EMF: Saturday Shockwave

(The EMF logo flashes on the screen, and we go into the Saturday Shockwave video. It ends, and we fade into the darken arena. Pryotechnics blasts off on the stage, and they finish. The lights turn on, wave their signs and scream at the tops of their lungs. Some of the signs say "CM Punk scares me", "Who let Birdman out of his cage?!" and "Becky sure doesn't look like Amy??")

JR-Welcome to Saturday Shockwave, we are coming off a very shocking Legacy of Blood.

King-Yeah…someone bought Edge's half of the company, and we don't know who.

Kris Gaffney-Cena can't be happy, that was his life line to power.

"People like me" blasts on the PA system as CM Punk walks to the ring, and steps into the ring.)

King-Thank god he doesn't use other theme song…too much screaming.

Kris Gaffney-Meh…wouldn't effect me. Gates is always yelling around draft time.

JR-I'm not sure what either are you are talking about, but oh well…good to see Punk.

("Birdman's theme" blasts on the PA system as Birdman walks out, and steps into the ring waiting for the bell to ring.)

JR-Birdman is certainly not on the right track.

King-Maybe he can fix it…

Kris Gaffney-I said the same thing to my wife…

[CM Punk and Birdman pace around the ring, but then decide to trash talk in the middle of the ring. CM Punk says a few things, Birdman says a few things that CM Punk really doesn't like. CM Punk hits a slap, and spears down Birdman and hits a few fists to the downed Birdman. Birdman pushes off CM Punk and goes into the corner, and CM Punk hits a few fists out of the corner. He puts Birdman in the corner, and then hits a few knee's into the gut and brings him out of the corner. CM Punk whips him to the ropes, and CM Punk bounces off of the ropes. He comes off of the ropes, and CM Punk hits a elbow to the face of Birdman. Birdman goes to the mat, and gets up to his feet. Birdman gets hit with a clothesline down to the mat. Birdman bounces up to his feet, and CM Punk hits a slam on Birdman and goes to the ropes, he comes off of the ropes and hits a knee drop across the face. CM Punk goes into the cover, and gets a 1………………2………kick out by Birdman. CM Punk looks at the ref, and Birdman stumbles into corner. CM Punk hits a few kicks to the gut in the corner, and then tries to whip Birdman in the corner. But it's reversed, CM Punk crashes into the corner. Birdman comes charging at CM Punk. But it's countered with a boot to the face, Birdman stumbles around and CM Punk pulls himself up to the second rope. He then hooks Birdman up for a tornado DDT. However, it's countered by CM Punk, who pushes him off of the hook up and CM Punk lands on his feet. However, Birdman is quick to think and he charges and hits a brutal clothesline down to the mat.]

JR-Somewhere Brandshaw is happy.

King-You know, we haven't seen Brandshaw recently.

Kris Gaffney-Probably decided to give Troy random stuff.

[Both wrestlers are stunned, CM Punk is on his lands and knee's. Birdman answers with a kick to the face. CM Punk goes down to the mat all the way. Birdman picks takes a few moments to rest, and crawls into the corner and gets up in the corner. CM Punk hits a few fists to the gut. CM Punk is in pain, and Birdman drags CM Punk's head on the top rope. Birdman takes CM Punk out of the corner, and whips him to the ropes. CM Punk bounces off of the ropes. CM Punk bounces off of the ropes, Birdman lowers his head and hits a big back body drop that sends CM Punk crashing to the mat, CM Punk gets up slowly with the help of the ropes, then stumbles back to where Birdman is waiting. Birdman hits a front Russian leg sweep. Birdman goes into the cover, and gets a 1………………2……..kick out by CM Punk. Birdman question the count, but it's mostly to let CM Punk to get up. CM Punk is near the corner, so Birdman hits a few fists to the face of CM Punk. Birdman tries to whip CM Punk to the opposite side of the ring, but it's reversed. CM Punk charges in with Birdman. Birdman crashes into the corner, and CM Punk hits his trademark knee to the face. Birdman stumbles out of the corner, CM Punk hits a running bulldog head lock. He goes into the cover, and gets a 1……………..2………kick out.]

JR-Almost three by CM Punk.

King-You know…I wonder if Becky Bayless ever considered to hook up with CM Punk….they have similar personalities.

Kris Gaffney-…hhhhmmm…you know…..you're right.

[CM Punk pulls up Birdman, but Birdman rises up and hits a knee into the gut and whips him to the ropes, he bounces off the ropes. CM Punk hits a sit down jaw breaker. Birdman stumbles around, and stumbles towards CM Punk who picks up Birdman and hits the GTS (note: not Punk's move, but I decided to use it for this moment. Because I needed a quick, fast finisher.) and goes into the cover and gets a 1…………….2………….3]

(We open up the scene earlier today in the women's locker room. It is empty, except for one person...Amy Jericho. Amy is in a red dress, with straight around, low cut. It's a tight dress, and the skirt is almost down to the floor. Anyways...while I'm drooling, Amy is putting on the high heels she was given for the event by Cena. She shakes her head on how stupid they are, then she puts them on. But as that happens, she hears a noise.)

.::Amy Jericho::.-Hello? Someone else in here?

