EMF: Legacy of Blood 2003

Jerry "The King" Lawler - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, Kevin Max!!!

[Kevin Max comes to the ring. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - and his opponent, Brad Buck!!!

[Brad Buck walks to the ring. Earl Hebner is the referee for this contest. Kevin Max places Brad Buck on the turnbuckle and executes a front-layout suplerplex. Brad Buck drops Kevin Max with a Gorilla Press Slam on the mat. (ding, ding, ding) Kevin Max knifehand chops Brad Buck. Kevin Max executes the jumping sidekick on Brad Buck. Kevin Max hits Brad Buck with an elbowdrop. Kevin Max puts Brad Buck in an arm grapevine submission. ]

Jim Ross - arm grapevine!

[Brad Buck picks up Kevin Max and delivers a tilt-a-whirl suplex. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - Kevin Max really felt that tilt-a-whirl suplex!

[Brad Buck stands up. Brad Buck hits Kevin Max with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle. Kevin Max gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Brad Buck. Kevin Max gets hit with the shooting star press from Brad Buck. Earl Hebner counts. ...1 Kevin Max kicks out. ]

Jim Ross - He should have just stayed on the attack.

[Kevin Max is back on his feet. Kevin Max hits Brad Buck with a baba chop. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - Follows up with a baba chop.

[Kevin Max double underhook faceslams Brad Buck hard to the Brad Buck. Brad Buck gets drilled with an inverted back breaker. Kevin Max leg drops the throat of Brad Buck. Kevin Max grabs Brad Buck's leg and takes him down, then locks his leg. Referee Earl Hebner is checking for a tap out. ... Brad Buck trys to escape. ... Brad Buck trys to escape. ... Kevin Max tightens the hold. ... Kevin Max breaks the hold. ]

Jim Ross - Kevin Max is doing quite well at this point in the match.

[Kevin Max rolls onto Brad Buck connecting with a knee. Brad Buck stands up. Brad Buck kicks Kevin Max in the stomach. Brad Buck fist drops Kevin Max on the mat. Brad Buck moves back to his feet. Brad Buck puts Kevin Max in an arm grapevine submission. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - Follows up with a arm grapevine.

[Brad Buck grabs Kevin Max and applies an arm wrench. Brad Buck hits Kevin Max with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle. Brad Buck gets up. Kevin Max gets back to his feet. Brad Buck hits Kevin Max with a double underhook piledrive right into the mat. ]

Jim Ross - If Brad Buck keeps using moves like that double underhook piledriver he could win the match!

[Brad Buck climbs to the top of the turnbuckle and executes the diving headbutt on Kevin Max. Brad Buck stands up. Brad Buck with a falling splash on Kevin Max. Brad Buck is back on his feet. Brad Buck hits the handspring moonsault on Kevin Max. Brad Buck stands up. Kevin Max suplexes Brad Buck. Kevin Max hits a frog splash on Brad Buck. Kevin Max thrust kicks Brad Buck in the head. Kevin Max catches Brad Buck in a backslide and goes for the pin. Earl Hebner counts. ...1 ...2 ...3 ]

Jim Ross - Kevin Max has won the match! After a very short match.

Jerry "The King" Lawler - Oh gee a dark match is short, excuse me while I act shocked.

The PPV information goes on the screen as the PPV video package, we go into the arena where fireworks blasts off and then the lights turn back on as the fans scream and hold their signs

JR-Welcome to…

King-Ikeda world….these people, their all Ikeda’s…wait don’t get near me….no….no….nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnooooooooooo *falls asleep while vomiting*

*The fans arena look on as the tron shows Wes Ikeda sitting on his couch, in his home in St. Louis. The television is tuned into Legacy of Blood. As Wes prepares to watch Jarred take on his wife, Blaine is with the Bischoff's at an undisclosed location. Wes jumps when he hears a knock on the door. He gets up to answer it, to be faced with two of his moronic friends Kage, and Brandon.*

Kage: Man the cable wasn't working. We came over to watch LOB.

