EMF: Return of an Era 02

Return of an Era starts off with a back stage shot of Wes Ikeda talking to someone, suddenly Barbedwire Chris comes at of no where and nails him in the back with a chair. Chris stomps the downed Wes yelling things at him, Chris pulls Wes up and throws him against some boxes. Wes bounces back and then Chris takes Wes by the hair and then throws him into a plate of glass shattering the glass. Chris yells at the downed Wes and then walks off as we go into the arena where pyro goes off and then the camera goes around the crowd and we go to JR and the King

JR-Welcome everyone to Return of an Era, I’m good ol’ JR along side Jerry “the King” Lawler

King-and it’s return……..OF THAT SAME DAMN INTRO., JR get something orinigal! Finkel:"Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is scheduled for one fall and it is a triple threat match, with a special Show Or Go stipulation in effect for the first contestant. And now, introducing the first competitor...NC17!!"

*NC17's music begins to play and he steps out onto the stage for the first match of the night. The crowd begins to boo and chant "Get The Hell Out" as he starts to walk down the ramp to the ring. But as he reaches about the half way mark on the ramp, Rob Steelhart rushes through the entrance and down the ramp after him, nailing him in the back of the head with a massive forearm shot that knocks NC17 down, and sends him rolling the rest of the way down the ramp. Steelhart quickly follows after him, grabbing him as he comes to a stop at the foot of the ramp, pulling him up to his feet and sending him head first into the steel ring steps. Steelhart stands there, laughing and screaming at NC17 as he tries to stand, his head now busted wide open from the hard shot into the ring steps. Steelhart walks over, grabbing the top layer of the steps, and picking them up, tossing them out of the way. Once this is done, Steelhart pulls the bloodied NC17 up to his feet,as he himself stands on the bottom layer of the steps. Steelhart places NC17's head between his legs, and then grabs his tights, using them for leverage to get him up, and to execute a Pulling Piledriver into the ring steps. Steelhart rolls off the steps and stands back up at ring side, laughing sadistically as NC17 lays unconcious on the ring floor, blood pouring from his head.*

J.R:"Bah Gawd! Thats one hell of a way to start off the night. I think Steelhart just proved that hes back with a purpous, and that he'll do anything he has to in order to win."

King:"Nah, that bitch movie rating boy just got what he deserved, he really should have no showed for this match."

*"Sgt. Rock's" theme begins to play on the speakers as he steps out onto the stage from the locker room area. Steelhart rolls intot he ring in anticipation of his opponent coming to te ring. After a few seconds of the two of them staring each other down, Sgt. Rock finally runs down the ramp and slides into the ring, only to be met by stomps and kicks from Steelhart, that prevent him from getting to his feet. Finally, Rob pulls Sgt. Rock to his feet, and attempts an irish whip, but its reveresed, and Steelhart is sent into the ropes instead. Steelhart bounces off the ropes, and runs back at Sgt. Rock, only to duck his clothes line. And as he does, Steelhart, grabs Sgt. Rocks wrist and pulls his arm up over his own head,locking it behind his neck and delivering a powerful Heart Punch directling into the side of Sgt. Rock's chest. Sgt. Rock collapses to the ring mat and Steelhart makes a non chalant cover, not even bothering to hook the leg, as Nick Patrick drops down for the count.....1..2..3!*

Finkel:"Ladies and gentlemen, the winner of this match, Rob Steelhart!"

J.R:"Well it looks like Steelhart was on top of his game tonight King, because neither of these two young kids stood a chance in this match."

King:"This match sucked J.R! It suffered from acute lack of puppies syndrome!"

“Nash’s theme” blasts on the PA system

King-it might be Return of an Era 3000, when Nash finally gets down here


“Barbedwire Chris theme” blasts on the PA system as Chris walks to the ring

JR-I’m sure Wes isn’t too happy with that beating.

King-Aw well what is he going to do, he’s a jobber…jobbest job ever to job, right next to RVT!

