EMF: Hell on Earth

The copyright information lights on the screen, we go into a video about most of the highlighted matches tonight and then once it ends we go into the arena as fireworks blasts on the specially made stage and then fireworks blasts on the stage, then the lights turn on and then the fans yell.

JR-Welcome to Hell on Earth

King-Also most commonly known as everytime I gotta announce with you

Kris Gaffney-Oh man, they said I was going to announceand get Hoe's haven't seen one of them yet...

JR-Actually I think they said "you were going to announce at HOE) as in Hell on Earth

Kris Gaffney-Damn them!! Always using their knowledge against the newbies

JR - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 225 pounds,, Cactus Jack!!! (crowd cheers ***)

[Cactus Jack comes to the ring. ]

JR - and his opponent, weighing in at 225 pounds,, "Legend Killer" Rich!!! (crowd cheers ****)

["Legend Killer" Rich walks to the ring. Earl Hebner is the referee for this contest. Cactus Jack tests out the ropes. "Legend Killer" Rich strikes Cactus Jack in the elbow. (ring, ring, ring) Cactus Jack throws the chair to "Legend Killer" Rich...Cactus Jack kicks the chair into "Legend Killer" Rich's face!! "Legend Killer" Rich in a waist lock, and he gets planted with a Belly to Belly Suplex onto the chair!! Cactus Jack clotheslines "Legend Killer" Rich. Overhead Belly to Belly Suplex sends "Legend Killer" Rich onto the chair by Cactus Jack!!!! "Legend Killer" Rich gets up. "Legend Killer" Rich executes the brain buster on Cactus Jack. Now Cactus Jack standing. "Legend Killer" Rich hooks Cactus Jack in the abdominal stretch. Referee Earl Hebner is checking for a tap out. ... Cactus Jack trys to escape. ... Cactus Jack trys to escape. Cactus Jack escapes. "Legend Killer" Rich drags Cactus Jack to the floor. Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) Cactus Jack gets bounced off of the ropes and hit with a backdrop diver by "Legend Killer" Rich. ]

The King - That backdrop driver was very good.

[(..2) "Legend Killer" Rich chokes Cactus Jack with a microphone cable. (...3) "Legend Killer" Rich hits Cactus Jack with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle. "Legend Killer" Rich stands up. (....4) "Legend Killer" Rich goes off the top and hits a flying sitdown splash on Cactus Jack. "Legend Killer" Rich gets up. (.....5) They fight into the aisle. "Legend Killer" Rich and Cactus Jack move back to ringside. They fight into the aisle. "Legend Killer" Rich and Cactus Jack move back to ringside. They head back into the ring. "Legend Killer" Rich stomps Cactus Jack. Cactus Jack gets hit with the shooting star press from "Legend Killer" Rich. Referee Earl Hebner makes the count. ...1 Cactus Jack kicks out. "Legend Killer" Rich grabs Cactus Jack's head and hites him in the face. "Legend Killer" Rich powerbombs Cactus Jack. "Legend Killer" Rich executes the front facelock on Cactus Jack. Earl Hebner asks Cactus Jack if he quits. ... ... Cactus Jack is fighting the hold. ... Cactus Jack escapes. Cactus Jack climbs to his feet. Cactus Jack opens up the chair..."Legend Killer" Rich is thrown into the ropes...Drop Toe Hold onto the open chair! Now Cactus Jack standing. Cactus Jack clotheslines "Legend Killer" Rich. Cactus Jack gets elbowed to his midsection by Cactus Jack. Cactus Jack gets hit with a flying forearm right to the face. Cactus Jack moves back to his feet. "Legend Killer" Rich hits Cactus Jack with the Destiny Hammer. "Legend Killer" Rich climbs to the top turnbuckle and jumps off with an Air Sabu on Cactus Jack. Now "Legend Killer" Rich standing. Cactus Jack gets Snow Plowed by "Legend Killer" Rich. Cactus Jack almost gets hit with the RKO from "Legend Killer" Rich. But Cactus pushes him off and then Rich turns around and then gets kicked in the gut and hits the double arm DDT. The ref starts the count. ...1 ...2 ...3

JR - The winner of this match, Cactus Jack!!!

“Johnny Cash’s theme” blasts on the PA system as Johnny Cash walks to the ring

JR-You ever feel you are being rushed

King-The writer feels that all the time when he’s up at 5am on a school day AAAHHHH

Kris Gaffney-….

