EMF: Survival of the Fitest

*Copyright information flashes over the screen, as the EMF logo appears on the screen and then fades. We then go into a video package about the Elimination chamber, how some of the matches came about and the revealing of the new Vice President of the EMF. We then fade into the darken arena where pyrotechnics blasts off. Then the lights turn back on and we go to the ring. The Highlight reel set is set up in the ring. There are a lot of security guards surrounding the ring and a few in the isle. Suddenly the lights start to flicker and then turns off completely as the crowd cheers)

The EMF tron turns on with the image of an eye openning. As "Other World" blasts on the PA system, the lights turn back on and Chris Jericho is standing with his back turned to the crowd with his arms out stretched with the RWA-WWF hardcore champion in one hand. Jericho spins around a few times and then look out to the crowd as they give Jericho a loud cheer, Jericho then puts the RWA-WWF hardcore title on his shoulder. Jericho walks down to the ring, soon followed by Raptor. Raptor catches up to Jericho ringside and then slides into the ring and then Jericho goes to the ring steps and slowly steps up the steps slowly and on to the apron. Jericho walks into the middle of the apron and then Jericho looks out to the crowd and then Jericho steps inside the ring and then avoids the Highlight reel set and goes to the other side of the ring and takes the RWA-WWF hardcore title off his shoulder and then slowly raises it over his head with both arms. Raptor stands off to the side as this is happening. The lights the turn to normal and "Other World" turns off as a "RWA! RWA! RWA! RWA!" chant goes up over the crowd. Jericho takes a microphone and says)

.::"Y2J" Chris Jericho::.-Welcome to the Highlight reel!!!!

(crowd cheers as the usual video plays to open the Highlight reel and then we go back to normal)

.::"Y2J" Chris Jericho::.- Before I get to my guest here on the Highlight reel, I would like to say a few words to Jarrett. Now I know what you people are thinking, Y2J how did you pull it off. Well I can't take all of the credit....well actually I can take most of it. Because I played the system like no other ever in the Extreme Measures Federation. You see the theory I have been talking about this whole time, the Other World theory. There are actually rules in the Extreme Measures Federation rule book to prevent two versions of the same person from ever happening. Jarrett not only did the RWA's Amy Dumas and myself make you look pathetic after the match, we proved how much of a pathetic CEO you. Because it's you Jarrett who goes around like a watch dog. You want to use your power to put yourself over the other Extreme Measures Federation superstars. Jarrett even though you like to be the watch dog with your powers, I brought the RWA version of Amy and completely snuck her right under the rader. I did it under your nose Jarrett and have been playing the rules you oh so like to protect. For that it shows what a complete waste of the CEO position you are Jarrett, because you have took it apon yourself to enforce those rules and you failed. You were once again out smarted by "The Highlight of the Night","KING of the WORLD", and "the Last Corporate Hitman", "Y2J" Chris Jericho! You're not only a failure as the CEO of the EMF, but you been a failure pretty much your whole career. But I get to that in a second, Jarrett I have been waiting for a long time for this Jarrett. I always dreamed of the day when I could see the stupid look on your face when I showed you how stupid you truely are for letting someone play the system like I did with Angelica Boycott. But Jarrett I had to wait for that day, I had to wait for the time for your Amy to get the hell out of the Extreme Measures Federation so that Angelica Boycott may claim her true identity. But along the way you know what Jarrett a lot has happen between us in the year I have been in here, hasn't it? I mean you come in trying to be a "hero" to the Extreme Measures Federation. What happen Jarrett, you were made to look like the jobber you always were before you decided to leave the EMF. It's not like it wasn't expected Jarrett, I mean did you really think you could beat a true legendary stable Jarrett? I know how you go around priding yourself on calling yourself a Legend, but the true is your nothing more then a legendary joke and you were shown to be as such by the New World Order and Jarrett guess what....it's your own fault jackass! Jarrett you were just someone that came out of no were that has always had a huge ego, Jarrett don't think I didn't know about you when you came back to the EMF. In fact as soon as you made your return to the Extreme Measures Federation I knew exactly what you were. One of the biggest egomaniacs in this version of the world. I mean you didn't even take time to even know your opponents. No....no Jarrett you simply came in there and said *stupid mocking voice* some real legends have come to take the spotlight I left, maybe if I call myself a hero I will get over with the people *end stupid mocking voice*. I mean you didn't even spend time learning what the New World Order was all about, you didn't view it for the stable it truely was in the EMF. No that would take up what little brain cells you have Jarrett. So you injected yourself into the battle between the Extreme Measures Federation and New World Order and what happen Jarrett? To borrow the words from my former Other World stable member you were left "just another victim to the New World Order". Jarrett you were just the bug battle field that the New World Order stomped on. So after you were defeated what you do after the New World Order left that battle field. You had the nerve to try to take over that battle field for the few of the nWo members that stayed in the Extreme Measures Federation and claimed it as your own. You really thought you got one up on me junior, huh? Well I don't think so, because what happen to the New World Order that you took over. They took the form of their so called "leader" and became a joke, because their members jobbed, jobbed and jobbed some more. New World Order Jarett? More like the job squad to me! I mean you took something in the history of the EMF and you made it into a joke Jarrett. But don't worry Jarrett, the books will never remember your New World Order Jarrett and if it is, it will simply be known like the 4th version of Degeneration-X and that's when jobbers such as Big Mastadon and Titan took a great stable and made it a joke and when it was all over we were all just happy that the pain of seeing a great stable turned into nothing end. That's how your New World Order will be remembered if it is at all, you will go down with Big Mastadon and Titan Jarrett as one of the biggest jokes in the Extreme Measures Federation history. I mean you said it yourself that around that time you "hit rock bottom". But Jarrett since when were you anywhere but? Jarrett it was simply so bad then that even you had to admit it to yourself! But Jarrett let me make something perfectly clear to you in your career in the Extreme Measures Federation you are a nothing. Oh sure you have some titles to your credit, but Jarrett who wouldn't if they been around as long as you. Jarrett unlike what you believe yourself to be, you are nothing special here in the Extreme Measures Federation. Because as many titles you won, you will just remembered as a guy that did just that, won titles...won a few matches....wasn't overly dominate. Jarrett you never once changed the course of Extreme Measures Federation like I have. You never once changed the way the game way played and you never even had a feud that left people in awe. No you're just going to be remembered as a guy that was here and won titles, did nothing special, other then show he had the biggest ego in the history of the EMF. I mean come on Jarrett, if it was up to you. You would be in the Hall of Fame the moment you steped into the EMF. Because of what, because you could bitch your way to a title shot in your rookie year, gain the world championship and then lose it a week later or was it for what you did in DCW. You know no offense to Dark Talon, I do have some respect for him. But Jarrett we never gave a rat ass about what the hell you did in DCW, all DCW was a federation full of losers who felt they had to have a death in every promo to somehow make them feel ready to wrestle a match. But it really just showed that you were nothing more then a joke, because from what I know in DCW acting dark and killing people was simply the norm or how about how you keep informing people how you become XWA world champion in your first match. Big deal Jarrett....I won the WIF European and United States championships in their first two shows, they didn't even get a chance to hand out their World championship. But I'm sure I was on my way to that as well. I don't go around reminding people everytime I can. Jarrett here in the EMF your "dark" style of promoing got stale fast and it killed the only character your little brain can handle. I mean Jarrett if it's not Demon Chylde, it's the Legendary jackass gimmick. Yet neither of them have had that much success, so you keep switching between the two hoping one of the failures might be good at one point. Jarrett you will not go down in the EMF for your creativity either, because you have simply done what a million of the past Extreme Measures Federation have already done. Hell you haven't been able to think of one really successful gimmick, much less one that was revolutionary. Jarrett face it junior, when you want talk about legends here in the EMF your not one of them Jarrett. Hell in fact I'm more of a legend then you are Jarrett...you want to know why, why someone like me who's only had really one official match here in the EMF is more a legend here in the EMF then you Jarrett? Jarrett because know you can't figure it out by yourself, so I'll lay it out for you. You see Jarrett I was the master mind of the first real other federation attack against the Extreme Measures Federation. I brought the idea of the Other World theory into the EMF and proved it. I, along with Angelica Boycott changed the course of history. By alrights Jarrett I deserve a spot among the greats in the Extreme Measures Federation more then you do *crowd cheers*. You don't deserve to have your name among guys that raised the bar you have to jump everytime you step into this ring. Don't kid yourself Jarrett, you simply been what everyone else has been. You haven't even raised the bar an inch. You haven't changed the way it is in the Extreme Measures Federation like many of the greats in the EMF, you just happen to be here and win titles. You never made a character that people got behind hated or not, rather you created two characters that people haven't wanted to see for years now. Jarrett I won't say you haven't been apart of keeping the EMF around, but you been here when times were good to ok, when talent ran so thin it could only come down to one great feud to keep the EMF going you ran crying like a little girl because *in a whiny voice* I'm not creative enough to make a feud that carries the EMF *end whiny voice*. So you see Jarrett that's why that even I deserve to be in the Extreme Measures Federation Hall of Fame more then you....but you see unlike you, I won't force myself in like I'm sure you have tried to do on many different occacions. You see Jarrett, I understand that my legacy is in the RWA and Jarrett maybe you should consider your legacy in DCW. Because the only thing you have proved here is that you belong in a federation where they can only be dark, gothic jokes. You see around a month ago, I said that revenge was coming. Jarrett you paid no attention, you went on and said not one word about me. Did you think I was bluffing Jarrett? Huh, well the world saw last week that I was not bluffing! Jarrett my greatest moment came last week after you were through getting your ass kicked once again by Primetime. I proved something to the world. Ever since I have graced this federation with my present I have been telling the world about the Other World theory. But no one thought it was possible, but last week I proved it last week and extracted my revenge. No Jarrett it couldn't be some run in like you would do, because I'm much more creative then that. It had to be something bigger then that, I had to attack you in your weakest spot.....a wound that was just recently closed. To extract my revenge I had to rip open that wound, I knew I could get to you by proving to the Other World theory was indeed fact and I did that by showing the world that Angelica Boycott was in reality the RWA's version of the woman you once loved and recently killed Amy Dumas!!

