EMF: Hell on Earth

Jerry "The King" Lawler - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, RVT!!! (crowd cheers *******)

[RVT comes to the ring. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - and his opponent, Matt Matelic!!!

[Matt Matelic walks to the ring. Earl Hebner is the referee for this contest. RVT walks around the ring. RVT gets nailed with a charging axhandle bodyblock from Matt Matelic. (ring, ring, ring) Flying somersault drop kick by RVT puts him back in the match. Now RVT standing. RVT flies from the turnbuckle with an elbowdrop. Now RVT standing. RVT executes a corkscrew legdrop on Matt Matelic. Now RVT standing. RVT legsweeps Matt Matelic. Matt Matelic stands up. Matt Matelic goes for a springboard dropkick but RVT dodges the attack. Matt Matelic and RVT go to the floor Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) Matt Matelic chokes RVT with a microphone cable. RVT nails Matt Matelic with a springboard dropkick. (..2) (...3) Matt Matelic is driven further into the floor by RVT with a diving elbow smash. RVT gets up. Matt Matelic stands up. (....4) A flying shoulder block send Matt Matelic to the floor. RVT moves back to his feet. (.....5) They head back into the ring. Matt Matelic slaps RVT in the face. RVT hits him with a back fist. RVT trys for a flying forearm but Matt Matelic avoids it. RVT hits a koppo kick on Matt Matelic. ]

Jim Ross - koppo kick!

[RVT rolls onto Matt Matelic connecting with a knee. Matt Matelic gets up. Matt Matelic hits a jumping elbow hrust on RVT. RVT stands up. RVT hits Matt Matelic with the back of his elbow. ]

Jim Ross - Matt Matelic takes a back elbow.

[A flying tomahawk by RVT sends Matt Matelic down to the mat. RVT chants start. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - Matt Matelic really felt that flying tomahawk!

[RVT kicks Matt Matelic in the back of the leg. RVT measures Matt Matelic up and drops a closed fist. Now RVT standing. RVT hits Matt Matelic with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle. RVT gets back to his feet. Matt Matelic stands up. Matt Matelic trys for a side belly-to-belly suplex but is not strong enough to lift RVT.Matt Matelic puts RVT in the double armbar submission. The referee is checking the situation. ... ... Matt Matelic tightens the hold. RVT escapes. Matt Matelic drags RVT to the floor. Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) Matt Matelic swings a Steel chair and hits RVT. RVT is bleeding as a result. (..2) Matt Matelic kicks RVT in the head. (...3) Matt Matelic applies an arm wrench to RVT. ]

Jim Ross - RVT takes a arm wrench.

[RVT climbs to his feet. (....4) RVT pins Matt Matelic against the ropes and chokes him with his forearm. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - Follows up with a forearm choke.

[(.....5) They head back into the ring. Matt Matelic throws RVT off the ropes and hits him with a diving shoulder block. RVT hits a ropeflip moonsault on Matt Matelic. Matt Matelic is driven further into the mat by RVT with a diving elbow smash. RVT stands up. RVT executes a corkscrew legdrop on Matt Matelic. RVT measures Matt Matelic up and drops a closed fist. RVT dropkicks Matt Matelic to the face. RVT chants start. RVT gets back to his feet. RVT rolls onto Matt Matelic connecting with a knee. Matt Matelic gets back to his feet. Matt Matelic gets hit with a back heel kick. Matt Matelic moves back to his feet. RVT hiptosses Matt Matelic. RVT chants start. RVT hits Matt Matelic with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle. RVT gets back to his feet. Matt Matelic gets up. RVT thrust kicks Matt Matelic in the head. RVT pulls off a beautiful one star toad splash off of the top rope. RVT gets up not finished yet he goes for and hits the ROLLING CHUNDER! He covers...Earl Hebner counts. ...1 ...2 ...3 ]

Jim Ross - RVT has won the match!

Jerry "The King" Lawler - The winner of this match, RVT!!!

(Copyright information flashes over the screen as we go into the arena as pyro goes off on the specialy made stage and then the lights turn on and the camera looks around JR being talking

JR-Welcome to HOE…

King-JR you said your mom is a HOE?

JR-no I said welcome to HOE

King-yeah you said your mom is a HOE, but Ashlee can’t be she’s as pure as Molly Holly…only because no one can look at her for more then a second.

[Big Danny G comes to the ring. ]

JR - and his opponent, weighing in at 225 pounds,, Degenerate!!! (crowd cheers ****)

[Degenerate walks to the ring. Tim White is the referee for this contest. Big Danny G places Degenerate on the turnbuckle and executes a front-layout suplerplex. Degenerate executes a pumphandle suplex on Big Danny G. (ring, ring, ring) Big Danny G executes a headlock takedown. Degenerate gets up. Big Danny G gets hit with a back heel kick. Big Danny G gets back to his feet. Big Danny G connects with a flying knee. Degenerate goes down. ]

King - Degenerate takes a knee.

