EMF: Survival of the Fitest

(The copyright information flashes over the screen. We fade into a highlight video of how all the matches came about. Finally ending with an introduction screen as an announcer welcomes us to Survival of the Fittest 2007. We go into the United Airlines Center as pyrotechnics blasts on the stage. The lights turn on as fans wave their signs and scream. Some signs say "Stalin, BALLIN!", "One of Cena's kids", and "Torrie forget Orton! Go out with me!")

JR-Welcome to Survival of the Fittest, I'm good ol' JR alongside Jerry "the King" Lawler

King-What a show we have for you tonight, headlined by the world title, but what about the battle royals.

Kris Gaffney-Should be interesting….AAAAAHHH

("Cold" blasts on the PA system as Devin Malis walks out to the ring to boo's, he does still has some cheers. He slides into the ring and waits for his opponent.)

JR-Devin Malis tactics aren't popular.

King-Well, he's not that popular either.

Kris Gaffney-Your Mom is popular…than you know…

("Godwin's theme" blasts on the PA system as Dan Godwin walks to the ring and steps inside of the ring.)

JR-The new comer has been on quite a roll since his defeat to the now world champion MxMxPunk.

King-He must be thanking god that he became champion.

Kris Gaffney-Yeah…nice excuse.

[Dan Godwin and Devin Malis stare across the ring with hatred and then they start to hammer away at each other after a few moments. Finally Dan Godwin takes down Devin Malis with a fist to the face as he ducks under and gets more power behind it. Devin Malis stumbles up and Dan Godwin gets hit with a few knife edge chops to the chest. Devin Malis backs up into the ropes and then he gets whipped to the ropes and Devin Malis comes off the ropes and Devin Malis comes off the ropes and then Dan Godwin goes for a clothesline. But it's ducked under by Devin Malis, and Devin Malis goes to the the opposite side of the ring. He bounces off the ropes, and comes off of the ropes and then Devin Malis hits a over head belly to belly suplex. Devin Malis crashes down on the mat and then Dan Godwin goes into the cover, and gets a 1……………..2………….kick out by Devin Malis. Dan Godwin gets up, and shrugs it off and hits a few stomps on the downed Devin Malis. Devin Malis stumbles up to his feet, and then he gets up to his feet finally and Dan Godwin hits a few fists to the face, and tries to whip him to the ropes and he comes off the ropes. Dan Godwin goes for a back body drop on Devin Malis. But Devin Malis is countered with a kick to the face. Dan Godwin stumbles up and Devin Malis goes for a running clothesline. But it's ducked under by Dan Godwin. Dan Godwin goes for the eXecution, but it's caught by Devin Malis. Devin Malis holds his leg for a few moments. But it's countered and Devin Malis gets hit with an enzugri kick that sends Devin Malis stumbling to the ropes and Dan Godwin charges and hits a clothesline over the top rope. Devin Malis crashes into the arena floor and Dan Godwin takes a few moments to rest and measure up and Devin Malis stumbles up to his feet and Dan Godwin goes for a flying cross body block over the top rope. But Devin Malis moves out of the way and he crashes into the mat below.]

JR-That was a crash and burn


Brian Kendrick- Ouch is right


[Devin Malis takes a few moments to rest and Dan Godwin stumbles to his feet. Devin Malis goes over to Dan Godwin, Dan Godwin hits a knee into the gut and then tries to whip Devin Malis to the steel steps. But it's reversed and Dan Godwin goes to the steel steps and Dan Godwin crashes into the steps and falls over them. Devin Malis takes a few moments to rest. Devin Malis then charges at the steps jumps on them and jumps off them into a flying clothesline on Dan Godwin. Devin Malis is able to get a few moments to rest even more so after this move, Devin Malis gets up and puts up Dan Godwin and throws him into the ring and steps on the apron and steps into the ring. Devin Malis goes into the corner and measures Dan Godwin as he is getting to his knee's and Devin Malis charges and hits a well placed knee to the face of Dan Godwin. Dan Godwin does not go down, instead he just stands there very dazed and Devin Malis kicks him in the gut and hooks him and lifts up Dan Godwin and hits a fisherman buster. Devin Malis goes into the cover and gets the 1………………2…………kick out by Dan Godwin. Devin Malis takes Dan Godwin arm and puts him on his stomach and puts his arm on the mat and hits a few knee drops into the arm. Dan Godwin is in pain as Devin Malis puts on an arm bar on Dan Godwin. The ref asks Dan Godwin if he wants to give it up, but Dan Godwin refuses and starts to get up to his feet. Dan Godwin backs Devin Malis to the ropes and whips him off the ropes. Dan Godwin comes off the ropes and Devin Malis catches Dan Godwin with a spinebuster.]

JR-Devin Malis is rolling here.

King-Doubt he realizes..

Kris Gaffney-Meh, doesn't matter..

[Devin Malis goes to the top rope and looks like he's going to do some sort of move. But suddenly Dan Godwin gets up and runs up the turnbuckle and arm drags him off of the top rope. Dan Godwin gets up as Devin Malis stumbles up, Dan Godwin goes for the eXecution. But Devin Malis ducks under and Dan Godwin hits the eXecution on the ref. The ref is down, Dan Godwin is too focused on what he did to the ref Devin Malis comes from behind and hits a low blow. Dan Godwin turns around in pain and Devin Malis hits an impaler DDT. Devin Malis goes into the cover, but there is no ref to count the 3. But he has him a cover for more than a three. Devin Malis stops covering Dan Godwin. Devin Malis goes over ref, but he seems pretty out of it. So Devin Malis calls for another ref, but before the ref comes. Dan Godwin pays Devin Malis back with a low blow. Devin Malis turns around and bam gets hit with the eXecution. Dan Godwin falls into the cover (because he just his finisher out of instinct) and gets a 1………………2…………3]

JR-Devin Malis took his eye off the ball long enough for Dan Godwin to recover and hit the

("For Whom the Bell Tolls" blasts on the PA system as Rex walks to the ring with James Ryder, and does his usual blood entrance as he steps into the ring.)

