EMF: Saturday Shockwave

(We go into the Shockwave video, once we finish up the video. The lights are already on and then we go right into the show)

JR-Welcome to Shockwave

King-yeah, yeah I’m the King..

The EMFTron springs to life. Several lightning bolts are seen flashing across the large screen, before all coming together to form the barbwire wrapped ECW logo, which slowly morphs into the EMF logo. The old ECW theme music begins to play through the arena and the fans instantly fill the arena with a chorus of boos and jeers. Paul Heyman walks out from behind the curtain at the back of the stage, wearing a black pin striped suit and a New York Yankees ball cap. Heyman makes his way down the ramp to the ring side area, stopping just as he reaches the ring to taunt a few fans in the front row who are holding up Josh Hanley signs. Heyman walks around the ring and begins to climb the ring steps. Heyman takes a couple steps down the ring apron and them steps into the ring between the top and middle ropes. He makes his way to the middle of the ring, pulling a microphone out of his jacket.*

Heyman:"As soon as all of you dumb, illiterate Canucks shut the hell up, I'll inform you as to why your lucky enough to have been graced by my presence tonight. And believe me, its damn sure not becuase I enjoy being here in Montreal. The only reason I'm even here in Montreal tonight is because what Amy Dumas did last week was absolutely deplorable and disrespectful. And I want to know whats going to be done about it. This can't be allowed to happen! Amy, can't be allowed to undermine the authority of the half owner of this great company by signing a match between my client, the EMF World Heavyweight Champion Angelus Archer, and that sorry son of a bitch Josh Hanley. Just who in the hell do you think you are? What in the hell do you think your doing? Do you honestly think that your going to get away with what you did last week? Well, allow me to let you in on a little secret, the contract that Hanley signed last week, its not a legally binding contract. Sure, you may have found a loop hole that allowed you to sign Hanley for the World Title match before he lost his match against Messiah, losing his chance to ever wrestle for the title again. But, thats right, there is a huge but here Amy! The contract you drew up, its not binding because it only has one signature on it. And since it only has the signature of Josh Hanley on it, and since Hanley did lose his match against Messiah, then that means that Josh Hanley will never be allowed to step into this ring one on one with Angelus for the EMF World Championship. I guess your not half as smart as you claim to be. Then again, your a woman, and I wouldn't expect you to be as well versed as I am in these kinds of matters. So it would seem that your little plan to get back at Jay Levesque, and to help Hanley try and regain what is rightfully my client's, has ultimately back fired. And now your going to pay for what you tried to do. Amy, I promise you this, here and now......."

*"Fuck The World" by Insane Clown Posse begins to play through the arena and Angelus Archer walks out onto the stage, the EMF World Championship around his waste. He makes his way down the ramp to the ring side area. Angelus rolls into the ring and pulls the title out from around his waste, draping it over his shoulder as he takes a microphone from the time keeper.*

Heyman:"Angelus, I'm glad you decided to come out here and join me. Because now you can tell everybody how we feel about what happened last week when Amy Dumas announced that she had signed a match between you and Hanley. Now you can tell the world that the match won't be happening."

Angelus:"Paul, calm down. Theres no need to get so worked up over this. Amy Dumas is going to pay for what she did. And the price that she'll pay will be far more costly than it was the last time she crossed me. This time Paul E., Miss Dumas won't be receiving any packages containing the head of her beloved dog. No, next time it'll be several packages, each one containing a different part of Josh Hanley's body. You see Paul, I signed that contract last week, and I signed it because if anybody is going to take Hanley out of the World Championship picture permanently, its going to be ME!! Thats right, I can't wait to get my hands on him again. I can't wait to be able to settle this little feud of ours once and for all. I welcome the opportunity to defend my EMF World Heavyweight Championship against a man who never deserved the title to begin with. Paul, I welcome the chance to make him bleed. To make him feel pain so unbearable, that he'll want to end his own life just to stop the suffering. Hell, I might even go so far as to brand him like I did Barbwire Chris. So you see, I have no problem defending my title against Hanley. There is one stipulation though. Amy, seeing as how I am the World Champion, and I didn't have to sign your fucking contract, I want a stipulation added to the match. Oh, but I don't want you to be the one adding the stipulation. No, I want somebody who wants to end Hanley's career just as badly as I do to make the stipulation. No disrespect Paul, but I want for Jay Levesque to name the stipulation for my World Title defense. Thats right, I want Jay to come up with a match that is right up my ally. One that will allow me to do anything and everything I want to Josh Hanley. and please, be creative. Be viciously, and barbarically creative."