(Crowd cheers as a chant of "Lita! Lita! Lita!" goes up over the crowd. Jericho looks around and then let's the crowd continue chanting Lita's name. Then raises the microphone and continues talking)

.::"Y2J" Chris Jericho::.- Jarrett when I did that I infected the open wound with a virus...the "Y......2....J" virus. Jarrett all I need to do now is watch you bleed and watch as the virus slowly tears away at your body. Then finally ending your over hyped, jobbing reign here in the Extreme Measures Federation *crowd cheers*. Jarrett don't worry about it, believe me Amy and I have ended a hell of a lot better careers before. Jarrett the blood of one of the biggest legends in RWA history the Godfather are on the hands of Amy Dumas and "the Last Corporate Hitman" Chris Jericho and Jarrett believe me it may be now, it may be later....but the blood of "the Legendary Jobber" Jarred Carthallion will be on our hands as well. Now for the moment all you Jerichohalics have been waiting for, I would like to introduce to you a woman that I would say that I've grown close to since our days in the RWA. Ladies and Gentlemen I give you the greatest womens champion in RWA history and the NEW Vice President of the Extreme Measures Federation....AMY DUMAS!!

("lovepassionfuryenergy" blasts over the PA system as Amy Dumas walks to the stage. Amy gets a mostly cheers, but maybe some boo's mixed in from the fans that paid attention to whole kidnapping of Black Widow Amy does her usual entrance as she would in as Lita. Amy stops at ring sides and then smiles at the cheers she is getting (well mostly cheers at least). Amy then goes over and uses the ring steps and then walks on the apron. Jericho holds the ropes open for her and Amy steps into the ring.

Amy then goes to the turnbuckle and steps up to the second turnbuckle and does her turnbuckle finger gun taunt. Lita steps off the turnbuckle and the lights turn back to normal. Jericho smiles towards Amy and then hands her the microphone. Suddenly a "Lita! Lita! Lita!" chant goes up and Amy raises the microphone to her mouth. )

.::Amy Dumas::.- Around one year ago the history of the Extreme Measures Federation changed when a group called the Other World came into the Extreme Measures Federation. This stable consisted of myself, Jericho and Tazz, we told the world that we were invading the EMF for our fallen federation the RWA. Around this time was the first time we heard of the Other World theory. The general feeling I get from it is that not too many people thought it was true, people believed that it was not possible. Yet there are thousands of different federations out there with a Lita in there, how is this possible? Of course it's the Other World theory, all the versions of Lita are different from each other. Jarred it was a matter of time before the Other World theory was proven. It was just a matter of how long it took for your version Lita to leave the EMF. Jarred, Jericho is right he did play the system more then anyone else in history of the Extreme Measures Federation. When Prez Mike found out of my true identity and he flipped. That was a rule that can't be broken, Jericho threaten to reveal who I was because he was sick of waiting for some guy who brought his version of Lita to work only rarely. Prez Mike worked out an agreement with Jericho, it said that we could not reveal who I really was and in return we got an agreement that disallowed anyone here in the Extreme Measures Federation to kick us out of the EMF or ban us as long as we kept up our part till the day that Jarred's Amy Dumas left the EMF. Jarred that agreement Jericho said he had a month ago goes all the way to the president's office. The highest office in the chain of command here in the Extreme Measures Federation. You see Jarred I decided just to forget about my other indentity until the day your Lita was let go of her contract. I assumed the indentity that I had in the RWA-WCW under the name Angelica Boycott. Until last week that's just who I was, Angelica Boycott and I was going to stay that until the other Lita got out of the picture. That's what happen Jarred didn't it...Jarred it didn't have to be like this. You could have just let Lita off a while ago, before she started killing and I could have just claimed my real identity. But that was too much Jarred wasn't it? Jarred I know when you look at me, you see the killer Amy. But I assure you I'm not that version of Amy Dumas, nor would I want to be. Especially since that would mean I was formly married to spleen boy and I was in love with a loser like you Jarred. I mean seriously if I had to suffer that fate, then I might also go crazy and become the killer that this federation's Amy Dumas became. Jarred because the thought of one of my other versions being in love with either you or Angelus makes me sick to my stomach. So for that reason, I can't help but to feel a little sorry for your Amy Dumas and disgusted at you Jarred. You know this past week I have had fans come up to me and asked if I really not the killer Amy playing another mind game and really the other version of Amy Dumas. Jarred I have heard rumors that even you don't believe that it's possible for even two version of Amy to exsist. Jarred I know you are in trouble with the law because of what you did to the other version of Amy. But the truth is your Amy is still very much dead, six feet under in a casket and I'm here. So you have no choice but to accept the Other World theory as your reality. Last week on Shockwave it was almost like you seen the ghost of Amy Dumas, back from the grave to get revenge on you. But Jarred I'm no ghost and I'm sure not like your Amy. It's kind of funny Jarred, Jericho last year talked about how the Extreme Measures Federations had to face their reality. Which was the reawakening of the New World Order because of what the EMF was at the time. Jarred I'm telling you a year later you must accept your reality. Which from what I hear from rumors are that you and Black Widow are growing back together again. awww....how cute, but Jarred it's funny when it was someone else doing that stuff to Widow you ranted and ranted on how it wasn't right, due to the fact at the time she was your wife. But now the shoes on the other foot isn't Jarred. Now the stuff that Wes was doing while she was married to you Jarred, it's rumored your doing about the same thing with Widow. Seriously face is Jarred, you are hypocrite and as for Widow she's done this twice...doesn't that make you look just a little like a slut Widow? Aw well doesn't matter, because you seem to have to accept that you may be charged with murder and regardless of what is really happening with you and Widow. If the cops really have something on you, the only loving you will be getting soon Jarred is from Road's old cell mate Bubba. Jarred you will have to accept now that I'm here and your Amy is dead and you must accept the fact I'm going to rewrite what people think of when they think of the name "Amy Dumas" and "Lita". I'm going to take all the fustration of watching my name become linked to a killer on you Jarred. When it's all said and done, the first thing that people will think of when they think of the names Amy Dumas and Lita the first thought won't be killer that killed most of Jarreds family. No in fact it won't even be in the first few thoughts. When I'm done Jarred their first thoughts will be "the Extreme Diva", "The Queen of Extreme", "the Vice President of the Extreme Measures Federation" and "the woman that totally humiliated that piece of shit Jarred"! *crowd cheers* Humiliation Jarred....that's how you described the fact the interference made you lose to a rookie in his first match here in the EMF? You go around blamming it on the members of the Uproar? No you can't blame it on anyone other then yourself, it's clear that you took MessiaH lightly and you lost for that reason. So stop point fingers to other people and turn that finger around to yourself, because in reality that's the only person you can blame. But as bad as that was, it's not going to be as bad as what you will have to go through in the coming weeks. Let me say that I hope you get off for what you did to my other version. Because it's pretty easy to see that it was in self defense what you did and it was shown all around the world. So the cops are stupid for doing this a month later anyways. Because Jarred when you come back you will have to respect my power, because as powerful as you are I'm only second to the President in the power chain here in the Extreme Measures Federation. I'm going to book you in a match, no I'm not going to put the odds against you or anything. So it won't be an handicap match or anything, it won't be an overly dangerous match Jarred, because I want to have some fun with you. So don't expect that, but rather it's going to be just like I said it would. It's going to be the most humiliating match of career Jarred and that's saying something, because pretty much your career can be described as humiliating. Because Jarred if and when you return from jail, you will be competing in a mud wrestling match!

