EMF: Payback

(Copyright information flashes on the screen, fading out to a highlight video of the matches tonight. We fade from that into an introduction screen welcoming us to Payback 2008. We go into the darken arena as pyrotechnics blasts on the stage, and fans scream and wave their signs. Some say "Wait I think I can get a sound out of this chair!", "Webber for President", and "Jackie notices NOTHING!")

JR-Welcome to Payback, what a show we have for you tonight.

King-From top to bottom, a well made card.

Kris Gaffney-That's for sure!

JR-Let's get started with the first match.

("No More Sorrow" blasts on the PA system as Josh Hanley walks to the ring, and steps inside of the ring.)

JR-Josh Hanley has been trying to regain his former glory.

King-You mean when he won the world title in the elimination chamber?

Kris Gaffney-Yeah, geez we didn't hear the last of that…

("Stragglehold" blasts on the PA system as Dewey Pond walks to the ring, and slides into the ring.)

JR-Dewey Pond was the one time TV champion, can he win it for a second time.

King-You notice that he was drowning Joel around that time, maybe that's where he gets power.

Kris Gaffney-Eeeerrr…what would that be called? Submerging up?

("The Young and the " blasts on the PA system as Marc Mead walks to the ring, and steps inside of the ring.)

Kris Gaffney-Here comes Tim Thomas' favorite wrestler, or so he tells me.

King-Thought that was John Cena *does the you can't see me taunt*

Kris Gaffney-Oh right, it was one of the two.

JR-I'm not even going to respond to this all.

[Josh Hanley and Dewey Pond face off in the middle of the ring as Marc Mead is hanging back letting the two fight among themselves. They lock up, both are evenly matched in strength. They are switching advantages as they back into the corner of the ring, and then Dewey Pond ends up in the corner and the ref calls for the clean break. Josh Hanley actually surprisely gives it to him. But Pond not being able to forget throws a punch. But Hanley saw it coming, might have even expected it and was hoping he would do it. Because Hanley ducks it, and hits a fist of his own that stun Dewey Pond. Dewey Pond tries to go for a wild fist, but it's ducked under. Then Josh Hanley hits a belly to back suplex out of no where. Dewey Pond hits hard on the mat, and Josh Hanley knowing that won't be enough hits a few stomps as Dewey Pond gets up, Josh Hanley whips Dewey Pond to the ropes, but it's reversed by Dewey Pond. Josh Hanley bounces off of the ropes, he leaps in the air and hits a flying clothesline. Josh Hanley gets ready as Dewey Pond gets up to the waiting Josh Hanley very stunned. Josh Hanley gets kicked in the gut, and then set up, then hits a fishermans suplex with a bridge he gets a 1……………..2………Marc Mead reaches in the ring, and breaks up the count. Marc Mead reaches from outside of the ring and breaks up the pin by breaking Josh Hanley's base. Hanley looks around, and see's Marc Mead getting up on the apron. Hanley goes over to where Mead is, Marc hits a shoulder block into the gut. This stuns Josh Hanley back, and away. Marc Mead measures up, and then Dewey Pond sling shots himself up on the top rope, then jumps off, and hits a missile drop kick that sends Josh Hanley falling backwards. Hitting right into Dewey Pond, who falls to the outside. Josh Hanley is slow to get up as Marc measures him up.]

JR-The champion has gotten into this match.

King-About time he stop picking his spots!

Kris Gaffney-Yeah, luckily he was paying attention, or he would have lost the title there.

[Josh Hanley gets up, and then Marc Mead hits a spinning torture rack slam. Marc Mead measures up Josh Hanley for the Mead kick. Josh Hanley gets up to his knee's, Marc Mead goes for it. But it's ducked under, and then pushed off Marc Mead. Marc Mead bounces off of the ropes, and comes off of the ropes, and hits a flying forearm to the face of Josh Hanley. Hanley goes down to the mat, and then gets up to his feet, and charges at Marc Mead. Marc Mead tries to hit a hip toss, but it's countered into a DDT. Hanley and Mead rest, Hanley is the first to get up and hits a few fists. He tries to whip Mead to the ropes, but it's reversed and Hanley bounces off of the ropes. But then it's low bridged by Dewey Pond from the outside. Hanley goes crashing on the mat below. Dewey Pond takes Hanley, and smashes him against the steps. Dewey Pond up to the apron, and climbs to the top rope as Marc Mead is trying to shake off the effects of the DDT by Hanley. Dewey Pond measures, and leaps, he connects with a cross body block to Marc Mead. Then goes into the cover, and gets a 1…………………….2…………………kick out by Marc Mead. Marc Mead looks like he knew that was close, and crawls into the corner. Dewey Pond closes in, and hits a few knife edge chops to the chest of Marc Mead. Then whips Marc Mead into the opposite side of the ring, Marc Mead bounces off of the turnbuckle right into Dewey Pond who hits a over the head belly to belly suplex that almost puts Mead on his head. Dewey Pond goes into the cover, and gets a 1………………..2…………..KICK OUT by Marc Mead.]

