EMF: Payback

The copyright information goes over the screen, then we go into a video package to Payback. Once it finishes we go into the darken arena as fireworks blasts off on the stage and then the lights turn on as the camera scans around the crowd.)

JR-Welcome to Payback, what a show we have night!!

King-Well…according to Randy Orton it’s not that good

Kris Gaffney-But since when did we listen to him or Wes?

“James Hardy theme” blasts on the PA system as James Hardy walks to the ring

JR-James Hardy has had a rough time trying to shake off the rust, although this is going to be a tough challenger

King-Why you say that?

JR-Because Wilsonator is out to prove something

Kris Gaffney-And that would be…?

“Wilsonator theme” blasts on the PA system as Wilsonator walks to the ring

Kris Gaffney- You sure he’s out to prove something, he looks like he doesn’t even know what he’s doing here

King-Wouldn’t be surprised if he doesn’t

JR-Regardless, Wilsonator is paying his dues, you got to give him respect for that.

[Hardy comes into the ring and then tries to fire a punch, but it’s blocked by Wilsonator and then Wilsonator whips Hardy off the ropes and then Hardy comes off the ropes and Hardy comes off the ropes and leaps in the air and hits a flying shoulder block on Wilsonator. Wilsonator quickly gets to his feet and then Wilsonator charges at Hardy. Hardy side steps Wilsonator and then throws him face first into the turnbuckle and Wilsonator turns around and then Hardy hits a few fists to the face of Wilsonator in the corner and then Hardy whips Wilsonator hard into the corner and then Wilsonator hits into the corner hard and stumbles out of the corner and then Hardy charges to where Wilsonator is and then goes to the ropes behind him and bounces off and goes for what seem to be a bulldog, but it’s countered by Wilsonator who tries to go for a surprise clothesline. But it’s ducked under by Hardy who is was quick enough and then Hardy hits the sleeper slam and then Hardy goes into the cover and gets the 1……………2………..kick out by Wilsonator. Hardy gets up and complains to the ref that was a slow count and then Hardy goes back on the attack and then hits a few stomps on the downed Wilsonator who slowly gets up to his feet and then Hardy hits a few fists to the face of Wilsonator and then whips him to the ropes. But he reverses the whip and then sends him to the ropes and then Wilsonator reverses the whip. Hardy bounces off the ropes and then leaps in the air and hits a diving clothesline and then nails it and slowly Wilsonator stumbles up and then Hardy hits a body slam and then Hardy goes to the nearest turnbuckle and then climbs up to the top rope and then leaps off the top rope for a top rope leg drop, but Wilsonator moves out of the way at the last minute.]

JR-Hardy out thought himself there

Kris Gaffney-Well this is the opening that Hardy was looking for

[Hardy is in pain just sitting on the mat and Wilsonator gets up and then looks Hardy is and then runs to the ropes and then Wilsonator hits a drop kick to Hardy and Hardy goes down to the mat and then Wilsonator is able to buy himself some time to recover and Hardy stumbles up to his feet as Wilsonator is still slow to get to get up and then Hardy stumbles to his feet and Wilsonator is able to counter Hardy by taking him down with a double leg take down and then Wilsonator measures up Hardy and then positions him and then hits a sling shot that sends Hardy flying out of the the move and then hits into the corner and then as Hardy stumbles backwards and then Wilsonator hits a flowing reverse reverse neck breaker on Wilsonator. Wilsonator gets up to his feet and then hits a few stomps to the downed Hardy who stumbles to his feet and then Wilsonator kicks Hardy in the gut and then sets up Hardy up and then hits a germen suplex with no bridge so it’s all impact and then Wilsonator goes into the cover and goes into the cover and gets the 1………………..2………….kick out and then Wilsonator gets up and then hits a few stomps on the downed Hardy. Hardy gets to his feet and then Hardy stumbles into the ropes and then WIlsonator goes into where Hardy is and Hardy is able to counter with a knee lift into the gut and then Wilsonator stumbles around around a bit and Hardy puts Wilsonator in the ropes and then hits a few blows to Wilsonator]

JR- the veteran James Hardy is showing the much younger Wilsonator what experience can do for you

King-Really, maybe I could be world champion?

Kris Gaffney-Doubt it…

[Hardy whips Wilsonator to the ropes, and Hardy goes for a clothesline. But Wilsonator ducks it and then gets Wislonator in a waist lock and then before he can hit a germen suplex Hardy elbows out of it and Wilsonator stumbles into the corner which pins the ref in the corner without a way to move and then Hardy charges, Wilsonator ducks and the ref is in the corner. But Hardy is able to put on the breaks before and then turns around walks right into the set up and nailing of the terminator!! Wilsonator goes into the cover and goes into the cover and then gets the 1…………….2…………3]

Kris Gaffney-Guess that’s what you get for caring about the ref…

JR-Well still Wilsonator took advantage fair and square and deserves this match

“Don’t mess with” blasts on the PA system as Victoria walks to the ring with Steven Richards

King-They need to get a room

Kris Gaffney-huh, their not a couple?

King-Oh, sorry….Trish must have been messing with my notes

“Keys to the city” blasts on the PA system as Trish walks to the ring

JR-Here comes Trish

King-she’s looking to regain attention, she already has mine.

