EMF: Return of an Era 06

The copyright information goes over the screen as we go into a video package of the whole show and then once we go into the darken arena as pyrotechnics blasts off on the stage and then the lights turn on and then the camera searches around the crowd.

JR-Welcome to Return of an Era!! We got a great show for tonight

King-Headline by the battle royal for a world title shot


“Cold” blasts on the PA system as Devin Malis walks to the ring. Devin enters the ring

JR-Devin Malis coming back from a serious injury

King-Oh yeah, he was one of those CwL guys wasn’t he…whatever happened to them?

Kris Gaffney-You don’t want to know…

“Cold as Ice” blasts on the PA system as Duke Snyder walks to the ring being trailed by Frank Snow

JR-Duke Snyder looked very impressive against Dertah

Kris Gaffney-Well…he’s Dertah and he’s sick of it.

King-I’ve heard that somewhere, just don’t know where..

[Malis and Snyder lock up and then Malis gets pushed to the corner and then Snyder holds Malis there as the ref counts and then slowly Snyder moves out and then Snyder takes a swing at Malis. But Malis moves out of the way and tehn Malis hits a few hard fists to the face and then Snyder tries to cover up and then Malis hits a few stomps into the gut and then the ref makes him back up and then this chance makes Snyder goes for a fists and then Malis ducks it and then Snyder turns around and then gets hits with a few fists to the face and then Malis tries to whip Malis to the ropes and then Snyder is able to stop dead in his tracks and then pulls back and Malis goes flying right over the top rope. But Malis is able to hook the ropes and then pulls himself on the apron and then Synder turns around right into a shoulder block and then Synder falls down to one knee and then Malis uses the ropes and sling shots to the top rope and comes off the top rope and then nails a flying bulldog head lock that drives Snyders head into the mat and then Malis goes into the cover and then gets the 1…………….2………..kick out by Snyder that sends Malis flying and then Malis is able to land on his feet and then Devin Malis looks on in amazement of the power of Duke Snyder and then Malis looks on disbelief and then he goes to the outside and then climbs to the top rope and waits for Snyder to get up and then once he does Malis jumps off and then hits a double hand axe handle that takes down Malis to one knee and then Malis looks around not knowing what he’s going to do and then Malis runs to the ropes and then comes off the ropes and then he hits a shoulder block into the back of the leg and then Snyder goes down to the mat in pain and then Malis hits a few elbows into the leg as Snyder yells in pain after each one and then Malis puts on a single leg lock lock and then Snyder is in pain and then the ref asks him if he wants to give it up and Snyder refuses to give it up and Snyder looks for a way out of the hold and then slowly he uses his reach advantage to force Malis down on the mat and then smashes his face with his free leg and Malis and Snyder are down for a moment and get up and Malis charges at Snyder and Snyder counters with a big boot to the face of Malis. Synder falls down to the mat.]

JR-The returning Devin Malis seems to be on his game

King-Well he wants to make a good impression

Kris Gaffney-Wouldn’t you?

[Malis and Snyder stumble to their feet and then Malis stumbles towards Snyder and Snyder hits a big head butt to the head of Malis that sends Malis back and then Malis falls back to the ropes and then he just so happens to get tied up in the ropes and then Snyder almost smiles at this as he then starts to smash Malis with a few fists and then Snyder backs up and then charges at Malis and then hits another big boot and Malis gets unhooked stumbles forward and then falls through the ropes. Snyder takes sometime to taunt the crowd and then he goes to the outside and then Malis is getting to his feet and Synder picks up Malis in a bear hug and then takes him and points him to he nearest turnbuckle and then smashes him over and over again in the ring post and then drops him on the floor and then Snyder takes Malis and rolls into the the ring and then Malis is up and then he tries to hit a few fists to the face. But Snyder pushes Malis out of the way and then Malis falls to the mat and gets up and then charges at Snyder, Snyder goes for a running forearm, but it’s ducked and Malis goes to the ropes and spring boards off them for a vertical body block that blocked into a front spinebuster and Snyder rolls up Malis for the cover and gets the 1……………..2……………kick out by Malis Snyder knew that he probably wouldn’t get the three there and then Synder picks up Malis by the hair and then puts him in the corner and hits a few back elbows into the corner and then Snyder starts to choke Malis with his boot. The ref counts and then makes Snyder back up and Synder goes back on the attack. Synder whips Malis to the opposite turnbuckle. Malis bounces off and then he ducks under a clothesline by Snyder. Snyder ducks under, and then Malis kicks Snyder in the gut and then hits a DDT and calls for his finisher.]

JR-It looks like Devin Malis is looking for his first win back

King-He must be super pissed

Kris Gaffney-Maybe a win will help…

[On the outside Snow puts a chair on the apron and then into the ring Malis hits his finisher on Snyder, Malis goes into the cover and there is no ref because Frank Snow jumped on the apron and is arguing with the ref and then Malis turns around and then brings Snow into the ring and then Snow hits the mat and then Malis hits a few fists and then clothesline. Malis turns around and then Malis gets blasted with a chair and then the ref calls for the bell DQing Snyder

JR-Damn it!

King-Well…that was very…heelish

JR-I doubt this is settled King

(OOC-Malis is the decided winner here (so doesn’t ruin your undefeated streak Malis), but this decision is one of those decisions those “meh…could go either way”. So we decided that this ending might be best to use for many different reasons, first because it was so close. Second off that it helps set up a rematch that is hardcore as you both wanted (which will be next card) and we figured since Snow and Snyder are heels…it makes sense to use heel tactics. Hopefully there isn’t any problems with it (if so, we can always talk about the ending at least…but I think that’s this is the best way to do it)

“Dertah’s theme” blast off in the PA system as Dertah walks to the ring slowly, and he slides into the ring

JR-Dertah hasn’t had the best luck, but he’s looked impressive despite not coming out on the winning end of his first few matches

King-Yeah, plus he jump really high

Kris Gaffney-Wonder if he would join the Magic, he would make a great basketball player…

(Dertah grabs a microphone)

Tonight, I will show you all what it truly means for an era to return...You see, ladies and gentleman, my time has come. My time is now. Wilsonator...YOU'RE TIME HAS COME! Tonight, I will show that Mead and Snyder, while they may have defeated me, are mistakes at best. I will make sure I do everything to keep from making those mistakes again...No more underestimation, no more mercy. Wilsonator, you will be just the first, but not the last. So, come feel the hate, Wil...It may be the last thing you feel, but it's ok...It's better that way...