“Danny G’s theme” blasts on the PA system as Danny G walks to the ring

King-There are something strangly familiar about these themes…


[Chris and Nash lock up, Nash pushes Chris down to the mat and he goes rolling off to the other side of the ring. This is when Big Danny G is able to come off the second rope with a double ax handle that takes Nash by surprise and floors him. Danny G hits a few stomps to the leg of Nash, Danny G then puts the leg on the rope and then leaps in the air and comes down on it, Nash is in a lot of pain. Danny G then hits a spinning knee leg drop to continue the assault on the leg, Danny G then puts a single leg lock, but Chris finally comes back into the picture with a low front drop kick to the back of Danny G’s head. Danny G lets go being stunned by this, Chris then pulls up the stunned Danny G and hits a few forearms that stumble Danny G. Chris whips Danny G to the ropes and then backs to the ropes, Danny G bounces off the ropes as Chris does and they meet in the center in the ring where Chris hits a hard spear. Chris then follows it up with a few hard fists to the head and then pulls up Danny G and then hits a few knife edge chops to the chest of Danny G until he is in the corner. Chris then hits Danny G with a over hand chop/knife edge chop combo and then finishes it up with a bite to the face. The ref makes him break it and then moves out. Danny G stumbles out of the corner and then Chris whips Danny G to the ropes and nails him with a running spinning elbow on Danny G. Danny G goes down, Nash then charges and goes for a running big boot. Chris ducks it and then hits a clip to the back of the leg that Danny G was working on. Nash leg’s bulk and he falls on the ropes. Chris then pulls up Nash’s legs and then kicks him between the legs. The ref yells, but Chris tells him that it was in the gut. Nash stumbles up into the corner. Chris then whips him to the opposite side of the ring and then Nash goes crashing into the corner. Chris charges at Nash, but Nash is able to hit a back elbow as Chris goes for whatever move he was trying.]

King-Old man Nash’s memory must be really going, I think he forgot the beating he just took.

JR-Nash must not watch the matches after, because he’s yet to get pissed at you…

King-Well he can’t his eyes and ears aren’t what they use to be….

[Chris stumbles back and then Nash exploads out of the corner and then nails Chris with a hard clothesline that sends him to the mat. Danny G comes running at Nash and then Nash kicks Danny G in the gut and then presses him over his head. Nash then drops Danny G down to the mat and then waits for him to stumble up. Once he does Nash notices that he’s near the ropes so he nails him with a clothesline over the top rope. At this point in time Chris has stumble his way back up to his feet, Nash goes over and scoops him up and over his shoulder. Nash charges with Chris over his shoulder, but Chris is able to push off and fall on his feet in the back of Nash. Chris then pushes Nash towards the turnbuckle and makes him crash into it. Nash stays there for a few seconds, Chris backs off and then charges and hits a big jumping splash into the corner, Nash stumbles out of the corner and then turns around. Chris is on the top rope and nails Nash with a front drop kick that floors him]

JR-Barbedwire Chris might be going for his finisher soon

King-Good, because I can’t take more of this match.

[Barbedwire Chris then runs to the ropes, but the top rope gets pulled down and Barbedwire Chris goes tumbling down. The camera gets a shot of a bloody Wes who attacks Chris, Chris gets up and brawls with Wes up the ramp. While this is happening Nash is getting up, while Danny G stands on the apron. Danny G then spring boards himself off the top rope and goes for a hurricanarana. But Nash is able to block it and trys to turn it into the Jack Knife power bomb. But before he can do this, Danny G keeps his legs around Nash’s head stalling this and hits a few punches until Nash is stunned enough to let go of the move, Danny G then flips down to the back of Nash and gets him into a sunset flip holding Nash’s shoulders down. Nash struggles to get out and does….exactly after the ref hand hits the mat for the third time for the 1………2………3]

King-Did I just see another fluke….

JR-who knows..

(Nash gets up unbelieving what just happen, he trys to attack Danny G. But Danny G slides out of the ring and then grabs the TV title and holds it high in the air as the ref raises his arm. Nash is seemly coming after him, but Danny G exits through the crowd and is gone.)

