EMF: Last Stand

Copyright information flashes over the screen and then video. Then a highlight video plays about how the matches tonight have come together and then once it ends we go into the darken arena as fire works blasts on the specially made stage and then once they end the camera looks around in the crowd and then they yell and wave their signs.

JR-Welcome to Last Stand, one of the biggest nights of the year in the Extreme Measures Federation

King-Oh yeah…well…um

Kris Gaffney-Oh well we can edit that…

JR-Were live, we can’t edit



(Capital Punishment blasts on the P.A. system as The Elite makes their way to the ring. The Punisher walks out, followed by Barbwire Chris. Cena comes out last followed by Miss Jackie. All three men make their way to the ring and enter one by one. The crowd continues with a chorus of boos as the three men stand in the ring, looking at the crowd with smiles. Well, two of them at least. The Punisher doesn't seem to be too happy. He takes a microphone from the ring announcer and begins to speak over the hateful crowd.)

The Punisher: Needless to say, I'm not in the best of moods tonight. See, it was only two weeks ago that Dante De Luca ended my winning streak, with the assistance of the World champion Angelus Archer.

(The crowd cheers at the mentioning of The Punisher losing.)

Yeah, you like that don't ya? I lost. I lost to a mother fucking pirate. But that's alright. Everyone has their bad days. Had it not been for Angelus and that masked buddy of his, Dante would be swimming with the sharks right about now. So Dante, let it be know that you and I are far from finished. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. There will be no second victory for you, Dante. And I'll make damn sure you regret ever coming face to face with Big Pun.

Now, I want to take a split second to address someone. Mr. Wes Ikeda. I caught your little promo on the butt pirate the other night. Another typical Ikeda promo. Not too shabby, yet just boring enough to cure even the worst case of insomnia. And while I was fighting to make through that twenty minutes of pure hell, I heard you mention something about me being old and washed up. Saying Dante made me look "worse". Wes, you and I have been around the block a time or two. I've beaten you, you've beaten me. And you know that no matter how much it pains you to admit it, you will never reach the status I have risen to. You will never be equalled to The Punisher. I've kept my peace with you. I've never mentioned a bad word about you. But now that you've drawn first blood, I consider you fair game. So you keep running that cave in your face. Keep talking all the bullshit you want. Just remember that I've taken your ass to school before, and I would consider it a privilage to put an end to your constant bitching once and for all.

And while we're talking about shit-talkers and middle-class talent, Angelus.... tonight is your night, my friend. Tonight is the night when that World title finally comes back where it belongs.... to me. You ended my winning streak, it's true. But I'll be damned if you'll take away my streak in Hell In The Cell matches. You wanted this. You wanted to step into my world, Angelus. So tonight, I will personally take you to Hell, and introduce you to the Devil himself. And his name... is The Punisher!

(The crowd begins to boo as The Punisher finally puts a smile on his face.)

Now, I have one more piece of business to take care of. I just want everyone to remember one thing. The Elite... we are the top of the food chain. The best this business has to offer. We live up to the fucking name we carry say in and day out. And we don't put up with you pansy little bitches scrappinmg for a win here and there. So... with that being said... Cena?

(Cena takes his tag title and smashes it over Barbwire Chris's head. Chris collapses to the canvas, and The Punisher begins to laugh. Cena picks Chris up and shoves him to Pun, who grabs him by the shirt and throws him back to Cena.)

The Punisher: Are you kidding me? You're not even worth me getting my hands dirty. Finish him off!

(Cena picks Chris up and delivers the F-U. Pun begins to laugh as The Elite's music hits once more. Cena, Jackie, and Pun all exit, leaving Chris laying in the middle of the ring unconcious.)

“away way” blasts on the PA system as Michael De Kreek walks to the ring

JR-De Kreek does have the talent, he just needs to get his head in the game

King-Yeah, he was great when he was IC champion…but since he lost the IC champion..not so much

Kris Gaffney-Must have been a scaring experience

“I am” blasts on the PA system as AJ Styles walks to the ring

King-What TNA people are in the EMF, that must mean I’m going to TNA soon whooo no more JR

JR-What if I said it was a package deal

Kris Gaffney-you two really know nothing

JR and King-Not a clue…

[MDK comes into the ring and then hits a few fists and then AJ Styles falls down from one of them and then gets knocked down by one fists and then De Kreek hits a few knife edge chops and then whips AJ Styles to the ropes and then AJ Styles bounces off the ropes and then De Kreek hits a running knee lift into the gut and then Styles falls over it and then De Kreek hits a few hard stomps on the downed AJ Styles and then AJ Styles stumbles up and then MDK hits a fist and then AJ Styles stumbles back and then MDK whips AJ Syles off the ropes and then MDK lowers his head and then goes for a back body drop. But then AJ Styles counters with a kick to the face and then De Kreek pops up in pain and then AJ Styles falls back on the ropes trying to take a moment to recover and then AJ Styles charges at De Kreek and then AJ Styles gets caught in a sleeper and then AJ Styles struggles for a way out of the hold and then De Kreek holds on to the move and then he can’t find any way out and slowly he starts to fade away and goes to his knees and then gets up because he hasn’t been beaten down that much and then MDK is on AJ Styles back and Styles looks for a way out of the hold and then backs up and then smashes MDK in the corner once and twice. Finally MDK lets go, and then MDK goes to the second rope and jumps off going to lock on the sleeper again. But AJ Styles ducks and then MDK falls on his feet and then charges at AJ Styles in the corner and then Styles counters the charge with a elbow to the face and then AJ Styles stumbles back and then AJ Styles goes to the outside and climbs up to the top rope and then stands waiting on De Kreek. AJ Styles goes for what seems to be a double axe handle and then it’s countered with a drop kick that connects with Styles as he flys through the air. Both MDK and AJ Styles are down, slowly AJ Styles gets up and then MDK goes for a wild swing and then AJ Styles gets MDK in what seems to be a belly to back suplex and then turns it into a sit down power bomb and then falls away from the cover]

JR-Styles just bought himself some time

Kris Gaffney-But wasn’t able to make the cover

King-I wish I could buy time, I could sneak away from this job.