(Dertah throws the microphone out of the ring

“Wilsonator’s theme” blasts on the PA system as Wilsonator walks to the ring

JR-Wilsonator is another competitor rising through the ranks

King-Maybe Dertah and him should form a tag team, and we can mention how great of a team they are .

*Suddenly Road Dogg and X-Pac fall from the sky, but totally miss their intended target and fall back to the bottomless pit

Kris Gaffney-We can’t go a EMF PPV without that happening once…

[Dertah and Wilsonator face off in the ring and then no words are exchanged Wilsonator and Dertah back off and then pace around the ring and then measure each other up and then Wilsonator and Dertah lock up and then Dertah is able to go behind and then Dertah puts Wilsonator into a waist lock and then Dertah takes down Wilsonator with a waist lock take down and then WIlsonator gets put in a front face lock and then the Wilsonator gets up and then Dertah tries to get out of the move and then slowly he Wilsonator is able to spin out of the move and then he puts Dertah in a hammer lock and then Dertah is in pain and he is looking for a way out of the hold and then Dertah runs around a bit and then charges around the ring and then ducks under and then Wilsonator falls through the ropes and then Wilsonator hits hard on the arena floor as he goes flying through the ropes and then Wilsonator is down on the mat around the ring and Dertah rolls out of the ring and then Dertah is on the apron and Wilsonator stumbles up and then gets kicked to the face and Wilsonator stumbles back and then Wilsonator stumbles back and then hits his back into the barcade and goes down to the mat holding his back and Dertah hits a few hard stomps to the downed Wilsonator and then then Dertah picks up Wilsonator up and drops him face first into the apron and then Dertah holds Wilsonator to make sure he doesn’t fall down and then rolls him into the ring and then Dertah jumps on the apron and then goes to the top rope and waits for Wilsonator to get up and then Wilsonator stumbles up to his feet and then Dertah leaps off the top rope and then connects with a double axe handle and then Wilsonator goes down and then Dertah goes into the cover and gets the 1….2……..kick out by Wilsonator and then Dertah looks up and then questions the ref, but it’s really to left Wilsonator get up and then Dertah stumbles up to his feet and then gets hit with a few hard fists to the face and then Dertah whips Wilsonator off the ropes and then Wilsonator bounces off the ropes and then Dertah hits a spinning back elbow on Wilsonator and then Dertah goes to the ropes and then bounces off the ropes and then leaps in the air and then goes for a big leg drop that Wilsonator moves out of the way of and then Wilsonator gets up and quickly hits a quick low front drop kick into the face of Dertah.]

King- I told you Wilsonator would be back

Kris Gaffney-…..


[Wilsonator goes to the ropes and then Dertah stumbles to his feet as Wilsonator then Dertah charges at Wilsonator and then Dertah is able to turn the charge into a hot shot and then Wilsonator stumbles forward as Dertah’s head snaps off the top rope and then Wilsonator stumbles to Dertah and then Dertah hits an exploader suplex and both wrestlers are down. Dertah stumbles up, because there ain’t no one stopping him. Wilsonator gets up and then Dertah hits a few hard fists to the face and then Dertah whips Wilsonator to the ropes and then Dertah goes for a clothesline. But Wilsonator ducks it and then continues to the other side of the ring and then Wilsonator turns around and then side steps Dertah and then takes him by the hair and then throws him over the top rope and turns around as Dertah falls over the top rope, but he hands on to the top rope. Dertah waits as Wilsonator is playing to the crowd thinking he has the match in hand and then he turns around and then Dertah spring boards off the top rope and then goes for what seems to be a seated seanton, but it’s blocked and then turned into a stacked up Power bomb and then Dertah gets the 1………………2……………..kick out. Wilsonator hits a few stomps on the downed Dertah and he lets up on Dertah and then Dertah stumbles into the corner and then Wilsonator hits a few knife edge chops and then Wilsonator backs out of the corner and then the ref warns him and then Wilsonator goes into the corner and then Wilsonator whips Dertah to the other side of the ring. But Dertah reserves and sends Wilsonator into the corner and then Dertah gets set in the corner and charges and goes for a big splash in the corner. But then Wilsonator moves out of the way and Dertah goes flying into the corner and then Wilsonator picks up Dertah and then climbs up to the top rope and then hits a super belly to back super plex on Wilsonator]

JR-Dertah is going for the kill

King-Yeah, never fight a guy who likes pain….

Kris Gaffney-Good advice…

[Dertah backs away as Wilsonator goes into the corner as Dertah goes on the attack and then the ref has to separate Dertah and Wilsonator because Wilsonators in the ropes and then Dertah backs to the away. Suddenly Marc Mead comes from the crowd, Dertah or the ref don’t see them, because the ref is warning Dertah. Mead hits a fist on Wilsonator. Wilsonator stumbles back and then Dertah not seeing what happen is able to get the ref to move and then Dertah hits the (monu)Mental on Wilsonator. Dertah goes into the cover and gets the 1………………….2………………..3]

JR-Why the hell did Marc Mead help Dertah?

King-Don’t ask me?

Kris Gaffney-Dertah looks just as confused

[Dertah looks up at Mead in the isle, just realizing what happened. Dertah looks on in anger and confusion]

(OOC-Yes, Mead knew that Dertah was suppose to feud with him. I told him this, while it might seem weird. That was point of the run in (or so that's what I remember). Mead supposively still wants to go through with the feud. So we will see where he brings it. Marc, I wrote your request on what I remember. If you had anything else in mind. I can add it later. )

[The lights in the arena dim and it appears to be raining inside. The crowd are showered by falling water as Jocey Camp's theme hits and she makes her way down the ramp to a chorus of boos. She gets in the ring and taunts.)

Finkle: "THe following women's match is scheduled for one fall. On her way to the ring... Jocey Camp!"

(Chyna's theme hits as she comes into the ring and then hits a few fist to the face of Jocey, Jocey being less powerful than Chyna falls at everytime she gets hit and then Chyna knocks Jocey down with a clothesline. She continues to stamp away at her, before pulling her up. She looks for a suplex, but Jocey catches her and knocks her and escapse it. She knocks her down with a snapmere and Chyna is on the mat. Jocey lifts her and goes to work on Chyna with forearms to the face, stumbling her back into the corner. Jocey whips Chyna towards the opposite corner but Chyna reverses it and follows Jocey into the corner. But Jocey grabs the top rope and jumps over the charging Chyna, causing Chyna to run into the turnbuckle. Jocey hits a big german suplex on Chyna then takes a minute to play off to the crowd. Jocey reaches down and pulls Chyna up and puts her in a side headlock, but Chyna sends Jocey into the ropes and tries for a clothesline but Jocey ducks under and leaps off the second rope with a moonsault that sends Chyna to the ground. Jocey tries a quick cover for the 1…. 2…… kickout by Chyna. Jocey smiles andgrabs Chyna by the hair of her head. She drags Chyna over to the corner and sets her back against the turnbuckle. Jocey then starts stomping away at the midsection of Chyna. Chyna is wearing down fast as Jocey takes off to the opposite corner. Jocey then runs full speed ahead towards Chyna and hits a low dropkick to Chyna's face.)