“Getting away with murder” blasts on the PA system as Rhyno walks to the ring as Cash leaves the ring

JR-You got to wonder if Rhyno’s met his match

King-maybe, may be not

Kris Gaffney-God..I hate April

[Cash comes into the ring and then Rhyno and Cash hit a few hard fists and then Cash is gaining the advantage and then Rhyno hits a knee into the gut and then stops Cash’s momentum and then Rhyno hits a few hard fists and then Rhyno tries to whip Cash off the ropes and then Cash reverses and then whip and then sends him to the ropes and then bounces off the ropes and then Cash hits a quick running forearm on Cash and then Cash goes down to the mat and then Rhyno waits for him to get up and then hits a few kicks to the head of Cash and then Cash rolls away and then Rhyno measures up and then measures and then hits a hard kick into the ribs and then Cash goes rolling a little bit and then gets to his knee’s and then Rhyno pulls him up the rest of the way and then hits a few hard knife edge chops and then tries to whip Cash to the ropes and then he does and then Cash bounces off the ropes and then leaps in the air and then Rhyno is able to catch Cash and then steps a few steps and then his a fall way slam and then Cash rolls to the ropes and then is able to stop and then Rhyno picks up Cash and then whips him to the ropes and then Cash bounces off the ropes and then Rhyno goes for a clothesline but Cash ducks under it and then continues to the other side of the ring and then Rhyno turns around really quick and then is able to hit a quick scoop slam and then into the cover and then gets the 1……………….2……….kick out and then Rhyno takes Cash and then throws him out of the ring and then Rhyno slides out of the ring and then Cash stumbles up and then Rhyno hits a few hard fists and then he stumbles back and then Rhyno tries to whip him to the steel steps. But it’s reversed by Cash and then Rhyno goes crashing into the steel steps and then and then Cash goes down to his knee after Rhyno is on the side of the steps and then Rhyno stumbles up and then Cash gets up around the same time and then kicks him in the gut and then sets him up in a front face lock and then picks him up in a vertical suplex and then drops him on the guard rail and then drops him on the guard rail and then goes up the steps a few steps and then leaps off and then hits a flying leg drop and then taking down Rhyno back into the ring side and then both wrestlers are down on the mat]

JR-That flurry at the end of that exchange is buying Cash sometime to rest, but not much more. He hasn’t gain the advantage just yet

King-Oh come on, you knew that the tide was going to change

Kris Gaffney-You could at least act surprised though King

King-alright…BAH GAWD, WHAT A SLOBBER KNOCKER….wow that sucked

[Cash and Rhyno get up slowly and Cash is a little slower, but Rhyno is more stunned and then Cash charges and then knocks Rhyno over the guard rail with a running clothesline and then takes a few more moments to recover and then jumps on the guard rail and then waits for Rhyno to get up. Rhyno is a few steps away and then Cash leaps off and then hits a flying axe handle and then hits Rhyno and then both wrestlers are down and then Cash is able to get up more easily and then Cash hits a few fists and then Cash starts fighting with Rhyno in the fans. They go through the fans not doing anything special other than throwing a few punches back and forth. Then Rhyno then falls down the steps as the fans dive out of the way and then Rhyno goes all the way to the arena floor and then Rhyno stumbles a few steps forward and then Cash comes from behind and then takes Rhyno by the hair and then throws him into the ring side area. Then he goes over to a fan and then grabs a can of (soda..but it’s most likely assumed to be beer) and then Rhyno stumbles up and then charges at Cash and then spits the soda/beer into the face of Rhyno and then Rhyno is blinded for a second and then Cash smashes the can on the head of Rhyno and then Rhyno goes down to the mat arena floor and then Cash goes over to the ringside and then pulls up Rhyno and then rolls him into the ring and then Cash looks under the ring and then comes out with a steel chair and then goes into the ring and then puts it in the ring as then sets it up in the middle of the ring and then Rhyno is getting up on the ropes and then Cash hits a few hard fists and then whips him to the ropes and then Rhyno tries to bounce off. But then Cash followed him in and then this a knee into the gut and then Cash takes Rhyno and then drives him face first into the chair]

JR-Seems like Cash has firm control of this match King-Yeah, maybe he can finish this match so he can go on to doing other things

Kris Gaffney-It’s like he’s a wrestler 15% of the time, others…not.

[Cash stumbles up and then suddenly Rhyno stumbles right into jackpot. But before he goes into the cover, suddenly Dude Nick comes walking down, Devin Malis goes to cut him off and then Dude Nick and him get in a brawl. Cash is distracted by this fact, Rhyno comes from behind and then quickly rolls him up and then is able to get the 1………..2……….3]

Kris Gaffney-LUCK

(OOC-Everyone this is what you call…a snap decision, I have had so little time. I just needed to read the RP’s once, and make the choice there and it was harder than it looked. Because as everyone can tell Cash’s RP was not focused about 75-85% of the time. But I really felt that when he was, he had an edge with text strength. But since I got so little time, I just need to make a choice and I’m going with the RP that was focused all the way through, had some good basic storyline that was focused. Cash, there is a reason why I put the ending like this is because maybe (and I underline maybe) the outcome might have been different if I had more time, but it’s getting end of semester and that's why I'm so late. I found your storyline to be interesting, but still unfocused…but I do see the skills man. For now just chalk it up to the fact I don’t have the time to examine this match closely. I know you said you were going to drop the issues you had with that, just learn from it. Clearly you’re a skilled RPer, and you will be able to adjust.)
(Lie, Cheat and Steal blasts out over the PA system, as Neddie Guerrero arrives in a low rider.)

