EMF: Last Stand

Nemesis’s theme music blasts over the PA system as he runs down to the ring to meet the already awaiting KANE. Nemesis makes a classic rookie mistake by running into a big boot by the much larger KANE. Kane picks him up and throws him in the air and starts nailing him with punches. He then goes to the opposite side of the ring and hits a close line against a hurt Nemesis. Nemesis moves on spaghetti legs off of the turnbuckle only to get sidewalk slammed by KANE. Nemesis sensing danger wisely rolls out of the ring to regroup.

Kris- I have never seen KANE this pumped up before.


Kane then follows Nemesis out to the outside and picks him up to his feet and attempts to Irish wipe but Nemesis is able to avoid running into the hard steel steps, but jumping on them, and then moonsulting backwards on KANE. Nemesis gives himself a second to catch his breath and then rolls into the ring to break up the referees 10 count. Nemesis then accepts to lock KANE in the Mellow Death, but KANE is easily able to power out and knocks Nemesis face into the outside metal bar that connects the turnbuckle. KANE gets up and starts laughing evilly as we get a close up to Nemesis who is bleeding from the head. KANE sets up the announce table and signals for the Chock Slam, Nemesis is able to get up and slip behind KANE and German suplex him against the steel stairs


King- That might be true, but I think my match in the dark with your mom will get more votes

Nemesis tosses KANE back into the ring and starts to unbutton the turnbuckle, but is stopped by the ref giving KANE enough time to go to the top rope and hit the unexpecting Nemesis with a flying closeline and goes for the 1…2..KICKOUT. KANE them goes back on the attack heavily with a leg drop and the connects with a pump handle slam. KANE then signials for another chockslam, this time he connects and then goes for the pin 1…2…..KICKOUT!!!!. KANE who is frustrated goes outside to grab a steel chair. He comes into the ring with it, and the ref is battling to try to take it away. As this is happening Nemesis is able to take off the turnbuckle padding with no know knowing, Kane turns around and Nemesis drop toe holds him into the unpadded turnbuckle with the ref unknowing counting the 1…2…3

J.R- Nemesis Wins!

Kris- What a match to kick off the PPV

King- This is only the dark match the event hasn’t even started The PPV copyright information flashes on the screen, we go into a video review of how the matches have come together tonight. We end as you can hear the an announcer saying “and now…Last Stand 2006”. We go into the darken arena in Alabama, pyrotechnics blasts off on the specially made stage for the PPV. The lights turn on, and the camera scans the crowd who are waving their signs, and yelling.)

JR-Welcome to Last Stand! What a show we have for you tonight, headline of course by the world championship match

King-It’ll be a 2 out of 3 falls match

Kris Gaffney-We better do it quick, before Masters decides to shrink.


Kris Gaffney-eeerrr…nothing…

“Hassan’s theme” blasts off on the PA system, as Muhammad Hassan along with Davairi walks down the isles. Into the ring, and he gets his dog collar put on

JR-You would think that this might not be Hassan’s match

King-Although, he feels that he’s had a collar around his neck…figurely?

Kris Gaffney-Can you win a match figurely?

“Rex’s theme” blasts on the PA system as Rex walks to the ring, and steps into the ring and gets the dog collar attached to his neck too.

King-You know….where’s Raptor when you need him…

Kris Gaffney-He’s going to be pissed that you called him a dinosaur

[Hassan and Rex stand in the opposite side of the ring from each other, trying to figure out what their first move will be. Muhammad Hassan quickly answers by throwing his chain first at Rex, Rex dodges it and tries to do the same. But Hassan is able to catch the chain, Rex looks on surprised, and knows what's coming next. Hassan takes the chain and brings Rex over to him into a short arm clothesline. Muhammad Hassan hits a few stomps on the downed Rex. Rex is down, and Hassan brings Rex back up to his feet, and then hits a fwe stomps on the downed Rex. Rex gets up to his feet, and then Hassan hits a few fists to the face of Rex. Rex backs up to the ropes, and then Hassan takes out one of the legs with a back heel trip. He then takes the chain and then starts to choke Rex with it and the ref starts to count . Before he gets to the 5, Muhammad Hassan breaks the choke with the chain and then Rex goes down to the mat and then Hassan takes Rex and whips him off the ropes, and then Rex bounces off of the ropes. He then comes back at Hassan who hits a back elbow on Rex. Rex goes down to the mat, and gets up and then Muhammad Hassan hits a fists to the face and then Rex stumbles back and then Hassan throws a fist that particular sends Rex falling backwards right into the corner. Hassan hits a few stomps into the gut of Rex and Muhammad Hassan is told to back off a little bit. But instead of doing it, he backs off for a second and goes back into the corner and then starts to choke Rex (with his hands this time). The ref starts to count, and finally he breaks at the count of 4. Muhammad Hassan puts up his hands as if he was innocent of the choke. Hassan goes into the corner, and then he goes back into the corner and then Hassan tries to whip Rex into the corner, and does. Rex charges into the corner and then hits a boot to the face.]

JR-Muhammad Hassan has been in control of this match

King-This is where I’m suppose to say some sort of patriotic thing?

Kris Gaffney-Yep….but your not going to do it…are you.

King-Exactly! That’s why I got him.

*Hacksaw Jim Duggan appears on the screen*

Duggan-USA! USA! USA!

[Hassan stumbles back, Rex grab’s Muhammad Hassan’s chain, and jerks him back into the corner where Rex was originally and then hits a few fists to then Rex tries to whip Muhammad Hassan to the ropes. But it’s reversed by Muhammad Hassan, Rex goes into the opposite corner and then Muhammad charges into the corner and then Rex is able to counter the charge with a drop toe hold that sends Muhammad Hassan’s face right into the second turnbuckle and then Rex backs up as Muhammad Hassan gets up and stumbles around seemly very dazed. Rex pulls himself on the second rope as Muhammad Hassan turns around and Rex leaps off and then catches him for a flying bulldog diving Hassan’s face in the mat. After the impact, Rex pushes Muhammad on his back, and then goes into the cover and gets the 1……………..2………….kick out by Muhammad Hassan. Rex gets up, and then gets a smile on his face as he takes face. He takes the dog collar chain and measures up as Muhammad Hassan and then whips him with the chain. Obviously seeing how this is a dog collar match, this thing is legal. So the ref can do nothing but yell at Rex. Rex measures up once again, and whips Rex once again with the metal chain. Rex lets up Muhammad Hassan, as he is getting to his feet. He gets up to his feet, Rex wraps the chain around his forearm, and measures up Hassan. Hassan is on his feet, and then Rex charges at Muhammad and smashes him with a running forearm shot with the chain to the face of Muhammad Hassan. Hassan goes down to the mat, and then Rex quickly falls into the cover. The ref counts 1………………….2……………kick out at the very last moment, before the three went down. Rex can’t believe he didn’t get the three there. Daivari jumps on the apron.]

JR-Damn that Daivari

King-What he do?

Kris Gaffney-I don’t know what he did….but I know what I did to your Mom.

[The ref’s arguing with Daivari, Rex goes over to where Daivari is and then before he can do anything about it. Hassan hits a low blow, Hassan gets up and hits a flatliner, before the ref knows he used a low blow. Hassan gets Rex in position and then puts Rex in the Camel Clutch. The ref asks Rex if he wants to give it up, Rex refuses….he asks again after sometime. But he refuses once again, it looks like Rex is fading. But by some form of luck Rex is able to pull the dog collar. Sending Hassan backwards, from there Rex is able to stack Hassan on his shoulders and is able to get the 1…………2………3]

JR-Rex used the dog collar to bail him out there.

King-Any other match this wouldn’t happen

Kris Gaffney-Oh well…

(OOC-This two RPers matched up well. I will keep this short, we just thought Rex’s RP was well written. You had to read the RP to truly get the focus towards the match, but I got it. So that’s why we went with Rex, so good job Rex. (Hassan didn’t do bad either, that’s why I made the close ending. If there was any better way to end it, I’d be open to hear it. Also, if I forgot anything...then tell me. It's been a week.)

“Burn in my light” blasts on the PA system as Randy Orton does his pose as pyro rains down behind him. He continues to the ring and slides in

JR-It should be interesting how Randy Orton does in his first match ever in the EMF


JR-I said it was his FIRST!

Kris Gaffney-ok, we get it….

