EMF: Survival of the Fitest

The copyright information flashes on the screen and then we go into a video of how the matches tonight were set up. Then once it ends we go into the darken arena as fireworks blasts off and then once it ends the camera searches around and then we go into announcers JR, King and Kris Gaffney

JR-Welcome to Survival of the Fittest, and what a show headlined by the huge tag team elimination chamber with such teams as Nick and Cena, DTC, Angelus and a mystery partner, among many more and the womens title match where the Vice President of the EMF Amy Dumas will step into the ring against the champion Jackie Gayda

King-It should be a pretty good

Kris Gaffney-Let’s just…go now

(Revolution by Motorhead blasts out as Joy Giovanni appears, with Chris Masters beind her...)

J.R: "What business does he have out here..."

King: "Well protecting Joy like he "Protected" Chyna i suppose..."

(Joy gets in the ring and Chris walks around it. Rylee's theme then blasts out as she does her entrance. Next comes Victoria, with Steven Richards.. and finally Chyna's theme hits. She walks out, and spots Chris, shouting something at him as she gets in the ring. The bell rings, and the girls stare eachother down. Chyna throws the first shot at Rylee, and Rylee returns it. Victoria goes over to help Rylee, but Joy takes her from behind, and it breaks down to 2 brawls. Chyna begins to overpower Rylee, whilst Joy hits a nice snapmere on Victoria. Joy then locks in a submission hold on Victoria's head, and the referee goes over. Victoria however quickly powers out, and sends Joy down with a clothesline. Chyna had Rylee backed into the corner, but went over to prevent Victoria tapping out.. and Rylee hits her now with a huge clothesline from behinnd. Chyna falls and Rylee begins to power away at her with slaps. Victoria picks up Joy and nails a suplex, into a bridge and scores the 1... kick out. Victoria then pulls up Joy but gets met by a clothesline, and then Joy hits a shot to the gut and nails a DDT. Rylee whips Chyna into the corner, and then hits the back of Joy's legs, causing her to fall down. As Chyna stumbles out Rylee gets her into a quick school boy for the 1... 2.. Chyna rolls out.)

J.R: "Early dominance from Rylee it would seem..."

King: "Actually.. i'd say Joy has the upper hand."

(Chyna is now back up, and goes for Joy. Chyna hits Joy with a hard slap, but Joy battles back, and hits a shot to the midsection, before taking Chyna down with a suplex. Rylee goes for a snapmere on Victoria, but Victoria saw it coming, and pushes Ryleee off. She then hits a text book DDT as Rylee stumbles back and gets the 1... 2... Rylee kicks out! Victoria then stomps on the downed Rylee a little beofre picking her up and hitting another suplex to score the 1... 2... Joy gets thee and saves Rylee. Joy then catches the eye of Chyna.. and although bitter enemies they know what they have to do.. as they go wither side of Victoria and nail a perfect double suplex on her. Joy then pushes Chyna away and covers her for the 1... 2... Chyna breaks up the fall. Joy looks pissed at Chyna and they start shouting at eachother. Steven Richards gets up on the apron, to distract the ref whilst Victoria is down, but as he does Chris Masters slides some brass knucks to Joy. Chyna spots this however, and kicks Joy, following up with a DDT. Joy however has the knucks on a hand, which she falls on, and the referee can't see them. Rylee and Chyna now start to brawl, and Rylee whips Chyna off the ropes before nailing a perfect spinebuster!)

J.R: "Joy has brass knucks on King..."

King: "But they can't help her whilst she's down..."

(Rylee covers Chyna and gets the 1... 2... Chyna puts a foot on the bottom rope. Victoria has not staggered up, and Joy is stirring. Victoria pulls Rylee off Chyna, and they start to exchange shots. Chyna and Joy make it ot their feet at about the same time, and Chyna ducks a shot with the knuckled hand. SHe then attempts to pull the brass knucks off Joy.. but Joy pulls free, and hits Chyna hard, with the brass knucks, in the stomach. She then nails an inch perfect DDT with impact. However as she does, Victoria proceeds to suples Rylee over the top rope, to the floor below. Joy turns around and Victoria, who also spotted the weapon, pulls them off her hand, and throws them from the ring. Joy is in shock.. but Victora picks her up and goes for the widows peak! However Joy slides out, and rolls out of the ring, running to Chris Masters. Victoria comes after her, and runs round Chris, firing a clothesline at Joy. Victoria then thros Joy into the barricade, and begins to stomp away, until Chris pulls her off, and nails a clothesline of his own on Victoria. Masters sees she is knocked out, and throws Joy into the ring, thinknig she will pin Chyna. He then however gets hit, by a superkick from Steven Richards, much to the crowds delight. Joy still looks hurt, and she tries to get up using the ropes. Chyna has already limped up, but Rylee is also up and rolls into the ring. She senses her chance, and hurls Joy over the top rope again. Joy lands on the outside, and Chyna staggers right into a "High Rise". Rylee goes into the cover and scores the 1... 2... 3! Chris Masters and Steven Richards both stop brawling and look round in shock when they hear Rylee's music blast out.)

Finkle: "here is your winner... Rylee!"

J.R: "Haha, there underhanded tactics ended up costing BOTH thier girls this match..."

King: "Funny... of all the themes... I think I don't mind hearing this one again...."

(The scene fades with Rylee standing victorious in the ring.)

(OOC- just written quickly, thought Rylee edged it from Joy... in that Joy's 2nd rp was far weaker than Rylee's, and i think that Rylee's first edged out Joy's as well.)