(Amy had thought she was the only one in the women's locker room. So she was a bit startled over the sound. It came from the shower of the women's locker room. However, there was no water running. So Amy decided to check. Amy walks over, and enters the shower. Which is fairly dark, but even she could see that there was no one there. She smiles to herself, and thinks that she was just imagining things. As Amy turns to walk back, she is hit over the head with a metal sign. Amy falls to the floor. Standing over her is none other than Trish Stratus. She smirks as she sees Amy clutching her head in pain.)

Trish: You don't know how long I've waiting for this moment. My revenge.

(Amy tries to pull herself up, holding her head. She couldn't believe this was happening, she felt guilty for what had happened to Trish. But she knew it wasn't her fault, like obviously Trish thought. Amy looks up, and says.)

.::Amy Jericho::.-....You.....are....making a mistake.

Trish: The mistake was not doing this sooner. You embarassed me Amy, so now I'll embarrass you!

(Trish pushes Amy back down, and repeatedly kicks her in the stomach. She then crouches down, laughs at what she's done, and begins to pull at Amy's dress. Amy tries to fight back, but the blow to her head makes her weak, and after a few seconds, the dress is pulled over her head, leaving her feeling vunerable and exposed in the middle of the shower floor, in her bra and panties. Trish takes one last look at Amy and leaves with a smile on her face. The scene fades back into the ring.)

The Tron springs to life, and it doesn't take long before the arena disappears, and the scene is engulfed by what has appeared on the tron. The room is a familiar one. Walls and floors made of cold and unforgiving concrete. The air has stagnated, and carries with it the smell of death and decay. The dampness that hangs in the room makes one feel as if they are walking on the moon. The sound of foot steps begins to fill the room, faintly at first, growing a bit louder as they move across the concrete floor. Finally, they stop and a small bulb dangling from the ceiling comes to life. Sitting backwards on a chair in the center of the room, his over used work bench visible just over his shoulder, is Angelus Archer. His face is void of it's usual paint, and his dread locks have been pulled back into a large, mangled pony tail. His arms folded across the top of the back of the straight back chair, he allows a smirk to come over his face as he shakes his head slightly.

Angelus:"Surprised to see me? Surprised to hear from me? You shouldn't be. You should know by now that I'm not one to stay away for long. That I'm not one to just lay down and die. I hit a bit of a slump. I was taking more bumps than I was giving. And I realized that I needed a little bit of a sabbatical. That I needed to find a way to regain my edge. I had to rekindle that burning desire to maim and murder that once burned out of control inside of me. So I took a bit of time away from the Extreme Measures Federation. I sat here in my basement, my workshop if you will, and I contemplated my future. I went out into the concrete jungle known as Charlotte and I did a bit of hunting. And I realized that I hadn't changed at all. I realized that everything around me had changed. I realized that the world had started to catch up with me, and that if were going to stay ahead of the pack, that I needed to change. That, I, for the first time in a long time, needed to step my game up. You see, I realized that I hadn't lost the desire or the hunger. I found that the world around me had simply started spinning faster. That it had gotten hungrier, and in doing so, it started to satiate it's much larger apetite. There are people who have prospered since I've been away from the EMF. People like Death, who loves to run his fucking mouth. Constantly talking about the drugs he does, the people he claims to kill, and, this is what I like the most, the fact that he has a fluke of a victory over me. He's been riding off of that ever since it happened. And I'm sure that he's proud of the fact that our little Slaugher House match ended in a draw. There is, however, one thing that he fails to realize. You see, I don't have to actually win a match to know that I've won a battle. No, I'm not that fucking shallow. Death is merely too god damn shallow to understand that even though that match ended in a draw, I was still the victor that night. I did what I said I was going to do. I put him down for the ten count. And I told the world prior to doing it, that I would do whatever it took, even if it meant that I had to go down for the count as well. And that's exactly what it took. I make no bones about it. I won't make any excuses. Mark my words though, Death, your days are numbered. It will be but a matter of time before I get my hands on you again. Before I finally put an end to your constant babbling about how you beat the great Angelus Archer. And once I do, you'll be lucky if you ever talk again. Because Death, the next time around, I may just go ahead and cut your fucking tongue out and feed it to your boy friend Charlene Manson. Your a fucking joke boy. Your nothing more than an Angelus Archer impersonator, and your not even a good one at that. I've seen men such as yourself come and go in the past. And each one left with a shank hole in his fucking gut. Mark my words Death, I will put an end to this, once and for all. Death, however, is not the only one who needs to worry about the fact that I'll soon be making my return. I have a tag team partner, who needs to worry about it as well. That's right John, I'm talking about you. We've been the World Tag Team Champions for a good long while now. And as fun as it's been, I'm afraid it just hasn't been fun enough. You see, you have something that belongs to me. Something that I'm going to take back, one way or another. I don't care how I have to do it. Or what I have to go through in order to do it. Because one way or another, sooner or later, I'm going to be standing in that ring staring you down, and there won't be anybody around who can save you. So go ahead and have your fun with the pussies that Amy continues to book you against. Keep this one thing in mind though, I've already turned on you twice. I've already taken that championship from you twice in the past. And while people will tell you that a third times a charm, for you, a third time will merely be a repeat of history itself. Why am I choosing now to say these things though? Why am I suddenly being so vocal? I would think that all of you would already know the answer to those questions. A new movement has started in the EMF. A movement that has grabbed my attention, as well as the attention of others. A movement that, while I was here contemplating things, made me realize that I needed to go back to my roots. That I needed to go back to what brought me to the game to begin with. It's a movement that is sweeping across the EMF like a great hurricane of blood and violence. And soon, the movement will be bolstered. Soon, everybody will realize that there is a new power rising in the Extreme Measures Federation. And that boys and girls, children of all ages, is no mere truth...It's a fucking Gospel."