King-Gangrel is rolling over in his grave.

JR-This is another chance for Rex to gain that first title he's been missing out on for a long time…but will he be successful?

Kris Gaffney-Eeeerrr, as long as he can stay focused…

("TTT's theme" blasts on the PA system as TTT walks to the ring with Candice Michelle. He steps over the ropes and waits for the final competitor.)

JR-This will be TTT's first title opportunity.

King-If you ask the champion, it won't be his last.

Kris Gaffney-That's for sure.

("Stranglehold" blasts on the PA system as Dewey Pond walks to the ring and he walks to the ring and steps into the ring.)

JR-Dewey Pond has worked long and hard to get here…but this is going to be the toughest challenge

King-Well…he's been studying his son in dangerous situations, so I'm sure he'll be fine.

Kris Gaffney-That kid's going to have issues…

[Rex , TTT, and Dewey Pond face off on different sides of the ring. They look for a way out of it. TTT charges at Rex, Rex charges at TTT as well. TTT tries to counter this with a big boot, but it's slide under by Rex. TTT turns around and Rex throws a few fists to the face, TTT pushes Rex down and Rex gets up and Rex gets up to his feet, and TTT gets hit with a few more fists by Rex. Suddenly before TTT can over power him, Dewey Pond starts to hammer away at the bigger TTT, they double whip TTT to the ropes and TTT bounces off the ropes. He comes off the ropes and Rex and Pond go for a double clothesline to the bigger TTT. But TTT ducks under and TTT goes to the other side of the ring. He bounces off the other side of the ring, and comes off of the ropes, both Pond and Rex turn around and get knocked down with a double clothesline. Rex is able to roll out of the ring and then Dewey Pond stays into the ring, probably unluckly for him. TTT goes into the corner where Dewey Pond is, and picks him up to his feet and hits a few high knee's into the gut into the corner, TTT follows up with a boot to the throat. The ref counts to 3, and TTT breaks being a face and walking the line between heelish and facish there. TTT whips Dewey Pond to the opposite side of the ring. He crashes, TTT charges in and Dewey Pond hits a boot to the face. This makes TTT stumbles backward, and Dewey Pond pulls himself up to the second rope and leaps off and hits a front missile drop kick on TTT. TTT stumbles, but doesn't go down, Dewey Pond runs to the ropes and comes off the ropes. TTT goes for a forearm shot, Dewey Pond avoids it and bounces off the opposite side of the ring with a lot of momentum as TTT turns around he gets nailed with a flying shoulder block. This stumbles TTT back, and makes him bounce off the ropes dazed. Dewey Pond kicks him and hits a DDT, Dewey Pond goes into the cover and gets a 1…………..2…….Rex pulls TTT from the cover (since his legs are longer and closer).]

JR-Almost three.

King-Well it's good to see that the lack of blood hasn't effected Rex's brain.

Kris Gaffney-He's just use to…ever see how he writes letters

*Kris Gaffney shows a letter to him written in blood, maybe from Rex*

[Rex gets on the apron as he see's Dewey Pond is going after him and TTT is stunned. Dewey Pond goes for a fist, and connects with Rex on the apron. He's stunned, and Rex answers with a shoulder block. He stumbles back, and then Rex hits a hang man on the top rope sending Dewey Pond to the mat for a few moments. Rex gets into the ring and then Dewey Pond gets hit with a running clothesline on Rex that knocks him down to the mat. Dewey Pond stumbles up to his feet. Rex kicks him in the gut and Rex sets up Dewey Pond and hits a gut wretch sit down power bomb into the cover. Rex is able to get the 1………………2…………kick out by Dewey Pond. Rex questions the count, but keeps on the attack. Dewey Pond has stumbled into the corner, Rex goes into the corner and he hits a few fists to the face and brings him out of the corner, and whips him to the ropes and Dewey Pond bounces off the ropes and he comes off the ropes. Rex goes for a clothesline, but it's ducked under by Dewey Pond. Dewey Pond goes to the other side of the ring and comes off hoping to catch Rex off guard with some move. But Rex catches Dewey Pond with a spinning double A spinebuster and goes into the cover and gets a 1…………2……TTT breaks up the cover.]

JR-Almost three.

King-Eeerrr..maybe he should have been hit in the back a few more times.

Kris Gaffney-Maybe…

[Dewey Pond rolls out of the ring. Rex kicks TTT in the gut and then Rex argues with the ref about the count and says something to Ryder. He gets a chair and slides it to Rex(it's a triple threat, no DQ). Rex slides into the ring and the ref tells him not to do it, but Rex ignores him and smashes TTT in the head with the chair. TTT goes down to the mat. Rex waits for TTT to get up for another shot to the head, but TTT ducks the chair shot, and pushes Rex back and Rex stumbles back and he hits into the ref. Rex gets big booted down to the mat and then drops the chair. TTT grabs the chair and then Dewey Pond slides into the ring and see's Rex and Pond and TTT swing and connect with an unintensional conchairto. Another ref slides into the ring, seeing how the ref right now seems out of it. Rex goes down, TTT and Pond seem kind of shocked that they worked together by mistake there for a second. Then they go for each other, but they hit a double chair shot on each other and they fallon the mat…right on Rex and both refs start to count 1…………………2…………..3!]

King-Who won?

Kris Gaffney-I have no idea…

(the refs are arguing)

JR-I don't know the answer on this one, they just both fell in the right place)

(note:We'll be doing co-champions and having a one on one rematch to determine the real champion the first show we get a chance.)

