EMF: Payback

“A video plays about all the matches at Payback, then once it ends we go into the arena where the pyrotechnics blasts off on the specially made stage and then the lights go on and we search around the crowd.

Cole-Welcome to the Arrowhead Pond along with Taz…..I mean Jerry “the King” Lawler

King-…Yeah I could see how you could get us confused *points to someone in the crowd *

Cole: Yeah. I can't wait for this match though. I wonder who is going to win this match. Whoever wins deserves reserves respect.

King: Please....

(King is interrupted by Gravedigger's theme song. Right after Gravedigger comes Kaeden.)

King: Well here we go.

(The bell rings and the match begins. Gravedigger hits Kaeden with a drop-kick. Kaeden quickly gets up and hits a DDT. Gravedigger stays down for about 5 seconds and then gets up. Kaeden tries to hit the Kaeden Crush, but Gravedigger reverses it and hits the spear. Gravedigger goes to get the ladder and throws it in the ring. Gravedigger sets it up and tries to get the belt. Just then Kaeden gets up and knocks down the ladder and Gravedigger goes flying out the ring and he hits hard.)

Cole Ooh what a landing. He is going to be out for a little bit.

King: Can you shut up? I am trying to watch the match.

Cole: Whatever.

(Kaeden sets up the ladder when all of a sudden Mindfreak comes in and distracts the referee. )

Cole: Hey look what it is Mind Freak, and she has. Puppies!

(The ref is distracted when out of the back of the ring somebody in a mask comes in and pushes Kaeden off. Then Gravedigger grabs a chair and before the ref turns back around Gravedigger chair shocks Kaeden. Kaeden starts to bleed. Gravedigger stands at one end of the ring and Kaeden stands at the other. As soon as Kaeden turns around Gravedigger tries to hit the Gore. Gravedigger is to slow to hit it and Kaeden moves out the way when Gravedigger runs into the turnbuckle and hurts his shoulder really bad. Kaeden grabs the ladder and sets it on Gravedigger who is leaning on the turnbuckle. Kaeden hits the drop-kick on Gravedigger and Gravedigger begins to bleed.)

King: This is really a deadly ladder match.

(Kaeden grabs the ladder and sets it up. Kaeden tries to climb up the ladder very slowly as Gravedigger gets up slowly also. Gravedigger gives all his strength to knock down the ladder. Kaeden falls down and so does Gravedigger. The ref starts counting. 1........2.........3........4........5........6......7 just as Gravedigger gets up. Gravedigger limps over to Kaeden and picks Kaeden up. Gravedigger hits The Exhuminator. Right after that he hits The Extermination. Gravedigger drops Kaeden and starts going towards the ladder. Gravedigger slowly takes the ladder and sets hit on Kaeden. Gravedigger jumps off and hits the Frog Splash on the ladder which is on top of Kaeden.)

King: For people that are just tuning in Gravedigger and Kaeden are fighting for the T. V. Title, and right now both men are down and out.

Cole: But it’s a PPV King…if people didn’t buy the PPV in the first place they wouldn’t have been tuning in?

King: Un…I knew that, I was just making sure you were paying attention *grabs a tape recorder * note to self…Cole is much smarter than…that one fat guy in a cowboy hat.

(Kaeden and Gravedigger get up as Kaeden hits the Kaeden Crush on Gravedigger. Gravedigger falls and Kaeden Sets up the ladder. Kaeden starts to climb the ladder. Then Kaeden loses his balance and falls off the ladder. Then Gravedigger stands up waiting for Kaeden to stand up. As soon as Kaeden stands up and turns around Gravedigger hits The Gore on Kaeden. Then Gravedigger grabs the chair and hits Kaeden five times. Gravedigger tries to climb the ladder as Kaeden gets up. As soon as Kaeden knocks down the ladder Gravedigger jumps on the belt. Kaeden grabs Gravedigger and They both fall. )

Cole: How much more can these two take.

