EMF: Saturday Shockwave

The EMF logo flashes over the screen as we go into the Shockwave video, once it ends we go into the arena as fireworks blasts off on the stage and then the lights turn on as the Cabana is set is all laid out in the ring

(OOC-Yes, I put this in the results…it’s usually a Shockwave segment, so what the hell..)

King: Oh yeah, look out, it’s Cabana time


Carlito’s music blasts as he appears on the stage. And he heads down to the ring, as the fans boo all the way. He is handed a mic.

Carlito: Carlito has done it again, You all boo him, Chris Jericho mocks Carlito, but once again what does Carlito do? He just goes out there and out does himself, Carlito went out and he got….what many people consider to be….one of the biggest stars in the EMF today…….Ladies and Gentlemen, Carlito is proud to introduce …….This weeks Cabana guest………….DUDE NICK!!!!!!!

The lights go out and Nelly No. 1 blasts as Dude Nick and Torrie Wilson appear on the ramp, and the crowd goes nuts. They walk to the ring every step, a firework goes off, He gets into the ring, and Carlito goes up and shakes Dude Nicks hand but totally snubs Torrie.

Carlito: This is big, This is Big, Dude Nick on Carlito’s Cabana. Welcome Dude Nick

Dude Nick, Thanks for having me

Carlito: Everyone wanted Dude Nick on their show, but Dude Nick knows quality when he sees it, so that’s why he came on Carlito’s Cabana, Now Nick, Your cool, Nelly Entrance music…..cool, Designer suits and sunglasses….cool, The biggest guy in the EMF literally….that’s cool, a very illustrious career…..dats cool, but then you go and spoil it by being with Torrie Wilson

Dude Nick: What you trying to say?

Carlito: well Torrie Wilson is not cool.

Dude Nick: WOW WOW WOW!!!!! Torrie Wilson, not cool?

Carlito: dats right….not cool

Dude Nick: Torrie Wilson, the hottest Diva in the EMF….Not cool? Look at that great body. That long blonde hair, she is gorgeous, and you think she is not cool? Hold on …..(nick lowers his head, looks over his sunglasses) You do like girls…. Don’t you Carlito?

Carlito: Yeah…Carlito likes girls…Carlito has been with many girls.

Dude Nick: That’s ok then. Now Carlito, I didn't come out here just for you to insult Torrie, I came here to do an interview, Now either you ask some descent questions or I'm off to the Highlight reel.

Carlito: The highlight reel? The highlight reel, Dude Nick, Carlito didn't know you were a Star Trek fan. Anyway, Dude Nick, We saw your return at leagacy of blood, where you cost Dewey Pond the title, and then hit the Rock with a dudemeister, then you came to Shockwave, you had a match…with Dewi, which turned into a street fight, and eventually, that got broken up, Quite a way to return.

Dude Nick: thanks, you know me, I like to do things with a bang. Yeah, I was, and still am, the TV champ,

Carlito: and in my eyes you are.

Dude Nick: Thanks, anyway, I consider myself the Champ, Punisher left me the title, I go and then they are having a ‘Title match’ for the TV title, My title, you think im having that? Like Fuck I am

Carlito: Fuck? You cant say fuck on Carlito’s Cabana, Fuck….is not cool.

Dude Nick: anyway, yeah, im not going to take that, so I did something about it, I'm back now, and I want my title back, but what do I see instead, Billy Goat bill, Tyson Tomko, demanding title shots? Tyson, I have seen people like you before, I have beaten many people like you before, So let me tell you this, walk away before I do something I regret. Don’t get involved in something you cant handle, Or boy I promise you that it will be the last thing you ever do!, and I will make your dream come true, I will make you famous.

Carlito: Carlito would like to see you make Tyson Tomko famous, dat goatee, dats not cool, So Nick, Carlito would like to ask, what you think of the Rock as the TV champ?

Dude Nick: The Rock, the peoples champ, the guy who has the nerve to walk around with my TV title around his waist, well let me tell you something Calrito, The Rock, is a fake, he is a foney, To become the champ, you have to beat the previous champ.

Carlito: You didn't beat Punisher.

Dude Nick: Shut up, I was GIVEN the title, then all of a sudden its taken away from me, but Rocky, these fans may chant your name, but that doesn’t impress me, you may walk around with my title, but that doesn’t impress me, so Rocky, look out because im onto you, and I will be coming for you!! Im going to ……..take you to that place, that place that everyone wants to go, you will step in the ring, and for that brief time you will feel, immortal, like a god, but just as quick….

Dude Nick kicks Carlito in the gut, and hits the Dudemeister.

Dude Nick: Its gone, Because Rock, I'm going to……..I'm going to ……..MAKE YOU FAMOUS!!!!

Torrie picks an apple up, spits it at Carlito’s lifeless body.

Dude Nick: Now that’s…….Cool!