[AJ Styles rolls out on the apron and then climbs to the top rope and waits for MDK to get up. MDK stumbles up and then AJ Styles is waiting on the top rope and then Styles leaps off and nails a flying cross body block and into the pin and then gets a 1…………….2………kick out. MDK stumbles up and then he charges at Styles and then Styles counters the move with an arm drag release and then MDK stumbles up and then hits another arm drag into an arm bar. MDK’s in pain and then looks for a way out of the move. De Kreek gets up and then backs to the ropes and then whips AJ Styles off the move and then he bounces off the ropes and then De Kreek goes for a blind clothesline and AJ Styles ducks it easy and then MDK turns around only to be hit with a high flipping drop kick MDK stumbles back and comes off the ropes and then AJ Styles picks up MDK and drives him down with a spinning spine buster and then AJ Styles goes on to the top rope and then waits for MDK and then hits a shoting star press on MDK and goes into the cover and gets a 1……………2……..kick out]

King-a shooting star outside sim mode

Kris Gaffney-Maybe we are in sim mode



[MDK stumbles up and then goes into the corner and then AJ Styles presses the advantage and then De Kreek rakes the eyes. AJ Styles is blinded, MDK goes for the Down streem, but it’s blocked and then fought out of by AJ Styles. MDK stumbles back and then AJ Styles kicks MDK in the gut, sets up and lifts up and drives MDK down for the Styles clash. Styles goes into the cover and gets a 1……………2……….3]

("Worlds Greatest Theme" blasts out, as Charlie Haas and Dawn Marie appear on stage to boos fom the crowd.)

Finkle: "The following Triple Threat Match is scheduled for one fall! On his way to the ring accompanied by Dawn Marie... Charlie Haas!"

(St. Anger blasts out next, as Dewey Pond appears, with Shady Shane. Next to appear is James Hardy. Dewey ducks back under the rope and runs at Hardy, but Hardy sees it comnig and ducks the clothesline attempt. Hardy and Pond trade blows, whilst Haas watches from inside the ring.Hardy begins to take the upper hand, and then whips Dewey into the barricade. Haas just smiles, seeing his opponents weaken eachother like this. Hardy realises what Haas is doing, and throws Dewey into the ring. Haas now stomps down on him. Haas then lifts him and nails a suplex. He keeps the arms locked, as Hardy rolls in, but then Hardy signals to Haas, and the two of them nails a double suplex on Pond. Hardy smiles at Haas and goes into the cover, scoring the 1... before Haas pulls him off. The two look into eachothers eyes, before Haas hits a hard forearm to Hardy and they begin brawling.)

J.R: "It appears Hardy thought Haas would watch him beat Dewey... but not the case..."

King: "He'd have to be pretty stupid to do that..."

Kris: "Yea.. but then again he is the new boy in the ring with two veterans."

(Haas begins to over power Hardy, and he nails a quick release german suplex. Dewey Pond then comes at him, and nails Haas with a clothesline. Dewey then begins to stomp on Haas, before Hardy climbs up and runs at him. However Dewey scouts this and connects with a text book super kick to Hardy.Dewey covers him and gets the 1... 2... kick out! Dewey gets up, ut Haas meets him with a hard shot to the back of the neck. Haas follows this up with a few more shots, before hurling Dewey through the ropes to the outside. Haas smirks as Hardy stumbles up from the super kick, and Haas nails a suplex into a bridge, scoring the 1... 2... Hardy just rolls through. Haas thought he had the thing won, and gets right up into the referees face, allowing Hardy to get a school boy on him for the 1... 2... but Haas just kicks out.)

J.R: "Haas has got to stay focused here..."

King: "Why bother... he can't win against these two..."

Kris: "Well you've been known to predict wrong before King.. how much you stand to lose if he does?"

King: ...

(Dewey Pond gets into the ting and goes straight for Hardy again. Haas nails Dewey with a drop kick, and then goes for a T-Bone suplex, but Pond lands on his feet, only to be taken down by a DDT from Hardy. Hardy and Haas then trade a few shots back and forth, before Hardy whips Haas hard into the corner. Hardy goes over and lifts Haas up the turnbuckle, before nailing a superplex. He then goes to the top rope and calls for a leg drop, but as he comes off Haas rolls and Hardy crashes to the mat below. Haas then picks him up and nails a russian leg sweep from behind, going into the cover for the 1... 2... Dewey makes the save. Dewey then hits Haas with a hard shot to the midsection, making Haas stumble, and then hits a high impact DDT. He goes into the cover and gets the 1... 2... but Haas puts his foot on the rope. Dewey sees it is no use pinning Hardy, because he is already getting up, but then he has an idea and slides out of the ring. Hardy makes it to his feet and picks up Haas, but Haas nails a low blow on the way up to gain the advantage with Dewey still on the outside.)

J.R: "Could be an opening for the newcomer..."

King: "It better not be...."

(Dewey slides back into the ring, holding what appears to be a steel chair behind him. The referee has a word.. but being a no disqualifications match can't do anything. Haas has Hardy backed into a corner, and is firing chops at him. Dewey comes across and swings the chair hard towards Haas's skull, but Haas moves at just the right moment, and Hardy takes the shot, which has a hell of an impact, and busts him open. Hardy falls down, and Dewey swings again at Haas, but Haas nails a missle dropkick, sending the chair back into Dewey's skull. Haas has an opening, as he goes into the cover on Hardy and gets the 1... 2... but Shady Shane places QHI's foot on the bottom rope. Haas loses his temper at this, and starts shouting at Shane. Shane gets up on the apron and shouts back, and then nails a thumb to the eye of Haas. Haas turns, but stumbles right into a powerbomb from the recovered Dewey Pond. The referee counts 1... 2... but Haas kicks out at the last possible moment. Dewey however is not phased, and he picks up a still lifeless Hardy, shouts some insult at him, and nails a hard Dew Drop right onto the chair. Dewey then hooks the leg and gets the 1... 2...Haas begins to move towards them but Shane grabs the ankle, pulling him back as the ref counts 3!)

Finkle: "Here is your winner... Dewey Pond!"