King: How much more can I take…

[Kaedon and Gravedigger stumble up to their feet and then they both start hammering away at each other. Kaedon then hits thumb to the eye and then hits a knee to the gut and then backs up Gravedigger to the ropes and then whips him off the ropes and then Kaedon hits a big boot on Gravedigger. Kaedon then waits for Gravedigger to get up with his hand ready and then grabs Gravedigger by the throat and then drives him down with a choke slam. Kaedon goes down to his knee’s and then recovers. Then slowly gets up and then sets up the ladder right under then TV title and then starts to climb. Gravedigger pulls himself up on the other side of the ladder in a last bit of strength he has and then starts to climb to the top. Both Gravedigger and Kaedon get to the top of the ladder and then start hammering it out, Gravedigger is able to stun Kaedon for some reason and then flips over to Kaedon side and then hits a sunt set power bomb!! Both wrestlers are now down, suddenly from the entrance an unknown man runs down the ramp as both wrestlers are too beat up to really notice and then the man looks under the ring and then pulls out a few tables and then stack them by ring side. The man then man sneaks around ring side. Gravedigger is slowly getting to his feet and then starts to climb, closer…closer till the title is just a step away. The unknown man slides into the ring and gets to the base of the ladder just as Gravedigger has a hand on the TV title and is about to pull it down and then he pushes over the ladder the ladder slowly falls as Gravedigger goes crashing into the stacked tables on the outside!!! Fans cheer for the spot, the man then slides out of the ring and hides close to the ring side as Kaedon gets up and realizes that Gravedigger is no where in sight. Kaedon sets up the ladder and slowly climbs up the ladder, closer and closer and closer…Kaedon grabs the title and pulls it down falling on the way down. The title comes lose from his grip and it falls in the ring somewhere. Kaedon wins the match.]

Cole: Kaedon won this match, but bigger story here is who is this guy in the ring

King: Don’t know, but he cost Gravedigger the match..

[The unknown man slides back into the ring and looks down at the TV title and grabs it and waits for Kaedon to get up. Once he does the unknown man bashes him with the TV title, the unknown man then throws the title down on Kaedon and then walks up the ramp]

Cole: Well who ever that is, he sure made a impact and ruined a great match between Gravedigger and Kaedon

[Camera goes to the back as it gets a shot of a ref shirt hangin' up, camera then pans over as Triple H sits on the sofa talking to Sierra as the door then opens as Eric Bischoff and Mercedes walks in as Triple H stands up on their arrivals, Eric helps Mercedes into the room as he holds her hand.]

Eric Bischoff: Mercedes, I like to introduce you to your boss, well the only boss that matters, Triple H. He is a good friend to the both of us and a legend in this business.

Triple H: Woah Woah...Mercedes cut the bullshit because you aren't fooling me! You think for one second, that I am going to fall for your little game...Woman, I am the game and I can see right through your little plan!

Mercedes: [Walks behind Eric scared] Whats he talking about Eric...

Eric Bischoff: Its alright, its alright...Mercedes can you excuse is 2 for a second...

[Eric walks aside with Triple H as Mercedes goes and takes a seat with Sierra on the couch.]

Eric Bischoff: What in the hell are you doing? How could you talk to my wife like that when you know what she has been through!

Triple H: My God Eric are you that damn guilable? Don't you see what she is doing? Don't you? Well let me fill you in Eric, she is doing just the same thing you did a month or so back, she staged that wreck, Eric...And you are just stupid enough to fall for it.

Eric Bischoff: Not everything is a devious plan there H, she is my wife and that means through the bad and through the good, and theres been alot more bad then good as of late, but I plan to see her through this!

Triple H: Yeah, thats right Eric go right on ahead but don't say I didn't warn ya...

[Bischoff walks away from Triple H as he just keeps looking at him with a not so happy face, Eric then walks over and extends his hand to Mercedes who sits on the couch.]