Nelly No.1 blasts as Dude Nick and Torrie leave ringside, as paramedics rush to the ring, to attend to Carlito

“Rich Girl” blasts on the PA system as Traci walks to the ring

JR-Traci Brooks has some success

King-Yeah she has

“Rylee’s theme” blasts on the PA system as Rylee walks to the ring

JR-Both these women have won their fair share of matches

Kris Gaffney-Wow, those comments were generic…

King-Writers sleepy…

[Traci comes into the ring and then says a few things to Rylee, but Rylee pushes down Traci and Traci falls down and then gets up and then Rylee hits a few forearm shots to the face and then tries to whip Traci to the ropes. But Traci reverses and then sends Rylee to the ropes and then bounces off the ropes and then leaps in the air and nails a flying forearm Traci stumbles up and then Rylee kicks Traci in the gut and then sets up Traci and then hits a snap suplex and then rolls into the cover and gets the 1……………….2…………kick out. Rylee puts on a chin lock, the ref asks if Traci wants to give it up. Traci refuses and then gets to her knee’s and then to her feet and then Traci hits a few hard elbows into the gut and then finally breaks the hold. Traci tries to go the ropes, but it’s stopped by Rylee who grabs on to Traci’s hair and then yanks her down to the mat and then Traci is down on the mat hurt and then Rylee hits a few stomps on the downed Traci and then Traci tries to get away from the attacks of Traci and then goes to the ropes and tries to use the ropes to get up. But Traci then starts to choke Traci with the ropes and then the ref uses his 5 count and then Rylee breaks it and then backs off as Traci stumbles up to her feet and then Rylee hits a few hard forearm shots to the face and then whips Traci off the ropes. Traci bounces off the ropes and then Rylee hits a spinning back elbow on Traci. Traci after this decides to try to buy sometime and rolls out of the ring and then takes a few moments to recover on the apron and then Rylee takes advantage of this and then charges at Traci and then hits a baseball slides into the face of Traci and Traci stumbles back and falls into the ramp way and then Traci falls down after that as Rylee goes to the outside and then rolls to the outside and then Rylee takes Traci and throws Traci back first into the barcade and then Rylee hits a few stomps to the downed Traci in the gut and then Rylee picks up Traci and rolls her into the ring and then climbs up to the apron and then goes to the top rope and waits for Traci to get up to her feet. Traci stumbles up and then Rylee measures up and then Rylee leaps off and goes for a cross body block. But Traci ducks down and Rylee crashes into the mat.]

JR-Traci took a chance, but it didn’t pay off

King-Much like many of my gambling bets

Kris Gaffney-This is true…

[Traci gets up near the corner as Rylee stumbles up holding her stomach and then see’s Traci in the corner who seems to be more stunned than her after the beating she’s been taken. Rylee charges at Traci, but it’s counters it with a drop toe hold and Rylee goes into the second turnbuckle face first and then falls backwards. Traci pulls herself in the corner and then Traci rests as Rylee gets up holding her face and then charges Traci. But Traci counters it with a foot to the face and then Rylee turns around and stumbles a few steps forward and Traci pulls herself on the second rope and then measures up and leaps off the second rope and nails a second rope bulldog on Rylee and then goes into the cover and gets a 1……………2…….kick out. Traci stumbles up and then to her feet and then falls to the ropes trying to recover. Rylee stumbles up and then goes over to Traci, Traci goes for a back elbow into the gut Rylee stumbles back and then Traci then hits a fists into the face and then Rylee stumbles back and Traci tries to whip Rylee of the ropes. But Traci is reversed and then Traci bounces off the ropes and then Rylee lowers her head for a back body drop. But it’s countered with a swing neck breaker on Rylee. Rylee for whatever reason stumbles up and then Traci picks her up and hits a back breaker on Rylee and Traci goes to the ropes and bounces off the ropes and then she goes to the ropes and hits a big leg drop and then goes into the cover and gets a 1……………….2…………….kick out]

King-Jackie’s not going to be happy

Kris Gaffney-Not Cena either

JR-Especially not Hogan

King-Does he count?

Kris Gaffney-no…

[Traci gets up and then pulls up Rylee and then Rylee throws Traci’s hands off and then kicks her in the gut and then hits a DDT on Traci is down and then Traci stumbles up and then Rylee goes for the high rise. But Traci elbows out of it, Rylee stumbles back and then Traci charges at Rylee. Rylee kicks Traci in the gut and then goes for a power bomb…lifts her up, and Traci counters it into a hurricanarana with a pin and gets the 1……………….2……………3!]

“Bad, bad man” blasts on the PA system as John Cena walks to the ring

JR-I really don’t get why Cena doesn’t like Haas

King-maybe it’s because he has man boob’s?

Kris Gaffney- Ric Flair better watch out

“World’s greatest theme” blasts on the PA system as Charlie Haas walks to the ring with Dawn Marie