“Andrew Dillion’s theme” blasts on the PA system as Andrew Dillion walks to the ring

JR-Andrew Dillion is another new face to the EMF

King-So many…newbies, and their all…NEW

[Randy Orton and Andrew Dillion face off in the middle of the ring, then they lock up and then they both fight for position. Dillion and Orton go back and forth until Randy Orton is the one that is pushed to the corner. Once he does the ref starts to do his 5 count, and then on 3 Dillion being the face in this match slowly backs up for the clean break. But being the heel of this match, Randy Orton responses with this with a poke to the eye. Andrew Dilion is blinded, Randy Orton turns the tables on Andrew Dillion and then hits a few fists to the face of Andrew Dillion to try to weaken him. Then hen tries to whip Andrew Dillion to the other side of the ring, and then Andrew Dillion tries to run at Randy Orton. Randy Orton is able hit a back elbow as Andrew Dillion as he comes into the corner. He then stumbles out of the corner, and then Randy Orton comes out of the corner and then hits a running clothesline that knocks him down Andrew Dillion. Then Andrew Dillion gets up, Randy Orton goes over to Andrew Dillion and then hits a few upper cuts on Andrew Dillion. Andrew Dillion stumbles back, and then Andrew Dillion is on the ropes. Randy Orton whips Andrew Dillion to the ropes, and then Andrew Dillion goes to the ropes. He bounces off the ropes, and then Randy Orton lowers his head. Then Randy Orton is able to hit the back body drop on Andrew Dillion. Dillion goes crashing to the mat, after a few moments and then Dillion gets up. Randy Orton picks up Andrew Dillion and hits a body slam on Andrew Dillion. Randy Orton goes to the ropes, and then comes off the ropes and nails a flying knee drop to the face of Andrew Dillion. Randy Orton goes into the cover, and gets the 1…………..2………kick out by Andrew Dillion. Andrew Dillion sits up, and then Randy Orton puts on his chin lock of DOOOOOM. The ref asks Andrew Dillion if he wants to give it up, being that the chin lock could kill someone…Andrew Dillion refuses. He then gets to his feet, and then hits a few elbows into the gut, and then finally he breaks the hold. Andrew Dillion goes to the ropes, and the goes to the ropes. Andrew Dillion comes off the ropes, and Randy Orton tries a standing clothesline to duck under, he then ducks under and then Dillion ducks under the clothesline and takes down Randy Orton with a double leg take down.]

JR-It looks like the momentum is shifting

Kris Gaffney-Your Mom is shifting

King-This isn’t good…

[Andrew Dillion holds Randy Orton, and then hits a sling shot that sends Randy Orton flying into the turnbuckle. Randy Orton crashes into the corner, and then hits his head on the top rope. The Randy Orton arms drape over the top rope, it would seem that is the only thing holding up Orton. Andrew Dillion backs up to the corner, and then charges at Randy Orton who is in the opposite corner. He then charges into the corner and then hits a big splash into the corner and then Andrew Dillion backs up as Orton turns around and stumbles out of the corner, and then Andrew Dillion kicks Orton in the gut and sets up Randy Orton into a front face lock, and then puts him on the top turnbuckle in the corner that Randy Orton was just splashed in. Andrew Dillion goes up to the top rope, and then goes up to the top rope and then hooks Randy Orton. Then he hits a super plex, both wrestlers are down. Both wrestlers are down, obviously Randy Orton got the most out of that move. But Dillion has been getting beaten down most during this match, so he can’t capitalize on as much as you would think he would do. Suddenly Andrew Dillion starts to turn around and then goes into the cover. He gets the 1…………..2…………kick out by Randy Orton. Both wrestlers are still down after that, then slowly they make it to their feet and then Randy Orton stumbles towards Andrew Dillion. Dillion is able to hit an inverted atomic drop. Randy Orton is in pain, Dillion picks up Randy Orton and hits a body slam. Dillion looks to the turnbuckle.]

JR-Andrew Dillion is going to fly

King-Your Mom flies all the time

Kris Gaffney-….god, I feel like TwilighT…

[Dillion is on the rope, suddenly Orton runs over and hits a big drop kick that sends Andrew Dillion flying to the outside, and he hits the table. Orton smiles as he was able to avoid that. He lets the count go up, but he realizes that Dillion is stiring and so he goes to the outside. Then he gets down on the floor, waiting for Dillion to get up. Posed to hit the RKO. Dillion stumbles up to his feet, and then goes for the RKO. But Dillion pushes Orton off, Orton smacks in the ring post. Dillion rolls into the ring 10.]

JR-Andrew Dillion won this match


[Dillion is getting his hand rised, suddenly Orton comes from behind and does the heel thing and hits a forearm smash to the back of the head. Then spits on/near him, and walks off pissed off.]

(OOC-Close, but we felt Dillion had the better RP. The hardcore stip was a mistake, so it’s written like it’s not. But I didn’t mark off since it was my mistake. If it’s important that it was hardcore, I can slightly edit the ending.)

J.R- Well guys this is going to be the most personal match on the card because up next it is cousin vs Cousin

Kris- and poor Jocey has to be between her brother and her lover as the special guest ref

J.R- This match was all started last shockwave when it was DertaH vs Marc Mead in a Hell in a Cell and shockingly Erik turned on Marc making him lose the match. Its unbelieveable

J.R- So now these two battle it out in a No Holds Barred match and the winner gets a shot at the EMF T.V title. To all the family viewers out there you know how bad family conflicts can be, this match has a chance of getting very violent and may not be suited for the little ones

King- Sadly I have a feeling that this is going to become more violent than when a protective father finds out his little girl is pregent and her boyfriend is the father

Kris- Does that bring back memories for you King?

King- Shut up Kris!!!

J.R- Well here we go

Finkle: The following match is scheduled for one fall and it is the Cousin V.S cousin no holds barred match! First your special guest referee for the contest The “Satanic Goddess” Jocey Camp

* “All The Things She Said” blasts over the P.A System and Jocey walks down to the ring in ripped jeans and a zebra striped referee shirt. She has a ghost white look on her face as she has a sad expression on her face as she steps into the ring*

Kris- After seeing how that young lady looks, I don’t even think it would be some what sane to comment of her referee attire

* “The Devil’s omen” Hits over the P.A system and the lightens suddenly go out and we hear lightening echo thought-out the arena. We then see Erik Hasher coming to the ring with a more Satanic look*

Finkle: First making his way down to the ring standing at 5’6 and weighing in at 120 pounds from Haight Ashbury, San Francisco Erik Hasher!

J.R- Both men need to be careful in this match

*Erik goes on the turnbuckle and taunts but doesn’t keep his eyes off of Jocey. He then steps down off the ropes and walks to her as she has a scared look on her face, he then leans in to kiss her but she jumps out of the ring*

*All The Things She Said” hits on the PA system and before Howard Finkle even has a chance to announce Marc, we see Marc Mead sprint to the ring, who is followed to the ring by Carlee*

Marc slides into the ring and Erik goes after him, Erik goes for the attack, but Marc baseball slides under him, bounces off the ropes and comes running back and using all his body weight tackles Erik over the top rope, having all his momentum take him over as well. They both fall to the floor below and Marc quickly gets back into the ring to meet with Jocey. He goes to hug Jocey, but surprisingly, she doesn’t accept the hug. Marc stands in disbelief. Not knowing that Erik re entered the ring, Marc has his back turned and pays for it because Erik comes from behind and plants him with a bull dog. Marc quickly gets up, but is met by a kick to the stomach and Erik signals for the Hasher. Erik sets Marc up, but Erik taunts the crowd and gives Marc enough time to reverse it and turns it into a suplex. They both get and run off the ropes hitting each other both with jumping close lines. Carlee yells and yells for Marc to get up and Erik and Marc get up at the same time and start trading punch for punch. Erik slides under Marc putting him into the schoolboy pin Jocey counts the pin in a normal speed and Erik gets the 1…Kickout. Erik is trying to get Marc to stand at his feet but Marc is able to turn it into a small package 1..2 KICKOUT!. Carlee continues to play cheerleader outside of the ring as she throws Finkle out of his chair and slides the chair to Marc

J.R- Here starts the no hold barr rule

Marc picks it up and swings at Erik who ducks and hits a dropkick to Marc’s knee. Marc drops the chair and Erik unfolds it and sets it up next to Marc. He then goes on it and when Marc stands up, Hasher jumps off of it wraping his legs around Marcs head hitting him with the hurricanrana. Erik then drags Marc to the turnbuckle and pulls him so his man parts crash against the bar. Erik then wraps Marc’s leg around it and starts applying pressure. Erik who is focused on destroying his cousin from the outside is too busy to notice Carlee run into the ring and jumps over the ropes hitting the cross body on Erik

Kris- The girlfriend saves Marc

Carlee and Erik get up at the same time and Carlee starts running, she runs around the outside of the ring with Erik giving chase. Marc hides behind the stairs and when Carlee runs past out giving the unknowing Erik Hasher a big boot straight to the face. Marc then instructs Carlee to get something out from under the ring. While the camera focuses on Marc and Erik, Carlee gets something from the bottom of the ring. Marc then calls for it and Carlee begins to wrap barb wire around the outside post. Marc continues to kick Hasher in the face as Carlee works on it. Marc then sets Erik up to be catapulted against the ring post!