Wes: Are you two nuts? This isn't a game for me. I don't even know where my kid is. Eric Bischoff took my kid, and didn't tell me where he is taking him. My wife is about to get her ass handed to her by her ex-husband and there's nothing I can do about it, and you two want to come over and watch in on tv.

Brandon: We brought beer.

Wes: Oh yeah yeah, beer, that solves everything!

*Wes plops back down on the couch as his friends sit on either side of him.*

Kage: Look, we knew this was going to be tough on you, just have a few drinks, and maybe you won't even realize what's going on.

Wes: No, because I am going to walk out that door in two seconds and risk getting arrested.

Kage: All the more reason for you to be drunk.

Wes: If I have to go save my wife's life, the last thing I want to do is get behind the wheel of a car, while I'm drunk off my ass, you morons!

Brandon: I wanted to watch Legacy of Blood.

Wes: We are...

Brandon: Dude, we're on tv? We're on legacy of blood! You mean at this very moment they're doing a segment about Wes Ikeda at his house with his friends?

Wes: What did you think the camera was here for?

*Wes' cell phone rings as Brandon yells...*


Wes: No you moron. *Grabbing the phone* Hello?

Female Voice: Well I'm watching tv and I can already tell that you've picked up the phone. This is Amy Dumas.

Wes: What do you want? If you're wondering why I'm not at work tonight...

Amy: Now don't get cocky with me. I need you to come down to the arena, now.

Wes: I'd love to, unfortunately your Chief Executive Officer has banned me from the arena. I don't want to get arrested. So, I'm going to stay home and take my chances.

Amy: I know damnw ell what Jarred did, and I'm telling you to get your ass down to this arena now! And if you hurry, you might be able to make it before the lumber jack match. We have something we need to discuss.

Wes: Thanks.

*He hangs up the phone.*

Wes: Listen, you two stay here, I've got to go to the arena, and I've begged you guys to stay out of this wrestling thing, and you've somehow shoved yourselves in. I've been doing a lot of worrying lately, hell I'm paranoid. You guys know who Angelus is?

Brandon: Yeah, the scary murder gimmick guy?

Wes: Yeah, that's him. I don't know where he is tonight, so uh, stay in the house, and by the way, that's not a gimmick.

*Brandon and Kage look at each other as Wes walks out of the door.*

"P-Nut's Theme" hits and "The Ragin' Caucasian makes his way out to the ring, to a mixed reaction.

King: BORING! Come on I want to see the next match. Jarred is going to make The Black Widow pay!

JR: What a horrible thing to say.

"Break You" fills the arena as Jarred Carthallion heads down the ramp to a chorus of boos. He ignores them and rolls into the ring.

[P-Nut starts the match off with a rake to the eyes, throwing Jarred from one side of the ring to the other as he bounces off of the ropes. P-Nut lifts his foot for a kick in the gut. Jarred counters by grabbing P-Nut's leg, and tossing him backwards to the mat. Jarred throws in a few kicks to the ribs as P-Nut begins moving back to his feet. Jarred waits...]

JR: Jarred waits for P-Nut to get back to his feet...

King: Which name is worse JR? P-Nut or Wes?

[P-Nut jumps up and hits Jarred with a release fireman's carry. After getting up Jarred pulls P'Nut to his feet, and backs him into the corner. Jarred tries bouncing P-Nut off the ropes, going for the big boot to the face, , but P'Nut reverses it into clothesline that knocked Jarred to the ground P'Nut waits for Jarred to get back to his feet, and then kicks him the stomach, and executing a DDT. P'Nut goes for the cover ..1...2... Jarred kicks out.]

J.R: Jarred really wants to hold on to that TV Title?

King:Really, I thought he wanted to lose it...dumbass...

[Both men slowly get to their feet, and as they do they begin to trade fists back and forth. . P-Nut places Jarred on the turnbuckle and executes a front-layout suplerplex. P-Nut turns around celebrating.]