JR-Without a doubt Haas has a great amateur background

King-Yeah, but that doesn’t mean anything here

Kris Gaffney-Well, it could…just less so

[Haas stops on the ramp and then takes a few seconds and then runs into the ring and then Cena and Haas trade blows and then Cena being the more brawler type is able to get the advantage on Haas. Haas is in the corner and then Cena whips Haas into the corner and then Haas stumbles up and Cena hits a diving clothesline on Haas. Haas goes down as Cena hits a few stomps on the downed Haas and he rolls to the outside, Cena follows Haas to the outside and then Haas tries to get away from Cena. But Cena hits a few stomps on the downed Haas. Haas gets to his feet and then Cena hits a body slam on Haas. Haas is in a lot of pain and then Cena picks up Haas and then hits a body slam on the mat. Haas is in pain and then Cena grabs the camera cable and then chokes Haas with it, Haas is choking. But finally Cena lets go and then, Cena takes Haas and then tries to whip Haas into the barcade. But it’s reversed by Haas and then Cena hits hard into the barcade Haas takes sometime to recover and then Haas charges and then Cena counters the charge with a back body drop over the barcade and into the crowd Cena falls to his knee for a second and then rests for a few moments and then Haas stumbles up on the other side of the barcade and then goes for a fist and then it’s blocked and then Cena fires back on Haas. Cena takes Haas and smashes him into the barcade face first and then Haas is on the barcade and then Cena backs up and then hits a elbow into the back of the neck of Haas, Cena then hooks him and goes for a suplex back into the ring side area and then it’s blocked and then Haas tries to get a suplex Cena into the crowd and does.]

JR-And that could be the opening that Haas was looking for

King-I did he just use Man-puppy power

Kris Gaffney-Most likely

[Haas takes his time to get up and then Cena is getting up as well, Haas hits a few fists and then takes Cena by the head and then throws him into the ring side area and then Haas goes on the barcade and waits for Cena to get up. Cena stumbles to his feet and then Haas leaps off the barcade and then hits a flying clothesline on Cena. Cena goes down to the mat and then Haas pulls Cena up and then throws him into the ring post and then Cena stays there for a second and then Haas throws Cena back into the ring and then Haas jumps on the apron and climbs to the top rope waits for Cena to get up and then once he does Haas leaps off the top rope and then hits a cross body block and then gets the 1…………………..2…………kick out. Haas looks up to the ref, he thought he might have had it there. But it was not to be and then Haas puts on a side head lock on Cena and then Cena backs Haas to the ropes and whips off the ropes and then Haas bounces off the ropes and Cena bounces off the ropes and then Cena hits his fall through hip toss. Cena goes to the ropes as Haas is stumbling up and then hits a flying shoulder block and then Haas stumbles to his feet, and then Cena picks up Haas and hits a body slam and then does his “you can’t see me” taunt and goes to the ropes, bounces off and hits the 5 knuckle shuffle and nails it]

King-You know what this means


Kris Gaffney- I always thought it was the F-5?

King-No…that’s Brock


[ Haas stumbles up to his feet and then Cena picks up Haas and then drives him down for the F-U. Cena goes into the cover and gets a 1…………………..2………..3]

“Problem Solver” blasts on the PA system as Tyson Tomko walks to the ring

King-Hey Tyson…I’ve had a problem right here *points to King*

JR-and one over here *points to Kris*

Kris Gaffney-What?...um there is one…*points to his right no ones there*…DAMN IT!

“If you smell….” Blasts on the PA system as the Rock walks to the ring

King-You know, I’ve been trying to smell what the Rock is cooking…but can’t figure it out

Kris Gaffney-I can’t smell anything

JR-Keep trying…

[Tomko goes over towards Rock as he slides into the ring and then goes for a clothesline. But Rock ducks under and then Rock hits a few hard fists and Tomko rocks back and then Tomko is on the ropes and then Rock tries to whip Rock off the ropes and then Tomko gets reversed and the Rock goes to the ropes and bounces off the ropes. Tomko goes for a clothesline that’s ducked under by Rock and then Rock bounces off the ropes and then Tomko turns around and then Rock leaps in the air and hits a flying clothesline. Tomko stumbles up and then Rock waits for Tomko and Rock hits a few hard fists and then tries to whip him to the ropes. But Tomko reverses, but Rock reverses and then hits a knee into the gut and thatn takes Tomko and then throws him over the top rope and Tomko goes flying over the top rope and lands on the arena floor and Rock stays in the ring and then waits as Tomko is on his knee’s and looks up to the ring where the Rock is, Rock then does his trademark “just bring it” sign and Tomko can be seen saying something angry and then gets into the ring and then goes for a fist, but it’s blocked by the Rock and Rock hits a few hard fists to the face as Tomko stumbles back into the corner and Rock spits on his fist and then nails the final fist on Tomko and Tomko is rocked into the corner and then Rock pulls out Tomko and then whips him to the ropes and then Tomko goes to the ropes. Bounces off the ropes and then Rock hits a fist to the face as Tomko bounces off the ropes and then Rock tells Tomko to get up and Tomko stumbles up and then Rock picks up Tomko and hits a body slam and then the Rock boes to the ropes and then leaps in the air and nails a knee drop across the face of Tomko. Roko bounces into the cover and gets a 1………………2……………….kick out by Tomko. The Rock looks up at the ref and then questions the count, but then shrugs it off and goes on the attack as Tomko gets to his feet and then Rock hits a few fists as Tomko stumbles back and then Rock whips Tomko to the ropes and then Tomko bounces off the ropes and then Rock lowers his head and then Tomko takes the Rock’s head and drives it into the mat. Tomko falls on the ropes to rest and then charges at Rock and Rock counters with a spine buster.]