JR-Almost three on Marc Mead.

King-If Marc Mead lost to Dewey Pond, he would never let himself forget it!

Kris Gaffney-That's true.

[Marc Mead rolls out of the ring, and before Dewey Pond can follow up. Josh Hanley comes from behind and hits a clubbing blow to the back of Dewey Pond. Josh Hanley hits a few fists as Dewey Pond turns around. Josh Hanley tries to whip Dewey Pond to the ropes, but it's reversed. As Hanley hits the ropes, Marc Mead hits Hanley with a chair. Hanley stumbles forward, and Pond hits the Dew Drop. But before he can go into the cover, Marc Mead slides in and hits another chair shot. Mead goes into the cover on Hanley, and gets the 1…………….2………………3]

JR-It's within the rules of a triple threat, however, it's not the way you want to stay TV champion, that's for sure.

King-Whatever gets the job done?

JR-I suppose…

("Halo" blasts on the PA system as Torrie Wilson walks out to the ring, and slides into the ring.)

JR-Torrie Wilson has been successful since coming to the EMF, we'll see if that continues.

King-If she gets the help she did last week, she might.

Kris Gaffney-I guess I should remind myself that Orton doesn't like to spill coffee on himself.

King-Not sure what the big deal is *splashes coffee on himself, and grins a painful grin* ….feels great.

("Light a Fyre" blasts on the PA system as Fyre runs out, and slides into the ring.)

King-Am I stupid for not understanding why Torrie called Fyre a cookie?

Kris Gaffney-I think that's what she called her, but I didn't get it either. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH

[Fyre waits for Torrie Wilson to get into the ring, and as she slides into the ring. She stomps on the downed Torrie. Torrie Wilson gets up, and pushes Fyre to the ropes. Then Fyre bounces off of the ropes, and Torrie Wilson hits a drop toe hold that sends Fyre face first. Fyre gets up not looking happy, and charges at Torrie Wilson. But Torrie Wilson counters with a hip toss. Fyre gets up, and then stumbles right into Torrie Wilson who hits a head lock take down. Torrie Wilson puts on the pressure on Fyre, Fyre gets up to her feet and looks for a way out of the hold. Then backs up to the ropes, and then whips Torrie Wilson off of the hold. Torrie Wilson bounces off of the ropes, and then comes off of the ropes. Torrie Wilson knocks down Fyre with a shoulder block take down. Fyre goes down and then Torrie Wilson waits for Fyre to get up. Fyre stumbles up to her feet, and then Torrie Wilson hits a few forearm shots to the face. Torrie Wilson whips Fyre to the ropes, Fyre bounces off of the ropes. Torrie Wilson goes for a clothesline, but it's ducked under and Fyre bounces off of the other side of the ring. Torrie Wilson turns around just in time to hit a power slam right into the cover, and gets a 1…………………2………………..kick out by Fyre!]

JR-Almost three!

King-This was not the start that Fyre wanted.

Kris Gaffney-But since when does she get that?

[Fyre gets up in the corner, and Torrie Wilson whips her to the opposite side of the ring. Torrie Wilson plays to the crowd, and charges in for a running shoulder block. But Fyre dives out of the way, and Torrie Wilson goes shoulder first into the ring post. Fyre takes a few moments to rest as Torrie Wilson slowly pulls herself off of the ring post. She is in pain, and stumbles right into Fyre who scoops up Torrie Wilson, and hits a body slam perfectly placed, Fyre goes to the second turnbuckle, and hits a moonsault from the second rope landing on Torrie. Fyre goes into the cover, and gets a 1………………2……..kick out by Torrie Wilson. Fyre takes a few moments to rest, and picks up Torrie Wilson, and puts her in a front face lock, and hits a snap suplex. Then follows it up with a run to the ropes, and leg drop. Fyre gets up, and calls for the Fyre Starter.]

JR-Fyre is gaining the advantage.

King-Doesn't she always, then something goes wrong.

Kris Gaffney-Oh well, at least she has her looks to fall back on, right?


[Fyre waits as for Torrie Wilson get up, Fyre kicks her in the gut, and nails the Fyre starter. She looks like she might go for the cover, but instead she pulls her over into the corner, and climbs up to the top rope, and goes for a moonsault. But Torrie Wilson moves out of the way. Fyreis on her hands and knee's in pain, and Torrie Wilson does an Oklahoma roll, and gets the 1…………….2……………3!]

JR-Torrie did it! Although, she had to capitalize on Fyre's mistake.

King-Poor Fyre…

(The EMF tron lights up with the image of Amy Jericho, who is wearing a white, shiney dress with a very deep v-cut. The skirt being tight around her ankles. Her high heels having a bit of a higher heel, so it was even more uncomfortable. But as she enters her office what she see's makes her forget that. She stops and see's tons, and tons of flowers. She doesn't know what to think, she has a look of joy thinking it might be from Jericho. But then her expression on her face melts into a less than happy mood, as she realized this could be another attempt by Marquise to hit on her. She shakes her head as she notices that the flowers have a card. She decides to read it, and decide whether or not to be happy about it. However, what she was about to read was not what she was expecting.)

