EMF: Hell On Earth

The fireworks start to blast off as the Hell On Earth theme starts to play. The lights come back on as the camera looks around the arena at the fans holding in their signs. Suddenly the lights start to flicker

JR-It seems we are having those problems with the lights

King-This would never happen if the HoRdE was around

*suddenly the lights go off*

The crowd let's out a confused reaction, as the EMF tron lights back up and starts to go crazy. Suddenly the EMF tron produces a figure in a very dark room. A figure unnoticeable begins to speak

In a federation in it's second year..

chaos in the backstage will reign...

true legends leave this once great federation..

and that's when they will come..

From the ashes of an empire fallen one year ago..

They will come to deliver the final blow...

prepare EMF, because the Other World awaits you..

*a laugh can be heard, as the EMF tron goes crazy again and finally goes back to normal as the lights come back on*

King-AAAWW it's Road's cell mate again trying to get his money!

JR-What is this Other world...what is....whoever is talking about

*King shrugs*

Breaker vs. Raptor (Non-Title Match) gimmick (Standard Match)

JR - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 225 pounds,, Raptor!!! (crowd cheers *****)

[Raptor comes to the ring. ]

JR - and his opponent, weighing in at 225 pounds,, Breaker!!! (crowd cheers **)

[Breaker walks to the ring. Charles Robinson is the referee for this contest. Raptor executes a pumphandle suplex on Breaker. Raptor gets nailed with a charging axhandle bodyblock from Breaker. (ding, ding, ding) Raptor pins Breaker against the ropes and chokes him with his forearm. ]

King - Raptor with a forearm choke.

[Raptor discus punches Breaker. Breaker hits Raptor with the back of his elbow. Raptor hits a spinning leg lariat on Breaker sending him to the mat. Breaker gets hit with the shooting star press from Raptor. Charles Robinson counts. ...1 Breaker kicks out. ]

JR - Not even close!

[Breaker gets up. Breaker gets hit with a back heel kick. Breaker climbs to his feet. Breaker hits the Samoan drop on Raptor. Breaker tackles Raptor. Breaker climbs to his feet. Raptor gets knocked on the ground and Breaker flips onto him. Breaker executes the German suplex on Raptor. Raptor gets locked in the double chicken wing. Charles Robinson asks Raptor if he quits. ... Breaker tightens the hold. ... Raptor is fighting the hold. Raptor escapes. Raptor hits him with a back fist. Raptor superkicks Breaker. Breaker is up again. Breaker places Raptor on the turnbuckle and executes the double underhook superplex. Breaker stands up. Breaker jumps off the turnbuckle with the flying bodypress on Raptor. Raptor clotheslines Breaker. Raptor hits Breaker with the crotch slam. Raptor executes the Supper DDT on Breaker! Breaker gets hit with the shooting star press from Raptor. Charles Robinson counts the pin. ...1 ...2 ...3

JR - The winner of this match, Raptor!!!

JR - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 225 pounds,, Rachel!!! (crowd cheers **)

[Rachel comes to the ring. ]

JR - and his opponent, weighing in at 225 pounds,, Ashlee!!! (crowd cheers ****)

[Ashlee walks to the ring. Charles Robinson is the referee for this contest. Rachel checks out the ring. Ashlee checks his boots. (the bell rings) Ashlee catches Rachel leg, but Rachel reverses it with an enzuigiri to Ashlee's head. Ashlee grabs Rachel's head and hites him in the face. Rachel hits Ashlee with an earringer. Ashlee punches Rachel in the gut. ]

King - Rachel takes a fist to midsection.

[Rachel rakes the face of Ashlee in attempt to make a come back. Rachel jabs Ashlee. Ashlee gets picked up and dropped with the fireman's carry by Rachel. Ashlee gets knocked on the ground and Rachel flips onto him. Rachel is up again. Ashlee gets up. Ashlee with a headscissors takeover on Rachel. Ashlee climbs to his feet. Ashlee runs in and leg drops Rachel. Ashlee wraps his legs around Rachel's neck and puts him in the figure-four sleeper. Charles Robinson asks Rachel if he quits. ... ... ... Rachel is fighting the hold. ... Rachel escapes. Ashlee drags Rachel to the floor. Charles Robinson starts the count (.1) (..2) Ashlee rolls onto Rachel connecting with a knee. Now Rachel standing. (...3) Rachel gets thrown into the corner and gets boot choked by Ashlee. ]

King - Rachel takes a boot choke.