King- Uh oh

Marc tries to catapult Erik against post but he keeps resisting. Carlee is then able to kick Erik in the face and Marc I able to catapult Erik face first into the post. We see Erik colldide hard into it and use see the piercing on his face from it. He is still leaning on it as Marc puts ,but Erik moves as Marc crashes hard into the barbwire. Both are bleeding badly from the head as Carlee and Jocey look on. The action picks back up moments as Erik is trying 2 get Marc up the ramp area, he is basically rolling Marc as Marc low blows Erik as Marc then hits a running DDT on Erik to the steel ramp. Marc is in control now as he knows Erik back into the ring. Marc goes to get a sledgehammer. He bring it inside the ring. Marc looks towards Erik and Jocey suddenly throws herself in the way trying to grab the hammer from Marc. Erik then also takes hold and Marc loses grip having the sledgehammer crushing Jocey’s skull as she falls hard. Marc then goes down to attend to her, but Erik comes from behind and hits Marc with the Hasher. Erik starts to attack Marc with multiple shots to the back of the head and even goes for a back body drop, but Marc counters and lands on his feet, he turns around and monkey flips Erik over the top rope. Marc goes over the top rope with a diving front flip, but over rotates and crashes hard to the ground. Erik who is on the ground is able to reach his hand under the ring with Marc being unaware of it, he grabs a fire exhibiter and hits Marc right in the eyes. Marc falls once again and Erik goes over the cable by the ground of the announce table and he picks it up. He is trying to get it around Marc’s neck to choke him, but Marc is able to pick him while being on the ground. Erik is leaning on the guard rail, as Marc runs to closeline him over it. Erik ducks and back body drops him over. He goes over the rail to greet Marc and they fight in the crowd until they end up backstage. Marc is able to throw Erik against a security cart and then against a wall. He picks up a stop sign from the area and bashes it over Erik’s already bleeding head. Marc then opens the door to the parking area and throws Erik down on the concrete. Erik is able to kick Marc in the shine and pain the upper hand throwing Marc on the hood of a pick up. He siginals for the Hasher and connects throew the wind shield.

Kris- I beat that didn’t feel to dandy

J.R- Not dandy at all

Carlee then steps into the ring with a trash can lid. She looks like she is going to swing at Erik, but the moment Marc gets up, she bashes Marc in the head!


Erik and Carlee then hug as blood drips from Eriks face as they look at the fallen Satanic Prince. Erik and Carlee then come up over Marc and kiss.

King- Whats the matter with kids today!?

Marc suddenly has a second wind hitting anything near him that moved until Carlee was about to take out his knee with that damn sledgehammer

Suddenly some intense emo music hits over the PA system and we see a girl about 14 run to the ring with a long hocky stick. She comes in and swings and connects with Eriks head, Carlee jumps on her and a huge cat fight breaks out

“You Can Kill The Protest, but you cant kill the Protestor” hits as Jade Ellis comes to the ring

J.R- He was fired!

Jade Ellis sets up a table outside of the ring and brings a 30 foot ladder into the ring. He then starts to attack Marc with it

J.R- Why is Jade Ellis doing this!?

The girl who was fighting with Carlee then goes from behind and low blows Ellis. Jocey finally gets up and sees what is happening, she closelines Erik over the top rope and she goes under the ring to only find thumbtacks which she spreads all over the table, she then takes a match out from under the ring and sets the table on fire. She then puts Erik on the burning table as Carlee tries to get away. Jocey grabs Carlee and puts her on top of Erik. Marc climbs the 30 foot ladder iside the ring. Jade Ellis begins to climb the other end of the ladder but after he got about half way up, that girl, misille dropkicked him from the turnbuckle off the ladder. Marc then gets to the top and yells “HELL AWAITS YOU” as he jumps off the 30 foot ladder onto the flaming table as a big ball of fire bursts in the arena. Marc, Erik, and Carlee all lay there motionless for about two minutes as all the fans yell HOLY SHIT. Marc is then able to put his arm over Erik’s chest for the 1…2…3 count by Jocey

J.R- Marc Mead has been screwed out of his cousin and his girlfriend by he was still able to overcome the odds thanks to assist from Jocey and another girl!

King- I just think that it is a good thing that this match is over

“Just…Rick’s theme” blasts on the PA system as Dertah walks to the ring, he steps into the ring

JR-I’m not completely sure, but I believe this is Just…Rick’s first chance for a title belt

King-I thought this was Malis shot?

Kris Gaffney-It was, until Lil’ Exploder showed up

“Dertah’s theme” blasts on the PA system as Dertah walks to the ring, and slides into the ring

JR-And speaking of Lil’ Exploder, it would seem that this match has been based on his joining of ESI

King-I’m wondering whether or not Malis would have rather turned his back on ESI now.

Kris Gaffney-Oh well

[Dertah and Just…Rick pace around the ring, and then Dertah goes for a wait lock. Just…Rick looks for a way out of the hold, and then Dertah hits a elbow to the face. He stumbles back Dertah turns around as Just…Rick gets over the stun of the last move. He then gets a few fists to the face. Then Dertah tries to whip Just…Rick to the ropes, and then he reverses the whip. He then bounces off the ropes, and then Dertah goes to the ropes and bounces off. Just…Rick seemed too stunned to answer, so Dertah runs through him with a shoulder block that sends Just…Rick flying backwards. He then gets up and then Just…Rick gets up, and then he charges at Just…Rick. Dertah counters this with a arm drag into an arm bar, and then the ref asks Just…Rick if he Just…wants to submit (small joke..). Just…Rick obviously doesn’t want to quit on this move, and then he slowly gets up and then Just…..Rick gets to his feet. Then he’s able to turn into Dertah just enough to start hitting him with a few fists into the gut of Dertah to finally let him break the hold, Just…Rick shakes off the pain and then charges to the ropes and then comes off the ropes and then Dertah is able to answer the charge to the ropes as Just…Rick is coming off the ropes with a standing drop kick. Just…..Rick goes down to the mat and then Dertah picks up Just…Rick, and then hits a few forearm shots to the face and then Just…Rick stumbles to the corner and then Dertah hits a few stomps into the gut in the corner. Dertah brings Just…Rick out of the corner and then Dertah backs up Just…Rick to the corner and then whips him off the ropes. Just….Rick bounces off the ropes and then comes off the ropes, Dertah goes for a clothesline. Just….Rick ducks the move and then he continues to the ropes opposite of the one that he just bounced off of . Just....Rick comes off the ropes, and Dertah hits a tilterwhirl back breaker on Just…Rick. Dertah goes into the cover, and gets the 1……………2……….kick out. Dertah looks frustrated. He picks up Just…Rick quickly drives him with a back breaker, Dertah goes to the outside and starts to climb to the top rope.]

JR-Dertah is going to take the chance

King-Too bad he got rid of Komatoze…they would make sure he didn’t do anything stupid… like this

Kris Gaffney-Probably..

[Dertah gets on the top rope, he see’s that Just…Rick is still down, so he leaps off the turnbuckle for some sort of move off of the turnbuckle. But before he can hit it, Just…Rick puts up a foot to the face, and then Dertah goes right into it face first. Both wrestlers are down, Just…Rick is the first to get to his feet as Dertah stumbles to his feet as Dertah is starting to stumble towards where Just…Rick is now, and then Dertah takes a wild fist. But Just…Rick ducks under the fist, and then Just…Rick is able to hit a high angle slam on Dertah. Both wrestlers are down once again, but Just…Rick is able to pull himself up on the turnbuckle, Dertah is able to pull himself up in the corner and then Just…Rick goes over to where Dertah is, and then puts him in a head lock and then charges out of the corner. He then hits a running bulldog out of the corner, and Just…Rick pushes Dertah from his stomach and goes into the cover and gets the 1……………2…………kick out by Dertah. Just…Rick thought that he should have gotten the 3 there. Just…Rick shakes it off, and then he pulls up Dertah and then measures up and nails a knife edge chop to the chest of Dertah. Dertah reels back, and then Just…Rick whips Dertah off of the ropes. Dertah bounces off of the ropes, and Just…Rick goes for a clothesline. Dertah ducks under, and then he bounces off of the ropes, he comes off of the ropes. Just…Rick is able to catch Dertah for a Arn Anderson spinebuster right into the cover. He gets the 1…………..2……..kick out by Dertah.]

