EMF: Return of an Era 06

(A highlight video plays as it goes into how all the matches came about, finally we go into an introduction video. It ends with an announcer welcoming us to Payback 07. We go into the darken arena as pyrotechnics blasts on the especially made stage. It ends, and fans yell and hold up their signs. Some read that "Crae ate my baby", "I'm the mystery man", and "I bought this poster with Marc Mead's lunch money".)

JR-Welcome to Return of an Era, and what a show we have for you tonight.

King-Yeah, this is the most unpredictable event of the year….we tend to see a few old faces around this time.

Kris Gaffney-Like Crae?

King-I don't think he counts, but CM Punk counts!

(The lumberjacks are all surrounding the ring already, as "Muhammad Hassan's theme" blasts on the PA system as Muhammad Hassan's walks to the ring with Davari who joins the heel lumberjacks.)

JR-A week ago Muhammad Hassan was able to steal a win over TTT

King-Well that's why we are having this match, now everyone has an equal share of people at ring side

Kris Gaffney-Hey King, I think I see your Mom…

King-No Kris….that's Mark…nevermind…

("TTT's theme" blasts on the PA system as TTT walks to the ring without Candice.)

King-Glad Candice isn't out here.

JR-That's odd, why not?

Kris Gaffney-Probably has something to do with MDK…

King-No…if she thought she was getting crushed before, that was nothing compared to this match.

[TTT and Muhammad Hassan look around at their surrounding as the various lumber jacks. Muhammad Hassan complains to the ref, about something. Obviously he isn't feeling very comfortalbe with the fact that there are other people around the ring. The ref responses, but with this TTT hits a few fists to the face, Muhammad Hassan ducks one of the punches and then TTT turns around and Muhammad Hassan hits a big head butt. Muhammad Hassan goes down to the mat, and then TTT stumbles to his feet. Muhammad Hassan stumbles to his feet, and charges at TTT going for a clothesline and it connects. But TTT only stumbles back a few steps, Muhammad Hassan looks at the stunned TTT knowing that he'll have to do more than that and then he goes to the ropes and then goes for another shoulder block but TTT tries to attempt to counter it with a big boot. But it's ducked under by Muhammad Hassan, and he goes to the other side of the ring and then Muhammad Hassan leaps in the air and goes for a cross body block. But it's caught in the air and then the giant TTT holds Muhammad Hassan in his arms for a few moments, playing to the crowd. Then TTT drives Muhammad Hassan down with a rib breaker on Muhammad Hassan. Muhammad Hassan looks in pain, and looks like he wants to roll out of the bottom rope to try to replan his strategy. But he's met with with the waiting looks of the face lumber jacks. Muhammad Hassan gets up, and has a freaked out look on his face. He puts his hand up trying to reason with the lumber jacks. He turns around and then he gets lifted up by two hands and TTT hits the two handed choke slam. Muhammad Hassan down, TTT waits for Muhammad Hassan get up, Hassan stumbles up and then TTT picks up Muhammad Hassan in a body press, and holds him in the air for a second, and then throws him out of the ring as the lumber jacks move out of the way as Muhammad Hassan crashes into the ring side. Suddenly the lumber jacks, being all faces do not attack, rather they just throw Hassan into the ring. Muhammad Hassan stumbles back, and stumbles right into the waiting TTT who takes Muhammad Hassan by the hair and throws him into the corner and hits a few fists to the face of Hassan.]

JR-Doesn't seem that Hassan likes this environment.

King-Reminds him of his perception of the US. Everyone all around hates him.

[Muhammad Hassan gets hit with a few fists to the face, and TTT whips Muhammad Hassan to the other side of the ring. Muhammad Hassan crashes into the other side of the corner. TTT goes to the corner that Hassan was just whipped out of and then charges at full steam for an avalanche body splash in the corner. But at the last second Muhammad Hassan move out of the way. TTT stumbles back, Muhammad Hassan goes for a clothesline and it lands. But it only staggers TTT. Muhammad Hassan looks around, and then hits an eye rake. TTT is blinded, Muhammad Hassan pulls himself up to the second rope and hits a front missile drop kick this finally takes TTT off his feet and down to the mat. Muhammad Hassan and TTT are down on the mat. Hassan crawls into the corner, and then walks out of the corner for a second. TTT gets up, and see's Muhammad Hassan by the ropes and then tries to hit a big boot to the face to hope that it knocks Hassan out of the ring and buy him sometime. But Hassan ducks out of the way and then TTT is hanged up on the top rope, and Muhammad Hassan pushes TTT out of the ring and then he falls out to the arena floor suddenly all of the heel lumber jacks start to swarm and hits a few stomps on the downed face. They take TTT and throws him into the steps, they all take a few more stomps before lifting him up and throwing him back into the ring. Muhammad Hassan goes into the cover, and gets the 1……………2………TTT puts his foot on the ropes.]

