EMF: First Blood

(We go into the copyright information, we fade into the a highlight video of how the matches tonight came about. We then fade into an introduction screen as the announcer welcomes as to "First Blood 2007". We go into the darken arena as pyrotechnics blasts off on the stage. After the huge pyrotechnic show ends, the lights turn and fans stand up and wave their signs. Some signs say "Haas stole my bra", "Gambler fears Don GinoKhali", and "A Bourne Champion".)

JR-Welcome to the 9th annual First Blood, I'm good ol' JR along side Jerry "the King" Lawler and Kris Gaffney.

King-9th you say…you remember how good wrestlemania 9 was?

Kris Gaffney-Way to kill our hype…

King-Oh hell, if they are seeing this, they already bought the PPV…there is no turning back now *King does an evil laugh*

JR-Well anyways, before we get started, when we went off the air, we were given some interesting footage from last week…

(The EMF tron lights up into a taped segment from last week that was not seen. Amy Jericho is walking through the arena pushing Ashley in her baby stroller. Amy is looking frustrated, and angry due to her tires being slit.)

.::Amy Jericho::.-(mumbling)...What type of stupid jerk....

(Suddenly Mickie James appears out of nowhere and jumps towards Amy.)

Mickie: "HI AMY!!! Whats up??"

(Amy looks caught off guard, she bites her lip. She had tried to be nice to Mickie, but this was not the right time.)

.::Amy Jericho::.-....Um...hey Mickie, listen I'm not much for talking. I got a bit of a situation right now.

Mickie; "Oh what is it Amy, my best friend in the whole wide world! I'm sure I could help you out!"

(Amy shakes her head, and says.)

.::Amy Jericho::.-I'm sure I'll be fine...some jerk slit my tires.

Mickie James: "Oh.... thats too bad... who would do something like that?"

.::Amy Jericho::.-Too many people to count, I got a lot of people who don't understand I'm not John Cena. Where someone just kisses ass, and they can get what they want.

Mickie James: "You're CERTAINLY not John Cena! You're Amy Jericho, the most awesome wrestler alive! And when we find out who did this... they will have me to answer to! But.... Amy... I can't believe i'm finally getting to see Ashley! I thought i'd never get to.... aww shes so cute.... she has your looks Amy... shes gonna grow up to be REALLY HOT, just like you!"

.::Amy Jericho::.-(she looks like she's getting uncomfortable with that last comment) Um.....thanks?

(Ashley looks at Mickie, and looks a bit nervous and happy at the same time.)

Mickie: "No problem! You know.... i'm all excited about First Blood! Miss Jackie taking on Torrie Wilson.... should be interesting huh?"

.::Amy Jericho::.-Yeah, it should be...I do hope that Jackie is ready for it. She didn't seem too sure about it last time we talked....but I'm sure she'll be fine, she seems more mentally and emotionally ready than she was...

Mickie: "Oh i'm sure Jackie will be fine..... Torrie is not exactly a big problem for her.. though... I get the feeling other problems may present themself out there for Jackie..."

.::Amy Jericho::.-You think so? Eeerrr, maybe I should keep an eye out then...

Mickie: "Yea... maybe... but I don't even know what for... all I know is... I got a feeling Jackie might get in trouble out there....but oh well... least its not you Amy!"

::Amy Jericho::.-Well....doesn't make me feel any better...I think I'll will keep an eye on that whole situation...

Mickie: "You know... while you're keeping your eye on that... there's something else you should keep your eye on too..... where your standing!"

.::Amy Jericho::.-Um....where I'm standing?

Mickie: "Look up!"

(Amy looks up, and notices that she is under Mistletoe. Although, she had not thought anything of it.)

Mickie: "You know what happens under Mistletoe Amy???"

.::Amy Jericho::.-.....Yeah....but I don't think it wor...

(Before Amy can finish her sentance, Mickie James grabs her and begins to kiss her. Amy pushes away, looking extremely shocked.)

.::Amy Jericho::.-MICKIE?!.......What...the...um...I better go.

(Being creeped out, Amy gets out of there as soon as possible. Mickie beams as Amy is leaving, and licks her lips, symbolising her enjoyment, before turning to leave too as we fade out.)

("Better than you" blasts on the PA system as Becky Bayless and Triple M walk down to the ring. Becky steps inside of the ring.)

JR-After sometime, we will finally get an end to this feud with Tori and Becky.

King-If she's so better than me, then why is she so unhappy?

Kris Gaffney-Because…you aren't good enough?

King-Oh right….wait a minute…

("Tori's theme" blasts on the PA system Tori walks to the ring, she looks behind her and Dewey Pond follows her.)

JR-Seems that Tori is going to make sure that Triple M doesn't get involved.

King-Well, what is he going to do…

Kris Gaffney-Well…pretty sure a gun will out match Triple M.

King-Good point…

[Becky Bayless and Tori stand in their opposite sides of the ring. They meet in the middle of the ring, and they talk some trash. Becky Bayless hits a big bitch slap to the face, and Tori turns around. She charges, and takes down Becky Bayless with a spear. Becky Bayless covers up with her arms as Tori hits a few fists on the downed Becky Bayless, Tori keeps hammering away at Becky, until Becky Bayless reverses it, and then hits a few fists to the face. Tori pushes Becky Bayless off, and then Tori gets up. Becky Bayless charges towards Tori, Becky Bayless goes for a clothesline. But it's ducked under, and Tori goes to the ropes, and comes off of the ropes. Becky turns around, and then Tori hits a cross body block. Instead of going for the cover, he hits a few fists to the downed Becky Bayless. Both Becky and Tori get up after Becky Bayless once again pushes off of the mount. Tori and Becky Bayless get up, Becky tries to go for a clothesline. But it's countered with a double leg take down, and Tori aims Becky Bayless to the corner. She then hits a catapault, this sends Becky Bayless crashing into the top turnbuckle. Becky Bayless stumbles around, and Tori comes out of no where and hits a big splash into the corner. Becky goes backwards, Tori sets up Becky and hits a belly to back suplex. Tori goes into the cover, and gets a 1…………………2……………..kick out by Becky Bayless. Tori doesn't complain, and then Tori grabs Becky by the hair and then whips her to the ropes. Becky Bayless bounces off of the ropes, and comes off of the ropes. Tori lowers her head, and then goes for a back body drop. But it's countered by Becky Bayless with a kick to the face. Becky charges at Tori, Tori counters with a front spine buster. Tori takes a few moments, and then goes to the ropes, and comes off of the ropes. Tori goes for a big leg drop, but Becky Bayless moves out of the way at the last moment.]