(Note: I just want to make it clear that Rex's RP was well written, but I'll you the problem with it. Remember how I noted that sometimes Rex's indirect RP's sometimes miss the mark on what their trying to say. This is what happened here, I had to get 4 other experienced e-fed deciders/owners to confirm I wasn't insane with that and we all said that. When it came down to TTT and Pond the consensus was that it was too close to call, I was going to just go one way and have a rematch. But why punish one of you and have a rematch. I think this match was good to use this rare decision for.)

("Down with the Sickness" blasts on the PA system as Angelus Archer walks to the ring with James Mitchell. Angelus Archer gets into the slaughter house.)

JR-You could call this match Angelus Archer's home away from home.

King-It's never good to be one of those with Angelus.

Kris Gaffney-At least it's not a DEATH CELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

("Death's theme" blasts on the PA system as Death walks to the slaughter house.)

JR-Death was able to score the surprise victory last week.

King-Yeah…but he'll pay, don't think he won't pay.

Kris Gaffney-What King said..

[Death and Angelus take a few moments to look around their surroundings. Angelus seems the most at home here, but Death does not seem to mind it either. They get in the middle of the ring and have a stare down. They say a few words, and Death the rookie throws a fist, this phases Angelus Archer for only one second and he throws one of his own. The two keep throwing first back and forth until they fall out of the ropes and on the arena floor. Death misses one of his shots and Angelus Archer hits an upper cut to the face of Death. Then follows it up with a kick to the gut, Angelus Archer grabs him by the hair and throws him into the cages side. He bounces off, and stumbles towards him and gets hit with a diving clothesline by Angelus Archer. Angelus Archer hits a few stomps on the downed Death. Angelus Archer grabs Death, and rolls him into the ring. Angelus Archer looks under the ring and finds a chair, Angelus Archer rolls into the ring and measures up Death as he gets to his feet and cracks him over the back with the chair. Angelus Archer takes the chair wedges it into the turnbuckle. Angelus turns around and catches Death going towards him, probably not wanting to go to the opposite side of the ring to get whipped into the chair. Angelus Archer puts Death into that corner, and hits a few knife edge chops into the corner and after a few times he tries to whip Death into the opposite side of the ring. But it's reversed, but Angelus Archer puts on the breaks and ends up whipping Death back into the corner he was originally in and he crashes in steel chair and stumbles back in pain right into the waiting arms of Angelus Archer who puts on a waist lock and hits a germen suplex that turns him inside out. Angelus Archer then starts to dangerously at the weed wacker on a pole. He goes over to it and climbs up the top rope and grabs it.]

JR-This is a dangerous situation now that Angelus Archer has his hands on a weapon.

King-He wasn't so bad when he cut my lawn last week.

Kris Gaffney-He's lying…so that everyone knows.

[Angelus Archer holds up the lawn mower and starts it up and then tries to jam it in Death's face. But Death is able to hold the lawn mower back before it cuts his face to pieces.He's able to use his legs sweep out Angelus legs and is able to push the weed wacker away from him. But Angelus Archer still has lawn mower in his hands and gets up with it as Death is getting up to his feet and Angelus Archer takes a wild swing with the lawn mower. But Death ducks under the shot that would not help Death's life. (Death might die…crazy…huh?). Angelus Archer turns around and Death hits a sleeper slam on Angelus Archer, Death takes a few moments to rest, and gets up as Angelus Archer stumbles towards Death. Death hits an inverted atomic drop and Death backs to the ropes and comes off the ropes with a clothesline. Angelus Archer stumbles up to his feet, and gets picked up by Death and Death goes into the corner and puts Angelus Archer into the tree of woe. Angelus Archer tries to unhook his legs, but Death keeps hitting him with fists to beat him down. Finally he's stunned enough, Death rolls to the outside and looks under the ring and pulls out a….barbwire wrapped steal chair. Death slides into the ring and takes the chair and leaps and puts the chair over his feet as he drop kicks it into Angelus Archer. Angelus Archer finally falls to the crowd in a heap and the ref is counting Death knowing that won't put Angelus Archer down goes to the outside and goes under the ring and pulls out a table and slides it into the ring. The ref is up to 4. He also takes out a lighter and lighter fuild and puts it in a corner of the ring. Death slides into the ring and takes sets it up, but the ref stop counting at 8. Death turns around into a front spinebuster by Angelus Archer.]

JR-What do you think he had in mind?

King-I don't want to know.

Kris Gaffney-Why?

King-I'm afraid it has something to do with a bingo hall..

[Angelus Archer gets up bleeding quite a bit. He positions the table near the corner. Angelus Archer picks up Death and throws him on the table and hits a few clubbing blows to Death on the table. Angelus Archer takes a few moments to rest and he goes to the outside and climbs to the top rope. As he starts to steady himself, Death jumps off the table and jumps on the ropes and makes Angelus Archer crotch himself. Angelus Archer is in pain and then Death goes over to the corner and bring back to the lighting fluid and the matches. He quickly doses the table with the fluid, then Death takes the match and lits the table on fire. Death goes up to the top rope not wanting to waste this, but not doing anything more to Angelus Archer as he hooks him for a super plex. Angelus Archer starts to fight out of the front face lock for it. And does and the two start to brawl on the top rope, after sometime, both falls off the top and hard through the flaming table (note: I wanted to break the ring to make both look better…but I don't think it's possible until the last match…if it is, then I'll change it) as the crowd cheer the ref gets up to 6 before both wrestlers are moving…….7……..8…they are trying to get up…..9………10………..both get up but it's over.]

JR-Both wrestlers gave it their all. But didn't quite get up in time…

("Better than you" blasts on the PA system as Becky Bayless walks to the ring with her body guard Triple M.)

JR-Rumors are flying that we'll learn who Becky's sister is tonight.