J.R: "Dewey steals the win from Haas with help from a former IC Champ..."

King: "Well at least it saved my bank balence..."

Finkel:"The following contest is scheduled for one fall and it will determine the number one contender for the EMF Women's Championship. Introducing first, about to make her way to the ring...Rylee!"

["Rylee's Theme" begins to play as she steps out onto the stage. Rylee waves to the fans as she makes her way down the aisle towards the ring. She heads around the ring and makes her way up the ring steps, stepping through the ropes into the ring. She walks around the ring, posing and waving at the fans until her music comes to an end.]

Finkel:"Introducing next, her opponent. Now making her way to the ring, representing Revolution....Joy Giovanni!!"

["Joy's Theme" begins to play as she wals out onto the stage wearing a very sexy, and somewhat revealing ring attire. The men in the crowd all go wild as she makes her way down the aisle towards the ring. Joy slides into the ring, and is immediately met by an assault of kicks, stomps and punches from Rylee. Chad Patton calls for the bell just as Rylee is starting to pull Joy to her feet. Rylee backs Joy against the ropes and Irish Whips her across the ring. Joy hits the ropes on the far side and bounces off, heading back towards Rylee, and finds herself on the wrong end of a back elbow that catches her in the face and sends her crashing to the canvas. Rylee continues her assault, stomping on Joy while shes down, and eventually dragging her back to her feet by her hair. Rylee grabs Joy by the arm again, and again whips her across the ring, only this time she sends her into the turnbuckle. Joy reaches the corner with a thud, and nearly face plants upon impact. Rylee backs into the opposite corner and builds up a head of steam, running across the ring and taking to the air about half way there, nailing Joy with a version of the Stinger Splash. Joy stumbles out of the corner, but Rylee grabs her before she can fall down and levels her with a short arm clothes line.]

J.R:"Well guys, both of these young ladies came out here tonight with hopes of walking away the number one contender to Miss Jackie's title, but so far Rylee is the only one who looks like she really wants to win this match."

King:"Oh, J.R this is almost too painful for me to watch. I wish they would just kiss and make up. I hate to see two beautiful women fight each other when they could use their energy loving one another."

Gaffney:"Only if your wildest dreams King."

King:"What would you know about my wildest dreams?"

[Rylee grabs Joy by the head and drags her back to her feet. She delivers a couple of chops to Joy's chest before backing her into the corner again. Rylee picks Joy up and sets up on the top turnbuckle, and then steps up onto the second turnbuckle herself. Rylee starts to set Joy up for a superplex, but Joy manages to fight back, delivering a few punches to Rylee's stomach, causing her drop back to the mat. Joy slaps Ryle, and then grabs her by the hair and pulls her into the turnbuckle, tucking her head under her arm. Joy stands up and jumps off the turnbuckle, delivering a beautiful Tornado DDT that all but knocks Rylee out. Rylee grabs her head and rolls over a couple of times, stopping on her stomach near the ropes. Joy rolls over onto her stomach and starts to crawl towards the ropes, reaching out for the bottom rope to help her stand up. Joy slowly uses the ropes to help her stand back up, and then turns around and heads over to where Rylee is still laying on the mat. Joy grabs Rylee by the hair and drags her to her feet, backing her against the ropes and then Irish Whipping her across the ring. Joy backs into the ropes herself, using them for leverage as she gets a running start and nails Rylee with a cross body as they meet in the center of the ring. Joy immediately hooks the leg upon impact, and Chad Patton goes into position to make the count....1....2....NO! Rylee barely manages to kick out before the count of three. Joy stands up, pulling Rylee back to her feet by her head. Once Rylee is standing again, Joy grabs her by her hair and jerks her head back, saying something to her before whipping her across the ring again. Rylee comes off the ropes again, and ducks the clothesline attempt from Joy. Joy spins around after the missed clothesline, only to find herself kicked in the stomach and doubled over by Rylee. Rylee calls out to the fans and signals for her finisher. Rylee begins to set Joy up for the move, but Joy manages to wriggle free after delivering a couple of stiff shots to Rylee's stomach and then dropping her in a chin breaker. Joy stands up and yells at Rylee to get up. Rylee slowly stands back up and turns around to face Joy. Once she turns around though, Joy blasts her with the DDT. Rylee goes down like a sack of potatos and Joy takes a moment to bend over and humiliate her opponent by shaking her booty right over her head. Chad Patton issues a warning to Joy, telling her to get it over with. But suddenly Rylee comes from behind and school girls her, Joy is taken off guard and Rylee is able to hold her for the....1....2.....3!]

Finkel:"The winner of this match...Rylee!!"

(OOC-I did go over this myself very quickly, but I let another staff member deal with this decision in most part and I'm trusting him for the most part, rather than totally agreeing with it (not saying I don't, just saying that I'm not quite sure and we just need to get this match up. Besides from what I see, I can pretty much agree with the choice). Now there was a bit of a mix up where he actually missed the Rylee's real RP and thought it was a slam dunk for Joy. But I pointed it out after he gave me the match and just told me this mourning he was changing his mind after reading the RP. I'm writing this from school, so I could be wrong of what he told me his result was. So if I got the winner mixed up, I'll be sure to alert everyone that a mistake has been made and the real winner was..who ever.)

("just close your eyes" is blasting on the PA system as Christian is in the ring. It's set up with a set unknown to the EMF fans)

.::Christian::.-You know lately, I have been in the middle of a bit of a situation. You see everyone knows that I'm friends with Jericho and Amy, but you see lately another friend of mine has come into the EMF and has been bad mouthing Amy. Now I know each and everyone of my peeps have been wondering the reason for this. Well the Highlight Reel can't answer this question, because obviously the hosts are on one side. Carlito, well that chump stain has a second rate show and won't get the answers. Besides why does he think he's so cool, he's only one think he's too cool. I know I'm ten times cooler than he is, and I know that all my peeps think I'm cool *does his taunt to his peeps* I'm Captain Charisma and I'm the man who on this one time appearance of the Peep show will get the answers that I know all my peeps want to know...so without further delay I would like to introduce you to a man who just got a contract here in the Extreme Measures Federation....please welcome....MATT...HARDYYYY!!

