EMF: Payback

The lights go out as pyro blasts on the EMF payback set. The lights turn back on as the camera sweeps the crowd as JR's voice talks over it

JR-Welcome to the home of the World Champion Diamondbacks. I'm good ol' JR, along with Jerry "the King" Lawler.

King-You know I have a feeling something bad is going to happen here

JR-Why's that King?

King-Because last year Road won the world champion....aawwww the horror! Phantom is seen sitting in his locker room, bored. He stares at his watch, then throws a glass off a table and onto the ground. The door bursts open and in walks a man in a trench coat, wearing black sunglasses. He has a buzz cut.

Phantom: What the hell do you want? How many times have I told you, I don’t care. Go away.

Man: Someone’s a little shitty… Not booked this weekend? Have a cry you little bitch. Listen up, you punk ass spook boy! I’m sick of your crap. I came to help and give you advice, and you didn’t listen. I asked if you wanted help in your match with Badd Boy, you said no. You could be defending your new extreme championship right now instead of sitting around doing nothing, but nooooo….

Phantom: You think you’re always right don’t you? You think your infallible.

Man: You know what? When it comes to anything concerning you, how could I not be infallible? You have got to be one of the cockiest, arrogant, stupid sonofabitch I’ve ever met!

Phantom: Well I’m unbooked. If you think you’re so good, then bring it on! Why not, I’ve got some spare time, and a lot of pent up rage.

Man: Yeah yeah, I’ve heard it all before, you are evil, you’re a demon, blah blah, I DON’T CARE! You wanna know my name? The hunt is on! Your about to take on the Raptor!

Raptor bursts out, and Phantom sits there, staring at the door.

Jerry "The King" Lawler - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, An Arkie!!!

[An Arkie comes to the ring. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - and his opponent, Psycho!!!

[Psycho walks to the ring. Earl Hebner is the referee for this contest. An Arkie executes a pumphandle suplex on Psycho. Psycho places An Arkie on the turnbuckle and executes a front-layout suplerplex. (the bell rings) An Arkie executes the jumping sidekick on Psycho. An Arkie knifehand chops Psycho. Psycho hits a kneeling headbutt to An Arkie's groin. An Arkie drives a forearm into Psycho. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - Psycho takes a forearm smash.

[Psycho gives An Arkie a reverse neckbreaker. An Arkie moves back to his feet. An Arkie executes a huge gutbuster on Psycho. Psycho gets hit with the shooting star press from An Arkie. Earl Hebner counts. ...1 ...2 Psycho kicks out. An Arkie with an illegal chokehold on Psycho. Now Psycho standing. An Arkie jabs Psycho. An Arkie pokes Psycho in the eyes. Psycho places An Arkie on the turnbuckle and executes the double underhook superplex. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - An Arkie really felt that double underhook superplex!

[Psycho climbs to his feet. Psycho sends An Arkie to ringside. Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) (..2) Psycho rolls onto An Arkie connecting with a knee. (...3) Psycho puts An Arkie in an arm grapevine submission. (....4) An Arkie hits Psycho with the back of his elbow. (.....5) Psycho and An Arkie move back into the ring. Psycho uses a lariat on An Arkie. Psycho executes a corkscrew legdrop on An Arkie. Psycho gets back to his feet. An Arkie climbs to his feet. An Arkie puts Psycho on the turnbuckle and executes a belly-to-belly superplex. He's locked it in the SCORPION DEATHLOCK Earl Hebner asks Psycho if he quits. ... ... Psycho is fighting the hold. ... An Arkie tightens the hold. An Arkie breaks the hold. ]

Jim Ross - An Arkie was so close!!

[An Arkie fist drops Psycho on the mat. An Arkie puts Psycho in an arm grapevine submission. Psycho gets up. Psycho slaps An Arkie. Psycho executes a huge gutbuster on An Arkie. Now An Arkie standing. An Arkie bites Psycho's arm out of desparation. An Arkie executes a jawbreakeron Psycho. An Arkie hits Psycho with an elbowdrop. An Arkie stands up. An Arkie picks up Psycho and hits him with a Back Suplex. An Arkie grabs Psycho's arm, takes him down, and puts him in the armbar. The referee is checking the situation. ... Psycho trys to escape. ... Psycho trys to escape. Psycho escapes. An Arkie dives head first into Psycho. An Arkie climbs to his feet. An Arkie apllies the camel clutch on Psycho. Referee Earl Hebner is checking for a tap out. ... (AHHHH!) ... An Arkie tightens the hold. ... An Arkie breaks the hold. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - This is quality sports entertainment!

[An Arkie hits Psycho with an elbowdrop. An Arkie stands up. Psycho kicks An Arkie in the head. Psycho hits An Arkie with an elbowdrop. An Arkie is up again. An Arkie tackles Psycho and pummels his head. Psycho gets hit with the shooting star press from An Arkie. Earl Hebner counts the pin. ...1 Psycho escapes. Psycho climbs to his feet. An Arkie gets tiger suplexed by Psycho. Psycho stands up. Psycho executes a corkscrew legdrop on An Arkie. Psycho short lariats An Arkie. Psycho hits An Arkie with an elbowdrop. ]

Jim Ross - An Arkie takes a elbowdrop.

