EMF: Latino Heat

(The copyright information comes over the screen and then we go into the a highlight video of how all of the matches tonight came together, along with a mention of how this PPV is decaded in the memory of Eddie Guerrero. We go into an introduction screen as the announcer says “and now…Latino Heat 2006!” We go into the darken Cow Palace as pyrotechnics go off on the specially made stage. The lights turn on as fans yell, and wave their signs. Some signs read “this crowd has been thronged”, “Punisher fears Darter”, “Spoiler: Cena wins!”

[Soon after the screen goes back and now it is live and fireworks go off and fans yell and wave their signs]

J.R- What a show we have for you tonight, as a tribute to the great champion eddie Gurrero

King- Thats right J.R we have a great card tonight which is headlined by a double main event. First John Cena defends the world title against challenger AJ Styles. Then we have the golden oppertunity ladder match between Cena and Jericho! Kris- Just think those are only the main events King, the Extreme title will be on the line as well as the return of the Punisher!!. We also have a TV title contenders mini tournament and that starts right now

[Rage's Theme hits as Rage walks down to the ring and poses on the turnbuckle much to the mislike of the fans

J.R- We havent seen Rage in quite some time

King- Hes been given a good comeback oppertunity though.

[Muhhammad Hassan's Theme hits as Hassan taunts the crowd and is followed by Davari]

J.R- Here is the man who has defeated Rex, much to the help of his manager Davari though

Kris- Hes impressive non the less J.R

[The bell sounds and both men want to quickly get the upper hand as they run at each other and tie up. Hassan gets the upper hand and knocks Rage into the turnbuckle. He then goes on top to start the 10 punches, but Rage blocks it off. Rage then runs at Hassan who is on his feet. Hassan ducks under, but Rage comes back off the ropes and hits him with a crossbody. Rage picks Hassan up and gets him up in the air and tries for a powerbomb, Hassan slips through and then plants Rage with a DDT as the ref starts his 10 count]

J.R- Both start by both men

[The ref gets to about 6 and both men get to their feet swinging at each other, Rage leans back on the ropes and is about to run at Hassan but Davari trips him right in front of the ref and the ref sends Davri out!] King- That sucks for Hassan [Hassan is still on the attack as Rage is down. He goes at Rage who then springs up and gets Hassan in a small package 1..2..KICKOUT. Barely. Rage starts the complain, as Hass goes for the schoolboy 1...2.. Rage is about to knock Hassan off and into the referee who is out cold]

Kris- There goes the Ref

J.R- Yep.

[Both men continue to fight, then Davari comes out with a lead pipe and comes behind Rage and swings when Rage turns around, Rage is about to duck and kick Davari, Davari is out of the ring, when Hassan goes up from behind Rage and low blows him. Then nails the flat liner, just as the ref is starting to get up as the ref gets up and counts 1...2...3]

J.R- Hassan advances but who is he facing?

(We go backstage, we zoom in and see the Jericho's sitting down together. Ashley's stroller is near by, but this time Amy has her in her arms. The family seemly enjoying their time together...until it was scattered by a voice that they were not expecting.)

Voice: Cute kid....

(The camera turns to see Pun standing in the doorway of their locker room. Pun sticks his thumbs in his jeans pockets and takes a couple of steps forward.)

Punisher: Although it doesn't favor you as much as I thought, Jericho. Kind of makes you wonder if maybe.....

(Jericho stands up a bit pissed, Amy looks angry as well. But she just stays seated holding on to Ashley).

.::"Y2J" Chris Jericho::.-Well, well, if it isn't big Pun. What hole did you crawl out of, and why didn't you stay in it.

(Pun stares at Ashley for a moment, almost zoned out. He then looks at Jericho and gives his signature smile.)

Punisher: Oh, you was talking to me? I thought you was talking to her until you asked why I didn't stay in the hole. Because let's face it, if I were cave-diving in the mouth of that monster, I wouldn't want to be in there any longer than I had to, either

.::"Y2J" Chris Jericho::.-Figure of speech, first off I don't know why your back here in the EMF. But don't you have any other place to be? My family would have enjoyed the time together alone.

Punisher: Yeah, I have a match later, but that's nothing important. Not as important as seeing this sweet little ball of innocence for the first time. And don't be getting all hostile with me, Jericho. Playing hero is a bad idea for daddy right now. You have a family to take care of. That's hard to do when you're in a full-body cast. In fact, I don't even want to be talking to you right now. I came to see how Hooker of the Year here is doing since the birth.

.::"Y2J" Chris Jericho::.-I don't think that's the problem here....

(Amy cuts Jericho off, not able to take it anymore.)

.::Amy Jericho::.-I think that's just enough Pun, you seen Ashley...you insulted me. Even though you magically disappeared after getting beat by Wes Ikeda, was that loss a little embarrassing?

(Pun cocks his head to the side and his smile fades a little.)

Punisher: Little Miss Attitude, huh? Yeah, it was a little embarrassing. It's an Ikeda. But then again, it isn't the first time Wes beat me. I've beaten him as well, as you might recall. Still yet, it was pretty embarrassing. But how embarrassing was it for you having such an easy labor? Not much pain... not much time. Kinda like throwing a baseball through a hula-hoop, huh?

.::Amy Jericho::.-Very funny, I'll have you know it took hours! There was nothing easy about it.

.::"Y2J" Chris Jericho::.-Tell me about it..

Punisher: Whatever you say, Amy. I heard all about it. So can I hold her? *smiles*

(Amy holds Ashley closer to her, and says.)

.::Amy Jericho::.-I don't think that's a good idea Pun, is there any point to you being here other than seeing Ashley and insulting me?

Punisher: Sort of. I want a title. And I'm not talking lower-class, either. I want the World title. So how about you think of something to make me happy? And quick.

.::Amy Jericho::.-Well if you haven't noticed Pun, AJ Styles is going to be facing Cena here tonight, and the way you have treated me and my family. Why exactly should I give you a world title shot off the bat like that? You just came back, and treated us like this...

(Pun looks at Amy a little aggrevated. He walks forward and puts his hands on a nearby chair.)

