EMF: Hell on Earth

*A video package starts about the main event, and then some of the other matches. When it ends we go into a darken arena fireworks blasts off on the specially made stage for the PPV

JR-Welcome to Hell On Earth, where tonight we see a tradition continues with the main event. As three wrestlers put their careers on the line, as Triple H puts his title, so let’s get started.

*"Biohazard's Music" plays as Biohazard walks out. He just looks around and walks to the ring. He rolls in and backs up to a corner where he gives a yell at a fan in the crowd then awaits his opponent.*

*"Undertaker's Music" starts playing as Undertaker walks out to a mixed reaction by the fans. He runs down the ramp.*

JR: The Undertaker and Biohazard set to get it on here tonight.

King: Bore me...

JR: No this is not a Badd Boy nor a Triple H promo.

King: Becareful what you say JR!

[Undertaker slid in the ring and Biohazard started stomping on him immediately. The bell rang and the match officially got underway. Biohazard lifted Undertaker up and threw him into the ropes, and Undertaker returned with a flying dropkick. Biohazard went down, but quickly got back to his feet only to be met but a flying elbow from Undertaker. Undertaker helped Biohazard up and whipped him into the ropes, as Biohazard used a reverse irish whip sending Undertaker into the ropes. Biohazard hit a powerfull lariat to slow the pace down. Undertaker started to get up and Biohazard got behind him, set him up, and delivered a pump handle slam. Biohazard hit a few stomps before helping Undertaker up again and then whipped him into the turnbuckle. Biohazard charged in with a body splash. Biohazard then climbed the turnbuckle and delivered ten right hands to the head as the crowd counted along. Biohazard hopped down, grabbed the back of Undertaker's head and threw him down. Biohazard sat himself on the turnbuckle then jumped off with a knee drop across Undertaker's chest. Biohazard got to his feet as Undertaker swung his foot around to hit a sweep kick and takes Biohazard down. Undertaker gets up and grabs Biohazard's legs. He spreads them open then does a double leg drop to the mid section of Biohazard. Undertaker grabs a hold of Biohazard's legs again and flips forward into a pinning formation, the referee counts for a ...1...2...KICKOUT! Both men get to their feet.]

JR: I'm not seeing many mistakes from Undertaker.

King: I'm not seeing Biohazard do so bad either.

[Biohazard lands a right hand on Undertaker, then another, and one more. He grabs Jecky'ls head into a headlock formation. Undertaker pushed Biohazard off and Biohazard hits the ropes. On his return he is met with a axe kick from Undertaker. Biohazard goes down hard, but slowly makes his way to his feet. Undertaker runs and leaps into the ropes he jumps onto them and springboards off hitting a flying shoulder block on Biohazard. Undertaker grabs Biohazard's ankle and applies the ankle lock. Biohazard shouts in pain as the referee asks him if he wants to give up, but he refuses. Undertaker puts all of his might into the twisting and Biohazard grows louder. Biohazard digs deep and swings his other leg around and connects with Undertaker's face. Biohazard gets to his feet and starts to lift Undertaker up as Undertaker gives a right hand to Biohazard's stomach. He gives a left hand and Biohazard doubles over. Undertaker jumps up and hits a scissors kick knocking Biohazard back down. Undertaker grabs Biohazard's leg and drags him towards the corner. Undertaker grabs both of the legs and then slingshots Biohazard into the turnbuckle. Biohazard hits hard and bounces off. Undertaker gets up fast, hits the ropes, then delivers a big bulldog to Biohazard. Undertaker helps Biohazard up but Biohazard catches Undertaker with a headbutt. Undertaker is stunned then floored with a right hand. Biohazard grabs Undertaker by the neck and throws him into the corner. Biohazard charges in and Undertaker moves out of the way.]

JR: That has got to hurt King.

King: You have to have brain cells to hurt yourself.

JR: Oh, look who's talking.

King: What?

JR: My point exactly.

[Biohazard hits the turnubuckle. Undertaker starts hitting a few fists, but Biohazard grabs him by the neck again then throws him back into the corner. Biohazard back on the offensive drops down and starts hitting some shoulder blocks in the turnbuckle. Biohazard drops down and rolls out of the ring then grabs the ankles of Undertaker. Biohazard pulls and causes Undertaker to fall on his face. Biohazard with a hold of the legs pulled Undertaker racking him into the pole. Undertaker yelled in pain. Biohazard grabbed only one of Undertaker's legs and then slammed it into the post. Biohazard rolled in and grabbed Undertaker's head and pulled it closer to the ropes. Biohazard rolled back out and lined up Undertaker's head on the apron. Biohazard took a few steps back and then stepped forward and hit Undertaker with an elbow. Biohazard rolls back inside and grabs Undertaker's legs. Biohazard drops down slingshotting Undertaker, but with the ropes Undertaker snaps his neck across the ropes. Undertaker holds his neck. Undertaker struggles to his knees as Biohazard puts him in position and sets up for a powerbomb. Undertaker revearses and hits a back body drop. Undertaker follows up with a leg drop. Biohazard starts to get up and Undertaker grabs his arms then delivers a doulbe underhook suplex. Undertaker helps Biohazard up again and whips him into the ropes. Biohazard comes back for a clothesline, but Undertaker ducks. Biohazard turns around and Undertaker sets him up and hits the top rope tombstone! Undertaker gets the ...1....2...3!]

JR: "Well, King, this next match, quite frankly has me questioning the sanity of one Eric Bischoff."

King: "Boy, you're right there, JR. Not only has Bischoff put himself in a street fight with John Cena, but he has agreed to have his own wife suspended 20 feet above the ring in a cage!"

JR: "Folks, I don't know what Bischoff has up his sleeve, but I smell something foul here."

King: "And for once, it's not Coach, cause he's not here with us now. Thank God."

JR: "How right you are, King."

*"Mercedes theme" hits as Mercedes McGillicutty walks on the stage. She slowly makes her way to the ring, and as she does, the small cage is lowered. She pauses a couple steps from the ring as the cage is all the way down. Then she slides into the ring, and the referee escorts her into the cage, then shuts and locks the door.*

King: "Divas locked in a cage! It's like one of my dreams come true, JR!"