[Psycho gets back to his feet. Psycho puts An Arkie in an arm grapevine submission. Psycho knees An Arkie and rolls back to his feet. An Arkie gets hit with the shooting star press from Psycho. Earl Hebner counts. ...1 ...2 An Arkie escapes. An Arkie stands up. Psycho with a huge fisherman buster on An Arkie. Psycho gets back to his feet. Psycho puts An Arkie in the cobra clutch. Earl Hebner is checking for a tap out. ... An Arkie is fighting the hold. ... ... An Arkie is fighting the hold. Psycho breaks the hold. An Arkie kicks Psycho in the stomach. Psycho gets back to his feet. Psycho rakes the face of An Arkie in attempt to make a come back. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - face rake!

[Psycho hits a jumping elbow hrust on An Arkie. An Arkie is up again. An Arkie does a cartwheel and kicks Psycho in the face. An Arkie measures Psycho up and drops a closed fist. Now An Arkie standing. Psycho gets up. An Arkie applies the clawhold on Psycho. An Arkie superkicks Psycho. Psycho is up again. Psycho side slams An Arkie. Psycho stands up. Psycho hits An Arkie with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - Follows up with a elbowdrop.

[An Arkie slaps Psycho. An Arkie bounces Psycho off the ropes and clotheslines him. An Arkie puts Psycho in an arm grapevine submission. Psycho applies the clawhold on An Arkie. An Arkie chops Psycho. Psycho tackles An Arkie. An Arkie gets hit with the shooting star press from Psycho. Earl Hebner counts. ...1 An Arkie kicks out. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - Psycho should have known he wouldn't win the match with that.

[An Arkie delivers a short-arm clothesline to Psycho. Psycho stands up. An Arkie nails Psycho with an inverted DDT. An Arkie moves back to his feet. An Arkie knee drops Psycho. An Arkie sucks chants start in the crowd. An Arkie puts Psycho in an arm grapevine submission. An Arkie slingshot elbow drops Psycho. An Arkie runs in and leg drops Psycho. An Arkie sucks chants start in the crowd. Psycho is back on his feet. An Arkie grabs Psycho's arm, takes him down, and puts him in the armbar. The referee is checking the situation. ... ... An Arkie tightens the hold. ... ... Psycho trys to escape. ... ... Psycho is fighting the hold. ... ... An Arkie tightens the hold. ... ... Psycho taps out.

Jerry "The King" Lawler - The winner of this match, An Arkie!!!

“Feel so numb” by rob zombie blasts across the arena as Raptor emerges from the curtain. The crowd screams their lungs out as he marches down the ramp. Once he gets in the ring he grabs a microphone.

Raptor: Phantom, if there’s one thing I can’t stand at the moment, its some try-hard spook who hangs around in swamps trying to push me around. At first, I thought you had talent, but eh, whattaya gonna do? I was wrong. One thing I am not wrong about it’s you. Your arrogance is your weak spot. You think you’ll win every single match hands down. And that is why you lose. Tonight, you’ll lose. *he shrugs* Tommorow, you’ll lose. *shrugs again* You know what? You’ll lose your whole freakin life. With a face like that, who wouldn’t? Tonight will be an extreme match, So get your ugly ass out here now, so I can sink my claws into fresh prey. Tonight, the hunt is on…

King: Ho ho! *puts on a Yosemite Sam voice* Thems fightin words!!!! Looks like the EMF will be getting a dosage of Jurassic Park

JR: What? To counter the overdose on spooky freaks?

King: Something like that. You know I hear that raptors can talk….

JR: Watching too much TV again king? You need to get out more.

“Clubbed to Death” by Rob D hits the PA system as chants of “asshole” echo across the arena. Phantom’s pyro blasts across the stage, as his silhouette walks through a wall of fire. He runs straight down the ramp into the ring, as the bell rings

[Raptor smashes Phantom with the microphone he was holding, and Phantom falls straight to the ground. Raptor turns around and screams to the crowd, as the cheer. Phantom gets up and spins Raptor around. He grabs him by the hair and starts kneeing him in the head. The crowd boos. 1.,2..3….. 15]

King: 15 times!!! PMT?

JR: Phantom has been getting a lot more aggressive in the ring these days.

[Raptor bounces off Phantom’s knee as Phantom lets go. Phantom starts kicking Raptor, and then drops his knee into Raptor’s face a few times. He climbs over the ropes, and looks under the ring. Raptor starts getting up, and as he does, a fireball flies past his face]

JR: Oh my god!!! Did you see that?

[A replay shows phantom throwing it, and then the fireball landing on the ground behind the ring. Raptor hits a baseball slide on Phantom then leans on the turnbuckle to recuperate]

King: Look! The mats on the floor have melted where it landed!

[Phantom gets up and grabs a chair. He gets in the ring, but Raptor is there waiting for him. A kick to the gut, and then a stiff kick to the head by Raptor. Phantom falls to the ground and raptor gets the chair. Phantom jumps up and dropkicks the chair into Raptors face. Raptor stumbles backwards into the turnbuckle and just leans there, stunned. Phantom starts climbing the same turnbuckle. Reverse headlock by Phantom]

King: Here it comes!!! This is one of the most amazing moves in the EMF

JR: If you ask me it’s a stone cold stunner off the top rope

King: Shut up!!! It’s the spirits within!!!!