Finkel - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 225 pounds, from The Island Of Tortuga, Captain Dante De Luca!!!

[Yo Ho Ho A Pirates Life For Me plays and Captain Dante De Luca walks out onto the stage. He looks around as the crowd greets with him a chorus of cheers. A grin comes over his face as he makes his way down the aisle, and slides into the ring. ]

Finkel - and his opponent, weighing in at 300 pounds, he holds the EMF Television Champion title belt, Punisher!!!

[The ref checks both wrestlers for any weapons and then they start to talk trash and then lock up and then Punisher who is stronger than Dante starts to back Dante up and then pushes him into the corner and then the ref asks Punisher to back away slowly Punisher does and then he goes for a clubbing blow as the heelish heel in him is coming out. But Dante is quick to move and then Punisher is in the corner and then Dante fires with a few hard fists and then Dante brings Punisher out of the corner and then whips him the ropes and then Punisher bounces off the ropes and then Dante lowers his head and then hits a back body drop on Punisher. Punisher stumbles up holding his back and then Punisher gets up and then hits a running clothesline on the stunned Punisher and then Punisher stumbles up slower and then Dante kicks Punisher in the gut and then sets up Punisher and drops him for a brainbuster. Dante goes into the cover and gets the 1………………2…………….kick out. Punisher is on his hands and knee’s and then Dante backs up and then hits a kick into the gut and then Punisher rolls a bit and then rolls out of the ring and then tries to rethink his game plan. But he left a bit of an opening as he stayed too close to the apron and then Dante charges and then goes for a baseball slide and then Punisher moves out of the way and then Dante slides out of the ring and then Punisher kicks Dante in the gut and then takes Dante by his hair and throws him hard into the steel steps and then Punisher follows it up with a kick to the downed Punisher and laughs because he suckered the rookie into that one and then Punisher rolls into the ring and then rolls back out to break the count and then Punisher goes over to where Dante is and then Dante is still stunned. Punisher takes Dante’s head and then smashes Dante into the steps face first and then pulls up Dante and then takes him to the other side of the ring and then tries to whip him to the ring post. But it’s reversed and then Punisher goes flying into the ring post and then Punisher stumbles around holding his shoulder in pain and then Dante hits a few fists and then Dante rolls Punisher into the ring and then Dante climbs to the apron and then goes to the top rope. Dante waits for Punisher to get up, once Punisher gets up Dante jumps off and then goes for a cross body block. But it’s caught and then Punisher drives Dante down with a rib breaker.]

JR-Dante has come out firing, but the more experience Punisher is forcing the rookie to make mistakes

King-I hate newbies, their so…new

Kris Gaffney-I know what you mean…

[Punisher takes a few moments to recover and then Punisher hits a few stomps on the downed Dante and then Dante stumbles up and then Punisher hits a few forearm shots to the face and then whips Dante off the ropes and then Dante bounces off the ropes and then Punisher goes for a clothesline and then Dante ducks and then continues to the other side of the ring and then Dante bounces off the other side of the ring and then Punisher turned around and then picks up Dante and then drops him for a side walk slam and goes into the cover and gets the 1………………2……….kick out. Punisher picks up Dante and then drives him into the corner and then hits a few shoulders into the gut and then the ref tells Punisher to back off and then Punisher does and then shrugs and then Dante stumbles out of the corner and then Dante hits a kick into the gut and then does a front face lock and then lifts him up and then puts him on the top rope and then climbs to the top rope and then hooks Dante and then hits a super plex. Both wrestlers crash on the mat after the impact of the move and then slowly Punisher starts to make the turn over and then throws an arm over Dante and then he gets the 1…………….2………Dante rolls his shoulder off the mat to break up the count and then both wrestlers are now faced with the task of getting to their feet slowly Punisher and Dante get up about the same time and then Dante is able to throw the first punch somehow and then it’s blocked by Punisher and then Punisher hits a few hard fists and then whips him into the ropes and then Dante bounces off the ropes and then Punisher hits a spinning side slam on Dante.]

The King - This is quality sports entertainment!

[Punisher leg drops the throat of Captain Dante De Luca. Punisher sucks chants start in the crowd. Punisher grabs Dante by the head and rolls him back into the ring. Punisher rolls back into the ring himself, and immediately stands up. Once on his feet he stomps on the back of De Luca's head a couple of times, shouting insults to him as he does. He reaches down and grabs Dante by the head, pulling him back to his feet. Punisher grabs Dante by the chin and says something to his face then attempts to whip him across the ring into the corner. De Luca somehow manages to put the brakes on and reverse the attempt, sending Punisher across the ring and into the corner instead. Dante takes a very brief second to catch his breath, then follows Punisher into the corner with a Stinger Splash. Though just as Dante takes to the air, Punisher grabs Hugh Hebner and pulls him in front of him, causing De Luca to sandwich him between himself and Punisher. Hebner falls out of the corner, seemingly lifeless. Punisher staggers out, taking only a few steps before attempting to clear the cobwebs from his head. Dante looks down at the fallen ref and then takes off towards the ropes. Building up a head of steam, Dante comes off the ropes, only to find himself on the receiving end of a massively strong big boot that nearly takes his head off. Punisher wipes some spittle from his mouth and then bends over and pulls Dante to his feet. Punisher sets him up, and then signals for The Capital Punishment, though before he can pick him up, a masked man walks out onto the stage and captures Punisher's attention. Punisher just smiles and lifts Dante up to deliver his finisher, though as he does Angelus comes over the guard rail from the audiance and slides in the ring with the EMF World Heavyweight Championship. Angelus quickly stands up and blasts Punisher in between the shoulder blades with the championship, causing him to drop De Luca and fall to his knees in pain. Angelus takes the opportunity to blast Punisher in the head with the championship, busting him open in the process. Angelus grabs Punisher by the head before he can fall though, and drags to his feet. Angelus screams something into his face, and then spins him around, and lifts him up, delivering The Slain. Angelus rolls Punisher over, and then drapes Dante De Luca's arm over his chest. Angelus slides out of the ring with the World Championship, and grabs a cup of beer from a fan. He quickly splashes Hugh Hebner in the face with the beer, waking him up. Hebner looks up and sees that Dante is laying over Punisher, and he begins to make a count......1.............2..................3!!!!!!!]