JR: That maybe a mistake...

King: MAYBE? How many times have we seen this in the EMF over the past three years?! [Jarred climbs to the top and hits a flying sitdown splash on P-Nut. After getting to his feet P-Nut goes for a cobra clutch suplex but Jarred dodges the attack. Jarred uses a running lariat to take P-Nut down, and then hits a corkscrew legdrop on P-Nut. Jarred fist drops P-Nut on the mat. and then goes for the cover... 1...2.. P-Nut escapes.]

JR: Narrow escape from P-Nut... [Jarred and P-Nut both get to their feet, but p-Nut is dazed.. Jarred climbs the turnbuckle and nails P-Nut with a flying bulldog. Jarred gets up, but is feeling the effect from the bulldog. P-Nut takes advantage and sets Jarred up and gives him a DDT.. Jarred is stunned, and P-Nut hits his own mock version of the LEGENDARY END, P-Nut covers Jarred for the ...1 ...2 ...kick out. P-Nut gets up and then pulls up Jarred and then nails the Same Mistake twice. Jarred nails a few hard punches to the ribs breaking up the “same mistake twice”, P-Nut stumbles right into Jarred who hits the soul Reaver. Jarred stumbles up. Suddenly from the entrance, Widow slowly walks down the ramp. Jarred then goes over to yell at her, Suddenly P-Nut stumbles up and charges at the distracted Jarred pushes him on the ropes and then rolls him up then into a bridge as Jarred tries to get out, but can’t before the for the 1………………….2…………….3 After the final count Jarred pushes out and P-Nut goes flying out of the ring.]

*Wes pulls up to the Edward Jones Dome in his black Chevy Silverado. He walks in to the arena, and is escorted by a security guard to VP Amy's office. He knocks, and upon her answering goes inside.*

Amy: Now, you're in no danger of being arrested. Wes Ikeda, as much as it pains me to say this, you are a high profile free agent. Jarred is walking around pretending as if Mike has given him all of this power, when Mike has been nothing but supportive of you all along. So we're removing Mike's name from Jarred's list of "outs" so to speak. As far as I'm concerned, you are a special guest of Prez Mike. Prez Mike even said that, Prez Mike even said that you are free to be here, last week. Jarred has no right to reverse Prez Mike's decision, so you have every right to be here. As for Jarred's restraining order, it's frivelous. Jarred can not get a restraining order against you unless you've done something to him, and you've done nothing to him outside the realm of your profession. So there's no restraining order. The only problem you have is that you can go out there and provoke anyone you want to, and the second they lay a finger on you, they're in breech of the law. However, can you keep your cool Mr. Ikeda? You go out there, you touch Jarred, and he can break you apart. And he could very well call the police on you, because you're not a contracted wrestler. It's a shame it works both ways. So you can be here, but I suggest that you don't go out to the ring during Katrina's match. Jarred’s restraining order truly is only good enough to protect him, so while you are still uncontracted in the EMF I would stay away from the ring while Jarred is in it.

Wes: Why?

Amy: Because knowing your past, you'll want to get in there, and you'll want to punch the guy, and you can't afford to do that.

Wes: I'll take my chances. Thank you Miss Dumas. It's nice to know that sometimes things happen, and there isn't a damn thing Jarred can do about them.

*Wes stands up and shakes Amy's hand. He walks out of the office and closes the door behind him. He is seen with a slight grin, and looks at the camera

Wes: I'm no longer banned from the EMF. I am only banned from touching Jarred. He underestimates me. I think he's afraid of me. The restraining order wasn't necessary Jarred, because I have the power here. Big deal, I can't touch you, and I wouldn't have, because if I did, that would give you the right to hurt me. However, if I didn't lay a hand on you, and you took it upon yourself to assault me you would have done some time. But now, you're taking the cowards way out, just in case I can't keep my cool, you're a dumbass Jarred, that was the only downfall, not being able to touch you, because you could touch back, now you just have it on paper. When you get some courage get back to me.

as the scene fades.*

"Brain Eaters" by the Misfits is heard as Barbedwire Chris comes out from behind the curtain. He stands on the ramp and throws his arms into the air. The crowd gives a mixed reaction as Chris walks down the rampway. He stops at the ring apron and smiles at the site of the mouse traps in the ring. He climbs in and awaits his opponent.