Foot steps are again heard, this time slowly approaching from behind Angelus. First, the shadow falls over The Slayer, and then the owner appears standing behind him. His cold, ice blue eyes look to have no feeling left in them at all. His hair is a mess, yet his clothing is a clean and pressed. He places a hand on Angelus' shoulder, and then a sickening smirk comes over his face.

Jarred Carthallion:"Because sooner or later, everything, and everybody....Comes Full Circle."

("Better than you" blasts on the PA system as Becky Bayless walks to the ring and steps inside of the ring.)

JR-This is one strange girl.

King-But just think if she is Amy's sister…she could be powerful soon right? I wouldn't mind the weirdness so much then.

Kris Gaffney-Eeerr…don't think Amy's power carries over in that case.

King-Oh…damn it.

("Rylee's theme" blasts on the PA system as Rylee walks to the ring, and slides into the ring.)

JR- We know what type of competitor Rylee can be in that ring when she wants to be.

King-Well I wonder…

Kris Gaffney-Don't even say it…

[Becky Bayless and Rylee pace around the ring, then they lock up. Neither of them are getting the advantage as they are pushing for it. Becky Bayless is able to hit an eye rake on Rylee to get the advantage. Becky Bayless hits a few fists to the face, and whips her to the ropes. But it's reversed by Rylee, Becky Bayless bounces off of the ropes. Rylee lowers her head. But Becky Bayless grabs her by the hair and throws her down to the mat, and then hits a few stomps on the downed Rylee. Rylee stumbles up to her feet in the corner, but as she does this, Becky hits a few stomps into the gut and stomps her into a sitting position and then starts to choke Rylee. The ref counts to 4, and finally Becky Bayless lets go of the hold. Becky Bayless pulls Rylee up in the corner, and then slaps her in the face. Becky Bayless hits a hair toss to Rylee, Rylee crashes to the mat into the sitting position. Becky Bayless kicks a kick to the back, and Rylee in pain goes down to the mat. Becky Bayless goes to the ropes, and comes off of the ropes and hits a leg drop across the throat of Rylee. Becky Bayless goes into the cover, and gets a 1……………….2………..kick out by Becky Bayless. Becky Bayless questions the count. But ignores the stupid ref, she instead puts Rylee's arm on the mat and drives a few knee drops into the arm, causing her quite a bit of pain. Becky Bayless puts on an arm bar. The ref knowing that Rylee won't give up, but needs to ask her anyways, asks her if she wants to give up. Becky Bayless holds on the pressure, and Rylee decides to try to get out of the hold. As she gets up, Becky Bayless turns the move into a hammer lock. Rylee looks for a way out of the hold. She is able to reverse heel trip Rylee. Rylee pushes Becky to the ropes. She comes off of the ropes, and jumps over Becky Bayless. Rylee continues to the other side of the ring. She comes off of the ropes, and Becky and Rylee knock each other down with a double clotheslines.]

JR-That was a very good counter by Rylee, and now she has a chance to take advantage.

King-Will she?

Kris Gaffney-You never know with her…

[Rylee gets up to her feet, but has to go down to a knee to try to recover. This allows Becky Bayless to get up to her feet. Becky charges at Rylee, but Rylee counters with a wrap around clothesline. Rylee takes a few moments to rest, and gets up and hits a running forearm shot to the face that takes down Becky Bayless. Becky Bayless stumbles up to her feet, and Rylee hits a few forearm shots to the face. Rylee tries to whip Becky Bayless to the ropes, but it's reversed and Rylee comes off of the ropes. Becky Bayless lowers her head for a back body drop, but it's countered with a drop down, and a shot to the face. Becky stumbles around, holding her face in pain. She runs at Rylee angry, Becky ducks it and nails a hanging neck breaker. Rylee goes into the cover, and gets a 1………………2…………kick out by Becky Bayless. Becky crawls into the corner, and tries to beg off. But as Rylee gets close, Becky is able to do the heelish thing and rakes the eyes of Rylee. Becky Bayless throws Rylee into the corner, and hits a few knife edge chops to Rylee. Becky Bayless tries to whip Rylee to the opposite side of the ring, and does. She crashes into the turnbuckle, and Becky charges into the corner. Rylee gets her foot up, Becky stumbles back, very dazed. Rylee pulls herself up to the second turnbuckle and waits for Becky to stumble towards her. Which she does, and she hooks Becky Bayless up, and hits a tornado DDT. Becky might be out after that move, and Rylee crawls into the cover and gets a 1………………2…………..KICK OUT at the last second.]

JR-Almost three by Rylee.

King-Natashia must have been teaching her new things.