Finkel:The winner of this match.......Captain Dante De Luca!!!

[Angelus drapes the World Heavyweight Championship over his shoulder and laughs a bit as he looks back over his shoulder as the bell rings. He makes his way up the aisle, and then disappears through the back of the stage along with the masked man.]

OOC-Okay, first off I want to apologize for this taking so long to get done. I would have it done sooner, but I had the family issues and then it seemed everytime I got started on it, something went wrong and I had to start all over again. Which is why you ended up with a mostly simmed match. Not something I usually do, so again I apologize. Anyways, I don't think that I can begin to explain how hard of a decision this was for me to make. I kept going over both rps in my head after reading them each several times, and I kept making a case to myself for both of you. In the end though, this is what I came up with. Again, this was no easy decision to make. Both of you put up extremely good roleplays, and I enjoyed them both. And I look forward to the rematch that I'm sure the two of you will be having in the future.

Other OOC-I wrote the match, I was taking a walk and wondered to myself…you know these RPers have been waiting for so long. I might as well give them a written one. As for the decision, I’m trusting my staff member for the most part on this one as far as the decision goes. But I read both RP’s, and I can back up the choice that was made. So I got no problem with it, both RPers did well though, and I could see where he would have problems as he indicated above.

“Lovefurypassionenergy” blasts on the PA system as Amy Dumas runs out on the stage, does her Lita moves. Amy looks to the entrance, Chris Jericho walks out. They do their usual entrance from there as they meet on the stage and the crowd cheers on the hometown couple.)

JR-The Vice President did not want to be in this match, but she was pushed into it. But she has a good opportunity here, but it’s a matter of if she can keep her temper under wraps

King-She can’t JR, after last week. All she’s going to care about is that Jackie doesn’t win and case pain to Jackie.

Kris Gaffney-this might be interesting…

“some generic theme” blasts on the PA system as Miss Jackie walks to the ring with Cena trailing behind her. She’s really getting booed, both Cena and Jackie are telling the crowd to shut up

JR-It’s almost surreal that a champion is in a position where the champion feels she must beat the challenger more than the challenger feels she needs to beat the champion.

Kris Gaffney-Well I know she won’t stop until Jackie wins.

King-don’t mess with Gayda

[Amy takes Jackie down with a double leg take down and then starts hammer away at Jackie as Jackie tries to cover up with her arms. The ref tells Amy to stop, Amy lets her up only for the reason to let up Jackie. Jackie stumbles up and then Amy hits a running forearm shot to the face. Jackie goes down and then Jackie rolls out of the ring and then Amy pumps up the crowd, and yells for Jackie to get back into the ring. Jackie instead takes her time to think a new game plan, Cena goes over to Jackie. Amy goes into the corner on the other side, Jericho is saying something to her and Jackie slides into the ring and then Amy who is still pissed goes in and then throws a punch, but Jackie who’s more in control than Amy at this moment. Ducks the punch, Jackie is able to hit a few punches. But Amy fires back, still pissed and then Jackie is losing the fist fight. So she rakes Amy’s eyes, Amy stumbles back and then Jackie is able to peg Amy with a few hard forearm shots to the face. Amy stumbles back as she’s still blinded and then Amy stumbles back to the ropes and then Jackie tries to whip Amy to the ropes, Amy reverses the ropes and then Jackie bounces off the ropes. Amy lowers her head for a back body drop, but Jackie grabs Amy’s hair and then yanks her down to the ground. She smiles to the crowd who boo’s the hell out of her, Jackie says something to Jericho. Jericho is talking trash back, as Jackie see’s Amy who is on her hands and knee’s now. Jackie kicks Amy in the ribs, Amy roll a little bit to the ropes and then tries to get up with the ropes and then Jackie starts to choke Amy with the ropes. The ref starts his to use his 5 count and then Jackie lets Amy up and then Amy stumbles up and into the corner and then Jackie hits a few fists to the face of Amy and then grabs her by the hair and then hits a hair toss on Amy. Amy is sitting on the mat and then Jackie hits a low drop kick into the back of Amy and then Jackie goes into the cover 1…………….2..kick out. Jackie let’s Amy get up, Amy gets up in the corner and then Jackie hits a few fists to the face. And then whips Amy to the other side of the ring and then Amy crashes into the corner and then Jackie runs into the corner. Amy gets her boot up, and Jackie runs into it . Jackie stumbles up and then Jackie runs at Amy in the corner, Amy gets out of the corner and then hot shots Jackie into the corner and then Jackie’s face bounces off the corner and then Jackie stumbles out of the corner and Amy rolls her up for the school girl 1……………………….2……………kick out.]