JR-TTT is taking control of this match

King-Must be because he's a new person.

Kris Gaffney-eeer…if you say so.

[TTT waits for Muhammad Hassan to get up, and then Hassan up and TTT grabs Hassan by the throat. But before he can do anything, Muhammad Hassan fights back, and tries to whip him to the top ropes, and does. Hassan bounces off the ropes, and then comes off the ropes. Suddenly one of the lumber jacks grabs his legs, but he doesn't go down as expecting. It was Chris Masters, TTT tries to grab Masters by the hair, and does. The ref goes over to see what is going on, as this is going on Hassan is able to hit an undected low blow. TTT turns around into the inverted Russian leg sweep. Hassan goes into the cover, and gets the 1………….2……….3]

JR-TTT gets screwed again!

King-Well….at least he's not Candice, right?

(OOC-Another close one, there are some positives with TTT. You just need to keep trying.)

(We go to the backstage area to Stephanie McMahon-Walker's locker room, we open the scene within the locker room as Stephanie is stretching for her feet. Suddenly someone steps in front of her, and taps her back. Not looking up she says.)

Stephanie McMahon-Walker-Mer, I'm not quite ready just yet...

(Stephanie stands up to look back, and suddenly she gets a huge look of surprise. So much she falls down as she looks up in almost fright and surprise. She falls on her ass, and for a few moments...she can say anything, until she gets a confused look. She tilts her head, sitting there, and she asks.)

Stephanie McMahon-Walker-WEREN'T YOU DEAD?

(the camera gets a shot of the person who frighten Stephanie so much it's...)

Matt Dragon-...Am I not?

Stephanie McMahon-Walker-*shaking her head*....yeah...whatever Captain Jack...I didn't know you were the guy who believes he was a pirate.

Matt Dragon-I have been hanging around one...

Stephanie McMahon-Walker-Right...so that doesn't explain WHY YOU ARE SNEAKING UP ON ME!!

Matt Dragon-Oh...figured I would say hello to an old friend...after all...what a history we have...I mean I beat your husband three times...I kissed you, and smashed you over the head with a chair once as well. That takes some skills, wouldn't you say?

Stephanie McMahon-Walker-....*fake laughter*...geez let that go.......anyways, any particular reason you are here in the EMF right now?

Matt Dragon-Oh...I have taken this chance to make a return, I think there is some things I left unfinished.

Stephanie McMahon-Walker-What? Like settling the score with Mr. E. That's not so hard, you can say that you did this and that to the Walker family over and over again. But you haven't smashed Mr. E like I have.

Matt Dragon-....Aren't we getting brave.

Stephanie McMahon-Walker-You damn right, this isn't like the old EMF. There is a new Stephanie around here, this is one that takes no crap from people like you. That's why I'm going to step inside a steel cage, and prove that to the world.

Matt Dragon-Good...we'll see how well you'll do, but I'll promise you something. It will be nothing compared to what I do in two weeks. Someone put out an open challenge, I just want you to be first to know....good luck with the cage Steph...with your experience with metal objects...your going to need it.

(Matt Dragon walks off, as Stephanie looks on angry. But shakes it off, and continues to stretch preparing for her match. The EMF tron switches to another backstage scene)

(We go backstage as the huge CaRnAgE walks down the hall way. Suddenly he comes up on Amy Jericho, who is holding her baby Ashley Irvine. CaRnAgE. Amy seems a bit nervous. CaRnAgE walks on like nothing happened. We fade into the ring)

("Everyone Like Me" by Thousand Foot Krutch plays as CM Punk makes his way out from behind the curtain. The crowd cheers as he stops on top of the ramp and rops to one knee crossing his arms across his chest. He then gets up and walks down the ramp taunting towards either side of the crowd as he gets pumped up for the match.)

JR - It's the return of CM Punk. Folks it's been a long time since we've seen this young and talented man here in the EMF.

King - And he has to kick things off against an ugly, giant, baby eating chode.

Kris Gaffney - Do you even know what a chode is?

King - Take a look in the mirror.

("Snap Your Fingers Snap Your Neck" by Demon Hunter is playing as Carnage appears from the back. A chorus of boos is heard as he just walks out and down the ramp with his arms down at his side. He makes his way down the aisle and steps up onto the ring apron. Carnage high steps the ropes and puts his arms into the air yelling.)