Kris Gaffney-Isn't that Cena's cleaning girl?

King-No…but some people get confused….it's like having the name Michael.

[Rylee picks up Becky Bayless, and whips her to the ropes. Rylee goes for the high rise. But it's floated over. Becky Bayless hits a reversed DDT and goes into the cover, and gets a 1……………….2……….kick out by Rylee. Becky looks disperate to get this match over with. She says something to the ref. The ref goes over somewhere, and Becky Bayless goes into the corner, and starts to loosing up the second turnbuckle. But Rylee turns around Becky Bayless before she gets it off, and hits a few fists to the face and whips Becky off of the ropes, and hits a clothesline. Becky slowly gets up into the opposite corner that she was. Rylee hits a few kicks into the gut, Rylee whips Becky into the corner that she was in. Becky goes face first, but it's blocked by Becky Bayless with her foot. Becky tears off the loose turnbuckle pad, Rylee charges at Becky Bayless, Becky Bayless counters with a drop toe hold that sends Rylee into the steel ring. Rylee goes down to the mat, and rolls away on the mat in pain. Becky Bayless goes to the outside, and climbs to the top rope, and leaps off of the top rope and hits the streamliner. However, before she goes into the cover, the crowd starts to cheer, as Tori slides into the ring and takes down Becky Bayless before she can go into the cover. Tori hammers the downed Becky Bayless with fists to the face.]

JR-It would seem that Amy does have friends after all.

King-Eeerrr…I forgot about her.

Kris Gaffney-Maria probably got lost in the backstage area…so I guess that was all the friends available to stick up for Amy there was.

[Becky and Tori roll around, and hammer fists as the ref's tear them apart as we go into commercial]

(We come back to commercial in a backstage scene. It's in the office that we have come to known as John Cena's office. However, there is something a bit different this time. Amy Jericho, who is in her punk rock girl clothes is moving around things in the office. She seems to smile, as she's happy that she has friends that will stick up for her. She is putting up a new picture on the desk of her family. But she's interrupted by a sound. John Cena had just entered the office, and looks at her with a puzzled expression on his face.)

Cena: "Ok Amy... what the hell...."

(Amy looks at Cena expression-less, and gives a cute smile as she shrugs.)

.::Amy Jericho::.-I don't know Cena...what the hell?

Cena: "Amy... i'm not in the mood... seriously... so just tell me... what are you doing here?"

.::Amy Jericho::.-What does it look like I'm doing here. I'm putting a picture of my family on the desk.

Cena: "Amy... that belongs on YOUR desk.. in YOUR office... you know... the little insignificant one down the hall? So unless your gonna give me a proper reson why you're here... i'll have to ask you to GET THE HELL OUT OF MY OFFICE!"

(Amy acts hurt)

.::Amy Jericho::.-aw, you're hurting my feelings. I thought you liked having me around...

Cena: "Normally Amy.. the opportunity to stare at your breasts or your ass would make my day... but I'm a very busy man... and the last thing I need is MY office being turned into Barbie's princess castle... so if you don't mind... could you please just leave?"

.::Amy Jericho::.-Geez, grumpy. OK, I know when I'm not wanted...too bad too...I'll just be leaving then.

(Amy grabs the picture, and starts to walk off. But stops a moment, and turns around.)

.::Amy Jericho::.-Wait a minute! I just remembered! This isn't really your office anymore...so what right do you have to order me out of here?

Cena: "Well... I hear Edge sold his stock... but who to... nobody knows. And until he shows up.... well.. i'm STILL in charge here. If he's anything like edge of Mike he wont show up for monts anyway... so until further notice.. I run the show... so as I asked before... GET OUT OF MY OFFICE!"

.::Amy Jericho::.-As much as I would LOVE to do that Cena, I can't get out of "your" office. When it's not "yours", *she laughs a bit*...it's MINE!

(Cena looks a bit taken a back, but then laughs.)

Cena: "Ha... good one.. is it April Fools already? Amy.. Edge would NEVER sell it to you... give me one good reason why I should believe it?"

.::Amy Jericho::.-Will these do *Amy pushes papers in Cena's chest, and walks over to the desk. Putting the picture on the desk* read them, and weep.

(Cena reads them looking confused.... and then angry.. but quickly swallows it and laughs again.)

Cena: "Amy, Amy, Amy... the EMF isn't something you can just BUY and run... you have to have a way with people... a certain authority.... and you have to know what your doing. While i'm sure you doa great job as Vice President... I don't think your ready for this. Don't get me wrong Amy... you're a remarkable woman... but this is just one step too high. You got a good price from Edge... let me buy it from you... i'll even give you a little extra... make you a profit... hows that sound?"

.::Amy Jericho::.-*Amy raises her eyebrows* You make it sound like you are doing me a favor. But we both know that I'm more than qualified to do this job, after all....you did it. Not well, but you did it...didn't you?

Cena: "And a very good job I did too.... and there's no reason to change a good thing is there Amy? You know i've always like you... you always knew just what to do in any situation.. just how to play things to suit you.. that is why I am sure you will make a good decision here... and do what is right for everyone."