JR-Tori has been very aggressive since this match started, and it came back to bite her there.

King-Not only is Tori trying to get revenge for her friend, but it's for a shot at the women's championship.

Kris Gaffney-Against Amy's other friend…

[Becky Bayless takes a few moments to rest, and then runs to the ropes as Tori is in a sitting position in pain after the missed. Becky Bayless comes off of the ropes and hits a boot to the face of Tori. Becky Bayless stumbles forward, and grabs on the ropes as she had did that move so that she would stay on her feet, and wouldn't have to fight her way to stand on her feet once again. Tori gets up to her feet, and Becky Bayless hits a running clothesline. Becky waits as Tori gets up to her feet, Becky Bayless hits a few fists to back Tori to the ropes, and Becky tries to whip TOri to the ropes. But it's reversed, and then Becky Bayless goes to the ropes, and comes off of the ropes. Tori tries to pick up Becky Bayless as she bounces back, but she slides out of the back of Tori, and Becky Bayless pushes Tori to the ropes, and rolls up Tori into a roll up. The ref goes down to count the shoulders, Becky uses this chance to grab the tights of Tori. 1………………..2………..KICK OUT by Tori. Becky Bayless can not believe it, and Tori is able to crawl away from Becky in the corner. Becky Bayless goes over to Tori, and hits a few fists to the face of Tori, and begins to yell at her. Then Becky Bayless tries whip Tori to the opposite side turnbuckle, and does. Becky says something to the crowd when she hits, and then runs at Tori. Tori gets her feet up, and Becky Bayless crashes into the boot. Becky stumbles back stunned, Tori runs and goes for a standing hurricarana. But it's blocked into a stacked power bomb for a 1…………………..2……………KICK OUT by Becky!.]

JR-Almost three!

King-Becky wouldn't be happy if she lost there.

Kris Gaffney-Meh, she would still be better than YOU.

King-And Tori can beat YOU!

[Tori gets up, and calls for the Tori-Plex. Becky Bayless stumbles up and then Becky Bayless stumbles into Tori. She hits the Tori-Plex. But Triple M has jumped on the apron, and distracts the ropes. Tori lets go of the pin, Dewey Pond pulls Triple M off of the apron, there is a huge brawl going on. Tori turns to see Becky Bayless getting up in the corner, she charges at Becky in the corner, and Becky gets her feet up. Tori goes down to the mat, and Becky Bayless does a jack knife pin The ref runs, and makes the count 1………….Becky grabs the ropes while the ref isn't looking………..2………..3!]

JR-Becky stole that win!

King-You can't still what is already yours JR!

Kris Gaffney-Good way to put it…

("Generic theme" blasts on the PA system as Jackie Gayda walks to the ring, and steps inside of the ring.)

JR-You have got to wonder how ready for this Jackie Gayda is…

King-Well, she certainly had a long time to prepare for it.

("Halo" blasts on the PA system as Torrie Wilson walks to the ring.)

JR-For months we have noticed Randy Orton take a strange interest in Torrie Wilson.

King-Don't blame him.

Kris Gaffney-…I wouldn't either…if my wife would allow me to.

[Jackie Gayda and Torrie Wilson pace around the ring, then they lock up. Jackie Gayda slips behind Torrie Wilson and hits a few clubbing blows to the back of Torrie Wilson, she gets behind Torrie. Then takes down Torrie Wislon with a reverse double leg take down. This sends Torrie Wilson on her stomach, Jackie Gayda goes into a variation of an STF (not like the STFU more like the Regal stretch.) But before Jackie can lock her arms, Torrie struggles away, and then gets to the ropes, and the ref makes Jackie break the hold. Torrie Wilson gets up, trying to think of a new strategy. Torrie Wilson and Jackie Gayda lock up, and Torrie Wilson puts Jackie in a head loc. Torrie Wilson looks for a way out of the hold, and then backs up in the ropes. Jackie Gayda backs up to the ropes while holding on to the hold. Torrie Wilson whips Jackie Gayda to the ropes, Jackie Gayda comes off of the ropes, and hits a running shoulder block. Torrie Wilson stumbles up to her feet, and gets hit with a running forearm that knocks down Torrie Wilson. Torrie Wilson stumbles up to her feet near the corner, and Jackie Gayda hits a few forearm shots to the face. Then she hits a fairly big hip toss out of the corner, Torrie crashes down on the mat hard on her back. She crawls into the opposite, and Jackie Gayda runs in and hits a running knee in the gut. Torrie doubles over in pain, and Jackie Gayda grabs Torrie Wilson's head. Then runs out of the corner, and hits a bulldog that drives Torrie Wilson down in the mat. Jackie Gayda goes into the cover, and gets a 1…………………2………..kick out by Torrie Wilson. Jackie shrugs and Torrie, who gets up in the corner. Jackie whips her to the other side of the ring, Torrie crashes into the corner. Jackie Gayda charges into the corner, but Torrie Wilson moves out of the way, Jackie Gayda crashes into the corner.]

JR-This might be Torrie's chance.

King-Just think if Torrie wins the title, and Tori faces her…that'll be a pain in the ass.

Kris Gaffney-Shouldn't we already had that match?

King-Yeah, but this match is being written first…I mean…never mind.

[Torrie Wilson goes under the bottom rope, and climbs up to the top rope and then gets steady on the top rope. But it's countered with a Jackie diving on the top rope, Torrie falls on the top rope. Jackie hits a fist to the face of Torrie Wilson, and Jackie Gayda climbs up to the top rope and hooks Torrie Wilson for a super plex. But it's blocked, right into a cross body block, right into a cover and gets a 1…………………..2………………kick out by Jackie. Torrie Wilson can't capitalize though, she is still on the mat trying to get over the moves that she received from Jackie so far. Jackie gets up to her feet, and then she is able to hit a kick to the gut to try to get the match in control. Jackie whips Torrie Wilson to the ropes. Torrie Wilson bounces off of the ropes, Jackie lowers her head, and then Torrie grabs her hair and drives her down to the mat. Jackie gets up holding her face, Torrie Wilson measures up and hits a running clothesline that knocks down Jackie. Jackie Gayda gets up, and gets picked up and hit with a body slam. Torrie Wilson hits a stomp on the face that makes Jackie Gayda get up in the sitting position. Torrie Wilson runs to the ropes, and comes off of the ropes, and hits a low drop kick to the face. Jackie Gayda is down on the mat. Torrie Wilson goes into the cover, and gets a 1…………….2…………kickout by Jackie Gayda before the three count. Torrie Wilson let's Jackie get up, and tries to get revenge for the bulldog kicks her in the gut and goes for the running bulldog out of the corner. But it's countered by Jackie who throws Torrie off, and Torrie Wilson crashes into the mat. Torrie Wilson stumbles up to her feet, and Jackie charges at Torrie Wilson. But it's countered with a quick powerslam into a cover. Torrie gets a 1………………………2………………..KICK OUT just before the final 3 count.]