JR - Carnage also making his in ring debut since his long time abcense. I can't say he's been missed, not with his new attitude.

King - It's called population control. When there are too many babies around, you release this monster.

Kris Gaffney - Where was he when you were born? Does this guy just walk around and yell incomprehensibly?

King - When you're that big and ugly, do you have to do anything else?

Kris Gaffney - I guess you're right.

King - I'm what?

Kris Gaffney - After all, that's all your mom did, so it fits the description.

JR - Alright you two, knock it off. We're about to see a slobber knocker of a classic get underway.

[The bell rings as CM Punk locks up with Carnage. The big man Carnage just pushes Punk down to the mat. CM Punk gets back up to his feet sliding his hand back through his hair. Punk goes back up for another lock up. Carnage picks Punk up and throws him back into the turnbuckle. CM Punk hits hard and bounces out as he just stares at Carnage. The big man looks down with a menacing gleem then throws his arms up in the air. CM Punk seizes the opportunity to hit the ropes and deliver a low dropkick to Carnage right in the shin. Carnage reaches down to grab his leg as CM Punk hits a standing dropkick to Carnage knocking him back. Punk runs and leaps onto the ropes and uses them to springboard back with a moonsault onto Carnage who just grabs Punk in mid air and slams him down to the canvas. Carnage puts a few boot stomps to Punk in the ring. Carnage picks Punk up from the mat then delivers a standing axe handle smash to the top of Punk's head knocking him back down. Carnage bends over, grabs CM Punk by the back of his head, again lifts him up to his feet, then tosses him over the top rope sending him crashing to the floor. Punk slowly climbs up to his feet, puts his arms on his waist, and looks into the ring as Carnage raises his hands in the air.]

Kris Gaffney - Yep, just like your...

King - Watch it Gaffney, or I'll toss you in there with him. I bet he puts a little catsup on you and has an early dinner.

JR - When you two are done, you might watch and realize CM Punk has a long way to go in this match if he wants any shot at winning.

[CM Punk starts to roll into the ring and Carnage comes that way to stop him, but CM Punk rolled back out. CM Punk backs away from the ring as Carnage gets up against the ropes taunting Punk. Then CM Punk starts running for the ring and slides in under the ropes, between Carnage's legs. CM Punk slides up to his feet, runs to the opposite, bounces off of the ropes and hits a shoulder tackle. Carnage just shrugs it off as CM Punk gets up and bounces off the ropes again and delivers another shoulder tackle. CM Punk once more bounces off of the ropes and Carnage braces for the next shoulder tackle, CM Punk uses a baseball slide to get under Carnage, then stands up and hits a low dropkick to the back of Carnage's leg cause it to give out. Carnage goes down to his knee as CM Punk hits the ropes a fourth time and delivers a low dropkick to the other leg. As Carnage goes down to both knees CM Punk hits the ropes again running up behind Carnage, flipping over him, grabbing his head as he goes and driving it down to the canvas. Carnage rolls over on his back thriving in pain as CM Punk climbs up to the top rope and leaps off with a flying knee drop to the face of Carnage. CM Punk jumps up throwing his arms in the air as the adrenaline pumps. The crowd pops and CM Punk hits the ropes yet again and delivers an elbow drop to the down Carnage. The big man holds his throat as he rolls out of the ring and stands up on his feet.]

JR - CM Punk has managed to turn things around. He might just have a shot at this thing.

King - Oh that could be a Badd thing for Carnage.

Kris Gaffney - Don't start with the Badd puns again. Seriously...

[CM Punk runs across the ring and takes a dive over the top rope hitting a flying crossbody on Carnage taking both men down to the floor on the outside. They both lay on their backs hurting. CM Punk is first to get up to his feet. He rolls into the ring and jumps up on the turnbuckle. He remains perched as Carnage stands up. Once Carnage is standing Punk turns around and leaps with a flying moonsault, but Carnage catches punk in the air, then immediately runs and rams Punk's back into the steel ring post. Carnage just drops Punk down to the ground quickly changing the pace of the match back to his favor. Carnage grabs Punk by the arm and pulls him up. Carnage Pulls punk away from the ring then uses an irish whip to send CM Punk right into the steel steps. Carnage picks Punk up, then lifts him up high above his head and uses a gorilla press slam dropping CM Punk's throat right across the security rail. Carnage grabs Punk and tosses him into the ring. Just as this happens EMF Vice President Badd Boy Tony Ikeda walks out from the back. He makes his way down the ramp to the ringside. Carnage looks at him, and Badd Boy points over towards the time keeper. Carnage nods and walks over there grabbing a chair. Carnage tosses it into the ring. Carnage then rolls back into the ring and grabs the chair. As CM Punk slowly makes his way to his feet he looks over at Carnage who then blasts CM Punk in the head with the chair. The referee calls for the bell. CM Punk is out cold and bleeding from the forehead. CM Punk wins by blatent disqualification.]

