EMF: Survival of the Fitest

JR - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 225 pounds, from HEEL, KANE!!! (crowd cheers **)

[fire blasts on the stage, but KANE walks through it. KANES on fire, but he seems to not to care. Until it registers in his head and he starts jumping around in pain. The ring crew puts him out and rolls him into the ring ]

JR - and his opponent, weighing in at 225 pounds,, Anei Kyoukan!!! (crowd cheers ****)

[Anei Kyoukan walks to the ring. Earl Hebner is the referee for this contest. KANE tests out the ropes. Anei Kyoukan executes a pumphandle suplex on KANE. (ring, ring, ring) KANE with an Aztecan suplex on Anei Kyoukan sends him to the mat. KANE climbs to his feet. Now Anei Kyoukan standing. Anei Kyoukan hits him with a back fist. KANE with an illegal chokehold on Anei Kyoukan. Anei Kyoukan climbs to his feet. KANE hits Anei Kyoukan with a heart punch. Anei Kyoukan lifts KANE into the air and delivers a spine buster. Anei Kyoukan chants start. ]

JR - KANE takes a spine buster.

[Anei Kyoukan executes a corkscrew legdrop on KANE. Anei Kyoukan climbs to his feet. KANE climbs to his feet. KANE chops Anei Kyoukan. KANE pokes Anei Kyoukan in the eye with his thumb. Anei Kyoukan hits KANE with the back of his elbow. KANE with an illegal chokehold on Anei Kyoukan. KANE covers Anei Kyoukan hooking the leg. Referee Earl Hebner makes the count. ...1 Anei Kyoukan kicks out. ]

The King - You just can't win this early in a match. Especially with an opponent like Anei Kyoukan.

[Anei Kyoukan is up again. Anei Kyoukan legsweeps KANE. KANE climbs to his feet. KANE hits Anei Kyoukan with an atomic drop. KANE goes for a figure four. The referee is checking the situation. ... ... ... KANE breaks the hold. ]

JR - KANE was so close!!

[They lockup. KANE sends Anei Kyoukan to the corner of the ring. Anei Kyoukan hits KANE with a baba chop. KANE gets tiger suplexed by Anei Kyoukan. Anei Kyoukan is back on his feet. KANE hits Anei Kyoukan with an atomic drop. They lockup. KANE sends Anei Kyoukan to the corner of the ring. KANE chops Anei Kyoukan. Anei Kyoukan uppercuts KANE. KANE hits Anei Kyoukan with a heart punch. KANE punches Anei Kyoukan repeatedly. KANE pokes Anei Kyoukan in the eye with his thumb. KANE hits Anei Kyoukan with an atomic drop. KANE sends Anei Kyoukan to ringside. Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) KANE runs in and leg drops Anei Kyoukan. KANE chants start. KANE runs in and leg drops Anei Kyoukan. Anei Kyoukan and KANE move back into the ring. They lockup. Anei Kyoukan sends KANE to the corner of the ring. Anei Kyoukan hits KANE with a slingshot bodyblock. Anei Kyoukan chants start. Anei Kyoukan moves back to his feet. Anei Kyoukan executes the Supper DDT on KANE! Anei Kyoukan hits the final judgment, then makes the cover with a roling reverse cradle. Earl Hebner counts the pin. ...1 ...2 ...3 ]

JR - We've got ourselves a winner!

JR - The winner of this match, Anei Kyoukan!!!

The copyright information flashes over the screen, we go into a highlight video on how this PPV’s matches came about. It ends, we go into another introduction screen where a voice is saying “and now….the EMF presents….Survival of the Fittest…2006” We go into the darken arena in Orlando as pyrotechnics blasts off on the stage. Once it ends, the lights turn on as the camera scans the crowd.)

JR-Welcome to Survival of the Fittest! And what a show we have for you tonight, headline by the 10 man tag.

King-What happened to the elimination chamber!?

Kris Gaffney-You don’t want to know…

JR-Anyways, Devin Malis and Just….Rick are up on the scaffold. Let’s get started with our first match of the evening

Howard Finkel-This match is a scoffold match. Introducing the two participants…first…Just….Rick! And his opponent…..Devin Malis!

[Malis and Just…Rick are on the scaffold as they look around the platform where they must fight. Then the bell rings as they think of how they are going to approach the match. Not even looking over the edge, where the tables are stacked in the ring. They then lock up in the center of the platform. Just…Rick pushes Malis close to the edge, but Malis is able to turn the tables and then pushes Just…Rick closer to the edge. But then Malis gets reversed and now he’s close to the edge. In fact he’s only a few steps from it, so to stop himself from going over, Malis breaks the lock up and moves to the side as Malis and Just….Rick have a stare down from afar. Just….Rick is the one to lose his temper, and charges at Malis. Malis fires a fist, and knocks him down. Just….Rick stumbles up, and then Just…Rick stumbles back up. He gets knocked down once again, by another fist. He goes down to the mat and then he stumbles up to his feet. Just…Rick gets kicked in the gut and then Malis picks up Just…Rick into the delay vertical suplex. Before Malis can drop Just….Rick. Rick is able to shift his weight and land on his feet Just…Rick stumbles a few steps back. But stops as he feels that he is nearing the edge. Malis charges at Just…Rick who takes him down with a drop toe hold . Malis goes face first into the scaffold , Just…Rick takes this time to recover, and then Malis gets up holding his face and then Just…Rick hits a few fists to the face and then Malis gets closer to the edge. Just….Rick backs up and goes for a clothesline to knock Malis off. But then Malis tries to counter, but Just….Rick is able to see this before he is knocked off of the scaffold. So Just…Rick hits a knee lift to the face. In pain, Malis stumbles back and almost loses his balance and falls off of the scaffold. But he is able to maintain his balance. Just…Rick see’s that he isn’t going to just fall. So Just…Rick goes in for the kill, he charges. But Malis picks up Just….Rick, and then hits a front spine buster (since if he did a spinning one, he and Malis would have fallen off of the scaffold with Rick). Both wrestlers are down as the both slowly roll away from the edge of scaffold.]

JR-Both wrestlers do not want to fall off of the scaffold

King-Yeah, that would impress Captain Jack Sparrow

Kris Gaffney-Well, we are in Orlando…although Disney is every where. Even….RIGHT BEHIND YOU!


[Just…Rick and Malis are down on the scaffold. Slowly both wreslter get up to their feet and then Malis takes down Just….Rick with a double leg take down and then hits a catapault that sends Just…Rick flying and then Rick rolls. Gets close to the edge of the scaffold, but stops before he falls. Malis stumbles to his feet, then charges at Malis. But Malis is able to counter the charge with a big super kick that causes separation and Just…Rick is able to roll back to the middle of the scoffold. Just…Rick gets up as as does Malis. Hits an inverted atomic drop, Malis stumbles back in pain and then Just…Rick hits a clothesline to knock Malis down on the scaffold. Malis gets up and then, Just….Rick picks up Malis and then hits a body slam on Devin Malis. Just…Rick then hits a standing leg drop on Devin Malis. Just…Rick has to remind himself that there is no pin falls, so he decides to hit a few punches on Devin Malis while he’s on the scaffold. Devin Malis pushes off Just…Rick and gets to his feet, and then both of them gets up opposite of each other. Devin Malis charges at Just….Rick, but Just….Rick counters with an arm drag release. Devin Malis gets up, and charges at Just….Rick once again. Just…Rick counters it once again with another arm drag release. Devin Malis is stunned as Just….Rick kicks Devin Malsi in the gut, and sets him up….lifts him, but then Devin Malis counters with a hurricanarana. Just…Rick is almost near the edge]

JR-Malis might be on his way to another victory

Kris Gaffney-He’s close to the edge..