Eric Bischoff: Come on Mer, seems we aren't welcome here!

[Mercedes just takes Eric's hand as he leads her out of Triple H's office, Triple H just stands there shaking his head as he walks over to his desk and takes a seat working on some paper work, Triple H then proceeds to drop his pen as its rolls under the desk, Triple H slams his hand on the desk as he pulls his hair back.]

Triple H: Today has just not been my day...

Sierra: Its ok, I'll get it...

[Sierra proceeds to crawl under Triple H's desk as Triple H looks over some paperwork, the door then opens as Stacy Helmsley walks in, about this time Sierra crawls out from the desk as Stacy notices this.]

Stacy Helmsley: WHAT IN THE HELL!!!

Triple H: Woah Stacy, it isn't what it looks like relax...

Stacy Helmsley: Relax? Relax huh? SO THIS IS WHY YOU WANTED BACK IN EMF!

Triple H: Listen, it isn't what it looks like dammit, now listen to me...

Sierra: It really wasn't like that...

Stacy: I believe you've done enough and I suggest you shut your mouth! [Crowd: Ohhh]

[Sierra charges at Stacy as Triple H wraps his arms around Sierra as he pulls her back.]

Triple H: Sierra, no..no...stay.

Stacy: Thats cute, what other tricks does that tramp do!

[Sierra goes to get Stacy again as again Triple H has to hold her back, Stacy then tries to get at Sierra as Triple H breaks them up.]

Triple H: Come on, come on..Theres no reason to fight...

[Stacy then stops as she just walks to the door, Triple H still tries to control Sierra as he tries to get Stacy's attention.]

Stacy: Your right there isn't a need to fight, cause you ain't worth it!

[Stacy proceeds to cry as she opens the door and walks out as she slams the door behind her. Triple H then lets go of Sierra as he goes chasing after her in the hallway.]

Triple H: Stacy, please just listen to me...

[Triple H goes chasing after Stacy as the scene goes back to the ring.]

“Travis Hardy’s theme” blasts on the PA system as Travis Hardy walks to the ring

Cole-Well the rookie didn’t win the match last week, but he Twilight a run for his money

King-Your just saying that to make him feel better!!

“Messiah’s theme” blasts on the PA system as Messiah walks to the ring

Cole-Messiah can look as the first of opponents in a gauntlet that Travis Hardy must run if he wants to get another shot

King-Yeah, but I doubt he’ll even get through Messiah…he’s a newbie damn it!!

[Travis Hardy slides into the ring and then Messiah then hits a few hard punches to the head of Hardy that stuns him and then Hardy is backed into the turnbuckle and then Messiah backs off and then charges into the corner where Hardy is again and then Hardy puts his foot up and then Messiah stumbles back. Though Hardy doesn’t come out of the corner and then Messiah charges in the corner again and then gets a elbow into the face and then Hardy pulls himself on the second rope and then tries for a tornado DDT. But Messiah is able to throw Hardy off and then Hardy falls on his feet and then Messiah charges at him, but he is able to counter with a quick drop toe hold that sends Messiah to his face on the mat. Hardy then runs to the ropes and then hits a kick to the face of Messiah that sends him down and then Hardy waits for Messiah to get up, once he does Messiah stumbles up and then Hardy then kicks Messiah into the gut and then sets him up and then hits a vertical suplex and then flows into the cover and then gets a 1………………2..kick out. Hardy gets up and then pulls up Messiah and then hits a few forearms to the face and then backs up Messiah and then tries to whip Messiah and does. Messiah bounces on the ropes, but then grabs on the ropes and then Hardy see’s this and then charges at Messiah and then Messiah counters the charge with a back body drop over the top rope. But Hardy is somehow able to land on his feet and then Hardy goes for a few punches, but Messiah is able to block the punch and then this a few punches on Hardy of his own and then grabs Hardy’s head and then throws him hard into the ring post face first and then Hardy falls on the arena floor. Messiah has take a few moments to recover. But it’s enough time as Hardy isn’t moving that much, Messiah then goes to the apron and then waits as Hardy slowly gets to his feet. Messiah then charges on the apron and then leaps off the apron and then nails a suicide dive off the apron and nails Hardy! Both wrestlers are down and then Messiah is able to get to his feet and then takes Hardy and then rolls him into the ring and then Messiah climbs to the apron and then climbs to the top rope. Messiah waits for Hardy. Hardy stumbles up and then Messiah leaps off the top rope and then nails a missile drop kick on Messiah and then Hardy goes down half way across the ring after the move and then Messiah goes into the cover and gets a 1………..2…Hardy puts his foot on the rope]