King-Does that mean he thinks he’s Arn Anderson?

Kris Gaffney-He’s going to earn his SPOT!

JR-I think Just….Rick is going for the stunner

[Dertah is stumbling up, Just….Rick kicks him in the gut and goes for the stunner. Dertah pushes Just…..Rick out. He may have just so happened to almost go to the ref, but Just…Rick is able to put on the breaks. But with the distraction Just….Rick stumbles right into the (monu) Mental.]

JR-Whether that was intensional or not, Dertah was able to use that distraction to hit his finisher and win this match

(OOC-Both did a good job, it would have been really close had it been one RP per RPer. I think the second RP is what put Dertah over. (not just that it was two RP’s, both RP’s were solid, like usual). I wish we can think of some sort of way to get another feud for Rick going with this match, but if there are any idea’s…I’ll be glad to hear and add them if their good)

(AJ is backstage in the locker room, searching through his locker in a hurry. Having emptied his locker, he then heads off camera for a second, before remerging with a chainsaw and cutting the door of the next locker, and then searching through that one.)

(Suddenly Christian walks in, wearing AJ's hoodie acting like nothing's happen. He stands much like AJ, and says.)

.::Christian::.-Well if it ain't AJ Styles, so what you looking for?

AJ: Well, um, put it this way. It's gold, its shiny, it has a hood, and some moron is wearing it, right in my face!

.::Christian::.-Really? What is it, I can't see it *Christian looks from under the hood* No still nothing...you sure your not going insane AJ? Losing does that to you.

AJ: Insane??? Christian, if anyone's going insane around here, its you. Can you not clearly see my name in sequins (sp?) on the back of that hoodie?

.::Christian::.-What are you talking about *Looks at himself in the mirror* DAMN IT! I took the wrong jacket again! I knew I shouldn't have trusted that crazy person with a bad wig in the hall way

*Suddenly the wall bursts down, and Larry Zybesko runs into the room yelling*


*Larry loses his wig*

(AJ gasps.)

AJ: So Zybesko was behind this the whole time!!!

.::Larry Zybesko::.-SURPRISE!

(Larry runs away)

.::Christian::.-Oh it doesn't matter, besides I look much cooler wearing the hoodie anyways.

AJ: Wait Are you seriously suggesting that you look better in that hoodie then me? Let me tell you something, me and that hoodie won the Worldwide Hoodie Wearing Face-Off three years in a row! Then we got beaten by KANE I don't know how, he wasnt even wearing one

.::Christian::.-See, your not even worthy of wearing the hoodie! I should be the one wearing it, after all...the people want to see an actual star wearing the hoodie.

AJ: An actual star??? The only star bigger then me is the Sun? Is that even a star I'm not too good at science Probably why my Junior High teacher failed me before I even got to the exam room Anyway, shut up! I deserve to wear that hoodie!

.::Christian::.-No! I do!



.::Christian::.-Oooooo, I'm in trouble now! What you going to do, tell your Mom...oh right....I guess that's out. What are you going to do about it?! Get the dogs! Then the bee's...or the dogs with bee's in their mouth, and when they bark...they shot bee's at you?!?!

AJ: Nah, I got rid of those after they shot bees at ME!!! They're being eaten by some Korean now

.::Christian::.-Well isn't that too bad, so really what are YOU going to do about it. Because my peep's tell me that I'm the only one that should be wearing the hoodie jacket!

AJ: Your peeps? Ha. I didnt realise you listened to your mum that often.

.::Christian::.-I'll have you know that my Mom always hangs up when she's calling me and Edge. So how you like them apples!


.::Christian::.-He's my brother! And if you didn't notice, the Cena/Edge group are ruling the EMF.

(Kurt Angle run into the room and yells "I'M GONNA RULE ECW!! YEEEEEEAAAAAAHHHH!!" Kurt Angle runs off, and then he comes back on camera and says "I'M GONNA LEAVE ECW!! YYYYYEEEEEEAAAAAAHHHHH!!" runs away commando style from where he came from.)


*Kris Gaffney opens the door and says*


*Gaffney closes the door, as Christian looks at him weird and says*

.::Christian::.-Alright, I got an idea how about we prove who deserves to wear the hoodie once and for!

AJ: We each find a midget, cover them in raspberry jam and make them fight in the Parking Lot!

.::Christian::.-Not only that...we make it a...NO COUNT OUT MATCH!!!


.::Christian::.-Excellent *gets a dark sideshow bob like look* it's all coming together....

(Christian snaps out of it)

.::Christian::.-Actually, I was more thinking of having a hoodie on a pole match. The winner gets to wear the hoodie to the back!

AJ: Sounds good. I just hope you can take getting your ass kicked live on Shockwave!

.::Christian::.-Yeah right, me lose to you....that's laughable. After all, if you didn't see how I ended a long unpinned streak at Survival of the Fittest!

AJ: Yeah, I must admit, that was pretty damn impressive. Hey, a couple more wins and YOU could be Women's Champ!

(Christian looks in air thinking about it)

.::Christian::.-Yeah! A few more wins...I could be....HEY! OH your going to PAY for that! You know why....because.........THAT's...

*waits for the crowd to say it with him, but no one does. Christian gets pissed off and leaves as we go back to the ring*

“” blasts on the PA system as Josh Hanley walks to the ring, he does his legendary pose. He then slides into the ring, and waits for Dewey Pond to show up.

King-You ever think one time that an opponent might not show?

Kris Gaffney-It’s happened before

JR-This is the first encounter, maybe it can be settled here tonight

“Straggle Hold” blasts on the PA sytem as Dewey Pond walks to the ring, he slides into the ring

JR-Dewey Pond and Josh Hanley have had a hell of a feud.

King-He probably is thinking about Jackie..

Kris Gaffney-Yeah..

[Dewey Pond stands on the outside, looking in the ring at Josh Hanley. He looks like he’s really pissed off, which is understandable due to everything both of these wrestlers have been through. Dewey Pond slides into the ring, and Josh Hanley charges at him. Dewey Pond is able to get up before Josh Hanley reaches him and then he takes him down with a double leg take down, and hits a few punches. After a few moments Josh Hanley is able throw Pond off, and then Josh Hanley rolls out of the ring to try to think of another plan. But it looks that Dewey Pond is not going to let this happen, as he slides out of the ring as Josh Hanley is too far away to attempt a baseball slide to give chase. Josh Hanley, Josh Hanley quickly backs away, and then rolls into the ring. Dewey Pond slides into the ring. Where Josh Hanley nails an elbow drop, he was baiting him in the entire time, Hanley laughs at his brilliance. He then hits a few stomps on the downed Dewey Pond, Dewey Pond gets up to his feet. But then is knocked down by a fist by Josh Hanley. Dewey Pond stumbles to his feet, and then Josh Hanley hits a few fists to the face. He then hits a few fists to the face. He then whips Dewey Pond off the ropes, and then Dewey Pond bounces off of the ropes. He then comes off the ropes, Josh Hanley backs to the ropes and then comes off the ropes. He then hits a flying forearm to the face of Dewey Pond as he comes off of the ropes. Dewey Pond goes down to the mat, but he stumbles up after a time. Josh Hanley kicks Dewey Pond to the gut, and then he goes for a piledriver. Josh Hanley can’t get Dewey Pond up for the move completely. Dewey Pond counters the piledriver by hitting a back body drop, Josh Hanley is able to hold on and instead goes into a sunset flip. Dewey Pond looks like he’s losing his balance. But then he’s able to regain it without falling, and then goes into the pin on Josh Hanley, Dewey Pond gets the 1……………..2………….Josh Hanley is able to counter into another pin attempt, but Dewey Pond is able to roll out of it, and then Josh Hanley is in the seated position, as Dewey Pond hits a front drop kick on Josh Hanley.]

JR-Dewey Pond was able to counter out of that pin attempt

King- You think Jackie was right?

Kris Gaffney and King-…………NAAAAAAH!