King-She wasn't kidding JR!

JR- I guess not.

(Jericho comes up to Amy and whispers something, Amy and Jericho laugh. Amy then regains her train of thought and then raises the microphone up.)

Amy Dumas::.-I'll make it easy on you Jarred and show you who you'll be facing right now in that very special match. Jericho and I searched all around for someone that was "on your level" Jarred. It took us a long time to find someone, but we finally found someone that you could keep up with Jarred. So I would like to bring him out, so Jarred if your watching your opponent in the mud wrestling match will be.....an el Conquistador!!

(el Conquistador walks out to the ring, we then go to the crowd where they get a shot of former EMF superstars Edge and Christian. Edge holds up a sign that reads "los Conquistadores rule!!". Christian then holds up one that reads "As does soda!". El Conquistrador slides into the ring and then Jericho and Amy try to hold their laughter. Then Amy begins talking.)

.::Amy Dumas::.-Oh Jarred just so you don't try to do something with your CEO powers, I'm still not an active wrestler. Just a staff member and Jericho is still under the agreement that was made with Prez Mike. So doesn't it just suck to be you? Now to "the Black Widow", no I don't have anything for you so don't worry about it. But I do have some words for you, I know you are liked around the Extreme Measures Federation. Which is much more then we can say for Jarred right? I know that my standing here must really be hard on you, because everytime you look into my face. Your going to see the Amy Dumas that kidnapped you and scarred you mentally. But Kat, I'm not going to say that the things that I have heard about you and Jarred are exactly true. Because that's just the rumor I have heard around the backstage area, but Kat if those rumors are true....well maybe me being here is what you deserve you little slut. Widow if I find out not to be true, then I will say sorry. But the fact of the matter is this isn't the first time you have cheated on your husband, so what tell me....what can I think? Kat either way your going to have to get use to me, because the queen of extreme is back and I'm going to be here for a long time!!*crowd cheers*

(Amy then walks over to Jericho and hands the microphone. The crowd starts a "Y2J!! Y2J!! Y2J!!" chant, Jericho looks around and then raises the microphone)

.::"Y2J" Chris Jericho::.-Jarrett had you been only been able to use common sense, you may have been able to figure out my plan. I mean after all behind every great KING! There is a equally great QUEEN! Amy did say in very first promo that "she was a bit extreme herself" and now you know why she is Jarrett. But the fact of the matter is that Jarrett....your everything I've been scouting you for. You're lack of brains and creativity can not just be seen in your sorry excuse for a character. Jarrett that is your own fault, so when you look foolish in your next match the only person you have to blame was yourself. Because the clues were there junior, you were just too lazy to put two and two together. But Jarrett for now I'm done talking about you for now, because I've wasted enough time on you. Now I would like to talk about someone different and that is....the Rock *crowd boo's*. First off the Rock I'm surprised I could get through your so called "interviews" you sure haven't changed since the RWA it would seem. Your still the RWA's answer to Sadd Boy, because the only thing your good at is putting people to sleep. So I guess the old saying is true....the more things change, the more they stay the same. Anyways The Rock, you come out here and you have the balls to call myself a washed up has been, speak for yourself junior. Seriously the Rock what have you done since you have stepped foot into the Extreme Measures Federation. Other then you been backstage making yourself look like a jack ass. It would seem you are trying to prove yourself better then the Hall of Famers in the Extreme Measures Federation and to do that without going against each and everyone of them...you simply go after the one that is the most famous in X-Cold. Well what happen the Rock? You finally got X-Cold, someone that hasn't been in a ring in two years. Someone who hasn't had to keep himself in shape to be at the top of the EMF anymore. You have your match and the very fact that X-Cold took everything you could dish out the Rock is pathetic the Rock. Well the Rock I will admit unlike some people *cough* *cough* Jarrett *cough* *cough* you actually did your homework. You found out that X-Cold's weakness was in his family, so you pull his wife from the crowd and rock bottom her. Hey the Rock I got no problem with mind games, but the Rock you let your guard down and got drilled with a guitar by Stephanie McMahon. Then you got beat by a guy that hasn't stepped into the ring in two years and all I got to say junior is it seems to be it's YOU who is the washed up has been. You done all those things in the WWE and Hollywood. But your still suppose to be in your "prime" yet you lost to a guy that never expected to come back to wrestling EVER again. Pathetic the Rock, really pathetic. I really don't care even if you get another match with X-Cold and I don't care about the result of that match. The very fact that a guy like that can still hang with someone who wants to be the "greatest of all time" and who is still an active wrestler shows how washed up you really are the Rock. You might as well quit while you're ahead jerky! In fact where the hell were you when X-Cold was in his prime, I tell you where the hell I was the Rock. I went up against X-Cold, Alex Salvatore, both Tazte boyz and teamed with the 17 world champion "the Game, Stonecold" Steve Austin before I went on to accomplish greatness in the RWA and I know that in his prime the beating you recieved at Dark Horizon would have been nothing compared to what you would have gotten then. So that begs the question why you didn't make this jump from the WWE to the EMF sooner....well Y2J knows the answer. The Rock knows in his heart that he couldn't beat X-Cold in his prime, so he figured so he waited he's been retired for a while and then try to beat him. It would seem that the Rock has also found time to make some insults towards myself. Well the Rock I know why that is....face it your jealous of my greatness. Oh yeah you are the Rock, you know why you are the Rock? Because while you been getting your ass kicked retired Hall of Fame wrestlers. I've been making Extreme Measures Federation history without even stepping into the ring. You talk about being a movie star and a wrestler. I've already said that's nothing that special, there are several of them in this business. But not too many can be a HUGE rock star/wrestler like "the Highlight of the night" Chris Jericho. You know the Rock you brought up an interesting point in one of your interviews though, you said that just because I don't have a contract here in the Extreme Measures Federation....that doesn't mean I can't go to kick your ass. Well your absolutely right the Rock in fact I will take your advice tonight. I will kick your ass, end your career just like Amy and I did to the Godfather in the RWA and I will save all my Jerichohalics the pain of having to see you get your ass kicked again by retired wrestlers. Believe me the Rock, you'll thank me later. Rock prepare to have your career ended tonight, because the Other World awaits you....JUNIOR!