[Degenerate gets back to his feet. Degenerate slaps the face of Big Danny G. Degenerate hits Big Danny G with a rolling elbow smash to the face. Big Danny G is up again. Big Danny G picks up Degenerate and executes the cradle DDT. Degenerate stands up. Indian deathlock applied by Big Danny G. Tim White is checking for a tap out. ... Big Danny G tightens the hold. ... Big Danny G breaks the hold. Big Danny G and Degenerate go to the floor Tim White starts the count (.1) Big Danny G chokes Degenerate with a microphone cable. (..2) Big Danny G chops Degenerate. (...3) Big Danny G gives Degenerate a reverse neckbreaker. Big Danny G gets up. Degenerate gets back to his feet. (....4) Big Danny G executes a ropeflip hiptoss on Degenerate. (.....5) They fight into the aisle. Big Danny G and Degenerate move back to ringside. They fight into the aisle. Big Danny G and Degenerate move back to ringside. They head back into the ring. Big Danny G hits Degenerate with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle. Big Danny G is up again. Big Danny G applies an arm wrench to Degenerate. Degenerate moves back to his feet. Degenerate hits Big Danny G with an inverted atomic drop. Big Danny G gets hit with the shooting star press from Degenerate. Tim White counts. ...1 ...2 Big Danny G kicks out. Big Danny G is back on his feet. Big Danny G is hit with a backward kick. Big Danny G gets hit with the shooting star press from Degenerate. Tim White counts the pin. ...1 ...2 Big Danny G escapes. Big Danny G is back on his feet. Degenerate tackles Big Danny G. ]

King - Follows up with a football tackle.

[Big Danny G is back on his feet. Degenerate hits Big Danny G with a slingshot bodyblock. Degenerate gets up. Degenerate sends Big Danny G to ringside. Tim White starts the count (.1) (..2) Big Danny G gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Degenerate. Degenerate is back on his feet. (...3) Degenerate rolls onto Big Danny G connecting with a knee. (....4) Degenerate measures Big Danny G up and drops a closed fist. Degenerate moves back to his feet. Big Danny G moves back to his feet. Big Danny G hits Degenerate with the double arm DDT into the floor. Big Danny G is up again. (.....5) Big Danny G knees Degenerate and rolls back to his feet. Big Danny G hits Degenerate with an inverted atomic drop. Big Danny G chants start. They head back into the ring. Degenerate sets Big Danny G up DDTs him into the mat. Degenerate spinning mule kicks Big Danny G. Degenerate chants start. Degenerate executes the Supper DDT on Big Danny G! Big Danny G gets hit with the shooting star press from Degenerate. Tim White counts the pin. ...1 ...2 ...3 ]

* “Dirty D’s Music Hits” as he comes out from behind the curtain. He runs down the ramp without much of a reaction from the crowd as they are still getting used to the new guy. He slides into the ring and awaits his opponents.*

JR: Here comes the new guy king, Dirty D. He got a win against The Lady’s Man last week.

King: That’s because that wasn’t the real Lady’s Man. I AM JR! WOO-HOO!

* “Jake Jeckyl’s” Music starts to blare as the fans start booing. He walks out from the back slaps his head a few times getting himself psyched up then runs down the ramp and dives into the ring. He gives Dirty D a dirty look.*

JR: How long has it been since we have seen his man King?

King: A week?

JR: You know what I meant

King: No I didn’t.

JR: I meant since the last time he had a good stay here in the EMF.

King: He went away? I didn’t notice.

* “Ravage’s” Music begins and the fans boo even louder. He looks around with a sadistic glee then walks down towards the ring. He points at Jeckyl as he climbs into the ring. He steps through the ropes and goes to his corner just waiting. The Bell sounds.*

JR: What a monster King. He doesn’t seem liked around here.

King: Well if they liked him then he wouldn’t be doing his job.

[Jake Jeckyl and Dirty D start the match off by locking up. They struggle and get nowhere. Both men let go, take a step back then they go for the lock up again. Dirty D and Jake struggle again as Ravage walks over to the two of them, grabs their heads and slams them together. Ravage starts hammering on Jake Jeckyl. Jeckyl doubles over and Ravage gives him a double axe handle smash to take him down. Dirty D runs up and fore arms Ravage in the back. Ravage turns around and looks at Dirty D. He grabs him by the throat and gives him a choke slam. Jake Jeckyl starts to get up and Ravage gives him a lifting kick to the mid section. Dirty D flips up to his feet and chop blocks Ravage from behind in the back of the knee. Dirty D goes for a quick cover …1…2…KICK OUT! Ravage uses his strength to throw Dirty D off of him. He stands up helps Dirty D up before throwing him into the turnbuckle. Ravage flies in with a running forearm of his own taking him down. Jeckyl back to his feet charges in, but Ravage moves and Jeckyl nails Dirty D.]