Punisher: Because I am the biggest star in this business, Amy. I'm a Grandslam champion. If not for me doing what I've done for this company, it probably wouldn't be around right now. Now you might not like me, and I don't sure don't like you two, either. But I've got nothing left to prove. Don't sit there and tell me I have to earn my shot. I've done enough earning in my career to be put at the top of the list automatically. Piss on AJ Styles. He can have his match. He can have one or two more for all I care. And if he wins the World title, good for him. But make note of this. In the near future, I'm gonna get my World title shot, no matter who I have to run through to get it. And that incudes your husband here, yourself, and even that cute little offspring you hold so near and dear to you.

(Jericho's about to say something, but Amy gives him a look that she doesn't want a fight here with Ashley so close)

.::Amy Jericho::.-Speaking of that, watch your mouth! I doubt it would be that easy to just go through us. But I know one thing, and your not going to go near our baby! As for your world title shot, we'll see Pun, I quite frankly don't think you deserve it. But I do realize what you done, and how dangerous you really are. We will see in the future. We might not like you, but if it gets to Cena...who cares?

Punisher: Just make sure you think long and hard before you make a decision. *Pun looks at Ashley* Wouldn't want you to make a wrong one.

(Pun turns around and starts to head out the door.)

Punisher: Oh, and by the way. I thought about getting you a gift to congratulate your new family. But I figured the trip to Iraq was enough. You kids take care of yourself...

(The Jericho's get confused looks on their faces after the mention of Amy's trip to Iraq. Their about to respond, but Pun walks away. They sit down next to each other as they were, bothered about the whole conflict with the returning Punisher, as we go back to the ring

[CJ Lethal’s Theme hits as he walks down to the ring and over the ropes much to the liking of the fans]

J.R- Heres a man who wouldn’t mind getting his hands on Marc Mead and taking his title

Kris- That’s for sure

[“Addicted” hits as Morphine walks down to the ring much to the hatred of the fans]

J.R- Impressive debut by this man defeating a former champ

King- Don’t become to addicted JR

[They are both in the ring, having a stare down as Morphine looks at Lethal and talks some trash. Lethal is mad about this and grabs Morphine and tries to kick his legs from under him. Morphine jumps. Morphine ducks under a forearm by Lethal and hits him with a back body drop. Morphine heads to the top, but Lethal pushes the referee and knocks Morphine off the top. Lethal begins kicking Morphine. Morphine starts to get up but Lethal senses it and puts Morphine in a headlock and ground him. Morphione is about to grab the ropes and break the count. Lethal lets go put goes quickly back on the attack as he does to the top rope and attempts an elbow drop, Morphine moves out of the way quickly]

J.R- That’s not like CJ Lethal

King- It was too risky

[Morphine gets up his and pulls CJ up, using the rope Morphine starts to chock Lethal, but has to stop at 4. Morphine gets Lethal to his feet and spears him down an then gets back up and bounces off the rope and hits him with a legdrop. Morphine goes for the pin 1…2..KICKOUT. Morphine gets back on the attack and goes for a sharpshooter. CJ Lethal is crying out in pain but about a minute later is able to grab the ropes and slide outside the ring. CJ grabs Morphine feet and rings him against the rope by his neck, Morphine falls!

King- That only happens in video games!

[ Lethal goes back in the ring and sets Morphine up for the Lethal Bomb, as he moves him over to the top rope, Morphine is able to move though and hit Lethal with a shoulder block. Lethal is in pain but gets up. Morphine is waiting and goes for a suplex which CJ is about to block and then counter with one of his own. Suddenly with a quick burst of speed Morphine is able to get up faster than the surprised CJ Lethal. Morphine lifts him up for a brainbuster. CJ Lethal tries to turn out of it but itsnt able to. Morphine goes for the pin 1…2…3

J.R- Morphine advances

King- It will be Morphine and Hassan in the finals

“Don’t ch” blasts on the PA system as Joy walks to the ring, and she gets in the ring to an encouraging response

JR-You have got to feel for this woman

King-I’m just glad she didn’t come out to her theme of DOOOM

Kris Gaffney-Yeah

“Joy’s theme of Doom” plays


“All the things she said” blasts on the PA system, as Serena Hughes walks to the ring with Marc Mead. She steps into the ring and waits for Becky Bayless

JR-I would say that her age is odd, but in the EMF it isn’t too abnormal.

King-Yeah, Toby made sure about that

Kris Gaffney-Where is Toby anyways?

King-Probably still trying to score, not even the fact that there is another dinosaur in the EMF will make Raptor let his guard down.

“Better than you” blasts on the PA system as Becky Bayless walks to the ring with Triple M

JR-She hasn’t broken through just yet, she’s gotten close…but seems to lose due to bad luck

King-Hate when that happens…

[Becky Bayless comes into the ring and then charges into the ring and then takes down Serena Hughes with a double leg take down and then hits a few fists to the face and then Serena Hughes is able to shift the weight so that Becky Bayless is on the mat now and then Serena Hughes hits a few fists to the face. Suddenly Serena Hughes comes out of no where and then hits a low drop kick to the back and then Serena Hughes falls off her rival and then Joy takes over and then hits a fews stomps on the downed Serena Hughes and then Serena Hughes gets up to her feet despite being attacked and then Serena pushes Joy away and Joy comes back and then Joy hits a few fists and then whips Serena to the ropes and then Sernea bounces off the ropes and Joy lowers her head for a back body drop and then Serena counters with a kick to the face. Joy pops up in pain, and stumbles back and then is by the ropes and then Serena throws a fist, and connects. But Joy answers with one of her own, suddenly Becky Bayless tries to attack them both to hit what seems to be a double clothesline. But Joy and Serena Hughes are able to side step the attack from behind, and then they take Becky Bayless and throws her through the ropes to the outside and then she would crash on the mat. But she luckly goes right into Triple M, who catches her. And puts her down, Becky Bayless decides to think of something else, and let Serena Hughes and Joy beat the hell out of each other. Serena uses Becky’s interference in their fight to hit a poke to the eye, and then Joy stumbles back and then Serena Hughes hits a few fists to the face and then tries to whip Joy to the ropes and then it’s reversed by Joy and then Serena comes off the ropes and then hits a running forearm to the face of Joy. Joy goes to the mat and then stumbles up to where Serena Hughes is standing and then Serena Hughes picks up Joy and hits a body slam on Joy. Serena Hughes thinks of what is next and then she decides to go to the outside and then climbs to the top rope. But Joy is already on the way up, and then she goes over to where Serena Hughes is and then hits a fist to the face and then Joy who thinks she has Serena Hughes stunned enough. She goes up the turnbuckle, and then Serena Hughes comes alive and hits a few fists on Joy. Joy falls to the mat, Serena Hughes is able to stand on the top turnbuckle and leaps off and nails a top rope leg drop that connects with Joy.]