JR - Jocey Camp is dominating Chyna in her debut here in the EMF.

King - Yeah… if she weren't fourteen, this would be where I talked about her puppies.

JR - She's a damn child, King!

Kris - Hey, you know what they say. If there's grass on the field….

King - You're like Michael Jackson, King. Only straight…

(Jocey runs at Chyna again, but this time Chyna rolls and Jocey dropkicks the turnbuckle. Jocey looks hurt and Chyna picks her up off the mat and hits a suplex. Jocey goes down and Chyna goes for a quick cover, getting the 1... 2... kick out. Chyna doesn't look shocked as she picks her up and delivers another hard-suplex. Jocey seems to be weakening as Chyna taunts and the crowd cheer her. She then picks up Jcey again and throws her into the turnbuckle. She goes over and lifts her to the top rope. She looks to be going for a suplex but Jocey pushes her off. She turnss round and goes for a moonsault, but Chyna hits a knee to the stomach as she comes down, and then catches Jocey with a school boy for the 1... 2...kick out again."

J.R: "The inexperiance almost costing Jocey big time..."

King: "She's not inexperianced... she's fourteen not four!"

Kris: "It's still ilegal King.... no matter what your sick mind says!"

(Chyan again lifts Jocey and throws her into the ropes. Jocey comes back and hits a knee to Chyna's skull. Chyna looks taken back, and Jocey hits away at her. Jocey knocks her down with a shot to the midsection and then hits a DDT on her. Chyna hits the mat hard and Jocey covers for the 1... 2... kick out. Jocey stamps away at Chyna a bit before covering her again... 1... kick out. Jocey lifts up Chyna and trows into a corner. She then goes to the oppostie corner and begins unpadding a turnbuckle. Chyna however recovers and as Jocey turns, she is clotheslined hard into the steal.)

J.R: "Again... she looks too young for this business... someone get her out of there!"

King: "She's holding her own J.R... I think she can win this!"

Kris: "Wouldn't be the first time you were wrong though King..."

(Chyna gets some breathe back form Jocey's offence, and then as Jocey stumbles up holding her back, Chyna runs and bulldogs her from behind. She then calls for the Chyna bomb. She picks her up and places her inbetween her legs, before lifting her for the move. Suddernly the crowd boo as Marc Mead appears through the crowd. The referee doesn't notice as he gets on a turnbuckle and Chyna turns and he hits her with a Mead Kick! Jocey lands on top of Chyna and scores the 1... 2... kick out SOMEHOW by Chyna. Marc rolls out of the ring before he causes a disqalification. Jocey looks angry that she kicked out but picks her up and goes for the Camp Crawler. CHyna counters it and places her for the bomb again. Jocey powers out and hits a big back body drop on Chyna. Chyna stumbles up and this time into the Camp Crawler. Jocey crawls into the cover for the 1... 2... 3!)

JR - Wow, what an impressive debut for Jocey Camp.

King - Yeah, but Trish is hotter. And more developed. Wouldn't you say Kris?

Kris - "Hey... its not me that judges 14 year old girls looks King... i'll leave you to do that..."

(We go into the ring as "Break the Walls down" blasts on the PA system as Jericho is doing his poses. Once again without his wife Amy Jericho. Obviously you the reader know why, so I won't say why. Jericho gets handed a microphone, as Jericho yells)


*pyrotechnics blasts off, and then Jericho's theme stops and he begins to talk*

.::"Y2J" Chris Jericho::.-Now I know all you Jerichohalics are wondering why we are having a Highlight Reel here, tonight. Well let me enlighten you, someone in the back has fallen on tough times. Oh yeah, this man who was once a big star...in his own mind now has hit rock bottom. No longer does he have his own show, he no longer has Revolution backing him up, no longer has an interviewer job. Face it, he's now a nobody here in the Extreme Measures Federation. But being the man that I am, I'm going to throw him a bone and give him one last chance at the spotlight here on the Highlight Reel. I mean I guess it's only fair, when he had his show he invited my EXTREMELY beautiful wife and myself on it. So I figure, what the hell...might as well return the favor. So please welcome to the Highlight Reel.......CARLITO!!

Carlito walks out in full Captain kirk star trek uniform, he walks into the ring, looks at the set of the higlight reel, really unimpressed, and he sits on the seat

Jericho: What the..........

Carlito: Wait wait wait.

Carlito puts an Hawaian shirt on over the outfit.

Carlito: Better

.::"Y2J" Chris Jericho::.-Hey Carlito, I want to know if you realized something or not. But Halloween was months ago, although when you got no job...I guess time flies. Besides, if you needed to make an ass out of yourself on my show. You could have at least dressed as something that fits you, maybe you could have come here as...Sideshow Bob?

Carlito: HA HA Sideshow Bob! HA HA Carlito likes that one HA HA HA....................NO ! Carlito was lying, That joke Chris Jericho, was not cool, but Carlito will tell you why he has came dressed like he has. Carlito has looked at the set of the highlight reel. it looks like the set of Star Trek, so Carlito has come dressed accordingly, All Carlito now needs is Scotty to beam Carlito up, and it would be done

.::"Y2J" Chris Jericho::.- Star Trek huh, well it would seem that "Star Trek" is the only show here in the EMF. While it would seem that your wearing what's left of the Garage sale of a talk show you use to have.

Carlito: Carlito has something to say about that.......................but not right now! While Carlito is proud to be here, The highlight reel is struggling, so Carlito is here to save it. Jericho, now Carlito notices things, Carlito has a fast mind, now he notices that Amy isnt here, whers Amy?

.::"Y2J" Chris Jericho::.-Struggling?! Hardly...this show has always been the top show in the EMF. The only time it has been "struggling" as you put is right now...because your on it. Because obviously your killing the ratings as we speak! But what can you say? Maybe I'm too nice for my own good sometimes allowing you on the show here. As for Amy, (Jericho looks like he was expecting this) she's getting over a sickness and she's been really busy. Does that answer your question, junior!?