JR: Ravage making his presence felt early.

King: I wouldn’t want to be in there JR, he looks dangerous.

JR: The men in the ring would disagree. They would say he feels dangerous.

[Ravage grabs Jeckyl from behind in a full nelson, but Jake throws his leg back and catches Ravage between the legs. Ravage doubles over as Jeckyl throws Dirty D out of the turnbuckle and hops up on it while holding onto Ravage’s head. Jake Jeckyl hits a Tornado DDT. Dirty D makes it up and climbs the turnbuckle. He perches on the top. Jeckyl walks over to Ravage’s body and Dirty D leaps off towards Jeckyl with a flying body press, but Jeckyl sees it in time and moves. Dirty D hits a body splash onto Ravage. Jeckyl grabs Dirty D by the head and throws him over the top. Ravage starts to get up as Jeckyl runs and hits a high knee on Ravage. Ravage grabs his nose as Jake Jeckyl grabs his head and runs towards the turnbuckle. He attempts to ram Ravage’s head into the turnbuckle, but Ravage puts a hand down and throws Jeckyl’s head into the turnbuckle. Dirty D slides back into the ring at the opposite end. Jeckyl throws Ravage to the opposite turnbuckle where Dirty D is waiting and hits a dropkick taking Ravage down.]

JR: What a move by Dirty D. Great set-up.

King: Just goes to show even a rookie can screw up and somehow pull a move off.

JR: You shouldn’t be so hateful. Maybe you need to take a class or something.

King: I am seeking help, but my anger management courses are pissing me off!

[Jake Jeckyl comes running in for a clothesline, but Dirty D ducks. Jeckyl turns around and Dirty D catches him with a dropkick also. Dirty D starts stomping on Jake Jeckyl. Dirty D helps Jeckyl up and Dirty D gives him a knee to the stomach then grabs Jake and puts Jeckyl between his legs. Dirty D lifts him up and hits a pile driver. Ravage gets up and takes a swing at Dirty D who ducks then starts hitting Ravage. Dirty D gets behind Ravage grabbing his head and hits a Reverse DDT. Dirty D gets Jeckyl back up and swings him into the ropes. On Jeckyl’s return Dirty D hits a huge spear. Ravage back on his feet catches Dirty D into a spine buster slam. Ravage starts stomping on Dirty D as Jake Jeckyl climbs back up. Jeckyl hits a roundhouse kick on Ravage. Ravage stumbles backwards into the turnbuckle. Jeckyl starts punching and kicking Ravage. Dirty D back up flies into the corner sandwiching Jeckyl who goes down. Dirty D picks up Jeckyl and sets him up then delivers a powerful brain buster. Dirty D then goes to work on Ravage.]

JR: Dirty D back to work.

King: Jake Jeckyl back to jobbing.

JR: Oh would you stop.

[Dirty D climbs the turnbuckle, but Ravage grabs him, turns around, and racks him onto the turnbuckle. Ravage grabs his head and hits a ¾ turn neck breaker putting Dirty D out. Ravage then picks the fallen Jake Jeckyl back up, lefts him into his arms, steps back, runs forward, and hits a power slam. He picks him back up again and hits a sit down gut buster power bomb with the pin …1…2…Dirty D throws an arm forward…3! He wasn’t in time. The bell rings and Ravage stands up throwing his hand into the air in victory.]

King: *Coughs *

JR: Oh enough. Ladies and Gentleman your winner, RAVAGE!

(Ravage hits a few stomps into Dirty D and looks to continue the assualt, but he notices too people charging the ring. Ravage slowly slides out of the ring as they slide into the ring. Ravage back pedles yelling something back at them)

King-aaawww more newbies!!

King - Degenerate has won the match!

JR - The winner of this match, and new Telivision Championship champion, Degenerate!!!
“The Game” blasts on the PA system as Ashlee walks to the ring

JR-what the writer remembered a theme song

“the Game” Stonecold Steve Austin-Because it’s orinigally my theme song!

King-Where you come from?