[Rachel executes a pumphandle suplex on Ashlee. Ashlee drops Rachel with a Gorilla Press Slam on the mat. (ring, ring, ring) Rachel brings Ashlee down with a Mexican armdrag takedown. Ashlee stands up. Ashlee hits Rachel with a rolling elbow smash to the face. Ashlee executes a flying knee drop right to the gut of Rachel. Ashlee gets up. Rachel executes an airplane spin on Ashlee. Rachel executes a corkscrew legdrop on Ashlee. ]

King - Ashlee takes a corkscrew legdrop.

[Rachel gets up. Rachel grabs Ashlee and applies an arm wrench. Ashlee rakes the face of Rachel in attempt to make a come back. Rachel gets back into the match with a jumping neck snap on Ashlee. Rachel get whipped into the corner and Ashlee follows himin with an avalanche. Ashlee drags Rachel to the floor. Charles Robinson starts the count (.1) Ashlee cuts Rachel with a blade. Rachel is bleeding as a result. (..2) Ashlee executes a ropeflip hiptoss on Rachel. (...3) Ashlee puts Rachel in an arm grapevine submission. Rachel moves back to his feet. (....4) Ashlee chops Rachel. (.....5) They fight into the aisle. Ashlee and Rachel move back to ringside. Ashlee and Rachel move back into the ring. Rachel gets taken down with a corkscrew armdrag. Rachel gets hit with the shooting star press from Ashlee. Charles Robinson counts the pin. ...1 Rachel escapes. ]

King - Not even close!

[Rachel gets up. Ashlee hits a dragon suplex on Rachel. Ashlee chants start. Ashlee moves back to his feet. Ashlee sends Rachel to ringside. Charles Robinson starts the count (.1) Ashlee throws a chair at Rachel. (..2) Ashlee tackles Rachel to the floor. Ashlee gets up. (...3) Ashlee gets picked up and dropped with the fireman's carry by Rachel. Ashlee gets back to his feet. (....4) Ashlee hits Rachel with the back of his elbow. Rachel places Ashlee over by the turnbuckle. Rachel jumps off with a flying sommersault neckbreaker. Ashlee moves back to his feet. Rachel and Ashlee move back into the ring. ]

[Ashlee connects with a somersault slam on Rachel. Ashlee stands up. (....4) Ashlee chokes Rachel with a microphone cable. Now Rachel standing. (.....5) Rachel takes Ashlee into the ring. Rachel executes a headlock takedown. Now Ashlee standing. Ashlee hits Rachel with the crotch slam. Ashlee chants start. Rachel gets back to his feet. Ashlee executes the flying head scissors on Rachel. Ashlee hits Rachel with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle. Ashlee gets up. Ashlee executes a corkscrew legdrop on Rachel. Ashlee stands up. Rachel gets back to his feet. Ashlee Choke Slams Rachel. Rachel looks to be out cold! Ashlee makes the cover with a roling reverse cradle. Charles Robinson counts. ...1 ...2 ...3 ]

JR - Ashlee has won the match!

JR - The winner of this match, Ashlee!!!

"Click Click boom" blasts on the PA system as Wasabi walks to the ring

JR-Wasabi has come from the bottom of the EMF to a chance to become a world champion

King-Yeah, but....damn I can't think of a reason. It's all An Arkie fault

*An Arkie wannabe runs out of no where and grabs Kings crown and runs away to California*

King-Damn it not the crown

*runs after the An Arkie wannabe*

"Jeckyl's theme" blasts on the PA system as Jeckyl walks to the ring

JR-King you got your crown back already

King-yeah the An Arkie wannabe freaked out after I told him that if he didn't give me my crown back back there would be another depression