JR - Baw Gawd! I don't believe this! What in the hell does that son of a b!tch Ikeda think he's doing getting involved like that?

King - Jarred, CM Punk, he's not making friends quick with his kronie.

Kris Gaffney - I thought you were his biggest fan with your Badd announcing.

King - First off, don't even try to take my job here or I'll have to vomit like ****** ***** was out here.

Kris Gaffney - Did you just get censored on PPV?

King - I can't say ****** ..........

JR - I wish this would have happened a hell of a long time ago.

[Afterwards The Badd Boy pulls a table out from under the ring and slides it into the ring. Carnage sets up, then takes the lifeless CM Punk and sets him up on his shoulders. Carnage then delivers THE ELECTRIC CHAIR DROP sending CM Punk through the table shattering it into pieces. Carnage just stands there and throws his arms in the air as Badd Boy climbs into the ring with a microphone.]

JR - This man is just sick!

King - I think it's the most exciting thing he's ever done! For once it's not a long monotone mind numbing speech.

Kris Gaffney - I think he's about to say something.

Don Simmons - (Suddenly appearing at the announcers table) DAMN!

EMF Vice President Badd Boy Tony Ikeda: There, do you see it everybody? That right there, laying broken in the ring is just another lesson. CM Punk wanted to be the first to defy my new found authority, and this is what happens. It isn't about winning or losing, it's about paying the price. CM Punk wins this match, but look at him, look at that broken pile of blood and bones. Is that what you people think a winner looks like? Look at my man here, the over seven foot tall, over four hundred pound, walking wall of Muscle CARNAGE! Now somebody needs to get down here and clean up this mess.

*EMT's and EMF trainers were coming down. They worked on putting CM Punk on a stretcher and taking him out of the ring while Badd Boy and Carnage stood there unphased by their surroundings.*

EMF Attitude Vice President Badd Boy Tony Ikeda: That was only part of why I came out here. You see, I've made some phone calls, done some meetings, I've been busy this past week. After four and a half years of trying, I've finally made a new accomplishment. Not only have I been made the EMF Attitude Vice President, but just this past week, I have finally gotten the old Mann, and I mean Scott Mann out of his seat as the EMF Attitude President. That's right, now I sit on top of the EMF Attitude Division and near the Top of the EMF itself. Which means right now I have a whole hell of a lot of pull. I don't want to give anything away, but as of right now I am clearing the EMF Attitude Staff. As far as I see it, they are all fired, and on Shockwave I'll reveal my new staff of underlings. So EMF, look out. First Jarred Carthallion, then CM Punk, any one of you could be next, you just wait and see!

*Badd Boy and Carnage leave the ring as ring crew members clear out the broken table mess and the crowd lets out a roaring boo.*

("All Grown Up" blasts on the PA system as Stephanie McMahon waks to the ring, and looks at the cage. She gives her most brave look she can giving the circumstances.)

JR-This is a big moment for Stephanie, I just hope she doesn't regret it.

King-If someone said that Stephanie would be in the first women's steel cage match here in the EMF, I wouldn't have believed them

Kris Gaffney-I'm too young for this talk.

JR and King-.........

("Fist Full of Steel" blasts on the PA system as Katrina walks to the ring, and steps into the ring.)

JR-Katrina has always been a little......unbalanced? We'll see if that helps her.

King-Don't let her hear you say that....