*Austin fades into thin air*

“bring me to life” blasts on the PA system as Widow walks to the ring

JR-I heard back stage worker “Austin Powers” doesn’t like this song too much

King-Well from what I heard he was more offended by “Westin Powers”

[Widow insanely charges and spears Ashlee and bashes her head against the mat, Widow backs off as Ashlee stumbles up and into the corner, Widow hits a few kicks to the gut of Ashlee, Widow then brings Ashlee out and then whips Widow to the ropes. Ashlee bounces off the ropes and then Widow hits a back body drop. Ashlee stumbles up and then Widow hits a side walk slam. Widow goes into the cover and gets the 1…………2………kick out, Widow then puts on a chin lock and trys to sap as much strength from Ashlee as possible. Ashlee slowly gets up and then looks for a way out of this hold. Ashlee turns it into a side head lock and then backs up Widow to the ropes and then whips her off. Widow goes bouncing off the ropes and then goes crashing into Ashlee with a shoulder block. Ashlee gets up stunned and Widow then puts Ashlee up on her shoulders. But Ashlee fights out of it and is now by the back of Widow. Ashlee then pushes Widow to the ropes and goes for the roll up. But Widow holds on to the ropes and Ashlee goes summer saulting to the middle of the ring. Widow waits for Ashlee as she charges at Widow. Widow then dives out of the way at the last second and then pulls the rope down sending Ashlee flying out of the ring. Widow kind of insanely laughs at Ashlee, not really looking at Ashlee though. Because we all know what happens when you see Ashlee. Anyways. Widow then waits for Ashlee to get back into the ring. Widow goes over to Ashlee. But Ashlee is able to counter the move with a hang man on the top rope. Ashlee gets back to the apron as Widow stumbles towards Ashlee. Ashlee uses the ropes to slide under the ropes and behind Widow. Ashlee trys to then set Widow up for a germen suplex. But Widow holds on to the ropes and block the attempt and then hits a few hard back elbows into the face of Ashlee. Widow then reverses the move and then goes to the back of Ashlee and then hits a germen suplex on Ashlee and gets the 1………….2……………kick out. Widow gets up and then hits a few hard kicks to Ashlee, Widow then grabs one of her legs and then hits a few elbow drops into the inner part of her leg and then puts on a single leg lock on Ashlee.]

JR-Ashlee might tap!

King-Good…I don’t know how long I can hold…eerrr *throws up*

[Ashlee forgets where her shoulders are and then gets a 1………….2……..and Ashlee gets up and then looks for a way out of the hold. Ashlee quickly hits a few fists to the face of Widow and finally gets her stunned enough to push Widows head against the mat and the Ashlee smashes Widow’s face with her leg and breaks the hold. Ashlee stumbles up and Widow does as well, Widow then trys to punch Ashlee. But Ashlee ducks it and then makes Widow go against the ropes and then hits a few hard punches to the face of Widow. Widow is stunned from this, Ashlee then whips her off the ropes and then Widow bounces off the ropes and then Widow gets caught in a back breaker. Ashlee then hits a few stomps on Widow on stumbles to the corner and Ashlee hits a few shoulders into the gut of Widow. Ashlee then backs off and then lets Widow stumble out of the corner. Ashlee then pulls herself to the second rope and then leaps off the top rope and then nails a flying bull dog from the top rope. Ashlee then goes into the cover and gets a 1……..2………kick out. Ashlee then calls for the Ashlee slam, which only gets some cheers. Ashlee waits for Widow to get up , Widow stumbles up and then Ashlee goes for the Ashlee slam. But Widow slides out the back and then hits a reverse DDT. Both women are down.]

JR-Widow might be seeing the title slip away here

[Widow slides out of the ring and then grabs the title away from the time keeper. She then slides into the ring and then clocks Ashlee with the title. The ref throws the match out as Widow screams “it’s my title”]

(eeeeerrrrrr didn’t know who should win this one….Ashlee you have a few more title shots, so there will be a direct rematch.)

JR-She really doesn’t want to lose that title

Steven Richards-She showed her!!

JR-Where did he come from

King-He seems to be popping up around Widow now a days

Jerry "The King" Lawler - This match is a Standard Match for the Intercontinental Championship title. On his way to the ring at this time, The Challenger, Raptor!!! (crowd cheers ***********)

["Leave You Far Behind" plays as Raptor comes to the ring. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - and his opponent, from St. Louis, MO he holds the Intercontinental Championship title belt, being accompanied by Ashlee, The Badd Boy!!! (crowd cheers *******)

["Just 2 Badd" plays as The Badd Boy along with Ashlee comes to the ring]

[Raptor places Badd Boy on the turnbuckle and executes a front-layout suplerplex. Badd Boy checks out the ring. (ring, ring, ring) Raptor delivers a spinning backbreak to Badd Boy. Raptor stomps Badd Boy. Raptor flies from the turnbuckle with an elbowdrop. Raptor is back on his feet. Raptor covers Badd Boy hooking the leg. The ref starts the count. ...1 Badd Boy escapes. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - Raptor should have known he wouldn't win the match with that.