Heyman:"You know, I really love the way that you think. I swear, if I had had access to you when I running ECW it never would have went under because I never would have had to rely on losers like Sabu and Rob Van Dam to carry the company. Angelus, you truely are a psychotic master mind."

Angelus:"Thank you Paul. There is one last matter that needs to be addressed before I leave this wasteland called Canada. Michael De Kreek, Neddie Guerrero.....the two of you seem to have gotten a little too used to carry those straps around. You've gotten a little to comfortable with your position as the EMF Tag Team Champions. Don't worry though boys, because you'll be having a bit of real competition heading your way soon enough. You see, when I came back to the EMF I made a promise to this man here, and to myself to rid the Extreme Measures Federation of undeserving champions such as yourselves. Thats why I made the offer to Punisher that I did. And in case you boys didn't get the memo, Punisher has accepted my offer. So, theres no where that you boys can hide. Theres no where for you to run. Sure, you boys may have been able to squeeze one out over Big Pun when he was relying on that worthless piece of shit Barbwire Chris, but now he has a real man watching his back. No, this isn't some newly formed friendship, this is strictly business. Its merely two men, draw together by a deep respect for one another, and a common hatred. Two men who will stop at nothing to strip those titles from around your waste. So do yourselves a favor fellas, don't worry about the team who wins the number on contenders match later tonight, worry about us. Because we're coming for you, and we're not going to stop until we bathe in your blood and drink your cleaned out skulls! Remeber boys, Punisher might punish you, but I just want to play with you and make you feel my pain."

*Angelus drops his microphone at Heyman's feet, and drops down, sliding out of the ring and making his way back up the ramp. Heyman tucks his microphone back inside his jacket and climbs out of the ring himself, a large grin on his face as Shockwave cuts to a commercial break.*

(We go into the quiet Vice President office, suddenly the door opens, Jericho and Amy walk through the door. Amy’s still somewhat using a crutch, but not as much as she’s easing herself back on to the foot)

.::”Y2J” Chris Jericho::.-So you have fun?

.::Amy Dumas::.-Of course, going (OOC-I can’t think of anything good..just know it’s innocent..that’s all that matters), got my mind off things. The VP job hasn’t been all stress free if you know what I mean..

.::”Y2J” Chris Jericho::.-Well…to be honest I did have some other reasons…I need to tell you something that I should have a long time ago, but I’ll leave it alone if it will bother you

(Amy grins a little bit, as she obviously know what he’s talking about.

.::Amy Dumas::.-no it’s fine!

(Jericho looks her in the eyes and then says)

.::”Y2J” Chris Jericho::.-Amy…aw to hell with this..

(before Jericho says what he was going to…or rather do what he was going to..)

*Crash! *

(the couple…)

.::Jericho and Amy::.-(Jericho and Amy look in the air and yell at the narrator) WE ARE NOT A COUPLE….(in both their minds)….for the time being…

(Anyways…Jericho and Amy turn towards the sound, as they see Christian fallen face first from some other door in the VP’s office. Seeing that both Jericho and Amy are looking at him with pissed looks, Christian gets up brushes himself off.)

.::Christian::.-What? What?!

.::”Y2J” Chris Jericho::.-Nice timing CLB!

(Christian gets a dark look on his face)

.::Christian::.-Damn it! I am not a CLB! I’m Captain Charisma damn it!...Hey, I see where you are going with this, I was not listening into your conservation.

(Suddenly Carlito Caribbean Cool comes walking into the office eating an apple)

.::Carlito::.- …this room…it’s not that cool. Jericho…you not cool, neither are you…Amy, Sierra…now she’s cool, Christian, you were spying on them…that’s not cool..


(Christian hits the un-pettier on Carlito and Christian walks out trying to act as cool as possible.)

.::Amy Dumas::.-Alright…that was just too weird, I think I better get some work done…

.::”Y2J” Chris Jericho::.-Yeah…suppose I’ll tell you what I was going to another time..

.::Amy Dumas::.-yeah…

(Jericho walks off camera as Amy watches Jericho go and then says to herself)

.::Amy Dumas::.-Damn it! So close!

Sierra: *sitting in Amy's chair with her back to her* So close yet its not like Everyone doesn't know...

*Amy turns around deep in her thought a bit surprised at the voice out of no where, Amy looks at the chair not particularly realizing the voice.*

.::Amy Dumas::.-....huh?....who's in my office!?

Sierra: *She spun her chair around and kicked her feet onto the desk* You should really lock your office up...

(Amy is still a bit angry, most likely due to be over heard.)

