EMF: Saturday Shockwave

(The lights go off as pyro blasts off on the stage as the Shockwave theme plays. The camera looks around the crowd as the lights come back on. We hear JR and the King's voice over this

JR-Welcome to Saturday Shockwave, I'm good ol' JR. Along with Jerry "the King" Lawler.

JR: And what a shockwave we have lined up for you tonight! Jarred v Primetime, with Raptor as the special guest referee!!!

King: But as Jarred said, why in the blue hell would you want to face Jarred in the ring?

JR: Speaking of Raptor, he’s lined up to come out here, and have a in-ring interview, now…

King: No kidding, and Saliva is here, live tonight to play his entrance music, entitled “Doperide”!!!!

JR: Memphis, Tennessee- We’re in the home town of Saliva- And their new album, “Back into your system” is coming out November 12

[The shot cuts to the stage, where we see the 5 members of Saliva with their equipment set up. The guitars hit the opening riff of Doperide, and Raptor’s Titantron starts… All of Saliva’s hometown fans go nuts. Josey Scott starts to sing, and when the drums and bass kick in Raptor’s Pyro explodes.]

[Raptor walks out from behind the curtain, with the EMF World Championship belt around his waist, and does the wWo point to the band. He walks over, shakes hands with Josey, and smashes one of the cymbals on the drums, then starts walking down to the ring. He reaches the ring and the music stops playing… JR stands up, and jumps into the ring, and hands a microphone to Raptor as the fans cheer…]

Raptor: Isn’t this supposed to be an interview?

JR: Well, yes…

Raptor: Where’s the couch? Couch? Get out here!!!!

Couch: Shove off, JR, this is my show!

[Couch runs out as JR reluctantly goes back to his seat, dissapointed]

Couch: Allright… Raptor, last week, as we can see up on the Titantron, *A replay plays* you interfered in the World Number 1 Contendership match, giving the win to Jarred… Why?

Raptor: You know couch… that’s a good question. Primetime and I never really liked each other… Remember, the “I hate Raptor” tape Matt Dragon played? Remember it? Yeah… we’re not the greatest of friends. And last time one of his promos played in my house, the dog died from the sheer boredom of it all… I’ll never forgive Primetime for that… But why else did I choose Jarred over Primetime…

What motivated me to give the win to Jarred?

Was it because I wanted an easier opponent? No… Is it because I have some sort of vendetta? Ha! Not really…

I decided, that, Primetime has had his primetime… ha, ha… that was a joke…

*nobody laughs, except for couch, who gives out a really fake overdone laugh*

Raptor: And he’s had his share of World titles… So, that was part of it… but no. The REAL reason I decided I wanted to face Jarred?

I want to shut his mouth.

*Does his best Jarred voice, which ends up sounding like Fran Drescher* Oh, I am the Savior of the EMF… I have returned to save you… I beat the nWo without you… Yadda Yadda, Blah Blah…

His Goddamn Ego just doesn’t end, boy! And I wanted to show him who the real top dog is around here… He didn’t save the EMF from the nWo, but I will save the EMF from Jarred and his larger-than-a-goddamn-kanyonairo ego.

Jarred, you didn’t save Jack SHIT! I never needed a savior… the EMF never needed a savior… And the EMF certainly didn’t need an ego like yours.

So, BOY… Now, at Cold Day in Hell, boy… It’s going to be, boy… A match, boy, you and me, boy- 1 on 1, for my World Title… And here’s my challenge to you… Listen closely, Jarred, I’ll speak slowly so you can understand…

At Cold Day in Hell, my world title is on the line. If you still have your Intercontinental Title by Cold Day in Hell, I want a Champion vs Champion match up… The stakes are high, Jarred, oh my boy, they are… But do you have the balls to take it to the next level? I can’t wait to hear your response.

Couch: Okay, and what about tonight, when you referee Jarred vs Primetime for that very title? Will you be an impartial official?

Raptor: Of COURSE! It’s no secret that I hate Primetime as much as the next guy! I’d never want to give him the win. No, no no! But of course, I don’t want to give Jarred the win, either… So I’ll just be fair. Let the two men fight, and what happens, happens. Yes. That’s what I’ll do.