[Badd Boy gets up. Raptor delivers a kick to the head of Badd Boy. Raptor rolls onto Badd Boy connecting with a knee. Now Badd Boy standing. Badd Boy picks Raptor up in a fireman's carry and flapjacks him. Badd Boy gets back to his feet. Badd Boy hits Raptor with an elbowdrop. Badd Boy moves back to his feet. Raptor moves back to his feet. Raptor gives Badd Boy a reverse neckbreaker. Raptor is up again. Badd Boy gets back to his feet. Raptor gets thrown into the turnbuckle. Badd Boy comes over and smashes Raptor's head into it. Badd Boy gets hit with a dragon scerw from Raptor. Raptor hits Badd Boy with an elbowdrop. Raptor stands up. Badd Boy gets up. Badd Boy with an illegal chokehold on Raptor. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - choke hold!

[Raptor gets back to his feet. Badd Boy gets back into the match with a jumping neck snap on Raptor. Flying kick by Raptor takes Badd Boy down. Raptor chants start. Raptor measures Badd Boy up and drops a closed fist. Raptor gets up. Badd Boy gets back to his feet. Raptor catches Badd Boy leg, but Badd Boy reverses it with an enzuigiri to Raptor's head. Raptor moves back to his feet. Badd Boy bounces Raptor off the ropes and faceslams him onto the mat. Raptor is back on his feet. Raptor executes a headlock takedown. Badd Boy low blows Raptor. Raptor stands up. Raptor gets hit with a dragon scerw from Badd Boy. Badd Boy measures Raptor up and drops a closed fist. Badd Boy moves back to his feet. Raptor stands up. Raptor picks up Badd Boy and delivers a tilt-a-whirl suplex. Raptor climbs to his feet. Raptor and Badd Boy go to the floor ]

Jim Ross - Raptor can't get a pin at ringside.

[Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) Badd Boy gets back to his feet. (..2) Badd Boy hits Raptor with a Baba chop. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - Baba Chop by Badd Boy.

[(...3) Badd Boy brings Raptor down with a Mexican armdrag takedown. (....4) Badd Boy rolls onto Raptor connecting with a knee. Raptor gets up. (.....5) Raptor takes Badd Boy into the ring. Badd Boy is hit with a backward kick. Raptor chops Badd Boy. A flying shoulder block send Raptor to the mat. Raptor moves back to his feet. Badd Boy executes a headlock takedown. Raptor gets back to his feet. Raptor piledrives Badd Boy head first into the mat. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - Badd Boy is getting the crap kicked out of him!

[Badd Boy gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Raptor. Now Raptor standing. Badd Boy is up again. Badd Boy pokes Raptor in the eyes. Badd Boy applies the clawhold on Raptor. Badd Boy executes a ropeflip hiptoss on Raptor. Raptor gets up. Flying sommersault drop kick by Badd Boy puts him back in the match. Raptor gets hit with the shooting star press from Badd Boy. Referee Earl Hebner makes the count. ...1 Raptor escapes. Raptor is back on his feet. Badd Boy hits a koppo kick on Raptor. Raptor is up again. Badd Boy grabs Raptor's head and hites him in the face. Badd Boy hits Raptor with a rolling elbow smash to the face. Raptor gets up. Badd Boy executes a jawbreakeron Raptor. Badd Boy gets up. Raptor stands up. Badd Boy hits a dragon suplex on Raptor. Badd Boy gets back to his feet. Now Raptor standing. Raptor nails Badd Boy with an inverted DDT. Raptor gets up. Badd Boy gets locked in the painful STF. Earl Hebner asks Badd Boy if he quits. ... ... Raptor breaks the hold. Raptor hits Badd Boy with a rolling elbow smash to the face. Badd Boy stands up. Badd Boy jabs Raptor. Raptor slaps Badd Boy. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - Follows up with a slap.

[Badd Boy short lariats Raptor. Raptor moves back to his feet. Badd Boy jumps from the top and nails Raptor with a flying axhandle smash. ]

Jim Ross - Badd Boy executes a flying axhandle.

[Raptor stands up. Raptor hits Badd Boy with an earringer. A flying shoulder block send Badd Boy to the mat. Now Raptor standing. Raptor applies an arm wrench to Badd Boy. Badd Boy stands up. Raptor nails Badd Boy with a double underhook suplex. Raptor chants start. Badd Boy moves back to his feet. Badd Boy goes to the top and executes a flying hip attack on Raptor. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - flying hip attack!