JR:" Oh, brother." (sighs)

*"Cena's theme" blasts as John Cena enters the stage. He stops, gives his 'untouchables' hand gesture to both sides of the stage, then makes his way to the ring. He slides in, then asks Lilian Garcia for her microphone.*

Cena: "Yo, yo, yo, yo, yo.
I'm looking at a beauty locked up in a cage
It fills me with anger and builds up my rage
I should rip off these bars and take you to my place
Then they'd never be able to wipe the smile off your face
It's Hell on Earth for a reason, Eric, cause after I beat ya She's gonna leave you and your bag of Levitra
I ain't workin for that clown, he's a punk and a liar
I'm gonna dunk him like I'm Amare Stoudamire!
Let me give you this *he hands Mer his steel chain*
and you can rub it for good luck
I ain't gonna need it to beat this stupid FUCK!"

*Cena drops the microphone. "I'm Back!" hits and Eric Bischoff makes his way to the ring. He has his karate outfit on. He briskfully walks toward the ring and enters. He turns to look at Mercedes locked in the cage. He mockingly waves at her and mouths the words 'Hi honey'. Bischoff asks for a microphone.*

Eric: "Now, before we get started here, I have a little announcement to make. *Turns and looks and Mercedes* Do you remember that little phone call you made this week? Well, I certainly do You've got some nerve asking me for that now, after all we've done. But, the more I thought about it, the more sense it made to me. So, here's what we're gonna do. IF, by some miracle, whitey over here can pull off an upset and beat me, you'll get your little divorce. But that got me thinking, what's in this for me? I deserve something in return for my hard work. So, after a little discussion with Triple H *crowd boos loudly* I've got a little stipulation for tonight. After my victory tonight --- and I will win -- then not only will you still be mine, my dear, darling wife, but so will you, CENA -- as my personal 'assistant'. And I'm sure that I could find a ton of things for you to do. I mean, there's a suitcase full of laundry that needs done, cause God knows she wouldn't do it. I need my car waxed, my lawn mowed -- let's face it, I'm just too busy around here for all that stuff. So, Cena, honey, it goes like this -- after tonight, not only will I have my wife back where she belongs, but I'm gonna make your life just as miserable as you've made mine. Referee, raise the cage, and ring the da--".

*Before Bischoff can finish, Cena lays into him with a right hand, knocking him over. The cage is raised above the ring as Mercedes hangs onto the bars. The bell rings, as Cena begins to stomp away. Cena drags Bischoff to the corner, and stomps away more as the crowd counts along. After 10 stomps, Cena turns and acknowledges the crowd while Bischoff struggles to get to his feet. He gets up, only to have Cena hit him again. Cena then picks Bischoff up and whips him into the ropes. Bischoff bounces off and Cena hits him with a clothesline. Cena then boucnes off the ropes and does the 5-Knuckle Shuffle fist drop on Bischoff. Cena then gets to his feet and signals the crowd that it's time for the F-U already. Bischoff struggles to get to his feet, and when he does, Cena picks him up on his shoulders. Desperate to get away, Bischoff rakes the eyes of Cena, and Cena drops him. Bischoff lands and immediately hits Cena with a low blow. Cena doubles over, while Bischoff gets to his feet. Upon seeing Cena doubled over, Bischoff get a confident look on his face, and plants a stiff kick into Cena's gut. He smiles when he hears Cena scream in pain. Bischoff gets more cocky as he puts two more stiff kicks into Cena. Bischoff then stand behind Cena as Cena struggles to get to his feet. Bischoff locks on a sleeper hold.*

JR: "Bischoff is trying to put Cena to sleep!"

King: "Why not, he's put everybody else there!"

*Bischoff latches on to the sleeper as the referee checks on Cena. Bischoff then looks at Mer and smiles. Mer is watching, but is obviously concerned. The referee checks Cena's hand, and it drops once. It drops a second time. The third time, however, Cena is able to keep his hand off the mat, as the crowd gets more and more into the match. Cena gets to his feet, and elbows Bischoff in the gut twice, and Bischoff breaks the hold. Cena bounces off the ropes, and he and Bischoff bump heads, knocking both to the mat. The referee begins his count....1.....2.....3.....4......5.....6.....7...Cena gets to his feet first, and gestures to Bischoff to get up. Bischoff gets up at 9, and Cena meets him with a right hand that knocks Bischoff to the mat. Eric gets up, only to meet another punch from Cena. As Bischoff struggles to get up, Cena bounces off the ropes and meets Bischoff with a reverse elbow. The crowd starts to get behind Cena more, but a look at the cage shows Mer still with a concerned look on her face. Bischoff rolls out of the ring, and Cena follows him out. Bischoff stumbles towards the Spanish announce table, and as Cena gets there, he slams Bischoff's head into the top of the table. He slams Bischoff's head a second time as the announcers vacate the table. As Bischoff slumps to the floor, Cena takes the top off of the table and pushes the monitors to the floor. He motions to Bischoff to get up, but as he does, Jonathan Coachman comes through the crowd and over the railing. He pushes the timekeeper, and grabs a steel chair. As Cena stares down Bischoff, poised to strike, Coach rares back and swings the chair -- WHACK! - and nails Cena in the back, knocking him to the his knees. Inside the cage, Mer cringes when the chair hits Cena, and as a result drops his chain into the ring. Cena is able to turn around long enough for Coach to rare back again and hit him, this time in the face. Cena slumps to the floor, lifeless. Coach drops the chair and goes to check on Bischoff. Coach picks up Bischoff, getting him some water off the announce table.*

JR: "What the hell is Coach doing?"

King: "(lifts his head off the table) Wha-- What happened?"

JR: "Coach just hit Cena with a chair!"

King: "Didn't that happen last week?"

JR: "Good God, King."

*Coach helps Bischoff get back in the ring and then goes outside. He kicks Cena a couple times in the back, then picks him up and throws Cena into the ring. Cena is bleeding profusely from the head thanks to the second chair shot from Coach. Bischoff regains his senses, and sees Cena lying down, bleeding. He gets his cocky smile back, and throws a glance at Mer, who is near tears in the cage. Bischoff, now seemingly in charge, motions for Coach to hold Cena up. Coach picks up Cena, while Bischoff gets into a karate stance. He kicks Cena, and Coach drops him. Cena falls to the ground, almost out of it all together. Bischoff motions for Coach to pick up Cena again, and Coach does so. This time, Bischoff lunges forward with a thrust kick, nearly knocking Coach over as well as Cena. Coach drops Cena again, and he and Bischoff share a good laugh. Once again, Bischoff has Coach pick Cena up. Bischoff looks at the cage and yells at Mercedes "Hey, honey! Watch this!" Bischoff takes a shuffle step and kicks at Cena, but Cena ducks and Bischoff nails Coach! Coach falls backwards into the corner as Bischoff gets a stunned look on his face. He turns around and looks at Cena, and his expression suddenly changes. Cena looks enraged and punches Bischoff, knocking him to the mat. He picks up Bischoff and punches him again. Again, Bischoff falls to the mat. Cena then looks around and seeing the chain, wraps it around his right hand. Cena heads toward the corner, where Coach is getting to his feet. Cena whacks Coach with the chain, and Coach falls to the mat and rolls outside the ring. Cena then grabs Bischoff and whips him into the turnbuckle, and Bischoff stumbles out of the corner. Cena hits Bischoff in the stomach with his chain, and Bisch doubles over. Cena waves his hand in front of his face, then grabs Bischoff, hoists him on his shoulders, and connects with the F-U! He covers Bischoff, and the referee counts....1......2.......3! Cena wins! The crowd erupts as the referee signals for the cage to be lowered. Mercedes waits while the cage comes down. When it hits the ring, the referee unlocks it. Mercedes, smiling from ear to ear, runs over and gives Cena a big hug. Then she grabs his hand and raises it in victory. She puts his arm under his shoulder, as Mercedes and Cena crawl out of the ring and head towards the back.* Bischoff lays in the ring, rolling on his stomach and looking up at the screen as he watches MErcedes leaving With Cena....He just drops his head back down to the mat....Not believe he just lost....