.::"Y2J" Chris Jericho::.-Now before I go and do that, I would like to clear something up for the Rock. You seem to be confused about if we truely are the Other World....or are we the wWo. Well that's something you will have to find for yourself at another time and place. Most likely in a hospital bed after a tear you limb from limb later in the night. But for now the Rock....were neither.

("Break the Walls down" blasts over the PA system as Jericho walks over and holds the ropes for Amy. Raptor, Jericho and Amy walk up the ramp as they clear out the ring for the first match)

"Angelina theme" blasts on the PA system as Angelina walks to the ring

JR-Angelina already has a victory over Sierra, you have got to wonder if she can do it when there is a shot for the title on the line

King-.....guess....so, not really sure what else to say

"Nikki's theme" blasts on the PA system as Nikki walks to the ring

King-Well at least she showed up to wrestle!


King-Man we really should replace you with the Destroyer, he would do about the same job you do

"Sierra theme" blasts on the PA system as Sierra walks to the ring

King-how great is our theme music department...so great

*gets sued by the IBL*

[Nikki and Angelina slowly make their way to the other side where Sierra is backed to the ropes waiting for someone to move. Nikki is the first to move and charges at Sierra, Sierra is able to counter with a back body drop that sends Nikki flying over the top and crashing into the arena floor, Angelina then takes this openning and hits a few hard forearm shots before Sierra can go for another move on her. Angelina gets her stunned and then whips Sierra off the ropes, but Sierra reverses the whip and then Angelina goes to the ropes and bounces off the ropes and then Angelina tries to hit a running clothesline on Sierra that Sierra ducks and then Angelina turns around only to get a kick to the gut and set up by Sierra and then Sierra hits a snap suplex and then goes into the cover. But before the ref can go into the cover and then Nikki reaches into the ring and then pulls Sierra to the outside and then Nikki goes for a fist, but Sierra is able to block it and then hits a few fists of her own and then once Sierra seemly gots Nikki stunned and then Sierra then leads Nikki to the announcers table and then tries to smash Nikki's face into the table. But Nikki blocks it and then sends Sierra's face smashing into the table. Nikki then takes her head and bashes it over and over again on the table and then rolls Seirra in the ring and then Nikki climbs to the top rope and waits for Sierra to get back to her feet. Once she does Nikki leaps off the top rope and then nails Sierra with a cross body block and into the cover and gets a 1............2..............Angelina breaks up the hold. Angelina pulls up Nikki and whips her to the ropes, Nikki bounces off the ropes and then Angelina lowers her head and then hits a back body drop on Nikki. Nikki gets up and then Angelina picks her up and then nails a side walk slam. Angelina sees Sierra getting up near the ropes, Angelina charges at Sierra and then nails a clothesline in the corner. Angelina gets out of the way and lets Sierra stumbles out of the corner and then Angelina hits a running bulldog into a 1...................2.............kick out!]

JR-near fall

King-no shit

[Angelina then takes Sierra and then pulls her up and then hits a few knife edge chops against the ropes and then whips Sierra off the ropes. Sierra bounces off the ropes and then Angelina goes for a clothesline. But Sierra ducks it and then continues to the other side of the ring and bounces off the ropes and then leaps in the air and hits a flying clothesline. Sierra gets up and then waits for Angelina to stumble up and then Seirra picks up Angelina up and then hits a body slam and then Seirra bounces off the ropes and then nails a high leg drop and then Seirra gets up. Nikki comes out of no where and then goes for a fist, but it's blocked and returned by Seirra. Seirra then tries to whip Nikki off the ropes, but Nikki reverses and sends Seirra off the ropes. Seirra bounes off the ropes and then Nikki hits a one person flat jack. Nikki then sees Angelina in the corner and then she does a hand spring back elbow in the corner and then Nikki let's Angelina stumble out of the corner and then Nikki goes to the apron and then climbs to the top rope and then tries to stead her self on the top. But Angelina dives on the top rope and makes Nikki fall on it. Then Angelina goes to the top rope and goes for a hurricanarana (which I believe is her finisher). But Nikki fights Angelina off with a few punches and then pushes Angelina off the top rope and then Nikki takes a few seconds to recover and then steps on the second rope and waits for Angelina as she stumbles around. Nikki then hooks Angelina and then nails a tornado DDT. Nikki goes into the cover and gets a 1..............2........Seirra hits a elbow drop to the back of Nikki's neck to break up the pin. Sierra then pulls up Nikki and then nails a few hard fists to Nikki and tells Angelina to get up. Angelina stumbles after a time, Sierra and Angelina then hooks up Nikki and then takes her over with a double suplex. Sierra and then Angelina then run to opposite sides of the ropes and Seirra and Angelina hits a leg drop/diving elbow combo on Nikki. Angelina gets up and then Angelina throw Sierra to the outside. Then Nikki stumbles up and then Angelina hits a running bulldog off the turnbuckle. (kinda like a stratusfaction) Angelina then goes into the cover and gets the 1..............2..........kick out ]

King-Guess Nikki wasn't stratusfidy

JR-Guess not King

[Angelina then pulls up Nikki and then puts her on the top rope and then nails a hurricanarana off the top rope. Just as this is happening Sierra hops on the apron and waits for Nikki to get up. Nikki stumbles up and then Sierra spring boards the top rope into a hurricanaran pin. Angelina just stands there and does nothing to break up the pin and Sierra gets the 1..............2.............3]

JR-hhhhmmmm something isn't not right here

[Angelina goes over and then raises Sierra's arms to the shock of most of the crowd.]