"Dear Amy.. this is one flower for everytime I fantisised about you in the last minute! Don't keep me waiting any longer! Love your bestest friend, Mickie!"

(Amy looks very annoyed, she then reads that Mickie wanted her to come to a certain dressing room. After hearing about some of the stuff she's been doing with Maria, Amy decided that maybe she should set the record straight with Mickie, once and for all. So she walks out of her office, and down the hall way. She walks into the room that the card said to. Amy notices that the lights are turned low. There is very sappy music playing, and candles around the room. It would be a very romantic scene had she not known who it was from. She stamps her feet as she knew this thing with Mickie had to end. But what she was about to learn was that maybe Mickie wasn't to blame for this one.)

Cena: "I knew you'd come Amy... couldn't resist the chance of some HLA with my girl Mickie huh?"

(She slowly turns around, realizing that it wasn't Mickie who brought her here, it was Cena. Normally she would be worried about a trap, but she knew that Cena had nothing over her as long as he wanted to claim she was carrying his baby.)

.::Amy Jericho::.-No, I wanted to get it through her head that I'm not interested in her in that way. Of course she's your girl, why else would you hire her to get under my skin? But that doesn't matter, what's this about!?

Cena: "Oh... nothing Amy. I just wanted to know if really Mickie had a chance with you.... you coming here confirms my suspiscions... now you know it was a trap from me... of course you deny it.... but if Mickie was here.. I think our fans would be getting a real treat!"

.::Amy Jericho::.-If Mickie was here, I would probably be telling her off now. As for your little trap, you forget something, this little hunk of cheese you gave the mouse? Well, you forget the mouse might be pregnant with your child. So you can't really trap me...because you can't hurt me, or you risk your child. Unless you want to stop this little game?

Cena: "Who said anything about hurting you.... why would I want to hurt you? There is so much more fun we can have that doesn't involve any pain..."

.::Amy Jericho::.-Well traps don't work very well if you can't keep the mouse somewhere. Quite honestly, I don't know why I should stay here..

(Cena steps closer to Amy, and looks her straight in the eyes.)

Cena: "You know exactly why you should stay Amy... because you NEED to stay Because your hormones are running wild... and you need me! Your already carrying my child... whats the harm of giving a repeat performance?"

(Amy backs up, and looks on in horror on what he's suggesting.)

.::Amy Jericho::.-The harm is, I probably become suicidal if I have to give you that again, if you really did that to me...

(Cena places his hand on Amy's head, playing with her hair as he has many times before.)

Cena: "You'd enjoy it Amy... I promise.... and no one would have to know..."

(Amy slaps him across the face, and looks very angry.)

.::Amy Jericho::.-I couldn't stand the very image of you doing that to me once, WHAT makes you think I would enjoy it again?!

(Cena grabs Amy, and pushes her against the locker.)

Cena: "Look Amy... you don't know who the father is... but if you want the baby to be alive.... you'll take whats coming to you... and you'll enjoy it... coz if you don't... I could quite happily hurt you and your dreams of having this child..."

.::Amy Jericho::.-I told you! If it's a child of yours, I don't want it anyways! Let go of me!

Cena: "It could be mine... but also it could be Jericho's... are you willing to take the risk?"

.::Amy Jericho::.-Doesn't mean you need to do this to me again, LET ME GO!

Cena lifts Amy, who is struggling, and dumps her down on a couch. Cena begins ripping at her dress, until he gets it off, leaving Amy in her Bra and Thong. Cena begins to touch Amy, running his hands over her chest. Amy tries to struggle away but Cena holds her down, before beggining to play with her thong too. After a while, Cena places a hand on Amy's growing bump... before saying.)

Cena: "You may not want this baby Amy.... but I do.... I care about it more than anything in this world... and one way or another.... I'll see to it that you have no choice but to have the child!"

(You can see how frighten this is making Amy, she struggles trying to get away. She just says.)

.::Amy Jericho::.-Please....don't...

Cena: "Don't worry Amy.... i'm not that sick.... but all that matters is once again you broke the rules.... your not wearing a dress.... I guess i'll need to think of a punishment for that...."

(Cena puts his fingers in Amy's hair and plays with it a bit, before saying.)

Cena: "It's a shame i'm happily married... and you're in denial about your feelings... because i'm sure we could have had some fun otherwise. See you around Amy... and i'm sure the next time will be very enjoyable indeed!"

(Cena gets up, leaving Amy shaken on the couch, and leaves the room, we fade back into the ring.)

("Generic theme" blasts on the PA system as Jackie Gayda slides into the ring, and waits for Becky Bayless.)

JR-Although she would have to do it anyways, it's good to see that Jackie is sticking up for Amy. As Amy can't do much seeing how she is pregnant.

King-Yeah, for once she's not a hour too late.

Kris Gaffney-Crazy how that always works.

("Better than you" blasts on the PA system as Becky Bayless walks to the ring with Triple M.)