[Badd Boy gets up. Raptor gets hit with the shooting star press from Badd Boy. Earl Hebner counts. ...1 ...2 Raptor kicks out. Raptor runs towards the ropes, springboards off, and splashes Badd Boy. Raptor leg drops Badd Boy. Badd Boy gets back to his feet. Badd Boy connects with a somersault slam on Raptor. Badd Boy climbs to the second turnbuckle and moonsaults onto Raptor. Badd Boy with the Flying Elbowdrop on Raptor! Raptor gets lifted back up then hit with THE FULL NELSON SUPLEX from Badd Boy. Earl Hebner counts the pin. ...1 ...2 ...3

Jerry "The King" Lawler - The winner of this match, and still Intercontinental Championship champion, The Badd Boy!!!

["Just 2 Badd" plays again as Ashlee hands The Badd Boy the Intercontinental Championship and the two head to the back together.]

“Heavenly god music” blasts on the PA system as Jason Syrus floats to the ring

JR-This may be the last time we see this entrance

King-awww don’t worry JR out 3 people that lost their careers at HOE *gets a dark SSB like look* Road came back…..and Alex Salvatore and Justin Franchize who I don’t quite like all that much….*gets the dark look again* but….especially Road!

“Demotic Devil music” blasts on the PA system as “Your Devil” Angelus raises out of a ring of fire from the ring.

King-I don’t know which entrance I’ll miss the most

JR-Well I guess you can no longer bet on Jason Syrus anymore

King-speaking of that I have money on him…so he better win!


[Syrus and Angelus lock up, Angelus puts on a side head lock. Angelus then twists around and then into a hammer lock and then takes Syrus down with a double leg take down. Angelus then has him grounded with the side head lock and then puts more pressure on Syrus. Syrus then looks for a way out of the hold and then slowly makes it to his feet. Syrus slowly forces out of the head lock turning it into a top wrist lock. Then Syrus takes out Angelus’s leg and then makes him fall to the mat and puts on a arm bar on Angelus. The ref looks for a tap, Syrus then hits a few knee’s into the arm of Angelus. Angelus then looks for a way out of this hold and slowly gets up from the hold and then hits a few hard punches to the face of Syrus with his free hand. Syrus holds on through, so Angelus backs up Syrus and then whips him off of the ropes. Syrus bounces off the ropes, Angelus then hits a fall through hip toss. Syrus then gets up and charges at Angelus and then Syrus hits a release arm drag take down. Syrus gets up stunned and Angelus kicks Syrus in the gut and then nails a snap suplex and then goes into the cover and gets a 1……….2…..kick out. Syrus then crawls over the rope and then trys to get away from Angelus, but Angelus uses this move to the ropes to choke Syrus with the ropes. Finally the ref makes him break it, Angelus backs off and then whips Syrus off the ropes. Syrus bounces off the ropes and then Angelus knocks him down with a hard spin kick that sends Syrus down to the mat. Angelus gets up and waits for Syrus to get up as well, Syrus stumbles to his feet and Angelus kicks him in the gut and then sets him up and lifts him and drops him in a power bomb. Syrus goes down and Angelus goes into the cover and gets a 1……….2………Syrus is able to hook the bottom rope with his arm and the ref makes him break up the cover. Angelus a bit pissed gets up and then hits a few angry stomps and then pulls up Syrus and then hits a few forearm shots that stumble Syrus to the ropes. Angelus then whips Syrus off the ropes, Syrus bounces off the ropes and then Angelus then puts Syrus in sleeper. Syrus then slowly trys to find a way out of the hold, but then slowly starts to fade away. The ref checks to see if Syrus is still able to continue….doesn’t look like it. So the ref then starts to do the hand raise]

JR-This match might be over

King-AAAWWW I gotta change my bet

[Ref raises it once……….twice………Syrus puts his hand up at the third time and slowly makes it to his feet. Syrus hits a few elbows into the gut. But it doesn’t get Angelus to break the hold, so Syrus side steps Angelus and then hits a belly to back suplex. Syrus is a bit stunned, but slowly makes his way to his feet as does Angelus. Angelus takes a swing at Syrus, but Syrus ducks it and then hits a few stinging jabs to the face of Angelus. Syrus whips Angelus off the ropes, Angelus bounces off the ropes and then Syrus catches Angelus in a power slam and then into the cover and gets a 1………..2………kick out. Syrus gets up and yells for Angelus to get up as well, Angelus stumbles to his feet and then Syrus catches him in a front slam into the pin and gets the 1………….2…………kick out. Syrus then fustrated he isn’t able to get Angelus goes to the top rope and waits for Angelus to get back to his feet. Once he does Syrus leaps off the top rope and then nails the missile drop kick]

JR-It could be all over here

King-Good thing I didn’t change my bet….I knew Syrus would win. Never had a doubt…

[Syrus the goes into the cover and gets the 1………….2………kick out. Syrus then fustrated goes to the top rope again. But Suddenly Angelus gets up and then shakes the ropes. Angelus then runs up the ropes and then hits a hurricanarana on Syrus. Angelus is able to keep his legs drapped over the top rope and pulls himself up and then leaps off the top rope and nails a big elbow. Angelus then pulls Syrus up and hits his finisher for the 1………….2…………3]

King-I knew….awww shit Angelus won

“Wasabi’s music” blasts on the PA system as Wasabi walks to the ring.