J.R: "A good fight being put up here by Torrie Wilson..."

King: "Sure has taken Jackie by surprise..."

Kris: "Showing the quality that won her the battle royal!"

(Torrie picks up Jackie who quickly hits her with some right handed slaps. Jackie kicks Torrie in the gut and then nails a DDT for the 1.... kick out. She picks her up and throws her into the ropes. She nails a Big Boot, and then hits Torrie with the Leg Drop of DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM! She covers for the 1...... 2..... kick out! Jackie looks annoyed, but signals for the end of the match. She lifts Torrie, and hoists her up for her signature move, the F-Off. However, just before she nails it, Mickie James is seen running down the ramp. Jackie looks confused and drops Torrie. Torrie climbs to her feet, looking ready to continue the match, but before she can, Mickie is in the ring. She throws a shot at Jackie, and Jackie tries to return it, but Mickie ducks underneath, and as Jackie turns, Mickie nails the Mick-Kick! The bell sounds for a DQ.)

J.R: "Mickie James just cost Miss Jackie the chance to win this fair and square...."

King: "But ensures she keeps the title...."

Kris: "I wonder why she'd attack Jackie... being that she loves Jackie's best friend?"

(Mickie slides out of the ring, just as Amy Jericho slides into the ring from another side of the ring. She is checking on Jackie, Mickie backing up on the ramp. She gives an evil look towards presumably Jackie's direction.)

(We go backstage where we see Dan Godwin preparing for his 2 matches of the night. Suddenly Chris Masters enters the room.)

Dan: "Chris? I thought you weren't coming tonight?"

Chris Masters: "Are you kidding me? We got a great oppertunity tonight... I won't see it passed away."

Dan Godwin: "I know we do, but you can't exactly help me in the chamber can you? While i'm glad you're here to witness it... I don't see why you felt the need to come to make sure we took the oppertunity?"

Chris Masters: "Ah but you see... i'm not talking about the World Title. You see... after the match... John Cena's going to get into the ring, and literally hand over the World Title to the new champion. The ring which of course... is still surrounded by steel.... glass... and chain! Catch my drift?"

Dan Godwin: "He's an injured man Chris... an ambush could kill him..... besides... i'd only be there if I won..."

Chris Masters: "Well you better win then! Oh and kill him? It's John Cena... what do we care if we kill him?"

(Chris and Dan laugh and we fade out.)

("X-Treme" blasts on the PA system as Jeff Hardy walks out on the stage, and does his usual entrance.)

JR-Jeff Hardy was very impressive in that match against Robbie Morphine.

King-So impressive, he got in this match.

Kris Gaffney-I guess there is a plus in everything…

("The Gambler" blasts on the PA system as the Gambler walks to the ring.)

King-Has this guy gone from a guy who gambles…to a mob boss?

Kris Gaffney-Seems so..

JR-Well he's had success in the tag ranks, let's see if he can make his mark as a singles wrestler.

("Capricorn" blasts on the PA system as Kevin Bourne walks to the ring, and steps inside of the ring.)

King-Seems that everyone is out to stop the Bourne family.

Kris Gaffney-How did I know that joke was going to catch on?

JR-Well regardless, Kevin Bourne has been very impressive in the limited amount of matches we seen him. He gave IC champion Troy Gafgen a run for his money, which is why he is in this match tonight.

[Kevin Bourne, the Gambler, and Jeff Hardy pace around the ring. Bourne charges and hits a fist to the face of Jeff Hardy, and Jeff Hardy responses with a few fists of his own. The Gambler stays back and watches, Jeff Hardy and Kevin Bourne are fighting back and forth. Suddenly the Gambler comes out of no where, and hits a double clothesline. Kevin Bourne rolls out of the ring, and then Jeff Hardy is the one that stays in the ring, using the ropes to get up. The Gambler hits a few fists to the face of Jeff Hardy, and whips him off of the ropes. He comes off of the ropes, and then the Gambler lowers his head, and the Gambler hits a back body drop that sends Jeff Hardy flying through the air, and crashing down on the mat. He stumbles up to his feet, and then gets knocked down with a running clothesline by the Gambler. Jeff Hardy stumbles up to his feet, and then the Gambler grabs him by the throat with two hands. Then he throws Jeff Hardy into the corner, the Gambler hits a few fists to the gut. Then follows up with a boot to the throat of the Jeff Hardy. The ref counts to 4, and finally the Gambler breaks up the choke. The Gambler whips Jeff Hardy into the opposite side of the ring. He crashes into the corner. Jeff Hardy stays there, and I guess the Gambler did not not expect that. He charges into the corner, with a shoulder block. But Jeff Hardy moves out of the way, and the Gambler goes into the corner with that shoulder block. Jeff Hardy drag the Gambler over to the ring post. But the Gambler pulls his legs so Jeff Hardy goes into the ring post face first. The Gambler rolls out of the ring and takes the monitors off of the table. Then Gambler grabs Jeff Hardy by the throat. But before he can drive Jeff into the table, Kevin Bourne comes behind the Gambler and blasts him with a chair. The Gambler is stunned, Bourne says something to Hardy. They agree, Hardy and Bourne kick the Gambler into the gut, set him up and hits a vertical suplex on the table that smashes it. The Gambler is laid out.]

JR-Seems that Jeff Hardy and Bourne decided that it would be a good idea to team up on the bigger Gambler.

King-I don't expect this to last long though.

Kris Gaffney-Probably not..