Finkle: "The following contest is scheduled for ONE fall, and it is for the EMF Television Championship. Introducing first the challenger.. Neddie Guerrero!"

(Punisher's them now replaces it, as he makes his way down the ramp with his gold medal round his neck and his TV Title over his shoulder. He hands both over to Finkle, and gets in the ring. The bell sounds, and Punisher and Neddie stare eachother down for quite some time. Then Punisher looks like he has explouded, and throws rapid rights and lefts and Neddie. After taking 4 or 5 shots, Neddie catches a fist, and hits back. He then grabs Punisher round the waist and hits a textbook suplex. He turns and stomps on the downed Punisher, before lifting him, and nailing a second quick Suplex. He taunts the crowd a bit, and goes for another stomp, but Punisher moves out of the way. Pun springs up and Neddie turns, and walks right into Pun, who reachts quickly, nailing him with a neck breaker. Pun goes into a quick cover and the ref counts 1.. Neddie rolls a shoulder out.Punisher then waits for Neddie to stumble up, before kicking him to the mid section and going for a DDT. However Neddie hits an elbow to the head to battle out of it, before springing off the ropes and leaping over Punisher, rolling him into a cover as he lands. However Pun rolls through before the ref even begins his count. Neddie continues the assault with some shots to Punisher's leg, and then takes Punisher down with another suplex.)

King: "Neddie Guerrero going all out here.. trying to put Punisher away."

J.R: "Both men giving it 100% in the early going.."

(Neddie spots Punisher holding his left leg as he stumbles up. He then dropkicks Punisher to the weakened leg, causing him to fall. He bends Pun's left leg over the bottom rope, and locks in a hold. The referee counts, and Neddie breaks the hold on the count of 4. Then he again kicks Punisher to the leg. He picks him up, and drills him to the mat with a DDT. He then picks him up sgain and looks for a German suplex, but Punisher out of desperation hits a thumb to the eye. Neddie stumbles back and Pun runs at him hitting a clothesline. Punisher then falls against the ropes holding his leg. Him and Neddie both stumble up at the same time, but Neddie is quicker, and gives Punisher a german suplex! He keeps the hold in, and eventually nails the 3 amigoes. He goes into the cover to score the 1... 2.. Punisher rolls out a shoulder with half a second to spare. Neddie looks like he's about to complain, but then decides against it. However as he picks up Pun, Punisher counters, and breaks out of the grapple hold, and then delivers another clothesline to Neddie. He looks to have shaken off his injury, and sets up Neddie for a textbook powerbomb. He nails it, and Neddie looks hurt from the impact. Punisher goes into the cover and gets the 1... 2... Now it's Neddie's turn to barely survive. Punisher now goes down and begins to punch away at Neddie. He picks him up, and looks to whip him off the ropes for a spinebuster. However Neddie fals over the ropes, and clings on just above the apron.)

King: "I don't know which way this match is going to go..."

J.R: "Early advantage was with Neddie.. Punisher turning the tide here a bit though"

(Neddie hobbles up onto the apron, but Punisher knocks him off to the floor below. He then rolls under the bottom rope, and hurls Neddie into the steps. Earl Hebner slides out of the ring, and tells Pun to bring Neddie back inside. Instead Punisher tries to whip Neddie into the barricade, but Neddie holds onto Pun and reverses the whip, sending Punisher hard into the barricade. He then whips Pun back into the ring, before sliding in himself. He goes to the top rope, but instead of hitting his trademark frog splash, hits a near perfect moonsault. Earl counts 1... 2... Pun gets his foot on the bottom rope. Neddie looks for a second like he's captured the title, but then he looks angry as he spots Pun's foot. He stomps on the foot hard, bending the leg round the rope, leaving Pun is a world of pain. Punisher then uses the ropes to crawl slowly back to his feet, and Neddie runs at him. With no other option, Punisher uses one arm to toss Neddie over his head and to the outside of the ring again. Earl begins his count out.)