[Wasabi and pace around the ring. Jeckyl and Wasabi lock up and Jeckyl quickly turns it into a head lock. Jeckyl puts as much pressure on it as he can get. Wasabi then looks for a way out of the head lock and backs up and whips Jeckyl off the head lock. Jeckly bounces off the ropes and Wasabi hits a arm drag take down to Jeckyl, Jeckyl gets up and gets knocked down by a spinning heel kick that floors Jeckyl. Wasabi runs to the ropes and hits a quickly fist drop on apon getting hit with this Jeckyl gets up very Dazed as Wasabi waits for him to get to his feet, once he does Wasabi kicks him into the gut and hits a russian leg sweep. Wasabi runs to the ropes once again and trys to go for a high elbow bow drop. But at the very last second Jeckyl moves out of the way and sends Wasabi crashing to the mat. Jeckyl waits for Wasabi to get to his feet, Jeckyl hits a few knife edge chops that sends Wasabi reeling back. Jeckyl moves out of the way and lets Wasabi stumble towards Jeckyl. Jeckyl then picks Wasabi up and hits a body slam on Wasabi. Wasabi gets to his feet as Jeckyl bounces off the ropes and hits a running clothesline on Wasabi that drops Wasabi once again to the mat. Jeckyl takes Wasabi right leg and starts to hit elbow drops into it, Jeckyl gets down with that puts Wasabi into a single leg lock. Wasabi screams in pain as Jeckyl puts as much pressure as he can to the hold. Wasabi is able to sit up and slowly drives Jeckyl to the mat and takes his other leg and then smashes Jeckyl face with his other leg. But Jeckyl doesn't let go, Wasabi has to smash Jeckyl's face over and over again before he finally lets go. Wasabi gets up and trys to shakes off the pain of the leg lock. Wasabi pulls up Jeckyl and whips him to the ropes. Jeckly bounces off the ropes and Wasabi trys for a super kick. But Jeckyl ducks the move, Jeckyl stands behind Wasabi, but Wasabi is able to kick behind him into Jeckyl's gut that doubles over Jeckyl down. Wasabi runs to the rope and hits a single armed running face buster on Jeckyl. Wasabi then goes over and climbs to the outside to the apron, Wasabi then climbs to the top rope and waits for Jeckyl to get to his feet. Wasabi is still waiting as Jeckyl stumbles up and finally gets to his feet where Wasabi leaps off the top and hits a missile drop kick on Jeckyl. Wasabi then quickly goes into the cover and gets a 1.......2.....kick out. Wasabi is surprised that didn't finish off Jeckyl, Wasabi pulls Jeckyl up and puts Jeckyl in a surfboard strentch.]

JR-Wasabi has been throwing everything, while Jeckyl has been taking it

King-Well if this match doesn't end soon, I think I might peg one of them with my crown!

[The ref asks Jeckyl if he wants to give it up, but Jeckyl refuses and Jeckyl starts to get to his feet and slowly starts to get to his feet. Slowly but surely Jeckyl starts to turn it around, Jeckyl then from there uses that move to sets up and hits a northern lights suplex for a 1......2....kick out. Both Jeckyl and Wasabi get up at the same time, but Wasabi a little faster, Wasabi trys to hit a fist. Which is blocked and returned to Wasabi by Jeckyl, Wasabi backs up and Jeckyl whips Wasabi to the ropes. Wasabi bounces off the ropes and Jeckyl hits a high flipping drop kick that stumbles Wasabi and makes him fall through the second and third rope to the arena floor. Jeckyl goes down to his knee's and then gets up, quickly Jeckyl climbs to the top rope and sits perched on the top rope waiting for Wasabi to get up. Once Wasabi does, Jeckyl jumps off and hits the flying cross body block that knocks Wasabi down and hurts Jeckyl in the process. Jeckyl is able to sit up after being on the ground for a few moments and gets to his feet. Jeckyl then pulls Wasabi up with him, Wasabi is pretty much out of it as Jeckyl slowly hooks Wasabi up and then hits a snap suplex on the steel ramp back first. Jeckyl has to get to his feet and then pulls Wasabi up with him and leads him back to the ring and throws him under the bottom. Jeckyl then climbs to the apron and then climbs to the top rope, Wasabi gets up as Jeckyl raises up about ready to jump when Wasabi dives on the top rope and makes Jeckyl fall on the top rope. Jeckyl is now sitting on the top turnbuckle. Wasabi quickly climbs to the top rope and hits a super hurricanrana off the top rope. Wasabi quickly crawls over to Jeckyl and trys to make the cover without hooking the leg and gets a 1.......2.....kick out. Wasabi fustrated gets up and asks the ref why wasn't it a three. The ref says he only got two, this leaves Jeckyl a openning to put Wasabi into a school boy and gets a 1......2...kick out. Wasabi gets out of it really fast and gets up and drives a elbow into the back of the head of head. Wasabi then pulls up Jeckyl and whips him to the ropes and trys for a back body drop, but Jeckyl flips over and trys to get Wasabi into a sun set flip. Wasabi falls, but rolls right through the sunset flip and is able to use it as a set up and turns Jeckyl over for a single leg boston crab. Jeckyl screams in pain as Wasabi holds the hold as Jeckyl trys to figure a way out of it. Jeckyl slowly starts to crawl towards the ropes. The ref asks if Jeckyl wants to give it up, Jeckyl refuses and trys to get to the ropes once again. (he's in the center of the ring, so he has a little ways to go) Finally Jeckyl is able to grab on to the ropes and holds on to it. The ref counts to 4 and Wasabi releases the hold.]