King-OH NO JR, you know what’s next

JR-The people’s elbow…

Kris Gaffney-No…it’s time to replay your WWE version getting fired

King-If only they would do that in the EMF…

[Rock goes into the set up and slowly takes off his elbow pad and throws it into the crowd and then does his taunt and then runs to the ropes and bounces off and then leaps over the downed Tomko and goes to the other side of the ring and then as he does this Tomko gets up fast and as Rock turns around Tomko hits big boot and Rock falls back and falls through the ropes and to the mat below as Tomko himself goes down to the mat trying to recover and then Tomko hits the mat as he see’s that the Rock is on the outside and he can not even try to attempt to pin him when he wants to so Tomko rolls out of the ring and then the Rock is getting to his feet and Tomko waits and then Tomko hits a few hard fists as Tomko lifts up Rock and then drops him on the guard rail and Rock goes face first and then stumbles away from Tomko. Tomko takes Rock by the head and then throws him against the steels steps face first and then Rock bounces off and stumbles again and Tomko rolls Rock into the ring and then rolls into the ring himself Tomko goes over to the corner that Rock is in and then Tomko hits a few hard forearms to the face. Tomko pulls Rock out of the corner and then whips him to the ropes. Rock bounces off the ropes and then Rock goes for what seems to be a cross body block. But it’s caught by Tomko easily and then Tomko takes a few steps a forward and hits a fallway slam on the Rock. Tomko goes over to the downed Rock and nails a standing leg drop on Tomko and then goes into the cover and gets a 1………………..2………kick out. Tomko shrugs as he doesn’t seem to care that he didn’t get the cover as he just wants to inflict more pain. Tomko takes the Rock and then puts him into a bear huge almost and then drives him into the corner. Tomko then hits a few shoulder blocks into the gut, Tomko then sets up the Rock and then whips him into the corner hard. Rock bounces out and Tomko takes the Rock down with a diving clothesline.]

JR-Tomko is a hoss

King-There goes his Internet fan base

Kris Gaffney-What will they do about it…whine on their little message board…come to the EMF and brings the dogs with bee’s in their mouth and when they bark they shoot bee’s at you!

[Tomko waits for a few moments and charges to towards Rock, Rock moves out of the way and Tomko nails the ref and the ref goes down and Tomko turns around and then Rock goes for the Rock bottom and then Tomko elbows out of it and then Rock stumbles back and then Tomko hits the big boot to the Rock and Rock gets tuned inside out. Tomko goes into the cover. But there is no one to count. Suddenly Dude Nick slides into the ring, Tomko gets up and then Dude Nick slides into the ring and kicks Tomko in the gut and hits the Dudemeister, Dude Nick rolls out of the ring and then grabs the TV title as Rock throws an arm over Dude Nick and gets the 1……………………2………………3]

JR-Dude Nick has stuck his nose into the TV title match again

King-Well Punisher gave the title to him! He’s the rightful champion!

(Dude Nick holds up the TV title)

(OOC-There is a follow up match that I want to announce after this, but I gotta make sure Dude Nick would be totally ready..which he should be. I just want to make sure, I’ll note if it’s up later. But it's suppose to solve who is the rightful TV champion from this match)

Dude Nick-Alright, I think I just had enough seeing my title being defended by someone that NEVER beat me. Punisher let me borrow it, I never lost it! I think there has to be an end, there will be no disputing who the TV champion really is as we will put the TV title up for grabs in a ladder match at Cold Day in Hell. But Tomko, I don't think I can wait that long to see your ass kicked......and I would do it myself. But there was someone else that wanted to do it more, and that's Carlito! See you at Cold Day in Hell!

("Number 1" blasts on the PA as Dude Nick walks to the back with the TV title)

(We come back as Chris Jericho and Amy Dumas are in the ring as the Highlight Reel set is set up in the ring.)

.::"Y2J" Chris Jericho::.-Welcome to the HIGHLIGHT REEEEEEEEEELLL *fireworks blasts off* tonight, Amy and I have a very special guest...

*Suddernly Jackie's generic theme blasts out. Their is a mixed reaction from the crowd for the Women's champion emerges, and gets into the ring for the Highlight Reel!*

Jackie: "Chris.. I don't know who your special guest was meant to be... but whoever they were they can wait til next time... because nobody around here is more important than the women's champion!"

.::"Y2J" Chris Jericho::.-Well I could think of a few people such as....

(Amy shakes her head with a grin, and goes over to Jericho before he says something. Amy starts to talk to Jericho for a little bit. Jericho agree's and hands over the microphone to Amy)

.::Amy Dumas::.-I can say this is certainly a surprise, what brings you out here Jackie?

Jackie: "What brings me out here.... well Amy I thought that would be obvious.. though being a red-head I suppose you can't help it! I'm out here because I noticed the conversation you were having with Sierra last week... and I was somewhat interested to see what you had to say about it!"

(Amy shakes her head, knowing where this is going)

.::Amy Dumas::.-Well while there is other reasons behind it, I'm really just trying to help a friend out, and.....

Jackie: "Help a friend out? Is that what you call it? Amy do you now understand what this match means? It is for the EMF Women's Championship... MY championship.. I gave you your fair shot and you did not win it.. so now you go and train up the woman that savagely attacked me from behind in a mask a few weeks back... that to me is not helping a friend... it's plotting to try and take this.....championship from around my waist!"