[Destroyahh comes to the ring. ]

JR - The second in this three way match, weighing in at 225 pounds,, Hacksaw!!! (crowd cheers ***)

[Hacksaw walks to the ring. ]

JR - And third, weighing in at 225 pounds,, Raging Eagle!!! (crowd cheers ******)

[Raging Eagle walks to the ring. Earl Hempner is the referee for this contest. Destroyahh drops Hacksaw with a Gorilla Press Slam on the mat. Raging Eagle gets nailed with a charging axhandle bodyblock from Hacksaw. Raging Eagle executes a pumphandle suplex on Destroyahh. (ring, ring, ring) Hacksaw executes a swinging bulldog on Destroyahh driving Destroyahh's face into the mat. Hacksaw gets back to his feet. Hacksaw knees Destroyahh and rolls back to his feet. Hacksaw gets sidewalk slammed by Destroyahh. Destroyahh puts Hacksaw in the double reverse chinlock. Earl Hempner is checking for a tap out. ... Destroyahh tightens the hold. ... Hacksaw escapes. Destroyahh climbs the cage. Destroyahh moves to the top of the cage. Hacksaw knocks Destroyahh off the top of the cage to the mat. Raging Eagle with a falling splash on Hacksaw. Raging Eagle moves back to his feet. Raging Eagle locks Hacksaw in the odd octopus hold. Earl Hempner is checking for a tap out. ... ... Destroyahh attacks Raging Eagle breaking the hold. Raging Eagle climbs the cage. ]

JR - Raging Eagle can't get a pin at side of the cage. Raging Eagle is pulled off the cage by Hacksaw

[Raging Eagle with a falling splash on Hacksaw. Raging Eagle climbs to his feet. Now Hacksaw standing. Raging Eagle starts to climb the cage. Raging Eagle is pulled off the cage by Hacksaw Raging Eagle grabs Hacksaw's head and arm and delivers a head and arm suplex. Hacksaw gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Raging Eagle. Raging Eagle chants start. Now Raging Eagle standing. Raging Eagle hits Destroyahh with a rolling elbow smash to the face. Raging Eagle with a falling splash on Destroyahh. Raging Eagle gets up. Raging Eagle begins climbing the cage. Raging Eagle climbs to the top of the cage. Raging Eagle moves to the outside of the cage. Raging Eagle is out of the cage. ]

JR - Raging Eagle has won the match!

JR - The winner of this match, Raging Eagle!!!

"Kincaid theme" blasts on the PA system as Kincaid walks to the ring

JR- We haven't seen Kincaid booked in matches lately. So this is a great chance to go after a high profiled title

King-Yeah, but I have a feeling he's going to come up short....aw fuck it *bets on Kincaid*

"Enforcers theme" blasts on the PA system

JR-Even though he hasn't had much luck here in the EMF, Enforcer still has made a huge Impact here in the EMF

King-The way he's going he might give Road a run for his money

[Kincaid and Enforcer lock up, then Enforcer puts Kincaid in a side head lock and then puts as much pressure he can on it. Kincaid looks for a way out of and then pushes Enforcer back to the ropes and then whips him off the ropes. Enforcer bounces off the ropes and then Kincaid lowers his head for a back body drop. But Enforcer counters this with a kick to the face and then Kincaid stumbles and then Enforcer hits a belly to belly suplex. Kincaid then gets up and hits a few hard kicks to the downed Kincaid. Enforcer then waits for Kincaid to get up and then hits a few knife edge chops to Kincaid and then whips Kincaid to the ropes, Kincaid bounces off the ropes and then Enforcer lowers his head and then nails a back body drop. Kincaid gets up holding his back and stumbles into Enforcer who picks up Kincaid and then hits a back breaker. Then Enforcer grabs Kincaid legs and then turns him over for a boston crab. Kincaid screams in pain due to the damage on his lower back already, but Kincaid isn't exactly worn down either to give it up yet. So Kincaid starts to crawl towards the ropes, gets closer and then finally grabs the bottom ropes and the the ref makes Enforcer breaks the hold . Enforcer drags Kincaid to the middle of the ring and then hits a quick elbow drop. Kincaid stays down, so Enforcer decides to get a little cocky and then slowly bounces off the ropes and plays to the crowd and then leaps in the air and then goes for a big elbow drop that Kincaid that Kincaid is able to move out of the way of at the last second. Kincaid is able to take a few seconds to recover and then he rolls to the apron and then uses the ropes to get back up. Enforcer gets up and sees Kincaid as he gets up on the apron and trying to regain control of the match Kincaid goes over there to attack Kincaid. But Kincaid is able to catch Enforcer off guard with a hang man that makes Enforcer stumble back. Kincaid climbs on the apron and quickly climbs to the top rope and then waits for Enforcer to turn around. Once he does, Kincaid leaps off the top rope and then nails Enforcer with a flying diving clothesline that takes down Enforcer. Then Kincaid quickly goes into the cover and gets a 1.....................2.............kick out, Kincaid then pulls up Enforcer who is seemly out of it and then Kincaid puts Enforcer on his shoulders, but before he can hit a move Enforcer slides out his back. Enforcer gains his balance as Kincaid turns around and then charges at Kincaid for a clothesline that Kincaid ducks. Enforcer turns back and then gets a super kick, Enforcer stumbles back to the ropes and then Kincaid charges and clotheslines him over the top rope. Enforcer goes crashing into the arena floor, Kincaid then takes his time to recover a little bit from everything he was hit with thus far and then Kincaid slides out of the ring to where Enforcer is. Kincaid then pulls up Enforcer and then tries to whip him to the steel steps. But Enforcer reverses it and sents Kincaid flying into the steel steps.]

JR-That's the damnest whip into the stairs I seen

King-Yeah, usually it's nothing to get throw in those steps. But I put sold steps this time instead of the weak hallow ones.

[Kincaid stumbles up and then holds his shoulder. Enforcer then picks up Kincaid and then drops Kincaid on his throat on the guard rail and then Kincaid stumbles and then Enforcer rolls Kincaid in the ring. Enforcer slides into the ring and then waits for Kincaid to get up, Kincaid stumbles into the corner opposite of where Enforcer is. Enforcer then charges at Kincaid and then hits a big splash in the corner. Enforcer gets out of the corner and then waits for Kincaid to stumble to him. Once he does Enforcer picks up Kincaid and then puts Kincaid on his shouler and then rams Kincaid back first into the turnbuckle and then puts Kincaid in the tree of woe. Then Enforcer hits a few kicks into the gut and then Enforcer slides out of the ring and then stretches out Kincaids back into the turnbuckle and then finally the ref comes and takes Kincaid down off the tree of woe and Enforcer slides into the ring and then yells at the crowd a little bit and then waits for Kincaid to get back to his feet. Then Enforcer hits a few hard fists to Kincaid that stumble Kincaid and then Enforcer whips Kincaid off the ropes. Kincaid bounces off the ropes and then Enforcer hits a spinebuster on Kincaid.Enforcer then goes into the cover and gets the 1.............2.............kick out. Enforcer then calls for his finisher move]

JR-Looks like Enforcer wants to end the match

King-Wow JR I bet only everyone in the arena and everyone watching on PPV knew that before you told them!

[Thinking that Kincaide isn't quite beat down enough Enforcer pulls up Kincaid and then hits a few fists and then nails few hard punches and then whips Kincaid off the ropes. Then Kincaid bounces off and then Enforcer charges at Kincaid and then hits a unbelievely hard clothesline that quickly floors Kincaid. Kincaid stumbles up and then Enforcer kicks Kincaid in the gut and then puts him on his shoulders and then nails a death valley driver. Enforcer then calls for the Final Enforcement once again. Enforcer pulls up Kincaid and then sets up Kincaid up and the nails the Final Enforcement! Enforcer then goes into the cover and gets the 1....................2................3]

[A strange theme is heard as strobe lights begin to flash around the chamber as the fans knowing whats to come begin to go crazy and a loud roar comes from the crowd. The cage then begins to slowly lower as the steel frame goes around the ring with the cage towering above. The cage then gets all the way down as the crew quickly straps down a couple bolts making sure the cage isn't gonna go nowhere. The music then ends as the lights come up a little bit as the theme of Rob Steelheart is then heard.]