King-What you know Danny G has a brain, we all know old man Nash can’t catch any one in his old age

JR - This match is a Standard Match tag match. On there way to the ring at this time, Angelus !!!

[Angelus come to the ring. ]

JR - and their opponents, the team of The Dudley Boyz.

[The Dudley Boyz walk to the ring. Tim White is the referee for this match. Angelus checks his boots. D-Von drops Angelus with a Gorilla Press Slam on the mat. (the bell rings) Angelus executes the guillotine choke on D-Von. Angelus moves back to his feet. D-Von is up again. D-Von slaps Angelus . D-Von tags in Buh Buh Ray. Buh Buh Ray is up again. Buh Buh Ray spinning mule kicks Angelus . Angelus gets hit with the shooting star press from Buh Buh Ray. Referee Tim White makes the count. ...1 Angelus kicks out. ]

Howard Finkle - Buh Buh Ray should have known he wouldn't win the match with that.

[Angelus stands up. Buh Buh Ray slaps the face of Angelus . Buh Buh Ray stands up. Buh Buh Ray nails Angelus with a belly-to-back suplex. Buh Buh Ray is back on his feet. Angelus moves back to his feet. Angelus trys for a jumping clothesline but Buh Buh Ray avoids it. Buh Buh Ray gets locked into the headscissors submission by Angelus . Tim White asks Buh Buh Ray if he quits. ... ... Buh Buh Ray escapes. Angelus hits Buh Buh Ray with a running powerbomb on to the mat. ]

JR - Good running powerbomb by Angelus .

[Buh Buh Ray gets locked in the painful STF. Tim White is checking for a tap out. ... Buh Buh Ray trys to escape. ... (AHHHH!) ... Angelus tightens the hold. Angelus breaks the hold. Buh Buh Ray tags in D-Von. Buh Buh Ray piledrives Angelus . ]

King - That's strategy right there! Double Team Angelus .

[Angelus kicks Buh Buh Ray on the mat. Buh Buh Ray moves back to his feet. Angelus pokes Buh Buh Ray in the eyes. D-Von tags Buh Buh Ray. Angelus with a high crossbody on Buh Buh Ray. Angelus gets back to his feet. Buh Buh Ray is up again. Angelus uses a belly-to-belly suplex. Buh Buh Ray is down. ]

JR - Angelus executes a side belly-to-belly suplex.

[Angelus goes for a pin. The ref starts the count. ...1 ...2 Buh Buh Ray kicks out. Buh Buh Ray is up again. Buh Buh Ray tags in D-Von. Angelus rakes his fingers across D-Von's back. D-Von tags Buh Buh Ray. Angelus hits a koppo kick on Buh Buh Ray. Buh Buh Ray is up again. Buh Buh Ray makes the tag to D-Von. D-Von does a cartwheel and kicks Angelus in the face. Angelus tagged in by Angelus . D-Von punches Angelus repeatedly. ]

JR - D-Von executes a weak move.

[D-Von pokes Angelus in the eyes. Angelus tags in Angelus . D-Von punches Angelus repeatedly. ]

King - Angelus takes a weak move.

[D-Von neck snaps Angelus . D-Von lifts Angelus up and drops him on his knee. D-Von chants start. Angelus gets up. Angelus is locked in the elbow submission by D-Von. Tim White asks Angelus if he quits. ... ... Angelus escapes. D-Von makes the tag to Buh Buh Ray. Buh Buh Ray executes an over the shoulder stomachbreaker on Angelus . D-Von executes a ropeflip hiptoss on Angelus . ]

Howard Finkle - This is just awefull! Angelus is being double teamed!

[D-Von gets tiger suplexed by Angelus . Angelus gets up. Angelus kicks D-Von on the mat. D-Von stands up. Angelus jabs D-Von. Buh Buh Ray brings in D-Von for The Dudley Boyz. Angelus hits him with a back fist. Buh Buh Ray tagged in by D-Von. Buh Buh Ray piledrives Angelus head first into the mat. Buh Buh Ray executes a springboard bulldog, slamming Angelus 's head onto the mat. D-Von rakes the face of Angelus in attempt to make a come back. ]

King - Angelus is being double teamed! I LOVE it!!