Matt Hardy's Theme plays


Matt Hardy walks down the rampway with microphone in hand and rolls into the ring. He climbs a turnbuckle and signs version one with his hand. He steps down and looks Christian in the eyes as he begins to speak.

Matt Hardy V1.0: Christian, let me just say thank you for having me on this exclusive Peep show. You are a good friend and I'm honored you chose me to be your guest for this occasion. Some people can tell talent when they see it where as other people…well, you catch my drift. Besides, Who the hell wants to be on Cabana chat anyway? That's just an insult to my accomplishments. Carlito can find another Cabana Boy! Moving on, I know full well why you have me on here. I'm not going to beat around the bush, you're my friend and I'm gonna be straight with you. I at least know I won't be attacked on here or put on the spot like on another show.

.::Christian::.-Right you are, I did promise that Jericho and Amy wouldn't show up and you will have that. You will not be attack by anyone and your full chance to speak your mind right here on the Peeps show! The only show by the peeps, for the peeps! But Matt, everyone has heard what you had to say about Amy Dumas. I'll get right to the point, why exactly are you doing this all of a sudden. What did Amy Dumas really do to you?

Matt Hardy V 1.0: What did she do to me? *chuckles* Oh Christian I think more to the point, what did she not do to me? Better yet, what hasn't she done to EMF. She has made a complete mockery of the VP position here. I mean, when was the last time you were in a match? You are Captain Charisma and yet your buddies as you call them don't even put you in a singles match as of late. Some friends. Personally if I were running things here it would be a whole new ball game. You'd get what you deserved, a top spot on the card. Amy has done nothing but ruin lives. I am trying to save EMF. My mission is to end her reign of terror here and bring back quality entertainment. I'm not trying to be the bad guy here, they are keeping me from doing good here so if Amy is trying to stop me, I need to find a way to stop her!

.::Christian::.-Matt, you should know I don't wrestle because I just don't have a contract to wrestle and plus I never asked for one. But that's not important Matt, I think were all confused here. But I never seen Amy do any of these bad things you talk about. This isn't a shot man, just telling you what I see...but I seen Paul Heyman do a hell of a lot more worst than what Amy has ever done.

Matt Hardy V 1.0: With Paul Heyman I see initiative. He sees a good thing and grabs on to it to bring only the best to the fans and takes care of his stars. Only person I've seen Amy be good to is Jericho and Benoit! Not once did Amy ever think, hmm…maybe Matt Hardy would be great in the EMF. She left the thought of me in the dust! It would have been nice to be asked to contribute to the EMF but she was too damn selfish and self centered. She just had to stroll in here and take over being little Ms. Princess. Everything had to be in her control and she and her boyfriend had to be the stars. They just can't bare to share the spotlight and give others a chance!

.::Christian::.-Well this is a tough situation for me, hopefully you can understand Matt. But if you wanted in the EMF so bad, why didn't you tell me? I mean Amy's not the only one with power, the wWo use to be cool with Prez Mike. Maybe I could have gotten you that contract you wanted so bad without having to do it the way you have. Prez Mike doesn't answer to Amy, only problem I might see is if Prez Mike is still pissed about that whole "ship me off to Iraq...and make me pay for my own shipping" thing. But as for Amy being in the spotlight, I think you should be a little fair Matt. I mean most of the reason she and Jericho were in the spotlight was because a situation that was from the most part brought on because of someone else. Yeah she does tend to get in trouble, but hopefully you understand that if you look back a lot of it was that she was just trying to over turn corrupt decisions, or so that's all I seen from her. I've known Jericho and Amy both for so long, before Amy even became Vice President. You did not see one without seeing the other even in those times, sure they took a while to admit their feelings. But Amy's been nothing but a good girlfriend for Jericho from what I know. I seriously doubt that she would use Jericho as you have stated. In don't recall her using anyone else either. So even though I can see some truth in them, don't you think you might be taking the examples you mentioned wrong?

Matt Hardy v1.0: You see Christian, that's just what I'm saying. I shouldn't have to call in a favor to a friend to get a fair shot in EMF. And if I were accepted because of that I'd be nothing more than a favor to you. It would be a mockery of my being apart of this roster. I'd never have others respect. All because of Amy Dumas' heartlessness. It also seems to me that from what I've seen Prez Mike has been answering to Amy. I respect Prez Mike more than anything in the EMF but the thing is Amy has steam rolled his authority doing whatever she pleases. She holds the contracts, she makes the decisions, she's always had the final word and the final resolution. I'm here to take back what Prez Mike once had and what Amy unrightfully took away. So you see, I haven't misinterpreted anything… I think Amy Dumas knows what she is doing and she's turning away, while lying through her teeth. I am the misunderstood one here Christian. It's been hard for me ever since I got here, but you know something, as long as I have a breath in my body I will succeed in what I came here to do.

.::Christian::.-I won't deny that she's sometime out smart Prez Mike to make sure that her decisions went through. Still that does not mean that Prez Mike answers to her, hell I'm kind of wondering if she would have really rejected you had you just came to the EMF the normal way. I don't think the whole throwing you out was personal, it was dropped in her lap. She did what would happen to any fan, I'm sorry to have said this. But you need to wake up, Amy's not the one using people. She's not using Jericho, believe me I supported them getting together because it was so damn obvious. She hasn't used you, or anyone else. But Matt, do you really think Paul Heyman brought you in because your talent. Which I know you are, you know you are, and all my peeps know you are. He's using you because he's the one using you to make Amy's life a living hell. He said it himself Matt, I don't think you can deny that.

Matt Hardy v 1.0: Well whoever you choose to believe, Paul Heyman is a smart man, he read my mind because I WILL MAKE HER LIFE I LIVING HELL!

.::Christian::.-Well...I think there is one last question that I need to ask. Because I think there was one thing you have avoided, so I will ask you more directly it would seem that you have made "warnings" to Jericho about Amy. You say she's using him for the power she has now, but she brought up a good point last week. Before they even had the thing that brought Amy to the VP office, it was pretty obvious that there was something between them man. I don't see how you can claim that she wants to use him. Could you enlighten us on what you see?