JR: Rob probably has the most to gain out of this match, and tonight he plans on making a bigger name of his self.

King: No chance JR...He shouldn't have showed up like Rock said.

[Steelheart walks in the door as he looks around the cage surroundings as he rest in his corner waiting for his opponents. The theme of Justin Franchize hits as the fans give him a mixed reaction with alot of fans cheering cause they are glad to see him back. Justin walks inside the cage as he stares down Steelheart and enters a chamber.]

JR: Well here is a man we haven't seen in awhile. And I dont know how good of a idea it is for him to make a comeback match in this type of match-up.

King: Well looks like he got a number higher then 2 cause he is entering one of those chambers, so maybe he won't have to be in there the whole time.

[Raptor's theme hits as he hears many boos from the crowd. Raptor is wearing a WWO/Other World shirt, with half the shirt WWO and the other half Other World. Raptor takes off the shirt and enters the chamber as he walks over to Justin's chamber and flips him off and laughs. Raptor then proceeds to enter another chamber.]

JR: Raptor seems to want to prove a point tonight, but will this chamber be too much for him?

King: You think he cares..He is gettin' paid big bucks for being in this match.

[Punisher's theme then hits getting actually a pretty big cheer from the Fresno crowd. Punisher enters the ring as instead of entering a chamber he steps inside the ring. Punisher sits on top of the top turnbuckle as he just smiles at Steelheart who stands in the opposite ring corner.]

JR: Seems it will be Punisher and Steelheart starting this match out. And that leaves one more man to enter before we can officially start this match.

King: Ohhh..Not just a man JR, THE MAN!

[The sounds of organs then hits as fans begin to boo Rock loudly over his not so nice comments he had for Fresno yesterday at the fan festival. "IS COOKIN'" blares in the PA as Rock steps out with the boos picking up a bit more. Rock very slowly strolls down the ramp looking at the cage. Referees try to get Rock to hurry as Rock just gives them a go to hell look. Rock then stops at the entrance of the cage looking it over. As he slowly walks up the steps leading to the door of the chamber, Rock then quickly switches his mind as he walks back down the steps and ask for a water. A crew member hands Rock a bottle of water as Rock takes it up the steps with him as he drinks a bit more out of it and enters his chamber with the water in hand.]

JR: This man's ego needs to seriously be checked. And it will be tonight!...

King: He was thirsty JR! Get off his back!

[The bell then sounds as Steelheart and Punisher circle around the ring as they do nothing but, stare. Punisher then approaches as he and Steelheart lock up. Punisher pushes him back as Steelheart goes on his back, Steelheart just looks at Punisher who covers his mouth laughing. Steelheart gets quickly to his feet as Steelheart just bitch slaps Punisher as Punisher's laughter goes to anger. Punisher comes back with a hard slap as this makes Steelheart to get angered. Steelheart then comes back with a hard forearm shot to the head. Steelheart keeps it up with the forearms as he sends him to a corner. Steelheart backs up and runs in nailing a clothesline as Rock just yawns in his chamber. Steelheart spits on the chamber's plastic which covers the chambers, Steelheart then turns around to see Punisher run at him with a hard clothesline. Steelheart ducks as he reaches back for Punisher's neck hitting a nice neckbreaker. Steelheart turns back around to Rock and throws his arms to say what about that. Rock puts up one finger to say wait a minute as he reaches in his tights pulling out a sharpie. Rock then writes "you suck" on the glass with it being backwards to Steelheart but, still readable.]

JR: What a totally asshole!

King: hahaha, what are you talking about JR he is a entertainer!

[Steelheart picks up Punisher and goes for a kick, Punisher grabs his foot and holds on as he spins Steelheart around to face his back, Punisher then hits a very impressive German suplex which sends Steelheart folded up. Punisher crawls over and gets a couple punches in before picking him up. Punisher then goes to the top as Steelheart quickly jumps for the top rope knocking Punisher down straddling the top rope. Steelheart goes to the outside onto the steel grate which surrounds the ring on the outside. Steelheart grabs Punisher around a necklace Pun is wearing and the other hand grabs some of Pun's tights. Steelheart then tosses Pun off the top onto the hard steel from the top with a bodyslam. Punisher quickly chringes and begins to yell with a look of pain.]

JR: Right down on top of that unforgiven steel!

[Steelheart picks up Punisher who still holds his back with one hand, Steelheart slams the head of Punisher off the cage and then backs him against it. Steelheart goes to send Punisher off the outside of the ropes as Punisher reverses sending Steelheart in, Steelheart goes for a crossbody as Punisher catches Steelheart in mid-air. Punisher then sends Steelheart into the cage with a fallaway slam which sends Steelheart's body slamming off the cage then onto the hard steel floor. Crowd chants "Holy Shit!"]

JR: OH MAN! Steelheart's body just had some double impact.

[Punisher quickly goes right for Steelheart again as he sends him off the ropes again and tosses him into the cage. Punisher gives him a couple kicks on the ground as he sets him up on the outside of the ring in one of the corners. Pun gives a couple more kicks as he backs off, raising his hands telling Steelheart to get up. Steelheart begins to slowly get to as Pun runs in and puts his feet in Steelheart's gut sending him flying in a monkey flip. Steelheart goes flying against the cage dropping down to the steel on his neck! Fans chant "Holy Shit!" once again.]

King: Ok, we already got one dead.

[Punisher lays on the steel as him falling on his back on the steel doing those moves to Steelheart has took a toll on him as well. Punisher slowly gets to as surprisingly so does Steelheart. Steelheart goes stumbling up to the ropes as Punisher from one knee clotheslines Steelheart over the top rope back inside the ring. Punisher picks up Steelheart as he whips him hard to the turnbuckle. In runs Punisher as Steelheart drops his shoulder down and back body drops Punisher back over the top to the steel. Steelheart takes to get his energy back as the countdown begins to go down again with the lights going off and a spotlight going over the 3 chambers..]

King: Whose it going to be?!

[The light then stops as it rest on The Rock's chamber. The crowd begins to cheer loudly as Rock's eyes get huge, as he thought he wouldn't go in so early. Rock is not quick to open his chamber as he looks over to Steelheart as he is chuckling a bit and telling Rock to bring it on.]

JR: It's the Rock! And it looks like he has someone waiting for him.

[Steelheart walks over to Rock's chamber waiting for him to come out as Punisher comes running over slamming Steelheart's head off that plastic which surrounds the chamber. Rock seeing Steelheart down exits his chamber as he takes some quick stomps onto Steelheart. Rock walks over and puts his hand up for Punisher to give him a high five, Punisher just looks at him and shakes his head with his hands on his hips. Rock looks at the crowd and try to convince them to make Punisher believe in him. The crowd boos and screams loudly no as Rock just mouths the crowd mocking them as he turns to Punisher with his hand still high. Rock just shrugs his shoulders and gives Punisher a eye rake. Rock just laughs a bit, pointing to his head. Rock doesn't notice Steelheart behind him as Steelheart just grabs Rock by the back of the neck and tights and sends him face first to the cage. Rock bounces off and turns around to Steelheart as Steelheart hits a snap suplex on Rock which sends Rock bending his back after impact. Rock just yells as Steelheart is slow to get up as the Steelheart still has its effects. Rock slowly begins to get up as Steelheart tosses Rock at his chamber he was in as he goes through the plexy glass. Fans begin to cheer loud as Steelheart looks to see where Punisher is as Punisher comes running in as Steelheart hits a lightin' quick powerslam.]