.::Amy Jericho::.-You mean the way that you used your power to give yourself and your friends championship shots. The way you probably embarrassed me in every way possible, oh yeah...great job. You are right, I do know how to play things in any situation. I do know when I can't win, however, I realize when I have someone by the balls too.

Cena: "So what... you take this from me and I make your punishement for being stripped by Trish even harsher? Is that how you want to play? Or would you rather return what is rightfully mine and be let off lightly?"

.::Amy Jericho::.-That's the thing Cena, this was NEVER yours to begin with. You never were the owner, you were just a sit in...and as you would say...the real co-owner is HERE! You can make the punishment harsher. But then again, if I return it, you'll just be in the drivers seat again. You know all that talk about how great it'll be to have control of my daughter makes me wonder...what type of mother would I be if I subject my daughter to that?

Cena: "A mother who knew when to quit... the fact is Amy... you having this power makes no odds.. all I got to do is get you stripped... and then I can make you sign whatever matches I want... so whats the point spending so much money just to have me run the show regardless?"

.::Amy Jericho::.-Thing is...you don't run the show. I mean...you could strip me, however...you have to catch me. Maybe I would have to get some protection...after all, how many people would you suppose would like to protect me...just so that they don't have to deal with you?

Cena: "Get protection Amy... line them up and i'll knock them down. Besides... you can't afford for your "protection" to go hurting your biggest draw can you? There's not exactly anyone capable of carrying the flag if I end up hospitalised.... unless you plan on having Jobber Kincaid and CJ not very Lethal face off for the World Title.... sure will make your ratings die huh..."

.::Amy Jericho::.-I'm sure we'll be just fine Cena. Trust me, we'll make sure we leave enough of you so I maybe I can have some fun with you. You could use the dress stip to get what you want..but you know deep down. To be in control as you want, you'll never go anywhere without the president's power. I don't plan on giving anything to a man that made me have to wear a skirt, drawing attention to the fact I'm a woman. Maybe you realize now...like a rival once said...that women in this business are like me right now, on top.

Cena: "You want to have fun with me... AND your on top... jesus Amy... stop dreaming... I wouldn't touch you in a million years,,, unless of course... it helped sweeten the deal to get MY company back. And besides.. you look better after my help.. and one day you will thanks me for it and realise what a great owner I really am!"

.::Amy Jericho::.-*mocking Cena* Oh look, Cena always puts a sexual meaning behind everything. *end mocking voice* As for not touching me in a million years. You're right, you wouldn't. But it's because I wouldn't let you. After all, weren't you the guy who was talking about staring at my boobs and ass no more than a few minutes ago? I believe so, and that's only to start that list. But regardless, you should know that I simply meant that since you don't respect me or other women. Maybe I should have some fun, you know…like you did. However, I won't do anymore than is needed to you get the message. I should be respected, so I would change your tone while you talk to me. As for how I look, I certainly don't think you made me look better. You made me look unlike me, which is wrong, and as for the dresses that you have put me in. They are only better in the eyes of you, because they expose me so much. Otherwise, your taste in women's clothing is horrible, and I'm not the only one that thinks so. It's too bad that Torrie missed you, because she would have told you the same thing.

Cena: "Oh and Torrie Wilson knows everything about women's clothing... so much so she doesn't ever wear any! Amy.. everything I did was for your own good... you needed to remember you are a woman... do you really think Chris Jericho wants to date a woman who looks like a man? Amy... i'm sorry if you didn't like the clothes but I think it did you the world of good.. and believe me.. you do look much better like that!"

.::Amy Jericho::.-Seemly...she knows more than you think. I'd watch what you say, not so much from me. But one day your going to incite a feminist riot. But regardless....Chris Jericho loves me for who I am, and I never doubted that I am a woman. But just because I'm a woman, that does not mean I'm weak...like you like to think I am. The thing is...yes, I'm a tomboy. But does that mean I don't think I'm a woman...far from it, I just don't let the labels you think I should have define me.

Cena: "I don't get why any self respecting female would dress the way you do... and try and act like a man... look at you now... buying shares? Running EMF shows? Amy... for god sake.. why can't you go shopping, clean your house and cook the dinner like a normal woman... why do you have to deliberately try and deny what you are... or.. if your that desperate....why not just get the operation and become a real man? Might suit you better!"

(Amy shakes her head)

.::Amy Jericho::.-Thing is Cena, you need to realize something. It's kind of what Torrie and I were talking about. You don't realize that women today are equals. Were not just stay at home Mom's. Maybe the reason you can sleep around so much is because you simply don't have any respect for women, and don't realize what year it is. We have rights, after all. However, I do all of those things, I just don't do them out of the way, like you want me to.

Cena: "Whatever Amy... all I know if... you have what is rightfully mine... and I will not stop until I have it back in my possession... whatever it means I have to do to you."

.::Amy Jericho::.-Thing is Cena, it doesn't belong to you. I say that over and over again, you can try. However, if you get too much, maybe my husband will magically get better...then you have no control over him, or maybe I just give it to Mike. However, you can do whatever you want. I know if I do give you the company, it just gets worst for me. So really...there is no reason for me to do it. You'll simply dress me up even worse than you already have.