Carlito: Yeah ok, everyone knows that Carlito has made his appearence on the PPV scene to try and save it, with matches like the ones made, You needed Carlito. So Carlito is here to save it. and does it answer my question? No. because I know the truth, youve dumped amy, Carlito doesnt blame you jericho, she was getting FAT!!!

.::"Y2J" Chris Jericho::.-Dump my lovely wife?! hell no Carlito! Really I should kick your ass for saying those things, but I won't. Because really junior, you wish you could be with a woman as beautiful, smart and everything that Amy is. But then again, when exactly is the last time you been with a woman yourself, or is it true that you may be a little.

*does a hand gesture*

Carlito: On the love boat! LA LA LA LA LA!! god it makes me sick. And Carlito was with 2 women last night, Carlito likes to use and abuse, No love crap, cuz thats not cool

.::"Y2J" Chris Jericho::.-Well I'll leave what you do in your spare time alone, because really I don't think I want to know, nor do these people. But it's funny, how we gone from Star Trek to the love boat, sounds like you been watching too much TV Carlito. But then again, what else you got to do these days?

Carlito: Carlito is glad you asked that Jericho asked that, what is carlito doing, well next week, its the return of the Cabana, with...............................................John Cena

.::"Y2J" Chris Jericho::.-Well, I guess I was wrong...I suppose even a man with no job can find enough junk around his house to put together that set. As for Cena, that might be interesting. Maybe interesting enough to cover up your lack of talent as a host. But don't bet on it junior!

Carlito: Cena on the Cabana is just the start, Now Carlito is outta here, tooo much uncool. Right Jericho take notes for next week, You too might get some cool guests one day, and maybe when the day is right you might become *bites apple* cool!

Carlitos music hits as he leaves ringside

(The scene opens up in the Vice President's office most likely near the end of the Highlight Reel, Amy Jericho is sitting at her desk very busy signing random paper work. Amy is dressing somewhat different, she was wearing a loose fitting shirt and her usual baggy pants. She was not just changing her clothes for the hell of it, it was getting really noticable that she was pregnant. So much in fact that small weight gain excuses may or may not work. So she had done what she could to cover over the fact that she was showing. Amy so far had kept her secret a secret, well to her knowledge anyways. She had also been able to avoid confrontations with EMF superstars, but that was about to change. Without any knock at the door, her office door opens up. She looks up surprised, and then she gives a look of somewhat annoyance. Inside she even felt a little worried once she saw who just opened up the door, but she plays it off like nothing is wrong and this is expected. Amy knew that Jericho had given her some extra security in case she felt threaten by any confrontation by EMF superstars. Being pregnant, she was certainly was not going to start any trouble. Amy rolls her eyes, and says.)

.::Amy Jericho::.-You know, at the very least you could have just knocked...I'm a bit busy you know. But that doesn't matter now, so Pun is there anything that I can help you with?

(Punisher walks in with a beer in hand and calmly shuts the door behind him. He makes his way to the chair in front of Amy's desk and sits down. His usual smile crosses his face as he props his fet up on the corner of Amy's desk.)

Punisher: Not really, Amy. I just came by to see how you were doing. I know you've been under alot of stress lately, so I figured I'd try to brighten your day with a little small talk.

.::Amy Jericho::.-Pun, stress comes with the job, and I doubt your really here just for small talk. Even if you are, then I much rather be alone...(she had seen a way out of this already)..I have quite a bit of work to do. So what exactly do you need to see me about?

Punisher: C'mon, Amy.... can't we just talk like friends? You want a beer? I've got one in the locker room. Unless, of course, this is a bad time for you to drink with me...

(Amy rolls her eyes, she knew it was a bad time. She was pregnant, she could not drink any alcohol. But she had an excuse out of this.)

.::Amy Jericho::.-Pun, I don't know if you remember or not, but I haven't touched anything with alcohol in it for years. I had problems with that while in the wWo. It wouldn't be very professional of me to drink on the job, and simply don't have the time even if I wanted to.

Punisher: You don't want a drink? That's fine.... more for me. But are you inquiring that I'm not very "professional" because I drink on the job, Amy? I mean, that's not how you should talk to the man who is going to be the number-one contender for the World title in a few minutes. And if you want to be so professional on the job, then why are you dressed like trailor park trash?

.::Amy Jericho::.-You took that wrong Pun, I meant I'm in an office job, it wouldn't exactly be very professional of me to just stop working and start drinking. It wasn't an insult to you. As for how I'm dressed, what concern is it of yours? How I'm dressed isn't going to effect how I do my job, that's why.

The Punisher: Maybe not, Amy, but it sure gives the wrong impression of how seriously you take your job. I dunno, maybe you just like being confortable at work. Or maybe you're packing some extra baggage in the weight department and are a little embarrassed. After all, you haven't been active in a little while. Afraid to show off that tummy of yours, Amy? Cuz you know, it used to be kind of sexy....

(She just decided to let that last comment roll off her back, but you can see she’s a little angry. But she keeps her composer.)

.::Amy Jericho::.-I don't know if you noticed, but look around in other offices....were not exactly very formal in our dress here Pun. What I want to wear, is what I want to wear...and this is what I want to wear. It's no business of yours.

(Pun puts his hands up in innocence)

The Punisher: Whoa... no need to get defensive, sweetheart. Mike seems to dress himself properly for the job. And I'm just saying, it's a shame you don't let that tight little stomach show anymore. You mind giving me a peek? I'm just curious as to whether or not you still have your "girlish figure".

(Amy narrows her eyes, but keeps her calm. She needed a way out of this.)

.::Amy Jericho::.-How about no Pun!! What do you take me for?!?! On second thought...I seen your promo's and let me say Pun. Don't answer that, it's all complete bullshit. You’re lucky my husband’s not around right now. Now if there isn't a REAL issue. If not, you can please LEAVE!!

The Punisher: Bullshit? Not from my perspective. From my point of view, you'll never be anything more than a sleazy five dollar whore. Maybe I don't know from experience, but why would I want to? If I wanted to know how you were in bed, I'd walk up and ask some random guy on the street. But while you're on the subject of your daddy, where might he be right about now anyway?

.::Amy Jericho::.-Whatever Pun, just the same old stuff over and over again. Really I think it's just that somewhere along the way you found out that the girl with Jericho had more power around the EMF than you thought. Because before that, you never even mentioned me. But that doesn't matter Pun, as for Jericho. He's around, and I'm sure he might even stop by soon...so I would watch what you say to me.....