JR: These guys really need to get off that steel! Take it to the ring boys!

[Steelheart rolls off the steel as he rolls underneath the bottom rope and begins to rest holding onto the second rope. Rock then begins to move in his broken chamber as he comes out stumbling, bleeding like crazy. Rock tries to get some of the blood out of his eyes as he is covered in a crimson mask. Rock stumbles to the ropes as Steelheart reaches over and hooks Rock up for a suplex. Steelheart reaches back and suplexs Rock over the top rope back inside the ring, Rock lays there as Steelheart goes to climb the top rope. Punisher out of nowhere from the outside pushes Steelheart off the ropes as he goes flying off the opposite side where Pun is and crashes into the cage. Steelheart stumbles back as he falls against the ropes falling with his arms getting caught between the top and middle rope. Punisher walks inside the ring as you can see now he has a very nasty cut on his back and one on his forehead. Punisher picks up Rock as Punisher is very slow to pick him up because of fatigue. Rock gets to his feet as out of nowhere he kicks Pun in the gut hits a very fast DDT. When Rock falls to his back he is quick to do a kip up as he smells in the air with the crowd booing. Rock whips some blood from his face as the sweat and blood makes it hard to even see Rock's face. Rock goes out to Steelheart who is still caught up in the ropes, Rock slaps Steelheart in the face a bit as he mocks him a bit more. Rock slaps him again and turns to play to the fans as you then see that Steelheart has free himself. Rock turns around as Steelheart goes to punch but, Rock ducks. Rock then takes out Steelheart's legs as he goes for a slingshot. Rock postions to send him into the cage as he slings Steelheart off but, Steelheart holds onto the cage he begins to crawl up the cage, the crowd "Ahhs" as Steelheart begins to get very high on the cage.]

King: Uhh the match is down here! Turn around ROCK!!!

[Rock turns to see where Steelheart is at as he looks around. Rock then turns around to meet no other then Punisher as he grabs Rock by the neck slinging him inside the ring. Rock backs on his butt telling Punisher to have mercy. Rock then gets up and takes off as he climbs one of the turnbuckles and gets a top one of the chambers. Punisher pursuits Rock as he goes to climb up to face Rock. Punisher gets up top the chamber as there isn't much room for both men, Rock then gives Punisher a kick right to the mid-section as Pun is about to fall off. Rock then gets a idea as he saves Pun from falling off as he then hooks him up for a Rock Bottom! Rock then flies off the chamber with Punisher as he delivers a Rock Bottom off the chamber right into the ring. Crowd begins to chant "Holy Shit!" as Rock and Punisher lay in the middle of the ring. Steelheart still climbs the cage as he is now horizontal about in the middle of the cage.]

JR: I have heard more "Holy.." Well you know chants then I ever have in a match.

King: What the hell is Steelheart doing?!

[Steelheart is now in the middle of the ring as he hangs up on top of the cage about 20-25 feet up! People begin to go crazy as he looks down at Punisher and Rock down in the middle of the ring. Steelheart then lets go with his feet as he hangs just by his arms, crowd "Ahhs" as Steelheart looks down at Punisher and Rock as he lets go and connects all the way off the top of the cage with a leg drop on Punisher. Rock rolls out the way as Steelheart just goes bouncing off as he is barely even moving now [HOLY SHIT CHANTS]. Rock crawls over to Punisher and makes the cover with his limp hand. The referee then slides in and makes the count, {1...2...3!!!}]

JR: Punisher has just been eliminated by The Rock...And I think Steelheart has just broke his leg.

[The countdown then goes down as a light goes back and forth on Raptor's and Franchize's chambers. The light then stops on Franchize's chamber, as Franchize comes running out and runs in the ring making a cover on Steelheart. {1...2..Kickout!!}. Franchize can't believe it as he goes for the cover again and this time hooks the leg, {1...2..Kick Out!!}. Justin then picks him up and goes for a powerbomb as Steelheart reverses and comes out with a DDT. The referees then roll Punisher out of the chamber. Franchize gets to his feet quicker then Steelheart as he gets up and kicks him a bit. Camera then goes over to The Rock as he has now got free and went outside the chamber as they rolled Punisher out. Referees point to the ring at Rock, as Rock just walks off in the aisle way. Franchize sees this as he runs to go get Rock. Franchize runs through the aisle way as Rock just so happens to turn around to get clotheslined by Justin. Justin then brings him close to the chamber as he tosses his head off the outside of the cage. Franchize goes to get Rock back inside as Rock picks up the steps in which lead inside the chamber. Franchize nears Rock as Rock turns around and drills Justin in the head with them. Rock takes a break as he falls over dropping the steps and leans against the guardrail with fans pattin' him. Steelheart begins to crawl for the door as Franchize stands up revealing he is now busted. Justin runs at Rock who is leaned against the guardrail. Rock lowers his shoulder and backbody tosses Justin over the railing as he goes flying high and lands on some fans!]

JR: Thats why this match needs to stay in the chamber!

[Rock turns to see Justin laid out on laying on some fans and some chairs. Rock then turns around to see Steelheart limping at him, Rock begins to look for a getaway as he scales the cage and the fans go crazy. Steelheart chases him, as Rock reaches the top. Steelheart gets close to the top as Rock begins to punch him and kick him trying to send him off the cage. Rock delivers a hard kick which sends Steelheart almost off as he hangs on by one hand. Rock reaches down to punch him as Steelheart rakes Rock's eyes as Rock goes stumbling back. Steelheart climbs up as the fans yelling goes down a bit out of fear of Steelheart going flying off the cage. Rock turns around he takes a punch which sends him down on top of the cage. Rock tries to go crawling off as Steelheart grabs him by the tights making him not go no where. Steelheart takes off his leather belt as he whips Rock's back with it. All of a sudden the crowd begins to get a little louder for some reason as out from the crowd comes Enforcer! Enforcer jumps the guardrail and quickly climbs up the cage and tries to go save Rock is very close to a drop off. Steelheart doesn't see Enforcer as he just points at Rock and then down to the ground with the crowd cheering. Enforcer then turns around Steelheart as Steelheart gives a punch to the face to Enforcer which sends him back. Steelheart comes running not very fast tho as he wants to keep his footing on top of the cage. Enforcer then hits a big boot which sends Steelheart down. Enforcer then picks up Steelheart and nails a knee to the gut as puts Steelheart in a powerbomb postion. The fans begin to go crazy as Enforcer sends Steelheart off the cage with the powerbomb as you hear JR's and King's headsets drop. Steelheart goes flying down as he slams through the table. Fans don't even chant as most sit in totally shock not saying a word. Enforcer looks down at what he done to Steelheart as he just shakes with a grin on his face. Enforcer looks over at Rock as Rock's eyes are huge when he looks at Enforcer. Rock then crawls a bit over to the edge of the cage and looks over with those huge eyes at the fallen Steelheart.]

JR: Someone get out here now! I ain't kiddin'! This guy may die if we don't get em' help soon! Somebody better get out here now!

King: Yeah, this is very serious someone has got to get out here and NOW!

[EMTs rush out as the come over with a stretcher and a base board. As the camera crew gets a shot of the EMTs you can see Franchize leaned on the guardrail in totally shock at what he saw happen to Steelheart. VP Amy Dumas and Prez Mike come down as Amy Dumas has a couple of law enforcers with her as she comes walking down pointing at Enforcer to come down.]