Cena: "Look Amy... just take the money... i'll make it a good price... and as for the dresses... i'll give the power to Nat... or even Torrie... I won't even pick them. Just don't take this from me... there is no reason to do so... Edge is just jealous because I survived and he didn't... which is the only reason he sold to you and not me... can't you see that this is ridiculous and that I should be the rightful owner?"

.::Amy Jericho::.-And then what? You put me in matches, were you use my breasts as your own chopping practice? Or whatever else you have cooked up for me? Are you worried that I'm going to ruin your children's future's. Because I won't be like you...just because their father is a slut, doesn't mean they will be a slut. But regardless, I don't think it's ridiculous at all...and no you shouldn't be the rightful owner. Quite frankly, you are where you should be the whole time. So if that's all you have to say, you may leave my office now.

Cena: "Your office.... ha... enjoy it while it lasts Amy... because one day i'll get back what I want... and then you will be sent to your rightful place. And one other thing.. it may have escaped your attention but i'm getting married very shortly... I would just LOVE for you to be there... in fact.... you mean so much to me i'm gonna offer you a position.... no.. no.. i'm gonna FORCE you in to one... enjoy being Natasha's bridesmaid won't you? Thats your punishment for letting Trish give us all an eyeful before. Enjoy your break from the kitchen Amy... and good luck."

(She looks away, and says.)

.::Amy Jericho::.-Before you leave, I don't see the point in making me Natasha's bridesmaid. Unless you want me to ruin Natasha's attempt to ruin her life by marrying a piece of crap like you?

Cena: "Oh but Amy... if you do anything to ruin the ceremony then belive me... you WILL be selling me the company.. just to pay off the debts after I sue your extremely hot ass. Thats one of the rules Amy... you must behave like a regular bridesmaid.. and support the bride throughout the ceremony. I know you'll enjoy it... and I know your best friend will be DELIGHTED you assissted Nat. See you around.... and I know you'll make a good Bridesmaid!"

(Cena walks out of the office, slamming the door behind him. Amy shakes her head, and mouths "whatever" as we fade away.)

("Marc Mead's theme" blasts on the PA system as Marc Mead and Serena Hughes walks to the ring.)

JR-Marc Mead was able to defeat the long time TV champion Dewey Pond at Legacy of Blood.

King-Oh yeah, well……um..I got nothing.

Kris Gaffney-What else is new?

("Robbie Morphine's theme" blasts on the PA system as Robbie Morphine and Jesse walks to the ring, and steps into the ring.)

King-What's up with these alter ego's?

Kris Gaffney-Eeerr…not sure, I'm not sure if Robbie Morphine is a alter ego or not. But if it is…Robbie Morphine should talk to our…eerrr…co-owner about that.

King-She would know all about it…


King-Somewhere Tyson Tomko's mind is exploding from all the creativity.

(Suddenly the camera focuses on the entrance as Mangus, the manager of Kavaros walks out and stops at the top of the ramp.)

Kris Gaffney-What's he's doing here?

JR-Well...my guess is trying to scout the competition?

Kris Gaffney-Or he's looking for something...any idea what it could be?

(King is shown in a Kavaros like mask.)

King-....I have no clue.

[They talk it over, it looks like that the guy's are going to start out. Marc Mead and Robbie Morphine pace around the ring. They lock up, and Robbie Morphine pushes down Marc Mead. Marc Mead does a reverse summersault, and gets up dazed and gets knocked down with a running forearm shot to the face. Marc Mead gets up, and gets knocked down with a hard punch. Marc Mead gets up dazed, and Robbie Morphine tries to whip Marc Mead off of the ropes. But it's reversed by Marc Mead, Robbie Morphine bounces off of the ropes and hits a flying clothesline, and knocks down Marc Mead. Marc Mead is slow to get up as Robbie Morphine measures up. Robbie Morphine kicks Marc Mead in the gut, and double under hooks Marc Mead, lifts him and drives him down with a back breaker. Robbie Morphine goes into the cover, and gets a 1……………….2……..kick out by Marc Mead. Robbie Morphine doesn't look happy, he chokes Marc Mead and the ref makes him break on 4. Robbie Morphine puts up his hands in innocence. Robbie Morphine gets up, and see's that Marc Mead is crawling into the corner, and is trying to get separation from Robbie Morphine. But Morphine is able to close it up quickly, he hits a few kicks into the gut and whips Marc Mead into the opposite side of the ring. Marc Mead crashes into the corner, and Robbie Morphine pulls himself out of corner and Marc Mead makes the tag to Serena Hughes. Serena Hughes charges at Robbie Morphine, but gets knocked down with a standing shoulder tackle (eeerrr to be nice). Robbie Morphine shrugs and grabs Serena by the hair and drags her to his corner and makes the tag to Jesse. Jesse comes into the ring, and hits a slap to Serena and a few forearm shots to the face of Serene Hughes. Serena stumbles back, and Jesse tries to whip Serena to the ropes, and does. She bounces off of the ropes, Jesse lowers her head for a back body drop, but it's countered with a yank of the hair down to the mat.]

JR-Serena's experience just came to the front there.

King-Wow, that's not just totally obvious…anything else anyone would like to add?

Tim Rattey-TIMMAY!

Kris Gaffney-……man, he ruined my fantasy football team, I hate him.