King-Not that’s a bad thing….sorry….Cena must have messed with my script

[Malis picks up Just…Rick and sets him up in power bomb position. It would seem that he’s going to power bomb Just…Rick off of the scaffold. But suddenly Lil’ Exploder appear on the scaffold. They attack Malis from behind, Malis goes down to his knee’s. Malis gets up, Lil’ Exploder take Malis and throws him off the scaffold. Malis crashes to the tables below. This match is over.]

JR-Damn it, Lil’ Exploder just cost Malis! Why did he do that?

King-Who knows?

Kris Gaffney-He’s technically still unpinned

(OOC-Quality over quantity, sorry for take more time than I expect we needed. We needed to check over something. We got some extra help that probably moved us away from a big mistake. Also I might have gotten the attacker wrong, so it can change. Also I didn’t know if Revolution would come out, but obviously they would be too late.)

“The Royal theme” blasts on the PA system as Jimmy Vance walks out with his Royal guard

JR-Jimmy Vance certainly made an impact since coming to the EMF

King-Yeah, I guess so…he go thrown in to a IC title match quickly

Kris Gaffney-Could have been luck?

“Alex Shelley’s theme” blasts on the PA system as Shelley walks out on the stage. Walks down to the ring side area

Kris Gaffney-How many people have their been with those camera gimmicks

King-Too many to count…

JR-Well, Shelley does have talent

“Everyone like me” blasts on the PA system as CM Punk walks to the ring

JR-The former Extreme champion wants to prove that he can step up

King-Actually…he didn’t ask for it…

Kris Gaffney-Interesting…

[CM Punk and Jimmy Vance are in the ring, but seemly they aren’t going to wait for Alex Shelley. They start to fight as they charge at each other, CM Punk is able to take down Jimmy Vance with a double leg take down. CM Punk takes down CM Punk and then hits a few hard fists to the face. Vance pushes off CM Punk, Punk rolls away and then Vance gets up and charges at CM Punk. Punk counters it with a back body drop. CM Punk turns around and watches Vance fall to the ground. Alex Shelley slides into the ring with CM Punk’s back turned and then attacks him from behind. CM Punk goes down to his knee’s and then Alex Shelley hits a kick to the side of the head of CM Punk who goes down to the mat. CM Punk gets up and then Alex Shelley hits a few punches to the face and then CM Punk backs to the ropes. Alex Shelley whips CM Punk off the ropes. CM Punk bounces off the ropes. Alex Shelley hits a spinning back elbow that takes down CM Punk, who rolls to the outside. With that Shelley tires to go after him, but he gets turned around by Jimmy Vance who tries to sneak a fist on Alex Shelley. Shelley is able to block it and return it with a few fists to the face himself. Jimmy Vance reels to the ropes. Shelley tries to whip Jimmy Vance to the ropes, but it’s reversed by Jimmy Vance sending Alex Shelley to the ropes. Alex Shelley goes to the ropes. And then he bounces off the ropes. Shelley ghoes for a cross body block, but it’s ducked under by Jimmy Vance. Alex Shelley crashes on the mat, and rolls to the apron. Jimmy Vance goes over as Alex Shelley gets up. Jimmy Vance goes over to Shelley, but before can do anything. Alex Shelley is able to hit a hang man. Jimmy Vance stumbles back, Shelley goes to the top rope and waits for Jimmy Vance to get up. Shelley leaps off the top rope and then catches Jimmy Vance with a missile drop kick. Shelley quickly goes into the cover, and gets the 1……………..2…………….CM Punk comes into the ring and then break up the cover by Alex Shelley. CM Punk pulls up Alex Shelley by the hair and then throws him over the top rope, and on to the arena floor.]

JR-All three wrestlers are doing everything they can to get the pin for the win

Kris Gaffney-Your Mom could get the pin

King-The maturely ceases to amaze me.

Kris Gaffney-Well…if you think this is something…you should see the IBA lately!


[CM Punk gets ready for Jimmy Vance to get up to get up, and then Jimmmy Vance stumbles right where CM Punk is and then CM Punk goes for a DDT. But Jimmy Vance spins out of it. CM Punk tries to pull Jimmy Vance into a short arm clothesline. But it’s ducked under by Jimmy Vance who puts on a waist lock. But before he can hit a move, CM Punk hits a few elbows to the side of the head on Jimmy Vance. Jimmy Vance stumbles back and then CM Punk charges at Jimmy Vance. Jimmy Vance counters the charge with a hot shot that sends CM Punk throat first into the top rope and then Jimmy Vance takes CM Punk and then plants him with a spinning DDT on CM Punk. Jimmy Vance goes into the cover and then the ref goes down for the count and makes the 1……..2……Alex Shelley reaches from the outside and pulls Jimmy Vance out of the ring and then pulls out Jimmy Vance out of the ring. Then gets Alex Shelley hits a knee to the gut doubling over Jimmy Vance. Shelley takes Jimmy Vance and smashes his face into the steel steps. Jimmy Vance bounces up as Alex Shelley hits a few fists to stumble Jimmy Vance around the ring side. He then rolls Jimmy Vance into the ring. Alex Shelley slides into the ring. CM Punk is on his feet, the two look at each other. Then look at Jimmy Vance who is getting to his feet. They kick Vance in the gut, and hit a double DDT.]

JR-What a double team by CM Punk and Alex Shelley

King-But that’s not going to win the match, for sure

Kris Gaffney-Unless they figure out who should win

[Alex Shelley turns around, and then CM Punk hits a quick DDT on Alex Shelley. CM Punk takes Alex Shelley by the hair and throws him to the outside. Jimmy Vance stumbles to his feet, CM Punk kicks him in the gut, sets him up, and drives Vance down with the Pepsi plunge! CM Punk goes into the cover, and gets the 1……………..2……….3]

“All the things she said” blasts on the PA system as Marc Mead and Eric Hasher walk to the ring

JR-Eric Hasher and Marc Mead walk into an interesting situation. Although they are a team, either could get a TV title shot

King-Yeah, although Marc seems like to be the chosen one

“ESI’s theme” blasts on the PA system as Ill-Fated and Z-Dead walks to the ring.

JR-Z-Dead and Ill-Fated haven’t had the best of luck

King-Yeah, but Dertah is being a bit harsh,….don’t you think?