King-Good, we can find out if she's hot or not.

Kris Gaffney-I would care…but it would just put me in the dog house.

("All Eye on me" blasts on the PA system as Candice Michelle walks to the ring, and does her usual robe entrance.)

JR-This is only Candice second match in the EMF.

King- Oh well, whatever keeps her from not being flatten is a good thing

("Melina's theme" blasts on the PA system as Melina walks to the ring doing her usual entrance.)

JR-Melina is very talented.

King-Or people say….but as long as she can do the entrance she can stay.

Kris Gaffney- Although people are still pissed off that she or someone else don't wear skirts anymore

King-Let's make Amy do it!

("Light a Fyre" blasts on the PA system as Fyre walks out not happy and slides into the ring.)

King-Fyre always makes bad deals.

Kris Gaffney-Wasn't really her fault this time.

JR-Seems a boob job doesn't solve everything..

("Halo" blasts on the PA system as Attitude Vice President Torrie Wilson walks to the ring, she steps inside of the ring and does a few taunts.)

King-It's weird to see a dead chick

Kris Gaffney-Dead or not she's still hot…I mean…aw…back to the dog house for me.

JR-But regardless, I do hear she's talented. But this is the first chance we will get to see.

("Fist Full of Steel" blasts on the PA system as "the Black Widow" Katrina walks to the ring as the final competitor in the match. She seems to be getting a somewhat mixed reaction more heelish than anything.)

JR-It's been quite a long time since we last saw Katrina. Some say she was somewhat damaged from the loss to Stephanie McMahon-Walker

King-Well some say that she was damaged before that.

Kris Gaffney-With good reason!

[Katrina jumps on the apron, soaking in the mostly heelish response. Katrina is mocking some of the crowd members, she steps into the ring, and the bell rings. She turns around to the ropes as she says something to the crowd member, Suddenly Fyre runs behind her and hits a drop kick that sends Katrina falling over the top rope and on to the arena floor. "THE BLACK WIDOW" KATRINA IS ELIMINATED as the crowd cheers.]

JR-Oh god!

King- That's not right

[Katrina is going insane on the outside, and she tries to get back into the ring. But she's stopped before she can by the refs, she is actually carried out as she is still going insane. The rest of the diva's are now all brawling in the ring, Melina comes from behind Fyre and hits a few stomps on the downed Fyre. Melina whips Fyre off of the ropes and comes off the ropes Melina comes off the ropes and goes for a back elbow, and Fyre goes down to the mat. Melina hits a leg drop to Fyre. Torrie Wilson and Becky Bayless are exchanging fists back and forth to each other. Torrie Wilson is gaining the edge, but Becky Bayless rakes her eyes and gets her into the corner and hits a few shoulders into the gut in the corner. Becky Bayless whips Torrie to the opposite side of the ring. Becky Bayless charges into the corner, but Torrie counters with a back body drop over the top rope…..but Becky Bayless lands on the apron. Torrie turns around and gets a shoulder into the gut. Candice Michelle is over with Melina. Candice seems to have taken a few hard impact moves by Melina as she's using the ropes to keep up. Melina hits a few fists to the face, and then Melina whips Candice to the ropes. Candice Michelle goes to the ropes. But holds on to the ropes, Melina runs at Candice and Candice sides steps her and throws her through the middle rope. MELINA IS ELIMINATED. Melina on the outside screams at her bad luck.]

Kris Gaffney-AAAAAAAHHHHHH I think I'm deaf.

King-That would explain a lot as far as Dude Nick goes.

JR-Candice captailized on Melina's mistake and now Melina is gone.

[Rylee being attacked by Becky Bayless hitting punches while she's down. Seemly she has snapped at some point that was not noted before. Becky Bayless whips Rylee to the ropes and Rylee comes off the ropes Becky Bayless tries to lift up Rylee, but slips out the back and tries to push Becky Bayless to the ropes out of instinct. Becky Bayless ducks and Rylee goes flying over the second rope and on to the arena floor. RYLEE is eliminated. Becky Bayless turns around and seems to get a even more crazed look as she looks into the eyes of the also unbalanced Fyre. She yells something about her sister and takes down hits a few hard fists to the face. Fyre turns it around and Fyre starts to hammer fists and tires to yell something about "not being Becky's sister". Becky pushes her off, and the two unbalanced diva's start to hammer away at each other, so much so that they lose sight of everything around them. Candice and Torrie Wilson. Torrie Wilson comes out of no where and hits a clubbing blow to Fyre catching her off guard, since she is so near the ropes. Fyre falls out of the ropes and out of the ring. FYRE IS ELIMINATED. But she doesn't look like she is done. She reaches into the ring, and pulls Becky Bayless out. She seems to be angry over what was said thinking that she's the mystery sister she yells out "I'm not your sister" Becky pushes Fyre off, Fyre runs at Becky and Becky throws Fyre into the ring post. She goes over to the time keeper desk and grabs a microphone.

Becky: I know you are not my sister, I never said you were you crazy bitch

(Officials are trying to push Fyre away, but she gets away, and grabs a chair under the ring and looks threatening at Becky. She yells it "then who is it!". Becky seems to contemplate whetehr or not to tell her, scared for her safety but worried of the consequences othwerwise. Fyre draws the chair abck and as she goes to swing Becky screams.)

Becky: Alright, I'll tell you!

Its, its, Amy.