Cole-Veteran like move by the rookie Travis Hardy

King-Well he knows he has to win this one.

[Messiah then goes to Hardy’s legs and then drops a few elbows into the leg and then Messiah then sets up and hooks an figure four on Hardy. Hardy screams in pain and then looks for a way out of the move and then can't. In so much pain that he forgets where his shoudlers and puts them on the mat and then the ref counts 1...........2.....Hardy raises his shoulders off the mat and then tries to turn over Messiah and then does and the pressure is on Messiah and then Messiah breaks the hold and Messiah is limping a little bit. But Messiah then gets ready and then goes behind Hardy and then Messiah goes a few hard clip tackle to the back of the leg. Hardy’s leg buckles under him and goes down in pain and then Messiah then hits a few stomps on the downed Hardy’s leg and then Messiah puts Hardy’s leg on the rope and then hits a knee on it as Hardy screams. Messiah then waits for Hardy to get up, Hardy stumbles up and then Messiah hits a shin breaker on Hardy. Messiah holds on to Hardy’s leg and then hits another elbow into the leg and then hits a single leg lock. Hardy screams in pain as Messiah holds on to the hold as the ref asks Hardy if he wants to give it up. Hardy says no as Messiah holds the hold on with as much pressure as he can put on]

Cole- Looks like Messiah is going to try to take out the legs of Hardy

King-Are you sure your not JR on a diet?

[Hardy looks for a way out of the move and then gets up and then pushes down Messiah’s face on the mat and then uses his free leg and then smashes Messiah’s face. But Hardy can’t follow up on the move. Messiah gets up holding his face, then decides to go the top rope, because Hardy is one move away from behind beat. Messiah climbs to the top rope and sees Hardy’s still down on the mat. Messiah leaps off, but Hardy puts his leg up and then Messiah stumbles around. Hardy quickly gets to his feet and then waits for Messiah to stumble towards him. Hardy then picks up Messiah to his shoulders and then nails the cold shoulder! Hardy then goes into the cover and gets the 1…………….…2…………………...3]

“Just 2 Badd” blasts on the PA system as Badd Boy and Degenerate walk to the ring

Cole-While their problems in the past didn’t seem to be real, you should really wonder if there really was a little hatred between Badd Boy and Degenerate

King-Great Cole, I was confused enough just trying to figure out if Badd Boy’s a heel or not

“Shane’s theme” blasts on the PA system as Punk and Twilight walk to the ring

Cole-Their the tag team champions, but tonight it’s not about the titles

King-Well it’s not like Baddddddddddddd Boy deserve it anyways.