JR-Just that sudden, Amy Dumas could be women’s champion

King-I would get angles, but then I might get fired.

Kris Gaffney-Jericho might kick your ass too

King-Oh please, no one actually attacks me…no matter what I say

[Jackie stumbles up and then Amy runs and then and hits a running clothesline Jackie stumbles up and then Amy yells at Jackie about something and then Amy hits a few stomps in the gut and then takes Jackie and then hip tosses her out of the corner and then Jackie falls to the mat and then Jackie stumbles up and then Jackie goes to the other side of the ring’s corner and then Amy follows her into the corner and then Jackie stumbles up and Amy hits a fist to the face and then sets up Jackie and then Jackie crashes into the corner as Amy runs behind her and then Amy hits a big clothesline in the corner. Amy backs off, then Jackie stumbles out of the corner and Amy kicks Jackie in the gut. Amy sets up Jackie and nails a release snap suplex and then nips up and then points up. Amy goes to the outside and climbs to the top rope waiting for Jackie, Jackie is slow to her feet. Jackie finally gets to her feet and then Amy leaps off the top rope and then catches Jackie with a cross body block and holds her into the pin and then gets a 1…………..2……….kick out. Jackie gets up fast, and then charges at Amy and then Amy takes her over with a side headlock take down and then Jackie is able to spin out of it hammer lock. Amy gets up a little bit and gets out of the hold with a firemans carry and then puts on a leg scissors on Jackie. Jackie tries to nip out of the leg scissors, but can’t so she needs to look for another cover. She moves around in the leg scissors and flips out of it into the cover and gets a 1…………………2……..Amy rolls her shoulder up. Jackie moves up and Amy bridges out of the move and then turns it into a back slide. Jackie is fighting to try to get it in her advantage. Amy see’s she’s trying too hard, so Amy stops and then Amy rolls off Jackie’s back on to her feet and then Amy is able to puts Jackie into a small package and then gets a 1………..2……….kick out by Jackie. Jackie looks to the ref to make sure that was just 2, but as she does that Amy kicks her in the spine. Jackie stumbles up and Amy waits for Jackie. Jackie stumbles up to her feet and then Amy measures up and nails a few knife edge chops on the ropes and then Amy whips Jackie to the ropes and then Amy lowers her head as Jackie bounces off the ropes and then Jackie hits a back body drop and then Jackie hits hard into the mat. Jackie bounces up after the impact, and then Amy measures up and nails a drop kick on Jackie and Jackie falls through the ropes. Amy then starts to pump up her hometown crowd and then a “Lita!” chant starts. Jackie gets up with the help of the apron, Amy then hits a baseball slide and then Jackie goes back down and falls away from the ring and then Amy backs up waiting for Jackie. Jackie stumbles up and then Amy runs, leaps and……nails a suicide dive through the ropes (without spiking herself). You can see Jericho in the background looking concerned over the move Amy did and wanting to make sure she’s alright, but Amy sits against the barcade and gives him a wink to show that she’s alright, and for something else….]

JR-Hey, I think Miss Jackie is finding out that the Vice President still has some fight left in her

King-This is all plan, Jackie has it all under control

Kris Gaffney-agreed

[Amy gets to her feet and then waits from behind Jackie. Jackie stumbles up and then Amy charges and then looks like she’s going for one of Jericho’s pattern running bulldogs. But Jackie pushes Amy, and Amy goes shoulder first into the ring post and then falls to the mat around the ring in pain holding her shoulder. Jackie has to shake off the moves that she’s gotten so far and then goes over to Amy and then hits a few stomps on the downed Amy into her hurting shoulder and then grabs Amy by the hair and rolls her into the ring. Jackie takes a few moments to rest again, before rolling into the ring herself and then by that time Amy has gotten to her feet holding her shoulder. She stumbles right into Jackie and Jackie hits an arm breaker on Amy. Amy’s down on the mat and then Jackie puts on a Fuji arm bar on Amy’s hurting shoulder. Amy yells in pain, the ref asks if Amy wants to give it up. Amy refuses, Amy looks for a way out of the of the hold. On the outside, Jericho tries to encourage her and starts to hit the apron as a “Lita! Lita! Lita!” chant starts once again. Jackie lets go of the fugi arm bar for a second and then drives a few knee drops into the arm of Amy. Amy screams after every one, obviously she is hurt. Amy then starts to try to find another way out of the hold and then Amy is able to roll Jackie into a school girl after she was trying to bend the arm too far back and gets the 1…………………….2…………….kick out. Amy is up to her feet, tries to shake off the pain in her shoulder and then she gets knocked down by a running diving clothesline by Jackie. Amy rolls on the mat a little bit, and then goes into the corner and sits in it. Jackie then goes over to the corner that Amy’s in and then starts to choke Amy with her boot as the ref counts to 5. Jackie lets go so not to be DQed. Jackie then grabs Amy by the hair and then hits a hair toss out. Amy goes flying and lands, Jackie then waits as Amy stumbles up and then Jackie kicks Amy in the gut and then hits a DDT. Jackie points to the downed Amy, as the crowd is all over Jackie at this point. Then Jackie goes to the ropes, and then nails the LEG DROP OF DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM, Jackie goes into the cover and gets a 1………………2………..KICK OUT, crowd cheers loud. Jackie shakes her head, Jackie picks up Amy by the hair and then Jackie holds Amy up and then slaps Amy’s face. Jackie pushes Amy into the corner, then goes up to the turnbuckle and then starts a 10 punch combo 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,…Jackie stops and does more trash talking, but suddenly Amy comes alive and then now steps out of the ring and has her in position for the Lita bomb. Jackie franticly pounds away at Amy’s face before she can drive her down to the mat. Jackie gets out of the move in front of Amy, Jackie picks up Amy for the F-U. But Amy slides out the back, Amy stumbles back a few steps and then taunts Jackie. Jackie charges in with a clothesline to make sure that Amy doesn’t use this opening to get the advantage. Jackie runs at Amy with a running clothesline. Amy ducks it and then is able to quickly hook, and then nail the reverse of fates!! The fans are going insane as Amy’s on the mat, but is crawling into the cover ]