(The whole ring full of Diva's turn around, and stop fighting, they all looked shocked and confused)

(The Diva's still in the ring turn around, and stop fighting, they all looked shocked and confused)

[Becky slides into the ring and is able to catch Candice somewhat from behind and is able to throw Candice through the ropes. But she lands on the apron, both seeing the chance. Becky and Torrie charge at Candice as she gets up on the apron and they hit a double shoulder block on Candice Michelle sending her flying to the mat. CANDICE MICHELLE IS ELIMINATED. Torrie and Becky Bayless fall into corners as they stare at each other knowing that both of them are the last two in the ring and they stand up in the ring and Becky Bayless goes the opposite side of the ring and goes into the middle of the ring and being the heel starts to bad mouth Torrie Wilson. Torrie answers with a forearm shot to the face, Becky Bayless answers with one of her own, then follows up with a knee to the gut and a few fists to the face of Torrie Wilson. Torrie Wilson stumbles to the back and Becky Bayless tries to whip Torrie Wilson off of the ropes. But it's reversed. Becky comes off of the ropes, and Torrie lowers her head for a back body drop. But Becky Bayless takes Torrie's hair and throws her down face first. Becky Bayless waits for Torrie to get up and Becky Bayless hits a clothesline and Torrie goes down. Torrie stumbles by the ropes, Becky Bayless draws boo's from the crowd as she tells them that she's "better than them". Becky Bayless whips Torrie to the ropes, Becky Bayless lowers her head and Torrie hits a swinging neck breaker to by her sometime. Becky Bayless crawls over into the corner. Torrie stumbles to her feet, hurting a little bit. Torrie hits a bunch of fists in the corner, backs up and hits a clothesline into the corner. Torrie whips Becky Bayless into the opposite side of the ring and Becky crashes into the corner. Torrie charges and hits a full force clothesline into the corner and pushes her back into the corner. Torrie goes up to do a 10 punch combo 1…………….2…………..3………..4…….suddenly Becky Bayless gets under Torrie Wilson and walks out of the corner. Torrie is caught and realizes that she's in trouble, Torrie Wilson throws fists to Becky Bayless. But it looks like nothing will stop Becky from running power bomb Torrie over the top rope. She runs with Torrie and tries to throw her over the top, and does, but Torrie at the last second is able to grasp Becky's head with her legs and with her leg strength is able to head scissors her out of the ring. Becky Bayless and Torrie Wilson go flying out of the ring. Becky hits the mat, while Torrie….was able to luckly hook the ropes and is correctly hanging on the ropes by one hand after seeing Becky fell to the floor she lets go and falls to the floor too. But it's too late for becky. BECKY BAYLESS HAS BEEN ELIMINATED AND THE WINNER…..TORRIE WILSON!!]

(We go while the women's battle royal is still going, Fyre is walking the hallway holding her head. Although she was pretty shocked at what Becky Bayless had said....who knew? Fyre decides not to think about it anymore, it made her head hurt more. She gets to her dressing room and she turns around to open the door.As Fyre opened the door she was suddenly rushed by someone who ran from inside her room and took her down to the ground. The Camera regained their position and found that the person who bum rushed Fyre was The Black Widow. It was quite similar to how Fyre Eliminated Widow from the Battle Royal. As she laid into Fyre with lefts and Rights Widow screamed at Fyre...

Widow: You want to Humiliate me like that. Thinking you are so smart. Not even giving me a chance to turn around! HOW DO YOU LIKE IT? *She bitch slapped her across the face as she straddled her and held her down.* TELL ME!

(Suddenly from off camera you can hear the sound of loud shoes coming as quickly as possible down the otherwise empty hallway. Amy Jericho comes into the picture seeing Katrina beating on Fyre.)

.::Amy Jericho::.-What the hell is going on here?...Come on Katrina get off of her!....*Katrina won't listen*...GET OFF...

(Amy goes to pull Katrina off of Fyre.

Katrina eventually got off of Fyre and got in Amy's Face..

Katrina: What Business of this is yours?

.::Amy Jericho::.-Do you forget who I am? I'm the Vice President. Fighting is for the ring, NOT here....

Katrina: Look Amy, This right here..This is Unfinished Business because some people don't even want me in the ring. Had I got the opportunity to do something earlier I wouldn't have to be back here repaying a certain Loser..Quite Frankly if you don't get out of my sight I might just have to take up some business with you..

(Amy looks insulted and gets in her way, and looks angry.)

.::Amy Jericho::.-Look insane girl....I may not look it now. First off, I've faced bigger and badder dangers than you, so you don't scare me. Second off, I'm your boss and you will listen to me or you MIGHT not be in the ring at all. If you learned to pay attention, maybe you wouldn't be throwing this hissy fit now.

Katrina: Oooo Bigger and Badder than me.. Oh that hurt so bad.. Lets get one thing straight. You may have it in your mind that You are my Boss, but let me tell you something. THe only Boss of me, IS ME! And this..THIS IS NOT A HISSY FIT! THIS IS PAYBACK...PAAAAAYBAAAACK!

.::Amy Jericho::.-No...this is a hissy fit, I'm half expecting you to fall to the ground now kick and scream. It wasn't an insult, so it wasn't suppose to hurt. I'm simply telling the truth. IF you want talk about bad luck, AT LEAST you still get to wear what you want every day. If you want to talk about embarrassment, I face it every day, throw on top of that some nut job thinks I'm her sister. SO don't talk to me about what happened to YOU, UNDERSTAND....GOOD...now get the HELL OUT OF HERE!!

(Katrina Just huffed and puffed and Let out a banshee Scream..Before Turning and Storming away. Amy stares in Katrina's direction. Thinking it's safe, Amy looks at the down Fyre, she yells for someone to get some help for the fallen Fyre. Katrina stopped turning back around looking crazed as she walked back up behind Amy and Grabbed her from behind and Threw her into the Nearby wall . Amy falls to the ground away from Fyre more into the open hall as Katrina backs away looking down at the damage. Amy groans, she wasn't exactly in fighting attair...or attair that would let her defend herself well.But she wasn't going to be taken out so easily.Katrina backs up as Amy is getting up, suddenly Katrina runs at Amy as she is bend over and hits a flipping piledriver on Amy Jericho. Amy's head smacks the hard floor and is completely unconscious now. Katrina Stood over Amy and looked down at her..That Crazed look still on her face..)