JR: This man is sick!

King: Does he have a cold?

JR: Oh shut up.

"Twilights Theme" is heard playing as he walks out from behind the curtain. Twilight stares down the rampway at BWC then walks methodically down towards the ring. Twilight listening to the boos steps through the ropes and hands the Extreme Championship to the referee never taking his eyes off of Chris.

JR: Twilight looks focused and ready to go.

King: I didn't know St. Louis had a rat problem.

JR: It doesn't.

King: Then why the mouse traps?

JR: I don't know maybe you should go get a piece of cheese.

King: You'd like that wouldn't you JR.

JR: Yes...

[The bell rings and the match gets underway. Twilight and Barbedwire Chris run at each other and a couple of mouse traps set off but don't get them. They lock up. Chris over powers Twilight and pushes him back. Twilight charges back in only to receive a knee to the stomach Chris then hits Twilight with an arm drag take down and a couple of traps set off snapping him in the back. Twilight lets out a scream of anguish. Chris picks twilight up and sends him into the ropes then charges in with a tackle. Chris then grabs a hold of Twilight and lifts him up onto the turnbuckle and himself climbs up onto the second turnbuckle. Chris gets ready for a superplex but Twilight throws him down and more mouse traps get Chris. Twilight then leaps off of the top and lands a leg drop. Twilight begins to help Chris up only to be given a back body drop. Twilight lands on his feet then hits the ropes and dropkicks Chris in the back of the head sending him face first into the canvas and a mouse trap snaps him in the face causing blood. Twilight walks over to Chris and hits a roll-up ...1...2...KICKOUT! Twilight picks Chris up and hits a DDT on him. Twilight rolls Chris over then runs against the ropes and comes back landing a senton splash. Twilight stands up and grabs Chris throwing him into the ropes. Chris comes back and ducks under a clothesline. Chris hits the ropes and goes for one on Twilight who ducks it. Chris hits the ropes but as he turns around Twilight hits a savate kick that sends Chris over the top.]

JR: This match is brutal.

King: *Staring up at the ceiling.*

JR: What are you doing!?

King: Waiting for God to come down and strike them both dead.

[Barbedwire Chris starts to stumble to his feet as Twilight runs against the ropes and leaps over the top rope with a summersault smash, but Chris moves out of the way and Twilight smashes down hard. Chris searches under the ring apron looking for a weapon. He finds a table and pulls it out. He sets it up and grabs a hold of Twilight. Chris delivers a piledriver on the steel rampway to Twilight. Chris grabs a hold of Twilight's hair and pulls him up. He throws Twilight into the ring apron, then walks down and picks him back up again rolling him onto the table. Chris climbs up on it, and sets Twilight up for another piledriver, but Twilight headbutts Chris in the groin. Twilight then rears back and chargers into Chris taking both of the men down. Twilight gets up and grabs the steel steps. He smashes them onto Chris. Twilight then reaches under the ring and pulls out a ladder. He sets it up near the table and climbs up midway. When Chris finally makes it to his feet and turns around Twilight leaps off hitting a flying cross body. Twilight helps Chris up, but Chris grabs a hold of Twilight and picks him up into the air. Chris then rams Twilight into the ring post then falls backwards dropping Twilights jaw across the security railing. Barbedwire Chris points to the ladder as he climbs the side closest to the table. He makes it halfway up as Twilight gets back to his feet. Chris makes it two rungs from the top and Twilight in a desperate attempt charges in and dropkicks the ladder sending Chris through the table with the ladder on top of him.]