[Hardy and Kevin Bourne look down making sure that the Gambler is down for the count, Kevin Bourne is the first to attack Jeff Hardy. Kevin Bourne hits a fist to the head of Jeff Hardy. Kevin Bourne takes Jeff Hardy, and throws him into the ring post. Jeff Hardy stumbles around, and Kevin Bourne throws Jeff Hardy into the ring. Kevin Bourne gets up on the top rope, and measures Jeff Hardy. Kevin Bourne comes off of the top rope, and hits a double axe handle that takes down Jeff Hardy. Kevin Bourne goes into the cover, and gets a 1………………….2…………….kick out. Kevin Bourne hits a few stomps on the downed Jeff Hardy. Jeff Hardy stumbles into the corner, and then Kevin Bourne hits a few fists to the face, and whips him to the opposite corner. But as Jeff runs up the turnbuckle, and then hits the whisper in the wind that connects. Now both wrestlers are down on the mat. The ref counts to 5, when both wrestlers get up, Jeff Hardy goes for a kick. But it's caught, but Jeff Hardy is able to counter it with a mule kick that sends Kevin Bourne to the ropes. He stumbles back, Jeff Hardy kicks Bourne in the gut and sets him up and goes for a vertical suplex. But it's countered by Bourne by him falling out of the back of Jeff Hardy. Kevin Bourne pushes Jeff Hardy into the ropes, but it's countered by Jeff Hardy by him grabbing the ropes. Bourne rolls into the middle of the ring. Kevin Bourne charges at Jeff Hardy, but he ducks out of the way and Bourne knocks the Gambler off of the apron. He turns around and gets hit with a sit down jaw breaker. Bourne is tunned, Jeff Hardy kicks him in the gut and hits a vertical suplex into a face buster. Jeff Hardy calls for the swanton.]

JR-Jeff Hardy is moments away from winning this match.

King-If he doesn't win, will he go on a previous undiscussed disappearance?

Kris Gaffney-Who knows….

[Jeff Hardy leaps off for the swanton, but Kevin Bourne moves out of the way. Jeff Hardy crashes and burns. Jeff Hardy gets up, and stumbles right into the Checkmate! Kevin Bourne before he can go into the cover, but he gets turned around by Dude Nick, who due to the rules of the match kicks Bourne in the gut and hits the Dudemeister! Dude Nick says a few things to the downed Bourne, and slides out. From the outside, Gambler crawls into the ring, and see's Jeff Hardy down on the mat. Gambler throws his arm over the downed Jeff Hardy gets a 1………………2……………..3.]

JR-Dude Nick cost Kevin Bourne the title shot.

King-This isn't going to set well with Julia Stiles…

(OOC-Pretty close match, Bourne showed a lot of skill in this RP, and there wasn't anything wrong with it at all (you took the advice well from last week). I want to say you're on the right track. Just a case that we felt Gambler had the slight edge. The interference was requested (although it may be mixed up with the IC title match), but used to reflect the thought towards the RP's. (also, if anyone thinks I didn't give anyone too much offense, it's because it's hard to write with more than one person. But I did my best.)

("Dirty Window" blasts on the PA system as Dan Godwin walks to the ring with the Extreme championship.)

JR-This is only the first of two matches, but Dan Godwin could either make this a very good night for him.

King-Or a very bad night…

Kris Gaffney-Well..he can start here, by getting two titles…*mumbles*…so he thinks…

("Freak on a Leash" blasts on the PA system as Troy Gafgen walks to the ring along side Candice Gafgen.)

JR-Likewise with Troy, a lot to gain from this night, and a lot to lose as well.

King-I can't seem to understand why no matter what Troy is a loser.

Kris Gaffney-I'm sure we'll figure out some way to explain it.

("Robbie Morphine's theme" blasts on the PA system as Robbie Morphine walks to the ring.)

JR-Here is the one that is in the best position of anyone in this match, he has a good chance to walk out with at least one title that wans't his when the night started.

King-Strange how things work out.

Kris Gaffney-Yeah…it is…

[Dan Godwin, Troy Gafgen, and Robbie face off. But all of a sudden Dan Godwin and Troy Gafgen knock down Robbie Morphine with fists. Robbie Morphine gets up near the the ropes and Dan Godwin and Troy Gafgen hits a clothesline over the top rope and sends him over the top rope. Robbie Morphine falls to the mat stunned, Dan Godwin and Troy Gafgen see this and then turn to each other, and hit fists to the face. Troy Gafgen tries to hit one of his own. But Dan Godwin ducks under, and then hits a few fists to follow up the one he hit already. Dan Godwin tries to whip Troy Gafgen to the ropes, but it's reversed and Dan Godwin bounces off of the ropes. Troy Gafgen tries to picks up Dan Godwin, and do some sort of move. But we'll never know what move he was going to do, because Dan Godwin slides out of the back. Dan Godwin goes the eXectuion. But it's caught in mid-air, and X-Factor hops a few moments. Then Troy Gafgen throws down Dan Godwin's leg, and then goes for a big clothesline. But it's ducked under by Dan Godwin, Dan Godwin takes down Troy Gafgen with a double leg take down. Dan Godwin see's that Robbie Morphine is getting up. Dan Godwin hits a catapault into the ropes that sends Troy Gafgen into Robbie Morphine who once again goes flying off of the apron, and hits his face to the guard rail. In the ring, Troy Gafgen stumbles back, and then Dan Godwin rolls up Troy Gafgen into a school boy for the 1…………………2…….kick out by Troy Gafgen. Troy Gafgen gets up in the corner, and Dan Godwin hits a few fists to the face. He whips Troy Gafgen to the opposite side of the ring, but it's reversed .Dan Godwin comes out of the corner, Troy Gafgen goes for a clothesline. But it's ducked under, and Dan Godwin goes for the eXecution. But Troy Gafgen catches his leg, and throws it down to the mat. Dan Godwin hits a chin breaker, Troy Gafgen falls into the corner. Dan Godwin goes into the corner, and starts a 10 punch combo 1…………….2………………..3…………..suddenly Robbie Morphine comes out of no where and low blows Dan Godwin. Godwin falls off of the combo, Robbie Morphine throws Dan Godwin out. Robbie Morphine says a few things to Dan Godwin, and turns around right into the Crack of Dawn by Troy Gafgen. Troy Gafgen goes into the cover and gets the 1………………..2……………3.]

King-Guess if you don't pay attention to details that's what happens.

Kris Gaffney-Morphine knew this…he didn't need this match to prove it to him.