Jarred… when our match comes around… this will be you (pulls out a balloon) and this… (pulls out a needle) will be me.

[He pops the balloon with a almighty bang]

and when it comes to refereeing tonight…

You’ll just have to wait and see, won’t you Couch? And you, too Jarred… Wait and See indeed! Hah!

“Doperide” plays as Raptor goes backstage again.

JR - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 225 pounds,, Homeboy!!! (crowd cheers *****)

[Homeboy comes to the ring. ]

JR - and his opponent, weighing in at 225 pounds,, Rob Steelheart!!! (crowd cheers **)

[Rob Steelheart walks to the ring. Earl Hebner is the referee for this contest. Homeboy drops Rob Steelheart with a Gorilla Press Slam on the mat. Homeboy gets nailed with a charging axhandle bodyblock from Rob Steelheart. (ding, ding, ding) Homeboy kicks Rob Steelheart in the groin. Homeboy tackles Rob Steelheart. Rob Steelheart is up again. Rob Steelheart executes a headlock takedown. ]

King - Homeboy takes a headlock takedown.

[Homeboy is back on his feet. Rob Steelheart hits Homeboy with the back of his elbow. ]

JR - Rob Steelheart executes a back elbow.

[Rob Steelheart knifehand chops Homeboy. Rob Steelheart get whipped into the corner and Homeboy follows himin with an avalanche. Homeboy and Rob Steelheart go to the floor Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) ]

King - This is quality sports entertainment!

[Rob Steelheart hits Homeboy with an atomic drop. Homeboy gets back to his feet. They fight into the aisle. (..2) Homeboy lifts Rob Steelheart up and drops him on his knee. (...3) Rob Steelheart gets back to his feet. (....4) Rob Steelheart executes the jumping sidekick on Homeboy. Homeboy is up again. (.....5) Rob Steelheart and Homeboy move back to ringside. Rob Steelheart and Homeboy move back into the ring. Rob Steelheart takes Homeboy down with a knee. Homeboy moves back to his feet. Homeboy with an impressive flying spinning leg lariat on Rob Steelheart. Homeboy is back on his feet. Homeboy rolls onto Rob Steelheart connecting with a knee. Rob Steelheart goes for a DDT but Homeboy dodges the attack. Rob Steelheart sends Homeboy to ringside. Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) (..2) Homeboy gets thrown into the turnbuckle. Rob Steelheart comes over and smashes Homeboy's head into it. (...3) Homeboy gets taken down with a corkscrew armdrag. Homeboy is up again. Rob Steelheart dropkicks Homeboy. Homeboy climbs to his feet. (....4) Homeboy spins aroround Rob Steelheart's back and DDT's him into the floor. Homeboy moves back to his feet. (.....5) ]

JR - Homeboy can't win the match out there.

[Homeboy runs in and leg drops Rob Steelheart. Homeboy chants start. Rob Steelheart gets knocked on the ground and Homeboy flips onto him. Homeboy is back on his feet. They head back into the ring. Rob Steelheart piledrives Homeboy. Rob Steelheart chants start. Homeboy moves back to his feet. Rob Steelheart rakes the face of Homeboy in attempt to make a come back. Rob Steelheart gorrilla presses Homeboy. Handspring hurricanrana by Rob Steelheart has Homeboy pinned. Referee Earl Hebner makes the count. ...1 ...2 ...3

JR - The winner of this match, Rob Steelheart!!!

JR: And what about our main event tonight! It should be a fantastic affair, but I can’t say Raptor will be a proper ref…

King: Ahh, he said we’ll have to see, JR…

[The EMF tron lights up with Jarred, walking through the car park… He looks slightly annoyed, as the Coach (not the couch, who is exclusive to the wWo) walks up to him…]

Coach: JARRED? Jarred, what are your thoughts on Raptor’s comments earlier this evening?