[D-Von gets picked up and dropped with the fireman's carry by Angelus . D-Von is up again. Running neckbreaker drop executed by Angelus takes D-Von down hard. ]

King - Is that the greatest move ever or what?

JR - Oh yeah!

[D-Von stands up. D-Von chops Angelus . Buh Buh Ray brings in D-Von for The Dudley Boyz. Angelus executes a headlock takedown. ]

King - Follows up with a headlock takedown.

[Angelus makes the tag to Angelus. D-Von punches Angelus repeatedly. D-Von tags in Buh Buh Ray. Angelus gives Buh Buh Ray the cobra clutch suplex onto the mat. D-Von tagged in by Buh Buh Ray. They lockup. Buh Buh Ray sends Angelus to the corner of the ring. ]

JR - Angelus is being double teamed!

[Angelus fist drops Buh Buh Ray on the mat. Buh Buh Ray is back on his feet. Buh Buh Ray hits Angelus with a heart punch. Angelus gives Buh Buh Ray a reverse neckbreaker. Angelus covers Buh Buh Ray hooking the leg. Tim White counts the pin. ...1 ...2 Buh Buh Ray kicks out. Buh Buh Ray gets up. Angelus punches Buh Buh Ray in the head. Angelus does a handspring and hits Buh Buh Ray with a bodyblock, what a move! Angelus stands up. Angelus grabs Buh Buh Ray's leg and takes him down, then locks his leg. Referee Tim White is checking for a tap out. ... ... ... Buh Buh Ray is fighting the hold. Angelus breaks the hold. Angelus tags in Angelus . Angelus executes a split legged moonsault on to D-Von. Angelus dropkicks D-Von to the knee. Angelus hits D-Von with an inverted atomic drop. ]

King - That's strategy right there! Double Team D-Von.

[D-Von mule kicks Angelus. Angelus gets back to his feet. Angelus executes a swinging bulldog on D-Von driving D-Von's face into the mat. Angelus hits D-Von with an elbowdrop. Angelus gets back to his feet. Angelus hits D-Von with an atomic drop. Angelus drags D-Von to the floor. Tim White starts the count (.1) (..2) Angelus knees D-Von and rolls back to his feet. (...3) Angelus applies an arm wrench to D-Von. D-Von gets back to his feet. (....4) Angelus knifehand chops D-Von. ]

Howard Finkle - knifehand chop!

[Angelus goes for a spinning neck-breaker but D-Von dodges the attack. (.....5) ]

King - Those idiots better pay attention to Tim White!

Howard Finkle - This is quality sports entertainment!

[D-Von hits Angelus with a double underhook piledrive right into the floor. (......6) Angelus moves back to his feet. (.......7) Angelus takes D-Von into the ring. Angelus executes a headlock takedown. Angelus tagged in by Angelus . Angelus knees D-Von and rolls back to his feet. Angelus hits D-Von with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle. Angelus gets back to his feet. Angelus brings in Angelus for Angelus . Angelus stomps D-Von's head. D-Von brings in Buh Buh Ray for The Dudley Boyz. Buh Buh Ray hits the fallaway slam on Angelus . Buh Buh Ray chants start. Angelus gets hit with the shooting star press from Buh Buh Ray. The ref starts the count. ...1 ...2 Angelus kicks out. ]

JR - Buh Buh Ray almost won the match!