JR-That's for sure…

[Troy Gafgen is happy that he's still the IC champion no matter what, all of a sudden Dan Godwin comes from behind and rolls up Troy Gafgen, and gets a 1…………….2………kick out. Dan Godwin asks for a quicker count, but he doesn't waist too much time. Dan Godwin grabs him by the hair, and throws him into the turnbuckle face first and hits a few fists to the gut. After a few impacts, Dan Godwin brings Troy Gafgen out of the corner. Dan Godwin whips Troy Gafgen to the ropes, Troy Gafgen comes off of the ropes and Dan Godwin goes for a clothesline, but it's ducked under. Dan Godwin lowers his head, Troy Gafgen kicks him in the head. Then all of a Robbie Morphine comes back and hits a spear on Dan Godwin. Troy Gafgen tries to go for a head shot on Dan Godwin. But it's ducked under by Robbie Morphine, Robbie Morphine goes to the ropes. He jumps on the ropes, and leaps off and hits a cross body block. He goes into the cover, and gets a 1……………..2………..kick out by Troy Gafgen. Troy Gafgen gets up stunned, and Robbie Morphine hits a drop kick to the outside. Troy Gafgen falls to the outside, and Robbie Morphine comes out of the ring as well. Robbie Morphine hits a few fists to the face of Troy Gafgen. He tries to whip Troy Gafgen to the steps. But it's reversed, and Robbie Morphine goes into the steps instead.]

JR-Robbie Morphine has been eliminated.

King-You know…him and Kevin Bourne should form a tag team…

Kris Gaffney-Maybe AN ARKIE as their manager.

[Troy Gafgen comes into the ring, but Dan Godwin hits a few fists before he can mount any offense. He whips Dan Godwin to the ropes, but it's reversed. Troy Gafgen bounces off of the ropes. Dan Godwin goes for the eXecution off of the ropes. But it's ducked under, and Dan Godwin gets hit with the Crack of Dawn. Dan Godwin stays on his feet, but it seems he's out on it. So Troy Gafgen goes for a running boot to knock Dan Godwin down for the win, but it's ducked under and Troy Gafgen gets hit with a desperation eXectuion that makes Dan Godwin go down to the mat, Troy Gafgen stumbles back, right into Robbie Morphine who school boy's him up and gets the 1……………2………….3!]

JR-Robbie Morphine came in the back door after both his opponents had taken each other out, and has taken the Extreme title from Dan Godwin.

Kris Gaffney-Sucks for X-Factor.

King-Not exactly…he still has the chamber.

Kris Gaffney-Sounds like you know something..

King-Maybe I do Kris….maybe I do…

("Snap your fingers, snap your neck" hits and the crowd roar as the biggest match of the year, the Elimination Chamber, is coming soon. Carnage appears on the ramp and storms down it, taking a brief look at the demonic structure before getting inside and entering one of the glass chambers. "Freak on a Leash" plays next as Troy Gafgen appears on the ramp. He looks slightly more nervous as he walks down it, and again gets secured into a glass chamber. "Down with the Sickness" plays next, and Angelus, looking unfazed by the occasion, climbs into the ring, but doesn't enter a chamber. "Dirty Window" plays to signify Dan Godwin is next. He climbs into the ring and walks straight into an unoccupied chamber, which is sealed shut. "Young and Hopeless" plays and Hasher enters, staying in the ring with Angelus and the two stare eachother down. "Stranglehold" is the final theme song, and Dewey Pond is sealed in the final chamber.)

J.R: "So it's Angelus and Hasher to kick this thing off!"

King: "Could be over for Hasher before anyone else gets into the ring..."

Kris: "Likewise... it could be over for Angelus that fast..."

King: "Psycopath... teenager... we know who wins! God... do you not watch movies?"

(Angelus and Hasher stare eachother down and the bell ring. Hasher runs at Angelus but Angelus simply sidesteps. Hasher bounces back off the ropes and Angelus clotheslines him down.Angelus goes down and hits mounted punches on Hasher. He then gets off and lets Hasher stumble up before running and hitting a big boot. He drops into a quick cover for the 1.... kick out. Angelus lifts up Hasher who hits a rake to the eyes. Hasher kicks Archer in the gut and nails a quick DDT. Hasher goes to the corner and climbs the turnbuckle in front of Troy's corner. He thinks about scaling the chamber, but notices Angelus climbing to his feet. Instead HAsher jumps off nailing a cross-body block. Hasher picks up Angelus and nails some strong right hands. Angelus fires some back and they go back and forth for a few moments before Angelus takes momentum. Angelus backs Hasher into the corner and nails some hard chops. He lifts Hasher to the top rope and then climbs himself, looking for a super-plex. Hasher hits some shots to avoid the move, but then Angelus shoves Hasher hard into the glass chamber behind him. It doesn't smash but Hasher looks in pain. Angelus then grabs him and nails the super-plex. The count down begins..)

J.R: "We're about to get a 3rd man in the ring.."

King: "Maybe just in time to save Erik?"

Kris: "Or to save Angelus... he forgot his nose plug!"

(Angelus makes the cover for the 1.... 2..... kick out. Suddernly the lights start flashing above the chambers and come to a stop... and it's Dan Godwin! Godwin walks out of his chamber, but just stands outside the ring. Angelus meanwhile picks up Hasher, but Hasher fires some hard right hands at him, catching him off guard. Hasher backs Angelus against the ropes and charges at him, clotheslining him to the outside, right next to Godwin. Angelus hits the floor hard, and Godwin covers for the 1..... 2...... kick out. Godwin looks shocked and picks up Archer. He seems about to whip Angelus into the steel wall, when all of a sudden Hasher vaults over the top rope and nails both Archer and Godwin. All 3 men are down, but as the other 2 broke Hasher's fall, he begins to get up quicker. It takes him a while to get to his feet, and then he notices Archer and Godwin are still down. He quickly drapes an arm over Angelus for the 1..... 2.... kick out. He covers Godwin for 1... kick out. Hasher looks pissed but now Archer is up. The two trade shots on the outside, and Godwin gets up almost un-noticed. He runs and shoves Archer hard into the steel wall of the chamber. He looks at Hasher and they nod. Angelus stumbles back and they both grab him under one arm and hit a double back-body drop to the outside! Godwin covers Angelus for the 1..... 2....... kick out at the last possible moment! They looked stunned and the count down begins again.)