JR-Good move by Serena, that could very well win it right here!


Kris Gaffney-Wouldn’t be that surprised, but I doubt it.

[Serena Hughes goes into the cover, and then gets the 1………………..2…………..before the final 3 can go down if it was going to go down. Becky Bayless reaches into the ring and then pull Joy to the outside and then Becky Bayless takes Joy by the hair and then throws her against the ring post. Joy goes down to the mat, and then Serena Hughes figures out what happens, and then she goes over as Becky Bayless is able to get to the apron. Serena Hughes hits a few fists to the face, and looks like she might try for another fist. Then Becky Bayless hits a hagman on the top rope that sends Serena Hughes stumbling back and then Becky Bayless gets on the apron, and climbs to the top rope. Becky Bayless measures up, and then leaps off the top rope, when Serena Hughes is where she wants her to be, and then Becky Bayless is able to catches Serena Hughes with a flying cross body block and into the cover 1………2…………kick out by Serena Hughes. Serena Hughes gets up an then Becky Bayless hits a few fists to the face of Serena Hughes. Becky Bayless whips Serena Hughes to the other side of the ring and then Becky Bayless runs into the corner after Serena Hughes crashes into the corner. Then Becky Bayless leaps and hits a monkey flip that sends Serena Hughes half way across the ring, and crashing down. Serena Hughes rolls the rest of the way out of the ring.]

JR-Becky Bayless has the momentum

King-Maybe she’ll pull it off this time?

Kris Gaffney-Wouldn’t that suck for Serena? She wins the other matches, but loses when it matters…

[Joy rolls into the ring, but she seems not really into it. She stumbles right into Becky who. Hits her finisher, Becky falls back to the ropes. But before she can go for the cover, Serena Hughes hits a chair shot to the back. (OOC-It's a triple threat, thus no DQ) Becky goes down, and then Becky Bayless gets pulled out of the ring and then Serena goes into the cover and gets the 1……………2………..3]

JR-Damn it! Serena cheated

King-Hey, it’s a PPV for Eddie Guerrero isn’t it

Cole-WHOOO, that makes it all good


(OOC-What can I say Becky, Serena’s RPer just showed why her other character is a champion and wrote a over powering RP. I’m sorry that you have put into this situation, I think as long as I get the chance, we will try to find a better way to build you up. Thanks for not getting too discouraged.)

[“Kennedy” blasts over the PA system as Ken Kennedy walks to the ring cockily as he holds the Extreme Championship on his shoulder]

J.R- Kennedy…Kennedy!!!!!!

King- Champion….Champion

[“For whom the bells tolls" hits as Rex walks to the ring]

J.R- Its Rex’s first title chance

[“Stranglehold" hits as he walks down to the ring]

[The three men stand in the ring and two challengers both go and attack the champion. Rex and Pond both double suplex Kennedy. Once both the men get up, they turn on each other trading punches. Dewey Pond gets the upper hand and throws Rex to the ropes, but Rex stays on the ropes, Dewey surprised by this, and from behind Ken Kennedy goes for the schoolboy. At the count of two Rex comes flying to break it up, Kennedy moves and Rex lands on Pond. Following this Kennedy backbody drops Rex he goes for the pin 1..2 KICKOUT]

J.R- Champion is strong right now. Ken Kennedy that is

[Kennedy goes and starts attacking Pond, hitting him with a DDT. He sets him up for a spear but Rex cuts that off with a spear on Pond of his own. Rex then goes after the champion Kennedy hitting him with a leg sweep and then goes to the the tope and hits him with a flying shoulder block off the top once the champion gets up. Rex quickly goes for the pin and gets 1…2…BREAKUP BY POND. Pond then starts kicking and stomping on the neck of Rex but Rex tries to fight back. Kennedy gets up and bounces off the ropes and hits a double closeline on both of the challengers for his title. He hits a standing leg drop on both men with different legs at the same time. He covers Rex and gets the 1…2….KICKOUT]

King- Close

[Dewey Pond is the next to get up and he and Kennedy. Pond gets the upper hand as they battle. Pond ducks under a punch and tries to hit Kennedy in the eyes who blocks it. Keneedy then grabs Dewey Pond by the head and takes him over to the top rope. He stands on the top and begins the 10 punches 1….2….3…4 Pond hits a shot to the gut and throws Kennedy to the outside. Kennedy crashes through a table that Rex set up at some point.]

J.R- Uh oh


[Rex slides into the ring after throwing a few chairs into the ring. He slides into the ring, and then pours some tacks on the mat. Turns around, and Rex gets blasted by a steel chair by Dewey Pond. Luckly Rex just goes down to the mat, because had he backed up a few steps. He would have fallen into the tacks. Rex stumbles up, Dewey Pond hits a few fists to the face. Rex backs closer, and closer to the tacks. Seeing this. Dewey Pond backs up and tries to shoulder block Rex into the tacks. But it's blocked, and Rex hits a one man flap jack into the tacks.]

JR-Oh god! And the surprising thing that Dewey Pond and Rex are getting up

King-This is more hardcore than Petey Williams

Kris Gaffney-Yeah, like that's hard

[Dewey Pond rolls around in pain, but with the will to win. Dewey Pond gets up to his feet with his back turned. Rex has a chair ready to blast Dewey Pond. What Rex doesn't see, Dewey Pond has a chair as well. Pond is turning, Rex goes for a chair shot. But both Rex and Pond hit the chair shot on each other. Rex stumbles back, and falls out of the ring. Pond stays on his feet, and Kennedy comes out of no where and school boy's Pond, and gets the 1...........2.........3]

JR-Damn it, Pond and Rex were doing the fighting. While Kennedy waited for his spot and got out of this match with his title in tacked

King-Hey it was smart

(OOC-I think Rex put it correctly, apples and oranges. Since we had to make a choice, this is how we felt. That we weren't feeling the build up for Rex as usual. We did understand what he was trying to say through it. But I won't go into detail about it other than that. But yeah, if that factor was different...the result COULD be different. Since that happened, I tried to make Rex and even Pond (who only didn't RP because he was gone longer than he thought) look good. Hopefully it was acceptable)

Bad, Bad Man hits and Cena makes his way onto the stage. He has the World Title draped over one shoulder and the Tag Team Title on the other. Natasha Jones is behind him. The crowd is booing as Cena walks into the ring. He looks up at the briefcase hanging above the ring and rubs his hands together at the prospect of getting his Golden oppertunity.)