[Just as Phantom flips over Raptor, Raptor grabs Phantom and throws him across the ring. Raptor screams to the crowd as chants of “Raptor Rocks!” fire up throughout the arena. Phantom groggily gets to his feet, as Raptor raises his arm in the air, signaling the end. Raptor grabs Phantom, and hits his patented Sharpclaw Impaler. Raptor goes for the pin.

King: Looks like this is it…




King: He’s done it!!!! Raptor joins the EMF roster with a bang…

JR - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 225 pounds,, Lita!!! (crowd cheers ******)

[Lita runs to the ring and does her poses ]

JR - and his opponent, weighing in at 225 pounds,, Natashia!!! (crowd cheers ******)

[Natashia walks to the ring. Charles Robinson is the referee for this contest. Lita walks around the ring. Natashia checks out the ring. (the bell rings) Lita executes a ropeflip hiptoss on Natashia. Natashia is driven further into the mat by Lita with a diving elbow smash. Lita is up again. Lita hits Natashia with an elbowdrop. Lita hits Natashia with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle. Lita gets up. Natashia gets back to his feet. Natashia hits the Samoan drop on Lita. Natashia drags Lita to the floor. Charles Robinson starts the count (.1) Natashia cuts Lita with a blade. Lita is bleeding as a result. (..2) Natashia goes off the top and hits a flying sitdown splash on Lita. Natashia is up again. (...3) Natashia hits Lita with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle. Natashia gets up. Lita gets back to his feet. (....4) Natashia short clothslines Lita. ]

JR - Natashia with a short clothesline.

[Lita with a jumping DDT on Natashia. Lita stands up. (.....5) Lita throws a chair at Natashia. (......6) They head back into the ring. Lita flies from the turnbuckle with an elbowdrop. Lita gets up. Natashia stands up. Natashia bounces Lita off the ropes and clotheslines him. Flying side kick by Lita takes Natashia off his feet. ]

King - flying side kick!

[Lita stands up. Flying somersault drop kick by Lita puts him back in the match. ]

JR - Natashia takes a flying somersault dropkick.

[Lita is up again. Lita hits Natashia with an elbowdrop. Lita moves back to his feet. Natashia stands up. Natashia executes an over the shoulder stomachbreaker on Lita. Natashia puts Lita in the cobra clutch. The referee is checking the situation. ... (AHHHH!) ... Natashia breaks the hold. Natashia executes an airplane spin on Lita. Natashia is up again. Natashia executes a flying knee drop right to the gut of Lita. Natashia puts Lita in an arm grapevine submission. Natashia runs in and leg drops Lita. Lita is up again. Natashia with the Flying Elbowdrop on Lita! Handspring hurricanrana by Natashia has Lita pinned. Charles Robinson counts. ...1 ...2 ...3 ]

King - We've got ourselves a winner!

JR - The winner of this match, Natashia!!!

JR - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 225 pounds,, Carnage!!! (crowd cheers **)

[Carnage comes to the ring. ]

JR - and his opponent, weighing in at 225 pounds,, Punisher!!! (crowd cheers ***)

[Punisher walks to the ring. Earl Hebner is the referee for this contest. Carnage walks around the ring. Punisher places Carnage on the turnbuckle and executes a front-layout suplerplex. (ding, ding, ding) Carnage punches Punisher repeatedly. Carnage punches Punisher repeatedly. Punisher bites Carnage's arm out of desparation. Carnage clotheslines Punisher. ]

The King - Carnage with a weak move.

[Punisher hits a koppo kick on Carnage. Carnage is up again. Carnage with a powerful choke lift on Punisher. Carnage with executes a bearhug on Punisher. Earl Hebner is checking for a tap out. ... Punisher is fighting the hold. ... Punisher trys to escape. ... ... Carnage breaks the hold. Carnage piledrives Punisher. Now Punisher standing. They lockup. Carnage sends Punisher to the corner of the ring. Carnage with a powerful choke lift on Punisher. Carnage punches Punisher repeatedly. They lockup. Carnage sends Punisher to the corner of the ring. Carnage choke slams Punisher. Punisher looks to be out cold! Carnage covers Punisher hooking the leg. Earl Hebner counts. ...1 ...2 ...3

JR - The winner of this match, Carnage!!!

JR - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 225 pounds,, Wasabi!!! (crowd cheers ***)

[Wasabi comes to the ring. ]

JR - and his opponent, weighing in at 225 pounds,, Goldust!!! (crowd cheers ******)

[Goldust walks to the ring. Earl Hebner is the referee for this contest. Wasabi walks around the ring. Goldust executes a pumphandle suplex on Wasabi. (ding, ding, ding) Wasabi executes a ropeflip hiptoss on Goldust. Goldust is up again. Wasabi is hooked in a full nelson. Goldust bends over as Wasabi elbows him in the midsection. Flying somersault drop kick by Wasabi puts him back in the match. Goldust gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Wasabi. Wasabi gets back to his feet. Wasabi hits Goldust with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle. Now Wasabi standing. Goldust climbs to his feet. Wasabi hits a flying karate chop right to Goldust's neck. Goldust goes up to the top and comes down on Wasabi with an asai leg lariat. Goldust is back on his feet. Goldust hits Wasabi with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle. Goldust rolls onto Wasabi connecting with a knee. Wasabi stands up. Goldust kicks Wasabi in the back of the leg. Goldust executes a flying knee drop right to the gut of Wasabi. Now Goldust standing. Goldust executes a corkscrew legdrop on Wasabi. Goldust is up again. Wasabi gets knocked on the ground and Goldust flips onto him. Goldust moves back to his feet. Wasabi gets hit with the shooting star press from Goldust. Earl Hebner counts. ...1 ...2 Wasabi escapes. Wasabi tiger suplexes Goldust, bringing him crashing down to the mat. Wasabi is back on his feet. Wasabi flies from the turnbuckle with an elbowdrop. Wasabi gets up. Goldust moves back to his feet. Wasabi hits a jumping elbow hrust on Goldust. Goldust moves back to his feet. Goldust holds his mouth after recieving an elbow smash to the face. Wasabi gets back into the match with a jumping neck snap on Goldust. ]