Katrina: Who's the Boss Now Bitch?!

She stepped over Amy and HIt one more boot to Fyre before Walking off laughing..

("Break Stuff" blasts on the PA system as Dan Godwin walks to the ring, and steps inside of the ring.)

JR-Some say that he's the odd's on favorite.

King-He is? Damn it…I didn't hear this.

Kris Gaffney-Oh well…there is better payoff for picking a long shot anyways…

("For Whom the bell tolls" blasts on the PA system as Rex walks to the ring doing a shorten version of his ring entrance. "Walk" (right?) blasts on the PA system as Rad Hazard walks to the ring. "TTT's theme" blasts on the PA system as TTT walks to the ring.)

JR-Each of these wrestlers have been in a match already tonight, you have got to wonder how that is going to effect them.

King-Well, I guess we find out what either of them can be a champion tonight

("CJ Lethal's theme" blasts on the PA system, he walks down the ramp as his theme turns to "Rage's theme" who is walking down the ring along side Mickie James. Then finally Muhammad Hassan's theme starts to play as Muhammad Hassan walks to the ring along with Davari.)

JR-I wouldn't count any of these men out, their all fresh. Especially CJ, he is talented.

Kris Gaffney-and dangerous….to announcers.

King-You wouldn't count them out…I sure do BLAH to what YOU THINK!

[All participants are standing in the ring not wanting to make the first move, suddenly Rex tries to hit the first shot to TTT. TTT is able to counter this by over power him and throwing him to the outside and everyone starts to fight. Dan Godwin is also fighting CJ Lethal who is backing up the corner. CJ Lethal goes for a big fist, but it's ducked under and then Dan Godwin finds himself in the corner with no where to go, Dan Godwin throws a few fists, but one is blocked and CJ Lethal hits a big head butt that makes Dan Godwin stumble into the corner and CJ Lethal picks up Dan Godwin and puts him on the top rope and then hits a fist that makes Dan Godwin fall to the arena floor. Rage and Rad Hazard are on the outside around the ramp way and it seems that at this point in time that Rage has been in control of the whole exchange and Rage tries to whip Rage to the barricade, but it's reversed and Rage goes back first. He stumbles forward painfully and stumbles into where Rad is standing and Rad hits an inverted Russian leg sweep right into the steel ramp way and he goes into the cover. Rad is able to get a 1………………2…….kick out by Rage. On the inside of the ring, CJ Lethal has tried to pull Dan Godwin into the ring apron. But before he does, Dan Godwin takes out a Singapore cane and smashes CJ Lethal on the knee caps . CJ Lethal stumbles back, and then Dan Godwin jumps on the apron and CJ Lethal stumbles towards him and Dan Godwin hits him over the head. CJ Lethal goes down to one knee. Dan Godwin jumps on the apron, up to the top rope with the cane and waits for CJ Lethal to get up. CJ Lethal stumbles up to his feet, Dan Godwin comes down across CJ Lethal's head with a cane shot.CJ Lethal still won go down. But suddenly Muhammad Hassan comes from behind and attacks Dan Godwin before he can hit the finishing blow to CJ Lethal. Hassan tries to whip Dan Godwin to the ropes and Dan Godwin grabs on the ropes. Muhammad Hassan charges at Dan Godwin. Godwin counters with a back body drop over the top rope. Hassan crashes on arena floor. Dan Godwin stumbles forward, and CJ Lethal grabs him by the throat, picks him up, but Dan Godwin slips out of the grasp of CJ Lethal measures and hits the eXecution and falls into the cover and gets a 1……………2………..3]

JR-Dan Godwin is the new Extreme champion

King-For now.

Kris Gaffney-I should have jumped in and pinned someone

King-But then everyone would be after you


[That took about 6:00 (9 minut minutes as the rest of the group realizes that they now have to beat up X-Factor. Rex comes into the ring and Dan Godwin is able to throw Rex over the top rope. But he just lands on the apron, but seeing how he was kinda effected by moves that happened off camera. Muhammad comes into the ring, but Dan Godwin hits a inverted atomic drop on Muhammad Hassan and backs up and knocks him down to the mat. Hassan goes to the outside, and Dan Godwin would go after him. But suddenly Rex comes from behind with a Singapore Cane and blasts him over the upper back and Dan Godwin is pain. Rex runs to the ropes and comes off the ropes and hits a spear on Dan Godwin. Rex hits a few fists to the face of the downed Godwin. Rex takes up Dan Godwin by the hair and tries to whip him to the ropes and then Dan Godwin comes off the ropes as Rad Hazard comes into the ring and hits a double hip toss with his tag team partner. Rad Hazard and Rex seems to want to continue to double team so they pick up Dan Godwin and double whip him off the ropes. As he hits the ropes. CJ Lethal who rolled to the outside after he was pinned. CJ Lethal hits a spinebuster on Dan Godwin through a table that he set up while he was recovering from the eXecution. CJ Lethal goes into the cover and gets a 1…………….2………Rex and Rad Hazard break up the cover. They take CJ Lethal and start to hammer on him, the camera stays on the current Extreme champion Dan Godwin. Rage see's the downed Dan Godwin and quickly tries to take advantage and gets a 1…………….2…………….kick out. Rage thought he had it. We have ticked down to the 5:30 mark. Rage grabs the a chair and Rage measures up X-Factor who is getting up by the ring post. Rage swings the chair, but Dan Godwin ducks under and the chair hits the pole. Rage drops the chair in pain, and falls back. Dan Godwin grabs the chair and smashes over it over Rages head. Dan Godwin then dives over the barricade to somewhat shield him away from the wrestlers who are now fighting over the chance to go after him. It's 4:30 to go.]