Matt Hardy v 1.0: Christian you must be blind! She's got a plan! She's going to marry him and then once she does...its all downhill for him. I need to stop it from happening or Jericho will have thrown his career and life away. If I don't spare him from this who will? I'm trying to save the poor bastard. Trust me, he'll thank me later.

.::Christian::.-*looks around the arena looking like he's thinking of something...then snaps out of it and begins to talk* I don't see it, I can't believe this stuff man. I don't see where your coming with it, but it would seem that I'm not going to convince you any other way..

Matt Hardy v 1.0: Christian, the depths and oceans of my mind go beyond that of the norm. No one will ever see where I'm coming from, that's just a Matt fact. All I know is my spirit is strong and will always live on to accomplish what MUST be done. I ....WILL....NOT....DIE!

(“Live for the moment” blasts on the PA system as Matt Hardy walks out of the ring. Christian is just looking confused at all of what was said)

“number one” blasts on the PA system as Dude Nick walks to the ring with Torrie Wilson

JR-Dude Nick certainly had more success

King-yeah, I wonder if his theme has an end

Kris Gaffney-Maybe his theme is INCOMPLETE!

*King looks with a shock look*

“Kincaid’s theme” blasts on the PA system as Kincaid walks to the ring

JR-Kincaid is determine to get the most advantage over his opponents

King-This is the way…

Kris Gaffney-Well he has an anchor called Wes to drag, he needs all the help he can get.

[Scott Kincaid comes into the ring and then charges at Dude Nick, Nick tries to counter the move with a big boot and then Scott Kincaid ducks it and then goes to the ropes and then hits a flying forearm that only stumbles Dude Nick and then Kincaid hammers Dude Nick and then tries to whip him to the ropes. But then Dude Nick won’t go anywhere and then suddenly Dude Nick pulls Kincaid and his momentum sends Kincaid flying over the top rope and flying over the top and then Dude Nick steps over the ropes and then steps to where Kincaid is and then Kincaid goes for a fist, but it’s blocked and then Dude Nick hits a knee into the gut and then doubles him over and then takes Kincaid and then bounces his head off the steel steps and then Kincaid bounces up and then Dude Nick hits a hard clothesline to Kincaid. Kincaid stumbles up and then Dude Nick grabs Kincaid by the hair and then throws him hard into the barcade and Kincaid is in a lot of pain and then Dude Nick pulls up Kincaid and rolls him into the ring and then Dude Nick takes sometime to mock the crowd and then steps on the apron and then steps over the top rope. But suddenly Kincaid goes to meet him as he is still doing that and then tries to hit fists, but being the bigger of the two Dude Nick is able to shove him off. Kincaid not knowing when to quit charges at Dude Nick and then hits a flying forearms that finally stumble Dude Nick to the turnbuckle and then Kincaid hits a few boots and then climbs up for a 10 punch combo 1………………….2………………..3……………….4……………..5……………..6……………..7……………8……..Kincaid gets shoved off and then goes crashing. But Kincaid quickly goes back on to the attack and goes for another 10 punch combo and gets the 1……………..2………….3………….4………..5………..6………….7…….Dude Nick pushes him off and then Kincaid does down and then is slower to get up as he landed hard. Dude Nick uses this chance to quickly pull off the turnbuckle cover. Kincaid stumbles up and tries again. Instead of pushing him off. Dude Nick just walks out this time and then sends Kincaid face first into the turnbuckle and then Kincaid face bounces off and then Dude Nick smiles and then rolls out of the ring and then pulls grabs the ladder and starts to drag it with him]

JR-Dude Nick has used his height to his advantage

King-the smarks are groaning now

Kris Gaffney-I’m not so sure that Kincaid is a smark favorite..

[Dude Nick slides the ladder in the ring and then pushes it a little into the ring after rolling into the ring and then Kincaid stumbles up and then Dude Nick kicks Kincaid in the gut and then sets him up and then goes for a powerbomb. Dude Nick lifts up Kincaid, but Kincaid then hits a few hard fists while he’s up and then he’s able to slide out the back of Dude Nick after he’s stunned and then Kincaid runs to the ropes and then bounces off then comes off the ropes nailing a bulldog into the ladder Kincaid goes down on the mat as he’s been beaten up pretty well so far. Kincaid knowing that he has to keep moving gets up and then grabs the ladder then waits for Dude Nick to get up and then Dude Nick stumbles up obviously having felt the effects of the ladder shot and then turns around and then Kincaid who has the ladder charges at Dude Nick and then smashes him with the top of the ladder and then Kincaid decides to stand over Dude Nick and then drives the ladder into the gut of Dude Nick. Kincaid then decides to put the ladder on the mat and then picks up Dude Nick waits a second and then nails a snap suplex on the ladder. Dude Nick is in a lot of pain and then Kincaid takes this time to recover and then Dude Nick stumbles up into Kincaid who picks up Dude Nick quickly and drops him for a back break and then Kincaid calls for the end and then sets up the ladder in the corner and the goes to the outside and then climbs to the top of the turnbuckle and then continues to the top of the ladder and then measures up and then leaps off the top of the ladder and then comes crashing down on the back of Dude Nick.]

JR-Looks like he’s setting up Dude Nick for the Kincaid cover leaf

Kris Gaffney-But he can’t win it by submission!