J.R: "Neddie must have thought he had it off that frogsplash.." (1)

King: "Him and everyone that's watching..." (2)

(Neddie and Pun are both looknig hurt. Pun stumbles back up (3) and Neddie looks to do the same using the barricade. Neddie limps towards the ring, but Punisher somehow executes a baseball slide sending him into the barricade. However he rolls out of the ring, breaking up the count, and throws Neddie back in. He then gets up on the apron, and as Neddie comes over and Pun jumps over the ropes and hits him with a modified spear. Pun goes into the cover and gets the 1... 2... Neddie kicks out. Punisher lets out a scream, and then nails Neddie with an extremely hard DDT. He covers him again, but once again Neddie somehow kicks out on 2. Punisher now argues with Hebner that he scored a 3 count. Whilst he is, Neddie gets up slowly. Pun turns and walks right into an arm drag, followed by a hurrancanrana into a roll up. Neddie scores the 1... 2.. but Pun again rolls out of it. Neddie now again shouts to the crowd, and looks to be in control.)

King: "So many 2 counts.. this could still go either way."

(Neddie and Puniser are now both up but both looked drained. Neddie runs at him and nails him with a clothesline, knocking him backwards. Then he crawls under Pun's legs, and gets up to nail a German suplex. He keeps it locked and successfuly delivers a second. However as he goes for the 3rd, Punisher counters out and lands on his feet. Neddie turns expecting to see a beaten Pun, but gets a shock to see him standing there. Punihsher sets him up and nails a DDT. Then he shouts that the end is near for Neddie, and picks him up and delivers a hard hitting Falcon Arrow! He goes into the cover and the referee counts 1... 2...)

J.R: "My God... It's that no good MDK!"

King: "MDK just pulled Hebner from the ring!"

(Punisher spins round and stares at Earl shouting at MDK. He teels Earl to get back in the ring and count, but MDK is stopping him. Neddie is able to hit a low blow on Punisher and then Punisher goes down to the mat as the ref's back is turned. Neddie then springs to the top rope before nailing a Frogsplash on the downed Punisher. Hanley takes the chair and runs off the way he came in. Ealr and MDK continue to argue for a bit, before MDK rolls Earl into the ring. Earl counts now 1... 2... SOMEHOW Punisher kicks out. Neddie and the rest of the world is completely stunned at this.. and Neddie is tellnig Earl that Pun could not possibly have kicked out...)

King: "Maybe the Punisher just simply cannot be pinned..."

J.R: "It would certainly appear so... that would have put away just about any other man.. that bit of lying, cheating and stealing..."

(Neddie is still shouing at Earl as Punisher begins to limp upwards. However Neddie then looks to pick him up, hit one vertical suplex, spins the hips and then gets up and then tries to hit another and then Punisher counters and pushes Neddie and then he hits into the ref. The ref goes down stunned and then Punisher goes for a clothesline, but Punisher ducks it and then Pun gets knocked down with a drop kick. Neddie see's the ref down and then smiles. Then goes to the outside and then grabs the chair and then comes into the ring as Punisher is getting up and then once Punisher stumbles up and then Neddie throws him the chair and then Punisher catches it, Punisher throws it back. They do this a few times with Neddie holding it last and Punisher falls back to the ropes, like he was hit and holding the ropes. The ref see's Neddie with the chair and then quetions Neddie about it, Neddie goes all crazy denying he used the chair and then Punisher comes from behind and then school boys Neddie and then is able to hold him for the 1...............2...........3]

Finkle: "Here is your winner, and STILL EMF Television champion, Punisher!"

JR-Punisher stole a page from Neddie's play book there

King-guess crime doesn't pay...I wish it did, I need money...

JR - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 225 pounds,, Dewey Pond!!! (crowd cheers ****)

[Dewey Pond comes to the ring. ]

JR - and his opponent, weighing in at 225 pounds,, Kurt Angle!!! (crowd boos ***)

[Kurt Angle walks to the ring. Earl Hebner is the referee for this contest. Dewey Pond checks out the ring. Kurt Angle checks out the ring. (ring, ring, ring) Kurt Angle get nailed with a double axhandle chop from Dewey Pond. Kurt Angle moves back to his feet. Kurt Angle with an illegal chokehold on Dewey Pond. Kurt Angle hits Dewey Pond with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle. Kurt Angle climbs to his feet. Dewey Pond is back on his feet. Dewey Pond brings Kurt Angle down with a Mexican armdrag takedown. Dewey Pond gets hit with a flying forearm right to the face. Now Dewey Pond standing. Dewey Pond picks up Kurt Angle and delivers a bone crunching shoulderbreaker. Dewey Pond chants start. ]

JR - Nice shoulderbreaker by Dewey Pond.