*videos play of the past Weeks Attacks on Triple H thanks to Katrina Ikeda."

Ashlee's Music hits as she walks out the women's title around her waist...She slides in the ring taking her title off and holding it up for the fans...she awaits Katrina...As It's All about the Game hits...Triple H walks out, and stops on the stage...

Triple H: Its Official Ashlee.... Katrina Ikeda is nothing more than a coward....She has just dissappeared from backstage, however Ashlee...I have found a replacement worthy of Stepping in the ring with you..

A strange new song hits, actually its the eerie piano background from UnInvited by ALanis Morrisette... As the Druid walks walks out in a long black cloak with a hood pulled down over the face...Ashlee looks at the Druid and looks at the Ref... The Druid walks up the steps and gets in the ring walking by Ashlee over to the corner and climbing up on the second rope... and standing there......Triple H is all smiles....

Triple H: Ashlee, Its True Katrina is Chicken but this person is not...Ashlee meet your opponent for this match..

The Druid keeps their back to Ashlee and PUlls the hood down....reavealing long black hair tied back in a braid with red streaks in it..she drops the cloak all the way, revealing a tight black pleather pants singlet that doesn't leave a lot to the imagination at top....as she turns around flashing an evil smile revealing herself...

Triple H: YOur opponent Ashlee is The Black Widow... And by the Way Ashlee This match is now for your women's title....

[Black Widow walks to the ring. Earl Hebner is the referee for this contest. Ashlee checks out the ring. Black Widow places Ashlee on the turnbuckle and executes a front-layout suplerplex. (ring, ring, ring) Ashlee uses a lariat on Black Widow. Ashlee executes a flying knee drop right to the gut of Black Widow. Now Ashlee standing. Black Widow gets knocked on the ground and Ashlee flips onto him. Black Widow is up again. Black Widow knocks Ashlee out with a tilt-a-whirl powerslam. Ashlee gets back to his feet. Black Widow sends Ashlee to ringside. ]

JR - Ashlee is much safer at ringside. Black Widow can't get a pin there.

[Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) (..2) Black Widow with an illegal chokehold on Ashlee. Ashlee climbs to his feet. (...3) Ashlee hits a jumping elbow hrust on Black Widow. Black Widow moves back to his feet. (....4) Black Widow does a cartwheel and kicks Ashlee in the face. ]

The King - Black Widow with a cartwheel kick.

[Ashlee is back on his feet. (.....5) Black Widow takes Ashlee into the ring. Black Widow jumps from the top and nails Ashlee with a flying axhandle smash. Black Widow hits a jumping elbow hrust on Ashlee. Black Widow executes a corkscrew legdrop on Ashlee. Black Widow gets up. Black Widow puts Ashlee in an arm grapevine submission. Black Widow hits Ashlee with an elbowdrop. Black Widow gets up. Now Ashlee standing. Black Widow takes Ashlee down with a knee. Black Widow rolls onto Ashlee connecting with a knee. Ashlee nails Black Widow with a double underhook suplex. ]

The King - The HoRdE would never allow this to happen

[Ashlee goes off the top nailing Black Widow with a flying elbow drop to the gut. Black Widow stands up. Ashlee short lariats Black Widow. ]

JR - Ashlee executes a short lariat.

[Black Widow stands up. Ashlee monkey flips Black Widow onto the mat. Ashlee stands up. Black Widow stands up. Ashlee is sent to the mat by a flying kick from Black Widow. Black Widow trys for a flying sitdown splash but Ashlee avoids it. Ashlee climbs to his feet. Ashlee pulls Black Widow's hair. Black Widow is hit with a backward kick. Now Black Widow standing. Ashlee hits Black Widow with a heart punch. Black Widow gets back to his feet. Black Widow executes a belly-to-belly suplex on Ashlee. Black Widow and Ashlee go to the floor Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) Black Widow cuts Ashlee with a blade. Ashlee is bleeding as a result. Ashlee moves back to his feet. (..2) A flying shoulder block send Black Widow to the floor. Ashlee gets back to his feet. Black Widow is up again. Black Widow smashes Ashlee's face with a flying forearm from the top rope. Black Widow stands up. Black Widow connects with a frog splash, sending Ashlee into a new world of pain. Black Widow gets up. Ashlee moves back to his feet. They head back into the ring. But not before Widow grabs a chair after rolling Ashlee back into the ring. Widow slides into the ring, but before Widow can pick up the chair. Ashlee hits a few forearms to the face of Black Widow. Ashlee then kicks Widow in the gut and nails a DDT, Ashlee gets ready for the Ashlee slam, Widow stumbles up and then into Ashlee. Though Widow is able to counter it with a few back elbows, then a pick up and then a sidewalk slam. Widow then grabs the chair and looks like she’s recovers in the corner with her back towards Ashlee concealing that she has the chair and then Ashlee looks over and charges in and then Widow turns around and nails a brutal chair shot on Ashlee. Ashlee goes down knocked out, Widow has a crazed look on her face as the ref calls for the bell, Widow goes down and starts yelling stuff at the out cold Ashlee]

(EMT’s come out from the back and then rush to check on Ashlee and then coming behind them is Triple H, Triple H grabs the womens championship and then hands Widow the women's Title...she holds it up and looks at it...Shaking her head and smiling that smile again laying it down across Ashlee and sliding out of the ring walking backstage with Triple H as the fans Jeer her and she just shakes her head and smirks...

“Break you” blasts on the PA system as Jarred walks to the ring

King-Jarred’s back?