Kris Gaffney-Although she has a child now


[Trish comes into the ring and then spears down Victoria and then Trish hits a few hard fists to the face of Victoria and then Victoria turns the tables and then hits a few fists on Trish and then Victoria gets pulled off by the ref who then tries to restrain Victoria and warns her, even though really he can’t do that as this is a hardcore match. As Victoria’s attention is turned, Trish attacks and then pushes Victoria to the ropes and the two go falling through the middle rope and then falling on the ground. Both women take a while to recover and then Victoria goes for a fist, but it’s blocked by Trish and then Trish hits a few hard forearm shots to the face and Victoria stumbles back and then Trish grabs Victoria by the hair and then throw her into the ring post and then Victoria hits the ring post shoulder first and then stumbles a bit holding her shoulder and then Trish rolls her into the ring and then rolls in the ring herself and then hits a few fists to the face of Victoria. Victoria stumbles back and then Trish tries to whip Victoria off the ropes, but it’s reversed and Trish bounces off the ropes and then Victoria goes for a clothesline. But it’s ducked under by Trish, Trish gets ready for the chick kick, Trish goes for it. But it’s ducked under by Victoria who goes for a belly to back suplex. But Trish is able to roll out of the back and then land on the back of Victoria and then Victoria turns around into a set up and Trish hits a northern lights suplex with a bridge and gets the 1………………2……….kick out by Trish. Victoria and Trish gets up to their feet and Victoria charges at Trish inraged and then Trish takes Victoria down with a side head lock and then puts as much pressure as possible and then Victoria looks for a way out of the side head lock and then makes it her way to her feet and then looks for a way out of the hold and then Victoria decides to back Trish to the ropes and then whips Trish off the head lock and Trish bounces off the ropes and then Victoria hits a drop toe hold on Trish that sends her face first into the mat and then Victoria drops an elbow to the back of the head of Trish to stun her, and then Victoria looks around and then goes to the turnbuckle and pulls off the turnbuckle padding as Trish is getting up. But Trish answers with a knife edge chop and a few knife edge chops, obviously Trish saw what Victoria did with the turnbuckle padding because she goes to the opposite side of the ring and then tries to whip Victoria into the turnbuckle but it’s reversed and Trish goes back first into the exposed turnbuckle. Trish clearly has a look of extreme pain]

JR-That may be it right there

King-If she goes the hospital, I’ll make sure to visit her….then one thing can lead to another…*gets handed money*

Kris Gaffney-Why did you get paid just then?

King-Oh…Vince McMahon pays me to be my WWE self…whatever that is

[Trish stumbles out of the corner and then Victoria picks up Trish and then hits a back breaker on Trish. Victoria goes into the cover and gets the 1……………………..2…………..kick out by Trish and then Victoria goes to the corner and grabs a tag rope that’s there for whatever reason and then waits wraps it around Trish’s neck and starts to choke her with it. Finally Victoria lets it go, Victoria hits a few stomps on the downed Trish and then Trish crawls over to the corner and Victoria starts to choke Victoria with the ropes and then Trish stumbles up and then Victoria whips Trish to the ropes and then Trish bounces off the ropes and Victoria ducks her head and then hits a back body drop. Victoria then see’s that she has this match well in hand. So Victoria goes to the outside and then grabs a chair and rolls it into the ring, but she see’s that Trish is getting up, so Victoria decides to abort her original plan and then goes into the ring and then Trish stumbles right into Victoria who picks up Trish and nails a body slam on her in a perfectly placed body slam near the corner and then Victoria then goes up to the top rope and then leaps off and nails the moonsault on Trish. Victoria goes into the cover and gets the 1………………..2…………kick out by Trish. Victoria can’t believe it, she is about to go crazy and then questions the ref.]

JR-I thought Victoria had Trish there, but it would seem that the former womens champion is not going down that easy

Kris Gaffney- For how long though?

[Trish gets up to her feet as Victoria turns her attention and then Victoria kicks Trish in the gut and then goes for the Widow’s peak. Victoria is able to get Trish in position, but before she can drop her Trish is able to break the grip of Victoria and then goes to the ropes, bounces off. Victoria tries to catch Trish with the straight thrust kick, but it’s ducked under by Trish and then Trish gets ready as Victoria turns around and gets hit with a chick kick, Victoria doesn’t go down and stumbles around as Trish kicks her in the gut and raises her hand up Trish goes to the ropes with Victoria in a head lock and then nails the stratusifaction. But it just so happened that Victoria goes right into the chair that she brought into the ring and Trish turns around and goes for the cover and gets the 1…………………2…………..3]

JR-It would seem that chair came back to bite Victoria

King-Yeah, but Trish got lucky…um…because she did…

Kris Gaffney-Lucky or not, Trish is now the #1 contender to Jackie Cena's title.

“Medal” blasts on the PA system as Kurt Angle walks to the ring with his manager Davari, he steps into the ring and gets ready for his opponent

JR-Kurt Angle has a lot of experience, but the EMF is a new proving grounds…how will he fare?

King-Well he’s an Olympic Gold Medal winner, how you think?

“Time” blasts on the PA system as Dertah walks to the ring

King-Something tells me writing this guy’s name over and over again would be hard

Kris Gaffney-Luckly we don’t have to

King-Yeah, what a break…huh?

[Kurt and Dertah face off in the middle of the ring and then the two wrestlers start to talk trash and then Dertah hits a few fists to the face of Angle. Angle stumbles back to the ropes and then Dertah tries to whip Angle to the ropes, but it’s reversed by Angle. Dertah goes to the ropes and then Dertah bounces off the ropes and then Dertah ducks under a clothesline and then Dertah comes off the opposite side of the ring and then Angle hits a release arm drag and then Dertah gets and then stumbles into a fist and then Angle follows it up with a knife edge chop and then Dertah stumbles to the ropes and then Dertah gets hammered with a few fist to the face and then Dertah gets whipped to the ropes and then Dertah bounces off the ropes and then Angle hits a drop toe hold on Dertah that stumbles him down to the mat and then Angle puts Dertah into a head lock and then the ref knowing that probably won’t make anyone submit doesn’t even ask so Dertah stumbles up to his feet with Angle holding on the hold with as much pressures as possible and then Dertah whips Angle to the ropes and then Angle bounces off the ropes and Dertah tries to hit a hiptoss, but Angle blocks it and then Dertah goes for another attempt that is once again blocked and then Angle turns it into a short arm clothesline. Dertah goes down to the mat as Dertah stumbles up to his feet and Angle hits a few fists to the face of Dertah and whips Dertah to the ropes and Dertah bounces off the ropes and Angle lowers his head and hits a back body drop Dertah hits hard into the mat and then Angle waits for Dertah to get up and Dertah stumbles into the corner and Angle hits a few fists to the face in the corner and then Dertah gets whipped to the opposite side turnbuckle Dertah bounces off the turnbuckle hard and then he comes out of the corner and stumbles right into Angle’s waiting arms who hits a quick belly to belly over head suplex and then Angle goes into the cover and gets the 1…………………..2………….kick out. Angle questions the ref as he then gets ready as Dertah stumbles up and then Angle sets up Dertah and goes for the Angle slam. But Dertah is able to counter it falling behind Angle. Angle turns around only to get kicked in the gut and hits a DDT]

JR-Dertah was able to stop the wrestling machine there for a moment, but for how long?