JR-Although I understand what Triple M was doing, I don't think he should have thrown Jackie that forcefully.

King-Hey, he was only doing his job!

Kris Gaffney-That's right!

[Jackie Gayda slides into the ring and then takes down Becky Bayless with a take down. She hits a few fists to the face of Becky Bayless. Becky Bayless reverses it, and hits a few of her own, until Jackie pushes Becky Bayless off of the mount. Becky Bayless rolls away, and then Jackie Gayda gets up, and hits a running clothesline to Becky Bayless. Becky Bayless gets up stunned, and Jackie pushes her into the corner for a few moments, and hits a few shoulder blocks. Then brings her out of the corner, and whips her to the ropes Becky Bayless bounces off of the ropes, then she comes off of the ropes. Then Jackie Gayda lowers her head, and hits a back body drop on Becky Bayless. Becky Bayless slowly gets up to her feet. Jackie Gayda hits a single arm breaker, and Becky Bayless is in pain and then Jackie Gayda goes into the cover. She gets a 1…………………..2…………..kick out by Becky Bayless. Jackie looks up at the ref, but shrugs it off as she is having a little too much fun to care. Jackie Gayda lets Becky Bayless get up in the corner, and then Jackie Gayda hits a few fists to the face. Then tries to whip Becky Bayless into the opposite side of the ring. Jackie Gayda's whip gets reversed, and then Jackie Gayda crashes into the corner. Becky stunned can't follow up for a moment, and the charges in the corner after Jackie crashed into the corner. Then Jackie counters with a boot to the face, and this stuns Becky Bayless. Becky Bayless stumbles around Jackie Gayda pulls herself up to the second rope, and waits as Becky stumbles towards her. Then Becky Bayless gets hooked by Jackie Gayda, and driven into the mat with a tornado DDT. She goes into the cover, and gets a 1……………….2………..KICK OUT! Jackie Gayda once again plays to the crowd, and see's that Becky Bayless is trying to do the heelish thing, and beg off.]

JR-I hope Jackie is going to be careful here.

King-Why, don't you believe Becky…*Ric Flair shows up*…..give me my money…*Flair starts to beg off*….oh ok, guess…*Flair pokes King in the eyes, and leaves*

Kris Gaffney-That was interesting.

[Jackie Gayda slowly goes into the corner where Becky Bayless is trying to stop the momentum by begging off. As Jackie Gayda gets close, Becky Bayless grabs Jackie's pants and pulls her into the turnbuckle. Jackie's head snaps off of turnbuckle. She grabs hold of the ropes to keep from falling. Then Becky Bayless hits into the corner, and follows it up with a slap. Jackie Gayda can't really do anything about it, and Becky Bayless hits a hair toss that puts Jackie down on the mat. Then Becky Bayless follows up with a low drop kick to the back of Jackie. Becky still feeling the effects of the moves she's taken goes into the corner, where Jackie was, and then takes a few moments to rest. Jackie stays close. As Jackie Gayda is getting to her feet, Becky Bayless decides that she can't rest any longer, so she brings Jackie up by her hair, and sits on the top rope. Then starts to choke Jackie Gayda with a sleeper holding her up by her throat. Becky Bayless lets go on the count of 4 to make sure she is not DQed. Then she tries to do the same thing, but Jackie Gayda spins around and hits a forearm to the face. Then that stuns Becky Bayless sitting on the top rope. Jackie Gayda stumbles out in the middle of the ring, trying to gain her breath back. Suddenly Jackie charges up the turnbuckle trying to arm drag Becky off, but Becky is quick to respond by pushing Jackie Gayda off of the top turnbuckle. Jackie Gayda crashes on the mat, and then Becky Bayless measures up Jackie Gayda who gets up to her feet. Then Becky Bayless jumps off of the turnbuckle, and hits a cross body block, and gets a 1…………………2………..kick out by Jackie.]

JR-Almost three, by Becky Bayless.

King-I think that she wants to get this match over quick.

Kris Gaffney-Why? Beating Jackie is in the Dumas blood. Amy beat Jackie fair and square, Becky could beat her tonight….and I hear Amy's Mom regularly owns Jackie online.

[Jackie stumbles up to her feet, and gets hit a double leg take down and a quick catapault that sends Jackie face first into the top turnbuckle. She stumbles around, Becky Bayless hits a flowing neck breaker and goes calls for the streamliner. Becky Bayless goes to the outside, and climbs up to the top rope, and goes for the streamliner. Jackie moves out of the way at the VERY last moment and Becky crashes and burns. Jackie gets up quickly, and hits the leg drop of DOOOOOOM, and goes into the cover, but Triple M has jumped on the apron. He's arguing with the ref, as Jackie would having make Triple M stop. She tries to get the ref to pay attention, but with that Becky sneaks up, and puts Jackie in position for the reverse of fates. But Jackie spins out, and blindly pushes Becky forward, which just happens to hit a not paying attention Triple M. Triple M falls off of the apron, and Becky Bayless stumbles back, and then is able to use this picking Becky Bayless up and hits the F-Off. Becky Bayless goes into the cover, and gets a 1…………………..2…………..3!]