JR-He’s been back for a few weeks King

King-Oh, I knew that the jobber level went up somewhere

“Victor’s theme” blasts on the PA system as Victor walks to the ring

Coach-Here’s a man who’s going to be the future of the EMF!

King-If he’s our future, I’m glad I’ll be dead or too old to care

[Jarred an d Victor start to hammer at each other, no one really gets the advance till Jarred hits one that rocks Victor back and then Jarred grabs Victor by the hair and then leads him to the only thing that’s normal the turnbuckle and tries to smash Victor’s face into the turnbuckle, but then Victor gets his foot up on the turnbuckle and then Victor hits a elbow into the gut and then Victor throws Jarred’s face into the turnbuckle and then Jarred is in the corner and then Victor starts to hammer Jarred over and over again with a fist and then Victor lets Jarred hang on the turnbuckle and then Victor comes back into the corner and then hammers Jarred with a few kicks to the gut and Victor starts to bite Jarred and then lets go. Victor then goes over and picks up a chair that’s somewhere around the DEATH CELL!!! And takes it over to where Jarred is in the corner and then Victor hits a jab with the chair into the stomach and then Victor puts the chair in the middle of the second and third ropes trapping Jarred into the corner and then Victor backs up and then charges at Jarred and nails a running drop kick to the chair that sends the chair right into the gut of Jarred. The chair falls out, Jarred stumbles out almost out on his feet and then Victor kicks Jarred into the gut and then sets him up, Victor takes his time and then gets him up for a power bomb and nails it! Victor then rolls Jarred on a place where C-4 is and then goes to the nearest turnbuckle and then climbs up it and then leaps off and goes for a LEGENDARY END on Jarred, but Jarred moves out of the way of his own finisher and then Victor goes crashing into the C-4 back first. Victor is in clear pain and then Jarred slowly recovers and then gets to his feet and then grabs a the chair and then waits for Victor to get up and then once he does Jarred jabs Victor into the gut and then Jarred jabs the chair into the gut of Victor and then doubles up Victor and then Jarred takes the chair and then smashes it over the back of Victor. Victor goes down face first and then Jarred takes the chair and then smashes it over and over again in the back of Victor]

JR-Jarred’s releasing all those months of hatred he has had towards Victor.

King-Well maybe he should change his name to “defeat”, if he’s in the hospital after this match..make Wes change his name as well.

Coach-I think Jarred shouldn’t be angry at Victor, his career was hell anyways at that point, he did him a favor! This is how ungrateful Jarred is.

[Jarred then hits a few stomps on the downed Victor and then stands over Victor and then nails a chair shot into the back of Jarred. Victor screams in pain as the ref asks him if he wants to give it up, he says no and then Jarred puts down the chair and then grabs a bag and then opens it out and dumps tacks on the mat and then Jarred waits for Victor to get up, Victor stumbles up and then Jarred kicks Victor into the gut. Not seeing the tacks quite yet, and in too much pain. Victor doesn’t fight back, Jarred gets Victor up and Victor see’s for the first time the tacks and then Victor comes back to life and then hits a few fists on Jarred before he can nail the power bomb to the thumb tacks. Victor gets him weaken enough and then turns the power bomb attempt into a hurricarana right into the thumb tacks for Jarred. Jarred is now stuck with a lot of thumb tacks. Victor is on his knee’s trying to recover as Jarred pulls himself out of the tacks Victor then gets up and then see’s Jarred’s up by the tacks and then Victor hits a few hard fists and then slowly Jarred backs up to the edge of the tacks again. Victor takes a few big steps back and then tries to shoulder block Jarred back into the tacks. But Jarred counters with a back body drop into the tacks for Victor]

JR-Both these wrestlers are human pin cushions

King-You mean tacks..

Coach-Yeah, leave it to JR to say the wrong thing

King-aww you get use it after so many years…

[Victor gets up and stumbles backwards into Jarred who picks up Victor on his shoulders and then drops him for a reverse Death Valley Driver. The Jarred quickly locks on a crippler crossface for a move he use to call the visciousness. The ref asks Victor if he wants to give it up, Victor refuses for a little bit and then he starts tapping out as “break you” blasts on the PA system and Jarred gets his knee’s and gets his hand raised]

JR-Well in this Death match, hopefully Jarred got rid of the past demons

King-Well the past demons are his whole career

*Jarred Carthallion celebrates his victory by walking backwards up the ramp and taunting the crowd. The fans are cheering loudly when a loud pop goes up. The camera focuses on someone standing at the top of the ramp.*

Jim Ross: Oh my God King, it's...it's...

The King: Oh no, it's Wes...

Jim Ross: What's Wes doing here? He has a broken neck.

*Jarred thinking the cheers are for him backs up, until he runs in to Wes. Jarred turns around, standing nose to nose with his enemy. They lock eyes for some time. The crowd dies down, but goes noisy again when Wes just starts shaking his head. A sadistic grin spread across Jarred's face as he connected a right fist with Wes's jaw.*

The King: Way to go Jarred, slap the taste out of his mouth.

*Wes smiled, and returned the favor, only this time he didn't stop, but continued until he and Jarred were at ringside. Once they were by the ring, Wes hit a suplex on Jarred then quickly got up and climbed the turnbuckle. He jumped off going for the flying headbutt, but Jarred rolled out of the way leaving both men down.*

The King: Ha you missed!

Jim Ross: This young man has injuries, is it possible that he hates Jarred Carthallion so much to ignore them?

*Both men were still and officials began coming from the back. The fans erupted in more cheers when they noticed the death cell slowly lowering to the ground once more. The officials did not reach them in time and the cell seperated them from the two men.*

Jim Ross: Jarred Carthallion and Wes Ikeda have wanted a match in the death cell for some time. Hell in a cell, cage match, they've seen it all, but never the death cell. What I want to know is who lowered that cage?

*Jarred started to rise to his feet. He picked up a pipe from the floor, and tosses it into the steel barrier. The electric current causing sparks to fly everywhere. He grabbed Wes up by the shirt as the fans started a "Holy Shit" chant. Jarred went to whip Wes into the cell, but Wes reversed it sending Jarred into the current. Dazed Jarred stumbled toward Wes who gave him a hard clothesline to the ground. Jarred was layed out on his back when Wes motioned for the death cell to go up. It ascended as did Wes. Standing on top of the security railing, Wes hit a flying elbow drop into Jarred's chest then bounced up, and began walking backwards up the ramp. When he reached the top of the ramp he grabbed a microphone from a crew member. He started to speak, but stopped, put the microphone in his back pocket, went down the ramp at Jarred who was still lying on the floor. Wes let a smile pass over his lips. The crowd reacted to another man slowly coming from behind the curtain. A battered Victor Van Nuys walked up next to Wes. The two men faced each other and without a word Victor extended his hand. With his other hand he raised a microphone to his lips.*

Victor: We both have something in common, we both hate Jarred. Good work.