King-Well I doubt too long

[Angle and Dertah stumble up about at the same time, but before Angle can really do anything he is kicked into the gut by Dertah and then Angle stumbles back and then Dertah tries to whip Angle off the ropes, but it’s reversed by Angle and Dertah goes to the ropes and bounces off and then Angle lowers his head for a back body drop. But it’s countered by Dertah who hits a swinging neck breaker Dertah can’t make the cover, because he’s been wore down by Angle a bit and then he gets to his feet and then Angle’s getting to his feet. Angle goes for a wild swing, but dretah ducks it and then hits a belly to back suplex. Dertah goes into the cover and gets the 1……………….2………….kick out by Angle. Dertah gets up and hits a few stomps (of what else…Hartred…lol). Angle stumbles to his feet and then Dertah pushes Angle into the corner and then Dertah hits a few knife edge chops to the chest of Angle and then brings him out of the corner and then whips Angle to the ropes and then Angle bounces off the ropes and then Dertah goes for a clothesline. But it’s ducked under by Angle and then Angle bounces off the other side of the ring and then turns around and then Angle comes off the ropes and then Dertah hits a tirlerwhirl back breaker on Angle and then Dertah goes into the corner and then gets the 1………………….2……………kick out by Angle. Dertah sits on the mat and then looks up and wonders what it’s going to take to beat Angle and then Dertah decide see’s that Angle is getting up so he goes over to Angle, picks him up and then hits a slam and looks over to the nearest turnbuckle.]

JR-Looks like Dertah is going to take a risk

King-he must really hate Angle

Kris Gaffney-must…

[Suddenly Angle gets up fast as Dartah is on the top rope and then Angle takes Dertah off the top to mat with an arm drag off the top rope and then Angle pulls his straps and then waits for Dertah to get up, once he does Angle goes for another Angle slam. But once again Dertah slips out the back and then Dertah goes for a clubbing blow, but then Angle ducks it and then Dertah turns around and Angle takes Dertah down with a single leg pick and turns him over the Ankle lock, Dertah is in a lot of pain and the ref asks Dertah if he wants to give it up. But Dertah refuses to quick, and then he slowly goes into the ropes and almost is able to get there, but Angle pulls him back and tries to grapevine the leg, but it’s blocked as Dertah bridges up and then Dertah is able to counter the Ankle lock into a victory roll type of move. 1…………………….2…………..just before the 3 goes down. Angle is able counter the victory roll into one of his own and is able to hold it for the 1……………..2……….3]

JR-What a match by Angle and Dertah

King-It could have gone either way

Kris Gaffney-Angle wasn’t even a second away from being beat

(OOC-Really, it was that close…but myself and a few staff members just think that Angle had it here. Maybe there will be other opinions, to those people I say realize that it could go either way and hopefully don’t hold anything over us because of it. )

(Pun is shown sitting in his locker room lacing up his boots for his title defense tonight. Suddenly, Darter bursts through the door like he owns the place and starts singing opera. Pun looks over at Darter, obviously confused and surprised.)

Punisher: What kind of fucking drugs are you on?

Darter: Oh... no drugs. Just high on life, man. HIGH ON LIFE!!!

(Pun stares at him like a moron for a minute.)

Punisher: Yeah, well go away. I've got a big match coming up soon.

Darter: Nah, better not.

Punisher: Huh?

Darter: I said.... I'm not leaving.

(Pun stands up and walks over towards Darter, coming face to face with him in the doorway.)

Punisher: Did you fall and bump your head, Darter? Because I know you don't have the balls to stand up and back-talk me.

Darter: Oh, but I do. See, I know something you don't know.... *smiles*

Punisher: Unless it's the fact that you're immortal, I suggest you take your happy ass down the road.

(Darter pushes past Pun and sits down on the bench. He props his feet up on the steel chair that just so happens to hold Puns Extreme title. Pun stares at him unable to believe what he's seeing.)

Darter: No, I'm not immortal. but I'm damn sure insured for a while...

Punisher: That's good, because your medical bills are about to sky rocket.

(Pun starts to walk towards Darter. Darter looks at Pun and smiles.)

Darter: It's about Amy Dumas.....

(Pun stops dead in his tracks. His eyes widen and a small grin crosses his face.)

Punisher: Well in that case, go ahead and stay. So what do you know?

Darter: I can't tell you

Punisher: Huh?

Darter: It's a secret.

Punisher: A secret? Darter, you'd better tell me before I get angry with you.

Darter: No. See, we're going to play things my way for a while. Seeing as how this secret is big enough to get you just about anything you want in the EMF, we're going to see just how much sabatoging Amy means to you. And if I know you like I think I do, it's means quite a bit to you, doesn't it Pun?

Punisher: *Sneering* Yeah... as a matter of fact, it does, Darter.

Darter: Mr. Darter.....

(Pun closes his eyes with the same sneer on his face. He grits his teeth together and opens his eyes.)

Punisher: Mr. Darter....

Darter. Good. Now we'll start with tonight. Seeing as how Amy's career being destroyed is probably the most important thing in your life now.... *picks up Puns Extreme title*

Punisher: Yeah?

Darter: Although last week you didn't see what CM Punk can offer to the EMF, I did. I find him to be a suitable Extreme champion for the EMF....

Punisher: No, Darter. No way.... you wouldn't.

Darter: Lose your title tonight and you'll be that much closer to what you really want. Amy in the palm of your hand. *Darter stands up and walks towards the door* Think about it. I'll know your decision by how things play out tonight.

(Darter walks out of the locker room, leaving Pun standing there staring at the wall. he shakes his head and walks away as the camera goes back to the ring.)

(Before the match it shows the family members of Xtreme Deema in the first row, and a few of the less famous HoRdE members such as Slasher, Tommy Dreamer, and New Jack)

“Burn in my Light” blasts on the PA system as Randy Orton walks to the ring

King-JR! He’s going to be the HARDCORE Hall of Famer

JR-He needs to win this match

Kris Gaffney-Did you see how he beat up RVT? He’s a lock! I wonder if he would be the caretaker of the Magic

(Suddenly someone random named Joey runs to attack Kris. But he falls off a cliff and gets impaled by spikes…with bullets on the end of them)

“Dirthouse” blasts on the PA system, the focus goes on the stage. Dragon doesn’t come out, but suddenly he pops out of the stage.