JR-Times almost over!

King-And no one is going after X-Factor.

Kris Gaffney-Eeerr, they can't decide who's going to get at him first.

[Dan Godwin is able to take a rest and it's about 4:00 minutes left. Suddenly he stumbles into the crowd. You can see Rad Hazard coming at Dan Godwin. Rad Hazard charges at Dan Godwin and hammers him from behind. Dan Godwin goes down to the floor. Rad Hazard takes Dan Godwin and throws him hard into the barricade and Dan Godwin goes into the cover and gets the 1……………2………kick out by Dan Godwin. Rad Hazard looks at the ref thinking that was 3. But the ref explains to him that it was just a close 2. Dan Godwin stumbles away, Rad Hazard chases after him, and hits fists to stumble Dan Godwin into the crowd and to a barricade at the base of the staging area. Rad Hazard charges at Dan Godwin. But Godwin hip locks Hazard over the barricade Dan Godwin takes a few moments to recover, and jumps on the barricade and then hits a block buster flipping neck breaker off the barricade. There is only 1:50 left in this match.]

JR-The clock is ticking away.

King-This is not good…for anyone else…just think of the poems we'll have to endure

Kris Gaffney-Not to mention classics.

*Chavo Classic runs around and leaves* (OOC-HAHAHA…sorry Rex, just needed to say that joke)

[Dan Godwin is able to burn 20 seconds on the ground with no one near him getting rest and suddenly he see's that TTT is getting close to where he is. So Dan Godwin gets up and hits a few fists on the bigger TTT. TTT hits a knee lift into the gut and puts him in a body press and throws Dan Godwin on the ramp way. Dan Godwin crawls away 1 minute! Dan Godwin gets up on the stable as TTT hits a few fists to Dan Godwin who flies back and is getting close to the end as it's 30 seconds. Dan Godwin is close to the edge. So Dan Godwin fights back with fists after fists, but it's blocked and TTT hits a head butt and TTT grabs Dan Godwin by the neck and lifts him up and throws him off the stage into a table. TTT jumps down as he has 10 seconds and goes for the cover, but he gets hit in the back with a chair and falls away from him with 3 seconds and left. Rex throws down the chair and dives into the cover. 1………but time expires.]

JR-Rex and TTT had a shot at it, but time ticked away!

King-We'll never know now!

(note: I made Rex and TTT look good, because they were the only one's to RP other than X-Factor...so they know it meant something and I apperciated it.)

(The EMF tron lits up as John Cena is walking the halls ready to get ready for his championship match with MxMxPunk. But he looks happy when he comes on Amy Jericho who is just now sit up. She is holding her head after being flip power bombed into the hard floor. She knows what's on Cena's mind. She tries to move away, but her body is too weak right now. She just looks up to Cena and says.)

.::Amy Jericho::.-...no....please...not now...

Cena: "You knew i'd get you eventually Amy... even if you did have to be layed out before hand..."

(Cena proceeds to grab Amy. She puts up a little fight but is easily over-powered, and Cena is able to pull her dress off of her with relative ease. Cena laughs as he goes off in the direction. Leaving Amy in a hall way with her brain scrambled and in her bra and panties. She tries to crawl to get help or something. She mumbles…)

.::Amy Jericho::.-...Damn....it...

(We fade back into the ring with that.)

("Bad, Bad Man" blasts on the PA system as John Cena walks to the ring with Natasha Jones. He slides into the ring to many boo's, he slides into the ring and waits for his opponent.)

JR-Why John Cena gets this opportunity, I will never know.

King-Um…because he owns the EMF?

JR-He doesn't though…he's still just the stand in president, and it makes me sick of how he's abused his power and what he's done to good hearted people such as Amy Jericho.

Kris Gaffney-Wow, that's not going to have a good effect…

("Grindtime" blasts on the PA system as MxMxPunk walks to the ring with Dustin Miller.)

JR-However he did it, MxMxPunk was able to win the world championship.

King-I still think Tomko just dropped dead from the smell of Ashley

Kris Gaffney-That would kill anyone…

[John Cena and MxMxPunk stand in the ring and the ref calls for the bell, MxMxPunk throws a fist and it phases John Cena a little bit. But not enough, Cena looks at MxMxPunk and MxMxPunk slides out of the ring and John Cena gives chase and they run around the ring a little bit. MxMxPunk slides into the ring and John Cena slides in but before he can get up. He gets hit with a elbow drop to the back and MxMxPunk follows it up with a falling double axe handle to the back. MxMxPunk pulls up John Cena and whips him to the ropes and John Cena bounces off the ropes, MxMxPunk goes for a clothesline. But it's ducked under by John Cena and John Cena goes to the opposite side of the ring and comes off. MxMxPunk turns around and John Cena hits a big shoulder block to MxMxPunk that' knocks down Punk and makes him roll out of the ring and Cena makes chase again. Punk tries to slide into the ring, this time John Cena grabs him by the foot and pulls him out of the ring and MxMxPunk falls on the mat face first and MxMxPunk gets up and then John Cena hits a clothesline on MxMxPunk. John Cena takes MxMxPunk and throws him into the ring steps. MxMxPunk is in pain and then John Cena takes his time and hits a few stomps on the downed MxMxPunk and rolls back into the ring and rolls back in to break the count and goes over to where MxMxPunk is getting up and then he picks up MxMxPunk and drops his face on the barricade and throws him into the ring. MxMxPunk is in the corner and tries to throw a kick in response, but John Cena catches it and throws down his foot and hits a clothesline into the corner in response. John Cena whips MxMxPunk to the opposite side of the ring, MxMxPunk stumbles out of the corner and John Cena kicks him in the gut and looks like he's going for his release fisherman's suplex, but turns it into a viscious fisherman's buster.]