J.R: "A bit of unity between last weeks winners?"

King: "They'll need it... against Angelus..."

Kris: "Although, thanks to Jarred... er... i mean... Scott Hall, Angelus didn't win last time he was in the chamber!"

King: "Means nothing tonight..."

(The lights flash above the ring... and Troy Gafgen is in. Troy gets into the ring and Dan Godwin rolls inside. Troy charges at Godwin and Godwin side-steps and they begin trading punches. Erik Hasher meanwhile stalks Angelus and he tries to make it to his feet. Angelus does and then Erik gets a quick roll-up and grabs the tights for 1.... 2.... kick out. He again cannot believe Angelus kicked out. He picks him up and whips him towards the glass, but Angelus holds on, and reverses, sending Erik crashing into the glass, which again holds firm, but causes pain. Meanwhile inside the ring, Gafgen has Godwin backed into the corner and is delivering blows to him. Troy backs off and clotheslines Godwin, who staggers out of the corner. Troy then nails a snap suplex into the cover for 1... kick out. We go back to the outside and Angelus lifts up Hasher and then hits a snake-eyes into the steel. He stumbles back and Angelus DDTs Hasher to the outside. Hasher is busted open from one of these moves. Angelus covers for the 1... 2.... kick out. Dan Godwin and Troy are trading blows as the count-down starts up again. Godwin starts to get the upper hand, but just as Troy is nearing the ropes, he hits a suplex out of no where sending Godwin to the outside (different side to Hasher/Angelus). Troy climbs out and picks up Godwin. Godwin is standing but dazed. Troy climbs a turnbuckle from the outside, and jumps, but Dan Godwin moves out of the way. Troy lands on his feet, and turns around and gets hit with an eXecution. The lights stop on Pond's chamber. Godwin goes into the cover but Pond comes out right next to them. Godwin gets the 1.... 2.... Dewey Pond pulls him off and hits some right hands.)

J.R: "Dewey Pond saved his partner!"

King: "What.... this is every man for himself!"

Kris: "He saves who he's meant to attack... but he tries to drown his own kid..... what the hell...."

(Pond grabs Godwin and hurls him into the chamber he just came out of. Once more the glass stands firm but Godwin looks dazed. Pond quikly nails a DDT to the outside and covers, scoring the 1.... 2.... kick out. Troy is up now and the two of them begin to take it to Godwin. Meanwhile Hasher and Angelus are now in the ring brawling back and forth. Every right hand nailed by Angelus causes blood to stream from Erik's face and he's loving it. Hasher gets some momentum though and kicks Archer and then hurls him through the ropes back to the outside. He climbs to the top rope and nails an elbow drop to the outside. He picks him up and calls for the "hasher" but Angelus counters at the last minute, elbowing Hasher off and then hurling him into the ropes, so Hasher bounces back and goes face first into the steel. Hasher is down, but iinstead of pinning him, Angelus rolls into the ring, and then out again on the other side, joing TTT, Pond and Godwin. Troy and Pond lift up Godwin and look for a double-suplex, but Godwin counters, landing back on his feet and clotheslining them both down. He picks up Troy and nails some shots on him. Angelus then lifts up Dewey Pond. Angelus nails the Slain on Pond! Angelus is about to go for the pin when Godwin, who has knocked down Troy, grabs him and starts hammering away at him. Angelus and Godwin battle back and forth, and Troy gets to his feet, and sees Dewey stirring. He helps Dewey to his feet and then points towards Hasher who is stirring on the opposite side of the ring. The countdown starts and the two of them roll into the ring, and then Carnage is released! Hasher is up on his knees and Carnage comes out next to him and nails a boot to the skull, sending him back down.)

J.R: "Starting Carnage already..."

King: "Poor Hasher...."

Kris: "Boy in a mans game..... not a good mix!"

(Carnage covers for 1.... 2.... kick out. He lifts up Erik who springs to life with some hard right hands. Erik kicks Carnage in the gut and makes little impact. He keeps doing it and eventually the giant stumbles and Hasher calls for and nails the Hasher! Carnage is down... but then Troy and Pond get on the scene and go after Erik. They nails some shots on him and back him against one of the chambers. Carnage gets up and as they are stomping away on Erik, grabs Troy and nails a hard suplex. Dewey Pond turns round and first punches at Carnage, and then Hasher gets up and hits a chop-block on him. Carnage stumbles from it and Pond nails him with the Dew Drop!! Pond looks stunned that he hit it. On the other side of the ring, Angelus is seen grating Godwin's head against the steel, and Godwin is bleeding. The sight of his blood seems to spur Godwin on though, as he nails some hard elbows and then grabs Archer and hurls him hard into the glass, which shatters. Archer is down and seemingly out, but before Godwin can cover Hasher vaults over the ropes again and knocks down Godwin. Hasher springs up and sees Pond running at him and nails a clothesline. Hasher rolls back into the ring where Troy has climbed in. He throws Troy out on the same side as the down Angelus and Godwin and Pond. Carnage then climbs into the ring and hits a suplex on Hasher. Hasher doesn't stay down long and fights back against Carnage. On the outside, Troy is standing over Godwin and Angelus, who are both stirring. Dewey Pond is first to his feet however. He signals for Troy to get rid of Angelus together and Troy nods, before promptly kicking Pond in the gut and nailing the "Crack of Dawn"! Troy covers Dewey for the 1..... 2...... 3!)

J.R: "I don't believe it... he turned on his own partner!"

King: "One less opponent..."

Kris: "And one less for the writer to worry about! I mean err... one less child killer to worry about!"

(Troy quickly celebrates the fall, and then rolls into the ring where Hasher and Carnage are still fighting. Troy tries to help Erik with Carnage but then Carnage grabs Troy and nails him with a hard Scoop-slam. Carnage goes into the cover on Troy and gets the 1... 2..... Erik pulls Carnage away and gets him in a quick roll-up for the 1..... 2........ kick out.. barely.)

J.R: "Almost a smart move by Hasher... catching Carnage off guard almost eliminated him... but due to the kick out... both Carnage and Troy survive!"

(On the outside, Angelus is up but looking weakened. Godwin is on his knees, and Archer grabs him and again throws him into the Steel. Dewey Pond, who is eliminated, climbs to his feet, but seemingly unaware he's already out, Angelus grabs Pond and drives him down for the Slain! Angelus covers... and the referee doesn't count. Instead he goes over and try and explain to Angelus what happened. Angelus looks infuriated and grabs the referee, but before he can do anything, he is whirled around by Godwin and walks straight into the eXecution! Godwin covers and the referee, although stunned, counts the 1.... 2..... 3!)