JR-Jeckyl got out of that painful hold, but you have to wonder what he has left.

King-Maybe if these morons started to twist balloons, Jeckyl could make a come back.

JR-You listen to Wasabi too much

[Wasabi pulls up Jeckyl and hits a body slam, Wasabi climbs to the top rope and signals for the hang time. Wasabi jumps off and goes for the hang time. But Jeckyl moves out of the way at the last second, quickly starts to put Wasabi in the final thought. But before he can, Wasabi is able to hook Jeckyl and roll him into a small package for the 1......2.....3]

“Here comes the money” blasts across the PA system as the wWo walk down to the ring, lead by Hobo

King: Awww… He’s rich, but he’s poor! He’s everyone’s favourite Hobo!

JR: Hobo seems all right now after hulking up.

King: Doesn’t he look cuddly? How cute!

JR: Well we are about to find out who the sadistic bastards that hurt poor hobo are tonight…

Hobo grabs a mic, and starts talking:

Hobo: Ever since I came to the EMF, I’ve had a lot of positive reaction going for me. And I wanted to say thank you. Thank you to all the boys in the back, to all my friends here in the ring to support me, and most of all, thank you, to you, the fans!!! Now, I wanna see who the hell did this…


[they wait, but nothing happens]

Wasabi: Hurry up!!!!!!!

[suddenly, the arena goes dark, and some familiar music begins to play… A spotlight points towards the entrance, and out comes…..

JR: Mr. Perfect?!

King: WHAT?!!!!!

[Mr. Perfect starts walking down to the ring. He jumps up on the apron, and climbs through the ropes. He stares at Hobo as a different theme begins to play…]

JR: Looks like hobo has made some enemies in his adventures!

King: Oh no!!! Poor Hobo!

[The lights go off again, except for a spotlight, and out walks….

King: BLAAAAAAAAHHHH! I hate this idiot!

JR: It’s Gillberg!!!!

[he struts to the ring too, jumps in, and stares at Wasabi. A different theme begins to play again!]

King: Oh no! Don’t tell me this dickhead is in the EMF!

JR: Please! Get him out of here already!!!

King: I think I’m going to have a heart attack, from this maniac, he’s crazy-ak, it’s planet stasiak…

[shawn stasiak jumps in the ring too, and stares at hobo… They all stare each other down, and then, the 3 visitors walk straight past the wWo and down to the commentary booth. They all put on headsets, as the screen goes fuzzy, then black and white]

JR: The Mystery Men revealed!!!!!!!!

King: Oh my GOD! I don’t believe it!!!!

[Up on the entrance ramp, Scott Hall walks out! Hobo yells, and tries to run up the ramp, but Edge and Christian hold him back.]

Mr. Perfect: HA! Looks like that stupid imperfect son of a bitch is going to get what’s coming to him!

Stasiak: He’s a dodo, that stupid hobo, I hate his mojo!

King: SHUT UP YOU STUPID RHYMING POUNCE! *pegs stasiak with his crown*

[Scott Hall walks down to the bottom of the ramp, and stands there, the screen is still black and white. The wWo all walk to the ropes, and yell at him… Then we see Wasabi, Edge, Christian, Hobo and Raptor fall over the ropes, and the camera pulls back to see Nash, X-Pac, and Big Show, standing there]

JR: Where the hell did they come from?

King: Looks like it’s the wWo vs. the nWo!

JR: This is going to be an epic!