JR-We could have a new womens champion

King-um…she’s just getting her hopes up

Kris Gaffney-like last week?


[Amy goes into the cover and then gets a 1………………….2…………..kick out by Jackie. Cena on the outside says a few things towards Jackie to encourage her. But both wrestlers are having a hard time in getting to their feet . Jackie is the first to get to her feet, Amy’s on one knee as Jackie throws a punch to get the advantage back, but Amy blocks it and then hits a big bitch slap on Jackie. Jackie stumbles back and then Amy hits a few hard forearms to the face, Jackie is on the ropes. Amy doesn’t want to stop the forearms. But the ref tells her that she will get DQed if she doesn’t stop, Amy looks at the ref and shrugs her shoulders. But Jackie uses this chance to turn the tables on Amy and then Jackie hits a few fists and then measures up a few hard fists and then follows it up with a few hard forearms to the face to Amy and then whips her to the ropes. Amy bounces off the ropes, Jackie sets up for some move. But it’s then countered into a the leg scissors hurricanarana. Jackie bounces off the mat after getting her head driven down on it, stumbling around and then Amy kicks her in the gut and then sets up Jackie and then nails the whiplash DDT. Amy goes into the cover and gets the 1…………………….2…………Amy pulls Jackie up then mouths “it ain’t over yet”. Amy starts to pound Jackie on the mat and then picks her up and body slams her. She then goes to the outside and climbs to the top, Jackie stumbles up. Just as Amy stands on the turnbuckle getting ready for the move and Jackie just so happens fall on the ropes as she’s stumbling. Making Amy falls on the top rope, Jackie hangs on the top rope for a little bit. But after a while gets a smile, and then goes over to where Amy is and then starts hammering Amy a few times while she’s on the top turnbuckle, and then climbs up. Jackie goes for a super plex……BUT IT’s blocked by Amy, and it turns into a cross body block on Jackie and Amy holds Jackie for the 1…………………2……………..kick out]

JR-Almost three! So many near falls by both women

King-Both of them hate each other, and don’t want to lose

Kris Gaffney-BITCH FIGHT!

[Amy gets up, she looks somewhat tired. But then decides to tell everyone that she’s going to end the match here. Jackie stumbles up, and stumbles back into the Amy who sets up Jackie. Amy signals for the Reverse of fates, but Jackie before she can hit it twists around in Amy’s arms and then picks Amy up and drives her down for the F-U! Jackie smiles as she see’s Amy’s seemly unconscious, Jackie goes into the cover and gets the 1………………………2……………KICK OUT!! The crowd cheers loud as Jackie has a look of disbelief, Jericho gets a “Lita!” chant going. Jackie gets up not knowing what else to do, she looks to Cena who seems to tell her to go for the F-U again. Jackie nods, Jackie pulls up Amy by her hair. Amy still seems like she’s out of it. Jackie picks up Amy on her shoulders, goes over faces the camera and Jericho says something, then goes for the F-U….as Amy is falling she counters the F-U with an arm drag release that gets the fans to chant “Lita!” again. Jackie gets up fast, as Amy comes to life on her feet once again. Jackie charges at Amy. Amy takes Jackie down with a double leg take down and then turns Jackie over for the Walls of Jericho. Jackie is screaming in pain, she starts to crawl towards the ropes. But then Amy pulls her back before she gets to the ropes. Jackie then tries again, but then just before she can make it, looks like she’s about to tap. But decides against it for a last ditch effect at the ropes and……..she grabs the ropes, but Amy’s ignoring the ref’s orders to let go, and then tries to pull Jackie off the ropes. As she looks like she’s enjoying inflicting the pain too much. Before the ref can DQ Amy, Jackie is able to crawl to the outside, Amy goes with her. But as she falls to the arena floor and then Amy holding on and then turns her over and then puts her in the Walls of Jericho once again. The ref starts to use his 10 count 1……………….2………………..3…………………4………..

King-JR! She snapped again!

JR-I don’t know what’s more important to Amy right now, the womens championship or inflicting the most pain on Jackie.

Kris Gaffney-pain.

[Jackie is screaming in pain as Amy is holding on to the hold yelling things about what she did last week. Jackie’s surprisely is not tapping on the outside (not that it would count anyways) and then the ref reaches the 10 count and throws the match out. But Amy’s holding on to the hold. Suddenly Cena seeing the match is over looks like he’s going to make Amy release the hold himself. But Jericho turns him around and cuts him off, both Jericho and Cena exchange fists as officials pour out and try to get Amy to release the Walls of Jericho. It takes a good group, but finally their able to make it happen. Jericho comes over to Amy puts his arm around her, she seems really tired after the match…but is still looking down at the damage done to Jackie. The Other World back peddle to the top of the stage together, Jericho rises her arm in the air as “Lovefurypassionenergy” blasts on the PA system. The fans cheer, Jericho and Amy after a time then turn away and walk to the back together.]