Kris Gaffney-yep

[Ill-Fated and Marc Mead start out, Ill-Fated locks up with Marc Mead. Marc Mead tries to over power Ill-Fated, but just ain’t going to happen. He backs up Marc Mead and then the ref asks Ill-Fated for the clean break. Ill-Fated slowly backs off, so it doesn’t look like he’s not going to need to count, but then Ill-Fated hits a knee lifts into the gut. Not giving Marc Mead any chance to move out of the way. Ill-Fated takes Marc Mead’s head, and drags it across the top rope. Marc Mead holds his head in pain, and then Ill-Fated whips Marc Mead off the ropes. Marc Mead bounces off the ropes, he comes off the ropes and then Ill-Fated goes for a clothesline. But it’s ducked under, and then Marc Mead goes to the ropes and then comes off of the ropes. Then Marc Mead leaps in the air as Ill-Fated goes for a cross body block. He then catches Marc Mead in the cross body block attempt, Ill-Fated transfers Marc Mead to his shoulder. Before Marc Mead can be power slammed, Marc Mead slides out of the back and then Marc Mead hits a low drop kick to the back of the leg of Ill-Fated. Ill-Fated goes down to one knee, and then Marc Mead decides to charge to the ropes and bounces off the ropes in front of Ill-Fated. Ill-Fated comes off the ropes, but then Ill-Fated gets clotheslined down to the mat with a diving clothesline. Then Marc Mead is down, but gets up shocked. Ill-Fated charges and hits a running shoulder block on Marc Mead. Marc Mead goes down to the mat. Marc Mead stumbles to his feet, and then Ill-Fated picks up Marc Mead on his shoulder. This time he’s able to run with him and then hits a running power slam on Marc Mead. Ill-Fated goes into the cover, and gets the 1………………..2…………..kick out by Marc Mead. Ill-Fated looks up to the ref. Then goes back on the attack, he then picks up Marc Mead to his feet and then goes for a fist and lands it. Ill-Fated whips Marc Mead to the ropes, Marc Mead bounces off the ropes. Then he tries to hit a back body drop, but it’s countered by Marc Mead who kicks him in the face. Ill-Fated pops up, and then Marc Mead charges in for a clothesline. But both catches each other with a double clothesline.]

JR-Both teams would be better served to make a tag

Kris Gaffney-I make the tag all the time…with your Mom

King-how many of those jokes do you have?

Kris Gaffney-Pretty much anything you say, I can turn it into one


[Slowly Ill-Fated makes it to his corner, and then he makes the tag to Z-Dead comes into the ring to try to stop Marc Mead from making the tag. But before he can, Marc Mead gets up and dives to his corner, and makes the tag to Eric Hasher, Hasher comes into the ring and then Z-Dead goes for a clothesline. But Z-Dead ducks under the clothesline. Then he goes to the ropes, and then bounces off of the ropes. He comes off of the ropes, and then Z-Dead turns around and then Eric Hasher hits a flying forearm that stumbles back Z-Dead, and Z-Dead falls out of the ring. Ill-Fated comes into the ring, and then goes for a clothesline, Hasher ducks it and then charges at the ropes and then hits a spring board twisting body press. Hasher goes over to the ropes, where Z-Dead is getting up, Hasher goes for a spring board body press, but Z-Dead dives out of the way. But Hasher is able to predict that he was going to move out of the way and then Hasher slides under the ropes after landing on the apron. He slides into the ring, and then he charges to the ropes and bounces up. Z-dead gets up, and then gets baseball slide. Z-Dead falls down to the mat and then Marc Mead takes Z-Dead and rolls him into the ring for Hasher and then he goes into the cover and gets the 1…………………2…………..kick out Eric Hasher gets up ]

JR-Marc Mead probably wished that Eric Hasher made the tag there

King-That’s for sure, oh well…

[Eric Hasher gets up and Z-Dead makes the tag to his partner. Ill-Fated picks up Hasher, Mead comes into the ring, he spears Ill-Fated, and they fall through the ropes. Hasher gets up, and tries to go out to help Mead. But Z-Dead who isn’t the legal man, but in the confusion gets mixed up, Hasher comes from behind and tries to roll up Z-Dead. He gets the 1…………2……..Z-Dead reverses, and gets the 1………….2……….3]

JR-Komatoze finally got one over on the Satanic Union

King-Was Z-Dead even legal

Kris Gaffney-Your Mom is legal

(OOC-Alright, this match took a little longer than it should have, and I’m to blame. This was a really hard match to call, regardless of how you look at it…it could have went either way. So much I was lucky enough to get my whole staff members involved in this decision, it would seem my gut was telling me one way. But I could see the other way, and the rest of my staff was telling me the other. So I guess I was the only one crazy enough to see what probably was the wrong choice, for that I apologize to Marc and the RPer of ESI. So I made the ending somewhat clouded for that reason. But I had this match ready when I told Marc I would, I just got sleepy, and couldn’t think of a good ending…I woke up for a few hours..and this is what I got.)

(Z-Dead and Ill-Fated are celebrating, suddenly Dertah comes down and blasts Z-Dead with a chair in the back. Ill-Fated turns around and then gets a chair shot to the head. Dertah takes the chair and then hits Ill-Fated with the chair. Dertah puts the chair on top of Ill-Fated. Dertah takes Z-Dead and puts him on the top rope. Dertah goes up to the top rope, and then sets up and hits a super plex that sends Z-Dead's back right into the chair on top of Ill-Fated. Sandwiching him, both of them are out...maybe injured. Dertah grabs a microphone

Dertah-Ill, Z, I'm sorry, but I am tired of all this! It seems as if I can't trust anyone to have my back anymore...A week or two ago, Devin Malis turned on me. I PERSONALLY invited him to join us, I PRAISED his abilities, and, worst of all, I TRUSTED HIM! Malis, remember this...What you have done will not be forgotten. It's true, you are undefeated in your EMF tenure, but what really does that prove? I have nearly as many defeats and wins...But their is one big difference between you and I...I'm a CHAMPION! While I can assure you this belt will stay with me for a long, long time, I must give you credit for one thing. You, Devin, opened my eyes...Do you see the destruction and pain I have left here in the ring? Through your deception and your defection, you have helped me realize what I must now do...All old ties have been broken, and nothing is as it was. I will not deal with failure...I can not. If I am to deserve this title, if I am to one day hold the World Title, failure is no option. Maybe the fans want to know why I have done this...If I have fans, I don't really know...I'm not here for the adoration. I am here to succeed, and I will. That is why I had to do this...What have these men done for me? One lost to a has been, causing a title defense for me...Both lost to Marc Mead and his girlfriend...And where were they when I was attacked with a pipe and put through a table? What good have they been to me? Many may argue that Evil Shit Incorporated is no more...But ESI will NEVER die! As long as I may live, I will keep it alive...And whoever may come for me or my TV Title will learn, I need no one to help me stay on top. Since both the day I was born and the day that I died, one thing is apparent...I was made to be where I am and where I will soon be, with...OR without anyone by my side. (Dertah takes hits belt, and picks up Z-Dead to his knee's who is getting up. Then blasts him with the belt to the head for good measure.]

“I am” blasts on the PA system as AJ Styles walks out to the stage, doing his usual TNA entrance as he makes his way to the cell

JR-AJ Styles has been quite involved in this IC title feud for quite a while

King-That’s for sure, I don’t remember the last time he hasn’t been going for the IC title

Kris Gaffney-I wonder if he ever gets out of the feud for the IC title…that he’ll realize how random his parents death was

“Down the Sickness” blasts on the PA system, as Angelus Archer makes his way to the cell

JR-This is the first match in quite a while for Angelus

King-Yeah, but knowing him…he’ll take the time off and go on a dominating run.

Kris Gaffney-Happened like that once before.

“number one” blasts on the PA system as Dude Nick walks to the cell. Torrie is trialing behind him

JR- Dude Nick certain has friends in high places

Kris Gaffney-Your Mom is a high place

King-……..he never stops, does he?