JR-Doesn’t seem like anyone remembers Wasabi’s theme

King-it’s too late to look for it

“Capital Punishment” blasts on the PA system as Punisher walks to the ring

King-At least his theme is easy to remember

JR-very true

[Wasabi charges in only to be met with a fist to the face that knocks him down, Wasabi gets up and charges at Punisher who hits another punch to the face and knocks him down again. Wasabi gets up stunned and trys to charge at Punisher, but Pun avoids it and then throws Wasabi over the top rope. But Wasabi is able to grab the top rope and avoid to fall to the ground, Wasabi waits for Punisher who realizes that Wasabi didn't go to the outside and then Wasabi sling shots himself under the bottom rope through Punishers legs and then gets behind him Wasabi then trys to roll Punisher up, but Punisher holds on to the ropes and Wasabi rolls through the move. Punisher then charges at Wasabi and goes for a lou thez press, but it's blocked into a sit down spine buster. Wasabi then quickly goes to the outside and waits for Punisher to get back to his feet. Punisher stumbles up and Wasabi leaps off the top rope and nails the leg scissors hurricanarana that sends Punisher flying and rolling out of the ring. Punisher gets up with help of the ring, Wasabi sees this and then runs to the ropes and then leaps from the ring over the top rope into a summersault dive over the top rope that hits Punisher. Though this hurts Wasabi a bit as well so both Punisher and Wasabi take a while to get up. Once Wasabi he fully recovered he rolls Punisher into the ring and then climbs to the top rope. Once Punisher gets up Wasabi goes for a front drop kick. But it's blocked and caught into a attempted caultpault. Punisher has to position Wasabi right first and then goes for it, Wasabi goes flying. But Wasabi is some how able to land on the second rope Wasabi turns around as Punisher notices this and goes charging at Wasabi. Wasabi kicks Punisher into the face that turns him around. Wasabi then hooks Punisher and then hits the emerald fusion. Wasabi goes into the cover and gets the 1.........2..........Punisher puts his foot on the rope to stop the count. Wasabi then gets up and then hits a few stomps on Punisher and Wasabi then waits for Punisher to get up. Once Punisher gets up he gets stunned with a few hard forearm shots to the face of Punisher. Punisher stumbles back to the ropes and Wasabi then whips Punisher off the ropes, Punisher bounces off the ropes and then Wasabi lowers his head and goes for a back body drop and hits it. Wasabi waits for Punisher to get up, Punisher stumbles up. Wasabi kicks Wasabi in the gut and then goes for a DDT, but its blocked and Punisher trys to counter it with a northern lights suplex. But it’s blocked by Wasabi, Wasabi twists Punisher arm and then hits a short arm clothesline on Punisher. Wasabi then climbs to the nearest turnbuckle second rope and goes for a fist drop. But before he can hit it Punisher puts his foot up and Wasabi goes crashing into Punishers boot. Both wrestlers are down.]

JR-Both wrestlers are down

King-…..if only you knew how to say something that everyone didn’t already know. Then you might not be annoying, but that’s why I HATE YOU SO VERY MUCH JR!

[The ref starts to do his standing 10 count 1……………..2…………3……………4………..5……both wrestlers get up on opposite sides with help of the ropes. Wasabi and Punisher meet in the middle of the ring. Wasabi goes for a punch, but it’s blocked and returned by a punch by Punisher. Punisher can’t follow it up because of the beating he’s received, so Wasabi is able to get un stunned and throw another punch. But it’s blocked and return once again by Punisher, this time Pun is able to follow it up with a few punches and chops into chest of Wasabi. Punisher trys to whip Wasabi to the ropes, but Wasabi reverses the whip and Punisher then bounce off the ropes. Wasabi goes for a standing clothesline, but Punisher ducks it and goes to the other side of the ring. Punisher bounces off the ropes and then Punisher leaps in the air and hits a flying clothesline that sends Wasabi down. Punisher gets up as Wasabi stumbles to his feet. Punisher then scoops up Wasabi and then slams him into a body slam. Punisher then goes to the second rope and then waits for Wasabi to stumble up. Wasabi does and he stumbles right into where Punisher is. Punisher hooks him and hits a tornado DDT. Punisher then goes into the cover and gets a 1…………2………kick out. Punisher then hits a few chops to the shoulder and then pulls up Wasabi and then trys to go for the capital punishment. But Wasabi sides out of the back of Punisher and then hits a reverse DDT. Wasabi then climbs to the top rope and singals for the hang time. But before he can hit it. Punisher gets up and then runs up to the top rope and hits the super belly to belly suplex!]