“Metalingus” blasts on the PA system as Wes and Kincaid walk to the ring

JR-Wes and Kincaid have been waiting for this opportunity for a long time

King-We couldn’t have him wait a little longer?

Kris Gaffney-no

King-AAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWW *hits the super kick on JR*

“bad, bad man” blasts on the PA system as Cena walks to the ring with Nick. Cena looks pissed

JR-Miss Jackie is not with Cena after that last match with Vice President Amy Dumas.

King-I’m sure Cena’s not going to be in the best of moods after what happened

“Down with the sickness” blasts on the PA system as Angelus and a hooded man walks out takes off to reveal…..A man with a mask man! (fool yoooouuu HA! HA! HA!)

King-A masked man?

JR-Shut up King

Kris Gaffney-He faked us out there…that was great

“Shrina theme” blasts on the PA system as Cloud and Tidus walks to the ring

JR-Tidus last week lost to Dante, but it was a good match

King-JR…they could lose every match and they would still have the Final Fantasy falling

Kris Gaffney-Even the writer makes out for them

“St. Anger” blasts on the PA system as Dewey Pond walks to the elimination chamber…but looks to the entrance and then “time of the season” blasts on the PA system as a figure steps out from the shadows into the light and it’s the former IC champion Shady Shane.

JR-It’s Shady Shane!

King-I thought he was dead, or was it that he was emotionally scarred when CM Punk stole his parking spot…forgot which one

Kris Gaffney-I’ve only heard the name…

[Tidus and Cloud are on one side of the ring and then Dewey Pond and Shane are on the other. They take trash a little bit and then the teams charge at each other and then Cloud and Tidus exchange fists with Pond and Shane. Pond and Shane gain the advantage and then back to the ropes and then Pond and Shane whip Cloud and Tidus to the ropes, Cloud and Tidus bounce off the ropes and then Pond and Shane hit a stereo back body drop and Cloud and Tidus crash on the mat and then Tidus rolls out of the ring and then Cloud stumbles up right towards Pond and Shane. Pond picks up Cloud and slams him on the mat and then Shane goes to the ropes and coes off the ropes and then hits a big splash as Pond hits a leg drop on Cloud. Shane goes into the cover and then gets a 1……………………..2……….kick out. Cloud stumbles up after a time and then into the corner and then Shane goes to the outside of the ring and then to the steel floor where Tidus is, Tidus then hits a low blow on Shane before he can hit another move and then takes Shane by the hair and then throws him against the side of the cell as Pond pounds Cloud while the corner and then brings him out of the corner and then whips him to the ropes, Cloud bounces off the ropes and then Pond hits a hip toss and then Cloud stumbles up and then Pond measures up and then hits a clothesline over the top rope and then Pond gets up on the top rope and then waits for Cloud to get up. Cloud stumbles up and then Pond leaps off the top rope for a top rope axe handle. But then Cloud counters with a fist to the gut and then Pond goes down to the steel flooring. Cloud hits a few stomps on the downed Pond. Cloud picks up Pond and then sets him up and then hits a snap suplex on the steel side and then Tidus is on the other side and tries to whip Shane to the ring post, but it’s reversed and Tidus falls on the steel floor and rolls back into the ring. Shane gets into the ring and then Tidus stumbles up and then Shane calls for the Shady Tree. Tidus stumbles up, but then Tidus is able to fight out of the move by fighting out of it and then hits a few fists and then whips Shane to the ropes, bounces off the ropes and then Tidus hits a drop kick on Shane. On the outside Cloud has Pond a single leg boston crap as the count down starts 5……………………4……………………..3…………………..2……………….1]

JR-Here comes the next team

(it stops that it’s MDK and Neddie)

King-Well this should be interesting, they should be….rested

Kris Gaffney-Yeah, they saved their breath all week

[MDK and Neddie come out of the cage and then MDK hits Pond from behind making Pond release the hold and then MDK hits a few stomps on the downed Cloud and then Neddie is doing the same thing with MDK and then MDK pulls up Pond and then picks him up and then hits a body slam on Pond on the steel floor. Pond is in pain and then, Cloud stumbles up and then Neddie and MDK pulls up him the rest of the way up by one of his spikes and then takes him and throws him into the steel side of the cage and then MDK comes into the ring and then Tidus and Pond hit a double clothesline and then Tidus is the first person to get to his feet. MDK then hits the down stream, MDK looks to Neddie and Neddie knows what MDK is calling for. Neddie climbs to the top rope and then leaps off for the frog splash, but Tidus moves out of the way and then Neddie goes crashing into the mat. Tidus rolls out of the ring. Pond drop kicks MDK in the back, he stumbles and falls out of the ring, and then Neddie then stumbles into Pond, and Neddie gets hit by Dewey Pond and then gets hit with the Dew drop and gets the 1……………….2……………3. MDK and Neddie are gone and then Dewey goes to the outside and then hits a few stomps on the downed Tidus. Dewey picks up Tidus by the hair and then throws him hard into the place that held MDK and Neddie just a little while ago. Tidus bounces off and then Dewey Pond kicks Tidus in the gut and goes for a vertical suplex and then Tidus falls in the back of Pond and then Tidus pushes Pond into the place where MDK was and then Dewey stumbles back out and then Tidus hits a reverse DDT on Pond. Tidus stays sitting, because he’s been beating down lately. We go into the count down 5………………………4………………….3………………..2…….1……….the next team coming out of their part of the cage is John Cena and Dude Nick. Cloud reeling on the ropes and then Shane comes charging at him and then Cloud counters with a back body drop on Shane into the ring. Dude Nick takes Cloud and then body presses him over his head and then throws him into the side of the cage and then Shane stumbles up in the ring and then Cena is there. Shane stumbles up and then Cena runs behind Shane and then hits the throw back.]