(Amy rolls her eyes)

.::Amy Dumas::.-Jackie! Stop being so paranoid, and let me finish. Yeah you gave me a shot to be womens champion. Something I didn't want in the first place, you were the one who pushed me into it. If I didn't show you that I don't have interest that title in our match, then I don't know what will. So I'm not plotting against you. But anyways as far as Sierra goes, she's coming off an injury and I just want to make sure that she's ready for the match and that's about it.

Jackie: "You know.. that response was 100% predictable! Queen Amy Dumas.. gets away with anything because she always makes herself look the innocent one! Let's get one thing straight Amy.. if you were just making sure she was ready for her match.. you wouldn't need to go teaching her whole new styles.. adding loads to her arsenal in hope that she can prize that championship from me! I worked long and hard for this title, and i'm not about to see it stolen from me by some team of people that have it in for me! Hell you probably have the whole Diva roster after me... just hoping that you can prize the title away and end my glorius reign!"

.::Amy Dumas::.-Jackie, you think I'm trying to end your reign. You should know I got a lot of other things on my mind. But I think your getting this all wrong, your forgetting that I'm not just Vice President of the EMF. I'm also a trainer at Chris Benoit's school, the reason that I'm training Sierra in new styles is because that's what I've been training in lately. Besides Jackie...I know what it's like to be in Sierra's position. I was in a wheel chair for 5-6 months because my leg was broken. Thank god I didn't have to wrestle in a match, because I wouldn't be in any condition to. Sierra's would probably the same way if you faced her the week after she attacked you. Sierra hasn't had any time to shake off ring rust, yes maybe her competitive attitude got the best of her and that's what I want to help with. Besides, I'm trying to put it in your terms and say this Jackie. You came into the EMF saying you "wanted to beat all the big names". You started out with me, let me put it this way. I told you in my promo, it was not Amy Dumas you were after, no you were looking for the names with the glory. Even if you beat me, it would be an empty win. So do you want to make the same mistake twice? Do you really want to face Sierra when she's just coming off an injury?

Jackie: "Here we go again with this multiple person shit... what's the difference any way? Amy.. Angelica.. Lita.. they are all the same bloody thing! It's just a title you want to give yourself.. make out you have the strength of three... when really it's just the same person, just using different names!! But besides.. I didn't chose to fight Sierra at all! She attacked me and started this feud! I don;t care how and when I beat her now.. because she's got it coming to her! If you cross the champ, you pay the price for it! If she wanted to wait til she'd gotten rid of rust and wasn't injured.. she could have easily have made a NORMAL come back.. kicked around a few nobodies... like Chyna... or Rylee.. and then beaten a mid-card diva to earn her shot at this! But no.. she had to come back and try and make a name for herself straight off... that was her first error... but her second...will be in that ring.. and it will be giving me the extra coupl of seconds I need to hit the FU, and put her away 1, 2, 3! I don't care if people don't think it's a great win... if they think it's empty.. becasue she chose when to face me... not the other way around.. and now she has to live with the consequences of her actions"

(Amy looks to Jericho, the two share a grin over something, and then Amy turns back to Jackie)

.::Amy Dumas::.-So you don't think there is a difference between Amy, Lita and Angelica Boycott? Well, why don't you ask what Sierra thinks about that. But regardless Jackie, you are forgetting something. While this may not be her motavations, you did mention her in the list of names of people you want to beat. You wanted Sierra, you got Sierra. That's what you have to deal with as champion, faces from the past will show up to try to recapture their former glory and a true champion will face that challenge head on. Especially when you asked for it Jackie, look Jackie. I'm not plotting against you, I'm too busy with my wedding to even put the effort in. Something I hope to see you at by the way...anyways, I give you a lot of credit, you are a great competitor. I know Sierra is too, but the difference between you and her is that she's coming off the injury, you are not...you are on top of your game. I'm just helping Sierra get prepared for the match, that's it. Both of you are my friends, I don't want to see either of you hurt. I can understand why your angry Jackie, but just believe me, I promise you that past helping Sierra get ready for the match is my extend of involvement of the match. Because it would be a bad situation, and I realize that Jackie.

Before Jackie got a chance to respond or Amy to say anymore, Sierra walked out onto the stage area, then proceeded down the ramp to the ring, with mircophone in hand..

Sierra: Whoa...Hold up There Miss Jackie.

She walked up the steps and slipped in the ring under the bottom rope..

Sierra: Thats Right I called you Miss Jackie..I was listening in the back and I felt it was time I come out here and set the record straight. First things first Jackie, Amy wasn't teaching me anything I don't already know. If you think I'm a one style woman think again. I'm versatile, I can be technical, I cana fly, I can even brawl. My fans know that as well. See I had a little injury problem when I faced the Imfamous ALA and well Its been a long road to recovery, and I'd be lying if I said I had no doubts about coming back. I've had doubts and I still do. I know I could just step down wrong and my knee could give out, Thats the risks I have to live with. I've been Cleared to return to the ring, but my doctor advised me to change my ways. Like I said before I am versatile, but I relied a lot on my high flying, risk taking abilities. Now i've been asked to keep my game on the ground, so Amy was simply helping me brush up my ground game. So that is That Jackie. Then lets see here I wanted to address something else I heard you say. You said Amy is using the Split Personality thing when they are all the same. Well Well Well...*She walks over throwing her arm around Amy's Shoulders* Let me tell you something little Missy...When we speak of ALA, Let me tell you from first hand experience they are all seperate personalities and each one more violent than the other. The 3 Faces of Foley has nothing on our VP here. She Almost ended my career, but helped me see the light and now what can I say, we are closer than ever...