[Stephanie stands looking around at the cage, as the crowd cheers in encouragement. She looks a little nervous, but she shakes it off, and gets ready. Katrina and her go face to face, they start to talk trash, and then finally Stephanie is the first to make any physical contact as she pushes Katrina back. Katrina gets back up to her face, and starts to point her in the chest. Stephanie looks angry, Katrina hits a slap and hits a few forearm shot to the face as Stephanie reels back after being caught off guard for a split second after the slap. Stephanie is on the ropes, and then Katrina tries to whip Stephanie to the ropes, and does Stephanie bounces off of the ropes and then, comes off of the ropes and Katrina goes for a clothesline. But it's ducked under by Stephanie, Stephanie goes to the other side of the ring and then comes off. Katrina turns around and Stephanie hits a spear on Katrina. Stephanie starts to hit fists on Katrina, Katrina covers up, the ref has to step into the mounted punches and then pulls Stephanie off. It looks like Stephanie isn't in the mood to stop, it looks like she is thinking of slapping the ref for doing that. But remembers to keep focused, this opening allows Katrina to drive Stephanie into the corner, and then Stephanie gets hit with a few shoulder blocks. Katrina whips Stephanie to the other side of the ring Stephanie crashes into the corner, and then Katrina tries to charge into the corner. But Stephanie counters with a boot to the face, Katrina stumbles back. Katrina shakes off the effects and then charges at Stephanie, who hits a back elbow into the face of Katrina. Katrina stumbles around, Stephanie pulls herself on the second rope, and waits for Katrina to stumble towards her. Stephanie hooks Katrina and hits a tornado DDT on Katrina. Stephanie goes into the cover, and gets the 1..........2..........kick out. Stephanie hits a few stomps on the downed Katrina who is getting to her feet. Stephanie side steps it, and Stephanie takes Katrina by the hair and throws her hard into the steel cage. Katrina bounces off the side of the side of the cage, and Stephanie goes behind Katrina and hits a germen suplex with a bridge 1...........2........kick out. Stephanie shakes her head, she was hoping to get the pin there. Stephanie decides to try to climb the cage now after dropping a leg drop, and Stephanie gets up. She gets pretty far, but suddenly something grabs her foot. Katrina grabs Stephanie's leg and yanks Stephanie off the side of the cage, so that Stephanie falls straight down, and on to the top rope. Stephanie has a look of pain, and falls over and now has her leg caught in the rope and is hanging upside down.]

King-Ouch, that's going to hurt.

Kris Gaffney-Could have been worst.

JR-Stephanie is helpless, what exactly is Katrina going to do here?

[Katrina looks at Stephanie who is struggling to get out of the ropes, but is having some trouble. Katrina grins, and then measures up and hits straight punches to the gut. Which takes the wind out of Stephanie, Katrina takes a few steps back and then hits a base ball slide to the face Stephanie looks out of it. But luckly falls out of the ropes and on to the mat. Katrina hits a few stomps on the downed Stephanie. Stephanie is stiring, and gets to her feet. Katrina hits a hard punch to the face, and takes Stephanie down and starts to hit a few hard mounted punches to the face. Seemly trying to disfigure Stephanie. Finally she lefts up, and then she takes Stephanie and throws her up against the steel cage. Katrina takes Stephanie's face and grates it across the steel cage. Stephanie is screaming in pain. Finally Katrina lets up. Katrina whips Stephanie to the ropes and Stephanie comes off the ropes. Katrina catches Stephanie, and drops her for a back breaker. She goes into the cover, and gets the 1............2........kick out! Katrina yells to the ref, not believing she didn't get Stephanie there. Katrina looks at Stephanie who's trying to get up, she realizes that she's bleeding a little from the mouth. She still seems a little freaked out about seeing her own blood. But not as much as she would if this was a few months ago. Stephanie uses the ropes to get up, and Katrina hits a few fists to the face of Stephanie, and kicks her in the gut and sets her up for a power bomb. Katrina drives Stephanie down for a power bomb and stacks her on her shoulders for the 1……………..2…………kick out by Stephanie. Katrina looks like she's really ready to put on a straight jacket now. She takes, the downed Stephanie and throws her against the cage side, she bounces off and Katrina hits a stiff clothesline.]

JR-Katrina is giving Stephanie everything she can, but Stephanie refuses to lose.

King-Yeah, but I guess her fan club numbers are probably not going to be as high after this match.

Kris Gaffney-They'll all become fans of your Mom.

[Katrina, calls for the end as she's done with toying with Stephanie. Katrina pulls up Stephanie by the hair, and says something to her. She sets her up, and lifts her up for the Widows Peak, she moves her in position and drops her for the Widows Peak, she sits there as he enjoyed hearing the noise as Stephanie fell to the mat seemly out cold. Katrina turns around, and pushes Stephanie on to her back. Katrina grins cockily, and decides to do a cocky back to the opponent pin and gets the 1................2.........suddenly Stephanie reaches up, and pulls Katrina for a crufix pin, and gets the 1.............2..........3!]

JR-Oh my god! Stephanie shocked Katrina out of no where with that pin!