JR - Wasabi executes a jumping neck snap.

[Goldust unleashes the Canadian backbreaker on Wasabi. Wasabi is back on his feet. Goldust hits Wasabi with the spinebuster slam. Wasabi gets hit with the shooting star press from Goldust. Referee Earl Hebner makes the count. ...1 ...2 Wasabi kicks out. ]

The King - Goldust almost won the match!

[Goldust executes a leg hammerlock on Wasabi. Earl Hebner is checking for a tap out. ... ... ... Goldust tightens the hold. Wasabi escapes. ]

JR - My God!! What a match!

[Goldust hits a koppo kick on Wasabi. Wasabi gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Goldust. Goldust moves back to his feet. Wasabi moves back to his feet. Goldust gets hit with a flying forearm right to the face. Now Goldust standing. Wasabi executes a split legged moonsault on to Goldust. Now Wasabi standing. Wasabi climbs to the top and hits Goldust with the 5 Star Frog Splash. Wasabi covers Goldust. Earl Hebner counts. ...1 ...2 ...3

JR - The winner of this match, Wasabi!!!

"Timmay's theme" blasts on the PA system as Timmay walks to the ring.

JR-He asked for it, but I think Timmay's ego might have lead him into a bad career choice here.

King-Hey don't worry JR, I mean everything's cool when your HCT!

"Jeckyl's theme" blasts on the PA system as Jeckyl walks to the ring with the TV title

JR-Jeckyl is all business and a very crazy individual. It might be the reason that Jeckyl was able to beat Timmay.

King-or another factor....called LUCK!

*ding ding ding*

[Timmay runs in hitting a few fists that stun Jeckyl, though Jeckyl is able to block one of them and fires back with a few fists of his own. Timmay gets backed to the corner, Jeckyl hits a few knife edge chops in the corner. Jeckyl then whips Timmay to the oppsite corner hard, Timmay goes back first into the turnbuckle and stumbles out. Jeckyl goes for a clothesline, but Timmay ducks it and hits neck breaker on Jeckyl. Timmay gets up and stomps the downed Jeckyl, Timmay goes over to the other side of the ring and grabs a 2 by 4 with a bunch of bared wire wrapped around it. Timmay brings it over to Jeckyl who has reached his knee's, Timmay lifts up. But Jeckyl counters with a low blow that knocks the 2 by 4 out of Timmay's hands. Timmay drops backwards in pain as Jeckyl grabs the 2 by 4 and puts it near where Timmay is. Jeckyl stumbles to the back of Timmay as he slowly gets up, Timmay gets up as Jeckyl comes from behind and gets hit with a single handed face buster into the 2 by 4 with the bared wire. Though Timmay face isn't full in (about fore head in the bared wire). Timmay able to roll out of the bared wire before doing too much damage. As Timmay rolls off Jeckyl hits a leg drop and goes for the cover for the 1......2...kick out. Jeckyl pulls Timmay up and puts him into a abdomanial strench, Timmay screams in pain as Jeckyl puts on as much pressure as he can, the ref asks Timmay if he wants to give it up, but he refuses. Timmay is able to counter it with a hip toss. Timmay drops to his knee's trying to get his breath back, Timmay then takes Jeckyl and Jeckyl goes flying over the bared wire ropes. Jeckyl falls hard on the arena floor. Timmay backs up and waits for Jeckyl to get back up, once he does Timmay runs to the ropes and leaps over the bared wire and flips in the air knocking Jeckyl to the ground. Both wrestlers are down, though Timmay is able to start to crawl away and to the time keeper table. The Time Keeper runs out of the way as Timmay grabs the chair from him amd brings it around to where Jeckyl is slowly getting up. Timmay raises over his head, but Jeckyl is able to stand up and rake Timmay's eye's making him drop the chair. Jeckyl grabs the chair from the ground and pulls and raises it over his head and smashes it over Timmay's head. Timmay goes down, Jeckyl looks down for a moment and then throws it down. Jeckyl signals for something (not his finisher....because it's a submission...) and throws the chair down and takes a step forward. Jeckyl then sets Timmay up for the Piledriver . But Jeckyl takes way too much time and Timmay hits a back body drop that sends Jeckyl back first into the 2 x 4 with barbed wire. Timmay falls on Jeckyl and gets the 1......2.....3. Both wrestlers are down as Timmay is the first to crawl out of the wreckage as Jeckyl takes his time to recover. Timmay crawls over to the guard railing as Jeckyl slowly gets to his feet. Stunned Timmay is able to get up using the guard rail, Jeckyl charges and knocks Timmay over the guard rail. Jeckyl goes down, but not for long. He uses his stength to pull himself over the guard rail and over to the crowds side where Timmay is. Timmay sees Jeckyl is on the other side and starts to crawl away from him into the crowd. Jeckyl is able to get up and give chase to Timmay. Timmay is able to get up as Jeckyl runs from behind him and knocks forward with a running forarm. Timmay all of a sudden takes a swing at a fan who ducks the fists and runs away screaming "I curse you with the Y2B problem!!"]