JR: Oh my God somebody help him. He's got to be dead.

King: This isn't an Angelus Promo, he's just fine.

JR: When will this end? This is enough damn it!

King: When will you end!?

JR: .........

[Twilight picks up Barbedwire Chris and leans him onto the ring apron the slaps him a couple of times. Twilight rolls into the ring and grabs Chris by his hair pulling him up onto the apron. Chris reaches back and grabs Twilight's head then drops down to the floor snapping Twilight's head off of the ropes. Chris jumps back up on the apron and then leaps up onto the turnbuckle. With a second wind Chris does a flying headbutt from the top onto Twilight. Both men bounce on the canvas and more Mouse Traps go off on both men. Chris starts laughing as he picks Twilight up and sets him up then delivers a powerbomb on some more traps. Twilight starts bleeding profusely. Chris runs and does a double foot stomp on Twilight's stomach. Chris pulls Twilight up and sets him in the corner. Chris rolls out of the ring and grabs the announcers chair. He rolls back in and sets it up lodged in the ropes against Twilight. Chris then does a flying body smash into the chair, into Twilight. Twilight falls down. Chris once again picks Twilight up and sets up near the turnbuckle for a Tornado DDT, as Chris swings around Twilight pushes Chris off of his head sending Chris down to the mat into more traps. Twilight perches on the top turnbuckle. Chris stands up and finds himself on the receiving end of a hurricanrana. Twilight puts Chris into the corner then gets the chair and unfolds it setting it near Chris. Twilight steps back then runs in, jumps off the chair and hits a side smash. Twilight sets Chris up and hits the Darkness Falls. Twilight makes the cover ...1...2...3!]

JR: Twilight has done it, he's retained his Extreme Championship in one hell of a blood bath.

King: *Still staring up at the ceiling.*

JR: Why do I even bother?

*The mouse trap extraordinaire that was the EMF Extreme Championship title defense by Twilight is over, Twilight still with his Extreme Championship and leaving a battered and weary Barbwire Chris in the ring. Chris gets to his feet, stumbling and slouching over on the ropes. Barbwire Chris gave it his all, but his all wasn't good enough. Twilight walks backwards up the ramp, staring down a beaten Barbwire Chris and laughing to himself. Twilight disappears behind the curtains and the last glimpse of the Extreme Championship disappears with him. Suddenly, in the crowd, some movement is seen, the crowd somewhat splitting apart and letting the Ragin' Caucasian, P-Nut through. The Ragin' Caucasian hops the barricade, sliding under the bottom rope and rolling into the ring, unbenounced to Barbwire Chris. The fans sit anxiously as P-Nut slowly and silently walks up behind Chris, P-Nut taps Chris on the shoulder, Chris turning around and falling right into a swift right hand, Chris doubles back into the ropes, P-Nut pushing him into and off the ropes. Chris bounces off the opposite ropes and walks right into a hurricane DDT from the Ragin' Caucasian .. the Ragin' Caucasian jumping up quickly, obviously pleased with his efforts. Chris is up quick though, only to be kicked in the midsection, lifted up in a fisherman's suplex .. and dropped on his head with a DDT, the Ragin' Caucasian's patented move - SAME MISTAKE TWICE! P-Nut looks over the ring announcer and calls for his microphone, Barbwire Chris left barely conscious on the mat*

the Ragin' Caucasian - Christopha', again - you've lost out. Again you've been made a fool of and laughed at. People don't care about your dumb ass, get it straight. Your a joke, just like your career in Japan, and just like your career in the EMF. Your pathetic, just like me, just like Wilts and just like Jarred. You fight for respect when you only end up getting bitchslapped by some loser like Twilight. The very definition of pathetic! I told you to watch your back Christopha', but no .. my threats fell on incoherent ears. From now on, let them ring around in your head and let them bounce around and let you live with them for the rest of your career in the EMF. You don't fuck with me, let it be known that your the first true victim. Christopha', your holding on to a tiny thread of respect, a tiny shred of dignity, stop while you have some. Your done. Everyone in this damn arena knows it and everyone sitting at home knows it. Christopha', your career is as much over as your shot of holding the EMF Extreme Championship tonight. You walked in tonight confident and you walked out beaten by Twilight, like one career earlier tonight, your career is also coming to an end. Let it be known from now on Christopha', you've become the Ragin' Caucasian's bitch. You were the first to make the..