[Jarred just walks straight past coach, and walks into his locker room… The camera follows him in, and he is shocked to see a mirror, standing there, in the middle of an empty room… At the bottom of the mirror, a little message, spraypainted on that says “Enjoy it while it lasts, Jarred…” Jarred just turns around and storms off]

JR - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 225 pounds,, Wes!!! (crowd cheers ******)

[Wes comes to the ring. ]

JR - and his opponent, weighing in at 225 pounds,, Toby!!! (crowd cheers **)

[Toby walks to the ring. Charles Robinson is the referee for this contest. Wes places Toby on the turnbuckle and executes a front-layout suplerplex. Toby places Wes on the turnbuckle and executes a front-layout suplerplex. (ring, ring, ring) Wes punches Toby in the gut. Toby uppercuts Wes. Toby gets thrown into the corner and gets boot choked by Wes. Wes takes Toby down with a knee. Wes goes to the top and executes a flying hip attack on Toby. Wes is back on his feet. Toby moves back to his feet. Toby hits Wes with the belly-to-belly suplex. Wes stands up. Toby executes a snap mare on Wes and locks him into the sleeper. Referee Charles Robinson is checking for a tap out. ... Toby tightens the hold. ... (AHHHH!) ... Toby tightens the hold. Wes escapes. Wes goes up to the top and comes down on Toby with an asai leg lariat. Wes moves back to his feet. ]

JR - This is how wrestling should be!

[Wes kicks Toby on the mat. Toby gets knocked on the ground and Wes flips onto him. ]

King - Wes with a flip.

[Wes is up again. Toby gets hit with the shooting star press from Wes. Charles Robinson counts. ...1 Toby escapes. Toby mule kicks Wes. ]

King - mule kick!

[Wes gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Toby. Wes with an illegal chokehold on Toby. Toby moves back to his feet. Toby body slams Wes. Toby punches Wes in the head. Wes executes the jumping sidekick on Toby. Toby superkicks Wes. Now Wes standing. Toby gouges Wes's eyes out. Wes gets picked up and dropped with the fireman's carry by Toby. Wes climbs to his feet. Wes hits Toby with a slingshot bodyblock. Toby gets hit with the shooting star press from Wes. Referee Charles Robinson makes the count. ...1 ...2 Toby kicks out. ]

JR - Wes almost won the match!

[Toby is up again. Wes sends Toby to ringside. Charles Robinson starts the count (.1) (..2) Wes brings Toby down with a Mexican armdrag takedown. (...3) Wes executes a flying knee drop right to the gut of Toby. ]

King - Toby takes a flying knee drop.

[Wes moves back to his feet. Toby stands up. (....4) Wes uses a lariat on Toby. Wes spinebuster bombs Toby onto the floor. They fight into the aisle. (.....5) Wes puts Toby in an arm grapevine submission. Wes goes off the top and hits a flying sitdown splash on Toby. Now Wes standing. Toby and Wes move back to ringside. They head back into the ring. Toby punches Wes repeatedly. Toby chants start. Wes is hit with a backward kick. Toby uses a legsweep faceslam to bring Wes down. Wes gets hit with the shooting star press from Toby. Charles Robinson counts the pin. ...1 ...2 ...3

JR - The winner of this match, Toby!!!

[The EMF Tron lights up with Jarred, storming down a hallway… He bursts through a door, into the wWo locker room… Wasabi just jumps up, and looks at him]

Wasabi: What the hell do you want?

Jarred: Where is he?

Wasabi: He said he had something to do, and if you don’t mind, so do I, now get out of the locker room!

[Wasabi grabs his extreme title and shoves Jarred out of the way as he walks to the stage]

"Click Click Boom" blasts on the PA system as Wasabi walks to the ring

King-What the hell....Wasabi changed his theme!

JR-seems so King

King-Why wasn't informed of this *King takes an armor glove and back hands him*

"God music" blasts on the PA system as Jason Syrus blasts on the PA system as Jason Syrus floats to the ring

King-Oh my god!! It's god *puts on a radition suit*

JR-What the hell is wrong with you King

King-Don't want to get the EVIL virus!

JR-There is no....God is a moron!!

"Crow theme" blasts on the PA system as Crow walks to the ring

JR-Where the hell did we get this guy......maybe from a BINGO HALL!!!