[Dewey Pond climbs to the top and moonsaults on to Kurt Angle. Dewey Pond climbs to his feet. Dewey Pond gives Kurt Angle a crotch chop. Kurt Angle gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Dewey Pond. Dewey Pond chants start. Dewey Pond is up again. Kurt Angle climbs to his feet. Dewey Pond bounces Kurt Angle off the ropes and hits him with a jumping clothesline. Dewey Pond hits an electrifying flying sommersault headbutt on Kurt Angle. Kurt Angle moves back to his feet.Pond hits a few hard fists and then tries to whip Angle to the ropes, but then Kurt Angle reverses the whip and then sends Dewey Pond to the ropes, Pond leaps in the air and Dewey Pond tries to counter by going air born. But Angle is able to duck out of the way and then Dewey Pond goes into the ref. Kurt Angle tries to get Dewey Pond off guard. But Pond ducks a clothesline, Dewey Pond uses a legsweep faceslam to bring Kurt Angle down. Dewey Pond calls for the Pond water splash, as Kurt Angle stumbles up. But then Kurt Angle takes Dewey Pond down with an Ankle lock and then Dewey Pond yells in a lot of pain and then tries to get to the ropes and then Kurt Angle pulls him into the middle of the ring and then he grapevines the leg and it seems that Pond has no where to go. But suddenly the man only known as Felix runs into the ring with a chair, Angle doesn’t see him and then Angle gets smashed and then he goes down letting go of the ankle lock. Felix seeing the ref is getting up >

JR-Who was that

King-Oh I seen him, he promoed for a match he wasn’t in

Kris Gaffney-Interesting first impression

[Angle stumbles up, right into Pond who catches him with a Pondwater splash and then goes into the cover as the ref comes to and then gets the 1……………………….2……………………3]
JR - The winner of this match, Dewey Pond!!! Kurt Angle is gone!!

"Revolution" blasts on the PA system as Trish and Cena walk to the ring

King-hey JR...it's the Cena-ster brother


Kris Gaffney-Oh were going old school I see...

"Spaldings theme" blasts on the PA system as Spalding walks out with Christy walks to the ring.

Spalding- Now I know everyone been wondering, just who Christy's trainer is...so I would like to intro him to you. Please welcome....

(The lights turn off, suddenly lighting crashes as "Seek and Destroy" by Metallica blasts on the PA system suddenly a thump is heard in the ring as the lights turn on as Cena and Trish are caught off guard by..Sting! Sting cashes them out of the ring and then he grabs a baseball bat and then goes to the ramp and makes sure that no one from Revolution shows up as they start in the ring.)

Trish and Christy lock up and then Trish goes behind Christy and then hits a side head lock and then Christy looks for a way out of the hold and then Trish then Christy backs up and then whips Trish off the hold and then Trish bounces off the ropes and then Christy goes down to the mat and then Trish goes to the other side of the ring after leaping over Christy and then bouncing off and then Christy hits a hip toss and then Trish stumbles up and then Christy picks up Trish and then hits a body slam and then Trish is in pain and then Christy hits a few stomps on the downed Trish. Trish gets to the corner and then all the way Christy is doing almost a boxers stance hitting kicks the leg as Trish stumbles into the corner and then Trish is in the corner and then Christy hits a few hard forearms and then brings Trish out of the corner and then hits a few hard knife edge chops and then whips Trish to the ropes and then Trish bounces off the ropes and then Christy goes for a clothesline, but then Trish ducks it and then Christy turns around and then Trish goes for a chick kick, but then Christy ducks that as well as kicking the leg from under Trish and then hits a quick elbow drop and then goes into the cover and then gets the 1............2......Trish kicks out and is able to get away from Trish enough to cause enough separation and then is able to tag in Cena. Cena let's Christy tag in Spalding, Spalding not thinking things through and then charges into the ring and then gets knocked down and then Cena yells for Spalding to get up and then Spalding stumbles to his feet and then gets knocked down and then Spalding gets up and then gets knocked down once again and this time he goes to the outside and then Cena pumps up the crowd a little bit. But then Spalding takes too much time and then Cena slides out behind Spalding who doesn't know he's not in the ring anymore and then Cena turns Spalding around and then hits a fist and then Spalding stumbles back and then Cena takes Spalding and then picks him up and then runs into the ring post back first and then Cena hits a few stomps on the downed Spalding and then takes Spalding and then rolls him into the ring and Cena goes to the top rope and then waits for Spalding to get up and then Spalding does and then Cena leaps off the top rope and then Spalding hits a drop kick and then Cena is down on the mat and so is Spalding both wrestlers slowly get to their feet and then Spalding is able to hit a few hard fists and then tries to whip Cena off the ropes and then Cena reverses and sends Spalding to the ropes and then Spalding gets hit with a big boot, and...what's this Cena does some sort of taunt and runs to the ropes and then bounces off and hits a big leg drop and gets a 1....................2...........kick out. Cena looks like he can't believe that the big boot and the leg drop didn't work.]

JR-Not a again...

King-What JR, last time that happen Counterfeit did it..there were too many Hogan fans around the EMF. I mean I wonder if Cena will claim he was screwed due to the fact Spalding didn't sell the leg drop enough.