Same Mistake Twice

but lucky for you, you won't be the last ..

*With that said, the Ragin' Caucasian tosses the microphone on Christopha's limp body .. the lights in the arena flickering white and blue as the Ragin' Caucasian slides under the bottom rope and begins to scale the rampway. Chris has been made an example of, the Ragin' Caucasian only further proving his purpose as he prepares to show Chris just what he's capable of. What a night for the Ragin' Caucasian, a night he'll never forget and a night that Chris would rather begin to forget. The Ragin' Caucasian disappears behind the curtains, leaving Chris on the mat much like Twilight had done so beforehand, in a puddle of his own drool*

“Break You” blasts on the PA system as Jarred walks to the ring

King-Not this idiot again…if I ever saw him again in my life that would be one too many times

JR-I would watch out King

King-Oh what is he going to do…get a “restraining order” on me for not liking him


“Widow’s theme” blasts on the PA system as Widow walks to the ring

JR-You know Widow had more to say then Jarred

King-That’s when you know you hit rock bottom…when you’re more worried about a guy named P-Nut…or Wes

[Widow is in the corner not really knowing what to do. Jarred charges at her, but Widow moves out of the way and then hits a few hard kicks into the gut, Widow then hits a few stinging forearm shots to the face of Jarred and then goes up and goes for a 10 punch combo 1..........2.............3......Jarred the pushes Widow off the combo and Widow lands on her feet. But Widow lands on her feet, Jarred charges and then hits a clothesline that flattens Widow to the mat. Jarred yells a few things at Widow and then Jarred drags Widow into the corner and then Jarred starts to choke Widow with his boot the ref counts to 5 and makes Jarred break the choke. Jarred then backs off and then starts to choke Widow again. This time the ref counts to 5 and then starts to yell at Jarred. Jarred just laughs and pulls Widow up and then whips her to the ropes, Widow bounces off the ropes and then leaps in the air for a cross body block. But Widow is caught by Jarred who then hits a fall away slam. Widow rolls from the outside. The group of wrestlers hit a few stomps on the downed Widow and then rolls her into the ring, the ref is over yelling at them because their only their to roll her in. While the ref is doing this, Jarred is taking off the turnbuckle covering exposing the steel ring on the turnbuckle and then takes the paddle off as Widow crawls into the ring. Jarred then grabs Widow by the hair and then throws Widow into the corner with the paddling off and then Jarred goes to the other side of the ring. Then yells a few things at the crowd as they all chant “Jarred sucks” Jarred then charges at Widow and then goes for big splash in the corner. But Widow moves out of the way and Jarred, Jarred goes crashing head first into the steal and goes to the mat. Widow seeing this chances climbs to the top rope and then leaps off and nails the Widow sault! Widow goes into the cover and gets a 1……………….2……kick out Widow goes flying half way across the ring.]

King-I bet Widow is wondering if their selling peanuts on that flight she just took


[Widow gets up as Jarred is making it to his feet, Widow hits a few hard fists. But Jarred just takes Widow and then hits a knee to the gut. Widow the drops to the mat in pain from something….Jarred backs away with a confused look on his face as “Oh Hell Yeah”. The wrestlers and police officers all rush near to the entrance threatening him.]

JR-Doesn’t look like Wes doesn’t want to take the advice of our Vice President

King-It’s not like anyone listens to her anyways….I mean look at Angelus and Jarred. She tells them that her and Jericho aren’t coming for their careers yet and it just flies over their heads…but then again those two are idiots anyways.