[Angelus gets back to his feet. Angelus tagged in by Angelus . Buh Buh Ray get whipped into the corner and Angelus follows himin with an avalanche. Angelus uses a swinging DDT to plant Buh Buh Ray's head into the mat. Buh Buh Ray hits Angelus with a rolling elbow smash to the face. Angelus stands up. Buh Buh Ray gets caught with an elbowsmash to the face. Buh Buh Ray knifehand chops Angelus . Angelus executes a jawbreakeron Buh Buh Ray. Angelus kicks Buh Buh Ray on the mat. Angelus kicks Buh Buh Ray on the mat. Buh Buh Ray climbs to his feet. Buh Buh Ray hits Angelus with the double arm DDT into the mat. Buh Buh Ray chants start. Buh Buh Ray moves back to his feet. Angelus gets locked into the headscissors submission by Buh Buh Ray. Tim White asks Angelus if he quits. ... ... ... ... (AHHHH!) Angelus escapes. Angelus tags in Angelus . Angelus gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Buh Buh Ray. Buh Buh Ray is back on his feet. Buh Buh Ray tackles Angelus . Angelus pins Buh Buh Ray against the ropes and chokes him with his forearm. Buh Buh Ray is hit with a backward kick. Buh Buh Ray tags in D-Von. D-Von sets Angelus up DDTs him into the mat. D-Von clotheslines Angelus . ]

JR - This is just awefull! Angelus is being double teamed!

[Now D-Von standing. Angelus with a huge super fisherman buster, driving D-Von into the mat. Angelus stands up. D-Von gets back to his feet. Angelus drags D-Von to the floor. Tim White starts the count (.1) ]

Howard Finkle - I wish every match could be like this!

[D-Von with a headscissors takeover on Angelus . ]

JR - D-Von executes a headscissors takeover.

[D-Von gets back to his feet. D-Von takes Angelus into the ring. D-Von slingshot elbow drops Angelus . D-Von drags Angelus to the floor. ]

Howard Finkle - D-Von can get a weapn at ringside.

[Tim White starts the count (.1) (..2) D-Von punches Angelus repeatedly. (...3) D-Von executes a headlock takedown. (....4) Angelus throws D-Von off the ropes and hits him with a diving shoulder block. (.....5) They fight into the aisle. Angelus and D-Von move back to ringside. Angelus and D-Von move back into the ring. Angelus stomps D-Von's head. Angelus tagged in by Angelus . Angelus leg drops the throat of D-Von. Angelus stomps D-Von. ]

King - That's it cheat!! It's the only way to win!

[D-Von punches Angelus repeatedly. D-Von tags Buh Buh Ray. Buh Buh Ray gets up. Angelus hits Buh Buh Ray with the crotch slam. ]

King - These guys are almost as good as me. Wouldn't you agree?

Howard Finkle - No way man.

[Angelus leg drops the throat of Buh Buh Ray. Angelus springboard DDT's Buh Buh Ray onto the mat! Buh Buh Ray gets back to his feet. Buh Buh Ray shoves Tim White. ring, ring, ring! Tim White calls for the bell. Buh Buh Ray was disqualified. ]

JR - The winners of this match, Angelus !!!

“Raptor’s theme” blasts on the PA system as Raptor walks to the ring

JR-You have got to think what is running through Raptor’s head right now

King-aaawwww who cares, it’s not like two people in the same stable haven’t face each other before. First it was X-Clod and Salvatore, Rod and Dragon and they actually hated each other

“Capital Punishment” blasts on the PA system as Punisher walks to the ring with the world title

JR-I think people forget how dominate Punisher is, especially in his first run. From what I hear he’s in the HOF because he was so dominate, he would make you think he won more titles then he truly did.