J.R: "Two falls in quick succession.. 4 men remain... and one of them will be the World Champion!"

King: "I can't believe Angelus is gone!"

Kris: "But you can bet he won't forget it!"

(In the ring, Carnage and Hasher are still brawling, and Troy and Dan roll into the ring. Carnage kicks Hasher in the gut and grabs him, looking for a Chokeslam. He hoists him up and then Godwin and Troy both clothesline him together. Carnage stumbles but doesn't fall, though he drops Hasher. Carnage hits a right hand to Troy, knocking him down, before doing the same to both Godwin and hasher. He does it repeatedly, knocking all 3 men down. After a while, he strikes Hasher, who doesn't go down, and strikes back. Hasher and Carnage go back and forth, and then Godwin grabs Carnage from behind so Hasher can get free shots on him. After a few shots, Carnage over-powers Godwin and send him flying backwards. He then grabs Hasher by the throat and nails a Chokeslam! He knocks both Godwin and Troy down with clotheslines and makes the cover for the 1..... 2..... kick out by Hasher. Troy is up and Carnage climbs up, and Troy kicks him in the gut and nails the Crack of Dawn!)

J.R: "That move ended the dream for one man already... could be about to become two..."

King: "Carnage can take more punishment then Pond..."

Kris: "And he's taken a lot more than Pond did...."

(Troy goes into the cover and scores the 1..... 2...... kick out. Troy gets up looking angry, but as Carnage gets to his knees Godwin hits the eXecution! Godwin covers for the 1..... 2..... kick out! Hasher is now up and pulls Carnage up and nails him with the "Hasher". Carnage looks hurt from taking all 3 moves in succession, and Hasher goes into the cover and gets the 1..... 2........... KICK OUT! Everyone looks stunned. Hasher gets up and then Carnage begins to stumble up. Hasher runs at him but Carnage ducks it and gets to his feet properly. Troy runs at him and Carnage grabs him and lifts him up before nailing the Electir Chair Drop!)

J.R: "What does it take to keep this man down!"

King: "A bodyslam from Hulk Hogan?"

Kris: "Probably....."

(Hasher runs again and Carnage nails a Big Boot. Godwin next runs at him and clotheslines him, with little impact. Godwin first away with right hands and backs him into the ropes. Troy is up and charges at Godwin, hitting a clothesline from behind which sends both Godwin and Carnage to the outside where they crash into the steel flooring. Both men are down and Troy and Hasher both climb to the top of seperate turnbuckles. They wait, and Carnage begins to stir first. He gets to his feet, and Troy jumps. Carnage catches Troy and looks to slam him down, but then Hasher hits a missile-drop kick off the top rope, and sends Carnage hurtling backwards and into the steel wall. Godwin is now up and, seizing the oppertunity, once again hits Carnage with the eXecution while he is against the Steel. Carnage falls to the floor and is busted open. Hasher steals in ahead of Godwin and makes the cover, but Godwin and Troy pile on top of him, and the referee makes the count 1..... 2...... 3!)

J.R: "These 3 men teaming up to dispose of the giant!"

King: "Oh no.... now we got a Hillbilly, a tri-pod or a teenager as World Champion...."

Kris: "LeAsT iT sAvEd ThE tItLe FrOm WeIrD wOrDs!"

(Troy gets up first as he was on top of the pile, and then hammers away on Godwin. Godwin hammers back and then hits a back body drop to the outside on Troy. Troy looks hurt, and then Hasher hits away on Godwin. He grabs Godwin, and both men are bleeding, Hasher hammers away with right hands, opening up the cuts even more. Hasher hurls Godwin hard into the wall of the chamber, and as he stumbles back, Hasher kicks him in the gut and goes for "The Hasher" but Godwin falls to his knees and hits a low-blow on Hasher. Hasher stumbles and then Troy grabs him and nails a hard DDT. Troy and Godwin trade blows, but Troy's have more impact due to Godwin's bleedding. Troy kicks Godwin and then sets him up for a powerbomb. Troy hits it hard onto the outside and into a pin. Troy covers for the 1..... 2................... kick out!)

J.R: "Dan Godwin stays in the match.... barely!"

King: "He almost got beat by Troy twice in one night.."

Kris: "What a career ender...."

(Troy taunts and calls for the Crack of Dawn. He lifts up Godwin but then is taken down by a running shoulder block from Hasher. Hasher takes Troy over to the cage and begins grating Troy's head against the cage, and Troy is soon busted open too. Hasher then begins to pull Troy's head back and hit it repeatedly against the cage. He does this 3 times, and then Godwin grabs Hasher from behind and locks in a sleeper-hold. Hasher seems to be fading and then Troy grabs Godwin. Godwin releases Hasher and Troy suplexes Godwin down, dropping into te cover for the 1... 2.... kick out. Troy goes over to Hasher who looks faint and hammers away at his head. He throws Erik Hasher into the ring and then climbs in himself.)

J.R: "At least a little safer in here than out there...."

King: "Anyone else get the feeling Troy is TOO close to the World Title..."

Kris: "Him entering the match was too close for me! But if he pulls it off... he deserves it... I guess..."

King: "Think he'll cry?"

Kris: "Absolutely!"

(Troy grabs Hasher and lifts him up. Troy kicks him in the gut and his a textbook DDT. Troy covers Hasher for the 1... 2.... kick out. Troy lifts Hasher up and Hasher hits right hands to Troy's head, and then grabs his legs and pulls him down, before locking in a Boston Crab on Troy. Troy struggles and looks like he is about to submit, before he begins to try and edge towards the ropes. Hasher tries to pull him away but Troy makes one final lunge and grabs the bottom rope. The referee breaks the hold. Hasher picks Troy up and nails a hard snap-suplex. Godwin is now in the ring. He runs and clotheslines Hasher down before tauting the crowd. He starts calling for the eXecution, but Troy gets up before Hasher. It proves costly though, as Godwin sees him coming and turns, nailing the eXecution on Troy! Godwin drops into the cover for the 1.... 2............... 3!)

J.R: "The dream is ended for one more man...."

King: "Down to two...."