JR-Both Wasabi and Punisher was caught trying to end it early

King-Well it is for the championship, they will do anything to win….well none of them has cheated yet though.

[Punisher then gets up and then waits for Wasabi to get up. But Wasabi catches Punisher off guard with a atomic drop and then backs to the ropes and knocks Punisher off his feet. Wasabi then climbs to the top rope and then trys for a hang time. But Pun gets up, so Wasabi goes for a cross body block. Punisher catches Wasabi and rolls up and then gets up holding Wasabi, then transfer him to his shoulders and then hits the capital punishment. Punisher then goes into the cover and gets the 1………….2………..3]

JR: Punisher has won the match!!!

King: Awww what a waste! Wasabi went through all of the tournament! He tried so hard to get here… and now it’s gone down the toilet.

[Instead of picking his title up, Punisher looks at Wasabi… and smiles, an evil grin… He walks over to Wasabi, who is still lying on the ground, picks him up… and punches him down again.]

JR: Stop it! Damn it the match is over!!!

[Punisher keeps kicking Wasabi while he’s down… over and over. He picks Wasabi up, and hits the Capital Punishment on him… Wasabi falls down as the crowd boos.]

JR: Get some damn referees down here, somebody! Please!!!

[Punisher picks Wasabi up again. He goes for the Capital Punishment again, but stops suddenly when he hears…]

JR: Yes! Yes!!!

King: It’s Raptor!!!!

[“Leave you far behind” by Lunatic Calm bursts through the arena as Raptor comes running out from backstage and down the ramp with a chair. He runs straight down to the ring and wraps the damn chair around Punisher’s head! Punisher falls to the ground, limp as Wasabi slowly gets up, with his legs wobbly. Wasabi looks at Raptor, and is unsure of what he sees… Raptor helps him up, and gets a microphone:]

Raptor: Wasabi… I know this is hard to believe… I mean, 2 months after walking out on you, and I’m out here, saving your ass, once again. Well, I want you to know something. I didn’t come out here to save your ass. I came out here to tell you something. Something that’s really important. To me. And to you.

King: What could it be, JR?

Raptor: Wasabi… When I left the wWo… I made the single stupidest mistake of my career. That night, when I told you, ‘sorry bro, I’m going’… It was so sorry, I did what I did… You see Wasabi… I should of never left like I did. I should never said “Goodbye” and turned my back on you… And… well… there’s only one way to fix it. So… Wasabi,

JR: NO!!!

King: WHAT?!

[Raptor picks up the chair, and wraps the chair around Wasabi’s head this time! Wasabi falls to the ground, unconscious, as Raptor hits him over and over and over with the chair. On the back, on the head, on the legs. He stands over Wasabi, and starts chopping at him with the edge of the chair. After the huge assault, he puts the edge of the chair on Wasabi’s neck, and pushes down as hard as he can, choking Wasabi. He looks Wasabi straight in the eye…]

Raptor: I made the biggest mistake of my career, when I didn’t let my true feelings about you out, that night. When I let you get away with what you did to me… What you did to my career. *Wasabi starts coughing violently, as his face goes a bright red* When I let you off the hook, I wronged myself, and everyone else on this roster. You thought you got away with holding me down? No. No damn way…

[Raptor picks the chair up, and Wasabi gasps for air. Raptor starts assaulting him with the chair again, and again, and again. Until Raptor picks him up, and hits a new move… He picks Wasabi up, puts him in a facelock, and does a dragon screw to his head, flinging Wasabi’s torso through the air!]

JR: What was THAT?

King: That’s called the “Breakdown”.

[He picks Wasabi up again, and throws him out of the ring onto the cold concrete floor as the crowd boos in disgust. The scream and his, as he yells at them. He hops through the ropes, and walks back up the ramp, as EMTs come out with a stretcher. As they pass Raptor on the way out, he kicks over the stretcher and busts up one of the EMTs… He laughs and walks backstage, as “Leave you far behind” blares through the arena… The last image of EMF Hell on Earth, is Raptor smiling an evil smile while Wasabi is hoisted onto a stretcher by the remaining EMT]