(Amy wanted to continue, but she knew not to...she was pregnant. She didn't want to get Pun too angry, and put her baby in danger)

Punisher: Yeah, maybe that's it, Amy. Maybe I didn't know just how powerful you really were. But one thing is for sure... I'm not worried about Jericho in the least. In fact, I plan on having a little sit-down with him in the near future. See, Darter gave me some information about a rumor floating around the EMF a while back. I'm just trying to get some details and find out how much truth there is to the matter. So I thank you for your time, bitch. And maybe I'll get the chance to catch up with you again soon.... very soon. Have a good night, Amy.

(Punisher backs away from Amy's desk and out of her office as Amy gives him a very weird look. She had no clue what he was going on about as Punisher leaves the office. She really only had one thing to hide, and she really doubted that Punisher knew anything about it. She decides to pass it off as Punisher, acting like Punisher. Amy just shakes her head, and goes back to work as the scene fades.)

“Keys to the city” blasts on the PA system as Trish Stratus walks to the ring, she steps into the ring

JR-Trish Stratus this time last year was a very dominate, but her life has changed since then

King-Yeah, now she has a baby

Kris Gaffney-Yeah, soon there is going to be a whole generation of EMF kids

“Generic theme” blasts on the PA system as Jackie Cena walks to the ring, she seems really determined

King-You know, if Jackie isn’t talking about how superior a wrestler she is to her opponent…she’ll talk about what a superior hair color she has

Kris Gaffney-Sounds like her…

[Jackie comes into the ring and then throws down her belt and then charges at Trish and then takes her down with a double leg take down and then Jackie starts to hammer away away at Trish and then Trish turns it around and then Trish hits a few fists to Jackie and then Jackie is able to turn it around and then the two break from it and then Trish and Jackie get up and then Trish charges at Jackie and then Jackie takes down Trish with a head lock take down and then the ref looks at the shoulders to make sure that Jackie does not have her shoulders down and then the ref see’s that starts to count and then gets the 1……………2………..kick out by rising the shoulder and then Trish decides to find a way out of this and then she gets to her feet as Jackie holds on the side head lock and then Jackie applies more pressure and then Trish backs up Jackie and then whips Jackie off the ropes and Jackie goes off the ropes and then hits a shoulder tackle on Trish. Trish gets up and then Jackie hits a few forearm shots to the face of Trish and then Trish stumbles back and then Jackie tries to whip Trish to the ropes and then Jackie comes off the ropes and then hits a running clothesline Trish. Trish stumbles up to her feet and then charges at Jackie who hits a release arm drag release and then Trish flies and then just so happen falls out of the ring and then Jackie pumps up the crowd as Trish has to take a few moments to recover from the attack. But Jackie is able to catch Trish off guard by hitting a baseball slide on Trish as she got too close to the apron and then Jackie goes to the outside and then Jackie hits a few stomps to the downed Trish and then Jackie rolls Trish into the ring and then Jackie rolls into the ring and then see’s Trish is getting up and then Jackie picks up Trish and then hits a body slam. It would seem wanted to go to the top rope. Jackie goes to the outside and climbs to the top rope and then Jackie waits for Trish and then Trish stumbles to her feet and then Trish goes to where Jackie wants and then Jackie leaps off and then Jackie hits a flying cross body block on Trish and then Jackie gets the pin and gets the 1…………………2……………..kick out by Trish. Jackie questions the ref as Trish stumbles up and then Jackie goes for a clothesline and then Trish does the Matrish. Trish gets up and Jackie turns around and Trish hits a seated jaw breaker]

Kris Gaffney-Oh my god that was so great

King-Yeah, if only she didn’t steal it from just about every other move in her move set


[Trish has to take sometime to recover and then Jackie stumbles up and then Trish hits a few forearm shots to the face and then Jackie stumbles back to the ropes and then Jackie gets whipped to the ropes and then Jackie goes to the ropes and then Trish lowers her head and then hits a back body drop on Jackie. Jackie stumbles up and then Trish kicks Jackie in the gut and then hits a snap suplex on Jackie and Trish goes into the cover and then gets the 1……………….2…………..kick out by Jackie and then Trish looks up and questions that she didn’t get the 3 and then takes down Trish. Jackie hits a few stomps on the downed Trish and then takes Trish and then hits a few forearm shot to the face in the corner and then whips her to the other side of the ring and Trish hits into the corner and then Jackie charges into the corner and Trish hits a boot to the face. Trish pulls herself on the second rope and then Jackie stumbles towards Trish and then Trish hooks Jackie up and then drives Jackie into the mat with a tornado DDT on Jackie. Trish goes into the cover and gets the 1…………………..2……………kick out by Jackie. Trish hits the mat in frustration as she thought that she might have gotten the three there and then Jackie stumbles into the corner and then Trish hits a few kicks into the gut and then Trish whips Jackie into the corner and then Jackie goes into the corner and Trish charges into the corner and Jackie gets hit with a big boot and then Trish stumbles back and then Jackie pulls herself on the second rope and then before Jackie can do anything Trish goes for the set up for the Stratusphere and then she is able to almost get it and then Jackie is able to counter by throwing Trish off and then Trish lands on her feet and then Jackie pushes Trish away]

King-You know, that move doesn’t work as much as it use to

Kris Gaffney-I noticed that, it’s either countered or it works

JR-We will see if Jackie can capitalize on the advantage

[Jackie see’s Trish coming at her and Jackie flips over and goes for a sunset flip. Trish is stumbling back and then Trish goes for a fist. But Jackie moves out of the way and then Trish shakes her fist in pain and then Jackie gets up and then she hits a few fists and then Jackie tries to whip Trish to the ropes, and then Trish reverses the whip and then sends Jackie to the ropes and then Jackie bounces off the ropes and then she comes off the ropes and then Jackie hits a flying shoulder block and Trish falls through the ropes and to ring side of the ring. Trish crawls away as, and is looking under the ring. Jackie climbs out of the ring and charges at Trish. Trish turns around and has Singapore Cane and hits Jackie over the head with it and then Jackie falls to the mat as the ref calls for the bell, DQing Trish. Trish is yelling a few things, and then hits a few stomps as the ref makes Trish back up as refs come down and push Trish away as some others go to check on the womens champion]

“number 1” blasts on the PA system as Dude Nick walks to the ring with Torrie Wilson. He holds the IC title and steps into the ring and holds up the IC title

JR-Dude Nick has battled a while to get a singles title since losing the Extreme title, I’m sure he would like to keep this one

King-Yeah, sure he would…

Kris Gaffney-If he doesn’t, he might fire Torrie…although wouldn’t be bad. Maybe she could go with me…

“I am” blasts on the PA system as AJ Styles walks to the ring doing his usual entrance