King-That’s Wes rubbing in on him

[Kincaid then locks in the Kincaid coverleaf, Dude Nick is in pain and then the ref asks him if he wants to give it up and then he forgets about no submissions and then Kincaid holds it on for a while and then finally lets go and then Kincaid takes a break and then crawls over to the ladder and then gets ready and picks it up and then Dude Nick stumbles up by the ropes and then Kincaid measures up Dude Nick and then Kincaid hits a hard shot into the gut and then Dude Nick falls through the ropes. Kincaid knowing that he’s going to have hard time getting into the ring after the submission hold sets up the ladder under the brief case with the contract to fill in the stip. And starts to climb, gets closer..Dude Nick tries to get back in the ring. Kincaid gets closer…Dude Nick is still struggling…Kincaid gets closer. Dude Nick falls down to the floor as Kincaid grabs the brief case and wins the match]

(OOC-I think Phil was suppose to send a segment, could be added later, no clue)

“Pirates life for me” blasts on the PA system as Dante walks to ring JR-Wes better watch out, this up and coming superstar could very well take his title King-Would Wes care? Kris Gaffney-I sometimes wonder now, but oh well “Metalingus” blasts on the PA system as Wes walks to the ring JR-Wes has been a fighting champion King-Yeah, guess I gotta give him credit…..because I’m all out of money Kris Gaffney-you should really stop betting against him King-He’s bound to lose sometime [Dante and Wes lock up and then they fight for position. Then Wes ends up backing Dante to the corner and then backs up and then goes for the clean break and then Dante shrugs it off and then pace around the ring and then they lock up again and then Wes takes down Dante with a take down into a front face lock and then Dante looks for a way out of the hold and then gets up a little and then is able to spin out of the move and then Dante ends up putting on a hammer lock on Wes. Wes then decides to get up and then looks for a way out of the hold and then Wes looks around. Can’t find one, then is able to trip up Dante by grabbing one his legs and then trips and then Dante counters this move by kicking Wes off and then Wes goes to the ropes and then bounces off. Dante stays on the mat and then Wes leaps over him and then goes to the ropes and then bounces to the other side of the ring as Dante gets up and then gets knocked down by Wes with a shoulder block and then Dante goes down to the mat and then Wes stays where he is as Dante flies back and then gets up pissed and charges at Wes and Wes takes down Dante with an arm drag take down and then Dante stumbles up and then is reeling as he gets to his feet and then Wes hits a few hard fists and then Dante is by the ropes and then Wes whips Dante to the ropes and then Dante goes to the ropes and bounces off the ropes and then Wes lowers his head and then goes for a back body drop. But it’s countered by a kick to the face and then Wes pops up and then Dante who has gotten most of the moves so far falls back to the ropes for some rest and then decides to charge at Wes. But Wes counters with a spinebuster and then Wes knowing that probably won’t put away Dante shakes off the effects of the kick for second as he has the time to spare and then starts hitting a few hard stomps on the downed Wes and then hits a few hard stomps on the downed Dante and then Dante stumbles up and then Wes hits a few forearm shots to Dante. Wes then puts Dante’s arms over the top of the top rope and then measures up and then hits a hard edge chop that echo’s through the arena and then Wes decides to whip Dante off the ropes and then Dante bounces off the ropes. Wes once again goes for a back body drop, but really Dante has prepared and then Dante drops down and then hits a fist to the face of Dante] JR-Dante had that move well scouted King-Don’t think I seen the same move countered twice in the match Kris Gaffney-Writer can surprise you from time to time with something out of the odinary [Wes stumbles around and then stumbles right into Dante who then nails the arm breaker on Wes and now Dante uses this time to recover as he’s on his knee’s both Wes and Dante gets up at about the same time and then Wes stumbles forward and goes for a punch and then it’s blocked by Dante and then returned by Dante and Wes stumbles back as he gets whipped to the ropes and then Wes bounces off the ropes and then Dante leaps in the air and then hits a flying back elbow. Wes stumbles up and then and Dante hits a running clothesline. Wes stumbles up and then charges at Dante and then Dante counters with a kick to the gut and then Wes doubles over and then Dante goes to the ropes and then Dante hits a running knee left that makes Wes pop up holding his face and then Dante kicks Wes in the gut and then plants him with a DDT and then goes into the cover and then gets the 1……………………2………..kick out. Dante then gets up and then calls for the Anchor lock and then waits for Wes to get up. Wes stumbles up and then Dante locks on the Anchor lock and then looks to bring him down. But Wes blocks the leg scissors and quickly grabs the ropes and then the ref calls for the break and then Dante lets go of the hold and then Wes is still stunned from the move and then turns around and then Dante hits a few hard fists and Wes stumbles back and then in the corner and then Dante hits a few knife edge chops in the corner and then whips Wes to the other side of the ring and then Dante follows in closely and then hits a clothesline into the corner and then Wes stumbles out of the corner and then Dante picks up Wes and then puts him on the top rope and then climbs to the top rope and then nails the super plex on Wes. Dante floats over into the cover, and instinctively hooks the near leg. The Ref rushes into position to make the count....1....2....NO! Wes manages to kick out shortly after the count of two. Dante sits up and casts a questionable look at the ref as he stands up. Dante bends over and grabs Wes by the head to pull him to his feet, but Wes manages to somehow land a couple of fists to Dante's stomach, forcing him to let him go. Dante staggers back a couple of steps and then immediately comes back at Wes. Wes is able to land a nother punch to Dante's midsection, again causing him to step back. Wes stands up just in time to catch Dante with a boot to the stomach, this time doubling him over. Wes wraps his arm around Dante's head and drives him down to the canvas with a beautiful DDT. Wes stands right back up and pulls Dante back to his feet, only to level him again with a text book short arm clothes line. Wes looks down at Dante, and then looks around the arena, a grin beginning to etch itself across his face. Wes pulls Dante back to his feet, only to whip him into the far corner. Wes immediately follows him in with a running shoulder tackle to the stomach. Dante clutches his stomach and falls in the corner, landing in a sitting position, the turnbuckle the only thing holding him up. Wes says something to The Captain just before stepping out on the ring apron and walking down to the next turnbuckle. Wes looks out to the crowd once again, as he begins to ascend to the top turnbuckle. Once up there, Wes points down to Dante and then takes flight, soaring across the ring and blasting him with The Coast 2 Coast. Dante slumps down even further in the corner, while Wes rolls over a couple of times from the shock of the impact. Wes finally manages to get up and grab De Luca by the foot, dragging him out of the corner. Wes goes into the cover, hooking Dante's near leg as the Ref gets into position for the count......1........2...........NO!!!!!!]

J.R:"BAH GAWD!! Wes connected with the coast 2 coast, and Dante somehow managed to kick out of the pinfall!"

King:"Oh, Wes doesn't look too happy either! I don't think this is going to bode well for The Captain!"