.::Amy Dumas::.-....that does not give you any excuse to be in my office, so why the hell are you here? Are you a little lost, Prez Mike's office is that way *points in a random direction*

Sierra: Funny, Actually I thought we haven't chatted in a long while and well its time to catch up don't you think...

.::Amy Dumas::.-Catch up? About what?

Sierra: I don't know, just girl talk, you know, relationships, what not...

.::Amy Dumas::.-Well in case you didn't realize Sierra, we aren't exactly friends. In fact I don't think we have ever talked up till now, after you sit in my chair and listening to what is going on. I don't think we have much to talk about...

Sierra: Oh taking things so Serious, you can trust me Amy, I won't tell anyone, well nothing they don't already know. Face it...*She stood up walking over to Amy* everyone knows whats going on between the two of you, just you two are too stupid to tell eachother how you feel...Its pitiful really..Now Prez Mike and myself, we have no problem showing and telling how we feel about eachother....*She smiled a smug grin*

.::Amy Dumas::.-(trying to remain somewhat in control) I have no clue what you are talking about...

Sierra: Amy its so obivious..how you two look at eachother how you flirt all the time....You may not think anyone notices but we do..

(Amy Narrows her eyes, really angry now)

.::Amy Dumas::.-….Get out of my office!

(Sierra gives another smug look, as she knows that she has seemly got into Amy’s head)

.::Sierra::.-Oh is that all you can say? Fine….but know that this isn’t over

(Sierra calmly walks by Amy as Sierra leaves the office. Amy then sits in her chair looking a little stressed]
JR - This match is a Standard Match tag match. On there way to the ring at this time, Messiah and Destroyer!!!

“Tori’s theme” blasts on the PA system as Tori walks to the ring

JR-Tori has had certainly a interesting week, she’ll be challenging Sierra for the womens championship

King-Maybe she’ll be able to add more people to the list she’s beat

[Messiah and Destroyer come to the ring. ]

JR - and their opponents, the team of Pond and Hardy.

“harder to breath” blasts on the PA system as Sierra walks out to the ramp with Prez Mike trailing her

JR-You know…I have never seen the Vice President effected by words as Sierra just said

King-Very interesting..

[Pond and Hardy walk to the ring. Earl Hebner is the referee for this match. Messiah checks out the ring. James Hardy walks around the ring. (ding, ding, ding) Messiah executes the guillotine choke on James Hardy. Messiah is up again. A flying bodypress by James Hardy takes Messiah to the mat with authority. James Hardy gets back to his feet. James Hardy tags Dewey Pond. Messiah gets knocked on the ground and Dewey Pond flips onto him. Dewey Pond climbs to his feet. Dewey Pond jumps off the turnbuckle with the flying bodypress on Messiah. Dewey Pond gets up. the Destroyer tagged in by Messiah. Dewey Pond puts the Destroyer in an arm grapevine submission. the Destroyer hits a flying karate chop right to Dewey Pond's neck. Dewey Pond comes from behind and bulldogs the Destroyer. Dewey Pond stands up. the Destroyer makes the tag to Messiah. Messiah sets Dewey Pond up DDTs him into the mat. the Destroyer punches Dewey Pond repeatedly. ]

The King - Come on ref! Do something!! Dewey Pond is being double teamed!

[the Destroyer stands up. the Destroyer executes a belly-to-belly suplex on Dewey Pond. Messiah tags in the Destroyer. They lockup. Dewey Pond sends the Destroyer to the corner of the ring. the Destroyer makes the tag to Messiah. the Destroyer monkey flips Dewey Pond onto the mat. Messiah sets Dewey Pond up DDTs him into the mat. Messiah piledrives Dewey Pond. Dewey Pond goes off the top and hits a flying sitdown splash on Messiah. ]

The King - Dewey Pond with a flying sitdown splash.

[Dewey Pond is back on his feet. James Hardy tagged in by Dewey Pond. James Hardy hits Messiah with an elbowdrop. Now Messiah standing. Messiah tags the Destroyer. the Destroyer holds his mouth after recieving an elbow smash to the face. the Destroyer brings in Messiah for Messiah and Destroyer. James Hardy hits a flying karate chop right to Messiah's neck. James Hardy tags Dewey Pond. Messiah gets tiger suplexed by James Hardy. James Hardy trys for a springboard DDT but Messiah avoids it. James Hardy connects with a somersault slam on Messiah. ]

The King - Good somersault slam by James Hardy.