JR-AJ Styles has been a very good IC champion, and it’s been wondered if he still wouldn’t be champion had Scott Kincaid not snuck through the back door

King-Yeah, those back door sneakers aren’t really cool

[Dude Nick and AJ Styles meet in the middle of the ring and then they start to talk trash and then Dude Nick takes a swing at AJ Styles and then AJ Styles hits a few hard fists to the face that is stumbling Dude Nick a bit, but not too much and then Dude Nick pushes AJ Styles back that sends AJ to the mat and then AJ gets up fast and then he charges at Dude Nick, but Dude Nick is able to counter the charge with a running forearm shot that takes down AJ, AJ Styles stumbles up and then Dude Nick hits a few hard forearm shots that back up AJ to the ropes and then Styles bounces off the ropes and Dude Nick lowers his head and then Dude Nick hits a big back body drop. Styles falls hard on his back as Dude Nick waits for AJ Styles to get up and then Dude Nick picks AJ Styles on his shoulders and then holds him for a few moments and then Dude Nick throws him over his head and then hits a gut buster. Dude Nick decides to go into the cover to see if he can get the pin, and gets the 1…………….2……kick out. Dude Nick isn’t that surprised that he didn’t get the pin right there and then Dude Nick takes AJ Styles by the hair and then backs him to the corner and then Dude Nick backs up and then Nick hits a few lifts into the corner and the ref yells at him for whatever reason as Dude Nick backs up and gives him room and then Dude Nick goes into the corner once again and whips AJ Styles to the opposite side of the ring and then Dude Nick takes too much time to charges with him and then AJ Styles is able to use the corner to try to go over Dude Nick. But Dude Nick stops and catches AJ Styles and then Dude Nick turns around with Dude Nick and hits a running power slam on AJ Styles right into the cover and gets the 1………………….2………kick out and then Dude Nick looks up and then shrugs his shoulders as he brings AJ Styles up and then pushes back into the corner and then Dude Nick hits a big hip toss from the corner and AJ Styles goes flying to the mat and then AJ Styles bounces up on impact and falls into the opposite corner and then Dude Nick goes over to where AJ Styles is and then whips him hard into the opposite side of the ring and then AJ Styles crashes into the corner and then Dude Nick charges into the corner and then Styles his a foot to the face and then Dude Nick stumbles back and AJ Styles goes to the corner and then climbs to the top rope and nails a flying back elbow on Dude Nick.]

JR-Good move by the former IC champion, he’s going to have to take Dude Nick off his feet to neutralize the power advantage

King-You want to bet he tries to go for the legs?

Kris Gaffney-I won’t take that one…that’s a bet you could actually win

[Both Dude Nick and AJ Styles are down, but being that he’s been beaten up for most of the match so far AJ Styles is the last to get up and then Dude Nick throws a wild fist and surprise, surprise…he connects. AJ Styles falls to the mat and then Dude Nick takes a few moments and then Dude Nick kicks AJ Styles in the gut and then sets up AJ Styles and then picks up AJ Styles for a power bomb. But before Dude Nick can drive AJ Styles down, AJ Styles starts to hammer Dude Nick with a few fists to the face and then Dude Nick stumbles around as the fists are obviously having an effect and then Dude Nick stumbles towards the ropes and then AJ Styles is able to hurricanarana Dude Nick and himself over the top rope and then AJ Styles is able to hold on to the ropes and then he goes to the apron as Dude Nick falls on the mat and then AJ Styles looks that Dude Nick is going to take a few moments to recover and then AJ Styles uses the ropes and then slides under the ring ropes and then gets up and runs to the ropes, bounces off the ropes and then goes over to where he came from and then leaps over the top rope and then hits a summersault dive over the top rope that connects on Dude Nick. Both wrestlers are down, but AJ Styles isn’t really hurt and then gets up and then Dude Nick gets rolled into the ring and then AJ Styles climbs on the apron and uses the ropes and then uses the ropes to spring board backwards on the top rope and then he leaps on the other closes turnbuckle backwards and leaps off into a moonsault and connects on Dude Nick and then goes into the cover and gets the 1……………………2……………kick out by Dude Nick that sends AJ Styles flying almost across the ring and then AJ Styles is on his knee’s almost amazed that Dude Nick had so much to kick out like that. AJ Styles then hits a kick to the seated Dude Nick to put him down once again and then AJ Styles climbs to the top rope and then Dude Nick stumbles to his feet and then AJ Styles leaps off the top rope for a cross body block, but it’s caught by Dude Nick. Dude Nick tries to put AJ Styles to his shoulders, but AJ Styles is able to counter with a front a face lock and then hits a DDT on Dude Nick.]

Kris Gaffney-Wow, I should have taken that bet…

King-Yeah…shows you I can’t win a bet no matter what.

[AJ goes into the cover and gets the 1………………2………….kick out by Dude Nick and then AJ Styles flies across the ring and then ring and then . Dude Nick stumbles up and then charges at AJ Styles and then goes for a clothesline and then AJ ducks it and then hits the paylay, AJ gets ready for the styles clash. But before he can, the mask man we seen the past few weeks slides into the ring and then nails AJ with a chair. The ref calls for the bell, Dude Nick gets up and then the mask man slides out the ring and then goes to the backstage area]

(OOC-This match was too hard to call, there are arguments for and against both Dude Nick and AJ. So much that I would not even put too much into who the DQ was for, just that there were too many issues that made it too unclear for a title change. This is not about indecision, this is about that there are too many arguments for and against. Even though we used the DQ finish on this PPV two other times, no match needed it like this one. Malis/Snyder…Malis really won, we were just setting up for a rematch. Jackie and Trish was pre-set. This one was debated to hell, and this was the best ending we could all agree on. So I used Primetime’s interference as the ending (he was going to run in no matter what, it was just a matter of when). I’m hoping we can have a rematch and the decision will be more clear. Although, if you guys really want to twist my arm, I could make a clear call…but I think this is the best one.)

(OOC-If I got the ending wrong, just tell me...we can change it. No big deal, this is a storyline match)

“Square Dance?” blasts on the PA system as Barbwire Chris walks to the ring. To the surprise of everyone, he is wearing a Elite shirt

JR-What’s going on here

Kris Gaffney-No clue

King-Let me consult an expert

(King brings out a Pigs head dressed up like JR)


(While the entrances are going on. We go into a backstage area where Chris Jericho is talking to a backstage worker who is giving him feedback on the Highlight Reel. Jericho nods, and tells the worker he needs to go see Amy. The worker says "bye" and Jericho walks down the hall way as the camera follows in front of him. Suddenly a voice comes out of no where)

Voice - Hey "Star of the Show".....