(OOC-Becky wrote a good RP, just Jackie was just a bit over powering. Might add more to the end to keep it open for future fueds.)

("Flashing lights" blasts on the PA system as Kevin Bourne walks to the ring, and steps inside of the ring.)

JR-Kevin Bourne has shown he's the real deal; however, he has a huge test tonight.

King-Hopefully Bourne knows about Morrison's hate for ladders.

Kris Gaffney-No…that was his tag team partner.


("Rockstar" blasts on the PA system as John Morrison walks to the ring, doing the slow-mo thing.)

JR-Seemly if you forgot John Morrison, he made sure his presence was felt last week.

King-Remind me why his interviewer isn't around more?

Kris Gaffney-No clue.

[Kevin Bourne see's John Morrison coming down to the ring, he jumps out of the ring and meets John Morrison on the ramp. John Morrison tries to get his coat off, but he can't. Kevin Bourne and John Morrison start to trade fists, but because Kevin Bourne is more ready for this, he starts to gain the advantage. Then Kevin Bourne hits a fist that knocks John Morrison down to the mat. He then gets up, and then Kevin Bourne kicks him in the gut, and then sets up John Morrison and hits a snap suplex on the steel. John Morrison is in pain, Kevin Bourne measures up and hits a kick into the ribs and John Morrison rolls down to ring side. Kevin Bourne follows him down to ring side, and John Morrison tries to get up to his feet. But before he does, Kevin Bourne lifts him up and hits a knee lift into the gut, and whips him into the steel steps. John Morrison crashes into the steps back first, Kevin Bourne realizes that the only way that he's going to win the match is to get John Morrison into the ring. So he grabs John Morrison by the hair, and rolls him into the ring. Kevin Bourne jumps on the apron, and climbs up to the top rope. Then measures up John Morrison who is getting up to his feet in the ring, once he does he turns turns Kevin Bourne and Kevin Bourne jumps off of the top rope and hits a cross body block on John Morrison getting a 1…………….2…………KICK OUT by John Morrison. Kevin Bourne shakes his head, not really caring that he didn't get the three there, John Morrison is obviously finally out of his coat. Kevin Bourne hits a few fists to knock John Morrison into the ropes, and then Kevin Bourne goes for a hip toss. But it's countered with a short arm clothesline. Kevin Bourne goes into the cover, and gets the 1…………………….2…………………….kick out by John Morrison as that move knocked him out. Kevin Bourne can't believe that he kicked out.]

JR-Kevin Bourne doesn't seem too happy of what John Morrison did after the match with CJ Lethal.

King-Seems that CJ Lethal rubbed off on Bourne a bit more.

Kris Gaffney-You would think he would be more pissed off that he forgot who he was?

[John Morrison crawls into the corner, as Bourne is still kinda arguing with the ref. Seemly it was to make sure that John Morrison would stand in up in the corner. Then Kevin Bourne goes into the corner, and then starts a 10 combo. He hits John Morrison with 1…………….2…………3…………4…………5………6………John Morrison hits a low blow to Kevin Bourne. Then gets under him, and drives him with a power bomb out of the corner. John Morrison falls into the corner, and takes a moment or two to rest. John Morrison seeing that Kevin Bourne is still down goes over to where Kevin Bourne is still down, and hits his leg drop into the cover. He gets a 1……………….2………….kick out by Kevin Bourne. John Morrison after this move takes a few minutes to rest. Then Kevin Bourne sits up, but John Morrison gets up and hits a kick to the head stunning him. John Morrison runs to the ropes, and comes off of the ropes behind him. Then hits a running face buster to the face, Kevin Bourne is dazed on his feet. John Morrison kicks him in the gut, and then sets him up, then nails a double under hook back breaker on Kevin Bourne. John Morrison goes into the cover, and gets a 1………………….2………………..kick out. Morrison rolls out of the ring, and goes under the ring and pulls out a chair. He throws the chair in the ring, and rolls into the ring. Bourne is getting up, and then Morrison picks him up and hits a body slam. Morrison puts the chair on top of Bourne, and goes to the second rope. Jumps and hits his split legged cork screw moonsault that connects on Bourne. Morrison goes into the cover, and gets a 1………………..2………….KICK OUT!]

JR-We almost had a new champion there.

King-That wouldn't be cool.

Kris Gaffney-Think Stephanie would start teasing me?

[John Morrison gets up and complains about the count, but then gets up and grabs a chair, and waits for Kevin Bourne to get up. Kevin Bourne stumbles up, John Morrison goes for the chair shot. But it's ducked under, Kevin Bourne kicks John Morrison in the gut and then hits a DDT. John Morrison bounces up, and looks out of it. Kevin Bourne hooks up John Morrison for the Checkmate! But just before he hits it, John Morrison hits a back kick low blow. Bourne is stunned, and Morrison hits the snapshot on the chair! He goes into the cover, and gets a 1…………………….2……………..3!]