[Badd Boy and Twilight lock up, Badd Boy goes behind Twilight into a hammer lock and then Twilight looks for a way out of the hold and then Twilight jumps up and then takes Badd Boy over into a side head lock. Badd Boy counters with a leg scissors and then Twilight nips up and then Twilight runs to the ropes and then Badd Boy counters with a release arm drag that sends Twilight to the mat. Twilight gets up and then charges at Badd Boy only to get knocked back with a standing drop kick. Badd Boy hits a few hard fists to Twilight. Twilight is reeling on the ropes and then Badd Boy whips Twilight to the ropes and then Twilight leaps in the air for a cross body block, but Badd Boy catches him in mid air and then hits a fallaway slam, then Badd Boy waits for Twilight to get up. Once he does Badd Boy measures up Twilight and then hits a body slam on Twilight. Badd Boy goes to the ropes and then hits a knee drop on the face of Twilight and then goes into the cover and gets a 1………2…kick out, Badd Boy gets up and then yells for Twilight to get up. Badd Boy kicks Twilight and then puts him in power bomb position and then gets him up for a power bomb. But before he can hit it, Twilight hits a few hard punches to Badd Boy and then flips behind Badd Boy and then Twilight then gets Badd Boy in a sunset flip attempt. Badd Boy looks like he’s going to fall, but then Badd Boy regains his balance and then Badd Boy goes for a punch on Twilight. But Twilight moves out of the way and Badd Boy hurts his hand on the mat. Badd Boy gets up and stumbles towards Twilight. Twilight then hits a kick into the gut, Badd Boy is doubled over and then Twilight runs to the ropes and hits a swing neck breaker. Twilight seemly still stunned slowly gets to his feet and then tags in Punk. Punk comes into the ring and then hits a few hard stomps on the downed Badd Boy and then Badd Boy gets up and then Punk then hits a few fists and then back up Badd Boy and then Punk then whips…but Badd Boy reverses it and sends Punk to the ropes. Degenerate then hits a knee to the back of Punk. Punk stumbles forward and then right into Badd Boy who hits a fall through front spine buster!]

Cole- Seems that Degenerate got tired of waiting for a tag

King-Yeah it’s about that time for the tag…

[Badd Boy slowly crawls into his corner and then is able to dive and tag in Degenerate. Degenerate runs into the ring and then Punk is getting up, Degenerate hits a few hard fists and then whips Punk off the ropes and then Degenerate lowers his head and then nails a back body drop. Twilight comes charging into the ring and then goes for a clothesline. But Degenerate ducks it and then nails a few hard fists that back Twilight to the ropes and then tries to whip Twilight off the ropes. But Twilight reverses it and sends Degenerate off the ropes and then Degenerate leaps in the air and then nails a flying forearm. Degenerate nips up as Twilight stumbles up and then grabs Twilight by the hair and throws him over the top rope and Twilight goes crashing into the arena floor. Punk stumbles up and then tries to hit a clothesline as Punk turns around. But Degenerate is able to duck and then Punk turns around and then Degenerate hits a inverted atomic drop. Degenerate then kicks Punk in the gut and then sets him up and then nails a sit down piledriver. Degenerate then goes into the cover and gets the 1…………2……Twilight grabs Degenerates foot and pulls him to the outside and then Twilight hits a few hard fist and then Twilight takes Degenerate and then tries to whip him to the steps. But Degenerate stops and then pulls Twilight back to him and then Degenerate then scoops up Twilight and then rams him face first into the steal post and then Degenerate throws Twilight into the ring. Degenerate then rolls into the ring and then waits for Punk to get up. But before he can do anything Badd Boy tags in himself. Badd Boy climbs into the ring and goes to attack Punk. But Degenerate grabs him and turn him to him and asks why he tagged himself in. Badd Boy and Degenerate seem to be having a disagreement. When Punk drop kicks Badd Boy in the back, sending him forward and then knocking Degenerate to the outside]

Cole-It looks like Badd Boy and Degenerate aren’t exactly getting along

King-He’s a heel again! I think…

[Punk hits a few hard punches to the face, then tries to whip Badd Boy off the ropes. But Badd Boy reverses it and sends Punk off the ropes and then Badd Boy hits a full nelson slam and then falls away from Punk. Badd Boy gets up and see’s Punk down, Badd Boy smiles his cocky slam and then he then sets up like he’s about to do the people’s elbow and then starts to run the ropes. But as he bounces off, Degenerate grabs Badd Boy’s feet and trips him. Fans are confused as Degenerate slides into the ring as Badd Boy gets up and is turned into a D-Slam by Degenerate. Fans are shocked, Degenerate hits a few stomps for good measure. Degenerate then looks at the downed Twilight, Degenerate pulls Twilight up and then puts him on his shoulders. Then Degenerate electric chair drops Twilight on to Badd Boy for a splash into the cover. Degenerate leaves the ring, the ref knowing it doesn’t matter starts to count 1……..2……..3!]