Jackie: "Well I don't know which face of AMy I faced... but it didn't seem to be anything career threatening.. so I still don't know what you're talking about... maybe one day I will get the oppertunity to find out! But Sierra.. the point is if you weren't 100%, you would not have attacked the most dominent Diva the EMF has ever seen.. and challenged me to this championship match! So I still don't see why you'd want training... to brush up certain styles.... to be honest if it's ground wrestling you're training with... don't bother... becasue not even you're little teacher managed to beat me at it! I don't go to the top rope.. I don't use submissions a lot.. I just fight... and you've all seen the results I get with it! I haven't been champion for around 5 months for nothing.. and i'm not undefeated in the EMF because I can't wrestle.. I've dominated everyone i've ever been in the ring with... and I don't see why, Sierra, you think you can put a stop to that!"

Sierra: Jackie, talk the big talk, I think you are a little afraid that I'm gunning for you. Really Jackie, the Thrill I'll get from just beating you senseless will be enough for me. Then again taking the title from you, would be even greater. I don't need anybody's help to win the Women's Title Jackie. I'm perfectly Capable of doing things on my own. You bring up the fact that in my personal life I'm with The President of the EMF. So what? maybe you are just jealous that you don't have half the man I do. I know my guy is faithful and won't be running out on me. But thats not part of this Jackie, even though you brought it up. I do what I want, when I want, PRez Mike knew nothing about my plans, and Amy suspsected but never knew for real. It was something I decided to do on my own and I did. So you can keep talking the talk Jackie, but when it comes to our match, I'm going to walk the walk and shut you up once and for all. And Trust me when I say that Jackie because I've got the most devastating Finisher in the EMF, and I say the EMF because nobody's tops mine. You'll just have to wait and see...

.::Amy Dumas::.-It's true, I only suspected that the masked person was her due to our feud. But I very well could have been wrong.

Jackie: "What do you mean faithful? Me and John have been together years.. and with the exception of Trish he never saw anyone else... and as I explained at the time that was all a plan I was in on and he damn sure never enjoyed it! It's downright insulting you'd accuse my husband of such things... because I know that whatever happens, he will NOT ever be a cheat! And Sierra, you can pretend like you think you're gonna beat me senseles.. but you know at the end of the day, you have about as much chance of beating me in that ring as there is of Mr Chaos successfully retaining the World Championship... absolute ZERO! You say you want to cause me pain and win the title... i've heard it a million times! ANd here I stand.. after all of them.. and i'm STILL the Extreme Measures Federation Women's Champion.. so excuse me for not being scared and running off to the hills.. but you just don't seem like a threat, at least not one i fear!"

Sierra: Say what you will Jackie, those wannabe thugs just aren't any good.. I go for the successful business type myself.. But hey thats just me and you can do what you want. All I know is, you shouldn't stand here so smug, because I know deep down you know I pose a threat and when we meet in the ring you'll allow yourself to believe it. I'm no joke Jackie, When I'm 100% focused I can be very dangerous. Ask Amy, During our feud I'd gotten plenty of shots in on her. But Jackie, I'll leave you with this, because I don't know about you, but I've got important things to do, like plot the demise of Jackie Cena. So Jackie, be prepared for Anything because you never know when I'm gonna strike.

She tossed her microphone to Jericho and backed towards the ropes using her hands to signal the title around her waist gesture, and exiting under the second rope and jumping down backing up the ramp talking trash and still doing the belt gesture...Amy and Jericho talk to each other for a few moments, seemly about the events that have happened on the Highlight Reel. They both look like their about to leave, but then...)

Jackie: "Hang on a second! You two seem to be forgetting what this show was REALLY about tonight! It wasn't about Sierra coming uot and running her mouth with garbage about beating me and about how her man's better than mine... no it was about Jackie Cena.. coming out here and announcing to the world just what she thought of the little plot between you, Amy, and the number one contender for my title! Now you both claim you're not against me.. I guess I do have a little trust for you Amy.. but after the way Sierra acted.. I wouldn't trust her as far as I can throw her! I don't know what to beleive... but I just want you to know, if Sierra does take my title... and it turns out you did gift it to her.. it wont just be Sierra i'm gunnig for in revenge!"

.::"Y2J" Chris Jericho::.-Your forgetting this Highlight Reel wasn't about you in the first place Jackie...

.::Amy Dumas::.-Do I trust Sierra, of course I do...she's a friend as are you. But don't get me wrong, you should know last thing I am is afraid of you. But I realize this is a bad situation as well for me to be in and when the match comes. I plan on staying as far away from it as possible, because I shouldn't get in the middle of two of my friends fight.

Jackie: "A wise move Amy.. because nobody wants to get in the way of me OR my championship... because believe me they would pay a heavy price! I'm glad we cleared some things up tonight.. almost makes it worthwhile invading this pointless taking up time slot.. you made the mistake of crossing me once when you attempted to help Trish.. and look how that turned out? Even if physically I did not out wrestle you... you were still in more pain then you'd ever experianced in your entire life when I took my revenge on you.. not saying I want to continue fighting with you.. just sending a gentle.. reminder shall we say? And that serves as a warning to all you young wanabbes and hopefuls out there... whether you have an EMF contract.. have been champion before... or whether you're just tihnking of applying coz you got a good background... anyone, and I mean ANYONE that attempts to cross Jackie Cena... pays a damn heavy price for it!"