Finkle: "The following is the First Ever Golden Oppertunity Ladder Match! On his way to the ring... accompanied by Natasha Jones... One half of the EMF World Tag Team Champions... and the EMF World Heavyweight Champion.... JOHN CENA!"

("Break Down the Walls" plays and Chris Jericho comes out onto the stage with Amy just behind him. The fans are roaring for Jericho as he comes down the ramp and into the ring. The bell sounds and the match is underway. Cena points up at the briefcase and seems to be taunting Jericho that it's as good as his. Jericho challenges Cena to throw the first shot. Cena needs no invitation and knocks Jericho down with a strong right hand. He the goes down and begins hammering away on him. Jericho takes it and then catches one of Cena's shots and rolls through so he can fire away at Cena instead. Jericho then stops and gets up. Cena climbs to his feet and then Jericho runs and clotheslines him down. Jericho then stamps on a downed Cena for a short while. He lets Cena stumble up and then hits a suplex. Jericho then goes to the side of Cena and locks in an armbar.)

J.R: "Determined start from Jericho against our World Champion...."

King: "Cena ALWAYS finds a way J.R... I told you this before..."

Kris: "I'm sure King... how much did you bet this time?"

(Cena looks to be in pain but he battles up to a verticle base. Cena then hits elbows on Jericho and he releases the hold. Cena then hammers away at Jericho and whips him across the ring. Cena charges and hits a flying shoulder tackle. He lifts Jericho up and throws him into a corner. He goes over and climbs to the middle rope and begins to hit a 10 punch combo on Jericho... 1... 2... 3.. 4... Jericho blocks the 5th and throws Cena back to the mat. Cena was expecting it and runs and clotheslines Jericho into the corner. Jericho stumbles out of it and Cena kicks him in the gut and goes for a DDT. Jericho throws him off though and hammers on Cena again. Jericho throws Cena into the ropes and just as Cena bounces off Jericho goes for an enzuigiri but Cena dodges to the side. Jericho stumbles and then Cena shoves him hard and Jericho goes over the top rope. He clings on but Cena then clotheslines him to the floor.)

J.R: "Jericho might be the good guy here... but I don't think he'd hesitate to bring a weapon against Cena...."

King: "No way... I just hope Cena can avoid it!"

(Jericho goes under the ring apron and brings out a Steel Chair. He rolls into the ring and Cena stamps on him as he does. Jericho drops the chair and Cena picks it up. Cena smashes Jericho hard across the back with it. Cena waits for Jericho to stumble up holding his back. Cena then uses the chair and hits Jericho in the gut. He drops the chair as if he is going to DDT Jericho onto it. Jericho however grabs Cena's legs and pulls them from beneath him and Cena falls to the floor and hits his back on the chair instead. Jericho then lifts Cena off the mat and Irish Whips him into the turnbuckle. Jericho picks up the chair again. He waits a few seconds and then charges at Cena. Natasha gets up on the apron and shoves Cena out of the way. Jericho tries to pull out but can't. The chair hits the turnbuckle and bounces back into Jericho's head and the crowd boo.)

J.R: "Cena caught in no mans land there... saved by Natasha!"

King: "The champion would have got out on his own..."

Kris: "Sure he would have! And then he'd have leapt and got the case without a ladder!"

(Cena sees Jericho on the mat and laughs. Amy Jericho meanwhile is shouting at Natasha. Cena rolls out of the ring and walks around it a bit and grabs a ladder. He throws it into the ring. Cena rolls under the ropes and back into the ring. Jericho gets up though and charges at Cena hitting a clothesline. Cena falls to the mat and Jericho begins hitting away at him. He then picks up Cena and hits more right hands. Jericho picks Cena off his feet and carried him towards the ladder and hits a sidewalk slam on to it! Cena screams out in pain and Amy is beaming at ringside. Jericho then takes Cena off the ladder and hits more strong right hands to the face. He lifts Cena again and hits a Scoop Slam. He then rolls Cena onto the ladder.)

J.R: "Chris Jericho finally in control of the champion here...."

King: "Yea... but ho cares! It's AJ he's focusing on..."

Kris: "Who says that oppertunity isn't worth more than the World Title itself?"

(Jericho taunts and the crowd cheer loudly and then he runs and springs off the ropes for the Lionsault. Cena rolls out of the way and Jericho crashes into the ladder. Jericho looks hurt and then Cena plants him with a DDT. Cena calls for the 5 knuckle shuffle and the crowd boo. Cena then nails the move onto Jericho. Cena goes to Jericho's feet and applies the STFU! Jericho attempts to get towards the ropes but Cena wont allow it. Jericho is yelling out in pain in the hold. Amy Jericho then rolls into the ring and Cena sees her coming and releases Jericho and srpings to his feet. Amy backs away from Cena and Cena walks slowly towards her. Amy is semeingly pleading with Cena not to hurt her when all of a suddern Jericho smashes Cena from behind with the chair.)

J.R: "This one going back and forth... and the women at ringside causing huge distractions!"

King: "Can't blame Cena and Jericho from being distracted by them...."