[Dewey Pond and Josh Hanley are down on the mat, and then slowly they make it to their feet. Which they are both able to do without much problem from the standing 10 count that they are getting. Dewey Pond takes a wild swing, and then Josh Hanley ducks it and counters it into a high angle back suplex that Dewey Pond is able to roll out of the back and then Dewey Pond is able to able to push Josh Hanley to the ropes and then he attempts to roll him up after he hits the ropes and does. Dewey Pond gets the 1…...2….kick out by Josh Hanley. This sends Dewey Pond to the ropes, and then Dewey Pond hooks to the ropes to make sure that he doesn’t bounce back to Hanley, so he could get hit with a move. Josh Hanley gets up quickly, and charges at Dewey Pond and then Dewey Pond thinking quickly is able to duck under and then pull down the ropes which sends Josh Hanley flying over the top rope, and crashing down to the ring side. Dewey Pond takes a few moments to rest while Josh Hanley is out of position of the next move he’s thinking of. He then goes to the ropes, and waits as Josh Hanley is getting to his feet. Dewey Pond uses the ropes, and then sling shots himself over into a cross body block. It connects with Josh Hanley, both wrestlers are down on the mat on the outside. Dewey Pond is able to get to his feet first. He rolls Josh Hanley into the ring, and then Dewey Pond leaps on the apron and climbs up to the top rope. Dewey Pond waits for Josh Hanley to get up, Hanley stumbles to his feet. Dewey Pond leaps off the top rope, and then Dewey Pond hits a missile drop kick on Josh Hanley. Dewey Pond goes into the cover, and gets the 1………………2………….kick out by Josh Hanley.]

JR-Dewey Pond is taking the fight to Josh Hanley

King-Come on Hanley, you can’t lose to Dewey Pond again

Kris Gaffney-Even if he did, his ego wouldn’t be too bruised

[Josh Hanley rolls out of the ring, and then looks around and grabs a chair and then Hanley tries to use it on Pond. But suddenly the ref yanks it from behind. Hanley is able to hold on to it, and the ref yells at Hanley about the chair. Suddenly Dewey Pond takes the chair and they start to yank it back and forth. Pond let’s go, and Hanley falls backwards letting the chair fly near the corner and Hanley hits the ref. The ref goes down hurt, but not out…obviously he’s not going to be able to do anything or see anything for a while. Dewey Pond checks on the ref, as Hanley stumbles into the corner. Dewey Pond gets up, and then goes to the opposite corner where Hanley is, Dewey Pond charges and goes for a big splash. But suddenly as Pond’s in the air, Hanley grabs the steel chair, and puts it up. Dewey Pond smacks his face against it, and Pond looks like he’s out on his feet, and then Josh Hanley quickly goes behind Dewey Pond and rolls him up in a school boy with holding the tights. The ref is moving again, and counts the 1……………..2………3]

JR-DAMN IT! Hanley stole this match!

King-What? I saw Hanley destroy Pond

(OOC-I heard of Pond's problem, no problem Dewey. We were going to end the match like this no matter what to keep the feud going.)

“Down with the sickness” blasts on the PA system Angelus Archer walks to the ring with James Mithcell following behind him. Angelus slides into the ring, and awaits his opponents

JR-Last month, we had quite an…odd ending to a match

King-I don’t think I even seen a ladder match end like that

Kris Gaffney-You probably won’t ever again, it was so much luck…

“Problem Solver” blasts on the PA system as Tyson Tomko walks to the ring with his IC title belt

JR-Tyson Tomko has had a lot of tough opponents so far, he’s showing that he’s not a fluke champion

“People like me” blasts on the PA system as CM Punk walks out on the stage, and continues to the ring.

JR-This is a match that CM Punk earned as well

King-Well he earned it officially…Angelus just drawed with Tomko

Kris Gaffney-He won it by not losing basically.

[Tomko and Angelus get in each other’s face as CM Punk is coming down to the ring. Angelus slaps Tomko, Tomko takes a few moments to take in what just happen and turns to Angelus. Seeing that he can take the right moment to enter the ring. Tomko takes a swing at Angelus, but the former World champion ducks under and then hits a few jabs to the face and then Tomko goes for a fist. But it’s ducked under by Angelus and then Angelus is able to hit a few fists to the face to Tyson Tomko. Tomko backs up to the ropes, Angelus Archer whips Tyson Tomko to the ropes. He bounces off the ropes, and then Angelus Archer hits a back elbow to the face of Tyson TOmko. While this is going on, CM Punk comes from behind on Angelus Archer and knocks him down with a clothesline. Angelus Archer goes down to the mat, CM Punk hits a few stomps on the downed Angelus Archer. Angelus Archer crawls into the corner, and then CM Punk hits a few fists to the face of Angelus Archer. Angelus is stunned in the corner. CM Punk brings out Angelus out of the corner. But before he can do anything with him, Tyson Tomko comes out of no where and then hits a double clothesline on both Angelus Archer and CM Punk. Angelus Archer rolls out of the ring after the impact, and CM Punk is the unlucky one that is unable to get out of the ring. The IC Champion pulls up CM Punk and then hits a clubbing blow to the chest. Tyson Tomko holds him CM Punk before he can go down to the mat, and then Tyson Tomko is able to hold him up and then Tyson Tomko brings CM Punk fully to his feet and then whips him to the ropes. CM Punk bounces off the ropes, CM Punk comes off the ropes and then Tyson Tomko goes for a clothesline. But it’s ducked under by CM Punk, CM Punk goes to the other side of the ring and bounces off the ropes of the opposite side of the ring that he came from, and then comes off the ropes. Tyson Tomko is able to catch CM Punk with a spinning diving side slam. Tyson Tomko goes into the cover, and gets the 1……………….2…………kick out by CM Punk. Tyson Tomko looks up the refthinking that he should have gotten the three count on that.

JR-The IC champion thought he had the match right there, but it wasn’t to be

King-Wonder if James Mithcell had the urge to yell “CLICK! DOOMS DAY!”

Kris Gaffney-No…he was probably fantasying about a demanding Canadian

Tyson Tomko gets up, seemly thinking of setting up for his finisher. But then he see’s that Angelus Archer is getting up on the ring apron. Tyson Tomko goes over to where Angelus Archer is on the apron. He goes to attack him, but it’s countered with a hang man on the top rope. This sends Tyson Tomko stumbles back, and then Angelus Archer times his jump and then Angelus Archer sling shots himself off the top rope,and hits a flying shoulder block that sends Tyson Tomko down. Angelus Archer gets up, and then waits as Tyson Tomko stumbles to his feet. Angelus Archer kicks Tyson Tomko in the gut, and then hits a DDT. Angelus Archer goes into the cover, and gets the 1…………..2………kickout by Tyson Tomko. Angelus Archer, pulls up Tyson Tomko. Although he’s bigger, not being a weakling by any stretch of the imagination. Tyson Tomko gets up, and then Angelus Archer kicks Tyson Tomko in the gut. Angelus Archer sets up for a vertical suplex. Instead of hitting the vertical suplex, Angelus Archer turns the move into a front slam, Tyson Tomko rolls out of the ring after the impact. Angelus Archer gets attacked by CM Punk who hits a few stomps while Angelus is getting to his feet. Angelus Archer is up, and is able to push CM Punk off. But not wanting to give it up CM Punk keeps on the attack, CM Punk whips Angelus Archer off the ropes. He bounces off of the ropes, and then CM Punk nails a leg lariat on Angelus Archer. Angelus Archer bounce up, and is pain as he stumbles into the corner. CM Punk hits a few stomps into the gut on Angelus Archer. CM Punk backs up as the ref tells him to, and then waits the right amount of time. He then charges at CM Punk, and then hits a running knee lift into the face of Angelus. Angelus Archer stumbles out of the corner, and then CM Punk whips Angelus Archer into the corner. Angelus crashes into the corner, and then CM Punk charges in the corner, and jumps up and nails a monkey flip that sends Angelus Archer flying and crashing on the mat.]

JR-It looks like CM Punk is going to set up for the Pepsi Plunge

King-I wonder if Pepsi gets any royalities

Kris Gaffney-Na, it’s more like advertisement

[CM Punk kicks in the gut, as Angelus Archer is getting to his feet. He tries to hit the Pepsi plunge, but it’s countered into a double leg take down. Angelus Archer positions CM Punk and hits a catapault that sends CM Punk flying into the ropes, and knocks Tyson Tomko. He falls off the apron, although his arms are on the apron to keep him up, CM Punk stumbles back to Angelus Archer. Angelus Archer sets up CM Punk and delivers the Slain!! Angelus goes into the cover on CM Punk 1…………..2……..Tyson Tomko pulls Angelus’ leg off the cover from the outside, and pulls him to the outside. Tyson TOmko is able to think quickly and hit’s a knee into the gut and throws Angelus Archer into the steel steps. Tomko goes into the ring, and then goes into the cover. He gets the 1………….2……..3]

JR-The champion was able to take the opening, and able to win this match.