[Suddenly the lights go off and then a few loud crashes are heard, then the lights come back on as Ashlee Ikeda is standing over Jarred with a steel chair! Ashlee pulls the hurt Widow out of the ring and starts to run like hell. Jarred gets up holding his head and gives chance to the girls as the lumber jacks just realized what happen. Jarred chases Widow and Ashlee who are pretty much gone through the crowd

“Dirty D’s theme” blasts on the PA system as Johnny and Shane walks to the ring

King-What are these two idiots doing here

JR-They are one of our few tag teams


“Enforcers theme” blasts on the PA system as Enforcer and ????? walks to the ring

King-Who his mask man?

JR-Not sure King

King-Well the last one was Road….*shudders at that thought* “TwilighT theme” blasts on the PA system as Twiilght and Impact walks to the ring



King-Oh Van Man took over my body there for a second, I’m alright now

[Impact and Johnny start out and lock up, Impact then hits a few hard knee's into the gut and then stumble Johnny back and then measures up Johnny and then nails him with a few hard fists that back him to the ropes, the ref tells Impact to back it up. He does and then kicks Johnny into the gut and then sets up and hits a northern lights suplex with a bridge to get a 1..........2.....kick out. Johnny gets up and then Impact goes for a standing clothesline. But Johnny ducks it and then runs to the ropes and then bounces off the ropes. Impact turns around and then throws Johnny in the air. Johnny is able to counter this move into a hurricanarana. Impact gets up and then charges at Johnny, Johnny counters this with a inverted atomic drop. Impact stumbles back in pain and then Johnny kicks Impact in the gut and then gets him up for stalling vertical suplex. Johnny holds Impact up their for a good amount of time and then drops him into the mat, Johnny then goes into the cover and gets a 1………..2……….kick out. Impact then pulls up Johnny, then goes for a power bomb. But Johnny is somehow able to land on his feet. Impact goes for a clothesline, Johnny ducks it and continues running to the other side of the ring and bounces off the ropes. Impact turns as Johnny leaps in the air for a flying cross body block, but Impact ducks to the mat and Johnny goes flying to the mat and rolls to the outside. Impact then waits for Johnny to get up, Impact then runs to the ropes and then leaps between the ropes and then takes him out with a suicide dive and takes out Johnny on the outside. Both wrestlers are down and then Enforcer and ???? drop down off the apron and then start to stomp down on Impact and Johnny. Suddenly Dirty comes flying and then knocks down ?????? with a flying cross body block from the steel steps and then hits a few seated punches. Enforcer pulls Dirty D off of ???? and then throws him hard against the steps and then rolls Johnny back into the ring again. Then Impact slowly gets to his feet and then steps up on the apron and goes to the top rope. He slowly makes it to the top rope and then leaps off for a flying ax handle on Johnny. But Johnny is able to counter the move with a drop kick that catches Impact in mid air.]

JR-Big Mistake by Impact

King-That’s what high risk moves gets you

[Both wrestlers are down and aren't getting up for some time. But slowly they start to crawl into the different corners. Impact and Johnny make it to their corner and Enforcer tags himself in while Johnny tags in Shane. Shane who doesn't seem all stoned like usually runs into the ring. Enforcer charges to meet him with a running clothesline. But Shane ducks it and hits a few hard fists to Enforcer that back him to the ropes, Shane then whips Enforcer to the ropes. Enforcer bounces off the ropes and then Shane goes for a standing clothesline. But it's ducked under and then Enforcer continues to the other side of the ring and then bounces off the ropes and then Shane catches him with a power slam and goes into the cover and gets a 1.............2.........???? comes into the ring and then hits a kick to the back of the head to break up the count. ????? pulls up Shane and then whips him to the ropes, Shane bounces off the ropes and leaps in the air and then catches ?????? with a flying forearm. ?????? gets up stunned and Shane hits a standing drop kick that sends ???? flying to the ropes and then Shane measures ??? up and then charges and then nails him with a clothesline over the top rope. While he's not paying attention Twilight tags himself in as Enforcer is down. Twilight seeing this chance climbs to the top rope trying for “Darkness falls” but before he can Shane comes over to that corner and then throws him off the corner and sends Twilight flying on his back. Shane goes to the apron and then order is restored. Enforcer pulls up Twilight, and whips him to the ropes. Twilight bounces off the ropes and takes Enforcer down with a leg scissors hurricanarana.]