[James Hardy is back on his feet. James Hardy and Messiah go to the floor Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) (..2) James Hardy hits Messiah with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle. Now James Hardy standing. Messiah is back on his feet. (...3) Messiah hits a koppo kick on James Hardy. (....4) Messiah holds his head after recieving an earringer from James Hardy. (.....5) They head back into the ring. Messiah short clothslines James Hardy. James Hardy stands up. Messiah throws James Hardy off the ropes and hits him with a cross-body block. Messiah chants start. Messiah gets back to his feet. Messiah and James Hardy go to the floor Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) Messiah hits James Hardy with an inverted atomic drop. They fight into the aisle. (..2) Messiah swings a Steel chair and hits James Hardy. James Hardy is bleeding as a result. Messiah head butts James Hardy. Messiah and James Hardy move back to ringside. (...3) (....4) Messiah hits James Hardy with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle. Messiah gets back to his feet. (.....5) Messiah and James Hardy move back into the ring. Messiah puts James Hardy in an arm grapevine submission. Messiah tags in the Destroyer. the Destroyer hits Dewey Pond with a heart punch. Dewey Pond gets up. Flying Tomahawk by Dewey Pond sends the Destroyer down to the mat. the Destroyer is up again. Dewey Pond connects with a flying knee. the Destroyer goes down. Messiah tagged in by the Destroyer. Dewey Pond hits him with a back fist. Messiah brings in the Destroyer for Messiah and Destroyer. Messiah hits Dewey Pond with a heart punch. Messiah hits Dewey Pond with the back of his elbow. Messiah takes Dewey Pond down with a knee. the Destroyer tags in Messiah. Dewey Pond trys for a power move but Messiah avoids it. Dewey Pond locks Messiah in the odd octopus hold. Earl Hebner asks Messiah if he quits. ... Messiah trys to escape. ... ... (AHHHH!) ... Messiah escapes. Dewey Pond sends Messiah to ringside. Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) Dewey Pond does a handspring and hits Messiah with a bodyblock, what a move! Dewey Pond chants start. Now Dewey Pond standing. (..2) ]

The King - zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

[Messiah stands up. (...3) Messiah takes Dewey Pond off his feet with a short-arm clothesline Dewey Pond climbs to his feet. (....4) Dewey Pond bites Messiah's arm out of desparation. (.....5) Dewey Pond takes Messiah into the ring. Dewey Pond neck snaps Messiah. ]

JR - Dewey Pond executes a neck snap.

[Messiah gets tiger suplexed by Dewey Pond. Dewey Pond climbs to his feet. Dewey Pond hits Messiah with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle. Now Dewey Pond standing. Messiah stands up. Messiah makes the tag to the Destroyer. the Destroyer gets back to his feet. the Destroyer throws Dewey Pond off the ropes and hits him with a cross-body block. the Destroyer is up again. the Destroyer locks Dewey Pond in the kneebar. The referee is checking the situation. ... ... Dewey Pond is fighting the hold. ... Dewey Pond is fighting the hold. Dewey Pond escapes. the Destroyer sends Dewey Pond to ringside. Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) (..2) the Destroyer rolls onto Dewey Pond connecting with a knee. Dewey Pond climbs to his feet. (...3) Dewey Pond jabs the Destroyer. (....4) Dewey Pond nails the Destroyer with a belly-to-back suplex. the Destroyer climbs to his feet. the Destroyer hits Dewey Pond with an inverted atomic drop. (.....5) ]

The King - They'll be counted out if they don't return to the ring.

[(......6) They fight into the aisle. the Destroyer and Dewey Pond move back to ringside. the Destroyer takes Dewey Pond into the ring. Dewey Pond gets knocked on the ground and the Destroyer flips onto him. the Destroyer gets up. Dewey Pond gives the Destroyer a reverse neckbreaker. Dewey Pond fist drops the Destroyer on the mat. Dewey Pond executes a corkscrew legdrop on the Destroyer. Dewey Pond is up again. Dewey Pond piledrives the Destroyer head first into the mat. Dewey Pond drags the Destroyer to the floor. Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) the Destroyer gets up. (..2) the Destroyer with an Aztecan suplex on Dewey Pond sends him to the floor. the Destroyer is up again. (...3) Dewey Pond hits the Destroyer with an earringer. ]

The King - earringer!

[(....4) the Destroyer is hit with a backward kick. the Destroyer climbs to his feet. (.....5) Dewey Pond and the Destroyer move back into the ring. Dewey Pond with a high crossbody on the Destroyer. Dewey Pond is back on his feet. Now the Destroyer standing. the Destroyer with a gut-wrench suplex on Dewey Pond. ]

The King - WES...honestly, why doesn't he just have his name change. He hates it, I hate it, get rid of it!!!