JR-Throw back

King-It’s over

Kris Gaffney-If not, then it’s oooooooooo-KAY

[Cena goes into the cover on Shane and then gets a 1……………………..2……………kick out. Cena waits for Shane to get up, Shane does and then Cena hits a few fists and then whips him to the ropes, but it’s reversed and then Shane bounces off the ropes and then Shane goes for a clothesline. Cena ducks it and Shane turns around right into pick up and then hits the F-U. Cena goes into the cover and gets the 1………………..2……………..3. On the outside Dude Nick has lifted up Cloud for a choke slam, and then choke slams him into the ring. Dude Nick steps over the ropes, waits for Cloud. Cloud stumbles up after a time and goes into the corner and then Dude Nick hits a few fists on the cornered Cloud and then Dude Nick whips Cloud to the opposite side of the ring and crashes into the corner and then Dude Nick charges in with him and then Cloud gets his boot up and then Cloud pulls himself on the second rope and then leaps off and nails a second rope missile drop kick that knocks down Dude Nick. Cloud gets up and then runs to the ropes and Nick’s getting up and then hits a clothesline. Cloud goes to the other side of the ring bounces off as Dude Nick gets up and then Nicks gets knocked down with another clothesline. Cloud waits for Dude Nick to get up and then Cloud kicks him in the gut and hits a DDT. Cloud then calls for the final leg drop to finish off the Omnislash and goes for it and misses. Cloud stumbles around in pain, as Dude Nick gets up and then Dude Nick kicks him in the gut and then hits the Dudemeister, Dude Nick goes into the cover and gets the 1………………2…………..3]

JR-Dude Nick and Cena are the only ones in the match right now, guess they can rest

King-The rest of the teams just destroyed each other, Cena and Nick picked up the scraps

Kris Gaffney- probably getting out fustrations of what happened in the Jackie and Amy match.

[Cena and Nick just sit back and wait for the next team to come in……after a little bit, the clock wides down 5……………4…………….3……………2………….1…..the next team is being picked. It’s DTC, Wes and Kincaid come out of their place and then step into the ring on opposite side and both teams of Cena and Nick and DTC have a stare down. Then they start brawling, both members of DTC are on the defensive Wes is being pounded in the corner Cena. But then Wes turns the tables on Cena and then measures up and then hits a loud knife edge chop that echo’s through the arena. Wes takes Cena out of the corner and then whips him to the ropes and then Cena bounces off the ropes and then Wes lowers his head and then hits a back body drop. Cena crashes, on the other side of the ring Dude Nick has Kincaid in the corner and is choking him with his boot and then he lets the choke go and then Kincaid stumbles out of the corner and then Kincaid whips Kincaid out of the corner and then Kincad bounces off the ropes and then Nick goes for a clothesline and then Kincaid ducks it and then continues to the other side and then bounces Kincaid leaps in the air and then goes for a cross body block and then catches Kincaid in mid air and then takes a few steps and then Dude Nick hits a fallaway slam. Kincaid goes flying across the ring and under the bottom rope and then Dude Nick. Measures up and then charges and then hits the big boot Kincaid stumbles back and then hits the chambers side and bounces back stumbling to the ropes where Dude Nick is waiting and then Dude Nick sets up and then hip tosses him back into the ring]

King-Well, that’s one way of bring Kincaid back into the ring

Kris Gaffney-I think if it was up to him, he would have done it another way

JR-The clock is widing down, you both notice that?

[The clock is around 20 seconds left, Wes is on the second rope and then drives Cena down to the mat with a tornado DDT. Wes goes into the cover and gets a 1………………..2………Dude Nick interrupts by kicking Wes in the cover, the clock is down to 5……………..4………………3…………….2…………1. There is only one team left, and it’s Angelus and masked man. masked man come into the ring and then Angelus hammers away at Dude Nick and then masked man hits a a few hard fists to Wes and then whips Wes to the ropes and then Wes bounces off the ropes. masked man goes for his spinning punch, but it’s ducked by Wes and then Wes goes to the other side of the ring and then bounces off as masked man turns around and Wes hits a flying clothesline on masked man. masked man stumbles up and then Wes kicks masked man in the gut and then hits a DDT. Wes gets up, as Angelus is still pounding on Dude Nick and then Wes comes from behind Angelus and then hits a running forearm to the back of the head. Angelus stumbles and then turns around Wes starts to pound Angelus furiously and then Angelus backs up to the corner and then Wes tries to whip him to the opposite side of the ring. Angelus charges in and then Wes gets a boot up and then Angelus goes into it and then Wes pulls himself up on the second rope and then waits for Angelus for a second and then Wes hits a flipping neck breaker from the second rope, Wes knowing that probably won’t take down Angelus hits a few stomps on the downed Angelus and then Angelus stumbles into the corner and then Wes starts the 10 punch combo 1………………..2…………..3…………4………….5…………..6…………7…………8……..9……10. Wes gets down and then Wes watches as Angelus takes a few steps forward and then Wes takes Angelus and then hip tosses him out of the corner and Angelus goes crashing on the mat]

JR-Anyone surprised that Wes went after Angelus


Kris Gaffney-I’ve haven’t been around even a year…yet I’m not surprised.