JR-That wasn't who I think it was King

King-AAWW shit...I better change my bet before it's too late!!

[Timmay gets stunned with a few fists by Jeckyl, Jeckyl backs into the crowd deep as the two are now fighting into the crowd nearing what seems to be the wall for by the pool. Jeckyl trys to body slam Timmay, but Timmay counters it by slipping out of the back and hitting a reverse DDT. Both wrestlers are down, Timmay starts to get up and moves on to the wall . Jeckyl gets up and follows Timmay on to the wall, Jeckyl turns Timmay around and trys to hit a fist. But Timmay blocks it and Jeckyl rocks back due to the fact that the affects of the reverse DDT make Jeckyl's fight back hard. Timmay hits a fist and Jeckyl goes down to one knee. Timmay steps into the crowd and hits a few fists to Jeckyl. Jeckyl then finally falls off wall right on the side of the pool. Timmay gets up on the wall and sees that Jeckyl isn't moving, Timmay gets set and leaps off the wall and hits a big splash on Jeckyl from the wall to the side of the pool. Timmay rolls off to the side from the impact. Timmay quickly goes into the cover as the ref is a bit slow to move into position and gets a 1....2...but he took too much time to get there and Jeckyl is able to kick out by then. Timmay pulls up Jeckyl who is right near the pool's edge. Timmay hits a few fists that rock Jeckyl back further towards the edge of the pool. Timmay backs up and charges at Jeckyl for a clothesline, but Jeckyl counters with a back drop that sends Timmay flying into the pool. Jeckyl goes down to his knee's and then gets up. Jeckyl quickly walks down the aisle leading to the pool and jumps over the guard rail into the crowd. As this is happening, Timmay has pulled himself from the pool. Not stunned, but pissed.Timmay then goes into the crowd after Jeckyl. Jeckyl looks back and sees this and starts to run as fast he can. Though after all the punishment he has taken, Timmay is able to catch up right by the guard rail and Timmay knocks him over the guard rail into the enterance aisle with a running clothesline to the back. Timmay goes over the guard rail as Jeckyl is able to get to his feet. Jeckyl turns around and gets blasted with a few fists that make Jeckyl turn and start up the ramp. Timmay just keeps hitting Jeckyl with his fist as they disappear into the entrance. We change to a different camera as Jeckyl comes stumbling through the door that leads to the enterance. Jeckyl stumbles down the hall, Timmay trys to smash Jeckyl's face into the wall, but Jeckyl blocks it and smashes Timmay's head into the wall once....twice...three times. Jeckyl quickly goes into the nearest door, Timmay is stunned. But trys to follows into the door that is marked *Diamondbacks locker room*]

King-hhmmmm oh well if they break anything in there, it's not of my pay check

JR-This is a slobber knocker

King-We really need for the HoRdE to make a come back, so they can show what's Hardcore is all about!

[Jeckyl is up as he trys to throw a fist at Timmay, somehow even though stunned Timmay is able to block it and try to fire back with his own fist. But Jeckyl is able to block it and turn it into a jaw breaker. Timmay stumbles around, Jeckyl kicks Timmay in the gut and hits a double arm DDT. Jeckyl goes into the cover and gets a 1......2....kick out. Jeckyl looking around doesn't know what to do notices a locker by the wall. Jeckyl goes into it, pulls out a Diamondbacks Jersey that reads on the back "Gonzalez" and has the number 20 on the back. Jeckyl pulls out a bat as well as Timmay is getting up, Jeckyl walks around Timmay measuring him up. Then cracks the bat over Timmay's head, Timmay goes down in a heap as Jeckyl goes into the cover and gets the 1.......2....3]

King-Jeckyl just hit a homerun on Timmay's head

JR-It's tied up 1-1

[Jeckyl goes back into the hall way and looks near a wall where a rope is near by. Jeckyl takes that rope and ties it between both doors of the Diamond backs locker room. Jeckyl then turns around and heads up the hall towards the entrance way. Jeckyl makes his way down the aisle as fast as he can, Jeckyl reaches the ring and looks under the ring. Jeckyl pulls out a ladder and pushes it over the barbed wire and into the ring. Jeckyl climbs up the only non barbed wire thing (the turnbuckle and jumps into the ring). A split camera goes in as weak banging can be seen coming from the Diamond back's locker room. Jeckyl sets the ladder the TV title thats hanging above the ring. Slowly Jeckyl starts to climb the ladder, Jeckyl reaches the top and then slumps down from the beating he took which shakes the ladder. Jeckyl jumps up as the ladder begins to fall and hold on to the belt. Jeckly is now swing in mid air holding on to the belt. Jeckyl pulls himself up and undoes the strap from the ring and Jeckyl falls down hard with the TV title.]