(Chris stops and looks to his right. Punisher is Leaning against his locker room door with a beer in hand and a smile on his face.)

Punisher - God a few minutes for a little man like myself?

(Jericho see's Punisher, and then shakes his head. He's pissed seeing Punisher due to the comments he made to Amy. He then grins his cocky grin and then says)

.::"Y2J" Chris Jericho::.-Sure, why not. After all, I always got time for my fans. Especially the jackass that keeps making comments about my wife as you do. Because Pun I don't like the untrue crap you been saying about her, so there are at the very least a few things I could think about to say to you. But go on, what the hell do you want junior?

(Pun just drops his head with a laugh and then looks back at Jericho. He takes a drink of beer and looks at Jericho. He seems sincere, but everyone knows he's being sarcastic.)

Punisher - Well, I admit the comments about Amy weren't completely true. After all, I never mentioned she was married to a part-time has been. Maybe I should have mentioned that to her while I was in her office a few minutes ago...

(You can see Jericho's eyes grow big for a split second, worried about Amy's safety. But then he assures himself that if it was something she couldn't handle that she would have used the security to kick out Punisher. So he goes on like nothing happened.)

.::"Y2J" Chris Jericho::.-Has-Been huh? Well Punisher I must be a has been. After all, I did accomplish what it took you all last year in a few matches. I am still the reigning co-wrestler of the year. You see Pun, while I might only be a part time wrestler....but the fact I was standing on the same stage as you at the last Slammy's as Co-Wrestler of the year should tell you how much of a has-been I really am Pun *Jericho gives him a cocky grin, then his face gets a look of anger*. But enough about that, I would watch what you say about my wife. None of that stuff you have said about her is true. So I hope for your sake that you didn't say anything that upset her! But then again, I can see that's not the case....because I know if it was a situation that she couldn't handle, then security I left with her would have sent your ass out of the arena and your little chance to gain another world title shot...gone! Because Punisher, you might be one of the bigger stars in the EMF...but it's clear on the comments you said to Amy recently that your clearly the biggest ass clown as well.

Punisher - Well, I can handle the whole Co-Wrestler of the Year thing, Jericho. Because one, I only wrestled half a year. And two, you need some sort of recognition so you don't get become a whisper in the wind. And about Amy, I'll say what I please, when I want to say it. Because I have my first amendment rights, and frankly, I don't think you can do much about it. But don't worry, I didn't touch her. I didn't even say anything much out of the way to her. I just knew we've never been friends, and thought a little friendly conversation would break the water... *looks confused* Is that how the saying goes? Oh well, close enough.

.::"Y2J" Chris Jericho::.-I think the word your looking for is "ice" Punisher. But whatever, you know Punisher, she probably wouldn't have anything against you, if you would just SHUT THE HELL UP! Which is the thing I want to stress to you, really Pun...if you think about it. What has she really done to you, big deal...she added a person to a match you won anyways. You need to let it go, you got anymore problems leave her the hell out of them. Besides, it would seem you have a lot more problems to deal with, with the other authority figures, than with her.

Punisher - Yeah, how about you take your own advice and shut the hell up for a minute. You're right, I don't like authority figures. But more so, I don't like you. And I don't like Amy. And I'll do anything it takes to watch you two suffer just so I can get a hee-haw out of it. Consider it a personal vendetta, and I won't stop until I see the two of you crying like newborns....

.::"Y2J" Chris Jericho-(Jericho didn't like the baby reference...but he continued) Personal vendetta? Really Punisher I don't got a problem with that, but leave my wife out of it then. I mean Punisher you seem to forget who your talking to, remember that so many people have tried to get rid of me and Amy. All have failed, many have went on a certain list of mine. Really Pun, maybe I'm not seeing where your coming from, I mean maybe it's the fact that we are the Other World. I mean you do remember we were invadors here in the EMF, so maybe that's the problem you have with us. But then again, it was you that helped that invasion...didn't you, so really, I fail to see the huge problem you have with us.

Punisher - I'd love to leave her out of it, Jericho. Really I would.... but I just can't. See, she's a hazard to the EMF in my eyes. And she should be gone. Because not only do I think she is a hazard to my company, but I also think that my company... could be hazardous to her...

.::"Y2J" Chris Jericho::.-Regardless of what you have heard from that jackass Paul Heyman...yeah the guy who you use to be "friends" with. She hasn't abused her power as he probably use to tell you all the time, you should know by now if there is anyone that does that, it's Heyman himself. I know she uses her power to benefit the people who allow you to be the Punisher. Those people out in that arena! *gets a cheap pop from the crowd, Jericho resist the urge to give a thumbs up* Now I know that means nothing to you, but I'm sure the money that they give you certainly does. Amy's not a hazard to anyone, other than anyone that misuse their power...and as for this company being a hazard to her. Well, I've always been here to make sure nothing like that happens, and I'll do anything to make sure it stays that way.

Punisher - Very touching, Jericho. And as much as I'd like to sit around and shoot the breeze with you a little longer, I have a match to win tonight. So I'll be seeing you around....

(Pun starts to walk down the hall as Jericho watches him walk away. Suddenly, Pun stops and turns around.)

Punisher - Oh, and one more thing. You might not be as in control of things as you might think....

(Pun kills his beer and tosses the bottle in a nearby trashcan. He smiles and continues down the hallway, leaving Jericho with a mixture of rage and confusement. We go back into the arena as “Down with the Sickness is blasting on the PA system as Angelus slides into the ring. Everyone, but one person is now on the ring. The music stops then “Capital Punishment” blasts on the PA as Punisher walks to the ring)