King-Told you about the EVIL virus...you didn't believe me

*JR trys to throw salt in King's eyes to cheat to win...but can't due to King's wearing a radition suit

[Wasabi and Jason Syrus locks up, Wasabi backs up Syrus to the ropes and the ref makes Wasabi break the hold. Crow stands in the corner waiting for his time to strike as Wasabi backs away cleanly, Syrus then grabs Wasabi and then turns the tables and hits a few hard chops into the chest of Wasabi. Syrus then whips Wasabi to the ropes and then knocks Wasabi down with a hard flying shoulder block. As Syrus is celebrating as Wasabi rolls out of the ring, Crow hits a running forearm that knocks down Syrus. Syrus gets up stunned and gets scooped up and slammed into a body slam. Crow then chokes Syrus with his shin as the ref counts to 5, the ref makes Crow break up the choke. Crow then pulls up Syrus and then trys to whip him off the ropes. But gets reversed and crow gets whipped to the ropes . Crow bounces off the ropes and then leaps in the air and then catches Syrus with a hard cross body block. Crow rolls under the bottom rope to the apron and then gets up using the ropes, Crow waits for Syrus to get up. Once he does, Crow sling shots himself on to the top rope and then hits a hurricanarana. Then into a pin and gets a 1..........2.......kick out. Crow notices that Wasabi is just on the outside and not paying much attention. Crow runs to the ropes and then jumps over the top rope and then trys to go for a suicide dive over the top rope. But Wasabi side steps it and then is able to throw Crow right on the carcade. Crow doesn't go down, just kind of hangs on the barcade hurt. Then Wasabi picks up Crow and then drops him throat first into the barcade. Crow stumbles around and then falls by the steel steps and then Wasabi sees this and then raises his arm to the crowd and then charges at Crow. But Crow moves out of the way and Wasabi goes knee first into the steel steps. Wasabi is in a lot of pain and then Crow has to recover before he can do anything. But once he does he gets up and then pulls up Crow and then trys to smash Wasabi's face into the announces table. But Wasabi is able to block it and hit a few face smashes to Crow. Wasabi then takes Crow and rolls him back into the ring. Syrus sees this and crawls into the cover and gets the 1.......2....Wasabi grabs Syrus leg and pulls him off the cover. But doesn't bring him outside, Wasabi climbs to the apron. Syrus gets up and trys to hit a fist to Wasabi. But Wasabi blocks it and returns it to Syrus. Wasabi then hooks up Syrus and then trys to suplex him to the outside. But it's blocked and Syrus goes for a suplex into the ring. But Wasabi is able to fall on his feet on his feet. Wasabi then hooks Syrus and goes for a germen suplex. But Syrus switches it and hits a germen suplex of his own for the 1.........2.......kick out. Wasabi gets up stunned by the ropes, Syrus charges and goes for a big splash into the corner. But Wasabi ducks it and Syrus goes crashing face first into the top turnbuckle. Syrus turns around stunned and gets blasted with a few hard fists into the Syrus.]

King-wait a minute...that wasn't god like!

JR-....yes we can see that King

[Wasabi then backs off Syrus as the ref tells him, Wasabi then goes back and hits a few knife edge chops to keep Syrus stunned. Then Wasabi whips Syrus to the opposite side of the ring and then charges into the corner with him and then hits a hard clothesline to Syrus as he hits the turnbuckle. Wasabi then goes to the top turn buckle and goes for a 10 punch combo. Wasabi gets 1............2.............3..........4......5.. Syrus is able to get his arms under Wasabi and then counter the 10 punch combo into a diving powerbomb. Syrus then goes for the pin from the powerbomb and then puts his feet on the ropes as ref isn't looking and gets a 1.............2.......kick out. Syrus looks at the ref asking why that wasn't a three. Syrus pays no attention and then pulls up Wasabi. Syrus hits a few hard fists to the face of Wasabi backing him to the ropes. Syrus then goes to whip Wasabi off the ropes, but Syrus holds on to his arm and then pulls Wasabi up into a set up and then hits a belly to belly suplex that sends Wasabi flying from the ring. Syrus turns around in time to duck a running clothesline from crow, Syrus pushes Crow from behind to the ropes and goes for a roll up. But Crow is able to hook on to the ropes to prevent this from happening. Syrus then summersaults to the middle of the ring as Crow charges at Syrus and misses with another clothesline. Syrus runs to the ropes and bounces off as Crow goes for a back elbow. But misses and Syrus continues to the other side of the ring. Syrus bounces off the side of the ring and leaps in the air and hits a spinning heel kick to knock Crow down. Syrus gets up and then waits for Crow to get up, Crow stumbles to his feet and then gets kicked in the gut and then set ups up Crow and hits a piledriver]

King-You know if Vince saw that move he would have a heart attack!