King-your point…he’s still a……….FLUKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[Raptor stands in the entrance way holding the steel chair and then charges into the ring with it. Raptor then goes for a swing at Punisher, but Punisher ducks it and hits an atomic drop on Raptor. Raptor stumbles in pain, Punisher grabs the chair and then thinks about using it and then throws it out of the ring and then hits a few hard fists to the face of Raptor. Raptor reels back on the ropes, Punisher then whips Raptor off the ropes and then Raptor bounces off the ropes and Punisher uses his own momentum to throw Raptor into the air and Raptor comes crashing into the mat, Raptor gets up holding his stomach. Punisher then kicks Raptor in the gut doubling him over and then sets him up and Punisher nails him with a pump handle slam on Raptor. Punisher goes into the cover and gets a 1……….2……kick out. Punisher then pulls up Raptor and then hits a few hard chops that stumble Raptor back. Raptor stumbles back and hits the ropes and then weakly stumbles forward and Punisher hits a drop toe hold, Punisher then gets up quickly and then runs to the ropes and then leaps in the air and hits a hard knee drop across the back of the head of Raptor. It takes a few seconds for Punisher to get up from this and then he goes back to where Raptor is and hits a few stomps on Raptor. Raptor slowly gets up with help of the ropes. Punisher trys to whip Raptor to the ropes, but Raptor reverses and sends Punisher to the ropes, Punisher bounces off the ropes and Raptor goes for standing clothesline, but Punisher ducks it and then goes for a back slide attempt. Raptor trys to fight it, but can not over power Punisher. So he lets him win to use the momentum to roll off Punishers back, Raptor stands on his feet and then this a hard diving clothesline that takes Punisher down. But Raptor can’t really take advantage of this due to the beating that Punisher has been giving him thus far. Raptor then slides under the ropes and then grabs the chair laying on the arena floor. Raptor slowly gets up hiding the chair with his body. Punisher stumbles to his feet and stumbles right towards Raptor. Raptor turns around and then nails him with a diving chair shot to the head. Punisher goes down and Raptor once again is having a hard time trying to even get into the cover]

King-Hey…Raptor took my advise, about time someone listen to me. Now all that needs to happen is that JR is replaced !

JR-I’ll just act like I didn’t hear that

King-You shouldn’t, no one likes you! Especially the Other World…they hate you too…only a little less than me. God I wish you would make JR get striked down with a lighting bolt or something…I HATE YOU JR!!!

Wasabi-I think Raptor should have went with the salt in the eyes there

King-Maybe….though the brass knuckles are always good

Wasabi-How about the salt in the eye’s and then the brass knuckles

King-Hey not bad…I think you should replace JR all the time!

[Raptor slowly makes his way towards Punisher who is about on the other side of the ring. Raptor then goes into the cover not hooking the leg and then gets a 1……..2……Punisher puts his leg on the ropes. Raptor gets up not believing he didn’t get the 3 with that, Raptor then stomps on the downed Punisher and then pulls him up and then hits a few punches to Punisher. Raptor trys to whip Punisher to the ropes, but Punisher then reverses and sends Raptor to the ropes. Raptor bounces off the ropes and then, Punisher lowers his head. But Raptor catches Punisher and hits a spinning running DDT. Raptor gets up and then grabs the chair and then hits the chair against the mat and then waits for Punisher to get up. Raptor measures up Punisher as he stumbles to his feet, Punisher turns around and Raptor goes for a knock out shot. But Punisher ducks it and then waits for Raptor to turn around, Punisher kicks Raptor into the gut that makes Raptor lose his grip on the chair and the chair goes down to the mat. Punisher quickly whips Raptor off the ropes with him being somewhat stunned. Raptor bounces off the ropes and then Punisher catches him with a spinning running DDT]

King-Raptor called Punisher a fluke champion…I HATE FLUKES…especially if the person receiving one sucks!!!!!!!!!1


Wasabi-I could have done that move better

[Punisher then calls for the Capital Punishment, Raptor stumbles up and turns around into the waiting arms of Punisher, Punisher puts Raptor on his shoulders and before he can hit it Raptor slides off the back. Raptor goes for his finisher, but it’s blocked and Punisher then twists Raptor’s arm and puts Raptor back on his shoulder and hits the Capital Punishment!!! Punisher goes into the cover and gets the 1………..2…………3]

King-Well there goes the Raptor/Wasabi main event

(Wasabi throws down the head set and stands up as Punisher holds up the world title, Punisher looks over towards Wasabi. RVT comes running down and Wasabi shoots RVT in the leg with his gun arm? (where did that come from) and then continues to stare down Punisher as Return of an Era goes off the air.)