(Tomko stands up, getting the IC title handed to him. He see's Kennedy on the ramp way, he gives him a nod. Kennedy backs away after making his presents known to Tomko, and goes to the back)

(Bad, Bad man blasts out and John Cena emerges holding his World Heavyeight Title high above his head. He rolls into the ring and the crowd boo him as Finkle gets on the mic.)

Finkle: "The following is a 2 out of 3 falls match.. and it is for the EMF World Heavyweight Championship! Introducing first, the EMF World Heavyweight Champion.... John Cena!!"

(THe lights dim and Masters' music plays. Chris Mastersappears kneeling at the top of the ramp. He does his usual entrance and gets into the ring. The referee checks over both men and then the bell rings.)

Finkle: "The first fall is a Hardcore Rules match!"

(Cena and Masters walk around the ring a few times trading insults. They then lock up centre of the ring. Cena hammers away at Masters with some quick right hands which Masters returns. They begin alternating the shots to cheers when Masters hits and boos when Cena does. In the end Masters gets the better and backs Cena into the corner.Masters continues to hammer away at him in the corner. He picks Cena up and hits an arm drag so Cena is more in the middle. He then dropkicks Cena to the back and drops into a quick cover which doesn't even get a 1 count. Masters lifts Cena again but Cena battles back. Cena whips Masters off the ropes and hits a clothesline. Cena then lifts him up and hits a suplex. Cena covers for the 1... kick out. Cena lifts him up and Masters hits a thumb to the eye and then a neckbreaker on Cena. Masters rolls out of the ring and tries to look for a weapon under the ring.)

J.R: "Masters showing little interest in wrestling Cena... and more interest in hurting the son of a bitch!"

King: "This could come back to hurt him..."

Kris: "Cena never lost the Extreme Championship.... so the Hardcore match is right up his street!"

(Masters eventually brings out a chair and rolls into the ring. Cena is more than ready for him and stomps on him as he rolls in. Masters drops the chair and Cena lifts him. Cena runs and clotheslines him down as he stumbles up. Cena lifts up MAsters and hits a sidewalk slam. Cena then grabs the chair that Masters bought in. He waits until Masters gets to his knees and then swings it at Masters' back. Masters throws up an arm and blocks the chair. Master then battles to his feet and throws right hands at Cena. They are tugging for the chair but Cena hits Masters hard and he stumbles back. Cena then hits Masters square in the gut with the chair. Masters stumbles forwards and then Cena swings it at the back of Masters, sending him to the mat. Cena laughs as Masters falls to the floor in agony. Cena rolls him over and pins him for the 1... 2... kick out. Cena lifts him up and then positions the chair under Masters' chin. He tries to slam the chair into the mat and back into Masters but Masters shoves him off. Cena stumbles into the ropes and drops the chair. Masters runs at him and clothesline him to the outside.)

J.R: "This one could have been over quickly... but Masters kicking out."

King: "It wouldn't have been good if the challenger went down so easy...."

Kris: "Yea... would have been less entertaining than promos cut in front of a brick wall..."

(Masters slides under the ropes and begins hammering away at Cena. He throws him into the barricade and then begins choking him against it. Masters picks up Cena and then hits a scoop slam onto the barricade. Cena looks hurt and Masters lifts him again and now suplexes him to the outside. He covers and the referee counts 1... kick out by Cena. Masters looks angry that it wasn't even a 2 count and then hammers away at Cena with right hands. He lifts him up and then drags him around to the ringpost. He tries to slam Cena's head into it but he blocks. Cena then uses his foot to low-blow Masters. Masters stumbles forwards but is able to shove Cena again. Cena isn't expecting it and his head bashes off the ring post. Masters is able to just throw an arm over the fallen Cena for the 1... 2... kick out!)

J.R: "Masters a half count away from the first fall...."

King: "It's gonna take a lot more to put Cena away!"

Kris: "Yea... I bet they'll kill eachother... and leave the title vacant for me to snatch it!!"

(Masters picks up Cena but Cena hits a thumb to the eye. Mastes staggers back and Cena lifts him and hits a suplex. Cena calls for and then nails the 5 knuckle shuffle on the outside of the ring. Cena lifts Masters up and takes him over to the announce table. He pulls a monitor out and then begins choking MAsters with the chord. Masters falls to his knees weakened, and then Cena smashes him over the head with the monitor. Masters goes down and Cena covers for the 1... 2... kick out. Cena lifts up Masters and then tries to hit his head off the announce table. Masters blocks it and then hits a few right hands to Cena. Cena returns them and then kicks Masters in the gut and hits a DDT. Cena rolls into the ring and picks up his chair and raises it to loud boos.)

J.R: "I'm liking your prediction of them killing eachother.... remember it's a Steel Cage after this!"

King: "If Cena doesn't make it out... do I get to hit on Natasha?"

Kris: "Do you hit on anything that's female?"

King: "I just like to keep my options open...."

(Masters rolls in and Cena swings the chair but MAsters again blocks with his hand. Masters tugs at the chair but Cena pulls it away from him. Cena runs at him but Masters clotheslines him down. He drops the chair and Masters lifts it up. He stalks Cena and waits for him to get to his feet. He does and then Masters hits him right around the head with the chair. Cena falls to hte mat. Masters covers for the 1... 2..... Cena throws his foot on the rope. Masters can't believe it and he lifts Cena up. He tries to pick up the chair but Cena puts his foot on it. Cena then runs and hits Cena with a flying shoulder block. Cena rolls out of the ring and goes under the ring again and pulls out his bag we know contains his sledgehammer! Cena unzips the bag and goes inside but then Masters runs and hits a basebal slide sending Cena into the barricade.)

J.R: "I get a feeling Cena was trying to introduce Masters to an old friend...."

King: "I'm sure the hammer feels safer away from Masters...."

(Masters grabs the chair and slides out of the ring. He doesn't notice Cena's bag and he lifts Cena up. Cena hits some right hands and then whips Masters into the steel steps. Masters drops the chair. Cena dives for his bag again and this time pulls out his sledgehammer... covered in barbwire! Cena waits for Masters to climb back to his knees and then swings it so the wire digs into his back. Masters screams in agony and then Cena twists it around a bit before he yanks it out of him so he feels even more pain. Cena begins to grind the wire over Masters' back and he is cut open as a result. Masters is in immense pain and Cena just watches and laughs. Masters begins to try and make it to his feet. Cena stalks him with the barbwire hammer as if to blast him over the head with it. Suddernly the crowd cheer but Cena pays no attention. He isstill waiting for Masters to make it to his feet. A few moments later Masters finally does. Cena swings the hammer at his face but it's pulled back by Maria!)

J.R: "Oh no... this is NO PLACE for a woman!"

King: "I wish any woman cared that much for me...."

Kris: "Don't worry King.... they never will!"

(Cena turns around and notices Maria. He looks furious. He begins shouting at her but she returns it. He tugs at the hammer and pulls it clean out of her hands. He turns back to Masters but Masters has got it together and takes Cena down with a clothesline. Cena drops the hammer and now Maria picks it up. Masters rolls into the ring and then Maria looks tempted to hit Cena with the hammer... but instead rolls it into the ring to Chris. Cena gets to his feet and runs at Maria, but she runs away. Cena tells Chris to come face him on the outside but Chris challenges him to get into the ring. Maria sneaks up behind Cena but Cena spots her on the titantron and turns and strikes her. Masters is furious and he grabs the chair and rolls out of the ring. Whilst Cena is mocking Maria, Masters strikes him over the back of the head with the chair. Cena falls forwards and Masters checks on his fallen girlfriend.)

J.R: "This was uncalled for... Cena juat layed Maria out..."

King: "She got into a dangerous environment...."

Kris: "I'm sure you'd like to be the one taking a loot at her though King...."

(Maria stirs and tells Masters to continue the match. Masters rolls Cena into the ring. He climbs in himself and brings in the steel chair. He swings it again at Cena but Cena ducks him. MAsters turns and Cena hits a drop toe hold and then applies the STFU! Masters struggles in pain towards the ropes, even though there are no rope breaks it could get him leverage to get out. Cena keeps him away and Masters seems to be fading. Then Cena releases the hold. He lifts Masters up and goes for the FU! He takes his time over hitting it, mocking Masters. This gives Maria time to roll into the ring and nail him with a low blow. Cena looks to be in pain and he drops Masters. Masters applies the Masterlock on Cena as he stumbles forward!)

J.R: "I think that damn Cena had that match one... but Maria has turned the tide again!"