JR-That's why he banned it....

[Syrus pins Crow for the 1................2......kick out. Crow rolls out of the ring as Syrus sees Wasabi getting up on the apron. Wasabi is able to duck and hit a shoulder block into Syrus's gut. Wasabi then puts on the Wasabimission on Syrus through the ropes. Syrus goes down as Wasabi releases the hold, Syrus is in a lot of pain (well...wouldn't most of you be). Wasabi climbs to the top rope and hits the hang time and gets the 1.........2..........3]

King-Hey Wasabi actually used the Wasabimission in a match!! *King takes his crown off, shaves his head and puts on orange sun glasses*

[The EMF tron shows Jarred again, storming around backstage… He bursts back into his locker room, to find the mirror, shattered on the ground… But there is something else, as well… Up on the wall, there is a torn up poster of Jarred. Jarred looks pissed off, but he grabs his Intercontinental title, and heads off for his match]


(we come back from a commerial with Raptor already in the ring)

"Snap your fingers, snap you neck" blasts on the PA system as Primetime walks to the ring

JR-Primetime has been trying to get back on the winning track since he lost the world title to Matt Dragon

King-aw well it's happened before...

"I stand alone" blasts on the PA system as Jarred walks to the ring

King-Well it's about time that song made sense for Jarred *King back hands JR*

JR-What was that for?

King-Because I felt like it

[Primetime and Jarred walk to the middle of the ring and then start to yell at each other. Primetime pushes Jarred. Jarred pushes Primeitme back. Raptor tells them to fight, Primetime and Jarred go into lock up. But they both turn around and nail Raptor and knock him down. Jarred and Primetime stomp on the downed Raptor. Suddenly Tazz slides into the ring, Primetime and Jarred pull up the limp Raptor. Jarred and Primetime double whip Raptor to Tazz who locks Raptor up and hits a tazzplex!! Tazz screams for Raptor to get up, once he does. Tazz locks on the Tazz mission. Raptor fades away and is completely out. Tazz lets go of the hold as Jarred is up on the top turnbuckle. Jarred leaps off and hits the LEGENDARY END!!!!!!!!!! on Raptor. Tazz who had slid out of the ring comes back with a spray can and a t-shirt. Tazz hands Jarred the t-shirt. To reveal it's the.]

King-Whoo-ah I knew they weren't done!!

JR-the nWo isn't dead DAMN IT!!

King-That's not a bad thing.....it's a good thing!! *DDP smile*

[Before they can spray paint Raptor. Jericho and Angelica Boycott slides into the ring, Jericho yells something at Tazz and pushes him. Tazz just points at Jarred and Primetime. Jericho says something to Angelica, Angel slides out of the ring as Tazz takes a swing at Jericho. Jericho blocks it and knocks him down with a fist. Primetime trys to attack Jericho. But gets knocked down with a clothesline. Jericho hits a few knife edge chops to Jarred, Jericho whips Jarred off the ropes. Jarred bounces off the ropes and gets knocked down by a spinning heel kick by Jericho. Jericho gets up and is nailed with a chair shot by Primetime

JR-The numbers are too much

[Jericho doesn't go down after the chair shot and then gets another one. Jericho goes down, he is now busted open. As the members of the nWo stomp on the downed Jericho. Angel looking for a way to try to get Jericho out of there, but can't find a way to pull him out safely. She then climbs up on the apron while the nWo isn't paying attention due to the fact they are plubbeling Jericho. She climbs to the top rope and leaps off and catches the nWo off guard with a Angel-A-Tasic Moonsault on the nWo knocking them down. Angel trys pull Jericho out of the ring and slide out of the ring, but Jarred grabs her leg before she can get out of the ring. But then notices Raptor getting up. The nWo slides out of the ring. Shockwave goes off the air as the nWo raise their arms in the air as the nWo theme blasts over the PA system