JR-We got a new Extreme champion, however, you have got to wonder if he could have done it in any other match where everything doesn't go.

King-Of course! He was just using the rules in his favor!

(OOC-Both RP's were good, as a staff decision we thought Morrison had the slight edge to get the win.) Bulls on Parade hits as Mercedes makes her way to the ring. She stands in the ring awaiting her opponent.

JR-Mercedes has had a hard return.

King-Thanks to Bischoff.

Kris Gaffney-What you know, he blamed the heel for once.

King-I actually don't…

Fistful of Steel hits as the Black Widow makes her singles return. She walked down to the ring and climbed into the ring. Before the bell rang she charged at Mercedes and Took her down, hitting her with lefts and rights, looking like a crazed Psycho. Mercedes was covering up as best she could. Katrina got up and pulled Mercedes up by the hair, and laid her out again with another right hand. She shook her hand and checked her nails. She flipped her hair back and laid a few stomps to Mercedes, not letting her get any offense in. She grabbed Mercedes by the hair again and kicked her in the gut and set her up to the flipping piledriver..(Canadian Destroyer) They were close enough to the ropes and that Mercedes turned it into a back body drop and sent Katrina over thte top rope to the floor outside. Mercedes stumbled catching her breath as Katrina grabbed a chair from the outside and as she turned to get back in the ring Mercedes ran and hit a baseball slide knocking the chair out of Kat's hands and made her stumble back. Mercedes grabbed the ropes and pulled herself back up only on the outside of the ropes grabbed the top rope and jumped up springboarding off the second rope into a moonsault onto Katrina taking her down.. Both ladies are down. Mercedes gets back to her feet first.. Katrina soon follows as they both are in the ring trading blows...

JR-Both ladies are going back and forth

King-Guess who's coming.

Eric Bischoff is seen making his way towards ringside. He stands on the outside yelling orders to Katrina. Katrina takes Mercedes down with a hard shot. She looks pissed as Bischoff keeps yelling orders... She goes to the corner and climbs to the top rope. She looks over at Bischoff one more time yelling that shes got things under control when she looks back up Mercedes has gotten up and ran to the corner getting to the top rope wrapping her arms around Katrina and hitting her Belly to Belly Moonsault aka The Crash and Burn.. She lands on top of Katrina and the Ref Counts to 3.

JR-Mercedes wins!

Kris Gaffney-That shouldn't make Bischoff happy.

King-Then again, not much makes him happy…

Bischoff is irate on the outside.. Mercedes is looking down at Katrina yelling something at her not noticing for whatever Reason Bischoff has jumped up on the apron and climbed to the top rope. Suddenly Stephanie McMahon comes running down to the ring and jumps up hitting the rope making him fall and landing in a not so good way. Mercedes turned around and saw him perched up there.. she walked over to the corner and climbed up on the second rope getting him to the standing position on the top rope again before stepping up on the top rope wrapping her arms around Bischoff and hitting the Crash and Burn on Bischoff.. She rolled away from Bischoff and out of the ring as Stephanie Raised her arm in Victory as Katrina had gotten up and was at the ropes yelling like a mad woman...Mercedes just backed up the walkway with Stephanie and rubbed her eyes like she was crying and mouthing boo hoo to Katrina and to Bischoff who was just now sitting up and not looking happy....

King-Mercedes and Stephanie are going to pay for that!

("The Gambler" blasts on the PA system as The Gambler walks to the ring, and into the cage.)

JR-The IC champion is a very imposing figure, but tonight his height isn't going to mean much.

King-I think he knows…after all, you remember who he beat for the IC title.

Kris Gaffney-Seems JR has a short term memory.

("Enemy" blasts on the PA system as Troy Gafgen walks to the ring along with his wife Candice Gafgen.)

Kris Gaffney-Think that Troy's trying to suck up to the Jericho's by using a Fozzy song?

King-Chris Jericho is just a big fan of Fozzy…don't think it's a suck up.

Kris Gaffney-….oh right…I forgot.

[Gambler and Troy Gafgen look around the cage as they pace around the ring on opposite ends of the ring. They then lock up, both are strong, so neither are gaining the advantage. They end up ending the lock up, and staring down down each other. Gambler tells Troy Gafgen to try to prove that he can knock him down. Troy Gafgen goes to the ropes, and comes off of the ropes for a running shoulder block. But being the heel he is, Gambler does the heelish thing and hits a cheap kick to the gut doubling over Troy Gafgen. The Gambler hits a clubbing blow to the back of Troy Gafgen, then Troy Gafgen is in pain. He stumbles around, then turns back to where the Gambler is, and then gets hit with a running boot to the face. Troy Gafgen does not go down to the mat, being tall, so instead of getting frustrated. He throws him into the cage side, Troy Gafgen bounces off and then stumbles off. The Gambler kicks Troy Gafgen in the gut, sets up Troy Gafgen and nails a release northern lights suplex. The Gambler goes into the cover after Troy Gafgen has crashed into the mat. He gets a 1……………………2………………..kick out by Troy Gafgen. The Gambler doesn't look too happy, but then again…when is he ever. Anyways he brings up Troy Gafgen to his feet. Then drives Troy Gafgen into the corner, and then hits a few shoulder blocks into the gut. Then follows it up with a knee into the gut kinda doubling over Troy Gafgen. The Gambler brings him up, and whips him to the opposite side of the ring. As Troy Gafgen crashes into the corner, Gambler meets him up in the corner with a clothesline into the corner on Troy Gafgen. The Gambler backs out of the corner, and Troy Gafgen stumbles out of the corner then the Gambler picks up Troy Gafgen. Then puts him on the top rope, the Gambler hits a few fists to the face of Troy Gagen to stun him. Then starts to make his way up to where Troy Gafgen is.]