Cole-What the hell is going on here!

King-Oh well what a badd break for Badd Boy. Are we suppose to feel sorry for him…he is a heel you know

Cole-Yeah I know..

“Time to play the Game” blasts on the PA system as Triple H walks to the ring

Cole-You have got to wonder if Triple H can call it down the middle and if he can’t, who’s favor will it be in?

King-Yeah he hates both of these guys

“Sexy Boy” blasts on the PA system as HBK walks to the ring doing his normal entrance.

King-AAAAAWWWWW HBK’s here, but then again…he’s not aaaawww

Cole-Yeah HBK didn’t show up for any promo’s. So you got to wonder how much his heart is in this.

“Wes’ theme” blasts on the PA system as Wes walks to the ring

King-He’s still world champion, I would say he’s the worst world champion ever…but then Road comes to mind *shudders *


[Wes and HBK stand in their respective corner and then they meet in the center of the ring and have a stare down. Wes talks a little trash, HBK slaps him hard across the face stunning Wes and then HBK hits a few hard fists to Wes and then backs him to the ropes and then HBK whips Wes to the ropes and then Wes bounces off the ropes and then HBK lowers his head and hits a back body drop. Wes pops up and then HBK nails a body slam, followed up with a elbow drop and then HBK goes into the cover and then gets a 1.....kick out. HBK gets up and then stomps the downed Wes and then Wes crawls up into the ropes and then HBK starts to choke Wes on the ropes and then Triple H a somewhat slow 5 count and then HBK looks at Triple H with a pissed off look. But then goes to the ropes and then HBK tries to drive his knee into the back of Wes hanging him on the second rope. But Wes moves out of the way and then HBK falls on the second rope and then falls off. Wes stumbles into the corner and then HBK gets up in pain and then Wes hits a few hard kicks from the corner and then Wes then throws HBK into the corner and then hits a few hard knee's into the corner and then Triple H allows it to go on longer than what he should and then Wes sets up and then Wes whips HBK to the opposite side of the ring and runs into the corner closely behind as HBK crashes to the turnbuckle Wes nails a clothesline in the corner and then backs off and then Wes pulls himself on the second rope as HBK stumbles around and finally to him and then Wes hooks him for the tornado DDT. But HBK throws Wes off and then Wes lands on his feet and then HBK a bit stunned from the moves before charges at Wes. But Wes knocks down HBK with a standing clothesline, Wes goes for the quick cover and gets the 1....kick out, HBK gets up seemly not wanting to stay down for long with the ref being Triple H (same to Wes). Wes then puts on a chin lock as HBK doesn't fade, but just sits there trying to figure a way out of it. HBK slowly but surely makes it to his feet and then HBK is finally completely to his feet. HBK then hits an elbow into the gut and then HBK turns around and hits a fist into the gut and then breaks the hold Wes has on HBK and then HBK hits a few hard fists and then backs up Wes to the ropes and then tries to whip him to the ropes. But HBK reverses it and then HBK runs to the ropes. HBK bounces off the ropes and leaps off the ropes and then hits a cross body block for a 1….2…kick out.]

Cole- Back and froth match up

King- unusual….