“Problem Solver” blasts on the PA system as Tyson Tomko walks to the cell, without the IC title (it’s hanging over the ring)

JR-Tyson Tomko has stepped up his game

King-Yeah, but he put himself in a bad situation…maybe if this doesn’t work out, he can join Revolution and him and Kennedy can be a great tag team again

Kris Gaffney-They were never a team…

King-Really? Who was I thinking of?

(in the background X-Pac and Road Dogg are waving their arms and jumping around trying to get attention)

[Angelus, Tomko, Dude Nick and AJ Styles are in the four corner as they wait for someone to make the first move. Suddenly Dude Nick charges at Tomko who takes his eye off of Dude Nick, before he can do much other than hit a few fists. AJ Styles comes into the picture and then breaks up the beating that is being dealt on Tomko. Dude Nick stumbles back. Angelus decides to stand back, and waits as the three beat each other up. AJ Styles tries to whip AJ Styles to the ropes, but it’s reversed by Dude Nick. AJ Styles bounces off the ropes and then Dude Nick goes for a clothesline. But it’s ducked under by AJ Styles. Styles goes to the ropes, and then jumps on the second rope and then comes off the middle rope as Dude Nick turns around with a spring board moonsault that connects on Dude Nick. Tomko who had been watching seemly wants to return the favor for AJ Styles who helped to get Dude Nick off the attack on him. So AJ Styles and Tomko hit Dude Nick with fists to the face, Dude Nick stumbles back and then they whip him to the ropes. He bounces off the ropes, and then Dude Nick gets double flap jacked by Tomko and AJ Styles. Dude Nick stumbles up, AJ Styles hits a standing drop kick and he stumbles out of the ring. He then AJ Styles goes to the ropes and waits for Dude Nick to get up where he wants him. One does, AJ Styles sling shots himself over the top rope with a cross body block that Dude Nick can not catch and AJ Styles and Dude Nick are down. As this is going on Angelus Archer attacks Tomko from behind and then hits a few fists that stumble TOmko back to the ropes. Tomko stumbles near the corner and then blocks one of Angelus Archer’s fists and puts him in the corner and then hits a few hard fists to the face of Angelus Archer, while he’s in the corner. Tomko brings Angelus out of the corner and then whips him to the ropes and then hits a big back body drop on Angelus. Angelus rolls out of the ring, Dude Nick comes into the ring. He then goes over to Tyson Tomko and hits a fist to the face. Tyson Tomko is in the corner. Dude Nick see’s Angelus Archer getting up to his feet on the apron, Dude Nick grabs Angelus Archer Archer and tries to hit a forearm smash across the chest. But Angelus grabs Dude Nick’s head, and drops him across the top rope for a hang man. Dude Nick’s head snaps as he stumbles back into the middle of the ring. Suddenly Tyson Tomko comes out of no where, and nails a big boot on Dude Nick. Nick goes down, and Tyson Tomko goes into the cover and gets the 1…………..2…………3]

JR-That could be the disadvantage, one mistake could be easily capitalize by more than one person

King-I think Dude Nick knows, JR

Kris Gaffney-He was just making sure

[AJ Styles is setting up a table on the outside. AJ Styles rolls into the ring. Tomko is stumbling up after getting the pin on Dude Nick and then AJ Styles hits a few fists to the face of Tyson Tomko. AJ Styles whips Tyson Tomko to the ropes, Tomko bounces off the ropes and then AJ Styles goes for a clothesline. It’s ducked under by Tyson Tomko, who goes to the other side of the ropes, bounces off the ropes. Then AJ Styles hits a picture perfect drop kick. That stumbles Tomko back on the ropes, he bounces back off the ropes and AJ Styles ducks under a wild clothesline and hits the paylay that sends Tomko flying out of the ropes. Tomko falls on top of the table that was put out at ring side. AJ Styles looks around as he’s going to do something crazy. AJ Styles goes to the ropes, and comes off. Tomko gets up. AJ leaps over the top rope, and goes for a summersault suicide dive. But it’s caught right into power bomb position and Tomko turns and drives AJ into the table with a power bomb! Angelus is near there, and picks up the scraps and goes into the cover and gets the 1…………….2……….3.]

King-You know….I should hang out with Tomko more, he seems to be better at betting than I am

Kris Gaffney-That’s not too hard

JR-It’s down to Angelus and Tomko, they will be taking a few moments to get the ladder match ready.

[Tyson Tomko and Angelus Archer are the final two, as the Hell in a Cell starts to go up. Then the IC title belt gets lowered down at the correct height for the match. Then the bell rings, Angelus Archer talk trash to Tyson Tomko and then Tomko takes a swing at Angelus Archer. Angelus Archer ducks it and then hits a few fists to the face of Tomko, Tomko backs to the ropes. Angelus Archer tries to whip Tyson Tomko to the ropes, and Tyson Tomko reverses the whip and sends Angelus Archer to the ropes and then Archer comes off the ropes. Tomko knocks Angelus Archer down with a standing shoulder block, Angelus gets up and then Angelus gets hit a few fists to the fists to the face. Angelus Archer stumbles into the corner and then Tomko tries to whip Angelus Archer to the other side of the ring. But it gets reversed, and sending Tomko to the corner. Then Angelus Archer goes for a clothesline in the corner and catches Tomko. Angelus hooks Tomko and drives him down for the running bulldog, and nails it. Angelus Archer rolls out of the ring knowing that he should use this chance to take the advantage on the downed Tyson Tomko. Angelus Archer grabs the ladder from the isle way and brings it to the ring and then slides it into the ring. He takes it and then instead of going for the title, looks like he was going to intent to use it as an offensive weapon. Tyson Tomko gets up, then gets nailed with the top of the ladder by Angelus Archer. Angelus puts the ladder down. He then hits a few stomps until Tyson Tomko rolls on his stomach. Angelus takes the ladder and smashes over the back of Tyson Tomko. Tyson Tomko is in pain. He then puts the ladder down on the ground, and then takes Tomko, and body slams him on the ladder. Angelus now has Tyson Tomko where he wants him, and then goes to the top turnbuckle and Angelus goes for a splash off thet op rope. But Tomko moves out of the way at the last second, and Angelus Archer goes crashing into the ladder gut first. Angelus is obviously in a lot of pain.]


Kris Gaffney-Ouch is right…

[Tomko Tgets up and then Angelus stumbles up to his feet, obviously really stunned up and then Tomko hits a quick DDT. Both wrestlers are down, the ref starts to use his standing 10 count. But then remember that there is no such thing, so he acts like nothing happened. Tyson Tomko gets up, Angelus Archer follows once again too. He then picks up Angelus Archer and drops him for the snake eyes. Angelus stumbles around, he stumbles right into Tyson Tomko. He goes right into Angelus Archer, Tyson Tomko gets hit with a snake eyes. Angelus stumbles around, Tyson Tomko kicks Angelus Archer in the gut, and sets him up. He lifts him up for a power bomb, and nails a running diving power bomb. Tyson Tomko is still feeling the effects of the match thus far. But Tyson Tomko gets up and then sets up the ladder in the middle of the ring and starts up the ladder to try to grab the IC title.]

JR-Looks like Tomko is going for the IC title

Kris Gaffney-luckly it’s not the TV title…

King-We weren’t suppose to say anything about that…

[Angelus on the other side starts to make his way up the ladder as well. Tomko and Angelus trade fists, and then suddenly the ladder starts to fall out from under them. Both of them jump on the ring that holds the title belt, and then they start to do what they can to try to get each other off the ring. Kicking each other, suddenly both wrestlers fall off the ring as the title falls to the ground too with both wrestlers holding on to it.]