.::Amy Dumas::.-Yeah I will admit...emotionally you got me. You did hurt me bad, and I wanted you to feel pain back. Thus why I didn't even attempt to win the title. But Jackie, you tend to see things as everyone's out to get your title. You should know by now I'm not here to get your title. I wasn't trying to get it when I helped Trish, I felt somewhat bad for her. You just took it the extra few miles, and really hurt me. That's in the past, as for your reminder. Well Jackie, as I said I'm not afraid of you or the reminder. It's not about that Jackie, it's about how bad of a position that would put me in, and if I were caught between two of my friends fighting in a match and I might be in a position where I might lose one of my friends...and I don't want that to happen. All I've done so far is help Sierra prepare, because I know how it is coming back from an injury. I know your wrestling career is young Jackie, it is probably something you will learn one time or another, because that's the nature of the business. But this is the planned extent of involvement in this match. Hopefully you can trust me when I say that who ever will win will be the better woman, and the Other World won't get in the way of finding that out when it comes down to the match itself.

Jackie: "Well I don't think there is any question to be asked as far as the better woman goes... but this was never a question of trust Amy. Yes I strognly believed you were in this with Sierra... but i've always trusted you.. at least since you agreed to accept my apologies and attend my wedding. I said to myself before coming out here that if you denied it, i'd believe you, and I do.. but just believe me when I say that anyone that DOES side with Sierra.. will definately wind up on the losing side in this one!"

.::Amy Dumas::.-I suppose we will find out for sure, won't we? But regardless, I have no other choice at this point to not take sides in this match. So I'm sure you will see that you were just overreacting to this. But I'm glad you do trust me until then.

Jackie: "Oh we'll find out for sure.. and when I stand over Sierra... with my belt raised high above her head... the whole world will know that the one, and ONLY Women's Champ... IS HERE! Maybe I did overreacht to this whole thing Amy... but i;m sure you can understand it... afteral... i'm sure you know what it feels like to be screwed over with a career as long as yours..."

.::Amy Dumas::.-Yes, which is why I can understand where your coming from. Because I know how this business is all too well. Things can change before you know it. But you do know where I stand...as you know I've been out of the game anyways for a long time and have plans past wrestling. So, I don't think you have anything to worry about as far as I go.

Jackie: "Well i'm glad to hear it.. and I hope you're not too offended by the way I came out here and confronted you.. but as no doubt you've witnessed... us Cena's take no shit from anybody.. all I was doing was looking out for myself and making sure my match was Sierra was 50/50... striaght down the middle! Now i'm sure it will be.. I see no reason to take up much more of your time here..."

.::Amy Dumas::.-No, you didn't offend me too much. Like I said, I know how things are. ...so with that said

(Amy looks to Jericho and the couple leave as we go to commercial, and come back)

“I am” blasts on the PA system as AJ Styles walks to the ring doing his entrance

JR-Styles might have been screwed out of the IC title

Kris Gaffney-Might have?

JR-Alright he did!

King-Good, you came to terms

“Kincaid’s theme” blasts on the PA system as Scott Kincaid walks to the ring

King-Are you sure he’s not that actor

JR-No…he isn’t

Kris Gaffney-Guess it be worst…

“An unknown theme” blasts on the PA system as MDK walks to the ring

King-I wondered where MDK went…

Kris Gaffney-He was in some retirement Mexican Indy fed

King-Guess that means MDK must be old….guess Cena doesn’t like him…seeing how he’s old and everything

“Matt Dragon’s theme” blasts on the PA system as Matt Dragon walks to the ring with his manager Mr. E

JR-Matt Dragon has been IC champion before

King-Yeah, he beat X-Cold for his first

JR-What he won’t mention is that he had Total Destruction help?

King-How could you say that?....Road couldn’t effectively help Matty D…EVER!

“Just….Rick’s theme” blasts on the PA system, as Just…Rick walks to the ring

JR-Just…Rick has been waiting for this opportunity

Kris Gaffney-Yeah, if you got into a conversation about the IC title…he would go on for hours..