*He thrust his hand forward waiting for Wes to accept the handshake. Wes smiled that cocky grin grabbing the microphone from his back pocket. He looked Victor over from head to toe and laughed.*

Wes Ikeda: *Pointing down at Jarred.* That's how it's done rookie.

*Without taking his eyes off Victor, Wes throws his microphone to the ground, backs up, going backstage.*

Finkel:"The following contest is scheduled for one fall, has been given a ten minute time limit and is for the Extreme Measures Federation Television Championship. Introducing first, the challenger; now making his way to the ring....Tyrant!."

*"Tyrant's Theme" begins to play through the arena as he walks out onto the stage to a huge mixed reaction from the fans in attendance. Tyrant points to a few people in the crowd and shouts a few obscenities as he begins to walk down the aisle, slapping hands with other fans. Tyrants rolls into the ring once he reaches ring side and quickly jumps to his feet in the center of the ring. He tosses his arms up in the air and begins to look around the arena one more time before coming to a stop facing the entrance ramp and stage.*

Finkel:"And introducing next, originally from Springwood, Ohio he now resides in the darkest bowels of Hell. He is the reigning EMF Television Champion......Fredddddyyyyy Kruuuuueeeger!"

*1..2..Freddys coming for you...3..4..Lock your door...5..6..Get your crucifix...7..8..Stay up late...9..10..Never sleep again. The familiar sound of the eerie little girls, followed by the theme music from the Nightmare On Elm Street movies begins to play throughout the arena. The lights in the arena begin to dim, as those around the stage and ramp turn to eerie red and green colors. A few of the fans come to their feet holding up various home made signs showing their support for their favorite dream demon, while others turn their heads and the heads of their children in the horror that they know is about to come to the ring. But after a few moments of waiting for Freddy to show on the stage, Tyrant begins to get a bit ancy, and turns to Referee Charles Robinson and begins to complain. But as Tyrant does this, a figure begins to rise up through the ring mat from under the ring. The canvas begins to stretch around the form, forming a skin tight glove around the figures head. Finally, in classic Nightmare On Elm Street fashion, a set of four razor sharp claws poke through the canvas and slowly begin to cut down, a second charred and scarred hand poking out and pulling the canvas apart. Finally, after a few seconds Freddy Krueger steps out of the stretched and torn ring canvas, shaking his hand so his glove falls to the mat, and pulling off the EMF Television Championship. Freddy raises the belt, readying it to strike. As Freddy stands there, Charles Robinson backs into the corner, a horrified look on his face as he begins to frantically point towards Freddy. Tyrant laughs at Robinson for few seconds, before finally turning around to see what he was pointing at. As Tyrant spins around, Freddy leaps into the air and cracks Tyrant across the face with the Television Championship. Charles Robinson finally gathers the courage to call for the bell, and kicks the championship out of the ring as Freddy goes for a quick cover. 1..2....Thre.....NO! Tyrant just barely manages to get a shoulder up a split second before the ref counted the three. Charles Robinson jumps to his feet, holding up two finges on each hand to signify that it was only a two count.*

J.R:"Well King, it looks to me that Wes Craven may have written a bit of a movie script here for us all. Because so far this match has looked just like a scene out of the first Nightmare On Elm Street movie where Freddy came up out of the bed to attack Nancy at the end of the movie."

King:"J.R, your absolutely pathetic. To think that your actually able to sit here and spit that little factoid out for everybody to here is pathetic."

*Freddy slowly comes up to his feet, grabbing Tyrant by the hair and pulling him up as he does. Once he has Tyrant to his feet, he backs him against the ropes and then whips him across the ring to the far side ropes. Tyrant connects with the ropes and then bounces back to Freddy. Krueger tries to connect with a clothesline, but Tyrant ducks under it and heads into the ropes behind Freddy. As Krueger turns around Tyrant comes off the ropes and leaps into the air with a cross body that connects with Freddy. As the two men hit the canvas Tyrant quickly hooks a leg, as Charles Robinson drops to make the count...1...2....Freddy quickly, and very easily kicks out. Tyrant begins to put the boots to Freddy as he tries to get up. Kick after kick, and stomp after stomp connecting to the lower back and kidneys of Freddy Krueger. After a few moments of this, Tyrant finally kneels down and pulls Freddy up to his feet, delivering a few punches to his charred and disfigured head on the way to his feet. Tyrant grabs Freddy's arm, twisting in an arm wrench, then quickly kicking him in the stomach and pulling him in only to drive the top of his head to the canvas with a thunderous Shortarm DDT. Tyrant rolls Krueger over and goes into a nonchalant cover. Charles Robinson goes down for the count...1..2....Krueger tosses a shoulder up breaking the count. Tyrant sits up on his knees, clapping his hands three times and protesting with the referee about it being a slow count. The Ref holds up two fingers and yells back at Tyrant, all the while Freddy is starting to move again as he lays there on the mat. Finally Freddy reaches up and grabs Tyrant by the throat and begins to choke him as he slowly stands up. Once Freddy is on his feet he pulls Tyrant nose to nose with him, and mutters something to his face. Freddy begins to laugh his trademark demonic laugh, as he raises his right hand, which now has the bladed glove on it again. He bends his arm and pulls back as if to shove the blades deep into Tyrant's abdomen, but before he strike the death blow, Tyrant delievers a swift kick to the groin that doubles Freddy over, and causes him to drop to his knees. Tyrant spits on Krueger as he looks behind him and then takes a running start at the ropes. He leaps up onto the middle rope, and then slingshots himselt backwards into the air, spinning and nailing Freddy with a slingshot dropkick that knocks him right back into the hole he came up through earlier. Freddy disappears into the darkness under the ring, and Tyrants looks over at Charles Robinson who looks down into the hole and then begins make the ten count...1.........2.........3.........4........*

King:"I guess since Freddy is under the ring that Charles Robinson is considering him to be outside the ring. But Tyrant's a dumbass for letting the count go on. Don't he realise that he can't win the championship on a count out?"

J.R:"King you made a good point there. If Tyrant wishes to walk out of here tonight the new EMF Television Champion then he needs to get Freddy back into the ring to make a cover. Other wise hes walking out of here just as empty handed as he would if he lost the match."