[Dewey Pond tags in James Hardy. the Destroyer executes a corkscrew legdrop on James Hardy. Dewey Pond tagged in by James Hardy. the Destroyer goes off the top and hits a flying sitdown splash on Dewey Pond. the Destroyer moves back to his feet. Dewey Pond moves back to his feet. Dewey Pond makes the tag to James Hardy. the Destroyer applies an arm wrench to James Hardy. James Hardy makes the tag to Dewey Pond. the Destroyer executes a headlock takedown. Dewey Pond gets hit with the shooting star press from the Destroyer. Referee Earl Hebner makes the count. ...1 Dewey Pond kicks out. Dewey Pond gets back to his feet. Dewey Pond with a jumping DDT on the Destroyer. Dewey Pond moves back to his feet. Dewey Pond and the Destroyer go to the floor Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) (..2) the Destroyer gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Dewey Pond. ]

The King - the Destroyer takes a diving elbow smash.

[(...3) the Destroyer chops Dewey Pond. (....4) Dewey Pond get nailed with a double axhandle chop from the Destroyer. (.....5) Dewey Pond and the Destroyer move back into the ring. the Destroyer gets hit with a flying forearm right to the face. Dewey Pond tags in James Hardy. the Destroyer trys for a diving headbutt but James Hardy avoids it. the Destroyer puts James Hardy in the hangman submission. Earl Hebner asks James Hardy if he quits. ... James Hardy is fighting the hold. ... the Destroyer breaks the hold. the Destroyer tags in Messiah. James Hardy clotheslines Messiah. James Hardy makes the tag to Dewey Pond. Dewey Pond places Messiah on the turnbuckle and executes the double underhook superplex. Dewey Pond chops Messiah. Messiah tags in the Destroyer. the Destroyer executes an airplane spin on Dewey Pond. Messiah uses a swinging DDT to plant Dewey Pond's head into the mat. Messiah powerbombs Dewey Pond. ]

The King - Dewey Pond is being double teamed!

[Messiah kicks Dewey Pond in the head. the Destroyer tags Messiah. Dewey Pond gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Messiah. Messiah gets back to his feet. Messiah tags in the Destroyer. Messiah leg drops Dewey Pond. Messiah fist drops Dewey Pond on the mat. Messiah stands up. Dewey Pond throws Messiah off the ropes, rolls on the ground, comes back up and delivers a clothesline. the Destroyer tags Messiah. the Destroyer uses a snap mare takeover on Dewey Pond. Messiah sets Dewey Pond up DDTs him into the mat. Messiah tags in Sierra, the ref tells Tori to get into the ring ]

Sierra delivers a low blow to Tori. Now Tori standing. Tori throws Sierra off the ropes and hits him with a diving shoulder block. Sierra is up again. Tori jabs Sierra. Sierra gets hit with a back heel kick. Tori hits Sierra with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle. Tori is back on his feet. Tori jumps off the turnbuckle with the flying bodypress on Sierra. Tori stands up. Sierra gets up. Japanese armdrag take down from Sierra send Tori to the mat. Tori gets up. Tori neck snaps Sierra. Sierra gets thrown into the corner and gets boot choked by Tori. ]

The King - boot choke!

[Sierra grabs Tori's leg and takes him down. Tori moves back to his feet. Flying kick by Tori takes Sierra down. Sierra moves back to his feet. Sierra picks up Tori and hits him with the Death Valley Driver. Sierra climbs to his feet. Tori climbs to his feet. Tori applies the clawhold on Sierra. Sierra executes the jumping sidekick on Tori. Tori moves back to his feet. Tori with a headbutt on Sierra. ]

JR - headbutt!

[Tori rakes his fingers across Sierra's back. Sierra gets hit with a flying forearm right to the face. Tori executes a flying knee drop right to the gut of Sierra. Tori gets up. Tori gets bounced off of the ropes and hit with a backdrop diver by Sierra. Sierra goes off the turnbuckle with a flying sommersault splash. Sierra chants start. Sierra climbs to his feet. Tori gets back to his feet. Sierra hiptosses Tori. Sierra executes a flying knee drop right to the gut of Tori. Sierra moves back to his feet. Sierra measures Tori up and drops a closed fist. Sierra stands up. Then makes the tag to Messiah, Tori tags in The King - Dewey Pond is being double teamed!