King-You know, I heard from another world this match doesn’t work too well for Dragon

Kris Gaffney-Well, I told the ref to watch for the grabbing of the ropes

JR-Well…there goes that advantage…

(Dragon before he goes into the ring, Dragon goes over to the family and friends of Deema. They just look at him like he’s on drugs and then he goes into the ring and does a very Xtreme Deema like taunt on the turnbuckle)

King-*wiping away a tear* Do it for DEEEEMMA!


Kris Gaffney-……….

[Randy Orton and Dragon lock up and then Orton takes Dragon and turns the lock up into to a hammer lock and then into a side head lock and then Randy puts as much pressure on it as possible before Randy can take Dragon over with the side head lock. Dragon then is able to back Orton to the ropes and then whips Orton off the move. Orton goes to the ropes and then bounces off the ropes and then it looks like Orton might hit Dragon with a shoulder block. But it’s countered with a hip toss. Orton gets up and Orton runs at Dragon after the move and then Dragon is able to side step it and then hits a fist to the face and then Orton falls down to the mat and then gets up fast and Dragon kicks Orton in the gut and then Dragon goes for a vertical suplex. But then Orton is able to shift his weight and land on back of Dragon. Dragon turns around as Orton ready’s himself to go for the RKO, but just as he goes for it. Draogn pushes off of Orton’s attempted RKO and Orton goes to the ropes and then bounces off the ropes and then comes to where Dragon is and Dragon is able to hits a quick tilterwhirl backbreaker on Dragon. Orton gets up and then hits a few stomps on the downed Orton and Orton slowly gets to his feet as Dragon nails a few forearm shots to the face as Orton stumbles back and then to the ropes and then Dragon hits a knife edge chop that echo’s through out the arena and then Orton stumbles into the turnbuckle as Dragon goes in to attack once again after getting warned about not giving Orton too much space to breath and then Dragon goes into the corner where Orton is. But then Orton hits a thumb to the eye and Dragon is blinded. Orton turns the tables and puts Dragon in the corner and then Orton hits a few fists to the face and then Orton takes Matt Dragon by the hair and then tries to smash Dragon to opposite side of the ring and then tries to smash his face into the turnbuckle. But it’s blocked with the foot and then Dragon hits an elbow into the gut of Orton and then Dragon hits Orton’s head into the turnbuckle and then repeats 1…..2………3………4………5……..6……7……..8…..9……….10 times and then Dragon backs up as Orton stumbles around very dazed and Dragon measures up and then Orton stumbles where Dragon wants to and then Dragon hits a standing drop kick that sends Orton flying out of the ring and outside to the arena floor. Dragon pumps up the crowd and then points to Deema’s family, Dragon goes to the top rope and waits for Dragon to get up and then Dragon leaps off the top rope and then it’s countered with Orton hitting a fist to the gut as Dragon goes through the air.]

JR-Dragon went for it all, but ended up with nothing

Kris Gaffney-Actually he was just going for a double axe handle

King-Don’t mind him, JR is still stuck in the 80’s when that move could have meant something

[Orton takes his time to recover against the announcers table and then Dragon stumbles up and right into Orton who then picks up Orton and drops him on the announcers table. Dragon stumbles around as Orton comes over to Dragon and takes him by the hair and throws him hard into the still steps, Dragon is in pain and then Orton takes a few moments to recover on the apron holding him up and Dragon is sitting with his back against the steps and then Orton hits a few stomps into the gut and then Dragon is being beat down with everyone of the stomps and then Orton grabs Dragon by the hair and then throws him hard back first into the guard rail and then Orton hits a few stomps on the downed Dragon who is now in the sitting position and then Orton backs up and then charges nailing a drop kick to the face of Dragon. Orton takes Dragon and rolls him into the ring and then pulls him out on the apron. And then Orton jumps on the apron and then Orton hits a knee drop across the face of Dragon and then Dragon sits up and holds his face in pain and then rolls into the ring and then Orton rolls into the ring and then Dragon is getting up with help of the ropes and then stumbles to his feet and then Orton hits a few fists to the face and then tries to whip Dragon off the ropes and then Dragon reverses the whip and sends Orton off the ropes and then Orton bounces off the ropes and then Dragon goes for a clothesline. But Orton ducks it and then Orton continues to the ropes. Dragon then bounces off the ropes and hits a flying forearm shot to the face of Dragon and Dragon goes down to the mat. But for some reason is able to get up after a few moments Orton then kicks Dragon in the gut and then hits a DDT on Dragon. Orton looks like he’s about to go for the cover, but he decides to rather go for the kill as he knows that it won’t put away Dragon. Orton gets ready as he almost is slithering around ready to spring up for the RKO. Dragon turns around and then Orton goes for the RKO, but Dragon is able to break out of it and then puts Orton in a waist lock and then pushes Orton to the ropes and then Dragon tries to roll him up. But Orton is able to hold on to the ropes and then Dragon rolls back into the middle of the ring and then Dragon gets up and then charges at Orton who counters with a hot shot on the top rope and then Dragon stumbles back as Orton nails a 3.0 back breaker]

Kris Gaffney-Well…that move was certain genetically JACKED

King-Or maybe above average


[ Orton kneels down and sizes up Dragon. He smirks and starts taunting for the RKO as Dragon struggles up to his feet. Orton runs at Dragon and jump for the RKO but Dragon dodges and Orton hits the mat. Dragon stomps on Orton a bit, then moves around to Orton's legs and and puts in a leg lock. Dragon switches to a different leg lock, using the ropes to help get torque. The referee warns Dragon, gives him the count, and Dragon breaks it a t the last second. Dragon grabs Orton's legs and catapaults him into the corner, right onto the ref, smashing the ref between Orton and the turnbuckle. The ref goes down to the mat and Dragon superkicks Orton over the top rope to the outside of the ring. Dragon nudges the ref with his foot, then climbs over the top rope to the floor. ]

JR-Business is about to pick up.