JR-I think Cena is out to hurt this kid.

Kris Gaffney-Guess this is what you get for associating yourself with the VP

King-I'd….I mean, what he said…

[John Cena goes into the cover and gets the 1…………..2………John Cena pulls him up, it does not seem like he's ready to finish this match. John Cena licks up MxMxPunk and hits a few fists to the face on the staggering MxMxPunk. John Cena whips him to the ropes, he comes off the ropes. John Cena lowers his head, but MxMxPunk kicks him in the face and falls back to the ropes to keep himself up. John Cena charges at MxMxPunk, but before he can do anything, MxMxPunk pulls down the top rope and John Cena goes flying out of the ring. MxMxPunk is able to rest a little bit, and John Cena is getting to his feet. So MxMxPunk gets up and hits a base ball slide that stumbles John Cena back and he falls to his knee. MxMxPunk goes on the apron and over to the nearest turnbuckle and climbs up to the top rope and takes his time measuring getting all the time to recover. John Cena is up where he wants and MxMxPunk hits a standing moonsault on John Cena that connects! Both wrestlers are down, it takes MxMxPunk sometime to get up, although the ref is only up to 5. MxMxPunk takes John Cena whips him into the ring post. John Cena bounces off and MxMxPunk takes John Cena and rolls him into the ring. MxMxPunk goes into the cover and he gets a 1…………….2……….kick out. John Cena is able to kick out with a lot of power and falls on the apron and quickly goes up to the top rope and waits for John Cena to get to his feet. John Cena gets up where Punk wants him and goes for a cross body block. But John Cena catches MxMxPunk and tries to throw him on his shoulders for an F-U. But MxMxPunk slides down and hits a 3.0 back breaker and drags Cena into position. MxMxPunk goes to the top rope for the Cross voer, suddenly John Cena gets up and runs up the top rope and puts MxMxPunk on his shoulders for an F-U. MxMxPunk slides off again and gets in power bomb position. John Cena fights out and MxMxPunk falls to the mat and takes a few moments to rest, he stumbles out of the corner as Cena turns around on the turnbuckle and measures. John Cena leaps off the turnbuckle and hits a flying shoulder block on MxMxPunk from the second rope.]

JR-Cena caught MxMxPunk with a flying shoulder block.

King-Maybe Punk has a heart defect?

Kris Gaffney-Or maybe he's stallin'?

[John Cena goes into the cover and gets a 1…………….2……….kick out by MxMxPunk. John Cena questions the count and then he goes over to where MxMxPunk is and runs to the ropes comes off. But suddenly MxMxPunk counters it with a standing hurricanarana. Cena flies over to the second rope and then MxMxPunk goes over to the ropes and spring boards over them and grabs Cena's head as he flies by and hits a hang man and Cena stumbles up and turns around as MxMxPunk jumps on the apron and then spring boards off of the ropes and hits a flying knee into the back of the head. John Cena goes down to the mat, he might have got his senses knocked out. MxMxPunk goes into the cover and gets a 1………………….2…………kick out by John Cena. MxMxPunk can't believe that he didn't get it with that move. MxMxPunk picks up John Cena and then whips him to the ropes and then John Cena bounces off the ropes and he comes off the ropes and goes for a clothesline. John Cena ducks it and continues to the other side of the ring and then he gets hit with a flying leg lariat.]

JR-MxMxPunk is gaining momentum.

King-This isn't good!

Kris Gaffney-yeah it's not good….but me being negative about a bad situation for the president is good for my pay check!

[John Cena stumbles up to his feet and MxMxPunk hits a hanging neck breaker. MxMxPunk calls for the end and then he goes to the outside and climbs to the top rope and seemly hits the cross over.]

JR-The cross over, it's going to be over!


[In all actuality, Cena had actually caught MxMxPunk and he does a back summersault with him in his arms and lifts him up on his shoulders and drives him down with the F-U!! Cena goes into the cover and gets a 1……………2…………..3!!]

(add more, look at "OOC note 2")

(Suddenly Angelus Archer slides into the ring and nails MxMxPunk with his tag belt. Cena is holding the world title. He doesn't look like he's trusting of what Angelus is doing there. Angelus Archer tells him to calm down, he's just there to celebrate his win with him. It takes a while for him to start to turn his head and he celebrates his win, he expects a back attack. But it doesn't come, he holds up the belt. He turns around, where Angelus holds up his arm, then after a moment kicks him in the balls, and takes the tag title and lays Cena out too. Survival of the Fittest goes off the air with Angelus looking at his destruction.)

(OOC-Sorry this took so long, I heard a lot of background sound that made me want to ABSOLUTELY make sure that I knew which way my opinion went. Plus I'm going through personal turmoil right now. I acknowledge that both RPers RPed their heart out and give them both a lot of credit. Both were of a similar style, both had about the same amount of scenes, and both were good to read. My decision comes towards the fact that Cena's just had a overwhelming amount of quality text. Although, admitly a long read, I was never bored. Good match talk and insults (quality/text, there is a little mroe to it...but that's some of it.). Those are the major area's I make my decision on. But to make sure that there was no question, since there was a lot I heard…I found someone who did not have anything to do with Marc and Michael and his experience with my staff and other feds speaks for itself. He simply confirmed this pick. So I feel confident in this decision, and hope you understand how much I also put into it.)

(OOC 2-This ending would not be as clean if I wasn't told it was going to be a friendly ending. But still I'm not sure, which is why I left it blank…but I was told this and a bit more was what the ending was and it was agreed on by both RPers. If that's correct, confirm it…if not I will change it. Eeerrr, I'm iffy on it…so which is why I'm being careful. (so I leave it open for editing in the end due to this, and if I got anything wrong. I just went by the instructions I got...so yeah. Don't kill me if I got anything wrong.)