleasure?"

King:"Hes the CEO, he doesn't need a reason to be out here."

Heyman:"You know, as right as you are King, do me a favor and keep your mouth shut. I don't need you to speak for me. Now as for why I'm out here J.R. Its rather simple actually. Neddie Guerrero is defending the Television Championship. And as you all know, The Dangerous Alliance, are looking for those titles. So I thought that I'd come out here and take a look at him first hand. Or do you have a problem with that J.R? I didn't think so."

*"Denis' Theme" begins to play as he finally comes out onto the stage. The fans begin to cheer a bit as he makes his way down the aisle and rolls into the ring. Denis stands up in the middle of the ring and backs into a corner, talking with the referee as the ref checks him for foreign objects."

The Fink:"Ladies and gentlemen introducing next, he is the current EMF Television Champion.....Neddie Guerrero."

*"Steal, Cheat and Lie" begins to play as Neddie Guerrero comes out driving one of his prized low riders. The crowd pops as Eddie turns the hyrdaulics on and bounces up and down a little bit. He finally shuts off the engine and gets out of the car, the Television Title around his waste, and the tag title over his shoulder. Eddie slaps a few hands as he walks to the ring and finally rolls inside. He hops up and begins to pull the title out from around his waste, but before he can get it completely off, Denis blindsides him with a bull rush that forces him back into a corner. Denis begins to hammer Neddie with lefts and rights to the head and body. Neddie tries to cover up, but to no effect. Neddie finally falls down to the mat, but instead of stopping Denis begins to stomp and kick Neddie as he sits in the corner. The referee is finally able to pull Denis away from the corner, and begins to admonish him about backing Neddie into the corner the way he did. Denis simply grins at him and brushes by him heading back to Neddie. Denis grabs Neddie by the hair and pulls him back to his feet, nailing him with a few knife hand chops before pulling him out of the corner and whipping him into the far ropes. Neddie comes off the ropes, heading back to Denis, and as he reaches him Denis nails him with a beautiful drop kick that nearly takes his head off. Neddie goes down hard, his head bouncing off the canvas as he lands. Denis goes right into the cover, hooking the near leg as the referee gets into position. 1....2.....Neddie gets a shoulder up causing the crowd to pop a bit.*

J.R:"Denis has definently come prepared to do what it takes to win this match tonight, but you have to wonder if he'll be able to over come a man who seems to have rewritten Ric Flair's book on cheating to win matches."

King:"Whooooooooooooo! The Nature Boy!!!"

Heyman:"I don't see how the two of you can stand to be out here with one another week after week. Actually I can't believe that people actually watch Shockwave every week knowing that you two are doing commentary. They must watch it with the volume turned all the way down. And as for what you said about Denis, of course he came prepared to do what it takes to win. He beat Neddie in the last match they had, and I look forward to seeing him take that title from Neddie tonight."

*Denis stands up, and pulls Neddie up with him, giving him a few right hands on the way up. Denis whips Neddie into the far corner and turns and immediately follows him in, only to be met by a boot to the face. Denis backs up, grabbing his jaw only to try it again. Again to be met by a boot to the face. Denis takes a step back, giving Neddie room to get out of the corner. Neddie steps out of the corner, and delivers a thumb to the eye of Denis. Denis grabs his eye as the Referee warns Neddie about his actions. Neddie shrugs his shoulders and grins as he grabs Denis by the head and forces him back into the corner. Neddie delivers a few chops to Denis' chest and then picks him up, setting him up on the top turnbuckle. Neddie steps back a couple of steps, and then shouts to the crowd, getting them behind him. Neddie steps back into the corner, and up onto the second turnbuckle. He grabs the back of Denis' head and jerks it back, saying something to him before jumping up and executing a near perfect Hurricanrana that sends Denis flying nearly half way across the ring. Neddie pops back up to his feet and dances a bit before turning his attention back to Denis. Neddie puts a few boots to Denis, before pulling him up and whipping him into the ropes. Neddie bounces off the ropes himself, using the momentum to take to the air and nail Denis with a leg lariet that sends Denis to the canvas. Neddie quickly goes into the cover as the Referee gets into position. 1...2....Denis gets a shoulder up stopping the count. Neddie sits up, claiming that was a three count. Neddie pulls Denis back to his feet, and kicks him in the mid-section, doubling him over and then driving him head first into the canvas with a massively quick ddt. Neddie immedietly rolls Denis over and goes into another cover. The Ref goes down to make the count....1......2.........NO! Denis gets his shoulder up just before the count of three."

J.R:"So what are you thinking so far of what you've seen? Are you enjoying this at all?"