King: "This can't be good for Cena.... where is all his interferance??"

Kris: "Oh please... you jsut want more girls to perve at...."

(Cena appears to be fading in the ring and Maria rolls out again. The referee goes over to see if Cena wants to quit but Cena refuses. He then hits some weak elbows on Masters. Masters is weak too so he releases the lock. He rolls out of the ring and goes under it again. This time he pulls out a small bag. He looks at is suspiscously, and then opens it. When he sees the contents he gets an evil glint in his eye. He goes overto the already destroyed Spanish Announce table, and pours over it a whole load of Thumbtacs! Masters rulls back into the ring and Cena hits him with right hands. Masters returns them and then whips Cena into the ropes and clotheslines him out of the ring. Masters rolls out and takes Cena over to the tac covered table. He lifts up Cena as if to slam him through but Cena then rolls out the back and gets a school boy for the 1... 2... kick out.)

J.R: "Cena desperate to avoid those damn thumbtacs... and I don't blame him!"

King: "Me neither... but why is it always the Spanish Announce table? Don't we care about our Spanish speaking fans...."

Kris: "No. No we don't."

(Cena lifts up Masters and hurls him into the ring steps again. He then lifts him and goes for an FU onthe outside. Masters slips out the back and then he turns it into a Masterlock. He waits until Cena is weak and then breaks the hold. Cena is semingly out of it. Masters returns to the ring and picks up the chair. He then rolls Cena onto the covered table... and holds the chair high.)


King: "Oh please J.R.... we've seen worse...."

Kris: "Yea.... like King's mom in the morning..."

(Masters slams the chair down hard into Cena's head, forcing his back down onto the tacks. Cena looks in extreme pain as the thumbtacks are digging into him. Masters pulls him by the feet off of the table and he crashes to the floor below. Masters lifts him up so everyone can see the thumbtacks stuck in Cena's back. He turns Cena round and smashes him across the back with the chair. Cena falls to the floor again. Masters smirks and then lifts him and puts him in position for the FU. Masters uses Cena's own finisher to slam him hard to the floor below, with the thumbtacks digging in further and further. Masters drops into the cover and the referee counts 1... 2.... 3! and Masters has taken the first fall. The bell ring and Masters falls to his knees.)

Finkle: "The winner of the First fall.... CHRIS MASTERS! The second fall of this match is a Steel Cage match! Now the match can only be won be escaping the Cage to the floor below."

(The referee goes over to check on Cena whilst the cage is being lowered. He seems to be saying to Masters they need to remove the tacks for safety reasons before allowing Cena into the cage, and Masters agrees. Some trianers rush over to help and Masters asks they also check on Maria, but she insists she is fine. About a minute later Cena is on his feet with the tacks removed from his back. He and Masters roll into the ring and the cage begins to lower. Cena and Masters just stare eachother down, seemingly wanting to use the little time to rest up as much as they can. The cage comes to a stop and the bell rings. Masters runs straight at Cena but Cena ducks it. Cena then grabs Masters and whips him hard into the Steel Cage. Masters bounces back hurting and Cena then lifts him and hits a suplex. Cena Picks him up and takes him over to the cage. He throws Masters head first into it and grates Masters's head back and forth against the steel.)

J.R: "They've just finished a brutal Hardcore match.... but now the cage has been lowered and the 2nd fall is underway!"

King: "How long can it last... they are basically dead on their feet...."

Kris: "I think they have enough in the tank to outlast King's Mom still...."

(Masters finally pushes himself away from the cage. He has a few cuts on his face. He fires right hands at Cena and Maria cheers him on from the outside. Masters backs Cena into a corner and then goes up for the 10 punch and hits him 1... 2.. 3... 4... 5... 6... 7... times before Cena throws him off. Masters then runs at Cena and hits a hard clothesline. Cena staggers out of the corner and Masters goes to the top rope. He jumps off and hits a hard Polish hammer to the back of Cena's neck. Cena stumbles forward and then Masters kicks him in the gut and hits a DDT. Masters climbs to the top rope again and then tries to climb out of the cage.)

J.R: "Chris Masters could be just moment away from escaping the cage and winning the World Title...."

King: "Come on Cena.... don't let him get it like this!"

(Masters puts his hands on the top of the cage and tries to hoist himself up. However Cena grabs his ankle and pulls him. MAsters tries to kick Cena off but eventually Cena pulls him clean off the cage and to the floor below. Masters hits the mat hard and then Cena stalks him. Masters tries to get up but Cena then lifts him onto his shoulders and plants him down with an FU! Cena goes over to the cage door and the referee tries to unbolt it but then Maria tackles him down. Cena looks pissed and instead begins to climb up the cage. He gets a fair way up but then sees Masters is stiring. Cena jumps off going for an elbow drop from the cage wall and nails it. Cena then goes back to try and climb out again.)

J.R: "Cena using everything he has... but Masters may not have enough to fight back now!"

King: "The Champ is gonna tie it up...."

Kris: "But with Maria tipping the scales... things don't look great."

(Cena begins climbing up the cage wall. Suddernly Masters springs to his feet and runs and clotheslines Cena into the wall, causing him to fall down. Cena stumbles up and Masters grabs him and applies the Masterlock! Cena struggles against the hold but it gets the better of him. Cena collapses and falls to the mat. Masters says he wants to finish him off, and calls for Maria to pass him the Barbwire Hammer that still lays outside the ring. Maria lifts it and looks like she is going to try and throw it into the ring. However she is then turned round and slapped, hard, by Natasha Jones! Natasha and Maria begin to brawl on the outside. Masters decides just to end it and tries to climb out of the cage.)

J.R: "Natasha may have saved her boyfriend from being killed... but she can't save his world title!"

King: "No.... the reign of greatness was not meant to end so soon!"

Kris: "That's what I said about your mom King...."

(Natasha and Maria are brawling on the outside. Masters is trying to make it out of the cage, but is still bleedng from the back and head, which weakens him. Eventually he falls down to the floor. The referee however is up and unbolts the door. Natasha on the outside picks up the hammer and then drives the handle into Maria's guy, winding her. Masters's is bleeding quite bad and Cena is up. Cena goes over and pulls MAsters away from the door. They trade right hands and then Cena throws him into the Cage again. Masters stumbles back and then Cena lifts him and pants him with the FU. Cena then spots Natasha on the outside and smiles. He asks for the hammer and she quickly throws it up over the cage to him.Cena lifts it up and stalks Masters with it again.)

J.R: "This damn hammer should be ilegal... it's done enough damage already!"

King: "I think that was the point J.R...."

(Masters gets to his feet. Cena swings the hammer at him but Masters ducks it and then clotheslines Cena down. Masters picks up the hammer now and Cena is dazed. Cena gets to his feet quite quickly but then Masters slams the hammer right into his chest. Cena falls to the mat and looks beaten. Masters goes over to the door and Natasha opens it for him. Masters looks confused at her and then smiles. The fans cheer as Masters puts a foot out of the cage. Natasha comes up to join him and looks like she's about to congratulate him, and Masters raises his arm, before she slams the cage door hard into his head whilst he is half in and half out of the door. She gives an evil smirk as Masters is crushed in two by the door. She then opens it and shoves him inside before bolting the door again. Masters is hurting as he falls into the ring. Cena picks up the Barbwire hammer again, and smacks Masters in the gut with it. He again grates Masters with it, before hoisting him up and naiiling an FU! He walks over and Natasha once again opens the door. This time Cena is able to walk clean out and drop to the floor below as the winner.)

Finkle: "The winner of this second fall.... the EMF Champion... John Cena! The third fall is a Tables, Ladders and Chairs match which can only be won by grabbing the belt from above the ring!"

J.R: "Damn it... Cena escapes the cage thanks to his girlfriend again..... and equals this up."

King: "Tables Ladders and Chairs will decide this...."

Kris: "This is where they die and I climb the ladder for the win!"

(The cage is taken back up and the EMF Title is shown hanging above the ring, underneath where the cage has risen to. Referees surround the ring, removing most of the other weapons and placing Ladders and Tables under the ring. The bell rings again and the final fall is under way. Masters motions to outside the ring where Natasha and Maria are. Masters and Cena trade a few words and then nod in agreement. THey both have a word with the referee and he asks Natasha and Maria to leave ringside. They look shocked and upset, but then agree after encouragement from their boyfriends.)

J.R: "What class.... both athletes removing their managers for this match to ensure a fair last fall..."

King: "They wanna do this fair and square... now Cena will definately win!"

Kris: "I told you.... i'm going to win!"