[On the outside of the ring, on the steel flooring Cena tries to whip Kincaid to the ring post. But it’s reversed and then Cena goes crashing into the ring post. Cena stumbles around after hitting his head on the ring post and Kincaid takes down Cena with double leg take down and then sets him up and then puts on the Kincaid coverleaf. Dude Nick comes into the screen and then knocks Kincaid with a running big boot and then Kincaid falls to the ground as Dude Nick stomps on the downed Kincaid. Suddenly masked man comes from behind and then turns him around and then starts hitting fists, Dude Nick blocks one and answers back with a head butt and then masked man stumbles back and then Dude Nick grabs him by the neck and looks like he’s setting up for a choke slam. But then Wes comes from out of no where and then shoulder blocks on Dude Nick, Dude Nick is limping and then masked man and Wes look at each other and then at Dude Nick and then kicks Dude Nick in the gut and then hits a double DDT on Dude Nick on the steel. Cena is stumbling up and then Wes and masked man take him and throws him against the steel. Wes comes into the ring and then see’s Angelus getting up by the ropes and then Wes knocks him over to the ropes and then inside the ring Kincaid is being pounded on by masked man. masked man tries to whip Kincaid off the ropes, but Kincaid reverses the whip and then catches him for a spinning spine buster. Then Kincaid looks to Wes, Wes nods as Kincaid puts masked man in the Kincaid coverleaf as Wes climbs to the top rope]

King-Oh no JR! It’s that…crazy..launch thing..

JR-Since when did you watch Wes’ promo’s?

King-um….since never?

Kris Gaffney-And what’s this?

*Kris pulls up a foam finger that says “Wes #1”


[Wes leaps off and then connects with the coast to coverleaf. Kincaid still holds it on, the ref is going to check if masked man is out to eliminate him and Angelus. But suddenly Cena comes into the ring and then hits a clothesline to Kincaid knocking him off the move. Wes recovers and then starts to club on Cena, and then Cena turns around and then is by the ropes and then Wes hits a few fists while Cena is on the ropes. Wes whips Cena off the ropes, Cena bounces off and then Wes catches him up for the set up for the full nelson slam, and looks like is going to hit the move. But then Cena hits a back maul kick, and then hits a low blow on Wes. Wes stumbles around in pain, and Cena picks up Wes and drives him down for the F-U. Kincaid tries to stop Cena from getting the pin on Wes. But then Angelus comes out of no where and then knocks Kincaid to the outside of the ring with a clothesline and then Angelus goes over and the two start battling as Cena goes into the cover on Wes and then gets the 1…………………..2……………..3 on Wes. Cena looks around, then see’s Kincaid and Angelus are still battling, Cena quickly goes into the cover on the mystery person who is out from the coast to coverleaf and then Cena picks up the scraps and gets the 1…………………2………….3 before anyone even realizes it.]

JR-Cena picked up the scraps of what was left of masked man , and now is one half of the tag team champions.

Kris Gaffney- Guess when you see an opening, you gotta take it…

(Wes gets up and goes over to the downed masked man, knowing that he has got nothing more to lose and he’s interested to see if he was right (OOC-sorry Ashlee, I figured you wouldn’t mind, if not I’ll be sure to change it to someone else. Cool?) takes off the mask to reveal the face of…………..SCOTT HALL….the PPV goes off with that.)

(OOC-OK, I want to tell everyone that this decision literally took me and another person till Thursday night to come to. It was that hard, so really I want to take the rest of my week off and rest, and not have to go into conv’s where I’m yelled at for not agreeing with certain people (I’m not pointing at anyone. Just in general, because I know the hype in this particular match (all you need to do is check the OOC board to see that). So I don’t want any grief, so here is the best and only explanation that I will give for the decision we made. To be completely honest, I was more for Cena’s RP than the other person, he actually liked Angelus and the mystery person’s better. But he was between Angelus and Cena for a while, so he had no problem coming to agreement on Cena’s team. I know everyone knew that inside the top three teams, that few people are going to have a problem with anyone who won. So I doubt that’s going to be questioned, I know what’s going to be questioned… Dude Nick’s RP. I’ll try to explain this to the best of my ability, but I don’t mean to offend anyone, so if I explain it wrong, just know I didn’t mean anything by it and leave it at that. Like I said, just say I viewed this particular situation different than some people. This is how I viewed that situation, to me the fact it was incomplete is a technicality only. The fact of the matter is that besides from the fact it was not quite finished, it was a solid RP. If you read the RP was about 80% about the match in general anyways, and if you want to be technical you could tie to everyone. While yes there is certain amount of points you gotta take off for it not being finished and not mentioning everyone. I don’t believe that it should automatically be labeled “shit”. I choose to take the positives in this case, and simply add to what Cena had. So the answers to the question are…Did Cena carry the team for the most part? Yes. Would Dude Nick be on the winning team with any other partner? Probably not. Was Cena completely alone? No. That’s everything I can say about this situation, I don’t want grief over it. I believe that two generation of EMF owners gave you our best judgment on this match. Also, great job to everyone (not just in the chamber) that RPed this week…very successful PPV!