King-It’s Darter’s fault that Pun’s involved here

JR-yep, but it’s not like he’s getting over his head here

[The ring is filled up with the seven wrestlers who are all talking trash to each other waiting for the bell to bring and then suddenly the bell brings. As the wrestlers start to hammer away on each other and then Punisher and Barbwire Chris are seemly sticking to the plan as they hammer away on Kennedy and then Mr. E is in the corner as Kincaid is hammering away on him and then Kincaid tries to whip Mr. E to the other side of the ring and then Kincaid goes into the corner and then Mr. E lowers his shoulder and tries to back body drop Kincaid out of the ring, somehow Kincaid is able to hold on to the ropes and then Kincaid turns around and gets hit with a shoulder block and then Kincaid goes to the top rope and Mr. E stumbles around and then Kincaid jumps off. But Mr. E is able to counter what seems to be an double axe handle with a drop kick that sends Kincaid down and then Mr. E hits a few fists to the face and then on the other side of the ring we have our first elimination as the team of Barbwire Chris and Punisher were too much for Ken Kennedy as he’s thrown out of the ring by both of them Barbwire and Punisher nod and then go their separate ways in the brawl and Punisher turns Carnage around and then start to hammer away at him while Barbwire Chris fights Angelus. Carnage is reeling a bit and then Punisher tries to whip Carnage to the ropes. Carnage puts on the breaks and then Punisher looks up and can’t believe it and then tries it again and Carnage isn’t going anywhere and then Punisher gets pulled into Carnage and then Carnage hits a big short arm clothesline and then Carnage takes a few moments to recover as Punisher gets up and stumbles back into the corner and then Carnage goes into the corner and then Carnage hits a few fists to the face and then Carnage gets Punisher ready and then takes Punisher and hits a big hip toss out of the corner and then Punisher hits hard on the mat and then Carnage holds up his arm as he waits for Punisher to get up and then Punisher stumbles right into Carnage who grabs Punisher by the throat. Being no DQ Punisher hits a low block. Carnage stands there in pain and then Punisher falls on the ropes, Carnage then charges at Punisher and goes for a running big boot. But Punisher ducks it, and then Carnage is on the top rope in pain again. Punisher takes the other leg and then lifts it up and then Carnage goes out of the ring and falls to the arena floor]

JR-The biggest man in this battle royal Carnage is gone

King-Well, maybe someone will feed him a baby

Kris Gaffney- MaYbE…hEy, WhAt HapPeNeD tO mY wOrDs?

[Mr. E and Kincaid are battling it out, Mr. E goes for a fist but it’s ducked under by Kincaid who then picks up Mr. E and turns around. Mr. E stumbles back in pain and then Kincaid follows up with a few other knife edge chops and then Mr. E stumbles back and then Mr. E is reeling on the ropes and then Kincaid waits for Mr. E to stumbles to the ropes and then Kincaid whips Mr. E to the ropes and then Mr. E bounces off the ropes and then Kincaid goes for a clothesline and Mr. E ducks it and then waits for Kincaid to turn around. Kincaid turns around and then gets kicked in the gut and then Mr. E goes for a vertical suplex and then turns it into a stalling suplex and then before he can hit if Kincaid is able to shift his weight and land on his feet behind Mr. E and then goes for a set up for a vertical suplex and then lifts up Mr. E and takes a few steps back and tries to dump Mr. E over the top rope. But Mr. E is able to hook the ropes before falling on the ropes completely and then Kincaid turns around and then just as Mr. E pulls himself on the apron Kincaid throws a fist that lands, Mr. E is stunned. Kincaid hits a fist and soon Mr. E is leaning and it looks like he’s about to fall. It looks like Kincaid backs up and goes for the final blow. But suddenly the mask man we saw last week comes from behind and then dumps Kincaid over the top rope and Kincaid falls to the floor. The mask man looks down on what he did]

JR-What the hell?!?! It’s that mask man again.

Kris Gaffney-He must be VERY angry

King-He could have done worst…he could have done this to Kincaid after he did that

*King takes out a sword and then marks a Z on the pigs head that looks like JR.*


[The camera gets a zoom in shot as the mask man takes the mask off]

JR-It’s Daniel Massoud!! “Primetime” Daniel Massoud!!

King-It’s truly a Return of an Era

Kris Gaffney-So what’s Primetime so angry about?

[Primetime steps out of the ring as Kincaid looking in confusion as Primetime hits a fist to Kincaid and then Kincaid stumbles back and then Primetime is able to get the advantage making him falls back. Until Kincaid is able to get over the fact he’s being attacked and then Kincaid is able to fire back as ref’s is able to storm and then separate the two as we go back into the ring as we are down to the final four. Barbwire Chris, Punisher, Angelus, and Mr. E. Mr E is still shocked on what happened. Looks around and then can’t help to do what he promised in his promo and yells “show me the money, BITCH” suddenly as his attention is turned Angelus comes from behind and then throws him out of the ring and Mr. E is gone. While his attention is turned around Pun says something to Chris. Chris smiles and gets behind Angelus. Chris his a low blow, it’s perfectly legal as Angelus turns around in pain and then Chris kicks him in the gut and then sets him up and hits a brain buster and then Chris brings out a fork! Angelus is on the second rope and then Barbwire starts to rake the fork over Angelus face. Chris then goes to the ropes and then leaps off and comes down on Angelus back and then Angelus falls in the middle of the ring as Chris takes the fork and rakes it across his chest (OOC-Chris wanted a “BC”, but I kinda got iffy on that. I might add it later, but this is what I’m going to leave for now. Because the damage on Angelus no matter what probably isn’t going cause scars. (unless he wants) Chris then stops and then looks at the fork in amazement as he starts to laugh like a fool, he’s too focused on that to see that when Angelus comes up and then hits the Slain on Chris and then he looks pissed off. Chris bounces up and then Angelus is trying to force Chris over the top rope and before he can Punisher comes and then hits a clubbing blow and Chris falls over the top, but is able to hold on and just lay on the apron and then Punisher hits a few fists to the face of Angelus and then Punisher tries to whip Punisher to the ropes, then it’s reversed and Punisher goes to the ropes and then Angelus hits a spinning heel kick and then Punisher stumbles up to his feet and Angelus kicks Punisher in the gut and then hits a DDT. Angelus takes Punisher and throws him over the top rope, but Punisher holds on and then Punisher hits a shoulder block and then Angelus stumbles back and Punisher comes into the ring and picks up Angelus for the Capital Punishment and Angelus struggles out the back. Punisher turns around and Angelus takes a wild swing. Punisher ducks it and then hits a inverted atomic drop and then Angelus goes flying back and actually hits into Barbwire Chris who was on the apron and Chris goes flying off the apron and is gone. Angelus is stunned, Punisher comes from behind and then throws Angelus over the top rope and wins the match]

JR-With that Punisher was able to throw out Angelus and throw Angelus out of the ring

King-You got to wonder if that lunge to eliminate Barbwire Chris was really worth it to Angelus

[EMF Return of an Era goes off the air with Punisher’s arm being rised

(OOC-For the most part, I did not do order of elimination. I just did general order of elimination. Which means the order you were limited may, may not have been exact..but it was close. I worried more about the winner in this case. Also for those I didn’t mention too much (Angelus) keep in mind I could only focus at one at a time, because you were probably kicking ass off my focus while I was describing it..it’s hard to write a battle royal in words. So just because you weren’t mentioned, doesn’t mean you did nothing…that is open for your own story of what happened.)