(The bell sounds and Cena and Masters are already weak in the ring. Masters and Cena walk round the ring a couple of times and then hook up center of the ring. Cena backs Masters into the corner and begins hammering away at him. Cena lifts Masters to the top rope and then pushes him down to the outside hard. Cena rolls out of the ring and begins hammering away on Masters with some mounted punches. Masters is already bleeding and Cena re-opens it. Cena smirks and then lifts Masters and plants him with a DDT. Masters is losing blood and weakening. Cena throws him into the ring and then climbs in and picks up... you guessed it... the Sledgehammer!)

J.R: "This is a TLC match.... ref take the damn hammer!"

King: "You can't win by DQ.... it's legal!"

Kris: "But it'll end Masters's career at this rate...."

(Masters limps to his feet and Cena hits him square over the head with the sledgehammer, making the blood flow worse. Cena then rolls out of the ring and grabs a Ladder. He rolls into the ring and sets it up. He begins to climb it and gets to the top, but he can't reach the belt. He looks around and realises there are bigger Ladders. He looks pissed and jumps down. Masters is up but hurting. Cena runs at him but Masters somehow gets a foot up to hit a big boot. Masters grabs a Steal Chair and just hammer away at Cena with it whilehe continues to lose blood.)

J.R: "He's gonna destroy Cena with the chair!"

King: "Unless he passes out first...."

(Masters now lifts Cena up and swings the chair straight at his head. Masters and Cena both fall to the mat looking weak. Masters however has more in him and rolls out of the ring to grab the bigger ladders. He pushes it into the ring and then climbs in. Cena is still down and Masters is struggling to set up the ladder. Eventually he manages it and Cena is stiring. Masters doesn't notice and begins to climb the ladder. Masters is struggling to climb and Cena is struggling to crawl towards him. Eventualy he gets there and pulls Masters down by the ankle. Cena hits Masters with some right hands but both are very weak. Cena picks up Masters and nailes a suplex.)

J.R: "They can barely stand... this should be stopped!"

King: "Another draw... doubt Masters would approve!"

(Cena and Masters both struggle to get to their feet. When they finally do they trade more right hands. Masters looks the stronger and he nails Cena with a DDT. He rolls out of the ring and pushes in a table. Masters crawls in and Cena is up and they trade more shots. Masters dives for a chair and Cena dodges it and clotheslines him down. He then notices the table and begins to try setting it up. Masters gets up behind him, and allows Cena to finish setting it up. Cena turns and then Masters kicks him in the gut and lifts him up. He tries to scoop slam him through the table but Cena rolls out the back and low blows Masters. Masters stumbles back and Cena picks him up and hits an FU. He moves the table out of the ring,then proceeds to climbing the ladder.)

J.R: "Why did he waste time on the table?"

King: "Presumably so if Masters shoves him off... he wont crash through it?"

Kris: "Sounds wise to me...."

J.R: "Then it probably isn't...."

(Cena is climbing pretty quickly towards the top, appearing to have shaken off the chair shots. Masters stumbles to his feet again and as Cena gets near the top he throws his weight into hte ladder, causing it to topple. The ladder falls away from Cena and he is able to stay on while it lands, so he's not too badly hurting. Cena climbs to his feet and Masters kicks him in the gut then hits a Suplex. He goes round the back and puts Cena in a Masterlock! Cena looks to be fading again. Masters then pushes him away. Masters picks up the hammer and runs at Cena but Cena ducks. Cena grabs a chair and tries to use it to defend himself. They both swing their weapons. Masters is able to hit Cena squarely with the hammer, but he also takes a bash to the head with the chair. The blood pours form him again and he looks weak. However the impact of the chair was less and so he is still sitrring whilst Cena looks down and out.)

J.R: "This is a bloody mess... both men are bleeding to hell!"

King: "What great entertainment!"

Kris: "If only your mom was here to enjoy it King...."

King: "She is... I bought her along to keep you from saying you were with her before the show!"

Kris: "You know how she had a backstage pass...."

King: ".... DAMN IT!"

(Masters is trying to ascend the ladder, ubt is doing it very slowly. He's struggling to drag his body weight up the ladder. Cena still appears out of it from the hammer and is bleeding from the head now. The fans cheer as MAsters makes it up one more rung. Cena begins to stir slightly but appears to be sturggling too. On the ladder Masters slips and needs to climb a couple rungs again, so he's taking an eternity to get near the top after all the punishment hes recieved. Cena rolls out of the ring still looking dazed. He goes under the ring again and pulls out his sledgehammer bag. He goes inside and pulls out a bottle of water. Cena takes the water and just throws it over himself. It washes the blood from him and seems to wake him up a bit. He now rolls into the ring and is able to see Masters is nearing the top of his climb. Cena goes to the smaller ladder which is still set up and begins to climb that. Cena has quite a bit more in him now, and makes it to the top. He waits there and gets his breath back. Masters is now one rung from the top, but he's directly under the belt and on a slightly taller ladder.)

J.R: "Cena must have some plan here...."

King: "Well dur... King Cena always does!"

(Masters makes it to the top rung of the ladder. He's about to reach up fr the title belt when Cena jumps off his ladder. He hits what is similar to a cross body block on Masters. Masters goes flying off the top of the ladder and crashing straight through the table that was set up outside the ring. The ladder Cena landed on falls too, and Cena lands quite close to him, but Masters takes more damge due to the table.)


King: "We've seen worse...."

Kris: "Have to admit.... that was pretty intense for a Cena match... considering what I hear they get in other realities..."

King: "You mean the ones where Cena has fans and no talent.... complete opposite of us! I wonder if i'm a hit with the ladies over there!"

J.R: "No King.... you're just the same... no matter hw hard you try no women in any reality will ever want you..."

King: "...."

(The referee goes over and checks on them.... but both are not moving. He begins to count for a Double Knock Out. Neither of them are moving excet the odd twitching. As he reaches 7 Cena stirs a little and attempts to roll over. Then when he hits 9, Cena rolls and hits a very weak right hand on Masters, so the referee has to break the count. Cena then tries to make it to his feet using the barricade. The referee starts his count over. Cena is still trying to beat the count by pulling himself up to his feet. On the count of 7 he makes it, and then he stamps on Masters to break the count on him. Cena then tries to crawl into the ring. Masters still hasn't moved. The referee goes to Masters and asks Cena if they can just call it off but Cena says he's gonna climb up and win this. He makes it into hte ring and then pulls the ladder which is leaninf aginst the ropes. He gets it upright and then looks up at the belt dangling above them. Cena begins to try and hoist himself up the ladder but like Masters before, is taking a long time over it. The referee has seen enough and he raises Masters's hand and drops it to hte mat once.... twice.... but on the third attempts Masters somehow keeps it up! The referee asks Masters if he wants to continue... and he says he does. He tries to get up but then collapses again. Masters again tries but falls. Meanwhile, Cena is struggling to climb the ladder.)

J.R: "Masters can't stand.... he needs to give it up!"

King: "Cena can't climb... he can't win if he don't make it up."

Kris: "He seems to be hurting himself... because he keeps falling."

(Cena is stil trying to climb when AJ Styles and Devin Malis appear on the ramp. They run down the ring but then a whole bunch of referees come to restrain them, due to both men ordering a no interferance rule for this fall. AJ and Malis try to fight through but can't. Cena meanwhile has climbed higher, and is near the top of the ladder. Suddernly Ken Keneddy rolls into the ring. He grabs the Steal Chair from the ring and proceeds to ram it hard into the ladder. The ladder topples, but as it does Cena uses the extra leverage and is able to jump and cling to the World Title Belt. The ladder falls down, but the belt cannot support Cena's weight. As a result it comes off its hook and Cena falls a long way down with the World title in his arms. The referee rings the bell and the match is over!)

Finkle: "Here is your winner.... and STILL the EMF Champion.... John Cena!"

(Cena is laying on the mat holding the EMF Title. Keneddy looks pissed and goes to check on his friend Masters. Masters seems to ask Keneddy to help him up and he does. Natasha comes back to help Cena. Cena has a bit more strength and is able to roll out the ring. He is now face to face with a bloodied Masters and they just look eachother square in the eyes. Masters then offers a hand to Cena. Cena looks shocked but then accepts it. Masters rises Cena's arm in victory and then hugs his former best friend. Cena raises the title high and gets a slightly more positive reaction from the crowd, though boos are still dominant. Both men seem to be apologising for what has happened between them. They both, with the aide of Keneddy and Natasha, begin to try and make it up the ramp, and Last Stand fades out with them seemingly on the same page once more.)