[ Dragon tosses Randy into the barrier, then picks him up and takes him over to where Deema's family is sitting. Dragon points up to the sky, then smashes Orton's nose with his fist. Deema's family cheers. Dragon pulls Orton over towards the spanish announce table and takes out the monitors. ]

King-This is getting hardcore...like the HoRdE! Used to be.

JR- Go ahead, we know you're wearing a horde t-shirt underneath.

King-heheh *he rips off his outer horde tshirt to reveal a second horde tshirt underneath*

[ Dragon picks up and hits the Breath of Fire on the outside. The crowd pops, and Dragon wastes no time in picking up the prone body of Orton and placing him on the announce table. Dragon climbs back into the ring and goes up to the top turnbuckle. He positions himself carefully, taking some time, and jump off looking for a splash, but Orton uses his last bit of energy to roll a few inches off the table and Dragon goes crashing through it. ]

Jr-He's broken in half! He coulda killed himself!

[ Dragon and Orton stay down a long time. Orton starts to move first, and he slowly gets Dragon up and slides him into the ring. Orton goes and grabs a chair and throws that into the ring as well. He slides in, and proprs up Dragon's left leg on the bottom rope. Orton smiles, raises the chair and smashes it over Dragon's knee. The crowd boos and groans, but Orton does it again and again, checking inbetween chair shots to see that the ref is still down. ]

Jr-No dammit, no he's going to criplple him! He's going to end his career and get himself into the Hall of Fame!

[ Suddenly, as Randy Orton puts his arms out in his trademark pose, the lights in the arena go out. Fans flick lighters and open their cell phones trying to see anything. Some noises are heard, the sound of a steel chair hitting skull. The sound of someone being slammed to the mat. After a few moments the lights come back on, and standing in the ring over the body of Randy Orton is the monster, the big red machine, Kane! ]

King-Ahh! Oh my god JR!

[ Kane picks up Dragon, who is writhing in pain and clutching at his leg, and places his over Randy Orton's unconcious body. Kane then picks up the ref and slaps him in the back of the head a few times trying to wake him up. The ref somewhat regains his senses and slowly counts the 1, 2, 3! ]

JR-Kane is here in the EMF, and he's cost Randy Orton his shot at the EMF hall of fame!

Gaffney- I didn't see that one coming.

[ After a few moments of the shock settling in on the crowd, Mr.E comes out from the back smiling and gets into the ring. He has a mic in his hand, and he helps Dragon up to his feet. Kane stands next to Dragon, ominously looking down at Orton who only now starts to move the slightest bit. Mr.E gives Dragon the mic. ]

Matt Dragon: Considering all of my injuries going into this match, and my hall of fame spot on the line...and of course, I had to defend me amigo's honor, Xtreme Deema...I took out a little insurance policy. Ung...Now from all the pain I'm feeling right now, I might be out of the ring for a little bit, but I'm going to help this seven foot monster standing next to me to the top of the EMF. I've got another surprise or two planned out for the coming weeks, this is just the beginning...of Team Dragon.

“Kennedy’s theme” blasts on the PA system as Kenney walks to the ring and then Kennedy mocks a few of the crowd members and then mockly throws up a 4 figure taunt and give the “whatever” look

JR-You have got to wonder what is going through Kennedy’s head

King-What you talking about JR, he’s come to a proven winner

Kris Gaffney- Yeah, I mean who other stable recently has developed young talent

JR-Good point, but he should have been loyal to the people that brought him this far

“If you smell” blasts on the PA system as the Rock walks to the ring

King-I’m going to guess the Rock just walks off of a Hollywood set

Kris Gaffney-Most likely…haven’t seen him all week

JR-Rock is also a rising competitor here in the EMF

[Rock comes into the ring and then gets in the face of Kennedy, Kennedy raises his hands like he’s innocent and then he pokes Rock in the eyes Rock is blinded and then Kennedy hits a few clubbing blows to the back as Rock stumbles back and then Kennedy hits a few fists to the face of the Rock and then Kennedy tries to whip Rock to the ropes and then Rock reverses the ropes and then Kennedy comes off the ropes and Rock lowers his head and then Kennedy grabs the Rock’s hair and drives him down to the mat and then Rock’s head bounces off the mat and then Kennedy hits a few stomps on the downed Kennedy and then Kennedy picks up Rock by the hair and then throws him head first into the turnbuckle once and then turns Rock around and then Kennedy hits a few kicks into the gut of the Rock and then whips him to the opposite side of the ring as hard as he could and then Rock hits hard into the corner and stumbles out of the corner and then Kennedy hits a back body drop on Rock. Rock hits hard into the mat and then Rock is in the sitting position in a lot of pain and then Kennedy puts Rock down and then hits a elbow drop to the Rock and goes into the cover and gets the 1………………….2…………..kick out by Rock and then Kennedy looks at the ref on his knee’s questioning if that was a three or not and then Kennedy chokes the Rock and then the ref counts to 5 and Kennedy lets go before he DQed and then Kennedy picks up the Rock to about the position where he is on his knee’s and then hits a kick to the face and Rock is back down to the mat and then Kennedy taunts to the crowd a bit and then waits for the Rock to get up. Rock stumbles up to his feet and then Rock stumbles right into the waiting Ken Kennedy….KENNEDY. Who kicks the Rock in the gut and then sets up for a piledriver on the Rock. But it’s blocked by the Rock and then countered with a back body drop. Kennedy turns it into a sunset flip. But can’t get the Rock over. But then the Rock is able to gain his balance and then goes for a fist, but Kennedy moves out of the way and Rock has hurt his fist as Kennedy runs to the ropes comes off the ropes for some sort of move. But Rock is able to answer with a thunderous fist that connects and then sends Kennedy down to the mat like a sack of potato’s]

JR-That caught Kennedy off guard

King-This is horrible

Maven-As horrible as me being on this announcer team other than Kris?