*bell rings*

JR-Jeckyl has won this thing

King-I knew the Y2B problem would screw Timmay over in the end

JR-Whatever the case King, both competitors gave it their all. This was more Hardcore Hell than Haven.

Howard Finkle - This match is a Standard Match for the EMF Attitude Internet title. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 225 pounds, he holds the Extreme Title title belt, Badd Boy!!! (crowd boos ********)

[Badd Boy comes to the ring. ]

Howard Finkle - and his opponent, weighing in at 225 pounds,, Angelus!!! (crowd cheers ******)

[Angelus walks to the ring. Earl Hebner is the referee for this contest. Badd Boy places Angelus on the turnbuckle and executes a front-layout suplerplex. Badd Boy gets nailed with a charging axhandle bodyblock from Angelus. (ding, ding, ding) Angelus gets hit with a flying forearm right to the face. Angelus gets hit with the shooting star press from Badd Boy. Earl Hebner counts. ...1 Angelus escapes. ]

Jim Ross - Not even close!

[Angelus mule kicks Badd Boy. Badd Boy moves back to his feet. Angelus gets thrown into the corner and gets boot choked by Badd Boy. Angelus gets thrown into the turnbuckle. Badd Boy comes over and smashes Angelus's head into it. Badd Boy brings Angelus down with a Mexican armdrag takedown. Angelus gets hit with the shooting star press from Badd Boy. The ref starts the count. ...1 Angelus kicks out. Angelus is up again. Angelus executes the front-layout suplex on Badd Boy. Angelus sends Badd Boy to ringside. ]

Jim Ross - My God! Badd Boy could be hurt! They've moved to ringside!!

[Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) Badd Boy is up again. (..2) Badd Boy pulls Angelus's hair. (...3) Angelus with a high crossbody on Badd Boy. Angelus moves back to his feet. Badd Boy is back on his feet. (....4) Badd Boy grabs Angelus by the arm and breaks it over his shoulder. (.....5) They fight into the aisle. Angelus and Badd Boy move back to ringside. Angelus takes Badd Boy into the ring. Angelus uppercuts Badd Boy. Flying Tomahawk by Badd Boy sends Angelus down to the mat. Now Angelus standing. Angelus executes the airplane spin and throws Badd Boy onto the mat. Angelus chants start. Badd Boy gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Angelus. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - diving elbow smash!

[Now Badd Boy standing. Badd Boy executes a headlock takedown. Angelus gets up. Angelus applies the clawhold on Badd Boy. Badd Boy is hit with a backward kick. Now Badd Boy standing. Angelus uses a lariat on Badd Boy. Badd Boy is back on his feet. Angelus grabs Badd Boy's head and arm and delivers a head and arm suplex. Angelus gets up. Badd Boy stands up. Angelus wraps his legs around Badd Boy's neck and puts him in the figure-four sleeper. Referee Earl Hebner is checking for a tap out. ... ... Badd Boy trys to escape. ... Badd Boy is fighting the hold. Angelus breaks the hold. Angelus drags Badd Boy to the floor. Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) Angelus throws a chair at Badd Boy. Angelus legsweeps Badd Boy. Angelus dives head first into Badd Boy. Angelus gets back to his feet. They head back into the ring. Badd Boy sets Angelus up DDTs him into the mat. Badd Boy measures Angelus up and drops a closed fist. Badd Boy is up again. Badd Boy places Angelus on the turnbuckle and executes the double underhook superplex. Angelus gets hit with the shooting star press from Badd Boy. Earl Hebner counts. ...1 ...2 Angelus kicks out. ]

Jim Ross - That was almost the end of the match right there!

[Badd Boy gut-wrenchs Angelus. Badd Boy sucks chants start in the crowd. ]

Jim Ross - Good gut-wrench powerbomb by Badd Boy.

[Badd Boy drags Angelus to the floor. Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) Badd Boy chokes Angelus with a microphone cable. ]

Jim Ross - This is how wrestling should be!

Jerry "The King" Lawler - Oh yeah!

[Badd Boy tosses Angelus intothe ring ad rolls inside. Angelus is up again. Badd Boy tackles Angelus to the floor. Angelus is back on his feet. Angelus takes Badd Boy into the ring. Angelus executes a spinning DDT, planting Badd Boy's head in the mat. Angelus is up again. Badd Boy stands up. Badd boy executes a headlock takedown. Angelus moves back to his feet. Angelus hits Badd boy with a double underhook piledrive right into the mat. Angelus jumps off the turnbuckle with the flying bodypress on Badd boy. Angelus goes off the top and hits a flying sitdown splash on Badd boy. Angelus is up again. Badd boy suplexes Angelus. Badd boy chants start. Badd boy climbs to the top of the turnbuckle and executes the diving headbutt on Angelus. Badd boy is up again. Now Angelus standing. Badd boy Badd boy goes catches him in the full nelson slam!! Badd boy pins him with a backward bridge. The ref starts the count. ...1 ...2 ...3

JR - The winner of this match, Badd boy!!!