JR-What’s going to happen here?

Finkel- Both wrestlers attained the title belt, therefore this match is a ….DRAW! However, a title can not change hands on a draw. Therefore, STILL IC champion…Tyson Tomko!

JR-That was a very weird situation. I doubt we seen the last of Angelus going after the IC title

King-He has as much claim to the title as Tomko. They’ll have no choice but to give him the rematch.

Kris Gaffney-Maybe at Last Stand

King-Why do we know so much

JR-I don’t know?

Kris Gaffney-The fat one knows too much

King-He must be disposed of…

(Bad, Bad Man Blasts out around the arena and the fans boo as Team Cena emerge from behind the curtain.)

Finkle: "the following is a 10 man Elimination Tag Team Match! On their way to the ring... accompanied by Natasha Jones.. the team of Josh Hanley, Christian, Trish Stratus, Mr E and The EMF World Heavywegiht Champion John Cena.... Team Cena!"

("Break down the Walls" then hits an Jerricho's team make their way out.)

Finkle: "And the opponents.... The team of Dewey Pond, Chris Masters, EMF Women's Champion Jackie Cena,EMF Extreme Champion Matt Dragon and Chris Jericho... Team Jericho!"

(Team Jericho go to their own side of the ring and the two teams stand discussing who will start out. Cena's team seems to decide on Hanley but Jericho's team don't let it effect their decision and start with Jericho. The bell rings and Hanley and Jericho walk around the ring a few times, before coming into the middle and locking up. Hanley over-powers Jericho to begin with and then hits some hard shots. He backs Jericho into the corner and hits some chops on him. He then puls him away and throws him off the ropes. Jericho comes back and Hanley goes for a clothesline but it's ducked, and Jericho comes back again and clotheslines Hanley himself. He begins to stomp away at Hanley but then Hanley rolls away and springs to his feet. He hits some more chops on Jericho and then nails him with a suplex. Hanley picks u Jericho and kicks him in the gut and hits a DDT. He drops into a cover for the 1.... 2... Jericho kicks out just as the ref says 2. Hanley lifts him up and whips him into the Cena corner, where Christian begins choking out his former best friend with the tag rope.)

J.R: "Not the start Jericho would hve had planned i'm sure...."

King: "Damn... I knew I should have taken 50/1 on Jericho to be eliminated first...."

(The referee counts for the choke 1... 2... 3... 4... Christian releases it. the referee begins having a go at Christian. While he is Mr E drops off the barricade and goes round to the other side of the ring. He pulls Masters off his barricade and begins slapping away at him. This is spottd by Matt Dragon who hits a double axe-handle off the barricade to Mr E. Then Dragon and Masters stomp on a downed Mr E,and then Masters picks him up and they hit a double suplex. Masters whips E and his head bounces off the ring post, and then Masters rolls him into the ring and they return to their corner. In the ring, Hanley throws Jeriho again into the ropws, but Jericho comes back and hits Hanley with a running enzuigiri. Mr E stumbles up and the referee makes him return to his own corner. Jericho takes it to Hanley with some mounted punches. He lifts him up and hits a Powerbomb into a pin for the 1... 2... kick out by Hanley. Jericho then whips Hanley into his own corner and goes across and tags in Chris Masters. Pond looks a little angry and not being tagged in to face Hanley here. Masters hammers away at Hanley with hard clotheslines. Masters picks up Hanley and hits a suplex. Masters drops into a cover and gets the 1.... 2.... kick out. Masters pcisk up Hanley and throws him into the Team Jericho corner. Masters runs at him but Hanley throws a boot up and kicks him in the face. Masters goes down and Hanley dives across the ring to his own corner. He just tags in the first person he sees which happens to be the already hurting Mr E. Mr E rolls into the ring and begins firing shots at Chris Masters.)

J.R: "Hanley was isolated for a while... but now he got the tag..."

King: "The question is what kind of condition is Mr E in...."

(Sure enough, Masters begins to over power Mr E. He hits a hard clothesline and then punches away at his head, which was already hurt by the ring post. Masters continues the assault. Then Jackie gets down and walks around the ring. The referee tries to send her back again, which distracts him. Matt Dragon is able to get into the ring and hit another double suplex with Masters on Mr E. Jackie returns and the referee turns round to count 1.... 2.... kick out. Masters picks up Mr E and throws him into an empty corner. Masters runs at him but Mr E clotheslines him. Mr E hits a suplex on Masters and stomps down on him. He lifts him up and goes for a suplex, but Masters lands on his feet and hits a neck breaker. Masters continues to work over the already hurting Mr E. He then kicks him in the gut and hits a DDT. Masters covers again for the 1... 2... kick out. Masters can't believe it and he looks frustrated. Cena calls over to the referee and Mr E is able to hit the low blow. He rolls Masters over for the 1.... 2.... kick out.)

J.R: "Both of these teams trying to steal the upper hand... just because of their sheer hatred for eachother."

King: "Yea... but Mr E is on so many drugs Masters will never keep him down!"

(Mr E picks up Masters and hits him with a suplex. The then picks him up but Masters breaks away and clotheslines him. He lifts him up and hits a hard suplex. Mr E stumbles up, looking hurt. Masters goes in behind him and locks in a Masterlock. Mr E struggles against it, but then the referee announces that he's out of it and eliminated due to the lock!)


(Masters taunts as Mr E is rolled out of the ring and out of the match. Christian rolls into the ring for Cena's team. Masters goes across and makes the tag to Matt Dragon. Matt Dragon runs and hits Christian with a clothesline. He lifts him up and hits him with a sidewalk slam. Matt Dragon stomps down on Christian, who than fights up and works away with punches to Dragon. Christian kicks Dragon and hits another clothesline. Christian hits away with mounted punches on him and then lifts him and nails a scoop slam. Dragon gets to his knees but then Christian hits a drop kick. Christian picks him up and whips him into the corner. Christian lifts Dragon to the top rope but Dragon pushes Christian off. Christian lads hard and stumbles to his feet and Dragon his a cross body block for the 1... 2.... kick out. Dragon lifts him and then hits him with a suplex. He lifts him up then hits a second. He runs over to Cena's corner and hits a cheap shot on Cena and then runs and hits Christian with a spear. He covers and gets the 1... 2... kick out again.)

J.R: "Team Cena in trouble here.... Mr E is gone... and Christian is strugling against Matt Dragon here..."

(Matt lifts up Christian and throws him into Cena's corner. Matt runs at him but Josh Hanley grabs him from the corner and Christian works away with some shots. Christian kicsk him and hits a DDT. Cena calls for th tag but Christian say he is happy to carry on. Christian lifts up Dragon and hits another suplex. He covers for the 1... 2... kick out. Christian picks him up but Matt Dragon battles back. Christian runs at him and ducks a clothesline attempt and hits a choke drop. Christian picks him up so he is behind Dragon and goes for the Un-Prettier. He turns Dragon into position but then Dragon hits some elbows and gets out of the move at the last second. Christian turns round looking shocked and Dragon kicks him and nails the Breath of Fire, but with less than full impact. Knowing Christian may well kick out, he goes up to the top rope.)

J.R: "These moves can change an entire match..."

King: "Yea... especially when you are trying to do it to Captain Charisma!"