(Katrina was on her knees her head in her hands in disbelief that she just lost. She watched as Stephanie celebrated as if she was shocked too. Katrina got up and walked over to to Stephanie and grabbed her arm spinning her around. Stephanie kept her guard up as Katrina shook her head and extended her hand. The Crowd cheered Stephanie on as she looked around and reluctantly shook Katrina's hand and the crowd popped even louder. Katrina stood there still seemingly trying to come to the realization that she lost. Stephanie was heading for the cage door when Katrina grabbed her arm again and spun her around and gave her a boot to the midsection and hit a flipping piledriver(canadian destroyer) . She got up quickly and looked down at Stephanie and as Mercedes was making her way into the cage Katrina hurridly climbed the corner and climbed out and over backing up the ramp keeping her eyes on the ring. )

("All the things she said" blasts on the PA system as Marc Mead walks to the ring along with Jocey and Kristy (I think?). Mead slides into the ring, and then waits in the ring for his opponent.)

JR-Mead has probably waited for this moment for a long time, but you have got to wonder whether or not he'll be ready for a powerhouse like Tyson Tomko.

King-Are you sure he has a chance, because it seems like this guy is a walking time bomb, he would have blown up if it wasn't for Amy Jericho by now.

Kris Gaffney- Yeah, and that's saying something.

("Problem Solver" blasts on the PA system as Tyson Tomko walks to the ringwith the IC title.)

King-You know what I find funny?

Kris Gaffney-What's that?

King-That Tyson Tomko thinks that Ric Flair is still talking to him, I think the championship is finally making him crazy.


[Marc Mead and Tyson Tomko lock up, Tyson Tomko over powers Marc and pushes him out of the ring. Marc Mead looks like he is going to think over his strategy some more. But suddenly Tyson Tomko slides out of the ring and starts to chase Marc Mead, getting totally caught off guard, Marc Mead takes the best strategy in this situation, and that is to run. He runs around the ring as Tomko is trying to catch up. Marc Mead slides into the ring and then Tyson Tomko slides into the ring. But before he can get up, Marc Mead drops a leg drop across the back of head of Tyson Tomko. Tomko is stunned, Marc Mead goes into the cover, and gets the 1...........2........Tyson Tomko kicks out with authority. Marc Mead goes flying, and then he gets up and wonders what he can do next. He thinks for a moment, and then starts to hit a few stomps on the downed Tyson Tomko. Tyson Tomko tries to get up, Marc Mead hits a drop kick that staggers him, but doesn't take the bigger Tomko down. Marc Mead goes to the ropes, and comes off of the ropes, and hits a big clothesline to Marc Mead. Marc Mead does a flip and falls down to the mat. Tyson Tomko takes a few moments to rest and then gets up, Marc Mead is stumbling to his feet. He charges at Tyson Tomko who is near the ropes. Tyson Tomko hits a one man flap jack that sends Marc Mead throat first into the top rope. Marc Mead stumbles around, and then Tyson Tomko hits a diving clothesline on Marc mead. Mead is down on the mat, Tyson Tomko hits a few stomps on the downed Marc Mead. The ref starts to warn Tomko, Tomko backs off a little bit. Then Marc Mead uses this chance to crawl away into the corner, and Tyson TOmko follows him into the corner. Tyson Tomko hits a few stomps into the gut, and follows it up with a choke with the boot. The ref counts to 4 and finally Tyson Tomko breaks the hold, and then Tyson Tomko backs up and whips Marc Mead to the opposite side of the ring. As Marc Mead goes into the corner, Marc Mead tries to use his momentum to go over Tyson Tomko, but it's caught by Tyson Tomko who hits a running powerslam into the cover and he gets the 1……………2……….kick out by Marc Mead.]

JR-Almost three.

King-I think Marc's just showing off, because he gets a new girl every few weeks. He's mocking me!

[Tyson Tomko gets angry, and goes to the outside, being that this is a hardcore match. He grabs a chair. Tyson Tomko slides into the ring and then measures Marc up as he stumbles up to his feet. Tyson Tomko goes for a chair shot to the face. But Marc Mead ducks the chair, Marc runs to the ropes and spring boards off the ropes and hits a Mead kick that only lands with some of the force into the chair hitting Tyson Tomko in the face. Tyson Tomko stumbles back and then falls into the corner. Marc Mead waits for a few moments as he rests up, after getting beaten up. Tyson Tomko stumbles to his feet in the corner, and charges at Marc Mead. Marc Mead counters with a back heel kick to the face. Tyson Tomko goes down to the mat. Tyson Tomko goes down to the mat, Tomko stumbles up to his feet and then Marc Mead hits a few fists to the face and tries to whip him off the ropes. Tyson Tomko reverses the whip and sends Marc Mead to the ropes and then Marc Mead bounces off of the ropes and then he comes off of the ropes and Tyson Tomko lowers his head for a back body drop. But it's countered with a swinging neck breaker. Marc Mead goes into the cover and gets the 1.................2......kick out by Tyson Tomko. Marc Mead looks for a way to to attack Tyson TOmko some more. Tyson Tomko stumbles up to his feet and then Marc Mead jumps on the ropes and spring boards off the ropes and hits a tornado DDT. Marc Mead goes into the cover, and gets the 1………….2………kick out]

JR-Just kicked out, I'm sure that Tyson Tomko didn't expect to get this much of a fight from Marc Mead.