(Jericho is still seemingly hurt by the STFU as he clutches at his leg. This slows him down but then he is able to hit some stamps on Cena. Cena manages to roll to the ropes and attempt to pick himself up. Jericho clotheslines Cena and he goes over the ropes and onto the apron. Jericho then runs at him but Cena hits a headbutt on Jericho through the ropes. Cena then climbs into the ring and hammers away on Jericho. He kicks Jericho in the gut and lifts him for the FU! Jericho however grabs hold of the top rope, preventing Cena hitting the move. Cena instead proceeds to hit a version of it which lifts Jericho over the top rope and causes him to fall to the outside. Jericho gets up quickly and climbs back onto the apron where he is met by a ladder shot from Cena, sending him into the barricade. Cena then takes the ladder and sets it up in the middle of the ring, but seeing Jericho is stiring he grabs the chair and rolls to the outside.)

J.R: "Momentum in this match changes so God Damn quickly it's untrue...."

King: "I know what you mean... just when i'm celebrating Cena's win it changes right back again!"

Kris: "Why do you like Cena anyway. He's the man that beats you to all the Divas...."

(Jericho is trying to get to his feet with the aide of the barricade. Cena runs over and holds the chair above him. He's about to strike it down onto Jericho's head when it's pulled from behind him by Amy! Obviously Cena wasn't expecting it so he loses it. Amy throws it away and then hits a slap on Cena. Cena says he enjoyed it and asks Amy to do it again. Suddernly Jericho suplexes Cena from behind so Cena lands head first on the hard floor. Jericho rolls into the ring and points up to the briefcase which gets the crowd going. Cena however gets up and rolls into the ring. He grabs Jericho's foot and pulls him off the ladder. Cena and Jericho begin trading punches. Jericho is winning it though and then he kicks Cena in the gut and takes him down by the legs and is able to roll Cena over and into the Walls of Jericho!)

J.R: "My God... The Walls are locked in!"

King: "No submissions... Jericho's wasting time...."

Kris: "You didn't say that bout the STFU did you...."

(Cena is clearly feeling pain as Jericho applies the pressure. Suddernly Natasha gets onto the apron holding Cena's World Title. She tries to get into the ring but Amy pulls her down. Natasha looks angry but when Amy doesn't use any force, Nat backs down too. (OOC-Could be changed, but it hasn’t been decided whether or not this was what the RPers wanted yet. There are some issues, but if it’s changed. It’ll just go further) Cena meanwhile has crawled to the ropes. He uses the ropes to help him crawl to his feet and eventually ecapes the hold. Jericho turns and Cena ducks out of the ring. Jericho mocks him for it. Cena goes under the apron and brings out... His Sledgehammer! Cena rolls into the ring and Jericho hits shots on him. He backs Cena against the ropes but Cena is eventually able to swing his arm a little and catch Jericho's hand with the hammer. Jericho looks in pain and then Cena takes aim and smashes Jericho with the hammer to the gut. Jericho goes down and Cena walks over to he ladder and begins to climb.)

J.R: "I don't know if Jericho can get up from a sledgehammer shot straight in the gut!"

King: "He's taken worse.... but then again this is Cena!"

(Cena gets almost to the top of the ladder and then Jericho makes it to his feet. Jericho in turn tries to ascend the ladder from the other side. Cena has an obvious advantage and reaches the top first. He reaches out and gets a hand on the briefcase but it slips away from him.Cena reaches again and grabs it but again it moves away. Jericho now reaches the top and hits a shot to Cena. Cena hits one to Jericho and they trade them back and forth. Eventually Jericho gets up to the same level as Cena and then hits 3 in a row. Cena stumbles a little and Jericho grabs him. Jericho then lifts Cena over the top of the ladder and hits a suplex off the ladder with both men crashing to the floor below. Both men land hard on the mat and neither is moving.)

J.R: "My God! They probably damn near killed eachother!"

King: "Oh well... AJ Styles must be happy watching this..."

Kris: "Yea... this is nt good for Cena!"

(Jericho and Cena stay down for quite some time but then Jericho begins to stir. Natasha rolls into the ring and begins slapping at Cena to awake him and my just watches it. It eventually works and Jericho is on his feet. Cena sees this and gets to the ropes to pul himself up. He's taking his time though and Jericho begins climbing the ladder. Cena gets to his feet when Jericho is about half way up. Cena looks hurt and Nat slides him some brass knuckles. Cena puts the knuckles on and begins climbing after Jericho. Jericho reaches the top but seems to run out of energy and be real slow reaching for the title. Cena catches him at the top and the two trade shots again. Cena then takes aim with the fist covered in brass knuckles. Amy shouts out to Jericho who them ducks it and falls from the ladder. Cena smirks and reaches for the briefcase. He gets it in his hand and begins to unclip it. Jericho gets to his feet... and puts one hand on the ladder as if he's going to tip it. He then steps back. He watches Cena try to unhook the briefcase for a bit and then Cena gets a good grip on it. As soon as he has Jericho removes the ladder and lays it under Cena. Cena is left hanging on the briefcase high above the ring. Jericho rolls out and over to Amy on the outside.)

J.R: "What the hell is Jericho doing... he just handed Cena the match...."

King: "And a hell of a lot of pain when he falls...."

Kris: "And after all... thats what Jericho came for isn't it?"

J.R: "Cena's gonna think Jericho knocked the ladder to stop him, failed, and that Cena won it fair and sqaure... what is going on?"

(Eventually Cena pulls the briefcase free from its hook. He falls and consequently lands on the steel ladder. It echoes around the arena and Cena is clutching his back. Natasha rolls into the ring, looking concerned and confused. She helps Cena to his feet and he is able to raise the briefcase high. His them tune plays but he can barely stand.)

Finkle: "Here is your winner.... John Cena!"

(Cena is still struggling in pain. A referee comes in and puts Cena's arm over him to support Cena. Cena hands the briefcase over to Nat and demands his title belts from Finkle. They are passed to him and Cena is grinning at Jericho that he won it. Jericho gives him a sarcastic smile and Cena tells the ref he doesn't need him. Cena rolls out of the ring still looking in pain and he and Nat head up the ramp. Jericho and Amy make their exit after Cena has disappeared behind the curtain.)

(“Problem Solver” blasts on the PA system as Tyson Tomko walks to the ring, he steps into the ring and waits for his opponent Punisher)

JR-Tyson Tomko is without a doubt rising to the top of the EMF, but this will be a different test of sorts.

King-Well, he has the talent….and he knows football…like me!

Kris Gaffney-I thought you were going to say JR?

King-JR knows nothing!