[HBK gets up and then so does Wes, Wes gets up by the ropes and then HBK charges at Wes and then Wes counters with a hot shot and throws HBK on the ropes and then HBK falls on the top rope and then HBK then stumbles back and then falls into the waiting arms of Wes who hooks HBK and then hits a release germen suplex on HBK. Wes isn’t able to capitalize on this though. Because he has been effected from the other moves and then HBK gets to his feet and then Wes hits a few fists and then kicks him in the gut and then hits a DDT. Wes then puts HBK in the corner and then hits a few stomps and then calls for his finish Coast to Coast. Wes then goes to the opposite side of the ring and then goes to the outside of the ropes and then climbs to the top rope and then climbs to the top rope and then leaps off for the coast to coast….but HBK moves out of the way before Wes can drop kick him. Both Wes and HBK make it to their feet, Wes more stunned of the two HBK hits a few hard fists and then tries to whip Wes to the ropes. But Wes reverses it and then HBK bounces off the ropes and then leaps in the air and hits a flying forearm. HBK then nips up and then goes to the turnbuckle and then signals for sweet chin music and then stomps the mat a few times and then Wes slowly gets up. HBK goes for his super kick, but then Wes seeing what’s coming rolls out of the ring to a good amount of boo’s. HBK then goes to the ropes and then sling shots himself over the top rope and then knocks Wes down with a corkscrew body press over the top rope on Wes. Both wrestlers are down on the arena floor. Triple H counts, suddenly from the other side of the ring Twilight slides into the ring with a chair and then smashes it over Triple H’s back. Triple H turns around in pain and then Twilight hits a jab into the gut and then double over Triple H and then smashes it across Triple H’s back and sends him down. Twilight then puts the chair on Triple H’s leg and Twilight then goes to the outside and then climbs to the top rope and then nails the Darkness falls on Triple H’s leg! Triple H is in extreme pain ]

Cole- What’s going on here

King-un….I think a run in?

[Twilight slides out of the ring as HBK goes crashing on the outside. Wes rolls HBK into the inside Wes hits a few fists after he goes through a few fists and then whips HBK to the ropes. HBK bounces off the ropes, Wes goes for a clothesline. But HBK ducks it and then stops waiting for Wes to turn around and when he does he gets blasted with Sweet Chin Music! HBK falls into the cover, though there is no ref to count the three (though the crowd counts it…like usual when that happens). Suddenly after a few moments past and then a new ref comes running down the ring and then slides into the ring and gets in position and then counts the 1……………………2……………….Wes barely kicks out! HBK puts his hands over his head knowing that he had it, HBK then gets up and then puts his hand up to a pop to the crowd and then gets into the corner and then stomps in the corner. As Wes is stumbling to his feet, Wes stumbles into up and then HBK goes for sweet chin music. But Wes is able to catch it and then throws HBK in a half circle and then hits a full nelson slam. Wes then grabs HBK’s legs and then rolls him up and is able to hold him down for the 1………2…………..3]

Cole-Wes is still champion, but HBK had it!

King-Yeah, yeah…Twilight and everything

[Triple H is shown walking to his limo as Sierra helps him along as he limps to the limo, the limo driver then comes over as Triple H looks at him oddly.]

Triple H: What the hell are you doing here, get your ass back up there and drive.

Limo Driver: I apologize sir, its just that you have a phone call. [The limo driver extends his cell phone to Triple H]

Triple H: Tell them I ain't in the mood for talking right now...[Triple H continues to limp to the limo]

Limo Driver: [Puts the phone back to ear] I am sorry sir but, Mr Helmsley cannot make it to the phone...ok, ok...I'll tell him. [Extends the phone back to Helmsley] He said it was urgent to talk to you, sir.

Triple H: What in the hell, this better be good...[Triple H rips the phone out of the limo driver's hand] Hello...You little son of a bitch where you at?! Hello?...Hello? DAMMIT! [Triple H grabs the phone as he smashes it onto the ground.]

Sierra: Whats the matter?

Triple H: They've got Stacy, get the hell in the car quick...

[Triple H and Sierra hop in the limo as it speeds off and Payback fades to black.]