Gaffney:"Well, Dante De Luca does claim to be the toughest man in the EMF, and he may have just proved it there."

[Wes sits up and looks at the ref, screaming that it was a three count. The ref insists it was only a two count, and Wes rolls over and starts hammering Dante with massive rights and lefts. Dante tries to cover up as best he can, but Wes still manages to land most of the blows. Wes stands up and screams into the air just before he bends over and drags De Luca back to his feet. Wes says something to Dante as he backs him into a corner and then whips him across the ring to the opposite corner. Wes quikcly follows Dante into the corner, going for a massive clothes line, but Dante somehow manages to fall out of the way. Wes crashes sternum first into the turnbuckle and stumbles back clutching his chest. Dante quickly grabs Wes from behind and rolls him in a school boy....1.....2......Wes kicks out. Both men slowly stand up, each reaching their feet about the sametime. Wes swings and connects a punch with Dante's head, but Dante retaliates. Dante blasts Wes with a right hand of his own, followed by another, and then another. Wes rocks back with every punch, and Dante finally manages to knock him against the ropes. Dante whips Wes across the ring, and as Wes comes off the ropes, he catches him and delivers a Road Warrior Animal like Powerslam. Dante stands up, pulling Wes up with him and attempts a short arm clothesline. Wes manages to duck under the clothesline, and when he does he locks Dante's arms up into the Full Nelson. Wes lifts Dante for a Full Nelson Suplex, but Dante swings his weight and gets his legs around Wes' waist and rolls him over in a pinning position. The Ref gets into position for the count.....1......2.....NO! Wes manages to escape just in the nick of time. Dante and Wes both stand up and Wes rushes at Dante. Dante ducks under Wes' attempt at a Polish Hammer, and as Wes spins back around to face him Dante grabs him and nails him with The Shipwreck! Dante goes into the cover, hooking both legs. The Referee hurries to make the count......1........2........3!!!]

(Prez Mike note-Due to the fact that I felt tension from the situation on the OOC board. I really was feeling that I may be accused of being biased based on how I was feeling at the time, or myself worrying about stuff getting in the way of me making the best choice possible. I wrote this match, but if notice at the end the style of writing changes. I gave the decision to a trusted staff member for the reason I stated above. So I didn't have the call, but I did read the RP's and sign off on this decision of the staff member so that I was not left with a choice I didn't quite agree on with him and no finger pointing can start.)

“Capital Punishment” blasts on the PA system as Punisher walks to the ring

JR-Punisher is dominate force in the Extreme Measures Federation. Though over the past year Angelus has rised to a similar type of dominance it should be interesting to see who should win this match.

King-Wow, that was a long comment

Kris Gaffney-I’m surprised he can string together that many words

“Down with the Sickness” blasts on the PA system as Angelus walks to the ring

[Punisher and Angelus stare on both side of the ring and then they meet in the middle of the ring and then start talking trash and then Angelus is pointing at Punisher. Punisher swats his finger away and then starts to hammer Angelus and then Angelus starts to fire back and then no one is getting the advantage and then Punisher hits a knee into the gut to finally get the advantage and then Angelus falls down and then goes to the ropes and then Punisher presses the advantage, but goes too fast towards Punisher and Punisher is able to use this that to his advantage and grabs Angelus’ pants (or tights) and then Angelus goes flying out of the ring and then crashes into the ring side area. Punisher rolls out of the ring and then Angelus is getting up and then hits a stomp on the downed Angelus. Angelus gets to his feet and then Punisher picks up Angelus and then drops him on his face . Angelus stumbles around and then Punisher takes Angelus by the hair and then throws him hard into the ring post and then Angelus is still on the post and then Punisher backs up and then hits a kick into the back and then Angelus stays on the ring post and then Punisher grabs Angelus’ by the hair and throws him hard into the ring post and then Angelus slides down to his knee’s and then Punisher takes Angelus and then smashes him on the ring post face first and then Punisher takes Angelus and rolls him into the ring and then Punisher goes into the ring and then hits a few stomps on the downed Angelus. Angelus stumbles up and then Angelus gets hit with a few hard punches and then gets whipped to the ropes and Angelus bounces off and then Punisher knocks him down with a running forearm. Angelus stumbles up and takes a wild swing that misses and then Punisher hits an inverted atomic drop and then Punisher backs to the ropes and bounces off and then hits a clothesline on Angelus that turns him inside out and then Punisher goes into the cover and then gets the 1……………2…….kick out. Punisher looks up to the ref not believing that didn’t put away Angelus and then Punisher pulls up Angelus by the hair and then whips him to the ropes and then it’s reversed by Angelus and Punisher bounces off the ropes and then Angelus hits a spinning heel kick on Punisher and Punisher goes to the mat]

JR-That should buy him some time

King-Well if it doesn’t, then Angelus shouldn’t come to me…I got no money to loan…but he does *points to Kris*

Kris Gaffney-um…I gave it to JR?

[Slowly Angelus gets to his feet and then Punisher does as well and Punisher runs towards Angelus and Angelus counters with a hot shot on the top rope that bounces off and then Angelus kicks Punisher in the gut and then hits the DDT on Punisher. Angelus uses this time to rest for a little bit and then hits a few stomps on the downed Punisher and then Punisher goes over to the ropes and then Angelus starts to choke with the ropes and then lets him out of the ropes and then Punisher gets up and then Punisher gets hit with a few fists and then Punisher somehow spins and finds his way towards the turnbuckle and then Angelus measures up and then hits a few hard knife edge chops and then Angelus pulls Punisher out of the corner and then whips him to the ropes and then Punisher bounces off the ropes and then Angelus hits a arm drag and then Punisher gets up and then charges at Angelus and then Angelus hits a Japanese arm drag and then Punisher stumbles around after he gets up and then Angelus picks up Punisher and then hits a body slam and then Angelus bounces off the ropes and then hits a knee drop to the face and then Angelus goes into the cover and gets a 1………………2………kick out. Then Angelus looks around and then decides what he’s going to do next, so he starts to choke Punisher and then the ref counts to 5 and then Angelus lets go and then Punisher stumbles up and then Angelus picks him up and then hits a back breaker Punisher. Angelus takes a few moments to rest and let’s Punisher get up and then up and then Angelus hits a few fists and whips Punisher to the ropes. Punisher bounces off the ropes and then Angelus and Punisher knock each other down with a double clothesline]