[Dewey Pond grabs Messiah and applies an arm wrench. Dewey Pond knees Messiah and rolls back to his feet. Dewey Pond brings in James Hardy for Pond and Hardy. Dewey Pond hits an electrifying flying sommersault headbutt on Messiah. Messiah suplexes Dewey Pond. Dewey Pond moves back to his feet. the Destroyer tagged in by Messiah. the Destroyer hits James Hardy with a running powerbomb on to the mat. Flying kick by the Destroyer takes James Hardy down. James Hardy executes a ropeflip hiptoss on the Destroyer. James Hardy goes off the top turnbuckle and double foot stomps the Destroyer. James Hardy is back on his feet. the Destroyer stands up. the Destroyer runs and tackles James Hardy. the Destroyer punches him in the head. the Destroyer tags in Messiah. the Destroyer dives head first into James Hardy. Messiah applies an arm wrench to James Hardy. Messiah executes a corkscrew legdrop on James Hardy. ]

JR - Come on ref! Do something!! James Hardy is being double teamed!

[James Hardy is back on his feet. James Hardy hits a jumping elbow hrust on Messiah. James Hardy brings in Dewey Pond for Pond and Hardy. They lockup. Messiah sends Dewey Pond to the corner of the ring. Messiah bites Dewey Pond's arm out of desparation. Messiah lifts Dewey Pond into the air and delivers a spine buster. Messiah chokes Dewey Pond. Messiah then tags in Sierra and then Sierra kicks Pond in the gut. Then Sierra taunts Pond because he can’t touch her. Pond then tags in Tori and then Sierra is turned around thinking that Pond is still hurt. Then Tori gets ready as Sierra turns around and then Tori hits a spear on Sierra and then hits a few fists on Sierra. Suddenly on the outside Prez Mike grabs the womens title and then runs over the other side of the ring and then places the womens championship in the corner where the ref might not check and then runs back before the ref can really realize that he did anything]

JR-He put the damn belt in the ring

King-Yeah he’s cheating…I thought you like it

JR-Well not when he does it…

[Prez Mike the jumps on apron as Sierra reverses Tori’ whip and then hits a standing clothesline. She goes over to the corner and then grabs the title and then while the ref is yelling at the ref. She measures up Tori, and then goes to smash Tori in the face with the belt. But then Tori ducks it and then she kicks Sierra in the gut and then hits a DDT! Tori goes into the cover and the ref doesn’t count, because he’s still yelling at Prez Mike, Tori comes at Mike. Mike jumps down and then shakes his head as Sierra rolls to her side of the ring and then Messiah makes a tag from her. Tori see’s it and then makes the tag to Pond and then all of a sudden it breaks down and then starts brawling with Hardy and the Destroyer. Tori goes after Sierra. The ref is trying to get control as Pond hits a double arm DDT. He notices the womens championship on the ground and then smashes Messiah and then throws the title away as the ref is still trying to stop the brawl and then goes into the cover as the ref turns around and makes the count and gets the 1…………….2……….3]

(on the outside Sierra being helped up the ramp away from Tori from Prez Mike as Tori looks pissed.We go to the commercial)

“Capital Punishment” blasts on the PA system as Punisher walks to the ring

King-He’s Punisher…yeah and stuff

JR-That’s all you can think of…

King-It’s much better than your intro at least

“Here comes the money” blasts on the PA system as Hobo walks to the ring

JR-It’s Hobo! Hobo’s the mystery wWo member

King-yeah, he’s very rich and poor…*King’s eyes cross and falls down *

[Punisher and Hobo face off on their respective sides of the ring and then Punisher charges at Hobo and then Hobo ducks under and then hits a few hard fists and then Punisher rocks back and then Hobo whips Punisher off the ropes and then Punisher bounces off the ropes and then Hobo leaps in the air and then hits a standing drop kick that sends Punisher backwards into the ropes and then Hobo measures Punisher and then charges at Punisher and then hits a clothesline over the top rope on Punisher, Hobo pumps up the crowd and then climbs to the top rope and waits for Punisher to get up, once Punisher stumbles up. Hobo then leaps off and then off and then hits a cross body block on Punisher who is down and then slowly Hobo is able to get to his feet and then takes Punishier and then smashes him into the steps and then Hobo picks up Punisher and then rolls him into the ring and then Hobo looks under the ring and then grabs a kendo stick (yes…that’s what I said), Hobo comes into the ring and then measures up Punisher and then Punisher stumbles up and then he gets hit in the back Punisher goes down to his knee’s and then slowly recovers as Hobo waits for Punisher to get up, once he does he goes for another kendo stick shot as Punisher turns around. But then Punisher is able to block it with his arm and then kicks Hobo in the gut and sets him up and then sets up Hobo and then picks up him in a vertical suplex and then drops him in a front slam. Hobo holds his mid section and goes down to the mat after a few second and then Punisher falls to his knee’s and then tries to recover after the beating he’s gotten, though too bad for him that Hobo is to his feet first. Knowing that to keep the advantage, he’ll have to get up before he’s ready Punisher gets up as Hobo fires a fist, and it’s blocked and then returned by Punisher and then Punisher hits a few fists and then whips Hobo off the ropes and then Hobo bounces off the ropes and then leaps in the air and then hits a flying forearm on Punisher. Hobo then nips up and then oddly says “AAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWW” Punisher stumbles up and then Hobo picks up Punisher and slams him on the mat and then backs to the ropes and then bounces off the ropes and then hits a well placed knee drop on Punisher]