(“Capital Punishment” blasts on the PA system as Punisher walks to the ring, he slides into the ring and then gets ready to start the match.)

JR-You got to wonder if Punisher will walk into this match with ring rust?

King-No, I think he got rid of it 5 beers ago.

Kris Gaffney-Only 5?

King-Hey, training is hard for Pun, just think of the beers that he had to drink to get to that point.

[Punisher and Tyson Tomko face off in the middle of the ring and then they start to trade fists. No one is getting the upper hand, and then finally Punisher ducks under one of Tyson Tomko’s fist’s and then hits a few fists that land without Tyson Tomko able to answer back. Then Punisher tries to whip Tyson Tomko to the ropes. Tyson TOmko reverses the whip and then Punisher goes to the ropes and then bounces off the ropes and leaps in the air surprising Tyson Tomko and knocking him down with a flying shoulder tackle that takes Tyson TOmko down to the mat. Tyson Tomko stumbles up and then Punisher charges and knocks him down with a running clothesline, taking him down once again. Tyson TOmko stumbles up, and then goes into the corner. Punisher hits a knee into the gut a few times, and then Punisher whips Tyson Tomko to the other side of the ring. Punisher crashes into the corner. Punisher charges into the corner and then Tyson Tomko is able to counter the charge with an elbow to the face. Punisher stumbles back, and then Tyson Tomko charges at Punisher. But Punisher is able to counter the charge with a powerslam into the cover, 1….2………..kickout by Tyson Tomko. Punsiher looks annoyed that he didn’t get the cover there. Punisher then starts to choke Tyson Tomko, the ref counts to 4 and then he breaks not wanting to get DQed. Punisher hits a few stomps on the downed Tyson Tomko. Tyson Tomko stumbles to his feet and then Punisher kicks Tyson Tomko in the gut and then sets him up for some sort of suplex. But Tyson Tomko is able to shift his weight as soon as he goes over Punisher’s head and then Tyson Tomko lands on back of Punisher. Tyson Tomko pushes Punisher from the back to the ropes, and then does a roll up from there and is able to roll up Punisher and gets the 1……………….2…….kick out. The kick out sends Tyson Tomko stumbling a few steps and falling out of the ring. Punisher rolls out of the ring where Tyson Tomko is already getting up to his feet and then Punisher takes Tyson Tomko and then hits a knee into the gut and then tries to whip him to the ring post. But it’s reversed and Punisher goes into the ring post and down to the mat.]

JR-Nice counter by the IC champion

King-Well, he’s not the champion for nothing

Kris Gaffney-If he kicks Pun, does that mean he’s going to be yelling…if so…expect me to join in AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH

[Tyson Tomko has to take a few moments to rest, and then Tyson Tomko waits as Punisher stumbles up to his feet and then Tyson Tomko hits a diving clothesline on Punisher to knock down Punsiher and then buys him for more time. Only a little bit though, because Punisher stumbles up and then goes right into Tomko. Tomko is able to hit a quick t-bone suplex on the arena floor. Tyson Tomko realizes that the ref is getting to 10, not wanting it to end that way. Tyson Tomko rolls in, and rolls out to break the count. Punisher is stumbling up to his feet and then Tomko is able to pick up Punisher and drops him face first on the barricade. Punisher would go down, but he is able to use the barricade to keep up a little bit. Tyson Tomko takes Punisher and rolls him into the ring and Tyson Tomko slides into the ring himself and then Tyson Tomko hits a few forearm shots to the face. Tyson Tomko tries to whip Punisher to the ropes, and does and then Punisher bounces off the ropes and then comes off the ropes and then Tyson Tomko goes for a clothesline. Punisher ducks under it and then goes to the opposite side of the ring. Punisher bounces off the ropes and then comes off the other side of the ropes. Punisher leaps in the air as Tyson Tomko turns around. Hoping that he is going to get caught off guard. But he doesn’t, and Tyson Tomko being the power house that he is, is able to catch Punisher and then takes a few steps forward and then hits a fall away slam on Punisher. Tyson Tomko knowing that he got a big move there quickly goes into the cover, and gets the 1………………2…………….KICK OUT at the very last moment. Tyson Tomko looks at the ref with a mixed look. Not believing that he did not get three after that big power move, and not believing that he was that close as well.]

JR-The momentum of this match has changed. The IC champion is taking it to the legend Punisher, and almost had the three there

King-I think Darter’s scare tactics must be having the opposite effect.

Kris Gaffney –Well doesn’t that suck..

[Tyson Tomko let’s Punisher get up, and he goes into the corner and then Tyosn Tomko hits a few fists to the face and then Tyson Tomko whips Punisher to the opposite side of the ring Tyson Tomko follows in. Punisher tries to use the corner and then go over Tyson Tomko. But Tomko catches Punisher over his shoulder, and then nails a running powerslam. Tyson Tomko gets on his feet, and then signals for the big boot. Tyson Tomko goes for it, but at the last second Punisher ducks under. Tyson Tomko has to pull back to avoid nailing the ref. With this momentary distraction Punisher comes from behind and quickly rolls up Tyson Tomko. As the ref goes down, it looks like Punisher MIGHT have the tights (OOC-because I don’t know if it’s a total Pun thing to do, he’s a heel…or seems to be one. So I would assume he would. But I’ll leave it open for the RPers intreputation so that either can calm whatever if another meeting happens) and is able to get the 1…………..2………..3!]

JR-I don’t know, but I think Punisher may have had the tights

King-Let me talk to one of the ref’s from the Arizona Cardinals vs. Seahawks game….somewhere in the future. What do you think?

(The ref has his back turned, and then turns around)

Ref-after reviewing the play….I saw nothing!

Kris Gaffney-Anyone surprised? I’m sure not.