JR-It’s anyone’s ball game

King-If only there was a script I could cheat off

JR-Goldberg isn’t following the script…BAH GAWD

Kris Gaffney-…………

[Both Punisher and Angelus stumble up to their feet and then Punisher hits a few fists to Angelus and then Angelus fires back and then one of them Punisher ducks and then Punisher hits a few more fists and then Punisher goes for a whip to the ropes that Angelus reverses and then Punisher bounces off the ropes and then Angelus goes for a setup of the Slain. But it’s countered and Punisher lands behind Angelus and then Angelus turns around and then goes right into Punisher who picks him up for Capital Punishment. Angelus struggles and then pushes Punisher right into the ref, the ref goes down and then Punisher turns around and then gets super kicked by Angelus and then Angelus looks to the outside and then grabs a steel chair as the ref is down and then rolls into the ring and then waits for Punisher to get up and then Punisher stumbles up and then Angelus goes for a chair shot. But Punisher counters with a low blow and then Angelus drops the chair and is in pain and then Punisher grabs the chair and then smashes it over Angelus back and then Angelus stumbles forward and then falls out of the ring and then Punisher takes a few moments and then throws the chair down and then Punisher and Angelus start to brawl up the ramp as they no longer care about the match the ref is getting up unknown what just happened is counting at this point and has around a 4…………………..5……………..6………………7………….8………..9……….10. The match is called a draw as the two keep fighting.]

King-This must be Amy Dumas’ fault

Kris Gaffney-Matt Hardy would agree

(the backstage clears out as they try to stop Angelus and Punisher’s fight as Last Stand goes off the air.)

[The crowds attention, as well as The Ref's is suddenly jerked away from the match as the old ECW theme begins to play. Paul Heyman power struts out onto the stage, a snarl on his face that would knock even then biggest man over dead if looks could kill. Heyman makes his way down the aisle to ring side, and then makes his way around the ring. Once he reaches the time keeper's table, Heyman takes a microphone from the announcer and picks up the hammer to the ring bell and rings the bell a few times. A collective "What the hell?" seems to come from the crowd as Heyman starts to make his way into the ring.]

Heyman:"Stop....Stop....STOP! This match is officially over! Amy, oh you really pulled a good one over on me this time. Wow, what a brilliant idea you had. I guess it took you a good long time to decide to fuck me over by not allowing the tech crew to assemble the cell for the Hell In A Cell match that I booked for tonight. Oh, who in the hell do you think you are Amy? Do you really think that you can do this and get away with it? Because if so, Jericho's intelligence is seriously rubbing off on you. Let me fill you in on something Amy. I am Paul Fucking Heyman, and I do and Say what I want around here. And there isn't a god damn thing you can do about it. And mark my words, you will pay for this. I don't know how, and I don't know when. Sooner or later though, you'll come to seriously regret what you've done here tonight."

[By this time Punisher has managed to get to his feet. He walks over to Heyman, and jerks the microphone away from him. Before Heyman can protest, Punishe heads into a near corner and leans his arm up on the turnbuckle, a grin on his face.]

Punisher:"Okay, you spoke your mind. Now, if you don't mind I have a World Championship to win. So get out of the ring so I can finish doing what I came here to do tonight."

[By this time, Angelus has found his way to his feet and has slid out of the ring. He grabs the World Championship off the time keeper's table, as well as a microphone. As he heads back in the ring, Heyman calls for him to hand him a mic. Angelus turns and grabs a second microphone, and then hands one to Heyman as he gets back in the ring.]

Angelus:"Yeah, what the fuck is going on here?"

Heyman:"Look, I don't know if the two of you realize this or not, but the match that you were both having, thats not the match that I booked. Its not the match that I signed. Its not the match that was advertised, and there for ther eis no legal obligation for either of you to compete if this match. Now I've come out here and I've put an end to this bullshit. I stopped the match, and that is final. Theres nothing either of you can do about it. You'll both just have to wait to kill each other until you have your Hell In A Cell match."

[Punisher, infuriated, charges out of the corner and heads directly for Heyman. Before Heyman can move, Punisher has his hand around his throat, slowly squeezing until Heyman begins to gasp for breath.]

Punisher:"I don't give a shit about your little tiffle with Amy Dumas. I don't care if she went behind your back and changed our match tonight. It doesn't matter if its a regular match, or a Hell In A Cell. I came here tonight to make sure that the World Championship leaves where it belongs. And thats around my waist. So I suggest that you get the fuck out of my ring and restart this god damn match. Because I don't have any problems squeezing your throat until your bald head pops like a mother fucking grape!"

[Before Punisher can say anything else, Angelus rushes over and shoves Pun off of Heyman. Heyman grabs his throat and starts to slowly get his breath back.....]

Heyman:"Y...yo......You know.....you leave me no choice. I'm about to do something that has never been done in the history of the wrestling world. Oh, I'm not going to suspend you this time. No, suspending you didn't seem to faze you any. And I'm not going to fire you. Because doing that wouldn't solve the problem here. No, I'm going to simply, Lay You OFF!!! Thats right, I'm laying you off. You see, you'll still be an employee of the EMF, but you'll sit at home, making no money. And for just how long am I going to send you home for? THREE MONTHS!! Count them with me, three months. You won't set foot in another EMF ring until you and Angelus finally have your Hell In A Cell match at First Blood in December. Oh, and by the way, I'm also officially stripping you of the Television Championship!!!! Now security, get out here and get this son of a bitch ouf of MY ring!!!"

[Punisher drops his microphone and starts towards Heyman again, but Angelus drops the World Title and steps between them. Punisher stops as Security starts to slide in the ring and swarm around him. Security grabs a hold of Pun and slowly drags him out of the ring and up the aisle, Punisher screaming back to Heyman..."You'll pay for this Paul! YOU'LL PAY FOR THIS!!!" Last Stand goes off the air with Security pulling Punisher behind the curtain at the top of the stage.]