[Serena Hughes takes a break, and measures up as Jesse on her hands and knee's and hits a kick to the ribs that makes Jesse rolls to the ropes, and uses the ropes to get up. But Serena Hughes isn't willing to give her much of a space to rest and starts to choke Jesse with the ropes. The ref counts to 4, and she breaks. Serena Hughes whips Jesse off of the ropes, and she comes off of the ropes and Serena Hughes tries to hip toss Jesse. But it's blocked by Serena Hughes who hits a clothesline down to the mat. Serena Hughes goes into the cover, and gets a 1……………..2…………kick out by Jesse. Serena hits a few stomps on the downed Jesse, Jesse after a while tries to get to her feet. But is finding it difficult. She then finally gets up to her feet with the help of Serena Hughes. Serena Hughes picks up Jesse and drives her into the corner, and she hits a few knife edge chops. Serena Hughes tries to whip Jesse into the corner, and does and charges in with her. But it's countered with a boot to the face. Serena Hughes stumbles into the corner and makes the tag into Marc Mead as she stumbles into him. Marc Mead steps in, and quickly Jesse see's this and makes a tag to Robbie Morphine. But before he can get into the ring, Marc Mead is able to hit him with a fist and stun him and hit an eye rake to blind Robbie Morphine. Marc Mead uses the ropes to slip Robbie Morphine into the ring. Marc Mead measures up as Robbie Morphine is in the perfect position for a Mead kick, but it's ducked under, and Robbie Morphine pushes Mead to the ropes, he bounces off of the ropes. Robbie Morphine stumbles up in a doubled over position, and Marc Mead hits a flipping swinging neck breaker. He goes into the cover and gets a 1…………….2………..kick out by Robbie Morphine.]

JR-Almost three by Marc Mead.

King-That was quick thinking by Mead.

Kris Gaffney-Eeerr….he gets practice with the various things he has to think up on the fly to get chicks.

King-I wish I was as good as Mead was at that…

[Marc Mead grabs Robbie Morphine and brings him over to the corner and tags in Serena. Marc Mead picks up Serena and drops her into a splash into the cover 1…………….2……..kickout by Robbie Morphine. Robbie Morphine gets whipped to the ropes, Jesse makes the blindside tag. Serena lowers her head, Robbie Morphine just does a light kick to the face. Not really to take Serena's head off, but just to pop her up in pain. She does, and she turns around into a spear by Jesse and she hits a few punches to the face of Serena Huges. They roll around taking turns hitting fists on each other. Robbie Morphine looks to get involved, but Marc Mead gets involved and hits a few fists to the face. Then he goes for a clothesline, but he knocks down the ref. Marc Mead looks down in shock what he did, he turns around and gets clotheslined over the top rope. In the ring Jesse has hit a spinning spine buster on Serena, and seemly has her pinned for more than a 3 count. Suddenly Kavaros comes out of no where withe a chair, and hits Jesse with it. Jesse goes down to the mat, seemly out. Kavaros quickly rolls back out of the ring and underneath the ring, undetected. Serena in shock makes the cover by instinct. The ref turns around and counts 1...2..3.. Robbie slides in and picks jesse up. They both head out of the ring. Marc gets up and rolls into the ring. he hugs Serena and starts celebrating. She holds Marc at arms length and points to the ring.]

Kris: Looks like the cat is out of the bag.

King: Yeah she's ratting out Kavaros.

Marc looks up the rampway at Magnus. As he starts to clap with the crowd. Marc slides out shaking his hand at Magnus. He drops to the ground and tosses the ring curtian back and looks under it.

Kris: He's looking for him.

On the far side Kavaros rolls out from under the ring and stands up. Marc stands up and looks through the ring at Kavaros. Serena stands in the ring looking at Marc and Kavaros. She slides out and Marc and her head up the rampway. They turn and notice Magnus still sitting there.

King: Looks like they are stuck what will they do?

Magnus gets up out of the chair and moves to the far side of the rampway. Marc and Serena pass Magnus. He waves as they leave the arena.

(Note: There was an issue that Robbie Morphine is not really a druggie and isn't Death, which is an issue I put in serious consideration. However, since there is little to nothing known about Robbie Morphine…I can't blame Marc for it. I probably would make the same mistake. It was agreed that in this case, it shouldn't affect Marc's RP due to the lack of information. Just watch for that in the future. (Although, I'm sure the reminder isn't needed, but doesn't hurt, right?)

(Note 2: I was told two things about the ending. I just decided to guess on what is wanted in the end by both sides, and just edit from here. I wrote the interference…really on many levels I'm not sure if this was what either side wanted with the ending. So just let me know politely if anything's wrong, and I'll edit it.)

("Gambler" by Kenny Rogers blasts on the PA system as the Gambler walks to the ring.)

King-Something tells me that somewhere….Kavaros is singing to his theme music.

Kris Gaffney-Probably.

JR-You have to wonder how it would have been different if Freddy did not stick his nose into the match at Legacy of Blood.

(The lights turn off as "Freddy's chant" blasts on the PA system, and Freddy appears in the ring.)

JR-The former member of Revolution has looked impressive since returning to the EMF.

Kris Gaffney-Wonder if he's as obsessed with his jacket as Chyna was.