Heyman:"Actually, I am rather enjoying this. I'm enjoying this about as much as I enjoy a match between Jarred and Wes. Neddie Guerrero is about as useful as either of those two were. And so far, all I'm seeing is a man who doesn't come close to even be able to spit shine Angelus or Punisher's boots."

*Neddie pulls Denis back to his feet, and backs him into the corner again, sitting him back on the top turnbuckle. Neddie steps up onto the middle turnbuckle, raising his hand in the air and trying to get the crowd into it. Instead he receives a hard fist to the stomach from Denis, who continues to deliver shots to the body of Guerrero before Neddie finally falls back to the canvas below. Denis stands up, and waits for Neddie to get to his feet. Once Neddie is standing, Denis leaps off the top turnbuckle and nails Neddie with a spear almost breaks him in half. Denis jumps to his fee, the adrenaline pumping again as he begins to relentlessly stomp on the downed Neddie Guerrero. Denis finally stops and backs up, taking a running start and dropping a hard knee across the throat of Neddie. He rolls Neddie back over, and drops a second knee across his throat and goes into a quick cover. 1...2....Neddie gets his shoulder up. Denis stands up, pulling Neddie up with him and kneeing him in the stomach. Neddie doubles over, and once he does Denis drives him face first into the canvas with a Fameasser. Denis rolles Neddie over and goes for another quick cover...1.....2.....NO! Again Neddie gets a shoulder up just before the count of three. Denis stands back up, disgusted that he can't put Neddie away. Denis pulls Neddie up, and sets him up for a suplex, but as he tries to pick him up, Neddie blocks it. Denis tries again, and again Neddie manages to block it. Neddie tries to pick Denis up, but Denis blocks. Neddie tries a second time, but Denis again blocks it. But this time, before Denis can try to pick him up, Neddie stomps on Denis' foot, throwing him off balance and allowing him to deliver a snap suplex. Neddie holds onto Denis and rolls back to his feet, delivering a second snap suplex. Neddie holds onto Denis once again, and rolls back to his feet a second time. Neddie delivers a third snap suplex, this time popping back up to his feet and slapping his chest a bit. Neddie then points to the corner, and shouts something into the crowd as he makes his way towards the corner. Neddie steps out onto the ring apron, and then climbs up to the top turnbuckle, getting set to deliver the Frog Splas, but just as he gets set, a voice echoes through the arena, and the EMFTron springs to life.*

Angelus:"Hey Neddie! Your not feeling froggy are you my little illegal immigrant? I tell you what, why don't you come down from there and I'll let you pick some tobacco on a friends farm back in North Carolina. Or maybe you'd rather come and mow my lawn. Or perhaps you can wash my car. Better yet, I'll wash yours....IN BLOOD!"

*Neddie sits perched atop the corner, a look of disbelief on his face as a red liquid falls from the rafters and splashes down on his low rider. Meanwhile, Paul Heyman pulls his headset off and leaves the the announce table. Heyman grabs the Television Title off the time keepers table, and slides it into the ring next to Denis. Heyman jumps up onto the ring apron and distracts the ref as Neddie finally leaps off the turnbuckle with a Frog Splash. Denis manages to grab the Television Title and hold it up just before Neddie lands on him, catching Neddie in the face with the championship belt. Denis shoves the belt out of the ring as he stands up, and pulls Neddie to his feet, nailing him with his finisher. Heyman backs away from the ring, and the ref turns around just as Denis is making the cover. 1.....2.....3!!!!!*

J.R:"Dammit! That sorry son of a bitch Angelus and his puppet Paul Heyman just screwed Neddie out of the Television Championship!"

Finkel:"The winner of this match, and new EMF Television Champion Denis!!!!!!"

*Denis stands up as the ref is handing him the title belt. He holds the belt up over his head in celebration as the crowd greets his victory with a mixed reaction. Denis drapes the title over his shoulder and starts to leave the ring, as the lights go out suddenly. After a couple of minutes the lights come back on and Denis is standing face to face with The Undertaker. Denis begins to talk trash to Taker, who simply stands there with an expressionless look on his face. Suddenly Tyrant rolls into the ring and knocks Denis into Taker who immediately grabs him and chokeslams him. Tyrant and Taker begin to put the boots to the downed Denis. Tyrant tells Taker to pick him up and give him the Tombstone. Taker grabs Denis by the hair and pulls him to his feet, while Tyrant lays the T.V Title out on the mat. Taker picks Denis up, and delivers a Tombstone Pile Driver onto the Television Championship. Shockwave goes off the air with Tyrant spitting on the beaten and bloody body of Denis.*