JR-The Gambler is taking it to the former IC champion.

King-It's not fair, no matter what….he still has Candice.

Kris Gaffney-and so is life

[The Gambler goes up to the top rope, and tries to hook up Troy Gafgen for a super plex. But before he can hit it, Troy Gafgen blocks it and hits a few fists to the ribs. Then Troy Gafgen lifts up and drops the Gambler straight down to the mat, and then Troy Gafgen takes a few moments to rest, and puts himself in position. The Gambler is trying to get himself up to his feet. Then Troy Gafgen comes off of the second turnbuckle, and hits a flying shoulder block that knocks him down. Both wrestlers aren't able to really follow up. Both are just trying to recover, because both are suffering the effects of various moves that they have taken during this match. Troy Gafgen rolls over to the ropes, and then pulls himself up. The Gambler has also gotten to his feet, being the usual hot head that he is, and realizing that he is starting to lose the upper hand of this match. The Gambler charges at Troy Gafgen, but Troy heard him coming, and moves out of the way at the last second. Throwing him into the cage side, the Gambler bounces off of the cage and goes down to the mat. Gambler gets up stunned, as Troy has seemed to recover and hits a running forearm to the face. The Gambler goes down to the mat, and gets up to his feet. Then Troy hits a few fists to the face, and then Gambler stumbles back to the ropes with every punch. Troy Gafgen whips Gambler off of the ropes, Gambler bounces off of the ropes. Troy Gafgen goes for a clothesline, but it's ducked under. The Gambler and Troy Gafgen hit a double boot to the face. But Gambler's was more glancing, so it only stuns a little bit. While Gambler seems really effected, and falls back right into the ropes and gets tied into the ropes.]

JR-Gambler has him tied up in the ropes

King-Think if he wanted to get out now, he could.

Kris Gaffney-I don't think the ref would allow Troy in the ropes for long enough to escape.

[Gambler hits a few fists to the trapped Troy, and then like predicted the ref makes Gambler back up. Then lets Troy out of the ropes. Gambler falls to his knee's, and then calls for the door to be opened. Gambler crawls to the door, just before he goes out it. Gambler's leg. Gambler tries to kick Troy off, but can't, the two get up as Troy holds Gambler's leg. Troy Gafgen throws down his foot. Then goes for a clothesline, but it's ducked under and Troy Gafgen gets hit with one rolling belly to back suplex…..two….three…..FOUR to complete the four of a kind. Gambler looks exhausted, then looks up to the side of the cage. He stumbles up to his feet, and then looks to the cage side, and starts to climb. He gets up, but suddenly on the corner of his eyes. He see's that Troy is crawling towards the door. Gambler looks conflicted on what to do, but then decides to continue climbing. Gambler goes over the top of the cage, Troy is getting through the door slowly. Gambler is climbing down…..it's a photo finish as they hit the ground. The two refs look at each other confused, they go over and discuss it.]

JR-What's the decision?

King-Looks like the refs are going to have use the replay (Note: I'm sure they done this in wrestling…if the ending isn't correct I'll change it. But could have swore it's worked like this before.)

(The ref's look at a replay of the ending, as both hit the mat, and…)

JR-Troy is declared the winner!

(OOC-See my note if this ending doesn't make sense. Let me know, and I'll think of something better. Just thought it make sense with the RP's, but I'm only sure off the top of my head that they have used replay to be sure like this before.)

("Problem Solver" blasts on the PA system as Tyson Tomko walks to the ring, and steps inside of the ring looking ready.)

JR-This is a big match, but Tyson Tomko is no stranger to a big match situation.

King-Plus he knows old man Flair….he probably could tell you what to expect.

Kris Gaffney-That's for sure.

("Dirty Window" blasts on the PA system as Dan Godwin walks to the ring with the world championship.)

JR-Last month Dan Godwin defeated MxMxPunk in a somewhat easy fashion, I doubt it'll be that easy.

King-Yeah, Tomko has everything to gain, everything to lose.

Kris Gaffney-Wow, yeah, wouldn't want to be in that match, and I was the Gates fed's Road! Although, the challenger in this match has more to lose than the champion, that has to be a major disadvantage!