King-meh, he did say it would be like when he worked for Limp Bizket..

Kris Gaffney-Wha?


Marc Mead decides to go to the air to try to nulify the strength advantage. Marc Mead is on the top rope, and waits for Tyson Tomko to get up to his feet. Marc Mead leaps off of the top rope and then hits a cross body block, but Tyson Tomko is able to roll through and is able to hold Mead down for the 1……….2………3]

JR-Just when Mead had Tomko on the ropes, the champion was able to find a way to win.

King-I guess he'll start "hearing Ric Flair again" due to this.

(OOC-Once again, sorry for taking so long with this. The fact that this wasn't an easy call, and the fact I'm in finals made this hard to deal with. Anyways I will say this was a preety close match, in fact we did a staff decision, and we all agreed on this. It was a good effort by Mead, but we agreed that Tomko had this match. If I forgot any special requests, it's been a little bit, so just tell me and I'll add it.)

("Down with the Sickness" blasts on the "Bad, Bad Man" blasts on the PA system as John Cena walks to the ring along with Natasha Jones. He steps inside the ring, as Angelus puts his hands up, and grins as he slides out of the ring. Thinking it's safe John Cena taunts to the fans.)

JR-John Cena has to have eyes in the back of his head…

King-Why? Seemed Angelus didn't want to cause no trouble.

Kris Gaffney-Wonder if he told Amy Jericho's dog that…

(John Cena seems to get settled as "Problem Solver" blasts on the PA system, he waits suddenly Cena senses something as Nat is yelling it. He turns around, and he gets blasted over the head by a chair from his own tag team partner Angelus. Howard Finkel announced.)

Howard Finkel- I have just been informed that Angelus Archer has chosen to use his MITB contract, therefore this match is for one fall and is for the EMF heavyweight championship!

JR-So the rumors were true! You got to wonder how John Cena is going to adjust.

King- You know….who are the fans going to cheer in this match?

Kris Gaffney-Um…the one not slaving the hot, fan favorite in his home?

King-Yeah…that's true…although, you got to wonder if Angelus would gut that same person if he ever had the chance?

Kris Gaffney-True…and plus…Cena has Test's fans behind him.

[Angelus is pacing wanting to pick the bones as the bell rings as Angelus goes into the cover and gets the 1……………..2………..Cena was close to the ropes and was able to put his foot on the rope. Angelus shakes his head and then hits a few stomps on the downed John Cena and then he pulls him up and whips him to the ropes and then John Cena bounces off of the ropes and the ropes. Angelus Archer hits a back elbow to the face of John Cena and JOhon Cena goes down to the mat. John Cena stumbles up to his feet, Angelus Archer takes John Cena and throws him into the post. John Cena is in pain, he stumbles out of the corner. Angelus Archer kicks him in the gut and doubles him over. Angelus Archer goes to the ropes and then hits a swinging neck breaker on John Cena. Angelus Archer goes into the cover, and gets the 1……………..2…………..kick out by John Cena. John Cena is still trying to get out of the blocks as he hasn't recovered from the back attack to start out of this match. John Cena gets up, and then he stumbles into the corner and Angelus hits a few fists to the face of John Cena. Angelus Archer hits a few knee's into the gut of John Cena, Angelus Archer tries to whip John Cena to the opposite side of the ring, and does. John Cena gets hit with a clothesline. Angelus Archer stumbles out of the corner and then Angelus Archer backs out a little bit as John Cena stumbles out of the corner and then Angelus Archer picks up John Cena and puts him on the top rope. John Cena tries to come alive, and throw fists, but it's blocked and returned by Angelus Archer. John Cena reels back, Angelus Archer climbs to the top rope and then Angelus hits a few head butts on the top rope. He hooks Cena on the top rope, and goes for a super plex. But it's blocked and John Cena goes crashing down on Angelus Archer with a cross body block.]

JR-Nice block by the champion.