Kris Gaffney-If he loses...he just might.

[Spalding stumbles up and then goes into the corner and then Cena slowly goes into the corner and then Spalding was baiting him in the whole time and then Spalding hits an eye rake and then throws Cena into the corner and then hits a few hard fists. Spalding then whips Cena hard into the corner and then Cena crashes hard into the other corner and Spalding then slowly goes to where Cena is and then hits a few more fists and then pulls him out of the corner and then whips Cena to the ropes and as he bounces off the ropes Spalding is able to catch Cena in a titerwhirl slam and then Spalding goes into the cover and gets a 1...................2......kick out by Cena and Spalding can't believe it and then Spalding hits a few stomps on the downed Cena. Cena stumbles up and Spalding takes him into the corner and then sets him up for a running bulldog, but before he can hit it Cena then blocks it and then Spalding goes crashing into the ring mat and then Spalding stumbles up and then Cena charges out of the corner and htne tries to hit a clothesline. But Spalding ducks it and then hits a jaw jacker and then Spalding decides to let the girls fight it out and then Christy gets tagged in and Cena has to tag in Trish and then Trish comes into the ring and then goes for a running forearm and then Christy ducks it and then Trish runs to the ropes and bounces off. Christy then hits a drop toe hold and then Trish goes down and then Christy then calls for the finish and then calls for the scorpion death drop]

King-Wha? I though it was the reverse of fates

JR-Lita never trained Christy in this reality

Kris Gaffney-Other World theory goes on I guess...

[Trish stumbles up and then Christy up and then she goes for the scorpion death drop. Then Trish is able to hit a fist and then Christy break ths hold as she is stunned and then Trish sets her up and then goes for the stratusifation and then before she can turn it. Christy pushes Trish over and then Trish lands on her feet, Christy isn't fast enough to turn and then when she does Christy gets nailed with the chick kick and then Christy goes down and then Trish goes into the cover and then gets the 1...............2.......3]

King-Wow there's a surprise, Christy or Spalding not fast enough on something

(OOC-yeah this is the clear winner here, though on the good side. I checked your other RP spalding, seems your improving already!)

Lights Go Out
Tron Lights Up and Flashes the Following

It's Time
For the Return of
The Underdog!
On Shockwave
John Cena
Live with the Name

The words "SHUT UP WHEN I'M TALKIN' TO YOU" as an editted "one step closer" blasts on the PA system as Sierra walks to the ring holding the RWA-WCW womens championship on her shoulder as she's looking around almost a little paranoid on who her opponent is. Steps into the ring, holds up the championship to the crowd. Then looks suspensious with towards the popcorn vender, then she decides to get ready as she hands the championship over the ref and then waits for her opponent as she's eyeing around her.

JR-Sierra is noticable paranoid about her opponent here, tonight

King-This is not fair!

Kris Gaffney-Much like the last game my team had...it wasn't fair we lost

(Suddenly the lights dim, and the Y2J count down starts "Y5J.....Y4J.....Y3J......Y2J" blasts on the PA system. Sierra is nodding in the ring, seeming thinking this is not a huge surprise. Chris Jericho stands in the isle and with his back turned around and with a microphone in hand. He signals for the music to stop, he see’s Sierra’s look of finally knowing who she’s facing)

.::”Y2J” Chris Jericho::.-Now I know what you are thinking Sierra, but for the record….your eyes did not deceive you. I am not your opponent, though as much as I would like to be the one that gets rid of you for good. There was someone else that insisted on being the person who did it. Someone just as ruthless as myself, this person is wrestling in their first match here in the Extreme….Measures….Federation. But it’s not the first time they been here, so I would like to re-introduce your opponent here at Hell on Earth…ANGELICA….BOYCOTT!!

“Street Gurl” blasts on the PA system as Angelica Boycott walks out to the stage with a sly smile. Then as she passes Jericho, the two eyes lock as Angelica passes. In the ring Sierra’s reaction turns into that of a smile as she thinks this is Amy just trying to be someone else. Angelica turns back into the ring, then Sierra’s smile starts to leave as she now see’s an almost psychotic look in the eyes of Angelica Boycott. Angelica runs into the ring