(Matt Dragon calls for some top rope move but suddernly Mr E, who is still at ring side, comes up on the apron and smashes him hard with a steel chair. Jericho's team protest but there is nothing they can do as Mr E is already out. Dragon falls off the turnbuckle into the ring and Christian nails the unprettier and covers for the 1.... Masters runs in to try nd save him but Cena meets him with a clothesline and the ref coutns 2... 3! Cena returns to his corner and Masters is declared the legal man because he is in the ring.)


(Matt Dragon looks pissed and rolls out of the ring. He runs straiht atMr E, who runs up the ramp and Dragon chases him behind the curtain. Meanwhile Christian smirks and then runs at Masters and hits him with a clothesline. He stamps away at him but Masters is fresh so he is able to battle back. Masters and Christian trade shots back and forth and then Masters over-powers him and clotheslines him down. Masters stomps down on him and then locks in a boston crab. Christian rolls in pain and makes it to the ropes. Masters breaks the hold and then Christian makes it to his feet using the ropes. Masters hits a belly-to-back suplex into a bridge for the 1.... 2... kick out. Masters gets up and so does Christian and Masters hits him with a kick to the gut and a DDT. Masters covers for the 1... 2... Christian kicks out again. Masters calls for the Masterlock as Christian struggles to get up.)

J.R: "Chris Masters already scored one elimination with this lock... if he gets it on Christian... it could be disasterous for Team Cena..."

King: "No hold can eliminate Captain Charisma!"

(Masters goes for the Masterlock but before he can get it Natasha grabs his ankle from the outside. Masters turns round and looks pissed. Taking his oppertunity, Christian dives towards his team and tags in the first person he gets to, which happens to be Trish. A look of sheer terror spreads over Trish's face as she rolls into the ring looking scared. Masters smirks and lifts Trish up and mocks that he'd slam her to the mat. Instead he carries Trish over one shoulder with her kicking and screaming, over to his own corner and tags in Jackie. He rolls her off his shoulder so she hits the mat quite hard, and then holds her arms back whilst Jackie slaps away. The referee comes and has a go at Masters and he's forced out of the ring. Jackie hits Trish with a snapmere followed by a drop kick tot the head for the 1... 2... kick out. Jackie picks trish up and hits a huge slap which sends Trish back to the mat.)

J.R: "The two women in this match just got tagged in... this is going to be interesting."

King: "It always is...."

(Jackie picks up Trish by the hair and hits more slaps. Trish eventually battles free and then throws Jackie into the ropes and hits a spinebuster. She drops into the cover for the 1... 2... kick out. Trish picks her up and continues to hit slaps.Trish throws her into the corner then runs and clothslines her into the turnbuckle. Jackie stumbles out and Trish goes to the top rope and hits the Stratusfaction. She drops into the cover for the 1... 2... kick out again by Jackie. A huge Jackie chant breaks out around the arena as Trish stalks her looking for a Chick Kick. Jackie stumbles up and Trish swings her foot but Jackie grabs it and throws Trish to the mat. Jackie stomps away on Trish and then lifts her up. She throws her into the ropes and then hits a Big Boot. She calls for it and then nails the Leg Drop of DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM! She covers and scores the 1... 2... kick out by Trish. Jackie can't believe Trish kicked out and then calls for the F-Off.)

J.R: "Jackie Cena calling for one of the most devastating moves in Women's Wrestling history..."

King: "Trish might be knocked out for good... which wold be good for me!"

(JAckie hoists up Trish for the move. Unfortunately Trish is able to reach out and make a tag whilst she is in the air to Josh Hanley. Josh comes into the ring and kicks Jackie in the gut and she drops Trish in shock. Hanley then rolls up Jackie for the 1... 2.... kick out. Hanley looks annoyed and then he picks up Jackie and kicks her in the midsection. He sets her up for some move but then Jericho runs in and throws right hands at Hanley, making him back off Jackie. Cena comes in and the crowd roar as Cena and Jericho begin trading shots with eachother. Josh goes over to help Cena and they begin to get the better of Jericho. Whilst the brawl goes on, Jackie is able to escape undetected and tag in Dewey Pond. Pond comes into the ring and pulls Hanley off of Jericho and begins hammering away at him. Hanley and Pond trade shots and the referee tries to regain control and sends Cena to his own corner. Whilst the ref is busy with Cena, Jericho kicks Hanley in the gut and he and Pond hit a double DDT.)

J.R: "Josh Hanley just got double teamed.. that's not good for team Cena!"

King: "Jericho's team really working well at the moment, and this could spell the end of the match for Hanley."

(The refere, having dealt with Cena, then sends Jericho out of the ring. Pond and Hanley continue to go back and forth. Pond gets the better and kicks Hanley in the guy and nails hi with a Brainbuster. Pond waits for Hanley to stumble up, and lifts his arm and kicks it. Pond then uses an armbar takedown and takes down Hanley center of the ring. Hanley struggles in pain and tries to make it to the ropes but can't. He is only a matter of millimeters away. Then Natasha on the outside moves the bottom rope forward and into Hanley's grip. The fans boo and the referee again lectures her, but seems too afraid to banish her. The referee calls for the hold to be broken. Pond looks pissed and he picks up Hanley and continues with more kicks to that same arm, and then calls for the Dew Drop. He kicks Hanley in the gut but Hanley sees it coming and so goes to groud so Pond can't get him in the move. Cena calls over the referee and distracts him. Pond picks up Hanley but Hanley hits a thumb to the eye and then bends Pond's neck over the top rope and chokes him. Hanley throws Pond into the ropes and kicks him in the gut and nails him with the widow Maker. Hanley goes into the cover but the ref is still distracted by Cena. Cena tries to make him turn round and he does eventually and counts the 1... 2.... Pond kicks out!)

J.R: "MY GOD! What guts! What heart! I thought Pond was out for sure!"

King: "It's only Dewey Pond... Hanley will finish him off now..."

(Hanley calls for a second Widow Maker. He picks up Pond but Pond fires right hands at him. Pond whips Hanley off the ropes and then hits a big clothesline with impact. Pond begins to try and crawl towards his own corner and Hanley towards his. Pond gets there first and makes the tag to Jericho. Cena reaches out to get the tag from Hanley but Jericho pulls him back. Jericho hits some big shots on the tired Hanley, then throws him into the ropes and hits a Bulldog from behind. He calls for a Lionsault, and nails it. However he gets up before the referee can count. Jericho calls for a move to finish off Hanley, and as Hanley stumbles up, Jericho hits him with a Super-Kick. Dewey Pond meanwhile has got up on the turnbuckle. Jericho realises and makes the tag. Pond comes flying off with a top rope elbow drop to Hanley and covers for the 1... 2... 3!)


J.R: "Hanley is out! The Survivor from 2004 is out!!!"

King: "And Dewey Pond will talk about that for years to come... even though Jericho did the work."

(Pond looks a bit dazed from the beating he took from Hanley. He tries to make the tag back but suddernly Cena runs into the ring and clotheslines him down. The fans boo as Cena is finally in the match. Cena throws Pond off the ropes and hits a clothesline. He calls for the 5 Knuckle Shuffle. He bounces off the ropes but Pond rolls out of the way just as Cena's fist comes down. Cena looks stuned and Pond rolls him up for the 1... 2... kick out. Cena looks angry at narly being caught, and he hits a viscious clothesline followed by hard mounted punches to the head of Dewey Pond. Pond is even busted open a little. Pond stumbles up and then Cena picks him up looking for the FU. Pond rolls out the back and dives over to his team, without looking he tags in Jackie.)