[the bell rings, as Scott Hall throws Hobo back in the ring. The nWo begin quadriple teaming him already. Scott hall and Hobo start things off, as Hall immediately goes for the ribs. He puts hobo in the Octopus stretch, and starts punching hobo in the ribs. Hobo falls to the ground, and scott kicks him. He tags in big show. Big show starts throwing hobo around, and Hobo is screaming. He goes for the tag, but Big Show holds him back, and throws him to the announce table. Scott Hall smashes the Ref, and Gillberg, Mr. Perfect, and Shawn Stasiak all start beating hobo. The wWo run for the save, and start hitting them too. King jumps up from the announce table to even the odds…]

JR: GO KING! GO! This has become a full on bar brawl!

[King piledrives shawn stasiak 4 times in a row, and shawn can’t move… or rhyme, thank god. Christian hits the Unprettier on Big Show, knocking him out of the Bout… Hobo and Gillberg are in the ring, as Hobo beats away on Gillberg, mocking him…]


[hobo throws Gillberg out of the ring, and Scott Hall jumps in the ring… Hobo hulks up, as wasabi throws him a vase… He runs at Scott, and Hits TAKE THIS HIPPY!!!!!!!!!!]


[Christian hits the unprettier on Kevin Nash, Wasabi hits the Hangtime on X-pac, Raptor hits the Shooting star press on the Big Show, King Pegs Gillberg and Shawn Stasiak, and then, only one man is left standing in the ring…]

JR: This has been a long time coming

King: haha! We’ve all been looking forward to this moment…

[Mr. Perfect is surrounded by the wWo. They all take it in turns to push him, then hobo trips him up, and they all hit their finishing moves on him. Hobo hulks up again, and Scott Hall gets up. Hobo hits him with the Money shot, then the Hobo-canrana! He goes for the pin…. 1.2.3!]

King: HOBO HAS DONE IT!!!!!!!!!!!

JR: Yes! Yes! Hobo has recovered, and taken down the nWo for the win!!!

The wWo all stand above Scott Hall with their arms raised in the air.

"Badd boy's theme" blasts on the PA system as Badd boy walks to the ring

JR-no doubt this is the chance that Badd boy has been waiting for all his career

King-Yeah is Prez Mike out of his mind giving this guy a shot!!

"Jarred's theme" blasts on the PA system as Jarred walks to the ring

JR- A very proud EMF champion, it's going to be hard to get the title away from him

King-I probably could beat him....*realizes what he says*....but I don't want to

[Badd Boy charges in as Jarred isn't looking and starts to clock him with hard fists. Jarred is able to turn around and get clocked with another fists. Jarred is reeling on the ropes as Badd boy hits a knife edge chop. Jarred is stunned and Badd boy trys to whip him off the ropes but Jarred reverses the whip and knocks down Badd boy with a back elbow as he returns from bouncing off the ropes. Jarred waits for Badd boy to get up, Badd boy gets up and Jarred puts him over into a release arm drag take down. Badd boy gets up and Jarred takes Badd boy over in a arm drag take down. Jarred puts Badd boy in a arm bar Badd boy looks for a way out of the hold. With his loose hand, Badd boy jumps in the air and hits a almost hip toss into a ground side head lock on Jarred. Jarred slowly gets up as Badd boy holds on to the head lock on Jarred. Jarred gets up and backs Badd boy to the ropes and whips him off the head lock. Badd boy then bounces off the ropes and hits Jarred with a shoulder block that knocks him down. Badd boy waits for a few seconds and then runs to the ropes once again. Jarred trys to leap frog Badd boy, but Badd boy stops dead in his tracks and catches Jarred in mid air into a power bomb and then drops him into the power bomb. Badd boy holds Jarred down for the 1......2..kick out. Jarred gets out and climbs to the turnbuckle and gets up. Badd boy then starts to kick Jarred in the gut. Jarred reels in the corner as Badd boy puts him up on the top turnbuckle and then hits a knife edge chop and then climbs up to the top rope. Badd boy trys to hook Jarred for a super plex, but Jarred hits a few fists into the gut and then gets stunned. Jarred pushes Badd boy off the top rope, Badd boy crashes to the mat as Jarred stands ready on the top rope. As Badd boy gets to his feet, Jarred leaps off the top rope and hits a flying cross body block into the pin for the 1.....2...kick out. Both Jarred and Badd boy get up, but Badd boy gets hit with a diving clothesline by Jarred as he starts to charge at Jarred. Jarred recovers a little bit and slowly gets to his feet. Badd boy gets to his feet as Badd boy stumbles to his feet, Jarred just pushes Badd boy into the corner and hits a few knife edge chops in the corner. Jarred trys to whip Badd boy off the oppsite side turnbuckle, but Badd boy reverses the whip and Jarred goes charging into the corner. Jarred trys to jump on the turnbuckles to hit a back elbow on Badd boy, but as he is changing direction on the turnbuckles Badd boy drop kicks him in the back as Jarred still falls backwards and misses Badd boy all together.]