[The bell rings as Angelica slides into the ring and then Sierra hits a double axe handle to the back of Angelica and then hits a few stomps on the downed Angelica. Jericho makes his way to ring side saying some encouraging things to Angelica who makes her way to her feet despite Sierra’s best efforts and then Angelica is on the ropes and then pushes away Sierra to cause some separation. Sierra not wanting to let up goes back on the attack, but then gets dropped by a fist by Angelica. Sierra stumbles up and then gets knocked down with another fist and then Sierra stumbles up and then Angelica hits a running clothesline and then stomps on the face of Sierra while she’s down there and then Angelica just about pulls Sierra’s hair out from the roots making her stand up and then brings her over to the turnbuckle and then smashes Sierra’s head to the turnbuckle 1……….2……….3………4……….5……..6……..7……….8……….9…..10. Then Angelica whips Sierra to the ropes and then Sierra bounces off the ropes, but then grabs the ropes and then rolls out of the ropes to try to stop the momentum and then Angelica looks at Jericho, they say something, grins and then hits a baseball slide on Sierra while Sierra thinks she’s going to let her rest. Angelica slides out of the ring and then takes Sierra by the hair and then sets up Sierra and then hip tosses her so that her legs smack against the ring steps and then Angelica doesn’t stop there and then she picks up Sierra and then picks her up in what seems like a shin breaker. But then Angelica runs towards the nearest ring post and then smashes Sierra’s leg. Sierra goes down and rolls in pain holding her leg and then Sierra tries to get away as she gets up she see’s Jericho on one side grinning, and Angelica slowly stalking her from behind and then Sierra rolls into the ring and then goes into the far side turnbuckle and then Angelica slowly goes into the ring and she then goes into the corner where Sierra is. But Sierra was baiting Angelica in and then she rakes the eyes of Angelica Boycott. Angelica stumbles back blinded, Sierra seeing that this is her chance starts to hit as many hard fists on Angelica as possible and then even though she’s noticeable limping now. Sierra whips Angelica off the ropes and then Angelica bounces off the ropes and then Sierra hits a spinning back elbow on Angelica and then quickly not wanting to give up her chance to keep this match in her favor, Sierra starts to choke Angelica, then the ref counts to 5 and then the ref. Sierra puts her hands up, then says something towards Jericho. Jericho looks pissed, but just says something back. Then Sierra backs off and then measures up as Angelica stumbles up and then Sierra is right behind Angelica and then Sierra then charges and then football clips Angelica’s leg from under her and she goes down in a heap holding her leg in a lot of pain.]

JR-Sierra is obsessed with crippling Angelica

King-I thought that was Amy Dumas

Kris Gaffney-I’m starting to wonder if it’s the same thing myself…

[This pisses Jericho off that Sierra is trying to really hurt Angelica, Jericho jumps in on the apron after a comment by Sierra and then Jericho has to be stopped from entering the ring by the ref. Jericho yells a few things and then jumps back, then keeps on cheering on Angelica who is using the ropes to get up and then Sierra then hits a few kicks into her leg and then you can see the pain on Angelica’s face with each kick. Then Sierra whips Angelica out of the corner and then Angelica crashes into the corner and stumbles out of the corner and then Sierra sets up and then lifts Angelica up and then hits a shin breaker on Angelica’s hurt leg and then Angelica goes down and Sierra then puts on a single leg lock and then you can see the extreme pain as Jericho starts to get the crowd into it. Angelica forgets where her shoulders are and then puts them down on the mat and then the ref counts 1………………2…………..Angelica gets up and then Jericho is able to start a “Lets go Angel” chant, and with that encouragement Angelica is able to get up and then is able to push Sierra’s face into the mat and then with her free leg, she then smashes Sierra’s face once…twice..three times. Even though once broke the hold, the other two were just for good measure. Then Angelica crawls to the corner and obviously her leg is bothering her and uses the corner to get back up in the corner and then Sierra gets up with a pissed look hits a few forearms to the face of Angelica and then tries to whip Angelica to the other side of the ring and then Sierra follows her in, but then Angelica uses corner to use her momentum to leg scissors Sierra’s head as she comes close to her and then Angelica roll through and then Sierra is thrown to the corner and hits her head on the top turnbuckle. Sierra takes a few moments and then he comes out of the corner and then takes a wild swing at Angelica as she got to her feet and then Angelica ducks and then hits a sleeper slam.

JR-That move was straight out of Jericho’s play book!

King-Yeah, well she shouldn’t even be here. Sierra was right she and Jericho just should have retired!

Kris Gaffney-People who should retire, never do….believe me Solley never does even though he’s a million years old.