*5.......Charles Robinson continues the count as Tyrant begins to move closer towards the hole. As Tyrant gets next to the hole, he drops down onto all fours, looking down into the hole to see if he can spot anything. But after only a few seconds of looking, Freddy pops up through the hole and grabs Tyrant by the head, pulling him head first down under the ring, the two of them disappearing into the darkness. Charles Robinson jumps back and begins to look around the arena a bit, before restarting his ten count. 1.....2.....3......4......5......6......just before the referee counts seven, a quick gush of blood spurts up through the hole, spraying the ring and Charles Robinson, and disrupting the ten count. Almost immediately there after, Freddy climbs up through the hole again, this time dragging a bloodied Tyrant with his gloved right hand. Freddy lays Tyrant's bloodied body in the middle of the ring, as he sets one foot on his chest and tosses his arms out to pose to the audiance. Referee Charles Robinson, still disgusted from the blood drops down and slowly begins to make the count. 1.........2..........3!!!*

Finkel:"Ladies and gentlmen, the winner of this match and still the EMF Television Champion....Freddy Krueger!"

*Wes Ikeda is seen standing in the parking garage near his car with his brother the Badd Boy. They are found in mid conversation.*

Badd Boy: Did you like how I lowered that cell at exactly the right time?

Wes Ikeda: Yeah, great idea... glad Jarred didn't get one over on me...

*The Coach is seen approaching the two men...

Coach: Wes Ikeda... it's not like the Coach cares, but I'm being paid to ask you a question. What are you doing here. You have a broken neck, are you crazy.

Wes Ikeda: My neck isn't broken.

Coach: What?

Wes Ikeda: Yeah, I lied. See someone put a little bug in my ear that Jarred Carthallion was making his triumphant return, so I decided to take a few weeks off, and bide my time. See what happens, and get my much deserved revenge on...

*A commotion is heard and Jarred Carthallion steps into the shot, struggling with officials trying to hold him baack. The Badd Boy grabs his brother by both arms, some officials begin holding Wes back also.

Wes Ikeda: Come on, let me at him!

*Jarred yells some obscenities as the officials drag him off.*

Wes Ikeda: yeah, I'll see you in hell Jarred. This isn't even close to over...

*One Jarred is out of sight the officials and the Badd Boy let Wes go. He gets into his car, and guns the engine, speeding off into the night.

Taz’s theme hits as the arena goes dark except for orange spotlights on the entrance. The man from Red Hook comes out with his trusty towel on his head to a nice pop from the crowd. The Messiah’s theme hits and he makes his way to the ring. (you can make this part optional) The ref checks Taz for any hidden items in his tights and boots. He then goes over to Messiah and does the same. The ref finds something hard in Messiah’s boot and tells him to take it off. The crowd yells for him to take it off as well. Messiah turns to the crowd and gives a resounding “SHUT THE FUCK UP” which brings a chorus of boo’s upon him. Taz sees an opportunity and grabs Messiah’s left boot and yanks it off. From Messiah’s boot drops a pair of brass knuckles. Taz laughs with the crowd at Messiah after exposing him to the ref. The ref chastises Messiah, puts the knucks in his pocket and rings the bell to start the match. Taz runs right at Messiah but being the quicker one Messiah is able to get out of the ring. Someone from the crowd heckles him and Messiah turns around and says “Why don’t you shut up you fat slob”. This riles up the fan and the crowd even more. Messiah gets back into the ring carefully and measures up Taz. They lock up and Taz easily throws him to the mat. Messiah gets up and then goes to lock up again, but instead throws a knee into Taz’s gut. He takes Taz by the head and puts him in a headlock. Taz tries to pull his hair, but the ref warns him to let go. Messiah wrenches in harder but Taz backs him to the ropes and throws him off to the other side. Taz goes for a clothes line but misses and Messiah hits him with a running dropkick square in the face. Messiah gets to the outside and climbs the ropes. He poses for the fans giving Taz enough time to get up and push him off of the ropes to the floor. Taz climbs out of the ring and starts laying in lefts and rights into Messiah on the floor. Taz sets him up and throws him shoulder first into the barricade around the ringside. Taz gets in the ring to break the ref’s count at 8 and then goes back out. He picks up Messiah and then slams him back first into the stairs. Messiah is screaming in pain and the ref finally gets out of the ring to warn Taz. Taz gets back in the ring. Messiah gets back in on the 9 and the match continues. Taz picks up his smaller opponent, locks his arms around his head and nails a T-Bone suplex. Taz rolls through, mounts Messiah and starts hitting him with stiff shots to the face. When the ref gets to 4, he stops and goes for a cover. 1……….2………kick out. Taz grabs Messiah’s arm and locks on a Fugiawa Arm Bar. Messiah is screaming in agony. Taz can’t get Messiah to submit so he lets the arm bar go and synchs in a head lock. Messiah stands and sits abruptly nailing Taz with a jaw breaker. Messiah slides out onto the apron and waits for Taz to stumble to his feet. As soon as Taz turns around he is met by a springboarding Messiah hitting him with a hurricanrana. 1……….2…………...Taz kicks out. Messiah once again goes outside and mounts the ropes. He jumps going for a cross body block, but Taz catches him and turns it into a powerslam. Taz holds on for the cover 1………………….2……………kickout. Taz picks up Messiah and sends him into the corner and follows up with a hard clothesline. He sends him into the opposite corner and hits him with yet another clothesline. Taz then grabs his almost limp opponent and hits a Northern Lights Suplex. 1………………2……………kickout. Taz sends Messiah in but telegraphs a backdrop and gets hit with a stiff kick to the head. Messiah points out something behind him to the ref and when the ref looks he kicks Taz square in the balls. Taz keels over instantly. Messiah climbs to the top rope and bounces off the top rope, spins around and does a moonsault. 1……..2………kickout. Messiah tosses Taz over the top rope and then pearches himself on the top rope again. Messiah picks his spot and jumps but Taz sidesteps him and Messiah hits hard. Taz then goes over to the Spanish announcers table and takes out the monitors. He then sets Messiah up on the table and then goes back to the ring to stop the count. He goes back out to the table and signals for a Tazplex off the table onto the floor. He goes to grab Messiah but is met with a knee to the groin. (he of course says that it was in the mid section) Messiah then quickly gets back into the ring and gets onto the top rope. He signals for the end and leaps, but Taz moves and Messiah goes crashing into the table.]