[Kincaid slides into the ring and then takes down Just….Rick as he’s the closest person in the ring with a spear and then hits a few hard fists as Matt Dragon and AJ Styles hammer away at each other. Styles pissed off gets the advantage and then Matt Dragon stumbles back. Styles whips Dragon to the ropes, Dragon bounces off the ropes and then Styles lowers his head and then hits a back body drop on Dragon. Dragon stumbles up holding his back, and then Styles picks up Dragon and then hits a back breaker on Dragon. Dragon rolls out of the ring and then Styles goes over to the ropes and measures up and then spring boards out of the ring into a cross body block on Dragon on the outside. MDK is on the outside just watching all this and then Dragon goes back first into the steel steps, De Kreek shrugs his shoulders and then hits a few hard stomps on the downed Matt Dragon. De Kreek backs off and then just as he thinks he’s got away with it Just…….Rick who somehow got away from Kincaid for a little bit hits a baseball slide into the face of De Kreek. De Kreek stumbles back and hits the barcade back first hard and goes down to the mat and then after a time all three wrestlers Dragon, Just….Rick, and De Kreek start to hammer away at each other. While in the ring, AJ Styles has a chair and swings it and then smashes Scott Kincaid and Kincaid drops to the mat and rolls out of the ring and then AJ Styles takes the steel chair and then puts it near the ring ropes and sets it up on the side that Dragon, Rick and De Kreek are taking turns on each other hammering away at each. Styles runs to the ropes, and then comes off the ropes and then jumps on the chair and then leaps over the ropes and then completes a dive over the top rope that takes out Rick, Dragon and De Kreek. All of the wrestlers are down and then at a point Scott Kincaid slides in a ladder and then sets it up near the middle of the ring and then Kincaid starts to climb up the ladder. But De Kreek comes into the ring, Kincaid gives up and then De Kreek goes for a fist. But it’s ducked under by Kincaid and Kincaid hammer away at MDK. MDK stumbles back and then Kincaid whips De Kreek off the ropes and then De Kreek bounces off the ropes Kincaid tries to one man flap jack De Kreek into the ladder. But De Kreek lands on the ladder and tries to climb up it. Thinking fast Kincaid hits a few shots in the ribs to stun De Kreek and then moves under De Kreek and then Kincaid hits a power bomb from the ladder on De Kreek!]

JR-Very good move by Scott Kincaid

King- I didn’t think it was all that good..

Kris Gaffney-If Wes did the move, it would be the greatest move ever…


[Kinciad falls down to the mat and then Kinciad then rolls to the ladder and looks up and then starts to climb up the ladder. Slowly he gets closer. AJ Styles slides into the ring and then runs to the ropes as Kincaid gets a hand on the belt. Styles bounces off the ropes and then hits a drop kick into the ladder and then the ladder falls under Kincaid and Kincaid falls with the ladder and then gets hang up to the ropes and then bounces off and falls to the ground and then rolls out of the ring and then Matt Dragon comes into the ring and then Styles and him trade fists and then try to whip him to the ropes. Which he does, and then Styles bounces off the ropes and then Dragon goes for a clothesline and then Dragon turns around and then Styles hits a low blow on Dragon. Then follows it up with a kick into the gut and then sets up Dragon up and then lifts him up and then drives him down for the Style Clash. Dragon rolls out of the ring and then falls off the apron and then looks over to the ladder and goes over to try to set it up. De Kreek slides into the ring after throwing in a table and then sets it up in the corner. Styles isn’t paying attention and then slowly starts to make it to the top of the ladder. But suddenly MDK gets to the base of the ladder and then starts to shake the ladder and then it falls over with Styles on it and Styles leaps off the ladder and goes crashing into the table set up in the corner. Styles lays in the wreckage of the ladder. MDK puts the ladder back and then waits for Styles to get up. Styles stumbles up to his feet and then MDK puts the ladder on his shoulder and charges and nails Styles into the face and then Styles stumbles back and falls through the ropes and then falls on the mat]

JR-De Kreek hasn’t missed a step

King-Well he’s kept busy

Kris Gaffney-Yeah, he wasn’t like Booker T and just stayed around in the YMCA all day.

[Matt Dragon throws in a table and then sets it up. MDK turns around after Matt Dragon sets it up and is waiting for MDK who is set up the ladder under the belt. Dragon goes for a super kick. That’s ducked under by MDK and then MDK kicks Dragon in the gut and then hits a DDT on Dragon. While this is happening Just Rick comes into the ring and then sets up a ladder besides the ladder in the ring and then starts to climb up it and then MDK comes and then power bombs Just…Rick off the ladder and he rolls off the ring and falls off the apron and then MDK starts to climb up the ladder. Suddenly Matt Dragon goes on the other side of the ladder and then climbs up the ladder, and then MDK and Matt Dragon are on the top and then both of them take shots to the face and then MDK is seemly getting up to the upper hand. But suddenly AJ Styles comes from behind and then smashes MDK off the ladder with a steel chair and MDK goes crashing into the mat. AJ Styles quickly goes over to the ladder and then Matt Dragon grabs on the ring as Matt Dragon is now hanging by the ring holding then and AJ Styles quickly gets the ladder set and then tries to smash down Dragon from the ring. But Dragon pulls his legs up and Styles misses and before he can get the ladder to try it again. Dragon is about to unattach the belt and has won the match]

JR-Matt Dragon is once again IC champion

King-and X-Cold didn’t have to job

(Dragon holds up, the title. Then he spots someone in the crowd as he goes over, he see’s someone in a very shitty disguse with a name tag that reads “Hi, I’m not Wasabi”. Dragon figuring it’s not Wasabi leaves, suddenly the fan jumps over the guard rail and attacks Dragon. He rips off the diguse and reveals.)

King-What…..that was Wasabi…he LIED to me…DAMN YOU WASABI….DAMN YOOOOOU TO HELL!



(OOC- I will say tough call between Matty D and MDK, despite I thought Matty D had slightly the better RP…MDK wrote one of his better RP’s in a while (since the last time you left). While I’m sure it doesn’t mean much, good job with that)

(Wasabi celebrates as Shockwave goes off the air)