(OOC-Alright, hard match to call, due to a few issues. So I actually had my entire staff help out to figure out the winner here. We decided that after reviewing the RP’s many times, and talking through the issue. That even if the issues we had were left out of the picture (which I didn’t think was the case, the problem wasn’t a problem to me). That it comes down to which text is stronger to you….which in that case, we all still agreed Punisher should get the win in a very close match RP wise. This is part of the reason why I made the ending like this, had Tomko been the winner..it would have been something like that as well. That and I didn’t want either to look too bad in the end. Both wrote good RP’s, so good job to both. I'm really sorry about the wait, it was a bad few weeks for me. (end of semesters are never easy)

(We are live backstage just minutes before the big main event, John Cena defending the World Title against AJ Styles. It appears Cena has been celebrating his big win over Jericho earlier in the night, as quite a number of his friends are assembled there drinking champagne. Natasha Jones takes the oppertunity of John getting into conversation with Dude Nick to slip out of the room. She is carrying Cena's "Golden Oppertunity" briefcase still. Natasha takes the contract out and reads it quickly. She gasps in shock. She seems to re-read it again to make sure she isn't mistaken. She still looks shocked and then, slowly, the expression turns into a small smile. She opens to door to go back in when suddernly she over hears Dude Nick talking particularly loudly...)

Dude Nick: "Come on John have a drink... you can still beat Styles with one!"

Cena: "No I can't. After I beat him we can have as many as you want to celebrate my two wins tonight!"

Dude Nick: "So what was the oppertunity in the end? Bet Jericho is pissed that he missed out...."

Cena: "You know that's a good question. I gave the case to Nat... where has she got to?"

(Cena looks around the room quickly but can't find her. Suddernly Trish walks up to him.)

Trish: "The Punisher and Keneddy match just ended... better get going champ."

Cena: "Where the hell has Nat got to with my briefcase?"

Trish: "No time to worry.... you're gonna have to go."

Cena: "Ok Ok. Pass me my titles will you?"

(Trish goes to a nearby table and picks up the World and Tag Titles and hands them to Cena. Nat panicks and tries to shove the contract back into the briefcase, but Cena exits the room before she can. He sees her there with rhe contract half way out.)

Cena: "What the...."

Natasha: "Oh hi. Ready to go hun?"

Cena: "Did you read it?"

Natasha: "Yea... but no time now we got to go!"

Cena: "What is it? Come on Nat...."

Natasha: "John... you don't want this distracting you. How would you feel if this distracted you and caused you to lose to Styles?"

Cena: "I didn't beat Jericho not to find out! Pass it here...."

Nat: "NO... sorry, but I just really think you should wait until after this match to find out... please John? For me?"

(Cena looks at her suspisciously, but she smiles and it seems to melt him.)

Cena: "Ok.. but this better be worth the wait!"

(Cena puts his arm around Nat and she finishes replacing the contract in the briefcase and they head out to the ring.)

“I am” blasts on the PA system, AJ Styles walks from the pyrotechnics, and does his usual TNA entrance

JR-This is a huge opportunity by AJ Styles

King-Yeah, and he got a big assist by Jericho last match

Kris Gaffney-Although Cena still won

JR-I don’t know, something about that just doesn’t smell right

King-It’s him *points to Kris*

“Bad, bad man” blasts on the PA system, as John Cena walks out…very, very carefully. Obviously feeling the effects of the last match with Natasha Jones.)

JR-John Cena went to hell to win that match, but you would expect no less when you have to go into a match with Jericho.

King-Yeah, maybe this was Amy’s plan the whole time…

[John Cena and AJ Styles face off in the middle of the ring as the World title is being held up. John Cena says a few things to AJ, talking trash. But then he catches AJ Styles off guard and then hits a poke to the eye. AJ Styles stumbles back and then John Cena hits a cheap fist to the face to knock down AJ Styles that draws a lot of boo’s. AJ Styles stumbles to his feet, stunned and then John Cena hits a few fists to the face and then he whips AJ Styles to the ropes, and AJ Styles comes off the ropes. John Cena goes for his pattern fall through hip toss. But it’s blocked, the pain going through the back of John Cena has something to do with the fact he couldn't power AJ over. AJ Styles floats over and then he goes for one himself. But it’s blocked and then AJ Styles goes for a hip toss himself. But AJ Styles is blocked as well. John Cena hits a short arm diving clothesline from there, and then John Cena goes into the cover and gets the 1………………2……….kick out by Aj Styles.. John Cena hits a few stomps on the downed AJ Styles. AJ Styles gets pulled up, and then John Cena hits a few fists to the face of AJ Styles who falls back to the ropes and then John Cena whips AJ Styles to the ropes. AJ Styles bounces off the ropes, John Cena lowers his head and then goes for a back body drop. But AJ Styles using his amazing athletic ability is able to jump over John Cena, and then quickly hit a back sweep kick to knock John Cena quickly on his back and then AJ Styles quickly pulls off a perfect standing shooting star press into a cover 1…………….2……….kick out. AJ Styles looks at Cena, knowing that he’s only stunned for a little bit. AJ Styles looks to hit another impact move. AJ Styles goes to the outside. And climbs to the outside, but before he jumps off. Cena is able to push the ref from behind, and the ref goes to the ropes shaking the ropes making AJ Styles fall on the top rope. John Cena puts him hands up in innocents and slowly goes back to where AJ is crotched on the top rope (the pain from the last match still getting to him) and then John Cena hits a few fists and then climbs up the top rope where AJ Styles is, hooks him and then takes him over with a super plex. AJ Styles and John Cena crash into the mat with the super plex. John Cena slowly turns over into the cover, and gets the 1…………..2…………kick out by AJ Styles.]

JR-AJ kicks out, I think John Cena’s focus was shaken from the last match

Kris Gaffney-Well wouldn’t you be, King you know how it is?

King-Yeah, it’s never fun…especially when it happens to you more than once.

[John Cena looks frustrated, and then he takes AJ Styles by the hair and then picks him up and hits a scoop slam. John Cena puts his hand up to boo’s from the crowd as he does the “you can’t see me” taunt, and goes to the ropes. AJ Styles nips up as John Cena bounces off the ropes and then AJ Styles hits a picture perfect drop kick. But then falls to the mat, and can’t capitalize. The crowd is now on AJ Styles’ side, as they chant his name. AJ Styles is able to get to his feet as he recover after the moves that he’s taken after a while. John Cena is stumbling up, AJ Styles is able to hit a few fists and then follows it up with kick, which is caught and then AJ Styles hits a ezguzi to the back of the head of John Cena. John Cena seems to be really dazed now and then AJ Styles gets up and then hits a few fists to the face and tries to whip him to the ropes. But it’s reverses. AJ Styles goes the ropes and then John Cena goes goes for a clothesline. But it’s ducked under by AJ Styles who waits for John Cena to turn around. John Cena turns around and then AJ Styles from that point is able to hit a monkey flip. John Cena goes flying and crashes near the ropes and then stumbles up to his feet. Stunned, AJ Styles runs to the ropes and then spring boards off the second rope, and hits a flying bulldog on John Cena that drives his head to the mat. AJ Styles goes into the cover, and then the ref counts 1……..while the ref isn’t looking, Natasha puts John Cena’s foot on the rope….2……the ref notices Cena’s foot on the ropes. AJ Styles put his hand’s on his head, thinking he would have had it.]