JR: Well newly Vice President, Amy Dumas made it clear that if a Uproar member interfered they be arrested but, that ain't the story..The story is the condition of Steelheart.

[Enforcer climbs down the cage on the opposite side of where the entrance way is at as he just puts his hands out to slap the cuffs on as he just laughs. Fans begin to boo him as Justin Franchize comes out of nowhere when he has the cuffs on and drills him with the chair which sends him down to one knee. Franchize goes to do it again as cops block him off, Rock then climbs down the cage of where the entrance way is as he drills Franchize in the back of the head. Justin and Rock fight near the stage props for SOTF as there as it is kinda a jungle type theme with a glass sign with the SOTF logo on it. Franchize sends Rock's hands off one of the fake Jungle trees as Rock goes down. Justin picks up Rock again and launches him at the same tree as this time the tree topples over as Rock goes flipping with the fake stage tree as fans cheer. Justin gets a couple of kicks in Rock, as the referees are trying to get order in getting both men to the ring. Then the countdown happens as Raptor's chamber opens, Raptor laughs as he lays in the middle of the ring just watching. Justin tosses one of the referees aside as Rock is now wobbly standing near the SOTF logo. Franchize comes running in as Rock arm drags Franchize sending him into the glass SOTF logo which shatters on impact. Fans go crazy as the camera gets a shot of Franchize laying in glass as you can see Rock is bleeding a bit from his arm from the glass. Rock enters the broken glass as he picks up Justin revealing his back to be bleeding severly. Rock tries to drag him back to the ring, but Rock is just to tired. Rock goes in the back as he is gone for a bit, camera goes to Raptor as he walks over and grabs Rock's water and sits on the top rope drinking it.]

JR: Dammit, get him on to the hospital! [Jim Ross talks to some of the medics who still surround Steelheart.]

[A fork lift then pulls up in the back where there lies Justin Franchize. Rock toss Justin on the pallet which sits on the forks as he begins to drive him around the arena's stage props. Rock pulls up to the chamber as he slowly finally gets Justin to roll inside the chamber. Rock kicks Justin a bit as Raptor still sits on the top, Rock nudges Justin with his feet as he rolls inside the ring and Rock makes the cover {1...2..KICKOUT!!}. Fans cheer as you can see finally the EMTs are wheeling Steelheart away. Rock begins to get pissed as he stands up with you seeing him mouth the word "That Sum Bitch!". Rock looks over to Raptor to say are you going to do anything as Raptor just waves at Rock. Rock stomps his foot as he gets himself ready to deliver a Rock Bottom. Fans begin to boo.]

King: Here it comes JR! Rock Bottom!

JR: You know what who cares about the match anymore dammit! This is about a man's life!

[Justin stands as he turns around and sees Rock, Rock tosses his arm up to deliver by Justin elbows his way out as Rock finally releases Rock turns around as Justin hits a Rock Bottom of his own!]

King: NOOO!!!

[Justin goes for the cover {1...2..Broken up by Raptor}. Justin gets up fussing with Raptor as Raptor hits a kick and then goes for a powerslam like move. Raptor goes for a snakeyes as Justin just shoves him chest first off the turnbuckle. Justin turns Raptor around and goes for a kick, Raptor then hits a dragonscrew which sends Justin going out of the ring out onto the hard steel. Raptor climbs the top as he awaits Justin gets up and runs with a punch to Raptor. Raptor stradles the top rope as Justin goes to the otherside of the turnbuckle and hooks Raptor up for a suplex out on the other side of where Raptor is out onto the steel. Justin tries to pull him off but, Raptor holds the top rope. Justin drives Raptor's head to the turnbuckle as he then does a sunset powerbomb off the middle rope on that steel ground which surrounds the ring. Crowd "Ahhhs". Justin rolls back on the inside holding his leg from the last move as he still looks to see if Raptor is down. Justin turns around as Rock is ready for him as he hit a spinebuster. This usually sets up the people's elbow but, Rock too tired to move lays there. The lights then dim a bit as you see the image of a eye opening on the EMF tron and the Other World's theme. Crowd boos as out runs Jericho with a steal chair. Jericho insist the referee open the door as he dont and Jericho just slings his head off the cage sending the referee down. Jericho rips the key out of the ref's hand as he opens the door and slides in. Raptor begins to slowly move as so does Justin and Rock. Justin holds one side of the ropes with Rock holds the opposite side ropes. Raptor begins to slowly crawl in the ring as Jericho runs in and creams Franchize with the chair. Raptor begins to stand but, is all over the place with his walking. Raptor and Jericho surround Rock as Rock just holds his hands up for mercy. Jericho then tosses the chair down and smiles big as so does Raptor. Jericho then shakes the hand of Rock as fans begin to boo like crazy. Rock and Jericho then hug, as Rock turns around and shakes Raptor's hand. Raptor then points at Justin and then the chair, as Rock walks over to Justin Franchize's limp body.]

JR: WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?! Everyone wants to know if its WWO or Other World with Jericho and Raptor?! Will the answer is clear now, its neither..ITS UPROAR!

[Rock drives the chair down a couple more times in Justin's chest as he makes the cover as the referee is slow to count. Jericho yells for him to count as he slides down and goes to count {1...2...3!!!}]

[Raptor then high fives Rock as he then lays down and Rock then sets up for what looks like to be the people's elbow on Raptor. Rock takes off springing off one sides of the ropes to the other as he goes to drop the elbow but, instead just extends his arms with 2 birds coming from each hand. Rock doesnt even drop the elbow as he drops to his knees and covers Raptor, {1...2...3!!!}]



[The bell sounds as Rock's theme hits and Raptor quickly gets up laughing. Raptor and Jericho help Rock up as Rock is near passing out from blood loss. Jericho and Raptor holds Rock's hands up as from the back walks out Amy Dumas with Enforcer! Enforcer just spins the cuff on his finger laughing a bit and making fun of the crowd.]

JR: This was nothing more then a set up! All of it! And what kills me almost then all of it is that Enforcer isn't going to jail for what he did to Steelheart!

[Enforcer and Amy enter the cage as Amy request something from the crew member. The crew member hands Amy over to champagne bottles as Amy hands one over to Jericho as he shakes it up and pops the cork and begins to spray it on Rock. Rock barely even knows where he is at as Rock leans against the rope about to pass out it looks like. Jericho looks over at Franchize's body as he looks at Enforcer and points for him then to Justin and then to the outside to the steel. You hear Jericho mouth the word "Silencer!" as fans begin to boo at what is going on and begin to toss trash as it bounces off the cage.]

JR: Dammit! You've done enough damage for tonight, this is too much!

[Enforcer sets Franchize up for the powerbomb as lifts him up and all of a sudden the lights go out and fans begin to cheer loudly. The lights then turn on as no other the Wasabi stands drinking champagne all by himself over 4 men's bodies (Enforcer's, Rock's, Jericho's, and Raptor's) Wasabi chugs the champagne as he and Amy are the only ones standing, Wasabi hands the bottle over to Amy as if to say you want some. Wasabi then walks her way as he backs her in a corner. Amy has no where to go as Wasabi just laughs at Amy who is just shaking in the corner. Wasabi throws the bottle back as he takes another big drink of it and as he does the lights go off. The lights comeback on with Amy still shaking in the corner but, Wasabi no where to be seen. Amy peaks to see if he is there as she don't see him and walks over to see how the rest of Uproar is doing. The camera then shows the copyright as the last shot of Survival of the Fittest is the bottle of champagne Wasabi was drinking from is now resting on Rock's chest.]