JR-That was Ric Flair like

King-No…this is Ric Flair like *King knocks JR out with old man flab *

[Punisher stumbles up and then Hobo hits a few straight punches into the face and then whips Punisher into the ropes and then grabs the kendo stick as Punisher bounces off the ropes and then Hobo goes for a kendo stick shot to the head as Punisher bounces back, Punisher ducks it and then is able to set up and hit a t-bone suplex and then Punisher then stumbles up and then stumbles into the corner trying to recover as this is happening Hobo gets up and then see’s Punisher not moving in the corner. Obviously thinking that the t-bone suplex was just a fluke and then charges at Punisher and then goes for a big splash in the corner and then Punisher moves out of the way and once again Punisher is able to get behind Hobo and hits a germen suplex and both wrestlers are down. But Punisher is able to get to his feet and then Punisher waits for Hobo to get up and then once he does Punisher hits a running clothesline and then knocks Hobo down again and then Punisher slides out of the ring and then grabs a chair and then Hobo is getting on his feet and then Punisher cracks him on the back and Hobo goes down and then Punisher calls for the end. Punisher sets up the chair in the middle of the ring and then Hobo stumbles up and then Punisher picks up Hobo on his shoulders and then sets him up and then goes for the the capital punishment. But then Hobo slides out the back of Punisher and then Hobo pushes Punisher to the ropes and then goes for a roll up. But then before that happens, Punisher grabs the ropes and Hobo summersaults into the middle of the ring. Hobo gets up and then charges at Punisher who turns around and counters with a back body drop. But then Hobo is able to land on the apron and then Punisher turns around and gets a shoulder into the gut Punisher stumbles back and then Hobo steps through the ropes and charges at Punisher and then Punisher counters with a drop toe hold into the step up chair and Hobo goes face first]


King-Wow that’s an understandment!

[Punisher goes into the cover and then gets a 1………….2……….kick out. Punisher then waits for Hobo, Hobo stumbles up and then Punisher picks up Hobo, but before he can hit the capital punishment, Hobo slides out of the back of Punisher and then Punisher turns around and then gets a super kick by Hobo and then goes to the outside and grabs a vase and gets ready for the “take this hippy”. But suddenly Angelus jumps into the ring and then blindsides Hobo and then stomps on the downed Hobo. Punisher recovers and then Angelus picks up Hobo and throws him to Punisher and then Punisher picks up Hobo and then hits the Capital Punishment. Suddenly the crowd cheers as almost the whole wWo slides into the ring and then Angelus and Punisher slide out of the ring.]

JR-It would seem that Punisher and Angelus have made their alliance official

King-This is pay back for the weeks that Wasabi attacked him!

“Medal” blasts on the PA system as Denis and Engle walk to the ramp way

JR-Denis and Engle certainly are a formable tag team

King- Yeah, they aren’t bad…

“Basic thugnomics” blasts on the PA system as Cena and Rhyno walk to the ramp

JR-This tag team is on the rise

King-Yeah, but can they get a tag team title shot…um *shrugs *

“Lie, Cheat, and Steal” blasts on the PA system as Eddie and Brock ride out in a low rider.

JR-Now this is an odd tag team..King…King?