JR-That was a nice move by Badd boy, but he had to do some split second thinking to counter that. Once again we are seeing Jarred mix high flying moves with his normal wrestling style

King-I hate high flying moves *falls*

[Badd boy gets up, as does Jarred only dazed. Jarred walks right into a few forearms from Badd boy. Jarred backs up, Badd boy hits a few jabs and then whips . Jarred off the ropes, Jarred bounces off the ropes and Badd boy ducks and allows Jarred to run by. Jarred bounces off the oppsite side of the ropes of the ropes and then catches Jarred and brings him down for a hard spinebuster. Badd boy gets up and runs to ther ropes and hits a fast diving elbow drop on Jarred and goes for the cover and gets the 1......2...kick out. Badd boy pulls Jarred down only to knock him down with a back breaker. Badd boy climbs to the second rope and then drives a flying diving elbow slash into Jarred. Badd boy goes for the cover and gets the 1......2....kick out, Badd boy pulls Jarred up and whips him to the ropes. Jarred bounces off the ropes the ropes and Badd boy goes for a clothesline, but Jarred ducks under his clothesline attempt and bounces off the ropes and leaps in the air and hits a high flying cross body block. But Jarred is too hurt from the impact and rolls off on impact on Badd boy. Both Jarred and Badd boy are down, but both start to get to their feet. Jarred catches Badd boy off guard and hits a atomic drop that sends Badd boy bouncing in pain to the ropes. Jarred trys to whip Badd boy off the ropes, but Badd boy reverses the whip. Jarred bounces off the ropes and Badd boy trys to hit a clothesline. But Jarred ducks under it and bounces off the oppsite side. Badd boy goes for a back elbow, but Jarred ducks under that and continues to the other side and bounces off the ropes. Badd boy runs to the oppsite side of the ring from where Jarred is. Jarred and Badd boy leap in the air and hit each other with flying forearms.]

JR-Jarred and Badd boy must have been reading the same book before this match

*the camera shows King reading a book that says "wrestling for morons like you" by Jerry Lawler*

King-No that's not in my book....

[Jarred gets to his feet and so does Badd boy, Badd boy goes for a few punches. But Jarred blocks the punches that back Badd boy to the ropes. Jarred then trys to whip Badd boy to the ropes, but Badd boy reverses the whip. Jarred trys for a running clothesline. But Badd boy ducks under it, hooks Jarred and hits the full nelson slam. Badd boy goes for the cover and gets the 1.....2...kick out. Badd boy can't believe it, fustrated gets up and yells a little at the ref, but then cools down and turns around where Jarred hits a jaw breaker that sends Badd boy hanging to the ropes Jarred gets up and whips Badd boy to the ropes and hits a titlerwhirl side walk slam. Jarred gets up and goes outside, Jarred without wasting time climbs to the top turnbuckle and leaps off and hits the legendary end on Badd boy. Jarred is seemly hurt, but slowly crawls to Badd boy and puts his hand over for the cover and gets the 1.....2....KICK OUT. Jarred can't believe it, Jarred gets into the corner and starts to stomp the ground and waits for Badd boy to get to his feet. Jarred goes for the super kick, but Badd boy catches it in mid air. Badd boy uses it to make Jarred go into a complete circle, kicks Jarred in the gut and delivers the legendary finisher known as the Chiller to EMF fans around the world]

JR-Badd boy hit the Chiller!!

King-come on Jarred, Triple H kicked out of that a thousand times

[ Badd boy then is about to go for the cover, then decides to go up top and delivers a moonsault that hits Jarred and puts Badd boy into the cover for the 1......2.....3]

JR-we have a new world champion

King-nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnooooooooooo.....wait it's not that bad, Mick Foley once won it too...*has a flash back* nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!

Badd boy leaves as Jarred gets to his feet, Wes starts to attack Jarred. Wes hooks Jarred and hits the full nelson slam on Jarred. EMF Hell on Earth goes off the air with Badd boy and Wes staring down each other