King-No, that would be just hell…

[Rock stumbles to the ropes and then Kennedy gets up and holds his face as he see’s Rock and charges at him pissed and then the Rock is able to hit a back body drop over the top rope and Kennedy goes to the outside and then Rock has to recover from the beating that he’s taken so far and then Rock is see’s that Kennedy is getting up and then Rock quickly leaps out of the ring and then Kennedy stumbles right into him as Rock smashes Kennedy into the steps face first and then Kennedy’s head bounces off Kennedy stumbles a few steps and has a far away look in his eyes for a moment and the Rock rolls Kennedy into the ring and then Rock hits a few fists to the face of Kennedy who stumbles to the ropes and Rock tries to whip Kennedy off the ropes and Kennedy reverses the whip and then sends Rock to the ropes and then Rock bounces off the ropes as Kennedy trying to get the advantage back lowers his head and then goes for a back body drop. But it’s countered with a spinning neckbreaker and Rock gets up and Kennedy stumbles up to his feet. Kennedy stumbles right into the Rock who kicks Kennedy in the gut and then hits a snap suplex and goes into the cover and gets the 1…………..2…………kick out. Rock lets Kennedy gets up, he stumbles into the corner and then Rock goes over and hits a few fists and spits on his hands for the last one and then hits the last one and Kennedy almost goes to the outside, but then comes down and then stumbles out in the ring holding the ropes to keep up and Rock tries to whip Kennedy to the ropes, but it’s reversed and Rock goes to the ropes and bounces off. Rock leaps off the ropes and nails a flying forearm shot to the face and Rock nips up Kennedy gets up and Kennedy kicks Kennedy in the gut and hits a DDT. Rock goes into the cover and gets the 1……………..2……..kick out]

JR-Almost three

King-Oh come on JR, you think Kennedy’s going down that easy

JR-Probably not..

Kris Gaffney-Well, he has a lot to prove here…

[Rock decides to do something that’s very un-Rock like and then he goes to the outside and then climbs to the top rope. But before he can hit the move he’s going for, Kennedy dives on the ropes and then Rock falls on the top rope as Kennedy goes up to the top rope and then gets Rock up on his shoulders, Kennedy yells and then leaps off and hits the Lambeau Leap. Kennedy goes into the cover and gets the 1…………………2………………3]

JR-Kennedy is sure off to a great start with post 4 horsemen days

Kris Gaffney-See JR, he never needed them…Revolution on the other hand…

“CM Punk’s theme” blasts on the PA system as Punk walks to the ring

JR-CM Punk has a agree opportunity here…but he has a hard fight ahead of him King-I would have him go to Batista, but Batista is probably screaming and shaking in a corner somewhere after hearing that Joy’s pregnant

Kris Gaffney-It took him long enough to figure that out

“Capital Punishment” blasts on the PA system as Punisher walks to the ring

JR-Punisher since making his return more than a year ago has been very hard to defeat

Kris Gaffney-He never lets me win anything at online poker..BLAH to him!

[Punisher and CM Punk meet off in the middle of the ring and then CM Punk is talking some trash and then the more experienced Punisher smacks him across the head and then CM Punk turns around and then Punisher is able to quickly school boy CM Punk and then gets the 1………….2……..kick out. CM Punk gets up pissed and charges at Punisher but Punisher is able to duck under the clothesline that Punk is going for Punk turns around and then gets an inverted atomic drop. Punk stumbles back and then Punisher hits a few fists to the face of CM Punk as he stumbles back and then Punisher whips CM Punk to the ropes and then CM Punk bounces off the ropes and Punisher lowers his head down and then hits a back body drop on CM Punk and Punks goes crashing down to the mat and then after a few moments Punk stumbles to his feet and then Punisher gets ready and then hits a running shoulder block. Punk stumbles back and falls out of the ring and then to the Punisher rolls out of the ring and then Punk stumbles to his feet as Punisher picks up Punk and hits a body slam on Punk. Punisher then looks at the announcers desk and decides to tear it apart and then Punisher removes one monitor and then takes the other and then measures up as it does not seem like he’s planning to use the table as all…just the monitor. Punk gets up and then Punisher smashes Punk with the monitor and throws it down to the mat and then Punisher falls into the cover and gets the 1……………..2………….kick out by Punk and then Punisher then decides not to let up the pressure there and then he see’s a camera code near by and then starts to choke Punk with the cord and there is not much that the ref can do, he just kind of yells at Punisher. But can’t break the choke and then Punisher lets go as he’s having some fun with this now Punk is on his hands and knee’s. Punisher then kicks him in the ribs and then Punk goes rolling around and then Punisher rolls Punk into the ring and then decides to get a little cocky and then goes to the top rope. Punk stumbles up, but before Punisher can do something, Punk dives on the top rope and Punisher falls on the top rope. Punisher is in pain Punk goes over to Punisher and grabs him off the turnbuckle and then drives him into the mat with a DDT]

JR-Punisher’s cockiness cost him there

King-Were going to see a lot of that, I’m not sure is worst

Kris Gaffney-Hey, CM Punk stole my parking spot…but he said it was ok, because he was the best.

[Punisher and Punk are down on the mat, suddenly Punk starts to slowly move towards Punisher and pushes him on his back and then makes the cover and gets the 1……………..2………kick out by Punisher as he’s able to roll the shoulder up. Punk is really beaten down and then rolls to the outside and then falls to the arena floor and Punk pulls out a Singapore Cane and then rolls back into the ring as Punisher stumbles up to his feet, dazed and stumbles right where Punk is and then smashes Punisher in the gut and then Punisher is doubled over and then Punk rises the cane over his head and then smashes it into the back of Punisher and then Punisher goes down to the mat and then he’s in a lot of pain and then Punk hits a few hard stomps on the downed Punisher and then Punk backs off a little bit as Punisher goes to the ropes and then tries to use the ropes to get up. But then Punk chokes Punisher with the ropes as he holds him there for a few moments and then Punk goes to the ropes and then bounces off the ropes leaps over the ropes where Punisher is and then grabs Punisher’s head as he’s flying out and then Punisher gets almost hit with a hang man as Punisher’s head snaps back and then falls to the mat. CM Punk takes a few moments to recover after being beat down most of the match and then Punk jumps on the apron and then waits for Punisher to get up. Punisher stumbles up, Punk leaps up and then hits a spring board flying clothesline. Punisher stumbles up to his feet, Punk picks Punisher up and then hits a body slam Punk drops a standing leg drop and then goes into he cover and gets a 1……………..2………kickout by Punisher.]

JR-Almost three

King-You think Darter would shut up if Punisher loses

Kris Gaffney-You think he wouldn’t anyways?