*King is on the announcers table with a sombrero on doing the Brock Sombrero dance *

[Rhyno and Engle lock up and then Engle takes Rhyno down with a quick firemans carry and then Engle does his spinning celebration. Rhyno looks pissed as Engle goes to fight Rhyno again he gets gored by Rhyno. Engle goes down and Rhyno goes into the cover, not wanting this to end that fast, Denis comes into the ring and then stomps on Rhyno and breaks up the count and then Rhyno gets up and then hits a few stomps on the downed Engle and then picks up Engle and then whips him to the ropes and then Engle bounces off the ropes and then Rhyno lowers his head and then Engle kicks Rhyno in the face and then and then stumbles back after the beating he’s received so far. Rhyno recovers and then charges at Engle and then Engle low bridges the ropes and then Rhyno falls on the arena floor. But then Eddie is able to tag in as Rhyno goes crashing in and then Engle goes for a fist and then Eddie ducks it and then hits a few hard fists and then whips Engle off the ropes and then goes for a drop kick. But then Engle holds on to the top rope and then Eddie goes crashing down on the mat after this Engle smiles and then waits for Eddie to get up, once he does Engle goes for the Engle slam, but Eddie counters it into a arm drag and then Engle gets up and charges at Eddie who then counters with another arm drag release and then he gets up and then Engle stumbles around and then Eddie hits a drop kick on Engle and then Engle falls back on the ropes and then Eddie whips Engle off the ropes and then Engle bounces off the ropes and then Engle ducks the move and then goes behind and then hits a belly to belly suplex and then Engle then tags in John Cena, Cena comes into the ring and then hits a few shots that knock down Eddie as he’s getting up and then whips Eddie off the ropes and then Eddie bounces off the ropes and then Cena lowers his head and then hits a back body drop on Eddie and then Cena hits a few stomps and then Eddie stumbles up and then Cena hits a few hard fists and then Cena whips Eddie to the other side of the ring and then Eddie stumbles out of the corner so Cena runs the ropes and then grabs Eddie’s head and then hits a bulldog on Eddie. Cena goes into the cover and then gets a 1……………….2………..kick out, and then Cena hits a few stomps and then tags in Rhyno. Rhyno comes into the ring and then Cena leaves Eddie’s ribs open for a free shot from Rhyno, Rhyno hits it and then Eddie stumbles away and then Rhyno whips Eddie off the ropes and then Rhyno bounces off the ropes and then Eddie hits a leg scissors hurricanarana on Rhyno.]

King-why does it always look like they are helping the person do that move to them?

JR-I don’t know what you are talking about King


[Eddie gets up and then takes a few moments recover and then Rhyno gets up and then gets pissed ignoring the pain and then hits a few fists but Eddie looks effected then Eddie fires back a few times and then Rhyno is stumbling around and then Eddie does his shaking his shoulders taunt and then hits him with a big fists and then Rhyno stumbles back and then Denis tags in himself and then gets into the ring as Eddie and Denis face off, Denis then kicks Eddie in the gut and then throws Eddie into the ring post shoulder first and then Denis waits for Eddie to get out of the turnbuckle and then slowly Eddie pulls himself out and then Denis gets ready as Eddie stumbles towards him and then he picks up Eddie and then drops him for a shoulder breaker and then Denis goes into the cover and then gets the 1……………2………Brock comes into the ring and then breaks up the cover. Suddenly Engle comes into the ring and then hits a few hard fists on Brock and then takes Brock and then throws him into the outside and then Rhyno and Cena come into the ring and then wait for Denis and Eddie to get up, once they do they both hit flying shoulder tackles on Eddie and Denis, both Eddie and Denis are down and then Cena does the “you can’t see me” taunt, then tells Rhyno something and then Rhyno nods his head and then Rhyno and Cena come off the ropes and then hits a stereo 5 knuckle shuffle to Eddie and Denis]

King-nnnnnnnnnnoooooooooooooo it’s the fist drop of ddddddddddoooooooooooooooooooommmmmmmmmm

JR-could be worst…

[Not being the two legal people, Cena and Rhyno then join the brawl between Engle and Brock. As the ref is yelling at them to stop, Eddie is able to hit a low blow on Denis and then Eddie smiles because he got away with it as the crowd cheers his cheating…as does JR. Then Eddie goes to the outside and then climbs to the top rope. But suddenly someone pushes Eddie off the turnbuckle, Eddie bounces off the turnbuckle and then bounces off the top rope. Eddie stumbles up as Denis stumbles up and then picks up Eddie and then hits the Denis slam and then goes into the cover as the ref counts the 1……….2………..3]

JR-My god you know who that is

King-un no…

JR-That’s “Real Deal” Marcus Nasden!! But he’s hasn’t been in the EMF for about 3 years!! What he doing it now

King-Not sure, but I’m sensing an imbalance of hate in the force.. (lol, Lonnie I’m sure you won’t get it…but sure I can explain it)

[Real Deal throws in a chair and then waits and then throws Denis to the outside and then he measures up Eddie and then smashes Eddie.]

(As we go off the air Real deal is looking down at the downed Eddie as fights rage all around the ring…)