J.R: "Well Pond somehow survived the fresh Cena.. but poor Jackie..."

King: "She looks like she's seen a ghost...."

(Jackie backs away as Cena licks his lips and beckons her into the ring. Jericho offers Jackie a quick tag but she doesn't realise. She climbs into the ring looking scared. Cena quickly runs at her and goes for a clothesline but she ducks it. She tries to slap Cena but Cena grabs her hand. He then smirks and kicks Jackie in the gut and thn puts her over his knee. He smirks as he lifts his hand and spanks Jackie hard. Jackie looks a mixture between hurt and deeply embaressed as she rolls around. Jericho has seen enough and he gets in the ring and starts pouning on Cena. The referee tries to pull him off but he's too strong for him and he keeps going. The referee then thratens to disqualify Jericho and at that point he stops. Meanwhile Jackie, still down and hurt has been trash talking with Trish, and Trish looks angry. Trish demands to be tagged in. Cena grants her wish and makes the tag to Trish.)

J.R: "Our great president.... embaressing the Women's Champion..."

King: "It is his wife J.R.... she probably enjoyed it...."

(Trish gets into the ring and Jackie is still down. Trish picks her up but Jackie kicks her in the gut and then clotheslines her down. She glares at Cena and then begins shouting at him. She gets distracted and Trish rolls her through for the 1.... 2.... kick out. Jackie now looks angry and she springs to her feet and slaps away at Trish. She throws her into the ropes and then hits an Arm Drag. She follows it with a drop kick to the head. Jackie calls for the F-Off again, and this time makes sure she is center of the ring. Trish stumbels up and Jackie hoists her up and nails the F-Off! She drops into the cover for the 1.... 2.... 3!


J.R: "This is not good for team Cena... now stuck in a 4 on 2 match...."

King: "If Trish hadn't have lost her head and demanded the tag... who knows what great Mr Cena would have givern us!"

(Cena and Christian look at eachother and then Cena rolls into the ring. Meanwhile Jackie has made it to her own corner and tags in Jericho. Jericho rolls into the ring and looks eager to get his hands on Cena. Cena and Jericho run and lock up center of the ring. Cena hits fists on Jericho and he returns them. Cena over-powers him and then throws Jericho into the ropes and hits a clothesline. He calls for and this time nail the 5 Knuckle Shuffle! He drops into the cover for the 1... 2... kick out. Cena looks pissed and picks him up again and hits a kick to hte gut and a DDT for the 1... 2.... kick out!)

J.R: "Wow.. Cena getting the better of Jericho... I definately didn't expect that!"

King: "You obviously don't realise just how great President Cena is..."

*King puts on a hat reading "Cena for President"*

(Cena picks up Jericho agai but this time Jericho hits him with a hard right hand that sends him down. Cena gets straight back up and Jericho hits a drop kick and then as Cena gets to his feet he hits a bulldog. Instead of gonig for the Lion-sault, this time he goes to the top rope for a moonault and hits it for the 1.... 2... kick out by Cena. He then calls for the Walls of Jericho. He grabs Cena's legs and tries to flip himover but Cena kicks him up. Jericho runs and goes for a kick on Cena but Cena grabs his leg. Jericho counters into a Dragon Whip and covers Cena for the 1... 2... kick out again.)

J.R: "The hatred between these 2 great athletes is finally able to boil over and it sure will be interesting to see which one goes down first!"

King: "I'm still rooting for Cena no matter what... as he is gonna make me a fortune by winning tonight!"

(Chris Masters stretches out a hand and calls for the tag, itching to get his hands on Cena. Jericho spots this and goes across but then Dewey Pond hits the blind tag and comes in. Masters just laughs as Pond enters the ring and hits some right hands on Cena. Pond whips Cena into the ropes and goes for a Spinebuster but Cena counters it with a kick to the skull. Pond falls back but then hits a neck breaker on cena as he moves forward. Pond covers him and scores a 1... kick out by Cena. Pond calls for the Dew Drop. He tries to set Cena up but Cena counters it. Pond very quickly reachts by kicking Cena in the guy and hitting a DDT. He covers him for the 1... 2... Cena kicks out.)

J.R: "Pond seizing an oppertunity to get even with Cena here... and coming close to huge upset!"

King: "I still have faith in the PRINCE of Survival... seeing as i'm the king!"

(Pond lifts up Cena and hits some chops. He throws Cena into the corner. He runs at him and goes for a clothesline but Cena ducks it. Cena then gets Pond with a Drop Toe Hold and locks in the STFU! Pond stuggles to get to the ropes but he can't quite reach it. it looks like he is about to tap when Masters get into the ring and pulls Cena off. Christian rolls in and fights off Masters whilst Cena stalks Pond. Pond makes it to his feet but looks dazed and then Cena drives him down with the FU for the 1... 2... 3!)


J.R: "The odds still slightly stacked against Cena's team but looking a lot better now... we are down to Cena and Christian Vs Chris Jericho, Chris Masters and Jackie Cena."

King: "I still favour Cena... The Greatest Wrestler of all time and Captain Charisma... Vs Dewey Pond's husband, Mr steroid abuser and a woman.... no contest!"

(Cena makes the tag to Christian and Christian comes in. Chris Masters comes in for Team Jericho. Masters and Christian locks up and Christian backs Masters into a corner and hits some chops on him. Christian whips Masters off the ropes and goes for a clothesline but Masters stays on his feet. Masters then hits one hard shot but Christian falls down. Masters tries to pick him up but Christian positions Masters between himslf and the referee and then hits a low-blow that the referee can't detect. He hit a suplex into a bridge for the 1... 2... kick out. Masters is still struggling after the Low Blow and Christian hits him with a back body drop and then an elbow drop and pins him for the 1... 2... kick out again by Masters.)

King: "come on Captain Charisma.... you can do it!!"

J.R: "If he does... it'd be Jericho's team at a disadvantage here...."

(Christian picks him up again but then Masters hits a hard suplex on Christian. Masters runs and hits a big boot as Christian climbs up and Masters covers for the 1... 2... kick out. Masters looks angry and he picks him up and hits some more shots on Christian. He gets him into a corner and then puts him on the top rope and climbs himself, looking for a superplex. He nails it and then covers for the 1... 2... kick out.)

J.R: "Christian and MAsters have gone back and forth all match... but it looks like Masters is getting the better of him now....."

King: "It sure does... and I gotta admit... even I, his number one peep... am a little concerned."

(Masters calls for the Masterlock and this time he gets it on Christian. Christian seems to be putting up a fight. Christian grabs the top rope and MAsters tries to pull him away. The referee goes over to count and while he does Natasha passes up Cena's hammer. Cena gets in the ring and just as the ref counts 4, Cena smashes the ref right in the back of the head with the Sledgehammer. Mastes turns round and gets blasted as well and falls out of the ring. Cena smirks and returns to his corner. Natasha however isn't done. She climbs up on the apron and throws Jackie into the ring. Cena laughs and runs in and hits the FU on Jackie before she realises what happened. A new referee comes running down the ramp just as Jericho dives at Cena and they begin brwling again. Christian gets up and hasn't got a clue what happened, and he covers Jackie. Being a new referee, he doesn't realise she's not legal and counts 1... 2... 3!)