[Tyson Tomko looks focused as he knows what is on the line in this match. He steps in the middle of the ring as Dan Godwin walks in the middle of the ring. The ref goes over instructions, but the two competitors do not break the stare down. Suddenly Dan Godwin slaps, Tyson Tomko paces around the ring, and then it looks like the anger. Then Tyson Tomko charges at Dan Godwin for a big clothesline, but it's ducked under and Dan Godwin hits a few jabs to the face as Tyson Tomko turns around. Tyson Tomko backs up to the ropes. Dan Godwin tries to whip Tyson Tomko to the ropes, but it's reversed, and Dan Godwin goes to the ropes. Dan Godwin comes off of the ropes, and Tyson Tomko lowers his head. Dan Godwin counters by driving Tyson Tomko into the mat face first. Tyson Tomko bounces off of the mat, holding his face, and then Dan Godwin kicks Tyson Tomko in the gut and sets up Tyson Tomko, and hits a quick snap suplex. Dan Godwin gets up, and hits a quick elbow drop, and then another. Dan Godwin runs to the ropes and comes off of the ropes. Then hits a big leg drop across the throat of Tyson Tomko. Dan Godwin goes into the cover, and gets a 1…………………..2…………..kick out by Tyson Tomko. Dan Godwin hits a few stomps on the downed Tyson Tomko, Dan Godwin backs off. Tyson Tomko gets to his hands, and knee's. Dan Godwin hits a kick into the ribs of Tyson Tomko. Tyson Tomko rolls to the apron, Dan Godwin measures up as Tyson Tomko gets up to his feet using the ropes for help. Dan Godwin measures up, and hits a baseball slide from under Tyson Tomko. Tyson Tomko falls off of the apron, and then hits his face on the apron. TysonTomko goes down, this makes the crowd fairly happy. Dan Godwin measures up by the ropes, as Tyson Tomko gets up. Dan Godwin sling shots himself over the top rope for a cross body block, but it's caught by Tyson Tomko in mid air.]

JR-Dan Godwin took one too many chances.

King-He must be related to Steve Kerr somehow.

Kris Gaffney-Or the IBA Mavericks owner, whoever that is…

[Tyson Tomko looks towards the nearest turnbuckle, and charges at it and drives Dan Godwin back first into the ring post. Does it again, and then puts Dan Godwin on his shoulders, and hits a running powerslam on the outside. Tyson Tomko knowing that he needs to get the champion inside of the ring rolls Dan Godwin into the ring, and rolls into the ring himself. Then goes into the cover, and gets a 1…………………..2……………KICK OUT by Dan Godwin. Tyson Tomko hits a few stomps, and then picks up Dan Godwin by the hair. He whips Dan Godwin to the ropes, and Dan Godwin bounces off of the ropes. Tyson Tomko hits a spinning back elbow into the face. Dan Godwin hits hard into the mat, and then crawls into the corner, and Tyson Tomko goes into the corner and hits a few fists to the face. Then he starts to choke Dan Godwin in the corner. The ref counts to 4, and finally Tyson Tomko lets go before he is DQed. Tyson Tomko brings Dan Godwin out of the corner, and then whips him to the ropes. Dan Godwin comes off of the ropes, and Tyson Tomko goes for a clothesline. But it's ducked under by Dan Godwin. Dan Godwin goes to the ropes, and then comes off of the ropes. Then tries to get the match under control once again by leaping in the air and then Tyson Tomko catches him once again. Tyson Tomko drops Dan Godwin for a rib breaker. Then follows it up with a fall away slam to complete his combo. Tyson TOmko goes into the cover, and gets a 1…………………………..2……………………kick out by Dan Godwin!]

JR-Almost three!

King-Tomko has to getting frustrated, he knows there is no tomorrow.



[Tyson Tomko yells, and waits for Dan Godwin to get up. Tyson Tomko charges as he does, and then hits his big boot. Dan Godwin falls across the ring, and Tyson Tomko goes into the cover, and gets a 1…………….2…………(ref notices Dan Godwin's foot on the rope)… the ref waves off the count as Tyson Tomko rises his arms in victory. Then the ref explains that Tomko didn't win. Tyson Tomko doesn't look happy as he's arguing with the ref, and then turns towards Dan Godwin who's gotten up in the corner, and looks out of it. Tyson Tomko goes over to the corner and hits a few fists to the face, and tries to whip Dan Godwin over to the opposite side of the ring, and follows him in. But Dan Godwin uses the corner to go over the top of Tyson Tomko into a surprise brisco roll up, and gets a struggling Tyson Tomko out of no where for the 1……………..2………3!]

JR-Dan Godwin was able to sneak up, and get Tomko for the pin!

King-Yeah, but now his contract is over!

Kris Gaffney-Think Tomko is going to go easy…because I don't.

(Tomko doesn't look happy, as Dan Godwin is recovering on the outside as he handed the title as Payback goes off the air.)

(OOC-Nice RP's for both, this was just a staff decision where we liked Dan Godwin's text a bit better. Which is insult to Tomko's because it was good too, just someone has to win.)