Jr - What a perfectly well placed leg scissor hurricaranna king Jerry Lawler - I've seen better

Twilight picks Enforcer up by the head and gives him a huge suplex. Twilight run's against the ropes and gives the downed Enforcer the "Rolling Twilight". He goes for the cover 1...............2................Kick Out ! Twilight throws Enforcer into the corner and goes for the tag to Impact. Twilight tags in Impact. Impact unloads on Enforcer with rights and lefts to the stomach. Impact pick's up Enforcer... but Enforcer give him a LOW BLOW!! Impact begins to reach for a tag and so does Enforcer. Enforcer gets the tag of ??? and Impact misses the tag to Twilight. ??? gives a few stops to the chest of Impact. ??? takes Impact and gives him a crushing german suplex. ??? then stomps on Impact some more. ??? takes Impacts head and throws it to the top rope corner. He then tag's Johhny into the match. Johnny gives Impact an arm bar. Impact elbow's Johnny in the face. Impact run's against the ropes and gets a HUGE clothesline from Johnny !! Johnny goes for the cover..1...............2............KICK OUT ! Enforcer run's in and kicks Johnny square in the face to break the count....

JR- Oh my god King !! He just mutilated Johnny's face !!

Jerry Lawler - Johnny looks like he might be missing some teeth from that shot..

Impact and Johnny both are on the ground looking for a tag. Johnny reaches for a tag from ??? and get's it. Impact gets a tag from Twilight. ??? run's across the ring to Twilight. Twilight spin kicks ??? in the head. Shane then run's toward Twilight and Twilight throws a bunch of right hands and kicks to Shane. Enforcer cracks Twilight from behind !

Jerry Lawler - Its Anarchy in the ring JR !!

Enforcer lifts Twilight up for the SILENCER but Twilight slips out from behind and gives Enforcer the "LIGHTS OUT". Twilight then goes on the top rope.. He call's for his finisher "Darkness Falls" and HITS Enforcer with it ! Twilight starts to crawl for the pin but ??? is just standing right in the center of the ring. Twilight stands up and gets into ??? face and yell's out "Who are you pouser" ?. Twilight sanches the mask right off ???...OMG it's the MESSIAH !!! Twilight stands there stunned. Messiah kicks him in the crouch and pick's Twilight up and give him the "4th COMING" !! Impact turn's around the MessiaH and Impact looks in his face in disbelief. Enforcer tackles Impact from the back. He pick's Impact up and gives him the "SILENCER" out of the ring breaking Impact in HALF. Twilight and Shane begin to get up as Johnny is still out cold. Messiah superkicks Shane in the face. Enforcer and Messiah give each other a high five.. Enforcer then takes Twilights head and yell's out to the crowd, "The Force COMING".. Enforcer goes for the "Enforcer's Edge" but OMG MessiaH is holding Twilights leg's while he's doing the move.." CRACK !!!". WHAT A DOUBLE TEAM !! Twilight hits the floor with a loud thud. Enforcer goes for the cover....1...........................................2.........................................3 !!!!

Annoucer- The winner and NEW TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS, Enforcer and MessiaH !!!

JR- I can't BELIEVE IT, It was Messiah all along !!!!

Jerry Lawler - Messiah was the last person I expected it to be. I guess this means the ALLIANCE is OVER !!!

Messiah and Enforcer raise there hands in the air and taunt with there new tag team belts.

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