King-Why did he do that?

Kris Gaffney-Because…he's like an onion…he has layers!

[John Cena and Angelus Archer are down on the mat, both are trying to get to their feet. Angelus Archer tries to throw a fist, but it's block by John Cena and returned John Cena hits a few more fists and is gaining the advantage. John Cena is stopped by Angelus Archer hits a eye poke. Angelus Archer tries to whip John Cena to the ropes, and does. John Cena bounces off of the ropes, and hits a flying shoulder block on John Cena, this surprises Angelus Archer, and he goes down to the mat. John Cena takes a few moments on his knee. Angelus Archer gets up to his feet, and then John Cena gets up and hits a running forearm shot to the face. Angelus Archer goes down toty he mat and then John Cena waits as Angelus Archer gets to his feet, and then John Cena hits a running clothesline and then Angelus Archer stumbles to his feet, and John Cena picks up Angelus Archer and hits a body slam on Angelus, and follows it up with a leg drop and goes into the cover, and gets the 1……………..2…………kick out. Angelus Archer pushes John Cena away and he goes into the corner. Angelus Archer usener to pull himself up and John Cena hits a few stomps into the gut. Angelus Archer is reeling in the corner, and then John Cena whips Angelus Archer to the ring. Angelus bounces off of the corner and stumbles out of corner. John Cena kick him in the gut, and hits a release fishermens suplex and goes into the cover, and gets the 1………………2……….kick out by Angelus Archer. Angelus Archer gets up to his feet, and then John Cena picks him up for the F-U, but Angelus Archer slides out of the back of John Cena. John Cena turns around, and then Angelus hits a few fists to the face. Then he stumbles John Cena, Angelus Archer whips John Cena off of the ropes, and then John Cena bounces off of the ropes. John Cena goes for a clothesline, but Angelus ducks and instead John Cena connects with the ref making him down a flip and fall down unconscious. John Cena can't believe what he did, he looks down at the ref and turns around into a kick and he hits Angelus hits an impaler DDT (I thought that would be ironic.) Angelus Archer goes into the cover and tries to get the pin. But there is no ref, suddenly the crowd starts to act in surprise, as Tyson Tomko slides into the ring. Angelus gets up, and turns around and Tomko hits a big boot to the face of Angelus Archer. Tomko slides out of the ring.]

JR-What was that about?

King-Guess Angelus didn't pay him enough to stay in the back.

Kris Gaffney-Or…Cena paid him more to interfere?

[Both wrestlers are down, John Cena goes into the cover, the ref is only weakly able to lift his head and arm enough to count the 1……….2…….Angelus had enough time to recover after the big boot, so he was able to roll the shoulder up. Cena looks for another way, Cena says something, and Tomko (could be replaced by Nat, but I'll say Tomko for now.) throws the belt into the ring. But suddenly Angelus Archer comes behind Cena as he is going for the belt and hits a low blow from Angelus Archer on Cena whiel the ref is still stunned not to see it and hits the slayed on the title belt. He goes into the cover and gets the 1……………2…………3!]

JR-Oh my…

[Suddenly Tomko comes into the ring, and hits another big boot on Angelus before he can do anything with the title. He looks down at the EMF world title, and makes a signal for the belt as off the air.]

(OOC-Hard, hard call that I and a helper made, and I wish I had a little more time. But time isn't on my side. I will say the biggest thing I feared for Angelus was that he wasn't focused, I said that I'd try to work with what he wrote, because he didn't exactly write with what I expected. In fact it was very creative how he worked around being mysterious and still talk about Cena/and the match in the same breath. Reading both RP's 4 times each. I will say that I didn't have to bend far at all, Angelus RP was focused all the way, indirectly focused…but focused. (save a small part) From there I don't know, the winner was decided based on Angelus having the slightest edge in quality and text. I will say I wish I had more time to look it over, but I'm pretty confident with it. However, I will say that it's so close I know some people will say other things. (not that I want to hear them) I need to make this pick now, I'm sure people will be more upset if I stall anymore. But I will say however, that down the line (and yes Michael, I still would have asked you either way, I was just making sure you would accepted if did happen to lose at the time. No other reason, I read the RP's one last time after that)….I think Cena does deserve a rematch when he's ready given the cirmstances and the closeness of this match. (which will be after I get done with everything I have planned. Now I stayed up all night to get this to you, I need to go to sleep.)

second OOC note: Not sure if I like the ending, I mean to make Cena look strong out of it, because it was that close. Also, not sure if I did the Tomko involvement right in the case Cena didn't win. So I leave it open for editing.