King-Good point…

[Punisher stumbles up and then CM Punk goes into the attack, but Punisher is able to hit a knee lift and turn the tables hitting a few fists to the face and then Punisher tries to whip CM Punk to the ropes and then he bounces off the ropes and then CM Punk goes for a clothesline. But it’s ducked under by Punisher and then Punisher picks up CM Punk to the Capital Punishment. But CM Punk is struggling. Suddenly the camera goes on the stage where Darter walks out, back in the ring it would seem either Punk was able to struggle out of the move or Punisher let go. It’s unclear, Punisher turns around and gets nailed with the finisher of CM Punk (I think it’s a DDT…) Punk goes into the cover and gets the 1……………..2………….3]

King-Darter’s dead!

(OOC-Done for storyline, but I decided that I didn’t want to take anything away from Tony’s win. So what I did was I put it in question of what really happened, whether Punisher let go of Punk or he was able to get out on his own. Whatever really happened, will never be known. So hopefully that’s the best of both worlds.)

“Kincaid’s theme” blasts on the PA system as Scott Kincaid walks to the ring

JR-Kincaid has seemed to change over the past few months

Kris Gaffney-Yeah, I agree with him…who needs Wes…

King-Certainly not me

Kris Gaffney-God, you’re such a closet Wes fan…just admit it

“Number 1” blasts on the PA system as Dude Nick walk to the ring

JR-Dude Nick has had quite a few accomplishments here in the EMF, bet winning the IC title is one of them

King-He has Torrie, what else could he want?

Kris Gaffney-Well he needs to win to get money, or Torrie will leave

King-No your thinking of Sable

Brock Lensar-It’s true, RRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAARRRR..*cries*

“I am” blasts on the PA system as AJ Styles does his usual enterance

King-You know ever since he’s been here, every TNA wrestler have come here

Kris Gaffney-They must be afraid of Sting coming after them!

King-OH NO, not that?!?!

[Kincaid, Dude Nick and the champion AJ Styles are standing on their opposite side of the rings and then Kincaid goes up and then talks some trash and then they start to hammer away at each other. AJ Styles probably doing the smart thing and sitting back and watching the two challengers go and beat down on each other and then Kincaid is starting to get the advantage and then tries to whip Kincaid to the ropes and then Kincaid tries to whip Dude Nick to the ropes. But Dude Nick stays where he’s at and then Kincaid tries again and then Dude Nick doesn’t move and then Dude Nick pulls Kincaid back and Kincaid goes flying out of the ring and on to the floor. Just as Dude Nick is watching Kincaid. The Champion AJ Styles comes in and then hits a few kicks to the gut of Dude Nick as he turns around and that stuns Dude Nick as he rocks to the ropes and then he’s able whip Dude Nick to the ropes and then Dude Nick bounces off the ropes and gets knocked down with a jumping leg larriet by AJ Styles. Dude Nick gets up fast and stumbles back into the corner and then AJ Styles hits a few fists to the corner and then AJ Styles tries to whip Dude Nick into the opposite side of the ring. But it’s reversed and then sent Dude Nick into the corner and then AJ Styles goes into the corner and then crashes into the corner. Dude Nick charges at AJ Styles and then before he can hit a move AJ Styles gets a boot up that connects and Dude Nick turns around and AJ Styles pulls himself up to the second rope and then measures up and leaps off and hits a flying bulldog that drives Dude Nick into the mat and then AJ Styles goes into the cover and gets a 1……………..2………….Kincaid comes into the picture and then smashes AJ Styles to break up the cover. Dude Nick rolls out of the picture and most likely out of the ring to recover as AJ Styles stumbles up and then Kincaid fires off a few hard fists to the face and then Kincaid whips AJ Styles off the ropes and then AJ Styles bounces off the ropes and then Kincaid hits a spinning back elbow that sends Kincaid down to the mat and then Kincaid waits as AJ Styles stumbles to his feat and then sets up AJ Styles into a northern lights suplex and hits it with a bridge and gets the 1…………………..2…………………..kick out by AJ Styles]

JR-You are not going to make the IC champion lose his title that easily

King-That’s for sure, Styles would kill his own parents to keep the title

Kris Gaffney-Actually, their already dead…

King-*Gasp* Where too late….

[AJ Styles stumbles up to his feet and then Kincaid hits a few hard fists to the face of Kincaid and then Kincaid tries to whip AJ Styles to the ropes and then AJ Styles bounces off the ropes and then leaps off the air and nails a flying forearm and then AJ Styles gets up quickly and then looks around and climbs to the top rope and then measures up Kincaid and then leaps off the top rope for what seems ot be a double axe handle. Bu it’s countered with a drop kick to the face by Kincaid and AJ goes down to the mat and then Kincaid hits a few stomps on the downed AJ Styles. Styles stumbles to his feet and then trade fists with Kincaid. Suddenly Dude Nick comes out of no where, grabbing Kincaid and Styles by the throat and hitting a double choke slam on Kincaid and Styles. Although Dude Nick is down on the mat and can’t make the cover and on either of the downed Styles and Kincaid and then Dude Nick after a time starts to move and then throws his arm over Kincaid and then gets the 1…………..2………..kick out by Kincaid and then Dude Nick goes over to AJ Styles who is not moving and then Dude Nick throws his arm over the downed Kincaid and then gets the 1………………..2…………kick out by Kincaid. Dude Nick gets up to his knee’s and questions the count and then AJ Styles comes from behind and then hits a fist to the back of Dude Nick. Nick stumbles up and Kincaid gets up as they both start to hammer Dude Nick and then whips Dude Nick and then Dude Nick bounces off the ropes and then Kincaid and AJ Styles hits a double flap jack.]

JR-Seems that AJ and Kincaid are working together to take down the bigger Dude Nick

King-Wonder how long that’ll last?

[Suddenly AJ takes Kincaid and throws him out of the ring ]

Kris Gaffney-That answer your question ?