JR-These two better watch it, this is not an extreme match

Coach-Yeah, and this is not ECW

King-Yeah, don’t want to run in a BINGO HALL NOW AAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWW *King runs off insane at the mention of his arch rival…wrestling in a Bingo Hall *

[Taz rolls Messiah into the ring and then climbs into the ring himself and then Messiah looks like he is starting to beg off. But it’s just a ploy for Taz to lower his guard and then Messiah hits a poke to the eye and then Messiah uses the ropes and then gets back to his feet and then Taz gains his eye sight back and then charges at Messiah, Messiah then throws Taz up and then Taz lands throat first into the ropes and then Messiah then kicks Taz in the gut and then sets him up for the Godsmack, he goes for it. Though Taz is able to slide out the back and then Taz puts on a Tazmission! Messiah looks for a way out of it, thought Taz is able to hold him back from the ropes and then Taz is able to bring him down to the mat with a double body leg scissors the ref then checks Messiah’s arms once……………twice…………three times…it’s over!]

*The lights flicker, and then go completely out as an the EMF tron lights up with an image of eye opening up “the Other World theme” blasts on the PA system as the lights comes and the camera shows Chris Jericho standing in the entrance, he is shaking a little bit as his arms are out stretch and then turns around pumping his fist, he has the RWA-WWF hardcore title around his waist. Jericho then looks to the entrance as Amy Dumas walks out, she puts up her hand sign as Jericho and Amy walk down to the ring side. Jericho goes off to walk up the steps. Amy runs and slides into the ring and then goes into the middle of the ring and does her hand sign as Jericho on the opposite side of the ring on the apron has his arms hooked on the ropes looking over the crowd. Jericho walks into the ring, as Amy goes to the turnbuckle and then does her turnbuckle taunt as Jericho holds up the RWA-WWF hardcore title *

JR-You have got to worry about if Jericho is ready for this, he hasn’t been in a ring for 3 years!

Coach-Well considering the stakes in the match, Evolution will make sure that we never have to see Jericho or Amy ever again

(A RWA chant goes over the crowd as Jericho and Amy soak it in. As the words “if you smell lallalalaooooww……what the Rock is cooking” The Rock walks down to the ring, Rock then climbs to the ring side and then walks up the ring steps and then walks on the apron and then climbs to the top rope and then puts up his arm. Rock then puts it down and then walks into the ring and then goes to the opposite side of the ring’s turnbuckle inside the ring and then puts up his arm and then jumps off the turnbuckle

JR-This could be one of the Rock’s biggest matches in his EMF career

Coach-Though then again, the Rock hasn’t had too many of those

King-Thus making it the most important…idiot

(“The Evolution” theme blasts on the PA system as the lights turn orange as Randy Orton and Triple H walk out to the ring. Triple H has the world title around his waist. Triple H and Orton slide into the ring and then Orton goes into the turnbuckle and does his turnbuckle taunt. Triple H walks into the ring and then spits water as he raises the world title over his head)

[Triple H and Jericho start off by facing off at each other, Jericho looks pissed Triple H just laughs and then backs up and then tags in Orton as the crowd boo’s as Orton and Jericho lock up as Jericho pushes Orton towards the corner and then ref asks for a break. Jericho breaks it up and then Jericho backs up and then smiles cockly and then Orton then charges at Jericho, Jericho counters it with a quick drop toe hold.sending Orton down on his face and then Jericho takes a steps back and then hits a kick into the ribs into Orton. Jericho hits a few more stomps on the downed Orton and then Jericho talks a little trash to Triple H. Orton gets up and then while Jericho isn’t looking Orton pokes Jericho in the eyes and then goes for a RKO. But Jericho pushes Orton off in mid air and Orton goes crashing into the ground. Jericho measures up Orton and then Orton stumbles up and then hits a few hard knife edge chops and then Jericho whips Orton to the ropes and then Orton bounces off the ropes and then Jericho lowers his head for a back body drop. Orton counters it with a kick to the face, Jericho pops up in pain and then Orton nails a clothesline and then falls on the ropes to hold himself up him and then Orton with an intense look hits a few hard punches to the face of Jericho and knocks him down to the mat. Orton hits a few hard stomps to the downed Jericho and then Orton pulls up Jericho and then whips him to the ropes and then Jericho bounces off the ropes and then Orton nails a back spinning elbow. Jericho goes to the ropes and then Orton starts to choke Jericho as the ref uses his 5 count and then Orton looks at the ref pissed but knowing what’s on the line no matter what he waits for Jericho to get up and then hits a fist to stun Jericho farther and then brings Jericho into the corner and tags in Triple H, Triple H comes into the ring and then nails a fist and knocks down Jericho. Jericho then tries to get up, but Triple H hits an elbow into the back of the neck of Jericho as he tries to keep Jericho down with numerous elbow shots to Jericho. Though Jericho keeps getting up, Triple pulls up Jericho and then knocks him down with a fist and this time Jericho doesn’t seem like he’s getting up too fast. Triple H hits a few hard stomps to the downed Jericho and then Triple H pulls up Jericho and then hits a few fists and then whips Jericho off the ropes and then Jericho bounces off and then Triple H goes for a clothesline, but Jericho ducks it and then goes to the other side of the ring and then bounces off and then Triple H goes for a flying knee but Jericho ducks under and then bounces off the ropes and then Triple H and Jericho knock each other down with a double clothesline. Amy starts to try to get the crowd into it and yells for Jericho to make the tag. Jericho slowly makes it to his corner as Triple H gets up and tries to stop him. Jericho leaps and tags in the ring. Triple H backs up and then the Rock comes into the ring and then knocks down Triple H with a fist and then Triple H gets up and then knocks down Triple H again with a fist and then the Rock hits a few fists and then backs up Triple H to the ropes and then whips Triple H off the ropes and then the Rock catches him a spine buster and then sets up for the people’s elbow.]