J.R: "No way... Jackie wasn't even legal!"

King:Prince Cena always finds a way...."


(Masters is still out on the outside and the new referee proclaims Jericho to be legal as he's bawling with Cena inside the ring. Christian pulls Jericho off Cena and hits him with the Unprettier! Christian hooks the leg and scores the 1.... 2... kick out by Jericho at the last possible moment. Cena laughs and Christian picks up Jericho and hits a suplex into a bridge for the 1... 2... kick out by Jericho again!)

J.R: "Damn Cena has cheated his way to an advantage in this match...."

King: "I yold you J.R.... I knew he'd get it!"

J.R: "Well don't count out Jericho... he's holding on with all he's got!"

(Christian lifts Jericho again and throws him into Cena's corner. Jericho however hits an elbow to Cena and then fires shots at Christian. Jericho throws Christian down and then lifts him into a powerbomb. Jericho comes off the ropes and hits a Lionsault and scores the 1... 2.... christian kicks out. Jericho lifts Christian up and takes him to an empty corner and begins hammering away. Jericho lifts him to the top rope and hits a huge arm drag off the top rope with Christian crashing into the center of the ring. Jericho waits for Christian to get up and then calls for the superkick! Natasha grabs t his leg but then he kicks her off. Christian stumbles up and Jericho swings but Christian ducks it. Christian turns and then Jericho locks him in the Wall of Jericho! He gets it locked in properly. Christian screams in pain and moves towards the ropes but he can't get there. Cena runs into the ring ro break it up, but then Masters rolls in and clotheslines him down. Christian continues to struggle but he can't get there and then he submits!)


J.R: "We are down to just 3 men... and now surely that no good Cena cannot win this match!"

King: "I believe in John Cena! Just like Sarah does..."

J.R: "Who the hell is Sarah.... Undertakers wife?"

(Cena looks on in shock from outside the ring after he rolled out. He looks up and realises the odds are against him now. He rolls into the ring where Jericho is waiting for him. Jericho kicks him in the gut and he hits a hard DDT. Jericho covers and scores the 1.... 2.... kick out. Jericho smirks at the fact he gets to hand out more pain to the man he hates most. He picks up Cena and throws some hard shots to his face. Jericho throws Cena into the corner and then lifts him. He goes for a superplex but Cena pushes him off. Cena hits Jericho with a cross-body block from the top rope for the 1.... 2... kick out!)

J.R: "The two team leaders will do anything now to destroy eachother.... but even if Cena SOMEHOW keeps Jericho down.... I think Chris Masters is more than capable of picing up the scraps."

King: "Stop doubting him J.R... I don't wanna be left alone with Kris for eternity.... speaking of that.... where is Kris?"

*Suddernly Kris appears at the commentary table*

Kris: "Sorry King.... did your mom not tell you i'd be a bit late tonight?"

(Cena picks up Jericho and hits some hard shots on him.Cena lifts him to go for the FU but again Jericho rolls out the back. Jericho rolls Cena up for the 1... 2... kick out. Jericho waits for Cena to get up and then hits him with a suplex. He keeps the arms locked and hits a second, and then a third. Jericho then goes to the top rope and scores with a Moonsault. Jericho covers and cokily counts with the ref 1.... 2.... somehow Cena rolls a shoulder out. Jericho cannot believe it. He picks up Cena but Cena fights back. Cena throws Jericho into the ropes and then scores with a running shoulder tackle. Cena then calls for the 5 Knuckle Shuffle again. He then stops, and climbs to the middle rope and hits it from there, to protests from King that it's his move. Cena goes into the cover for the 1.... 2... Jericho kicks out again at 2 and a half. Cena can't believe it, and then he calls for the FU. He kicks Jericho in the gut, lifts him up for the FU. It looks like he may get it this time but then Masters kicks him and Cena drops Jericho. Cena stumbles round and Jericho locks in the walls!)


King: "Calm down J.R..... seriously it's only wrestling...."

Kris: "Yea J.R... you are almost as excited as King's mom earlier...."

(Cena struggles towards the rope. He dives and Natasha again moves the rope so he can grab it. However Jericho pulls him away and Cena loses his grip. It looks like Cena is fading when all of a suddern voice is heard.)

Voice: "Chris.... ooooooh Chris.... look up here!"

(The cameras focus on the titantron. Stnading there is Christy Hemme. Jericho ignores it and keeps the hold on.)

Hemme: "Drop him RIGHT NOW Chris or your wife gets it!"

(Jericho drops the hold, not risking the fact Hemme might be bluffing. Hemme smiles at him.)

Hemme: "Good! Now I know what your thinking... i'm faking it right? Wrong.... say hello to your wife Chris.... sorry she can't say it back!"

(The camera swings round and Amy Dumas is seen handcuffed to a chair and gagged. She is trying to speak but it is impossible.)

Hemme: "I'm gonna leave the keys right here Chris.... and if I notice you coming to get them..... i'll leave. But if you don't.... there will be hell to pay..."

(Hemme holds up a hammer and Amy winces in fear. Jericho storms out of the ring and up the ramp. Hemme is seen dropping the keys and running off. The referee begins counting out Jericho... and reches the count of 10 and the fans boo.)


J.R: "My God no... this is not how it was supposed to be... come on Chris Masters... Kill that son of a bitch!"

King: "HAHA I told you J.R... Jericho is out of there!"


(Masters rolls into the ring where Cena can hardly stand. Masters laughs and picks him up and nails him with a hard hititng suplex. Masters covers for the 1.... 2.... kick out. Masters can't believe it. He sets Cena up for another suplex and hits it with even more impact. He calls for one more and nails it. He covers again for the 1.... 2.... Cena again throws a shoulder up. Masters calls for a Masterlock to end the match. Cena grabs the ropes to pull himself up. Masters goes and locks in the Masterlock! Cena struggles in pain and crowd begin chanting "Tap Out!" to Cena. Suddernly Natasha is back up on the apron and shouting. The referee turns around and tells her to get down. She refuses and finally the ref has had enough of her and tells her shes barred from ringside. She still refuses to leave and the ref calls for security to remove her, but none show up. Meanwhile Cena has somehow got to the ropes and then with the ref still distracted he nails a huge low blow with his foot to Masters. Masters releases the hold and stumbles back. Cena takes the oppertunity to hoist him up and nail the FU! Natasha now pushes the referee so he turns round and Cena falls on top of Masters and the referee counts 1... 2............. 3!)


King: "YES!!!!! All my betting finally payed off!!!!"

Kris: "Now he doesn't care about what I did with his mom...."

Finkle: "Here is your winner.... JOHN CENA!"

(Cena can hardly stand but Natasha rolls into the ring and grabs him and he hugs her. She then collects the World Championship from Finkle and hands it to him. Cena kisses his World Title and holds it up high. Masters rolls out of the ring looking pissed and walks up the ramp. Cena gets to his feet using the ropes and embraces his girlfriend, having survived for the 2nd straight year. He kisses her and then Survival of the Fittest goes off air with him raising the World Title up high and the crowd booing the loudest they have in years.)

(OOC-match was pre-set from the start. But the RPing was determine elimination order (other than for Jericho...who could not be eliminated too early..or couldn't be the last). I don't expect this to be totally perfect as far as the elimination goes, but it seems close enough for me. So minor detail if you don't agree with order of elimination.