[Styles head is turned for a second as Dude Nick has gotten up, AJ gets up and Styles gets set up for choke slam. But it’s AJ kicks Dude Nick in the gut a few times and then releases his hold on AJ. Dude Nick stumbles back and then charges at Styles, who ducks it and then hits at Paylay to the back of the head of Dude Nick and Dude Nick falls to the ground and then AJ Styles signals for the styles clash. AJ Styles waits for Dude Nick. But suddenly Kincaid slides in, and AJ can’t see Kincaid approach as he’s shielded by the bigger Dude Nick. Kincaid is able to push Dude Nick into AJ, Styles caught off guard falls back and through the ropes. Dude Nick bounces off the ropes and Kincaid rolls up Dude Nick in a school boy and gets the 1…………………2……………..3]

JR-Kincaid snuck in the back door?

King-And stole the title, AJ wasn’t even pinned!

Kris Gaffney- *looking at JR’s wallet as he counts the money*…oh…I hate thieves!

(OOC-GOD WHAT A HARD CALL AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH, anyways to this point I’m not totally convinced either way. I think Michael said it correct when he said all three have arguments and all three. Since it took so long to decide, I had to go with my gut and what my other staff members were leaning towards. I think it’s a very VALID opinion, I just hate not being 100% sure…because this match is too damn close. The ending doesn't even reflex who was second best, so don't read anything into that. I know there are a few people with different opinions, but simply needed to go with what we believed. Reason also I go with this is that I have already secured one on one rematches for both Nick and AJ, hopefully you two can understand what a hard choice this was.

“Not listening” blasts on the PA system as Wes walks to the ring, Wes goes into the ring

King-You know, I bet he’s thinking the whole thing with Jarred was worth it

Kris Gaffney-Probably

“Down with the Sickness” blasts on the PA system as Angelus walks to the ring

JR-Angelus Archer is once again on top of the mountain, we have to wonder who can knock him off the mountain

King-Well, if history means anything…then it’ll be someone that we don’t except…it could even be YOU AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH


[Wes comes into the ring and the after Angelus stands waiting and then Wes comes into the ring and then Wes locks up with Angelus and then Wes is able to turn the lock up and then Angelus puts Wes into a head lock and then Wes looks for a way out of the hold and then Wes backs Angelus to the ropes and then Angelus backs up Wes to the ropes and then whips Angelus off the ropes and then Wes bounces off the ropes and then Angelus hits a hip toss that sends Angelus down to the mat and then Wes stumbles up to his feet and then ANgleus waits for Wes to get up and then Angelus hits a running forearm shot to the face and then Wes goes down to the mat and then Angelus picks up Wes and then hits a body slam and then goes to the ropes and drops the knees to the face and goes into the cover and gets the 1……………..2……..kick out by Wes. Angelus gets up and hits a few stomps on the downed Wes and then Angelus lets Wes up and then Wes stumbles up to his feet as Angelus hits a punch into the gut that makes Wes stumbles back and then Angelus follows it up with a well placed knife edge chop that echo’s through out the arena and then and then Angelus whips Wes to the ropes and then Wes bounces off the ropes and then Wes comes off the ropes and then Angelus goes for a big clothesline. But Wes ducks it and then continues by going behind Wes and Wes puts in a waist lock and then pushes Angelus to the ropes and then tries to roll up Angelus. But Angelus is able to hook the ropes and then Wes rolls into the middle of the ring and then Wes charges at Angelus, but Angelus tries to counter with a super kick. But it’s blocked by Wes and then thrown down and then Wes goes for a clothesline. But Angelus is able to set up Wes and hits a release germen suplex on Wes that almost turns himself inside out and then Angelus decides not to go into the cover as he drops the leg across the back of the neck of the Wes and then Angelus goes into the cover and gets the 1………………2………….kick out by Wes.]

JR-The champion has been dominate, but it’s no surprise with Angelus Archer…he’s been here before

King-I didn’t know he left here

Kris Gaffney-Yeah, he lost the title to Mr. Chaos

King-HAHAHAHA like there ever was a Mr. Chaos

[Wes stumbles up to this feet and Angelus hits a few fists and whips Wes to the other side of the ring and then Wes crashes into the corner and Angelus goes running into the corner. Wes gets his boot up and Angelus crashes into the corner. Angelus stumbles out of the corner and then Wes hits a running bulldog on Angelus and then both wrestlers are down as they can’t get up and then the ref counts 1…………..2………….3…………4…………5…………..6………..7…….Wes and Angelus stand up. Angelus goes for a punch, but it’s blocked by Wes and Wes hits a few fists to the face of Angelus and Angelus stumbles back with each blow. Wes tries to whip Angelus to the ropes. But it’s reversed by Wes and then Wes comes off the ropes and nails a flying forearm that sends Angelus does to the mat. Angelus stumbles around and then Wes picks up Angelus and hits a back breaker. Wes goes into the corner and then measures up and then Angelus hits a leg drop off the second rope and then hits the flying leg drop off the second rope and goes into the cover and gets the 1…………………..2…………kick out. Wes then looks up questioning the count, which allows Angelus to get up in the sitting position which is Wes puts in a rear choke hold and the ref asks Angelus if he wants to give it up and then Angelus refuses and then goes to his feet and then looks for a way out of the hold and then Wes gets pushed back to the Angelus to the ropes and whips him off the ropes and Wes bounces off the ropes and then Wes leaps off the ropes and hits a flying shoulder block. Angelus gets to his feet, Wes kicks Angelus in the gut and then hits a DDT, Wes goes into the cover and then gets a 1…………….2……………kick out by Angelus.]

JR-Wes has come storming back in this match


Kris Gaffney-That adds so much to this match

[Wes questions the ref as Angelus gets up with the ropes and then Wes tries to pull himself off the ropes and then ref tries to break up the two causing a blind spot that the ref does not see Angelus hit a back low blow. Wes stumbles back in pain and then Angelus gets up and hits a few fists to the face of Wes and whips him to the ropes and then whips him off the ropes. Angelus catches him with a spinning spinebuster and then Angelus calls for the Slayed . Angelus helps Wes up and gets Wes in position for the Slayed, but Wes lands on his feet in front of Angelus. Angelus goes for a clothesline. Wes ducks it, right into the full nelson slam!! Angelus bounces up dazed and falls into the corner, Wes goes into the opposite corner and leaps off nailing the coast to coast. Wes pulls Angelus out of the corner and gets the 1……………………2…………….3]

JR-Wes Ikeda is once again world champion



(Payback goes off the air with the belt being put on the downed Wes as King and Kris scream their heads off)