Both wrestlers are now down as Jericho gets the crowd into it some more as he yells stuff and helps starts an “ANGEL!! ANGEL!! ANGEL!!” chant as both wrestlers get to their feet and then Sierra goes for a fist. But it’s blocked and returned by Angelica and then Angelica hits a few fists and then Sierra stumbles back and then Angelica whips Sierra into the ropes, Sierra bounces off the ropes and then Angelica lowers her head for a back body drop. But Sierra is able to hook Amy for a quick double arm DDT, Sierra takes a few moments to recover and then takes Angelica by the hair and then brings her into the corner and then goes into the top rope and then sits as Angelica stumbles up and then starts to do a top rope sleeper/choke on Angelica as the ref makes her break it and then Sierra looks around innocently. She then talks a little trash to Jericho again, and then she tries to do the sleeper choke once again. But just as she lifts her, Angelica is able to turn into Sierra and get under Sierra’s arm. Her feet land on the second rope and then Angelica hits a top rope and then hits a top rope northern lights suplex that gets a huge pop from the crowd. Both wrestlers are down as Jericho hits the mat trying to get Angelica up, Angelica stumbles up and then grins to Jericho and then calls for the An-gi-cast]

King-OH NO, not this move

JR-She learned this move while still the manager of “Suga” Shane Helms

King-Then she ended up swing him by the neck into a wall by his neck…that’s how crazy Angelica Boycott is.

Kris Gaffney-Well I got no IBL, NBL, or IBA example, but sometimes I wish I could swing some of the GM’s by their neck into a wall.

[Sierra stumbles to her feet, and then Angelica kicks her into the gut and then sets her up for the An-gi-Cast and then before she can hit the sometimes crippling move (also known as the vertebreaker by the way). Sierra struggles and then falls on her feet while still hooked into the move and then she’s able to reverse the set up and Sierra gets Angelica into a set up for a Vertebreaker. But Angelica struggles out of it and then is able to roll through and break the move into waist lock and then takes Sierra down with a school girl right into a set up and then slowly turns Sierra and then puts Sierra into the Walls of Jericho!!]

JR-The Walls of Jericho!!

King-no Sierra, don’t tap!

[Sierra who is near the ropes slowly makes her way as Angelica puts as much pressure. Sierra grabs on to the ropes and then she smiles to Jericho says something, he shrugs and encourages keep on the attack and then she goes back on the attack, but then Sierra is able to grab Angelica’s pants and throws her out of the second rope to the arena floor. Sierra’s leg is hurt, she’s grabbing it in pain and it would seem that on the landing that Angelica might have landed wrong. So much that Jericho’s over there, checking on Angelica. But Sierra trying to finish Angelica off slides out of the ring and then hits a few clubbing blows as Jericho’s still very near. Sierra yells a few angry words at Jericho while measuring Angelica’s injuried leg and then goes for another clip. Almost looks like Jericho might try to do something about it, but before he can even move to stop the move. Angelica comes out of no where and then absolutely smashes Sierra with a steel chair and then Sierra stumbles around and then Angelica measures up and then smashes her head again that bends the chair with an imprint of the chair with Sierra’s head. Sierra goes down unconscious, as the bell rings DQing Angelica.

(Angelica and Jericho then hits a few stomps on the downed Sierra. Then Angelica rolls into the ring.)

Angelica Boycott-Alright, I'm back to the Vice President of the EMF...Amy Dumas. But you know Jericho, I don't think these fans came to see a DQ, it would seem that Sierra could go another match. But it won't be against Sierra, no we need someone that has a little more self control, but yet just as dangerous Sierra. I figured Angelica would do this Sierra, so I got someone that has never stepped into any other ring but a RWA one. So Sierra, you will be facing.......LITA!! Jericho, if you would.

(Jericho rolls in the body of Sierra and then rings the bell and then comes into the ring and then Lita pulls Sierra up who's bleeding like crazy. Lita then hits the twist of fate on Sierra, Lita then points up to the air and then climbs to the top rope with her back to Sierra down in the middle of the ring and then signals and then leaps and then hits the Lita Sault on Sierra. Jericho goes into the count and then counts 1..................2.............3]

JR-Lita!! Has reclaimed the RWA-WCW womens championship

Kris Gaffney-What...who is she, Amy Lita or Angelica. Wait...so that's what ALA stands for..

King-This makes me want to.....makes me want to....volunteer at the soup kitchen

[Jericho grabs the RWA-WCW womens title and then hands it to Lita, Lita holds it. Then Jericho does the official rising of Lita's arm and then Lita actually jumps in Jericho's arms and he holds her up in it as she rises the RWA-WCW championship. Then the couple decide to leave together.]

The camera focuses on Sierra who is basically laying in a pool of her own blood as the medics come down to the ring trying to revive her to assess her injuries. When they finally revive her she sees the blood she is laying in and blood is basically all she sees because its gone in her eyes. She begins to panic and tries to fight off the medics. She attempts to get up but can't yelling about her right knee...Constantly questioning the medics as to why she is there and what happened...Jericho, and Lita are watching on the stage almost like "damn, we messed her up". Suddenly Prez Mike comes running down to the ring pass them.]

King-I'm not sure if Sierra knows where is right now

[Prez Mike gets to the ring, and then tries to calm down Sierra, and get her to let the medics to help her, Jericho and Lita see this arms around each other enjoying this after everything Sierra put them throw. Then they leave in the backstage area.]