JR-Damn that Natasha.

King- Eeeerrr, I’d watch out for the red head temper

Kris Gaffney-If you don’t believe that, go get the VP angry at you…

[AJ Styles takes a few moments, as the ref checks on John Cena. John Cena stumbles up to his feet. AJ Styles runs to the ropes, and then runs into John Cena. But John Cena from that position is able to pick up AJ Styles into an F-U attempt. AJ Styles struggles, and then lands on the back of John Cena. AJ hits the Pele kick, John Cena stumbles around and falls to the mat. AJ Styles goes the apron, and then spring boards off the top rope, jumps to the other rope and hits the double jump split legged moonsault on John Cena. Into the cover, and gets the 1……………………2……………John Cena kicks out at the last moment. It looks like Natasha looks like she needs to catch her breath after that one. AJ Styles would call for the Styles clash, but then gets another idea. AJ Styles picks up John Cena, scoops him up and then hits a body slam. Putting in him place. AJ Styles goes to the outside and starts to climb up the top rope. He does a few Eddie taunts as he prepares for the frog splash. AJ Styles is on the top rope, and then jumps off the top rope and goes for the frog splash, and…………………….MISSES. AJ Styles stumbles up, holding his mid section in pain right into John Cena who gets up and then picks up AJ Styles and hits the F-U. Cena goes into the cover, and gets the 1……………….2………….3]

JR-AJ Styles might have had it there. But he crashed and burned on what could have been the finishing move, and with that John Cena pulled it out

Kris Gaffney-Barely..

King-But isn’t that every John Cena match?

(OOC-Although, it was clear to me that Cena just had too much for AJ. I will say that both RPer’s had two very good RP’s that I enjoyed reading. Clearly a lot of thought and effort was put into the RP’s. So good job to both of you! (and hopefully I was able to make both look alright in the match.) Also, there was instructions on how to end this match, I’m pretty sure I got everything. But if something wasn’t quite right, I’ll leave this match open for editing)

Suddenly something happens that Cena was not expecting, as "lovepassionfuryenegry" blasts on the PA system. Amy walks out clapping her hands, with a smile on her face, and takes out a microphone.)

.::Amy Jericho::.-Well, well, well Cena. I bet you think that you got rid of the demon's here at Latino Heat, didn't you? Well, that's what you think...

Cena: "A great athlete like me has no demons... but if I did... they'd easily be removed by beating AJ Styles to keep this *points to the title* and even sweeter... beating CHRIS JERICHO to win this!" *Raises up the briefcase*

.::Amy Jericho::.-Oh things that easy Cena? Sure you barely beat AJ, although I'm sure you just had your title reign flash before your eyes. As for beating Chris Jericho, do you think tha? What if for some reason, Jericho wasn't actually interested in that so called Golden Opportunity as you thought he did....

Cena: "Oh don't think I don't see what this is Amy. I heard the bullshit in his promo about how he didn't care for winning... just an excuse for losing to Cena. He knew he couldn't win so he made an excuse. I know he was desperate to get this... and i'm not going to let you tarnish my achievement by pretending he didn't want it!"

.::Amy Jericho::.-Your right, he doesn't have to make excuses, and I don't need to pretend about anything. Because I told him not to win it, I told him to throw the match. Because really, that golden opportunity is worthless to him, but I'm sure for Chris Jericho there are other's that he's more interested in. But that's none of your business.

Cena: "Yea and i'd believe you why Amy? This oppertunity has got to be something amazing for Jericho to even dream of competing with me for it... coz lets face it... why would he get his ass kicking trying to win nothing?"

.::Amy Jericho::.-Hey Cena, it's not him that's walking around with a limp is it now? So I wouldn't be talking about getting their ass kicked, but as for the golden opportunity....it's worthless for you too. When I made the match, I didn't tell you who the golden opportunity was for....now did I?

Cena: "No you didn't.... but i'm sure your just telling me this coz you are bitter I got it and Chris didn't!"

.::Amy Jericho::.-Is that so? Well...I guess there is only one way to find out whether I'm telling the truth or not....because it's obvious that you don't know what's in there yet.

Cena: "Well it only takes a minute for me to find out!"

(Cena drops his two title belts and then unclips the briefcase. He opens it and takes a look at the contract Nat saw earlier. His jaw drops as he sees it. He throws it to the floor looking angry.)

.::Amy Jericho::.-That's right, that golden opportunity isn't for Jericho....it's not for you....it's for Jackie. When she divorces your ass and takes away everything that she's entitled to. And if we have anything to do with it, MORE.

(Cena looks furious. He rolls out of the ring and looks to be about to run up the ramp after Amy. Amy smiles and backs away a little)

.::Amy Jericho::.-I wouldn't come up here Cena, Jericho's right behind that curtain. Unless you want your ass kicked even more on top of everything that's coming to you. But there is one last thing I want to say, if you do something to me, you'll never know what it is. So I wouldn't take one more step forward.

(Cena stops where he is. He is shouting at Amy but as he has no mic it can't be heard. We presume it's not pleasant...)

.::Amy Jericho::.-That's what I thought...and it's this. Since I'm such a fan of fairy tails....I guess this is where I say...and they live happly ever after

(Amy smiles as her music blasts, and she hurries backstage area before Cena can try to do anything. Cena does not look happy at all as he walks back into the ring. He picks up his championships and then shoves the contract back into the briefcase and closes it. He hands it to Nat to look after again and walks out looking angry. The show goes off air as Cena diappears followed by Natasha holding the Divorce Papers in the Golden Oppertunity Case.)