Kris: "Last weeks winners are the last men standing!"

(Godwin spirngs to his feet and waits for Hasher to climb up. Godwin then grabs Hasher and hits some hard shots to the head. He throws him into the ropes and waits for him to come back and nails a Spinebuster. Godwin covers for the 1.... 2.... kick out. He lifts him up and hits some more right hands to the bleeding head of Hasher, although blood is still streaming from his own head. Godwin kicks him in the gut and nails him with a hard DDT and then rolls straight into the cover for 1.... 2.... kick out. Godwin looks frustrated, and lifts Hasher to his feet again. He throws Hasher into the ropes and this time Hasher grabs them. Godwin charges and attempts to clothesline him over but Hasher ducks. Godwin stumbles round and Hasher hits him with a clothesline.)

J.R: "Near falls for Dan Godwin..."

King: "But near falls count for nothing..."

(Hasher picks up Dan Godwin and lifts him onto his shoulders. He nails him with a snakeeyes onto the turnbuckle, and then rolls him up for the 1.... 2......... kick out. Hasher lifts him again and hits some hard uppercuts, before throwing him into the corner. Hasher charges at Godwin and nails a Big Boot in the corner. Godwin stumbles out and Hasher grabs him and throws him through the ropes to the outside. Hasher vaults over the ropes again, but Godwin has just enough to roll, so Hasher crashes to the outside. Both men are down.)

J.R: "They are going to destroy each other..."

King: "Thats the point..."

Kris: "And it cannot end until one wins it..."

(Neither man stirs for a while, but then Dan Godwin begins to climb to his feet. The blood is pouring from him more than before. Godwin lifts up Hasher and hurls him against a glass chamber thats still intact. Hasher bounces off and then Godwin grabs him and puts him in position, before driving him down for a Piledriver to the outside! He motions that the end is near, and then drops into the cover for the 1.... 2................................... kick out at the last moment! Godwin slams the floor in frusttration, and then lifts Hasher again. He stalks Hasher, and then goes for the eXecution, but Hasher somehow grabs his foot, and spins him round, before nailing "The Hasher" to the outside! Godwin looks out of it, and Hasher covers for the 1..... 2..... kick out!)

J.R: "How the hell is this still going..."

King: "And I thought Carnage took a lot to stay down...."

Kris: "It's gonna take a lot for my dinner to stay down if that carries on much longer..."

(Hasher looks on is disbelief that Godwin kicked out. He picks him up and calls for a second "Hasher", but Godwin somehow shoves him off. Hasher crashes into the glass, and stumbles away from it slightly, but Godwin, on instinct alone, nails the eXecution, sending Hasher through the glass! Hasher lies, bleeding more than ever, in a pool of broken glass.)

J.R: "My God! This has gone far enough!"

King: "Should we just name Cena the champion?"

Kris: "If Cena sucked men and was obese.... I think that might be what we'd do!"

(Dan Godwin looks stunned and hurt but has the momentum now. He crawls into the cover and the referee counts 1..... 2................................................................................................... Hasher SOMEHOW throws a shoulder up. Nobody in the arena can believe its still going! Godwin looks pissed and covers again for 1..... 2.... kick out! He then taunts, and pulls Hasher out of the glass, to the point on the floor dead in the middle of two chambers. He climbs to the top rope, and then to the top of the chamber.)

J.R: "No... don't do it.. enough is enough!"

King: "Think his minds made up..."

Kris: "Here comes my dinner...."

(Godwin stuns the crowd even more by calling for a flying headbutt off the top! He leaps off... but at the last second, Hasher rolls! Godwin's head bounces off the solid steel flooring!)

King: "That's it.. he's dead..."

*Rex appears*


*King shoots Rex, but Rex comes back to life*

Rex: "Did I mention... eXecution through glass.... CLASSIC!"

*Rex runs before he can be shot again*

(Erik Hasher rolls and throws his arm over Godwin with what seems to be his last bit of energy. The referee counts 1..... 2........................................................................................... kick out!)

J.R: "No way...."

King: "What the hell...."

Kris: "I wish someone would bring Ashlee Ikeda out here... just so i can ACTUALLY vomit... instead of just wanting to!"

(Both men just lay on the floor, almost dead, for several moments. Erik Hasher is the first to stir, and using the ropes, slowly begins to climb to his feet. After what seems like an age... he is on his feet. Godwin is only just stirring now, but Hasher stomps down on him, and then lifts him up. He kicks Godwin in the gut, and goes for the Hasher, but Godwin shoves him off, and goes for the eXecution, but Hasher catches the foot. Hasher spins Godwin around, and then charges, looking for a spear, and hits it. Dan Godwin falls down, Erik Hasher regains his composure. Dan Godwin stumbles up. Hasher spring boards tot he top rope from the apron and jumps off more than half way across the ring towards Dan Godwin. But as he's about to make impact, Dan Godwin hits a eXectuion out of mid-air. Hasher goes down, and Godwin goes into the cover 1.................................. 2...................................................................................................................................... 3!)


Kris: "Wow... what a match!"

Finkle: "Here is your winner.... AND THE NEW EMF WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION.... The X-Factor.... DAN GODWIN!!"

(Godwin stands, but then falls to his knees, as Hasher is pulled out of the chamber. John Cena appears on the ramp, holding the EMF World Championship, and applauds the X-Factor from the top of the ramp. He then strolls down it, appraching the blood-stained structure. A door is opened for him, and he walks in. Dan Godwin makes it to his feet, and Cena removes the World Title from his own shoulder, and holds it high, before placing it on Godwin's. The fans applaud, but then roar even louder as they see Chris Masters jump over the barricade from the crowd. Cena raises Godwin's hand, but then Masters climbs into the Chamber, and approaches Cena from behind, and applies the Masterlock!! Cena looks in pain.... more so because of his injuries. He appears to be fading and then Masters shoves him forward. Cena is dazed and X-Factor taunts, indicating the eXecution! Just as he is about to Kick Cena, the crowd are stunned... beause the lights go out!)

J.R: "Not this again......"

(There is stunned silence around the arena... and then when the lights come on... a gasp of shock, at the scene in front of them. John Cena is standing on the ramp, laughing, as Chris Masters and Dan Godwin are layed out inside the ring, with the EMF World Title laying on top of Godwin. Cena smirks and motions to the tron... where a message appears....)

JOHN CENA....................


(We go off air with that.)