Howard Finkle - This match is a Standard Match for the EMF Attitude World title. On her way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 130 pounds,, Ashlee!!! (crowd cheers ***)

[Ashlee comes to the ring. ]

Howard Finkle - and her opponent, weighing in at 225 pounds, he holds the EMF Attitude World title belt, Justin Franchise!!! (crowd cheers ***)

[Justin Franchise walks to the ring. Earl Hebner is the referee for this contest. Justin Franchise gets nailed with a charging axhandle bodyblock from Ashlee. Justin Franchise places Ashlee on the turnbuckle and executes a front-layout suplerplex. (the bell rings) Ashlee kicks Justin Franchise in the head. Now Justin Franchise standing. Justin Franchise executes a swinging bulldog on Ashlee driving Ashlee's face into the mat. Justin Franchise is up again. Justin Franchise gets taken down with a corkscrew armdrag. Now Justin Franchise standing. Justin Franchise hits Ashlee with the crotch slam. Ashlee is up again. ]

Jim Ross - The Champ here is tring to get conrol.

[Ashlee trys for a back suplex but utin reverses it.Justin Franchise takes a slap to the face from Ashlee. Ashlee gets up. Justin Franchise tackles Ashlee and pummels her head. Now Ashlee standing. Ashlee slaps Justin Franchise. Justin Franchise executes a huge gutbuster on Ashlee. Justin Franchise rolls onto Ashlee connecting with a knee. Now Ashlee standing. Ashlee drags Justin Franchise to the floor. Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) (..2) Ashlee hits a gutbuster on Justin Franchise.(...3) Ashlee hits him with a back fist. (....4) Ashlee knifehand chops Justin Franchise. (.....5) Ashlee takes Justin Franchise into the ring. Ashlee does a cartwheel and kicks Justin Franchise in the face. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - Follows up with a cartwheel kick.

[Ashlee applies an arm wrench to Justin Franchise. Ashlee covers Justin Franchise. The ref starts the count. ...1 Justin Franchise escapes. ]

Jim Ross - Not even close!

[Ashlee hits a jumping elbow thrust on Justin Franchise. Ashlee hits Justin Franchise with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle. Ashlee moves back to his feet. Justin Franchise gets back to his feet. Ashlee executes a split legged moonsault on to Justin Franchise. Ashlee moves back to her feet. Indian deathlock applied by Ashlee. Earl Hebner asks Justin Franchise if he quits. ... ... Justin Franchise trys to escape. Justin Franchise escapes. Ashlee sends Justin Franchise to ringside. Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) Ashlee rams Justin into the corner steps. (..2) Justin Franchise gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Ashlee. ]

Jim Ross - Ashlee with a diving elbow smash.

[Ashlee is back on her feet. (...3) Ashlee executes a corkscrew legdrop on Justin Franchise. Ashlee is up again. (....4) Justin Franchise hits Ashlee with a baba chop. (.....5) They head back into the ring. Ashlee kicks Justin Franchise in the groin. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - Justin Franchise takes a kick to the groin.

[Ashlee punches Justin Franchise in the head. Ashlee gets bounced off of the ropes and hit with a back punch by Justin Franchise. Justin Franchise chants start. Justin Franchise climbs to his feet. Ashlee gets hit with the floating ddt from Justin Franchise. Referee Earl Hebner makes the count. ...1 ...2 Ashlee escapes. ]

Jim Ross - We almost had a new champ.

[Justin Franchise executes a spinning back suplex on Ashlee. Justin Franchise chants start. Justin Franchise fist drops Ashlee on the mat. Justin Franchise climbs to his feet. Justin Franchise knee drops Ashlee. Justin Franchise chants start. Justin Franchise climbs to his feet. Ashlee gets caught with an elbowsmash to the face. Justin Franchise thrust kicks Ashlee in the head. Ashlee gets back to his feet.
Ashlee executes a neck breaker. Ashlee covers Franchize. The ref starts the count. ...1 ...2 ...3

King - The winner of this match, Ashlee!!!

"Home" blasts on the PA system as Blindside walks to the ring

JR-This could be Blindside's night, we know that Blindside has beaten Primetime before.

King-Yeah, but that was then this is now

"Snap your fingers, snap your neck" blasts on the PA system as Primetime walks to the ring.

JR-Primetime has got to be worried about this match, Blindside did pin Primetime last week

King-Well it was a fluke!