King-No one is obsessed with that jacket as Chyna was…she never wore anything else…or anything else as a top.

("Walk" blasts on the PA system as Rad Hazard walks to the ring, and slides into the ring.)

JR-People have wondered why Rad Hazard is in this match…it's because Rad was the one who was attacked by Freddy…so we don't know if he was screwed out of his opportunity either.

King-Probably a conspiracy that involving aliens and donkey kong….or that's something Wes Ikeda would have said…

[Gambler and Freddy Krueger face off in the middle of the ring as Rad Hazard stays off as he knows that it's more than personal with these two. (it is with him too, but to a lesser extent). Freddy Krueger tries to throw a fist, but it's blocked and Gambler hits a fist to the face that knocks down Freddy Krueger with his fist. Freddy stumbles to his feet, and the Gambler hits a big head butt that knocks down Freddy Kreuger. Freddy goes down to the mat and rolls to the outside. On the outside, Freddy Kreuger tries to rest up, but the Gambler grabs him by the hair on the inside of the ring, and tries to pull him back into the ring, but this is stopped by Rad Hazard attacking from behind. Rad Hazard hits a few fists to the back, and as the Gambler turns around, to the face. Rad Hazard tries to whip the Gambler to the ropes, but it's reversed, Rad Hazard bounces off of the ropes. The Gambler goes for a clothesline that's ducked under. Rad Hazard continues to the other side of the ring, but he crashes into Freddy Krueger who is getting up on the apron. Freddy falls off of the apron and Rad Hazard stumbles back stunned right into the waiting arms of the Gambler. The Gambler hits a release germen suplex that turns him inside out. Rad Hazard is on his knee's, and the Gambler backs to the ropes and comes off of the ropes. He then hits a boot to the face of Rad Hazard that takes him down the rest of the way. The Gambler goes to the ropes, seemly for a big leg drop. But Freddy low bridges the ropes, and the Gambler falls to the outside. The Gambler gets up, and see's Freddy and charges at him. But he counters with a drop toe hold into the steel steps. Freddy Krueger gets up on the apron, and hits a shoulder into the gut of Rad Hazard who has gotten up. Freddy Krueger goes over the top rope into a sunset flip and gets Rad Hazard over into a cover, and gets a 1………………2…………kick out.]

JR-Almost three by Freddy.

King-Freddy really wants this match.

Kris Gaffney-eeerrr…I'm sure everyone in this match wants to win…why else would they bother?

[Freddy Krueger gets up to his feet near the ropes. Rad Hazard does the same, since he was not physically effected by the last move and charges at Freddy Krueger. Freddy counters with hot shot, Rad neck snaps off of the top rope. Freddy Krueger waits for Rad Hazard. Rad Hazard stumbles around, and comes towards Freddy Krueger. Freddy Kreuger hits a gut wrench suplex. Rad Hazard bounces up, and then Freddy Kreuger bounces off of the ropes and does a flipping snapmare. Freddy Kreuger rolls out of the ring, and grabs a steel chair. He rolls back into the ring and waits for Rad Hazard to get to his feet. But he's turned around by Gambler, but Freddy thinking fast smashes the chair over the head of the Gambler, which stuns him back an out of the ring. Rad Hazard goes behind Freddy Krueger, and hits a standing drop kick that sends Freddy stumbling out of the ring and on to the floor. Rad Hazard times his next move, as Freddy Krueger and the Gambler stumbles up to their feet. Rad Hazard runs to the ropes, and comes off of the ropes and he leaps over the top rope into a summersault dive over the top rope. This takes both the Gambler and Freddy Krueger off of their feet. Rad Hazard is obviously the one to get up first, and he takes Freddy Kreuger, and smashes him face first into the announce table. He lets Freddy Krueger fall down to the mat (around the ring). Rad Hazard takes off the table covering, Rad Hazard takes a monitor, and grabs another one as Freddy Kreuger is getting up to his feet. Rad Hazard smashes Freddy Krueger on the side of the head. He is on the table. Rad Hazard jumps on the other table, and looks like he's thinking of something. Freddy gets up to his feet on the table, Rad Hazard charges and hits a bulldog head butt that sends Freddy into the table that breaks on impact.]

JR-What a move by Rad Hazard.

King-and no one knows who he is still.

Kris Gaffney-I don't think anyone will know…

[Rad Hazard slowly gets to his feet, but Gambler grabs him around the neck and choke slams him into the table and goes into the cover and gets a 1…………….2…………3. Just before Freddy can break it up.]

JR-Rad Hazard just walked into that one, and Gambler capitalize.

Kris Gaffney-Freddy's going to get someone for that.

King-No one pinned him or made him submit…so he's still undefeated, right?

Kurt Angle-It's true! It's true!

(OOC-Reason this took so long is that we had to deal with an issue, and then we found out that this was not an easy call at all. Each of the staff members could go either way, Freddy's was good for certain reasons, Gambler's was good in certain reasons. Once again, this is an issue there is no "for sure" choice. So we all decided as one we like Gambler's RP as one. While keeping Freddy's undefeated streak in tack (Samoa Joe lost many triple threats). Once again Freddy, there will be other championship oppuntunities.)

(Gambler is walks away as Freddy is getting up, not happy as Shockwave goes off the air.)