King-Here comes…

Coach-Oh please, spare me the catch phrases

[The Rock slowly takes off his elbow pad and then throws it into the crowd and then does his taunt and then begins to runs to the ropes. As he hits the first rope, Orton then hits a knee to the back while Rock is bouncing off the ropes. Orton turns around thinking that he has effected the rock and laughs to the crowd. But the Rock is standing there looking at Orton pissed as Orton turns back the Rock throws Orton into the ring and then Orton gets up in the corner and then the Rock hits a few hard fists and on the last one spits on his hand and then hits Orton so hard he flies to the apron. Orton slowly gets up, suddenly Jericho comes into the ring and then runs to the ropes and jumps on it the second turnbuckle and spring board drop kicks Orton to the floor. The ref makes Jericho go to his corner and then the Rock hits a few fists on Triple H who is reeling on the ropes and then the Rock whips Triple H off the ropes and then Triple H bounces off the ropes and the Rock lowers his head and then Triple H hits a face buster. The Rock stumbles around and then Triple H hits a diving clothesline, both the Rock and Triple H are down, though Triple H is just taking this time to try to slow the pace down a little and recover. Triple H then gets up and then waits for Rock to get up, once he does Triple H hits a few fists on the Rock and then backs up and then tries to whip the Rock to the ropes and then the Rock reverses it and sends Triple H to the ropes and then the Rock nails a over head throw and then the Rock waits for Triple H, who stumbles up and then the Rock kicks him in the gut and nails a DDT. The Rock nips up and then waits for Triple H to stumble up and then Rock gets ready for the Rock bottom. But from behind Orton comes from behind and nails the rope with a clubbing blow that sends the Rock down. Jericho charges in and hits a few forearm shot to Orton and then whips Orton to the opposite side of the ring and then charges in, but Orton is able to counter the charge by Jericho with a back body drop. Though Jericho is able to land on his feet on the apron and then Jericho hits a fist on Orton and then sets him up and then suplex’s him from the ring to the outside! After recover a little bit Jericho starts to pound on Orton, and then Jericho pulls up Orton and then tries to whip him to the steal steps. But Orton reverses it and sends Jericho into the steal steps, the ref is over trying to stop the two illegal wrestlers fighting on the outside, instead the ring the Rock has gotten up with the refs back turned, Triple H is able to hit a low blow without the ref knowing and then kicks the Rock in the gut and nails the pedigree!! Triple H goes into the cover and gets the 1………………2……………3!]

JR-Oh my god

King-The Rock’s career is over!

Coach-Yeah, and it looks like Jericho and Amy are going to join him soon

JR-You maybe right Coach, but don’t count out Jericho…he is a survivor of the RWA-WCW stable wars, it’s been two on one before.

[Orton gets up and rolls Jericho into the ring, Triple H is mocking Amy a little bit and then hits a few stomps on the downed Jericho and then starts to choke Jericho as the ref counts 5 count and then Orton rolls in the ring as Triple H hits a few fists in the corner and then Triple H whips Jericho to the opposite side of the turnbuckle and then Triple H runs into the corner and then Jericho counters with a elbow to the face of Triple H, Jericho then pulls himself on the second rope and then leaps off and nails a second rope missile drop kick. Orton comes from behind and then clubs Jericho from behind and then whips Jericho to the ropes and then Jericho bounces off the ropes and then Jericho leaps off the ropes and nails a flying forearm on Orton. Jericho goes back to Triple H, and then hits a few hard knife edge chops and then Jericho whips Triple H to the ropes. Though as Triple H bounces off the ropes, Orton who’s back into this corner tags in and then Jericho lowers his head for a back body drop, but Triple H counters with a face buster on Jericho. Orton gets a smile on his face as Jericho turns to him stunned and Orton hits the RKO! The camera shows an outside shot of Amy with her hands on her face, then Orton goes into the cover with a cocky pin counting the count 1…………………..2……………………..thre…KICK OUT.]

JR-Jericho kicked out!

Orton looks down and can’t believe that he didn’t get the three, Triple H tells Orton to hold Jericho up and then Triple H hammers Jericho over and over again trying to bust him open, and then the ref tells him to stop and then Orton drops him. Orton then ties him up in the ropes, and then Triple H and Orton take turns on hammering Jericho with their hardest shots. The ref after a while is able to untie Jericho from the ropes and he falls back to the mat. Triple H goes back to his corner, it shows Jericho trying to get up with help of the ropes, Jericho has a cut on his forehead and it’s bleeding a little bit. Orton then pulls Jericho off the ropes and then drags him into their corner and then Triple H gets the tag in and then Orton drops the elbow into the leg of Jericho, Triple H hits a few shots to the leg and then Triple H puts Jericho’s leg on the ropes and then hits a knee drop on it, attacking the leg even more. Triple H then drags in the middle of the ring Jericho’s body and then sets it up and then puts on an Indian death lock. Jericho screawms in pain as the ref asks if he wants to give it up, he refuses. Jericho looks for a way out of it, but can’t find a way. His hand is going up for the tap, outside Amy starts to hit the mat, trying to get Jericho reach the ropes and gets a huge “Y2J! Y2J! Y2J! Y2J!” chant started. Jericho slowly puts his hand down.]

Coach-He’s going to tap! What a way to finish Y2J

JR-I don’t think he’s going to tap Coach

King-Well give him a break JR…his mind works on a 10 second delay..

[Jericho inches closer and closer to the ropes and then grabs on to it, Triple H knowing that the damage has been done. Goes over and tags in Orton, Triple H tells Orton something and then Orton nods his head to say that he understands the plan. Then Triple H pulls up Jericho and then puts him in a head lock and starts punching his head where he’s cut open, then Triple H whips Jericho to the ropes and then Jericho hooks the ropes, but just about out of strength Jericho can’t even taught Triple H. Triple H just in a rage charges at Jericho, Jericho counters it with a back body drop to the arena floor. Jericho uses the ropes to keep himself up, the ref comes over. Suddenly Orton comes out of no where and then splashes into Jericho that knocks Jericho right into the ref and dazes down to the mat. Though seeing that he didn’t quiet knock out the ref, and he most likely will be up in the amount of time it takes to nail an RKO and get the match over, Orton grins cockly. Suddenly the crowd cheers as the camera shows Amy on the top turnbuckle motioning for Orton to turn towards her, he does and then Amy leaps off the turnbuckle and then nails a Litacarana on Orton! Amy hurries and gets out of the ring before the ref notices, Jericho is once again up with the ref getting up not noticing what Amy did, Triple H climbs to the apron. Limping as he charges, Jericho spring boards the second turnbuckle and nails a missile drop kick that sends Triple H to the mat. With his last little bit of strength in his body, Jericho charges as fast as he to the ropes and then leaps on them and nails a lionsault on the downed Orton!! The ref who is now fully recovered counts the 1……………..2………..3!!]


Coach-He cheated damn it, Jericho and Amy did it you mean!

King-I predict a heart attack for both of you in the near future….

(Triple H slides into the ring, as Orton is up can’t believing what happen. Jericho rolls out of the ring limping up the ramp as the crowd is going crazy and at the top of the ramp he collapses on his knee’s. Amy comes over celebrates with Jericho, Jericho puts his arm around her as she helps him up and then he gets a big smile as Triple H is going crazy in the ring as Orton is still on his knee’s not believing what happened)

JR-Tonight Jericho lived up to his name “the Slayer of careers”! Orton is gone, though Triple H is not going to let this stand, we will see what happens at Shockwave! Goodnight everyone!!

(fades out of with that)