[Primetime and Blindside pace around the ring and then charge in the middle of the ring and locks up. Primetime puts Blindside into a head lock and takes Blindside's legs from under him. Primetime backs off and smiles as Blindside gets up a little fustrated. Blindside locks up with Primetime once again, then takes him down with a waist lock. Primetime scrambles around as Blindside holds the waist lock and then is able to grab on to the ropes. The ref makes Blindside break the hold, Blindside goes back but Primetime hits a eye rake to blind Blindside enough for Primetime to get the upper hand and hit a few fists that makes Blindside back up against the ropes trying to get his sight back. Primetime whips Blindside to the ropes , Primetime charges at Blindside as he bounces off the ropes and knocks him down with a flying knee lift to the face. Blindside goes down to the mat, Primetime waits for Blindside to get up. Primetime under hooks Blindside, Primetime then puts Blindside in a double under hook northern lights suplex for a 1......2....Blindside bridges up into a back slide attempt. But due to the northern light suplex, Primetime is getting the advantage. Blindside flips over Primetime's back and runs to the ropes. Primetime trys for a clothesline, but Blindside ducks it and continues to the other side of the ring. Primetime spins around as Blindside leaps in the air and hits flying clothesline on Primetime. Primetime gets up stunned and Blindside then hits a body slam on Primetime. Primetime runs to the ropes and hits a big leg drop, Blindside then gets up and runs to the other side and bounce off the ropes and hits a flying knee drop across the throat of Primetime Blindside rolls out from the impact of the knee drop right into corner. Blindside quickly jumps on the second turnbuckle and hits a quick moonsault on Primetime right into the corner for the 1.......2...kick out. Primetime sits up dazed as Blindside puts a chin lock. Blindside drives Primetime to the mat, Primetime slowly gets to his feet and looks for a way out .Primetime hits a few elbows that back Blindside away from the ropes. Blindside is stunned, Primetime hits a few knife edge chops to Blindside. Primetime allows Blindside out of the ropes as Blindside stumbles off the rope, Primetime runs to the ropes and hits a running bull dog on Blindside. Primetime goes into the cover for the 1.....2...kick out. Blindside gets up and crawls into the corner, Primetime kicks Blindside as he sits in the corner. Primetime then chokes Blindside with his boot, the ref counts and Primetime releases the hold. Primetime pulls up Blindside, then whips Blindside to the oppsite side turnbuckle hard. Blindside stands there in pain for a few moments as Primetime waits for Blindside to stumble to where he is standing. Once he does, Primetime picks Blindside up for the Primetime pludge, but before he can hit Primetime pludge. Blindside slides out Primetime's back and pushes Primetime to the turnbuckle. Primetime hits it hard, Primetime backs out of the corner and Blindside hits a reverse DDT.]

JR-It looked like Primetime was going for the early win, though Blindside countered

King-Well Primetime isn't getting paid by the hour, so he might as well get it done as fast as he can.

[Blindside gets up and walks to the apron as Primetime slowly gets to his feet. Blindside sits waiting on the top rope as Primetime spins around where Blindside is, Blindside then nails him with a front drop kick. Blindside quickly dives into the cover for a 1......2...kick out, Primetime and Blindside slowly get up. Stunned, Primetime still charges at Blindside, Blindside is able to counter it with a release arm drag that sends Primetime near the ropes. Blindside slowly gets to his feet using all he can to recover, Blindside then waits for Primetime get up. Blindside charges in to clothesline Primetime over the top rope, but Primetime counters with a back body drop over the top rope. Primetime goes to his knee's, but starts to crawl over to turnbuckle. Slowly Primetime uses the ropes to get up and climbs to the top rope as Blindside is getting up from the back body drop on the arena floor. Primetime then leaps off the top turnbuckle and hits a diving moonsault from there to the floor on Blindside. Both wrestlers are now down, though Primetime is the less hurt of the two is able to roll himself into the ring and roll back out to break the count. Primetime drops to his knee's as Blindside makes it to all fours. Primetime pulls Blindside up and then throws him shoulder first into the guard railing. Blindside slides down and is now sitting on the floor, Primetime backs off a few steps and charges and hits a running knee into the face of Blindside. Blindside goes down in pain and starts to crawl over to the steel steps. Where Primetime then smashes his face into that, Primetime then takes Blindside and throws him into the ring. Blindside rolls by the turnbuckle, Primetime sees this and climbs up to the top rope and leaps off and hits the moonsault. Primetime goes into the cover for the 1....2...kick out, Primetime can't believe it. Primetime pulls Blindside up and whips him off the ropes, Blindside bounces off the ropes as Primetime trys for a back body drop, but Blindside counters it with a knee lift to the face. Primetime stumbles back holding his face as Blindside is stunned. Primetime hits the ropes and bounces to Blindside in his stumbling around the ring. Blindside is able to kick Primetime in the gut and hit a DDT. Both wrestlers are now down as the ref starts to use his standing 10 count.]

JR-One better get to his feet or there will be a draw

King-Does that mean that Primetime would be champion still


King-Stay down Primetime!

[Primetime and Blindside get up at the same time, Blindside takes a swing that Primetime ducks. Blindside goes in a circle and Primetime uses this to his advantage to scoop Blindside up over his finisher the Primetime Pludge. Primetime then drives Blindside down with the Primetime pludge, the ref counts 1......2...the ref notices that Blindside's foot it under the rope. So he breaks up the 3 count, Primetime pulls up Blindside not believing it. Primetime hits a fist and then whips Blindside to the rope, Primetime goes for a back body drop as Blindside is bouncing back off the ropes. But Blindside counters with a knee lift and then hits the blindsided! Blindside is a little slow to get to the cover, but finally gets into the cover for the 1.......2....kick out by Primetime. Blindside gets up and pulls up Primetime, Blindside then throws Primetime in the corner and puts on the top rope. Blindside climbs to the top rope, but Primetime hits a few fists that gets Blindside stunned on the top rope. Primetime stands up on the top, Blindside all of a sudden hits a fist to the gut that doubles Primetime over. Blindside hooks Primetime and drives him down hard with a super DDT. Blindside is able to go into the cover and gets the 1......2....3]

JR-We have a new world champion

King-AAWW what did I tell you, the ghost of Roadeous Ceaser haunts Payback *falls*

[Blindside holds up the title belt. Suddenly the lights go off and a "unknown song" blasts on the PA system. The words "I'm still here" come up on the EMF tron as it has a shot of Blindside looking at the EMF tron as Payback goes off the air.]